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Efigenio A.

Lumanlan 1-M

Sem 2

Spread the word

Baptism is the first sacrament that a person receives if he wants to be a catholic. However,
I do believe the baptism is not necessary to be part of the kingdom of God here in earth. By doing
actions which are in line to His teaching can make one be part of His family but as a devout
Catholic it is indispensable. Short background about me, I was baptize in the province of my Mom
at San Andress, Quezon. I was an infant during that time and my consent was not asked if I want
to be a catholic. By lo and behold, it was worth it. To be raised by a catholic parent is a blessing.
They form me to be good and kind to others as well as to my enemy as Jesus one’s said “Love
your enemy as you love yourself.”
It is through baptism that I was able to enter the loving presence of God even though when
I was a kid, I was always forced to attend mass because it was early, and I wanted to extend my
sleep time and watch my favorite cartoon show. When, I enter the seminary at a young age, I was
thought that there are three blessings I received from the moment of baptism was happened. These
are by becoming a priest, king and a prophet. Honestly, I did not understand what it conveyed. By
as time passed by I understood it. A priest, because I am asked to always attend mass and all kinds
of celebration. A king, to lead the people from my simple actions. And a prophet, just to simple
spread the word of God.
Here in Law school, we are asked what gift we still do from the blessings we received from
baptism. My answer is by becoming a Prophet. By leading my classmates in prayers, answering
their answers about my life inside the seminary, showing my knowledge about and most of all by
telling them that they are not alone in this kind of environment because God is in their side. I know
that it is hard to do because of the persecution of media and the trolls destroying the imitation of
the Catholic Church.
I do always return to the experience of the passed prophets who sacrificed their life just to
spread and convey the teachings of God. I am happy that there are criticisms for it is a sign that
Prophets will be born and send to say the message of God. I don’t need to wait for their coming
because I, myself can be prophet to other people especially to the one, I meet everyday.

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