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The Book of Dark Prayers

S Rob
Chapter 1 Beginning the book which lies in Hell
and on Earth

These words I write in this book are not the usual

occult lore or hands on occultism: no they are

much more because the words that come from me

come directly from Hell itself. This is the reason

why this magick is quite different from some others

you have seen or worked because although they are

occultism they are words that have been gotten by
me, by directly looking into Hell. I therefore talk

here through these words of magick which comes

from a source from Hell itself. These words are

not just mine; they are here but also as if burnt into
stone in the place many think is down below. This

book of dark prayers is the darkest that they could

possibly be and this book itself is like an

exploration of the works of Hell. Yes Hell has its

own literature just as we do, and never before has

a work been written that truly existed in both: no,

even the most infernal of satanic literature is only

ever truly of one world, or at least more in one

than the other. But this work will be in the libraries

of Hell itself, just as it lies here on the Earth, its

words are so profound that they also will in time

lie in other worlds as books normally do not do.

But the thoughts I write this book come also from a

devils and demonic beings and one in particular

who in Hell rides a dragon and looks as old and

worn out as a man alive could, and yet this is not

the truth this is only, so that his knowledge and

wisdom can immediately be seen. For this creature

whose name I will not mention here, is powerful

and will show the magick which he himself

created. With this in mind you should try your best

to hold your nerve because what follows is a

glimpse into Hell and its ways: however fleeting

this may be because our combined focus was on

working magick and showing how this is done.

But also I want you to know that it is OK to be

scared and many of those that follow the burning

road to Hell are scared when it is too late, but you

can be scared at anytime, but I ask only this that

you keep your composure as best you can and so

maintain the control which is necessary to work

this magick. But Hell itself is merely a set of

tunnels for the great devil which I communicate

with now. He is rides a top a dragon and yet he

does so, so much that in reality is he the man atop
it, or the dragon, or both? But the picture of him
riding atop a great dragon is a demonstration of

power and his true nature. The journey you follow

starts now and yet I feel it is already too late to

turn back, at least for me and so I push on. The

dark prayer which follows is as told to me directly

by the great demon whose name I do not say aloud.

Prayer to the old man riding the dragon

Oh great devil sitting atop dragon, you whose

power is without mention aloud, you who men fear

to talk about, or do not do so because of

understanding. I ask that you, who ride the tunnels

of Hell and yet greet those that visit it, help me. I
seek your help and yet I know not for. But I simply
seek that you help me on my magical journey that

once this book is finished that I will be safe back

again from where I came both physically and

metaphorically, give me your guidance so that at

the end of my journey through this book I will be

back again safe and with the same choices I had

before, and not altered or damned without cause

through any actions done by me at any time through

my life. I communicate now knowing that one way

does not hold all solutions, and that you are bold
and yet a helper of man. This I ask from you and

this great deed shall be written about in gold in the

kingdoms of Hell.

Words from Old man riding the dragon:”This

prayer you have just read is to secure your safe

return because I know as much as anyone how

difficult it can be to get back from either path

which damns”. When the old man talks of either

path which damns, he has knowledge enough to

know that Hell: where he is: is a damned place.

But he also has enough knowledge of the truth to

know that Heaven can be a damned place and a

place which humans in our normal unaltered form

are not meant to be, and only after death and the
nature of some of us transformed shall we truly be
able be made to live in Heaven. But even this is
the insight of a devil and so he sees the world in

light and dark which is sometimes true and yet he

also knows that shades of grey make the world

work, and his hand have as much power on Earth

as on Hell, and although on Hell he rides atop a

dragon on Earth it would be just as accurate to say

that on Earth he is carried through information and

negotiation, and he truly is the link to Earth from

Hell and even exchanges of information and ideas

have benefited both, and we could not in our

current form exist as a civilization without Hell.

Now I will present another dark prayer from him.

Prayer to cause the downfall of our enemies

You who travels shall know fear if you look upon

the face of the dragon I ride, and as I ride the

dragon my magick will curse those who are my

enemies. As the old man rides the dragon it rides

towards me and I myself shall momentarily sit

upon it and this gives me power for the dragon

itself with scaly skin and eyes of intellect and

knowing, shall take those that are my enemies and

cause their downfall through its power. The old

man is beside me and yet I ride upon the dragon

which also is he, and so I am surrounded by the

power of wanton evil, but yet I ride it and control
this: as I am supposed to and as is the right of man.
So it is now written both on Earth and upon the

libraries and walls of Hell. Those cursed shall fall

far down.

These words are not those that merely fill pages,

they are those which change the world and is a

recognition of the nature of Earth that as it is good

and bad, such is it that it cannot function without

evil and that any struggle from the greyness of

things, and to try to create a world which is all

pure is without reason and so we must seek to

create a world where evil and goodness are in

their correct places so that the world is in balance
with what is wanted and meant. Evil must be
restricted and controlled, just as good must be

because much evil is caused through the desire to

do good. Thought must come before all and yet this

is not what occurs often and so we must have a

desire to listen to the old devil that rides and at

once is the dragon. He who gives us words that we

can use. But just as good is not bad and bad is not
good, it is true that those neither good or bad may

lie on any side and these are our future and that of

existence. Comfort is better than goodness or

badness and comfort for all is something which

creates our own idyllic location. Therefore the old

dragon riding devil gives to me a prayer to help us

reach out and gain comfort.

Prayer to gain our enemies comfort

It is at once easy to lose ourselves in the flower of

the headless ones, the open necked flower of blood

and yet comfort is what I seek and this I will steal

from those that are my enemies, I will not take

from those that are on my side or those in which in

bed I lie, only take from those whose defeat I seek

from the old man’s wand to the sword like spear

and from one all comfort goes and to me it will

flow. My comfort will grow and the world which

is my life will grow and others drained and give

the dark gift of defeat. This and their names will be
written in Hell as will this book and carved in

blood upon their foreheads if their bodies come to

lie in Hell.

