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Lets Play Doctor

Lets Play Doctor

J.D. Wallach, DVM, ND

Ma Lan, md, ms
The information in this book is intended to be medical instruction. It's purpose is to be
educational and informative. It is assumed the user, as their own primary health care provider,
will consult with or refer themselves to an N.D., D.C., or D.V.M. as they deem necessary.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publications Data:

Wallach, J.D. and Lan, Ma

Bibliography: p
Includes Index

1. Wholistic Health Care. 2. Self-Help Health Care. 3. Translations -prescriptions.

5. Eclectic Materia Medica. 6. Alternative Self-Help


Fourth Edition, 1995

COPYRIGHT ©1989 by J.D. Wallach, Ma Lan and Double Happiness Publishing Co.
All rights reserved

No part of this book may be copied or reproduced in any form without written consent of the authors
and publisher.

Printed and published by Double Happiness Publishing Co., Bonita, Ca.


The extraordinary help and technical advice of Vince Marasigan, Linda Wick and the staff
of the Double Happiness Publishing Company allowed us to have a joyous "home
delivery." We also need to thank my 13 year-old son, Jeremiah C. Wallach for doing a
significant amount of grunt work on the rough manuscripts.

"I am a realist, as long as the profit is in the treatment of symptoms

rather than in the search for causes, that's where the medical
profession will go for it's harvest."


The Pulse Test

This book is dedicated to individual health freedom, freedom of choice in health care, the
Constitution of the United States and to the separation of medicine and state as with church and

"The Constitution of this Republic should make special provisions for Medical Freedom as well
as Religious Freedom. To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges
to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are unAmerican and


A signer of the Declaration of Independence
and this nation's first Surgeon General.
Table of Contents

Introduction Peter & Jacqueline Holliday vii

Foreward Lendon Smith, M.D viii

Preface Joel D. Wallach, B.S., D.V.M., N.D x

Chapter 1 Pre-Med 1

Chapter 2 Doctor Talk 6

Chapter 3 Medical Library 24

Chapter 4 Medical Toys 26

Chapter 5 Medical Laboratory 30

Chpater 6 Diagnosis 41

Chapter 7 Healing Arts 51

Chapter 8 Pharmacy "'O

Chapter 9 OB/GYN Homebirth 74

Chapter 10 Materia Medica 80

Chapter 1 Referrals to Specialists 176

Chapter 1 Insurance & Hospitals 179

Chapter 13 Public Health 182

References and Resources 184

Index 195


Drs. Wallach and Ma Lan are offering an educational as well as an entertaining

manuscript in Let's Play Doctor.
Although alternative medicine holds quite a fascination for many of us, the subject
when reviewed in its entirety, as this book does, can tend to become dreary reading. Not
so here - with a wit deserving of wider recognition, the authors have succeeded in getting
across that allows the reader to grasp the importance of an idea without getting bored.
Perhpas just as important, the reader is led into some serious discussions, without creating
an impression that this is too deep or difficult for them to understand.
To bring the wealth of information from a licensed veterinarian and naturopathic
physician and a physician trained in Oriental medicine into a single volume has created
a rare and fulfilling experience in the realm of wholism. Although the authors may give
the impression of being slightly prejudiced as to their philosophy of healing, it is very
obvious that these beliefs are based on facts and personal observations through many
years of combined practice.
This is probably the first time a veterinarian turned physician has written about the
similarities and discrepancies of treating animals as compared to humans. In some
respects, it is frightening to know that the average animal that gets sick has a much better
chance of getting well than humans do. That the food we humans eat is almost guaranteed
to make animals sick, and that the minimum daily requirements for vitamins, minerals,
proteins and fats are much more well researched in animals than man - and that the
Recommended Daily Allowances are considerably higher.
When we consider that most animals live to approximately twenty times their age of
maturity and man only five times his, we see the wisdom of a wellness lifestyle. Let's Play
Doctor will guide you through the intricacies of basic health care, teach you how to supply
your personal "health" cabinet and how to diagnose simple illnesses with ease. Enjoy
reading the book!

Peter Holliday &

Jackie Holliday


I have known Joel Wallach for many years and he never ceases to amaze me. He is busy,
bright, and has his finger in more modalities of healing than I ever knew existed. I first met him
about 1 5 years ago when I was getting started in the nutritional approach to the care and feeding
of children. He was an inspiration as I was realizing how much the practice of veterinary
medicine is like pediatrics: one really has to use one's diagnostic acumen to figure out the
I also became aware, with much help from Joel, He
that nutrition is the basis of health.
learned that through his veterinary training, and was reinforced when he discovered that many

of the diseases of animals have their counterparts in humans. He was able to show me that cystic
fibrosis was related to the selenium deficiency of the mother during the pregnancy and that the
full-blown disease in a child did not show up unless the deficiency was not corrected in the child
early. Of course, the standard orthodox medical thought still believes that genetics and genetics
alone determines who will get the disease and how seriously.
Joel has tried to get someone to believe his ideas are worth investigating, but once doctors
make up their minds - well, you know how stubborn they can be. I was like that one, but people
like Joel have helped me see the light. We (MD's) do not have all the answers. Knowing that

he has been forced to deal with these negative attitudes despite his presentation of reproducible
facts, you can understand his rather blatant doctor-bashing tirades scattered through the book.
Some is fair, and some is overdone. Go for it, Joel, get it off your chest!

The nice tiling about this book is that Joel asumes that the reader is reasonably intelligent. He
assumes the reader knows what a rash is, and that if a person has a high fever and a convulsion,
die reader would naturally dash off to the emergency room. Most everyone is aware that ice

water is best for burns, not lard.

His background in Naturopathic Medicine makes his remedies credible. We need to

become more familiar with the natural healing methods; we also need to know when to draw
the line between home care and a real emergency. I can remember one of our children giving
me a fright when she was but a baby. She had a high fever and a convulstion and I was trying
to be calm. "Let me see, now, what do I tell people over the 'phone when they call about this
problem-oh, yes, the comfortable hot bath to get the skin capillaries dilated, and then sponging

health care system. Under the protective and loving wing of the government, "orthodox"
medicine has flourished as a house of cards. Today the medical-pharmaceutical complex costs
Americans more money each year than does all the military and Pentagon spending combined
$817 billion yet our health among the western industrialized nations is listed as 17th by the
(i.e. ,

WHO). The extreme of this mentality is when "hungry orthodox" doctors get court orders to
force you to take blood transfusions or take chemotherapy against your religious beliefs or
charges you with child abuse and take your children away because your religion doesn't believe
in vaccinations — is this not the same as forcing you to attend a state operated church???

It is of interest that the 10,000 year old system of Traditional Chinese Medicine only paid
the doctor when you were well and stopped paying him when you became ill — this ancient
system combined with the veterinary mind set would be an ideal medical system!!!
My personal experience with "orthodox" doctors both as my physicians and fellow
researchers has been disastrous. The "orthodox" oncologist did not infoim me of any alternatives
when they "treated" my wife and killed her with chemotherapy in 1978; the "orthodox" doctors
deemed my son to have "learning disabilities" when, in fact, he had severe and debilitating food
allergies; pediatriciansmissed a diagnosis of folic acid deficiency anemia and a fractured arm in
my children; and lastly, they killed my father with a nosocomial infection initiated during a very
simple procedure. I am a faithful servant to anything I believe in so it took me until 1978 to realize
that was to have a
if I positive effect on human health I would have to go back to school and
become a physician! I chose to become an N.D. (a naturopathic physician) because they
believed philosophically in nutrition as a basic bulwark against disease. It is now time to share
with you the accumulated knowledge of the veterinary profession and the naturopathic
Lastly, is to give you enough information so you can avoid
the purpose of this book
unnecessary doctor or hospital Most of us were normally curious about our bodies at an

early age and we said to our friends, "Let's Play Doctor;" we "performed surgery," "delivered
babies," gave "physicals" and wrote "prescriptions." As we grew older, we developed other
interests (i.e., cars, math, dogs, etc.) and gleefully delegated our health care to the "orthodox"
M.D. The government bureaucrats recognized a "good thing," ran to get in on the act and
crowned the doctor "Bishops" of the "Bermuda Triangle" and themselves the first "Kings of the
Resist! Before you decide to follow your cardiologists advice, look in the obituaries for
cardiologists who die under the age of fifty from a heart attack while jogging in the park.! Let's
Play Doctor together! Be like the proud little girl who said to her mother, "After we learned about
the Boston Tea Party in school today, I threw all of the "orthodox" dmgs from the medicine
cabinet into the toilet."

"Praise the Lord and pass the herbs (ammunition)!!"

JoelD. Wallacb, B.S., D.VM., N.D.

Chapter 1
"The medical profession is unconsciously
Pre-Med irritated by lay knowledge.
-John Steinbeck

All "orthodox" doctors should be re- were politely filled with echoes of empty halls
quired to go to veterinary school as a pre-med - the "orthodox" doctors get paid less than the
course in the same way that Chinese doctors CTM doctors and even less than cab drivers (I
are required to complete training in Chinese believe that's fair!).

Traditional Medicine before they enter into The history of medicine reads like the
western type medical schools. The Chinese, history of nations in that there were, and still
who have a socialized medical system, realize are, great battles going on, most of which are

that Chinese Traditional Medicine is a better over "turf' (scope of practice) and raw materi-
buy for their money than western style "ortho- als (patients). At the time of Henry VIII (and for

dox" medicine that is heavily tilted toward 10,000 years before), there was nothing un-
surgery, pharmaceuticals and hospitalization. common in medical (herbal) expertise. Noble-
In June 1989, I had the great honor to do a men did in royal style what every household
cystic fibrosis research project in China with did out of necessity. In 1526, the first Herbal
several of the more famous Chinese physi- (medical self-help book) was translated from
cians; while there I visited several CTM hospi- Greek and published for the common man.
tals as well as their western style hospitals - it Those that followed were published by physi-
was wonderful. The CTM hospitals were cians and surgeons or chemists for consump-

teeming with patients, doctors and techni- tion by their peers. Each author began to

cians performing acupuncture procedures, ma- demand that everyone accept his collection of
nipulation, hydrotherapy, physical therapy, medications as the last word. The first govern-
etc. It looked like a railway station in a war ment approved drug list was printed in

zone full of evacuees of every description. Nuremberg between 1515 and 1544.
Everyone was happy —even the patients who Paracelsus complained that physicians
were packed as many as ten into a therapy and apothecaries were pushing only exotic
room and hundreds waiting in the halls. plants and forgetting those in the local
In contrast, the western type hospitals "hedgerow" (they could get more for imported
medicines than for the common backyard them great cures, to the high displeasure of
varieties even thoughmany cases the local
in God, great infamy of the faculty, and the
herb was more effective) — the process had grievous hurt,damage and destruction of many
already begun!!!The full degree medical course of the King's liege people."
at Cambridge in the 1500s took up to 14 years In 1518, the College of Physicians was
and was, therefore, the private domain of the established and confirmed by Parliament to
wealthy (it was not uncommon for the medi- have medical control over the entire realm of
cal students to take courses from schools in England. In 1540, Parliament created several
five to ten different countries in the process of Acts which gave physicians control over Sur-
getting their degree). During this time ama- geons and Apothecaries. In a peacemaking
teurs were the greatest competition to physi- offering to the unhappy Surgeons, Barbers
cians and they complained loudly to the Par- were now forbidden to do surgery by the
liament "for now every man without any study same Act. The Surgeons, in an all out effort to
of necessary artes unto the knowledge of eliminate any competition in their now re-
Physick will become a physician.. .every man, stricted scope of practice, set upon women
nay every wyfe will presume, not without herbalists and labeled them Witches. Because
mordre to many, to practyse Physick." some of the Surgeons' victims of wrath had
The early surgeons depended primarily friends in Parliament, a new Act was passed
on venereal disease as their source of income that created a new type of recognized physi-
(three out of four). Although the surgeons did cian - the herbalist. The Act castigated the
not have a Guild or Charter, they fought bit- Surgeons for their greed and failure to treat the
terly with the Barber-Surgeons who had got- common man if they couldn't pay; "minding
ten a Royal Charter in 1462. The Barber- only their own lucre, and nothing die profit or
Surgeons were expected by charter to confine ease of the diseased or patient, having sued,
their efforts to cupping, bleeding, and tooth troubled and vexed divers honest persons, as
extraction. The apothecaries strongly believed well as men as women, whom God hath
they knew as much, or more, about medicine induced with the knowledge of nature, kind
The chemist and apoth-
as did the physician. and operation of certain Herbs, Roots and
ecaries were expected by their charter to ob- Waters, and suing the ministering of them, to
tain medicines from the Royal Grocers' Com- such as has been pained with customable
pany (food and drug company favored by the diseases, as Women's Breasts being sore, a pin
crown). and the Web in the Eye, Uncomes of hands,
Now, in addition to all of these govern- scaldings, burnings, sore mouths, the stone,
ment approved practitioners, were the great stagury, saucelim and morphew, and such
masses of everyday people who dabbled in other like diseases; and yet the said persons
home self-help because the average man have not taken anything for their pains or
couldn't afford a Cambridge trained physi- cunnings, but have ministered the same to
cian. The physicians complained "a great poor people only for neighbourhood and
multitude of ignorant persons, of whom the God's sake and pity and charity" (doesn't this
greater part had no insight into physic, nor in sound somehow familiar -think of the
any other kind of learning; some could not fundraising efforts of a local village fire depart-
even read the letter on the book, so far forth, ment to raise $ 500,000 for medical expenses to
that common artificers, smiths, weavers and do a liver transplant on little Jimmy. The
women, boldly and accustomedly took upon whole village gives of their charity but does
the hospital or the "orthodox" doctor reduce totally enslave a young mind to the

the price? No! Little Jimmy must wait for his "carrot" and "suck" system. Be good, write lots
liver until the full "orthodox" medical fee is of prescriptions, refer lots of patients to the
raised). and you get the "carrot" (i.e. the
local hospital ,

It is a sad fact that the "orthodox" medical Mercedes, big house, beach house, pool, in-
profession worries more about competitors vestments, ski trips, golf every Wednesday,
than they do about finding cures. Almost all pretty wife, etc.). But woe unto you, Doctor;
"medical" discoveries were found by others if you rebel in any way, you get the "stick" (i.e.

than those "orthodox" doctors in universities you get your license jerked!).
and hospitals. For example, during the time The most blatant example of this "carrot"
when "orthodox" doctors believed that there and "stick" system I know of is James Privitera,
was "spontaneous generation of life," Van M.D. who was an early advocate of Laetrile
Leeuwenhoek (a medical school janitor) dis- (the alternative cancer medication). For his
covered the microscope; Pasteur (a wine mi- compassion to his terminal patients (you must
crobiologist) proved vaccines in animals, cre- know that Laetrile was legal in 23 states but not
ated rabies vaccine, determined that there California because the "orthodox" oncologists

were viral particles smaller than bacteria, and had too strong of a lobby in the legislature), he
disproved the theory of spontaneous genera- was prosecuted by the State of California at the
tion of life; Jenner (a country physician/veteri- behest of the "orthodox" Medical Board, found
narian) noticed that milkmaids didn't get small- guilty of using an "unauthorized" drug and

pox when they had cowpox sores on their thrown in jail. After great effort from the

hands so he protected his whole village by National Health Federation, Governor Jerry
giving them cowpox!! During this time, the Brown pardoned Dr. Privitera. After his re-

physicians in the halls of the universities and lease, he returned to his practice, however, the

hospitals fought against these new theories events of his persecution had made him a west
even to the point that Pasteur had to challenge coast folk hero; the local doctors convinced
them in the newspaper with a great sheep the California authorities to continue their
vaccination experiment in the outskirts of investigation of him to the point he wrote
Paris (doesn't this sound like the media release them a letter saying if they didn't cease and
of scientific "breakthroughs" of today?) -as we from harassment, he was going to hold

allknow, Pasteur prevailed!! a news conference and expose their tactics

More recent was the discovery by veteri- whereupon the good doctor was handcuffed,
narians that ticks, flies and mosquitos trans- anested and charged with extortion because
mitted tick fever to livestock and yellow fever he had "threatened" these United States!! Some-
to people; since Walter Reed was a physician thing really stinks here!! Fortunately, the local
and the head of the Panama Canal Health judge recognized that the "government had
Committee, the hospital was named after him! overreacted" and threw the case out of court!!
We know from military history and ac- This judge should be a Supreme CourtJustice!"
celerated medical training programs that it "Orthodox" doctors are now advertising
doesn't take eight years to train a basic physi- in the Yellow Pages, an act that would have

cianand another two to five years for resi- brought down the "stick" upon them as re-
dency and specialty training. Whythen does cently as five years ago. What is happening?
the "orthodox" medical training take so long? Well, it appears that despite their best efforts,

It's elementary, Watson! It takes that long to the American people are beginning to shop
around and look for a better way - forcing your family. The money you save in time, gas

"orthodox" doctors to more openly fight for parking fees (and parking tickets), unneces-
their share of the patient load! According to sary visits to your doctor and specialists, brand
my good friend and colleague, William Moore, name drugs, extra clothes (nobody ever goes
Esq. (who is a physician and attorney, a court- to the doctor in a raggedy housecoat), eating
room attorney in the classical Perry Mason out, not to mention the doctor fees, will help
terms), the fall of the "orthodox allopathic you remodel your house, buy the Mercedes,
system" began in March of 1942 when the GI buy the nice clothes, join a ritzy health club,
Bill of Rights was enacted at the same time that and send the kids to college (your kids, not the
"orthodox" doctors were reaching their zenith "orthodox" doctors' kids!!). You will know
in popularity, power and money. when you are committed because you will

The GI Bill created an education boom send back the visit reminder card with a note
in the United States which is as much an that says "I am my own primary health care
antithesis to "orthodox" medicine as the Devil provider now; please save your postage -
is to God!!! For the first time in the history of (also find another way to make your boat
man, the patient had an equal or greater payments).
education than the doctor and/or a greater or Once you make this conscious decision,
equal financial portfolio than the doctor; pa- you will have to enter "pre-med." To begin
tients ask questions today, want second opin- with, you need to accumulate your basic medi-
ions, shop around and refuse "elective proce- cal library, basic home pharmacy, collect your
dures" (unnecessary operations). The "God- own medical toys, figure out what to do with
like" image of the "orthodox" doctor required your spare time, etc. Read in the tub, read at

total blind obedience and an educational strati- the table, listen to science or medical tapes in
fication with himself at the top. This stratifica- your car instead of jazz. Find out where the
tion doesn't exist anymore and we are no local health food store is, take "pre-med" night
longer "hayseeds" to be dazzled into "buying courses in the community college. Start going
the Brooklyn Bridge" (i.e., chemotherapy) or to estate sales, used bookstores, university
the "con man" (doctor) who charges you or bookstores, etc. This is an ongoing process; as
your insurance $150 for a seven-minute visit you get more adept at your own health care,
or physical. you will begin to accumulate more sophisti-
Today, "orthodox" medicine is in its cated medical toys. Go to health conventions
"agonal throes" (death struggle); all it needs and student lectures at the medical schools,
for an appropriate euthanasia (mercy killing) join multi-level health oriented product lines
or Coup de Grace is for the government to stop and activelyengage in the business so you can
helping them - let the marketplace have its get certain items wholesale and make certain
day; become your own"primary health care tax deductions ("orthodox" doctors do!); their
provider" (your grandmother did it!!) business owns their car and boat, their house
You need to make a conscious commit- and their investments so if you sue them
ment and aggressively take over the responsi- personally, you won't get anything and they
bility for your own health for it is a great get the tax deductions on these items we think
responsibility -yet, the rewards are great, too. of as necessities.
You will not have to wait in a waiting room for Learn to set "office hours" for "follow-up
hours while the doctor chats with a drug detail visits" and for checking bandages so you won't
man. Use the time for aerobics or spend it with be driven crazy. "Charge" your family for your
on dinner out once each week
efforts, insist clothes clean. "Scrub suits" (you know, the
(you can afford it now), get your hair done light green or blue cotton pajamas that doctors

(you will be amazed what this will do for your wear into surgery and the hospital lunch room
sex life), have household help once each - no wonder there are so many hospital infec-

week, get the kids to do chores (i.e., lawn, tions -they get their spaghetti sauce into your
dishes, walk the dog, etc.). Lastly, you should surgical wound) and the lab coat can be worn
dress the part ("pre-med" students do!!) They to PTA meetings, grocery store and mechanic
wear white lab coats with a stethoscope around shop - see what additional respect and atten-

their neck or in their right hand jacket pocket tionyou get!!!

as a campus status symbol. In addition to
looking the part of a "pre-med" student, the
coat has practical value in that it keeps your
"An unavoidable conclusion is that the
way in which our medical care system
has evolved has created conditions that
increase the likelihood of damage to the

Chapter 2 patient.

- Rick Carlson
The End of Medicine

Doctor Talk

The language of medicine is a jealously sure but without a medical prefix it is of little
guarded secret of the Guild of "orthodox" value. The prefix "hyper-" placed before the
doctors. It is a way that they can communicate word tension gives "hypertension" which is

with each other in our presence and only they equated to high blood pressure. The same
know what is being said. It's kind of a medical word "tension" can be modified by the prefix
"pig-Latin" to be used by the "in group," sort of "hypo" which translates to low blood pres-
a carry-over from their campus fraternity days sure. All medical prefixes are used in the same
This medical "pig-Latin" is used on hospital manner. Table 2-2 is a basic guide to the more
records, medical records, insurance forms, commonly used prefixes. If you have an
laboratory reports, letters of referral and in unusual medical condition with unique lan-
prescription writing. It is our intention to give guage you will need to use the medical dictio-
you a crash course in the basic fundamentals nary (don't be bashful - your specialist does,
of "doctor talk" so that you can translate your too!).

own medical records and prescriptions. Medical suffixes work in much the same
Most medical language is derived from manner as prefixes in that they modify the
Latin or Greek and has been rendered down to word to which they are applied. A good
abbreviations (Table 2-1), prefixes (Table 2- example is the suffix "-emia" meaning blood.
2), and suffixes (Table 2-3). The original The prefix "a" or "an" by itself means "without;
words have been abbreviated to save space add the suffix "-emia" and you have "anemia"
on records; it also makes it impossible for you or "without blood." Another example would
to get the original meaning of the word. In fact, be the word parasite. Add the suffix "-emia"
the hardest "hurdle" to jump or "hoop" to jump andyou have "parasitemia" or parasite infesta-
through in any healing art pre-med program is tion in the blood (i.e., malaria, filariasis, etc.).

the learning of the "doctor talk." Medical records normally contain sev-
Prefixes are simply modifiers of words; eral sections including : MEDICAL HISTORY
for example, the word "tension" infers pres- back to greatgrandma's diabetes, your child-
hood diseases and your past prescriptions, 2) Inscription - the name of the pre-
etc. REVIEW OF ORGAN SYSTEMS deals in scribed drug, dose form (i.e., capsule,
more detail with chronic problems with your tablets, liquid, etc.) and the amount of
liver, heart, HISTORY OF CUR-
lungs, etc. drug per dose.
RENT ILLNESS covers in detail why you are in
the doctor's office for the cunent visit. PHYSI- 3) Subscription - mixing instructions and/
CAL is the "orthodox" doctor's way of laying or the number of doses to be dispensed.
on hands and directly, or indirectly, examin-
ing many organ systems. 4) Signature - which are the instructions
The physical exam should include the to the patient that the doctor wants placed
blood pressure, pulse, temperature, weight as on the bottle or box. The doctor's name,
well as a detailed inspection of all external and address, and telephone number are
all reachable internal organ systems. Very placed in this section and may include
frequently a doctor will want to have his nurse the DEA number if the prescription is a
collect blood, urine and fecal samples to send narcotic. An example of a typical pre-
to the laboratory for additional indirect evalu- scription is found in Figure 2-2.
ation of an organ or organ system. The physi-
cal and lab can be very expensive, costing Medical measurements are often unique
from $350 to $500. In addition, the time ex- and not used anywhere else or may be of
penditure of taking your detailed history, metric values infrequently used in the average
waiting at all the stations for the doctor or American life. These measurements are given
nurse can cost you in time from four hours to to you in easy conversion tables (Table 2-5).

a full eight hour day. Medical measurements are used by the doc-
It should be obvious to you by now that tor, pharmacist, hospital laboratories and drug

(except for extraordinary cases) most of the companies. A serious knowledge of these
information accumulated by the doctor comes measurements are absolutely essential if you
from you and that you can keep your own are going to be responsible for your own

organized records in a loose-leaf notebook or health care as the "primary health care pro-

in a 5x8 card file. An example of simple home vider" (the insurance term given to your
use history record is given in Figure 2-1. family doctor or internist).
Prescriptions are another area of great Terms for herbal function (Table 2-6)

interest to us (if they are inconect they can kill and herbal preparations (Table 2-7) have car-
you!!!) yet, they are virtually impossible to ried over into drug terminology; knowledge

translate without knowledge of the basic lan- of these terms is essential as they are required

guage or format. The typical prescription tools for use of the PDR (Physicians Desk
(Table 2-4) is a coded message from the "or- Reference). Isn't it interesting that drug deal-
thodox" doctor tothe pharmacist (apoth- ers in "illicit drugs" use "beepers" and the same
ecary) giving instructions as to which medi- terminol and metric system (i.e. "Kilos") as the ,

cine should be dispensed to you including "dealers" of "legal drugs?"

brand, doses, number of doses, etc. Atypi- you are going to be up on

Lastly, if

cal prescription contains four basic parts: "doctor talk"you need to learn the rules and
terms for golf, boating, skiing and invest-
1) Superscription - the patient's name,
ments. Doctors don't cany their "beepers" to
address, age, date.
their Wednesday jaunt to the golf course any-
more (it isn't good form!). An "orthodox"
doctor without a broker is like "a day without
Figure 2-1 : "Playing Board" for "Family Practice"











Figure 2-2: Prescription Format

Jane A. Doe
Table 2-1: Medical Abbreviations and Symbols

Table 2-1: Medical Abbreviations and Symbols (Continued)

Table 2-1: Medical Abbreviations and Symbols (Continued)

Table 2-1: Medical Abbreviations and Symbols (Continued)

Table 2-1: Medical Abbreviations and Symbols (Continued)

TABLE 2-2. Common Medical Prefixes

a- or an- without hypo- too little

cardi- heart myel- marrow

chol- bile nephr- kidney

col- colon neur- nerve

cyst- bladder oste- bone

enter- intestine poly- many

gastr- stomach proct- anus, rectum

hepat- liver pseudo- false

hydr- water pulm- lung

hyper- too much

TABLE 2-3. Common Medical Suffixes

-algia .pain -phagia eating

-clysis drenching -phobia . fear of

-cyte .cell -pnea breath

-ectomy excision -privia or . poverty of; without

-emia in the blood
-ptosis dropped; fallen
-genie or . formation
-genesis -sclerosis hardening

-gnosis knowledge -scopy. , inspection

-itis inflammation -stenosis . narrowing

-lytic or. . destruction -stomy mouth; new opening


-trophy nutrition; growth

-malacia softening
-uria urine
-opia .vision

-pathy disease of

TABLE 2-4. Terminology for Prescription Reading

aa ana of each

ac ante cibum before meals

ad lib ad libitum as needed

alt dieb alternis diebus every other day

alt hor alternis horis every other hour

alt noc alternis noctibus every other night

b.i.d bis in die twice each day

c cum with

contin continuetur let it be continued

dil dilutus dilute

div divide divide

fl fluidus fluid

h hora hour

hd hor decubitus at bedtime

hs hor somni at sleeping time

m et n mane et nocte morning and night

nb nota bene note well

od omni die daily

om omni mane every morning

on omni nocte every night

part vie partibus vicibus in divided doses

TABLE 2-4. Terminology for Prescription Reading (Continued)

pc post cibum after food

prn prorenata as required

pulv pulvis powder

qd quaque die every day

qh quaque hora every hour

q 2 h quaque sec hora every 2 hours

q 3 h quaque ter hora every 3 hours

q.i.d quater in die four times each day

qs quantum sufficit as much as is sufficient

Rx recipe take

S or sig signa give following directions

s sign without

sos si opus sit if necessary

ss semis one half

stat statim at once

t.i.d ter in die three times each day

TABLE 2-5. Medical Weights & Volumes

60 drops (gtt) = 1 teaspoon (tsp)

3 teaspoonfuls = 1 tablespoon (tbsp)
2 tablespoonfuls = 1 fluid ounce
6 fluid ounces = 1 teacupful
8 fluid ounces = 1 cupful/1 glassful

1 drop 1 minim = 0.06 ml

1 tsp 1 fluid dram = 5.0 ml
1 tbsp 4 fluid drams = 15.0 ml
2 tbsp 1 fluid ounce = 30.0 ml
1 teacupful 6 fluid ounces =180.0 ml
1 glassful 8 fluid ounces =240.0 ml

1000 ml (1 liter) = 1 quart (1.10119 liters)

500 ml 1 pint (550.599 ml)
240 ml 8 fluid ounces
30 ml 1 ounce (28.412 ml)
15 ml 4 fluid drams
4 ml 1 fluid dram

1 ml :
15 minims
0.06 ml :
1 minim (1 drop)

1000 gm (kilogram) :
2.2 pounds
454 gm :
1 pound
30 gm :
1 ounce (31.1 gm)
15 gm :

4 drams
6gm 90 grains
lgm :

15 grains
1000 mg lgm
60 mg 1 grain
1 mg 1000 meg

TABLE 2-6. Terms of Herbal Function


Alternative produce healthful change

Anodyne pain relief
Anthelmintic expel worms or parasites
Antiemetic stops vomiting
Antiphlogistic reduces inflammation
Antiseptic stop or prevent sepsis (infection)
Antispasmodic reduces spasms
Aperient mild laxative
Aphrodisiac sexual stimulant
Aromatic arrests discharges
Astringent constricting or binding
Cardiac heart tonic
Carminative relieves gas in GI tract
Cathartic purgative
Cephalic used for head ailments
Cholagogue increases bile flow
Demulcent soothes mucus membranes
Depurative cleansing
Dermatic agent for dermatitis
Diaphoretic increases perspiration
Digestive aids digestion
Diuretic increase urination
Emetic induces vomiting
Emmenagogue induces menstruation
Emollient agent that softens
Expectorant induces productive coughing
Febrifuge abates fevers
Hemostatic stops bleeding
Hepatic remedy for liver diseases
Herpetic remedy for skin eruptions
Hydragogue remedy for moving water
Hypnotic induces sleep or relaxation
Irritant induces a local inflammation
Laxative induces bowel function
Lithontriptic dissolves urinary calculi
Mucilaginous soothing to inflamed parts
Mydriatic dilates pupil
Myotic (miotic) contracts pupil
Narcotic induces stupor or sleep

TABLE 2-6. Terms of Herbal Function (Continued)

Nauseant induces vomiting
Nervine sedative for the nerves
Nutritive nourishing properties
Ophthalmicum remedy for eye diseases
Oxytocic induces uterine contractions
Parturient promotes labor
Purgative induces evacuation of bowels
Refrigerant agent that cools
Resolvent dissolves tumors
Rubefacient increases circulation
Sedative quiets nerves
Sialagogue induces increased salivation
Sternutatory induces sneezing
Stimulant induces increased function
Stomachic increases stomach digestion
Styptic topical agent to stop bleeding
Sudorific induces perspiration
Taeniafuge agent that expels tapeworms
Tonic increases strength or tones
Vermifuge agent that expels parasites (roundworms)
Vulnerary agent that induces wound healing

TABLE 2-7. Terms of Herbal Preparation Technique

INFUSION: Pour one pint of boiling water over one ounce of dried herb and let it stand
for 1/2 hour. Strain off clear supemate. Dose is normally one tablespoon to
a teacupful t.i.d.

DECOCTION: Place one ounce of dried herb in 1 1/2 pints of cold water and boil for 20-30
minutes. Strain off clear supernate. Dose is one tablespoon to one ounce of
water t.i.d.

TINCTURE: One to two ounces of dried herbs are steeped in one pint of grain alcohol
(brandy or vodka) for two days with vigorous shaking t.i.d. The decoction
is strained and one tablespoon of the clear liquid is used t.i.d.

CAPSULE: The herb is powdered and then placed in a two-piece gelatin capsule. The
capsule may be added to hot water for tea, opened and made into paste for
poultices, tinctures, decoctions, infusions or swallowed.

TABLET: The dried herb pressed into a tablet shape with an excipient (binder or

canier). The tablet can be used in all the same ways that a capsule can.

"The Chinese characterfor "crisis" is

Chapter 3 made up of two

signifying "danger"
different characters,
and the other "oppor-


Medical Library -Jacob Needleman

No medical practice includingyour home other value of the Merck Manual is that it is the
would be complete without a
"doctor's office" epitome of "orthodox" medicine in approach
basic medical library. This book is kept at a to diagnosis and treatment. When your doctor
reasonable cost by not repeating information used to excuse himself during a physical or
better gotten from other sources. A basic consultation,he was probably going to his
home medical library should include a medi- office library to "consult" the Merck Manual to
cal dictionary - our personal choice being the feverishly search for a diagnosis or to find out
Dorlands Medical Dictionary published by which diagnostic test to run on you!!!!

W.B. Saunders Publishing Company (the larg- The PDR (Physicians Desk Reference) is
est medical publishing company in the world). an excellent resource book. It lists all drugs
This book is an excellent source of complete approved by the FDA inclu ding chemical com-
definitions and for details of anatomy (i.e., position, mode of action, indications,
skeleton, muscles, viscera, nerves, cardio-vas- contraindications and manufacturer. The PDR
cular system, endocrine system and lymphatic is printed yearly as a new editions so the
system). previous years edition can be purchased from
A second must for the home medical any used bookstore. you are "hooked" to an

library is the classic Merck Manual which lists "orthodox" MD, book is a must —it will
all cunently important human diseases in the save your life!! Most MDs do not refer to this
United States and Europe. This book gives a book as often as they should and as a result
complete picture of the disease from cause, nearly 40% of all hospitalizations are the result
incubation, symptoms, projected outcome, of iatrogenic disease (doctor caused). I have
"orthodox" treatment and common complica- seen inmy practice literally hundreds of pa-
tions. The value of this book is multiple, tients that came to me with shopping bags full
including helping list diseases that cause cer- of medication - most of the medications were
tain symptoms and "rule-in" or "rule-out" to counter the side effects of the original
diseases thatyou think you might have. An- medications!!!

I (Wallach)was once an expert witness "pharmacopeias" or "how to" books for more

in a case where an ND was being tried for book would become a 1000-
detail -again, this
wrongful death and injury to a patient in page "tome" that would have an exorbitant
Fayetteville, NC. The state contended that the cost (i.e., most medical text books)
$120 like
ND killed the patient with her therapies (al- which would keep Let's Play Doctor out of the
though the patient died in a VA hospital some hands of the masses.
six months after his last visit to the ND). A Lastly, every "medical library" should
review of the terminal records showed that the have one or more periodicals (i.e. monthly or

VA hospital had used no less then eleven pain quarterly). The periodicals should take the
killersand sedatives without reducing the form of one or more health-oriented maga-
dosage of any of them!!! No one on the VA zines or journals. Specialty periodicals of
hospital staff had taken the time to read the every disease, exercise and therapy are avail-
PDR - they killed this man with an overdose able if you are interested in expanding your
of medications and were trying to slip the library's value. We also suggest a subscription
blame on the ND. The jury found the ND not of USA TODA Fas they review the oryhodox
guilty to the charges!!! medical literature for interesting health break-
Specialty books on therapies and dis- throughs which will keep you up to date.
eases that you might have are useful. These Videos and audio cassettes are available
books are what separates a "specialist" from a on just about every medical subject from dis-
"general practitioner." Some of the most use- ease to therapy. These are available commer-
ful references are "booklets" that have already cially and may be listened to or viewed at your
condensed a lot of the information for you closest medical school library- they are all
from ten thick texts into 25 pages of concen- state and U.S. government supported and are,

trated and useful information. If you are going therefore, required to give you free access.
to use particular "modalities" (treatment meth- Also use your audio tapes in your car tape
ods) such as herbology, homeopathy, acu- deck - just like the "orthodox" doctors do on
puncture, reflexology or kinesiology, you will their way to the golf course!!!
want one or more of the complete

"An American Medical Association publication for
doctors relates a tale of an engineer who was called

Chapter 4 in by a doctor whose electrocardiograph

recording the heart action of a patient. The
technician came promptly. He started to check at
was not

the electrical outletand worked back slowly to the

connection to the patient in the next room and
found the patient dead. No one had even noticed
Medical Toys that the patient's heart itself had stopped.

- Arthur S. Freese
Managing Your Doctor

Instruments and equipment used by pressure to make their Mercedes payment

doctors are referred to as "toys" because "or- and their greens fees!!!

thodox" doctors have a lot of fun with these In keeping with the concept of Let's Play
instruments and after awhile tire of them and Doctor, there are some basic "toys" (instru-
look for newer and better equipment to "play" ments) that are required to "play the game." It

with. The old saying that "the only difference is of great benefit to all of us that many of the
between men and boys is the price of their basic "toys" used by "orthodox" doctors in the
toys" holds true for "orthodox" doctors - "the "practice" of medicine are sold at pharmacies
only difference between a general practitio- and variety stores at very reasonable prices.
ner and a specialist is the price of their toys!!!" Slightly more sophisticated equipment may
One of the "privileges" of a hospital be purchased at college bookstores and medi-
association for the "orthodox" doctor is a lower cal and laboratory supply houses.
overhead. In other words, he can use the The thermometer is as basic a medical
hospital surgery room, x-ray equipment and "toy" as you can get. There are two basic types.
nursing staff support without having to pay for The oral thermometer is used to measure the
it himself (it would be like a mechanic using all core body temperature - an elevated tempera-
the diagnostic equipment and tools in a Sears ture or "fever" is usually indicative of an infec-
Automotive Shop and keeping all of his fees; tion (bacterial viral or fungus) or active invasive

Sears would bill the customer separately for or degenerative disease process (i.e. rheuma- ,

use of the shop space, tools and consumable toid arthritis, cancer, liver cirrhosis, etc.).
materials). Compare this with a veterinarian Marked variations in basal body tem-
who must have the x-ray equipment, surgery perature can be associated with normal body
room, orthopedic equipment, obstetrical function (i.e., ovulation). Subnormal basal
equipment, dental equipment, pharmacy, etc. !!! body temperature can be a useful sign to
Why are "orthodox" doctors so much more determine the status of your thyroid gland
expensive than veterinarians ~ it must be the (i.e., too low means a "hypo" thyroid condi-

tion - you see it doesn't take too long to learn parts. A typical BP reading is 125/80 mm Hg.
"doctor" talk). Normal temperature reading The first number (125) is the pressure in the
for the oral thermometer are 98.6 F or 37 C. arteries during the contraction of the heart
The rectal thermometer is especially (systolic pressure) and the second number
useful for infants and patients with oro-facial (80) is the pressure in the arteries during the
disease that makes the use of the oral ther- relaxation of the heart (diastolic pressure).
mometer impossible. Normal temperature Elevations in the BP
above 140 on the systolic
readings for the rectal thermometer are 101.2 phase and/or 90 on the diastolic phase indi-
F or 38.5 C. cate "hyper"tension (you see - there goes
A good light source such as a penlight, "doctor" talk again) or high BP.
flashlight or illuminated head loop is useful for An ophthalmoscope/otoscope combi-
looking at the throat, nose, eyes (i.e., pupil nation is in order for those with serious inter-
reaction to light) and for lighting a "surgical ests in "playing doctor." This instrument can
field" (i.e., removal of splinters, debris from be used as a light source and will allow direct
abrasions, etc). views of the inner ear, eardrum, ear canal (i.e.
The reflex hammer is used to check the arteriosclerosis, diabetes, copper deficiencies,
knee and elbow reflexes. This test gives you hemorrhage from injury, cataracts, etc.).
an impression of the status of the spinal cord "Surgical" instruments or "toys" such as
and nerves. Back injuries or any pressure on thumb forceps (tweezers), scissors, hemo-
the spinal cord will affect the reflexes. Right stats, needle holders, suture needles and even
and left side reflexes should be equal in inten- fingernail clippers and tape are invaluable.
Absence of the reflex on either side is a
sity. The removal of splinters, sutures (stitches),

signal to seek professional help (i.e., chiro- debris from abrasions, removal of "hangnails"
practor, naturopathic physician, etc.). and flaps of dead and torn skin can be done at
A watch with a second hand or a good home by the most inexperienced of "sur-
digital watch with running seconds is useful geons." Closure of lacerations (cuts) can be
for monitoring the pulse, respiratory rate and done with butterfly bandages or wound strips.
test times for a variety of home "lab" tests. The more aggressive "surgeon" can pro-
There are watches with a sensor that count cure and use silk suture with "swagged-on"
your pulse for you if you find it difficult to needles (needles that are precrimpted onto
locate your pulse. Athletes will have a pulse suture material — this configuration reduces
rate in the 50+ range while the average pulse the size of the hole in the skin created by
ranges from 65 to 80. Elevated pulses occur pulling the needle and thread through the
with fever, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary skin). You will need topical local anesthetic

disease, anemia, pain and food allergies. (i.e., acupuncture or xylocaine) and needle
The respiratory rate averages ten to holders (a special surgical clamp used to grip
twelve per minute. Elevated rates indicate the small suture needle while making
cardiovascular disease, lung disease, anemia, "stitches").

fever or pain. The sterilization of all "surgical" instru-

The sphygmomanometer or "blood ments or "toys" is paramount. Boiling in

pressure cuff is a very useful "toy" and can distilled water for 30 minutes is a very eco-
be mastered by a child very quickly. To nomical and acceptable technique. The ster-

make this "toy" work, you will need a stetho- ilized "toys" can be placed in zip lock "boiling"

scope. Blood pressure readings consist of two baggies for sterilization and storage to prevent

contamination. ringworm which will glow
certain types of
Sterile rubber gloves are multi-useful green when exposed to the ultra violet light.
and disposable supplies that can be purchased Whirlpool attachments for the tub and
at your local pharmacy. They can be worn heating pads are very useful for both athletic
while examining the prostate or rectum for types (the inevitable "sore, aching" muscles)
hemorrhoids, while examining the vagina and and the arthritic patients (the "sore, aching"
cervix or can be used by the "surgeon" while joints). We have also found that the "hydro-

placing "stitches," performing "surgery" or pro- therapy" produced by the whirlpool orJaccuzi
tect the "doctor" while treating infectious skin is extremely useful for hemorrhoids (both

diseases (i.e., boils, impetigo and abscesses). simple and thrombosed - why get unneces-
Syringes are useful for B-12 and other sary and risky surgery?!!)
vitamin shots as well as for autoimmune urine The home personal computer can be
therapy, irrigating abscesses and contaminated brought into your "practice" for inventories,
wounds. sources of medications, personal medical his-
A balance-type scale to monitor weight toriesand medical records. You can also use
is useful for growth rates in children, self- the PC to keep track of the "payment" (chores)
control weight loss programs, sudden weight owed to you by your "patients" (family) for
gain (i.e., dropsy, diabetes, toxemia of preg- "services rendered."
nancy, etc.). Indoor exercise equipment (i.e., station-
Those individuals who are involved in a ary bicycles, trampolines, treadmills, fixed or
lot of rigorous athletic activities will want a free weights, etc.) are useful physical therapy
tuning fork to test for fractures. A "C" tuning tools; they're "preventive medicine" when
fork is recommended. If an injury to a limb or used to help prevent cardiovascular disease.
digit occurs and is suspected to be a fracture, You can afford an exceptional home "physical
get the tuning fork vibrating by rapping it therapy unit" if you spend your money on
against the palm of your hand and place the equipment rather than club memberships (
stem over the sensitive area. If a fracture is you will also use them more often because of
present (even a hairline fracture), the tuning the convenience - you can even watch TV
fork will create a burning pain. If there is no while you exercise!!). If you get any licensed
fracture, no difference will be noted. physician to prescribe the equipment for any
Larger "toys" may be purchased new existing condition, insurance will pay for it; if

from college bookstores and used from col- not, the costs can be added to your tax deduct-
lege bulletin boards or garage sales. Micro- ible medical fees.

scopes are useful for doing your own CBC and So you will benefit in many ways by
"differential," examining "stool" samples having your own "physical therapy" depart-
(bowel movement) for parasite eggs, deter- ment.
mining types of bacteria or fungus (ringworm Now you know what "orthodox" doc-
or Candida) infections, etc. tors have always known about "medical toys"
Ultra violet and infrared lamps are very - why pay leasing fees for a pleasure boat out
useful for treatment of a variety of diseases and of your own pocket when "the practice" can
have the added benefit of cosmetic use (sun- buy the "toy" as an investment. You see, it

tan) as well as therapeutic uses (i.e., acne, doesn't matter that "the practice" owns the
eczema, arthritis, chronic infections, etc.). boat, the "orthodox" doctor still gets to use the
Ultra violet light can be used to diagnose boat!!

TABLE 4-1 . Normal Blood Pressure Chart


"In these days when a student must be
converted into a physiologist, a physicist, a
chemist, a biologist,a pharmacologist and
an there is no time to make a
Chapter 5 electrician,
physician out of him.

- Andrew MacPhail

Medical Laboratory

The "medical laboratory" is another "privi- should continue to perform this test on all

lege" to which the "orthodox" doctor gets foods in your normal eating routine. The "pulse
access. These laboratories do blood tests, test" is based on the fact that when you contact
urine tests, fecal examinations, six-hour glu- an allergic substance, your heart rate (thus
cose tolerance tests, pregnancy tests and check your pulse rate) goes up. An extreme example
for parasites in addition to more complex of phenomena is the allergy to MSG
functions (i.e., bacterial, viral and fungal cul- (monosodium glutamate) or the "Chinese res-
tures; bacterial antibiotic sensitivities; biopsy taurant syndrome."
and PAP smear diagnosis, etc.). It has been a The "Chinese restaurant syndrome" is a
great boon to us all that American ingenuity classical food allergy to MSG. For people who
has produced economical home test kits for are sensitive to MSG, any contact with MSG
almost all of the tests necessary for the "pri- causes heart "palpitations" (skipped or irregu-
mary health care provider" (you!!!). lar beats) and/or "tachycardia" (increased heart
Allergy testing can easily be accom- and pulse rate).
plished at home by two simple methods. The The second method for home allergy
first is the "pulse test" which can detect aller- testing is the "diet diary." This technique is

smoke and
gies to foods, chemicals, cigarette particularly useful in finding foods that cause
pollens.The first requirement of the test is to allergic headaches, migraine headaches and
determine what your base pulse rate is per emotional symptoms. The "diet diary" is per-
minute. Upon awakening, double check your formed by keeping a complete record of what
pulse rate, then eat or drink the suspected you eat in each meal including the time at
food, smell the suspected chemical or smoke, which you eat the meal. You then record any
sniff the suspected pollen or dust then recheck symptoms (i.e., headaches, depression, etc.)
your pulse rate in 15, 30 and 60 minutes. If that occur in the next 12-hour period includ-
your pulse rate goes up ten points, then you ing the time of onset ofsymptoms.
are allergic to that food or substance. You The thyroid test is performed by taking

your basal body temperature first thing in the To perform the six-hour GTT, you do a
morning by placing a thermometer in your finger prick with a sterile lancet and the drop
axilla (armpit) before stirring out of bed (be of blood is incubated on the glucostick (on the
sure to shake down the thermometer the night special sensitive pad) for 30 seconds and
before and place it on the night stand to compared with on the bottle.
the color chart
prevent unnecessary movement); ifyour basal Again, this is a gross estimate; if you wish to do
body temperature is less than 97.8 or less, if a very accurate six-hour GTT, you should
you have chronically cold hands and feet, and purchase a "glucometer." After the "fasting"

if you are slow in the morning, you most likely blood sugar is determined (normal is 65 to 80
have poor thyroid function. mg %) then you must drink a "Glucola" ( a cola
"Hyper" thyroid activity from too much flavor solution containing 100 gm of glucose
thyroid supplement is easily checked by hold- in a five to tenminute period. Thirty minutes
ing your arm out horizontal to the floor and after the fasting blood sugar was taken from

observing your fingers — if they are noticeably the results (Table 5-1) to determine if you have
trembling then you need to cut back on your a normal curve, a diabetic curve or a
thyroid medication (another indication is your hypoglycemic curve. It is amazing, but true,

base pulse may go up five to ten points). that one of these tests will pay for the

Urine testing is as simple as checking glucometer!!

your car's crankcase check the "dip
oil --just Hemoglobinometers are available to test
stick"!! Several brands of urine "dip sticks" can your own hemoglobin if you have a chronic
tell you if you have a urinary infection (bladder anemia. The hemoglobin level will tell you if
or kidney), blood in your urine (infection, you have enough iron in your blood.
stones, tumors, etc.), indications of blood de- Hemoglobinometers are extremely simple to
structive diseases, liver disease, kidney dis- operate. A finger prick is performed and a
ease, diabetes (sugar) all for about $1.50 per drop of blood is placed in the instrument, an
test!! Itamazing but "orthodox" doctors
is acid stick is used to burst the RBCs so the

normally charge you $25.00 for this test (you hemoglobin level can be determined by a
see, the Pentagon doesn't have the corner on color comparison (this procedure is similar to
the market for overpaying $25.00 for the 25 that used to determine the chlorine level in a

cent washer!!) pool). If you have five daughters, if you are

Glucosticks are available for testing blood pregnant, or if you are a serious vegetarian,

sugar (diabetics know all about this one). The this instrument will be a wise time and money
test strips alone give you a gross estimate of saving addition to your "medical laboratory."
blood sugar when compared with the color Home Pregnancy tests can be purchased
chart on the bottle. Glucosticks can be used to on an as-needed basis from the local grocery
detect diabetes and hypoglycemia when used store or pharmacy. The appearance of this one

to perform a six-hour glucose tolerance test test has put a serious crimp in the life style

(six-hour GTT). The simple fasting blood ofthe modern "orthodox" OB/GYN.
sugar alone cannot detect most cases of diabe- Related to the "medical laboratory" is the

tes or hypoglycemia yet the"orthodox" doctor ability to translate lab data from other facilities
willcontinue to avoid the six-hour GTT be- (i.e., hospitals, doctors' offices, doctors' labs,

cause they don't know how to use it - they etc.) into practical and usable information for
also do not believe in "hypoglycemia" so it is your own survival. A special series of labora-
understandable why they don't test for it. tory "short-hand" is used to convey the "secret

message" to the "orthodox" doctor to prevent means "without blood") refers to reduced
us from helping ourselves. What follows is a numbers of red blood cells (i.e., hemorrhage,
basic list of the most commonly used labora- parasites, bone marrow disease, B-12 defi-

tory "shorthand" and the translations. This list ciency, folic acid deficiency, or copper defi-

will allow you to understand what your "or- ciency) or very small cells as in the case of iron
thodox" doctor "sees" when he rubs his chin, deficiency. The average healthy RBC lives for
takes off his glasses and says "hmmm," 120 days so an anemia of any kind other than
"hmmm," "I am afraid I have some bad news hemorrhage indicates a long standing prob-
for you." lem. Normal numbers of RBCs range from 4.5
One caution we need to give you is that to 5.5 x 10 mm3 in males and 39 to 5.0 x 10
most blood values are kept in a very narrow mm3 in females.
physiological range by one or more "homeo-
static" mechanisms (i.e., this is why literally HGB (hemoglobin) is the specialized protein
thousands of people get a "clean bill of health" in the RBC that actually binds with oxygen and
following a $500 physical every year and then carbon dioxide. Increased values are seen in

drop dead the following week!!) so you can be B-12 deficiency (because there are fewer cells)
veiy ill and present a very "normal" blood test. and decreased values are characteristic of iron
A good example (unfortunately the "ortho- deficiency. Cyanide and carbon monoxide
dox" doctor hasn't grasped this one yet!!) is tightly bind with HGB and prevent it from

calcium; you can be having "spontaneous" binding with oxygen causing a fatal " poison-
fractures from a raging osteoporosis and your ing" from oxygen deprivation. Nonnal levels
blood calcium will always be in the nonnal range from 14-18 gm/100 ml in males and
range. This fact is so definite that I often tell an from 12-16 gm/100 ml in females.
audience of 1000 or more people that I would
bet everything I own that they all have a HCT (hematocrit) is the percentage of RBCs in
"normal" blood calcium (if it were below nor- relation to the fluid (serum) portion of your
mal, they would be having convulsions!!) yet, blood. Decreased values indicate anemia
most of them are calcium deficient. from hemorrhage, parasites, nutritional defi-
ciencies or chronic disease process (i.e., liver

LABORATORY "SHORTHAND" disease, cancer, etc.). Normal values range

from 42-52% in males and 37-47% females.
CBC (complete blood count) is a general term
for the complete evaluation of the cellular MCV (mean corpuscular volume) is a mea-
portion of your blood including red blood surement of the average size ofthe RBC. El-

cells, white blood cells and platelets. Instead evated volumes can be due to B-12 folic acid
ofordering each testseparately, the doctor will deficiency and reduced volumes are charac-
simply ask for a CBC. teristic of an iron deficiency. The nonnal
values range from 80-90 u3 in males and 79-97
RBC (red blood cells) are specialized cells that u3 in females.
transport oxygen as their main function in the
blood, however, they also carry a variety of MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin) is a
nutrientsand waste products as they are car- measurement of the weight of HGB in each
body by the liquid portion of
ried through the RBC. The average range is 27-32 uug.
our blood. Anemia (the literal translation

MCHC (mean corpuscular hemoglobin con- Eosinophils (Eos) are the most rapidly re-
centration) is the average percent of hemoglo- sponding WBCs when you are having an
bin in each RBC relative to the total weight of acute (sudden) allergy reaction or parasitic
the cell. The average range is 32-36%. infestation. The normal range is 0-2% (6-20%
is a sure sign of allergies and/or parasites).

WBC (white blood cell) or leukocytes are the

cellular portion of your immune system. In Basophils (Baso) respond to chronic intesti-
addition to floating passively in the blood nal allergies, eczema, asthma and sometimes
stream from place to place, the WBCs have the with parasitic infestations. The normal range
ability to squeeze between the cells in the is 0-2%.
blood vessel wall and attack invaders such as
bacteria, viruses, parasites, cancers and for- Platelets are actually fragments of larger cells
eign bodies (i.e., splinters, etc.). Viewing the (megakeriocytes) that originate in the bone
WBCs reaction to food extracts under the marrow. Their function is to plug tears or cuts
microscope is the basis for the "cytotoxic" food in bloodvessel walls and thus prevent hemor-

allergy test. rhage. The normal range is between 250,000

and 500,000.
The total WBC count is composed of five basic
types of cells - determining the percentage of SMAC-24 is a brief view through a "window"
each type of WBC is refened to as a "deferen- of time at 24 different serum (liquid portion of
tial" and is of great value in diagnosis of blood) components. Again, this test has lim-
infections, parasites, allergies, leukemias, ap- ited value because the body vigorously at-

pendicitis, etc. The normal range for WBC tempts to maintain the blood levels of vita-

totals is4.3tol0.8x 10mm 3

. Deferential WBC mins, minerals and enzymes even in the face
is useful in determining many types of invasive of severe deficiency or illness. The classic

processes in the body. approach is for the "orthodox" doctor to take

a fasting blood sample. Few doctors can
Neutrophil (segmenters or polys) are WBCs afford the expense of SMAC-24 equipment for
which are very active and respond quickly to personal use so they use the hospital "privi-

invading bacteria, viruses, parasites, foreign lege" and "check you into the hospital for a few

bodies and cancer. The normal range is 40- days to run some tests" or use the services of a
60%. When a call for large numbers of "polys" private lab. All you really need to do is call

occurs, a body throwsimmature "stab" or your doctor and get him to order the lab test
"band" neutrophils at the invader until pro- over the phone - this will allow you to avoid
duction can be cranked up. the office visit fee and the waiting room mara-
thon. If "your" M.D. refuses to "grant" your

Monocytes (monos) are the largest of the request, check with your N.D. and/or D.C.
WBCs and are increased in numbers in more Don't forget you are guaranteed your right of
chronic infections (i.e., mononucleosis, tu- choice by the Constitution of the United
berculosis, etc.). When these WBCs escape States. Look in your yellow pages for the

into the tissue to attack foreign invaders, they nearest N.D. and/or D.C; if you are in one of
are called macrophages. The normal range is the few states that don't have these alternative
1 to 6%. health care practitioners, get on your state
congressman and state senator for a "Boston

(herbal) tea party." bile. HDLs are increased by consumption of
eicosapentanoic acids (EPA - fish oils or flax
Glucose (fasting) is the form that blood sugar seed oils). Refined sugars in your diet will
isfound in your body. Elevated levels are lower this valuable substance to dangerous
found in diabetes ("hyper"glycemia) and low levels. The desired levels of HDL range from
glucose value ("hypo"glycemia) is found in 30-85 mg %.
the 4th hour of a six-hour GTT. Blood sugar
can be affected by pancreatic tumors (benign Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) are fat/
and malignant), liver disease, adrenal gland protein complexes with a high percentage of
exhaustion, brain lesions and nutritional defi- fat. The LDLs are the least desirable of the

ciencies of the trace minerals vanadium chro- cholesterol complexes. High levels are a
mium. The normal range for fasting blood warning sign for increased risk of cardiovas-

glucose is 65-80 mg/100 ml of blood (mg %). cular disease and stroke. The normal range for
Elevations of the "fasting" blood sugar up to LDLs is 60-120 mg%.
110 mg % are considered normal by the "or-

thodox" medical "community," however, in Calcium is an essential "macro"mineral, mean-

reality it is a signal to get a six-hour GTT. ing we need large amounts in our daily diet to
Fasting blood sugar of 35-50 mg % is almost meet our metabolic needs. Calcium is re-
always a sure sign of an insulin producing quired to maintain bone density, proper neu-
pancreatic tumor or hyperinsulinemia. romuscular function and blood clotting reac-
tions. Elevated levels are rare because of the
Uric Acid is a barometer of protein metabo- "homeostatic"mechanisms of the thyroid and
lism in the liver. It is also the blood substance parathyroid glands -when elevated calcium
that accumulates to high levels in attacks of does occur, it signals major bone changes
gout. The normal range is 4-8 mg % in males such as nutritional secondary hyperpara-
and 4.5-5.5 mg % in females. thyroidism (translates to overactive parathy-
roid glands from chronic calcium deficiency
Cholesterol is considered by everyone to be and/or phosphorus excess) or metastasis of
a barometer for risk of cardiovascular disease cancer into bone. Muscle cramps and twitches
including arteriosclerosis and vascular (eye twitches) are signals of calcium defi-
thrombosis (travascular blood clots) orstroke. ciency (although the blood calcium will be in
Elevated levels are indicative of liver disease, the "normal" range). Serious life threatening
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stress and convulsions from low cell levels of calcium
low thyroid function. Low levels are charac- will occur before low blood levels show up.
teristic of severe intestinal malabsorption and The normal range is 9-10.8 mg %.
"hyper" thyroid conditions. The normal range
for cholesterol is 180-200 mg % (too low can Phosphorus is another "macro"mineral as-
also result in life threatening problems) . sociated with calcium, vitamin D and parathy-
roid function. Blood levels are again kept
High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) are fat/ within very narrow physiologic limits by the
protein complexes. HDL's are an integral part parathyroid hormone. Too much phospho-
of the cholesterol complex and are consid- rus in the diet (i.e., soft drinks, meat, grains)
ered desirable since they transport cholesterol will result in considerable calcium loss from
to the liver for metabolism or excretion in the yourbones. The normal range is 3- 1-4.5 mg%.

normal range is 0-0.5 U/L.
Total protein is a measure of the protein level
in your serum. Low levels indicate insufficient Indirect bilirubin is a barometer of RBC
dietary protein and/or poor digestion/absorp- destruction as well as liver function. Elevated
tion or liver disease. Large amounts of protein levels are seen in anemias resulting from RBC
is synthesized by your liver from amino acids; destruction and liver/gallbladder diseases. The
this protein is released into the blood for use normal range is 0.1-1.2 U/L.
by any needy organ. The normal range is 6.0-
6.8 mg %. BUN (blood urea nitrogen) is a barometer of
liver and kidneys ability to process the "by-
Albumin is a specialized protein produced products" of protein metabolism. Moderate
by the liver. It helps maintain the proper fluid eleva-tions are seen in adrenal and liver dis-

pressure in your blood vessels; this is why ease. High elevations of BUN are a "red flag"
protein starved people get "edema" (i.e., fluid for kidney, thyroid and anterior pituitary dis-
under the skin) or "dropsy" (i.e., fluid in the ease. Very low levels of BUN is typical for
abdominal cavity). The normal range is from posterior pituitary disease. The normal range
3.2-5.0 mg %). is 10-25 mg %.

