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Submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of

( Done Under Guidance of Dr. Farzil and Mr. Anupam Kumar )

Submitted by:
Student Name: Ganesh Gulati Prashansa Khandelwal Yishu Malhotra Pronoy Mehra
Roll No: 02096402715 1234123412 60514802715 123456778
Semester: 8th 8th 8th 8th
Batch: 8-C-9 8-C-8 8-C-8 8-C-13

Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, PSP area

Sector – 22, Rohini, New Delhi – 110085
GGSIP University
Project Goals

The completed project should accomplish the following Objectives:

•Self-Education on Deep Learning and computer vision techniques- A large part of this project
contains a lot of self-education
•System: Detection of Lung Tuberculosis - The system should be able to detect the lung cancer within
the CT scan images that users have uploaded.
•System: Display Results- The system should be able to give information that our user can
appropriately understand and gain insight from it.

Project Challenges

· Large 3D Dataset Management and Preprocessing

Working with the dataset is the most difficult challenge that had to be overcome for this project. The
dataset is very large (around -------Gigabytes) which makes managing and analysing the dataset and
training the model very computationally heavy. A single CT scan is also 3 Dimensional which can be
complex to work with especially during feature selection and data preparation.

· Neural Network Architecture Design Choices

Neural networks are architectures that are designed in of itself and there are many types of
architectures out there that exist to solve different problems. A key challenge is to use an architecture
that is able to find patterns in the data. To overcome this, the author has to undertaken necessary
research to implement the correct model design prior to training. There are many neural network
architectures such as multi-layer perceptrons, convolutional networks and sequence models.

· Understanding Deep Learning Concepts

Deep learning is an exciting but new concept. To overcome this challenge , research and study has to
be performed to deliver the project goals. A useful resource that has been used is Stanford’s professor
Andrew Ng’s deep learning course on Coursera. This course enables the learners to gain a foundation
to deep learning.

· Training the Model

Deep learning models require hours of training time, the best performing model that has been trained
in this project required 40 hours of training time on a Tesla K80 GPU available on Floydhub.
Compared to standard machine learning algorithms, performing experiments and getting results take
much longer. This problem can stop the project’s progress. Careful planning before running
experiments can minimize this problem.

Using keras.Callback features such as CSVLogger, ModelCheckpoint, LearningRateScheduler and etc

can be used to debug the models quicker when models don’t improve which directly increase

VV is an open-source and cross platform image viewer, designed for fast and simple visualization of
spatio-temporal images: 2D, 2D+t, 3D and 3D+t (or 4D) images. VV runs (at least!) on Linux,
Windows and Mac OS in 32 and 64 bits.
VV is more specifically designed for qualitative evaluation of image registration and deformation
field visualization. It contains several tools for superimposing images using complementary colors or
transparency, visualizing vector fields and defining landmarks. With a modern graphic card,
navigation is fast and smooth.
Masked images
S.NO. Task Description Status
1. Project Overview To create an overview of the entire Completed
2. Flowchart/Approach To create a flowchart or a set of steps to Completed
carry out the project successfully.
3. Form Attestation and All the forms attested from the college Completed
Submission and submitted to crowdai.org

S.NO. Task Description Status

4. Requested for Dataset To request crowdai.org for the dataset. Completed

5. Reception of Dataset To download the entire dataset after Completed
being permitted by crowdai.org
6. Dataset Cleaning To clean the dataset in order to get the ct In Progress
scan images and relevant meta data.


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