Chapter 2 The old man who rides a dragon

I will now move on to more hardcore magick and

as we do so I want you to know that this is only

possible because of the further exploration of Hell

which I went on again through contact with the

devil who I will call the old man on a dragon. But

I feel it important to know as I do that devils such

as he are capable of also moving through different

level of Hell and the Earth and although they rarely

are seen by us on Earth in such dramatic form as
riding a dragon but they are seen, and in fact the

veil between Hell and Earth is not so impervious

as we have been lead to believe. Many of us have

entire belief systems based upon the impervious

nature of the veil between the worlds and yet

although movement between is not possible for all,

it can happen for some although usually there are

only a limited number of possible openings and

knowledge of wherein these lie, and where they

will appear is hidden knowledge even in Hell. But

remember that when you walk around the world

and are in a usual happy state that the devils and

demonic beings which dwell usually only within

Hell may also be merry to be in the same place as

you, and may even walk by. But sometimes the only

way to see deeper into Hell is through the mouth

and down. Sometimes we have to be eaten alive by

a monstrous creature to gain greater understanding.

But the old man who rides a dragon can go

anywhere and when I was swallowed whole he

was with me.

I learnt that the doorways into different locations

even in Hell are hidden and sometimes the

doorway lies in the one place which your very

essence tells you not to go. But I would only truly
know where I had come to when I arrived. I learnt
this way that the way to curse someone was not

just with your thoughts or even your unthinking

emotions, but through the eyes of the monster. I was

told the reason I had to be swallowed by the

monster was so that I could look through its eyes

and only through this could I gain the greater

ability to curse. The true monster through which I

gazed was that which had devoured me and yet in

the doing it had become more me than I had

became it. Therefore with the scaly features of the

dragon upon my own complexion I will now show

you a prayer which comes from this force from

Hell and also from me from the Earth.

Prayer to curse someone through the dragon’s


I was swallowed down and yet was not devoured

but became the dragon I sought. By this power

alone I have the ability to look with evil’s eye and

destroy the living but not the life of my worst

enemy (you can say the person’s name aloud if you

want) and all the evil of which I have embraced

for now attacks them with full force. As this

magick is now done the dragons skin is stripped

from me and I am as I seem.
The curse that you have just learned knowledge of

is much the same as being damned through a look

and yet your eyes are not required to actually stare

at the person as the evil eye curses need to, which

literally work through someone hating someone

and looking at them for a couple of seconds of

more. But your enemy will know that something is

amiss. Something is wrong with their lives and yet

many people push all ideas about magick and

curses from their minds and they are therefore

powerless against such magick. But some things in

life are not just about magick and this book

although a book of the occult is as much about

pushing away boundaries and going deeper than

anyone has before. I again contacted the devil who

rides a dragon and as I contacted him I found

myself walking and yet I knew somehow that the
dragon was confined within the old man who was
next to me. We walked through a round tunnel and
this was not just rock and there was much else

there, like the ground which was smooth like

metal. I walked along with this devil and found

right there an opening with a large round light

floating and was directed to what I took to be a

palace. But although I seemed to be beneath rock:

this was easy to see: at once the rock came to a

halt and a decorated wall began. He took me to a

corner but we did not walk around and he looked

around as did I and right there was a throne with a

creature so large that it overflowed over the
thrones arms and the old devil man made me
understand that he would help me work curses with
this creature, and to tell me this for others to know

so that this palace could be under his control and it

is this which I show you now.

Prayer to wreck havoc upon someone using the

demons from the palace

I call upon the power given to me through the devil

who rides a dragon and through his power I

command the demon who is so big he cannot sit
upon his own throne, so that he cannot use his own

will and is instead under my control. I use this so

that he can be let loose from the palace and sent

out to surround and choke my enemy who is named

state name of person to be cursed, and through this

curse every part of his life which he values shall

itself be choked away and all that was theirs and

not alive shall die with them. From the power of

the devil who I do not name this I proclaim.

Now that I have showed you how to work this

magick it is good to do this as long as you are sure

that you have a person you want to curse and
ideally deserves this. But although there are many
others that do deserve such pain for this magick it

is best that who we choose is our choice and not

another’s. But also this magick helps you and this

should not be forgotten it is easy to always think of

the person who the magick hurts, but if you use this

magick then you want to hurt this person and so the

magick helps you to do what you want to. Freedom

is the one thing that this magick provides us in

large amounts because this magick is as much

about self liberation as about cursing others. The

reason is that sometimes the two are linked and

cursing someone is something that many people say

should not be done and yet in this imperfect world

in which we live such idyllic solutions such as

those we are told to seek are unusable. We need to

know this so that we can make up our own mind as

to what we feel is right and wrong. Even the guide:

which says that we should try to increase pleasure

or decrease pain: is false because what if those

whose pain was decreased deserved their pain

while those that pleasured from it did not earn that.

The perhaps it would all be down to correct

allocation of the pleasures, of the like and the

pains and yet we as humans know instinctively

who is the right person to feel the true pain, and

this is someone else, and who shall know the most

pleasurable pleasure, we should. So with this in

mind I will now show you a curse which comes

from the devil who rides a dragon using the

demonic being from the palace.

Prayer to remove pleasure and to give pain to

someone using the demon from the palace

The demonic being who sits upon a throne he fills

many times over shall he commanded by me. I

command that you go right now to my enemy named

state name of person to be cursed and to use your

force to take away all pleasure from them and to

heap upon them the invisible pain of which they

cannot ever be rid of. The pain that is attached to
them as though a part of them, and their name and

this curse will be written upon the walls of Hell

and if when they die they dwell in Hell they shall

wear this like a coat of shame, and forever their

flesh shall be eaten by those they carry around.

I feel that this particular curse is most severe and

it’s even worse after death because many of us do

end up in a place which we think of as Hell after

life ends and yet it’s also true that what lies ahead
is more than anyone has ever written before.

