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Your Vote Belongs

InllllfrllllOONI Pr,,!.dem

Iol.nal""'" Seoc'arv l'eII
1I15-151h!;1 NW
V\la>h"'O"'" 0 C 2'000!>


Cha .. mao
8907 Notlh 94.1\ A""n ...
Pear .. , At lG"\It 853ol5
f ,slIM,,,,,,
By JJ Barry, Internollonol President and C/o IBEW loatI 380 1900 RcJg.r Ike
CO....'9!<""~. Pf!M,yt.,_I\1<1,,>
Edwin D. Hill, In ternational Secretary-Treasurer SocOOd 0",,,<;1
C/C IBEW Local 1274
13~9 Jelle<oon Boule"",,!
hi'. h iI, hroth\!T'> ,mt! "htl'f'" The lime j ...... hon. Tlu.:r~ .In.': w...,.,d Ahooe .....,><1 02
only (by, Jeft hc.:fore Aml'riCln . . ),.:0 the polL.. to nukl.! th<,:ir Th.d 0.",,,.,.
Hr.-I import;JnI pohhc:d dcn,>jon of thl.: 21"\ ct:'ntur),. \\')u[ :.<OlBfW 1<><* 71
we-:-.ptxifk;llly [ho~ of uo; who vote, I)L-cau~ PL'oplc \,"hn
donI <:;1'<'1 thdr ballot." are \\'i1"11Il~ thl:ir \'oin.'--dt'(-id,,' \\ ill
6321 0 t-Ia". RO«I
Qt. '1119

Founn DoSI'.1
h;,tH: all lmp'Kt f;lr lX'yond IhlS ye;!r LANCE BtACKSTOCl<.
Tlli" hour founh Joint column in ,I I"Im on lhe suhll'( 1 of polil+ do ISEW lOClI M>B
PO Bo> 578
ied .Inion. \'1;'.: look Ihh unpn:ccdt-nt1.:d ;IClion o f focu .. in}.l on thi-. ~ If k), AlaI-.> ... '''0'

topic for one ..,implt: n:a<'<)Il --- 11lL' ,woo dettion ...m: oJ criticl) sl'OCT
impon.mt:l: to c.llh and en:r" nun ,Inu WOIll;1Il \\ ho L.lrri ...... ;ltl do IBH'i ~_ 50:
IBn\ cud. ;md their ",x)u'>t:'t, ;Inc! thl'ir .._ hildn.::n. Jlld thcir ll00E _ MaW
~_C', M 641:16
l.:xll.·nLllxJ LUllllu.·,. ,IOU [hClr U)lJllllUnillt.·,
!,,,,, 1 I
TIll'. de<.-11lH1 ofh:I"'" <.Ilmt' oj lilt' ('k':lrt..,( ('hoice:,> In p.:;ll.... , BILL J MOTLEY
Fk-uion, JikL' thl' - II ilh '0 Illuch ;II ~t;lke - COll1e ;llong only en:r)' PO Box III
Edwin D. Hill (left) and J.J . Barry lu"~, Ok"I.,."" 73Ot!'JOn
othL'r dt'cadt! or '(), The following pa).:I." nmuin ,Ill t'xpbn,ltion of
[hi: nLlgnltudt' oj Ille r..Kl' ;lIld the i~,ul" ,II M.lke, But Ihl.' Imlx)r · organi/;ttlon .... Iralt.'rn,\J J(xlgt:.. , ,lIld, yt.'_'. politic.. _ \\\.: IU'::l r from Se ..... '"
(;Ill! thing [0 reTllL'ml)(:r I:' thm there Jrc ~t'Ill11nL' diITerenc...-"> on I il,ll m:lI1y <lirkrL'nt ,>OURt:,'" around I.'kction time, ,md all Ilf thcm ,>t'ck 'oIBP.'IIloatI191
I"tlt" hl.'twL"(.·n thl' candid,ne, for Prt....,iLll·nt ;IllU \"ice Pre,i(ll'm ~11\d (0 1llt1I1t'm'l..' our \011.' hlllfft!1 WaYl '.g:.an me

lllll" of their p;.tny mall':'> 'ol.'l'king '>(:':11 .. in Congre,~. tlw gO\ernor- A, a union Illember. 110\\ 1..'1 I..'r, vou h~I\'~ ;I dl..'cp ;lIld ob\ I()U~ E>Q<>tlt 0.,,'''''
~hlp' ;lnd '1,1\10' le).:l';blllrt.·'_ TIle",; diffl'rl'IKl'~ Ir.tnsl:!tl' inlo gL·nuine 1l11I..'fI.:~t III your Joh ,ecurit) ;1l1<1 th .... policit':> th:1l \\ill enahlt, 1I" to cJo !~W \.OC.)j 23(8 138 No>
(UIl'oL·quence.. for \\'orklllg f;unilie:._ \X 'c 11;1\,...' ;I ,takl' III "ho 1\ lib gum ;lnd pro."pl:r ,IS work .... r'>, Tlw po]ilica ] art'na .Iff.... ct.~ 11:-. F,ftd,1t"'''" NB c,na<l.I t3A .. "

,mti \\-hat till'y \1 ill do onCl' in office Thh dl'('\ioll m;uler... : it 111:11· \\·hdlil..'r we like il or not. \X'c <I1"t.' i n politic... ht:(";lll"l.' \\1.' have to
leI.... ~I great deal. ;tnd your \-Oll' m,lIll'r" e\l'l1 ilion,' be. hec::w,c I.kft·ndin~ ollr riJ.:hh :1'" worker... b our l't·.. ])(lI1:,>ihiliIY VICE PRESIDENTS
'-lome h:I\I.::: told lh tlul the tone of our column .. L., morl' pam· nOI only ;1,> ;1 union. bUI a! ..o ,I-. nIl/en .. in ,I dem(x:r.ll·~ It \\ t' F~~1 IMIt
';1Il than In the P;I't \1.1\"I)t' ,0, Tht' n,';I'MJIl for that I' hL·cw .....· don'l unl1c ~lIld 'pl';lk lip fOf ou""ch-I..'''. \\110 \\ill) Thl..' inl'orm;l- DONAtO lOUNOS
Ihl.' I(t'puhlican P;ln~ I" controlled hy Iho"L' \\'ho~1.' ;Igl.'nl..b i, tion lOnl.lllwd on the p;tgc.. of thi .. publication i, intt:nUl..'d 10 M ".,..uga U' ....
c.nada , ~ r 11<~
dlfl'C-tly oppmt.·u to our \Idl-lx:ing \\i.: h;111..' worked ,Inti will ... l1ml you till' imp,lct thi~ ckuion 11;1-. on your l\ork1l1g lile
$e. ,J 0,,,,,,
r.:ontinue to work w ilh pcoplt: of good Llith in .my and all pol lIi- Th,lI', \1 herc \\,c're corning from, ,Ind tlla!" ... \\ hat \\e ,I...,k rOll to FRANK J CARROLL JR
(;<11 ranie ... BUI llll' IkpllbllUl11 k;ldl.'r:-.hip h,h IMgl'ly turnl'd thl... ir think ,1hoUI II hell you go into thl.' Iw ing hoolh. 100 G,."""",w Road SU,IG 111
B'.'''''...._M ... ...",uoens02184
b;l(:k~ on u" ,1l1d ,0 \It' lind our..eht::-. ;dliL'd with the 11~lditi()nal Ead1 and e\l.'T) one of w. along \1 ilh our f:unilie ... ,Ind ml.'mbel"'

r;lfty of worklllg pcople, tht: Dt:Ill!xrat.. \\1.' do nOI agrcl..' \\ ith of our commun iti""" ha, .1 \'oi(:L' \\'h;ut:ver ~'our PCNlIl,11 beliefs LAWflENCE E ROSSA
rh~' 'kmOU;H~ on ~'\'I.'r.' i~"lIl'. hur lht',- ;!fl' lw [Ir the lX'I1t.·r P:IM\' - and \\l' re"lx'('( Iho,e IJf ;111 lB1\\ rlll'mlwr" \\L' IlI}:l' ~IlU 11l
Ii I help u .. prolt'( lour II1ll're,h :I' \\orkt.·r ... l'xcrn"l..' YOUf prt.·t.ioll .... nglll to \ote. II i, IInpon;llll 111;1\ our polil-
Thi, 1<' no tmw tor ,I holler-than-thou ,ul\IlIdc Thl' I' no lillie K~II k;ldcr-; 't.·L· Ilut IBE\"(' lllt:ml'X'r, ,1I"t.. lI1\"ohed. COllcl.'fl\t.."d Uli· FOu"" Oostfd
fOI philo ..ophlcd I1net1ll1l1lg. \X'e-;llI 01 W.-;Il"l' 1ll :1 h;lIlk for z .... n' who clre ,1houl is..,ut·.... It j ... imponant lh.1I thl.'Y knc)\\ thaI 1110 RR"""9 R<*(l . s.",'o ~

nul' future. and \\t.' wou ld \101 be lul fi lling ollr r<: .. pon .. ihililit'~ ;b \\,t.' ;1l"C p:lyirl).: .Iltcnlion to tltt' gOH:rning p nx:e ........ II yOli don', like CI "''0' OM> 45231

union 1t.:;ldl.'r~ 11 we told you Ihat lhh \\';1' ;u1}'l hing k~ ... tht.' IV;]), politician ... h:l\ .... trl';lIL'd OUT (·onc~rn .. in Iht., pa:'>(. gel (Jut ~,i.~ D',,,,,,,
In ;\ lin ion ;1 ... biA ;lnd dive""e a.. lht.' IBF\v, \Ie h;I\'e memhl..'r, and \'ott:. It h your 1lI()~1 P()\I~'rlul in ... tnunent for dMngt: IOOConcou'se P&, .........
\\llh Illam thfft'rt.·rl[ IIltl'fI':""'_ lk>l!lJ:: an IBF\\ Illt:mhef I' only Ixtn Your Hll c I' yOUT H)ilt:, l·,t.' it wi"l'ly and \1 ell on I'lenion a.. ..,...,.>.Lobiomlo )5744
01 our identJlY \\1..' :lfC :KIl\"t' in n:ligiou~ ).\fIlUp_'>. gun duh.. , nnc Day, bUI ,llxI'c ;111, usc it! , 50.",0.",,,,,
e17~ .. as> "-"",,...
Oa/'@n II .60561
S<>ye<"~ 0.01,,,,,
Just the Facts, Folks!

Battleground 2000 8
'-'OOW' RoQ<>rsP.... "'''''', 50"" L)'J
What the 0" ""'''' uly. O,Iahon-.. 7311

£"1''''0 'net
economiC ION F WAlTERS
330 -"""4> ""'~ ..... SutI 2I)t
numbers PO 1I<,51l51
Aspeeiol publicotion of the Internotionol Brotherhood of Eleelricol Workers'
tell us. k IdahoF.1 1<IaI>o8341l5
N ~th
2500 Van! .. 'e 0"., Way, ~u T~ ]"0
s...nrn..n", C. !<or""!
2 Officers' Message -You r vote is yours 958J:' 4221

len' [).<."~.1
!>1~6~Rw<l s.,.., .. r.oo

10 Battleground 2000/ The Senate €",~r'~ IMI'~I

A handful of hot races wi ll determine WILliAM C EADS

300 $.oulll _ff'" J!'1,~,,~ 31)!
'>I>t"'ql M "HI 6' ,.
working families control of the U.S. Senate
The issues 12 Battleground 2000/ The House J J Barry ~ Tr

C JBmes $peI1!1nt

Battleground states Battle for control is fierce and every DIRECT

Ca!01 A C,po!ar,

One vote counts! seat counts I"£RVISQR

Carol M Fisher
Angela M Robel1~

Kathy M M,)"ll'Im
Issue Focus -Campaign finance
Race for the ,.

4 Presidency
How do the
reform a hot issue in 2000

15 Informative web sites •

c. ................. ~_
- ..iIlm.
lIo'IA. _ _ ........ _ .......
........ GIII .. 11D11_~ _ _ r-, ...
..... 11"",, _ _ t . j .

1rW.... __ .......... _ .. I I o _ ......... _



_.t. . . ._"""_
and Bush/ Cheney 16 The Members Speak ._llft'IIo_"-,,,"_lll'
... _!.-" .. _. . . __.......

_1oo"'1........... .. _.;t _nftll1o~

tickets measure up A view of the elections in ....... (_I7U

.. _ ....110li0ii.,.-.._ ....................
on labor issues 2 IBEW members' own words . . - . . -... ..-- ~""'_ .. "1011'


H/eclioll Looms as Cm cia/ f or ll10 rkillg Families ({lid Ibe IsslIes TI1al Af recl TI1em
ill.: 2OfM) l"il"<.tion ... ,In.' ;thOlLl i ...... lIL..' when.' pl.'f1I~ Of \\ 111 il Ix.: tfl.·nlh \\.Irf:lfl.· \\hL'rl.· Wl' 11'\ 10 ding 10 \\Iu\

'\0 malh:'f \\t' ,I.,
11\1'\\ rlll'ml'X-'r. Ii .. t' ;lntl \\ mk. the .... lnlL"u otfici;d ... who .In.: L'\ I.·r i, Idl 01 our rigl" ..-
dlo'>L'n Ihrollj.{h 11lL' potllicd prell.: ...... wj.,.. ld 1)(1\",.. r o\cr our Your \ o\~' \\ III hl.'lp ,111"" l'r Ihal qUl.',uon
"tITking li'l· ... In ;111 dL'llltJn tlut ":I.,
do'>\:' ,I" ,h, ... (lIll' ;LPIX';Lf', 110\\ ... hould ~Oll HJle? Tlul\ up to \'eIU Bul, ;I ... ;t union 1lll.·1lI·
[0 hL'. 11ll' Hit..·... (If \\-orkmg f",,:ople \\ill Ix- nilic;ll-m'l\lx- l'\ L'n 11L·f. Ix:fon' you (kode. \'Oll ,hould ;)1 le......1 gel ;t blx)f 11I.'r"pt.'ll l\t'
dL'('i"ln~ Oil \\h,lI" ,II '1.lkl' [n tll1 .. ,pt.'{ul puhhcllion Ih.1I uke' Ihl' pbn'
"<) it' ... 1 ~o()d 11Illl' 1(1)0.: p.l\ 111~ ,llIl'ntion \0 thl' ,-ie\''> oj tho.: l-.tn· of 11ll' Cklollt:'r ,.......ut.' ollhe JBFII JOUr/wi. \\1.' di'o('u~" Iht' '..... IIt;" .lIlti
diu.l[L.... for 1'1"\"lu\.'11I 01 th\.' l mh:d "1.lh,''', for Congn..,." lor (;{)\t'rnor pre......·nt 1I1lonn;I\IOn Oil ho\\ clIldiwle ... in 'Olllt' of Illl' d(h\'''t r.lll....
(it Y(I\.I li\\..' in onl: 01 thl' II "'1.lk'" Ihal \\ ill t:k"<..[ .1 j.{o\l..'mor III 20(0). ft-d ,lhoUl Iho-..: l ....'Ul"' Till.' OUICOIllt.' (If tilt......... r.1{e'" Will ddl'rminL'
.md for lour ".111.' 1q.':l,l.ulIre .lnU loc.:.11 offill:"'> 'n1\: dlOKC' \\e \\ ho l.llh 11lL' ,hoh III thl.' \\'IlHc [{Oil ...... .:uK.1 III Congre", \nd 11t.:'1
!luke in 200() \\111 1t'\\L'.1n imp.lll on our Ii'l"" for \<:;;11"> to corne lIl.lkl.·.. ,I hig d,lkrell(l.'\o l'\t.'f\ man ;1Ilt! \\Ollun \\ho ill',I(l.. 011 10
\I.lk..' no mi ..ukL' "IX)UI ,I \\(Irking pt.-'ople 10<1;\\ f;llt:' lou~h \\ork t:adl (b~
011 ...1.1("11.'''' 111 IIll'ir n~'\L'f·L·nding light for.1 f.lif ... hake in 11ll' \\ork 1'
\ ... I'fl.....(k·nt .I.llk BaIT') .lOtI X'(TL-1.':lry~Trf".I"lU';·r hi Ihll ..... on
pl.lte Tilerl' .Ir~' pt."{)pll' III tilL' LOfP0r.lIl' l:omlllunity dri\t:'n h~ a P,Ij.:.L' .! 01 Ih,' ...."lIt·, ho\\ you U<.,(· YOUf \ ott' I'" yt)llf (,111. '11ll' (lnh
hungl'f for mOfe monl') .md j>L"{)pk- 111 Idl"{ltOgil:<l1 ~irdt:' ... \\ ho \\ n II1g lk'(.',,,ioll '" 10 '1.1\ hOIllL-' on Elt'(.1ion D.I~
think [hat \\urk~'" rigil" dOll I m,'Her 1l11u:h. llR'Y h'l\e .Ilhall(t"(t
their ide,I'" \\ith mont:'\". po:J\\L'f ,lIld innUL-'n(c. Lllxlr ha .. fought
them til .. ~LlIld~tili fOf no\\ BUI thl' 20{)O elL"Clion... \\ ill tip the
IXlbll(e \\111 Ihl.' ""'III'~ blt 111 ollr b\or or ;tg;llll~1 w.' \'fill tlw
liN dl.·Lltk· 01 Iltt:' 2hl ~entul'\ lx' " liml' of progre,," and pro... ,
very vole counls, no matter where you live. It is important to the IBEW's long term inlerests

Critical Issues for E thai 011 politicians, from the presidential candidates 10 locol officeholders, know that IBEW
members are oelive participants in the political process,
In the race for the Presidency in 2000, however, some stoles will playa key rale in determining the
winner. Both candidales hove a set of core stoles that pasl history and currenl polls indicate will be in
AI Gore's or George Bush's respective columns on election night, Other stoles are leaning one way or
Working Families the other, but are not sure things. Much of the candidates' focus in the lost weeks of the campaign will
be on the large stoles that could still go either way and whose major chunks of electoral vo~ are need·
ed 10 win. These are the "Battleground Sloles" of this eledion.
There i. .' 110 sbo r/{fp,e q/ isslles q/ i11lpor/cll u;e There are nine states in this calegory: Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio,
10 !J3E\\'T m elllbers olld Ibeir / alllilies Ib is year. Oregon, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, Together, these stotes hove 153 eledoral votes. The margin

- /-Ier e (Ire sum e of /hem . of vidory- 270 eledoral votes are needed to win the Presidency-for either AI Gore or George
Bush will come from these stotes, Turnout in these stotes is usually higher in a presiden'ial election
yeoI', and could be boosted by high profile Senate races in Florida, Michigan, MissoUi and New
Jersey. Paycheck deception has reared its head again in Oregon in the form of a bahat iniliotive
THE ECONOMY that would cripple labar's abilily to fight for legislation and candidales favorable to working people.
lSi II Clinlon\ 'Khiu.: 10 hillN,:1t during hi .. 1992 campaign. ~I"" Each of the batfleground states has a significanl number of unian members, As happened in
Ihe Fconorm ;..tupid, ring .. ,I" Inw lOlLt~ :1" it did Ilwn for ditfl.'f' 1996 and 1998, a higher than overage union turnout can be decisive.
t:'nt fl';I'>ll!1" [ilL' good l"t:llnOIll\" h .. , hL"lpt.'l1 nuny \\orklllg Llilli- The IBEW urges all its members 10 vole, But if you live in any of these nine states, your vole is
I'l''', \,hilL- otlh:r" h,,\ •.: ht'L'n ldl Iwhiml 1 nL'mployment '" ;11 .1Il especially critical. 9
;IIlliJ11l'lem \I.tny \\'orkl'1"" h:l\l' "el'n their ';l\ing'" for ro,:tlL'~ment
;111(/ Ihe"trt'ngl h 01 llwir 11l'n"'lon pLIIl'" grm\ ,ignifi~,Hltl} A "Ol1r
eCOnll1l1y-;t" l'''''ll'd dunng tllu(il 0 1 Ihe Ik;tg;II1-Bu ... ll \'L"II''' I"
IBEW Membership in the Battleground Stat es
umlouhll'dl\ h;td lor ;Ill \\orking peopk Tht: qUl, ...lioll in thh
L"ll.'dion i, \\ ho lu, II1\' hl.:,1 IXlticie... 10 I-..I.'ep Ihe ",conom~ ... trollg
;Lnd 10 lIl"lllllh' IXI,ili\l' dl.mgl" [0 hdp \\ofkl'''' {'nlo~ llll' Imlh
Ill' llw,r bhll'" "'1.'\ pel1llh leI ("(m,i(kr an' \tw u .....: 01 tht:' proJL'(.t~d
'lIfplu,. [;I, ~UI'. ;Intl rl·dlKUtm (II till' Il:ItillluJ (k'bt


111l.·...I.· .lrl.· till' kt·\ 'o(Ki.11 progr.ulh in till' ['nill.'{l ....1.1[l.·'. n-'lxlIl-
'ihk' lor kn'ping Illllhon ... of ......·nior ('iti/.l'n ... lrom .\ lile 01 po:l\'ert\
'>tlli.lt 'x"L'uril\ j, lulh 'o(11\L'nt unlil ;LpprOX11lJ;Jld\' .!ny;. \\Iwn II
I;lte';t ,,1)(ml.111 (II fl·\l'nlll.'lel Lel\l'r Pf(IIL'Lll."Li 1lt:'l1dil", TIll' ~" •• ~t
n·.1f 10 \\I11th Ih., "hool,tll \\111 (llUlf h.I'" 11(.'\.'11 pll"lll'd ha(k dUl'
Ie I tIlt' ,1ft m).: ~'\ (me llll~. le)\\ ul1L'mple l~ ml.'nl .Intl Ihe .Iddllil >n,.1 rl'\
COII/III/1<".' fllI/)(I).W 1')



