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Reference Calculation Out Put

Design of 7m height Retaining Wall at Downstram of Spill Way of

Eerige Oya Tank

Angle of Response of Soil= 30 deg

Saturated Unit Weight of Soil= 20 KN/m3

Dry Unit Weight of Soil= 17 KN/m3

Coefficeint of Friction Between Soil and Concrete= 0.6

Bearing Capacity of Soil= 150 kN/m2

Unit Weight of Concrete= 24 KN/m3

Unit Weight of Water= 9.81 KN/m3


c y g df

a= 0.4 m
y= 0.6 m
h= 7 m
h'= 0.5 m
df= 1 m

Total Height of Retaining Wall ,H= h+df

H= 8m

f= (H/10 - H/14)
f= 0.5 m

b= 0.4 to 0.6 H

b= 8.75 m

g= 1/3- 1/4 b

g= 1.75 m

Ka= (1-sinǾ)/(1+sinǾ)

Ka= 0.33

Active Earth Pressure at bottem Pa=Ka x ɤ xH

Pa= 52.8 kN/m2

Resulting Active Earth Pressure on unit length of Wall ,F=0.5 Pa xH

F= 211.2 kN

Acting Position h2=H/3

h2= 2.67 m




A Pa =Ka x ɤ xH

Fu Pu

W1= a x ɤc x (h+h')

W1= 72 kN

Distance From A, d1=g+y-a/2

d1= 2.15 m

W2=0.5 x (y-a) x(h+h')x ɤc

W2= 18 kN

Distance From A, d2=g+(y-a)/3

d2= 1.81667 m

W3= ɤsat x (h+h') x (b-y-g)

W3= 960 kN

Distance From A, d3=(b+g+y)/2

d3= 5.55 m
W4= ɤcx b x f

W4= 105 kN

Distance From A, d4=b/2

d4= 4.375 m

W5=h' x ɤsat

W5= 10 kN

Distance From A, d5=g/2

d5= 0.875 m

Total Weight= 1165 kN

Resultant Moment about A, MR= W1d1+ W2d2+ W3d3+W4d4

MR= 5983.63 kN.m

Over Turning Moment About A due to Active Earth Pressure, M1= F x h2

M1= 563.2 kN.m

Pu= ɤw x H

Pu= 78.48 kN/m2

Fu= 0.5 x b x Pu

Fu= 343.35 kN

Distance from A, du=2/3 X b

du= 5.83333 m

Over Turning Moment About A due to uplift pressure, M2= Fu x du

M2= 2002.88 kN.m

FOS Over Turning= MA/ M1+M2

FOS Over Turning= 2.33182 >1.5 OK

Check for Sliding

FOS Sliding= µ x Total Weight /F

FOS Sliding= 3.30966 OK

Let the resultant R due to Total Weight and Pa lie at a distance X from the A.

X= Sum of Moment About A/Sum of Weights

X= 2.93352 m

e= 1.44148 m

Pressure Distribution at base

Pmax=( W/b) x (1+6e/b)

Pmax= 264.747 kN/m2

Pmin=( W/b) x (1-6e/b)

Pmin= 1.53861 kN/m2

Design of Key




W6 W7
h3=0.6 W8

Pp Coefficient of Passive Earth Pressure ,Kp= 1/ka Pa'

kp= 3.0303

Pp=kp ɤ (h3+f)

Pp= 66.6667 kN/m2

Pa'=ka ɤ (h3+H)

Pa'= 56.76 kN/m2

The weight of Key and earth shown hatched will be additional weights
for sliding

Total Weight= 1271.44 kN

Fa'=Pa'x (H+h3)/2

Fa'= 244.068 kN

Distance from A,d6=(h3+H)/3

d6= 2.86667 m
Fp=Pp x (h3+f)/2

Fp= 36.6667 kN

Distance from A, d7=(h3+f)/3

d7= 0.36667 m

Moment about A= 13.4444 kNm

W7= ɤc y h3

W7= 8.64 kN

Distance from A, d8=(g+y/2)

d8= 2.05 m

Moment About A= 17.712 kNm

Net Horizontal Force=Fa'-Fp= 207.401 kN

FOSSliding= 3.6782 ok

FOSovertiurning= 2.19091 ok

Structural Design of Stem


A B Pa"

Active Earth Pressure at Level AB, Pa"=Ka x ɤ x(h+h')

Pa"= 49.5 kN/m2

Resultant Force, Fa"= Pa" x (h+h')/2x1

Fa"= 185.625 kN

Distance From AB level, d"=(h+h')/3

d"= 2.5 m

Ma"=Fa" x d"
Maximium Shear forcr at AB Level ,S.FAB=Pa"x( h+h')

S.FAB= 371.25 kN

Ultimate Bending Moment at Bottem of Stem,Mu=1.2 Ma"