Chapter 3 The Devil’s monks

It should be understood that Hell is a diverse place

and yet just as one could travel around Earth and

yet see only a particular view of this world when I

travelled with the devil who looked like an old

man riding a dragon, all I could see was rock or

else covered rock and yet I did move to a place

which seemed open and yet I understood that really

it was just that the ceiling was so high up that we

could not see further. But the land was as if cursed

by usually having to walk uphill and it seemed as if

the entire place was uphill. But I did find places

where creatures which I had come to recognise as

people were travelling around and yet I was told

by the old Devil that this: was the strange thing;

that many within Hell do not know they are and

block it out to such an extent that they believe this

to be topside Earth. This made me feel
uncomfortable and I thought if this was so that I
myself may have always been in Hell and this may
be the reason why this book can be in both Hell

and Earth: because they are partly the same. But

the old man chuckled and told me that although this

was what had happened to them it was not my fate

and yet it was true that Earth and Hell are greatly

connected like brother dimensions which exist and

yet have been brought up together and so never

truly separate. Therefore I will now show you a

curse so that your chosen enemy will only see that

which is from Hell upon the Earth and will not see
the good in things. The reason this curse will work
and make it as if someone is within Hell is because
Earth has gained much from Hell and so it is easy
to exclude that which if from any other source and

then what someone sees would be only what was

bad and evil and then they would truly know Hell

although they would be upon the Earth. This

magick comes as the work from the old dragon

riding devil and also myself. But to perform this

dark prayer you will need to choose someone who

you want to curse and you should know their name

and also what they look like or some other way of

identifying them.

For the cursed to know Hell upon Earth

This prayer goes to the old devil who rides a

dragon and I ask that he hears these words so that

he will curse my enemy state name of person to be

cursed and take from them the ability to see

anything which is good and to only see that which

has come from Hell. Let the evil in the world be

only what they see and not the good, so that their
life shall be upon the Earth as it would be in Hell,

and this I ask from you. So it will be written in the

books of Hell and upon the Earth.

Magick like that you have just learnt is there to

strip from a person the knowledge of good they

would get from their everyday life and without this

their actions will respond quite differently. But

don’t get the idea that what lies ahead is just

gained from the magick words because the efforts

of people counts also, and willing the magick to

happen while saying the words aloud will help

greatly. But I again contacted my guide: the old

devil upon a dragon: and this time I walked down

a tunnel which looked like that which a train may

go down but without any visible tracks and as I did
so on each side was a line of beings wearing what
looked like monks habits. But these seemed to be

chosen simply because they were easy to make,

and monks wear such garments because they are

uncomfortable which I though may also be the

reason why they would be worn in Hell. But as my

guide stopped me I saw a trap door open up and

down went the entities in monks habits and as we

looked down there was huge groups of these in

rectangular groups and these seemed to go on and

on. I was told these were for the coming war, I

asked him what war and he replied that there is

always a war. He shook his head and told me that

such a war like species should know better than to

ask such a question and I did agree than there were

many armies on Earth, more than I knew about or

could count. Yes he added and he said that most

humans are warlike eventually he added he would

not say that we were gifted in such a way but he

added it made him proud that he personally can

helped us with this so that we would survive the

many wars. I added that the flora and fauna also

seemed to survive and he agreed: “But they” he

added “Cannot think as we can.” But I was told

that a small number of these beings which I named

the devils monks and will now show you how to

use them in a prayer to take away a person’s


Prayer to the devil’s monks to take away a

person’s wealth

I command they who walk with robes and are at

the devils command, that they work for me this

night and that they steal from state name of person

to be cursed who is my enemy, all wealth that they

have gained. Take all away from them and this I

command from you. As the fire burns and the stone

lies below us this will be done. This deed will be

written and carved in stone with all the other deeds

which have been done throughout existence and

those in Hell shall laugh at their fate.

Taking away a person’s wealth is a way of

removing their very success: for some people.

Many people use wealth as their only marker, as

their only way of gauging success. But it should not

be forgotten that wealth is only one thing in life but

it is also very useful to have around and the curse

is best used on those who value it above all else.

But I will not continue on with what my guide

showed me. I had looked down into the open

trapdoor and yet I was shown another way down

but I instinctively knew that this place was not all

there was because there is always a hidden door
way that you would not want to go down in, in
Hell. But I followed down a winding tunnel and it

lead me to a small opening slightly above the mass

of hooded figures and as they stood there I knew

their torture, because these beings wanted to move,

always wanting and yet unable to. I realised that

when the war came they would be made more

violent because they would now be able to move

and yet would be taken back again to be stationary

and yet want always to move, to feel they should.

Their only escape was to be let out and to keep

moving and maintain this ability by inflicting harm.

But as I kept on walking I can to a downwards

opening and yet as it opened there was a demon
walking which looked like a medieval man with a

cart: but I saw seeing only what I was supposed to

and for a short time there was a glimpse of a giant

mass of tentacles and it was then that I knew that

many knew I was in Hell and looking around. I

was pushed by my guide and skidded at first and

then walked on foot although what was up and

down had altered dramatically by approximately

90 degrees. My guide seemed to now slither along

with somehow his upper body and the lower body

of the dragon somehow merged: but as I went

further on after walking uphill through a decorated

tunnel with jewels upon the walls I came to a

water fall which shocked me and it seemed that

where I was, was a quite a pleasurable place and

it was only then that I realised that greed was a

vice and considered a sin and so such plush luxury

could only exist in Hell. But within this place were

many various monstrous beings and so the curse I

was taught there was that which was most cruel, a

curse which meant that a person’s greed would

always work against them to such a degree that

they would never gain any pleasure from it and yet

always would wealth and pleasure seem near them

but with no hope of ever getting it.

Curse for the wealth to be near them and never

theirs for a person’s greed to hurt them

I now ask the help of those monstrous ones which

dwell in the water of greed and I ask that the

cursed one who is called state the name of the

person to be cursed shall always suffer through

their own greed and derive no benefit, but also that

all wealth and what they desire shall be near them

but never theirs and with no hope whatsoever of

them gaining it. So it is and shall always be.

