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Series of 2015

SUBJECT: Establishment of the DTI Strategic Performance

Management System (DTI-SPMS)

WHEREAS, CSC Resolution No. 1200481 and MC No. 6, s. 2012 provided the Guidelines in
the Establishment and Implementation of Agency Strategic Performance Management
System (SPMS);

WHEREAS, in October 2014, the DTI Performance Management Team issued Resolution No.
01-2014 resolving to endorse the DTI-SPMS to the Civil Service Commission (CSC} for

WHEREAS, the CSC approved the proposed DTI-SPMS on February 18, 2015;

WHEREFORE, all DTI bureaus/offices and attached agencies/corporations are hereby

directed to implement and follow the hereto attached "DTI Strategic Performance
Management System,', which shall form an integral part hereof.

This Order is effective immediately and shall remain in force and effect until amended or

Issued this '1 tPa ay of mRRGH 2015 in Makati City, Philippines.



4/F Industry & Investments Building, 385 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, 1200 Makati City, P hilippines
Telephone: (+632) 899-7450 • Fax: (+632) 896-1166 • E-msil: secretary@dti.gov.ph
CSC Lett�r , .. �igned by Acting Chair,
Commissioner Robert S. Martinez dated 18
February 2015 re Approval for full
implementati�n of theStrategic
Performance Management System (SPMS)

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Pnra sa !mll!l SAYAN

February 18,

R. C R U Z
.Mr. J O E L
Director . . . .
attve Servtce
Re so urc es end Admtmstr
Hum an ustry
of Trade and Ind
Department Bui ldi ng
4/F Trade & I nd
u try
1 Se n. Gil Puyat Aven
1200 Makati

r Cruz:
oear Directo o of the
IV Lydia Alba-CastiU
you r letter addressed to Di rector of the action
to on
this refers
(CSC-NCR) requ
esting reconsiderati
ca i al Regi on M an ag e ment
p t ce
I Strateg i c Performan
e CS Cw NC R on the proposed DT
taken byth
System (DTI SP
pt best
the OTI hopes that the
CSC will all ow it to ado
r ese nta tion , Sc ore card
Per your rep i ple s of the Balanced
ed fro m the PG S, a nd apply the princ . the
practices acquir
ed th a t in crafting th
Mo reover, you represent CS C; nce , the
es espoused by the
SP MS he
in the DTI the ge ne ral pri ncipl ch
nizan t of nis ms are ver y mu
DTI was cog
b a si c ele me nts and enabling mecha
ciples ,
objectives, prin
edd ed in the DTI SPMS.
umen t to the letter dated
After a rev iew of you r jus tific ation in the attached d o c
Director Atucena Per
5 n d upo n fav ourable e ndor sem ent by
January 7, 201
a that we interpo se no
rm you
PS O, this Co mm ission, we would like to info ,
Esleta , HR
objection to your
re quest .

lement the revised DTI SPM

S this year subject
Accordingly, the OTI may imp Esleta has pointed
the following recommenda
tions which Dire ctor
to the adop tion of ruary 3, 2015 at the HRPSO:
en you met with her on Feb
out to your group wh
e rfo rm ance rating
of the DTI SPMS, the p
a) In the initial implementation of targets. The
d on accomplishment
should be 100% ba se
) sho uld not g1ve n
(behavioural d1mensions
Interpersonal re l at io ns ses of pro v1di ng
considered for purp o
wei g ht , but may be
developmental interve
ural ass essment or
with a pplying a 360° behavio
We see nothing wrong this is also being
ncy assess t e
in giving weight to compete
men sinc

to maturity level 3 in the

considered towards moving
, and for purposes
of uniformit we request
However, in the m ea ntime s and Individual
performance rating of office
the DTI to base the

essible, Cow·tf.ousand Effective Public Seruice

In a R. A. C. E. to Serve: Resjlot�live,Acc \Wiw.csc.g:ov
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Quezon City· '2' 931-79��/')1

Road. Constinttion !-!ills, I 12�

@ CSC' Building, TRP
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·u:: Feb . 20 15


Of t�rgets made .at -the beginning

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d) Report on Co mmission through
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the Civil S ervic e

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to the Commiss

r u sual sup port

Thank you for you

Very truly yours,


ATTY. ROB-1:;:::::-
Director IV LYDIA
c;;c: atio ns/ Capi tal Region
esc -N
#25 Kaliraya Streei
1113 Quezon