(eans art n t e ssues

.., Nmembcr - approaches. mt:mher ... and theIr r;l111ilie ... on P~ge 6 . ttl(."'SC cmcial IX,..,!" would not he work- keep the economic rt'cmery ~oHlg.
Am..:riGI\ working familie., face Check (lUI the applicant~. The chan ing-family friendly. a.., Bu!"!t,-.., choicL' of ..,lrenglhen SOci;11 St.""'t.."lllity .md \\t-'l.lil';.lfe.
;1 dear-cut choice in a lough. ..,hO\\ ... hm' r.tdically lliffcrent Bush .1Ilt! Dit."k Cheney a.., a nmning milte vi\'idly ,ai'>(: thc income.., of working Eunilie.,.
tight l.'It..'uion for the next Gor..:: actually ,ITe Oil tho,< j ...:.ue,> Thl:'ir illu'>lr.tte.." inn:,..,t in our children and tht""ir -.choob.
President of the L'nitt'd ""t.lIe..,. individual fc'cord ... ;mo policy rr()p():-':LI~ "\X'e need tIll: Ill:st friend we Lin ..:nSLIrt lh;1I Lltxlr ant! eO\'ironnwntal "';111-
De"pite portr.tY:II., to the con- ... how \\ht:re they really "'Iand on the po...,..,ibly h;I\'e in the \X'hite Ilou'>t'. and {lmb .11"1..' pan of "II new tr",It· ,I.t.:rl.'e-
traIT. it h \\'llhout doubt that \ 'jet: cruci:lJ mailer. facing thl'i country- the In .2000 Al Gore l~ that friend: ..,;lId IlK·nl';. and l"l.·duCl: IX}\"t'ny
Pn,,'''ldent Al Gore anu GO\..:rnor G..:orgt: h"uc'" [luI 1lJ;tItt'r mo,,[ to working fam- mF\\ International !'n,:..,idefU J-J. I~;lfl)' The docum..:nt il1(."ludt::-. pLIIl'" lor
\\ Bu~h arlO <X:C;IIlS .Ipart III Ih..:ir ..,unu.., llie", As ~l Congre.."slllan, Senalor and :IS the cre;IUOI1 of 10 million 111..'\\ high-
on the major i!">.~Ul·.'" of \'ital imporunce Gore h;1.., ;10 RR percent lifdime \'0\- \'i(."e Pre..,ident. he ha<; ..,tood up lime tedmology job.., O\'l'r 10 y\:;lI"". ;Intl .1
10 working people :II1U lheir f;\lnilie..,. ing fecord from [he AFI.-CIO, .mtl 11<1" and time ag,lin for our righL"',~ IUllifonll and UTll\Cr:-.,IIJ Prt'>C.Tiplion dnlg
"tcadb ... tly taki:.'11 ;J pro-bhor ,.,[and. In bend!t (for all older Americ.Hl.~ Undl.'f
Labor Mobilizes for Gore ... tr1king contr:L." to Bu"h . Con:'.., record Public Opinion Polls: Voters i\1t,...dic:uel:· 3ccording to an AFI.UO
1111..' Lthur mon:m..:m Ius Ix--en mobi- "ho\\,> that ht.. "uppon<; the right \0 Favor Gore on the Issues <;wnlllary of the rCjXm. ~1111> pLin \\ ould
IUlIlg in ;l big \\,;1\' lor lhl." election. ;ind OTJ:;mi7t'. h:, ... workt'd \0 Lm·rea ..... tllt.:' \ ·iet.' President Gore and Go\'emor Ullpm\'C edUGlilOn by est;lbIL..,hing llm~
union mo.:lllh.... 1"0 GII1 turn OUl thl.' \"(lle 10 minimum \\'age, oppo,>ed ami-union Bu"h IM\'e lX"'en running praaiGlllr neck- n,:rsal pre'>t:h(x}l. Ill(xlemizing ;1Ilt! ("()O-
hdr ded d pre..,ident \\ho will fighl for IXlycheck protectiOn, OPIXN,-"{I ~c()mpa­ ~lIld-nCi..·k in the public opinion polb. and ..,IOlt1ing ne\\ ",-h<x)!..,. hiring ITlOIV tl·.Kh-
working t.unilit·.., on <;lIch i,,,ue'> as, qual- ny 1LI1ion<;~ (TEAS! ACI), ,>uppon."> pay thl? f:Ke b dt·...cribed :\ .., t(Xl cln'>C' to Gill. el"> to ri..--duce dl"'''' <;ize .1Ilt! nuJ..ing hi~h­
11\ ;ifj(m.bble hL'alth GIrt:; fair. family - equity. ha . . t()tI~hl for Da\j,.,-!iacon .mel Yet. the poll~ ..,hO\\ that Gore is gaimng er education more ;lCc..:.."..,ihle to \\( (rkin.u:
.. llPP0r1ing \\;lge..; ..,trong pllhliL etiuC"'.J- other pfl.'\ailing "agL' ]:1\\,,>, !'>uppon.... ;md that \"Otel"'> EI\'or Gon"'·'" ~\;Ind on the f;lInilie..,.~

til Hl. ;l ..ound relir..:ment "}"~ti..'m and good exp:.IIlding Family and Medical Le;ln~, import:1Il1 i,,,ue..,. A Pew Re .....:trch Center "In contr:.\..,t, Bu .. h'.., recl"!lII}
he.llth CIft.: for current and funlre retirees; has fought for workplace saf~t) :md surv.c-y r<C'le:lx"(l in ~ptember sho\\s th;1I urweiled pre"cription dOlg plan rdIV<; on
go(xl I<~l<; and tr::uning; a pfl..·...:::ription opp()se~ ~trikL"r repLlcem..:nt. when \otl'l"> ;Ire a..,kl..J ,Ihout <;pecifil' the <;ame pri\,:ltl?-m.u-ket fOfce':> th;1I h,l\l'
UOlg I)t.·ndit fOf .111 fl,tirce."'; ~lI1d the right A.., pr..:..,idL"nt. Al Gor..: will 1l1~\ke issues. Gore outjX)lb Bu.~h ;L'" the c.lIldi- broughl '>(:niop, nu~~i\'e .\k(liClrt· 11.".10
10 org:mil.e for ;l union voice :11 work. ,lppOir1[rn~nl~ to imj"Xlrtan! ,Idmini:-.lra- dale 1)('..,1 able to handle al lea~t I') of 19 pulloub .me! kft working f:lmilil:~ with
Th~ II3F\v. the AFt-ClO and atTilbt- ti\'e po~ts :lnd nominatt' ~llpreme Court policy issues te:.t ..."Cl. ~hrinking pri\':lIe-pbn in<;ur:U1,:e her1\......
ed bhor union .. h:1\l' l;nthu~i;l..,tiC:tll>' jU!:itinc:.., !:illpportive of working f:lrlli1y "Gore i~ seen :IS the c:mdicbte \\ho fit.<;:· r~ported the AFt. ClO·.., Ilid, ill
..:ndor.. t·d GUfi..· as lh..: tru..: " fighter for issues. George \'iI. Bush appointee.., to would do the Ix:st job on the i~ue .. th;!! Progress. "Bu.. h\ pLtn :11""-1.) would k:I\'c
wmklllg fal11ilic..,·· A do:....: look :It the m:IIt":f most to An1l'riClll'o-SOlial ..,om..: H million i\kdic:.lrt· lX:ndl(l;lri<;.,
cmdidale.., r~("of(b ..,hims wh)'. St!curity ;tnd ,\k'diGl fe, ..:dllC:1I1011 ~lI1d without t'O\'ef:'lgl; ;Ind would not rt":-.tr:Jin
\X'e h:l\e highlighted the i<;~ues mo.." he:dth (":trt:' ~;lid Andn;:\\" Kohul. .~o:lring dmg pri("e<' .K(·ording II' ;lll
1l11]1ort:mt in th..: daily li\..:!"! of union PeW ("t'n!er director AFI.-CIO ana lysi ... of thl" pH)pO~JI.
\,\Iht'n ;I:-.ked who could be.~ t Bu.~h OppOM.:.~ raising Ihe minimum
improve the nation'.., health Girt' \\~lge, oppu~s D:n' b-B:Ko n pr..:v,tiling
5}'~tem, 51 percent of \'otefS polled wage Jaws. suppons "righI-to-work."' is
ch<Xl ....• Gore. \\ hik- ~2: !"t"rn'!l1 nrl."l1 tn r:li .. ing tIll" "'IKi~11 <;"I"\II'il\ 1" '\lf('
("hoo......: l3u.. b. t\"::lrly half o! \'ot":l"'i lllt"nt .Ige .mel propl)"e'" panul jlfl\,tllz:t-
('19 percent) ~J)' Gore would be tlon of j\kdiGlrL·. 1k would pri\ .ltiZl"
mo:.t cap:lble of kl.:"eping Soci:d Social ~ecLlritr by din:rting fund~ 1Il10
St."Cllrity ,lncl fo.!eciiclre !-pound. ",hik 3() rbky prh:tte account ... llld propo"l"'" to
percent clu)(N:' I3Li'>h. Gore abo leacb on gl\'l' ~tl1d..:nb uX-"'lIpponed \nUI ho.:r:-.
t.'<.iUGltion. hy 'i) pero.:nt to 39 percent. for privale s("hoob r:.lth..:r th~1n impf(l\'e
And Gore i<; S(.--e!l :1." lhe (.':.lIldidate hest public o.;ehools
;IIlI..: to keep the tlnnomr ~mmg. On taxe... Gort' proJX):<'" ;I 'full !'.mge
by ~6 percent to 3H per- Ofl;lfgeled l:IX CUb to working falllilil·"'·· to
ct;:nt. ~Fully 81 percent help IXI)' for colkge tuiti(lll, hl':lhh ilhllr-
of Di.."'mocr.ltic loyal- ance ;md child Glr..: ~ I \\ ill nOI ).:0 .llon).:
with a huge LlX cut for th..: \\o:.:l1th\ .11 the
on the enJlln1llr.~ expen-.e of ev..:ryonl.' d .....: and \\ rt'(.\; our
said Kohut. And M good l"'(..'()1l0my in the prtX"l·."'>, ~ '-.;Iid t jnrt"
I ndependents "\'n,,' ha\'1.." lO ~I asiele enough 01 lIlt" "ur-
d~lrly fan)r plu.., to 'Ifeguartl "S<X"i;l1 'x"'\.·lInl~ .Iild
..Ifl'n,!.,tlhl·n \il'tiiClfl' '.0 it'o.; ;th,.IY'" there
these for you.

~ ;\1 r Texas Truth Squad

GOR' h;1.'" "In 3 ,*",rit'''' of nati(1)\\ ide 10\\ n lull
III ;1 d l' Illt.'l'ling"" \\or~ing Tt·x:tn.., .Ire tl·lIjng
h"::I<I- the tnuh ;lhoUI hm\ \\·orkillJ.! f;1I11IIIl'''' III
w ;1 y till' <;tall' ;Ire faring .Iher almo .. t ~IX
ton thl' r":;If'> with GeorJ.!1? \X' Bu..,h ;h gl J\'er-

h..,ue..,1 1l0f.- r..:portcd th..: AI'l·ClO Lllx)i' 2000

hecau'>e Cllllpaign, 11ll' ··It.·X;t~ TnJlh ~qu.ld~

11;1.., tltl.'d c\..,e ;Irll'r CI~\: to proh' that
ahll; to ..,ho\\ Bu..,h 1::0 "no friend of workin.u: LlIllilit''''
that hLs pmgr:.UllS benefit mid- Bush b('\i\.:'\·l'.., lh~n D.I\"is-RIUlIl ~lIld
dle-income (;tmilie"'. \\ hile pr~\':liling-\\";lgt.' L!\\.., ;lfl' w.l..,tdul Iii..,
\lr, Bu.sl'-", policie.., '>eeIn l;Ii- Glmp;ugn ..,t;lll·d, ··\);l\is-B.acon Ll\\ ...1I1i-
]Ort-'d to corpor:.ltC intt'rt'<;l~ fici:llly inn:t1~ the U)!o,I of feder.11 l'()fl-
and Ihl.' \\dl-to-do.~ rtlx>n- ..,tnK1ion pmWi..'1,.. ·~ 1 k (JPIXl"'e~ in< re;I..,-
L,j TIl(! .ku' H:.IIk 77111e5 on in).: the minimum wagl.:· :lnd "'~l\~ ",UH:..,
St.·ptlllllll..·r 19, 2000. :-.hould he ahle to opt OUI of \\;Igl" ];l\\S
Bu"h ..,upponed ;lllo\\in~ corpor:.lti! )11~ to
Bush and Gore: r:.lid pt:n:-.ion fum).., 10 lin;ull:l" n .. k, llll'rg-
Where They ..:!'.., .1l1d ;I{"llui"'ltiom In I?T hl" trll'tl to
Stand on the r:tid the tl.:"llCh..:r.... rl'lirL'I1Il"nt lund \() raj
Issues ror an l.·nOnllOLh tax tut for thl' \\ I:.llth)
1111..' Gcm."/ lJel:lefrnan In 1999. ;Ig;lirbt the \\i .. he.., 01 tht'
C.'lI11p:tign h:t:-. i:-"~Ut-d ;1 Tex ...... legi..,l:uure. Bll..,h tried til lkom
dd;likd l"Conornic pbn health in~Ur;1I1l"e to 220.0(}O unin ... ured
'>l·tting fonh dozen ... of poor l"hiklrell.
~rx:ci!k propo ... ;!I.., 10 Hu ... h \l·toed ;1 dUl"'" dll'c~-on htll jor


, ... _- -- ~----'- -~ - -- - -- - - - -~----

munidp.d workt'!"'o l)("t";IlI'>c he.: thOllght net:d 10 .Iddre.. .., immec.li<lld}, ..,,,id Ik
L1 might ulllk.. rminc Tex;!:.' righl-[o-\\ork \\;11t Ort'Il-"'ldn. \\ ho diren:. Ihe U)(':.
km., Hl' tm..d \0 dimin;l\t.' or pri\ ;t(!z\.: nallonal immunization pr()~r:lm
IhouXind.. oiunion loh... in Tex.I"', Bu.,h In Augu!'t thl..' nation,,1 n1\..'(ila n.·ponl..",1
IX"lit:\'e" lIllIon \\orkcl"'l undermine the Ihal a feder:11 judge h;ld "'Ieppt.-'d in ;lnd
l'ConOm}' ,Lnu hr.lg'" Ilu( T\.'-..: •• .., i~ a orck'rcd Bu.. h·.., T\..'xa:. 10 ro..: It... faill",1 dlil-
"right-Io-work' ..I.tte with 10" unioni/.;.I- dren·., ho.:-;llth ~y"'I..'1ll \ k",k.:r:11 ludg;:
lion of th(' work fORC ntk--d th;!t Ihl: --t,II\..' of Tl'\.1'> 11;1... bib.! to
Puhlil rc!.:ord., ..,110\\ thai under prmic.k· limd\' ,lIld cOlllprdll'n.. i\ I.' ho.:-;Ilth
GOH;rnor BlI"h. "'t:X;I'I 11;1.,,> onc 01 t1w Ul<:" 10 mon.: than I ') millioll 10\\ mum1\..'
\\ON puhlir h(,':11I11 n.'cord:. of ,Ill lIll' ';() t-hildn.·n. throwing a ClIJ"\l' Into thl..· hur-
.. \;ttL· ... Of alithL' "(alc.., TCX,h i .. \\'01"01 on gl..'OninR prl' ..id;:nti;ll l1llllfXugn dd1:lIe ot
hc;tlth in.,>m:.mu' lor lhildro..-n: 19Ih in :111 health policil...... " rqxlnl..'(1 111(' llilll"m:'
people \\ illt 11\.:alll1 in"Ul'allu:: I')th in jOllma/on Augu ...1 j l
"AT ">t:orc." drtl In :ILL'rag..: houri} ·Illl..' rl..'(__ord ... ho"'" Ihal Bu.,h dr.l ... tied-
,,'agc .. , 511h in ]"'Io.:r-'Ill(h.:nt c'pc:ndllUrC., h CUI ...1.lll' funding for illlmuni/... llion..,
IIII' L,ducuioll; 11n<.l in llnl.:rnp]o}"mcnt 1->1.:1\\l'e"n I<JX) .Ind 2000. 1'I..·x,1'> r:1I1k..,
m .. ur..lI1lL"; .. nd Il)th in union T1lt:"1ll1X'r-,:h 1{)\\e..,1 01 ;111 th......Iale... in fUlldint-: "'IKh
;[ Ikrn,;nl:lgl..· oltl1\..· popul,ltloll, '>CJ"\ iLe.., a.., health em' .lIld I..'{luLlllon.

TI1I..' Cl'nll'r... for Di"l',I"t-' Comrol ,llld rq)()Iled 171{' E("(mollll.\/ mag.IIII1('
Pn,;'\l'ntion cUX:) ,lIlnounn·d in .Iuh Fum.ling for Ihe"(' '>1;'1"\ Ic.-I..·... 'fell durillt-:
that Ilc)u"'ICm, -I'I..'X;\"', 11,\ ... til\..> lI)\\e... \ \11". Bu ... h·.., tenn. [he nUt-:,IIinl..' fI..'pt)nl.."{I.
dlildhooc.l immunil:.llion rat .... or .1Il} .lIld T~\;I'" i.., ·- .-th in "Ix:ndint-: per he.ld
I.I!}:I..· <.II} in th\..' country. and hl'ahh on prim;!ry and x'(:ondal), L'(llIGIIlOn on e\erYlhint-: Ih:1I ;lfft."lL'" our h\e!i· Ihl..'n.· I" much t'\ Klt.:n e" lIldlldin~ ;1
offki;!l, k.lf' II1\..' n,lIion' .. founh Llrgl',,1 :lIld -IOIh in "'1X'nding Oil puhlic.- hl..·allh hood ;md (lur Brotlu.:rhood. \\Tole '1,llellll..'ilI Irolll h .... conun:mding olfin:r.
(11\ L'" rifll' for I..'pi(kllli( It I'" -.cjlllt-'~ -lllt~ e!e(__ I;on of G\..'OI}\I..· \\ Bu ... h Imern:n;on:11 Pre'>idcm 13.lrry ;lIld whid1 ",uAAe..., ... he 11.... \I..·r IO\\L--d up_
IhmR till..' gon'rnm\..'nt and community would he a c.h.,a"'[\..'f for IBn\ ml'mher. 11lII..'rn.n;oll;\l .......-'(Telary-TR'a ... urer llill in
IllI..' "'\..'plemhef :WOO /BEll' .lour/wi 1II..' Cheney and Lieberman:
would he di.";l.,trou..,, lht.:} noted. on A Stark Contrast
1l.ltion:11 n:onomk policy. ulili,,- \\ -lUI ;1 difk-n.·nCo:.I unllmg m;lIl'
dl..·rl.'RlILltion. n;lIiIJn,11 Llhor Lm. r:lil- nukl..·... , COI1Ir:...t \jce I'll.. Iclenl Gore-..,
fO:ld retifement :.md otbt'r pen"ioll". d'OIU..' of ">l,:n:l\(Jf .10(' [ ·1x:nn;.lIl (1)-
(X"cup;'lIion:ti "':Ifety and h!;'alth, lic.'en~t''' Conn) ;." hi., vit-.... IXI..""hJl·lllu[ nlllning
lor fOfl..·it-:n ;tnd nonunion Idcc.·ommlllll tll;II\..' ,\ Ilh (;mernor Bu"h '" \ hoice of lor-
CHinn .. c()l11r;lnit"~. pay equity. j);I\i,- Illl'r GOP Ikprl.."'I..·nLUi\ I..' Ri~h;lrcl Chl..·lll')
ItlCon ;lnd projl·C.'t Jahor ;JFl"et'ml..'nt ... ," "'l'n;1l01" Udx'rrnan 11;1 .... 11l SO 1k"rLl'llt
lifetime ,·otin).: rl..'cord nn \\orking Ltlll-
Bush's Military Record il} 1....'11\..·..,-;. fl'l"Ord th.1t 'IX.lb for
in Question ;["'I..·lf ;lnd jor \'ile I'rl''''llk·nt Gort'.
"{7)e 80s/Oil Globe reportL'c! I:Mlie"r in Di(k CI1l'nl..·Y'" \'()Iing re, ord i, horri-
lhe _~U1l1Iller [hal Uu~h Ill;!} h,1\-I..· bk "The rl..·cord oj tht nn··.., \otD cm
~kiplX'd .Ill I..'ntire yt:;lr oj '\';lIion;.1 \\'{)rking l.11nih i_.......ul', dunng hh PT9-
GU:l rd duty in the" !;'arly 19"'(}.,_ The" Bu..,h 191-19 'lint ;1' ;l congre .....,man from
elmpaiAn d;lilllL-'(i thaI hI..' drilled \\ ilh \\v()rnin~ i, _~[lInnint-:l, b;ld .- noled
[hI..' IH-th Tactical Ikconn .. i..,..,:lnu.: A1L·OO I're~idt:nl Jllhn J. 'lwt:ene)
~qu;ldr()n in t\bhallu frolll l crl [0 'OJ 1')- \Ole:-. on kl'} \\(lrk lllg family
pr_"\ BUI hi" ramraign R'\k"I..·d dOClI' h"'\l(", Cill.'nt'V \'ok'd ri.l!hl iU~1 ninc
n1\'111'> from Iht.:.' "".ilion.11 Gu,lrd' .. R'PC)'" [1I11l'''- -"{'ofing .1 \\ h~ Ipp I,~ () [X'r{ c:nI
Local 60, San Antonio, lX, Registrar Armando Rodiguez, left, w ith llOr)'. and [here h no ~\idl'nn' hI..' I..'\L·r liletlllll.: rn'ort! Th.1I I..·\,,·n \\Of'>\..'
Vice President AI Gore at a labor reception. [r:lined "ilh the unit .1" rl:quirl.'d R;l\hl..·r. [h,lll "'1..'\\1 Gingrkh-" fl' ,

The Presidential Election and Workers' Legal Rights

(71)(' JoJfowing is a SlII1IIIUlI)' of !HEW/ G£>lIercll Coullse/I.aurellce Coben 's presel1fation 011 "The J1l1po nanct.'
o f (he Prc!)idcnliai Eleclion o n Our Lega l Rights" at several progress meetings.)

aw aur labor laws are odministered by government agencies, and how they are The Clinton labor Deportment reversed the Reagan lobor Deportment's attack on
interpreted by the courts, depends on the man in the White House. My message Davis-Bacon, by issuing new regulations that undid the damage of the Reagan reg-
to you is very Simple: if George W. Bush is elected President in November, fair- ulations.
ness and justice under our kibor laws will be lost for many years. We hove faced a hostile Congress since 1995, and only the odive help of this
Contrast our experiences during the 12 Reagan-Bush years, with the eight Administration--ond particularly the use and the threat of Clinton vetoes-hos pr~
years under the Clinton-Gore Administration. vented the ellOdment of a host of anti.wOOer lows thot the Republicans favored.
The Reogon-Busn Yeors . The people appointed to the federal government agen- With the appointment of mony new federal judges by President Clinton, there is
cies thot administer the labor lows hod a clear ann. a better balance in the courts. He also has mode two
union, anti-worker bias. labor-friendly appointments to the Supreme Court.
Some exomples: If AI Gore is elected, we can count on more of the
The laOOr Deportment issued new regulations that some (fair treatment). But, if Bush is elected:
gutted ma jor parts of the Dovi~con Act ond the At the NLRB, he will be able--immediotely after
Service Contracts Act. taking office--to name a new General Counsel and
The labor Department also Virtually slopped to appoint three of the five Boord Members_ There will
enforcing the Occupational Safely and Health Act. be on immediate antHabor Boord ma jorily,
Workers were left without protections. At other federal agencies, such as the Deportment
At the Notional labor Relations Boord, there was of labor, OSHA, etc. , we would gel a repeal of the
a streom of anti~abor decisions by the Republican experiences of the Reagon-8ush years.
Boord . Many of them reversed earlier cases that hod In the courts, many new hostile judges will be
been in effect for many years. It was the most biased appointed .
Boord that I have witnessed in my 36 years as a In the Supreme Court, five of the nine Justices were
lawyer. appointed by Reagan and Bush. In mostlobor cases,
Our situation was mode even worse because of we can count on only three, or at most fou r, votes.
the judges appointed by Reagan and Bush . By the Three of the nine Justices are 70 or older, a nd experts
time Bush left affice, they hod appointed well over predid that the next President may appoint three new
half the federal judges. And, they appointed five of the nine Justices on the U.S. Justices. That's enough to give us a friendly majorily on the Court for the first time in
Supreme Court, years, or to stock it against us for decodes.
The Clinlon.Gore Years . The most pro-worker, prQ-llnion Administration since the The bottom line is this:
1960,. In a Bush, Jr. Administration, labor and workers will face the some a ttacks on
The people appointed to the NlRB, the Deportment of labor and other key gov- their rights that we foced under his father and Reagan. And if a Republican
ernment agencies have been friendly to labor and have aggressively enforced our Congress is returned, we will hove no source of protectio n in the federa l govern-
worker protection lows. ment, and must expect a series of anti~abor lows.
At the NlRB today, there is a favorable 3·1 majorily, and the General Counsel of In a Gore Administration, we will continue to get the fairness and Justice thai we
the Boord is a former union lawyer. have hod for the last eight yeors-and that we deserve.