Chapter 4 Servants of Leviathan, the Devil’s

scribes and the lower demonicals
I will now not just show you more dark prayers but

also tell you how I came to gain a greater

understanding of Hell than I imagined. I was as

before exploring Hell with the help of a guide who

had appeared as an old man riding a dragon and

yet now was more a creature with the face arms

and torso of a man and yet a tail like a dragon and I

had came to the water of greed and as I was within

it I was swept away and yet however more I tried I

could not get free and even when I came back from

my deep astral visit I decided not to go all the way

and before me came a door and so I went through

this instead. I was then in a place where there was

probably a sky although for some reason I didn’t

notice and yet as I walked I became more and more

aware how ordinary it was, and by ordinary I mean

Earth like, and ordinary to me. I wondered if I was
again back on Earth and yet I remembered what my
guide had told me, and how many people had
decided that they were not in Hell when they were.

I forced myself to remember this and to look up

and yet all I could see what a murky sky not

uncommon and like the type which could be found

in any highly industrial area. But as I walked

around I could see the evil in the people, but their

evil was also the evil I saw every day. In this

place there were cars and vehicles of all types, but

also there were buildings impossibly high, they

were so high they may actually be holding the sky

up, or was it that the sky was very low? I could not
decide. But I found as I looked around a small
demon, and obviously so and I grabbed onto him
and he told me I was where I should be anyway but

he told me that because he himself was a servant of

the great Leviathan, he who was inside and outside

Hell, and who had been my guide, he would help

me and he taught me this curse which he said was a
dark prayer to all the servants of Leviathan.

Prayer to the servants of Leviathan

Oh Leviathan you have many servants and it is

those of which I seek help, and I ask you to give

me the authority to get their most terrible powers.

Oh servants of Leviathan, those that he commands,

be commanded by him and my in his name, and

curse the person named state name of person to be

cursed and in the name of evil strip them of all they

need and be with them and sabotage all they do,

take them from the path to good and towards

Leviathan so that they may die and be his servant

too, unlike I who with Leviathans power have my

deeds written in the books of Hell.

I followed the demon who said he was a servant of

Leviathan not because I trusted him but because I
knew I could safely leave there whenever I

wanted. I followed and following the path he had

set out what was around me started to look very

different from that which it had, and I realised that

this could be true upon Earth and that only the

correct steps would then bring us to the truth of the

nature of the world: if it was more than it seemed.

But I was taken to a place where I was introduced

to demons which surprised me because I was lead

into a place which although dark had small tables

and even chairs and demons sat writing on ledgers

and some even seemed to be using some flat

device which worked via hand movement. These

were doomed to spend eternity writing and noting

things and I thought that in fact this was not unlike

writing books but here it seemed that somehow

they were made by the environment to not want to

do what they must and that this was the true torture

of Hell. But as a demon whispered to me he gave

me a slip of paper and I asked him would he be ok

and he said he was already punished the most that

he could be and yet giving this to me may change

his fate some. I read the paper and although I knew

it was not written not in English I understood it and

it was a curse to put a person’s name on the ledger

of bad fortune so that all that was evil and bad

would happen to them, and it is this curse: as I

remember it: that I show you now.

Dark prayer for the devil’s scribes to write a

person’s name on the ledger of bad fortune

Oh I call upon the Devil’s scribes those which

write but suffer as they do so, those made to suffer

in such a way, I call upon you now arise. I ask that

you take your pen and write for me upon paper the

name of my enemy called state name of the person

you want to curse, write their name on the ledger

and may it say next to their name suffer and bring

bad fortune upon them. This I ask from you the

Devil’s scribes.

Discovering this curse also helped me to

understand something about Hell that it isn’t just

about fire but also about making us most not want

to do whatever we must do there. Hell from what I

had seen was like a huge corporation which

instead of wanting their workers to have good or

acceptable conditions had made the worst

conditions there could be, even going so far as to

change people nature so that they could suffer

more. This also made me realise that these beings

which I labelled demons: meaning evil but not

fallen angels: were probably humans at some point
although since those that fall spend more time in
Hell than upon Earth how much influence their past

nature has upon them would be difficult to say. But

I was feeling that people could feel Hell upon

Earth even without the influence of the demonic,

through Earth’s evil side. But I walked on with my

new guide and was taken through an army of beings

simply standing and I realised that I was

somewhere near where I was before. But this time

I was lead through these beings and shown various

beings that were somehow warped and altered and

I realised that this was how humans were changed

into demonic beings or at least servants to devils.

But I was the lead and found myself back in the

part of Hell which looked quite like Earth and I

and my new guide went into a taxi and the driver

did not notice the demonic nature of he, who I was

sitting next to. My guide paid with leaves and I

was driven. It would be good to say it was an

unusual journey but it was most like any other

drive I have had and we both got out; I was in a

place which at first looked like a slum and then

eventually looked like a cave and around were

various beings: who were not quite human like. I

was told that these were a lower class of

demonical and that these were themselves the

greatest curse in Hell not because they were less

than others but because they retained some of their

former humanity and so they are tortured all the

more. I was told the prayer to unleash these and the

cruelty of humans upon those I wished by using the

following prayer.

Prayer to the lower demonical

Grant oh Lower type demonical, those which are

still most human, do as I wish and send yourself to

torture state name of person to be cursed use the

evil that human’s have against my enemy called

state name of person to be cursed and be with them

always just as your great curse shall be theirs and

your pain theirs and they shall wish they were dead
although this for them shall give them no escape.

Chapter 5 Hell sphere

As I wandered with my demonic guide I found that

in fact the feeling of being trapped there was an

important part of the torture and however long I

was here I did think that I could never get used to

it, and this was something which my guide also

talked about, and insisted that feeling trapped was

part of what Hell was about except he added that

this made little sense to him because all beings are

trapped in some way or have some type of

restriction, and yet he did say that the devils who

fell seemed to feel very little of this: or none at all.
These devils who are the princes of Hell, or at

least high in the hierarchy were comfortable here

and did not seem to mind but they had been here
longer than almost anyone. But I did realise that the

Hell I had seen was a combination of rooms and

areas which were so large that they almost

approximated open spaces. It was in one of these:

almost open spaces: that my guide told me that

Hell although a mass of tunnels and caverns is in

many ways a sphere and yet the sphere has much

power no matter how we see it and he added that

to his knowledge there was no other more

important shape in existence. He told me that Hell

was also easier to understand if you also realised

that the way of things is also not logically

constructed but like some casino owned by devils

and where you are not supposed to know your way

around: whether this was a joke or not was

difficult to tell.

