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Sample Module Outline

Once you’ve created your syllabus, you’ll need to create a module-based course outline that details all course
components, activities, and learning objectives. This will organize your course into modules that you can later
set up within Moodle. We recommend that each module contain a module overview, is 1-2 weeks in length,
and begins on the same weekday. These guidelines will help make your course clear and easy to navigate. A
sample module outline taken from an introductory course in Two-Dimensional Design by Susan Lambert
appears below. Adapt it to your needs to create an outline for each major topic in your course. For additional
guidance, please contact x4221.


Title: Taking a zen Approach: The Negative Space Problem

Dates active: 10/06-10/20

Module Overview:

“The usefulness of a bowl is in its emptiness.”

– This idea is attributable to Buddhist and Taoist traditions.

How is ’emptiness’ made useful by artists? How can empty or negative space produce ambiguity, nurture
curiosity and add to the richness of an image? How can it lead viewers to take an active role in completing the
image? How can focusing on “what is not there” open up new ways of thinking, feeling and perceiving? And
how can we use the boundaries of the frame to “activate” negative space – making it an equal partner to the
objects represented?

In this two-week module, you will read about the design principles that artists use to accomplish these things.
I’ll show you examples from Art History and you will find examples of images on your own that evidence
these principles. You will then use Photoshop to design images that make creative use of negative
space. Finally, we will participate in a group critique of your completed projects via Voicethread.

Module Objectives:
After completing this module, students will:

 Identify how the following design principles affect our perceptions of two-dimensional images:
 Gestalt Principle of Closure
 Negative Space
 Framal Reference
 Apply Photoshop tools to create original images that make creative use of negative space.
 Articulate how these principles work in fine art images and in each others’ solutions to the Negative
Space Problem.
Lectures, Readings:

 Chapter 2 in Judith Wilde’s book, Visual Literacy

 Art, Design and Gestalt Theory, by Richard Behrens
at: http://www.leonardo.info/isast/articles/behrens.html#26.

 Discussion Forum
 Negative Space Project
 Voicethread Critique

 Firefox Web Browser

 Adobe Photoshop
 Voicethread
All assessments are due by 11:59 PM on 10/20/08.

Module Outline Template #1

Use this Template to plan your module by replacing the blue text with course content (after you read it).

Some short, attention-grabbing introduction to the module. Many faculty record a short video to give an
overview of the module, it’s purpose and expectations. Variations on this can include a video dialogue between
two people. Others use a text-based overview. The module overview is also often a good place to activate
students’ prior knowledge and experience.

Module Objectives:
After successful Completion of this module, you should be able to:

* Learning objective 1

* Learning objective 2 (etc.)

Course Materials
The materials you will provide for students to facilitate and/or demonstrate the learning. These might be
videos, reading materials, samples or examples, case studies, simulations, etc. Add these materials to the
course in the order that you want students to use them. Provide brief guidance, as needed to. You can
use labels like those listed below for individual materials, on group them together under a single label like
“Weekly Content” or “Learning Materials”:



Learners get to apply the new knowledge they have acquired in the module. Refer back to your learning
objectives when making decisions about activities and assessments. You want to be sure that you are asking
students to do the things that you said they would learn how to do and that their performance will
demonstrate that learning.

Remember to include opportunities for students to interact with each other in some of your assignments
and activities.

Note that not all course assignments need to be summative (i.e. resulting in a grade or other performance
evaluation.) Course activities might also allow students to process, practice or integrate new knowledge
through discussions or reflection questions, for example. However, be sure that ungraded activities include
some useful feedback component or other substantial motivation for students to complete them.

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