Who Will Fight
For Working Families?
Patients' Bill of Rights: .\1 Goo: ... upport.... ;J ..(mng PalH•.'nh Bill of Righh. I it' Patients' Bill of Rights: In 199'). lil..'()TRe \\ Bu"h \l"tOt...u 3 mea.,-urr lhal
belieH!,., patient .. ,.. hOLIld lu\'l:' ik'uer ;Ieee........ to "JX'oali'it .. , gU;\rJOItt'd CO\"l'r.IHl· would ha\'l" allc)\\e" p;llient!"' 10 sue Iheir 11:\10,> for negligent dt'Cisions
of emergency ((XlIn treatment and till:' righllo hnlclll\IO....I((ountahlc. (Ikl/Jas Tex:l'" r:lIlk'> 19[h in AmeHCI in it-; perc'enwgl' of rt.·..,idenl'·; \\ho lu\·l.' hcallh
l1umin~ S("Il:S, l I:HX); Dcmocrllfi(__ D('bcll£'. ,l1ml(;b(~fl·r. ,\11 I 26 (XU lIl,>urarll"t:. a1'l' A:ai~r Commi.."$ioll (}/lll(yhcait/ alllilbe l·lIiIlSIln.'tI. 500.
/lOll.\(' /JIll ]7(x,. Tew/» /.('fJ,islario! Se:).,ioll. 1995)

Minimum Wage: (;OR' \oll'd [0 r:li ....... [be 11linimum ,ugc ;lIld ;1'0
Ihnov lUlll·..., Minimum Wage: Bu ... h 0Plx)o;l:." illlrl\hing [I ....' minimum \\;lgl.." .lIld ,1\"
\'ict' Prl....ldclll 11<..' \\OrkL'tIlor allotiu.'r IIKfl'ilX' GOfl' "uppon., r.U"'lIlg thl' cur, t:\'l'l) "'I;lt~· ... hmlld Ix: :Ihll· to opt oUl of mll)lmum'\\;I~l· ];1\\-, The Tcx;I,> ... 1.lIl·
rL'n! rlllnUllllm wag\." (0 "6. l'i ,In hour (711t.' CUI/l/llt'nUlI .\f1f)(.,tll. I 200D. n,(' mlllllllUIll \\ ;Igl" ,... ').-tj'i for ;lgril"ullurl.' .mt! dOIllL'~IK "'l.'nll"l.'''' workl"r~. r.llhl·r
ColtlllliJlIS /JJ,/)/tlth. - /0 %. IIR .1-10. O}//RIt~i(m(/11 ill(' -"292, II N 89; IIR 2. t h;m Ihl' kdl.'f..11 1ll1l11l11111ll \\ .Igl· oj ..,'i l'i .11) hour (1Ielllp/11.\ OJIIIlIIl"'( IlII
CiIllJ!r('x"fOlW/ \ (}I(' ~6H. i [- 8<), liN $-'U, Om,I!,rt."",,/ollllf \ (>Ie ·()22. 1020 --) . 1/lIJt'fll. J(J II 99. IXIIla., IfrmllllR \('/1"\. 9 /0 99J

Davis-Bacon & Prevailing Wage: tlort: ,>uPlxm,> Da\i.... -Bawn. G(m' ha'> Davis-Bacon and Prevailing Wage: Bu.,h helit:ve,> Ih.u J);t"b .. Bal"()n and pre-
alw3Y'i roughl to prol\..'(·, tbe ft'dl'ral [)a\l ... ~B'Kon tlW Ih.1t prolt.'(·I." a \\ofkt:r"" \.lilinR-'" .Igt.· law ... arc: ,\ astd"uL 11i:- c:unp:lign ... tatl..xI. 'D;I\'is· B;]con b\\:o. ,mi ..
righl [0 a rair wage, am.! he 'iUpport ... l'xpanding lilt' !:J\.. 10 indmk '>lhool fi('i •• lI} injl:itl.' thl: cC):o.t of fedl:ral Olll'>tl1.l(tion rroicc.:tl>: .\ Bu,>h Aclminislr:llion
con'>lrunion. f7be Commerdl/I Appcal, 12 (Xl: fiR 5J.12, (.I,mgr{'s..w)//lIl I iJI£, \\oulJ rcpt.',11 Ihe proll'ni{JIl of 1 );t\is~U;Jum. (nIl! Commercial Appea/.
::105. ') 2100) I l() om
Privatization: (iclrt.' ... upport ... puhllt "'l·t.lclr \\clrk~·r... (~c,r~' C'PI")(N'~ priU[I/_1 Privatization: Bu ... h ~upptln.'" pri\';ltiz;ttion lIu..,h Iril'd to dill1in.lle: lh()lJ~.lnd ..
[ion tkit would 1..'lImlnaie tll..'(L'nl I{)h~. and h\.' k-d [hL' ;ltimin i ...lr;ltior)"... fi/-{h[ dunion job. . hy pri\.lIi/in~ gme:rmnell\ ...enil"l'.... in Tex;.... \\hen hi ... pbll
.. lgdJll"'\ BLI~II'~ pl.lll 10 prl\<lti/e )-:o.. t.·rr)lll~'n\ ~\.'I"\ il'e~ in Tl·'.I~ (Gr,n'I·II/II/-!. \\;1:-' "'[OPlwd. BlI~h ;IILlCkl·d union,> lor prolL·t ling n1l"Il)I ....·r. loh,>. (/lrlll.,lm/
I/flg{/:IIIt'. (r 981 C/)nJII/(/e. ., 1-' 9- IJtllla.\ \fonl/ l lg .\"£'11'-'. I 209-)

Right-to·Work: Gore 0PIX)!-ol':-. so..(·.. l1t.·<.1 "righHo-work law.." ;lIld ..,;ly,>. ·the RighHo-Work: Btl'>h "u]llx)rts MrighHO-W()rk. BU"ih helit........... union workers
right to 0TRanize and b:IQpin coile(.·tl\dy '>hould ncver he h lcl<:kt:d, nt'\'("r be untll'lll)i"e the t.'COnom}· .II1J a."">1...E1.~. ··Tex;J. ... is a riRhHO.. work state. w ith low
Slopped and ne\·t:r. t'vt'r Ix: l:Jken aw;LY-~ (Cllialgo T,,"bllll('. ~} 1'99) un!oni/~ttiol' ot Ihe work force.'· UllSh .11.'0() 0PIXhl:S union rL'prc'>Clltalion for
puhlic l'mploYL'(''>. (TJlIIifI \\ odd. 2. ) -·W. wtl"" .ltie{L stale. t.\'.Ils/TX0I'en1iew .
~lJ 823. 199') 7b'(I.~ /.I..'RI~,I(/IiH' '\t.';);.sicJ/I)

Medicare: (;orl' {lppo"'l.'~ ~ul~ to J'lkdil.l!"~· .md \\i11l1~e 11ll" hlldg~,t ... urplu"'lo Medicare: Bu..,h ~llpport.., r:li..,ing J'lkdi(';I1"l' eIJ~ihiljlr agl..'. IIlJ~h ~lJPporl.~ .1
... [;lhl1l/l' \kdicla' ;llld gU.Hanl~·l' pr~·..,trlrtion drug Iwndit ... tll .111 ~l'lli{)r'> pl.!!) Ih.11 would, I1ll'ltt'(I. pl"\\ ati/e ran 01 \!(:diel!"e lly ~'~uh!j..,hing.1 \'out"il
through J\!edkar~' (,on.: deknd.., thl: right of "'~·niot· ... to lvlll;lin in tra dition,1I ~'r ..,)"..,tI.."111 !lu..,h ~\lppon~ lH.:;l1ioll ()t pri\;t1l' mcdiLd '>;(\I[)g'> ,Kl'Ounh. \\llJdl
k'l.."-rol"-"'l.'nill: 111..";11111 ilhUr<ll1le pJ.!fl~ if Ihey ~o tk'~ir~· (,\{llirJ/J(/I.lolII'Jwl. \\Ollid hl'lll'nl 1l);linly 11ll' \\l:;lhh}·. I~u~h 's SIB Irillion tax Cllt \\'c)uld il:a\'e n()
H 12 .!(}(}(): I.IJ.o; ,\11,.;('1('., TIII/t',. () .!.!()(/: Ol'S 1/0/1/(" 1<(',t!.f.~ lel: 1l/.l599. 'lfw money 10 :-.horl' up ,\kdiclrc (S(llir)l/tl/ jrml"l/tll. i 1 00: 11)(' H'llisbiliRIOII
\\aslJ///t,;I(J11 I'osl. 1]099) 1'0.-1, .~2FO(j, IIIIJ('rial @ Il b d ', Sepll'IIJ{:X' I" 2()(}())

Trade: Gore suppon,> frl..""C·\rade polkie...,. hut ;Ibo empha:-.i~t's lair u;ltle. (iort· Trade: Bu..,h strongly ,>upports !ret: traue polkes and ruB Ir;.tding pri\'ileg~:o.
"iupponL'd pcrmant'nl oorm,lI I[':ldc fl.'bli!)r)s , .. illl China (;ort', howL'\t'r. for China. BlI~ h opposes linking trade agre:l.'llll'nlS to labor rights and l'rwi ..
p!<:dgt:,> 10 put \\ orkl.'rs· right" aou l'nvironment.11 protl't·tion ... into /-:Iohal Hlilmenl;!1 i<;.sue.... Bush ()pposeS comlitioning Ir:ldt, lilx'r:lli:.-:.tLion on prowe!>'i
Irade aod jon:.~tml'm ilgri:'t"llll'nh. l;(lrt~ r,lvors linkin~ tr:ltil.: agrt.·(.'Ill~'m., t() on lal")()r. hum,11l right:-. .lIld Cll\ironm~ntal i ...:o.\Ie." (I....a/iolla/journal,1 1i()(J.
Jalx)r :Jr1d l'rn·ironml.'nt<ll i,>,>ue~. (.\alfmUillol/I·//(/I. 11'2000. 81212000. 8 1.2;(X); .·I ....wx..i(lftyll'n:.....~.{ 1(J/t)O)
Associated Press. J 1000; ,11111'liC(I I \\ fJrk. .kptemlJf.'1" .!(XX))

Pensions: (;or~' ha,> hl..·1"1l ;1 k;ldl"r 10 protl..·( ling ;111<1 IInpro\lIlg IX'I, ... ion bell Pensions: ,Iter promi"'lIl~ 10 protl'll tcadwr.... Ix·n ... ion ... dtlrin~ hi ... clmp;lIgn
dit ... 111 ... \\ork h;I'" k.:pt yflllr m(ml.') ....Ifl· ;Ind nl..lJl' II l":t~il'r to kl'l'P your lor gme:fIlor, (;~'orgl' \x· Bu ... h ... iRI1l'd into !a\\ Ihl.." 1.uge ... 1 rn!uuion II) Tex.l.~
Ill."n~i()n ht... ndll~ when you mon° \0 ;I !1C\\ loh. (\{'IIIIIf' HIli 6,"6. 10/,1 IL·:ll"her IX'n~ion funding L'\l·r. Then. in 199"", Bu~h Ifil'd 10 Llid the Il'.ldll'["'
O'/IIU'e.,-' lI/1ile Ilmrw I're,.' R('/{,fIW. -;.~{)l)8. 1.0.' . 111}.!(,/!'., "fillll". II.lW). n:tirl.'llWnI lund ;1~;lin to P;L\" tor.1 I.L'o; nJl Ih;1I hl'lll'fitl'd nl;linl~ 11ll' \\I..';d\h~
\fllI OieRo (llioll Tnlmlle. 8 If) 95) flXIIla., IfUl'llIlIg .\el/".\. I 99-. { 28 Wi)

Social Security: Gore oppo.'>C..·'> hight'r retirl"ml'/U :lgL·'> Gort· \\ illul\ e... 1 a por- Social Security: Bu:-.h h;I'> propo......J :1 :-.<xi.1l Sccurit) pri\':lIiz;:lIion plan lhal
lion of Ihc budgel surplu ... III kt:t'p S(xiLiI Security ,>lrooK Gore'" plan would woultl cut f.tuar:Hlteed l)I;."ne:fiL". l'llh Iha[ .... <mid f .. 11 h:.rdl'.~t on working pt.-"O-
protect guar.lOtc:l..-cl benefits .mU offer worker ... "uppll'lllt'ntal Rc:tirt'lnelll pll". I It' t'\"en would con'>itlcr rai~ing [ht.· fl'tirCIllt:nt ;tge Bu,>h al<;() has pro-
Saving... Plus" accounts on top of promi'!t!d bene:fit'> 10 hoo...1 relirelllt'1lI for p()~\..""(1 ;10 enormous tilX nil lor till' wealthy al the cxpcn.o;c of Scxial Security
10\\ anulllooc:rall'.. incorm.' familil's. Gorl.'·s pbn woulu cnahh: w()rkin~ f,m) .. Ilu'>h would priV;ltl/l' ....ocial 'x;:l'urily by di\'ening 1X'\\"'cen 16 percent ;mel
ilit'~ 10 ulntrihule .1 ponion of tht'ir incomt: In Ih(' IOltk).. like: aCloum ... ;lIld 11 peR'l'nt of S<K'ial ~l·l·uril}"·'> p .. yroll [ax rt'\ellue into pri\;lIil.t..'d, indivillual
Ihe: gon:"rmnl'nt would nlaKh the contribulion on J 'iliding -.t.::lle, [Il\' 100\t.·r .1l."l·ClImL.... Ou'>h t()UI~ the '\\calth (,"rcation' Ix)tl.'ntial of prjv;lle ;\Ccount,>,
thl' incotllt". th<ll brger the 111<1lch. Eligihllity for Rl'tirt'lnl:nl I'lu~ Sa\ing'> \\hi( h arlo.· C(}I\tf()ve~i:l1 ;Intl at:cnlt' more tir:1Il13lically to uppcr.. income
lop~ ofT at ~';o.oC)o f(Jr a smglt' pt.'pion ,md 'lilflO.On(J for a ('oupl!! (.\afill/ltli im l·'>tOI"'>.f,\(flifllW/ journal. It 12 (X). Amerlca ~ \r()rk. 5<1)(em/)('r 20(0)
jOIlr1wI. 1 1 200(); AmeriClI @ If'm-k.'iefJ/t'miJer 200f)}

Education: l~orl..' "'lrongl~' ...uppon.,> hlp:lnh;lll !t'gl ... btlon 10 rd"llliki .lIld mod Education: Bu ... h \\ ;1111'" It, t:h;l1lnd 1,1 \ P;I\l'f dollar... Ihrou~h HllI('hl.'r'" 10 11;1\
ernlll' tilt" n.ltion· ... cnlrnhling d.t ...... room... (iurl' '>upporh ... trong publil tor pn\';lIe 'o('hool l.."(.IUClllol1 Itltlwr tlun lI11prO\ Ill/-: puhh(' ...(h(M)I .... Bu ... h
,><-'hfM)!... ;Iml \\ ..Inl ... t() iI1\L,....1 in .'>lh(M)IIlI(KIt'rIlIZ.llltlll .Ind CtJll ... tnKti()I) (i()rL' propo.....·... lO ~i\e l.'.Kh "'[mlt-nl JIl ... uh'lur pt.lhlil ... chool~ ..1 limill·d \'omher I"
1".1\ Of', rl:duLing lll''> '>i/l: .md pro]lo",~'~ lInl\·l.'l"o,11 prl''''( hool Gore oppt ,... ~.~ .1I1t.·ml .1 pri\;ul' or p;trtX"h i,d ... ~hool Uu,>h 0Plx,...e ... hlpani ... ;m Ic:g!~I ..Uio!1 in
\OlKIll'1"'> hut ,>uppons Lhartl·r 'thool ;lnd puhlit ...chool (hoilL'. (iOfl· ... up· Congre:.,... [hal would rl.'hwld \merk.I· ... dl'll..'rior.Lling d;l,..room .... ( 11II('nUI II
pon ... exp;lIlding the: k"lkr:d role: II) educliion, ICldudm~ 1l';llhl'r IHring .Ind \I (Jr/.:•.\c1J1l'ml)(.'r .lOfX)}
If.lining. "'lh(x)1 Ctll1"'lnKtion . • lOd t.·;JrI\ -dllldh(MM.1 edLlc;t1 ioli (\oliO/wl
.!rJIIl'lwl. 8 12.l()(X,.• lm('I""I(;(1 d Ili'I"./:. ~(1}/('mlJf.'r .!f./()()/

Prescription Drug Benefits: Gore prOIXJ">t''> a uniforlll. univt:Nal pre'>(:npllon Prescription Drug Benefits: lllt: BLI'>h pl;l.n relics on the ",!Il)L' pri\.ue m;trkct
drug benefit progr:un Ihat would t:O\w all the: dd(.'rl)" unuer l\k'di(."art'. (i(1rc'" fmt:es Ih;}t have hrou~ht senlOI"'> mJs~in' -'kdicm: 11\10 pull()ut<;. Uusb's pro-
plan orrc~ all ~It!di(":lrc bend"ic.:iarie~ .1 Etllar:uuC:!ed. ddlned Ilt.'nefil witll fixed posal tloc.'> n o t neat ..' ;1 unin'r.al drug hl.:neft[ that would 1)1.-' a\'aibhle to all
prcmiurn~ Ihal cover ,Ill ntt."llil·al1> IlL·ce ...,:;:lry dntgs. (;orl'":-. pl:ln will uS!:;"" tIll' dtlt:rI), at Ihe 'klllle ~o~t. Only low iI1C01lll: people (with in{:ome~ of Ie......,
I\l edic<lre\ barg:lining p'mef ;1" a m'ljor fl·dt.:r<.tl purdlJ~\.·r to nq-toli,lIe bir than SIUDO per }l'ar) \\llulll be fully ... uh~illizi..'C.i. Bush',> propll:>al \\Otdd
urug prices J.nd obl.lin big d iscounls. The Gore pttn i'> ..•...'illlated \0 reach 10 (.·xdmk tt.:n~ f)f m illions or pt·')plt' from Iht: prol-tr:m1. The Bu~h pre~cription
liml:" lhl' numher 01 Medicare rl.'cipit'nt'> ;1'> Ihe Bush pl~lI). ('/11(, \ell' l orA- drug phm woultl reI)" p rimarily on Ihl.' "tate.., and thl· p ri\":IIt.: insur..IIKe inllu.,-
Time:>, 9 7100; 711£' \t llsbillJ.:ltJll Post. 9 7;(}(), AP/.-C(O f>/IIJIi, Policy try ~t;UL· partit:ip;.ILion would hI.: \"olum;If), ••Inll "'Llle,> and insurance comp:J-
lJe/Xlnmelll) nies would I'll.' aJlO\n·d to <;l't dilkrc!)t prl'lnilllll It.:vd:-. and hendlls. The Bush
ptt n would nOI re'>Ir:l1rl :-;O,l["ing drug price:>. ('fbl' ,\('Il' ~Or./: Times. 9 ZOO: nJ(!
1\ ·a..~/JI1I}.!(()// "osl. 9 7/(}{). AFt -ClU Public Poli(.y /)eptll1menl)


---- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- ------ -- - - -


Who is Joe Lieberman? Who is Dick Cheney?