But the point is that getting lost is easy and so in

this way everyone sticks to their own part of Hell

and so stops people from moving around too much.

But the power of the sphere interested my greatly

and also made sense because many people believe

that Heaven and angels are ordered into three
spheres also as is the hierarchy of devils some
believed and so classifying Hell the same way and

even as this shape did make sense and so it did

seem to point to there being order that was there

from the chaos of its design: for want of a better

phrase. I asked how to get someone to have the

very power of Hell working against someone and

he again told me this could be accomplished using

the power of the sphere, not as a physical object

but as an idea: although the shape can have power

too if used correctly. He explained that what the

person would be working against would not be any

individual demon or devil, but simply the overall

spirit of the place which is Hell and the feeling of

hopelessness and feeling trapped which is Hell,

but also so much more which Hell embodies. I

therefore will show you how to work this magick


Prayer to the Hell sphere

Oh great sphere of Hell, shape of Hell itself, I ask

you to curse state name of person to be cursed and

to do this by using your power and form against

them at all times, do all you can to bring them to a

state of despair, make them feel trapped and all of

the most terrible feelings of Hell. This I ask from

you. So it will be written in Hell and Earth.

I know the power of this magick spell and yet you

are not summoning the entity of Hell as you are not

in many other dark prayers because although

summoning allows entities such as these to be

talked to praying to them also works, partly

through the power of Leviathan which aids us. But

also this magick works because it comes from Hell

itself and so these words are quite different from

other magick because as was explained much

earlier Hell has within it doorways which come

and go which lead to Earth and as this magick

comes from Hell itself it is not as limited as other

magick which flows from Earth alone. Wherever

we work this magick when we do so the magick

comes from Hell and our words and part of us is

within Hell when we say it. This magick then is to

be partly in Hell itself when you say the words.

But it was not long before I began to forget where I

was and felt that this was like some type of strange

day out, and yet there were constant reminders of

this through the suffering which those within

suffered and yet I was cushioned from this. But at

this point I was unsure if I was within Hell via

astral body only or physically. I felt safe when I

felt that it was my astral body alone and yet

everything seemed so solid and I did worry if my

body had been taken to Hell as I walked around.

So I decided the best thing to do was to open up

my eyes and as I did so I found myself again where

I had come from. But somehow all was not as it

had seemed, and I could sense that Hell’s influence

was still around me. I after a short while came to

the conclusion that Earth is not Hell but that it has

been shaped to such an extent that many Hell like

traits are on Hell, and not all of them are negative.

However as I was then on the outside so to speak I

decided to proceed in a different direction by

bringing the entities I wished to talk to, to me. I

therefore did a summoning ritual to see Leviathan
as the old man riding a dragon and gained
knowledge from him which is in fact this magick

spell to twist a person’s nature into pain.

Prayer to twist a man’s nature using Leviathan

as the old man riding a dragon

Leviathan you who have the power of travel to and

from Hell: you who have the gates of Hell under

your control. You are Hell’s mouth and I seek that

you use your power to come here as the old man

riding a dragon I seek that I talk to you now. The

gates of Hell swing open and the old man riding a

dragon walks through. Old devil I seek that you use

your power to curse state name of person to be

cursed and use this power to twist this person’s
nature so that all that is there is pain. The old man

riding a dragon agrees and walks back through the

gates. Oh Leviathan close the gates of Hell. The

gates of Hell close. So it is and will be.

You should know that the magick which you have

learnt will make a person quite different and this

will not be in a food way and yet once someone

has been changed this way they will not be able to

or want to go back to how they were. It is human

nature to not wish ourselves to die off and this also

exists for that which is within us. People can

change but change is difficult and people do not
want to change the most core part of who they are.
What is most relevant for you is that you work our

whether this curse will get the revenge: or

whatever else you want: from the cursed person.

You need to try to select the curses which you feel

help you, curses aren’t for the person who is

cursed: although they get the obvious effect: they

are for the person who curses them. I want you to

think what type of magick you think will help you.

Revenge is something which does exist and this is

a motivation but some types of curse may be

appropriate to get you something out of it other

than just gaining revenge. However I will now

show you a curse using the old man who rides a

dragon which will be for the ability to curse an

enemy so that one more bad thing happens to them

every day. This curse means that the increase in

evil and things going wrong eventually kills them

or causes them to kill themselves as their whole

life falls apart.

Prayer to Leviathan for one more bad thing to

happen to someone every day.

Leviathan you who have the power of travel to and

from Hell: you who have the gates of Hell under

your control. You are Hell’s mouth and I seek that

you use your power to come here as the old man

riding a dragon I seek that I talk to you now. The
gates of Hell swing open and the old man riding a

dragon walks through. Old devil I seek that you use

your power to curse state name of person to be

cursed and use this power to make one more, bad

thing happen every day to this person, let one more

evil happen to them every single day. The old man

riding a dragon agrees and walks back through the

gates. Oh Leviathan close the gates of Hell. The

gates of Hell close. So it is and will be.

Chapter 6 Unholy Trinity and the desert of Hell

I now want to show you some magick using more

than one entity, and the next curse will be using the
power of Leviathan, Lucifer and Beelzebub and
these entities together form what is called the

unholy trinity. These entities however are not like

the Christian holy trinity because they are all one

entity: God the father, God the son and the Holy

Spirit are all the same entity, God. However the

entities Lucifer, Beelzebub and Leviathan are

separate devils that are called the unholy trinity

because these three directly oppose the holy trinity.

