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rHE NArro!!

r4nrDjNc rvEwspapni
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Ang Congress to avoid reenacted budget

T3_"rges another delay in its approval. get for the first four months of the year
But he said there is rcason to be optimistic when
Congress should exhaust all means to the approval of the FB.?-hillion national budget
that the F4.t-hillion national budgef for eoio
for 20lg was delayed.
:nrryg that the proposed F4.t_trillion na_ y4l b. passed on time since Hoise teaOers The senator gaid the four-month delayin,
budget for 2020 would be apprrcved on
_tional have committed to apprcve tfre UuOLei;;;
time, Serate finance committee afitf the enactment of the budget triO an adverse
i;; sure before OctoberS, ZOfg.
jgl rluan_ndgardo .,Sonny', Angara *g.J* will be observing the praetice of
"We impacL-not_only oir ilre ec"o;o*y as a whote,
Wednesday. buton the deliveryof services to tt
[olding paralleihearingnso thai when the As a consequence, there,.r" "people.
Angara said both the Senate and House rJ*.iJou
Horrse-approved GAB (general appropriations
of Representatives should avoid
reenacted budget as the counby cannot
bilD will arrirre here inbcbber? drt;a;;
opportunities available and key infraskucfure
projects, both new and ongoinj, aced
affqld of Novemberwe are done with the delayn in
theirimplementation Aue to lackof funding.
'review of the agency "I have always.taken the position that a
budgets at the com- reenacted budget must be avoided like,the
mittee level,,,Angara plagug,"Angara said.
said. Thecountry,s economic growth also,took
: *Th} fighting _
huge hit, with the Nationaf Econo*ic and
target is to have it I
Development Authoriff (NED$ afljusting
signed on or before the full-year gross domestic proit ct target
December 15. What from 7 to B percent t0 6.1 to e.S percenf the
is important is thdt senator stressed.
the nation will greet According to fuigara, he shanes president
the new year with a Duterte's desire to cut bureaucratic red t"p.
he said.
'because the people deserve th. b;il
possible from its government.',
Angaranotedthat "W-e will place particular focus on getting -
the coun!ry suffered
afterthegovernment 3ggncies to spend theirbudgets efficienflyand
judiriouslyz We should avoid underspen-ding,
wasforcedtooperate which has been a problem of several agenei"i
on a reenacted bud- since the previous administratioir,l' he said.


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