Ill' Illghh rl:"'IX:( [ed .\llI/mlll( "1 .11I/f!rlUIII f'O/OIl__ ' h;l~ [Ill'" 10 "a\ ;Iho\ll Illurd Chent:\ fl'pn.''>t'ntL'd \\y Ollllll),: 1I1[1l\.' t ... I lou,>!.: \)' k \fl.'<,C nta(JH:"
Connt'(IIUJI .....:tutor JO"'l'ph I I.h:lwnn:Jn:-ln hi ... .,<c'("ond Il'rlll JIll'] 11.1'" tOnK'
10 <M.·ClIP\ ,I unlqlll' pLIo.' III Ilw '-ot'nall'. C::\'t"nlllg tntllll..'ntl' out 01 proponloll
10 hi~ <;('nIOrlly, (Om!llltll't' pO'>il iol1 of poliricil dOli\. an intllll'IKC: thai ('Oll1l" l rom
trolll I'r9-&-!. lit: hl..'('.ullI..' "l·(n: t.I~ of n~..'fl:n .. t: lllltlL-r t.
('l'Of'gl" H \'\' Hu.,h . PnOT \0 hi .. "ekdlon .1" (;l~ l rgt: \\
Chene\' \\~I'" duirnMI1 ,md (hid e'l'UIlI\ l.' ofriu.:!' of I tlllihlU1
,'r Pn..... ll.il;n l
,II'., runillng
the \\-odd".,
fe'J>Clt for hi... inlll'pt.:nllcntt· 01 mind. d\ility ol ... piril ,Inll liddit\ tOlhc l,ll.I~L'~ in L1r).:I..':-'1 ,.,uppllt.'f of oil field '>en in::'> to l1uio!' oil UJIllP;!!lII..'''
"hich It<c' bt:lio.::\ e" IlaJlihunol1 b ;Ibo Iht' p.ITell! compam of Bnm n 8: Root. onL' ,I .\ ....U( WL'd
The right, llf "(Ir]..t·r..... Ifl' ;tmllllg the C!lL~t.'... in \\ IIi .. h "'cn.lll)r Llt·he.:rm,ln lIuildt:r.. ;l1ld C:ontr,ILln,,' 1110.. ( Lm;uil-alh JllIlUl1!OI1 tOn .. tTUlllon 1111 (Tlu..' I\IK I..
he.:lil:\e' "'lntL" III" t'!L'uion to Ihe t ... "'etMtl'1Il 19HX. JOt' Lldx;'rmall ha"l'omplkd ;1 /L,;tlou .. fot.' of !ilL' [)a\'l,,·B.IUlI1 I\u. proWn I.lhor .IWl'l'mL'nt .. ,Ind Ildmg tr:llk·"
,Ill Hl [lL'rtl'm RighI \"o1lllA r('('nrd a" 1.lhllLllnl hy Ihl' 1111'\'\ \\hl"n IIIl' roll \\.1' I Irg;lnl/lng ta11lpaign'>. 1 A ... ll1an~ IH!:\\ IIlt'mlX'I"' ).;nl)\\ ISnl\\ n 8 .. I( m ..11ll1<lUh ;1
cllled. hl"re j, hcm ">t:rMtor l.lcbefman \ ()tcd on kq I.....'ue~, nJlhle... _,>, Jl()--Iu,ltb-harred ..lppro;llh \\hen il nUIl1).1['> IIW\\ (Jrg.Uli/lJ .llllp,ligll'"
Worker/ Union Righh: l.iehc.'rm.tn \-(ltcd Chcllt.') rook L";:lrJ) rdill.:'lllCnl IRlm
in f"\llf of lln:-ut:tt'",rul lq.v_~LtIl()n 10 11,lllihllnon in Jl1h alll;r hcin~ '>l'll-l1l--o ,I'>
outLI\\ tht:: practitt:: oj perm.lIll'ml\ thc Rt'pllhll( ,m \I( c prL..,tdcntlall;lIlthtble
n:pbung 'Irikmg workCf'_ I Ie oppo'>t'd I k' ,11"1) rook .L lot 01 I blhbunoll <.tolk .Lnd
n:luon:il righl-to.work il:'gl<;IaUOIl lit' "1I)(:k Ilphon" \\llh hml. mdudmg hun·
;tho ",rood fa ...1 ;tA;tm~t illlll-,;tlimg Jt:W'>I,1 JR,h 01 lilou ....lnJ.'> of "'11K!.. ...h.m..'" ..mJ
lion pll',hed by nonunion nmlr.lllOl"o flpti"n~ tl~1I hl' would haH.' h. IIJ 10 loriclt
He aho hdped ddc:at fl;'(\er:11 -Paydlcl].. in .1 nonnal ~Irly rellrt1nt'1li For '>e\l:r.11
Dt:cl:plion- Iq{I'\I,Uion, I k al,o oppO-...ed \\ L--'t'k, ;1 tkh;lh.:' r:IRL-xi 0\ <c'r \\hat C111:nL'\
thL· Ro.:puhlictn-hiltkl'd TEA\I,A(1 \\ hie. h ...hould do \\ ith hi~ I 16 million '11Kk
\\-ould allo\\ comp;my lInion~ and optIon, :lnd ...hare,> to J"em()\c ;t potcnl1al
ht.'lped blo('k l1le:l~ure,> 10 ,IUm\ l'Cl1np;l- ("onOitl or Inlt.'rt.~I, If 11l<c' Bu ... h·ChcO(.')
Illo.:'" to deny on'nllllt' pa)' to \\'()rkt'r. 111 te,11ll I'> dt:ctcd In earl\' ">t:'ptt'mher he
favor of compt:n~at()r} rinw -';U.:rifit'L,(j" 6(,0,000 of hi.... '>toe.:k opllon ... h\
~~11l his secolld term Davis'Bo(on: Licherm . m hJ'" \(ltcd on -.c..-IJing thcm JI.I profit or S18.3 million Chelley's ,'oUllg
m;lny (X'Ghion ... to uphold rhc leller and Chcnl-~-'" \()ling rec.:onl in C()ngR~'"
[he] has come to ~pirit of the feder:11 pro.:\aillllg \\ .lgL' 1..1\\ , pTlI\ KIe ... :l \\ md{)\'. 1ll1(1 hl'" ;lntlllllHlIl I)hl
record ill COllgress
occupy a unique mdl1lJmg ;Ipplytng il 10 l<c'der.11 ,>dUXl\ IOMlphy, \\hICh app:lrenlly \\';1'> well ~ provi€les a willdow
construuion and m:llIltl.'nam:e 11'gi~I,! ­ de\doped long berore he Glllle to nm the
place ill the Sellate, tlon, diS<I~tt.'r rehef efforts . lOd millt;\!') rat nm..,tnlt'tJon comp.any, Bn)\\n &. Hoot
illio IJis alltiu llion
exerting ilifluellce out conslruction prolt!Ch Davis·Ba(on: Chent')' \\ .IS <I prime oppo- philosophy , ll'hicIJ
Health ond Safety: \hl'>t fL"e.L"ntly, nenl of the fclleml prev;tiling \\;Igt' 1a\\ III
apparelltly was wel/·
oJ proportion to his Lil'hcrlllan ()ppt)'>t'd Rt'puhll(;ln -led Con).\rc,,,_ From 19-9 rhrou).\h 19X-, 111:

seniority, committee effort.:. to hkx'k rbl;' impll;'menurlon h) la ... t at ka ... t "ix In:tJor \Oll:'" \\Im:h would developed lol/g beJore
O~I-IA of .111 c.::rgunomlc, ,>t.lnd.trd 1II: han' \'\c:lkenL-xi D:l\i..'>- lhcon protl'(1.IOn
position oJpolitical has ;iI'-O fought aUl:rnph to gut O"'IIA., on miltt;u) COlblruc..1.ion. proJet..t.... unllt'r
he came to "111 the ral
budget . tnd enfOfl.:Cll1l:1l1 pcmcr'> Ihc Enmomil D('\e]opmem ,\n. 'lIh\\;I~ cOllslruction compallY,
clout, all itifluence Sodal Se(urity: l.U!hernl,ln h,h voted on t'On,lruc:tion and highwar pf'()JI;'(1S
u". . BrowlI & Root.
that comes Jrom 1\\0 ocC'd_,>ions 10 the feder:t l hml~et DOllble-Breasting: In tht' 1980.... dd>,1I1;'
- Pol itical N e w ~ for \'('orklO~ Families
surplus 10 gu:tr.mtet.' Ihl' fi.,ctl h",ahh of r;lw-'(1 0\ t:r I~~i"huion to h::m Ihe practilC'
respectJor his s()(ui ....c.::('uril\' hdort' 11 ('ould Ix: ...pent 01 ;tllo\\ mg unioniL<c'd firm" 10 oper:llc . I
on tax CUb_ I II: h'h .Ibo emlor-.ed tht ... nonunion dumm} c..orporatiun in ordt'r 10 urnUll\l'nl kdl.'r.11 LlI'I< ,
illdepelldence oJ position in hi~ currl:nl c,unp.ugn OPIX)-.ed such legi,<;btlon in 19H6 and 191'r
lIli1/d, civility oJ Source- 18E\\ 1.C'Rb/llfll'C· ACfI(J11 Safety and Hea~h: In hi.<. first ),c-.lr In Congre...'>. Chene\' \'Otell to If),j million
eel/IeI'. 2000 \ 'oil' Gbw1. /i '/I'I/' IbewoIR from O~IIA ... hudget to condUt1 loh"ilt' in"pt."llion ..
spirit alldJidelity Worker Assistonc:e: S!:r\'in~ in Con~" dunn).\ Ih<c' Rea).\,m re~.. <c'.""1
to the causes ill Chene} \(lll..--d -.c.:\en tUllC ... "gam:.t prugrJm~ In prondl' Ir.unmg. ~)I l~mplO\ ment

which he believes.~~ ;I"i... tan(c, . lnd homl:' fort::tlosUfe pmlL-'("\lon to \\or~ong LlIlIilll'_'> lilt ham ,)b cuth:tck....
':'OllrCf!_ 'Puhtica/ Neil'S/or \\()I'kIl1R F{l/1/Iht'c\, AFI-G/O I..lIiJ()r .!f

~J\l ma n ac of American Po l i l ic~ FamIlies \ 'Ole, bttp· (/wll'Il'aj1cIQ,or8l/(lhor.2(X}() IIl'/I'''-_c)I('I/t'j'2 /11m

Texas IBEW Members Talk About Bush

71Je lol/OU'illl!, tlrlide IClIs su hmitled I~y Ill'() /BE\r" members from S3.fX)() ,I rear below the n:llional .In:r.lge Tex;1'> Ih.11 Bu<;h i~ lurI \\llh ..lIld
111 tc:.ldlel"o P;IY BU!o.h did nOI hft J finger d<x: ...nt eire 10 l'h;lng~ In I.K\. he
Texas: RolJe11 Slw(>e is busilless nUl /UlMer oJ Local 2'8 (pnman(J' a
10 help Ihc IL'";\Lhcf:'. get nU)fe. llll;~ LI:\.I;''> \\(luld likt' thl..· re'>t of tl ,linin 10 he
COllslme/lOIl locol) i" C01pUS ClJ1isli. and job" /Jaker is 1I memlX'r (!f' ho.: hr.lg' ahoul ("'lilting would tu\"e got- like Tex;l'>. "hidl I~ _
Local 2286 (a utility loca/) iN Beall/non!. Bm/ber Sbake bas Ix'ell ten Ihe te:lLhc~ mOfe money • ~O". III ~pending I,)r t Itht!r;.
actj('e III fhe IJemOCrtilK Pany sillce 1968 with Ibe pllrp{J.w~. ({Iltclllel- 1..0:1 ... 100].. .\1 .'>Orne of thc otl1L'r Ih1l1g' ...;Ibrie'>
illl!, labors issues wilhill fbe /JtI11J'S platform, Brotber /Jakel' bfl.\ Bu.,h pr(jpo~.J . I:> go\crnor \\e I.:an 19' I'" 'pending on It
worked bis u'ay lip ill fbe Democratic Pm1y aud is I/OU' (/ melfi/x'" of '>tar! \\llh pa}dl<c'ck deu,:ption. \\hlth ell\'lronment
would prohlbll llnion..<; from PMliClP;II- l lf III pcr~clplu hI! c ng for
Ibe Texas Stale /)emocratic PCll1y E\-eclltil'e Committee.
1Il).\ III IX)hlic<; Without Ihe /:XpfC ... '> nm- puhlil hl';tlth
...ent of ,III members. not lu~t the m;l]or.. • -t-" in deli\'el)' oj "'-II. .11 SC:f\ itL'~
e "lIlcerely hope thu Ibe Bush liko.:: ... \0 hr.l).; ho\\ Ilt· nit t,lxe'" 11)' H e is II s trong s upporter of • 12" in <.hiltl-... uppc m o l1ectiOib

W rl.'ader'> of tht~ anJcle will

takl' to heart our common
pllrJX~'>e FVt'n though \\'l.' come from dif·
\'\'0.:'11, he did nll Llxt!...- for the oil intlu'>
(1)', They cril.'d ;IIXIlil hem IXld tllmg'
\\ere ;Lod him lilt'} \\erc going to gO
- right .. lo-work" (for l ess).
Thi~ i~ him dcu:pti\e Bu~h c;tn be:
I k \\'ould ~uppon <In illt'Te;I~1;' in tho.::
• II 11) pl'r-Llpll,1 "'1X'nding on
public educat ion
• ~", hlghe~1 III pen cntage or
fo.::1"t!nt hl~I!KllI..\~ of the !BE\'\', ;Ind evcn out of bIL~inc ... ~ if they didn'l gl.'i . I I;IX millimum \\ . lgL· .h long a~ M:lll;'l0 had a popubl1oll IIVlIlg in po\"t!rty
thou.gh \\C Ii\ l' _WO mile~ ;Ip"n, \\1: , along Clit 13u,h g"VC Ihclll :1 S IOO million LIX nghl 10 opt (Jut Talk alx)ut a back door • 1~ III aIr ;md \\";ltl'r pollution
\\llh ]cl\herl I 13F\\ memhl:r" III Tl.'x;.... , clil 11." Ihc p ricc 01 }-our g",olll1(' wme .Ippfo:ltb to ;Ibolislung the Intm\llUlll • I I!l poor \\-'orking o. rt!nt.~
want 10 lell our BrO!/ler. ;In(l "'I...IL·!"> do\\n to whl.:rc II u'ot:d 10 lx:' Bll,h \\,1<' \\ ,IRe_ Organil.l--<.I L,lx)f would ha\'C 10 \\ Ilhout health in"llT.I " e
. Ieros..' Amenci wll;.u Ih<..'y un expect il . Ill fOf it \\ hen 11ll'\' r,tl'ot:d I,"l·... in fighl thi" b:mll' in SO \I,lIe~ cvery ye:lr • I 111 pt:rn'nt,lge (II IldrCIl
Bu"h I'> dt.'1.1t'(l prt"'ldt"nl \1 fiN \\e Arlmglon_ TL"X,I". 'o(J Ilw titl/t'n ... Hluld Bush likes to brag about Tuas' anti· wilhout hL'";llth ilbUI (;'
lookt--'(j . II tht! n . lIK)I~11 opullon poll~ ,tnt! fund 11ll' Uln,tnlt'tion 01 .1 h,I .....:ll..IlI '>t.l- union aUllosphcre and low wages. TIle • high"'~t in cost 01 I ,"'()wncr.-
......11 III lmer th ...hehcf Ih..11 Bu..'>h \\ ..1<' ;Iho.::.ld, lIillm for Ihe 1(;'".L1I1 hL' oWlled Texas AFt-ClO successfuUy suc..."tI Bush lIl~lIr:.lnlo.:'

·Illt.:n "0.:' re.t!t/l'tl IluI Bu,h \\,1' r..ll-.c.:h Bu:-h Ii]..e'" lu t.l]..e tTt,hl {(Ir gl\ tng Iht' when he refused to follow state law and • tho.: onh _~t.ttl: thaI J. nOl rl'Ql1lrl'
I,,]..ing tTl---'(j1\ for nun) good thing" III our It-..!tll",r. .1 Sj.()(X}-,I-\I:.\r r.tl-.c..' nit, pm· appoinl a n emp loyee (0 the Texas employer~ to h,l\t- .... ~kef', t'Om·
'oIalo.: :lIld 1>llrptN'" 1t":1\ mg (Holt thn...t' had bhor 1">t:'llll.XT:ltll IHl'ml-x:I"o 01 Ille "l'l':\.;I" Workers' Compensation Conun.ission pcn"auon m"'Ui.llllt'
IhmA-... ht' h,l'" dOI1l' III k '...... whlll! II l.cgl"bturL· CIUOftLU '>I)mL' poh{ It'" -.c..1 c hairmans hip. Bush wiU help an ",0\\ leI ... uke;1 k)(.k IU" ",Ollle of
,ldoplt'Li nn .1 Il..I11I1I\,11 It"\l'I. \\ill hun Ie.nil h~ .1 prt'\IIJll ... I>o..·'!lIII:r.UII gll\t'rn()r employer O\'er an employee C\'ery time. Ihl' Il-gi<;l.lIlon BlI~h H J that wa ...
\\orlong I.lInlll\"" .tnd tTlppk· IIllHIIl" in gel thl'" r:u-..;' ht'n ,Il th.lI, T\.'\,I'" '''' "'1111 TIle rollowing b ;J Ii ..., of thing' ;IIX1UI C(mrlll! {HI pagf! / f


1969-1974 1975-1976 1977-1980 1981-1988 1989-1992 1993-2000
~~oo ----·--······ .. -.----... ----·.-·-.··-·.·.·-·IEI·~·!S5~.a. ··-.-- .. -----... -.. -- .... -...... -..... . 90/0


-C V)

co 0


CU d) --0 ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

~ -~ 100 ...................... -.................... -.......................-.................. --........ .


-$200 ................ . S600
If the (linton/Gore Demouotit policies continue over
the next eight years, the surplus is projected to be
UNEMPLOYMENT RATE $565 billion in 2008, according to (ongressional
S500 Budget Offic&-lhe nonpartisan budget and
economic advisory agency of
the U.S. Congress.

-$300 L - - - - - - - -......L._ _ _ _ _--.!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~~C===-_ _----l ]SJoo

* April 2000 figure Prepared by the IBEW~ Research and Technical Services Department. Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics; Congressional Budget Office iii
** The budget surplus of 1969 is due to the budget submitted by Lyndon Johnson S200
*** Congressional Budget Office forecast (July 2000)


SO 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Source: (ongressionol Budge' Office forecas' (July tOllll}
Prepared by !he IBEW Research and Technical Services Deportment.


e roun
11 199- 1, control o f the ch:mgl.:d h,H1 d~ dose 10 ZL"fO on labor issues.


from the DCi!lOlTal'i 10 lhe J{epllblica ns . While Tile 1BEW helic\ e~ tll:11 it is tilll\:, If) retire lhe... <:
not a,s G lUglll up in 1hl.:' COI1..,<:t"\':l!iH' n:.:\ o lu- and other ~en:J(or ... \\ho h,jvC hl'eTl .It Ihc forefront
lional), felvor ;:ts their linus\,' (Oll JlIl'f]XlflS under of anti-worker milia[ives in the "'vlla te. II j<, cqu::ll-
i\C\V\ Gingrich. lile ~cna(c rlc\l'!ll1clcs<., hecamc a I} irnpo l"l:Ir11 10 till open scaL.. \\ Ilh lilt.: 1ll0fL' pro-
Ie....... friendl)pbce for working pcopk. Sever:.!1 worker of lilt' ca ndidal c~.
ll1emi)(:rs o f llle upper chamber in 199'1, in<:luding TilL' following i" a look al tilt" kt'}' ra t·e .... llul \\ ill
Rod Gr::un" of j\'1inncsuia. "'pence: r Abraham of decidt· \\ hether lilt.: ~l'nale \\ ilJ hi.. 1I1 working t:on-
i\lichig:tn. Rick S:tnlOrurn ot Pl'nn~ ylva nia and John 11'0 1 o f ,\ majorily fa\orable l O lahur or cominu (; a::.
Ashcroft 01 tvli'isouri. h::I\'L' amas:.cd \ oling n:(:ords .1 hast ion ot pro-co rporate . . entlllh..'nt.