Globulin is a specialized protein produced Creatinine levels are a barometer of muscle

by the liver and is primarily involved in anti- metabolism and the kidneys filtering capacity.
body formation and antibody specificity. High Elevated levels are "red flags" for muscle dis-
levels are seen in the early stages (i.e., "acute ease, kidney disease, arthritis, hyperthyroidism
phase") of a variety of degenerative diseases and diabetes. The normal range is 0.7-1.3 U/
including allergies, liver disease, heart dis- L.

ease, arthritis, diabetes and malignancy.

BUN/Creatinine ratio is a barometer of kid-
A/G ratio is an abbreviation for albumin/ ney function. Elevated ratios are typical of
globulin ratio. The A/G ratio is a barometer for high protein/low water diets, kidney disease
the bodies defense system. Deviations up or and benignhypertrophy of the prostate. A
down in thisratio are indications of liver dis- decreased ratio is typical of an antidiuretic
ease and/or a nonspecific "flag" for chronic honnone insufficiency. The normal ratio is 10-
degenerative diseases that are exhausting the 35%.
immune system. The normal range is 1.1-

2.5%. Na (sodium) is an essential "macro"mineral

required in our diet. Sodium is required to
Total bilirubin is a barometer of normal maintain the proper acid-base balance in our
metabolism of breakdown products of RBCs blood and tissues, the fluid pressure in our
in the liver and spleen. Bilirubin is elevated in blood and tissues, the fluid pressure in our
liver disease. Elevated bilirubin will produce blood vessels, and neuromuscular func-

jaundice of the eyes, skin and serum. tion. Elevated sodium levels are characteristic

of dehydration, kidney disease and adrenal

Direct bilirubin is a more specific test for gland dysfunction. Low blood levels of so-

liver bile duct obstruction. Elevated levels are dium are typical of excessive water consump-
seen with gallstones and liver tumors. The tion, diabetes and pituitary disorders. The

normal range is 135-147 mEq/L. SGOT (AST, aspartate transferase) is a
transaminase enzyme associated with liver
K (potassium) is another one of the impor- function, kidney function, heart, skeletal
tant "macro" minerals and is involved in main- muscle and brain. Elevated levels are charac-
taining proper heart rhythm, acid base bal- teristic of liver and heart disease. The normal

ance, osmotic balance (fluid pressure) and range is 0-22 u/ml.

kidney function. Elevated levels of potassium
are typical of heart block, adrenal gland defi- SGPT (ALT, alanine transferase) is a
ciency, and hypoventilation. Decreased po- transaminase enzyme associated with liver
tassium levels are typical of diarrhea, hyperac- function. Elevated levels are typical of liver
tive adrenals, weakness, poor pos-
fatigue, disease. Normal levels range from 0-22 u/ml.
ture, palpitations and ircegular heartbeat and

chronic kidney disease. The normal range is Alk. Phos. (alkaline phosphatase) mea-
3.5-4.4 mEq/L. sures the metabolic function of bone, liver and
certain tumors. Elevated levels are seen in
CI (chloride) is involved in digestion (stom- hyperparathyroidism, bone disease, liver dis-
ach HCl), oxygen-canying ability of the blood, ease, hyperthyroidism and leukemia. Elevated
adrenal function and kidney function. El- levels are also seen in healing fractures and
evated levels are seen in kidney and adrenal young growing bones. Normal values range
disorders and bowel dysfunctions. Decreased from 13-40 IU/L.
levels are typical of diarrhea, infections, diabe-
tes, reduced adrenal function. The normal GGT (gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase) is
range is 95-110 mEq/L. a barometer of connective tissue growth in the
and a highly sensitive barom-
liver (cirrhosis),

C02 (carbon dioxide) is a toxic cellular eter of alcohol and drug abuse.
waste; it is part of the acid/base balance sys-
tem, initiator of involuntary lung function, CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) is a ba-
kidney functionandadrenal function. Elevated rometer of many malignancies(sometimes in-
levels are typical of oxygen/C02 exchange dividual cancers do not affect this test). The
problems (i.e., lung disease, respiratory normal levels for 97% of nonsmokers is 0-2.5
alkalosis). Decreased levels are typical of aci- ng/ml.
dosis, ketosis, etc. The normal range is 24-30
mEq/L. PSA and ACID PHOSPHOTASE are used as
a screen for prostate health - elevated levels
LDH (lactic dehydrogenase) is an enzyme sugest benign benign prostate enlargement or
associated with carbohydrate metabolism and cancer (a biopsy may be necessary to
is widely distributed in the kidney, liver, heart, diferentiate).
skeletal muscles and RBCs. Elevated levels are
typical of injury to any of the above tissues, OVA (eggs) of parasites (i.e., roundworms,
however, it is especially useful in monitoring hookworms, and tapeworms) and micro-
heart attack, liver disease, hemolytic anemia scopic organisms (i.e., Candida albicans, bac-
and invasive cancers. The normal range is 60- teria, protozoa, etc.) can be found and identi-
160 u/ml. fied in samples of feces, mucus and urine with
the aid of a microscope (Fig. 5-1 &Fig. 5-2).

You need glass slides and cover slips to
will "orthodox" doctors, insurance companies, all

properly view the samples under the micro- alternative health care practitioners) as being
scope. a significant barometer of tissue levels. The
nice thing about the hair analysis is that you
Pinworms require a special diagnostic can collect the specimen by yourself and
technique to identify them because of the submit it to any of the dozen of so hair analysis
females' habit of crawling out of the anus at labs and they you a computerized
will give
night to lay eggs around the edge of the anus. printout that incudes an evaluation of your
A five-inch piece of clear Scotch tape is placed "macro" (i.e., calcium, phosphorus, magne-
on the anus, sticky side toward the anus, to sium, zinc, etc.) and trace (i.e., chromium,
pick up the eggs. The tape is then placed on a selenium, etc.) mineral levels.
slide, sticky side on the slide, and looked at For putting out the effort to learn the

through the microscope to find the eggs (Fig. "medical laboratory" system and laboratory
5-1). "shorthand" (and putting the information to
proper use) you will at least add ten years to
Hair analysis is a very useful test for your life and at best save you from an untimely
heavy metal toxicity (i.e., lead, mercury, ar- death at the hands of an "orthodox" doctor
senic, cadmium). The heavy metal levels in who spends more time in his investment port-
hair are recognized by everyone (i.e., courts, folio than he does in your lab report!!!

FIGURE 5-1. Parasitic Ova In Fecal Samples Magnified 440X





FIGURE 5-2. Candida, Amoeba and Bacteria Magnified 440X


amoeba bacteria


TABLE 5-1 . Six-Hour Glucose Tolerance Test

mg %



Chapter 6 "Physicians think they are doing
something for you by labeling what you
have as a disease.

is - Immanuel Kant

The "diagnosis" is a naming of the medi- "rule-in"(consider) several possibilities which

cal problem you have. All of the "history," require more tests to determine which possi-
"laboratory data," and "physical exam" infor- bilities to "rule-out" and to which "specialist" to
mation is used in one form or another by all of refer you!! This process would be alright if "lab
the "healing arts" as a detective uses "clues" to tests" were all revealing, however, as pointed
solve the "case." The finest example of this out almost all blood and urine tests are kept in
process is the "Sherlockian deduction" of a very nanow physiological range by several
Sherlock Holmes. Sir Arthur Conin Doyle, the body mechanisms until a life threatening crisis
creator of the "Sherlock Holmes" character, moves them out into a diagnostic high or low
was an optometrist who had very few patients level. The batting average of this system is

because he was shy. In his abundant spare awful as illustrated by the statistic that only
time, he created "Holmes," basing his charac- 50% of "orthodox" medical diagnosis are cor-
ter on that of his pathology professor who had rect when checked at autopsy or by another
uncanny observational powers. His pathol- physician!!!!

ogy professor could, by listening to their voice The second and most realistic method of
or footsteps deduce the patient's home coun- diagnosis is to be a highly efficient and exact-

try, profession or trade, diet, and medical ing observer of the patient (who knows you
complaint (if we only had doctors like that better than yourself?). You must be as obser-
today!!!). vant as Sherlock Holmes (remember Dr.
The process of "diagnosis" can be ap- Watson, M.D. always missed the "clues" (symp-
proached in two ways. The "orthodox" rut is toms and signs) that were always obvious to
to "rule-in" and "rule-out" based on laboratory Holmes and almost certainly missed the "solu-
data (no "orthodox" doctor observes any- tion" (diagnosis) of the case!!)

more!!!); they go through the motions of a What is the reason for this tenible break-
physical, send your blood and urine to a lab down in the competence of the "orthodox"
then, based on the results of these tests, they doctor? The nurse in the doctor's office col-

lects history,fills out forms, weighs the pa- to trust the original lab results as it only has a
tients, takes BP, takes the temperature, preps 50% chance of being conect!!!).
you for exams, takes blood samples, gives you "Orthodox" diagnosis tends to be named
shots and makes your next appointment. All Swachman's Syndrome) since
after people (i.e. ,

of these critical patient contacts are invaluable they are symptomatic diagnosis (i.e., depres-
moments which the doctor should be ob-
in sion). The most blatant offenders are the
serving, questioning and listening to the The "diseases" they "treat" are
patient's voluntary and/or subliminal com- really symptoms that they try to manage (i.e.,
ments (i.e., body language, extra comments, mania, depression, hysteria, paranoia, hyper-
etc.). Unfortunately, the "orthodox" doctor activity, etc.) rather than understanding the
has become overdependent on "labs" to basic nature of the disease (i.e., PMS,
"make" a "diagnosis." There are literally thou- hypoglycemia, food allergies or sensitivities,

sands of people who "suddenly" drop dead nutrient deficiencies, etc.).

within 30 days after getting a "clean bill of once had a patient from Canada who

health" from the $500 "orthodox" doctor "rou- had been institutionalized for seven years for
tine (annual) physical." Even the AMA says "neurosis." This woman was 32 years old, had
that the routine physicals are "cost ineffective" a lovely family (including three small chil-
(this means that they rarely reveal anything of dren) who she only saw on furloughs from the
value). state hospital. After her original "orthodox"
once had the opportunity to hear a
I doctor had exhausted his "rule-in"/"rule-out"
lecture by the late Dr. Johnathon Leaky, the process, he "referred" her toa psychiatrist. The
anthropologist of Oldouvi Gorge fame, dur- psychiatrist put her through the paces of his
ing which he said "truths are derived from facts "rule-in"/"rule-out" routine; after he had ex-
and the more facts you have, the more reliable hausted all of his "orthodox" probes, he placed
the truth." The same "truth" can be applied to her in a state institution with a "diagnosis" of
"diagnosis" in medicine; therefore, it should "depression" and exhausted his drug list trying
not be surprising that the "orthodox" "batting to "stabilize" her. Since this psychiatrist had a
average" for diagnosis and treatment is only busy practice and he got a monthly "referral
50%!!! check" from the institution, "he sort of forgot
After the "orthodox" doctor's "rule-in"/ her."
"rule-out" process has been exhausted with- A full allergy exam and a six-hour GTT
out aniving at an acceptable "diagnosis," he were performed on this woman with the result
"refers" the patient to a "specialist" (the "ortho- that she was extremely allergic to cow's milk
dox" doctor's golf buddy). and also was hypoglycemic. Three weeks of
If you have a heart problem, you are avoidance of cow's milk, autoimmune urine
"referred" to a cardiologist; if you have a chronic therapy and an intense therapy program for
earache, you are "refened" to an "EENT; " if you hypoglycemia and this lady was miraculously
have a mysterious "lump," you are "refened" "cured" and returned to "normal" emotional
toan "oncologist" who often "refers" you to a health!!!
"surgeon" or a "radiologist." A second example was a 42 year old
The "specialist" now puts you through actor who had an "acute attack" of manic
his "rule-in"/"rule-out" process (this usually depression" and self-destructive "neurosis" (he
includes a lot of "confirming duplication" of tried to stab himself to London two
death) in
tests because he knows from experience not years before we saw him. He had "depres-

sion," "paranoia," "psychosis" with "hallucina- "nile-out" the impossible "diagnosis" (i.e. child ,

tions," "catatonia" and "night tenors." After with a cold, you automatically "rule-out" blind-
being "treated" in London with three ness, fractures, etc.) based on the facts; after

antidepressive drugs and sleeping pills for awhile, the true diagnosis becomes self-evi-

one year, he was then "referred" to a "private" dent by simple "deduction" - "It's elementary,
mental hospital in Spain. He remained there method requires an acute and
Watson!!" This
forone year where their "treatment" was a time consuming observational power which
change from English tranquilizers to Spanish most "orthodox" doctors are not willing to

brands!! develop.
We ran a full allergy test battery and six- Your diagnostic efforts will be of great-
hour GTT on him and found he was a
that est value and accuracy if you have a "normal"
severe prediabetic with a one-hour blood baseline to refer to (i.e., BP, pulse, six-hour
sugar level of 319 mg%and a "crash and burn" GTT, weight, physical inspection of remote
hypoglycemic with a low of 38 mg %; all of his areas (i.e. tonsils, ears, anus, prostate, vagina,

"diseases" were expressed assymptoms dur- cervix, etc.). Do a pulse test even if you don't
ing the test. A duplicate set of symptoms were think you have allergies.
elicited by a milk allergy. In one month's time, When you are sick, refer to the nutrient/
this patient was miraculously "cured" and hap- toxicity flow chart (Table 6-1) will give you

pily back to work acting; his only "treatment" answers to 90% of your problems. To under-
was avoidance of sugar and cow's milk, auto- line this fact, one 1986 study of chronic hospi-
immune urine therapy and an intensive therapy tal patients showed that 55% suffered from
program for hypoglycemia. some form of overt malnutrition that "ortho-
The second method of "diagnosis" (and dox" medicine recognized (if "they" recog-

the most accurate) is to collect the facts and nized it, you know it was serious!!!)

TABLE 6-1 . Nutrient Deficiency / Toxicity Flow Chart


alopecia anorexia
anemia aphasia
anorexia and nausea ataxia
depression depression
fatigue irritability

hypercholesterolemia memory loss

hyperglycemia (diabetes) muscle weakness
insomnia psychosis
muscle pain arrhythmias
muscle weakness fat intolerance
dry, greyish skin gastric ulcers
pale smooth tongue growth retardation
arthritis impairment

bone spurs
brittle fingernails CHROMIUM DEFICIENCY
cognitive impairment anxiety
delusions fatigue
depression hypoglycemia
eczema diabetes
hyperactivity retarded growth / short life span
hypertension hypercholesterolemia
limb numbness dermatitis
muscle cramps G I ulcers
nervousness kidney dysfunction
neuromuscular excitability liver dysfunction
palpitations alopecia
paresthesia anemia (microcytic)
periodontal disease aneutysm / cerebral hemorrage
pica (eating lead paint) criminal behavior
rickets depression
retarded growth dermatosis
tetany diarrhea
tooth decay fatigue
fragile bones / arthritis

TABLE 6-1 . Nutrient Deficiency / Toxicity Flow Chart (Continued)

otosis ("lipping" of epiphyseal growth retardation

plates) immunologic dysfunction
respiratory disease impaired wound healing
weakness / liver cirritosis infertility
Swachman's syndrome kidney dysfunction
positive sweat test (cystic
COPPER TOXICITY fibrosis, anorexia nervosa,
depression etc.)
irritability xerosis
joint pain
muscle pain
anemia (megaloblastic) eczema
anorexia hypercholesterolemia
birth defects (spina bifida, IODINE DEFICIENCY
hydroencephalocoele) goiter
G I upsets/diarrhea fatigue
dyspepsia hypothyroidism
fatigue low basal body temperature
geographic tongue weight gain
growth retardation
insomnia anemia (microcytic)
memory loss angular stomatitis
paranoia anorexia
vitaligo brittle nails

weakness confusion
acne dizziness
alopecia dysphagia
arthritis fatigue
atrophy of endocrine glands fragile bones
diarrhea G I upset
dry brittle hair growth retardation
eczema headaches
endocrine dysfunction ice eating (pica)
fatty degeneration of the liver irritability

gall stones palpitations

TABLE 6-1 . Nutrient Deficiency / Toxicity Flow Chart (Continued)


anorexia anorexia & nausea
dizziness canker sores
fatigue confusion
headaches depression
anxiety/confusion/irritability/ dark pigmented
restlessness dermatitis
birth defects diarrhea
depression crying jags, emotional
hyperactivity/sonophobia fatigue
hypotension halitosis (bad breath)
hypothermia headache
insomnia dyspepsia
muscle pain/muscle tremors/ insomnia
muscle weakness irritability

nervousness/neuromuscular limb pains

irritability memory loss

SIDS muscular weakness

seizures skin eruptions/eczema
ataxia liver impairment
hearing loss (B-5) DEFICIENCY
hypercholesterolemia abdominal pain
hypoglycemia alopecia
muscle therapy burning feet
pancreatic atrophy coordination impairment
tinnitus depression
anorexia fatigue
impaired judgement hypotension
Parkinsonism infections
memory loss insomnia
muscle spasms
nausea & vomiting

TABLE 6-1 . Nutrient Deficiency / Toxicity Flow Chart (Continued)

nervousness ECG changes

tachycardia edema
weakness fatigue
glucose intolerance
PARA AMINOBENZOIC ACID (PABA) growth retardation
DEFICIENCY hypercholesterolemia
constipation hyperreflexia
depression/headache/irritability hypotension
G I disorders insomnia
fatigue muscle weakness
graying hair nervousness
anorexia proteinuria
anxiety respiratory distress
apprehension "salt" retention
bone pain tachycardia (rapid heart rate)
dyspnea xerosis
numbness cardiac arrest
paresthesias cognitive impairment
pica dysarthria
tremulousness dysphasia
weakness weakness
weight loss
calcium malabsorption alopecia
loose teeth anemia
osteoporosis / arthritis anorexia & nausea
secondary hyperparathyroidism arthritis

tooth loss cheilosis

weight loss conjunctivitis
acne facial oiliness

arrhythmia fatigue
cognitive impairment geographic tongue
constipation impaired wound healing
depression irritability

TABLE 6-1 . Nutrient Deficiency / Toxicity Flow Chart (Continued)


neurologic symptoms alopecia
seizures arthritis

stomatitis brittle nails

stunted growth garlic breath

weakness metallic taste
kidney dysfunction
PYRTDOXINE TOXICITY liver dysfunction
"electric shock" sensations
abdominal cramps
alopecia ataxia
blurred vision confusion
cataracts crying jags
cheilosis depression
depression dermatosis
dermatitis (drying, greasy, dizziness
scaling) fatigue
dizziness flatulence
eyes (itching, burning, red) hallucinations
geographic tongue headaches
growth retardation hypotension
pancreatic atrophy and fibrosis illusions
photophobia infections
cataracts muscular weakness
cancer risk nausea & vomiting
cystic fibrosis seizures
growth retardation taste loss
"heart attack" weight loss
impaired immunity
Keshan Disease (myocardial SODIUM TOXICITY
fibrosis) anorexia
muscular dystrophy cognitive dysfunction
pancreatic atrophy & fibrosis congestive heart failure
(cystic fibrosis) edema (especially low
liver cirrhosis protein diets)
sterility in males hyperactivity

TABLE 6-1 . Nutrient Deficiency / Toxicity Flow Chart (Continued)

hypertonia headache
irritability irritability

polydipsia moodiness
polyuria numbness
renal failure palpitations
seizures psychosis
tremors spinal cord degeneration
weight gain
anorexia anosmia (loss of smell)
brain atrophy (senility) birth defects
confusion dry hair/alopecia
constipation fatigue
coordination impairment growth retardation
depression hyperkeratosis
dyspnea (labored breathing) infections
G I upset infertility

edema insomnia
fatigue night blindness
irritability weight loss
memory loss xerophthalmia
muscle atrophy xerosis
numbness hands and feet VITAMIN A TOXICITY
pain hypersensitivity abdominal pain
palpitations alopecia
sonophobia amenorrhea
weakness cheilosis
G I upset
VITAMIN B-l 2 DEFICIENCY hepatomegaly
achlorhydria hydrocephalus
anemia irritability

birth defects joint pain

constipation nausea & vomiting
depression pruritis

dizziness splenomegaly
dyspnea (labored breathing) weight loss
geographic tongue bleeding gums/loose teeth

TABLE 6-1 . Nutrient Deficiency / Toxicity Flow Chart (Continued)

depression/malaise/tiredness VANADIUM DEFICIENCY

easy bruising diabetes
impaired would healing hypoglycemia


burning in mouth anorexia
burning in throat apathy
diarrhea birth defects
insomnia brittle nails

myopia depression
nervousness eczema
osteomalacia fatigue
rickets growth retardation
VITAMIN D TOXICITY hypogeusia (loss of

angiotoxicity (calcification) sensation of taste)

arteriosclerosis (angiotoxicity) impaired wound healing
liver dysfunction impotence
"malignant" calcification infertility



alopecia malabsorption
areflexia memory loss
dermatitis paranoia
gait disturbances sexual immaturity
infertility sterility

malabsorption white spots on nails

muscular dystrophy
proprioception problems
RBC fragility

vibratory sense dysfunction

poor clotting time

Chapter 7 "The secret of caring for the patient
for the patient.
is caring

Sir William Osier

Healing Arts

"Orthodox" western doctors would have puncture was produced by the Yellow Em-
us believe that "theirs is the only medical peror (Hangdi Neiging Suwen) in 200 BC.
system of any value." We are taking the "lib- The Chinese list over one thousand
erty" to briefly outline several healing arts that "points" for diagnosis and treatment. Some of
are currently being used by 2/3 of the peoples these "points" are recognized by Western prac-
of the earth, some of which have been around titioners as "referred pain" locations. These
for 10,000 years (the "orthodox" American "points" are found on twelve meridians or
system of medicine has only been around channels. The courses of the meridians are
since the 1914 Flexner Report - this is typical not uniform and unique patterns and "points"
of their anogance!!) must be memorized or taken from models or
ACUPUNCTURE is an ancient therapy charts.

based on the premise that there are channels The Chinese call the "life force" or "spirit"
of energy (meridians) that flow through the Qi (pronounced Chi) which flows through the
body with specific points that represent or- meridians. A blockage or misdirection of the
gans and organ systems. Acupuncture involves Qi flow results in disease. The reestablish-

the placement of very fine needles into the ment of the blocked flow of energy is the goal
specific points to rechannel energy so as to of acupuncture.
treat an organ, organ system or produce anal- The Chinese acupuncture system recog-
gesia. nizes physiological circadian rhythms and
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese heal- interorgan relationships; it expresses them in
ing art dating from before 3500 BC. It was three basic sets of parameters:
originally observed that waniors pierced by
1) Yin and Yang
arrows frequently reported relief from chronic
2) Five Main Elements
diseases; it was these battlefield observations
3) Time of treatment during the 24-
that led to the development of acupuncture
hour clock and annual calendar
meridians and points.
Modern needles are made of silver al-
The first "official" text written on acu-

loys or stainless steel. Early versions ofneedles 9) prostate disease
were made of stone, iron, copper, bronze,
ivory, etc. The needle can be inserted into the 10) otitis media (middle ear problems)
patient using more than 50 different tech-
11) emphysema
niques, however, seven basic factors deter-
mine the efficiency of the needle: 12) eye disease

13) fractures
1) caliber of the needle

14) emergency surgical

2) twirling or vibrating
problems (appendicitis)
3) depth of penetration
15) transected nerves and blood vessels
4) sharpness
Chinese measurements are used to lo-
5) amount of time of treatment cate acupuncture meridians and points. The
basic unit is a Cun, which is approximately the
6) number of follow-up treatments
width of the widest part of the patients thumb.
7) heat (moxibustion) A fen is 1/10 of a Cun.
Accurate placement of the needle will

Any and curable disease of

produce a sensation or energization called "te-
chi." The depth of the needle insertion is five
altered physiology can be cured by acupunc-
ture; acupuncture is also an excellent method
fen (1/2 inch, or just below the skin). The
for producing analgesia (pain relief) and/or needles are left in place for 20-30 minutes then

anesthesia (pain relief with unconsciousness). removed. If a lot of treatment energy is indi-

Conditions and diseases not to be treated cated, the needles may be twirled or heated

by acupuncture: with "moxa" after insertion.

Needles should be sterilized between
use by heating an autoclave (medical ster-
1) infections ilizer) or up to 350 F in the oven for 30 minutes.

The beginner acupuncturist should wear ster-

2) parasites
ile rubber gloves to prevent contamination of
3) cardiovascular disease the needles.
Anesthesia and analgesia produced by
4) cancer acupuncture is very safe and doesn't need a
prescription from the "orthodox" doctor!! The
5) kidney disease
obstetrical and surgical patient is aware of
what's happening but doesn't perceive pain.
6) diabetes, hypoglycemia,
Postsurgical pain is easily controlled with acu-
thyroid disease
puncture. The induction of analgesia takes
about 20-30 minutes; it takes from one to ten
7) pregnancy (can be used for
needles to produce satisfactory analgesia (be-
analgesia during labor)
ginners need ten):
8) vaginal discharges

According to Ayurvedic medicine, at the
level of the individual mind, there are three
types of activity:

Rojas active creating energy

Tamas passive resisting or

destroying energy

Satva unifying, preserving energy

Pitta active energy of heat

Kapha element of phlegm (cold)

Vaya element of air

All of the above forces are modified by the

spiritual, mental and physical aspects of the
The human and the universe are com-
posed of five elements or Bhutas (which ap-
pear to be the origins of the four Greek hu-

1) Ether
FIG. 7-1 : Acupuncture Chart of Head and Ear Points

1 .Toes
FIG. 7-1 : Acupuncture Chart of Head and Ear Points (Continued)


FIG. 7-2 : Foot Acupuncture Points and Reflexology Zones

Right Foot Left Foot

9. Spinal Column
1 .Scalp
10. Waist
2. Pituitary
11. Large Intestine
3. Thyroid
12. Urinary Bladder
4. Parathyroid
5. Thymus 13. Small Intestine
6 .Stomach
14. Sciatic Nerve
7. Liver 1 5. Hemorrhoid
8. Gallbladder 16. Heart
1 7. Spleen

of the cell salts in treating his patients. Palmer soon founded the Palmer Infirmary
Chiropractic is a physical form of medi- and Chiropractic Institute in Iowa.
cine that heals without the use of drugs or The chiropractic profession has been at
surgery. Chiropractic philosophy believes odds with the "orthodox" medical profession
that many diseases, especially physical dis- since its inception. In 1987, the chiropractors
comfort and many visceral malfunctions are finally won a landmark case against the AMA
caused by "subluxations" of vertebral joints for conspiracy to break the U.S. antitrust laws.
pressing on spinal nerves. Today "chiropractic" The AMA is now blocked from openly trying
is the most accepted of the "alternative thera- to destroy chiropractic (this ruling has had the
pies" in the western world as indicated by effect of keeping the AMA from attacking
licensure in all states and comprehen-
50 U.S. other healing arts (i.e., naturopathic physi-
sive insurance and medicare payments. cians, etc.). The nice thing about chiropractic
The word chiropractic is derived from is that certain basic treatments are easily learned
the Greek words "cheiro" (hands) and and it can be employed in the home.
"practikos" (done by the). Chiropractors take Color therapy is the use of colored
a history and perform a physical exam much lights or panels to create a positive healing
the same way an N.D. D.O. or M.D. does but
, , effect. Color therapy was originally recorded
tend to pay special attention to the musculo- in the Greek Healing Temples of light and
skeletal system. In some states (i.e., Oregon) color at Heliopolis, Egypt. Color healing is

chiropractors can deliver babies, perform of- also used in ayurvedic and traditional Chinese
fice surgery and, in certain areas, have hospital medicine; the gem therapy of ayurvedic medi-
privileges. Radiographic examination of the cine is a close parallel in theory and method-
spine is traditional. The treatment goal of ology.
chiropractic is to: The color blue appears to be the univer-
sally favored color, followed by red. It is well

1) restore normal posture documented that our response to color is

2) restore optimal function to emotional; our response to shape is intellec-
spinal and pelvic joints tual. It is also agreed upon that certain forms
3) correct visceral malfunction of sound and light are therapeutic -color
by relieving pressure on spinal therapy is considered by many to be another
nerves form of light therapy:
4) relieve pain by "reducing"
subluxations 1) Blue reduces BP, alleviates
teething, boils, fever, inflammation,
Manipulation itself is an ancient heal- dysentery, colic, jaundice and heals
ing art practiced by the Egyptians, Hindus, cuts and bums
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Babylonians
and Assyrians. It wasn't until 1895 that physi- 2) Red alleviates "hypo"tension and
cal manipulation finally came to the western certain forms of paralysis
world. A Canadian, Daniel D. Palmer, cured
his janitor's deafness with cervical manipula- 3) Yellow/Violet alleviates anxiety
tion and became so excited with this "new" and arthritis
therapythat he abandoned his interest in mes-
merism (hypnotism) and magnetic healing. 4) Orange alleviates gallstones

and kidney stones Christianity. A works on the
spiritual healer
premise that whatever one believes can be
5) Yellow - diabetes and constipation made to happen by belief in God. Spiritual
healing works through contact widi the "world
6) Green - ulcers, colds, flu, of spirits," mediums and psychic phenomena.
breast cancer "Positive thinking" is practiced by Christians
and alternative physicians alike. Robert
Color dierapy techniques include: Schuller considers positive thinking to be a
form of prayer. Twenty to sixty percent of
1) Kilner screen - a diagnostic tool. patients will recover with placebos if positive
Consists of two (2) plates of glass with a thought is induced.
solution of diocene (indigo/violet solution); Christian Scientists are a sect of ortho-
the color therapist views the patient through dox Christians founded in 1879 by Mary Baker
the screen to determine which colors are Eddy (Church of Christ, Scientists) who be-
needed lieved that "healing is proof of God's love for
man." StatisticallyChristian Scientists live longer
2) Tissue colors - a diagnostic tool. The than any group of western people and, as a
color therapist observes the color of the sclera result, have special lower insurance premi-
(white of the eye), nails, urine and stool ums.
It is of interest that Kirlian photogra-
3) Solar-chrome salt hags - a therapy phy shows a significant increase in the healer's
tool. Massage patient with colored salt in a hand "aura" during "laying-on-of-hands." A
cheese-cloth sack. These bags are "charged" new-age concept of "laying-on-of-hands" is
by exposure to the sun or sunlamps for one "therapeutic touch" which is practiced by
hour prior to the massage. nurses and massage therapists on patients
with poor circulation and debilitating diseases.
4) Food colors - a dierapy tool. Select Herbal medicine is an ancient system
food colors that will treat the patient. Colored of medicine that uses plants to prevent and
food groups contain specific "chemicals" (vi- cure disease. Traditional Chinese medicine,
tamins and minerals) needed by the patient. ayurvedic medicine, American Indian medi-
cine, American folk medicine, Eclectic medi-
5) Rainbow healing - a therapy tool. cine and naturopathic medicine all have strong
Water is placed in colored glasses and ex- roots in herbal medicine.
posed to sunlight. The water takes on the The Chinese had large complex
healing qualities of the specific color and it is pharmacopeias in 3000 B.C. and the Persians
passed onto the patient who drinks it. are said to have used plants medicinally as
long ago as 6,000 years!! An Assyrian, King

6) Color breathing - a therapy tool. A Asurbipal, had a list of 250 plant drugs in 2500
style of retiring and awakening - meditation. B.C. In 1653, Nicholas Culpeper published
the "Complete Herbal." Even today, more than
Laying-on-of-hands (spiritual and thirty percent of today's "orthodox" pharma-
faith healers) - the use of a human to mediate ceuticals are derived from herbal compounds
healing. "Healers" were recorded in ancient (i.e., digitalis, and vincristine - a CA
China, Egypt and in various forms today in therapy from the Madagascar periwinkle).

The seventeenth century produced the "Doc- (milk sugar) by a process known as "trituration."
trine of Signatures" which puts forth the theory The "active" substance is diluted 10 fold with

that certain plants and plant parts looked like the lactose.
various human organs as a "God-given clue" 2) Liquid remedies are mixed with alcohol
to what medicinal value each had. and shaken, a process known as "succession"
Herbal medicines have the advantage of — again liquid remedies are diluted ten fold.
safety (there are exceptions!!!!) and thousands The strength or "potency" of the remedy is
of years of experience. Cunently herbal prepa- expressed as 1C, 2C, 3C, etc. as each succes-
rations are easy to procure in tablet, capsule, sive 100 fold dilution and "succussion" is made.
tea bag and fluid (i.e., extracts and elixirs) English homeopathic remedies are la-

preparations. Herbs are also easy to cultivate beled IX, 2X, and 3X while European designa-
at home in significant quantities making them tions ID, 2D, and 3D are used to indicate
very attractive to retired people on fixed in- decimal or ten fold dilutions. At 12C or 1024,
comes and young families with lots of ex- there may be one molecule none of the or
penses but small incomes. original substance (Avogadro's Law) yet the

Homeopathy is a widely practiced "remedy" will have a homeopathic medical

medical art that has two basic principles: effect!!!

Hydrotherapy began in Roman times

1) "let like be cured by like" and is widely used today by all forms of
healing arts including "orthodox" medicine.
2) principle of "minimum dose" The medicinal baths take many forms from
"sitz" baths for hemorrhoids, whirlpool for
Agents (herbs, chemicals, etc.) produce cer- muscle injuries to mineral baths for arthritis.

tain symptoms in normal healthy humans Many times insurance companies will pay for
("proved") these agents are then used to cure
- some form of hydrotherapy if is prescribed it

diseases that produce the "proved" symp- by a licensed physician of any healing art.
toms. Hydrotherapy takes many forms includ-
Samuel Hahnemann, a physician
Dr. ing:

from Leipzig, Germany, "proved" that Cin-

chona bark (a malaria cure of the day) gave 1 cold bath - reduces swelling
malaria symptoms to healthy people.
Hahnemann went on to "prove" hundreds of 2) hot bath - relieves soreness
medications and substances. He also found and improves circulation for

that very frequently the more dilute the prepa- chronic diseases and injuries
ration, the more dramatic the clinical effect
(Table 7-1). This observation has been the 3) mineral bath - for chronic
center of controversy since Hahnemann's time. disease - i.e., arthritis

It is of interest that in 1988 asignificant article

was published in Nature magazine that sup- 4) steam bath - detox heavy metals
ports Hahnemann's observations!!!!
There are two basic forms of homeo- 5) sitz bath - hemorrhoids
pathic remedies - the dilutions are known as 6) epsom salt bath - produces
"potencies" (Table 7-2):
1) solid remedies are ground up with lactose

8) colonic irrigation - constipation,
sweating, relieves edema and detoxify patients being treated
soreness and will clean infected for any chronic disease or liver

wounds ailment (infectious hepatitis would

be an exception)
7) water fast - detoxification
of food allergies and can be used as 9) knipping - walking or jogging in

a prelude to diagnosing food knee-deep water of a lake or

allergies ocean for stimulating circulation
and immune system

TABLE 7-1 . Homeopathic Remedy Potencies and Terminology



1/10 10%
TABLE. 7-2 Abbreviated Repertory
: (Continued)

burning heat, dilated pupils, dry red tongue

with thirst ARNICA - For any injury or bruising. Falls,

fractures before and after operations, where

BRYONIA - Cold going on to chest, hoarse there is a history of old injury, particularly if

and sore at back of throat. Goes on to cough never well since, or if left with chronic after
which shakes patient to bits and is very painful effects.

over the top of the chest. Holds chest on

coughing and head because of headache. LACHESIS - Very hot remedy, bluish appear-
Short hacking dry cough, better lying on af- ance, left-sided remedy. All symptoms worse
fected side, much worse from motion. Very from heat, much worse from tight clothing or
thirsty for long, cold drinks, very hot, wants to tight collar, collar must be loosened. Much
beleft alone, looks drugged and bluish. Cough worse after sleep, wakes feeling dead.

of measles. Better immediately after menstmal period

onset. Menopausal remedy; veiy loquacious
GELSEVUUM - Colds which come on days and darts from subject to subject. Veiy jealous
afterexposure in warm, moist relaxing weather. and/or suspicious.
History of feeling chilled after being too hot
several days before. Doesn't notice windows CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDIES
open. Chilliness and shivers up and down
back in spite of being hot and sticky. Acute TERENTULA - Mental excitement, hysteria,
fluid coryza and sneezing. Although hot, has hallucinations. Rage, fury.

cold extremities and is sitting by fire particu-

larly with flu. Aching, and heavy all over with ARSENICUM ALBUM - Oversensitive, smell,

soreness of muscles. May get tickley cough or touch, hair combed, anxiety, and an anxious
more croupy kind of cough. Headache severe expression
in flu over head and eyes. Mild dislike of

disturbance. Headache better with passing of NITRIC ACff) - Sensitive to touch and upset
urine. If excited will have sleepless night. beyond reason by pain.

Thirstless nearly always.

HEPAR SULPH - Comes on in cold dry hyperaesthesia to touch, draught, personal
weather, after with a sticking sensation like a atmosphere. Easily upset, flies into temper
splinter in the throat. Paroxysms of diy, teas- rage.

ing, painful cough with very sore chest and

throat. Very hot but can't, or won't, move or be NUX VOMICA - Cutaneous sensitivities to

uncovered without feeling chilly. Sweats pro- cold, touch, noise, being interfered with, nerves

fusely but lies covered up to chin. No relief on edge, startled if touched suddenly.
from sweat. Worse breathing cold air, worse
putting hand out of covers. Suffocating croupy GENTIANA LUTEA Ravenous - hunger; di-

cough. Very irritable and hypersensitive. Apt minished appetite

to quarrel with own shadow particularly in flu
and chest conditions. JASMEVUM OFFICESTALE - Comatose, vom-

TABLE. 7-2 Abbreviated Repertory
: (Continued)

iting, convulsion, tetany be broad. Tends to be scraggly in the neck.

Skin, at rest, always sallow. If excited comes

PRIMULA VULGARIS Dropsy. in flushed and looks temporarily like a PHOS-
PHORUS. Flush fades and leaves patient
HYPERICUM - Wounds, punctures, fuzzy sallow and greasy looking. Coarse greasy
feelings on hands, shaking, and a paralytic hair. Crack in lower lip often. Herpes on lips

weakness. Wounds of brain, spine, coccyx, with cold. Walks with rapid definite move-
fingertips, punctures from nails, thorns, ments. Often sits down shaking on putting
wounds sensitive to touch. Painful corns and down parcels. Worse in hot room. Much
bunions. worse from consolation. Resentful if doesn't
get attention, nasty if they do. "The greatest
GELSEMnJM - Sluggish mind, relaxed mus- shock remedy." Hides feelings and avoids
cular system, limbs feel too heavy to move. everyone. Great migraine headache remedy.
Headache with functional paralysis, blurring Wakes with headache, gets worse until 11:00
of vision which is relieved by copious dis- or 1 2:00 noon then eases off as day gets cooler.
charge of urine. Mental prostration, drooping Flashes and zig zags before eyes with head-
eyelids, stage fright. Neurologic headache, ache. Headache worse with usingeyes. Salt
nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, cold feet. craving, likes beer, fish and occasionally milk
Tongue coated yellowish white with fetid but may have aversion to meat, coffee and fat.
breath. Dry burning throat. A lot of nimbling
and discomfort in the abdomen with a sudden NAT SULPH - Gets bronchitis in warm wet
spasmodic pain which leaves a sensation of weather. Cough with dyspnea. Has to sit up
contraction afterwards. quickly to get rid of sputum or lie propped up.
Greenish expectoration, worse at 4-5 a.m.

CEANOTHUS - Pain in the upper left quad- Left-sided pneumonia.

rant of the abdomen. Patient chilly, worse in
cold weather. Depression, anorexia, "don't PHOSPHORUS - Intelligent, bright people
care" attitude. with glint in the hair. Fine skin which flushes
up quickly. Not damp skin but will sweat
CALENDULA - Lacerated or suppura-ting when nervous or with exercise. Full of appre-
wounds. Pain, fever. hension if overtired. Patient thinks he is going
tobe ill, gets into state about business and
VALERIANA- Congestion of head, in-creased what he has left undone. Marked fears and
pulse, symptoms alternate between upper dreads. May fly into passion if opposed, very
and limbs. Worse at noon, early afternoon, ashamed after. Never nurses resentment, like
and just before midnight. Darting, tearing NAT MUR. Better with sleep. Better with
pains that come and go. Anxiety, hypochon- nibbing. Fears dark, being alone, thunder,
Goes from
driac. joyful to despair in one death and "that something will happen." Un-
moment. happy in twilight, wants reassurance. Intense
thirst. Loves ice cream, loves salt, loves cold
NAT MUR - Patient has definite character and weather. Violent chest pain on coughing,
personality. Fairly well covered and tends to better by pressure. Jaundice remedy.

TABLE. 7-2 Abbreviated Repertory
: (Continued)

very, very restless.

PUSATHIA - Gentle, yielding type. Weeps
easily, better from sympathy. Wilts in heat, SULFUR - Untidy hair won't lie down, dirty

can't sit in sun. Apt to have late or delayed looking, red faced, or grayish earthy appear-
menstmation. Often has wandering pains, ance. Shriveled looking, "the lean dyspeptic"
rheumatism, useful in single joint rheumatism. or the "ragged philosopher" in appearance.
Hates fat of any kind. Likes sweets. Very little Redness of lips, eyelids, nostrils, anus. Raven-
thirst. Cough worse in evening, goes on and ous hunger, often worse late morning. Some-
off until expectoration. times emaciation.

RHUS TOX - Greatest rheumatic and skin Untidy - hates bath. Slimy diarrhea or obsti-
remedy. Lumbago worse before rain, much nate constipation. Full of eniptions, eczema
worse bad on getting out of bed or
cold, very and boils. Untidy, wrong socks, burning

chair. movement, much better

Better after indigestion. Desire for cold drinks and ice -

from warmth. Very thirsty, very restless. Very worse from milk.

good remedy for shingles when patient wants

to relieve pain. Constant hot baths or applica- ARS. ALB - Headache, seven-day periodicity,
tions which improves 75%. Skin complaints. Sunday headache of workers, long continued
Erysipelas after standing in cold wind. Patient suppurations or ulcers. Old cases of gout.

Light therapy uses ultra violet light to tices.

stimulate vitamin D production, stimulate the Macrobiotics is based on wholesome

immune system, treat sore throats, treat behavior and eating habits. Macrobiotic phi-
vaginitis, treat ring-worm, athletes foot and losophy maintains that and illness
all disease
eczema. is caused by an imbalance of "yin" and "yang"-

Infra red light is used as an immune

stimulant - this is accomplished by covering "yin" - tends to be feminine, drinks,
the area of interest with cloth and making a fruit, sweet, sour, hot flavors, green, blue and
lcm hole over an acupuncture or trigger purple
"point." Infra red light is then directed to the
hole in the cloth and allowed to redden the "yang" - tends to be masculine, meat,
"point." This produces an "acute" stimulation cereals, some vegetables, hard, dense,
which causes an influx of WBCs
to the "point" orange or yellow
and antibodies - any chronic process in the
area will benefit from this local immune surge!!! Macrobiotic diets (popularly known as
This produces excellent results in chronic the "brown rice" diet) have many reported
wounds, bedsores and arthritis. A standard successes with food allergies, emotional prob-
heat lamp will produce the desired effect. lems, chronic diseases (i.e., arthritis, diabetes,
Ultra violet light is germicidal, stimulates etc.) as well as long term remissions and/or
the production of vitamin D and has "healing" "cures" for cancer. An explanation for in-

effects for a variety of skin diseases and arthri- creased health from the macrobiotic program
tis. The nice thing about the ultra violet light is that individuals who are not aware that they
used for therapy is that it is "cool" and does not have gulten sensitivity (celiac disease) get

produce local heat. CAUTION IS REQUIRED benefit from eliminating wheat from their diet
TO PREVENT BURNING OF YOUR EYES - and begin to absorb trace minerals, vitamins
wear protective goggles or avoid looking di- and essential fatty acids.
rectly at the therapy lamp tube!!! During the height of the macrobiotic
Visible light is only five percent of the movement (1960s-1970s) in the United States,
total spectrum produced by ultra violet therapy thousands of macrobiotic stores, restaurants

lamps.The ultra violet ray spectaim ranges and summer camps were opened. The most
between 500 and 3100 Angstrom units - 2537 well known of Ohsawa's disciples in the United
Angstrom units is the "peak" intensity and is States is Michio Kushi.
the level that produces the germicidal, Megavitamin therapy is one of the
erythemic and vitamin D producing effects. major friction points between "orthodox"
Macrobiotics originated in Japan in medical philosophy and alternative healing
1946. George Ohsawa created this healing art arts. The "megavitamin theory" was created in

to heal himself of tuberculosis (which he 1968 and was the center of what Dr. Linus
did!!); after curing himself, he opened up a Pauling (double Nobel Prize winner) called
macrobiotic healing center in Hiyoshi, Japan "orthomolecular medicine." Dr. Abram Hoffer
andtaughtfrom 1946 to 1952. In 1952, Ohsawa then created "orthomolecular psychiatry."
started a world lecture tour that included Dr. PaulingandDr. Hoffer used vitamins
Africajndia, Europe and the United States. at "pharmacologic" or "therapeutic" levels for
Ohsawa taught a philosophy of life and eating a variety ofdiseases with excellent results in-
habits that unified people through health prac- cluding colds, alcoholism, hyperactivity, drug

addiction, osteoarthritis, neuritis, schizophre- cine since he was an herbalist.
nia, depression, various psychosis and food Naturopathic medicine is licensed and/
allergies. However, as this revelation would or regulated by a separate board of examiners
wipe out several medical "specialties," the or licenses in several countries and states
"orthodox" medical community refuses to including England, Europe, Canada, Australia
publicly give a "blessing" to this form of therapy! and the United States (i.e., Oregon, Washing-
The doses used include five to lOOGmof ton, Washington, D.C., Arizona, Hawaii, Ne-
vitamin C for colds, arthritis, cancer and 3000 vada, Florida, Georgia,
mg per day of niacinamide for psychosis of Utah,Idaho, North Carolina, Alaska and Mon-
various types. These seem like "wild and tana).
crazy" doses when compared to the RDA of 30 Negative ion therapy is the use of
mg for vitamin C and 1.5 mg for niacin!!!! A negatively charged air particles to prevent and
variety of other nutrients are used in "mega" cure disease. Sources of negative ions include
doses to cure or relieve acne, PMS, food aller- "negative ion generators" for home and office
gies, arthritis, alcoholism, etc. (Table 8-1). use and frequenting forests, mountains and
Naturopathy is practiced by seashores for "free" supplies. Pure outside air
naairopathic physicians (N.D.). What distin- has 300-1000 negatively charged ions per cu-
guishes naturopathic medicine is that its "prac- bic meter of air (considerably higher levels are
tice"emerges from its underlying principle - found at the beach) while air conditioned
FIRST DO NO HARM. Naturopathic medicine office or classroom air typically has 150-500.
recognizes an inherent healing ability of the Excessive levels of positive ions in the air
body. Naturopathic physicians emphasize produces anxiety, depression and restless-

the prevention of disease. ness.

The "scope" of practice varies in state to Negative ions 1) reduce heart rate and
state depending on the strength and oppres- BP, 2) increase respiratory volume, 3) increase
siveness of the "orthodox" medical lobby at ciliary beat in respiratory epithelium, 4) in-

the time naturopathic medicine was intro- crease efficiency of endocrine glands, 5) nor-
duced into that state. As taught, naturopathy malize brain rhythm, 6) reverse effects of
covers the full practice of medicine excluding positive ions.
major surgery (i.e., brain and chest and ab- Negative ion generators are particularly
dominal cavities) and the use of most legend good for patients with inhalant allergies,
drugs (allopathic drugs); it includes but is not asthma, respiratory disease and cystic fibrosis.
limited to the following diagnostic and thera- Two to four treatments per day for 45 minutes
peutic modalities: nutritional science (pre- each or overnight use is typical.

vention and therapy), natural hygiene, botani- Osteopathy originated as a type of ma-
calmedicine (herbal medicine), physical medi- nipulation of body and spine to heal disease.
cine (i.e. hydrotherapy, heat, cold, manipula-
, This healing art was developed over 1 00 years
tion), oriental medicine (i.e., diagnosis, acu- ago by Andrew Still (an engineer) after allthree
puncture, etc.), homeopathy, counseling, of his children died at the hands of "orthodox"
gynecology,obstetrics (natural childbirth), medicine during a meningitis outbreak. As an
minor surgery, public health, immunization engineer, that disease was the result of
Still felt

and all methods of laboratory and physical/ a mechanical breakdown of the body. The
clinical diagnosis. It is claimed that Hippocrates American School of Osteopathy in Kirksville,

was the father of modern naturopathic medi- Missouri was the only school for osteopaths

for many years. Today it is difficult to distin- his own urine back into him. The basis of the
guish most D.O.s from M.D.s in their "ortho- therapy is exactly the same as the "modern"
dox" approach - "burn, cut and poison" is the allergist uses when he injects allergens into the
standard "allopathic" approach. There are a patient to "treat" allergies. The technique of
few exceptions among the D.O. ranks who urine injection is quite simple and can be
will administer "chelation" therapy instead of performed at home or requested from a "user
rushing into bypass surgery!!!!! friendly" N.D., D.C., or D.O. (M.D. allergists

Reflexology is an ancient Chinese and used to use this technique for 50 years until the
east Indian diagnostic and treatment system. pharmaceutical companies discovered they
The soles of the feet and palms of the hands make money with prepared allergens).
are covered with "zones" or "points" that rep- Urine therapy is performed by centrifug-
resent visceral organs and systems (Figure 7- ing the patient's urine and then filtering it

2); the appearance of reflexology paralleled through a "millipore" filter to eliminate the

the appearance of acupuncture. cells and bacteria that might be present. Five

Ten to 30 minutes of "compression" to ten milliliters of urine are injected subcuta-

massage is applied with the thumb or index neously — this injection may cause some burn-
finger. Reflexology works particularly well for ing which can be eliminated by adding
physiological or functional disease. The procaine to the filtered urine.

reflexologist searches the foot or hand for The urine injection technique is very
"crystals" or "nodules" which are "worked useful for allergies, asthma, migraine head-
out." ache and arthritis. A nonspecific increase in
Rolfing is a "body therapy" (structural immune capacity has been recorded in cancer
integration) and was named after Ida Rolf who patients given urine therapy.
was a graduate of biological chemistry from Yoga is a Sanscrit word meaning "one-
Barnard College, New York in 1920. In 1940, ness" and is taught by a Guru ("despoiler of
she began treating people with her technique; darkness"). Yoga is a meditational practice to
she worked quietly for 25 years until the 1960's "achieve mans highest potential in life." The
"human potential" movement unveiled her belief is that all of mans functions can be

treatment. In 1970, the Rolf Institute of Struc- reduced to postures or "asanas" (yoga exer-
tural Integration was founded in Boulder, cises) which are designed to prevent or cure

Colorado. disease. Vegetarianism is a common thread to

Rolfing is typically a deep body massage all forms of yoga:
and is used to "break down" connective tissue
1) Hatha yoga - health through masteiy
that is pathological. Before and after pictures
of postures
are part of the process to identify posture
problems and to ultimately showpatients the 2) Montra yoga - vibrations and
results of treatment. Treatments tend to be radiations of life

very uncomfortable, but most patients feel the

3) Karma yoga - service to others
gains are worth the discomfort. As a result of
"releasing" muscles, ligaments and connec- 4) Bhakti yoga - path via devotion and love
tive tissue, patients get taller by 1/2 to one
inch. 5) Layakriya yoga - sexual relationships to
Urine therapy ismethod of improv-
a achieve fullfillment in life

ing the patients immune system by injecting

There are numerous healing arts and
alternative medical techniques not mentioned
here (i.e., iridology, kinesiology or "muscle
testing," magnetism, etc.) that are generally

practiced and accepted by numbers of

people so feel free to learn whatever you need
to for yours and your families health.

"From inability to let well alone; from too
much zealfor the new and contemptfor what
is old; from putting knowledge befotv wisdom,
and cleverness before com-
science before art,
mon sense;from treatingpatients as cases and
Chapter 8 from making the cure of the disease
grievous than the endurance of the same,

good Lord, deliver us.

- The Library of Sir Robert Hutchison

Pharmacy (1871-1960)

The "pharmacy" or "drugstore" is an inte- include Pharmaceutical International as a

gral part of any healing art including the home source of none FDA approved medications
"practice." Our home "practice" has two doc- available on a mail order basis - phone 1-800-
tors so this presents advantages and disadvan- 755-4656.
tages. The advantages are that it is easy to get One of the more interesting pieces of
a "second opinion" (another viewpoint on pharmacy have ever seen was a
furniture I

diagnosis or treatment) and we have two Chinese herb cabinet with 100 drawers forraw
widely differing specialties. The disadvan- herbs, pills and capsules. If you are unable to
tages are we don't always agree on the "phar- find one of these wonderful cabinets immedi-
macy" inventory so the costs can be double. ately, a set of shelves with stack types of plastic
The philosophy of the "pharmacy" storage bins will work for systematically stor-
should be to have an "eclectic" selection of ing medications. General categories of "dmgs"
supplies" and "dnigs" (medicines) without should be available and again we prefer an
having bought things that you will never use "eclectic" pharmacy that would contain sev-
or are not potentially useful (i.e., specialized eral approaches for the same purpose. Lock
dmgs or equipment for diseases no one in your pharmacy to secure it from children!!
your family has).
Ihave found a large variety of file boxes Pain killers -
(for prescriptions), log books (for inventory) Topical: DMSO, H202, pain gels
and equipment (pill counting trays, mortar benzocaine: sunburn/
and pestle, blenders, etc.) at estate and garage wound spray
sales that are useful in the home "pharmacy." herbs: demulcents, aconite,
The personalcomputer is an invaluable "phar- aloe vera, camphor, eucalyptus
macy" tool for storing inventories, storing
names and phone numbers of "suppliers" Oral: Tylenol caplets
(sources of medications and drugs); be sure to tylenol-3

aspirin "Megavitamin" levels of vitamins and
Advil minerals are used in extraordinary situations
herbs: aconite, arnica when your body requires large amounts of
chamomile, comfrey, etc. raw material to restore and replenish over-
homeopathics worked organs and tissues (you do this for
your car and air conditioning filters - why not
Injection: procaine your own body!!!). When indicated,
xylocaine "megavitamin" doses will be suggested for
acupuncture: needles, specific diseases and syndromes and ideally
pressure, "Acu-Spark" your mineral supplements will be from a plant
derived colloidal mineral source which are 98
Antibiotics - % absorbable (Chapter 10 - materia medica).
Homeopathic "remedies," Scheussler
Topical: neomycin ointment Cell Salts, Bach Flower "remedies," etc. can be

hydrogen peroxide kept in the "pharmacy" if you are going to

"tamed" iodine soaps or spend the time and effort necessary to become
wipes proficient at their use - there is no value in

herbs: goldenseal, garlic purchasing medications or treatment equip-

ment you are not going to use.

Oral: liquid: penicillin Syrup of Ipecac can be used as an

tablets/capsules: tetracycline "expectorant" at the dose of 0.5 ml orally or as

herbs: echinacia, goldenseal an "emetic" at 15-30 ml (1/2-1 tbsp.) to remove

garlic ingested poisons - follow with large volumes

hydrogen peroxide of water. (CAUTION: DO NOT CAUSE VOM-

Injection: penicillin Adrenalin should be available for shock
tetracycline (sudden allergic reaction to bee sting, food
allergies, asthma, etc.) in the form of a bee

Vitamins and minerals are the backbone sting kit - these are available at any commer-

of any home pharmacy - they are both your cial pharmacy.

