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Communication plays an important role in any business, profession,

academics, and relations anything. When we talk of effective
communication it is the life blood of successful business because it
connects employs, fosters team building, facilitates changes and drives
changes and results. Effective communication is directly proportional to the
success of an organization because it has the ability to convince people
and this ability could be in form of customers, anyone connecting with the
organization, employees, students in an institution etc. It is important to
fulfill this need of communication. Another feature is that it builds good and
positive relations. It depends both on the sender and the receiver. Based
on the parameters of effective communications following are the 7 Cs given
by Francis J Bergin on the principals of effective communication.

1. Completeness: Message should be complete in all respects. The info

we are going to provide has to be 100% complete and in order to
make it complete we have to plan and structure and organize the
message. All necessary details have to incorporate in the message.
Be answerable to 5 Ws that is Why, what, who, where and what
2. Concise: It does not mean to omit info but need not to mention
unnecessary details. Be brief and to the point. Decide what info
needs to go to the primary source and what needs to be secondary
3. Clarity: Clarity of thought and expression is important. Your mind
should be clear as in what you are supposed to communicate and to
whom. We cannot communicate without the basic knowledge. There
should be clarity in expression like grammar and pronunciation. It
should be understandable to the audience. The expression should be
free flowing
4. Correctness: It means correct language, grammar and facts and
figures. There should not be any error. The message should be
authentic and accurate because it is risky enough to spoil relations
and reputations especially in a marketing scenario. It is important to
cross check.
5. Concreteness: It means capable of being conceived by the senses: It
means nothing is unclear or abstract. It should be definite. It is
authentic so it should be double meaning and should be apt.
6. Consideration: It means keeping the receiver in mind. Keep the
receiver social. Keep in mind his emotions and sentiments. You have
to imagine yourself as the receiver and vice versa. You should have
empathy for the receiver and sender. We should first understand and
then be understood.
7. Courtesy: It means graceful politeness, friendly and helpful behavior,
polite manner, avoiding offensive words, able to answer all queries,
being patient and not being rude.

Apart from this 7 Cs there are other means like

 Proper use of body language like positive gestures, proper posture,

body movements. It is important as it projects our confidence
 Simple language: No technical words. Use simple language with
proper grammar and vocabulary
 Feedback: Two way process. Should be comfortable in receiving
compliments and criticisms. It is complete when the sender gets
doubts from the receiver.
 Queries: Putting up questions shows your presence
 Participative Listening: You should be attentive to queries and the
receiver must pay attention to the message
 Self-control: Emotional control, language control. You have to lose
yourself in the situation and not lose your patience.
 Use of diagonal channel: At the end of the day what matters is the
success of the communication. It is the best because one can bypass
and manage things in the right way
 Mechanical devices: these should be effective. Check on the gadgets
if they can fulfill the message. It is important to make the audience
 Planning: On the basis of structure. There will be no failure in delivery
if planned properly
 Open mindedness: you should adapt the new changes in technology.
Don’t be egoistic


Q1. How can we make communication effective?

Q2. What are the advantages of keeping the message short?

Q3. What are the consequences of an incomplete message?

Q4. What is the role of listening in the process of communication?

Q5. How can feedback contribute to effective communication?

Q6. Discuss the 7 Cs of effective communication

Q7. Write a short note on how to make the communication effective

other than the 7 Cs.


When we talk of communication we talk of LSWR skills


S- Speaking

W- Writing

R- Reading

Speaking and listening are very connected to each other as there will be no
listening if there is no speaking.


 It is the part of over communication. It is the most vital part of

 It can be cultivated and developed
 Speaking and listening go hand in hand and one goes incomplete
without the other
 It is the process of receiving and interpreting a message which is
received from the speaker and it is a step ahead of hearing because
it involves hearing of the message along with body movements of the
speaker in a communication situation. So 2 things go hand in hand
whereas in hearing you don’t acknowledge the message that is being
communicated. When we are concentrating and paying attention to
what is being said it is listening whereas hearing requires no
attention. Listening is voluntary whereas hearing in involuntary.
 As a listener you have to decode the meaning and for both the
message as well as the body language.
 It requires 4 steps
1. Hearing
2. Interpretation: Analyzes not only the words but the body
language as well
3. Evaluating: Mind uses a unique filter where we remember those
things that suit our psyche.
4. Responding: Any communication is complete when we give or
receive feedback.

S no. Listening Hearing

1. Requires physical and Just a physical activity
mental efforts
2. Listening is an active Hearing is a passive
process process
3. It is a voluntary activity It is an involuntary activity
4. Listening involves Hearing happens
conscious involvement of automatically
the listener
5. It is a two way process It is a one way process
6. It derives meaning from Hearing does not include
the gestures and the speaker’s body
expressions of the movement
speaker as well (not
always but mostly)


 Attentive: it demands concentration, active involvement and attention.