Delaware support of workplace standards like Davis-Bacon and OSHA enforcement-is well
Republican Sen. William Roth has a lifetime record of voting for workers and their established from his previous campaigns and from his lengthy service in state govern-
unions only 19 percent of the time, but no incumbent senator has been beaten in ment.
Delaware since 1972. This time however, Roth faces a powerhouse of Delaware po~ Rod Grams has voted against the IBEW position 59 out of 61 chances in his one
itics, Gov. Tom Carper, who is also a farmer House member. term in the Senate . That record includes votes against the bon o n the permanent
Gov. Tom Carper. Lifetime ]BEW record: 7S percent Right. replacemen t of striking workers, the Family ond Medica l l eave Act, severo I mini·
Tom Carper would use the federal budget surplus to shore up Medicare and Social mum wage increases and even a vote against using tax-free construction bonds to
Security and was an original cosponsor in the House of the bill to ban the permanent rebuild schools. His favorable rating among all Minnesota voters has sunk to 38
replacement of striking workers. Carper has a strong record on education as gover- percent .
nor, working to reduce class size in the early grades and raise the standards for high IBEW membership in Minnesota: 16,302
school graduation.
William Roth's 19 percent record on worker issues includes constant opposition
to Davis-Bacon prevailing wages and votes against the ban on the permanent Missouri
replacemen t of striking workers. He has voted to privatize Social Security, raise the Described by some observers as the closest Senate contest this year, the Missouri
eligibility age for Medicare from 65 to 67, and against HMO reforms. race has developed into a slugfest between two of the state's political heavyweighl$-
IBEW membership in Delaware: 1,800 Sen. John Ashcroft, a former governor, and current Gov. Mel Carnahan. Ashcroft has
a record of 2 percent Right on IBEW issues, and Carnahan says the election offers a
clear choice between him and the " radical, for-right views" of Ashcroft. Carnahan was
Florida lieutenant governor under Ashcroft before succeeding him in 1992.
Republican Connie Mock is retiring and lBEW has endorsed State Insurance Gov. Mel Carnahan, endorsed by ]BEW in Missouri
Commissioner and former Congressman Bill Nelson (D) agoinst Rep. Bill McCollum (R) . Mel Carnahan has a solid record of support for workers and thei r unions os gover-
Rep. McCollum, the floor manager of the Republican impeachment effort, supports nor, but now cannot succeed himself. He pledge support for vital working family iSSlJes
lBEW positions just 8 percent of the time. like Medicare, prescription drugs for seniors and the Patients' Bill of Rights.
Bill Nelson. Lifetime IBEW Record: 60 percent Right John Ashcroft has voted against the IBEW position 40 out of 4 1 times in his one
Bill Nelson wonts to extend prescription drugs under Medicare and opposes "pri· Senate term. He has supported the Paycheck Deception Act, opposed Davis-Bacon
vatizing" Social Security funds and risking them in the stock market. He has voted every time and even voted against a 1996 minimum wage compromise endorsed by
three times to increase the minimum wage and supported the Family and Medical Republican leaders.
leave Act. ]BEW me mbership in Missouri: 19,261
Bill McCollum has voted Right 8 percent during his time in Congress. He was co-
sponsor of the National Right to Wark Proposal, opposes the bon on the permanent
replacement of striking warkers and supported a federal version of the Paycheck Montana
Deception Act. Republican Sen. Conrad Burns supports the IBEW 11 percent of the time and by run-
IBEW membership in florida: 25,707 ning again this year, he is breaking his 1988 promise to Montana voters to serve only
two terms. His opponent is rancher Brion Schweitzer, a political newcomer who has
the some position on gun contral as Burns, taking that issue out of ploy to the delight
Michigan of IBEW members working on the campaign.
Michigan's Senate race pits !'-No candidates who are close to direct opposites. Brian Schweitzer, endorsed by ]BEW in Montano
Senotor Spencer Abraham (R), who supports working families 10 percent of the time, Brian Schweitzer has impressed IBEW with his stand on tough la bor issues like job
is opposed by Rep. Debbie Stabenow, who is 100 percent Right on the IBEW score- safety and has proven it with his vigorous demands for the families of asbestos victims
card . Abraham is a former stoff aide to Vice President Don Quayle who won with 52 in the state's libby case. He opposes any change in the federal sta ndard for overtime
percenl in 1994 after Sen. Don Riegle retired. pay and is a strong opponent of the Chino trade bill.
Debbie Stabenow. Lifetime ISEW Record: 100 percent Right. Conrad Surns has opposed the IBEW on Virtually every issue you can name-stort-
Debbie Stabenow hod 16 years of strong support for IBEW positions in the slate leg- ing with support for a notional right-to-work low and the Paycheck Deception Ac! and
islature before she was elected to Congress, where she has compiled a perfect record opposition to the bon on the permanent replacement of striking workers. His anti-IBEW
in support of IBEW positions. She has been a House leader in the fight for prescrip- votes also indude health core reform, minimum wage, the eligibility age for Medicare
tion drug benefits for seniors and a steadfast supporter of increasing the minimum and investment in education.
wage and improving public schools. IBEW membership in Montana: 3,577
Spencer Abraham is a Senate leader in the effort to expand the number 0/ visas (H-
I B) for foreign technology profeSSionals rather than train American workers for these
jobs. He also supports the Paycheck Deception Act, increasing the Medicare eligibili. Nebraska
ty age to 67, and privatizing Social Security. He voted against the bon on the per- ISEW members in Nebraska are losing a friend because Sen Robert Kerrey is retir-
manent replacement of striking workers. ing, blJt has hopes to keep that vote for working families with former Gov. Ben Nelson,
IBEW membership in Michigan: 17,801 who kept his door open to union members during his two terms as governor. His oppo-
nent is AHorney General Don Stenberg, who was the favorite in a J 996 GOP primary
but was upset by current Sen. Chuck Hagel.
Minnesota Former Gov. Ben Nelson, endorsed by lBEW in Nebraska
Republican Ron Grams has a 5 percent Right record on IBEW votes since coming Ben Nelson hod a solid working relationship with the ISEW and the Nebraska State
to the Senate in the Republican sweep of \ 994. This is the first chance to unseat him AFl-CIO when he was governor. He is commiHed to svpporting working families and
and ISEW supports former state auditor Mark Dayton, who has worked a lifetime on proved as governor he keeps his word, appointing a decidedly pro-union state labor
causes lBEW supports. Dayton cooperated closely with IBEW when he was the state's board.
economic development commissioner under Gov. Rudy Perpich. Don Stenberg has said he will follow the lead of George W Bush and Hagel .
Mark Dayton, endorsed by IBEW in Minnesota Following Hagel's lead would mean another vote against enforcement of wage lows,
Mark Dayton will oppose privatization of Social Security and work to expand edu- job safety and health care reform .
cation funds to build and remodel schools. His close cooperation with IBEW-and IBEW membership in Nebraska: 7 ,808
New Jersey replacemen t of striking workers. He has also been rock solid for the IBEW on increas-
Sen. Frank lautenberg (D) is retiring and Democrats have nominated a poli tical new- ing the minimum wage, opposing the privatization of Social Security and reforming
comer, Jon Corzine, to hold the seat for the Democrats against Rep. Bob Franks, a for. health core.
mer Republican slale party chairman. Rick Santorum has opposed minimum wage increases all six times he has voted on
Jon Corzine, endorsed by IBEW in New Jersey them and has come out strongly against unions, voting for the Paycheck Deception Act
Jon Corzi ne, despite his background in investment bonking, has framed his positions and against the ban on the permanent replacemen t of striking workers. He has been
much as AI Gore has in a commitment to Americo's working families. "Organized Wrong on 60 out of 87 votes on the JBEW record .
labor is the best protector of the dignity, destiny and dreams of our working men and IBEW me mbership in Pennsylvonia: 39,911
wumel1 UI1J theil fUl1Iiiit:!s/ COI,£int:! :.uiJ. "ll.Jt:tit!vt!' ill trude, but fail hode. Arnel i(.(l11
companies should not hove 10 compete with the unsafe and unhealthy sweatshops
and child labor from beyond our borders . Similarly, he has vowed 10 support the
H Virginia
IBEW positions on healrh and education. Following the primary, Corzine received the U.S. Senator Chuck Robb (D) has a good IBEW record and a bod lime gelling re-
overwhelming endorsement of New Jersey labor. elected. After a laugh fight beating Ollie North in 1994, he's now up against a for·
Bob Franb has voted against the IBEW position 52 out of 71 chances in the House. mer governor, George Allen, a darling of the righl wing who uses Robb's support of
He has opposed the IBEW position on issues like trade relations with Chino, Medicare labor causes in this conservative state against him. Democrats soy Robb may be their
and education . most endangered incumbent because of another massing of notional Republican
IBEW membership in New Jersey: 32,792 money against him .
Chuck Robb. Lifetime ISEW Record: 80 pe rcent Right.
Chuck Robb has cost six votes to defend Davis·Bacon wage protections in the Senate
New York and is a consistent opponent of a notional righ t.ta-work low and the Paycheck
IBEW jumped in early and continues to make a major effort to help Hillary Rodham Deception Act. He is also a strong supporter of IBEW positions on prescription drugs
Clinton hold the New York Senate seat of retiring Sen. Pat Moynihan for the Democrats for seniors, investment in education and the Family and Medical Leave Act.
in the year's most visible Senate race The help she and the White House hovp. romi5- George Alip.n, whp.n in the House in 1992, helped Rep. Tom Delay devise on early
ten~y given IBEW in the previous seven years earned that support. Her opponent is Rep. version of the Paycheck Deception Ael. As governor, he nol only touted the right-ta-
Rick Lozio (RN.Y) who has only a 33 percent Right voting record on IBEW positions. work low as the best weapon to attract new business but also bragged thot employers
Hillary Rodham Clinton, endorsed by IBEW in New York could save mo ney from Virginia's low standards for workers' compensation.
Hillary Rodhom Clinton has been a major player in on Administration with an envi· IBEW membership in Virginia: 7,494
able record on economic issues that improve the quality of life for working families.
She is ill I'!:H UWIl li!::!111 tilt:! lIutiun 's fOlemost advocate of health care reforms support·
ed by the IBEW. Washington
Rick Lazio voled in favor of the N ewt Gingrich budget, cutting funds for Medicare Washington State has 0 strong labor tradition and this year could finish the job of
and Medicaid, and has voted for the IBEW position 24 limes out of 70 chances. He recovering from the success enjoyed by anti·worker politicians in the post lobor has
has been wrong in his votes on the majar trode issues like NAFTA and trade rela tions o chance to unseat Slade Gorton, originally a product of Ihe Reagan sweep of 1980
with Chino. who lost in 1986 then come bock to win in 1988 and 1994. [8EW has endorsed
IBEW membership in New York: 73,353 Democratic nominee Mono Cantwell, who lost her House seat In 1994 and has been
working in the Internet industry since that time.
Mario Cantwell. Lifetime IBEW Record: 90 perce nt Rig ht.
Pennsylvania Mario Cantwell has the state's IBEW members excited because "she'lI be another
Six·term Congressman Ron Klink (0) is challenging Republican Sen. Rick Sontorum, Patty Murray," according to one IBEW official in Washington. M urray IS the state's
and Klink is the clear-cut preference for IBEW because of his 97 percent Right valing other senator and has a sparkling IBEW.cOPE voting record. Cantwell supports IBEW
record vs. 19 percent Right for Santorum. Sontorum hod $3.5 million in campaign positions on prevailing wage lows, health care reform, keeping Social Security funds
fund s while Kink had a mortgage on his home from his primary campaign against six safe and improving job safety. She supported the lBEW with 98 percent of her votes
opponents. His strong shOWing in that fOrA, r rimm ily in hi.~ home meo around in the state legislature before her service in Congress.
Pi ttsburgh, could be important to other candidates in Pennsylvania, a state the IBEW Slade Gorton has been 15 percent Right on the IBEW scorecard, supporting the
judges as pivotal to the overa ll success of the 2000 eleelions. Paycheck Deception Act and voting to risk 25 percent of the Social Security Trust Fund
Ron Klink. lifetime 'BEW Record: 97 percent Right_ in the stock market. He has 0150 opposed IBEW positions on health care, the eligibili.
Rnn Klink hm. supported IBEW on two of the mml importanl Iobor voles of his time ty age for Medicare and school construction bonds
in Congress, voling to beat the Paycheck Deception Act and to bon the permanent IBEW me mbership in Washington: 20/339 •

Texas IBEW Members (The follOWing is reprinted by permission from the Me/ro De/roil Lobor News.)

Talk About Bush Prof's Top 10 Jabs Bus h

By Metro Detroit labor News Staff
CiillliIIlWdjiwll/IlIW' -

p;h~ed h~ pl'O·I~lho r I11t·ll1lwr... oj 111~'

·l -...·'I.;l~ 1.~·gl~l,llUrt·
HB 160 \\·ould 11;1\ t· lft·,l!~·d ,Ill
loetl \\or/.. forw 1)():lrd~
'l'l./" ··compeliliH:·· hitt....
,lbili\\ II)

HB 311 6-\\"ollkl IU\t· l"1l~lIfl"d 1);I'll

W ayne State University labor studies professor Steve Babson,
keynote speaker at this year's Labor Day Mobilization
Luncheon on Aug . 24, released this gem of Top 10 reasons G eorge
,lpprt·1l11(~·~lrip lL linm1{ ,I(h- i~IH) I\ork~'r pTotl'l1iflll~ lor \\d!.lfl" rl'dp, w. Bush doesn't want union families to vote .
l"I)mnllll~'t·. dlll~ ~Hl'nglhl'IlHlg tht' It·nt~ ,lnLl pnllo;:"llt·d (UrTl'l1t \\f)rkl·r~
Reason 10 : If union families don't vote, George W . can lurn hi s
;lppr\.·Il[ln'~hip .... y~[t'lll Tilt' bill from 1<"'l1g Ih\.·Ir Job. . h\:l·;l lI~l.· of LI, . .
inauguration parade into the Millionaires March.
';li!l·d Ihrough ho[h hnll~t'~ \\ lthou[ pl,ll·l.·nll"l1t h~ w.lt·mlllen! ... tll)~i
.1 :'lingll· \\111· oj oppo.,,>ition 1X:('IU~t' dw.:u 1.·l11pl{)~
l11t.:lll. It \\ .I~ dcel11<.:u
Reason 9: If union fam ilies don', Yote, G eorge W. con gel back
II \\;1' .lIl .(g.-n·d to hill hl:[\\ ('l'l1 ;In umt..:rt1l1ning ot ';1 pr()gr~lI11 to the Whi te House and find that stash he len when
Ldmr ,Inti Ih~' Uu ml wr ot \\ hidl hdp~ \\ dLl1v r<.:tipit·nb g.ti n his father was presidenl.
(;tJl11IlltTlt' \;ll!uhl<.: joh l·'l.pl'r i l"llll·~ Jiltl \l o rk Rea son 8: If union fa milies don't vote, George W . con promise
HB S83 \\( Hlld 11;I\l' \.(u li Lltl·d ,killo,; Ihrough \ olul1lL"t'r \\"flrk .. Dan Quayle a cabinet post if 01' Dan can spell
).:rl'.lll'r p :lrvllLti 111\ o l\ l'111t'l11 III puh SB 20-\\(luld h;l\"<.' IT\·.I\l"d I ':; I1l·l\
"com-pass-shin-il. "
li( nll((:!luHl and lrL·:llt·d :1 ~;Ilvr ',I,ltt· dio,;lrit·t (·OllL1' .mllind 11ll' ~l,l(t·
k·arnUlg t·rH l i"tllllllt'l1[ III , b "fC)()I1h 1h;1I I\oltld h;tll· rdi .. ·\\·d Irt·ml·n
Reason 7: If union famil ies don't vote, George W. can appoint
HB 768 For no nnli hk rt·;I~OIl. dOl1~Jy Ih~· o\t·nro\\llmg in our Fronk Vega ' head of the Deportment of Labor, and
Ihl~ll \d(lt·d 1111"> \\ t)r/..t·l~ (:IJlt il l I I 1\(1 b. \\ hid I h,t~ l ,111 .....·d ~igllif il ,111\ Reason 6: He can rename the Deparlment of labor the
hilL deb\ III "'~·l"/"i n g iu . . lllt· Department of Involuntary Servitude.
HB 1453 n il"> hIli \\ollld h;i\t· SB 211 - \\ ou ILl h~l\l" :Iddl"d luI! .t Reason 5 : If union families don't vote, George W . can fit us all
~ t n:nglllt·m·d II'l· l~l\\~ a)-:,1111'1 1111110n doltlr~ III feder.11 fum" for
for RICO suits.
<.:mpltl\llIl"nl dbHlnurUlltJll chi ld Cl re "'t.'(\i(·t·~
HB 2 7 5 0-T hi ~ hill would II1t·rt·h SB 823--lhl' hill wOllld h.l\ t· pt'rnlll Reason 4 : If union fami lies don', vole, George W . con prove
1t,I\t· p ..:rl11illt·d .Ind JlIII 1l1.ll1d.llt·d It·t! p~l)roll dUt·~ dl'duction tor union thai, in A merica, even a C-minus student ca n be
hilingu.I ] pay ~[i)lI.:I1lI.~ tor politt· ~lnd dllt'~ jor 11111llicip:Li \\ 0 1kl'r~ tl \\ .I~ president if his daddy sends him to Yale and gives
lirdiglll l·r..... tl \\.l~ dl'<.:l1lnl ,111 il1l[)o l iL't·l11l'd lHml'Ll·,.,.~.lr) .ll1d ··COI1Ir:II)" him an oil company.
,ilion III .11l lI11nl·l"l'.... ..,.H) .1Ilt! untund to Iht· prin(ipk~ of right 1\1 \\ork " Rea son 3 : If union fami lies don', vote, George W . can put
cd m;llllblc on 11l1lIli(ipalitll·~ \X ~· h;l\c Irit.·d 10 gilt· \ Ill! .1 h: l~i~·
America's ed ucation on a par wi th Texas.
HB 291 S I"IIi.... hill wfluld lun' Idl';1 0 \ \\Iul \ ·(lU could l'XIX'('1 it Bu~h
a"ur...·d pn\.lli/l·d ~1.lIl· \\IJI/" ...· .., IJl'(__ ;lnK· Prl",ilkm.
Reason 2: If union families don', vote, George W . con move
l"Il1np.II".Ihk· P,I\ and h\.'ndll~ 10 tll .. ·1( I I1k";1 ]x·r,on h;1 (JIll" l"Ut· \tI\l'" the government printing office to Mexico.
I urr\·nt . . 1.Ll .. · luh It \\. I ~ tkt·l11~·d .Ill orlt· ,hOllld dlll<.l~l· .1 P r,,·'ldt·m ,In I Ill· And the No. 1 reason George W . Bush doesn't want union fam-
Intnl~l(lllln 11ll' prl\.ltt· ~l'l·tl!f nur/..t·t h;l~i~ ot ho\\ mlllh YOll .Igrt·l· 1\ 1111 hllll. ilies to vote: If we do, he loses!
11) .lI1l'1I1ptlll).: 10 td l PI'l\,lll· lomp" nOI ho\\ mudl ~ou di~.lgTl·t· \\ilh hun
~Edj/o"5 nole: Fronk Vega is CEO of Delroit N ewspaper Inc.
nit'~ I1m\ to f un 1/11'11 hll:o,im·:o,.">t·..., .11111 UlOll.'>l' \\ bdy. for Iht.:rl: i~ a 10 1 .11 .~I;I/.. ...· ,
;tl~1l dn·lI1nl ,I rl'~lri(ti()11 on tlrt, in [lri~ dl"llion I


hold", 223 Il oll~l' ~t.:at~ to tht, Dl.'mocr;l(~; 210, expert:.. Even among tho .... \! t)o. 1110",1 r.tce.'"
:md two Illl'mlx'r:-. ~lrc independent.s (on .... 1e:1Il tow:II'd one pan)" or Ih\! other due to tra-
lIS11~llly \'OleS with the J)CIllOcr:U ... , Iht' other dition;t\ \"()11I1g pattern", or the pcr-.,on:tI
with the Republican!'», That means Ih:lI Ihe
appeal or :111 incumbent. Only .thOll! t\\·o
Republican.., only h:ln: working control of Ih<:.'
do%.cn races are lnlly compL'tili\ L'.
Iiollse when :111 of tlldr members vote in uni-
son, or Ih<.:y gel ;1 :-;igniricml number of Lbted below are 20 k('y 11ol!.-.,l: r:tCL'-" [h.1l :Il
Democratic ddtx\Of!'>. Un fortumtely, tht.: pre ........ timl: Wl:rt: r:lled :1.-" to ........ u[1,-.,. NUl ",ur[1ris-
leadership or
tht: I louse HepubliclI1s- inl-dy. many are in . . t:lle,-., whL'rL' Ihe
including many committee chairmen-are Pre:.identia l contC!">l i.-., abo compel iti\ t.:, .1 fac-
firmly ent renched in IhL' party right wing. lor Ih~ll . . hould drive up \'oll'r turnout ThL'
ilt: Ilou-"e of Representatives is the caul- which is \'chl'mently anti-union :lnd general- vole:. or union memher,> in genL·r;iI . •lIld

T dron of democracy al the fL'deral Jc.:vd.

l ndel" thL' Con..,lillltion. all ..,pending
hills must originat<.: in the I louse. The Ilous<:
ly ad\':tll<.:cs ;:! corporall' agenda on hread-
and-butter j:.,,,,UCS. SO Ihe issue of who COI1-
tfols the [louse i:- nOI academic to working
IBE\X! memher:. in particular. G in .trgu.lhly
.')wing the halance of powl'r III thL' 'Iou-.,e if
labor turnout is high in the",L' di-.,trk"t..... For
b u..,u:tlly \\ here key legisblion i:. . . hared f:lmilies: il Ins:1 m:l jof imp:lci on the prospect
[l1ro ugll rigorolls debate. for pro-working f:lmily legisl:llion. morL' inronn:l1ion on other r~tce-., tl1:11 :lrL'
The IIOllse no\\' has one or the do:.e-.,I rar- Of till: -1.1') 1low,e sell:.. only aboul 90 are c[o:-.(', rk'~ISL' \·i. . it \\'\\,\\,.ibL'\\,.org right up to
tl-.,an dh kk:-., in recenl hislOl)'. The GOP now at :dl cOlll[x:li tive , an:ording to most roliticd Election Da y.

California 15th bill of rights in fovor of a Republican version that denied potients the right 10 hold
Incumbent Rep. Tom Campbell (R) is leaving this seat to run for the Senate against Sen. HMOs accountable in court.
Dianne Feinstein. This distrid covers much of Silicon Volley and features a very competi- IBEW has 1,377 members in Connecticut's 5th District
~ve race between state Assembly members Mike Hondo {D) and Jim Cunneen {R).
Mike Honda, endorsed by ISEW in California's 15th District
Mike Honda amassed a 90 percent pra-Iabor record in the Assembly and received Florida 8th
early and strong support from local unions. County Clerk Linda Chapin gives Democrats their best chance in years in this
Jim Cunneen is stressing his similarily to Campbell, which is unfortunate for working Orlando area district that has 21.000 more Republicans than Democrats. Rcpuhlicon
families since CampbeU has voted for labor's position only 12 percent of the time. Bill McCollum won 10 terms in this district before running for the U.S Senate this year.
IBEW has 1,509 members in California 's 15th District Linda Chapin, endorsed by ISEW in Florida's 8th District
linda Chopin soys she is concerned about Hthe growing gop between the wages of
ordinary working people and high-poid executives." She supports a minimum wage
California 27th increase, a prescription drug benefit under Medicare and holding HMOs accountable.
Adam Schiff is a highly respected state senator and friend to the ISEW who provides Her opponent was to be chosen in on October primary between state Rep. Bill
a strong chance to defeat incumbent Republican Rep. James E. Rogon, who trailed Sublelle and allorney Ric Keller, two Republicans trying to be the most like McCollum-
Schiff in California's open primary earlier this year. Rogan has supported the ISEW on and McCollum supported the IBEW only 8 percent of the time in his long House tenure.
4 percent of his votes. He was a floor manager on presidential impeachment, but The runoff results will be reported on the ISEW web site www.ibew.org .
Schiff says the race is about Rogan's poor service to his suburban Los Angeles district. IBEW has 1, 781 members in Florida 's 8th District
Adam Schiff, endorsed by IBEW in California 's 27th District
Adam Schiff pushed in the state legi slature to give patients the right to appeal if
on HMO denies treatment recommended by a doclor. He is also a strong advocate Florida 22nd
of construction projects to modernize schools and secure financing for Social State Rep. Elaine Sioom, highly touted by House Democrats, faces a tough challenge
Security and Medicare. in her race against 100term Republican incumbent Rep. E. Clay Shaw, who has a life-
Jim Rogan sponsored a notional right.ta-work low, opposed a $1 increase in the min- time favorable voting record of only 12 percent according to Ihe IBEW's scorecard.
imum wage bill and three times voted to weaken job safety with cuts in OSHA. Elaine Bloom, endorsed by IBEW in Florida's 22nd District
IBEW has 1, 113 members in California's 27th District Elaine Bloom has supported working family issues os a state representative. She sup-
ports a guaranteed prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients and worked to
expand health care coverage to uninsured children.
California 36th E. Clay Shaw, with a 12 percent Right ISEW voting record, has voted against work-
Jane Horman is back on the bollot for this House seat, and Ihal's good news for the ing families 214 out of 243 limes. He opposed the Family and Medical leave Act and
IBEW. Incumbent one-term Republican Steven T. Kuykendall won the seat in 1998 while the Patients' Sill of Rights. He voted to slash Medicare and supports privatization of
Harman was running for governor. Harmon has voted with the IBEW position on 74 Social Security.
percent of her House votes while Kuykendall hasn't cast a Single vote for ISEW mem- IBEW has 674 members in Florida's 22nd District
bers on any issue.
Jane Harman. Lifetime IBEW Record: 74 percent Right.
Jane Harman has voted to support the patient's bill of rights and a prescription drug Illinois 10th
plan under Medicare and would use the federal budget surplus to shore up Social IBEW-endorsed state Rep. lauren Seth Gosh {OJ is a formidable candidate in her
Security rather than give it away in tax cuts to the rich. race against Republican Mark Kirk for the suburban Chicago seat being vacated by
Steve Kuykendall opposed the Patients' Bill of Rights to the extreme of voting ogainsl Rep. John Porter (R) . Kirk was Porter's former chief of staff. Unlike Kirk, Gosh has on
a watered down biportisan compromise in 1999 and has opposed coverage of pre- electoral base.
scription drugs under Medicare. State Rep. Lauren Beth Gosh, endorsed by IBEW in Illinois's 10th District
IBEW has 861 members in California's 36th District Lauren Beth Gash votes for Iobor.supported issues. She supports a guaranteed pre-
scription drug benefit for Medicare recipients; opposes privatizing Social Security and
supports using the budget surplus to shore up Social Security; and supports federal
Connecticut 5th efforts to rebuild crumbling schools.
Democratic Rep. Jim Moloney won in 1998 with 52 percent of the vote over State Mark Kirk favors privotization of Socia) Security. He does not support a guaranteed
Sen. Mark Nielsen and now they have a rematch, with each candidate saying he will prescription drug benefit for every Medicare recipien t, but instead backed the
be helped by the bigger turnout of a presidential election year. Congressional GOP plan.
Re p. Jim Maloney. Lifetime IBEW Record: 80 percent Right. IBEW has 2,605 members in Illinois' 10th District
Jim Maloney stuck with the IBEW position on Chino trade, social security and the
minimum wage, so much sa thaI his Republican opponent Nielsen tries to ridicule him
by colling him a " Labor Democrat." Indiana 8th
Mark Nielsen supports privatizing Social Security, voted for the Chino trade bill and Democratic challenger Dr Paul Perry, a surgeon, is in a race to unseat three-term
opposed a state minimum wage increase. He opposed the 1SEW position on on HMO Republican incumbent Rep . John Hostelller. The IBEW voting scorecard shows that