"preventive medicine" and your "therapeutic" ACE (adrenal cortical extract) sublin-

food supplements. Food supplements at RDA gual drops does wonders for any kind of stress

levels are better than nothing but will not (i.e., family problems, work deadlines,chronic

prevent serious disease (i.e., arthritis, disease processes, final exams, etc.).

osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, senile dementia, Oxygen form of a 30 minute

in the

muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, pyorrhea, supply (home tank) can save your, or another

heart attack, cancer, etc.).

family member's or neighbor's life in case of an

"Preventive doses" of vitamin electric shock (stop breathing), drowning,

andminerals are fairly well established (Table asthma or heart attack.

8-1). These are considerably higher than Ammonia vials (smelling salts) are good
RDAs but not in the "megavitamin" range. for fainting or dizziness from a right cross.

Disposable supplies (i.e., bandages, lu-

There are excellent supplements available
bricant jelly, gauze "sponges," cleansing wipes,
that can provide these levels without taking 25
"butterfly" bandages, gloves, syringes, needles,
tablets per meal.

sutures, etc.) can be kept in quantities based effective herbs day and night such as comfrey,

on your and needs.

family's size, lifestyle, garlic, licorice, ephedra, mullein.
Cough medicines: You can use com- Lastly, don't repeat the mistakes of the
mercial nighttime cough medicines "orthodox" physician by "prescribing" too
for much needed rest and use herbal "rem- many medications -constant reevaluation will
edies" during the day or you can use steam prevent this!!!

with eucalyptus oil. you can use some very

FIG. 8-1 : Base Line Nutritional Supplement Program For Adults*

Nutrient RDA True Supplement 30-Day Pharma-

Need cologic Daily Dose

BIOTIN 200 meg 200 meg 500 to 3,000 meg

CALCIUM 800 meg 2,000mg 2,000 to 5,000 mg
CHLORIDE 1,700 mg 2,500mg 500 to 2,500 mg
CHOLINE 150 mg 600 mg 500 to 1,000 mg
CHROMIUM 50 meg 200 meg 300 to 600 meg
COPPER 2 mg 3 to 4 mg 4 to 6 mg
FLUORIDE 1.5 mg 1.5 mg 20 mg
FOLIC ACID 400 meg 1,000 meg 15 to 20 gm
INOSITOL 75 mg 90 mg 500 to 2,000 mg
IODINE 150 meg 250 meg 1,000 meg
IRON 18 mg 45 mg 50 to 100 mg
MAGNESIUM 350 mg 1,000 mg 1,000 mg
MANGANESE 2.5 mg 5 mg 2 to 50 mg
MOLYBDENUM 15 meg 500 meg 1,000 meg
NIACIN 18 mg 50 mg 2,000 to 6,000 mg
(time release)

PANTOTHENIC ACID ...4 mg 50 mg 300 to 1,000 mg

per day
PHOSPHORUS 800 mg 0.0 0.0
POTASSIUM 1,875 mg 5,500 mg 5,500 mg
PYRIDOXINE 2.2 mg 50 mg 200 to 500 mg
RIBOFLAVIN 1.6 mg 50 mg 200 to 500 mg
SELENIUM ? 200 meg 500 to 3,000 meg
SODIUM 1,100 mg 3,300mg 300 to 3,000 mg
SULPHUR ? 500 mg 1,000 mg
THIAMINE 1.4 mg 50 mg 200 to 500 mg
TIN ? 500 meg 1000 meg
VANADIUM ? 500 meg 2 - 5 mg
VITAMIN A 5,000 IU 20,000 IU - 300,000 IU
(beta carotene)

VITAMIN B-12 3 meg 200 meg 1,000 meg

VITAMIN C 60 mg 1,000 mg 10,000 mg
VITAMIN D 400 IU 275 IU 1,000 IU
VITAMIN E 15 IU 400 IU 1,200 IU
VITAMIN K 70 meg 140 meg 140 meg
ZINC 15 mg 25 mg 150 mg

The most efficient way to get mineral supplements is in the plant derived colloidal liquid form.
** prescription for osteoporosis.
Use this level only with a

Chapter 9 "The knife
isdangemus in the hand of the
let alone in the hand of the fool.

Hebrew Proverb

Contrary to the "orthodox" OB/GYN for their patient;however, a critical look at

teaching and general medical thought, preg- statistics reveals the true nature of the "ortho-
nancy is a normal biological process and not dox" OB/GYN!! poor lady is having her
If the

a disease!! The hospitalization of women for first baby (first labor is normally an 18 to 24

the delivery of babies is rarely necessary (i.e., hour process) and without the council of her
Rh, placenta previa, etc.) for safety purposes; mother or grandmother, she will do anything
thismania for having babies in the hospital to stop the discomfort of the contractions,
was dreamt up by the "orthodox" OB/GYN so anything!! Shean easy mark for a salesman

that they would avoid the "waste" of time at the in a white coat and green "scrubs" who wants
mother-to-be's house and, therefore, see more to get back to his office, dinner party, or get
patients in a day. This process has been taken away for the ski weekend!!!. He will say, "it's

to the extreme in modem times where the OB/ in the best interest of the baby to have a
GYN has his office across the parking lot from caesarian section at this time as extended
the hospital, the "patient" is monitored by labor (longer than six hours in their book) can
nurses until the "moment of tnith" (dilation of exhaust the baby. " This fact is borne out by the
the cervix to 10 cm); the OB/GYN is then fact that 35% of all hospital births are delivered
called on beeper and he runs across the
his by C-section today!!!
parking lot from his busy office (like OJ in the The 35% statistic says that either fully
Hertz TV ads) to "catch" the baby then turn it one third of our American women are abnor-
over to pediatrician within minutes of birth mal and can't have a God-designed vaginal
and run back across the parking lot to his birth or that theOB/GYN "specialists" have
office to plug more "cows" (that's their term, found a new "fraud" that they can "hoodwink"
So for 15 to 30 minutes
folks!) into the parlor. the patient and insurance company with to
of watching a normal event, he gets $1,000!!! max out their income for time expended (kind
If the above scenario was the only trans- of like taking out your normal appendix when
gression we could chalk it off to overconcem you go into the hospital for a checkup). As an

ND in practice in Oregon, some
I delivered Birth control (i.e. , condoms, spennicidal
200 babies at home and referred one to a creams, jellies, and foams, sponges, etc.) can
hospital for a C-section (that's 0.5% — maybe be obtained OTC (over the counter) from
veterinarians know something that the human pharmacies and grocery stores (next they will
OB/GYN doesn't!!!) keep the cash
Lastly, to show up McDonald's) without a prescrip-

flow up, the "orthodox" OB/GYN deems by tion from the "orthodox" doctor. These forms
fiat that all following babies "must be deliv- of contraception are a lot safer than IUDs (i.e.,
ered by C-section because of the weakened Delcon Shield) and birth control pills (i.e.,

uterine wall." deaths, blood clots, sterility).

Home births are the best way to save Pregnancy is easily diagnosed at home
money, bring the family together and save with any of the numerous HPT kits (Home
yours and your baby's life. More infections Pregnancy Test) that can be purchased from
occur in the newborn and in women during the pharmacy or grocery store, as can prenatal
postdelivery in the hospital than at home!! It vitamins (you should be on vitamins and
has been this way since time immemorial. minerals (i.e., baseline nutrition supplement
Today, the United States is listed as 23rd in program) if you are sexually active to prevent
newborn mortality and first year survival rate birth defects). Preconception supplements
compared with other industrialized nations by and prenatal supplements are cheap "insur-
the WHO!!! Of the 183,955 newborns deliv- ance" against the tragedy and human miseiy
ered at the Vienna Children's Hospital by brought about by birth defects.
"orthodox" doctors between 1774 and 1836, You can weigh yourself, take your own
80% died compared with 5% mortality in those blood, take your own blood pressure, test
delivered by midwives during the same time your own urine. The public health lab will run
period!! your blood test for Rh, anemia, toxoplasmosis,
This spectacular statistic was recorded etc. Take a LaMaze class to understand preg-
by a young doctor (Semmelwise) who noted nancy and labor ("orthodox" OB/GYNs don't
that die "orthodox" doctors simply didn't have like these classes because they can't sell you a

the courtesy to wash their "God-like" hands C-section when you are informed!!)
between leaving the autopsy room and deliv- You can go to a hospital or university

ering babies. The midwives on die other hand and ask for an ultrasound exam to determine
had the basic decency to wash their hands the location of the placenta and the actual age
before delivering babies. Was Semmelwise of your baby (and rule out twins).
honored for this awesome discovery? No!! He Except for twins, placenta previa, pelvic
was committed to an insane asylum by his deformity or Rh problems, you can have your
"colleagues" where he mysteriously died!!! baby at home.

You can do your own breast self-exami- Weight gains from 28 to 40 pounds is
nation, take advantage of free or reduced fee normal for a pregnancy and is the additive
mammograms offered by hospitals (women weight of the baby, the placenta, the fluid

you nger than 40 shou Id consider the increased surrounding the baby and the fetal mem-
risk of breast cancer), self-internal examina- branes. Sudden weight gains of ten or more
tion (vaginal and cervix), keep track of your pounds after the 20th week of pregnancy can
cycles and periods. It is important to perform harold toxemia of pregnancy; the weight gain
these examinations monthly so you will im- is the result of low blood protein which causes
mediately recognize any abnormal change. fluid retention (this is usuallythe result of low

protein diets to keep the OB/GYN happy women? Again, a whole medical specialty of
about weight gain). Increasing the protein "orthodox" pediatrics would get wiped out so
intake to 120 to 200 gms per day (animal you know the answer!!!!
protein) will solve the problem. Specific examples of serious birth de-

You are now armed with enough data to fects that can be prevented include "cystic
decide if you want to have a home birth. If you fibrosis" which is billed by the "orthodox"
choose a home birth, contact an ND doctors as the "most common genetic defect"
(naturopathic physician), a chiropractor (state known to man for the last 40 years. In reality,
of Oregon) or a midwife for assistance. "cystic fibrosis" is a selenium and fatty acid
Birth defects are our "pet peeve." If you deficiency in the fetus and/or newborn
are a sexually active woman and have been breastfed infant. Maternal malabsorption of
visiting an "orthodox" OB/GYN for three selenium from subclinical celiac disease is the
months, he should have prescribed a baseline initiating cause of selenium deficiency in the

nutritional supplement program for you to fetus.

prevent birth defects; if not and you have had Selenium deficiency in the fetus and
a child with a birth defect or low birth weight newborn produces the classic "cystic fibrosis"
requiring expensive intensive care, you are lesions of the pancreas. "Cystic fibrosis" pa-
within your rights to sue them for malpractice. tients are born with normal lungs and have a
In a review of causes of birth defects, 98% are negative "sweat test" at birth. Over the first few
known to be caused by nutritional deficien- months of life, the infant develops a "positive
cies (i.e., cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, sweat test" as they loose the essential fatty
heart defects,brain defects, spina bifida, cleft them by their mother as a fetus.
acids given to
palates or limb defects, hernia, etc.); radia- The "sweat test" is a test put forth in 1958
tion, by contrast, causes less than 0.10% of the by Dr. Paul de St. Agnese of NIH as "the
total birth defects since most pregnant women diagnostic test for CF" (even though he knew
know to avoid x-rays during early pregnancy; at that time that a "positive sweat test" was also
teenagers have a bigger percentage of chil- given by eight other diseases -i.e., celiac dis-
dren with birth defects than do women over ease, allergies, starvation, etc.).
40 because of generally poor eating habits, In 1958, Dr. Klaus Schwartz reported in
lack of supplementation programs and com- the Federation Proceedings (the official NIH
petition from their own critical demands for Journal) that selenium was an essential nutri-
nutrients during the rapid growth and devel- ent; being a good German scientist, he re-
opment of early puberty. corded all tissue changes of selenium defi-
Literally billions of dollars have been ciency including classical changes of CF (this

spent perfecting preconception and was a blind study as he knew nothing about
pregnancy rations for laboratory, pet and CF) in the pancreas of test rats and mice.
agricultural animals that have totally elimi- In 1972, Cornell University showed that
nated birth defects. These pelleted diets pro- chicks hatched from selenium deficient hens
vide perfect nutrition with every mouthful and developed classical "cystic fibrosis" of
totally prevent birth defects; these diets were thepancreas (again they knew nothing of CF
formulated so testing on drugs would reveal and were only studying selenium deficiency).
any teratogenic effect (i.e., thalidomide disas- The most amazing part of this experiment was
ter) of the drug. Again, why should a labora- that when selenium was given within 30 days
tory rat get treated better than our pregnant of hatching the CF was totally cured within 21

days!!!! do some mothers get selenium deficiencies
In 1978, 1 (Wallach) discovered the first when the American diet is rich in selenium
agreed upon CF in nonhumans; the test ani- (even in selenium deficient soil areas because
mals were NASA monkeys; the diagnosis was of widespread food importation). The answer
agreed to by experts from Johns Hopkins is quite simple. Food allergies cause celiac
Medical School, Emory University and the CF disease type changes in the absorptive surface
Foundation!!!! Once they realized that this of the gut of the mother and the fetus which
wasn't a genetic accident but CF was a results in a malabsorption syndrome. Not only
recreatable selenium deficiency, they fired me does this malabsorption syndrome cause CF
with 24 hours' notice, 10 days after my wife but other defects as well. Breastfeeding by a
had died. Dr. Paul Agnese stated that "if
de St. selenium deficient mother further aggravates
anything important was to be discovered on the infant's selenium deficiency.
CF, it would be in his NIH laboratory." General public distribution of the fact
Since 1978, we have treated 450 CF that maternal malabsorption syndromes, food

patients with excellent results; we have essen- allergies (i.e., celiac disease) and nutritional

tially cured infants three months old who deficiencies result in birth defects and that

started on die program (they are 12 years old good nutritional supplementation and forth-
today) and have helped CF women have right aggressive treatment of food allergies

healthy pregnancies and normal babies! never be put forth by the "orthodox" OB/

Additional evidence that CF is a birth GYN or pediatricians. Remember Dr. Author

defect caused by a selenium deficiency is the F. Coco (creator of the pulse test) lamented "I

results of a joint research project carried out by am a realist, as long as the profit is in the

ourselves and research scientists from the treatment of symptoms rather than a search for
People's Republic of China. The study was causes; that's where the medical profession
carried out with Dr. Yu, Wei Han and Dr. Yu, will go for its harvest." It's our contention that

Feng Teng of Harbin Medical University and a class action suit should be brought against
Dr. Gu, Bo-Qi of Shanghai First Medical Uni- the perpetrators of this crime by all families

versity of Shanghai. with CF children born after 1958. (If this seems

We examined the tissue of 1700 Chinese a bit harsh to you, consider that the AMA and
children that died of Keshan Disease (a fatal individual state medical boards try to totally

heart fibrosis of children recognized by the get rid of chiropractic of naturopathy in their
WHO as a selenium deficiency disease). We state if one person is injured by an individual

reasoned that if CF was truly a selenium defi- scoundrel).

ciency disease, we would find at least one Infertility is another common problem
classic CF pancreas in a group that size (the in Americans that is primarilya nutritional prob-
proponents of the genetic theory posailate the lem. Why can a farmer have 100 cows, 100
CF"gene" is found in 1/2500 people -in addi- pregnancies and 100 normal calves. We have
tion CF is supposed to be a"genetic" disease of successfully tested literally hundreds of cases
people with "middle European" backgrounds). of infertility with nutritional revitalization of
In fact, we found that 595 or 35% had classical both the husband and the wife. Farmers have
CF lesions of the pancreas -obviously highly known the basic "truth" that the mare to be put
significant!!! In a review of over 400 CF autop- with the stallion has to be fed special foods for
sies, 79 had Keshan Disease of the heart!!! 90 to 120 days prior to the actual breeding
The most critical question has been why process. How can we expect conceptions in

women with poor nutrition, no supplementa- blood vitamin A level at 10% of normal de-
tion or malabsorption syndromes. spite supplementation - a classic case of mal-
At a recent convention, I met a young absorption. You know the rest -rotation diets,
female "orthodox" doctor who had been try- find out what food allergies she has, consider
ing for a pregnancy for years with no success. celiac disease, and supplementation (1 20 days
In reviewing her lab work, we found her - BINGO!! A pregnancy!!)

Find the dale ol me lirst day ol the last menstrual period in Ihe lop line and
the dale below this will be Ihe expected day ol delivery

"Ifirmly believe that if the entire materia
medica as now used would be sunk to the
bottom of the sea, it would be all the better
for mankind - and all the worsefor the
Chapter 10 fishes.

- Oliver Wendell Holmes

Materia Medica

The best part about "playing doctor" is essential to preventive health programs; it is

the actual "treatment" of yourself or others. As impossible to obtain enough nutrition from
with everything, "when all else fails — read the our food to reach the maximum genetic po-
directions." It is recommended that you read tential of 130 health-filled years. Therefore,
and learn the preceding chapters before em- we recommend taking supplements at pre-
barking on this section (otherwise you might ventive levels (Fig. 8-1) in divided doses t.i.d.

wind up like the "orthodox" doctor). (three times per day) to keep blood levels
It was said by Ben Franklin that "an oz. of elevated for at least 12 hours per day. All

prevention is worth a pound of cure" so this recommended supplemental levels of nutri-

chapter is designed to give preventative pro- ents for specific diseases are to be taken in

grams as well as therapies. We often hear our addition to the base prevention amounts.
patients say "I just can't take all of these supple- References for this book, including those
ments and medications!!! which we reply"
" to for this chapter, will be found end for
at the

taking supplements is a small exchange, cheap two reasons: 1) to prevent the book from
insurance if you will, in return for the preven- being so large you couldn't carry it and 2) keep
tion of a major disease such as heart disease, the cost down - one reason medical books
or cancer." We go to a great deal of
arthritis, cost $120 is that there are more pages of
expense and effort to prevent major automo- references than there are pages of facts and
bile wear by changing oil, filters and transmis- "how to" information. The information in this
sion fluid - why not treat our bodies as well as book represents five college degrees -a total of
we do our "beamer" (BMW). Preventive main- 24 years of college - and 50 years of combined
tenance of our bodies can cost as little as $1 to research and clinical experience. In addition,
$5 per day depending on whether you want a no less than 200 books have been "predi-
$10,000 or $50,000 "insurance" policy (smok- gested" for you in hopes of saving you time
ing and drinking cost considerably more!!!). and expense. Thosewho wish to spend the
A baseline of vitamins and minerals are time and effort to follow up one or more points

in more detail will be able to do so with some leaving no trace of the cavity. Vitamin C orally
ease as we have chosen a few books that are to bowel tolerance.
comprehensive reviews (from there you can
go to thousands of journal articles if you so ABSENCE ATTACKS (petit mal): patient
desire). stops what he is doing and rapidly blinks eyes
A last bit of advice is to avoid problems then starts the activity again where he left off.
in diagnosisand treatment by spending some Treatment should include choline 4 gm/day;
time confirming your "diagnosis" and review- taurine 500 mg t.i.d.; dimethyl glycine 100 mg
ing the "treatments" - don't become like the b.i.d., phosphytidyl choline and B-6 100-300
"orthodox" doctors and "shoot from the hip" in mg/day.
a trial and enor type of "practice." Now armed
with all we are in a position
this information, ACHALASIA (megaesophagus): enervation
to take back control of our own health. Let the of the esophagus resulting in failure of cardiac
revolution begin!!!! (lower sphincter) sphincter to open. A ten-
dency to regurgitate undigested food is a
LETS PLAY DOCTOR!!! common sign. Small liquid meals and air

swallowing can sometimes relieve this condi-

ABRASIONS (scrapes): clean wounds with tion. Night time elevation of head of the bed
soap and water to remove gross dirt and will reduce risk of vomiting while asleep.
debris. Disinfect wounds with H202 (hydro- Surgery may be required to relieve severe
gen peroxide). Wounds may be bathed in a cases.
variety of herbal washes or poultice - our
choice is aloe, plantain (Plantago major) or ACHLORHYDRIA (loss of stomach acid):

comfrey (Symphytum officinale). Vitamin C contrary to belief stress will result in loss of
orally to bowel tolerance (anywhere from 1-5 stomach acid production. Achlorhydria is also
grams). Covering abrasions with nonstick a natural process of aging (perhaps the most
dressings will help prevent infection. significant aging phenomenon) so much so
that 75% of people over the age of 50 years
ABSCESS (boil): bring abscess to "a head" (a require supplementation. Symptoms include
soft point in the center) with a compress or "burp/belch and bloat" because the absence
poultice (sitz bath if near the anus or buttock) of acid in the stomach allows intestinal bacte-
using a 3% solution of boric acid; herbal alter- riaand yeast (Candida albicans) to enter the
natives include echinacea (Echinacea stomach and ferment high carbohydrate foods
angustifolia) or sand sagebrush (Artemisia (i.e. juice, fruit, breads, etc.). Failure to deal

fififolia). Once the abscess opens (by itself or with achlorhydria will result in B-12, calcium
with a sterile needle or blade) it can be flushed and protein deficiencies and the onset of new
clean using a syringe filled with any of the food allergies as a result of absorption of
above solutions. If large enough, the resulting partially digested polypeptides (relatively large

cavity can be filled with gauze (umbilical protein fragments).

"tape" is particularly good for this purpose)
soaked with any of the abovesolutions. If the Treatment includes supplementation of
abscess cavity contains bits of puss or dead betaine HC1 at the rate of 75-250 mg 15-20
tissue, it can be flushed with H202. The cavity minutes before each meal. In the absence of
will gradually fill with "granulation tissue" betaine HCl 1-2 oz. of vinegar with English

bitters (Gentian) may be taken before meals. able attitude is the result of food allergies or
Additionally, plant derived colloidal minerals hypoglycemia (some-times from poor train-
stomach and increase
tonify the its ability to ing while growing up!); if so these must be
produce stomach acid. dealt with specifically.

ACNE (acne rosacea/acne vulgaris): a fre- Treatment should include plantain (Plantago
quent skin disease in teenagers and some- lanceolata) orally t.i.d., avoidance of sugar in
times associated with PMS. Acne is character- all forms (i.e., alcohol, deserts, sugar, juices,
ized by papules, pustules, superficial puss- fruits, etc.), avoidance of caffeine; essential
filled cystsand deep puss-filled canals. Acne fatty acids 1 tbsp. b.i.d., chromium and vana-
is primarily the result of an essential fatty acid dium at 50-100 meg each t.i.d.

deficiency with a concurrent intake of too

much saturated fat. Eliminate fast foods and AIDS (autoimmune deficiency syn-drome):
other sources of fat and sugar. Check out the thought to be caused by the HIV virus. This
probability of food allergies (i.e., wheat, milk, disease may lay dormant for three to ten years
soy); betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes are before causing overt symptoms and death.
of considerable benefit; essential fatty acids Signs are very low WBC counts especially T-
are a must (flaxseed oil - 1 tbsp. b.i.d.); vitamin cells; coughing and susceptibility to a variety
A 300,000 units/day (as beta carotene) for five of diseases including Pneumo-cystis carnii
months; B-6 100 mg t.i.d.; zinc 50 mg t.i.d.; pneumonia, Karposi's Sarcoma and a variety
vitamin E oil may be applied topically to acne of secondary bacterial and viral infections.

lesions; ultra violet light directly to areas of This disease is transmitted by oral, vaginal and
acne for 1-6 minutes. anal sex, common needles used for IV drugs,
contaminated hospital and dental equipment,
ADRENAL GLAND EXHAUSTION (stress): commercially prepared blood products, and
characterized by fatigueand inability to cope immunotoxic lubricants.
with diseases or every day stresses. Adrenal
exhaustion directly affects your ability to resist At this point (1992) prevention is the "magic
disease or heal a current disease. An adrenal bullet" for AIDS. Avoid IV "recreational drugs,"
function can be performed in the follow-
test use unlubricated condoms for sex with part-
ing manner. Take base blood pressure in a ners with unknown sexual histories. Avoid
lying down position after five minutes then anal sex. Once AIDS is contracted, a vigorous
stand up suddenly-pulse should increase by a program of anti-viral medicationsO.e., Ribavirin
minimum of ten points; if not, your adrenals and Isoprinosin) and immune support
need help. Concurrent signs and symptoms (Levamisol , hydrazine sulfate) are indicated.
may include colitis, ulcers and low WBC count. Vitamin C to bowel tolerance, 300,000 IU of
vitamin A per day as beta carotene, 50 mg zinc
Treatment of adrenal exhaustion includes ACE t.i.d., ACE (adrenal cortical extract) 10 drops
(adrenal cortical extract) ten drops of a stan- t.i.d. sublingual, selenium 1000 meg/day orally
dard solution sublingually or 3-5 ml IV; vita- or by injection,vitamin E 1000 IU/day, herbs
min C to bowel tolerance; and zinc 25-50 mg such as garlic (Allium sativum), evening prim-
t.i.d. Don't forget to remove the stress. rose oil (Oenothera biennis) and goldenseal
(Hydrastis canadensis) may be of value. Long-
AGREEABLE ATTLTUDE: usually a disagree- term remission can be expected but "cure" is

An unknown in this protocol is
not available. discolorations under the lower eyelids of indi-
Levamisol which may be the immune modu- viduals with allergies. They will appear within
lator that everyone is looking for. Injectable minutes of ingestion or inhalation of an aller-

thymus monthly at 3-5 cc after four initial daily gen. Allergic shiners may take as much as 12
injections of 3-5 cc. hours to three days to disappear after avoid-

ance of allergenic substance. Allergic shiners

ALCOHOLISM: considered to be an addic- are a good diagnostic tool (i.e. allergic shiners

tive allergy complicated by hypoglycemia and in a hyperactive child, heart disease, cancer,
vitamin/mineral malnutrition. Rotation elimi- etc.). Avoidance of the allergen or allergens is
nation diets and hypoglycemia diets are es- the only "cure" for allergic shiners.
sential. Don't forget the baseline vitamin/min-
eral Calcium (2000 mg) and
supplements. ALZHEIMERS DISEASE: is the progressive
magnesium (1000 mg) per day; essential fatty loss of memory with difficulties with arousal
acids 5 mg t.i.d.
and B-6 100 mg b.i.d.; chro- and motor function presenting late in the
mium 250 meg/day is essential to solve the disease. Avoid aluminum cook ware, alumi-
hypoglycemia problem; bioflavonoids (cat- num containing deodorants, softdrinks and
echin) 1 gram/day and amino acids (i.e., DL- fruit juices aluminum cans. Treatment
phenylananine). should include germanium IM 5 ml of stan-
dard solution every other day for 24 days
ALLERGIES: can be caused by food, inhalant followed by oral germanium at 150/mg b.i.d.;
allergens (i.e., pollens, smoke, molds, etc.) or hydergine 6-12 mg/day; piracetam/choline
chemicals (i.e. perfume, formalin, etc.). Diag-
1.6 grams q.i.d.; vasopressin (Diapid) at a rate
nosis can be made using the pulse test, diet of one whiff in each nostril q.i.d. which deliv-
diary/ challenge and cytotoxic test. Symptoms ers a total daily dose of 12-16 units of U.S.P.
vary widely from urticaria (skin rash with Posterior Pituitary; centrophenoxine (Lucidril)
itching) from strawberries or fish; headaches 6.2-8.0 gram/day. Lecithin at 2,500 mg t.i.d. is
from perfume; tachycardia (fast heart rate) or very useful at all stages (phosphatydil choline
palpitations (most allergies-MSG); or para- is more efficient). Don't forget the baseline
noia from sugar, etc; asthma-like syndrome nutritional supplements ( including colloidal
from sulfite (food preservative on raisins, apri- minerals), betaine HC1 and pancreatic en-
cots, etc.). zymes 75-200 mg t.i.d., oral andIVH202; 200
mg vitamin B-l t.i.d., vitamin E at 1200 iu daily
Avoidance is the most effective "cure," how- and IV chelation will be of value.
ever, this may be impractical. Autoimmune
urine therapy using five to ten ml of filtered ALOPECIA (baldness): loss of hair which can
urine subcutaneously every other day for five occur locally or present as total hair loss. Male
to eight treatments) using a 0.22 micron pattern baldness,female pattern baldness and
millipore filter. Vitamin C to boweltolerance; alopecia universalis are examples.
bioflavonoids (rutin, catechin, quercetin);
300,000 IU of vitamin A as beta carotene per Monoxidil and Retin-A creams will aid some
day; zinc 50 mg t.i.d., essential fatty acids 1 male and female pattern baldness if treated
tbsp. b.i.d., rotation diets. early in the process and use is maitained.
Deficiencies of colloidal tin have been shown
ALLERGIC SHINERS: are the purplish/ black to cause male pattern baldness in lab animals

(one ofus - Wallach- has had considerable hair the cycle and a "period" will result. In many
regrowth following the use of plant derived cases, increased levels of zinc at a rate of 50 mg
liquid colloidal tin) Alopecia that occurs with
. t.i.d. will result in onset of the "period." Essen-
eczema is often caused by essential fatty acid tial fatty acids are very useful in the form of
deficiency and will respond to IV interlipids flaxseed oil at the rate of 1 tbsp. t.i.d. Herbal
and/ or oral flaxseed oil at the rate of 1 tbsp. stimulus can be effected with saffron (Crocus
b.i.d.; zinc at 50 mg t.i.d. Elimination of wheat cohosh or squawroot
sativus) as a tea, black
and cow's milk from the diet will increase the (Cimicifuga racemosa) as a fluid extract and
rate of recovery. Betaine HC1 and pancreatic marigold (Calendula officinalis).

enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15-20 minutes

before meals are a must. ANAPHYLAXIS: is an explosive allergic reac-
tion ranging from urticaria to respiratory dis-
AMBLYOPIA: atypeofblindnessthatcanbe tress and vascular collapse. This "shock" type
caused by B-12 deficiency or tobacco smok- of reaction can occur as the result of allergies
ing. B-12 IM at a rate of 1000 meg/day for a to foods (i.e., shellfish), insect stings (i.e., bee
total of 20,000 meg usually effects a "cure." stings) or drugs (i.e., penicillin) and usually
Avoid tobacco smoke. occurs in 1-15 minutes after exposure. Avoid-
ance of exposure is the best preventative.
AMEBIASIS: is an amoebic dysentery caused
by Entamoeba hystolytica. Diagnosis is de- Immediate injection with adrenaline (epineph-
pendent upon finding the parasite in a stool rine) from a "bee sting" kit is the treatment of
examination. Examination of 3-6 samples may choice and, in many cases, will be lifesaving.
be necessary to find the organisms especially
if diarrhea has been chronic. The use of the ANAL ABSCESS: and anal fissures are caused
low power lens on the microscope will often by constipation and frequent passage of large
allow you to observe the "amoebic" move- hard stools; they may occur at the same time
ment; bloody mucus has the highest concen- with hemorrhoids. Painful red swellings at or
tration of the parasite. near the anal opening are characteristic. These
may be opened with a blade or by soaking in
Treatment should be symptomatic to relieve hot sitz baths of 3% boric acid. A poultice of

diarrhea and reduce the loss of protein and echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia) may be
electrolytes. Metronidazole at the rate of 750 applied directly to the abscess to disinfect and
mg orally t.i.d. for 10 days for adults and 12-17 help to bring it to a "point" so it can be opened.
mg/day t.i.d. orally for children is the treat- Flushing the opened abscess with 3% H202
ment of choice. will clean out the puss and disinfect the wou nd.

AMENORRHEA: is the lack of, or stopping of, ANEMIA: is a lack of blood from many
the menstrual period. Many factors are in- possible causes including hemonhage, infec-
volved in a normal "period" including the tions and/or nutritional deficiencies. Betaine
requirement of a 20% body fat level (trim HC1 orally at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15-20 minutes
and very slim ladies stop cycling).
athletes before meals is required to assure absorption
Amenorrhea commonly occurs in very slim of B-12; liver extract orally or IM; nutritional
women athletes, dieters and anorexics, a support with iron 20 mg; B-12 1000 meg per
weight gain of 10-15 pounds will "jump-start" day for 20 days; folic acid 15 mg for 20 days;

copper 2 mg; zinc 50 mg t.i.d.; B-2 50 mgb.i.d.; lingual capsules and time-release transdermal
B-5 50 mg t.i.d.; B-6 50 mg b.i.d. for 20 days; patches are very useful in relieving symptoms.
vitamin C to bowel tolerance; Vitamin E 800- English hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) is

1200 IU per day; selenium 500 meg/day; and specific for angina by increasing the blood
essential fatty acids at a rate of 5 gram t.i.d. flow through coronary arteries. Lifestyle
Herbs including sweet cicely (Mymhis odorata) changes and supplementation can reverse
and marsh marigold (Coltha palustris). cardiovascular disease!

ANEURYSM: is a "bubble" or "balloon" in the ANOREXIA (appetite loss): can be caused by

wall of an artery (much like a "balloon" in a stress, malnutrition, shock and injury,
weak tire) which can cause pressure on an ANOREXIA NERVOSA is thought by "ortho-
organ like atumor or burst causing sudden dox" medicine to be a psychiatric disease,
death by hemonhage (i.e., subdural hemor- however, it now appears that it is a manifesta-
rhage). Aneurysms are most frequently caused tion of a severe food allergy (i.e. , "I always feel
by copper deficiency which results in weak- better when I don't eat and feel bad when I
ened elastic fibers; copper supplementation eat"). Elimination diets and pulse tests are
cannot "cure" or repair an aneurysm but can useful in finding the offending food (i.e. cow's ,

prevent them at the rate of 2-4 mg/day (be sure milk, wheat, eggs, corn).
you are absorbing). Surgery will be required
for existing aneurysms ( we do have one aortic Treatment should include betaine HC1 and
anuerysm that has been conected with cop- pancreatic enzymes at a rate of 150-250 mg/
per supplementation and confirmed by x-ray) day t.i.d. (don't forget the baseline vitamin/
mineral supplement). Herbs are excellent
ANGINA: is a sharp debilitating pain in the appetite stimulants: buckbean or marsh trefoil
center front of the chest from arterial disease in (Menyanthes trifoliata); centaury (Centaurium
the heart which reduces the heart's oxygen umbellatum); sweet flag or calamus (Acorus
supply. Symptoms may appear after strenu- calamus); yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea) -
ous exercise or after a meal. The allopathic all of the herbal preparations should be taken
approach is the "coronary by-pass" surgery before meals. In the case of ANOREXIA
which after 20 years study has failed to prevent NERVOSA, autoimmune urine therapy is indi-
second heart attacks or to extend life ( it does cated.

extend the financial portfolio of the cardiovas-

cular surgeon!) ANOSMIA (loss of smell): can temporarily be
caused by colds or rhinitis (nasal inflamma-
Chelation, either IV withH202 and calcium tion from colds or allergy). Chronic loss of the

EDTA or orally with vitamin/mineral supple- sense of smell is the result of a zinc deficiency.
ments can effect a cure over a period of time. In the case of injury, stroke or tumor, zinc will

Avoid sugar, caffeine and cigarette smoke. not be effective.

Exercise in the form of walking for 30 minutes
each day is very helpful. Calcium (2000 mg/ Zinc supplement at the rate of 50 mg t.i.d. is

day) and magnesium(800 mg/day), essential very effective in returning the sense of smell.
fatty acids can help prevent progress of cur-

rent disease and reduce vitamin D intake from ANXIETY (panic attacks): affects women
the sun and supplements. Nitroglycerine sub- twice as frequently as men. when one exam-

ines the total hormone biorhythm charts of senic and eliminate it; IV chelation is very
women, this fact cannot be a surprise. The effective in removing the body load of arsenic

base cause can be either a food allergy reac- as is the oral use of colloidal selenium.
tion (i.e., corn, cow's milk, etc.) or a severe
reactivehypoglycemic reaction often referred ARTERIOSCLEROSIS (hardening of the ar-

to as a "crash and burn" curve because the teries) is the result of fibrosis of the smooth
down slope on the glucose curve is almost muscle in the walls of elastic arteries (i.e.,

vertical. Concurrent PMS can make this a very aorta, coronary, pulmonary, carotid,
perplexing situation. Do a pulse test to elimi- cerebral,brachial and femoral). The elevated
nate allergies and a six-hour GTT. "lesions" produce eddies which produce lipid
and calcium depositions. Elevated blood cho-
Treatment should include avoidance of caf- lesterol is considered to be a significant risk

and sugar in all forms (fruit, juices, etc.):

feine factor. It is of interest that vitamin D is made
chromium 200-300 meg/ day; B-6 100 mg from cholesterol in our bodies!! This becomes
t.i.d.; B-3 450 mg t.i.d. as time-release tablets; significant when we realize that the toxic

B-l,B-2, and B-5 at the rate of 50 mg t.i.d.; L- affect D is angiotoxicity (the target
of vitamin
tryptophan 10 grams t.i.d.; calcium 2000 mg/ tissue of vitamin D toxicity is the elastic arteries

day and magnesium at 800 mg/day. Betaine vessels) and the specific result is fibrosis of the
HC1 100-250 t.i.d. before meals; herbs includ- vascular smooth muscle and calcification of

ing valerian (Valerian officinalis) can be of the blood vessel wall — fatty deposits soon
value. follow!!! It is a crime that the "orthodox"
doctors do not give this as much press cover-
APHTHOUS STOMATITIS (canker sores): is age as heart transplants. Again this informa-
often a symptom of food sensitivities or aller- tion would wipe out a medical specialty, so
gies. An elimination/ rotation diet or a pulse they keep it a secret!!!!

test can identify the offending foods - gluten

free diets are frequently effective. Symptoms of arteriosclerosis include angina,
Folic acid at 5 mg t.i.d.; B-12 at 1000 meg/day; headaches, loss of memory, breathlessness,
iron at 15 mg/day; zinc at 50 mg t.i.d. are legcramps ("claudication") in the early stages
effective adjuncts to avoidance diets. and death from stroke and thrombotic type
"heart attack" in the final stages.
ARSENIC TOXICITY: is a frequent result of
pollution from herbicides, slug poisons, etc. Treatment includes IV chelation with EDTA
Hair analysis is the best way to determine if and H202, oral chelation, oral supplementa-
toxic levels of arsenic are present. Symptoms tion with vitamin/mineral supplements that

are widely varied and include: alopecia, con- include plant derived colloidal minerals. In
stipation, confusion, delayed healing addition to the baseline nutritional supple-
dermatitis, dianhea, drowsiness, edema, fa- ments, vitamin C to bowel tolerance; exercise
tigue, GI complaints, headache, burning and (to increase the caliber of your arteries); high
tingling, muscle pain, neuropathy, numbness, fiber diets that tend towards vegetarian diets
pruritis, seizures, stomatitis, weakness. low in animal fat; essential fatty acids includ-
ing salmon oil and flaxseed oil 5 gm t.i.d.;

Avoid oils during treatment as they promote useful herbs include artichoke (Cynara
absorption of arsenic; identify source of ar- scolymus), bears garlic (Allium ursinum), Eu-

ropean mistletoe (Viscum album); and garlic
(Allium sativum).

ARTHRITIS (rheumatism): is a devastating

degenerative disease of the joints. Symptoms
of joint pain, swelling and deformative changes
are typical. The cause of artliritis is listed as
unknown by "orthodox" medicine and treat-

ment is of the "take two aspirins and learn to

live with it" - prednisone (a synthetic corti-
sone) is used to treat symptoms. In fact,

arthritis is a complex of nutritional deficien-

cies - in the case of rheumatoid arthritis, a
chronic infection with a Mycoplasma spp. is

the overt cause. Again, if the truth were re-

leased the "orthodox" doctors would loose an
entire specialty in short order, so they keep it

a secret.

A dietary calcium/phosphorus ratio of 2:1 is

ideal yet is impossible to attain in an

unsupplemented diet. A vegetarian diet gets
close but is complicated by "phytates" (a natu-
ral chelating substance found in plants) which
makes even supplemented calcium unavail-
able. The calcium/phosphorus ratios of food
items is consistent:

mineral suspentions that contain magnesium prefer Desenex.
and manganese. Herbs are very useful for
treating asthma with some caution when you AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS: of all kinds
have allergies to plants — useful plants include: from kidney disease to rheumatoid arthritis
honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium), jaborandi (the autoimmune aspect appears as a second-
(Pilocarpus jaborandi), leaks (Allium porrum), ary event rather than the cause as the "ortho-
garlic (Allium sativum), evening primrose oil dox" doctor would have you believe) can be
or fluid extract (Oenothera biennia). A variety benefited by nutritional support. Essential fatty
of standard "inhalers" are available to cope acids are of great value and may be taken
with sudden attacks. alternately as salmon oil and flaxseed oil at the
rate of 5 grams t.i.d.; vitamin E at 1000 IU/day;

ATHEROSCLEROSIS: see ARTERIOSCLEROSIS 300,000 IU of vitamin A as beta carotene;

vitamin C to bowel tolerance; zinc at 50 mg
ATOPIC DERMATITIS (eczema): is part of t.i.d.; and selenium at 300-1000 meg/day. In-
the "atopic" patient syndrome which includes jectable thymus at 2-5 cc/day is very useful.
asthma, alopecia (hair loss) and lowered im- (See AIDS)
mune response. This syndrome one of is

malabsorption of essential fatty acids and can AUTISM: is characterized by resistance to

include emotional symptoms similar to PMS change, repetitive acts and learning/speech
and hypoglycemia or diabetes as a result of disorders. Concurrent food allergies and
malabsorption of chromium. The malabsorp- hypoglycemia markedly aggravate the pre-
tion is usually the result of a "celiac" disease sentation of autism. Each must be dealt with
type change in the small intestinal lining rather as a separate entity if real progress is to be
than dietary deficiency. Do a pulse test to made. (Don't forget the baseline vitamin/
determine food allergies. minerals.)

Treatment should include a rotation elimina- Treatment should include avoidance of sugar
tion diet (usually a pulse test will reveal cow's and food allergens; supplementation should
milk, wheat or soy products to be the culprits); include calcium and magnesium at double
autoimmune therapy is veiy useful; supple- thesupplement rate; B-6 at five times the RDA
mentation should include essential fatty acids forweight and age; and chromium for the
as flaxseed oil at ltbsp. b.i.d., vitamin Eat 1000 hypoglycemia; autoimmune urine therapy can
IU/day. If malabsorption is a majorproblem, be very useful.
the fatty acids may be taken as interlipids IV.
BACKACHE: is usually a muscle strain from
ATHLETES FOOT: is actually a form of overwork and/or a "subluxation" (a
"ringworm" caused by the fungus Tinea pedis. malalignment of vertebrae) resulting from a
Treatment includes hydrotherapy in baths of fall, auto accident or improper lifting tech-
3% boric acid alternating with vinegar baths. nique. On occasion, a serious case of consti-
Supplements include zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., pation will cause a "backache" from impacted
300,000 units of vitamin A/day as beta caro- stool or pressure from gas. Eighty-five percent
tene and B-6 at 100 mg b.i.d. of adult Americans get back problems, plant
Various commercial athletes foot products are derived colloidal minerals have been reported
available as creams, sprays and powders - we to prevent and reverse back problems without

surgery. at 50-150 meg/day, cranberry juice 4 oz. b.i.d.

and calcium/magnesium (2000 mg/800 mg).

Prevention includes proper lifting technique Avoidance of sugar, simple sugars (i.e. honey, ,

(straight back and bend knees), strengthening sweet juices, fruit, etc.) and allergenic foods
exercises, proper nutrition including calcium (i.e. , milk and sugar being the most common).
(2000 mg) and magnesium (800 mg), high
fiber diets and eight glasses of water per day. BEE STINGS: is a painful "sting" caused by the
"injection" of bee venom (formaldehyde). Pain
Treatment includes massage, chiropractic, gels, DMSO or Caladryl lotions are very effec-
hydrotherapy and poultices of herbs includ- tive in relieving the pain. On occasion an
ing comfrey (Symphytum officinale) and ar- individualbecomes sensitive or "allergic" to
nica (Arnica montana). the bee venom — when this happens a poten-
tially life threatening "shock" situation exists.
BAD BREATH: can be dealt with by basic Prevention is limited to avoidance of bee
care.Use a good anti-tartar toothpaste, hydro- stings.

gen peroxide tooth gel, floss upon awakening

and after meals, use a hydrogen peroxide Treatment for individuals deemed sensitive to
mouthwash; parsley may be used after each bee stings is limited to the use of adrenaline
meal; zinc at 50 mg t.i.d. (epinephrine) from a "bee sting"kit.


Colloidal tin is reported to be effective! haps the most common infirmity of aging in
the human male. More than 500,000 Ameri-
BEDSORES: result from pressure of body can males are afflicted each year. As the
weight in areas of poor circulation - usually in prostate enlarges with age, the tight outer
areas of bony prominences. Massage, sponge capsule prevents the gland from expanding
baths and ultra violet light are good preventive outwardly so it squeezes down on the neck of
therapies. Topical applications can include the bladder thus producingthe well recog-
zinc oxide ointment, aloe vera ointment, vita- nized symptomsof "frequency" and "urgency."
min E oil and DMSO; eucalyptus (Eucalyptus The prostate is an internal gland that can be
globulus), wild canot, (Daucus carota)and "palpated" (felt) with the gloved finger. If you
comfrey (Symphytum officinale) may all be are going to do this, it is important to examine
used topically and/or in poultices to encour- the prostate monthly like a woman examines
age granulation tissue formation and healing. her breast monthly. The normal prostate is

firm like an orange and about the size of a

BEDWETTING: is a complex syndrome of walnut - it is found at a depth in the rectum

children and teenagers. It can be the result of that is just comfortably in reach for the index
food sensitivities or hypoglycemia. Compare finger.

what happens when the "patient" eats com-

plex carbohydrates or ice cream and cookies Benign prostatic hypertrophy produces a uni-
before bed. Pulse tests and diet diaries with form enlargement that may be hard in "acute"
elimination diagnostic diets will be revealing. enlargement or "boggy" in chronic enlarge-
ment. Tumors, either benign or malignant
Treatment includes chromium and vanadium tend to be inegular and nodular. PSA may be

elevated. ing the pulse test and/or the diet diary and
rotation elimination diet; the environmental
Benign prostatic hypertrophy is treated with sensitivitiescan be identified by the pulse test
zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., essential fatty acids as and avoidance/challenge tests; hypoglycemia
flaxseed oil at 1 tbsp. t.i.d., high fiber diets and hyperglycemia require a six-hour GGT
including pumpkin seeds and alfalfa, 300,000 (be sure to record the emotions and behavior
IU vitamin A as beta carotene per day, vitamin of the patient during the entire six hours - the
C to bowel tolerance, chlorophyll (best source numbers alone are not revealing in of them-
is alfalfa), amino acids (glycine, alanine and selves).
glutamic acid) at five grams each daily for 90
days, hydrogen peroxide ( 20 drops per oz of Foods that are common offenders are cow's
aloe juice) at 1 oz. b.i.d. cranberry juice at two
, milk, corn wheat, soy, rye and sugar; environ-
pints per day,herbs including saw palmetto mental culprits include house dust, perfume,
(Sarenoa serrulata) and selenium at 250 meg formaldehyde and makeup; on the glucose
t.i.d. tolerance test the mania and/or depression
may occur on the ascending or the descend-
BELLS PALSY: is the sudden drooping of one ing arms of the curve so someone must stay
side of the face due to an inflammation, swell- with the patients and record emotions and
ing or squeezing of the "facial" nerve (the 7th events!!!!

cranial nerve as it passes through the skull).

Bells palsy is often mistaken for a stroke Treatment of bipolar disorder requires a con-
because of the sudden onset. Numbness and siderable effort on the part of the "doctor" and
partial or total loss of muscular control on the "nurse" because a positive turn around may
and symptoms.
affected side are typical signs takesome weeks with temporary relapses.
Treated properly, there can be as much as an Treatment should include chromium and va-
80% chance of significant recovery. nadium at 500 meg q.i.d.; autoimmune urine
Treatment is B-12 at 1000 meg/day for a total therapy for five to eight treatments; rotation or
of 20,000 meg; calcium/ magnesium at 2,000 avoidance of offendingfoods; avoidance of
mg and 800 mg per day; essential fatty acids at sugar, caffeine, environmental allergens; es-
5 gm t.i.d. and American ginseng (Panax sential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d. ; niacin (B-3) 450
quinquefolius). Colloidal minerals are useful. mg. q.i.d. in time release tablets; B-l, B-5, B-6
each at 100 mg b.i.d.; DL-phenylalanine at 5

gms b.i.d. and choline at 250 mg b.i.d. Plant

BIPOLAR DISORDER (mania/manic de- derived colloidal minerals that contain lithium
pression): is one of those descriptive diagno- may be useful.
sis that "orthodox" psychiatry issues. We
would estimate that as many as 90% of the BD*TH DEFECTS: are a national crime in the
nondrug dependent patients are totally "cur- United States!! More than 98% are the result of
able" at home with home testing and home preconception and early pregnancy malnutri-
remedies. Food allergies, environmental sen- tion of the embryo!! Today there are more
sitivities, hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia teenagers that give birth to Down's Syndrome
are the major considerations. babies than women over 35. Cleft lips, cleft
palates, hernias, heart defects, limb defects,
Testing for allergies can be accomplished us- spina bifida, etc are all examples of prevent-

able diseases that have been eliminated by the the "stones" can pass - if this isn't strong

veterinary profession by taking great pains to enough, you may have to take prednisone for
give proper nutrition to the female lab animal, three (3) days to accomplish this part of the
petand farm species before and during preg- therapy. Calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg
nancy - if you want to see why Americans and 1 ,000 mg is imperative to stop calcium loss
have such a low rating when it comes to from the bones; reduce meat intake (go more
preventing birth defects (23rd in the world!!!!) toward the vegetarian scale) to get your di-

just go zoo on a Sunday or a fast food

to a etary calcium/ phosphorus ratio in order; herbs
operation and watch what the teenage girls including dandelion (Taraxacum officinale),
and pregnant women eat!! khella (Ammi visnaga), madder tea (Rubia
tinctorium) and rupturewort tea (Hernia
Prevention of birth defects requires more than glabra) unsweetened cranberry juice to acidify

"prenatal" vitamins after the second month of the urine.

pregnancy when the "orthodox" doctor gives
his pronouncement "you're pregnant" - by BLEEDEVG: from superficial wounds is an
then the embryo has formed all organs and easy medical problem to deal with by using
tissues (for better or worse!!). Conscious atten- pressure with a sterile gauze "sponge" or a
tion to preconception vitamins and colloidal "bandaid" on digits. Bleeding in the stool, on

minerals and avoidance of alcohol is espe- the other hand, can be a serious symptom
cially important to teenage and middle age indicating stomach ulcers (black blood stool),
mothers-to-be; don't wait for anyone's advice ulcerative colitis (bloody mucus in stool), co-
- it isn't going to come. Do a home pregnancy lon cancer (bloody mucus in the stool); or

test as soon as you think you're pregnant - if coughing blood - lung cancer, etc.

you haven't been taking supplements, start

immediately!!!! Diagnosis of the serious causes of "bleeding"

will require some sophisticated diagnostic
BLADDER STONES (kidney stones, cystic techniques performed by a "user friendly"
calculi): are ironically causedby a calcium physician (depending on the state, this may
and/or a magnesium deficient diet. The min- include an N.D., D.C., D.O., or M.D.).
erals in the "stones" come from your own
bones!!! Diagnosis may require an x-ray (a flat Regardless of the cause superficial bleeding
"plate" abdomen) - don't forget the
of the may be treated with poultices of plantain
gonadal shield!!! The signal to think "stones" is (Plantago major). The specific therapies for

blood in the urine (use the urine test sticks) the more serious problems will be dealt with
and pain or "colic" that gets worse in the as they are discussed.
bladder or kidney area. "Stones" are poten-
tially very painful and may require Tylenol-3 BLEEDEVG BOWELS: can be part of the
or morphine to cope with the pain if they are irritable bowel syndrome, chronic dianhea or
obstructing a ureter (the tube from the kidney intestinal catarrh , hemorrhoids can show bright
to the bladder). red blood on the toilet paper after passing a
stool - on a serious note one needs to
Treatment should include an anti-inflamma- consider bowel cancer. Amoebic dysentery

tory medication such as licorice (Glycyrrhiza and other parasites should also be considered
glabra) to reduce swelling at the "log jam" so in the diagnosis.

and baths and deodorants with hydrogen
Treatment for the bleeding bowel should in- peroxide.
clude mullein (Verbascum thapsus), vitamin
C at 1,000 mg t.i.d. as time release tablets, BODLS (carbuncles, abscesses): are usually
alfalfa and specific therapy per diagnosis. caused by a "staph" infection of the skin and
hair follicles. Boils can occur at a site of
BLEEDING GUMS: an early warning for sev- irritation - usually the neck near a collar line.

eral problems, including vitamin C deficiency The tender pus filled "boil" can be brought to
(scurvy), calcium deficiency (or bad calcium/ a "head" by poultices of 3% boric acid and
phosphorus ratio - osteoporosis), receding opened with a blade.
gums (the gums recede because of underlying
bone loss) or vitamin E deficiency. Treatment includes flushing the boil with sand
sagebrush (Artemisia fififolia), enchinacea
Treatment should include vitamin C to bowel (Echinaca angustifolia) and/or hydrogen per-
tolerance, vitamin E at 800 IU/day, correct oxide; vitamin C at bowel tolerance, vitamin A
dietary calcium/ phosphorus ratio with supple- at 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene, zinc 50 mg
mental calcium/magnesium at 2,000 mg and t.i.d. ; antibiotic ointment may be considered if
800 mg, herbal therapy including mouthwash new boils appear until the vitamins and min-
with alpine ragwort (Senecio fuchsii) and erals begin to take effect (don't forget the base
mouthwash with aloe/hydrogen peroxide. line supplements).

BLOATING (gastric): is the accumulation of BONE PALN (including "spurs"): can be im-
gas in the stomach. Normally the stomach is mobilizing and crippling. Bone pain can be
sterile because of the acid environment, how- part of the "growing pains" especially at the
ever, when hypochlorhydria (low stomach joints or the insertions of tendons into bones
acid) occurs bacteria from the small intestine (which is where "spurs" occur). Bone pain is

migrates up into the stomach. The bacteria in a self-diagnosing problem - if it persists, x-rays

the stomach now "ferments" carbohydrates should be taken to confirm diagnosis of frac-
and sugars that are eaten and produce gas or ture, arthritis, "spurs" or rule the more severe
"bloat." problem of primary or metastatic bone cancer.

Treatment of "bloat, belch and burp" includes Treatment of bone pain and "spurs" includes
oral hydrogen peroxide ( 20 drops/ oz) at 1 oz. vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin E at 800-
b.i.d., colloidal minerals and betaine HC1 and 1, 200 IU/day; magnesiumat 500 mgt.i.d.foras
pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15 long as one to two years; correct the calcium/
minutes before meals. phosphorus ratio with calcium at 2,000 mg/
day, reduce meat intake; herbs including com-
BODY ODOR (foot odor): can occur in any- frey (Symphytum officinale). Plant derived
one, especially teenagers and older people. colloidal minerals have reversed spurs and
calcium deposits without surgery by remodel-
Treatment includes zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., cal- ing the bone.
cium/magnesium at 2,000 mg and 800 mg,
plant derived colloidal minerals at 1 oz per 100 BREAST CYSTS (fibrocystic disease): is a
pounds; lots of green leafy vegetables, alfalfa, painful and cosmetic disease yet benign. The

normal breast tissue is overgrown with scar bronchitis persists after treatment for five to
tissue and cyst formation (usually multiple ten days, consider cystic fibrosis in children
cysts). Prevention is simple enough and is and lung cancer in adults (x-rays will be nec-
related to avoidance of methyl xanthines (i.e., essary to determine chronic processes).
caffeine, coffee, tea, chocolate, etc.).

Treatment includes steam vaporizers at night,

Treatment includes elimination of methyl essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., digestive
xanthines from the diet, essential fatty acids 5 enzymes and betaine HC1 at mg each,
gm t.i.d. and vitamin E at 800-1 ,200 IU per day. vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin A at
300,000 IU as beta carotene, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d.
BREAST TENDERNESS (PMS): is a common and herbs including slippery elm (Ulmus fulva),
symptom of PMS and early pregnancy. The coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), cowslip (Primula
tenderness of PMS is cyclical and that of early veris), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) as a
pregnancy will be associated with missed poultice/chest rub and/or place in vaporizer,
periods and a positive home pregnancy test. Irish moss (Chondrus crispus), pansy (Viola
tricolor), pleurisy root (Asclepias tuberose)
Treatment includes vitamin E topically and and holly hock (Althaea rosea).
essential fatty acids orally at 5 gm t.i.d., avoid
methyl xanthines and remember the base line BRUISES: are the result of a bump or blow that
supplements. ruptures blood vessels and releases blood into
the surrounding tissue including the skin. The
BRITTLE NABLS: are a common ailment, es- fragility (tenderness) or capillaries can result
pecially in teenagers pregnant women and from vitamin C or vitamin E deficiencies.
individuals with food allergies. The causes of
brittle nails are malabsorption or deficiencies Treatment includes vitamin C to bowel toler-

of essential fatty acids, amino acids (low pro- ance, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU per day, pan-
tein-vegetarian diets), calcium, iron or zinc. creatic enzymes at 200 mg t.i.d. between meals
(so the enzymes get into your bloodstream
Treatment of brittle nails includes dealing with and dissolve blood clots), DMSO topically,

food allergies (use the pulse test - it's cheap pain gel and herbs including arnica (Arnica
and accurate) to improve absorption, gelatin montana), marigold (Calendula officinalis),

(unflavored and unsweetened or diabetic witch hazel (Hamaelis virginiana) and yellow
brands), essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., sweet clover (Metilotus officinalis).

vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, the base line

supplementation, and betaine HC1 and pan- BRUXISM (teeth grinding): is the clenching or
creatic enzymes at 75-200 mg each t.i.d. 15 grinding of teeth. Bruxism usually occurs dur-
minutes before meals. ing sleep and is, therefore, often overlooked
until wear of the dental enamel is observed.
BRONCHIAL ASTHMA: (see asthma) Bruxism can be the result of food allergies (use
the pulse test to find out - milk and wheat tend
BRONCHITIS (grippe, catanh, chest colds): to be the offenders), hypoglycemia (bed-wet-
can be caused by viral or bacterial infections. ting may occur with bruxism if hypoglycemia
Allergies, both food and inhalant will aggra- is involved) or deficiencies of calcium, mag-
vate bronchitis as will fatty acid deficiencies. If nesium and / or B-6.