They are therefore incredibly powerful together

and they are great to be used to curse someone. But

you need to be careful that you actually do want to

curse the chosen person this much. This magick

should not be done with the idea of undoing it,

because it is for all intense and purposes it is

undoable. I will however now show you how to

work this magick using these entities.

Dark prayer to the unholy trinity to curse


Leviathan you have the power to open the gates of

Hell, and these powers are yours, and I ask that

you open the gateway to Hell. Leviathan, open the

Hell mouth, so that travel can take place. Let the

mouth be open stay open be open. The mouth of

Hell opens and I thank you Leviathan. I now call

upon Beelzebub he who has power and is one of

the three I call. Beelzebub come through the
gateway to this world, step through here and be

here now. Beelzebub steps through the gates. I now

call upon Lucifer himself to step through the gates,

step through the gates and am here with me. Lucifer

steps through the gates. I now call upon the power

of the unholy trinity and I ask you to use your

power against state name of person to be cursed let

loose your fury upon this person. This I ask of you

Leviathan, Beelzebub, Lucifer, you who form the

unholy trinity. Beelzebub you can now depart

through the gates and do as I have asked. Lucifer

you can now leave through the gateway and leave

as I have asked. Leviathan you have the power to

shut the gates of Hell, shut this gateway so that

travel between Hell and here is stopped. Leviathan

closes the gateway. So it is and will be.

I will now tell you about more information which I

got from a being from Hell and this time I again

connected with the entity called Leviathan and I

again saw him as an old man upon a dragon, he

then however transformed again into a dragon like

monster and then to an old man with the lower

body of a dragon. I saw then lead down another

corridor of stone and yet this time I seemed soon to

be within a desert and this looked barren and open
and yet I could not see any sky and all looked grey
and there seemed to be nothing there that grew. It

was not like a place that I thought anyone would

want to stay and yet Earth had many deserts that

were like this except for the greyness of it all. But

what I learnt was that Hell is many places and that

not all are located even near each other and by

walking through some opening of rock we may

quite easily go to a different part of Hell and that

this is the true reason why it seemed to defy

explanation and when we: myself and the old man

on a dragon: moved down the opening and what

was up and down changed we were going to

another part of Hell quite apart from that which we

were in. He said that Hell should not be thought of

as one place of dimension but rather as a set of

dimension and places inhabited my beings which

may travel easily between them if they wish. This

is the nature of Hell and this he told me would help

me to better understand where the magick he said

he was going to tell me had came from and where

it would come from. I looked and realised that

anyone left in this desert in Hell may be here

forever and yet a desert upon Earth may be the

entire existence of anyone on Earth from there. I

was therefore told how to curse a person’s soul to

be trapped in this land in the desert of Hell and

how not having their souls within their body would

mean constant torture.

Prayer to Leviathan so that the cursed person’s

soul shall be taken to the desert of Hell

Leviathan I seek to talk to you as the old man who

rides the dragon, this I seek from you. Just as I

have travelled to the desert of Hell and know this

place so shall I can get you Leviathan to steal

away, take the soul of state name of person to be

cursed and take it from their body and leave it

trapped upon the deserts of Hell. The barren bare

place where no hope of company and left there

while they walk around until death when they
themselves will be here in full form. This I ask of

you Leviathan, the old devil who rides the dragon.

So it is and will be.

I walked around the barren land which I was taken

to as I was aware that Leviathan kept me in front

but I also knew that Leviathan also realised, that I

was helping him because from his perspective,

people had to know that Hell and the magick that

used his power was real. I don’t think that

Leviathan was in anyway not gaining from this and

I realised that he was also using these magick

spells so that we would get what we wanted and
so he also could increase his power and influence.
But this book is also a form of advertising for Hell

as well as Heaven because neither side would get

hardcore followers is they don’t believe, however

I write this book so that people have the ability to

work magick without needing to worship. But I am

quite aware that this book will make some people

worship Lucifer: the Devil: or Leviathan: and

some worship God. But I found that what I saw

was also partly illusion because it seemed that the

desert was suddenly less barren and there were

thing, objects which pointed upwards although it

was as if they had been there all along. Leviathan

explained to me that these pillars are thought to

hold what is above up and yet they are not seen by

many, but Earth has pillars which holds up

civilization and many other things. He then said

that the greatest pillars of all are people, and that

our ability to hold up civilization was matched by

our ability to maintain Hell and even Heaven he

conceded. But a pillar is any aspect which is

unchanging aspect of our selves or the world

which is relied upon. Without pillars even our

lives would fall. It is possible however for a pillar

to fall and it only affect one person, because the

reality we are in or ever will be in is like a onion

skin attacked to other onions by spaghetti: I was at

this quite impressed not just by the statement, but

also by Leviathan’s in depth knowledge of the

Earth, that he knew what spaghetti was. He then

showed me how to make a curse that would

destroy the pillars in a person’s life and so will

make their world fall down.

Prayer to remove the pillars of a person’s life

and so destroy it

Leviathan you have the power to open the gates of

Hell, and these powers are yours, and I ask that

you open the gateway to Hell. Leviathan, open the

Hell mouth, so that travel can take place. Let the

mouth be open stay open be open. The mouth of
Hell opens and I thank you Leviathan. I now call

upon Beelzebub he who has power and is one of

the three I call. Beelzebub come through the

gateway to this world, step through here and be

here now. Beelzebub steps through the gates. I now

call upon Lucifer himself to step through the gates,

step through the gates and am here with me. Lucifer

steps through the gates. I now call upon the power

of the unholy trinity and I ask you to use your

power against state name of person to be cursed

and them alone but destroy the pillars in their life

so that all their life shall fall apart, but do so

without hurting any other person. This I ask of you

Leviathan, Beelzebub, Lucifer, you who form the

unholy trinity. Beelzebub you can now depart

through the gates and do as I have asked. Lucifer

you can now leave through the gateway and leave

as I have asked. Leviathan you have the power to

shut the gates of Hell, shut this gateway so that

travel between Hell and here is stopped. Leviathan

closes the gateway. So it is and will be.