Hostettler voted Wrong on working family issues on 43 of 50 key votes and has a life- Mike Taylor supports working family issues . He favors federal legislation to reduce
time favorable voting record of only 9 percent. closs size and rebuild crumbling schools, a guaranteed prescription drug benefit for
Dr. Paul Perry, endorsed by IBEW in Indiana. seniors and a strong Patient's Bill of Rights.
Paul Perry supports the right of workers to organize and opposes repeal of the Dovis Robin Hayes, heir to the Connon textile fortune, has a 0 percent favorable voting •
Bocon Act. He supports increasing the minimum wage, workplace safety and a slrong record according to the IBEW scorecard . He opposed a real Patients' Bill of Rights,
OSHA. He opposes Paycheck Deception legislation . opposed a guaranteed prescription drug benefit for all Medicare recipients, and
John Hostettler has consistently opposed raising the minimum wage, supported the opposed federal efforts to reduce class size in 1999. •
Paycheck Deception Act, and voted to slash OSHA funding. He opposed a Polients' IBEW has 240 members in North Carolina's 8th District
Bill of Rights, opposed funds for renovating crumbling schools, voted to cut Medicore
funding and opposed 0 guaranteed prescription drug benefit under Medicare.
IBEW has 5, 134 members in Indiana's 8th District Oklahoma 2nd
Incumbent Rep. Tom Co burn !R) was swept into office in the Republican tide of 1994
and is leaVing to honor his pledge to serve no more than three terms. This is the most
Kentu<ky 6th Democratic district in the slate, with a sizable union presence. Attorney Brad Corson
Former Rep. Scotty Baesler !D) , endorsed by the ISEW, hopes to relake the House is seeking to regain the seat for the Democrats, while Republican cor dealer Andy
seat he held for three terms prior to on unsuccessful Senate bid in 199B The incum- Ewing is compiling a massive war cheslto hold the seat
bent, Republican Rep. Ernest lee Fletcher, voted Wrong on 0119 votes in 1999 and has Brad Carson, endorsed by IBEW in Oklahoma 's 2nd District
a favorable lifetime labor voting record of 0 percent. Brad Corson represents a good chance to bring this district back II) line with the
Former Rep. Scotty Baesler. Lifetime IBEW Record: 71 percent Right. views of the working families in it.
Scotty Baesler voted pro-labor on 45 of 62 votes and supported a real HMO Andy Ewing is among Oklahoma Republicans who are highly unsympathetic to the •
Patients' Bin of Rights. He supported school construction and lavors a guaranteed pre- issues important to working families. He has the enthusiastic endorsement of Coburn ,
scription drug benefit provided through Medicare. which is telling, as Coburn had a 13 percent labor voting record in hi' three terms.
Ernest Fletcher voted against labor on every vote he cost in 1999 according to the IBEW has 919 members in Oklahoma's 2nd District
IBEW scorecard, and has opposed a bipartisan HMO Potients' Bill of Rights and a
guaranteed prescription drug benefit through Medicare.
IBEW has 1,618 members in Kentucky's 6th District Pennsylvania 4th
The IBEW is counting on state Rep. Terry Von Horne to hold the seat Rep. Ron Klink
gave up to run for the Senate. His Republican opponent is another state legislator,
Mi<higan 8th Melisso Hart.
State Sens. Dionne Byrum !D) and Mike Rogers !R) are competing in a hard·fought Terry Van Horne, endorsed by IBEW in Pennsylvania's 4th District
race to fill the open seat vacated by Democratic incumbent Rep. Debbie Stabenow, Terry Von Horne has worked for construction of more Pennsylvania education facili -
who is running for the Senate. ties, including public colleges as well as other schools. He supports a patient's rights
State Sen. Dianne Byrum, endorsed by IBEW in Michigan 's 8th District to hold HMOs accountable for poor medical decisions and a prescription drug plan
Dianne Byrum replaced Rep. Stabenow in both her state legislative seats. In the state under Medicare .
Senate, Byrum has a favorable labor voting record and supports school modernization Melissa Hart opposes more federal funds for school construction and also opposes
and construction. She supports a guaranleed prescription drug benefil for all Medicare holding HMOs accountable. She favors prescription drugs for Medicare beneficiaries
recipients and wants to use the budget surplus to shore up Medicare and Social below a certain income level, not everyone, and advocates privatizing Soc ial Security.
Security IBEW has 3 ,280 members in Pennsylvania 's 4th District
Republican state Sen. Mike Rogers supports privatizing Social Security and oppos-
es a guaranteed prescription drug benefit for all Medicare recipients.
IBEW has 1,770 members in Michigan 's 8th District Pennsylvania 10th
IBEW-endorsed Democrat Pot Cosey has a rematch of his 5 15·vote lass in 1998 to Rep.
Don Sherwood, who voted against the IBEW position 70 percent of the time in his one
Missouri 6th term. Democrats think Cosey will be helped by the bigger turnout of a presidential year.
This baltleground slale fealures one of Ihe nalion's closest House contests in the suh- Pat Casey, endorsed by IBEW in Pennsylvania 's 10th Distrid
urban Kansas City/rural swing district. Incumbent Pat Donner !D) announced her retire- Pat Cosey wonts every senior citizen assured of a prescription drug prog ram under
ment earlier th is yeor, and her son, former State Senator Steve Donner, is seeking 10 Medicare and would use the budget surplus to provide future funding for Social
replace her. He faces a stiff challenge from state Senator Sam Groves. Security and Medicare.
Steve Danner, endorsed by IBEW in Missouri 's 6th District Don Sherwood voted against the lSEW on six of his nine chances, putting tax cuts
Sieve Donner amassed a solid recard on labor issues during his tenure as a state ahead of solvency for Social Security and Medicare and opposing a prescription drug
representative from 1983-87 and senator from 1990-94. Unions in the Kansas City plan under Medicare.
and SI . Joseph areas have rallied to his campaign . Donner has stressed the Democratic IBEW has 2 ,959 members in Pennsylvania 's 10th District
themes of protecting Social Security and Medicare and education.
Sam Groves is out of the conservative rural tradition in the state and would be anoth-
er vote for the House Republican leadership'S anti-worker ogenda . Pennsylvania 13th
IBEW has 2 , 161 members in Missouri's 6th District This is one of the most volatile districts in the nation, having changed hands three
times in the last eight years. Incumbent Joe Hoeffel (D) won narrowly In 1998 and
faces a difficult race this yeor.
Montana !At.Large) Joe Hoeffel, endorsed by IBEW in Pennsylvania's 13th District
Democrat Nancy Keenon and Republican Dennis Rehberg are in a race to fill the Joe Hoeffel has voted with IBEW 95 percent 01 the time He is a co-sponsor of the bill ,
open seat being vacated by incumbent Rep. Rick Hill (R). to build or repoir 6,000 schools under prevailing wage and supports us on major issues.
Nancy Keenan, endorsed by lBEW in Montana Stewart Greenleaf, billed as a moderate, would be under pressure to support Ihe
Nancy Keenan has been a union member since age 16. The state superintendent of House leadership if elected.
public instruction and a former state Representative, she has supported raising the min- IBEW has 1,253 members in Pennsylvania's 13th District •
imum wage and favors a strong Potients' Bill of Rights and a guaranteed prescription
drug benefit under Medicare.
Dennis Rehberg blamed unions for jobs lost in Montana, citing on alliance between Utah 2nd
labor and "environmental extremists." During his 1996 run for office, Rehberg sup- Jim Matheson, a business consultant and son of former Gov. Scott Matheson,

ported oltempts to eliminate the Department of Education. He favors privatizing Social worked closely with IBEW when he was campaign chairman in a 1998 Senale race
Security. and now seeks a House seat in a district he soys is " hard for Democrats His oppo-
IBEW has 3 ,577 members in Montana nent Derek Smith defeated incumbent Rep. Merrill Cook in the GOP pnmary.
Jim Matheson, endorsed by IBEW in Utah 's 2nd District
Jim Matheson favors more construction proiects to rebuild crumbling schools and also
New Jersey 12th supports the IBEW on lowering the price of prescription drugs and usi ng the budget sur-
With endorsement from the IBEW in 1998, Rep. Rush Holt scored one of the biggest plus to " shore up Social Security and Medicare to assure their long·term solvency"
upsets in the notion and he proceeded to vote with IBEW 95 percent of the lime in his Derek Smith opposes Davis-Bacon prevailing wage protections, saying contractors
first term . But now he's up against Dick Zimmer, who held this House seat lor Ihree terms should be allowed " 10 pay reasonable rates." He also supports privati zing Social •
before giving it up for on unsuccessful Senate bid. Security and opposes the IBEW position on health core reform, saying that " free mar-
Rep. Rush Holt. Lifetime IBEW Record: 95 percent Right. kel principles" should govern health care.
Rush Holt voles consistently with IBEW on vilal workpkx::e issues and on protecting Social IBEW has 1,365 members in Utah 's 2nd District •
Security, eXfXlnding fv\edicore coverage 10 prescription drugs and 00 education issues.
Dick Zimmer has voted for IBEW only 30 percent of the time; his record includes
votes to cut Medicare benefits. Washington 2nd
IBEW has 2 ,748 members in New Jersey's 12th District This is a historically Democratic district that wos captured by Republican Jock Metcalf in
1994. Metca!f, who was considered a moderate, compiled a 37 percent labor voting
record . He is leaVing to fulfill a term-limit pledge. This is expected to be a very close race.
North Carolina 8th Rick Larsen, endorsed by IBEW in Washington's 2nd District
Attorney Mike Taylor, a decorated military veteran , challeng es millionaire Rick Larsen is a county council chairman who has local unions united behind him
Republican incumbent Rep . Robin Hayes. In a 1998 open-seat Ho use race, the heov. because he supports labor on school construction . Social Security and other issues.
ily favored Hayes edged Taylor by a narrow 3'point margin after outspending Taylor John Kosier !R) emerged in from a tough September primary. With lew exceptions,
nearly 4·to- l . Unlike 1998, Taylor is enjoying strong notional party attention this Washington Republicans have not supported labor issues, and Koster would not be
year. expected to break the mold .
Mike Taylor, endorsed by IBEW in North Carolina's 8th District IBEW has 4 , 130 members in Washington 's 2nd District
- ...... - - -- -,

:Ind n;llIol1al b;IIlk.~ frolll contribuli ng Iu
Campaign Finance Reform Cllldltb tl"' tor ktkr:11 offiu..' LUl.'f !t·W"'-
btinn r..:..,tl'i("led "OUfCl.''' of clmpaign
Remains Elusive Goal htntb. limitl.'d ..pending .lntl pro\itk'd
for di'>t'lo'>ur(.' flf {()l1lrihllti()n~. But Ilwn.
he Intern;llinl1al do(''> nOI \.;Ike
money Irom il~ gl'nt:ral fund 10
.1:-' [<xia\. I{)()ph(lll'~ ahoumk'd: ;ll1d contrii>ull' \() tht..· camp:ligll of :.lny
T ilL cry for ca m pa ign fjn ~ lIlcL' refo rm ha~ Ix:cn he:lrd througho ut
l'nforcl.'llll.'n1 \\';1" nil c l lldidaw for polit icJ! of Tin'. Bv
the l 'nited S I ~I1L"'" in this crll ci3J electi on yea r. The pre,..,identb l Tlw l.'non~ w..: km)\\ ,I" 1.';11II]):ligl1 ];1\\. tli l ~'lt \.IJllllllJLlti~IIl" 10 Ihe
c;tndi d acie~ o f Hepuhlica n John f\ lcC l in and Dl.'l1'locrm Uill fi lun('1..' rdormlwg.m III 19-1 \\illt 11;1'" CLlllpaign"i 0 1 l.mdid.ll<.·:-' for k'lh.:r.L1
• ";Lgl" of thl' 1'~'(lcr:ll Flt;'('llon Clmpaign o ffio,' mU<;1 come from \oluntary
IklClley e mphas ized the issue, and McCain in panicula r. as the An ( FF( :A). 1111" 1.1\\ '>t., 111l)1'" ~1Il cOntnhutions from ;1 kdlo:wlly r{'f.li~­
C(H>po n ~or o f the be~ 1 known refo rm m ea~u n: in the I T,S. Senate, ... p..:ndill": .l11d r..:tjulred dhclo,.,url" of tered IXlliti('al ;Ktion {.'(.llll mitlcl',
• :-.tfuck a chord . "'lx'mliIlA hy Glnthdall"'> for fl"(kr:d (Our:-. h the IBf"\\ COl1l1nilll"'e o n
officl.' A (,'(lmp;lIlion b ill. Ihl.' I(rl Political Edlll"l1 ion [IBE\X'·COPE].l
lll:IIl).:~' III th..: \\.I} cllnp;lign'> ar~ Rt,;\l:nul" An. prm L(k'd puhllc finanCing 'nll" Internallonal ;11"0 do(',> nOI li"ie

.1Il} \ otl'''''' "t:cm to .....·11 ... <.· Ih;1\
'o()nll,thUlg h \\I'ong \\ ith finanCl'd. l1\Ulll,.'roll" ~.';I111p[l"o of C:'I01- for prl".,itkntul Glll)p;lign.. Follo\\,lIlg gt:.'nl'rallfl';I"UI)' monl')' ;1" <;o"cllled
tllrrl'nt ",y,>lcm ()f c:unpaign IXli).!n fumlr:u"lI1).! .lIld ~pl:ndlllg .. h..:n:1I1i- lhl" \\ ;I\~rg; l1 l" "<:.md:ll, Conwe.,., pa .. '>Cd ~ "(Ift mont.'~ for the purpo'>e:-. o f
fln,tIlll', ,lntl righth fl.'ar the undw.:" influ- wm .. ;Lhound. 10'1<.'.ld of f()(u ..in~ 011 the Ihe 11)"', FEG\ ;un..:ndntl"l1h which. campaiRn cOnlribulion'" 10 ;my e m·
em.1.: of mom:}, un JX)]i{i<."'>, 1\ nation;!] prohkm::-. thou~h. \\l' ",Inl to 1'0(,"1,1-. on .Imollg olhl.'r thing... .,l·1 limll.., tor ct.'rt;Lin didate or pollti(al p;m~ \\'t.' u:-e
c()n"'.:n~u ... '>l'em ... to I1\: dc\doping Ih:1I Ihl;' prop0:-';Ib for (';lInpaign finalln' polilicI1 nmlrihUlion:-. ;Im l neat(-"(I the fund'> \ o lunl:lrily cOl1lril>Uled by
'(JIIlf'tIIllIR TIlthl Ix: UOlll', hut the rdoml fl:fonn lx-in).: Uffl·ft-<..I h} [hI:' ,\FI.-CIO. Fetlt'r:11 FIl-<"'Ii<lIl C<llllmj .... j<lIl CFECI to o ur ml"mher. or 10(:;11 1I1l1()1l~ fOf
priX 1..'' ' ' htll-!" d(J\\1l (1Il ut'Ltil... '1111.' IBn\ con<.ur. III Ihl·'>(.' propos;lls ;ldmini<;l~r ump:ugn 1.1\\ In IQ-(l. Ihl.' Ihe; ,IS \\ I,ll •
"onw propont'TlI'> of "rt'form~ "111<''': Ihey f"l.'OecI tlw .... lllll· pnnciplt-.., and l."> !'Iuprellll.' Coun rull'(l. in p;tn. Ih:"
<l(h;IIlLL' IIW;hUfe" thai would "ll'englh- goab of ,il-Illocran Ih..: Brotherho(xl ll"rt.lin m.lnd.lt(lry .. Pt.'ndl llg ilmiL'"
l'n thl'IT IXLrtl ...;m :Lllu..•.... whill' limiting Il(;'lil'\'l'" in .IIlU ~-<"'b for it.', Illl:.'lIlhei"- impo:«.1 hy tht' pr f ;lIlwnUnlt:'I1I·. vin financing fLlr (,'(lI)gr~·",'iLlI);ll ~.lll\htl;Jte ..
Ihl' "Iwndlll).: 01 ~roliP" nOfmally bt<.· frt.·l· "llI..·l·(h f,tu.lr:llll..:..: .. CHmkk\ \ who \oiullt.lflly .Ihidl· 1)\ lund (.II ..ing
oppo.. ill).: tllL"ir p;lrt} TILl' i''>Lil' of Briel History 01 Campaign \';dl.'o) \l1ll·mhll..:nh to 1'1(, \ in IIF9 cdling.,. ;Lntl \\(luld 11,I\l' 11.lrrt.·d
LI1ILJlI;I).:1L "1X-lLdill).: .1' ;1 forlll uf frt:"\:" Finance Reform ill<.I<.\I:-'l"d ll.·lt.1I11 I.tll)[llhutlllll limit.... <,t)ft .. mont."y cOI,lrihllllolh 10 prc'l,k'ntl.11
"I"XT< h h,l" aho Ix·..:n mi ....:d A .. Ill..: Camp;l i).:n Iin;lIl<'l' fdorm is Ilot :I r.II .....·d cenain n,.:portlll,.: Ihrl",>hold.. fOf Gliluidlll''', 'l1uougholll IIIl' ft: ..t lit Ihe
ddl.lll·" r:1).:l·, \\orklll).: bmilll.''> in till' 11..:\\ l'ClIlU:pt '>t.Lnlllg l;u..: III thl.· 19th conlrihulif)n~, amI .llIm'l·d ,1:11(' :IllU 1990... thl' Ikpllhhl.lIl ·n lmnllk-<..1 (:L.n.l.!I\.·''''
t nlll.·d ">I.H~' .. h.I\I,.· .1 .. Irong 1I11I.'rt"...,t III l<.·ntury. (,(lIlc..:m gfl'\\ Ihat Iht.· largl:.' I(K.I I pohllul p:lnll'" til prol1101<.· fl·dt:.'~1 1 CO/lUlllil-U to hind... imil.lr hill .. til rdorm
till' {Iutnnll":. ;Lnd Ihl' I.lhor mo\ement l·ontrihutlon .. nl.ld..: hy -r.L1 Glt'- \Yefe cand id;I1t.''> h\ "pl"ndin,.: unlimitl'd ~';Imrxlign fund-r.u"lIlg pr:1l11Il'" TI)('Li}.
ha .. \\ l·i).!hl'll III \\ 1111 II-. 0\\ n prolX)..,;d .. (Omlpling p:lrtil· .... Intl ,·.lIluidale.... not to ,1I110um" on <..unpaif,tTl m;u<"riah ,lilt! ....... \ I.'r:t! bill.. to tio ......· :-,o/t !)lOlll'\ loop-
rnl"nlion Iho.'>t.· who ;llrl.·.ld~ held office. oth..:r effon, h(lk, ;Ind fl.' ..lflll 1.....111.'·<lrll·ll!l·\1 T\
Proposals lor Campaign Tilt.· TiIIllun \\.1 01 I\)()- \\,:1 .. o nl:' of Ih<, In 1991: the "en;ltl' j,libJ to ml.'rritle ;L ;IU\I.·rtL...mg 1,'xp<"n,lJlllfl"" allll In).: LIIlwr
Finance Reform liN .l11l·lIlpl" 10 rq:ul.ue pn\,:Ul" mon~\' \cto b) i'rc"ldent Bu:-h of ;t bill tbat prm 1...lon ... g,nhl'r dll'>! III Ill\' It.tll, of
III dl.'~li()n .. , II prohihill'(l corporAtiOn., would h.l\t.' PI't)\lllt:.'u pani;!1 public Congft""... , •