Treatment includes avoidance or rotation of vitamin C to bowel tolerance, bioflavonoids
offending food and elimination of sugar from 1,200 mg/day, rutin 50 mg t.i.d., vitamin E at
the diet especially before bed. Calcium and 800-1,200 IU/day, calcium and magnesium at
magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1 ,000 mg per day 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day respectively,
and B-6 at 50 mg t.i.d. gelatin, cartilage 5 gm t.i.d. and alfalfa. Be sure
to include plant derived colloidal minerals in
BURNS: are the painful result of contact with your bursitis program.
radiant (sun) or thermal heat (fire or hot mate-
rials). Prevention of sunburn is easy with CALCULUS (tartar): is a build up of calcium
modern "sun screen" products -the nose may carbonate on the tooth, usually at the gingival
need special protection of zinc oxide oint- junction (where the gum attaches to the tooth.
ment. The source of the calcium is the patient's own
bony calcium which is being lost in the saliva
1st degree - red, painful surfaceburns from (that's why tartar is worst on the back of the

"sunburn," steam, etc. Dilute white vinegar 1 : lower incisors) - when this happens you may
with water and cover burn surface twice daily, need more magnesium to hold calcium in the
aloe vera or vitamin E oil applied locally. bones and correct a severe dietary calcium/
phosphorus ratio problem (i.e., reduce red
2nd degree some degree of damage into the
- meat, soft drinks and any other major source
second layer of skin with blisters. Bath the of phosphoms). The use of hydrogen perox-
burn area with vitamin E oil or cover with zinc ide tooth gels and antitartar toothpastes will
oxide. Supplementation of vitamin C to bowel help reduce existing tartar and prevent build
tolerance will be of value. up.

3rd and 4th degree burns are characterized Treatment of tartar includes flossing, use a
by loss of skin, blisters and, in the case of the "dental pick" that you can purchase from a
4th degree, actual charring takes place. These pharmacy to pop off large "plates" of hard-
types of bums require professional help to ened tartar from the back of and between
prevent infection and fluid loss; the patient teeth, use a firm toothbnish and hydrogen
may require "plastic surgery." peroxide tooth gels and tartar control tooth-
BURSITIS: is an inflammation of bursal sacs
that cushion tendons as they pass over joints CANCER (carcinoma, sarcoma, neoplasm,
(i.e., shoulder, "housemaid's knee," "miner's tumor and malignancy): is one of the more
elbow," and "bunions"). Overwork of an "out- formidable syndromes (a disease is "one diag-
of-shape" joint can bring on a flare up. Don't nosis/one cause") of today. Prevention is the
forget the base line vitamins and minerals as a "magic bullet" that is effective against all forms
preventative along with moderate exercise. of cancer.

Treatment of bursitis includes topical pain Prevention of cancer (CA) takes a consider-
gels, DMSO, or liniments with eucalyptus to able conscious effort, but then, aren't you
bring more circulation to the area and remove worth the same or more effort than the main-
swelling (which is the source of bursitis pain). tenance of your Porsche!!!!! Don't forget the
Oral support includes B-12 at 1,000 meg/day, base line vitamins and colloidal minerals, be

sure to incorporate dietaiy fiber in each meal, best and until you get it "under control" it will
try to OD on beta carotene (almost impossible take your full time whether you opt to take
- first sign is dry skin) at about a vitamin A the"CUT, BURN & POISON" route as well or if
equivalent of 300,000 IU per clay, lowfat diet you opt totally for alternative therapies. A
(don't forget the essential fatty acids for your useful fact to help your thinking process is that
immune system), eat four-six cups of veg- the United States government says that THE
etables each day, drink eight glasses of water FIVE-YEAR SURVTVAL RATE OF CANCER
per day (preferably filtered -distilled water on PATIENTS HAS NOT CHANGED OVER THE
a regular basis will demineralize your bones!), LAST 20 YEARS DESPITE NEW TECH-
don't smoke, alcohol in moderation (or better NIQUES IN SURGERY, RADIATION
yet - not atall), make sure you have at least ANDCHEMOTHERAPY- IN FACT, UNTREAT-
two bowel movements per day (better yet, ED PATIENTS, AS A GROUP, SURVIVED
three), use sunscreens in intense sunlight, LONGER!!!! What the government doesn't tell
take alfalfa daily in some form doas a detox, you is that the "untreated" patient group in-

a liver flush once or twice each month, do a cludes those treated with alternative thera-
hair analysis each year to monitor toxic metal pies!!

load as well as absorption capability (if you are

not absorbing very well all your nutrient min- As with any therapy, you will want to educate
erals will be low), check for food allergies, yourself to benefits and limits of alternative
(use the pulse test), use biode-gradable house- therapies. Using one system or medication for
hold cleaners, avoid foods fried in fat oroil and cancer therapy is like limiting the United States
use organic foods as much as possible. defense system to ground forces (this would
be a totally absurd line of thinking in these
The diagnosis of cancer usually requires a days of nuclear warfare, ICBMs, submarines,
biopsy, x-ray or the use of endoscopic exams; etc.). Fortunately, other countries do not have
elevated CEA or PSA are signals to look farther. an FDA and, as a result, they have more
You are your own first line of defense, there- pharmaceutical companies willing to search
fore, if you find an unusual lump, ulcer, bleed- for,and make available, medications that our
ing,extended diarrhea, pain, change in urina- FDA forbids. As a result, our health in terms of
tion or bowel habit or mole that changes dollars spent (800 billion) and return places us

character you should con-sider cancer as a 23rd in the world - kind of frightening, isn't it!
possible cause. If you do suspect cancer, start A list of medications follow with a brief discus-
with your own therapies right away; it may be and for what cancer
sion of the action of each
weeks before you can get to the "orthodox" they are recommended (most can be admin-
doctor for a "rule-in" or "nile-out" diagnosis - istered to yourself on a maintenance level

don't go months without treatment

for six once the cancer is under control):
because the "doctor was too busy" - what's
more important, your health or his golf game? HYDRAZINE SULFATE: inhibits the produc-
Once cancer has been "ruled-in" you should tion of glucose from lactic acid in the liver
intensify your efforts in your own behalf as no which literally starves the rapidly growing
one cares as much alxxit you as much as you cancer cells. Hydra-zinecan prevent metastasis
do!!!!! (spreading)and will reduce the size of large
tumor masses. The shrinkage of tumor mass
Treatment of cancer is a busy procedure at the has all kinds of benefit including increase in

appetite, feeling of well being, reduction in leasing hormone (LHRH) together are more
pain, mood improvement and an improve- effective than surgical or chemical castration
ment in circulation (blood and lymph). This in cases of PROSTATIC CANCER as well as
compound is nonspecific and can be used for more aesthetically accepted. Flutamide
any tumor type cancer. therapy works well against the original cancer
as well as the metastatic bone cancer. Flutamide
CESIUM CHLORIDE: provides "high pH produces an 81% remission against 0% remis-
therapy for cancer" by entering the cancer cell sion for two years whencompared with "or-

and causing an alkaline environment. It is thodox" approaches.

recommended forall types of cancer but is

effective for SARCOMA,

particularly HOXEY HERBAL FORMULA: is one of the
BRONCHOGENIC CARCINOMA (with bone granddaddies of the modern cancer remedies.
metastasis) and a spectacular 97% improve- It is nonspecific and may be used like Laetrile

ment of COLON CANCER. as a preventive or remedy.

LAETRILE: in short, releases small amounts of LEVAMISOL: is a new product (actually a

cyanide which normal cells can detoxify but sheep wormer) that has shown excellent
cancer cells can't. The cyanide from the laetrile results for cancer in general and specifically
then kills the cancer cell. Laetrile may be taken for colon, breast, brain, throat, esophagus,
as a preventative measure or a therapy. stomach, liver and pancreas. LEVAMISOL
could be the cancer "magic bullet" for the
GERMANIUM: is found in significant amounts 1990s!!!

in a variety of plants in-cluding mushrooms,

ginseng, garlic, etc. Germanium functions by CARCELFM: is a topical cream for eliminating
increas-ing the oxygen flow into cells from the surface cancer (i.e., moles, MELANOMA, CAR-
blood (cancer cells do not like high levels of CINOMA, BASAL CELL CARCINOMA). This
oxygen), increases macro-phage (scavenger procedure takes 30 days and at this writing
numbers of anti-
cells) activity, increases the (March, 1989) appears to be very effective.
body forming cells, T-cells, B-lymphocytes
and killer cells and induces the body to pro- POLYERGA: inhibits tumor growth by reduc-
duce interferon!!! Can be used as prevention tion of glycolysis. Polyerga is effective against
or in therapy programs. tumor forming cancer and can be easily ad-
ministered at home - it is, therefore, veiy
CLODRONATE: is especially useful for pre- economical.
venting and controlling bone metastasis There are many adjunctive therapies for
(spread of cancer from original site to the cancer programs (remember it is absurd to use
bone) which is common place in BREAST and single mode programs!!) amongst which hy-
PROSTATIC CANCER. Bone metastasis are drogen peroxide stands out. "Orthodox" medi-
very painful and difficult to treat with conven- cine used H202 IV in the 1800s so there is lots

tional chemotherapy, clodronate works by of history with no bad side effects as well as
stopping the loss of calcium from the bone so lots of positive evidence that increasing oxy-
that the cancer can be effectively walled off. gen in the blood has beneficial effects in your
fight against cancer (remember cancer
FLUTAMIDE: and luteinizing hormone-re- doesn't like elevated oxygen levels).

CO Q-10 increases the immune fighting rebuilding normal tissue as well as replenish-
ability of your phagocytes as well as increases ing the ravaged immune system. This total

the efficiency of tissue detoxification. nutrition should include vitamins, minerals

DMSO is useful for the treatment of amino acids, essential fatty acids as well as
LEUKEMIA in that causes the maturation of
it electrolytes. It is well established that cancer
the "premature" WBCsof leukemia. patients have poor digestion and absorption
Thymus extracts are useful to enhance (probably from the long term effects of food
the thymus gland function and thus the im- allergies on the gut producing eeliactype
mune system. changes).
Autoimmune urine and autoimmune
blood therapies enhance the bodies defense CANDIDIASIS (chronic fatigue syndrome):
systems against foreign substances including isan infection caused by Candida albicans, a
cancer proteins in much the same way the normally harmless yeast (saprophyte) of your
"allergy shots" do against pollen allergies. intestine. This organism becomes a parasite
Carbamide (urea) is in keeping with and, therefore, pathological (disease creating)
the autoimmune urine therapy. Carbamide is when its competitors, the normal bacteria of
particularly effective for LIVER CANCER. the gut, are killed by long term use of antibiot-
Beta carotene taken with vitamin E can ics allowing them to proliferate unchecked.
be taken at as much as 600,000 IU vitamin A The reduced production of stomach acid al-
be of significant benefit
equivalent!!! This will lows the C. albicans to move into the stomach
in cancer therapyprograms especially CARCI- - an unusual location. Stress will cause the
NOMAS. The vitamin A thus provided will reduction of stomach acid after stress reaches
also help the thymus gland produce antibod- the point of decompensation. Food allergies
ies and make laetrile more effective. change the lining of the gut in a manner very
Selenium is a trace mineral that has similar to celiac disease which causes an in-

been investigated very intensively as a cancer creased nutrient concentration in the gut —this
preventative and as therapeutic nutrition, hyperfertilized environment is very attractive
1,000-3,000 meg/day is considered to be the to C. albicans. The overgrowth of the organ-
proper therapy dose. Plant derived colloidal ism eventually spills over into the blood stream
selenium 98% absorbable.
is and, thus, infests the body proper.
Shark cartilage and shark liver oil

contain substances that stop the formation Prevention includes being aware of your in-

of capillaries that feed new metastatic testines, know your digestive and absorptive
growths of cancer. abilities and patterns. Do pulse tests for food

Chemotherapy in "micro-doses" in con- allergies, avoid long term use of antibiotics, as

junction with alternative therapies or chemo- you grow older take betaine HCl and pancre-
therapy into the arterial blood supply of the atic en2ymes before meals to offset the normal

cancer infested tissue or organ can sub- decrease in production (take these digestive
stantially reduce the negative side effects of aids you are under stress), deal aggressively

chemotherapy. with any disease that lowers your immune

Intravenous infusions with total nutri- capacity!!

tion, especially in the early phases of alterna-

tive therapy are very useful in providing your The diagnosis of candidiasis may be made
body with much needed raw material for from symptoms, however, if you want a sure

diagnosis get a blood test forantibodiesagainst ganism capsules into the water). A retention
C. albicans or a skin test (very similar to a TB douche of 3 oz. for ten minutes weekly. The
tine test) -a positive test is a sure diagnosis - external genital area inboth male and female
a negative test may or may not be revealing. may be washed with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
Anergy is a state in which the immune system Sixteen oz.s of 3% hydrogen peroxide can
is so exhausted that it can't even react to safely be added to bath water. Autoimmune
adiagnostic test!!! urine and blood therapies can be very useful
in stimulating specific antibody production.
Symptoms of candidiasis include forgetful -
ness, irritability, fatigue, nausea, flu-like joint CANKER SORES (cold sores, fever blisters,
and muscle pain and a high emotional state. aphthous stoma-stomatitis): can be precipi-
Gastrointestinal symptoms may or may not be tated by consumption of certain foods

present (i.e., diarrhea, dyspepsia, gas, etc.). as in food allergies (do the pulse test) and
Most of the patients we see have been on oral The canker sore is differ-
certain deficiencies.
Nystatin for some length of time with little or entiated from Herpes in that it only occurs on
no positive effect — no wonder, Nystatin is not the movable oral mucosa of the lips and
absorbed into the body proper and, therefore, cheeks.
only controls the C. albicans in the gut.
Treatment should include avoidance of aller-
Treatment for candidiasis includes treating gens, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., lysine at 1,500 mg/
food allergies, hypoglycemia, any concurrent day, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, B-com-
infection (i.e., CMV, etc.) and
herpes, EBV, plex at 50 mg each t.i.d. and vitamin A at

correcting indigestion. Hydrogen peroxide 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene.

may be taken orally at 1 oz. b.i.d. upon arising
and retiring (we like H202 that is mixed with CARBUNCLES (multiple boils): See BOILS
aloe vera which makes it palatable and makes
it easy to take (also there is no danger in this CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIA (inegular heart
diluted form). Hydrogen peroxide in a DMSO beat): is a common complaint of persons with
and 5% dextrose solution should be adminis- food allergies and hypoglycemia (this is as-

tered IV to kill the systemic infestation (it takes suming you have ruled out organic heart
10-12 infusions to get the desired effect). disease). The classic for this syndrome is the
"Chinese restaurant syndrome" which is caused
Germanium orally and IM is a good adjunctive by sensitivity to MSG. Many a patient with
therapy as it helps get oxygen into the cells sudden irregular heart beat and palpitations
(remember C. albicans doesn't like oxygen) has called the ambulance thinking they had a
making the general environment unattractive "heart attack;" by the time the ambulance
to the parasite. arrived, they no longer had symptoms - a
history of eating out, especially at a Chinese
Replantation of Lactobacillus acidophilus, a restaurant, is the give away.
friendly resident of the gut and a primary
competitor to C. albicans is a useful part of any Deficiencies that cause cardiac arrhythmia
treatment program. Using the retention en- include B-l (i.e., beriberi), B-3 (i.e., pellagra),
emas with 4 oz. of warm water containing 10 B-6, chromium, Selenium (i.e., Keshan Dis-
billion organisms (empty twenty 500,000 or- ease, cysticfibrosis), magnesium, potassium,

carnitine and CO Q-10. IM, plant derived colloidal selenium, vitamin
E at 1,200 IU/day and essential fatty acids at 5
Treatment of cardiac arrythmia includes avoid- gm t.i.d. I have personally seen individuals
ance of known allergens, autoimmune urine who have survived quite well with only sele-
and blood therapies, chromium at 50-100 meg nium supplemen-tation - they still have mild
t.i.d., B-complex at 50 mg t.i.d., selenium at S-T or T wave changes but they have been
100-300 meg t.i.d., magnesium at 1,000 mg/ working out in the rice fields for 25 years after
day, potassium at 500 mg t.i.d., plant derived their diagnosis and treatment with selenium!!!

colloidal minerals, carnitine and CO Q-10 per

label. CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME: is caused
by compression of die median nerve in be-
CARDIOMYOPATHY(Keshan Disease, mus- tween the tendons of the forearm muscles by
cular dystrophy of heart): is recognized by the a shrinking of the circular wrist ligament that
WHO as a selenium deficiency. This is the holds everything together. This compressed
type of heart disease that makes individuals a nerve causes radiating pain in the palm of the
candidate for heart transplant in the eyes of the hand and wrist, especially when the under-
"orthodox" physician. It is typical that $1/ side of the wrist is forcefully tapped with an
month in selenium supplement would pre- index finger or a reflex hammer.
vent this disease and the "need" for a $250,000
procedure that carries a 20% mortality rate. Treatment includes B-6 at 75mg t.i.d., zinc at
This disease is also found in cystic fibrosis 50 mg t.i.d. and cartilage at 5 mg t.i.d. (com-
patients (one of the telltale signals that genet- pare this with the "orthodox" therapy of wrist
ics has nothing to do with cystic fibrosis). surgery!!!).

Cardiomyopathy is known as "mulberry heart

disease" in pigs and "white muscle disease" in CARSICKNESS (sea sick, air sick): or motion
cattle, sheep and horses - it is interesting that sickness is common in some individuals when
veterinarians have eliminated this disease in repetitive angular and linear movement occur

animals with selenium injections and oral at the same time. Fixing the gaze on a single

supplementation of diets (again an example geographic point can help in sea sickness

where it just might be better to go to your when the patient is on deck but a fruitless

vet!!!). exercise in other forms of motion sickness.

Symptoms include "green at the gills" feeling

The diagnosis of cardiomyopathy is made including nausea and vomiting.

from an ECG (electrocardiogram) in an "or- Prevention of motion sickness includes the
thodox" cardiologists office. The earliest signs use of scopolamine transdermal patches (can
are S-T and T wave changes ~ at this point, diet be worn behind the ear) or Dramamine (both
correction and selenium supple-mentation will medications can be purchased at the phar-
reverse this if the diagnosis is correct - the macy without a prescription).
neglect of this will result in severe fatigue and
sufficient heart muscle changes for the cardi- CATARACTS: are caused by changes inthe
ologist to be able to "justify" a heart transplant. eye lens which makes them opaque and un-
able to transmit light to the retina of the eye.
The treatment of early cardiomyopathy in- Cataracts are easily diagnosed with the oph-

cludes selenium at 350 meg t.i.d. or 1,000 meg thalmoscope in a darkened examining room

- severe cataracts are snow white and are wheat gluten sensitivity,thus "gluten free di-
easily seen with the unaided eye. Cataracts are ets" - if this change was limited to wheat only,

the most common cause of blindness in older it would be of small consequence because it is

people and should be dealt with aggressively easily recognized, however, cow's milk albu-
and without delay. men and soy protein will cause these same
physical changes in the gut including loss of
Treatment of cataracts includes the base line villi and scaring of supportive tissue of the

vitamin/mineral supplement plus vitamin E at small intestine progressing to the point where
400 IU/day, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, B- by age 45-50 years, 90% of the intestine can be
1 , B-2, B-3, B-5 and B-6 at 50 mg b.i.d. , inositol damaged resulting in a significant reduction of
at 150 mg/day, selenium at 250 meg/day, zinc absorptive surface. The result is poor assimi-
at 25 mgt.i.d., bioflavonoids at 300mg, glycine lation of nutrients which are the raw materials
at 200 mg, 1-glutamine at 200 mg, 1-arginine at for tissue repair, growth and maintenance of
300 mg/day, 1-cysteine at 400 mg/day and the immune system.
glutathione at 40 mg/day. If diabetes or hypo-
glycemia are present the chromium at 50 meg Celiac disease is, therefore, the basic cause of
t.i.d. should be added. many diseases including diabetes (i.e. malab- ,

sorption of chromium and vanadium), cancer

CATARRH (croup, whooping cough): is the (i.e., malabsorption of zinc, vitamin A and
mucus associated with a wide variety of nasal, selenium), and muscular dystrophy and cystic
throat, tracheal and bronchial infections and/ fibrosis (i.e., malabsorption of selenium in the
or irritations. pregnant mother resulting in damage to the

Treatment includes the use of steam at bed-

time to break up and
the catarrh (mucus) Diagnosis and treatment of celiac disease in-

allow peaceful sleep, if this does not work and cludes using the pulse test for allergies (i.e.,

sleep in an urgent need the use of drying whole wheat is great unless your allergic to
agents such as Contac should be considered. it!!!) especially wheat, cow's milk and soy
Homeopathy can work quite well if a com- products and eliminating and/or rotating the
plete case is collected (see homeopathy) as offending allergen - it takes 90 days to repair
there are many variables to be considered. the injured gut which means there is great
Herbs that can be effective include vervain or hope if you take the effort to see if, in fact, you
wild hyssop (Verbena officinalis), cucumber are sensitive to wheat, cow's milk or soy.
(Cucumis sativa), wild cherry (Prunis serotina)
and thyme (Thymus vulgaris). CEREBROPALSY: is a birth defect which
affects the cerebellum, the finemotor coordi-
CELIAC DISEASE (gluten enteropathy, nator of the body. The cause is a preconcep-
nontropical spruce): is perhaps themost un- tion deficiency of zinc and B-6 (perhaps celiac
derrated disease in America today. Celiac disease was the base cause of copper / zinc
disease is characterized by a loss of villi (fin- malabsorption in the mother). There is no
ger-like projections) from the small intestines treatment since the damage occurred to the
and a scaring of the supporting tissue which fetus during the formation of the brain.
effectively reduces the absorptive surface by
70%. Classically celiac disease is caused by a CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE (senile

dementia): more common in the United
is acute damage so that the influx of WBCs and
States than anywhere else. The "hardening" of antibodies also help heal chronic changes as a
the middle cerebral artery (the main blood "side benefit. " It is known that cervical dyspla-
supply to the brain) results in poor oxygen sia is, in fact, a manifestation of a chronic
supply to the brain which causes loss of vitamin A deficiency. Diagnosis is made from
memory and typical "senile" changes. As with a PAP smear and/or biopsy.
arteriosclerosis, the "hardening" of the arteries
is caused by smooth muscle scaring, followed Treatment of cervical dysplasia is accomplished
by calcification and fatty cholesterol deposits. by painting the affected surface with Lugol's
The risk factors include elevated blood cho- Solution (an iodine preparation) and oral

lesterol which is a building block of vitamin D supplementation of beta carotene at an equiva-

- vitamin D is angiotoxic (toxic to blood lent of 300,000 IU of vitamin A per day and oral
vessels) causing scaring of arterial smooth zinc at 50 mg t.i.d. Don't forget the base line
muscle and subsequent calcification. Magne- nutritional supplement here.
sium deficiency also results in calcification.
CHALAZION: is the result of plugged
Prevention includes comfortable collars and "meibomian" glands in the eyelid. A chalazion
ties so "eddies" are not created in the carotid is easily confused with a "sty" in the early

arteries which contributes to the deposition of stages, however, few days the swelling
after a

cholesterol. Reduce the amount of vitamin D and pain disappear leaving a slow growing
intake to a maximum of 400 IU/day (this is a pea sized "mass" in the lid.
real toughie when you consider animal fat,

cholesterol, milk, butter, various prepared Treatment of chalazions include vitamin A at

cereals and snack bars, supplements and sun- 300,000 IU per day as beta carotene, zinc at 50
shine). mg t.i.d. and warm poultices of 3% boric acid
on the closed lid. Boric acid ophthalmic
Treatment of cerebrovascular disease includes ointment may be obtained from the pharmacy
EDTA chelation therapy to help remove without prescription.
plaque, hydrogen peroxide IV to increase
oxygen, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, avoid CHEILOSIS (angular stomatitis): is the re-

alcohol, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, essen- sult of vitamin B-2 or riboflavin deficiency.

tial fatty acids at 5 mg t.i.d., selenium at 1,000 The deficiency shows upas cracks in the cor-

meg/day, centrophenoxine at 1 ,000-2,000 mg/ ners of the mouth, nasolabial folds and "geo-
day, hydergine at 4.5-9.0 mg/day, vasopressin graphic" tongue.
(DIAPID) at 12-l6units/day, Lucidril at 4.4-8.0
gm/day, piracetam at 1 .6 gm t.i.d. and choline Treatment of cheilosis includes identification
at 9 gm/day concunently, and lecithin at 4 gm of food allergies and supplementation with B-
b.i.d. 2 at 75 mg t.i.d.

CERVICAL DYSPLASIA: is considered a CHICKEN POX (Varicella, Herpes zoster-

"precancerous" change in the surface cells of shingles): is an acute viral disease in children
the uterine cervix. The "orthodox" approach, and a chronic, painful disease in adults (i.e.,

cryotherapy, is primarily a "counter-irritant" shingles). Epidemics occur in children in

procedure - in other words, create enough winter and early spring. Day care children are

almost guaranteed to contract chicken pox in function may occur. Colds and flu may follow
their first year of day care. For those that are this challenge to the immune system. Preven-
into vaccination, a post exposure vaccine is tion includes proper dress for the weather.
up to 72 hours post exposure.
available for
Chicken pox is characterized by clear vesicles Treatment includes rapid warming in warm
sunounded by a small red zone; these lesions water and/or warm enemas, electric blankets
occur primarily on the upper torso. if available (underneath as well as on top).

Treatment of chicken pox in children is prima- CHOLESTEROL (elevated): is considered a

rily symptomatic and includes Caladryl lotion risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Eleva-
topically, oatmeal baths and vitamin E oil tion of cholesterol above 200 mg per 100 ml of
applied directly to each vesicle or papule. blood is a sign of increasing risk for cardiovas-
Regardless of therapy, chicken pox will last cular disease, diabetes and liver disease (in-

from seven to twenty days. cludinggallstones). There are numerous causes

of elevated cholesterol including low fiber
CHIGGERS (mites): are small arthropods diets, elevated vitamin D intake, deficiency of
(eight-legged critters) that burrow into the essential fatty acids, diets high in refined sugar
skin and cause a severe pruritis (itching). and flour, liver malfunction and poor exercise
These little creatures can be repelled while habits. CAUTION: Low cholesterol can be
walking in the woods or meadows by placing equally or more dangerous than elevated cho-
pet "flea collars" around your ankles, waist lesterol !!

and wrists. The use of poultry dusting power

can be used in socks or belt line. Treatment for elevated cholesterol includes
regular exercise, base line supplement pro-
Treatment of chiggers once they establish gram, one to two heaping tablespoons of oat
themselves is limited to covering each burrow bran or protein fiber in an eight oz. glass of
opening with clear nail polish which literally juice or vitamin C to bowel tolerance, essential
smothers them. fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., niacin at 450 mg b.i.d.
as time release tablets, calcium and magne-
CHILLS (fever): are associated with the flu sium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per
and other viral The patient will be
infections. day,chromium at 75 mcgt.i.d., selenium at 100
sweating, shaking, trembling and unable to meg t.i.d. and herbs to include evening prim-
feel warm even when bundled up with blan- rose (Oenothera biennis). A good liver flush
kets. can be very useful.

Treatment for chills includes wearing warmups CHOREA: is by uncontrolled

with a hooded sweatshirt to cover the neck jerky or crampy type movements that may be
and head, homeopathy, acupuncture and regular in frequency. The onset of chorea is
herbs to include willow (Salix alba). subtle and may be limited to mood changes,
faltering or hesitant speech then progressing
CHILBLAINS (hypothermia): is the lower to uncontrolled facial movements and gri-

ing ofbody and/or limb temperature to sub- maces, "prancing" gait, torticollis (marked twist
normal levels for some length of time resulting in the neck) and difficulty in swallowing.
in near frostbite. Severe numbness and loss of Chorea is considered to be a genetic disease

by the "orthodox" doctors, however, this is refined sugar, avoid any food allergens, treat
highly unlikely as the onset classically occurs hypoglycemia with chromium at 75 to 200 mg
between the ages of 30 to 55 years (we have t.i.d., employ autoimmune urine and blood

seen chorea in preteens and teenagers). There therapies, detoxify with liver flushes and
is organic disease of the brain with degenera- colonics (especially for the first two weeks of
tion of the frontal cerebral cortex as well as therapy) to copy with toxins generated by
deeper portions of the brain. The "orthodox" organism die-off, Isoprinosin at 500 mg t.i.d.
treatment for chorea is limited to sedation and and Ribavirin at 250-1,200 mg per day as
tranquilization. antiviral medication. Reflexology, massage
and naturopathic or chiropractic manipula-
We recommend the base line supplement tion are great adjunctive therapies.
program, essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., B-
complex at 100 mg b.i.d. each, vitamin E at CLAUDICATION (intermittent): is a cramp-
800-12,000 IU/day, selenium at 500 mg/day, ing of leg muscles following exercise as a
lecithin at 2,500 mg t.i.d. and choline at 500 result of poor blood supply. The reduced
mg/day. Pulse testing for food allergies and blood supply to the legs is almost always due
hair analysis to monitor absorption is essen- to arteriosclerosis of the femoral and popliteal
tial. arteries. Typically, after a few moments rest,

the patient can start walking again.

CHRONIC FATIGUE (candidiasis, EBV,
HBLV, CMV, food allergies and The diagnosis of intermittent claudication can
hypoglycemia): by its very name (syndrome be made from symptoms alone; the symptom-
rather than a disease) lets you know that this atic findings can be supported by taking the
is a complex of symptoms with multiple causal "pedal" pulses (at the instep of the foot); these
factors. To our knowledge all patients with pulses should be strong and equal - very
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome have two or more frequently one or both are weak or absent.
of the causal factors associated with their
"disease". Symptoms include moodiness, Treatment of intermittent claudication includes
highly emotional state, aches, pains, depres- the base line nutritional supplements, EDTA
sion, gastrointestinal symptoms (i.e., chelation therapy, IV hydrogen peroxide, vi-
"belch, burpand bloat"), intense fatigue, tamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin E at 800-
drowsiness and muscular weakness. Blood 1,200 IU per day, chromium at 75-200 meg
tests for antibodies against Candida albicans, t.i.d., selenium at 100-500 meg t.i.d., B-6 at 100
EBV, HBLV and CMV are available for specific mg b.i.d., hydrotherapy, reflexology, massage
diagnosis; there is also a skin test forcandidiasis. and light exer-cise (i.e., walking, swimming,
etc.) and herbs including ginseng (Panax spp.)

Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and cayenne pepper (Capsicum minimum).
should include IV hydrogen peroxide in a
solution of DMSO and 5% dextrose, IV nutri- CLIMACTERIC (menopause): is the cessa-

tion, IM germanium, base line nutritional tion of ovarian functionand the stopping of
supplement program, hydrogen peroxide ( 20 the menstrual cycle.Menopause is a natural
drops per oz in aloe juice) 1 oz. b.i.d., do pulse event in a woman's life and usually occurs
food allergies, do six-hour GTT for
test for between the ages of 45-55 years. Menopause
hypoglycemia, eliminate caffeine, eliminate may be artificially induced by ovariectomy or

hysterectomy. When the process is normal cluding cigarette smoke, perfume, house dust,
and thus takes a gradual course, the adrenals etc. that can precipitate "cluster headache."
and liver increase their output of female hor-
mones (primarily estrogen) and make up the Treatment includes the use of the base line
difference from the lost ovarian function. "Hot supplement program, vitamin C to bowel
flashes" are a common symptom when insuf- tolerance, bioflavonoids at 150 mg t.i.d., auto-
ficient estrogen is being produced by the immune urine and blood therapy and avoid-
adrenals or liver. Other symptoms include ance of environ-mental allergens, avoidance
sweating, nervousness, fatigue, depression, or rotation of food allergens.
insomnia, tingling and urinary frequency and
in continuance. Osteoporosis is a common COLDS (nasal catarrh, coryza): are caused
result of improperly managed menopause. by more than 100 different viruses; this is why
no vaccine has been made available. Symp-
Treatment for menopause is probably an im- toms last for 7-14 days regardless of therapy.
proper term as normal events don't need The incubation is very short (1-3 days) com-
treatment but rather "support" on occasion to pared to most viral infections (10-21 days)
help smooth the transition. Transdermal es- with a sudden appearance of symptoms which
trogen "patches" can be applied to the back or include tingling in nose and throat, scratchy
chest for a time release of hormones, oral throat, nasal mucus, coughing, headache and
estrogens should not be accompanied by pro- laryngitis. Elevatedtemperature or fever is

gesterone as they increase the cancer induc- variable depending on the particular virus that
once per month,
tion risk; liver flush at least is causing the "cold."
base line supplement program, calcium and
magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1 ,000 mg per day "common cold" should in-
Treatment of the
and herbs to include Lady's mantle (Alchemilla clude vitamin C to bowel tolerance,
vulgaris), motherwort (Leo nurus cardiaca) bioflavonoids at 150 mg t.i.d., garlic gelatin
and St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum). capsules at 10 mg t.i.d., base line supplement
Don't forget calcium and magnesium at 2,000 program, chicken rice soup (proven by
mg and 1,000 mg per day. Betaine HC1 and Harvard to be "best cold therapy") for protein
pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15 (to replace that lost in the mucus — yes, mucus
minutes before meals. is protein similar to egg white) and electrolytes
(especially potassium), bed rest, avoid chills,

"CLUSTER HEADACHES" (histamine head- homeopathy, herbs to include oldman's beard

ache): are related to allergic reactions and may (Usnea barbata), bigleaf linden (Tilia
occur by themselves or by associated with platyphyllos), dogrose (Rosa canina), Euro-
other diseases and syndromes including pean elder (Sambucus nigra), European Holly
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The symptom of (Ilexaquifolium),hempacrimony(Eupatorium
one sided headache that comes on suddenly, cannabinum), purple coneflower (Echinacea
cause debilitating pain and come and go in angustifolia), Queen-of-t he-meadow
severity is diagnostic. Pulse testing and rota- (Filipendula ulmaria), sea buckthorn
tion elimination diets with the use of a "diet (Hippophae rhamnoides), white willow (Salix
diary" for keeping track of symptoms (in this alba), wormwood (Artemisia absinthium),
case, the "cluster headache"). In addition to yellowbark cinchona or Peruvian bark (Cin-
foods, there are many inhalant allergens in- chona succiruba), feverfew (Chrysanthemum

parthenium), bachelor's buttons (Pyrethrum diverticulitis.

parthenium), sweet balm (Melissa officinalis)

and cayenne pepper (Capsicum minimum). Treatment includes cathartics or antidian-heals
as necessary, high fiber meals (i.e., potato,
COLIC (severe belly pain): can be initiated wellcooked oat bran, multi-grain breads); do
by a variety of causes including food allergies, avoid raw carrots, peanuts and corn for the
hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid), gas first week of therapy, use pulse test to deter-

bubbles from fermentation, to more serious mine if food allergies are involved - if so, use
causes such as kidney or gallstones or blocked rotation diet and autoimmune urine and blood
bowel. In this section, we will limit the discus- therapy, drink a minimum of eight glasses of
sion to food allergies, hypochlorhydria and water each day as well as four to six cups full

fermentation since they are all three related. of green leafy vegetables (i.e., spinach, cab-
Food allergies cause "celiac" like changes in bage, etc.) preferably steamed or cooked at
the gut resulting in malabsorption;bowel or- the start of therapy, oral hydrogen peroxide
ganisms "ferment" the unabsorbed nutrients (as SuperOxy Plus) 1 oz. b.i.d. and aloe pow-
causing "bubbles" which cause sufficiently der (Aloe vera) at 65-300 mg per day.
sharp pain from distension to create "colic" -
this is especiallytrue in babies. In adults, stress CONGESTED LUNGS (with bronchitis):
and/or food allergies can cause can be treated with homeopathy, acupunc-
hypochlorhydria allowing organisms to move ture, hydrotherapy to include a steam sauna,

into the normally sterile stomach and ferment massage, and herbs including penny royal
food crating the "belch, burp and bloat" syn- (Mentha pulegium) as concentrated tea.

drome or "colic."
The treatment for colic in adults includes the caused by lung disease, high blood pressure,
base line supplement program, betaine hy- nutritional deficiencies including B-l and se-
drochloride and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 lenium. There is usually a rapid irregular heart
mg each t.i.d. 15 minutes before meals, pulse beat and edema (swelling from tissue water)

testing to determine presence of food aller- in the legs and/or belly cavity ("dropsy"). Two
gies. In babies, pulse testing and diet diaries to medications stand out in their efficacy (these

determine offending foods, pancreatic en- herbs are even used by the "orthodox" doctors
zymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals (en- ): 1) Lily of the valley (Convallaria megalis)

zymes may be constipating), one to two drops and 2) foxglove (Digitalis purpura). These
of flaxseed oil after each meal and B-6 at 10 mg two herbs can be taken as whole leaf prepara-
b.i.d. In older children and adults herbs in- tions or fluid extracts (foxglove is potentially

cluding dill (Peucedanumgraveolens) may be dangerous so you should get commercially

of value. prepared sources and advice on doses). En-
glish hawthorne (Crataegus oxyacantha) is a

COLITIS: is an inflammation of the colon useful herb for regulating heart rhythm and
which can be caused by stress, food allergies, treating dropsy of congestive heart failure,

bacterial orviral infections, low fiber diets, etc. however, may not be strong enough in severe
Symptoms vary from cramping and diarrhea or advanced cases. The precipitating cause of
to constipation alternating with diarrhea, the congestive heart failure should be identi-
bloody mucus, ulcerative colitis and fied and dealt with aggressively.

"witches" and burned at the stake!! Today,
COr^JUNCnVITIS: is an inflammation of the because of population problems, AIDS and
membrane that forms the inner surface of the teen pregnancies contraception cannot be
eyelids and covers the white of the eye. Dust, ignored if we are to survive. Some govern-
allergens (i.e., pollens), foreign bodies includ- ments have imposed "one child" limits on their
ing eyelashes and microorganisms (bacteria citizens, give free contraceptives to anyone

and viruses) can all initiate conjunctivitis. who asks for them and most are offering a
form of "sex education." Sex outside of mar-
Treatment of conjunctivitis includes using riage is "Russian Roulette," anal sex is putting
commercial eye washes (hydrogen peroxide a loaded gun to your mouth and pulling the
eye drops) and/or boric acid ophthalmic oint- trigger!!!

ment as appropriate. Pulling the upper lid

over the lower lid by grasping the eyelash, Contraception is divided into abstinence, bar-
lifting out.then down induces tear flow to riers,hormones (this is the least desirable from
wash eye and flush foreign bodies. the standpoint of side effects), IUDs (intrauter-
ine devices - be careful here - remember the
CONSTIPATION: is not only uncomfortable Delcon Shield!!!), and surgery (vasectomy or
put a significant risk factor for cancer. If you tying the fallopian tubes). The "rhythm"
are not having two to three bowel movements method cannot be considered a safe form of
per day, you are constipated!!! Very frequently contraception outside of the mamage be-
exercise such as walking and eight glasses of cause of the AIDS risk and few couples have
water per day will solve simple constipation. the consistent self-control necessary to pre-
Very frequently food allergies will initiate con- vent pregnancies.
stipation (do pulse test to determine this fac-

tor). Milk products, including cheese has a CONVULSIONS (seizures, fits): are uncon-
constipating affect on certain individuals. trolled body movements set off by an electri-

cal malfunction of the brain. High "fevers" of

Treatment of constipation includes eight to 104.0-105.0 F are often a cause of convulsions
ten glasses of water per day, fiber/protein at 1 in children. Epilepsy is a form of convulsion
tbsp. in 8 oz. of juice b.i.d., rotation/elimina- that is easily diagnosed by abnormal brain
tion diet and autoimmune urine therapy for waves seen on an EEG (electroencephalo-
allergies, four to six cups of vegetables per gram). Unfortunately, the "orthodox" neu-
day, exercise for 30 minutes per day, home- rologist doesn't think "allergy" when a hysteri-
opathy and herbs including castor oil (Rincinus cal mother brings a child to his office with a
communis), olive oil (Olea europaea), history of one or more convulsions. The
blackroot F(Leptondra virginica), American "orthodox" approach to treating convulsions
mandrake (Podophyllum peltatum), alder is Dilantin and/or phenobarbital.

buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula), cascara

sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana), flaxseed or oil Treatment of nontemperature induced con-
(Linum usitatissimum), senna (Cassia vulsions can include a pulse test to determine
angustifolia) and psyllium (Plantago psyllium). if allergies are a factor. If it is determined that
CONTRACEPTION: is historically a touchy allergies are associated with the convulsions
subject!! For knowledge of contraception and the patient may avoid the foods or chemicals,
abortion herbs midwives were deemed to be rotate foods on a five-day "rotation" diet and

take autoimmune urine therapy; supplements chestnut (Castanea vesca) and comfrey
of value include calcium and magnesium at (Symphytum officinale).
2,000 and 1,000 mg, B-6 at 100 mg b.i.d.,
chromium at 75-100 meg t.i.d. and herbs to "CRABS" (pubic lice): are transmitted prima-
include peony (Paeonia officinalia), catnip rily by sexual contact. The "crab" (Phthims
(Nepeta cataria) andskullcap (Scutellaria pubis) causes a great deal of pubic and anal
lateriflora). Chiropractic and acupuncture can itching; they are relatively large yet difficult to
be of great value here. see. Very close inspection with good light-ing
is required to find these insects. Very fre-

COR PULMONALE: is classically thought of quently dark "specks" of droppings of the lice

as an enlargement of the right ventricle of the can be found in white underwear.

heart as a result of severe and chronic lung
disease asthma, cystic fibrosis,
(i.e., Treatment should include specially formu-
bronchiectasis). There is usually a rapid pulse, latedshampoos containing 1% gamma ben-
palpitations and edema of head, neck and zene hexachloride and direct removal of any
lungs (the latter can be fatal) and sometimes visual "crabs."
there is angina. "Clubbing" of the finger and
toenails and cyanotic (blue from lack of oxy- "CRADLE CAP" (seborrheic dermatitis of
gen) nail beds is frequently seen when the infants): can occur as early as one month of
lung disease is chronic. X-ray will easily diag- age in babies. Cradle cap appears as a greasy
nose this problem. thick crust on the scalp, behind the ears and
Treatment of cor pulmonale includes resolv-
ing the precipitating lung disease and oxygen, Treatment of cradle cap includes shampooing
IV hydrogen peroxide and selenium at 500- regularly to loosen die greasy scale, B-6 at 10-
1,000 meg per day. 25 mg per day and zinc at 15-25 mg per day.
Food allergies can contribute to this problem
COUGHS (catarrh, asthma, chest complaints): - do a pulse test.
are very bothersome and distracting to every-
one around the patient. Coughs can be caused CROHN'S DISEASE (regional enteritis): is a
by minor irritations of the throat including chronic infiltration or invasion of defensive
allergies (i.e., milk), viral infections and chemi- WBCs and "macropohages" (special scaven-
cal irritations. If a fever is present don't rule out ger cells) into the terminal ileum (last portion
milk allergies as milk allergies will cause a rise of small intestine that joins with the colon).
in temperature - use the pulse test!!! Several theories are currently in vogue as to
the cause of Crohn's Disease including infec-
Treatment should include avoidance of any tion withT.B-like organisms (similar tojohne's
allergen or irritant, autoimmune urine therapy Disease in camels!!!); of interest here is the
(if allergic), steam vaporizers at night for sleep, high incidence of Crohn's Disease in Minne-
and herbs to include anise (Pimpinella sota compared with all other areas of the
anismum), English plantain (Plantago United States. A
second and perhaps more
lanceolata), licorice (Glycyrrhizaglabra), mul- realistic cause is a food allergy (i.e., milk), do

(Verbascum densi-florum), thyme (Thy-

lein a pulse test and practice rigorous avoidance
mus vulgaris), onion (Alliumcepa), sweet program of any identified allergens - this will

prevent acute (sudden) attacks and actually A cut artery will "spurt" blood each time the
result in reversal of the Crohn's changes to heart contracts. Small arteries can usually be
normal. Compare this with cortisone and controlled by pressure with a sterile sponge
surgery that the "orthodox" medics would (gauze square), bleeding from a large artery in
have you choose!!! the arm or leg may require a tourniquet to
control until you get professional help.
Treatment of Crohn's Disease includes a high
fiber diet (be sure to do a pulse test to be sure CYSTIC FIBROSIS (mucoviscidosis): is the
not to use the fiber you are allergic to!!), folic "crime" of the century second only to diabetes
acid at 5-10 mg t.i.d., vitamin A at 300,000 IU/ (and that is only because diabetes affects
day as beta carotene, B-12 at 1,000 meg/day millions and CF "only affects thousands each
(best by injection in this disease), vitamin C to year") in that it is preventable, 100% curable in
bowel tolerance if it can be tolerated. Calcium the early stages and can be far better managed
and magnesium at 2,000 and 1 ,000 mg per day in chronic cases than it is currently managed
(don't forget the base line supplement pro- by "orthodox" medicine. Cystic fibrosis is an
gram here), selenium at 300 meg t.i.d., chro- important fatal disease of humans. CF was
mium at 75 meg t.i.d. and zinc at 50 mg t.i.d. originally thought to be limited to white popu-
Autoimmune urine therapy can be veiy use- lations of central European origin: today, CF
ful. has been diagnosed in all peoples of the earth.

CUTS (lacerations): are caused by paper, CF is thought to be genetically transmitted by

glass, metal, knives and tools. Most cuts, ex- the "orthodox" pediatricians, yet "they" have
cept deep facial wounds, can be dealt with at failed to prove their theory despite
home without "stitches" (sutures). Superficial multimillionsofdollarsspent in research. Clas-
and metal can
cuts from kitchen knives, glass sically, the diagnosis is made when any two of
be cleaned with soap and water. The edges of four criteria are present (Table 10-1), yet most
the wound are then brought together with "orthodox" pediatricians will not diagnose CF
butterfly bandages or wound strips (Fig. 10-1). without a positive "sweat test" (elevated level
Actually there will be less scar formation with of sodium, chloride and potassium in the

this method than with sutures. sweat -greater than 65 mEq/L.

Cuts contaminated with dirt (resulting from The "sweat test" has been elevated by dogma
on gravel, concrete, wood or soil) need to
falls to "the diagnostic test" for CF yet there are at
be washed with soap and water to remove least 17 known diseases and syndromes that

gross dirt and debris. The second step for can give a positive sweat test (Table 10-2),
contaminated wounds is to flush well with 3% leading at least one group of investigators to
hydrogen peroxide to "bubble" out the micro- refer to CF as a syndrome rather than a disease.
scopic dirt that harbor micro-organisms. The
wound edges can then be brought together Initially described in 1933, CF was first thought
with butterfly bandages or wound strips, how- to be the result of a vitamin A deficiency in
ever, a drainage site should be provided (Fig. children dying with celiac disease. In 1938,
10-2) to allow free exit to any possible infec- the term "cystic fibrosis" was coined because
tion. Bleeding from cuts can usually bestopped the pathologist mistakenly thought the changes
with pressure bandages unless an artery is cut. in the pancreas were true cysts (fluid filled

spaces lined with normal tissue). It is well acid deficiency that causes a secondary defi-
known today that the "cysts" of CF are, in fact, ciency of "prostaglandin" (very short lived
a dilation of the pancreatic functional unit hormones) that control the sodium, chlorides
(acini) with atrophy (shrinking) of the lining and potassium levels of the sweat!!! Remem-
tissue. In 1952, the fact that congenital CF ber the talk by the distinguished anthropolo-
occurred ina significant number of CF patients gist, Dr. Johnathon Leaky, Sr. who said "the

was established. The foundation of the ge- more facts you have, die better the truth you
netic theory of CF transmission is based on the have."
frequent congenital appearance and two very
poor papers, one published in 1913 which The prevention of CF has been accomplished
claimed that two children with diarrhea had in pet, farm and laboratory animals by the

an "inborn enor in fat metabolism" and one in veterinary profession by assuring adequate
1965 that did an epidemiological study of a levels of selenium and essential fatty acid
group of 232 Australian families with CF — nutriture to the preconception, pregnant and
despite six sets of twins, the study failed to nursing mother. This is not as easy as it sounds
shed clear 1 ight on the proposed genetic theory because of malabsorption problems (i.e., ce-
These papers were so poor they would not get liac diseases and Crohn's Disease) in a per-
past the letter opener at any "orthodox" medi- centage of women!!! All things being normal
cal journal today. We have spent an inordi- a supplementation of 200 meg selenium per
nate amount of time on CF because this syn- day and 5 gm of flaxseed oil t.i.d. would be
drome again demonstrates very clearly that if adequate to prevent CF.
any medical specialty will be eliminated by
discovery, that discovery will never be given Treatment of CF is very basic - treat the infant
to the public by die "orthodox" doctors!!! as early as possible with selenium IM at 10-25
meg per day. Plant derived colloidal minerals
In 1978, the first universally accepted diagno- may be used orally thereafter. Provide 5 gm of
sis of CF in a laboratory animal was made by flaxseed oil orally t.i.d. Most importantly YOU
one of us (Dr. Joel Wallach). The diagnosis MUST DETERMINE IFTHE INFANT IS ALLER-
was based on characteristic CF changes in the GIC TO WHEAT, COWS MILK OR SOY!!! If
pancreas and liver in baby monkeys and were you do not correct the malabsorption prob-

confirmed by CF experts from Johns Hopkins lem, treatment will only be minimally effec-
School of Medicine, Emory University and the tive. In the case of older CF patients, IV

University of Chicago!! Experts from NIH and essential fatty acids and IM selenium provide

the CF Foundation were overjoyed - that is excellent management leading to a normal life

until they learned that one of us (Wallach) expectancy of 75 years!!! Compare this ap-
could reproduce the CF changes with proach to the heart and lung transplant offered
acongenital selenium deficiency in almost any by the "orthodox" pediatricians!!!! If the proper
animal species. With this revelation, Wallach treatment is CF lung
carried out, the "typical

was fired with 24 hours notice and "black- disease" will not develop. The lungs of CF
balled" from research (to show you how ruth- patients are normal at birth and only develop
less they are, Wallach was fired ten days after bronchiectasis after chronic essential fatty acid
his wife died of cancer). and copper deficiencies have taken their toll.
It has been learned recently that the positive Don't forget the base line nutritional supple-
"sweat test" is the result of an essential fatty mentation here!

Wc went to China in 1988 to study Keshan surface cells of the scalp which results in a
Disease, a known selenium deficiency dis- "scaling" or "flaking." This change is caused by

ease of Chinese children. We studied 1,700 one or more nutritional deficiencies. Dan-
autopsies and found 595 cases or 35% had druff may or may not be accompanied by
pancreatic CF (remember CF is supposed to itching.

be "genetic disease of children of middle Eu-

ropean extract" - to justify this finding the Treatment of dandruff includes washing the
proponents of the genetic theory will no doubt hair in vinegar to remove all of the loose
claim that a very virile English missionary scales. Oral supplementation with flaxseed
impregnated 125,000 Chinese girls and, un- oil at5 gm t.i.d., PABA at 100 mg/day, vitamin
fortunately, he was "carrying the gene for CF." E at 800-1,200 IU/day, B-6 at 50 mg t.i.d.,
300,000 IU vitamin A as beta carotene and zinc
CYSTITIS (bladder infection): is a common at 50 mg t.i.d. and colloidal minerals are rec-

urinary bladder infection in women. Low ommended.

immune status, improper hygiene habits fol-

lowing bowel movements, pantyhose that are DEMENTIA (memory loss, as in senile): is
too and frequent sexual activity (the
tight a common symptom yet not a true result of
reason for the tenu - "honeymoon disease") aging. Nutritional deficiencies and alcohol-
are common causes. The symptoms include ism are the common causes of dementia.
frequency, urgency and burning on urination. Symptoms include loss of recent memoiy,
The diagnosis can frequently be made from inability to do simple thinking tasks such as
symptoms alone, however, a urine "dipstick" math or spelling, losing things, forgetting

test will show a positive nitrate test (indicating names, etc. The use of memoiy enhancing
bacterial infection) and will be positive for a dmgs such as hydergine and piracetam will
large number ofWBCs in the specimen; blood provide excellent prevention of dementia
may be present in severe infections (it may when used to augment good nutrition and
also be present during the menstrual period so supplement program. Don't forget the base
if the nitrate is negative and no WBCs are line supplement program and colloidal min-

present, disregard). In older individuals, cys- erals. Avoid metallic aluminum in any form

tic calculi (bladder stones) may be considered, (i.e., deodorants, cookingutensils, etc.). Check

especially in males. patient for food allergies and hypoglycemia

and take appropriate action if either are posi-
Treatment of cystitis consists of acidifying the tive.

urine by consuming one to two quarts of

cranberry juice per day for the first day then Treatment of dementia includes B-l 100 mg

reducing the intake to one quart per day; herbs t.i.d., B-6 at 50 mg t.i.d., B-3 at 450 mg q.i.d.
are very useful and include bearberry (time release), folic acid at 3-5 mg/day, cho-
(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), birch (Betula line at 500-1,000 mg/day, lecithin at 2,500 mg
pendula, B. pubescens), juniper (Junipems b.i.d., vitamin E at 800-1 ,200 IU/day, vitamin C
communis), lovage (Levisticum officinale), tobowel tolerance, copper at 2-3 mg/day,
prickly restharrow (Ononis spinosa) and rup- magnesium at 1,000 mg/clay, zinc at 50 mg
ture wort (Herniaria glabra). t.i.d., hydergine at 9 mg/day, vasopressin
(Diapid) at 12-16 units/day, centrophenoxine
DANDRUFF: is caused by a change in the (Lucidril) at 4.4-8.0 gm/day and Piracetam at

TABLE 10-1 : Four Criteria For The Clinical Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis

1. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency

2. Bronchiectasis

3. Positive Sweat Test

4. Family History of the Disease

TABLE 10-2:
Diseases and Syndromes That Have Reported Positive Sweat Test. (1

3, 9, 68, 69, 72)

1. Adrenal Insufficiency
2. Ectodermal Dysplasia

3. Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus

4. Glucose-6 Phosphate Deficiency
5. Pupillatonia / Autonomic Dysfunction
6. Allergies

7. Calcifying Pancreatitis

8. Anorexia Nervosa

9. Cystic Fibrosis

10. Focal Hepatic Cirrhosis

1 1 Derangement of Prostaglandin Metabolism

12. Hypothyroidism

13. Fucosidosis

15. Malnutrition

16. Kwashiorkor
17. Diabetes

FIG. 10-1: Butterfly Bandages for Clean Wounds.

FIG. 10-2: Butterfly Bandages for Contaminated Wounds.

2.4-4.8 mg/day, and betaine HC1 and pancre- DERMA iniSCatopic, eczema, herpetiformis):
atic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15-20 minutes is a common form of skin disease but, unfor-
before meals. ainately, treated incorrectly by the "orthodox"
dermatologists who typically used cortisone
DEPRESSION (manic depression): is a com- or prednisone creams. Ninety-seven percent
mon problem in the human population of these patients have food allergies to wheat
throughout the world -so common that phar- gluten, almost equal numbers are sensitive to
maceutical companies specialize solely in cow's milk - the scary thing is what you see on
antidepressant drugs. It should be no sur- the skin is also happening in the lining of your
prise, however, that very few of the suppos- small intestine -the lesions on your skin are a
edly "expert" psychiatrists ever consider cosmetic problem - the lesions on your intes-
hypoglycemia and food allergies when they tine area a serious life-threatening absorption
do an intake history on a patient who com- problem which, in the end, will deplete your
plains of depression. Before you run off and immune system of essential nutrients and re-
spend $75-$ 1 50 per session with a "shrink," do sult in a variety of serious illnesses (i.e., diabe-
a "pulse test" and a six-hour GTT on yourself tes, cancer, arthritis, birth defects, etc.).

(if you're really depressed, you will have to get

a family member to help you am these tests to Atopic dermatitis is characterized by patchy
completion. Look for "allergic shiners at the areas of crusty, weeping lesions frequently
peak of depression. Spontaneous crying, located on the lips, ears, neck, hands and
thoughts of suicide and hopelessness are com- joints. Atopic dermatitis is veiy frequently
mon; depression may be cyclic as in PMS associa-ted with asthma — both together in the
(premenstrual syndrome). Food allergies, same patient is referred to as "atopy" or an
hypoglycemia and PMS account for 90% of "atopic patient."
the diagnosed "depression" today. Avoid caf-
feine. Eczema is essentially the same lesion as atopic
dermatitis but less localized.
Treatment of depression should include deal-
ing with the food allergies (i.e., avoidance, Herpetiformis type dermatitis is characterized
rotation, autoimmune urine/blood therapies) by clusters of itchy blisters that look like a
and hypoglycemia (i.e., hypoglycemia diet Herpes eniption.
and chromium/vanadium supplementation
at 50-200 meg t.i.d.; base line Hair loss, or alopecia, is a commonly asso-
supplementprogram, iron at 45 mg/day, B-6, ciated problem with any of the above
B-2, B-l at 50 mg t.i.d., B-l 2 at 1,000 meg/day, dermatitis and a concurrent essential fatty
vitaminC to bowel tolerance, calcium and acid deficiency.
magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg/day,
potassium at 250 mg q.i.d. essential fatty acids
, Treatment of all three of the above manifesta-
at 5 gm t.i.d. and dl-phenylalanine, 1-trypto- tions of dermatitis should include a gluten free

phane and 1-tyrosine at 2 gm t.i.d. each. Plant and cow's milk free diet. It is also pmdent to
derived colloidal minerals with lithium can be do a "pulse test" on frequently consumed
useful. foods to determine if they are also affecting
you. The supplementation of essential fatty
acids are 5 gm q. i. d. ,PABA at 200 mg q.i.d. and

betaine HC1 and digestive enzymes at 75-200 hours. The urine should be tested for sugar
mg each t.i.d. before meals should be added with the "dipstick" test every time the blood is

on top of the base line supplement program. tested for sugar. A positive diabetic will al-
Have patience, it will take 60-90 days to heal ways include a positive urine sugar during the
the intestinal lesions to the point where you six-hour GTT. A morning fasting urine sugar
can absorb nutrients efficiently. Vitamin A at test is useless for the initial diagnosis of diabe-
300,000 IU/day as beta carotene and zinc at 50 tes. Blood of the diabetic is also typical in that
mg t.i.d. and colloidal minerals. the lipids and cholesterol are elevated as well
as the sugar.
DIABETES: is the number one shame of the
"orthodox" doctors in the 20th century. Diabe- Treatment of diabetes should include chro-
tes is easy to prevent, easy to cure and treat so mium and Vanadium at 25 meg/day in the
you can avoid all of the tenible side effects initial stages to prevent "insulin shock" (sud-
(i.e., blindness, hypertension, amputations, den dropping of blood sugar because of a
early death, etc.). Since 1958, it has been relative insulin overdose). Keep checking
known that supplemental chromium will pre- urine blood sugar before and after meals, as

vent and treat diabetes as well as hypoglycemia the blood sugar level drops and you can
-just ask any health food store owner or N.D.!! reduce your insulin one or two units per day,
The facts associated with chromium and dia- go up to 25 meg b.i.d., then t.i.d. then go to 50 ;

betes were published in the Federation Pro- meg b.i.d. etc. You will also need to deal with

ceeding by Walter Mertz (the director of the food allergies that cause celiac-type intestinal

U.S.D.A. field services). Here is the ultimate lesions wheat gluten, cow's milk, soya,

case of a whole specialty of medicine being etc.) and supplement with betaine HC1 and

wiped out by universal chromium supple- digestive enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before
mentation but kept secret and away from the meals. Have patience - the intestinal lesions
public for economic reasons!!!! Additionally take 60-90 days to heal.
the University ofVancouver, BC, Canada stated
that " Vanadium will replace insulin for adult Treatment of diabetes should also include
onset diabetics" !! zinc at 50 B-complex at 50 mg t.i.d.
mg t.i.d.,
(be sure to include niacin which is part of the
Chromium/vanadium and the diabetes story GTF "glucose tolerance factor"), essential fatty
should be on the front page of the newspaper acids at 5 gm t.i.d., B-12 at 1,000 meg/day,
in the same bold print as VE DAY instead of bioflavonoids includingquercetin at 150 mg/
any type of artificial heart pump that will save day, copper at 2-3 mg/day, lecithin at 2,500 mg
one life for $250,000!!!! and glutathione at 100 mg/day.