::;a 1 :10�0.: .1 0&
[!(< rvo
Signed Resolution by the Performance
Management Team (PMT) re Establishment of
the DTI Strategic Performance Management
System (SPMS)
@tt�bl�ftnt,�w �t��p�mentQf T:r.i4e:and ln�ustry

$trategic P�if()tm8nce Management System

., . --------�-..._.. -----x

WHeREAS, moreover, Item 4 of the said resolution provides that "an employee may progress frorp Step 1
to 8 of the salary g�e allocation of his/ller positiqn in recOQI1ition of meritorious performanC$ based on perforrrl ance
management syStem approved by the esc. and/or through . length of service, in accordan� with the rules and
regulations to be promulgated jointly by the DBM and the CSC";

WHEREAS, further, Item 17(c) of the said resolution likewise states that '1he esc, in developing the
Performance Management System, shall ensure that personnel performance s hall be linked with organization al
performance in order to enhance the performance orientation of the compensation system";:.f>

WHEREAS, Section 5 of Administrative Order No. 241 provides that "agwtcies shall institute a Performance
Evaluation System based on objectively measured output and performance ofYpersonnel and units, such as the
Performance Management System-Office Performance Evaluation System developed by the CSC";

WHEREAS, Administrative Order No. 25 dated December 21, 2011, p rovides for the creation of Results­
Based Performance Management System (RBPMS) which Will h armon ize , streamline, and simplify all exist i ng
mon i tor i ng and reporting requireme nts and processes;

WHEREAS, the CSC has promulgated in CSC resolution No. 1200481 dated March 16, 2012, the attached
Guidelines for the Establishment and Implementation of Agency Stra te g ic Performance Mpmagement System
WHEREAS, with the aim of concretizing the li nkage between i ndividual performa nce and the agency's
overall performance through the Organizational Performance Indicator framework (OPIF), cpnsistent with the goals
and objectives set under the PDP, the s trateg i es of the DTI, and the operational work. plans of its agencies.
bureaus/offices. the De pa rtme nt of Trade and Industry (DTl) has adopted the Performance Governance System
(PGS) in cooperation with private governance partners,

WHEREAS, the Performance Governance System is the local ada ptatio n of Norton and Kaplan's Balanced
Scorecar d for tracking performance using critical measures to ensure organizational reform. It translates statements
of governa nce and vision to actionable strateg ies and commitments le a d ing to the realization of breakthrough results
through four perspect ive s name ly: Customer, Internal Process, Learning and Growth, and Finance. It aims to ensure
organiza tional effectiveness by cascading institutional accountabilities to the various levels of the organization
anchored on the establishment of scientific basis for performance targets and measures, and most importantly,
improve office and ind ividual performance through a systematic approach of establishing stra tegic p erfor mance
objectives, measuring p erfor mance, and collecting analyzing, reviewing and reporting performance d ata ;
·.•• $; POP �11-2016, �lt�pter 7 (GQOd Governance and the Rule of ihe Law}, recognizes ttlat the
:: i& qne PMS approa.cn that has been proven to create an effective alignment:
WHEBEA$1 or:t J�nuary 10, 2001, Civil Service Resolution No. 010112 was promulgate<;� and Memorandvm
Circular No. 01:sed�S.of 2001 was Issued, provides for revised policies on Programs on Awards and Incentives for
Service Excellence (PRAIS�);

. • :. I .QFI July 20, 2012, EXecutive Order No: 80 was issued mandating me adQptitm Of, R�rtorman®­
�ys�m (PBJS) consisting of Productivity �:n�ancerrient ·Incentive (PEl) a�!1 f'erromi�nea•a:i:i$:ed .

. . . . ,11> { �'. c�p

in its ���er, �at�d Oct9p�f 4, 2�13, pr9vtB.ed an ov�ra!l

e D�L SP\VlS ass!S,ll'lJ��t ?f �
anq foun. to:.�:.
· . �ly compliant to the requirements set in tne glndehnes
. for tmp!errferttatlon of such a
system, and isSued a conditfonal approval;

WHEREAS, we the members of the DTI Performance Management Team r�viewed the provisions of the
- , SPMS and agreed to endorse the same to the DTI Secretary for onward transmittal to the esc, Therefore:

BE rr RESOLVED AS IT HEREBY RESOI.VEP, to endorse the Strategic Performance Management

Syste m (SPMS) to CSC for approval and full implementation by 2015;

Issued this �'1'*- day of October, 2014.