Labor's Proposals for a Fair and Open System

Imllllg ;nclwidltal cunll1buliOl/S of fJ1)kall)' .\lnall principle", refoml ....houkl :11:-'(J fl"quire di-.<.·lcNlrl..'
hl.' AFl.·ClO ha... repc-.ltt.'d iL<; call for rcfonn of tlllI()lI1lls il1 labor polilical tlL/ioli COI/IIIIIII{'{'!> 11)(11 of the sponsoN and funding ..ourcl.... 01 olh..:r
lht..· fe-dt.'ral carnp:.lign fin.'mce s}"ll:.'m, whkh, It lImp/ify mul focus Iheir modesl md;ltidua/ f'f.',H!IIft:(':I group" ~sof( money· politiGl1 <"lm1ll1Inilalilln~ . II
Il(;'liew<;.. unf.lirl}' rt.'wartb rorpor.lle and weallhy CamIX"gn finance refonn mu..,1 hI.' rolnprdll'n- is appropriate for Ihe Aml"ri<.·.lll dl'ltOr:W..' 10 kn(l\\
t"t)lltrii:lutOT"'t while- hampering t.he parti(..;IX"ion of ordi· !,ivc, "incc picccmC:ll re\'i.sion<; ha .. e onl)" (,·ncour· what group(~) Illa} be funding Ihc polillul ;Id\ I.·r·
nll)' dti7cn.. in their country's eleclion proce,'\,~. 'Iged hig Tll(lney 10 search f()f nl:\\ loopholes, liscmenL'i Ihe~ st'e, read or he;!r.
AFl·ClO Pn:,.... idenl John Sweener Xlid. ~\'\c mu.,t ftll1' C()mpreht.'I"~i\e rdonn mU'>1 indudc 31 11::1.,1 the fol· (On July I. 2000, Pr<:,>ident (Jillion ..iWwcl
<lamentally rl.'fonn Iht' :-.)·,<;tcl11 <:0 thai wt:.':llih no longer 100'otng prO\ blol1.'>; 11110 1.1\.... a bill tlut will ohlig;lIl' group.. org.lni/..:d
yleld<; d!-.proponiol1<ul.' influence. Wbrking f;llllilil.':-. Provide PubUc Fi nancing Ul1dt.'1 Sclliu]\ '52-' of the- Intern.11 Revenue C(xie
mll'ol 1)(,' ahle to makl" Iheir voices helrd reg:.m:lles''' of Primary and gcner.L1 elect.ion, congre."ion;11 :Jnd to di<;clo~ lheir poliliul ;Iui\ 1[ll· ... 111<.' nt.·\\ ];IW
h()\\ [llw,: h monl'Y they bring to bt:.'-.lr on the Pn:X·l....... pre.,id..:ntial c3l1lpJ.igns <;llC)uld be r>llhlidy r..:qlllrt:" Ihe..,c groups 10 nOlify' tht..· m~ \lilhin 1.1
The.' '\I'I.·CIO Executive Council. al lIS Illl-'('llng em finann,'d. " Ioot.><;t, limltt.'<.l tnUl\'ldllJI ;111(1 polllH.:al hour. of organizing ,Ind to nk r,",.'riodk rl.'J'Klrt:-,
\by j, 2.000, "I,lled; action committee (PAC) rontrihution .. would 1)(,' di,>dosing lheir contribulion" .lllU t.'xpc..'ndituf": .. ,)
U ori.!il'Rfi"1lilies ill}lul!lIa! dec/ions by m(/kill~ t/Jell' all()wed unly -.0 th<ll :1 Gl1ldi(ille could 1n1.'C(.1 qua l~
• 'tli('(~ IX"(lrrl on amdi(/ales (IIul issues. l'O!tIll/t.'I.""I1R ifrin~ Ihre'>hold 10 ra"C.1\·e public fumb Indudl' a Provide Cand id.'u es F N ,!C ACCbS
11t,'/r 11Il/('. (/11(1 ett!I'CiSillg tbeir righl 10 l'Ole, \t:UI'kittg <,pe<bl pm\,j.~ion for clildicbll:'''' facing \\c;.lllh} to Means o f C..omm unicatio ns
jt/llllli('!i /J(1I11u/'Klle 11/ puNic; affairs mosl ejJc.'CliH'{V 0pponenL'" who o;elf~fin:uKe Iheir c llup.lign.... The Internel i ... becomin,.: tUOTl" inJlul·nli.11 in polil-
uhell/h£')'/Oilllop,etitel; Ihmllp,h Iheir IIII;OIlS. 10 rc.'1·U'U· ical <,'ommunicalion, but prinl ;Ind hro;ldl.l<.,[
• III(' fl'(;(ln/.s tllIf//XJ.W/ifJ/lS (if awciit/ales (II/(/ mobifi::f..' Ilmlt Individual CQntributions media and mail renl:liTl import;lnt 1\)l".II1:-. of t'!11l1 ..
ji.Jr 1){,/ilic(I/ am/feJ.!,M(IIiI¥! action '/1l{'ir (fcli('b'''' L.\ (I M.l intllin nf reduce currenl limit:-. on indi\'idual Olunicatlon for working and m iddk··d .I ... "
/'KlleW CCllllllell{'('i~bl 10 tbe power oj muney, c:nntriilUlion'> 10 fedcr3\ candidall"" :md p~ln ie,>. To Amcri<."<!O'. Candidlte,> "houlu rcc(;'i\'l' frcl' TV .Ind
l/ell/III'I/ilt', I/I/ioll mellllx'l-:i who Il'isb fa C{J//II'ihlllt! Ii1crl!a-.c the limits would t!xp;lnd the already dh.. r:Jdio time ::Ind r~duc(.'(l po"I:I~C Tille". proviSion.,
fl"/(L. tlin'i lit' In Jll"frll'rlI-i.'J'r rlllIdil'ia/{!:> do .\0 hy ('()l/I- proponionale influence of pri\"lIc \\ l':1I111, which would (."tmlrol c:lmpaign c'o..,1-. .LIld prO\ ide
roh u:-.I ;1Od widl" deb:!te about politicil i.......lIe'>
RELATED TERMS Rc.... trlct MSoft Mon ey" I)on alion.'i
Prohibil lhe .. "oft moneyH (unregulatc.'d fun<b) Ihal Protcct Issue Advoc:lcy
1)cction 5:27 j.troups--F'I.lhli~JII.:d llnd~'r ...... rti.1Il
t1(m~ t(lIXlrtic<; and p::llty .. and tandidtte·contrnl1cxl Ide:!." and policy choice,> ;Ire th..: heart of polilK;il
;~- "I Ih~' Inll'flul I{l·\I.·lllR· Co(k·. Ilw ......· .11'.: 11l~k-.
• PAC,>, "'(rong POliTical partics :m.' e.'......nl i.ll to .1 campaign:.; and Ihe Fi r<;1 Amendml'nt prok'l'h 111t.'
I",.. ndl·nl. 1,1\ ~'\~'llIpl. '...oft (lUIIWI polili ••11 1Ifj.!.ml
\ibr.L1lI dcmucr:.IC)'. bUI Ih<.:) '>lIould Ix: .Ible 10 r.li,>t' righl to engage fredy in puhlic i ..... ul· at!vol...ICY
",L1II'lh 11t,1I ~'\I'I rrun:lfIly \0 I!lnll~'nn< ~·k'·II"lh.
l"llough fllnd~ from indh'klU31 donor. <lnd PAu.. 10 (i.~ .. the dj..,lribulion of informalion ahoul idl·.IS.
"ldlLlILi l·xprl· ..."h .IUHIt.;lllllj.t .1 partlntl;lr I,mtll
l1laintlin tlll:'ir dk(tivcm:...." (\\ith limit., In ~·n:.llre i<;sll~:-' :md policie:-.). Leg;11 rl'~Ir:.lInt:-. on :-IX'l'(h
(LlLl" del 111m <>1' dell-;Il
• tht" dT{''Clivl'll!;,ss of a public i1nanciug "y:-.lI..'III). (t!i."guI:-.t:u a:-. "\.;ltHp:1it.:11 f"in.II1":c r{'f()r!ll~) .Irt'
"i"fl Money-In 111l' hrn.ld ,eilW, Ihl~ i, mon\.')
unwi!'e, pOIcntiaily u!l(.'(IINitulion;jl and ~1lL.)ukl
IiI.H ("111\" 1111" 111\, pollll('.11 prOLe ....' \\lthOlIL 1ll'1Ilj.t
Req ui re I~ bl.k Ol"Closu r e b y lx' re'>iswd.
~llb!l'( I 10 1q.:ILI.IlLOIl 11\ IIII.' FIT "oil 1110(1<'1 1\ Pl'
I ndependent ~ Soft. Moncy~
l:lll, lOIllI." lilmllj.th '1;1Il" 'Of le(k·r..iI p.<I'1y (011111111
l'o lillcaJ CQuunilt('"es Enable Citize ns to VOl e More E:LSily
1\'1.". un itlll'. Inl('f~"1 j.tmllp~. ,·orpnr.l lion,. or
S{)-calh:d "&"("\ioll 527 ~mup .. " :-.hould 1")(' rl"qu il'l.'d llnlk·(:l"... sary oh:-.t;H.:le ... exi.,[ 10 dti.~l'n.,· ..:\efd'lIl,Lt
Wt.:.lllhy IIltIL\'Idll.lh
10 itlo..:nlify thdr .~pon~I!'~hip or::lll puhlk ('Om lll ll ~ th!;'ir fundallll.'lll:tI right ;In<.l ohJig,lIion to \01..:, To
liard MunC)'-Thl' I' llIolIl.·\ ......'nl direlth 10 r.lmh nication:-, ;Lnd thei r principal contribulor,>. "1111:.'' 1..' remo\'e tht.·'>l" Ob,l:ldt::.. ,.,impliry \'()\I.·r l'l"gi,\r:llion
d.lIl.·' III 1)o1r!1 e"ll1l1lilll't." tnnll IIldilidll.1t, .1Ilt! POIIlI' "'01{ tl101l<:Y" group'" should he :-uhj..:l'I 10 .,II'Ol1g lint! permil il at any liml" (intil1din).: on EIl"uIIl1l
l .• 1.11 111111 I Ollllllllll 't.'~ 11.11\1 I11Lllll.<Y l'Lllllriilliliol1" .Ifl' regi~tra ti ()n and reponing I'l' qllirellll"nh like IltO'>l' Day); and t'xp:md I'oling 111lll"." (for c·xampll'. \\ IIh
Inllllnllw I.L\\ .l11d nHI~1 lit., I'vpon\''lilo Ihl' I,Fe • impmed hy federa l J.Jw 011 "hard mOlley· polil ic;t1 2 1-hour \'oting period.,. \\'l.'ekl"nd \'lIlmg and ;1
(..·ommill<.:e,>, While rl·~f)l.'cting Fil':'it Amendm..:nl holiday for Ek'clion Day). •


-- -

11<: following web ...,itc:-, prov ide useful freedem.com

T :ll1d inlL!re.... ling information 10 help
....... _ .... " georgewbush.com

you m:IKe up your mind lx:fol"l.' vOIing
(the officiol web site 01the Bush (Ompoignl
on Novembt:r 7.
All ~iH::~ Sl,lr\ wi th
_.- rnc.org
Bush.Cheney.net •
(the officiol website of the Gore (Ompoign) 0._'.'. .
.oj G... _"' .... R.. p .... il>it
C~OI< ••
,- - ,...
-_ -,-- _
''''0..... ",.0_ ...........
'"..... ,,,.........
••,,1._ _
......... ~"'._"'''''''1''

gorealltheway. com
-- ---- ,. " .............. '_ .....
- -.~

_. __-"-
. -.......... .....
........ .........
................................. ~., GrandOldPetroleum.com
::::,:0;==8 -_ -_ .

dscc.org ------
_-_ _, ,-
•!::!,:,.."=@ ... ,..... ..............
_, .... _ ........
_ . - . . .-.,,-~.
.. ...""_._
_ ..... _ ... . 1.
.. ,.........
~","' -
.,., .. ............
. ."._... ,......................,
............._... ... ... .................. ... ,_.......,
house.goy / democrats ~~~ rv aflcio.org/labor20 00
,·_ .·""~e
senate.goy / ~ dpc ibew.org

Critical Issues for Working Families
(.'OI!/illll('(ljiwlI/J(I!.!(· ~

t'nLLt',~ lhl.::-'I.: bdor,~ h:1VI.: ).:l.'11 n mrn...·nl. ' I'h~- ,\, ,11 11 ,\llll'riclil
,.'1":111.:<.1_ Fn'n for many llW\,\1 I'A'<': TLlt1l' !\g(l'I'IIll'rll (\J. \ITAI
I11l.:rllbt'l"~ t,:()\l.'rl.'u h} pt'Il'IOn ,Inti 111l' If)ll' 1<) c'xtl'nd Pl'rtlu ..
pl.ln~, 'lodal '-,t'curity !"em:rlf):-';I 11 ...·111 l1ortll;il 11.1111' :-.1.IILl:-' 10
flllld;lI11l.'nt~d pMt 01 lhL'lf (.I1In,( \\l'!"l' gl'l'.II'l·l i uck~ t(1r

rt'lin.:II11:nl innl1lIL'. At h:-.lIL· i., IJrg,lt1i/l'l1 1,lhol' 110\\ <..·\' ...·r.

hem to ;Itldn:~, lill.' lon!-ltl.:rtll I;lbor .11lt! il:-. .llI ll·~ "11 III III I ~idl''''
prohlems faced by Social 01 Iht' ,(l:-.Ie \\ l'r, ,Ilccl·...... ful in
'>""(lIrily ,Inti ho\\ to ,lrlictul"l" pR·\ ....nling Ilw I'll '... i(k-nl In 1111
p!"opo:-'l.'d PCf'(lll:11 ;ICt'C1u nt" ).\;lIning "f;I~1 11.1 \ k ,11111101'il) III
into tllL' l'xhling ~)~tl.'lll. "pel·t! Ir:ldl' hills through
fltnlicm: 11.1:-. ;1\'0 IWtll.'fitcd ( :, 1I1,1-i1\'~'" \\ 111 11 lilt .I IIIL·nd Illt'nl
trolll thl.' stronj.: economy And lIt1ilrn~ 11.1\\' .d,,,o tllI.·u ......·d
helpin).( Ihl' ~y.. tt'1II rl.'l11:11n on .11I<.:l11io11 on '\\\"ll:-.ho]1 ('omli-
~otid fin~I!Ki.d jOOll11g. TilL' Ilon:-. OVl·rst';! .. , 11()\\l·\l·r.;1
n\\ )d~'1 ",/;<1" ,n \ II i\kdll.11 L: hip,l!1i:-',111 conwn'>ll:-' t< ll rrl'l'
through Ihl' ;lddl1iIJl) oj;r prl' Inldt' (urrl'nlh ,· xist:-. . ;md
'cription drug b('!l1l.'fil- (ltg.lnl/.L·t! I:il)l )l \\!l1 11l'l'd to do
dl'l'1\1t'd Illlporunl b",'(':IUSt' (If Il\(lR' work to I It,mgL' llut In
lht: illcr<.:;JSl·d rl'li;JIKL' Oil drug lil<..' l11l"lntillll' tlil' 11~ 1(1e lk'h:IIL'
IX1StXJ tfl',UIIK'nl ;Ind tlll' high t< X:lI~<':" on Ilrv IWt·.j ji)r rn ...·;II)-
ClI.' ( ()l prt'.'l·ripli,)tl,- II;IS inglul \;lbor ;l nd 1'11\ inH1Illl'nl,tI
ht'l'n;1 contl' nlioll, h"lIl.' in tlH: pr"tv('li()n~ tn n.lll\' palh
cl1np,tign fOf I'rv'ldvnt
F\'t'll jor union 111('l1lilel's AND
\\IIU II.lVl· IIL\IIIII In"ll!~lnl'l', Illl' ).\,1111 tOI' ;llld tn n·prl":-..... nt Ilwrn h.trlllll ...·ring ;I\\';lY .n IIlL' 1\ 1.II1} :-.\:111..':-.11;111:' :-.o-cillr.:d "Iii RESTRUCTURING
prohklm \\ illt tilt' ,yslt'1ll h:l\e 11ll' 11(lllSt: Ill' Ikprt',eIlUtil t' ... O<..cllp:ltioll.d ,>;lkl} ;Intl I k;illlr lie Ib\·h-ltJcon" 1.1\\ ... III;H d(1
inul.:as<.:d dr.IIII,ltlell ly. Tilt' l1;h p:I ......l·d Ihi.' hill. but il lu ... AL1, 111 IWH. ,lI1c ... timllnl ~!.O(X) llie ... mll! Thl" 1;1\\ has Ix.'l·n llri:-. i, .1 \ il.d 1...:-.lll· nOI onh to
numlx'r (If 1I111lhlln:d AIlIl'ricln" not r);l ...... l·d Ihl' ~l·n:I1l'. workef, tliL·d tl'Om (Xl'llp;llion;d undl'r ;Huck for YL';rrs, t"'IWli~d ­ 11K' ll':;.IX)() lIiF\\ 1llt'11Ih<..:r~
COIl 1l1lUl·.~ to ri"t'. ,IIKllht'ir pn,:," A ... part of Ihl'ir prop(l~:ll IllJ dl:-.....;hl·:-.. ;lnd :lllol lll'f' 6. 12K Iy ... in('1,,' I (y.) 1 \\ Iwn Ikpuh1rcm ... Wl1l1 \\ol'k 111 th .... I1l1lit\ indll~lry.
t'IlI.T IT<':illt's I!Kft'd'r.:d co.. 1 CIIIII):!lgll lill;!IlCl' rt'f!lrIl1. \\'f)l'kl·] .... \\ VI'\..' killL-d hy lr:1UIII.11 \\'on bOlh hou:'>t's 01 Cllngl'l..' ....... 11111 ,liS() H) l'I,'I" Al1ll'ri<.1Il •
prt'S'lll'l' "n h,.::llth <:;lre Hl'PlI11Ii(,lll Il';l(il-r... in nl!lWl'~'" ie Illjlll';C" SUfll'I'L't1 on IlIL' lOb. l'\l·\'r.:nlldl·:-',~. :I :-.lr(lI)g hipOllli - 1\IU(lll'l~lll'" ~1.ll l"· II.\IC 1IIIp!(' -

I pro\'lder:,> 10 ~htll <..'O:'>h 10 insur -

'11 1i~ plll~ pR",MIt\:"
h;lll' ,II,,) inln)dl!Ll'd;t n;lti!II1.11 ,\ Iorl' th.1Il h i
l"IIIll:r;-, "'U'I,llIll·d I!llufie~ ill
mil lion W;J~L' ~~In l'O:ll ;tuHl 11;1:-' Irdpt'd prl'- Illl'tlIL'd utilit} tkr"\,:l lialltlll ~tll)­
l'r;-, in turn IL'r"'IOI1 oj I Ill' "P,lydll'ck "'UVL' IlIl' Lt\\ . I)():-'l:dl~ to f {)~tr'l !. llIlllX'tltlon

l on working
higlll'r pn·!1liWlh.
Lm1i1il· ...

paynwnt-.. IV(\II( r.:d (·{j\VI~lgl·. or

thr.: rvslr\K11Il'ing of tlldr pl:llls
d~'{l'pti(Jn' IlW;I"'l1rl'.
this pnll)(~ ... ;\I, IIn;()I1" wou ld Ix'
rl'qulr~'d h} 1.1\\ 10 g;I1I1 ...·r
IL'n pL·rl11b ... io!1 lromlh",ir 1lll'1l1
l ln(k-r

\\ ril
It)9l') '·t'l. ()"iIIA t'lllpl()}" 1111!}
2.200 I1I"PL'( lor"
hl';llth ;lnd 'Ikl} Lj\\ '~ in"i x
lion \\orkpl;JIL',,,,

'1111..' IIIE\,\, hOI'" Ill:L'n workill).\
\\itll 111L' Ciint(lJ) Adl11ini ... lr:lti(lIl
and 1Il.... IllIX·I-... from h Ilh p;utiL'"
10 prOIll(jI~ lq:i~blion to ~1I11hor~
.lnd hring 1':.11 ....... rI"wn lUI C<Hl
... lIllI ...·r.... , (j111l1 .... ·llli')1l 11;1:-. !.II').~t' h
nOIW'lstV11t hul pri,v ...
~pl kvd IIp\\.l1d III 111;111\
illt() 11 ,\ 10.' ;1Ilt! ollll'r ~udl \~lrt Ix·r:-. ..-:Kh \l·.lr h) :-.pr.:nd d\ll':-' IIIis. COl1gll"~ COlllilllIC" to pro· i/r.: It'dl..']:ll \;Ix crl·dils If) :-.Iilllll ;11'\..'.1:-., l·~P""(I.llh (:"lilf)rni:1
de:'>_ Tht' llvalnll'nt fJi p;llll·nl:-. llJ(ln.... y for polillcd purp<hl'S po,... t' kglsL!lIon th;lI \\'I~uld LI1r.: .. 20 hlilion in "dl0ol ('()n~ 1\iL-;lnwllliL-. \\!Irf.. t{Jr(l' nll~
h} II~IO, h;h hI..·l·n ,j major l'olitil';iI purpO~t·~" in "Olllr.: l'Xl'mpl l·llIployVI.... ['rom ";Ikl} ~11\1('11011 ~lIld rqxlir OVl'l 10 1l;I\l' n~nlrihul l'(1 1".1 \\l\lk ..... n-
pl'Ohlvm for' rll;It)} r.lmilit· .... LI~l'~ \\;j" ~() hn);ldly (kfi lK'd;r.. .md he,dth ill'l x,{·IIOI1". IUl111l'1' YI..';Ir'S, 11 K 10')1 \\'uuld prcrl ...'('t 1I1g lit I Ill' 11l;llI ll\·(I.IIIC,· ;Inti rdi-
Pfolllptin).\ th .... irl1nIl.IUl!;Oll of to inciudl' lobhyill).\ .mtl COlli l"l ll 0'11 IA '~ hudgl'l .Intl hlo(f.. .1 {JW' ('hildrl:'n·:-. ;Ihilil} 10 k·;!rt) III .lllilil\ 01 till' l'I,'( III< pl m ....r grid
the 1'<llit'lIt:-. lIill 01 j{lghl~ 10 IminiLII Inn k).(h1:Jlhl' i~,"'I1~·~ ... l;llId,lrd 10 prollTI \\orkLT'" \\t'lt omstl\l('tl'd. ~;!fl..' ,,<-hc)()I~ h}