This happens in formal meetings, GDs and in interviews.
 Selective: Most common form of listening. We focus on a very
selective part of message. We ignore things that we find useless and
retain the info that is important to us.
 Appreciative:
 Evaluative: When you analyze as a listener and interpret the implicit
as well as the explicit meaning. Similar to selective listening.
 Empathetic: This means when the listener tries to understand the
situation of the speaker. There is respect for the speaker. We see
what we would do if we were in that person’s shoes.


It is the first and the foremost for any language then we learn to read and
write. It is the vocalized form of human communication. When the speaker
conveys the message through spoken words we require a good knowledge
of pronunciations. It requires a listener. You speak by making certain
distinct sounds.

What is a spoken word?

It is a phonetic combination of a limited set of vowels and consonants in a
speech sound unit. If you’re a good speaker people will remember you as
s/he grabs the attention of the crowd. Speech is essential in both formal
and informal situations. We know how to speak formally and informally
depending on the situation


1. Interactive Speaking: Both the speaker and the listener equally

contribute in the process. The whole process where the person encodes a
message in a conversation is called interactive speaking.

2. Partially interactive: The speaker speaks the most and the listener has a
limited role.

3. Non-interactive speaking: Where the speaker speaks and the listener

listens. Nobody asks any questions.


Reading is acquired through constant experimentation. It is a process of

looking at written or printed symbols and then translating them into
meaningful messages. It can be taken as a passive process but not so
much because it is also an active process because we look at the symbols
and comprehend their meaning. We must have full knowledge of the
symbols, we should have grammar and vocab, we should have the ability
to understand otherwise it makes no sense and we must know the purpose
why we are reading this.


 Skimming: Quick browse of the text which gives us a superficial idea.

 Scanning: Looking for specific details, you want to read each and
every word particularly and get into the depth of the content.
 Extensive: Reading for pleasure like comics or novels. Preference of
novel depends on person to person and this preference may change
with time. It can be for pleasure as well as for gaining information.
 Intensive: It is close to scanning. When we are reading in depth we
are reading intensively. It could be reading a report or a contract.
Every word of the document we are reading is important.


Writing is using symbols in a written form. It is not very different from

reading or speaking. Written form of communication is mostly used for
those people who are not present in the scene. As professionals we require
writing skills, requires lot of practice and constant efforts.


 General: It is informal in nature and style. You need not to adhere to

grammar and consistency. You can use slangs, casual words etc. For
example writing a letter to a friend or a family member
 Technical: For specific audience and specific style. Formal in nature
and style and is also technical. For example handbook, user manual
 Business: Used for business purpose like placing an order. It is more
of a conversational style. It can be used formally as well as informally.
 Academic: It is based on analysis. You analyze an issue, an idea or a
subject or idea and draw hypothesis and infrences and structure the
info in a logical order. It is used in formal and semi-formal situations.
They make complicated ideas easy to comprehend. There is no use
of abbreviations or casual words. This is from a third person’s point of
view. It can be divided into 4 parts
o Expository writing: It is devoid of descriptive details. It includes
definitions, facts, clarifications, instructions, directions etc. Its
purpose is to explain and describe the subject to the readers.
Like essays, textbooks, articles etc. No place for casual words.
o Persuasive writing: It persuades the reader to perform an
action. The writer uses such words that can influence the
reader. It is mostly in essays and articles. It is different from
expository writing as it does not rely on specific details but
relies on examples and arguments for support. It is also called
argumentative writing.
o Descriptive writing: to describe a character or thing, fictional or
non-fictional, diary writing etc.
o Narrative writing: It is to narrate a story or an event. You narrate
and there is a sequence. Autobiographies and certain
travelogues come under this.


Q1. What is the importance of listening in the process of communication?

Q2. What is the role of LSWR in communication?

Q3. Tell all types of writing and reading and listening and speaking and
make short motes

In intra communication it is not necessary that a minimum of 2 people are

required for the communication. It can even happen with a single person
that is when a person talks to himself it is called intra personal
communication. Communication with oneself is intra personal
communication which means you are the sender and the receiver which
makes it a process of introspection. It is self-dialog. Intra personal
communication usually happens in plays, poems, movies etc. it can be
divided into 2 parts

1. Soliloquies: it is a long speech that a character gives on stage.

Shakespeare pioneered it first. Professionally it is a dialog that helps
us to grow in the professional world regardless of the hearers. It is in
literature used in plays to reveal the mental state of a character like
Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet etc.
2. Monologues: A monologue has its route in the Greek word
‘monologos’ which means speaking alone. It is a dramatic speech by
a single actor. It can be a speech or a one sided conversation. The
character does all the talking and no other person gets involved in the
conversation. Though all the speaking is done by the character but
other characters can be present to hearing. If we look at the literary
meaning it is used in poetry, plays, films etc. to advance action.
Monologue is addressed to an audience. It is used to reflect the
internal thoughts or dilemma of a character.

