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Paco Citizen Academy Foundation


Lesson Plan


Lesson Plan Duration June 25-28 Tuesday-Wednesday

I. Objectives
A. cognitive  Identify the different materials through looking, listening,
smelling, tasting and touching
B. affective  Describe the color, size, shape, taste, texture of different
C. psychomotor  Give the characteristic of materials such as color, size,
shape, taste, texture

II. Subject Matter

Topic Learning about things through observation

References Rabago, L., 2016, Science and You 2, Vibal,LISTENING

Powerpoint presentation, different materials inside the bag of the
student and inside the classroom Whiteboard, whiteboard marker

Values Caring for the materials in the environment

Multidimensional Scientific Processing Skill: Observation
III. Lesson Proper
A. Preparatory Activity Prayer

B. Motivation  The students will have an activity entitled “bring me”

C. Organization of the  Discuss how to describe different material through

Lesson observing such as looking, listening, smelling, tasting,
 Describe the characteristic of different materials such as
color, size, shape, taste, texture
 Conduct an activity called “what is inside”

D. Synthesis  In our daily life, we observe the characteristic of an object

by looking, listening, hearing, smelling, tasting and
touching. Through observation, we are able to describe the
properties of material around us such as color, shape,
texture, taste and size, in order to identify the object.
E. Application  Answer worksheet provided by the teacher
IV. Evaluation
Seatwork/Homework  Answer workbook

Prepared by: Ms. Cassy Rellama

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