{!11 Ilrnlugholll \"nll AI11 ..... rica
gll;!CH)tl'e l'O\t· I~lg ...· fOI l'llIl'r ,lIld l'\'~'n (\f,t:,l1li/in,U:, '>illlilar In)ln fl'j'lL·titi\ l' m{ II il III i1l1UriL· .... rL'{I\tiring Ih;1t :-.Il('h \\,<1I11 ....: ... ub J\.llion,d ulilil) (il-Il'gIlLllioll k·).(-
g ..... IK> Il"e:lIIlI ...'I1I. jll'O\idt' 1l...·lll·r pmp(h;d ... \\l'rl' lk'k:rlt'd in .1 11 Tiris vrgOJ)()llIil :-.1; 1I1ll;,r<l lu, IVI'! lu Da\"is-llaUlIl _ I 10\1 \..:\vr. i .. l;rli!1I1 Jr;", glllll' IH )I\hl·l ..... '>II
:!(te" to ~)I.... tFdi:-.t~ .rnd iUlld _~.i "'1;lle~ III II!tid) tlrey Ill·r..- hl'l'n rL'1x';IIL'dh hlll(ked JI1 Iioust· IkpuiJlicm k':ldl'f" h;I\,~' 1.11'. bUI \\ill , t11 1l1l~1 ,vf1;lmly 1x.·.1 •
Ilro.lOs ;KcllulllahlL-" inlroduced or PUI on lhl: hallol (;()!lgll""~ 11lr()u).\h ;I IllL'ndl1ll'll!~ rciust'd 10 :-.dll'duk- a l'Ot ...· on 1ll'1I0i' j"u(.! in tlr .... I1('XI COl1gl~'~'"
III ItJ)H Thi,~ bill \\'ould illl[)(N' to ()~II /\ " Illldgd tldl..'llng lunt! I I Il j()!)-l Thl' IBF\,\· il:.l ~ I" I"~hl Ii)r ;md
UNION RIGHTS r<.:."lriltlolb 011 lIni(ln~ tll:11 IIlg rfll' till' l111pk'Illl'IlLIIIOn 01 \\ill ('{ l!ltlllill' I( I 1'1I~ h \\ (Ill er
'linn.' 11)l)1. sl·riol1'" 1lIr.::I' \\()uld nOI .I])p!y to \ 'irtu;ill y ;lI1} thh 1\1IL- 10 pr()I\,~·t 1\'(1I1l'f'o, TRADE ;1Il...! nm"'lll11l'r JlI"tV( li'lIb ;lIlel
lIrl· ... h;IVl' hL'l'!1 illlroc..lu(L·d in olhel' kind of org,miL;ltio!l. It Ld~Il' lu~
lung \;Ikt'n IIl~ rdi:lhiliT} ~1.1I1,1.1I.1' 111 .111\ ~udl
C(}ngrl'~:-' to l\1,d, ...· right -Io work \\,IS- ,lnJ i~-a Ihinl y di:-.gui:-.t'J PREVAILING po:-.ilion !lut inlcrn:llir)ll;ti tI~llk hill 'I'll d;lIl' th"IL' ll;i~ unh
:1 n;lliollal 1;1\\ HIgllt to work ,lttl'11lPt 10 :-.iiL-r)(l,:' tIll' polilicli WAGE/SCHOOL Ix: dl'ldu)x:d 10 lilt lilt· ... 1;1Il IX'L'1l \ 11)\' rl"{ "nll'(1 volt' 111 .1
nor k·~.~) i:-. ;1 'y.~t .... 11l \\ht'reh} \Ilill' lJl working Ltm il ie, CONSTRUCTION dard oj lillIl).( lor I\orf..vr" I InU"'l' :-.ul ll·(lI 11!l\(tl\'C Tit ..... LKk
rmli\ldll,d \\()Ikl'r'" III ;111111',1':,111
I/l·d lInil do !lol h;I\, .... 10 loin HEALTH AND
Tire 1),!li"ltlnl1l An I' tlw
klk-r;d )lrL'\;lIling \\';I).\L· ...Lllll( t'
;!r(JUl1d llll: world inslt'ad III
Ix'coming a 1:lll' 10 't'L' \\ hiLi I
,II ;1 rl,(,' )r<l. ~., Il11ilUWd \\ nlr till'
I.IIIUfl· 01 Congl\" t[1 ti )( lh 1)11 :\
dw ll!lllin !w pay ;Ul ,1).\l·Ill'~ SAFETY lil;11 Pfr.:sl'!'n':-. locd .I('l·;! \\;Igl·'. luti(11l (:111 rrm"itk lhl;: 1()\\l· ... 1 ,inguiar"l'l ()I pl' ,pO).... II, Ir.h
... hop fL'e l'Vl'n Ihlll1gJr Ihl' '>in~(' ]1)1) I. ri).\lll I\in).( llIell)- IX'llloflh .tnd 1.r1)()!' ~l.lIld:rrd... ,m \\agl'. In,):'>t tI;lngl'n)lI~ ,Ind m;ldc il diftinlh I,) '.\llIgl· \\ he('l'
union h:l~ ,m ohlig;lIiOl1 10 bar' - IX:I.... 01 COllgrl~:-':-' h:I\L' IX'''''n krlel~ll nm:-.lr\l(li,ul !llflll·t'! ... , rn, )... t .Inti-uni! II) \\llrf..il1,t.: l'n\ i kgi ... I,llw.... ~t,lI1d L'1l tlli ... i~"!h' I



IBEW Members Express Their Views on the Elections

r.: .m: willing to keep our dcadbc,u t-:{)\crn or fo r :!Il()[hcr few ycar~ It It

E[eCl ion tiOlt;' i .. fasl appro;H.:hing. ,md \\e are probably weary 0 1 all tht' pnitlir-aI
will keep him OUI of \X'a~hmgl{ln! P[C;I'>t.' lJ,',e Ihh \0 inform other lUEW rh ~!Ortc by now. \'('t> should all rcnll'mlx:r to \·ote fo r candid:IlCs with OUI pay-
• mcmbcr,> throughout the n,UUl!l 1h,Il \\ ba1c\"Cr their view,> Tn:lY bt.' on {'"hecks in mind, and ~lI p port cantilcLitcs who :-'ll ppOrt us in fL'lurn (,VI H')~I' \\.
;thonlorl. /-tun nmtrol. cIC .. that if Blt"h Wlll~. only the n)rpOrait' ;tgt'mb will nUl lIu ... h OPp()~c" Iht" D;[\'j.;-B;t("on A(I, which \\;1" p:h~nl in 19 .~1 to prL'H'!l1 till" ft'(!-
leI J)otH \\ri[l' 1'c\,[,> olT Gon: h:l.., ,[ lrclllcndou" amount o f ... uppOrt in Oll!' "'t,HI;' t.'r.d ~o\ernmen1 Irom driying down \\.I}(~·'" .Intl hendi! ... tn 10t,II ~OItUllLllllli...:" For
;1'. J knO\\ hI;' doc\ throughout the IBF\X' ,lilt! the (:ountry. l"Iln,>lnKIIOIl trade,> \\nr\..er.... Int! Ihelr 1;1111111...: .... \)<\\I,,-I3<1con m...::tn'> ~Iahilit}, 'L',lI
Jerry D. Ashford Jr., Business Manager fil\ .tnd ~I (kcelll ,>1;lIldard of [Inng AI Gore h a~ fought au\..·mph to rL·IX'.11 Ihe
local 20, Dallas-ForI Worth, Texas 1).1\ls-l3acon Act and ila'i prornhcd 10 \'(:10 any !o.:gl."I:Hlon Ih;1I lImkn:tu ... l"1I1II11U-
nily-wage <;1.lndards
• Tilt: w()rkin~ men .1Ilt! \\OnK'n Il/ \menl.l Ill'l'lI to '>lel"" up ;lnd eleCllho<;t" who \\11I I.t'.-... \·Ott· for AmL'ric.l\ workmg t.lmilu.;' ..
n:prl''l'nt our 11l!t;'rt;"-b \\;lgt·... lk'ndil_ "', ,lilt! working conditions will do morl' [0 I,'il:- Wendy J. Cordts, Press Secretary
\ .lIl' Ilw ..,1.UII'" of middl ... AmeriC;,1 !h.1Il ;lny other ;"',.,ue V(){e. or you don-t ('OW)! l oca l 150, Waukegan, Illinois
Jim Corbin, President
locol 1116, Tucson, A r izona
L.1bor Da}'. ill an d ...dion \e~lr. mark-. tIll: h...:ginning I,f the fin.1I "'lrt'lth III .1 Iltllll-

- 11 ... lIIl)\.· to dri\L·.1 ... uk"'lhrou~h Ih... Ill';li1 of lllL' ,lIlti-w{)rkl,'f mO\·('lll~·nt T hi., dL'(:
lion \\1' (an pn)\L' th;lt \\t: ("Ill work tOHL'thL'r ,Ind Will
bt.T of highly impOrl,I111 Gl11lp;lIgn." On ... of tho:-.e C1ntp~lIgns I'" till' r;l'l' lor
H<xklord' ... ('ongrcs,"lolul ...... al Dt·mOtr.l\ Clurle ... I !t.'ndrit'k ...otl I'" Ih...· ('.lnliilt.lIl' \\ 110
\\ ill 1)(;''''1 SC.:'rye labor IklllL'lllher 10 gL·t out ;lnd ... upporl hllll
Unsigned 'l1k' national ",polligill L'> Oil tIll' pn.. .,itlL"mial Gunpaign. \\ Ilh till' \\ InnL'r it;\, 111).: Iht,
likdy po:-..,ihility 01 ,IPPOlillinj.l. lour
rhl'" L·k·llion i., proh:thlv Iht.' InO..1 ....uprt'll1e Coun .\U"'II("'·" 111 ..10tiully.
illlpon.lnt OIW in my thildrC'n:-.. ~r:tnd­ the Coun ha,> prmt'n \0 ht, lm, 1;1 1 III
dtiltlfl.:rf ... ;Inc! In, lifetime. En'l) Ihing This is what the Republican Party means to mel upholding llllpon:lnl !:L1)(lr It-gi ... LuitJ!l
Ih.11 \\t· ;IIKI,III our hrothe" .lntl ... htL'..... \'(\..> hopt' \\'e will fX·f'>l.'\I.·re h\ ..I:nding
hdllrt' II'" h.I\'t· worked ;Ind ... tnlAAIt·d R Regressive on Worker's Rights. Gt'OTgt' Bu.. h h:l/.:k hOlllt· to IL·,.I'" ,lI)d
Ie., cln he,;' L'ra"'t·d \\ilhin .1 llUller of I! To Exploit the American Worker. eb1ing blxlr·fn... ndl} Al Gorl' \II Iht·
\\ t't·k ... h\ thl' .Inti-union h.·am ot Hu<,h- P Punitive to Worker's Health and Well Being. \\-hite I lou .....:
Lht'Ill'\ TIll're i... f.:On"l:-.tenl e\idell('t.' U Uncaring , You can live on $5.15 on Hour. Ray Pendzinskl,
Ih.1\ Ihh ~",up lu,> no d ... ~ire \0 help or B Busting Unions, they won! URight to work" , Wrong. Press Secretary
pr01ll0lt' working f.lmil)' issuC':-' \\e L lives wilhout Hope, No OSHA, No NlRB. l oca l 364, Rockford, Illinois
I1lU ...1 umct·ntr:.IIL· Oil turning out our I Intolerant, of Worker's and Union Rights.
tnt'mlx'r'" .Inu tilt'lr Lumllt·,> to \'otL'_ [I C Cost Efficienl, " You don't like it, the P.R. of Chino will .n I 'nion lllL'mlx·r... ,lnd tht'lr blllll1e ...
I" \ Ita I to our Iulure, A Americo with Family Values, Nothing ot $5 . 15 on Hour. must IJt:' rcgl"'lered to \Olt' \"(HI' for
Rebekah Friend H Nothing will stop Ihem, From having a "right to work u USA. YOllr paycbl.'tk, \'O'lF lor ...,11<.-1 IlIh-
l ocal 387, Phoenix, Arizono sires_ VOTE for hellrb""Il'_ \UTI 10
P Pay Check Protectio n, Not for US the Workers, " the company. U ..a\·e Soc;lIl SeuII10'_ VOlT 10 It.· .....<;(;'n
11(1\\ d.lrl' \"flU ",ugge"t in tht' 1:11(:,,1 A Annual Income, They soy We make Too Much Now, " the company. U the gap l>el\\,\..-'t.·\l Iht· rKh ;1Ilt! \'1'11
/JU:'U ,1uurnal th.11 \\c;,' ... upport "'01111.' R Retirement, with 0 Smaller Pension, our Republican Congress is trying. William T. Col e 1I1 ~
Ollt" \\ho I'" trylllg 10 wkl.· ;I\\;t\ our , Take Harne Pay, Overtime or comp time, feed your family on Camp . Press Secretary
"'I.·tond ;tlllt.'ndml'nt nglth TIll .... '" all Y Your Future, the Above is Not Fic tion, Remember in NOVEMBER l ocol 488, Bridgeport Connecticut'
• mdl\ idu.II-.. ck'ci~l()n ;lntl I rC:-'L'nt plllr
Irying 10 ... \\.t~ IBr\\ member" H)It'~.
Stephen F. Kislock III
local 201 , Beaver, PA Don't forg"'l to Hltl.- union m 111\- \'(IIU-
Unsigned ing t'k.'(·lllllh Core ""P I ~ In .. thL· I ):t\l~-
Bacon An .Iml linton prOll'(1 Lihor
Ikml'rJllX:1 to \-otl' in the '\"o\'t'mt)l'r l'lL'Ulon,> 'l1w politit.:.tl picture is pJlIlltxl hy ;IWI.·L'!l)t'Il\S; the: 0Plx)siUon doe... nOI. Will not. ami will ">I:t'k to dc ... tro, .111 \\\. 11;1\\"
... 111.\\ ill~ tll);1\ IIIL' pI.)[t.... Gt:l )11lI1 Ltlilil} 111\:IIIIJoI.:I'" III ~uIJIJUlt tllll:>~' ....llldld.lh.,.... 111 •• 1 ~tll.AAk·J f\ll DOElt let the AOO(llu1l(~" lull ),Ollio <;let.·p. l 'niled Wt' st;Lnd- ...dd ~ ·;HL·d,
\\ III prt'''t'rl! .1 I"'XNli\-t: allilud.... to Ihl' working family Do not h,: ,Irraid to ClI!. write. 011 our knees.
or I.' tn,lll your rt·pre ...C'nt;t1i\ ...... to t!i ...ul"'s I ... '>W..... . or tell them how YOll f ...·t·1 ,.hmll Torrey R. Newton, Press Secretary
hO\\ IhL'\' nM\ h;l\t· \'OI\;'d. I>ont kid \,our ...dr IntO Ihl11klllg 1t'\lC'r \\flllIlg d(lI.· .. n'l local 684 , M odesto, Coliforn ia
Ill,II\L'r- -lhL' rk:opk' \\ htl would Il'ar tlm\ n your \\ <1\ of lift' l-en.linh do Ollll.ld
lh...·, ...· 1"kIIIlKI.ln'> t rtTL'ntl}' read th ... Illllo\\iIl/-: IIt';rdltnL' [rolll "(be Btly Clfl' "1""/(',\ IW\\"'p.llwr
Kathy Devlin, Press Secretary "(;0 1' l'ye .. 1'00\er .... \\L'ep LikL' J);t}'''' 01 Ikt;'_' Tilt;' :lfIicl<.- sl.lln!. '\01 "Inu' I\h5-
local 58, Detroi l, Michigan. 19';1 wllL'n D\\ighID FiscnhO\It;'r \\ ;1'" prc ... ident lun.' the IkpllhhclI1~ twld Iht;'
\Vhllt' Ih)usl.· and the m'ljnfille ... III Congrt·'>.....lIld hefort' 111.11. \lilt' 1I.ld 10 go
• 111lI1Il I.lhnr LKL'''' ~I hig f.:halkngt' thi ... 'on: mller. ;1 dlallengl' to dt'(1 frit'nd ... of hal\.. to 11).,\ J-19_:r2, the );1 ... 1 t\\'o reM" of Ikrlwrt 1100\t·( ... prt',>idt'!l( \. It ' lind
[~.h{)r (, ... orgL· Bu ... h h~t ... nude;1 priority ot \\e.l\"ening union .. :lnd !x...... ing _I nation- \'OIL'rs \\ ho t;'ntru'ill'd the Ikpuhlilan ... wilh control of the \\·l1ltt· 1I0l1"\' .1I1U
.d'ri~ht to\\ork" 1.1\\ _lIld h~t~ "'I)(lkt.'n ;lhOlit rqlCaling lilt' Da\i:-.-I3;I("()l1 p rt·\.ulint-: Congrt''':-'' w
\\ ,Ige .IU I I<.- 11 .. ,> !lUclL' il dl.'.tr lit' j-. nil InL'ml of 1.lbnr \\\..' urge ~III l1lemlwr... and A'> union memher'> \\t: h;l\ll' had enollHh of Iloo\'\:~r .Ind -Thl' (;rl.';11 IkprL'''.'lIl.
• 11\\'lr brnilil'~ m forgt;'1 Ihe fring\..· b ... ul.· .... Ind \Ok for lho...e \\lto \\ill put l ill.' food ;1I)d Fi.,enho\\o:r and tilt' long unelllpl0}lllL'nt liI1l.'~. wilh a "'G.rlit) Ilf loh .. I ('lIlnot
nn dl\' I,.hk· rL'ctli ~lIly _.nidL''' ... hem Ill/-: .1 IkpuhliGIll's ,>upport for union 1.11"k)( in .U1\ \\ ;IY.
\\ .... 1t.IH· Iud grC::1( "'l!CU'""",':-, in hdplIlg fnL'ndly politiCIan, get d\·UL·d III th ... .. hape or form. Th ... rd·Ofl'. \\t' .. llClulu kt.'l.·p II t'lllph:IIU: ami vote Iknllx.r,rtll
1),1"1 \\1.' \\ert· ~I clming 10r(:L' bt.'hindJim ~k(;rt.'t'\·Y-'" unclL'rdog bid 111 the dO"l· .. t Thomas S. Oslund, Press Secretary
Wtlx'rn;l\llfLII r,lIl' t;'\t'r :In(l \\Ith ...Olll\' !'Ilnrt \\1' 1;111 1ll;lkl~: 1 <liftl'r"lll'" local 6 9 2 , Bay City, Michigon
Joe HiHi, & Lee Couturier, Press Secretaries
l ocal 102, Paterson, N ew Jersey. ]{e"pilll ...ihie union OlL·mlX:'l':-. \\.'ill rt..'~l~lt;'r 10 vole _iIlU \ OIl' for I.lhor (;lntltd,I1I..''' Our
1(X.".4[ h.I" lX.'nefitl.-x\ froOl ha\inA .1 DL'n1(l(.·r.Ili< pn:"iuem in orn('e \'('ilo (,1\1 trlf}(d Ih...
Our politlct[ ... flon .. arL' in high gL·ar. ;tnd \\ L' 11;1\ t' dl:-.tributL-"(1 Ihe information rt'(L'I\ed l1nemploymenl Jnti J\tlrkd R....u)\ ... ry Agrt:'t'rnt:m under Ikpublicln prl."~idl."m:-. H, JIlald
• Irolll hOlh (ht.' hfth [)i~lrict .tnd tht' An ·ClO_ \\t: plan 10 '>Ignificantly IIlCft.';I ... t· our Ik;tJ.(al1 anu George H ll~h fll'it ;t fo:\\ }'L':lr'o ago! ~l:Lny lllL'llIllCr'" lo'>t (hl'lr \ 1"L'<.ltl,
1·,hK,lIion,d dlon.~. One on 0111.' l·ollllxln.;on ht'l\\"l'l'll AI GOI't' and ('L'Ofgt' Bu,>h I~ 1t()1l1t:~ and autollloiJill.'::'. while some j{hl thL'ir f:l!nilie> lx:c:\u:-,e 01 Ihl.! ~trt">!,ful t'UlIl
trt:mt'nl!ou ..ly enlighlL'ning. Llhur· .. \01 ... CUI 11l.lkt· ,. dtltt'rt'IK\;, A Ii ..t of LrnditLIII.·~ ol11Y ,1I1t1 f.:onllition .. ,
t'ndo .....L,d hy [;II)(Jr elll he found on our weh .,ile.:.!\ 1/'/1'/1' il>eIl'J08U1"R ~ 1 ;IIlY of our young 1l11'mhers do Ilot rl'lllemlwr th\;' dreadful t"lJIldilion .. under
• Doug Bowden, Iteccrding Secretary He;t/-:;11l :IIlU Bush. I urAL' you to put iI'>idt· gU ll u)lIlrol .11Il1 (ltllt'l i:-.~m·" llil.·
l ocal 10 8 member, Tampa , Florida Ikpllhlicln con~erv;rtivl.''> l1~e 10 dividt, U~ III rt;'aching our m~111l (}hlL'UI\L'~ in Iht'
labor 1ll0vt;'ment. .~uch ;( '> hi/-:hl.·r \\'a/-:e~. improved working L(lndllion~ ,Inti Ilr).:.. n-
In.!/ll /'/f- ;I!tL'r li~tL'ning 10 IIlL' IkpuhlicHi(ln Cot)n:ntion. and aft~'r he;lnn/-: Itow i71llg all workl'rs III the dl.:tln~-al mduslr} 'Ole respnn~ibly for your Llillih ;Inti
t·oll1pa ..... ion;uL· till.' "'new" IkpubliC:ln's ~l fe. II :-.url.:' doe:-. remind me of 19HO when yel ll r.~df
lilt· I-.:md .Intl c.nin~" [{on~dd Ik;I/-::II) \\;1~ runn i n~ for prt;'sident. Daniel "Dan" Lord, Business Manager
(,f) 11Ilt! ;! PArco member ;Ind ;hk tilL'nt h()l\ \..ind .l1ld ~;l1"Ing Ihey I\\'r\' Ire,1I Local 7 16, Houston, Te xas
eli It \\L' don'l know ou r hi .. tory, \\ ..... tr ... doollll'd tu rt'p\;,;tl il!" [ per~on.dly do

- nDI \\,lnt 10 rdive tht· ['JXlh \\',Igl' (:ll .... , pb n t d()~tngs, I.·t,-, . It \\~I'; nOI fun
(it'orgt· \'(' lIu .. h h:h O\er <;90 million. WilerI.' did he /-:el all hi~ lllonL'Y? II dicl-
11'1 U)[lIe InJlll anyol1l.' \\'ho work ... fc)!' ;1 li\i ng.
\X\' ~'nc()ur:l,ge .. II Ollr Brotht..'r... ;In<l Sislt;'r.. to VOTE, If l h\;'re j-. "Otll"':IIIW in your
family wilo is not rq.:i ... lt·!'L·d tn VOll', pleast;' ;Issisl them in rt:w~tt:rll1g Thl~ I~ ,I \1.'1)'
nuda ] election y\..·ar for;lll working pl'opk,
Joseph N. Marley, Press Secretary Kitty Prouse, Press Secretary
l ocal 146, Decatur, Ill inois loc al 2 286 , Bea umo nt, Texa s

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