High fiber, no processed carbohydrates and

The diagnosis of diabetes is very easy and it avoid meat in the beginning stages of the
should be considered in any disease where therapy -the reason is that every time you eat
there is a chronic weight loss or weight gain. processed carbohydrate (i.e., sugar, honey,
Frequent urination and chronic thirst are warn- alcohol,mashed potatoes, etc.) you will loose
ing signs that should be explored. A six-hour 300% more chromium in your urine than
GTT will show a steep rise of blood glucose at when you consume complex cartohydrates!
30-60 minutes to over 275 mg % and may keep Herbs are useful in treating diabetes and may
rising to over 350 and stay elevated after 4-6 include licorice (Glycynhiza glabra), jabo-

randi (Pilocarpus jaborandi), yarrow (Achillea DIETING (weight loss): is a common prac-
Millefolium), Canadian fleabane (Erigeron tice in the western world because "thin is in."

canadense) and Jerusalem artichoke. There are some basic habits that will help the
weight loss effort and help keep the weight
DIAPER RASH: is all too frequent in babies off:

and toddlers, not only because of infrequent

changes but also because of food allergies 1) First, avoid caffeine as it causes a drop in
(i.e. wheat, cow's milk, soya,corn, etc.). Do a
, blood sugar 30-90 minutes after consumption
pulse test on babies as you introduce them to and thus creates "hunger pangs."
new foods (be sure to test the old ones, too),

use avoidance or rotation diet systems, B-6 at 2) Drink eight (8) glasses of water each day as
5-25 mgt.i.d.,zincat5-15mgb.i.d. and vitamin many trips to the box are caused by thirst

E oil and/or aloe vera topically. Plant derived rather than hunger and a restricted diet doesn't
colloidal minerals are fantastic for diabetics !! decrease your need for water but does reduce
your water intake from food.
DIARRHEA (dysentery): can be caused by
simply eating too much of a good thing (i.e., 3) Diagnose any health problems you may
fruit, juices, etc.), food allergies (i.e., celiac have such as addictive food allergies (pulse
disease, strawberries, fish, etc.), soap inges- test),hypoglycemia (six-hour GTT) or
tion from improperly rinsed dishes or can hypothyroidism (basal body temperature) that
indicate a more serious problem such as para- might contribute to a weight problem.
sites, food poisoning or even cancer. Knowl-

edge of your own body and how it reacts is 4) Don't skip meals - eat a breakfast like a
important here as you will have to sort things Queen (or King), lunch like a princess (or
out - did you go to an apple farm yesterday prince) and dinner like a pauper. Stay on a
and eat a peck of apples? Have you had meal schedule; if you are going out to eat,

diarrhea since your trip to Mexico? What medi- don't skip a meal but rather have one of those
cations are you on? Have you been losing high fiber/low cal drinks or food bars to
weight and have diarrhea off and on for six assure a limited calorie intake -then enjoy
months? Ifyou may consider "irri-
the latter, your dinner date!!! Remember, in the long run
table bowel syndrome" or the more serious it's the basic habits that will help you lose

cancer - at any rate you should consider a weight and keep it off.

"lower GI" or a colonoscopic exam.

5) Exercise, if done in moderation and on a
Treatment for simple diarrhea can include schedule, will help you loose weight and not
commercial products such as Pepto Bismol or make you overly hungry for a snack - eat a

Kaopectate, charcoal capsules, fiber, andherbs piece of fruit or have some nuts after exercise;
including American blackberry (Rubus don't wait three hours until your next meal to
villosus), barley (Hordeum distichon), clove eat or drink. The plant derived colloidal

root (Geumur-banum), whortleberry minerals are excellent after event refreshers.

(Vaccinium myrtillus), black currant (Ribes

nigrum), hounds tongue (Cynoglossum 6) Before meal fibers (i.e., oat bram diet tabs)
officinale), Lady's mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) taken with eight oz.s of water 30 minutes
and tormentil blood root (Potentilla erecta). before meals will help curb appetite.

7) Don't forget the base line supple-ments - eight glasses of water per day and regular
remember restricted diets restrict nutrients. exercise.
Plant derived colloidal minerals are fantastic
here!! DOUCHE: is a useful feminine hygiene prac-
tice, especially if one has a history of dis-
8) Essential fatty acids in the form of flaxseed charges or infection. Retention douches are
oil at 5 gm t.i.d. will help regulate and normal- particularly effective — this is accomplished
ize fat metabolism. best in a bathtub with the feet up on the sides
to aid in retaining the fluid for 10-15 minutes.
9) Thyroid will help if your basal body tem- Use 4-8 oz. of diluted vinegar (4 oz/pint of
perature low (below 98.7 F). Too much will
is warm distilled water, 1 1/2% hydrogen perox-
cause increase in basal pulse rate and make ide (4-8 oz.), bayberry myrtle (Myrica cerifera)
you speedy and unable to sleep— start out with (one oz. powdered bark to one pint water -
3 gr. and cut back or add to as needed. warm to body temperature), and numerous
commercial products. Plain unsweetened yo-
10) If you do all of the above, you will be slim, gurt or Superdolph capsules emptied into
slim, slim!!! warm water (10-20 per 4 oz.) maybe used to
replant Lactobacillus acidophilus to normal-
DIURETIC: broom-corn (Sorghum vulgare) ize flora after vaginitis and/or antibiotic therapy.

DIURETIC & LAXATIVE: asparagus (Aspara- DROPSY (water belly, abdominal edema):
gus officinalis) is a common occurrence in chronic kidney,
liver or heart disease and cancer. Low protein
DnjRETIC & CATHARTIC: broom (Cystisus diets will also result in "dropsy." "Dropsy" is

scoparius) fluid accumulating in the belly cavity because

the protein content of theblood is so low that

DIVERTICULrnS: is an inflammation of the fluid can'tbe held in the blood vessels (an
small pea sized sacs in the outerwall of the osmotic gradient); poor circulation becauseof
colon. This inflammation is the result of a low liver or heart disease is also a common cause.
fiber diet over a long period of time which
allows tiny concretions to build up to a size Treatment of dropsy should include an im-
that does not allow them to exit into the colon. provement of the protein level of the blood, IV
These concretions irritate the colon wall to the amino acids and the basic health of the liver,
point of causing painful spasm. Prevention kidneys and heart and diuresis. Herbs are
includes high fiber diet (i.e., oat bran, 4-6 cups particularly useful and may include foxglove
of vegetables per day, etc.). Certain foods, (Digitalis purpurea) - BE CAREFUL HERE;
including corn, peanuts and raw carrots can THIS PLANTIS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS,
result in severe spasms. Rarely is blood de- lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria magalis), English
tected in the stool with uncomplicated hawthome (Crataegusoxycanthus), Canadian
diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is easily diagnosed fleabane (Erigeron canadense), kidney bean
with a lower GI series. (Phaseolus vulgaris), Scotch broom (Cystisus
scoparius), parsley (Petroselinum crispum),
Treatment of diverticulitis includes colonics prickly restharrow (Ononis Spinosa) and nettle
two to three times per week, high fiber diet, (Urtica urens).

DRY SKIN: is a common malady in the west- cramping, urgency and exhaustion from loss
em world; in itself, is a cosmetic problem;
it, of electrolytes. Causes of dysentery range
however, it is a signal of a potentially more widely from "too rich" a diet (usually too much
serious problem - essential fatty acid defi- party - such as wine, lobster, creamy desserts,
ciency that can result in cardiovascular disease etc.), improperly stored food that results in
(i.e., stroke, heart attack, etc.). Superficial bacterial overgrowth, food poisoning, food
creams will temporarily deal with the superfi- allergies (i.e., celiac disease), etc. Prevention
cial problem but the more ominous results of of dysentery requires attention to details of
the bodies deficiency of essential fatty acids food storage, hygiene, self-discipline, and
can be sudden and deadly!!! DSM/EFA or "dry preparation.
skin means essential fatty acids"!!! If you are
supplementing with more than 50,000-100,000 If you have a busy schedule that can't be
units of vitamin A, dry skin may signal the early altered, you will have to resort to commercial
stages of vitamin A overdose. products such as Pepto-Bismol or Kaopectate
(fortunately, they have tablets that you can
Treatment of diy skin includes flaxseed oil quietly carry with you on your enands). Weak
orally at 5 gm t.i.d., B-6 at 50 mg t.i.d., zinc at black tea, rice water, lime water, chicken
50 mg t.i.d. vitamin E at 800-1 ,200 IU/day and
, broth or bouillon to replace electrolytes (an-
if you are not supplementing vitamin A in other good source are the athletic "thirst

excess, use vitamin A at 300,000 units/day as quenchers." Herbs such as Irish moss
beta carotene. (Chondrus crispus) and common ivy (Hedera
helix) are of great benefit in quieting the run
DUMPING SYNDROME: is the sudden away colon!!!
"dumping" of stomach contents into the small
intestine all at once, thus overloading the DYSLEXIA (learning disorder, hyper-ac-
natural intestinal buffer system. The resulting tivity): is a complex syndrome rather than a
acid conditions in the intestine prevents proper specific disease. To be sure, there are some
functioning of pancreatic enzymes which re- dyslexic children who have true organic or
quire an alkaline environment. Dumping biochemical brain injury who will require

syndrome is a common side effect of stomach intense "special" education and training pro-
surgery. Anemia and osteoporosis are com- grams; however, it is a sad testimony to Ameri-
mon secondary diseases of the dumping syn- can "orthodox" medicine that as many as 80%
drome. of these "dyslexic" kids are really suffering
from food allergies and/or sugar sensitivity

Treatment of the dumping syndrome should (where sugar acts as a drug and produces a
include any of the classic "bitters" (i.e., gen- "pharmacological effect" just like "speed").

tian, Gentiana lutea), folic acid at 3-5 mg/day, These food sensitivities create learning dis-
pectin at 1/2 oz. in water before meals, high abilities that "mimic" organic disease and too
animal protein diets, andyou should lay down many salvageable kids are put on drugs (i.e.,
for a half hour after meals. Don't forget the shunted off into "special" education

base line supplements here!!! programs or worse yet, given up on as "lost" by

frightened, frustrated families. Food allergies
DYSENTERY (diarrhea): is characterized and sensitivities should be seriously investi-

by a watery projectile dianhea that creates gated and dealt with (i.e., pulse test, elimina-

tion diets and diet diaries) if these children are mercial products that will dampen the pain
to have a fair shot at a normal life. but not deal with the basic problem - an
abnormal prostaglandin metabolism.
I speak with a great deal of experience with
this problem as my youngest son was deemed Treatment includes B-3 and B-6 at 50-100 mg
to be a "learning disabled" child (zero brain t.i.d., calcium and magnesium at 2,000 and
waves would be a better description -at age six 1,000 mg/day, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day,
he couldn't print his first name or count to ten). essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d. Don't forget
To make a long story short, he was cured in the base line nutritional supplements and
two weeks by eliminating sugar, milk, wheat avoid caffeine. Herbs such as blue cohosh
and corn from his diet. His teachers were (Caulophyllum thalictroides) and black co-
convinced that I had exchanged him with his hosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) are the ideal natu-
"normal" twin - they couldn't believe such a ral approach to pain of dysmenorrhea.

turn around with just a dietary program!!! To

condemn a "dyslexia" child without investi- DYSPEPSIA (poor digestion, indigestion):
gating food allergies and sensitivities is equal is characterized by "belching, bloating, burp-
an innocent man "guilty" of murder
to finding ing" and "acid stomach." Dyspepsia is prob-
and sentenced to life in prison - what a waste ably the most common "disease" in the west-
and what a tragedy!!! ern world and is certainly the most costly from
theamount of money spent on "relief." Even
Treatment and prevention are closely inter- more costly is the secondary results of chronic
twined. Digestive enzymes and betaine HCl dyspepsia (i.e., food allergies, osteoporosis,

are essential to prevent progression of the anemia, debilitated immune system, degenera-
problem as well as aid in onset of symptoms. tive disease!!!!). Prevention includes reduced
The "Feingold Diet" is a good place to start, stress levels, exercise, healthful diet habits and
however, it, in itself, is not a "shield" to be reasonable food volumes. An unforgiving
totally relied upon. There are many foods and event as we age is a decrease in stomach acid
food additives not excluded by the Feingold production, the main cause of dyspepsia in
program that will set off some kids like sky seniors, prevention in this case includes the
rockets (we had one dyslexic child patient that regular use of digestive aids.
did everything the Feingold Diet required
except eliminate honey - we found him on top Treatment of dyspepsia includes supplemen-
of a 40 foot dome!). Rotation diets, allergy tation of 75-200 mg betaine HCl and pancre-
elimination diets and autoimmune urine atic enzymes t.i.d. 15-30 minutes before each
therapy should be aggressively pursued - the meal (the "acid" is not acid enough and is

rewards are beyond your wildest expecta- burped up with bacterially generated gas),
tions. "antacids" are a good "temporary an fix" in

emergency (regular use will eventually dam-

DYSMENORRHEA (menstrual pain): is a age you), herbal preventions and remedies
common event in western women, so com- include papaya (Carica papaya), common
mon that is frequently considered part of
it barberry (Berberis vulgaris) and bitters such
PMS. Sometimes the discomfort of as gentian (Gentiana lutea). In some cases, a
dysmenorrhea is intense enough to be debili- glass of wine or several oz. of vinegar before
tating. There are a number of excellent com- meals will be helpful.

EARACHE (ear infections): tonsillitis, ered immune status and chronic degenerative
sinusitis and bronchitis are related in cause, diseases.
prevention and cure. Allergies to cow's milk
is the most frequent common denominator, so Treatment includes avoidance of offending
well does it mimic strep throat (including pain foods,autoimmune urine therapy, betaine
and fever) that most "orthodox" doctors will HCl and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg
prescribe penicillin syrup for affected children t.i.d. before meals each day, folic acid at 3-5
over the phone!!! The "orthodox" EENT will mg/day, essential fatty acids at 5 mg t.i.d.,

want to surgically place "tubes" in the ears of vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene,
infants and toddlers to treat "chronic earaches. zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., vitamin C at bowel toler-
Simple avoidance of cow's milk and cow's ance and vitamin E at 800-1200 IU/day;
milk products willprevent chronic "earaches" topicalherbs include aloe vera (Aloe spp.),
and tonsillitis. wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca), araroba
(andira araroba) and Labrador tea (Ledum
Treatment of milk allergy "earaches" and ton- latifolium), comfrey (Symphytum officinale),
sillitis includes avoidance of milk and milk English walnut (Juglans regia), European sna-
products, avoidance of sugar, treat fever and keroot (Aristolochia clematitis), flaxseed or
discomfort with demulcents and antipyretics linseed oil (Linum usitatisimum), German cha-
(i.e., willow, Salix alba), hydrogen peroxide momile (Matricaria chamomilla), great bur-
eardrops and/or mullein oil drops (Verbascum dock (Arctium lappa), high mallow (Malvia
thapsus). Treat as with any allergy including sylvestris), hounds tongue (Cynoglossum

autoimmune urine therapy. True strep throat officinale), marigold (Calendula officinalis),

requires the use of penicillin. oak (Quercus robur) and pansy (Viola tri-
color); Dermese orally, IM or topically gives
ECCHYMOSIS (easy bruising): is very com- great results.
mon, especially in women and children on
low fiber, low fruit and low vegetable diets EJACULATION (premature): is a common
(i.e., fast foods, lots of coffee, tea and soft problem in today's busy world. Premature
drinks). ejaculation is usually equated as "poor perfor-
mance" on the part of the male, however, can
Treatment includes alfalfa tablets at 4-6 b.i.d., easily be prevented and cured if both the "guy"
vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin K at 15 and "doll" understand the basic cause. Again
mg/day, vitamin E at 800-1 ,200 IU/day and 4- "orthodox" sexologist would have you be-
6 cups of green vegetables each day. lieve that there is a "mental block" or some
"deep seated guilt trip" that you have to deal
ECZEMA (atopic dermatitis, psoriasis): is with - anything to keep you coming again
a dry patchy scale on localized skin areas (i.e., (pardon the pun). The true basics of prema-
ears, nose, joints, breasts, etc.). Eczema is ture ejaculation (it happens to all men given
usually the result of food allergies, especially the classic circumstances) include a mental
cow's milk, wheat and soy. Do pulse tests and state of high expectation, infrequency of sex
elimination diets to determine the culprits. and too much friction. The "orthodox" ap-
This is not only a cosmetic problem as the proach to therapy is to "think of draining your
same damage is occumng in the intestinal car's oil" so you're not thinking of sex (how
lining which can lead to malabsorption, low- absurd can you get) how can you participate

in the sex act and not be aware of sex - who as well as apply some to the vaginal opening.
would want to?? Slowly insert the penis into the vagina and just
"letitsoak." Afterawhile, the "doll" relaxes and
Treatmentand prevention of premature ejacu- the "guy" can move around a little without
lation are interrelated. The most important premature ejaculation. This is one process
part of the treatment is to be very open about that there are no short cuts for (who would
you and your "doll's" body (have you ever want any??!!). Herbs, ginseng (Panax spp.)
wondered why hippie gurus were so good at and herb combinations(Zumba) are excellent
sex?). Spend a lot of time together naked, take tonifying agents for increasing the "guy's" po-
showers together, read in bed together naked tency.
on top of thecovers, have sex in any room (ob-
viously you have to make sure the kids are ELECTRIC SHOCK: can be even with

somewhere else), give each other massages the 110 electric outlets in the home. Toddlers
(both naked) until the sight of each other's sticking bobby pins or keys into the outlet can
naked body is no big deal. have a fatal shock, radios or appliances falling
into the bathtub can be fatal to adults as can
Step number two is to have frequent sex; this electrical repairs without turning off the break-

definitely requires effort by both the "guy" and by disrupting the electrical
ers. Electricity kills

the "doll." Frequent sex means two to three signals of the heart's regulating mechanism
times per night three to four nights per week. which causes the heart to "fibrillate" (quiver
This is easier than it sounds when both are rather than beat normally) and the breathing
cooperating. The "doll" can't expect the "guy" muscles to become paralyzed.
to give a marathon performance once each
week when she's in a high demand state but Treatment of electric shock includes shutting
has been fending the "guy" off all week be- off the source of electricity or breaking the
cause she is into shopping with the girls or electrical contact with the patient and reestab-
taking the kids to ballet, aerobics, movies and lishing the basic functions of life with CPR
grandma's. For the "guy's" part, he can't expect (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) and oxygen.
the "doll" to be receptive regularly if he isn't HAVE SOMEONE CALL 911 FOR EMER-
"romantic" (i.e., kindness, flowers, dancing, GENCY HELP!!
gifts, compliments, wine, perfume, shower,
shave, after-shave you know, just like when
- EMESIS (vomiting): is a distressing event
you were courting) - the "wham, bam, thank that may indicate overeating, cancer, exces-
you, mame" just isn't attractive to the "dolls." sive alcohol consumption, poisoning, food
poisoning, food allergies, infection (i.e., flu,

The third aspect of preventing and curing EBV, Candida, etc.). In infants, vomiting with
premature ejaculation is lubrication. The "guy" lethargy (unresponsive) and fever can be an
must make sure that the "doll" is properly ominous signal indicating meningitis. You
lubricated. This can be accomplished in many may wish to cause vomiting when a child (or
ways, including the "dolls" natural lubrication adult, for that matter) consumes a noncorro-
that results from emotional excitement and sive poison (i.e., rat poisons, toxic plants,
sexual stimulation. If the "doll" is a slow household chemicals, etc.). "Coffee grounds"
responder, the "guy" can liberally cover his vomiting indicates large amounts of blood
penis with a water soluble gel (i.e., K-Y Jelly) from a bleeding ulcer and/or stomach cancer

and is a critical sign as death from uncontrolled Treatment of enuresis includes eliminating
bleeding can occur — seek emergency help the offending foods for food allergies, elimi-
here. Early pregnancy often times will be nating sugar (including sweet juices, i.e., grape
heralded by nausea and vomiting ("morning and apple) from bedtime treats, digestive aids
sickness"). (i.e., betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes) at

75-200 mg t.i.d. 15-20 minutes before meals,

Treatment of vomiting can be simply to not eat calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and
for several hours, suck ice, drink small amounts 1,000 mg; don't forget the base line supple-

of peppermint tea, drink small amounts of ment program and colloidal minerals.
chicken or beef bouillon. Drinking small
volumes of athletic fluid/electrolyte replacers EPILEPSY (fits, convulsions): is classically

is of value. If stomach initation is severe don't categorized by severity: 1) "petite mal," or

be bashful about taking Pepto Bismol or small seizure, is often times a blank stare or
Kaopectate —preferably the liquid to coat the dizziness that comes over the patient for but a
stomach. brief moment; 2) "grand mal," or large sei-
zures, are spectacular convulsive attacks where
To cause vomiting in case of nonconosive the patient becomes stiff, falls over and begins
poisoning including dmg ingestion, you can to gnash his teeth and "flop" or "jerk" around
use the ipecac syrup from your home "phar- the floor. The "grand mal" seizure can be fatal
macy" at 1 tbsp. for children and 2 tbsp. for if the patient vomits and inhales the vomitus or

adults;have the patient take in a large amount hits his head; tongue biting commonly occurs.
of water (one quart for an adult and as much
as one pint for a child); repeat the dose in 15 Treatment of epilepsy by the "orthodox" doc-
minutes if necessary. tor will include the use of phenytoin at 5-10
mg/kg in children and 300-500 mg in adults,
ENURESIS (bedwetting): in children is an- phenobarbital at 5-10 mg/kg in children and
other one of those outrageous syndromes 2-5mg/kg in adults, and premidone at 10-20
botched by the "orthodox" pediatrician or, mg/kg in children and 0.75-1.5 gm in adults

worse yet, the psychiatrist!! The "orthodox" (may need to increase slowly) These allopathic

view of enuresis is that it is "genetic," associ- drugs will stop symptomatic convulsions,
ated with "passive-aggressive" behavior, "de- however, they do have dramatic and poten-
pendency," "sleepwalk-ing," "antisocial" be- tially dangerous side effects (i.e. uncontrolled

havior, and "speech disorders." Enuresis is, in eye movements, weakness and stumbling,
fact, the result of food allergies (i.e., sugar, arthritis and osteoporosis, skin rashes and/or

milk, etc.) and/or severe reactive dermatitis, anemia, learning disabilities and
hypoglycemia; calcium/ magnesium deficien- hyperactivity. Vitamin B-6 alone will fre-

cies complicate the food allergies and quently "cure" epilepsy at 50-100 mg t.i.d.

hypoglycemia. All the behavioral symptoms (long term administration can cause some
associated with enuresis are pretty typical of numb-ness and tingling in the face or hands),

which again is caused by the

"hyperactivity" calcium magnesium at mg/
2,000 and 1,000
food allergies and/or the hypoglycemia. day, folic acid at 15-25 mg/day and B-12 at
Employ the pulse test and a six-hour GTT to 1,000 meg/day IM can also be curative, man-
get a complete picture of the cause. ganese at 50 mg/day, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d.,

essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., choline at 4

gm/day, taurine at 500 mg t.i.d. anddimethyl FARTING (bowel gas): is usuallycaused by
glycine at 100 mg b.i.d. digested but poorly absorbed food reaching
the colon and being fermented by bowel
EXOPHTHALMOS (bug eyes): is a promi- organisms. Some foods such as beans, garlic
nent protrusion of the eyes from any of several and onions are legendary in the produc-tion
causes including hyperthyroidism, tumor (es- of bowel gas. Food allergies can cause celiac
pecially if only one eye is affected) or glau- disease type changes in the small intestine
coma. which results in malabsorption.

Treatment is specifically related to the cause. Treatment for pathological amounts of un-
Blood test for thyroid function, glaucoma exam pleasant bowel gas includes the avoidance of
and consideration of brain tumor (orbital or offending foods, betaine HC1 and pancreatic
eye) is indicated. enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15-20 minutes
before meals and autoimmune urine therapy
EYE REDNESS (sties, pink eye): can be where food allergies have caused celiac dis-
caused by dust, pollen allergies, bright sun- ease type changes in the small intestine.
shine, overwork, irritants (i.e. cigarette smoke),

staying up late, infection, foreign body, etc.). FATIGUE (chronic fatigue syndrome,
Candidiasis, Epstein-Ban Virus, cytomegalo-
Treatment of the eyes should be taken seri- virus, human herpes 6 virus, human B
ously. Infectioncan be treated with ophthal- lymphotrophic virus, food allergies,
mic ointments with either boric acid or hypoglycemia, diabetes, anemia, malnutri-
neomycin from your home "pharmacy," com- tion): is the disease of the 80s. SEE SPECIFIC
mercial eye drops such as Visine work veiy DISEASE DESCRIPTION.
well for simple irritation, pulling the upper
eyelid outward and over the lower lid will Treatment should be specific as described in
cause enough tear flow to wash out small appropriate section; in addition, herbs may be
foreign bodies such as eyelashes and dust, of value including American ginseng (Panax
herbs can be used for eye washes including quinquefolius), (Lavandula
eyebright (Euphrasia rostkoviana), fennel augustifolia), rosemary (Rosmarinus
(Foeniculum vulgare), German chamomile officinalis), sweet flag (Acorns calamus) and

(Matricaria chamomilla), oak (Quercusrobur), pasque flower (Anemone pulsatilla).

pasque flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris) and corn-

flower (Centaurea cyanus). FERTILLTY (problems): that are not related
to physical blockage of egg or sperm transport
FAILURE TO THRIVE: is a term used to systems are usually the result of some form of
describe an infant that falls below expected malnutrition, either overt (i.e., diet fads) or
growth rates. Celiac disease and/or other food secondary to food allergies and/or malab-
allergies and cystic fibrosis should be consid- sorption. One also must be sure that the
ered as the most common cause. Plant derived woman is cycling and ovulating properly (i.e.
colloidal minerals are of great value here as slim women with less than 20% body fat do not
most of these children are severely depleted in ovulate regularly). Infertility usuallymeans
trace minerals and rare earths. that the condition can be reversed whereas
sterility usually means permanent

nonreversible conditions. Do hair analysis course of action.
and pulse test.

Treatment of fibrocystic breast disease in-

Treatment of this form of infertility includes cludes avoiding methyl xanthines (i.e., caf-
the base line nutritional supplement, pay spe- feine, coffee, black tea, ice tea, carbonated soft
cial attention to selenium deficiency in male drinks with caffeine, chocolate, sugar, etc.),

infertility, betaine HC1 and pancreatic en2ymes vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, vitamin A at

at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, correc-tion of 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene, essential
quality protein intake to a minimum of 80 gm/ fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d. , iodine at 200 meg/day,
day (the RDA is only 40 gm/day) and essential selenium at 500 meg/day.
fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d.
FINGERNAILS (white spots, ridges,
FEVER: or elevated temperature (nonnal is brittle): are good barometers of absorption
98.6 F) is part of the bodies defense mecha- and nutritional status. Bluish fingernails indi-
nism; many enzymes, antibodies and cell cate chronic lung conditions (i.e., not enough
(WBCs) responses are more efficient in slightly oxygen), white spots indicate zinc deficiency,
elevated temperatures. Elevated temperature ridges can indicate iron and/or calcium defi-
during the day is not bad per se but should be ciency and brittle nails indicates sulfur amino
reduced at night to allow comfortable sleep. acid deficiencies. Don't forget the base line
Infants with high fevers of 104 F or above may nutritional supplements.
have convulsions which must be reduced
quickly by immersion in tepid water. Treatment of fingernail problems should in-

clude gelatin (diabetic Jello, or Knox gelatin)

Treatment of fever can include a number of - this is especially important for those who
commercial products including aspirin, tylenol have been vegetarians any length of time,
Nuprin, etc., ice packs on the forehead, mn- essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d. and betaine

ning cool water over the wrists, cool baths and HCl and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg
herbs to include feverfew (Chrysanthemum t.i.d. before meals.
parthenium), meadow-sweet (Filipendula
ulmaria), sea buckthorn (Hippophae FITS (see epilepsy): can be caused by a
rhamnoides), European holly (Ilex variety of problems including epilepsy, high
aquifolium), white willow (Salix alba), fever in children and certain poisons. See
mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) and cinchona epilepsy. You may wish to call your local
bark (Cinchona succimbra). Obviously, all of poison center "hotline" for poisoning - keep
the above are symptomatic treatments; the the telephone number taped on your tele-

basic disease process (i.e., cold, flu, pneumo- phone, especially if you have small children.

nia, cancer, etc.) must also be dealt with forth- In addition to the medica-tions indicated for
rightly. epilepsy, you may consider mullein tea
(Verbascum thapsus).
metically unpleasant and often painfulduring FLATULENCE (bowel gas, colic, farting):

peak estrogen production. Cyst may vary in is a signal that unabsorbed foods, especially
size from pea size to grapes and occasionally proteins, are reaching the colon where they

larger. Prevention and treatment are the same are fermented by colon organisms. Do the

pulse test to see if any allergies are present that cus) such as echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia)
might cause celiac changes in the small intes- or golden seal (Hydrastis canadensis); indi-
tine. viduals with low immune status or severe
respiratory disease may choose to take antibi-
Treatment of flatulence includes digestive otics rather than a vaccine. Fluids (i.e., juices,

enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15-20 minutes chicken/rice soup, vegetable soup, etc.) are
before meals, avoidance and/or rotation of essential to prevent dehydration and replace
offending food allergens, autoimmune urine electrolytes lost through diarrhea orvomiting.
therapy and herbs including angelica (An- Vitamin C to bowel tolerance (if you already
gelica archangelica), anise (Pimpinella have diarrhea, take 1,000 mg time release
anisum), caraway (Canimcarvi), dill (Anethum tablets hourly during your waking day), vita-
graveolens), fennel (Foeniculumvulgare)and min A at 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene,
pepper (Piper nigrum). bioflavonoids at 150-300 mg/day, zinc at 50
mg t.i.d., ACE (adrenal cortical extract sublin-
FLU (influenza, grip): is a potentially fatal gual or rV), herbs including wormwood (Arte-
viral disease; infants and elder citizens are misia absinthium), cinchona bark (Cinchona
susceptible to the most serious effects if they succirubra), eucalyptus (Eucalyptusglobulus),
are poorly nourished, immune comprised or hemp acrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum)
have a serious respiratory ailment (i.e., em- meadowsweet(Filipendulaulmaria), sea buck-
physema, asthma, pneumonia, CF, etc.). Flu thorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), European
is characterized by prostration, fever, holly (Ilex aquifolium), dog rose (Rosa canina),
diarrhea, bronchitis, coughing, headache, white willow (Salix alba), European elder
pneumonia, muscle aches, joint aches and (Sambucus nigra), broad-leafed lime (Tilia
cold and shaky but sweating). Flu
chills (feel platyphllos) and bearded usnea (Usnea
typically occurs as a winter epidemic; vaccina- barbata).
tion is very questionable for several reasons:
1 ) there are numerous strains and serotypes of FOOD ALLERGIES (sensitivities): are a con-
flu virus (perhaps thousands!) so a vaccine for cern for everyone. The reason is that the celiac
one strain or serotype is a "crap shoot" at best disease type changes they cause in your intes-
- usually you will come up "snake eyes" and tines will prevent the absorption of essential
get vaccinated for die wrong strain; 2) carte nutrients that are required to keep your im-
blanche vaccination has been identified as the mune system, as well as your various organs,
probable vehicle for a variety of human epi- in tip top workingorder. Many of the maladies
demics including the first wave of AIDS!!; 3) caused by food allergies are not a direct cause
damage to the brain and nervous system. but rather an indirect cause by cutting off the
Treatment for the flu includes antiviral agents flow of essential raw materials necessary for
such as Ribavirin at 1-2 tablets q.i.d. and/or your body to repair itself. A list of symptoms

Isoprinosin at 1 capsule b.i.d.; Fluviatol is of food allergies would perhaps fill ten pages
another good choice at 2 tablets q.i.d. (preg- of this book - suffice it to be said that if you
nant women should avoid these products have any chronic disease (i.e., cancer, diabe-
because they potentially can cause birth de- tes, arthritis, heart disease, etc.) and/or emo-
fects), you will also want to include some tional problems (i.e., hypoglycemia, depres-
protection against secondary bacterial pneu- sion, neurosis, schizophrenia, hyperactivity,
monia (i.e., Staphylococcus or Pneumococ- paranoia, etc.) you have food allergies!! Aller-

gic "shiners" and "geographic" tongue are red use of the base line nutritional supplements
flags. Food allergies are caused hy incom- (be sure to use hypoallergenic supplements -

pletely digested proteins (polypeptides) get- - no egg or milk), avoid

corn, wheat, soy,
ting into your blood stream; this happens to vaccinations that have egg, blood or beef
the fetus through the placenta (i.e., cystic origins; vitamin C to bowel tolerance levels,
fibrosis, celiac disease, etc.), to the nursing vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene,
baby through the breast milk and to the rest of bioflavonoids at 150-300 mg/day, zinc at 50
us when our digestive system is not working mg t.i.d., essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d.,

perfectly (i.e., stress, aging, etc.). seleniumat 200 meg t.i.d. chromium at 50-200 ,

meg t.i.d., betaine HC1 and pancreatic en-

The diagnosis and identification of specific zymes at 75-500 mg t. i. d. 1 5-20 minutes before
food allergens takes quite a bit of work on meals, ACE sublingual or rv, autoimmune
your part to identify but it is worth the effort as urine therapy, five day rotation diets, avoid-
it add 10-20 years to your life and make an
will ance of offending foods and patience!!!!! It

enormous improvement in your quality of life. takes up to 90 days to repair the intestinal

The easiest way to identify food allergies in injury (the good news is that repair will take

yourself is the Coca Pulse Test. To perform place even if you're 100 years old!!!). IV
this test, you learn your base pulse rate then hydrogen peroxide speeds up the healing
eat a single food (i.e., milk only, wheat only, process.
etc.) and check your pulse 15, 30 and 60

minutes after you eat the single food item; an FRACTURES (broken bones): can result
elevation in pulse rate of more than ten beats from malnutrition (i.e., calcium/magnesium
is an indicator that you are allergic to that food. deficiency, improper calcium/phosphorus
You must be serious and aggressive at this ratio; osteoporosis) severe trauma (i.e. a blow ,

project because it takes time and effort — after during a fight, auto accident, fall, etc.); how-
you get cancer, it is a little late to realize that ever, good mineral status in your bones will

you spent more time working on your lawns prevent most types of "spontaneous" fractures
health than you did on your own!!!! A second and fractures from simple falls. Diagnosis of
method of allergy diagnosis can be used in afracture can be made by seeing a digit or limb

conjunction with the pulse test is the diet diary; at an abnormal angle, noticing severe pain at
this isespecially useful when emotional symp- a specific place on the bone, use a vibrating
toms and headache are associated with food tuning fork to touch the suspected fracture
allergies. First, you eat a single food (do with site; the vibrations will be painful if there is a
pulse test) noting the time on a pad of paper, fracture present. X-rays in an emergency
then record emotional symptoms and/or head- room may be warranted to differentiate be-

ache with the time; the symptom will appear tween a fracture and a sprain or strain. The use
within minutes to a few hours of ingesting the of the base line nutritional supplements in-

offending food (this includes hyperactivity cluding calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg
and dyslexia). Do a six-hour GTT as almost and 1,000 mg per day, plant derived colloidal
eveiyone with food allergies has hypoglycemia minerals and digestive aids (i.e., betaine HC1
because the celiac changes in the intestine and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d.
prevent the efficient absorption of chromium. before meals) is an almost sure guarantee
against nontrauma fractures especially in post-

Treatment of food allergies includes religious menopause women. The use of comfrey

(Symphytum officinale) orally and over the make sure you are having 2-3 bowel move-
injury site will speed healing of fractures as ments per day), lecithin at 2,500 mg t.i.d.,

well as reduce pain and swelling. essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., vitamin E at
800-1,200 IU per day, vitamin C to bowel
FRECKLES (liver spots): are caused by mela- tolerance, selenium at 200 meg t.i.d., and
nin pigment in response to sunlight in fair taurine at 500 mg t.i.d. Virgin olive oil in eight
skinned people; "liver spots" in middle aged oz. of grapefruit or lemon juice will help to
and older people are sometimes difficult to flush liver; herbs include acrimony ( Agrimonia
distinguish from freckles; liver spots are caused eupatoria), blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus),
by "ceroid" pigment build up in the skin from vumitory (Fumaria officinalis), horehound
peroxidation of fats in your body (i.e., free (Marrubium vulgare), licorice (Glycyniiiza
radical damage) and are a more ominous sign glabra), peppermint (Mentha piperita), worm-

than freckles. Freckles may be prevented or wood (Artemisia absinthium), artichoke

reduced by the religious use of sun screens by (Cynara scolymus), sweet coltsfoot (Petasites
fair skinned people. hybridus), celandine (Chelidonium majus),
chicory (Cichorium intybus), and dandelion
Treatment of freckles and "liver spots" in- (Taraxacum officinale).

cludes the use of vitamin E at 800-1,200 I U/

day, selenium at 200-500 meg t.i.d., vitamin C GEOGRAPHIC TONGUE (benign migra-
to bowel tolerance, vitamin A at 300,000 IU/ tory glossitis): like allergic "shiners" is a red
day as beta carotene, essential fatty acids at 5 flag that you are not absorbing B-3, B-2, B-6, B-
gm and the herb, English mandrake
t.i.d. 5, B-12, folic acid or zinc (the cause is usually
(Tamus communis) topically on the spots malabsorption from celiacdisease-likechanges
b.i.d. in the small intestine). Geographic tongue is

recognized by irregular denudedareas on the

GALLBLADDER DISEASE (gall stones): is top surface and sides of the tongue. Do a
generally caused by liver problems, especially series of pulse tests to determine what foods
with fatandcholesterolmetabolism. Gallblad- you may be allergic to. Geographic tongue is
der "attacks" are caused by a cramping of the not painful and taste may or may not be
muscles in the gallbladder after a fatty meal or affected.
a temporary blockage of the bile duct by a
gallstone. Gallstones are composed of choles- Treatment of geographic tongue includes
terol and fat when they first form and become avoidance of any offending food allergens,
calcified after the passage of time. Prevention autoimmuneurinetherapy,zincat50mgt.i.d.,
of gallbladder problems includes the use of betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200
glycyrrhizin (an extract of the licorice plant, mg t.i.d. before meals, B-complex IM in the
Glycyrrhyza glabra), the base line nutritional early stages of therapy, be sure to get on the
supplement including 5 gm of essential fatty base line supplement program.
acids t.i.d. Eggs are known to precipitate 93%
of all gallbladder attacks, followed closely by GINGIVITIS (periodontal disease, reced-
onions and pork. ing gums): is the shame of the dental profes-
sion. Gingivitis is totally preventable with
Treatment of gallbladder disease and gall- proper nutrition and can very frequently be
stones includes the use of high fiber diets (i.e. cured with nutrition. It is the contention of the

"orthodox" dental profession that food caught and mouth wash, take vitamin C to bowel
between the teeth and between the gums and tolerance, herbs may be used for mouthwash
tooth is the root cause of gingivitis and they to relieve inflammation and pain and include
have duly raised the stock worth of the dental arnica (Arnica montana), bilberry (Vaccinium
floss companies. In reality, the reason the myrtillus), German chamomile (Matricaria
gums recede and food gets packed into the chamomilla), high mallow (Malva Sylvestris)
gingival space between the gums and tooth is and tormentil bloodroot (Potentilla erecta).
that the "alveolar" bone supporting the tooth
root has dissolved from a calcium deficiency GLAUCOMA: is caused by an increased pres-
and/or a phosphorus excess (i.e., too much sure in the eye itself which causes a change in
meat, too much phosphate containing soft shape, obstructing the normal flow of fluid
drinks, etc.). The bone is very thin
alveolar from the eye. Food allergies are among the
and fragile so minute losses in bone density most common causes of increases in eye
are reflected more severely there than, in say, pressure. Do the pulse test to determine if you
the femur (thigh bone). The tmth would get are allergic to any foods.
rid of an entire specialty of dentist so it is kept
in the dental research literature. Think about Treatment of glaucoma by the "orthodox"
it, dogs and cats don't floss and they don't get doctor is limited to a prescription of pilo-
periodontal disease or receding gums unless carpine 4% every 15 minutes, surgery or cor-
we feed them table scraps (complete dog and tisone. You must do pulse testing and elimi-
cat rations have been formulated to prevent nate foods you are sensitive to, betaine HC1 at

this malady) - again the veterinaiy profession 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, vitamin C
is treating their patients better than their hu- tobowel tolerance, nitin at 20-50 mg t.i.d. and ,

man counterparts!! the base line nutritional supplement.

Treatment of gingivitis includes the correction GLUTEN ENTEROPATHY (celiac disease):

of the calcium phosphoms ratio in the diet see celiac disease
(consider gingivitis as an osteoporosis of the
jaw). The correct calcium/phosphoms ratio is GOITER (colloid goiter): is caused by a
2 calcium/1 phosphoms (most American diets simple iodine deficiency. Nitrates are goitro-
are 15-20 phosphoms for 1 calcium) and it is genic (stimulate goiter formation); they are
impossible to achieve without supplementa- found in luncheon meats, hot dogs, sausages
tion of calcium and consciously reducing the and a variety of prepared meat products;
phosphorus intake (i.e., give up soft drinks, another source of goitrogens is the nitrates in
reduce meat intake, etc.). Calcium at 2,000 mg fertilizerswhich gets into well water -if you get
and magnesium at 1,000 mg t.i.d. with meals your water from a farm well, have it tested for
until teeth tighten up and gums calm down nitrates (they are carcinogen ic as wel as goitro- 1

and are not so inflamed. Plant derived colloi- genic). Goiter is easy to diag-nosis because
dal minerals make this aspect of prevention the deficient thyroid gland enlarges 50-100
and treatment easy. This heavy supplementa- times its normal size; it is located just telow the
tion of calcium will not cause kidney stones if larynx in the front of the neck.
you take the magnesium with it, cut back to
2,000 mg/day after the teeth tighten up. Rinse Treatment of goiter includes the removal of all
the mouth with hydrogen peroxide tooth gel goitrogens from the diet (read labels to ex-

elude nitrates and nitrite), supplement iodine may also wish to rinse mouth with a tea from
at 250 meg/day and thyroid USP at 2-5 grains the root of the white pond lily (Nymphae
each morning, kelp is a good natural source of odorata).
HAIR LOSS (alopecia): see alopecia
GOUT (gouty arthritis): is caused by depos-
its of uric acid crystals in the joints and sur- HANGNAILS: are caused by an essential fatty
rounding tissues. These joints, classically the acid deficiency.
great toe of each foot, are very tender and may
become deformed in chronic or longstanding Treatment of hangnails includes flaxseed oil at
cases. Kidney disease and uric acid kidney 5 gm t.i.d. and Knox gelatin at one packet
stones may develop in chronic untreated cases. daily. You may also wish to put vitamin E oil

Elevated uric acid in the blood (above 7 mg/ or aloe vera directly on the hangnail to soften
100 ml of senim) along with sudden onset of it and reduce the probability of further tearing
tender "gouty" joints is a red flag for gout. or infection. Small scissors or fingernail clip-
pers can be used to "surgically" remove the
Treatment for gout should include an avoid- skin flap.
ance of alcohol, organ meats, sea food, lentils,
beans, peas and fmctose sources, folic acid at HAY FEVER (pollen allergies): are caused
10-75 mg/day,chemes and cherry juice, herbs by plant pollen allergies and tend
be sea-to
including gout weed (Aegopodium sonal and coincides with plant cycles. Symp-
podagraria) and saffron (Colchicium toms include headache, red itchy eyes, nasal
autumnale). The "orthodox" doctors use colch- congestion and asthma.
icine almost exclusively as the treatment of
choice, but add prednisone for inflammation. Treatment of hay fever includes autoimmune
urine therapy after the first attack each year,
GROWING PAINS: are common in American commercial antihistamine products (i.e.,
children today; all you have to do
go to the is Allerest, Contac, etc.), vitamin C to bowel

zoo and watch parents carrying around six tolerance, bioflavonoids at 150 mg q.i.d. and
and seven year old children on their hip! mtin 50 mg t.i.d. or as needed.
Growing pains are totally unnecessary and are
red flags for one or more nutritional deficien- HEADACHES (HA): are caused by a wide
cies. Prevention of growing pains includes a variety of problems. Food allergies (the pri-
base line nutritional supplement rich in cal- mary cause of migraines) and hypoglycemia
cium, magnesium, selenium, vitamin E and are major causes of headaches. Sinus head-
vitamin C. aches are often caused by allergies to pollens
and milk products. Headaches can also be
Treatment of growing pains includes calcium cyclic in PMS. Do a complete series of pulse
and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1 ,000 mg per tests and a six-hour GTT.

day, selenium at 50-200 meg b.i.d. and betaine

HC1 and pancreatic" enzymes at 75-200 mg Treatment for headaches comes in the form of
t.i.d. before meals. a wide variety of commercial products (i.e.,

aspirin, tylenol, Nuprin, Bufferin), chromium

GUMS (sore, pyorrhea): see gingivitis. You at 50-200 meg t.i.d. betaine HC1 at 75-200 mg

t.i.d, avoid offending foods including all cial attention to selenium (500 meg/clay) and
sourcesof caffeine, autoimmune urine therapy, vitamin E (800-1,200 IU/day), exercise in
vitamin C to bowel tolerance, B-3 at 450 mg moderation (i.e., a 30-minute walk each
time release q.i.d., B-6 at 100 mg t.i.d. or as evening is enough), avoid vitamin D as an
needed, choline at 150 mg/day, flaxseed oil at adult (more than 400 IU/day results in calcifi-

5 gm q.i.d., avoid simple carbohydrates, use cation of coronary arteries - the target tissue
proteins and amino acids for snacks, herbs for vitamin D poisoning!). Keep a 30-minute
including feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium), oxygen tank in your house (a two-hour sup-
fleabane (Erigeron canadense), balm (Melissa ply if you live in a rural area), learn CPR, have
officinalis), cowslip (Primula veris), lavender nitroglycerin capsules or transdermal nitro-
(Lavandula angustifolia), queen-of-the- glycerin patches on hand, obtain an IV infu-

meadow (Filipendula ulmaria), valarian sion set and several 500 ml bottles of lactated
(Valeriana officinalis) and white willow (Salix ringers to set up an IV should a heart attack
alba). occur (don't relegate your survival to an EMT
who might get on time - leam asmuch
HEARING LOSS (deafness): may require a about emergency heart care as you know
"hearing aid" to amplify or correctthe prob- about your home's electrical system!!!) UN-
lem; on the other hand, sometimes cleaning PREPAREDNESS KILLS!!!

the wax out of one's ear with hydrogen perox-

ide eardrops or a commercial earwax solvent Treatment once you have had a heart attack
will do the trick (I used to have an office down includes EDTA chelation (with H202 added);
the hall from a hearing aid retailer —this fellow you may need as many as two chelations per
was so honest, he would always send his day for 80 or more to ensure full recoveiy for
clients down the hall so I could clean their ears your heart, be aggressive - your "orthodox"
before he would examine them for hearing cardiologist will not agree to this so you will

loss and fit them for hearing aids; we saw have to arrange it yourself!!! Increase your
many a miracle of hearing return!!!!). In chil- selenium intake to 1,000 meg/day and your
dren, manganese and or tin deficiency can vitamin E to 1,200 to 2,000 IU/day, take 5-10
cause reversible hearing loss; also do a pulse alfalfa tablets (Alfachlor) with each meal in

test for milk allergies (another common cause addition to the base line nutrition program.

of deafness in kids). Take two ounces of Oxy-Toddy in the morn-

ing when you awake and two ounces before
HEART DISEASE (heart attack, cardiovas- retiring, take betaine HCl and pancreatic en-

cular disease): see cardiovascular disease; zymes at mg t.i.d. before meals. USE
name of
see arteriosclerosis. Prevention is the YOUR PDR FOR ANY MEDICATION; YOUR
the game when comes to heart
nutrition means moderation in all things, no PRESCRIBE FOR YOU! Don't take any medi-
fried foods on a regular basis (to "cheat" on cation you do not fully under-stand!! Remem-
your program once each week is alright), the ber 40% of all patients are in the hospital

base line nutritional supplements are a must, because of iatrogenic disease (doctor mis-
pay special attention to essential fatty acids, takes in medication or surgery). Get back into
avoid as much of the polyunsaturated fatty your walking and/or swimming program as
acids as you can (other than the essentials - soon as you can.
i.e., flaxseed oil and/or salmon oil), pay spe-

HEARTBURN (dyspepsia, reflux): is one of weed (Potentilla anserina), smart weed
the more common diseases in the USA today. (Polygonium hydropiper), witch hazel
Stress and aging cause a decrease in stomach (Hamamelis virginiana), yarrow (Achillea
acid production which allows bacteria to grow millefollium), juniper berries (Juniperus
in the stomach. These opportunistic bacteria communis), horse chestnut (Aesculus
generate gas and acid that results in the "belch," hippocastanum) and plantain (Plantago ma-
"burp" and "bloat" syndrome. Prevention in- jor). SURGERY IS RARELY, IF EVER, NECES-

cludes eating small meals, no fried foods, SARY!

drink eight glasses of water each day to pre-
vent constipation. HEPATITIS: by dictionary meaning means
any inflammation of the liver, however, in
Treatment should include betaine HC1 and daily use hepatitis refers to any of three viaises
pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before that attack the liver: 1) Hepatitis A is transmit-
each meal; for acute attacks of "heartburn" ted by fecal - oral contamination
includes any ofthe commercial products ad- (i.e., contaminated food, oral sex, etc.); 2)
vertised on TV (i.e. R-O-L-A-I-D-S) and herbs
, Hepatitis B is primarily transmitted by blood
to include peppennint (Mentha piperita) and contamination through dirty "community"
angelica (Angelica archangelica). needles, hepatitis B virus causes a more severe
disease and is potentially fatal; 3) Hepatitis C
HEMORRHOIDS (piles): are varicose veins is a newly identified virus associated with
in the rectum and anus that itch, bleed, be- blood transfusions that causes chronic liver
come painfuland eventually blocked with disease and death. Hepatitis can appear as a
clots (thrombosed). The cause of hemor- minor flu-like disease to a fierce fatal liver
rhoids is primarily low fiber diets, the resulting disease depending on your immune system's
constipation and lack of exercise. The in- ability to fight off the virus. In China, where

creased pressure needed to force out a consti- there is an endemic hepatitis rate of 10% (that
pated bowel movement causes ballooning of is 100 million cases a year, folks!!!) the rate of
the hemorrhoidal veins. Bright red blood on liver cancer is veiy high. Prevention of hepa-
the toilet paper after a towel movement is titis is fairly follow good personal
simple -

usually from an irritated hemorrhoid. You hygiene, wash your hands after using the
may be able to feel the large grape sized toilet, wash your hands before cooking and

"balloon" in the hemorrhoidal vein. Preven- eating, DOCTORS AND NURSES, WASH
tion includes high fiber diets and exercise. YOUR HANDS BETWEEN PATIENTS, do not
do illegal dnigs, do not use "community"
Treatment of hemorrhoids includes high fiber needles, etc. Follow the above simple rules
diets(you may need to add oat bran at two and you will reduce your risk of contracting
heaping tbsp. in eight oz. of juice or water hepatitis by 97%. When my wife and I went to
before bed) to encourage two bowel move- China, we took "Handi-Wipes" and washed all
ments per day, hydrotherapy (Jaccuzi jet di- plates, cups and eating utensils (i.e., chop-
rect-edat hemorrhoidal tissue) b.i.d. as long as sticks, spoons, etc.) before using them, even
necessary, commercial topical products (i.e., in public restaurants - we didn't contract
Preparation H, etc.), and topical washes and/ hepatitis. Diagnosis of hepatitis is difficult in

or compresses of herbs including German the early stages but easy after a week or so.
chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), silver Loss of appetite, prostration, nausea and vom-

itingand fever are the early flu-like signs; after during pregnancy), and topical herb com-
3-10 days the urine will turn dark and jaundice press with walnut (Juglans nigra). There are
(yellow eyes and skin) will appear - the many commercial products available for topi-
patient feels better at this point. Blood test cal application.
show a marked elevation in the SGOT (AST)
and SGPT (ALT) up ten times the normal HERPES ZOSTER (shingles): is the result of
values; the elevated enzymes gradually de- a surfacing of a longstanding infection with
crease as recovery takes place. the "chicken pox" virus; the resultant skin
eruptions are extremely painful sometimes
Treatment of hepatitis includes bed rest, plenty requiring hospitalization. Extreme pain can
of fluids including chicken soup, avoid sugar, be elicited by the touch of clothes or sheets.
avoid fat, avoid alcohol, vitamin B-12 at 1,000 The path of the virus is alongnerves so a
meg/day, folic acid at 5-10 mg/day,catechin at regular pattern for the skin lesions is typical.