Chapter 7 Gaining someone’s contacts and


It was while heading back from Hell that I began to

think deeply about a slight problem and this was

the question that if Hell and Earth are only made
separate by the doorways between these worlds

being not open permanently in the usual way: not

as easy to come and go from as other dimensions

linked to Hell, then does that mean that Earth is not

a part of Hell or just that they are less attached to

each other? Because I realised I had only seen a

part of Hell and also that the devil’s who had

guided me had seen and shown me parts which

some in those places did not seem to know about,

and so could Earth be like this and only difficult

for most of us to travel to, while a few devils go

back and forth without even needing to resort to

magick and travelling for them may be as easy as

walking down a road? It became a puzzle for me

and I realised that whether you class Earth a part

of Hell depends on how you classify Hell, and that

there are many different gradients which are lands

which come from Hell without them necessarily

them being Hell in the true sense. It is like is Hell

was the name of a city and a country and yet one

could not be in the city but still be in the country.

But even this seemed incorrect and I thought this as

I had forgotten that leviathan was near me and so I

asked him and he spoke these exact words:”Hell is

within us and no matter where we go it is always

there, just as it is with goodness also. But the line

of what is and what is not Hell is a territorial line

which moves and is not yet thought of as being

upon the Earth: although it could.” I already knew

that devils and demons do at times come from Hell

to Earth and back again and so the lines could be

blurred. This made me feel somewhat better

although I knew that devils and demons can be

tricky and yet I did not think that Leviathan could

lie because it was not his satanic gift and yet he

could hold back some of the truth. We must guard

Earth and yet here I was walking along with a

devil. But also I realised that we as humans must

use whatever allies we can because if Earth was to

become Heaven or Hell then we would lose our

freewill and this is the most precious thing that

humans have. I therefore will now show you a

curse to take away a person’s contacts both

business and friendship so that they will have no

one to help them. This curse is a difficult one for

some people, because people try to show a strong

front even when they are alone and so the affect of

the curse is not always immediately seen. But it is

effective and so here is the curse.

Prayer for someone to lose all contacts

Walking back with the devil that rids upon a

dragon I take from the person who I wish to curse
who is called state name of person to be cursed

and from this person the devil Leviathan shall steal

away all their contacts, both friends and business,

all others that can help them are now taken away.

This is the way now it will always be. So it is and

will be.

It is easy to think that all curses which are used

against someone must be in some way about direct

violence like killing and yet this is not always the

case. Many times what we want is something

specific, but all curses do have something to offer

if you want one. It is not difficult to begin to think
that all curses are alike because people begin to
lose a sense of what they really want from a curse

and sometimes all that is wanted from a curse is a

particular aspect of their life and as they say all’s

fair in love and war. Therefore I will show you a

curse which is about gaining someone’s loving

partner: taking their girlfriend, boyfriend, husband,

wife or all of the above from them. This will draw

upon the power of the Beelzebub so that the person

who you choose to be cursed will lose their love

or loves and drawing on the power of the devil

Carnivale to attract their loves to you. I will also

use Leviathan to open a gateway to Hell to allow

these devils to be summoned and talked to.

Dark prayer for someone to lose their loves to


Leviathan you have the power to open the gateway

to Hell. You have the power to open the Hell

mouth. You can allow travel and I ask you to open

the gateway to Hell for me here and now. Open this

gateway so that others can pass through and I can

talk to them. Open the gateway for me here and

now. The gateway opens. Oh Beelzebub step

through the gates, step through the gates to Hell.

Step through so that we may talk, come here, now.

Beelzebub steps through the gates. Beelzebub you

have great power and I ask that you curse state
name of person to be cursed so that all their loves

shall leave them do this for me. Beelzebub agrees.

Carnivale step through the gates, so that we may

talk. Carnivale some here now through the gates.

Carnivale steps through the gates. Carnivale I ask

you to attract those loves of state name of person to

be cursed to me, make them love me, and this I ask

from you. Carnivale agrees. Beelzebub and

Carnivale may depart and they both walk through

the gates. Leviathan you have power over the gates

and I ask you to close the gateway to Hell. Close

the gates do this now. The gates close. So it is and

will be.

This magick is not just a curse it is an adventure

after all people read travel books and when they

go there it is like, where the Hell is that door that

was supposed to be there, and then you have to

look for good food that doesn’t empty your wallet.

But here is some magick where you get to bring

love into your life, someone else’s loves in fact

and yet also get to summon three devils: if you can

do this at home then why the Hell travel at all. I

mean the internet access is right with you now, the

food is near and there is plenty of beverages: but

travel has its good sides too and remember that this
magick is practical and so feel free to summon
devils in any hotel room anywhere in the world: or

at least anywhere, where they do not behead

witches, hang or otherwise end their lives. That

sort of thing will keep the apparently normal non

magical folk on their toes: I mean if you open a

hotel and let all those people in then what else do

you expect? But also magick helps us; this doesn’t

mean that it cannot be used against someone else.

There is nothing better than the pleasant feeling or

summoning devils to completely bugger up another

person’s life. Reach out to magick and realise that

magick is a tool and so it can be used completely

irresponsibly if you want to, although the magick is

set out here to be safe for you. But for other

people, well if they will walk around not using the

everyday opportunities to learn something of the

dark arts then if something happens it is their own

fault. After all you have this book and this alone

should be enough of an act to give you power

almost unparalleled in the world, even among most

occultists: and it is. But remember that you should

really try to choose the person who you curse quite

carefully unless they are war criminals, dictators

and then well they make excellent targets.

However these people can be protected because

people like that generally have that sort of thing.

