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Topic- Earth Geologic Time Scale : Solve the following item

Objective: 1. Interpret the geologic time scale the history of the earth.


1. The two major group of reptiles – diapsids 1. The era ranges from about 4.6 billion years
1. (5X1) + (13X5) + (9X4) +(11X11) / (7X10) + (3X3) = (rise to reptiles) and synapsid (rise to ago when earth is form, to about 544 million
mammals) dominated this period. years ago.
2. (12X14) + (8X7) + (13X2) / 9X12=
2. Began 544 million years ago allowing 3. Known as the age of reptiles made up of three
3. (11X5) + (7X2) + (6X11) / 14X7 = shallow seas to cover the continents and periods: triasssic, Jurassic and creataceous.
marine invertebrates to fishes, amphibians
4. (10X3) + (13X8) + (6X11) / 7X5 = and reptiles. 4. Known as the age of mammals because
mammals replaces reptiles as the dominant land
5. (1X12) + (4X13) / (1X9) + (6X3) = 9. Spanned 56 million years first bird and animals.
dinosaurs diversity.
6. (8X4) + (4X2) + (13X10) / (6X7) + (10X10) = 5. Originated 252.17 to 201.3 million years ago
10. The ages of fishes and amphibians Dinosaurs begin to appear, having evolved from
7. (12X6) + (13X12) + (4X11) / (5X6) + (10X14) = diversity. reptiles called Archosaurs.

8. (7X3) + (12X10) / (9X3) + (4X3) = 11. The extinction of the dinosaurs. 6. The “time of ancient life” This period lasted
about 53 million years and marked a dramatic
9. (14X5) + (5X4) + (9X11) + (2X8) / (6X1) + (2X13) = 12. The evolution of insects to giants. The burst of evolutionary changes in life on Earth,
evolution of first reptiles, tree and ferns.
10. (9X8) + (12X3) + (10X2) / (7X7) + (10X1) = 7. Began 443 million to 416 million years ago
Coral reefs made their first appearance during
11. (6X9) + (1X14) + (8X8) / (6X14) + (5X2) =
this time, the earliest terrestrial plants (vascular
12. (11X8) + (5X8) + (9X13) / (7X2) + (8X1) =
8. Began 485.4 million years ago, Period marks
13. (3X1) + (10X6) + (7X4) + (11X3) + (12X12)
of the earliest appearance of vertebrates.

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