1.5 gm/day, vitamin C to bowel tolerance and

herbs including licorice (Glycynhiza glabra), Treatment of choice for shingles is Isoprinosin
chicory (Chichorium intybus) and dandelion at 500-1 ,500 mg/day, Ribavirin at 250-500 mg/
(Taraxacum officinale), germanium at 25-50 day, vitamin B-12 at 1,000 meg/day, vitamin C
mg/day, selenium at 200-500 meg/day and tobowel tolerance, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/
SuperOxy Plus at one ounce on awakening day and zinc at 75 mg t.i.d.
and retiring.
HIATAL HERNIA: is usually a congenital
HERPES (simplex, cold sores): is a virus birth defect (not genetic), however, it can also
that causes recurrent blisters and ulcers on the be caused by crushing the chest or abdomen
lips (Type I) and on the genitals (Type II). This as in an auto acci-dent. Gas, dyspepsia, reflux,
disease never goes away completely (once chest pain that mimics a "heart attack" are
infected, always infected); the best you can common symptoms. It is said that more than
hope for is long term remission. Herpes 40% of the USA population has asymptomatic
and can be veiy
lesions itch at the early stages hiatal hernia by acaial x-ray survey!!!
painful and disfiguring. These viruses are
transmitted by kissing and sexual contact. Treatment of hiatal hernia usually is restricted

Avoid kissing and sexual activity when the to treating the gas and dyspepsia. Small meals
lesions are active. are suggested, sleeping with the head of your
bed elevated often times prevents night-
Treatment includes ultra violet light directly esophageal reflux while you sleep. When
on lesion for 1-6 minutes per day, avoid high there is a large defect in the diaphragm
arginine foods (i.e. avoid chocolate, peanuts,
, (paraesophageal hiatal hernia) surgical repair
nuts, seeds, grains), eat high lysine foods (i.e., is recommended to prevent strangulation of

meat, potatoes, milk, yeast, fish, chicken, beans, portions of the stomach, intestine or liver.

eggs), vitamin C to bowel tolerance,

bioflavonoids at 200 mg t.i.d., zinc at 75 mg HICCOUGHS: are distracting and bother-
ti.d., 1-Lysine at 1-6 gm/day to effect, then 500 some though rarely fatal. Hiccoughs are the
mg/day maintenance, Ribavirin at 250-500 result of spasmodic contractions of the dia-
mg/day (do not take during pregnancy) and phragm, closely followed by a sudden closure
Isoprinosin at 500-1,500 mg/day (do not take of the glottis. Hiccough "attacks" may be

started by swallowing hot or irritating sub- intestines resulting from the food allergies

stances that irritate the nerves controlling res- which cause severe malabsorption of nutri-

piration. ents; in turn, the resultant malnutrition causes

further behavioral problems.
Treatment of hiccoughs includes holding your
breath as high levels of blood carbon dioxide Treatment of hyperactivity and hyperkinesis
inhibits hiccoughs, drink a large glass of water, requires absolute adherence to a rotation and
orange juice or lemon juice slowly, pressure avoidance diet based on the results of the
on the closed eyes with the heels of you r hands and six-hour GTT; betaine HCl
allergy testing
and digital pressure applied to the phrenic and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d.
nerves just behind the sternoclavicular joint before meals; Feingold diet (i.e., avoid sugar,
(where your collarbone joins your sternum). additives, food colors, IM or IV B-com-

plex at 50 mg each per day; chromium at 25-

HOARSENESS (laryngitis): can be caused 100 meg t.i.d. and autoimmune urine therapy.
by too much yelling as at a football game or
from many of the cold and upper respiratory HYPERTENSION (high blood pressure):
vinises. represents an elevation of the blood pressure
above 140/90 mm Hg (the upper limits of
Treatment of hoarseness includes use of normal); either the systolic or diastolic num-
demulcents such asslippery elm (Ulmusfulva) bers alone or both may be
elevated. High
in lemon and honey, chickweed (Stella me- blood pressure is complex and may be caused
dia) and the "singer's plant" or hedge mustard by many diseases ranging from simple ner-
(Sisymbrium officinale) as a liquid extract. vousness in the examining room, arterioscle-
rosis, kidney disease and a variety of endo-

HYPERACIDITY (stomach acid, gas): see crine gland disorders and food allergies. Do
dyspepsia. Treat with fennel tea (Foeniculum pulse test to identify offending foods. Do a
vulgare). hair analysis to check for excessive heavy
metals (i.e., lead, arsenic, cadmium, mer-
HYPERACTIVITY (hyperkinesis): is a very cury). Don't forget the baseline nutritional
dismptive speeded up activity level to the supplements. CALCIUM DEFICIENT DIETS
point the attention span is less than a minute. ARE KNOWN TO BE A MAJOR CAUSE OF
The repetitive activity that develops is distrac- HYPERTENSION.
tive to others in a classroom or family setting.
Very frequently the activities are self-destruc- Symptoms of hypertension include dizziness,
tive, injurious to others and creates a learning red face, headache, fatigue, nosebleeds, ner-
disability. Food allergies, food sensitivities vousness, memory loss, edema of the optic
and hypoglycemia cause 95% or better of the nerve disc, strokes, etc. While not a symptom,
cases of hyper-activity and hyperkinesis. Pulse obesity is a serious predisposing factor to
testing for allergies and a six-hour GTT are hypertension.
essential here if you tnily wish to conect the
problem. Be sure to include the base line Treatment of hypertension includes calcium
nutritional program. In addition to the behav- (particularly useful is the plant derived colloi-
ioral problems, and certainly more insidious, dal minerals which are 98 % absorbable), high
are the "celiac" disease type changes in the fiber diets, rotation/avoidance diets, autoim-

mune urine therapy, leaning toward vegetar- (i.e., inability to think out simple problems),
ian diet, low fat diet, avoid sugar and refined explosive reactive anger, negative thinking
flour, avoid more than 400 IU of vitamin D, and catatonia and/or coma-like states.

avoid caffeinated coffee or tea, chelation with

EDTA.infusions with hydrogen peroxide, flax- The diagnosis of hypoglycemia requires a six-
seed oil at 5 gm t.i.d., garlic, reduce red meat hour GTT, A FASTING BLOOD SUGAR
intake, consume 4-6 cups of vegetables per ALONE WILL NOT DIAGNOSE HYPO-
day, CO-Q 10 at 60 mg/day, eight glasses of GLYCEMIA OR DIABETES IN 98% OF
water per day, lecithin at 2,500 mg t.i.d., herbs THE CASES - THERE ARE NO SHORT
including European hawthorn (Cra-taegus CUTS TO THIS DIAGNOSIS!!!! A finger
oxyacantha), (Rauwolfia
rauwolfia prick is done in the morning while fasting and
the fasting blood sugar level is recorded (nor-
serpentina), olive (Olea europaea). Weight
loss can drop elevated blood pressure dra-
mal is 75 mg % give or take 5 points); 100 gm
of glucose (Glucola) is ingested; a finger prick
blood glucose is taken 30 minutes after inges-
tion and the results recorded; a finger prick
HYPOGLYCEMIA (low blood sugar): is
quotation marks in the medical blood glucose is taken at 60 minutes after
placed in
ingestion of the glucose and at hourly intervals
literaaire; the "orthodox" idea for treatment of
thereafter for a total of eight finger sticks (easy
"hypoglycemia" candy bar anytime
is to "eat a
to remember as you have eight fingers!). It is of
you feel an attack coming on" (by the way,
these quotes are from the 1988 AMA Family
extreme importance to have an observer
present during the entire test, not because the
Encyclopedia of Medicine!!!) - with such an
test is dangerous, rather because behavioral
archaic approach to the treatment of such a
how can we trust the "ortho- changes are best recognized by someone else.
simple problem
dox" medical community with something as
Having the "patient" write their name, draw
can be very useful, especially in
pictures, etc.
complex as cancer!!!! The cause of
children where they may have a difficult time
hypoglycemia is almost always food allergies
that cause a malabsorption of chromium and
describing how they feel; these tests and ob-
servations should be done every 30 minutes
vanadium as a result of celiac disease type
changes in the intestine and/or a large intake during the six-hour test. A chart is then devel-
oped using numbers gathered to assess
of purified sugar and refined flour which
the patient's glucose status. Hypoglycemia
increases the dumping of chromium in the
exists when the low during the test drops
urine as much as 300%. The old wives tales "if
below the level of the starting fasting blood
you eat sugar from the sugar bowl, you will
sugar level Elevated blood sugar can produce

surely develop diabetes" is then quite true as

behavioral changes as the blood sugar rises
untreated hypoglycemia will very frequently
meal much in the same way that alcohol
after a
develop into diabetes!!! The symptoms of
or drugs do (in fact, many hypoglycemics are
hypoglycemia are highly variable and may
falsely accused of being intoxicated!). Diabe-
include emotional symptoms (i.e., hyperac-
memoiy loss, tes can be diagnosed when the total of the
tivity, paranoia, schizophrenia,
manic results of the fasting, 30 minute, one hour and
irritability, hallucinations, depression,
the second hour blood sugar test exceeds 600
depression, dyslexia, crying, learning disabili-
ties, etc.), sleepiness, fatigue, heart palpita-
mg % and there is sugar in the urine during the
tions, sweating, inability to do cognating tasks

Treatment of hypoglycemia includes high pro- quinquefolius), rosemary (Rosmarinus
tein (preferably animal protein) diets as even officinalis) and spring adonis (Adonis vemalis).

complex carbohydrates will increase the ex-

cretion rate of chromium in theurine, simple HYPOTHYROID (low thyroid, goiter):
sugars increase the excretion rate of chro- states frequently do not produce goiter (thy-
mium up to 300% of the normal rate!!! Chro- roid gland enlargement), but rather produce
mium and vanadium are the "magic bullets" obesity, fatigue, disinterest, low blood pres-
for treatment of hypoglycemia at 50-200 meg sure, water retention (edema), etc. Diagnose
t.i.d. with meals - THOSE INDIVIDUALS ON with a basal body temperature test (take aux-
INSULIN SHOULD START CHROMIUM / iliary temperature on awakening -if below 98.
VANADIUM THERAPY AT 25 meg t.i.d. TO F, you have low thyroid).
B-complex at 50 mg each t.i.d., avoid alcohol Treatment of hypothyroidism includes thy-
(alcohol is a simple carbohydrate); zinc at 25 roid at 3-9 grains each morning (excess will
mg t.i.d., and betaine HCl and pancreatic cause increase in heart rate and shaking of the
enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals; extended arm); increase dosage to OD then
resolve the associated food allergies by avoid- back off one grain; kelp and iodine supple-
ance, rotation diets and autoimmune urine ment at 250-500 meg per day and herbs to
therapy; ACE and other adrenal support pro- include quercus marine (Fucus vesiculosis).
grams are essential.
HYSTERIA (melancholia): is a symptom-
HYPOTENSION (low blood pressure): can atic diagnosis. Hysteria can result from PMS,
be caused by prescribed drugs (check your food allergies, drugs (prescribed and illegal),

PDR), heart disease, kidney disease, low blood alcoholism, hypoglycemia, etc.). Our "ortho-
sugar, food allergies, dehydration, adrenal dox" medical colleagues created the "hyster-
exhaustion and hypothyroidism. The caus- ectomy" operation to resolve hysteria because
ative disease process must be dealt with to of the PMS association!!!! Test for food aller-

properly resolve hypotension. Symptoms of gies (pulse test, etc.), hypoglycemia (six-hour
hypotension include low energy, dizzy feel- GTT), keep a daily diary to test for PMS, use a
ing when you stand up fast from a lying down PDR to check out any medication that you
or sitting position, fainting, bluned vision, might be on.
palpitations, inability to solve simple prob-
lems and slurring of speech. Treatment of hysteria includes avoidance of
offending foods that you might be allergic to,

Treatment of hypotension includes resolving rotation diets, autoimmune urine therapy, es-
the original problem, vitamin C to bowel tol- sential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d. with meals,
erance, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., ACE (adrenal chromium at 50-200 meg t.i.d. with meals,
cortical extract) sublingual, IM or IV, thyroid at betaine HCl and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200
3-9 grains in the morning (too much will cause mg t.i.d. before meals, acupuncture, home-
increase in heart rateand uncontrolled shak- opathy and herbs including black hellebore
ing of hands — find the OD level then back off (Helle-bores niger) blue cohosh (Caulophyl-
one grain), eight glasses of water each day, lum thalictroides), mistletoe (Viscum album),
acupuncture, homeopathy, reflexology, and B-3 at 450 mg t.i.d. (time release) and B-6 at

herbs including ginseng (Panax ginseng, P. 150-300 mg t.i.d. (take this dose for thirty days

then take take a 14-day break to avoid side TWEEN THE ORTHODOX MEDICAL ADVI-
TO FREEDOM OF CHOICE!!! Don't forgetthat
IMMUNE DEPRESSION (immune exhaus- many vaccinationprograms have been the
tion): is caused by a chronic process such as carrier for many catastrophic diseases (some
unrelenting stress, chronic allergies, chronic experts believe that AIDS was originally spread
infections which result in exhaustion of the through vaccination programs including hepa-
immune system and an inability to protect titis vaccination to homosexuals and flu and
yourself against foreign invaders such as EBV, smallpox vaccines throughout Africa). DON'T
Candidiasis, food allergies, arthritis, cancer, FORGET THE HERBAL BOSTON TEA
etc. Anergy which your
refers to a state in PARTY!!!
immune system is so exhausted that you may
not react to diagnostic tests even though you IMMUNOTHERAPY: is a play on words as
have an overwhelming disease (i.e., TB, the "orthodox" medical doctor's practice it as
Candidiasis, etc.). DRUGS SUCH AS CORTI- their approach is chemotherapy and cortisone
SONE, PREDNISONE AND CHEMOTHERAPY (which actually depresses the immune sys-
CAUSE IMMUNE DEPRESSION - READ YOUR tem). Immunotherapy should be designed to
PDR. increase the immune system's ability to cope
and adjust to all invaders. The need for
Treatment of a depressed immune system immunotherapy includes cancer, arthritis, food
includes vitamin C to bowel tolerance, zinc at allergies, multiple sclerosis, SLE and ALS.

50 mg t.i.d., vitamin A at 300,000 IU/day as Treatment to provide immunotherapy includes

beta carotene, ACE (adrenal cortical extract) Immu-Stim IM or capsules at 2 b.i.d., sublin-
sublingual, IM or EV, germanium at 50 mg gual allergens for allergies, autoimmune urine
orally or IM daily, acupuncture, homeopathy, therapy, avoidance of food allergens, rotation
herbs to include ginseng (Panax ginseng), diets, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin A
selenium at 1,000 meg/day and plant derived at 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene, zinc at 50
colloidal minerals. mg germanium at 50 mg/day orally or

1 ,000 meg/day orally, IV or IM,

IM, selenium at
IMMUNIZATION (vaccination): is perhaps acupuncture, and herbs to include ginseng
the greatest interface between government (Panax ginseng).
and freedom of choice in your own health
care!!! Today the government says you will IMPETIGO (ecthyma): is a form of dermatitis
vaccinate your children or they will not be in children that may take the form of blisters

admitted to school (this is the same govern- filled with straw colored fluid or pus or skin
ment who says that AIDS infected children ulcers. Impetigo primarily affects the exposed
should be in public schools!!!), state govern- areas of skin such as the face, arms and legs.

ments have even gone to the extreme to say The "orthodox" doctors believe that impetigo
that if you don't vaccinate your children, you is caused by a Streptococcus bacteria and treat

will be charged with child abuse and your solely with antibiotics over a long period of
children placed in a foster home!!! Many states time. It appears, though, that impetigo is more
are trying to eliminate the religious exemption sinister than a simple infection, rather it is an
for vaccination early sign of immune depression which al-

TO BE A BATTLEFIELD TAKING SHAPE BE- lows normal skin organisms to flourish at an

unchecked rate and cause disease. Food (Smilax saw palmetto (Serenoa

allergies (i.e., milk, wheat, soy) are frequently Zumba, oral testosterone (i.e., glan-

the original source of the immune depression dular food supplements and testosterone IM)
in children, on occasion contact dermatitis can be of value. Don't forget the base line
from detergents will be diagnosed as impetigo. nutrition program and include the plant de-
Untreated impetigo can result in deep infec- rived colloidal minerals ( most satisfied wives
tions of the tissue beneath the skin and in the ask for by the 55 gallon dnim !!). The

lymph nodes. techniques of Master and Johnson can be very

useful and can be a "self-help" technique
Treatment of impetigo includes topical washes employed without the need for an expensive
with boric acid and herbs such as comfrey counselor: Step 1) nongenital pleasuring (i.e.,
(Symphytum officinale), echinacea (Echinacea massage, reflexology, etc.); Step 2) genital
angustifolia) and golden seal (Hydrastis pleasuring (i.e., genital foreplay); and Step 3)
canadensis), topical or systemic penicillin may nondemand lovemaking (i.e. , neither the "guy"
be necessary in cases where impetigo occurs or the "doll" expects to be brought to a climax).
on the face to prevent scaring, vitamin C to
bowel tolerance, vitamin A 25,000-300,000 EVCONTEVENCE (inability to controlbow-
IU/day as beta caro-tene, zinc at 25-30 mg els or bladder): can be caused by a wide
t.i.d., avoidance or rotation diets for food variety of diseases (i.e., benign prostatic
allergies, autoimmune urine therapy, increase hyperplasia, MD, MS, cancer, ALS, stroke,
animal protein level of the diet (i.e., eggs, etc.), injury (including surgery, obstetrical pro-
chicken and fish). cedures), food allergies and hypoglycemia.
Correcting the underlying diseases or injury is

IMPOTENCE (inability to have an erec- a must if the desired results are to be achieved.
tion): can be caused by wide variety of prob-
lems including an unstimulating partner, psy- Treatment of incontinence should include
chological domination by your partner (i.e., Kegel's exercises (i.e. con-tracting the floor of

domineering wife syndrome), guilt (i.e., hav- the pelvis as if trying to stop a bowel move-
ing had an extramarital affair), malnutrition of ment) at about 250-500/day, essential fatty

various sorts, hypothyroidism, low blood pres- acids at 5 gm t.i.d., selenium at 500 meg/day,
sure, adrenal exhaustion, hypoglycemia, stress, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, betaine HC1
post surgical damage (prostate surgery), etc. and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d.
Sol ving any associated problems first will guar- before meals, avoidance and rotation diets of
antee results. offending food allergens, chromium at 25-200
meg/day, and herbs to include saw palmetto
Treatment of impotence should include relax- (Serenoa seirulata) and ginseng (Panax gin-
ation, spend time with your mate, set up seng).
romantic situations (the interpretation of the
word romantic is an individual thing - flowers INFARCTION (cerebral-stroke; heart-
excite some people and turn others off, alco- heart attack): is the death of an area of tissue
hol excites some people and anesthetizes because the blood supply was stopped by a
others!!!!), acupuncture, homeopathy and plug or "thrombi" (i.e., blood clot, clump of
herbs to include ginseng (Panax ginseng), tumor cells, clump of bacterial cells). If vital

nuxvomica(Strychnosnux vomica), sarsapilla areas of the heart or brain areaffected, the

"stroke" or "heart attack" will be fatal ; if nonvital seal (Hydrastis canadensis), garlic (Allium
areas are affected, speech, vision, muscular sativum), vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vita-
function and heart capacity are significantly min A at 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene, zinc
affected until repair and/ or compensation by at 50 mg t.i.d. selenium at 500-1 ,000 meg/day,

surrounding areas affected, the "stroke" or Immu-Stim IM or orally 2 capsules b.i.d.,

"heart attack" will be fatal; if nonvital areas are Isoprinosin at 100-300 mg/day, Ribavirin,
affected, speech, vision, muscular function H202 250 ml infusion over four hours;
and heart capacity are significantly affected antibiotics and antifungal medications are
until repair and/or compensation by surround- sometimes necessary in lifesaving situations.
ing tissue can take place. Prevention is always
tetter than trying to "come from behind" and INFERTILITY (curable inability to have
repair a "stroke" or "heart attack." children): is usually caused by a nutritional
deficiency of some nutrient. We have cured
Treatment and repair of infarction should in- several hundred cases of infertility by simple
clude vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin E supplementation of vitamins and minerals
at 800-1,200 IU/day, selenium at 500-1,000 and digestive aids. Food allergies may be
meg/day orally or IM, vitamin A at 300,000 IU/ involved by causing celiac disease type
day as beta carotene, chelation with EDTA, changes in the intestine and, thus, affecting

hydrogen peroxide IV, betaine HC1 and pan- absorption.

creatic enzymes at 200-500 mg t.i.d. 15 min-
utes before meals If clumps of bacteria are
. Treatment of infertility should include the
involved (i.e., rheumatic fever) then antibiot- base line nutritional program (include plant
ics (penicillin or tetracycline) will be required derived colloidal minerals) , resolve food al-

to resolve the cunent problem and prevent lergiesby avoidance and rotation diets, eat
further damage. high protein diets (up to 200 gm/day), essen-
tial fatty gm t.i.d., 1-arginine at 500
acids at 5
INFECTION (invasion of tissues by bacte- mg t.i.d., zinc at 50 gm t.i.d., selenium at 250
ria, viruses, fungus: is caused by two fac- meg/day, vitamin A at 100,000 IU/day for 30
tors: 1) an infective "dose" of organisms; and days then drop to 25,000 IU/day, germanium
2) a low state of resistance by the host. The at 50 mg/day; acupuncaire, and herbs includ-
base line nutrient program will provide the ing ginseng (Panax ginseng), leek (Allium
necessary "macro" and "micro" elements for peirum), garlic (Allium sativum).
maintenance and repair of the immune sys-
tem; be sure to do pulse tests to determine INFLAMMATION: can result from injury, ar-

food allergies; use common sense and reason- thritis, infection, cancer. Symptoms of inflam-
able precautions when in contact with indi- mation include swelling, tenderness, dis-

viduals who have contagious diseases (i.e., charges, edema, fever, allergies, etc.

measles, mumps, scarlet fever, meningitis,

hepatitis, herpes simplex, herpes 2, venereal Treatment of inflammation include DMSO,

disease, flu, infectious mononucleosis, ring- autoimmune urine therapy, proteolytic en-
worm, athlete's foot, EBV, AIDS, etc.). zymes orally (i.e., chymotrypsin, pancreatic
enzymes, bromelin, trypsin), vitamin C to

Treatment of infections should include the use bowel tolerance,vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/
of echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia), golden day, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., essential fatty acids at

5 gmti.d., bioflavonoids 150 mg/day, querce- Treatment for insomnia includes avoidance of
tin 100 mg/day, d-phenylalanine, 1- caffeine and offending food allergens, cal-
tryptophane and dl -valine each at 1.5 gm/ cium (especially plant derived colloidal cal-
day, acupunc-ture, herbs including cium), chromium at 25-200 meg t.i.d., acu-
(Cinnamonum camphora), comfrey puncture, homeopathy, dl-phenylalanine at
(Symphytum officinale) and feverfew (Chry- 250 mg t.i.d., 1-tryptophan at 1,000 mg t.i.d.,
santhemum parthenium). inositol at 500 mg/day, niacinamide at 1,000
mg at bedtime, and herbs including valerian
INDIGESTION (dyspepsia, belch, burp, (Valeriana officinalis), passion flower
and bloat): occurs as a natural course of (Passiflora incarnata), hops (Humulus lupulus)
aging, as a result of stress and overeating. In and California poppy (Eschscholzia Califor-
the course of aging, the stomach begins to nia) and B-3 (niacin) at 450 mg t.i.d. (time
loose its produce hydrochloric acid -
ability to release). Don't forget the base line nutrition
- this process begins at about age 35. Food program.
allergies can contribute to this syndrome. The
pulse test should be used to determine food IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME: will alter-
allergies. nate between constipation and diarrhea. Food
allergies are the most frequent cause of this

Treatment of indigestion should include veiy distressing syndrome. Small intestine

Kaopectate or Pepto Bismol for acute diar- damage includes celiac disease like changes,
rhea, betaine HCl and pancreatic enzymes at edema, ulceration and catanhal inflamma-
75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, mint tea as tion. This "orthodox" approach to treating
needed to calm stomach, English bitters irritable bowel syndrome is low fiber diets,

(Gentiana lutea) before each meal, vitamin E cortisone and Tagamet. The pulse test is an
at 800- 1 ,200 IU/day , selenium at 500 meg/day, extremely useful test for determining the indi-
calcium and magnesium and 1,000
at 2,000 vidual cause of irritable bowel syndrome.
mg/day, acupuncture, homeopathy, herbs
such as balm (Melissa officinalis), bitter or- Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome should
ange (Citrus aurantium), celandine include high fiber diets, 4-6 cups of fruit and
(Chelidonium majus), fennel (Foeniculum vegetables per day, eliminate caffeine, sugar
vulgare), hops(Humuluslupulus), masterwort and offending foods based on the pulse test
(Peucedanum ostruthium), peppermint (i.e., wheat, milk, soy), betaine HCl and pan-

(Mentha piperita), wormwood (Artemisia creatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before

absinthium), yanow (Achillea millefolium) meals, folic acid at 5-25 mg/day, gluten free
and marshmallow (Althacea officinalis). diet and eight glasses of water each day. Don't

forget the base line nutrition supplement pro-

INSOMNIA (inability to sleep): can be gram. Herbs including marshmallow (Althaea
caused by stress, excitement and drugs in- officinalis).

cluding caffeine (i.e., coffee, cola soft drinks,

chocolate, Use your PDR if you are on
etc.). ITCHING be caused by diy
(pruritis): can
prescription drugs. Food allergies and hypo- skin, contact with and contact and

glycemia can cause insomnia. Use the pulse food allergies. Pulse test and challenge tests
test and six-hour GTT. are used to determine allergens and irritants.
Resolving the basic problem is essential to

eliminating itching. Treatment of joint pain includes the correction
of any overt or underlying disease, calcium
Treatment (symptomatic) of itching includes and magnesium at 2,000 and 1,000 mg per
the use of topical applications of Caladryl aloe , day, cartilage at 5 gm t.i.d., gelatin
vera (Aloe spp). , salt nibs, dilute vinegar (50%), (unsweetened) once per day, copper at 2-5
and washes with herbal compresses (see mg/day (a copper bracelet can be of great
derma-titis). Oral treatment should include 5 value), B-6 at 100 mg t.i.d., mineral bath hy-
gm flaxseed oil t.i.d., zinc 50 mgt.i.d., vitamin drotherapy and ultra violet light exposure at 1 -
A at 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene. Don't 6 minutes, symptomatic treatment of joint
forget the base line nutritional program. pain includes pain gels, DMSO and acupunc-
ture. Chiropractic can be of great value in
JAUNDICE (icterus, yellow eyes): can be treatingand providing symptomatic relief of a
caused by blockage of the bile duct system in variety of joint problems including
the liver (gallstones, tumor, hepatitis), and/or subluxations of the spine, ribs and pelvis.
destruction of RBC's (Rh factor, blood para- Plant derived colloidal minerals provide an
sites-malaria). Diagnosis is a problem
critical exceptional source of minerals that are 98%
when jaundice is present. Examining the absorbable.
"whites" of the eye (sclera) will reveal jaundice
by the presence of a yellow coloration which KEGEL'S EXERCISE: is a great way to condi-
is absent when die skin is yellow from a high tion the voluntary muscles of the pelvic floor
beta carotene consumption. Blood tests will in both males and females. This exercise is

differentiate between obstmction (i.e. elevated , useful for prenatal conditioning of the pelvic
bilirubin - above 2.0-2.5 mg %) and RBC muscles, vaginal muscles, urethral muscles in
destruction (i.e., unconjugated or indirect bil- both male and female for urinary inconti-
inibin are elevated). nence and urgency. To perform the Kegel's
exercise you tighten the muscles of the pelvic
Treatment of jaundice includes exposure to floor as if you were trying stop a bowel move-
ultra violet light to speed up elimination, liver ment; you can also add the variation of stop-
flush (three days of apple juice followed by a ping your urine stream at will as often as you

cup of olive oil and a cup of lemon juice), can. Try to do several hundred each day.
vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin A at
300,000 IU/day as beta carotene, selenium at KERATOMALACIA (xerophthalmia): is rec-
500-1 ,000 meg/day, vitamin E at 800-1 ,200 IU/ ognized as a hazy dry cornea (the domed clear
day, and herbs including licorice (Glycyrrhiza bulge on the front of the eye) that becomes
glabra), agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria), ulcerated. Symptoms include extreme dry-
celadine (Chelidonium majus), chionanthus ness of the eyes with blinking in attempts to
(Chionanthus virginica). keep the eyes moist, conjunctivitis,and night
blindness. Fat-like spots (Bitots spots) can be
JOUST PAIN: can be caused by a variety of found on the "white" of the eye ball.
disease processes including arthritis, Untreatedkeratomalacia can result in perma-
osteoporosis, rickets, gout,obesity and vari- nent blindness.
ous nutritional deficiencies (i.e. calcium, mag- ,

nesium, sulfur, sulfur bearing amino acids and Treatment of keratomalacia includes vitamin
copper) and food allergies/ sensitivities. A at 25,000 IU (kids) to 300,000 IU (adults) per

clay as beta carotene, zincat 10-50 mgt.i.d. and acetone, nausea and vomiting, air hunger,
increase the animal protein to 1 20 gm day (i.e., confusion or coma, extreme thirst and weight
chicken, fish, eggs, milk, lamb, pork or beeO. loss. A positive urine "dipstick" for ketone
Don't forget the base line nutritional supple- bodies is an easy way to confirm your suspi-
ment program. cious.

KERATOSIS: is a "goose bump" like keratin Treatment of ketosis includes resolving the
build up in the openings of the hair follicles. basic disease process (i.e., diabetes,
These pinhead sized "plugs" are found in hypoglycemia, alcoholism, starvation, etc.),

greatest numbers on the backs of the arms, increas-ing the complex carbohydrate intake,
thighs and buttocks. The "orthodox" doctors chromium at 50-200 meg t.i.d. and the base
claim that treatment is unnecessary, however, line nutritional program.
keratosis is, in fact, a symptom of a chronic
vitamin A deficiency. KIDNEY DISEASE (kidney stones): can be
caused by a variety of infections, toxins and
Treatment of keratosis includes vitamin A at nutritional excesses (i.e., hypervitaminosis D)
25,000 IU (kids) to 300,000 IU (adults) per day and deficiencies (i.e., deficiencies of vitamin
as beta carotene, zinc at 10-50 mg. t.i.d., in- A, selenium and zinc). Kidney disease can be
crease protein at 120 gms per clay and don't secondary to cardiovascular disease or diabe-
forget the base line nutrition program. tes. Kidney stones, contrary to popular belief

by the "orthodox" doctor, are caused by cal-

KERNICTERUS: is the depositing of bile pig- cium and magnesium deficiencies which cause
ments into the brain of newborn children after a depletion of calcium from your bones which
an extended elevation of bilirubin (bile pig- is the source of the calcium found in kidney

ments produced from RBC breakdown). stones. Prevention of kidney stones includes
Symptoms mimic those of cerebral palsy (i.e., adequate levels of supplementary calcium
lethargy, poor feeding, vomiting, incoordina- and magnesium (impossible to get enough

tion, seizures and death). Prevention and from your you are a big
diet especially if

treatment of kernicterus includes frequent feed- consumer of phosphorus — meat and carbon-
ing of the infant to reduce absorption of bile ated soft drinks). ExcessvitaminD(suntanning,
pigments, exposure to blue and ultra violet fish oil and supple-mentation) concuirently
light to photo-oxidize bilirubin (a transient with a calcium deficiency will accelerate the
lactose intolerance is associated with light depletion and, thus, increase the risk of stones.
therapy in infants that results in diarrhea — this Check for cadmium toxicity with a hair analy-

does not appear to have any permanent con- sis.

Treatment of kidney disease and kidney stones
KETOACIDOSIS (ketosis): results from a should includesupplementation of calcium
low glucose supply to the liverwhich forces it and magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1 ,000 mg per
to metabolize fat - the resulting by-products day, reduction of your phosphorus intake,
are "ketone bodies" (i.e., acetoacetic acid, B- adequate vitamin A nutriture at 25 ,000-300,000
hydroxyburytic acid and acetone). Ketosis IU vitamin A per day as beta carotene, B-6 at
occurs in diabetes, alcoholism, hypoglycemia 50 mgt.i.d. .lysine and glutamic acid and herbs
and starvation. The breath will smell like including dandelion (Taraxacum officinale),

dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus), goldenrod spray, centrophenoxine at 4.4-8.0 gm per day
(Solidago virgaurea), Java tea (Orthosiphon and piracetam (Dinagen) at 1.6-4.8 gm per

stamineus), parsley (Petro Selinum crispum), day.

horsetail (Equisetum spp.), mugwort (Artemi-
sia vulgaris) and cranberry juice. Chelation KWASHIORKOR (protein starvation): is

will help kidney disease, kidney disease that is thought of as a disease of starving African
secondary to cardiovascular disease and cad- children; it is classed as protein/calorie starva-
mium toxicity. An acute or sudden kidney tion and is characterized by a distended bloated
stone blockage may require the pain relief of belly and edema and "dropsy" because low
morphine as it can be excmciating; you may blood protein levels can't hold water in the
also wish to use a prednisone for three days to blood vessels so it simply "leaks" out. By now
reduce the inflammation in the ureter (the you will recognize that this happens to un-
tube from the kidney to the bladder) so that schooled dieters, cancer patients, vegans and
you can pass the stones. Stones lodged in the fmtarians who take in less than optimal
kidney can be reduced to harmless powder by amounts of complete proteins. Don't forget
a machine known as a "lithotripter" -it is an the base line nutritional supplementation.
ultra sound machine that actually shatters the

stones without surgery. Treatment of Kwashiorkor includes adequate

intake of complete animal protein (i.e. greater ,

KORSAKOFF'S SYNDROME (recent than 1 20 gms per day), a calorie intake of 3,000
memory loss, false Alzheimers Disease): calories per day, selenium at 200 meg per day
is characterized by an inability to record new and chromium at 50-200 meg t.i.d.
memory; the patient can perform detailed
tasks learned before onset but cannot learn LABOR (induce): can be made
and easier
the simplest of new tasks. This type of "amne- assisted by herbs including blue cohosh
sia" can result from a blow to the head or be the (Caulophyllus thalictroides) and raspberry tea
result of chronic alcoholism and vitamin B-l (Rubus idaeus), corn ergot (Ustilago maydis)
deficiency. Confabulation orproducing imagi- can be used to stop postpartum hemorrhage
nary experiences for those that cannot be (orally or IM). Taking training classes (i.e.,
recalled is a consistent feature of KorsakofPs Lamaze) will help train the mother to be to
syndrome. If the disease is the result of a blow relax during contractions (labor pains) and
to the head.there is a good chance of recovery, help train the "coach" to assist and how to

if the brain tissue has been damaged by alco- recognize potential trouble. Home births are

holism or vitamin B-l deficiency, the process safer than hospital births and, in addition, the

may be difficult to treat. hospital rate of caesarian section is 35% (vagi-

nal births net the "orthodox" OB/GYN $800-
Treatment of Korsakoff's syndrome includes $1,200; caesarian sections net them $2,500!!!!)

chelation,hydrogen peroxide IV, vitamin B-l

at 100 mg t.i.d., lecithin at 2,500 mg. t.i.d., LACTATION (induce): can be induced or
avoid alcohol, avoid sugar, chromium/vana- enhanced with herbs including milkweed
dium at 50-200 meg t.i.d., betaine HCl and (Asclepias galioides), caraway (Camm carvi),
pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. before fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) and
meals; hydergine at 4.5-9 mg/day, vasopres- goat's rue (Galega officinalis).

sin (Diapid) at 12-16 units per day as a nasal

LACTATION (reduce): can be reduced and mallow (Malva sylvestris), wildginger(Asanim
breast pain of engorgement relieved by gold- europium), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus).
enrod (Solidago petradoria). Viral laryngitis may be treated with Isoprinosin

at 500-1,500 mg per day or Ribavirin at 250-

LACTASE DEFICIENCY (cow s milk sensitiv- 1 ,500 mg per day (pregnant women should
ity): is a form of carbohydrate intolerance that avoid these drugs as they are teratogenic in lab
results from a deficiency of the enzyme re- animals).
quired to breakdown milk sugar (lactose) into
glucose and galactose. Lactase deficiency is LAXATTVE: includes many OTC preparations
characterized by bloating and diarrhea with such as Ex-Lax and Milk of Magnesia and
violent abdominal cramps following the in- herbs including senna (Cassia aqutifolia), flax-

gestion of cow's milk and cow's milk prod- seed or flaxseed oil (Linum ustatissimum),
20% adults of
ucts. Lactase deficiency occurs at alder buckthorn (Rhamnus fragula), cascara

Northwest European origin, at 75% in adults of sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana), juniper

all other ethnic groups, 90% of all orientals, (Juniperus communis) and manna ash
75% in blacks and American Indians. The (Fraxinus ornus).
ability to digest lactose is gradually lost be-
tween the ages of 10-20 years of age. LEAD POISOMNG (plumbism): can cause
a wide variety of symptoms and syndromes
Treatment of lactose intolerance includes including learning disabilities, kidney disease
avoidance of lactose containing foods and/or stunted bone growth, headaches and gastroi-
predigestion of lactose by adding lactase to ntestinal disease. Very often the eating of lead
milk containing foods. is the result of "pica" or a compulsive eating of

unusual things because of mineral deficien-

LARYNGITIS (loss of voice): can be caused cies. Sources of lead include paint chips, win-
by bacterial and/or viral infections and ex- dow caulking, glaze from pottery, lead arsen-
treme overuse of the vocal cords (i.e., yelling ate garden sprays, pollution from leaded fuels,
at a football or hockey game). Very inhalation of smoke from burning batteries
frequently.the temperature is not elevated and and large lead insulated wire. Diagnosis of
voice loss is the only symptom. "Strep" throat lead poisoning can be made from a hair analy-
can be a cause that can be potentially danger- sis in chronic cases or blood in sudden onset
ous and lead to rheumatic fever or meningitis acute cases.
if not dealt with properly. Hoarseness, voice
change or complete loss of voice (aphonia), Treatment of lead poisoning includes vitamin
tickling/raw throat are all symptoms. C to bowel tolerance.chelation with calcium
EDTA at 10-25 infusions and/or oral D-peni-
Treatment of laryngitis can include penicillin cillamine. Don't forget the base line nutri-
or tetracyclines for "Strep" throat at 250 mg tional supplement program containing plant
q 6 h for 10-12 days, voice rest, honey/
orally derived colloidal minerals because the chela-
lemon preparations and herbs including tion process will tend to deplete body stores of
cajuput (Melaleuca leucadendron), sunflower minerals ( selenium is of particular value).
(Helianthus annus), pine oils (Pinnus
sylvestris), black caraway (Pimpinella LEARNING DISORDERS (dyslexia , hyperac-
saxifraga), garden sage (Salvia officinalis), high tivity, autism): see autism, dyslexia, food aller-

gies, hypoglycemia, hyperactivity and lead LEPTOSPIROSIS (Weil's Disease, infec-
poisoning. tious jaundice): is an infectious disease
caused by Leptospira spp a spirochete bacte-
LEGIONNAIRES' DISEASE: is caused by an ria carried and various species of
by dogs, rats

infection with Legionella pneumophila; the wild animals. Individuals are infected by urine
disease is characterizedby pneumophila; the contaminated water, cuts while skinning or
disease is characterized by pneumonia, high butchering infected animals. Symptoms in-

fever, slow heart, rate, dry cough, chills pleuritis clude anemia, jaundice, proteinuria, hematuria
and diarrhea. Legionnaires' disease is a rela- and, on occasion, aseptic meningitis. Fever
tively new disease only being discovered in and chills are consistent symptoms. Blood
1976. URI is significantly absent in this dis- tests or urine cultures are necessaiy for diag-
ease. Untreated Legionnaires' disease will be nosis.

fatal in 80% of the cases. Diagnosis requires

growing the organism on charcoal-yeast ex- Treatment with antibiotics is most effective if

tract from sputum. Immunosuppressed pa- instituted within four days of onset. Tetracy-
tients such as chemotherapy treated cancer cline at 500 mg q.i.d. is effective.

patients, transplant patients and AIDS patients

are most susceptible. LEUKEMIA (blood cancer): is a cancer of

the blood fonning tissues of the bone marrow.

Treatment of Legionnaires' disease is specific No exact cause is proven but viruses, radiation
with erythromycin at 500 mg to 1 gm orally or and chemicals such as benzene are impli-

IV q 6 H for three weeks. cated. Leukemia produces a defect in the

maturation process of WBCs resulting in large

LENTIGO-MALIGNA MELANOMA (mela- numbers of immature WBCs in the

noma, skin cancer): originates from the circulatingblood. Diagnosis is made from a

Hutchinson's freckle on sun exposed areas on blood test which shows anemia, low platelets,
the face, neck, anus and torso. These skin increased lymphoblasts (immature WBC) and
cancers appearas large flat, tan or brown le- an elevated total WBC count. Symptoms in-

sions with darker black or brown spots dotted clude weakness, joint pain, anemia, enlarged
on its surface. These are slow growing cancers lymph nodes, enlarged spleen.

requiring about ten years to invade the dermis

or deep skin layers. Treatment includes Laetrile, hydrogen perox-
ide, DMSO (matures the immature cells in the

Treatment of L-M melanoma can include exci- Onco-Tox, shark liver extract,
circulation) IV,

sion biopsy or complete surgical removal; hydrazine sulfate, cesium chloride, polyerga,
frequently these tumors are on the face and a germanium, carbamide and, as needed, mi-
cream such as Carcelim may be more desir- cro-dose chemotherapy, amino acids IV, vita-

able. Carcelim requires 30 days of application min C to bowel tolerance, selenium at 500-

toremove the melanoma. Take vitamin C to 1 ,000 meg per day, and vitamin A at 300,000 IU
bowel tolerance, vitamin V at 300,000 IU/day as beta carotene.

as beta carotene, selenium at 1,000 meg per

day and use a #40 sunscreen to prevent new LEUKORRHEA (vaginal discharge): is a

cancers. Don't forget the base line nutritional nonspecific vaginal discharge containing
supplement program. mucus, WBCs and, on occasion, is tinged with

blood. Leukorrhea can be caused by Candida forman is 120-130 years, yet the average life
albicans, Hemophilus vaginalis, Streptococ- span based on insurance actuary tables is
cus spp., Staphylococcus (the bacteria that only 72 for males and 78 for females. This
will cause toxic shock syndrome when vagi- leaves a 40-50 year differential that we can
nal tampons are used incorrectly) or Neisseria work towards with hopeful expectations.
gonorrhoea. Culture (growth of bacteria) The use of water filtration systems in the
and/or looking at the discharge under the home, the use of air filters and conditioners
microscope is required for specific diagnosis. for the home and work place as well as
employing the base line nutrition program
Treatment of leukorrhea should include spe- can add ten years to your life. The use of
cific treatment for the causative organism (i.e., digestive aids (i.e. betaine HC1 and pancre-

vaginal application of triple sulfonamide atic enzymes) will add an additional ten

creams, oxytetracycline vaginal supposito- years to your life (which gives you an added
ries, vaginal douches with vinegar 30 ml/pint twenty years when you actively and ag-
of water, 1.5 % H202 as Oxy Toddy). Gonor- gressively seek a healthful life. The Hunza
rhea will require systemic antibiotics as well secret of longivity (average of 100 years
(please note that any venereal disease must be with a top end of 140 years) is the daily
reported to the Public Health Department). consumption of a rich supply of plant de-
rived colloidal minerals.
LICE (pediculosis): can infest the head
(Pediculus humanus capitis), body (P.h. Exercise alone without attention to food aller-

corporis) and pubic area(Phthirius pubis). gies, digestive aids, base line nutritional supple-
Eggs (nits) are white oval shaped seed-like ment program, and avoid-
colloidal minerals
objects attached to the base of the hairs; ing pollutants will only shorten your life and
adult lice can be seen scuttling through the make what life you do have veiy sweaty!!!
hair on the surface of the skin. Itching and
irritated skin are the most common symp- Take responsibility for your own health and
toms. Diagnosis isdependent on finding the you will add twenty more years of life —
adult lice or "nits" in the hair and scalp. remember that 40% of all patients in the hos-
pital are there because of iatrogenic disease
Treatment of lice includes the use of (doctor created); this fact does not deal with
Labordor tea (Ledum latifolium) or field the number who died outside of the hospital
larkspur (Delphinium consolida) as a hair because of mistakes in prescriptions, mistakes
wash, use a special fine toothed comb to in diagnosis and mistakes in procedures!!!

"harvest" the "nits;" treatment should be done

daily for fourteen days to break the life cycle of LIVER DISEASE (cirrhosis, nonviral hepa-
the lice. For stubborn cases, you may wish to by blood test showing
titis): can be diagnosed

use 1% gamma benzene hexachloride daily elevation in SGOT, SGPT, GGT, alkaline phos-
for two days as a shampoo and reapplied in phatase and bilimbin. Elevated ketones in the
ten days (avoid prolonged use of the insecti- urine are clues to liver disease as well as
cide as it can cause genital skin irritation, carbohydrate metabolism Jaundice and prob-
especially in males). lems with delayed clotting times and a swollen
tender liver (under the ribs at the right upper
LIFE EXPECTANCY (life span): potential quadrant), dry itchy skin (a result of problems

with essential fatty acid metalx)lism), anemia two million u IV q 6 h or tetracycline at 500 mg
(iron storage and B-l 2/folic acid) deficiencies, rv q6 h, sedation to control muscle spasms, IV
weight loss and ketosis are all symptoms of and electrolytes until the patient can eat
liver disease. ALSO SEE GALLBLADDER DIS- and drink on their own.
Treatment of liver disease includes chela- sidered a connective tissue disease of un-
tion with complete IV supplementation in- known causes; it is of interest that 90% of all

cluding amino acids and interlipids, vita- cases of SLE occur in women in their 30s. The
minCtobowel tolerance , vitamin A at 300 ,000 "orthodox" theory is that SLE is an "autoim-
IU per day as beta carotene, B-complex at 100 mune" disease that causes the patient's own
mg each t.i.d., selenium at 500-1,000 meg per antibodies to attack themselves - the fact is the
day, B-12 at 1,000 meg per day, folic acid at 15- autoimmune defect occurs as a result of the
25 mg per day, essential fatty acids (both disease and the presence of abnormal pro-
salmon oil and flaxseed oil) at 1 gm t.i.d. and teins rather than being the cause. The classical
herbs including tamarac (Larix americana), symptoms of SLE usually begin suddenly with
(Carum petroselinum), hemp acri-
parsley fever, fatigue, arthritis and/or joint pain (be-
mony (Eupatorium cannabium) and milk cause of this many SLE patients are misdiag-

thistle (Silybum marianum). Don't forget the nosed as having rheumatoid arthritis), a char-
base line nutrition program and colloidal min- acteristic facial "butterfly" rash (typical of aller-
erals gies), severe alopecia (hair loss), and papular
skin lesions. Diagnosis of SLE includes rec-

LOCKJAW (tetanus): is caused by the toxin ognition of a fever with the facial "butter-
(waste product) of Clostridium tetani which is fly" kidney disease,
rash, poly arthritis,
a normal inhabitant of animal manure. Punc- leukopenia (low WBCs), elevated blood
ture wounds contaminated by this organism globulins and the presence of LE cells
cause the production of tetanus toxin which (these only occur in 70% of SLE and are
paralyzes the voluntary muscles including the normal WBCs that have engulfed a nucleus
jaw muscles (masseter) which gives the dis- from a destroyed cell). Do the "pulse" test
ease its name "lockjaw." Prevention of the to determine allergies (i.e., wheat, cow's
infection is the best of the alternatives; squeeze milk and soy are the most common).
the puncture wound to make it bleed; small
puncture wounds of the foot or hands may Treatment of SLE includes avoidance of of-

require opening to allow cleaning with soap fending food allergens and rotation of non
and water; follow this cleaning with disinfec- allergic foods, autoimmune urine therapy,

tion with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Take cramp chelation with total nutrition for 15-25 infu-
bark tea (Viburnum opulus) in tablespoon sions, essential fatty acids (salmon oil and
doses as needed. These very minimal proce- flaxseed oil) at 5 gm t.i.d., selenium at 500-

dures will almost 100% prevent lockjaw. 1,000 meg per day, B-carnitine at 500 mg pet-
Treatment of lockjaw after it develops re- Consume daily doses of plant derived colloi-

quires the use of tetanus neutralizing non dal minerals.

fixed toxin, clean infected wound, disinfect

wound with hydrogen peroxide, penicillin at LYME DISEASE (LD, Lyme arthritis): is a

spirochete bacterial disease that is transmitted tion of nutrients or malabsorption of nutrients
by ticks. The disease was first described in as a result of celiac disease or hypo-chlorhydria.
1975 Lyme, Connecticut thus, the name.
in "Orthodox" doctors tend to think of malnutri-
Three to 32 days after being bitten by an tion as protein/ calorie deprivation and fail to
infected tick a skin lesion known as an ECM recognize macro and micro nutrient deficien-
(erythema chronicum migrans) will appear cies either singly or in complex multiples,
on the thigh, buttock or axilla. The lesion especially in their early stages. "Orthodox"
expands to a diameter of 50 cm, the lesion doctors also fail to recognize that celiac dis-
feels hot to the touch. There will be recurrent ease changes in the small intestine lining oc-
attacks of arthritis, fatigue, chills, fever, stiff cur as a result of "subclinical" allergies to
neck, sore muscles, nausea and vomiting. wheat, cow's milk albumen and soy as well as
Heart disease in the form of cardiomegaly and other foods (i.e., rye, barley, beef, eggs, etc.).

AV-block occur in 8% of the patients.

In reality, diabetes and hypoglycemia are de-
Diagnosis of Lyme disease requires a high ficiencies of chromium and vanadium cre-
degree of awareness of the disease. Lyme ated by malabsorption as a result of celiac type
disease occurs most often in children who changes in the small intestine; cystic fibrosis is,
play out in the grass or deep woods, or those in reality, a deficiency of selenium and essen-

who have a dog that goes out into the woods tial fatty acids brought on by celiac disease
and brings home the Ixodes dammini tick. type changes in the pregnantmother and con-
The disease occurs in clumps along the north- tinued in the developing infant; arthritis is, in

eastern coast of the U.S., Wisconsin, Califor- fact, a deficiency of calcium complicated by
nia and Oregon. Patients may initially excess phosphorus in the American diet; and
bemisdiagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis, WBCs cancer appears to be the result of a depressed
are elevated at 25,000, special blood tests are immune system that has run out of essential
required for specific diagnosis. nutrients required to keep itself in constant
repair. As wild as it seems "malnutrition" as a

Treatment of Lyme Disease requires the use of result of "malabsorption" appears to be the

tetracycline at 250-500 mgq.i.d. for 20 days. In common denominator of almost all degenera-
children where teeth are discolored by tetra- tive disease. Liquid plant derived colloidal
cyclines penicillin can be used at 20 million u/ minerals are the most efficient way to get
day IV in divided doses. minerals into malnurished humans.

LYMPHOMA (cancerofthe lymph nodes): MANIA (manic depression): see depres-

see cancer sion, food allergies; see hypoglycemia

MALABSORPTION: see celiac disease, food MEASLES (rubeola): is a highly contagious

allergies and hypochlorhydria viral disease with a sudden onset, cough, nasal
drainage, conjunctivitis, Koplik's spots (erup-
MALIGNANCY (cancer): see cancer tions on the oral and mucosa) and a

pimple like skin rash that starts on the head

MALNUTRITION: can occur as an overt nutri- and neck and spreads to the body, arms and
tional deficiency or secondary to extended legs. Elevated temperature to 104 F is com-

use of medications that interfere with absorp- mon; pneumonia and encephalitis are un-

usual and potentially fatal side effects. Measles individuals should use sunscreens while ex-
today affects young teenagers and young adults posed to the sun. These spots are cosmetic in
and less often infants. The incubation of nature and appear to be of no consequence to
measles is 7-14 days with the diag-nostic health.
Koplik's spots appearing four days after the
fever starts. Having had measles gives life long MEMORY LOSS (senile dementia,
immunity. Korsakoff s syndrome, Alzheimer's): can
be much more devastating than a physical
Treatment of measles should include topical disability. There are a variety of causes of
OTC products to relieve itching (i.e.,Caladryl), memory loss and it is suggested that you look
herbs including salves made of marigold up each one separately including food aller-
(Calendula officinalis) and orally columbine gies and hypoglycemia. You should do pulse
(Aquilegia vulgaris), yarrow (Achillea test to determine allergies or sensitivities to
millefolium) and pleurisy root (Asclepias tube- various foods; do a six-hour GTT to rule in or
rose). rule out hypoglycemia.

MEASLES, GERMAN (rubella, three-day Treatment of memory loss should include

measles): is a contagious viral disease that avoidance of offending food allergens, avoid-
produces mild symptoms in children includ- ance of sugar, avoidance of alcohol, chro-
ing swollen lymphnodes of the head and mium at 25-200 meg t.i.d., selenium at 200-
neck. The incubation period is 14-21 days and 1,000 meg per day, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU
overt symptoms may be absent in teenagers per day, B-complex at 50 mg t.i.d., Diapid
and adults. The typical skin rash occurs first on (vasopressin) at 12-16 U/day (this is a nasal
the face then spreads quickly to the body and spray), Lucidril (centrophenoxine) at 4.4-8.0
limbs with a general body flush not unlike gm/day, Dinagen (piracetam) at 1.6-4.8 gm/
scarlet fever. Adults may have enlarged lymph day (should take choline with this product)
nodes on the head and neck and adult males and hydergine at 9-20 mg per day.
may complain of brief testicular pain. RU-

NANT WOMEN THAT CAN INDUCE SPON- the regular monthly cycle of women that

TANEOUS ABORTIONS AND BIRTH DE- alternatives ovulation (mid cycle approxi-
FECTS. VACCINES WILL CAUSE SIMILAR mately day 14) with "periods" (the 3-7 day

BIRTH DEFECTS AS THE DISEASE SO ARE discharge of blood and uterine lining) at the
TO BE AVOIDED DURING PREGNANCY. end of the cycle. "Periods" will frequently stop
in women and athletes and women who drop

Treatment for rubella is the same symptomatic below 20% body fat. The stopping of a period
therapy as that used for the nine-day measles. is of no health consequence in of itself but is a

signal that you may be too thin for a normal

MELASMA (chloasma, "mask of preg- cycle and ovulation. Painful "periods" are not
nancy"): dark brown spots with distinct mar- uncommon and can be severe enough to
gins found on the face and forehead of preg- force bed rest (this is usually the result of
nant women and women on birth control essential fatty acid deficiencies).

hormones, sunlight darkens the pigment. The

spots may fade after childbirth. Susceptible Treatment of painful or excessive menses

("heavy flow") can include OTC products (i.e. nosis (spinal tap) and injection of antibiotics
Midol) and/or herbs such as snapdragon into the subdural space (under the meninges),
(Linaria vulgaris), Bethroot(Trilliumerectum), total IV fluid and electrolyte support, and very
black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemose), blue frequently mechanical respirators - MENIN-
cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides), tamarac GITIS IS NOT A SELF-HELP DISEASE!!!
(Larix americana), alpine ragwort (Senecio
fuchsii), ladies mantle (Alche milla vulgaris), MENINGOCELE (severe anencephlia or
St. Johns wort (Hypericum perforatum), spina bifida): is a severe birth defect that
shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris), results in exposure of the brain or spinal cord
white deadnettle (Lamium album) and yar- and its coverings (meninges) because of im-
row (Achillea millefolium); essential fatty ac- proper formation of the vertebrae. This birth
ids (salmon oil and flaxseed oil) at 5 gm t.i.d., defect is caused by a deficiency of folic acid, B-
vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, selenium at 12, or zinc and vitamin A during early preg-
500-1,000 meg mg per
per day, iron at 25-50 nancy. These deficiencies may be the result of
day (especiallyfor vegetarian women who do deficient diets and/or malabsorption syn-
not eat red meat or liver regularly). dromes in the pregnant mother. Severe cases
may be debilitating or fatal.
MENINGITIS (infection of the brain and
spinal cord covering): can be caused by a Treatment of meningocele is limited to sur-
variety of organisms including bacteria (i.e., gery. PREVENTION is the goal here!!
Neisseria meningitides, Hemophilis
influenzae, Streptococcus (Diplococcus) MENKES KINKY HAIR SYNDROME: is

pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes), fungi, thought by the "orthodox" pediatrician to be a

and hundreds of viruses). There is great genetic disease, however, it appears to be a
danger in this disease in that infants with malabsorption problem in early infancy (i.e.,

meningitis often only show a fever and leth- celiac disease) that results in a copper defi-
argy and there is a "blood-brain barrier" that ciency (along with other deficiencies). It has
prevents most medications from getting into long been known in the veterinaiy field that a
the inner surface of the meninges, into the copper deficiency causes "kinky wool" dis-

space beneath the meninges and into the ease. Retarded growth, anemia, progressive
brain itself. Symptoms of meningitis vary brain degeneration, sparse brittle hair, loss of
considerably but usually include a sore throat, aneurysms and scurvy-like
hair color, arterial
fever, headache, stiff neck, and vomiting. bone disease (ostosis) are characteristic. Hair
Children and adults may become critically ill analysis will show very low copper levels and
in 6-24 hours after the first appearance of blood will show a low copper and low ceru-
symptoms. If you suspect meningitis, this is loplasmin.
one disease that requires rapid diagnosis and
treatment GET PATIENT TO AN EMERGENCY Treatment of Menke's syndrome includes deal-
ROOMSTAT!!! DEMAND IMMEDIATE HELP!!! ing with the malabsorption problems (i.e.,

Meningitis patients often die because they avoid wheat, cow's milk and soy) give copper
have waited 2-4 hours in an emergency wait- IV at 200 ug/kg/day, give copper orally at 1-2
ing room!!! mg per day after relief of symptoms.

Treatment of meningitis requires rapid diag- MENOPAUSE (climacteric): see climacteric

dead). The use of double the base line nutri-
MERCURY POISONING: can result the in- tion program for 30 days will enhance the
gestion or inhalation of any mercurial com- patient's ability to get through the withdrawal
pound and off-gassing of mercury vapors - 30 days drop to the base line nutritional
from mercury amalgam dental fillings. Symp- supplement program and remain on it. Do
toms include gastroenteritis, salivation, burn- pulse test to determine food sensitivities/aller-
ing mouth pain, abdominal pain, nausea and gies and do a six-hour GTT. Individuals
vomiting.colitis, kidney disease, gingivitis, addicted to drugs and/or alcohol very fre-

mental and emotional disturbances and nerve quently have "addictive allergies" to food and
deficits. Multiple sclerosis is thought by many sugar.
dentists and alternative health advocates to be
the result of mercury poisoning. Diagnosis of MIGRAINE HEADACHES: are frequently her-
mercury poisoning is easily made with a hair alded by flashes of and occurs
light, tingling

analysisand history of a mercury source. The between the ages of 10-30 years of age and
mental and emotional symptoms of mercury more often in women than men. Nausea,
poisoning in "hatters" in Victorian England led vomiting, diarrhea, digital cyanosis (blue color
to the coining of the saying "as mad as a hatter" from lack of circulation and/or oxygen), irrita-
(don't forget the "mad hatter" in Alice in Won- bility and photophobia are common symp-

derland). toms. "Orthodox" doctors tend to think that

migraine headaches are the result of blood
Treatment of mercury poisoning includes the vessel problems; in reality, migraine attacks
removal of the source of mercury including are the result of food allergies with the "target"
removing mercury amalgam dental fillings, tissue being the arteries which constrict in the

chelation with CaEDTA (to include complete elastic arteries in the brain and dilate the

IV nutrition) and sweating (sauna) as mercury muscular scalp arteries. Do the pulse test to

is excreted in sweat. determine which foods you are allergic to.

The use of selenium containing colloidal min-

erals is very effective in removing mercury Treatment and prevention are related to avoid-
from the tissues. ance of food allergens which are identified by
means of the pulse test, rotation diets, autoim-
METABOLIC THERAPY: is the resolving or mune urine therapy, betaine HC1 and pancre-
curing of disease processes by conecting the enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d., vitamin C to

whole body metabolism through nutrition, bowel tolerance, bioflavonoids at 200 mg

herbs, homeopathy, acupuncture, manipula- and the base line nutritional supplement

tion and hydrotherapy. program.