Inter personal communication

It means involving several people that is between 2 or more individuals and
it includes message sending and message receiving. It is the process of
transmitting, changing or stating of information through conversation,
speech, dialog, interview etc. and it is used for both formal and informal
communication. It takes place in the following way:

1. One to one communication: It is the day to day communication. It can

be both formal and informal. It is also called face to face
communication or also a communication that happens through a
mechanical gadget. It is also called Dyadic communication because it
means based on two. Both the sender and receiver play reciprocal
roles and body language also plays an important role
I. Face to face communication happening within society
II. Telephonic communication: 2 people communication through a
mechanical gadget
III. Interview: when 2 or more people are interacting but one of
them will be interviewee and others will be interviewers. It is
dynamic in nature. No one can so these tasks alone. Giving
instructions and receiving feedback is also a form of one to one
IV. Dictation: Authoritative dictation to do something
2. Group communication: It is divided into following groups
I. Small group: there is a minimum number. There is a
communication carried out between people ranging from 2 or
more and max is 40-50. The group can be formal or informal.
II. Large group/Public communication: the size could be from 100
to 1000. Organized in a structured way like a politician giving a
speech. Generally occurs face to face. The participants are
expected to be at the same place and we rely on microphones
to transmit our message
III. Mass communication: the term mass denotes a large number
and when info is conveyed to a large segment of population
across the globe it has the capacity to reach the audience
scattered over a wide geographical area and the participants
are unknown to each other. There is very less scope of
personal response and feedback. Examples are newspapers,
TV, magazines etc.


Q1. Difference between inter and intra personal communication

Q2. Differentiate between mass and large group communication

Q3. Advantages of one to one and group communication


1. Welcome speech: you will be introducing the speaker, talk about the
qualities of speaker, talking about the topic in which you introduce the
correlation between the speaker and the topic and the proceedings of
the event. (100-150 words)
2. Validatory speech: Leave taking as per the institution. It is delivered
at the end of the event. Address the speaker and also the people who
have contributed to make the event successful. Highlight on all the
situational details. (100-150 words)
3. Motivational speech: this is delivered to motivate listeners. This could
be on social or professional issues (150-200 words)
4. Informational speech: this is to be delivered in the audience on any
informational topic. Any info could be in the form of a speech
5. Farewell speech: can be given at any point of time like during
retirement or resignation from an organization or a social group.

Q1. What do you mean by public speech?

Speech making is a creative process by which the speaker intends to
influence the audience with his ideas. He tries to persuade the audience
to understand and follow the line of thought that is to be expressed by
the speaker. A good speech requires preparation before its delivery. You
need to understand the focus of a speech. You should know the level
and expectation of the audience. The speech should be well planned
and absolutely convincing, properly substantiated as per the need of the

The language should be simple and suited to the occasion. Personal

examples can be used to establish personal rapport with the audience.
Create a verbal imagery and use wit and humor to keep the audience
engage. The tone should be pleasant. Pronunciation of words should be
proper. Natural gestures and body movements, direct eye contact are
other things that should be incorporated.

Three components


Delivery: you have to be fluent to be effective




This exchange could be in spoken or written form and the most important
feature that distinguishes conversation from dialog is mutual trust and
mutual respect. The participants come together to build mutual
understandings across their differences and create positive outcome
through conversation that is you need to have empathy for the other
person. Therefore even during disagreement the person’s say is taken into
account. The main objective of the dialog is to listen to the problem or the
matter and try to resolve it through conversational exchange and reach
upto an amicable solution. It also brings 2 parties close to each other,
dispels misunderstanding, builds a climate of mutual trust, builds
relationships, makes participants more sympathetic to each other despite
their differences, prepares grounds for negotiations and facilitates decision


Inner dialog (monologue)

Outer dialog: it occurs between 2 or more people


 Be an active listener.
 Be a smart speaker
 Be interested
 Be clear
 Be polite
 Be courteous
 Respect others
 Respect viewpoints of others
 Be positive
 Avoid criticizing
 Be flexible
 Appreciate good things of the listener
 We should not be rigid
 Avoid heated arguments
 Use proper body movements


Q1. Write a dialog between 2 boys one of them is habitually despondent

and thinks that the luck is against him whereas the other is more practical
turn in mind.

Q2. You were invited to a friend’s birthday party. When you reach there you
see that the celebrations have already started. Write a short dialog
between you and your friends

Q3. You purchased a refrigerator from a local electronic goods dealer

about a week ago but it is not been working satisfactorily. You visit the
dealer. Write down the dialog between you and the dealer.


Q1. A patient is down with fever, he visits a doctor. Write the dialog
between the patient and the doctor.
Q2. Write a dialog between a policeman and a car driver who has jumped
the traffic lights.
Q3. Write a dialog between a receptionist and the tourist in a hotel

(Write at least 10 lines each)

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