Mu= 556.875 kN.m BS
8110 Assume Moment Redistribution< 10%, K'=0.156

K=Mu/(bd^2 fcu)

fcu= 25 N/mm2

fy= 460 N/mm2

b= 1000 mm

Assume Bar Diameter dr= 25 mm

Hence d=(a+y)/2-40-dr/2 447.5 mm

K= 0.11123 <k'=0.156

Compression Reinforcement not Required,


Z= 382.854 mm


As= 3328.46 mm2

Assume No of Bars Required per meter length,N

N= 6.77795

Provide 25mm Bars at 125mm Spacing

Provide Minimum Distribution Reinforcement


As= 650 mm2

Provide 12 mm bars

N= 5.74495

Provide 12mm bars at 150mm spacing

Check For Shear Reinforcement

Ultimate Shear Force, Fu= 1.2 x S.F

Fu= 445.5 kN

Shear Stress=Fu/bde

Shear Stress= 0.99553 N/mm2

Allowable Shear Stress=0.8(fcu^0.5)= 4 N/mm2

No Need Shear Reinforcement

Design of Toe





Upward Soil Pressure at A,PA =Pmax-(Pmax-Pmin)*g/b

= 212.105 kN/m2

Design the toe as a cantilever slab under the action of Self Weight,
Upward Pressure From Soil and Uplift Pressure by water

Weight of Toe =1.4* f*g*ɣc= 29.4 kN

Distance From A=g/2= 0.875 m

B.M at A due to Weight of Toe= 25.725 kN.m

Force From Soil , Regtangular Component =1.4* PA*g= 519.658 kN

Distance From A=g/2= 0.875 m

B.M at A= 454.701 kN.m

Force From Soil ,Triangular Component =1.4*0.5* (Pmax-PA)*g= 64.4861 kN

Distance From A=2g/3= 1.16667 m

B.M at A= 75.2338 kN.m

PuA= 15.696 kN/mm2

FuA=1.4*0.5*g*PuA= 19.2276 kN

Distance from A=2g/3= 1.16667 m

B.M at A= 22.4322 kN.m

Resultant Bending Moment at A= 526.642 kN/mm2

S.F at A= 573.972 kN

Assume Moment Redistribution< 10%, K'=0.156

K=Mu/(bd^2 fcu)

fcu= 25 N/mm2

fy= 460 N/mm2

b= 1000 mm

Assume Bar Diameter dr= 25 mm

Hence d=f-40-dr/2 447.5 mm

K= 0.10519 <k'=0.156

Compression Reinforcement not Required,


Z= 387.022 mm


As= 3393.7 mm2

Assume No of Bars Required per meter length,N

N= 6.91081

Provide 25mm bars at 125mm spacings ,Hence Continue the Stem

Main Bar

Provide Minimum Distribution Reinforcement


As= 650 mm2

Provide 12mm bars

N= 5.74495

Provide 12mm bars at 150mm spacing

Check For Shear Reinforcement

Ultimate Shear Force, Fu= 1.2 x S.FAB

Fu= 688.766 kN

Shear Stress=Fu/bde

Shear Stress= 1.53914 N/mm2

Allowable Shear Stress=0.8(fcu^0.5)= 4 N/mm2

No need Shear Reinforcement

Design of Heel





Upward Soil Pressure at B,PB=Pmax-(Pmax-Pmin)*(g+y)/b

= 194.057 kN/m2

Design the Heel as a cantilever slab under the action of Self Weight,
Upward Pressure From Soil and Uplift Pressure by water

Weight of Toe =1.4* f*(b-y-g)*ɣc= 107.52 kN

Distance From B=(b-y-g)/2= 3.2 m

B.M at B due to Weight of Toe= 344.064 kN.m

Upward Force From Soil , Regtangular Component =1.4* Pmin*(b-y-g)= 13.786 kN

Distance From B=(b-y-g)/2= 3.2 m

B.M at B= 44.1151 kN.m

Force From Soil ,Triangular Component =1.4*0.5* (PB-Pmin)*(b-y-g)= 862.482 kN

Distance From A=2(b-y-g)/3= 4.26667 m

B.M at A= 3679.92 kN.m

Uplift Pressure Due to Water at A,PuA=Pu*(b-y-g)/b

PuA= 57.4025 kN/mm2

FuA=1.4*0.5*g*PuA= 117.874 kN

Distance from A=(b-y-g)/3= 2.13333 m

B.M at A= 251.464 kN.m

Weight of Soil Above Heel,W3= 960 kN

Distance From B=(b-y-g)/2= 3.2 m

Bending Moment at B= 3072 kN.m

Resultant Bending Moment at B= 559.437 kN/mm2

S.F at A= -73.378 kN

Assume Moment Redistribution< 10%, K'=0.156

K=Mu/(bd^2 fcu)

fcu= 25 N/mm2

fy= 460 N/mm2

b= 1000 mm

Assume Bar Diameter dr= 25 mm

Hence d=f-40-dr/2 447.5 mm

K= 0.11174 <k'=0.156

Compression Reinforcement not Required,


Z= 382.496 mm


As= 3346.9 mm2

Assume No of Bars Required per meter length,N

N= 6.81551

Provide25mm bars at 125mm spacings,

Provide Minimum Distribution Reinforcement


As= 650 mm2

Provide 12mm bars

N= 5.74495

Provide 12mm bars at 150mm spacing

Check For Shear Reinforcement

Ultimate Shear Force, Fu= 1.2 x S.FAB

Fu= -88.054 kN

Shear Stress=Fu/bde

Shear Stress= -0.1968 N/mm2

Allowable Shear Stress=0.8(fcu^0.5)= 4 N/mm2

No need Shear Reinforcement

10.5 9.4


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