METHADONE: is the drug used to facilitate MISCARRIAGE (spontaneous abortion):

opiate withdrawal. Classically methadone is is usually due to deficiencies of vitamins, trace
given in just enough amounts to prevent the minerals and/or protein. In particular, vitamin
most severe withdrawal symptoms (usually A, zinc, folic acid, selenium and complete
20 mg/day). The opiate (i.e., opium, mor- proteins are essential to maintenance of preg-
phine, etc.) withdrawal symptoms are self- nancy. Restricted diets (i.e., weight loss, in-

limiting and not life threatening (although complete vegetarian diets, incomplete

addicts in withdrawal often wish they were tion diets, etc.) and malabsorption syndromes

(i.e., celiac disease type intestinal injury) are
the most common reasons for the malnutri- MONGOLISM (Down's syndrome): is a
tion that causes miscarriages and birth defects. birth defect caused by a zinc deficiency in the
Do the pulse test to identify offending food earliest moments of conception (one third of
allergens. the extra chromosome comes from the pater-
nal parent). The "orthodox" doctors feel that
Treatment for, and prevention of, miscarriages mongolism is the result of a chromosomal
includes the base line nutrition program for six defect that increases in risk as the maternal
months before attempting conception and parent ages — itis said that women over 35
herbs including crampbark (Viburnu- have 20% of the Down's syndrome babies (yet
mopulus), blue cohosh (Caulophyllum these women have only 6% of the babies born
thalictroides) and alfalfa. each Teenage mothers produce per-
haps as many as 60% of the remaining Down's
MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE: is a common syndrome babies.
progressive change in the left AV valve (mitral
valve)and surrounding heart tissue. Most Newborn Down's syndrome babies are termed
people are not aware that they have a prob- "floppy" babies as they are without muscular
lem, some have nonanginal chest pain, palpi- tone, placid and rarely cry. Physical and
tations, fatigue and/or breathing problems. A mental maturation is retarded and the average
late systolic "murmur" is sometimes detected IQ is 50. A small head with a domed forehead
when doing "squat" type exercises. If you are is characteristic; the bridge of the nose is

asymptomatic, your activities need not be eyes are slanted and have pro-
flattened; the
restricted. nounced oriental folds (epicanthal folds); there
are Brushfield's spots (gray salt-like grains
Treatment of mitral valve prolapse should around the outer edge of the iris) at birth, they
include selenium at 500-1 ,000 meg/day, mag- disappear in the first year of life.
nesium at 1,000 mg t.i.d. and salmon oil at 1-

5 gm t.i.d. and hawthorne (Crataegus Prevention of Down's syndrome includes the

oxyacantha). Don't forget the base line nutri- base line nutritional supplement program for
tion program. You can expect significant 90 days prior to attempting conception; test for
improvement in 30-60 days. food allergies with the pulse test to eliminate
the malabsorption of zinc and other nutrients.

a circular calcification of the media (middle Treatment of Down's syndrome should in-

muscular/elastic layer) of small arteries. This clude zinc at 50 mg

and the base line

disease is caused by hypervitaminosis D (ex- nutritional supplement program; do pulse test

cess vitamin D). Symptoms include hyperten- in Down's patient to determine the presence
sion and angina. of food allergies; avoid offending foods. You
can expect an increase in IQ of 15-20 points
Treatment of Monkeberg's arterio sclerosis and an improvement in physical features as
should include EDTA chelation, vitamin C to long as the program is followed; withdrawal
bowel tolerance, selenium at 500-1,000 meg from the program results in loss of all the gains.
per day and the base line nutritional supple-
ment program. MORNING SICKNESS: is a nausea that oc-

curs in the months of pregnancy
first three disease can be rapidly fatal in one year. Stress
because of rising progesterone levels. Having isknown to precipitate acute attacks. Diagno-
a complex carbohydrate or protein snack upon sisisbased on history and neurological exam
awakening will relieve much of the nausea; (the cerebrospinal fluid is abnormal in 80% of
herbal tea such as dogwood(Cornus sericea) the patients -normal CSF doesn't nile out MS).
and mint (Mentha sativa); B-6 and B-complex Do pulse test to determine food allergens.
at 25 mg t.i.d., essential fatty acids at 1,000 mg
t.i.d. and the base line nutritional supplement. Treatment offered by the "orthodox" neurolo-
gists is limited to cortisone or prednisone,
MOSQUITOES: can be eliminated from your unfortunately, this course of therapy is like
dwelling by using screen windows and doors. giving aspirin to treat a brain tumor!!! It is

Electric insect "zappers"can be placed ap- known that avoidance of animal fats and a
proximately 15-25 yards from the back door- relatively high consumption of fish oil (cod
- the idea being that the violet light will attract liver oil as oil) at 5 gm t.i.d. and
the mosquitoes away from the house as well flaxseed one tbsp. b.i.d. will increase
oil at

as kill a large number. In addition, to being an your survival rate by 50 percent; the consump-
initant mosquitoes cany a number of serious tion of cholesterol is of extreme importance as
human diseases including meningitis, en- the myelin sheath that disappears in MS is

cephalitis in North America and malaria, yel- made almost exclusively of cholesterol.
low fever, meningitis and encephalitis in South
America. There are numerous OTC flying Treatment should include removal of mercury
insect sprays, herbs like pennyroyal (Mentha fillings, the use of CaEAP at 1 q.i.d., .,

pulegium) oil nibbed on the skin and vitamins octocosanol at two capsules t.i.d., and snake
such as B-l at 500 mg/day will also "repel" venom injections daily, d-phenylalanine at
mosquitoes. 500 mg t.i.d., betaine HC1 and pancreatic en-
zymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d., practice avoidance
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS): is a progres- of known food allergens and rotation diets to
sive disease of the central nervous system. MS heal the small intestine, avoid vitamin C supple-
is characterized by scattered zones of demy- mentation (eat green vegetables and juices as
elination (loss of the fatty insolation layer on a natural source of vitamin C. This treatment
nerves). Symptoms begin between the ages of regime has also proved effected for ALS (Lou
20-40 years and usually start with tingling and/ Gehrig's Disease),
or numbness in the arms or legs (usually
"stocking" and "glove" distribution). SEE MER- MUMPS: is a contagious viral disease that
CURY POISONING. Weakness, clumsiness, causes painful enlargement of the salivary
visual problems, balance problems and dizzi- glands, especially the parotids. The mumps
ness and problems with bladder control fol- virus is very aggressive, is found in the saliva

low in months or years. Knee and ankle six days before the patient feels ill found in the

reflexes are often increased or exaggerated. urine and blood. Symptoms include fever (up
Intention tremor, nystagmus and a "scanning" to 104 F), chills, the skin over the salivary
speech (known as Charcot's triad) are fre- glands becomes tender and shiny and edema
quent problems. Spontaneous remissions for of the parotid salivary gland that causes no-
months or years are typical of the untreated ticeable swelling in front of and below the ear.
disease in the early stages. The untreated

Complications occur in 20% or so of adult the veterinary profession, muscular dystro-
males as a painful testicular infection; testicu- phy ("White Muscle Disease") has been elimi-
lar atrophy may follow the infection although nated by the use of selenium in pregnant
hormone production and fertility are rarely females and rapidly growing prepubic ani-
affected. mals. In addition to overt deficiencies of
selenium in the diet, the celiac disease type
Treatment of mumps is symptomatic includ- changes in the small intestine caused by food
ing pain relief (i.e., codeine, tylenol, aspirin, allergies is the common cause of tissue defi-
etc.), bed rest, liquid diet including chicken ciencies of selenium.
rice soup, sugarless Jello, Gatorade, juices and
herbs for symptomatic treatment including The symptoms of MD can start with weakness,
mullein (Verbascum thapsus). scoliosis (curvature of the spine), enlarge-
ment of certain muscle groups (i.e., calves,
MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY (MD): is another trapezius, etc.) to compensate for the loss of
crime against the people by the "orthodox" strength of synergistic muscle groups. A muscle
medical doctors for reasons of money - if the biopsy is done by a neurologist to
was shared with the public, muscu-
total truth make the diagnosis ofMD. If selenium and
lar dystrophy would be totally preventable vitamin E were to be given IM or IV at the veiy
but a whole medical specialty would be wiped first onset of symptoms the disease will be

out!!! As crazy as this seems, look at the anested or cured. The "orthodox" doctors
veterinary industry where muscle is "king" resort to prednisone and surgery!!!! Death is
(i.e., pork chops, beef steak, lamb chops, the inevitable end for those kids with MD if
roasts, ground red meat, chicken, turkey, etc.); they are "treated" in the "orthodox" method -
muscular dystrophy has been wiped out!!! A -it would be much healthier to go to a veteri-

fanner with 100 cows can expect 100 concep- narian for help!!!! Do the pulse test to deter-
tions, 100 live births, 100 normal calves and mine food allergies and sensitivities.

100 calves raised to market or reproductive

age; how can this be that animals are treated Treatment of MD and/or Keshan disease in-
better than people??? cludes the use of selenium orally (plant de-
rived colloidal minerals), IV or IM at 50-1,000
Prevention is the name of the game with MD; meg per day (based on weight), vitamin E IM
the selenium levels in preconception women at 80 mg per day, selenium orally at 250-1 ,000
is important to the maintenance of pregnancy meg per day, vitamin E 800-1, 200 orally, sulfur
as well as the prevention of muscular dystro- amino acids IV as a complete amino acid
phy in all of its forms (i.e., Duchenne, Erb infusion and orally in the form of free amino
(scapulohumerall), Leyden-Moebius (pelvi- acids and sugarless Jello; essential fatty acids 5
femoral), Landouzy-Dejerine {facio-scapulo- gm t.i.d., avoid food allergens, avoid exces-
humeral), Becker's {benign juvenile} and sive fats (no more than 20% of the calories
Gowers (hands and feet}), which are in reality each day as fat), choline as soy lecithin at 10-
artificial classifications of MD by the groups of 20 gm per day, avoid exercise for one month
muscles Keshan disease
initially affected. during initial treatment period (this isthe op-
(heart muscular dystrophy) which isalso posite recommendation from the "orthodox"
caused by selenium deficiency should be treatment) to avoidundue injury to already
added to the list of muscular dystrophies. In biochemically compromised muscle tissue.

tions when nervous): tends to be common
MUSCLE CRAMPS (Charley horse): are a in senior citizens. Many of these cardiac
"mini" convulsion that is taking place in the symptoms are the result of B-l (Beri-Beri)
muscle as a result of deficiencies of calcium, deficiencies, anemia and deficiencies of stom-
magnesium, potassium, selenium and/orvita- ach acid. Do pulse test to determine if food
min E. Muscle cramps may be as subtle as the allergies are a contributing factor.
twitch of an eyelid, muscle flutter in arms or
legs (fasciculations) to and including the hard Treatment of "nervous" heart conditions should
cramps of the feet, calves, back and neck include B-l at 100 mg t.i.d., iron at 45-100 mg,
muscles. Prevention includes the base line improve general diet, don't forget the base line
nutritional supplement program. Do pulse nutritional supplement program and herbs
test to determine food allergies that might including hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha),
cause celiac disease type changes and the hops(Humuluslupulus),lavender(Lavandula
resultant malabsorption. Do a hair analysis to angustifolia), motherwort (Leonums cardiaca)
determine mineral status. and valerian (Valeriana officinalis); avoid of-
fending food allergens and employ rotation
Treatment of muscle cramps can include liq- diets.

uid colloidal calcium, magnesium and potas-

sium; betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at NERVOUS TENSION (nervous head-
75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals. aches): are usually brought on by tension and
overwork; there may be a precipitating food
NASAL CATARRH (runny nose, stuffy allergy involved so don't forget to do a pulse
nose): can be caused by a wide variety of test.

upper respiratory viral infections.

Treatment includes avoidance of sugar, caf-

Treatment includes Contac q 12 h, cay-

at 1 feine, food allergens, avoidance and/or re-

enne pepper (Capsicum minimum), eucalyp- duction of stress and tension; exercise, home-
tus (Eucalyptus globulus), German chamo- opathy, acupuncture, color therapy, sublimi-
mile (Matricaria chamomilla) and scotch pine nal relaxation tapes and herbs including balm
(Pinus sylvestris). (Melissa officinalis), bitter orange (Citnis
aurantium), sweet woodruff (Gallium
NAUSEA: can be caused by a wide variety of odoraturm), wild celery (Apium graveolens)
diseases and syndromes ranging from nutri- and lily-of-the valley (Convallaria magalis).

tional deficiencies, pregnancy, hepatitis, food

allergies to cancer; therefore, if nausea is a NEURALGIA (Bell's palsy, neuropathy): is
recurring problem detailed investigation an irritation of a nerve which can be caused by
should be pursued. many diseases rangingfrom trauma, nutritional
deficiencies (i.e., B-12, folic acid, B-l, B-6,
Treatment of nausea can include Pepto Bismol etc.), infections (i.e., herpes, shingles, etc.),

Kaopectate, and herbs to include artichoke alcoholism, diabetes, MS, etc.

(Cynara scolymus), avens (Geum urbanum)

and peppermint (Mentha piperita). Treatment requires attention to any and all

underlying conditions; treatment of neuralgia

NERVOUS HEART (rapid beat or palpita- should also include B-complex 50 t.i.d., B-12

1 ,000 meg per day, essential fatty acids as EPA foodallergies (usually milk) and hypoglycemia
and flaxseed oil at one tbsp. b.i.d.,
at 5 gmt.i.d. (sugar bedtime snacks).
calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and
1,000 mg per day, Isoprinosin at 500-1,500 Treatment of night terrors includes avoidance
mg/day and Ribavirin at 250-1 ,500 mg/day for of offending food allergens, avoidance of sugar,
viralneuralgias (i.e., herpes and shingles), chromium at 25-200 meg t.i.d., high animal
acupuncture and herbs including lavender protein diets, base line nutritional supplement
(Lavandula angustifolia), oats (Avena satifa), program, avoid caffeine.
rosemary (Rosmarinus Johns
officinalis), St.

wort (Hypericum perforatum), white willow NOSEBLEEDS (epistaxis): are usually the
(Salix alba). result of vitamin K and/or vitamin C deficien-
cies. "Orthodox" EENTs like to do "minor"
NIGHT BLINDNESS (xerophthalmia): is surgery on noses to cauterize (i.e., burn) cap-
caused by a vitamin A deficiency which can be illaries in the nasal membranes to stop the

overt dietary deficiency, fat malabsorption nosebleeds.

syndrome (vitamin A is fat soluble), zinc defi-
ciency which results in poor conversion of Treatment for nosebleeds should include in-

carotene to vitamin A by the liver; cystic fibro- creased consu mption of green leafy vegetables,
sis, celiac disease and various food allergies reseed colon with Lactobacillus acidophilus
result in intestinal changes that prevent ab- (the bacteria will synthesize vitamin K), vita-
sorption of fat soluble vitamins (i.e. vitamin A, , min C to bowel tolerance, calcium and mag-
vitamin E, vitamin D and vitamin K) as well as nesium at 2,000 mg and 1,000 mg per day,
essential fatty acids. Symptoms of night blind- vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU per day, alfalfa
ness include delayed adaption or complete tablets at 5 t.i.d. with meals and herbs includ-

failure of adaption to darkness. ing toad flax (Linaria vulgaris).

Treatment of night blindness is very specific NUMBNESS (tingling both hands, Carpal
with 25,000-300,000 IU of vitamin A per day as Tunnel Syndrome): can be caused by neu-
beta carotene and zinc at 15-50 mg t.i.d. ralgia (diabetes, B-12 deficiency), circulation
problems and "carpal tunnel" syndrome; on
NIGHT TERRORS (nightmares): are almost occasion food allergies can cause numbness
always caused by food allergies and and tingling and should be considered in your
hypoglycemia. The pulse test and the six- diagnostic process; don't forget thepossibility
hour GTT are necessary to determine the of MS. "Tinnel's sign" (tap wrist) with the
exact cause of nightterrors. Remember the finger to elicit pain. "Orthodox" neurologist
low point of blood sugar levels occur at 4-4 1/ love to do carpal tunnel surgeiy for this prob-
2 hours after consumption of food (especially lem.
sugar foods and drinks) so night terrors will
occur four hours after consumption of food Treatment for numbness and tingling should
(especially sugar foods and drinks) so night include aggressive diagnosis and treatment of
terrors will occur four hours after consump- any underlying condition as well as B-12 at

tion of "bedtime snacks" (i.e., cookies and 1000 meg per day, B-6 at mg t.i.d.,
milk). Bedwetting in children often accompa- calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg and
nies night terrors and are the direct result of 1 ,000 mg per day and zinc at 50 mg t.i.d. B-12 ,

at 1,000 meg/day and colloidal minerals. restricted diet, don't compromise your min-
eral status any further); drink filtered spring
OBESITY (overweight): is a problem to water (distilled water is "hungry" water and
various degrees in all industrialized nations will demineralize your bones over a long
and, in particular, the United States. Obesity period of usage), drink 8-10 glasses of water
has various causes and combinations of causes; each day (40% of your water normally comes
obesity is Rendered
not a simple problem. from food - it only makes sense if you restrict
down to its simplest terms obesity is consum- your food, you will also restrict water unless
ing and storing more calories than you are you make a conscious effort to drink enough)
using. Starvation only complicates the conec- as "compulsive"trips to the refrigerator are
tion of the problem as a starving body will shut most often subliminal searches for water (es-
off calorieconsumption as an energy conser- pecially right after meals), use special salts to
vation move; to avoid this body maneuver, be flavor meals (potassium salt with kelp is excel-
sure to consume at least 1 ,000 calories per day lent), DO NOT SKIP MEALS, make breakfast

(a gradual but permanent loss of pounds and your largest most complete meal, lunch should
inches will occur). Moderate exercise in the be a moderate meal with animal protein and
form of walking, tennis, golf, swimming and/ dinner should be a light "soup and salad," take
or low impact aerobics (i.e., Chi Gong) is salmon oil at 5gmt.i.d. with meals, flaxseed oil
adequate; don't forget the base line nutritional at one tbsp. b.i.d., two heaping tbsp. of nutri-

supplements as your need for nutritional tional fiber in an eight ounce glass of water

supplementation becomes critical when you before bed, glucomannan at 1 gm in eight

are on a restricted diet. In fact 90% of obese ounces of water one hour before meals, be-
people over eat and binge because empty taine HCl and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200
calorie diets result in "pica" - a nibbling behav- mg t.i.d. 15 minutes before meals and take
ior caused by the bodies search for trace thyroid starting at 1-3 grains (too much will

minerals! (Use colloidal minerals)! make you a little jittery and increase your heart
rate as much as 10-20 beats/minute -adjust up

Test for food allergies with the pulsetest and or down in dosage as needed — if you get
do a six-hour glucose tolerance test to deter- above six grains before you OD on thyroid,
mine if you have hypoglycemia or diabetes you have celiac disease type because of your
(remember a single fasting blood glucose test intestine -do pulse test and avoid allergens!!!!),

will miss 99-9% of all hypoglycemics and 85% take herbal laxatives and/or herbal diuretic
of all diabetics). teas as necessaiy subliminal weight loss tapes

can be very helpful (especially at the begin-

"Treatment" of obesity is, in fact, a change in ning). THIS PROGRAM IS VERY COMPLEX

style and habits requiring as complete a

commitment as that required to stop smoking. FOOD IN YOUR HOUSE - AFTER YOU
Avoid offending food allergens, avoid sugarin REACH YOUR WEIGHT GOALS, YOU CAN
all forms (i.e., solids as well as liquids), avoid SIMPLIFY YOUR WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM.
caffeine (caffeine lowers blood sugar and
makes you hungry!!!), avoid carbonated soft OBSTRUCTION OF AmWAYS (choking):
drinks (even the one calorie varieties are loaded will be heralded by the "universal choking
with phosphates which will cause osteoporosis sign" of both hands clutched at the throat and

over the long haul - you are already on a a loss of the ability to speak. This happens

veiy frequently in restaurants and is often swirling waves as "battalions" of Chinese in-
referred to as a "restaurant coronary" as most fantry.
observers think the patient is having a "heart
attack." Prevention includes the stopping of Treatment for oligospermia includes avoid-
talking while you chewing and swallow-
are ance of offending food allergens, double the
ing food (especially meat and firm raw veg- base line nutritional supplementation for 30-
etables such as carrots and beets). 60 days, acupuncture, and herbs including
ginseng (Panax ginseng) and herbal combina-
Treatment of choking includes: 1) putting tions such as Zumba.
your finger into the back of the throat and
manually removing the obstruction; 2) per- OMPHALOCELE (umbilical hernia): is a
forming a "Heimlich" maneuver (standing birth defect characterized by a grape to bas-
behind the patient, lock your arms around ketball sized skin sac in the "belly button" that
them with hands locked just below the xi- is lined with peritoneum (membrane lining of
phoid cartilage and suddenly thrust/squeeze; the abdominal cavity); the sac may contain fat
for babies use hands only). If the obstruction and/or intestinal loops that can be pushed
is lodged and cannot be coughed out with the back into the abdominal cavity. This is a
Heimlich maneuver; a tracheotomy must be common birth defect that is caused by mater-
performed as a lifesaving maneuver (die EMTs nal deficiencies (and, thus, fetal deficiencies)
will not get there in time!) and you must use of vitamin A and/or zinc.
whatever is available (i.e., pocket knife, steak
knife, etc.). The location of the incision is half Treatment of umbilical hernia requires sur-
way between the base of the larynx (voice gery to repair the belly wall defect if the
box) and the notch where the collar bones join "hernial ring" (defect in the belly wall) is larger
the breast bone - it must be dead center and than your finger tip. If the defect is approxi-
large enough to accommodate the empty mately the diameter of your finger tip you can
barrel of a ball point pen which will provide heal this one at home without surgery. The
enough airflow for survival - the EMTs will technique is to place a golf ball sized ball of
arrive about five minutes after you have com- virgin wool on the hernia and tape it firmly
pleted your "surgery," however, the patient down to the level of the skin. Three times each
would have died if you waited for them. If the day, remove the wool ball and be sure the fat
patient's heart has also stopped as a result of ispushed back into the belly cavity with the
the choking, you will have to perform CPR finger tip; at the same time, rub the "hernial
after you have created the airway. ring" in a rotary fashion for several minutes
toirritate it. Over a period of weeks to months,
OLIGOSPERMIA (low sperm count): is usu- the defect will fill in and completely heal
ally the result of nutritional deficiencies and/ without surgery.
or malabsorption syndromes. Do a pulse test
to determine if food allergies and celiac type ORGANIC BRAESf SYNDROME (pellagra,
changes are a factor. Infertility if the usual "red alcoholism, dementia, depression,
flag" that raisesthe question of sperm count. hyperkinesis, hypoglycemia, diabetes, PMS,
Place one drop of a semen sample on a slide paranoia, schizophrenia and learning disabili-
with a cover slip on top; at high power, the live ties): is caused by a wide variety of nutritional
sperm should be highly motile and appear as deficiencies (i.e., niacin, B-l, B-12, folic acid,

chromium, etc.) and toxicities (i.e., alcohol- can be fatal.

ism, lead poisoning, mercury poisoning-den-

tal amalgam). Do a pulse test to determine if OSTEOARTHRITIS (degenerative arthri-
food allergies are a part of the syndromes and tis): see arthritis

do a six-hour GTT mle in or rule out

to OSTEITIS FIBROSA (nutritional second-
diabetes or hypoglycemia (remember a single ary hyperparathyroidism): is also known
fasting blood glucose will miss 99-9% of the as Paget's Disease. This is a bone disease that
hypoglycemia and 85% of the diabetes). affects men more often than women (women

get osteoporosis more frequently) and is char-

Treatment of organic mental disorders re- acterized by a loss of hard bone which is
quires serious dedication to identify the un- replaced by fibrous connective tissue. The first
derlying problems and dealing with them. signs of Paget's Disease occur in the dental
Treatment should include avoidance of food arcade by separating the teeth and loss of teeth
allergens, rotation diets, betaine HC1 and pan- because of loss of jaw bone. The weight
creatic enzymes at 75-200 mg. t.i.d. 15 minutes bearing bones of the pelvis, femur and tibia
before meals, B-3 (niacin) at 450 mg t.i.d. as are next; very frequently there is a loss of
time release tablets, essential fatty acids as stature as the bones undergo rearchitecturing

salmon and flaxseed oils at 5 mg each t.i.d., and kyphosis ("dowagers" hump). The cause
chromium at 25-200 meg t.i.d. and zinc at 50 is thought to be unknown by the "orthodox"

mg t.i.d. Don't forget the base line nutritional doctors, however,in animals the cause is a

supplement program. reversed calcium/ phosphorus dietary ratio

intake in the presence of relatively large
ORNITHOSIS (parrot fever): is an infec- amounts of vitamin D (makes sense as men
caused by (Chlamydia psittaci);
tious disease tend to be out in the sun without their shirts
panot fever is transmitted by inhaling the more often than women). Diagnosis of Paget's
contam-inated dust from feathers, cage bed- D isease can be made by x ray of the teeth in the
ding or feces of infected birds (i.e., parrots, earliest stages and x ray of the weight bearing

parakeets, love birds and canaries or pigeons). bones in the more advancedstages. the blood
Panot fever is characterized by an "atypical shows an elevated alkaline phosphatase (cal-
pneumonia." Symptoms of "parrot fever" in- cium and phosphoais are usually in the nor-
clude fever, chills, weakness, loss of appetite, mal range) and an elevated parathyroid gland
dry coughing initially that develops into a hormone. (It is interesting to note that "ortho-
productive cough. At first, "panot fever" may dox" orthopedic doctors think of Paget's Dis-
be diagnosed as "flu" or confused with Legion- ease as a viral infection).

naires disease or Q fever. Exposure to birds

(especially sick ones) will offer a clue that Treatment of Paget's Disease should include a
Sherlock Holmes wouldn't miss!!! A blood test vigorous effort to conect the dietary calcium/
is required for specific diagnosis. phosphorus ratio, reduce or eliminate red
meat intake, avoid phosphate containing soft
Treatment of "panot fever" includes the use of drinks, avoid all phosphate containing supple-

tetracycline orally at 250-500 mg q.i.d. for 10- ments, reduce vitamin D intake and exposure
14 days; thecough should be controlled with (i.e., hats, long sleeve shirts, etc.), increase

codeine and strict bed rest should be enforced calcium and magnesium intake to 2,000 mg
as untreated and uncontrolled "panot fever" and 1,000 mg per day, take betaine HCl and

pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15 weakened unnecessarily. Milk allergies will
minutes before meals and don't forget the cause a severe fever, painful earaches and
base line nutritional supplement program. burst eardmms if not corrected.

OSTEOPOROSIS: is bone that

a decrease in Treatment of otitis should include the use of
usually occurs in older individuals (more fre- hydrogen peroxide or mullein eardrops to
quently in women). The big push by the help relieve local inflammation, avoid cow's
"orthodox" doctors is for estrogen and fluoride milk in all forms and be sure to take the base
supplementation, yet these two compounds supplement program. Aspirin
line nutritional
alone do not solve the problem. In our per- or tylenol may be necessaiy for pain relief.
sonal experience osteoporosis is easy to pre- Antibiotics are only justified when a Strepto-
vent and cure with proper supplementation of coccal sore throat or internal otitis is cultured.
stomach acid (HCl) and calcium. Do a pulse
test to identify any food allergens that might be PAIN: is caused by any abnormal process that
causing a celiac disease type change and changes the architecture of bone or soft tissue.
malabsorption syndromes. The symptoms of Repairing or conecting the disease process
osteoporosis are characterized by bone pain, will usually eliminate the pain without the
joint pain, "dowagers" hump and "spontane- continued need for pain medication.
ous" fractures. Osteoporosis is the 12th most
frequent cause of death in adults (following Treatment for pain necessarily must include
fractured hips, etc.). an aggressive correction of any underlying
disease process. Treatment of pain may in-
Treatment of osteoporosis should include clude TENS (electronic pain masking), co-
betaine HCl and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 deine, tylenol-3, aspirin with codeine, aspirin,
mg t.i.d. 15 minutes before meals, calcium and tylenol, DMSO, acupuncture, hydrotherapy,
magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1 ,000 mg per day chiropractic, and herbs including aconite
(or more for the first 30 days). Estrogen may (Aconitum napellus), comfrey (Symphytum
be contraindicated because of the potential officinale), chicory (Cichorium intybus) and
carcinogenic effect (known to cause breast English mandrake (Tamus communis). Don't
and uterine cancer). Don't forget the plant forget plant derived colloidal minerals here.
derived colloidal minerals that include cal-
cium, magnesium and boron. PALPITATIONS (irregular heartbeat): can
be the result of organic heart disease (this is
OTITIS (earache): is an inflammation of the easily determined by an EKG or ECG), food
inner parts of the ear (externa involves the allergies (i.e., Chinese Restaurant Syndrome
outside of the eardmm and the ear canal and or allergy to MSG), nutritional deficiencies
interna involves the inside of the eardmm and (i.e., B-l, B-3, selenium, potassium, etc.) and/
the eustachian tube). The "orthodox" EENT or hypoglycemia.
approach is to give antibiotic eardrops and
oral antibiotics in acute cases and to insert Treatment of palpitations should include EDTA
"tubes" into the eardmm to relieve pain in chelation for cardio-vascular disease, IV hy-
chronic cases. In reality, 95% of all otitis drogen peroxide, avoid caffeine, avoid of-
(earaches) is the result of a milk allergy. Do a fending food allergens, avoid sugar and pro-
pulse test before the eardrums are pierced and cessed foods in all forms, vitamin B-l at 100

mg t.i.d., B-3 at 450 mg t.i.cl. as time release Treatment of drug induced Parkinsonism
tablets, vitamin C to bowel tolerance and base should include the elimination of the offend-
line nutritional supplementation program; ing drug ("orthodox" neurologist will usually
herbs including English hawthorn (Crataegus recommend an additional dnig to deal with
oxyacantha), lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria thesymptoms of the offending dmg), take
mejalis), hops (Humulus lupulus), lavender octacosanol at 300 meg t.i.d., Neuro-Gen,
(Lavandula angustifolia), mother wort leucine lOgm/day, l-methionineat5gm/day,
(Leonuruscardiaca), valerian (Valeriana essential fatty acids at one tbsp. b.i.d., 1-

officinalis) and foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). tyrosine at 100 mg/day, dl-phenoalanine at

PARASITES (worms): include a variety of t.i.d., betaine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at

roundworms (i.e., ascaris, hookworms, pin- 75-200 mg t.i.d. before meals, and the baseline
worms and whipworms), tapeworms and supplement program; the "ortho-
microscopic one cell organisms (i.e., amoeba, dox" neurologist treats with 1-Dopa and

flagellates). Symptoms of parasites include carbidopa which aggravates and speeds up

diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, anal the progress of Parkinson's Disease in a sig-
itching, weakness and B-12 deficiency (tape- nificant number of cases and has no beneficial
worm). Diagnosis of parasites includes a effect in more than 50% of the cases.

microscopic fecal exam (see laboratory sec-

tion) for all intestinal parasites except for pin- PEPTIC ULCER (gastric ulcer): arethought
worms which require a scotch tape test (see to be caused by stress, deficiency of "vitamin
laboratory section). U" and/or dyspepsia. Symptoms of peptic
ulcer include burning stomach pain, dyspepsia
Treatment for parasites includes garlic (Allium and weight loss. "Coffee ground" stool indi-
sativum), peach (Pamus persica) and walnut cates that the ulcer is bleeding and that the

(Juglans nigra); with heavy infestations where patient is in eminent danger of bleeding to
stronger medication is required Pyrantel death. (GO TO A HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY!)
pamoate (roundworms), Niclosamide (tape-
worms) and Metronidazole (protozoa) should Treatment of peptic ulcer should include al-

be employed. falfa (Medicago sativa) which is thought to be

the richest source of "vitamin U" at ten tablets
PARKINSONISM (shaking palsy): is caused t.i.d. with meals, cabbage juice (Brassica
by a degeneration of the basal ganglia of the (Linum usitatissimum), Ger-
oleracea), flax
brain; symptoms are relentlessly progressive man chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) and
and include muscular rigidity, lack of pur- licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra).

poseful movement, tremor and "pill rolling"

tremors of the thumb and index finger. The PERIODONTAL DISEASE (receding gums,
cause of true Parkinson's Disease is unknown, pyorrhea, gingivitis): is thought by "ortho-
however, there are numerous medications dox" dentist to be caused by food particles
that will cause Parkinsonism-like symptoms packing into the space between teeth and
(i.e., phenothiazines, haloperidol, reserpine) between teeth and gums. In reality, all forms
as well as carbon monoxide poisoning and of periodontal disease are the result of bone
excessive manganese supplementation. loss under the gums which causes the gums to
recede and allow food to pack into the space

created. Again, this disease has been elimi- at bedtime, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/day, B-
nated by the veterinary profession as a result complex at 50 mg each t.i.d., vitamin C to
of nutritional investigations for better health bowel tolerance, copper at 2 gm per day,
and production of pet and farm animals. I essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., and herbs
have not seen too many cows, horses, dogs including arnica (Arnica montana), comfrey
and cats (nor wolves, giraffe or elephants for (Symphytumofficinale),rue(Rutagraveolens),
that matter) floss, brush their teeth or use yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis) and
mouthwash with fluoride. The reason that this cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshianus).
simple concept has not been shared with the
public is money!!! Think about the toothpaste, PICA (craves dirt or paint): is a symptom of
toothbrush and floss companies that get the one or more nutritional deficiencies. Adults
approval of the American Dental Association; often crave ice, children eat dirt and/or paint
does it not seem odd that these same compa- (the latter is extremely dangerous as many
nies give large grants to the dental schools paints contain lead or cadmium). A hair
(Sherlock Holmes, and maybe some union analysis will be invaluable to determine the
stewards, would call this one a "sweetheart patient's mineral status. Do a pulse test to
deal!!!!"). This appears to be another case of determine if a celiac disease type malabsorp-
letting the fox "guard" the chicken house. tion problem exists.

Treatment of periodontal disease should in- Treatment for pica should include the base
clude a correction of the dietaiy calcium/ line nutritional program including plant de-
phosphorus ratio (i.e., give up phosphate rived colloidal minerals; EDTA chelation
containing soft drinks, reduce red meat con- therapy may be necessary if hair analysis
sumption, reduce phytate intake (raw vege- shows elevated levels of lead or cadmium.
supplement calcium at 2,000 mg per

day and magnesium at 1,000 mg per day, PILES (hemorrhoids): see hemonhoids
remember the base line nutrition supplement
program including plant derived colloidal PILONIDAL CYST: is a midline congenital
minerals, vitamin A at 300,000 IU per day as defect (zinc or vitamin A, folic acid deficiency)
beta carotene, vitamin C to bowel tolerance, in the sacral area. The pit often contains hair.

zinc at 50 mg t.i.d. , betaine HC1 and pancreatic The tract is usually asymptomatic unless it
enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15 minutes before becomes plugged and becomes a cyst.
meals, avoid sugar; use herbal and hydrogen
peroxide mouthwashes and dental floss to Treatment of the pilonidal cyst should include
keep teeth clean. a poultice of plantain (Plantago major), com-
frey (Symphytum officinale) orboricacidb.i.d.
PHLEBITIS (varicose veins): is most com- until cyst opens up; on rare occasions surgical
mon in the hemorrhoidal veins and veins of opening of the cyst is required; local anesthe-
the legs. Constipation and static vertical posi- sia and a scalpel blade are all that is required
tion are the primary causative factors. for this relatively minor surgery.

Treatment of phlebitis should include con- PIMPLES (acne): see acne

sumption of eight glasses of water, two heap-
ing tbsp. of nutritional fiber in a glass of water PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME (PMS, hyste-

ria): has a long histoiy in "orthodox" medicine. (Equisetum arvense), lavender (Lavandula
Historically the treatment was hysterectomy angustifolia), lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria
(derived from hysteria) since removal of the majalis), rosemaiy (Rosmarinus officinalis),
ovaries and uterus "cured" all of the cyclical scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris) and cayenne
emotional symptoms leaving a precipitous pepper (Capsicum minimum).
menopause which could be palliated with
estrogen. It is now known that deficiencies of POX (chicken pox): see chicken pox
essential fatty acids in concert with the cyclical
hormone patterns of the women produce the POST PARTUM HEMORRHAGE: is the re-
classical PMS picture of fragile emotions, irra- sult of an atonic uterus that failed to contract
tional behavior, mania, depression and debili- hard enough, long enough allowing the open
tating pelvic "cramps." vessels to leak blood (on occasion a piece of
afterbirth will remain in the uterine lining and
Treatment of PMS includes 100 mg B-6 q 4 d, is the source of the bleeding.
essential fatty acids at 5 mg t.i.d., vitamin A at Treatment of post paitum hemorrhage should
300,000 IU per day as beta carotene during the include firm digital pressure on the fundus of
last 14 days of the cycle, vitamin E at 800-1,200 the uterus to stimulate contraction; the use of
IU/day, calcium (especially plant derived col- ergot (Claviceps purpurea) orally at 10-20
and herbs including mistletoe
loidal sources) minims or by injection will add sufficient con-
(Viscum album), black cohosh (Cimicifuga traction power.
racemosa) and blue cohosh (Caulophyllus
thalictroides). PREGNANCY LABOR (labor): can be en
hanced by the use of herbs including rasp-
POISON IVY: causes a contact papular berry (Rubus idaeus) and blue cohosh
dermatitis that produces a severe itch. (Caulophyllum thalictroides).

Treatment of poison ivy dermatitis includes PREGNANCY TOXEMIA (eclampsia): is

topical application ofCaladryl, aloe vera, poul- the result of low protein, low salt diets entered
tices of Solomon's seal (Polygonatum into an attempt to prevent excess weight gain
multiflorum), golden seal (Hydrastis in pregnancy. The first thoughts of restriction
canadensis) and plantain (Plantago major). of weight gain occurred at the turn of the
century when "orthodox" OB/GYN practitio-
POOR CIRCULATION: can be caused by ners learned that low birth weight babies
low thyroid and vita-
cardiovascular disease, could be delivered faster and, thus, allow
min E deficiency. Symptoms include cold more calls in one day.

hands and feet and numb tingling fingers and

toes. Symptoms of preeclampsia include sudden
weight gain (because of fluid accumulation as
Treatment of poor circulation includes EDTA a result of low blood protein), high blood
hydrogen peroxide IV, vitamin C to
chelation, pressure, albumi-nuria; eclampsia includes

bowel tolerance, vitamin E at 800-1,200 IU/ the symp-toms of preeclampsia plus convul-
day, massage, hydro-therapy, acupuncture sions and/or coma; both preeclampsia and
and herbs in-cluding ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), eclampsia characteristically occur after the

hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha), horsetail 20th week of pregnancy. The current "ortho-

dox" treatment is hospitalization.watch until
convulsions occur then give barbiturates. Q FEVER: an acute rickettsial disease caused

by Coxiella burnetii and characterized by sud-

Treatment of preeclampsia should include a den onset, fever, headache,weakness and
high animal protein meal plan (150 gm or pneumonitis. Q fever has a worldwide distri-
more whereas RDA is 40 gm), do not
the bution and is maintained as an endemic infec-
restrict salt, B-6 at 100 mg per day (drop to 50 tion in domestic animals. Sheep, goats and
mg per at parturition (birth) if you plan to cattle are the primary reservoirs for human
breast freed as high levels of B-6 will reduce infections. The infection is spread tohumans
production of breast milk), base line nutri- by bites from the infected tick, Dermacentor
tionalsupplement program and 10-12 glasses andersoni and from consuming infected raw
of water and/or juice per day, especially in milk. Diagnosis is made from a positive blood
thewarm summer months. test.

PROSTATE HYPERPLASIA (benign pros- Treatment of Q fever should include tetracy-

tate hyperplasia): see benign prostate cline orally at250 mg q 4 h (Chloramphenicol
hyperplasia may be used in small children to prevent
discoloration of permanent teeth by tetracy-
PSORIASIS: is well known as a cosmetically cline).

disfiguring dermatitis (i.e., "the heartbreak of

psoriasis"). Psoriasis is characterized by dry, QUINSY (peritonsillar abscess): is an in-
well demarcated silvery, scaling plaques of all between the tonsil and the
fection of the tonsil
sizes that appear primarily behind joints (i.e., pharyngeal constrictor muscle. These infec-
elbows and knees) and on the scalp and tions are rare in children but common in

behind the ears. Celiac disease type changes young adults. The "orthodox" EENT will want
in the intestines lead to malabsorption of to do a tonsillectomy - DON'T LET HIM DO
essential nutrients; do a pulse test to deter- IT!!! SAVE YOUR TONSILS!!!
mine specific food allergens.
Treatment should include vitamin A at 300,000
Treatment of psoriasis should include avoid- IUper day as beta carotene, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d.,
ance of offending food allergens, rotation vitamin C to bowel tolerance, gargles with
diets, folic acid at 1 5-25 mg per day, vitamin A herbal washes, penicillin G or V at 250 mg q 6
at 300,000 IUper day as beta carotene, lecithin h for 12-14 days.
at 2,500 mg t.i.d. with meals, flaxseed oil at one
tbsp. bid., vitamin E at 800-1 ,200 IU per day, RABBIT FEVER (tularemia): is caused by
zinc at 50mg t.i.d., copper at 2 mg per day, the bacteria, Francisella tularensis. This dis-
selenium at 500-1,000 meg per day and be- ease is contracted by skinning and dressing
taine HC1 and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 infected rabbits or ground squirrels (87%); the
mg per day. Topical herbal washes are of disease initially appears as a local ulceration at
palliative value as is topical vitamin A & D the infection site; the disease secondarily goes
creams. systemic causing a typhoid like disease with
diarrhea and pneumonia. High fever and
PYORRHEA (periodontal disease): see recurring chills with drenching sweat are char-
periodontal disease acteristic (I have had tularemia and my grand-

father died from it as a result of skinning RACHITIC ROSARY (rickets): is the "bead
infected wild rabbits). Diagnosis comes fol- ing" of the junction between the and the

lowing a high level of suspicion (appropriate rib cartilage. This is exclusively a malady of

history of wild rabbit contact) and the ulcer- small children who are kept indoors and are
ated primary ulcer at the infection site are not getting an oral source of vitamin D. The
enough to make the diagnosis. Sputum cul- rachitic "rosary" is easilypalpated.

tures are highly infectious and labs should be

warned of your suspicions. Treatment of the rachitic "rosary" should in-

clude oral vitamin D at 400-1,000 IU per day

Treatment of tularemia is with streptomycin and the base line nutritional supplement pro-
IM at 500 mg q 12 h until temperature drops gram including calcium and magnesium. Af-
into the normal range; then give tetracycline ter the abnormal bony changes become nor-

orally at 250 mg q.i.d. for 10-12 days. mal, the vitamin D dose should be dropped to
250-400 IU per day; afford daily exposure to
RABIES (hydrophobia): is a highly danger- sun for at least 30 minutes.
ous viral disease that is transmitted by the
blood, tissue (transplanted corneas, livers, RADIAL NERVE PALSY ("Saturday night
kidneys or hearts), urine or saliva of infected palsy): is the result of compressing the radial
animals or people. We are all aware of the nerve against the humerus (this is usually

dangers of bits from rabies infected bats, foxes, caused by draping the arm over the back of a
skunks and unvaccinated dogs but most of us hard-backed chair for an extended period -
are not aware that many cases of fatal rabies i.e., dmnken stupor or deep sleep). Radial

occurs following tissue transplants. Rabies in nerve palsy is charac-terized by a wrist "drop"
humans is a progressive paralytic disease that and weak-ness in the ability to extend the wrist
is often misdiagnosed as stroke which iswhy and fingers; sometimes there is a loss of sen-
rabies infected tissues get trans-planted. Many sory function between the first and second
Americans spend over a hundred dollars to fingers.

visit the "orthodox" doctor when their child

gets bitten by the pet hamster because of fears Treatment of radial palsy should include B-
of rabies -think about it, the incubation pe- complex 50 t.i.d., topical DMSO, acupuncture
riod of rabies is fourteen days - if you have had and hydrotherapy.
the hamster for three weeks or more rabies is
an impossible diagnosis (a free phone call to RAPE (date rape): is considered by experts
your veterinarian would be informational and tobe an act of aggression rather than sexual,
save you a lot of money). High risk research however, "date rape" is the result of pent up
personnel can get preventative vaccinations sexual demands made on a relatively helpless
for rabies. "friend." "Date rape" can be pre-vented by not

going out on couples only dates until the

Treatment of rabies should be insti- "date" is well known. Group movies, pizza

tuted quickly if success can be anticipated; parties and bunking parties are very safe. Go

treatment includes the well known "rabies in groups of two or more couples and have the

shots" every day for ten days and respiratory girls dropped off first to the same house or

support in a hospital setting. apartment (even better to one of their parents'

houses). Prevention of rape requires some

extreme action if you are to be effective: 1) day and 1,000 mg per day, avoid offending
knee violently to testicles; 2) mace to the eyes, food allergens, avoid caffeine (i.e. coffee, tea,

noseand mouth; 3) keys violently in the eyes; soft drinks, chocolate, etc.), vitamin E at 800-
4) seriously learn marshall arts - the "military" 1,200 IU per day, essential fatty acids at 5 gm
bearing acquired sends subliminal messages t.i.d., 1-tryptophane at 500 mg t.i.d., acupunc-
to leave you alone; 5) get a trained attack dog ture, chiropractic and herbs to increase circu-
for jogging, walking and at home; a vicious lation such as cayenne pepper (Capsicum
dog bite to the testicles is a real clamper to a minimum).
rapist; 6) arrange for an apartment "sitter" to be
therewhen you return home; 7) personal RECTAL ITCHING: can be caused by
weapon that you are prepared to use -this Candidiasis, food allergies, hemonhoids, crabs,
requires practice, practice and more practice fleas and pinworms. Do a pulse test to rule in

and the mind you will kill an attacker

set that or rule out food allergies, take the self test,

— pick a small caliber handgun that you are not blood test or skin test to determine Candidiasis.
afraid of and empty the weapon into an at- The diagnosis of pinworms requires the Scotch
tacker; this will prevent him from grabbing it tape test to identify the parasite eggs. The
from you and using it against you!!! Cany your presence of fleas and/or hemorrhoids will

weapon with you at all times- "praise the Lord require the use of a mirror for self examination
and pass the ammunition!!!!!!" of the anal folds.

"Treatment" for rape should include an IM Treatment of rectal itching can be palliated
injection of dimethyl stilbestrol to initiate a with a variety of herbal washes (see hemor-
menstmal cycle thus preventing an unwanted rhoids), Preparation H, sitz baths with herbal
pregnancy; counseling may be necessary for washes and/or hydrogen peroxide, specific
women psychologically brutalized; support treatments for parasites.
of friends and lots of positive activity are the

best emotional therapy. REYE'S SYNDROME: occurs most frequently

in young teens and usually in the fall and

RAYNAUD'S DISEASE: is characterized by winter. Reye's syndrome is characterized by

and numbness in the fingers (and
tingling pneumonitis, nausea and vomiting, sudden
sometimes the nose and tongue) which is change in mental status to deep depression,
caused by spasms of small arteries. The "or- amnesia, agitation to coma and convulsions,
thodox" approach to Raynaud's disease is to fixed dilated pupils and death in 42-80%. The
cut sympathetic nerves and give anesthetics cause of Reye's syndrome is thought to be
and tranquilizers. Food allergies can be the caused by consumption of aflatoxin (an exo-
precipitating factor in Raynaud's disease when toxin of the grain mold Aspergillus flavus). A
arteries are the target tissue; do a pulse test to typical liver necrosis is present on biopsy;
determine if food allergens are a problem. survivors show a 100% recovery of the liver
Rule out "thoracic inlet syndrome" (nerves or tissue in twelve weeks after the attack.
arteries coming out of the thorax are squeezed
by muscles or bones). Treatment of Reye's syndrome include barbi-
turate anesthesia to lower intracranial pres-
Treatment of Raynaud's disease should in- sure, IV fluids andelectrolytes,pulmonary
clude calcium and magnesium at2,000 mg per support, exchange transfusions and dialysis.

Vitamin C IV at 5-10 gms per day, B-complex (elevated SED RATE, positive for RF), and
and B-12 IV or IM, selenium IM or IV at 250- physical examination. The "orthodox" treat-
500 meg per day. ment is totally aimed at relieving symptoms
(i.e., aspirin, gold shots, steroids); they claim
RHEUMATIC FEVER: is caused by Strepto- great victoiy but statistics show that 75% of the
coccus Group A infection (usually starts as a rheumatoid arthritis patients improve in the
"strep throat"). Rheumatic fever is character- first year without any treatment at all (up to
ized by arthritis, skin rash, fever, heart valve 10% are disfigured and disabled despite "he-
inflammation and brain signs (chorea). The roic" "orthodox" therapy).
residual valve damage is the most dangerous
aspect of untreated rheumatic fever. Diagno- Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis should in-

sis of rheumatic fever is made from the typical clude specific treatment for Mycoplasma
symptoms and concurrent positive cultures of (PPLO) (i.e., Tylosin, tetracyclines, etc.), for
Streptococcus Group A. six months to one year, IV and/or oral hydro-

gen peroxide, chelation, acupuncture,

Treatment of rheumatic fever early in the enterically coated bromeliad at 40 mg q.i.d.,

course of the disease will prevent the heart autoimmune urine therapy, DMSO, 1-histi-

damage. Treatment should include aspirin for dine at mg t.i.d., essential fatty acids at 5
joint pain and sulfadiazine orally at 500-1,000 gm t.i.d., calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg
mg/day for 1 -2 years or penicillin G or V orally and 1,000 mg per day, selenium at 500-1,000
at 250,000 u. b.i.d. for two years. meg per day, copper at 2-4 mg per day, B-6 at
100 mg t.i.d., catilage at 5 gm t.i.d., acu-punc-
RHEUMATISM (rheumatoid arthritis): is ture, hydrotherapy and herbs to include topi-
thought by "orthodox" rheumatologist to be a cal camphor (Cinnamonumcamphora), black

disease of the immune system; in reality, rheu- mustard (Brassica nigra), dandelion (Taraxa-
matoid arthritis is caused initially by an infec- cum officinale), grappie (Harpagophytum
tion by a PPLO (pleuro-pneumonia like or- procumbens), juniper (Juniperus communis),
gan-ism) or Mycoplasma that characteristi- stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) and sweat vernal
cally causes an upper respiratory infection grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum). Plant de-
and pneumonitis. These or-ganisms second- rived colloidal minerals have proved great
membranes of the fingers
arily attack the joint benifit here.

and toes and later, the larger joints of the

shoulders and knees. This disease has been RICKETS: is caused by a deficiency of vita-
recognized and eliminated in the veterinary min D and is characterized by stunted growth,
industry - again the human population has joint pain and de-formed long bones (i.e.,

been left out because the truth would elimi- bow legs, dropped wristed, "sickle shins,"

nate an entire medical specialty (remember barrel chest, rachitic rosary, etc.).

the quote by the famous Dr. Arthur F. Coca -

"I am a realist, as long as the profit is in the Treatment of rickets includes supple-mentation
treatment of symptoms rather than in the with vitaminD at 400 IUorally, calcium and
search for causes; that's where the medical magnesium at 2,000 mg and 1 ,000 mg per day,
profession will go for it's harvest."). and exposure to sunshine for 30 minutes per
Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is made day. Advanced cases will require orthotic
biopsy of the joint membrane, x ray, blood test conection and, in some cases, orthopedic

surgery. pneumonitis with terminal circulatory failure

in untreated cases. DO NOT WAIT FOR A

RINGWORM: is caused by fungi that invades POSITIVE BLOOD TEST BEFORE INSTITUT-
the skin, nails and hair; the skin lesions tend to ING TREATMENT AS DEATH MAY OCCUR
be circular thus the name "ringworm." The AS QUICKLY AS 4-10 DAYS AFTER APPEAR-
organisms most frequently isolated are Micro- ANCE OF SYMPTOMS.
spomm (Tinea capitis), Trichophyton (Tinea
cairis or jock itch). Cats, rabbits and children Treatment of RMSF should include tetracy-
are the most common source of infection. cline at 500 mg q.i.d. orally or IV if the patient
Diagnosis is made by seeing the characteristic can't swallow capsules. Supportive treatment
lesions, culture of the fungi and positive to with rv fluids and electrolytes is essential to

Woods lamp (lesions of Microsporum will rapid and full recovery.

fluoresce a bright pastel green).
ROSEOLA: is an acute viral disease of infants

Treatment of ringworm should include and toddlers and is characterized by high fever
Griseofulvin orally at 250 mg q.i.d. for four (up to 105 F) and a rash that predominates on
months, vitamin A at 25,000-300,000 IU/day as the belly and chest and lightly on the face and
beta carotene, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., vitamin E at limbs. Convulsions may occur during the high
800-1,200 IU/day, ultra violet light directly to fever periods. After 3-4 days, the child will feel
lesion for up to six minutes per day, and herbs completely well even though the rash
topically including plantain (Plantgo major) persists.The course of the disease and distri-
and castor oil (Ricinus communis). bution of the rash are diagnostic.

ROCKYMOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER (tick Treatment of roseola is directed to reducing

fever): is caused by a rickettsia (Rickettsia the fever sufficiently to prevent convulsions
rickettsii) which is transmitted to man by the and topical poultices on the rash (see measles).
bite of an infected tick (i.e., the wood tick,
Dermacentor andersoni, the dog tick, SCABIES (itch): is caused by an almost
Dermacentor variabilis, and the lone-star tick, microscopic "mite" (Sarcoptes scabiei) that
Amblyomma americanum). Rocky Mountain burrows into the skin. This mite is very conta-
Spotted Fever occurs May through October gious from person to person. The original

during the tick season and affects small chil- infestation usually comes from an infected
dren who have access to heavily wooded animal or contaminated animal bedding.
areas directly or indirectly via the family dog
who brings home the infected ticks; 90% of the Treatment of scabies includes total body ap-
reported cases occur along the Eastern sea- plication of 1% gamma benzene hexachlo-
board and only 10% occur in adult hunters ride, 25% benzyl benzoate cream in adults and
from themountain areas. The symptoms of 5-10% sulfur ointment in infants to avoid po-
RMSF follow 7-12 days after a tick bite and are tential neurotoxicity; poke (Phytolacca
characterized by headaches, chills, weakness, decandra) may be used topically as a natural
muscle pain, fever, dry cough, skin rash on alternative.
wrists, ankles, palms, soles and forearms at

first then spreads to the neck, face, axilla, SCARLATINA (scarlet fever): is caused by
buttocks and trunk; liver enlargement and a Streptococcus Group A throat infection. The

organism releases a toxin that produces a rash changes are the result of muscle degenera-
that is most common on the belly, sides and tion. Prevention of scoliosis comes with reli-

skin folds and a red pulpy "strawberry" tongue. gious consumption of the base line nutritional
Fever in the early stages is common; before supplement program. Celiac disease type
the advent of antibiotics, deadly epidemics of intestinal damage may be the cause of malab-
scarlatina swept through the young popula- sorption syndromes leading to scoliosis.
tions. Aggressive treatment is recommended
to prevent death or rheumatic fever from Treatment of scoliosis in the early stages will
developing. Diagnosis is made from the char- result in a complete cure; failure to aggres-
acteristic lesions and positive throat cultures sively take supplements will result in persis-
of Streptococcus Group A. tent damage requiring back braces and sur-
gery. Treatment should include avoidance of
Treatment of scarlatina is oral peni-cillin V at offending food allergens, vitamin E at 800-
250 mg q.i.d. for 10-14 days. 1,200 IU per day, selenium at 500-1,000 meg
per day, calcium and magnesium at 2,000 mg
SCHIZOPHRENIA ("split" personality): see and 1 ,000 mg per day and the base line supple-
bi-polar brain disease. ment program to include plant derived colloi-
dal minerals. Chiropractic can be very useful
SCIATICA (low back pain radiating down in relieving back muscle spasms associated
buttocks and legs): can be caused by with scoliosis.
"subluxations" of lumbar vertebrae, thinning
of lumbar inter-vertebral disc, thick wallet in SCURVY (bleeding gums): is caused by a
one back pocket; in its most severe form vitamin C deficiency: scurvy may occur con-
sciatica may be the result of a ruptured inter- currently with gingivitis (see periodontitis).
vertebral disc.
Treatment of scurvy should include vitamin C
Treatment of sciatica should include hydro- to bowel tolerance, increase green leafy veg-
therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, inversion- etables and fruit intake, and herbs including
gravity therapy, calcium and magnesium at dog rose (Rosa canina).
2,000 mg per day and 1, 000 mgperday and the

baseline nutritional supplement program to SEBACEOUS CYST (Wen,steatoma): are

include plant derived colloidal minerals . slow growing benign cystic cutaneous "tu-

mors;" they contain sebaceous material and

SCOLIOSIS (curvature of the spine): oc- are frequently found on the scalp (Wen), ears,
curs in preteens and teens (80% in girls) during back or scrotum. The cyst ranges in size from
the rapid growth stages. The patient should be a pea to a golf ball, is firm (like a soft shell egg)
examined bending over facing away from the and painless.

examiner; the spine is viewed for lateral devia-

tions. Scoliosis may be a benign disease or Treatment of a sebaceous cyst includes a
herald the early stages of muscular dystrophy "stab" incision at the lowest edge of the cyst;

(MD). Scoliosis is basically caused by one set evacuate the contents; flush with hydrogen
of the spinal muscles being stronger than the peroxide. Large cysts require removal of the
other (i.e., right side stronger than the left) cyst wall to prevent refilling of the cyst; place
which causes an "S" curve in the spine; these a sterile gauze drain in the empty cyst and

gradually remove over a period of 7-10 days.
SHEMGLES (herpes zoster): is a chronic
SEBORRHEIC DERMATIS (dandruff): is a viral infection with the chicken pox virus. The
scaling dermatitis of the scalp and face; the symptoms include a very painful skin lesion
composition and amount of sebum are nor- ("shingles").
mal. Celiac disease type intestinal lesions can
be the cause of a malabsorption syndrome. Treatment of shingles should include
Lsoprinosin at 500-1,500 mg per day and
Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis should in- Dermese at 1 q.i.d. and American sarsaparilla
clude biotin at 100 mcgt.i.d.,folicacidat 15-25 (Aralia nudicaulis) as a wash or poultice.
mg per day, B-6 at 100 mg t.i.d., vitamin E at
800-1,200 mg IU per day, essential fatty acids SKEV AILMENTS (dermatitis): are caused
at 5 gm t.i.d., vitamin A at 300,000 IU per day by a variety of diseases (see dermatitis).
as beta carotene, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d. and Selson
Blue shampoo topically. Treatment of skin disease should include spe-
cific treatment for the underlying problem,
SENILE DEMENTIA (senility): see memory homeopathy, essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d.,
loss vitaminA at 300,000 IU per day as beta caro-
tene, zinc at 50 gm t.i.d., essential fatty acids at
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES: in- 5 gm t.i.d., and herbs including horsetail (Eq-
clude gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS, Heipes II, uisetumarvense), pansy (Viola tricolor), Quack
warts, etc. SEE EACH DISEASE INDIVIDU- grass (Agropyron repens), soap wort
ALLY. Use condoms, select sexual partners (Saponaria officinalis), stinging nettle (Urtica

with great care - a mistake can cost you your elm (Ulmus fulva) and globe
dioica), slippery
life!!! mallow (Sphaeralcea spp.).