But use the occult as a tool and also do this for the

devils mentioned in this book too they may have

another plan in mind but to me they are tools to be


Chapter 8 The Devil is my bitch: in a completely

non-sexual way

Now we can move onto the really irresponsible

magick: the stuff which is like the weapons of mass

destruction which they say should never be used

but of cause are. I mean if you call something such

a great name and give it a button then people will

press it from time to time. This therefore is the full

strength magick the stuff which exists to deepen our
knowledge and yet also exists to aid our

development as twisted mages. It is a truth that

there is probably something deeply odd about

those that embrace the dark arts, this however is

not bad because there is something deeply odd

about those that don’t embrace the dark arts: which

means everyone is deeply strange. It is the human

condition and with the fact that we have

proclaimed the oddness about humanity: I am

humanity and I am strange: then we can utilise this

for what it was meant for, creating stuff, making the

world better, making the world worse, taking

charge and last but not least commanding devils

and demons. Up until now I have instead been

talking about magick which is gotten from devils

from Hell and yet this shows a truth and this is that
these entities are created with limitations as we

are, however their limitations mean that we can

command them. However this does mean that most

of the deeply flawed satanic paranormal

happenings where some devil appears in solid

form and runs around someone’s house: yes this

does happen: is caused by us humans. However do

not think that only humans can read this book

because as mentioned this book will also be in

Hell although this chapter may get left out. But

after all it is Hell and so they would expect a

chapter like that, this kind of betrayal is what Hell

is about. Its times like this when I feel like rising to

my feet and saying:” I am S Rob and the devil is

my bitch: although in a completely nonsexual

way”. This comes from a long tradition of

commanding devils and having no particular

regard for what they want. I will therefore show

you a curse; to command the unholy trinity to

appear in full physical form and for your enemy

and torture them and also proclaim my power: you

can if you want alter the words the devils will say
and instead make it your name which is said but it

is probably best to get me the blame.

Dark prayer to get someone tortured and to see

the unholy trinity

Leviathan you have the power to open the gateway

to Hell. You have the power to open the Hell

mouth. You can allow travel and I ask you to open

the gateway to Hell for me here and now. Open this

gateway so that others can pass through and I can

talk to them. Open the gateway for me here and

now. Leviathan I command you and I have the

power so open the gates as commanded. Do this

now Leviathan. The gateway opens. Oh Beelzebub

step through the gates, step through the gates to
Hell. Step through so that we may talk, come here,

now. Beelzebub steps through the gates. Beelzebub

you have great power and I command that you

curse state name of person to be cursed and to

appear so that they can see you and to torture them.

Beelzebub agrees. Carnivale step through the

gates, so that we may talk. Carnivale come here

now through the gates. Carnivale steps through the

gates. Carnivale command that you use your power

to appear for state name of person to be cursed in

full physical form so that they can see you and to

torture them. Carnivale agrees. Leviathan,

Beelzebub, Carnivale all three of the unholy trinity

I command that before you appear from the power

of your human true masters that you first appear

and say for state name of person to be cursed to

hear:” We are the unholy trinity and we are

servants of S Rob” and this I command of you.

Beelzebub and Carnivale may depart and they both

walk through the gates. Leviathan you have power

over the gates and I ask you to close the gateway to

Hell. Close the gates, do this now. The gates close.

So it is and will be.

I will now teach you how to work magick designed

to humiliate these devils, but the reason to do so is
not simple entertainment but also to help to
empower mankind. Humanity needs to keep our

position and to do this it is necessary for some

people to take the lead and so that we can keep

Earth our home and also I am a firm believer than

Hell is not s static place and changes do occur and

many of these are influenced by our world, and this

means that we should as humans try as far as we

can to gain control of Hell as well as having

control of Earth. Therefore here is how to get some

selected demonic creatures to dance for your

chosen person: however I would not choose

yourself as the chosen person. But here is how to

get some devils or demons to dance, but to do so

without harming anyone. However how well they

dance will depends upon the devils which are

nearest to you.

Dark prayer to get devils and demons to dance

Leviathan you have the power to open the gateway

to Hell. You have the power to open the Hell

mouth. You can allow travel and I ask you to open

the gateway to Hell for me here and now. Open this

gateway so that others can pass through and I can

talk to them. Open the gateway for me here and

now. Leviathan I command you and I have the

power so open the gates as commanded. Do this

now Leviathan. The gateway opens. Oh demons
and devils, those near this, Hell’s gate, those

which are near the other end in Hell to come

through here and be here now. Step through this

gateway to Heaven be here now. Come devils,

come demons, come through and be here. Devils

flow through: they come through the gates. Demons

come through the gates. Devil those from Hell that

are here now know that you are commanded my

me, bound by these words, bound by the power

which I have to dance for state name of person you

want them to dance for and to do this in full view

for all to see, do this now devils you cannot resist

my power. Demons which have come through

know this that I command you, and I command that

you dance for state name of person you want them

to dance for and do this so that they and others can

see. This I command that you do. Devils and

demons there is no escape and you will not harm

anyone at all just dance for them. This you will do

and now you depart through the gates, this I

command that you do. The devils depart through

the gates; the demons depart through the gates.

Leviathan you have control over the gateway to

Hell and I ask you to close the gateway to Hell.

Close the gates do this now. The gates close. So it

is and will be.

This magick frees us from the fear that many devils

and demonic beings have over us. But also it

shows the power which we have and it is easy to

think that mankind: and whatever humanlike beings

come after us and from us: is lower down and even

at a definite disadvantage to other beings which

are normally thought of as more magical. Humans

have power and partly this comes from knowing

how to use the magick we have within us. Some

people will see this entire chapter as away of

betraying Hell: but it should be clear by now that

we are not really on Hell’s side, no we are on our
side and this is as it should be. We should not
forget that we have power not just magical, but of

many different types. This is what this book gives

the reader more power and also an insight into

Hell. But we should not forget the many devils and

demons who may read this book as it lies within

the libraries of Hell. They may look at this chapter

in disbelief, hopefully they will hang their heads

and cry and know that their domination even of

their own realm is at an end. The time will come

when I the author: S Rob: and hopefully many of

the readers will through their actions either upon

the Earth, by existing on or in some other planet, in

space, some other dimension or in Hell itself will

bring us to greater power even to the point that

those who come to lie in Hell will sit upon

thrones, and live with air conditioning, internet

access, and well priced food and alcohol. The

humans rise and all say:” I am human and I am


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