SHARK SKIN (keratosis): is caused by a SORE THROAT: can be caused by a variety

deficiency of vitamin A and zinc (usually as a of viral and bacterial diseases; bacterial dis-
result of low animal protein diets). Shark skin eases (i.e., Streptococcus Group A) tend to
is characterized by cracks in the corners of the exhibit a higher fever than sore throats caused
mouth (cheilosis), oral lesions that are often by viral disease (i.e., URI, cold viruses, flu,

secondarily infected by Candida albicans (per- etc.).

leche), "geographic" tongue and skin lesions

characterized by hard granular plugs resulting Treatment of sore throats should include anti-
from collections of sebaceous and keratinized biotics as necessary for chronic Strep throat
material in hair follicles which gives a sandpa- and herbs including flax (Linum usitatissimum),
per - like surface (shark skin). garden sage (Salvia officinalis), German cha-
momile (Matricaria chamomilla), marjoram
Treatment of shark skin and related skin prob- (Origanum vulgare), marsh-mallow (Althaea
lems should include B-complex at 50 mg t.i.d. officinalis), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis),
and skin washes for dermatitis (see dermatitis), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus), myrtle
vitamin A at 300,000 IU per day as beta caro- (Myrica cerifera) and lobelia (Lobelia inflata).

tene, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d. and essential fatty

acids at 5 gm t.i.d. SPRAIN: is characterized by a painful stretch-

ing of ligaments of the joints; these traumas
can be temporarily and locally
debilitating STRESS: is the body's reaction to stressors
painful. Sprains are caused by lifting, sudden (i.e., overwork, money problems, marriage
stops or turns and/or trauma. problems, etc.). The adrenals in particular

suffer from stress resulting in a lowering of the

Treatment of sprains include ice to reduce immune systems ability to protect you from
swelling as immediate first aid, wrap with an infection, cancer, and disturbs the function of
Ace bandage for support; fingers may be your entire endocrine system including en-
taped to the adjoining fingers for added sup- ergy management (i.e., blood sugar, blood
port; take cartilage at 5 gm t.i.d., betaine HC1 pressure, thyroid, etc.).

and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. in

between meals; DMSO topically, pain gels Treatment of stress should include relaxation,
topically, and herbs including arnica (Arnica subliminal distress audio tapes, sublingual
montana) and comfrey (Symphytum ACE drops at 5-10 drops t.i.d., vitamin C to
officinale). bowel tolerance, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., learn to
compartmentalize time expenditure, have 20
SPIDER BITE: produces swelling, local fever projects (a combination of work, family and
and itching; brown recluse spider bites pro- hobbies - remember the old saying "about
duce ulceration and require surgical removal. giving the project to the busiest person if you
want it done."
Treatment for spider bites should include soak-
ing bite wound in a bath prepared from 8-10 STROKE (cerebrovascular accident, CVA):
sunflowers is the result of a blood clot or tumor blocking
an artery supplying the brain. The result is

(Helianthus annus) soaked for 30 minutes. local brain tissue death from the lack of oxy-
gen and food. If the damaged area is small
STRAINS: are more severe than sprains and enough and not in a vital area the brain will
are characterized by torn ligaments and torn reroute the brain's functions to unused por-
joint capsule with bleeding and swelling. A tions through a relearning and compensation
veiy painful joint trauma; emergency treat- process.
ment should include ice to reduce swelling;
strains frequently require a cast similar to that Treatment of stroke should include EDTA
used for a fracture to immobilize and rest the chelation and IV hydrogen peroxide as soon
injured joint. as possible, essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d.,
exerciseand the base line nutritional supple-
Treatment of strains should include ice, DMSO, ment program to include plant derived colloi-
pain gels, betaine HCl and pancreatic en- dal minerals.

zymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. between meals and

herbs including arnica (Arnica montana), com- SWEAT TEST: a nonspecific test that mea-
frey (Symphytum and lavender
officinale) sures the amount of electrolytes (i.e., sodium,
(Lavandula spp.). A cast and crutches are chlorides and potassium) in sweat; originally
appropriate to provide support and rest. it was to be a specific genetic test for cystic

fibrosis (CF); however, today it has teen found

STOMACH DISORDERS: see dyspepsia to be positive in 17 different diseases, food

allergies.starvation, kwashiorkor, celiac dis- food allergies, hypoglycemia, nutritional defi-
ease, etc. The mechanism is related to essen- ciencies (i.e., B-l,B-3, selenium, etc.), poisons
tial fatty acid deficiencies and thus the lack of and organic heart disease. A classic example
certain prostaglandins (short lived hormone - is allergy to MSG or "Chinese Restaurant Syn-
- like substances) which control sweat electro- drome."
lyte levels.
Treatment of tachycardia should include the
SWIMMERS EAR: is usually caused by Can- identification and treatment of the underlying
dida albicans growing in the external ear cause (see labora-tory and diagnostic section;
dampness during the summer
canal; constant acu-puncture, selenium at 500-1,000 meg per
swimming season is thought to be the under- day, B-l at 100 mg t.i.d., B-3 at 450 mg t.i.d. as
lying cause time release tablets, subliminal relaxation tapes
and herbs including English hawthorn
Treatment for swimmers ear include hydro- (Crataegus oxyacantha), hops (Humulus
gen peroxide ear drops and/or Nystatin ear lupulus), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia),
drops. mother wort (Leonurus cardiaca), valerian
(Valeriana officinalis) and lily-of-the-valley
SYPHILIS: is a sexually transmitted disease (Convallariana magalis).
caused by the spirochete Treponema palli-
dum; it has been associated with 90% of AIDS TAPEWORMS (cestodes): can setup house-
patients in one study of homosexual keeping in your intestines without causing
males. Syphilis is characterized by active infec- any noticeable problem in a well nourished
tion and by years of spontaneous remission. person and can cause wasting weight loss and
Symptoms of syphilis include a primary lesion anemia. Tapeworms are contracted by eating
or chancre sore that may persist for 3-4 months contaminated watercress, raw fish, raw beef
on the penis, vulva, lips, tongue, etc.; skin or raw pork. The encysted larvae are released
rashes appear after 3-4 months and last for into the digestive tract and attach to the intes-
weeks to months; 80% of infected people tinal wall by suckers or hooks in their head.

have herpes-like sores on lips, tongue, penis Diagnosis of tapeworms may be made by
or vulva; the disease may infect any organ seeing segments on the surface of the bowel
including liver, bone, brain, eyes, heart, etc. movement (look like grains of rice that are
Terminal stages of tertiary syphilis occurs 10- moving), or observing eggs in micro-scopic
25 years after the original infection. Diagnosis examination of the stool (see parasites in
is made from a positive blood VDRL test. laboratory section). Prevention of tapeworms
is related to and meat before
cooking fish

Treatment for syphilis is specific in all stages consumption and thoroughly washing veg-
with penicillin G u IM with a
at 2.4 million etables.
second treatment 10-14 days later. Like AIDS,
syphilis is a reportable disease to the Public Treatment of tapeworms requires the use of a
Health Service. single dose of niclosamide at 2 gm taken with
a glass of water. Recheck stool in 3-6 months
TACHYCARDIA (rapid heartbeat): is char- for rein-festation. Retreat if needed. Herbs
acterized by rapid heartbeat; tachycardia can may be helpful including garlic (Allium
be caused by "nervous heart," hyperthyroidism, sativum) and male fern (Dryopteris Felix-mas);

pretreating herbal remedies for tapeworms with testosterone (Zumba), ginseng (Panax
with a teaspoon of castor oil in the morning ginseng) and saw palmetto (Sarenoa serrulata).
before treatment increases the efficiency.
TARDIVE DYSKINESIA (spasms of facial THALIJUM POISONING (rat or insect
muscles): is on the increase as a side effect of baits): can accidentally occur when small
heavy tranquilizer (phenothiazines) usage. children get into pesticides containing thal-
lium salts. Thallium poisoning can be rapidly
Treatment of tardive dyskinesia should in- fatal if not treated promptly. Symptoms in-

clude the discontinuation of the inducing drugs, clude bloody vomiting and diarrhea, oral irri-

B-3 at 450 mg t.i.d. as time release tablets, tations with severe salivation, tremors, facial
phosphatidyl choline 30 gm per day, B-6 at
at palsy and hair loss in 3-4 weeks in survivors.
200 mgq.i.d., essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d.,
manganese at 10-15 mg per day, vitamin E at Treatment for thallium poisoning should in-

800-1,200 IU per day. clude contact with poison control centers;

syrup of ipecac to induce vomiting at 15-30 ml
TEETH DISCOLORATION (tetracyclines): (1-2 tbsp.) for children and adults; follow with
with reduced enamel thickness is a common several pints of water until vomiting occurs,
side effect of prolonged administration of one tbsp. activated charcoal in a glass of water,
tetracyclines during the second half of preg- control convulsions diazepam. Chelation
nancy or during early tooth development; the therapy is of no value for thallium poisoning.
affected teeth will be brown or gray and
fluorescent orange-green in ultra-violet light. THRUSH (oral candidiasis): is an oral yeast
Prevention is the name of the game; cosmetic infection caused by Candida albicans; thrush
capping is necessary if permanent teeth are is characterized by creamy white patches that
affected. can be scrapped off with a tongue depressor.
Candida albicans is an ubiquitous
TEETHING: can be an uncomfortable event nonpathogenic yeast under normal circum-
for infant and parents with painful local swell- stances which becomes pathogenic and in-
ings, sudden fever, irritability and dianhea vades tissue when the hosts ability to defend
(especially irritating with severe diaper rash). itself is lost (i.e., malnutrition, chemotherapy,
AIDS, etc.) or the competing intestinal organ-
Treatment of teething includes tylenol or aspi- isms are killed out (i.e., antibiotic therapy,

rin drops (follow label directions) and herbs etc.). Diagnosis can be made from the charac-
including German chamomile (Matricaria teristic lesions or by looking at the exudate
chamomilla) as teaspoon doses as needed. under the microscope.

TESTICULAR ATROPHY: is not uncommon Treatment of thrush includes the use of oral
in aging men or following an episode of washes and gargling with hydrogen peroxide;
mumps. Testicular atrophy may result in small infants unable to gargle may have to
decreased sexual drive and feminization. have topical Nystatin applied to the lesions.
The underlying condition must also be dealt
Treatment of testicular atrophy should in- with to allow you to defend yourself against
clude zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., plant derived colloi- reinfection. Vitamin C to bowel tolerance,

dal minerals, an herbal combination mixed selenium at 25-1,000 meg per day, vitamin E at

800-1,200 IU per day, vitamin A at 25,000- Treatment of tonsillitis should include hydro-
300,000 IU per day as beta carotene and zinc gen peroxide mouthwash and gargle, vitamin
at 50 mg t.i.d. are of great value in restoring the C to bowel tolerance, vitamin C at 25,000-
immune status. Following extended antibiotic 300,000 IU per day as beta carotene, zinc at 50
therapy (i.e., acne, rheumatic fever, cystic mg t.i.d., selenium at 25-1,000 meg per day,
you can restore the competitive
fibrosis, etc.) herbs to include green hellebore (Verataim
organisms into the towel (to help keep yeast viride), marshmallow (Althaea
numbers down) by the use of Lactobacillus officinalis), flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum),
acidophilus; administer Lactobacillus at German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla),
tencapsules twice each day between meals for marjoram (Origanum vulgare) garden sage
ten days each month to restore normal colon (Salvia officinalis).
TOOTHACHE: is usually caused by cavities
TINNITUS (ringing or buzzing in the ear): (caries) that are stimulated to pain by sweets,
is characterized by a ringing or buzzing in the cold or hot drinks.
ear. "Orthodox" doctors suggest that "surgery
is of no value;
you can't if tolerate the ringing, Treatment of caries and toothache should
play background music." In reality, there are include filling of the tooth with enamel amal-
a variety of causes of tinnitus including lead, gams, avoid stimuli that initiates pain, acu-
aluminum and mercury toxicity, nutritional puncture and herbs to include penny royal
deficiencies, food allergies and/or (Mentha pulegium), lavender (Lavandula
hypoglycemia. Do the necessary laboratory spp.), gelsemium (Gelsemium nitidum), as
work to make a specific diagnosis including necessary OTCanalgesics(i.e., aspirin, tylenol,
the pulse test, six-hour GTT and hair analysis. tylenol-3).
Take the base line nutritional program.
Treatment of tinnitus should include the treat- caused by spasms of the neck muscles and/or
ment of the underlying disease, avoid offend- "subluxations" of the cervical vertebrae.
ing food allergens, autoimmune urine therapy, Torticollis may be caused by "whiplash" inju-

avoid sugar and all refined foods, zinc at 50 mg ries, calcium deficiencies and/or muscular
t.i.d., tin from plant derived colloidal minerals, dystrophy.
essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., vitamin A at
300,000 IU per day as beta carotene, calcium Treatment of torticollis should include
and magnesium at 2,000 and 1 ,000 mg per day chiropractic, massage therapy, hydro-therapy,
and betaine HCl and pancreatic enzymes at acupuncture, calcium and magnesium at 2,000
75-200 mg t.i.d. 15 minutes before meals. and 1,000 mg per day,selenium at 500-1,000
meg per day and vitamin E at 800-1 ,200 IU per
TIREDNESS (chronic fatigue syndrome): day.
see chronic fatigue syndrome
TONSILLITIS: is characterized by an in- by an exotoxin produced by a Staphylococcus
flamed sore throat caused by viruses or Strep- organism; the exotoxin is similar if not identi-
tococcus organisms. cal to that produced by Staph food
which is

poisoning. Approximately 15% of those af-

fected are men; the remainder are young
women between 13-32 years of age. The Prevention of "toxoplasmosis" in pregnant
syndrome is precipitated by improper use of women is related to avoiding cats just prior to,
vaginal tampons (use of a single tampon for and during, pregnancy (i.e., move cat to
longer than four hours produces an ideal grandma's house temporarily) and eating well
environment for Staphylococcus growth. TSS cooked meats.
is characterized by high fever, sudden onset,
vomiting,dianhea, confusion, skin rash, head- Treatment of "toxoplasmosis" should include
ache, sore throat with rapid deterioration and trisulfapyrimidine orally at 25 mg (1 mg/kg for
death within 48 hours. Prevention is the best kids) daily for four weeks.
policy with TSS; avoid prolonged use of indi-
vidual tampons and avoid food poisoning by TRIGLYCERIDES (ELEVATED): can be a
proper food handling. sign of diatetes as well as liver problems. Do
a six-hour GTT and a full blood chemistry.
Treatment of toxic shock syndrome is a medi- Elevated triglycerides is a high risk factor for
calemergency requiring rapid emergency cardiovascular disease and stroke. Do a pulse
room care - DO NOT LET THEM MAKE YOU test to determine if food allergies are involved.
WAIT IN THE HALL. Treatment should in-

clude IV fluids and electrolytes, as well as Treatment of elevated triglycerides should

penicillin to kill the Staphylococcus. include moderate exercise (walking), avoid-
ance of sugar, avoidance of refined
TOXOPLASMOSIS (cat coccidia): is caused foods.essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., high
by an intermediate stage of a house cat intes- fiber and raw foods diet, eliminate red meat,
tinal protozoa (Isospora bigemina); the inter- chromium at 100-200 meg t.i.d., selenium at

mediate stage in humans was originally named 500- 1 ,000 meg per day, plant derived colloidal
Toxoplasma gondii and die "orthodox" doc- minerals, vitamin C to bowel tolerance and die
tors refuse to admit that it is a cat parasite. base line nutritional supplement program.
"Toxoplasmosis" in man is characterized by a
generalized and/or a brain disease; ULCER (stomach): is usually brought on by
toxoplasmosis is acquired in man from inhal- decompensation from chronic stress (your
ing or swallowing dust from contaminated adrenals give out). Prevention of ulcers should
"kitty litter" boxes or outdoor sand piles or include distress systems (i.e., hobby, projects,

from eating rare beef. "Toxoplasmosis" is of exercise, etc.).

particular danger to pregnant women as infec-

tion will cause birth defects in the fetus (i.e., Treatment of gastric ulcers should include
brain defects, blindness, mental retardation); alfalfa (Medicago sadva), for its "vitamin U"

symptoms in adults can mimic the flu, cause factor, bioflavonoids at 1,000 mg q.i.d., B-6 at
headache, rash, high fever, swollen lymph 100 mg t.i.d., vitamin A at 300,000 IU per day
nodes, meningitis, hepatitis, pneumonitis, as beta carotene, zinc at 20 mg t.i.d., glutamine

myocarditis, blindness and diarrhea. at 400 mg q.i.d., avoid alcohol, avoid sugar

and refined foods, consume a high nutritional

Diagnosis of "toxoplasmosis" is made from a fiber diet. Anti biotics are a preferred treatment

positive blood test or skin test following a high of gastric ulcers over surgery - At any sign of
level of suspicion. "coffee grounds" vomiting, get to an emer-

gency room immediately as this is a sign of a dered peppercorns (Piper nignim).
hemorrhaging ulcer.
VITILIGO (loss of skin color): is a loss of
ULCERATIVE COLITIS (Crohn's Disease): skin color, especially in dark or black skinned
see Crohn's Disease people.

URTICARIA (food allergy rash): see food Treatment of vitiligo should include extracts
allergies of placenta, live cell therapy, PABA at 100 mg
q.i.d., phenylalanine at 50mg/kg/day, copper
VAGLNLTIS (vaginal discharge): can be at 2 mg per day, copper bracelet, vitamin A at
caused by a great variety of diseases and 300,000 IU pr day as beta carotene, zinc at 50
syndromes ranging from panty-hose without mg t.i.d., Vitamin B 12 at 2000 megs per day,

ventilation, parasites (Trichomonas vaginalis), folic acid mg per day and the base line

yeast infections (Candida albicans), venereal nutritional supplementation program to in-

disease (gonorrhea, syphilis), etc. Diagnosis clude plant derived colloidal minerals.
of the specific underlying disease is essential
to correct therapy. History will be useful as WARTS (papillomas): contagious (viral)

well as vaginal cultures. benign skin tumors - warts (veirucae vulgaris),

planter warts (veirucae on the sole of the foot),
Treatment of vaginitis should include specific venereal warts (condylomata acuminata) may
therapy following diagnostic procedures (see be found on the vulva and penis.
specific diseases). For nonspecific vaginitis
you may use hydrogen peroxide douches Treatment of warts should include topical
twice weekly, vinegar douches (two tbsp./ application of cashew nut (Anacardium
pint of warm water), yogurt douches and occidentale), oil of yellow cedar (Thuja
herbs to include myrtle (Myrica cerifera) and occidentalis) and milk-weed juice. There are
blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides). commercial wart removal kits available from
your pharmacy that employ salacylic acid

VARICOSE VELNS: are thought to be caused topically.

by constipation and constant vertical posture;

copper deficiency may also be a contributing WEIGHT LOSS: see diets


Treatment of varicose veins should include by zinc deficiency.
vitamin C to bowel tolerance, vitamin E at 800-
1,200 IU per day, zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., Treatment should include zinc at 50 mg t.i.d.;
bioflavonoids at mg t.i.d., DMSO, hydro-
600 take the base line nutritional program to in-

therapy, copper at 2 mg per day (tiy a copper clude plant derived colloidal minerals.
bracelet) and herbs including marigold (Calen-
dula officinalis) topically, aie (Ruta graveolens), WORMS (parasites): see parasites
yellow sweet clover (Uelilotus officinalis).

Treatment may include wormwood (Artemi-

VERTIGO (dizziness, car sickness, mo- sia absinthium), and butternut (Juglans
tion sickness): see car sickness. Take pow- cinerea). Levamisol is a good veterinary

"wormer" that can be used veiy effectively in
humans with minimal to no side effects.

WOUNDS (chronic ulcers): treat topically

with herbs including euphorbia (Chamaesyce

spp.), cliff rose (Allionia coccinea), arnica
(Arnica montana), snake root (Aristolochia
clematitis), German chamomile (Matricaria
chamomilla), marigold (Calendula officinalis),
snake root (Sanicula europaea) and witch
hazel (Hamamelis virginiana)

Zli'S (pimples, acne): see acne

Chapter 11
"A n u navoidable conclusion is that the way in
which our medical care system has evolved
has created conditions that increaset the like-
lihood of damage to the patient."

Referrals - Rick Carlson

The End of Medicine

One of your responsibilities as yourown to help you pick out options on a new car!!
"primary health care provider" is to recognize tend to be the speakers at

when you need the advice and counsel of a "continuing education" seminars that "ortho-
"specialist." An obvious example would be if dox doctors are forced to go to each year to
you were run over by a concrete truck you will maintain their license. In this way, the "spe-
need an orthopedic surgeon "to put you back cialists" keep their name and "wares" in front
together again." On the other hand, you don't of their "sales force" (the "snake oil" huckster
need an EENT if you have an earache three on the back of the wagon is pitching to the
times per year. "Orthodox" doctors love "orthodox" doctors!!!).

to"specialize" in allergies since their patients "Specialist" should be highly skilled at

rarely have a life threatening allergy (that is the mechanical procedures since they only do
"orthodox" attitude about allergies) and they one or two, but beware. Remember the old
keep coming back forever for allergy shots saying, "those who can - do and those who
and new nasal sprays!!" can't - teach;" well, in "orthodox" medicine it's
Specialists in the "orthodox" medical those who can - do and those who can't -

field tend to be a veiy fickle "kiss and mn" specialize."

bunch who rarely get a direct inquiry from a "Specialists" rarely "see the forest for the
patient; in fact, in many cases you would be trees;" there are a variety of reasons for this.

anesthetized or tranquilized in the hospital the There is a certain amount of "tunnel vision" in
first time you get interviewed by "your special- all of us, especially when our livelihood is at

ist" (in some cases you meet him after stake!! If an "orthodox" doctor refers you to a
the"procedure" is complete - you couldn't surgeon to have your amputated for dia-
even pick him out of a "line up" if you had to). betic ulcers, the surgeon is not going to sug-
"Specialist"depend on the "other" "orthodox" gest a hyperbaric oxygen chamber to save
doctors to feed them "grist" for the "mill." It's your feet - he's a surgeon!! The honor of this
kind of like one car salesman asking another is he will sleep well and play happily with his

girlfriend believing that he did you a service. a car for an insurance company and three bids
A second reason why the "specialist" for a house painting contract, don't you??
can't "see the forest for the trees" is as a group The more "exotic" the "specialist," the
they have a problem. It is well documented greater the risk to you; it's like playing poker
that "22,600-33,600 are alcoholics, recovering with $100 bills instead of matches. A surgeon
alcoholics or soon to be alcoholics." "Alcohol- who does laminectomies for low back prob-
ism Is a primary disease to which physicians as lems is not going to refer you to a chiropractor
a group, seem highly susceptible and often for more conservative (and more effective)
goes hand in hand with drug abuse" so says approaches (especially if his Mercedes pay-
Stephen C. Scheiber, M.D. in The Impaired ment is due).
Physician. Ask the "specialist" to speak to ten of his
A recent Harvard study has revealed that patients who have gone through the proce-
"59% of physicians 78% of medical students dure. "Orthodox" doctors don't like this ap-

use psychoactive dmgs (usually marijuana proach, as "testimonials are not scientific;" this

and cocaine) and that 40% of "orthodox" doc- may be true but it certainly will give you an
tors get "high" with friends on a regular basis; idea if ten patients survived the procedure (or
lastly, the United States loses the equivalent of if, in fact, he has even done this procedure
seven medical school graduating classes each before!!)
year to dnig addiction, alcoholism and sui- Many "specialists" will notacceptyou for
cide. a patient unless you are "referred" by an "or-

In the book, Medicine On Trial, they thodox" doctor; however, because the "pa-
calculate that patients visit these "ticking time tient pool" of the 80s is dwindling (educated
bomb" "orthodox" physicians at least 45-100 people can't be sold the Brooklyn Bridge) this
million times each year!! is changing —if not yourself, then your chiro-
We like the old country doctor or the practor or naturopathic physician (or even
veterinary approach; the closer the doctor is to your veterinarian) can refer you.

his patient, the less likely it is they will do them Beware of "specialists" who brag about
harm (it is highly unlikely that you will harm doing their procedure on their colleague's pet
your self as your own "primary health care dog or hamster -if he had enough patients
provider"). The veterinarian does his own because of exceptional skills, he wouldn't
anesthesia, obstetrics, surgery, dentistiy, in- have enough time for such frivolity.

ternal medicine, gastroenterology, EENT, pe- you have two or more "doctors" in

diatrics, cardiology, radiology, etc. (just like"ole your "family practice" you can "specialize" in
Doc Adams" on Gunsmoke). Are veterinar- diagnostic techniques as well as therapy mo-
ians smarter or more capable than "orthodox" dalities. My family did; my grandmother took

doctors? Probably so!!! We know for sure they care of the flu, sore throats, croup.etc. and my
love their patients more!! mother loved to do the"surgeiy " (remove splin-
If the "skills" of a "specialist" are required, ters, etc.). We are lucky in our "family prac-
get three (3) or more opinions from three (3) tice;" we have two "specialists" neither of
ormore different "specialists" (be sure to ask whom smoke, drink or "get high." One of us
one from a totally different field as they will be is interested in internal medicine and nutrition
more likely to give you an objective view) as while the other specializes in surgery and
this will increase your chances of survival. Traditional Chinese Medicine. This way we
After all, you get three bids for a body repair on get two sober opinions on each problem and,

as a result, we are less often in need of outside examples of their trade. MD's die of the strang-
"help" and are certainly less likely to get in- est tilings such as heart attacks while jogging

jured. in the park, cancer, diabetes, liver cirrhosis

If you do need an outside doctor, con- and drug over doses (we think this is more fun
tact your naturopathic physician or chiroprac- than collecting stamps or baseball cards!). The
tor for advice; start out at the conservative end real value of this collection is that it continually
of the "stick." We get so many patients who gives us confidence in advising you to be your
have been "cut," "burned" and "poisoned" and own doctor!!!!
have their insurance exhausted by the "ortho- Be bold!! It is time to commit!! It is time
dox" medical system, then they turn to us for to become so independent that the "ortho-
help. The amazing thing is we can help, even dox" doctors will begin to put fliers on wind-
at this late stage. Ask about and pursue shields of cars in the mall parking lots. Let the
alternative therapies before you get damaged!!! free enterprise system that made America great

We collect obituaries of MD's as a hobby help make our health great!! Separate medi-
- not only do they remind us that MD's are cine and state!!!

mortal but also that they are not veiy good

and hefelt
"They almost killed me, he thought;
his heart pound with dangerous rage. But
there was noJ'accuse. At somepoint, it seemed
to him, human failure melted into and be-
came inseparable from institutional failure,

Chapter 12 the two together forging such

instrumentforfailure as to dictate more hor-
ror stories than the public ever dreamed of."
a formidable

- Martha Weinman Lear

Insurance & Hospitals Heartsounds

The best insurance is not to get sick!! the nest" is a sure sign that they are in the
This is not only less time consuming but it is process of dying out. It appears that the
also cheaper than illness ( we are sure you "orthodox" hospital is a terminal relic of an-
already know this by now). The veterinaiy cient history.
profession has long ago learned that it was Quackery can be defined as "that which
cheaper to put a little calcium in the feed to claims too much," says Stephen Benett, M.D.
prevent arthritis than was to give gold shots
it If this is so, then hospitals are full of "quacks!!"
to the prize bull. The veterinarians job is to do It is home than at a hospital (everyone
safer at
the best job possible for the animal patient and will that). As much as 50% of all new
agree to
save the farmer money. We just don't see this equipment in hospitals is defective when it's
effort in "orthodox" hospitals which have be- delivered (i.e., anesthesia machines, fetal car-

come like Star Trek robots running amuck diac monitors, infusion pumps, etc.) Eighty to
sucking up patients for organ "donors" and 90% of all anesthetic deaths are due to human
then having the gall to bill the "donor's" family ercor (do the anesthesiologists tell you that?

$250,000 for extended ICU use. This is like Hell no! If they did, no one would ever submit

paying the car dealership to steal your car!! to a general anesthesia). A minimum of 100,000
An independent survey was done of deaths from "nosocomial" infections (hospital
"orthodox" hospital insurance billing in 1,000 caused) occur each year and another 100,000
hospitals and it was found that 97% or 970 sent have "nosocomial" blood infections each year
out incorrect insurance billings, the interest- but recover because of antibiotics. This has
ing part of the study was that 100% of the led the summary of one Harvard study to state
"mistakes"were in the favor of the hospital "doctor induced infection is among the top ten
(come on now,what are the odds that this is a leading causes of death in the United States
computer error - somewhere around 200 today!!"

billion to one - in other words, they tried to rip The veterinarian with statistics like these
off the insurance companies!!). This "soiling of would starve to death. No farmer in his right

mind would keep calling when he got "ser- "Sickness Insurance" because they only pay
vice" that didn't benefit his animals or his P & out when you even boat or auto
are sick;
L statement! There are no insurance compa- insurance lowers your rates or gives you a year
nies to pay the veterinarian, he must deal end rebate if you don't use the insurance!! If
directly with the farmer and no TV ads saying you want the lowest rates of health insurance
what a wonderful guy he is will induce the today you should join the Christian Science
farmer to call him if he can't deliver a worth- Church; they don't consume alcohol, smoke,
while service. The same is not true for the they have a great diet and exercise program
"orthodox" doctor; the insurance companies and they avoid prescription dmgs, blood trans-
keep on paying and then raise our insurance fusions, etc.!!!!

rates because of the "high cost of medical If you want insurance coverage for "al-
services;" you buy a typewriter and it doesn't
if ternative" health care (i.e., naturopathic phy-
work, you return it and get a refund. When the sicians, chiropractic physicians, homeopathic
insurance company pays, most people don't physicians and alternative treatment modali-
ask the orthopedic surgeon for a refund if the ties) you can find it; however, it will be added
hip replacement fails because they don't feel onto your "basic health" plan as a very expen-
that came out of their own pocket. This then
it sive "rider." The "rider" usually costs more
is why veterinarians give better seivice — they than the "basic plan." This high cost is not
are directly responsible to the purchaser of because "alternative care" costs more (on the
that seivice. Are veterinarians smarter than contrary - it always costs less!!) but rather the
"orthodox" doctors? Probably so! We know insurance companies have a "sweetheart deal"
for sure that its harder to get into veterinaiy with the "orthodox" doctors under the guise of
school than medical school and that veterinar- "we want you from quacks." Addi-
to protect
ians love their patients more!!! tionally, insurance companies pay for survices

Why don't veterinarians have a high rate only approved by their medical commities
of "nosocomial" infections; animals are cer- which are dominated byMD's - put some ND's
tainly less hygienic than humans. The reason or DCs on the insurance committee and see
is simple; they expect a certain amount of what gets paid for !!!

contamination and compensate for it by giv- Tme "preventative medicine" through

ing "preventive" doses of antibiotics during healthful living, base line nutritional supple-
surgery. This eliminates the infections!!! The ment programs ( to include plant derived
reason "orthodox" doctors don't do this is colloidal minerals) and constant self-care is
simply arrogance. They wash their hands 5-10 the best insurance buy for your healthdollars.
minutes (but they wear their scrubs to the The good news is there is a movement
hospital cafeteria)and they feel that all should afoot today to start health cooperatives that
be well if they wear sterile gloves. It would be offer alternative health care that have accident
interesting to use the veterinaiy technique of ridersadded to them. In our opinion, this is
"preventative" antibiotics with surgery in ten long over due and is sure to he an instant hit.
hospitals and compare their "nosocomial" in- If you have to be in the hospital, insist on

fection rate with ten hospitals that don't (a having a spouse, parent or child stay with you
fourth grade biologist can figure out the an- to check out each shot, each pill and each
swer to this one even before the experiment -
procedure before it is administered to you.
- "It's elementary, Watson!!!!). Also, they can make sure that you don't get
"Health Insurance" should be called "dropped through the cracks" and left out in

the hall for hours after having an x ray, surgery they must know something they aren't telling
or therapy. They can make sure you are eating us!!!The reason why "doctors make the worst
properly, that your IVs are hooked up prop- patients" is they know what is and what isn't
erly get blood from your own family if needed.
happening in hospitals and they don't want to
This may sound extreme to you but since be just another statistical victim!!!

"orthodox" doctors do this for their families,

"Thoughtfulpublic discussion ofthe iatrogenic
pandemic, beginning withan insistenceupon
demystification of all medical matters, will
not be dangerous to the common wealth.

Chapter 13 Indeed, what dangerous is a passive public


that has come to rely on superficial medical

house cleaning.

Public Health - Ian Illich

The government can no longer ensure no one or no company for generating rev-

the public health either from the environmen-

, enues as is the FDA!!!!!
tal disaster or the "orthodox" Bermuda Tri- When AT&T had a monopoly on the
angle (FDA, AMA and drug companies). For long distance fees and telephone equipment
the last five years, the "medical industrial" rentals, the rates sky-rocketed (it's the nature
Bermuda Triangle has cost the American of the beast to charge whatever the market will
people more than the Pentagon and national bear). The government finally deregulated
defense budget!! Yet, Americans are rated them and actually split them up into smaller
17th in longivity, 19th in healthfulness, 23rd in regional companies and encouraged new
live births and first year surviability and 32nd competitive companies to emerge andlet the
in birth defects when compared with the market place decide the costs and services
western industrialized nations by the WHO. needed. Within two years, the quality of
The 20 countries that are healthier than us service improved and AT&T dropped their
have a total gross national product of less than costs to meet those of the competition. It is
what we spend for medical care. "It is elemen- amazing what true free enterprise does for the
tary, Watson;" we are not getting equitable consumer. We are convinced that the best
value for our health care have
dollar!!! We interest of the American people would be

changed the American economic systems preserved if there is a separation of "Medicine"

from "guns and butter" to "guns and phar- and "State" just like there is a separation of
maceuticals!!!" It is of interest that the govern- "Church" and "State!!!"

ment agency that came forward in 1992 and The monopoly must end. No surgery
said that all sexually active women should be without rebates ("no taxation without repre-
taking vitamins and minerals before concep- sentation"). Don't operate on me ("Don't
tion to prevent birth defects was the CDC Tread on Me"). Give me alternative health

(Center for Disease Control ) -not the FDA !!! It care or give me death ("Give me liberty or give
makes sense though - the CDC is beholding to me death"). These homey little sayings are

what triggered the "Boston Tea Party;" isn't it We must do it ourselves or become a cancer
time for a "Boston (herbal) tea party? statistic twice (first for getting cancer from our

The environment is another public health drinking water and second killed by the "cut,"

concern from the micro environment of our "burn" and "poison" surgery, radiation and
homes (i.e., contaminated food, contaminated chemotherapy of "orthodox" medicine!!!); these
water, chlorine, formaldehyde, Radon gas, carcinogens are insidious, they are colorless
chlorinated hydrocarbons, etc.) to the na- and odorless but deadly!! A filter with bone
tional environment burdened with industrial charcoal will remove all of the hydrocarbons
and medical wastes. We have established and heavy metals.
rules and regulations to ensure laboratory Air treatment is another essential system
animals health and well-being down to the air in your home. Remember, you spend a mini-
flow exchanges per hour, water and food mum of eight hours or 33 1/3% of your day in
quality, numbers per square foot, lightening the home (housewives spend as much as 90%
quality, etc.; doesn't it seem odd that we can of their day in the house!! Women also have an
solve all of these problems for laboratory overall higher cancer rate than men!! "It's

animals and not for ourselves. elementary, Watson").

As unlikely as it sounds, the Bermuda In Europe and Asia, it is common for city
Triangle (FDA, AMA and drug companies) dwellers to raise a portion of their own food;
have threads in common with the solving of not only is it a healthful, relaxing hobby but it

the environmental crisis. In each case, we is also an economical hobby. It guarantees

must take matters into our own hands!! Not you a portion of your food intake is organically
only must we become our own "primary grown thus reducing your pollution intake
health care provider" but we must also take on from food sources. Vegetables are easy for the
the responsibility for our own household "mi- beginner including carrots, bell peppers, rad-
cro" environment!! This means dropping our ishes, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage, etc.; meats
personal pollution load to a minimum by can include rabbits, pigeons, chickens, eggs,

growing a certain amount of our own "or- fish, etc. At retirement, this "hobby" will turn

ganic" food, we must have home water treat- into a big dividend on your fixed income and
ment systems and air conditioning systems in you can sell your "surplus!!!"
the fullest sense (not just cooling), energy Be sure to include plant derived colloi-
conservation (i.e., home solar power, wind dal minerals into your public health program
power generation for the home where appro- - they prevent disease and reduce your risk of

priate). damage from heavy metals and pollution in

Home water treatment systems are no the environment!
longer an elective luxury; they have, in fact, Don't wait for a "Love Canal" incident in
become necessary to life itself. There are more your community before you get concerned.
than 3,000 chemicals in our drinking and Remember, "This Is Your Life!!" Be bold, take
bathing water that are not removed by present control of your own destiny, your own health
community water treatment systems (just be- and your own household's "Public Health."

cause the water is clear doesn't mean that it is

safe!!). Almost all of these chemicals are

carcinogenic. The types of filters required to
remove all of these chemicals are too slow for
the volume of water required by general use.

References & Resources


Blackie, Margery. The Patient, Not the Cure. The Challenge of Homeopathy. Woodbridge
Press Publishing Company, Santa Barbara, California. 1977

Carter, Mildred. Hand Reflexology: Tlie Key to Perfect Health. Parker Publishing Company,
Inc. West Nyack, New York. 1981

Coca, Arthur. Tlie Pulse Test: The Secret of Building Your Basic Health. Lyle Stuart,
Inc., Secaucus, N.J. 1982

Ferm, Max and Ferm, Betty. How to Save Dollars With Generic Drugs. William Marrow and
Company, Inc. New York. 1985

Fredericks, Carlton and Goodman, Herman. Low Blood Sugar and You. Constellation
International, 51 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 1969

Heinerman, John. Science of Herbal Medicine. Bi World Publishing Company. 1979

Inlander, Charles, Levin, Lowell and Weiner, Ed. Medicine on Trial. Prentice Hall Press,
New York. London. Toronto 1988

Leek, Sybil. Herbs: Medicine and Mysticism. Henry Regnery Company, Chicago 1975

Mendelsohn, Robert. Male Practice: How Doctors Manipulate Women. Contemporary

Books, Inc., Chicago. 1981

Pelton, Ross. Mind Food and Smart Pills. T& R Publishers, Poway, California. 1986

Stoff, Jesse and Pellegrino, Charles. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Hidden Epidemic.
Random House, New York. 1988

Thomson, William (ed). Medicines from the Earth: A Guide to Healing Plants. McGraw Hill

Book Company. New York. St. Louis. San Francisco. 1978

Wallach, Joel and Boever, Wm. Diseases of Exotic Animals: Medical and Surgical
Management. W.B. Saunders Publishing Co., Philadelphia. 1983

Wensel, Louise. Acupuncture for Americans. Reston Publishing Company, Inc., Reston,
Virginia. 1980

Werbach, Melvyn. Nutritional Influences on Illness: A Sourcebook of Clinical Research. Third

Line Press, Inc., Tarzana, California. 1988

Williams, Lindsey. You Can Live. Life and Health Publications, Portland, Oregon. 1989

Spanish Science Terms

algebra 'algebra

anatomy anatomia

anthropology antropologia

apiculture apicultura

bacteriology bacteriologia

biochemistry bioqu'imica

biology biologia

botany bot'anica

chemistry qu'imica

crystallography cristalografia

dentistry dentisteria

embryology embriologia

entomology entomolo'gia

Spanish Science Terms

geography geografia

geology geologia

geometry geometria

horticulture horticultura

ichthyology ictiologia

immunology inmunologia

insurance seguros

injection injecci'on

logic l'ogica

mathematics matem'aticas

medicine medicina

metallurgy metalurgia

meteorology meteorologia

Spanish Science Terms

Spanish Science Terms

veterinary medicine veterinaria

zoology zoolog'ia

The Book That

Couldn't Kill
Become your own primary
Health care provider

Learn the Alternative

Healing Arts

Establish Your Own

Home Clinic
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Stress Scale

The stress produced by changes in our daily habits have been carefully observed,
charted and evaluated by psychologists. It became very obvious that certain changes
produced much greater stress than others. A number, according to the severity of the
response, was assigned to the thirty-seven most frequent changes in habits.

The stress scale on the following page can be used by you to determine where the
personal stresses in your life might lead you. Although it is easily understood when

properly examined, many do not recognize that the inability to accomodate stress pre-
ceeds possible illness or overwhelming urges. The alcoholic prone will consume more
alcohol, the smoker will smoke more and the one who finds solice in food will over-

Your ability to accomodate stress is directly related to the nutritional balance in

your body. This logically explains how one is able to sail through considerable stress
without serious consequences while another under similar stress has physical and/or
mental breakdowns. It's the chemistry that determines your reactions and you can
begin now to enhance your personal chemistry through proper nutrition.

If the stress rating scale shown

you exceeds 150 points of change in 12 months,
the chances are one out of two that you might suffer significant illness and a tremen-
dous urge to over eat during the following 24 months. If the amount of change ex-
ceeds 300 points in a 12 month period, the chances are better than four out of five that
you will suffer significant illness and a tremendous urge to overeat in the succeeding

24 months.

Stress Scale
1 Death of family member or close friend 100.
2. Divorce 73_
3. Marital seperation 65_
4. Personal injury or illness 63_
5. Marriage 53_
6. Fired from job 50_
7. Marital reconciliation 47_
8. Change in health of family member 45_
9. Pregnancy 44_
lO.Sex difficulties 40_
1 1 Gain of a new family member 39_
12. Business readjustment 39_
13. Change in financial state 38_
14. Change in profession or trade 36_
15. Change in number of arguments with spouse 35_
16. Mortgage over $10,000 31_
17. Change in responsibilities at work 30_
18. Son or daughter leaving home 29_
19. Trouble with in-laws 29_
20. Outstanding personal achievement 28_
21. Spouse is laid off of work 26_
22. Begin or end school 26_
23. Change in living conditions 25_
24. Revision of personal habits 24_
25. Trouble with boss 23_
26. Change in work hours or conditions 20_
27. Change in residence 20_
28. Change in school 20_
29. Change in recreation activities 19_
30. Change in church activities 19_
31. Change in social activities 18_
32. Mortgage or loan less than $10,000 17_
33. Change in sleeping habits 16_
34. Change in numbers of family get togethers 15_
35. Change in eating habits 15_
36. Vacation 13_
37. Seasons holidays (Christmas, New Year,etc.) 12_

The concept of reflexology holds that various organs, nerves, and glands In your body are con-
nected with certain "reflex areas" on the bottoms of your feet, hands, and other areas of the body.
Moreover, this philosophy claims that by massaging these corresponding areas, prompt relief from
a variety of conditions in the body can be obtained. In most instances the thumb, or sometimes a
knuckle, is used as the massaging force; although many use vibrators or other external forces.

Considerable credence has been given this work by science, now that we have more or less ex-
plained the mechanism by which acupuncture works, since the principle is the same and many
physicians are now using acupressure for a variety of conditions, including almost instantaneous
relief from headaches and toothaches. This should obviously not be misinterpreted to mean that this

methodology will cure the cause of this pain in these two instances, however, in cases of gland or
organ congestion, there have been dramatic rehabilitations reported.

The following charts may be of some assistance to you, if you wish to apply some very well
authenticated principles of healing to your body. There are several techniques such as rotary mo-
tion massage, back and forth massage, probing massage, etc., but the important factor Is to find
the right spot and if it is tender to the touch, massage the area. There is no question that you will

findmore tender spots on your feet than your hands, but that does not limit the effectiveness of

massaging the corresponding area on the hand that you found tender on the foot.

Probably one of the most immediate benefits from reflex massage is the feeling of complete relax-
ation after the session. Nervous tension, which Is so universal in our society, seems to just melt

away and you can enjoy deep, restful sleep. These charts may open the door for you to a different
way of maintaining health, vitality and the joy of living.

Reflex Chart

•»»!» MAIN


InUtiullon*! IimHIi.1i ol HiIm.iI Hullh Sctancil Inc

Reflex Chart


- lnlttn»tloflll IniHltllt el Nlluilt lltltlh SeUncM. IfIC

aromatherapy - 53
arsenic toxicity -86
abrasions - 81 arsenicum album - 62, 63
abscess - 81, 93 arteriosclerosis - 86
absence attacks - 81 arthritis - 87
ACE - 71, 82 asthma - 87
acne 82
- atherosclerosis - 88
aconite - 62 athletes foot - 88
achalasia - 81 atopic deramtitis - 88
achlorhydria - 81 autoimmune disorders - 88
acupuncture 1, 51 - autism - 88
adrenal gland exhaustion - 82 Avogadro's Law - 62
adrenalin - 71 ayurvedic medicine - 54
A/G ratio - 35
AIDS -82 B
air sick 99 -

albumin 35 - Bach Remedies - 54

alcohlism - 83, 156 backache - 88
alk phos - 36 bad breath - 89
allergic shiners - 83 baldness - 89
allergies - 83 basophils - 32
allergy test - 30 bed sores - 89
allium cepa - 62 bedwetting - 89
alopecia - 83 bee stings - 89
Alzheimer's Disease - 83 "Belch, burp and bloat" - 92
amblyopia - 84 belladona - 62
amebiasis - 84 Bell's palsy - 90

amenorrhea - 84 benign prostate hyperplasia - 89

ammonia - 71 biochemics - 54
anal abscess 84 - biotin 44

anaphylaxsis - 84 bipolar disorder - 90

anemia - 84 birth control - 75
aneurysm - 85 birth defects - 90
angina 85 - bladder infection - 110
anorexia - 85 bladder stones - 91
anosmia - 85 bleeding - 91
antibiotics - 71 bleeding bowel - 91
anxiety - 85 bleeding gums -92
aphthous stomatitis - 86 bloating -92
arnica - 63 blood pressure- 6

body odor - 92 cervical dysplasia - 101
boil - 92 cesium chloride - 96
bone pain - 92 cestodes - 170
bone spurs - 92 chalazion - 101
breast cysts 92 - charely horse - 153
breast tenderness - 93 cheilosis - 101
brittle nails - 93 chicken pox - 101
bronchial asthma - 93 chigger - 102
bronchitis - 93 chilblains - 102
brown rice diet - 66 chills - 102
bruises - 93 Chinese restaurant syndrome - 30
bruxisum - 93 chiropractic - 58
bryonia - 63 chloride - 36, 73
BUN - 35 choking - 155
BUN / creatinine ratio - 35 cholesterol - 34, 102
burns - 93 choline - 44, 73
bursitis - 93 chorea - 102
butterfly bandage - 112 chromium - 44, 73
chronic fatigue syndrome - 103
cirrhosis - 144
claudication - 103
Caesarian - 74 climacteric - 103
calcium - 34, 44, 73 cluster headache - 104
cacium / phosphorus ratio - 87 cold sore 98 -

calculus 94 - colds - 104

calendula - 64 colic - 105
cancer - 94 colitis - 105
candidiasis - 97 colloidal minerals - 183
canker cores - 86, 98 color therapy - 58
car sickness - 99 congested lungs - 105
carbuncles - 98 congestive heart failure - 105
carcelim - 96 conjunctivits - 106
carcinoma - 94 constipation - 106
cardiac arrhythmia - 98 contraception - 106
cardiomyopathy - 99 convulsions - 106
carpel tunnel syndrome - 99 copper - 44, 73
cataracts -99 cor pulmonale - 107
catarrh - 100 COQ-10 - 97
CBC - 32 cough 107 -

CEA - 36 cough medicine - 70

ceanothus - 64 crabs 107

celiac disease 100 - cradle cap - 107

cerebropalsy - 100 creatinine
cerebrovascular disease - 100 Crohn's Disease - 107

croup -100 eosinohils - 33
cuts - 108 epilepsy - 121
cystic calculi - 140 epistaxis - 154
cystic fibrosis - 108 45
essential fatty acids -

cystitis - 110 excercise equipment - 28

exophthalmos - 122
D eye redness - 122

dandruff- 110
deafness - 129
deferential - 33 Failure to thrive - 122
dementia - 110, 156 farting - 122
depression - 113, 156 fatigue - 122
dermatitis - 113, 168 fecal sample - 36, 38, 39
diabetes 114 - fertility 77, 122

diagnosis - 41 fever - 123

diaper rash - 115 fever blister -48
diarrhea - 115, 117 fibrocystic breast disease - 123
dieting - 1 15 fibrocystic disease - 123
direct bilirubin - 35 fingernails - 123
diuretic - 116 fits - 123
diverticulitis -116 flatulence - 123
DMSO 97 - flu - 124
douche 116 - fluoride 73 -

Down's syndrome - 150 Flutamide - 96

dropsy 116 - folic acid - 45, 76
dry skin - 117 food allergies - 124
dysentary - 115, 117 fractures - 125
dyslexia - 117 freckles - 126
dysmenorrhea - 118
dyspepsia - 118, 123, 138

gall bladder disease - 126

gall stone - 126

earache - 119 gastric ulcers - 173

ear infection - 119 gelsimium - 63
EBV - 103 Gentiana Lutea - 63
ecchymosis - 119 geographic tongue - 126
eclampsia - 161 germanium - 96
eczema - 113, 119 GGT - 34, 40
ejaculation premature - 119 gingivitis - 126, 128, 162
electric shock - 120 glaucoma - 129
emesis - 120 globulin - 35
enuresis - 121 glucose 34

Glucostick - 31, 34 hypoglycemia - 133
gluten enteropathy - 100, 127 hypotension - 134
goiter - 127 hypothyroid - 134
goose bumps - 140 hysteria - 134, 160
gout - 128
grippe - 92, 124
growing pain - 128
gums, sore - 128 atrogenic disease - 24
cterus 139-

H mmune depression - 135

mmunization - 135
hair analysis - 37 mmunotherapy - 135
hair loss - 82, 130 mpetigo - 135
hangnails 128 - mpotence - 136
hay fever 128 - ncontinence - 136
HCT (hematocrit) - 32 ndigestion - 138
HDL - 34 ndirect bilirubin 35 -

headache - 128 nfarction 136 -

healing arts - 51 nfection - 137

hearing loss - 129 nfertility - 137
heart attack - 129 inflammation - 137
heartburn - 130 nfra red light - 66
heart disease - 129 inositol - 45.-73-
heating pad - 28 nscription - 7
hemoglobinometer - 31 nsomnia 138 -

hemorrhoids - 130 insurance 179 -

hepar sulph - 63 iodine - 45, 73

hepatitis- 130 iron - 45, 73
herbal medicine - 59 irritable bowel syndrome - 138
herpes - 131 Isoprinosin - 81, 168
herpes zoster - 131 itching - 138
hiatal hernia - 131
hiccoughs - 131
hoarseness - 132
homeopathy - 60 jaundice - 139
hospitals - 179 joint pain - 139
Hoxey herbal formula - 96
hydrazine sulfate - 95 K
hydrophobia - 163
hydrotherapy - 60 K (potassium) - 36, 47
hyperacidity - 132 Kegel's exercise - 139
hyperactivity- 117, 132 Keratomalacia - 139
hypericum - 64 keratosis - 140
hypertention - 132 kernicterus - 140

Keshan disease - 99, 110 M
ketoacidosis 140 -

kidney disease - 140 macrobiotics - 66

kidney stones - 140 magnesium - 46. 73

Kilner screen - 59 malabsorption - 146

Knipping 61 -
malignancy - 146
Koraskoff's syndrome - 141 malnutrition - 146
Kwashiorkor - 141 manganese - 46, 73
mania - 146
manipulation - 58
materia medica - 60, 80
labor - 141, 161 MCH 32 -

laceration - 108 MCHC 33 -

lachesis - 63 MCV 32 -

lactation - 141, 142 MD 52


lactase deficiency - 142 measles - 146, 147

lactobacillus 98 - mega vitamin therapy - 66
laetrile 3, 96 - melancholia - 134
laryngitis - 142 melanoma - 96
laxative - 142 melasma - 147
Laying-on-of-hands - 59 memory 147 loss -

LD - 145 menarche 147 -

LDH - 34 meningitis - 148

LDL - 34 meningocele - 148
lead poisoning 142 - Menke's kinky hair syndrome - 148
learning disorder - 142 menopause - 148
Legionnaires' disease - 143 mercury poisoning 149 -

lentigo-Maligna melanona - 143 metabolic therapy - 66, 149

leptospirosis - 143 methadone - 149
leukemia - 143 microscope - 28
leukorrhea - 143 migraine headaches - 149
lice - 144 miscarriage - 149
life expectancy - 144 mitral valve prolapse - 150
light therapy - 66 molybdenum - 73
liver disease - 144 Monckeberg's arteiosclerosis - 150
liver spots - 126 moncytes - 33
lockjaw - 145 mongolism - 150
lupus - 145 morning sickness - 150
Lyme arthritis - 145 mosquitos - 151
Lyme disease - 145 mother tincture - 62
lymphoma - 146 mucoviscidosis - 108
multiple sclerosis - 151

mumps - 151
muscular dystrophy - 152

muscle cramps -153 otoscope - 27
oxygen - 71

Na - 35, 48, 73
nasal catarrh - 153 PABA 47 -

nausea 153
- pain - 158
nat mur - 64 pain killers 70 -

nat sulph - 64 palpitations 158 -

naturopathy - 67 panic attacks - 84

N.D. - 61 pantothenic acid - 46, 73
neoplasm - 93 parasitemia - 6
nervous heart - 153 parasites - 36, 37, 38, 39, 159
nervous tension - 153 parkinsonism - 159
negative ion - 67 parrot fever - 157
neuralgia - 153 Pasteur - 3
neutrophil - 33 PDR - 24
niacin - 46, 73 peptic lucer 159 -

night blindness - 154 periodontal disease - 159

nightmares 154 - pharmacy - 70
night terrors - 154 phlebitis - 160
nitric acid - 63 phosphorus - 47, 73
nobleman - 1 pica - 160
nosebleeds 154 - piles - 130, 160
nontropical sprue - 100 pilonidal cyst - 160
numbness - 154 pimples - 160
nutritional secondary pinworms - 37, 38
hyperparathyroidism - 157 pink eye - 122
nux vomica - 63 placenta privia - 74, 75
plant colloidal - 73
O platelets - 33
plumbism - 142
OB/GYN - 74 PMS - 92, 156, 160
obesity 155
- Pneumocystis carnii - 81
oligosprmia - 156 poison ivy - 1 61
omphalocele - 156 polycrests -62
ophthalmoscope - 27 polyerga - 96
organic brain syndrome - 156 poor circulation - 161
ornithosis - 157 post partum hemorrhage - 1 61
osteitis fibrosa -157 potassium - 36, 47, 73
osteoarthritis - 157 potencies - 60
ostopathy - 57 pregnancy (labor) - 161
osteoporosis - 158 pregnancy (toxemia) - 1 61
otitis - 158 premature ejaculation - 119

premenstrual syndrome - 92, 156, 160 Rolfing 68 -

prostate hyperplasia - 88, 162 roseola 166 -

pruritis - 138 rubber gloves - 28

psoriasis - 162 rule in/rule out - 41
public health - 182
Pulsatilla - 65
pulse - 7, 30
pulse test - 30, 125
pyridoxine - 47, 73 sarcoma 94 -

pyorrhea - 162 scabies - 166

scarletina - 166
scarlet fever - 166
schizophrenia - 167
Q-fever - 162 Schuessler cell salts - 54
quinsy - 162 sciatica - 167
scoliosis - 167
R scurvy - 167
sea sickness - 99
rabbit fever 162 - sebaceous cyst - 167
rabies 163
- seborrheic dermatitis - 168
rachitic rosary - 163 seizures - 123
radial nerve palsy - 163 selenium - 48, 73
rainbow healing - 59 Semmelwise - 75
rape - 163 senile dementia - 168
Raynaud's disease - 164 SGOT - 36
RBC 32
- SGPT - 36
receding gums - 126, 128 shark skin - 168
rectal itching - 164 shingles - 168
referrals - 176 six hour GTT - 31, 40
reflex hammer - 27 skin ailments - 168
reflexology - 68 SLE - 145
reflux - 130, 131 SMAC 33 -

regional enteritis - 107 smelling salts - 71

repertory - 62 sodium - 35, 48, 73
Reye's syndrome - 164 solar-chrome saltbags - 59
rheumatic fever 165 - sore throat - 168
rheumatic arthritis - 165 sphygmomanometer - 27
rheumatism - 165 spider bite 169 -

rhus tox - 65 spina bifida - 76, 89

Ribavirin - 81, 101 sprain - 169
riboflavin - 48, 73 sties 122 -

rickets - 165 strains - 169

ringworm - 166 stress - 169
Rocky Mountain spotted fever - 166 stroke - 169

subscription - 7 umbilical hernia - 156
supplement program - 73 uric acid - 34
sweat test - 169 urine - 31
sweat test Table - 111 urine test - 31
swimmers ear - 170 urine therapy - 68
syphilis 170 -

syringe - 28
syrup of ipecac - 71
vaginitis - 174
Valeriana - 64
Van Leeuwenhoeek - 3
tachycardia 170 - varicose veins - 174
tapeworms 170 - vertigo - 174
tardive dyskinesia - 171 vitamin A - 49, 73
tartar - 93 vitamin Bl - 49, 73
teeth, discoloration - 171 vitamin B12 - 49, 73
teething - 171 vitamin C - 49, 73
temperature - 7 vitamin D - 50, 73
tension - 6 vitamin E - 50, 73
terentula - 63 vitamin K - 50, 73
testicular atrophy - 171 vitamins and minerals - 44, 73
thallium poisoning - 171 Table 6-1
thermometer - 26 vitiligo - 174
thiamine - 49, 73 vomiting - 120
thrush - 171
thumb forceps - 27 W
thyroid test - 30
tick fever - 3, 166 Walter Reed - 3
tinnitus 172 - warts - 174
tonsillitis - 172 WBC 33 -

toothache - 172 weight - 115

torticollis - 172 weight loss - 115
total bilirubin -35 wen 167

total protein - 35 white spots (fingernails) - 174

toxemia - 161 William Moore ESQ - 4
toxic shock syndrome - 172 whooping cough - 100
toxoplasmosis - 173 worms - 174
triglycerides - 173 wounds - 175
TSS - 172 wryneck - 172

ulcer - 173 xerophthalmia - 154

ultra violet - 28, 66 xylocaine - 71

yang - 51, 66

yellow fever - 3
yin - 51, 66
yoga - 68

zinc - 50, 73
zits - 175
zumba - 136

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