Chair (
DTI Performance Management Team


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--�-- · ABEJO, KMIS

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DTI Strate gi c Performance Management System

(SPMS ) Guidelines


1.1 It is focused on li nking individual performance vis-a�vis the agency's organizational vision,
mission, and strategic goals. It is envisioned as a tec hn ology composed of strcrtegies,
methods, and tools to ensure fulfilment of the functions of the agency and its personnel as
well as to assess the accomplishments.

1.2 lt is a mechanism that ensures that the employee achieves the objectives set by the
organization and the organization, on the other hand, ach ieves the objectives that it has set
for itself in its strategic plan .

1.3 It is the heart of th e human resource system because information produced from it is useful
in human resource planning, management, and decision�making processes.

1.4 It follo ws the four-stage PMS cycle: performance planning and commitment, performance
monitoring and coaching, performance review and evaluation and performance rewarding
and development planning.


To ensure the successful implementation of the DTI-SPMS, the following mechanisms must be
present, operational, and maintained:

2.1 Competency-Based Talent Selection System

The DTI adopts a competency-based selection process through tools and methods that
assess and evaluate the qualifications of candidates for appointments to various positions.
Core Success Profiles for specific job levels have been developed to define the core
requirements needed to ensure success in a particular job or position. The Success Profile
describes the ideal candidate in terms of knowledge, what people know; the technical
and/or professional information needed to successfully perform job activities; experience,
what people have done, the educational and work achievements needed to successfully
perform job activities; competencies, what people can do, the clusters of behaviors or
competencies performed on a job; and personal attributes, who people are, the personal
dispositions and motivations that relate to job satisfaction, job success, or failure. Specific
Job Competency Profiles for identified job families in the Department shall likewise be
developed to determine the competency requirements in ensuring organizational success
and achieving employees' career objectives.


Strategic Performance Management System
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2.2 An Adequate Rewards and Incentives System

Consistent with CSC rul es, a Performance Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence
(PRAISE) system shall be developed to m o tivate employees to support the strategic
direction, the a lignm ent of personal goals with the goals of the organization.

2.3 Mentorin& and Coaching Program

Supervisors are expected to serve as coaches or mentors, who can provide an enabling
envi ron ment that will help improve team performance, and to manage and develop
individual potentials.

2.4 Use of Information Communication Technolosv (ICT)

The Department's Information Syst e m s Strategic Plan (ISSP) supports SPMS in terms of
p roviding the necessa ry ICT infrastructure to ena ble systems on project documentation,
knowledge and inform�tion m8fllagement, and performance monitoring and evaluation.

2.5 Change Management Program

Critical to the success of the OTI-SPMS is an awareness of the need for change, and building
up readiness and acceptance. A change management program starts with a description of
the desirable future state, and the change that needs to be effected. Transparency is crucial
to OTI's change management program, and communicating the process is integral to
managing change. A regular, repetitive, consistent, and reassuring communication process
shall be implemented bearing in mind the relevance and impact of achieving such change to
each member of the organization.
Securing the involvement and commitment of officials
and employees of the Department shall be a key objective cognizant that effective
organization change requires significant dramatic leaps.

2.6 Strategy Development, Review and Formulation

Strategy determines direction. The DTI, in defining its strategies, shall review its
Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (OPIF) in accordance with DBM guidelines.
The main rationale of the Programs, Activities, and Projects (PAPs) restructuring is to
establish the link of the PAPs to the Major Final Outputs (MFOs) for better cost estimation
and expenditure prioritization. Activities that do not fall within the legal mandate of a
department/agency, or are not linked to an MFO, should be considered for restructuring. It
is the objective of the Government to use a results-based budgeting system or the OPIF as
basis for allocating the budget and monitoring, reporting and evaluating
department/agency performance. Consistent with the OPIF, the DTI shall clarify its
organization vision and mission, and values, and define its change agenda. A strategic
planning process to design, review and update units and support units at all organizational
levels are consistent and connected to the organization strategy with the end in view of
contributing to the attainment of the agency's vision.


Strategic Performance Management System
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3.1 General Objectives

The SPMS shall be prepared and administered to achieve the following:

3.1.1 Concretizethe linkage of organizational p erforma nce with the Philippine

Development Plan, the Agency Strategic Plan throug h the OPIF;

3.1.2 Ensure orga nizational effectiveness and improvement of individual employee

efficiency by cascading institutional accountabilities to the various levels of th e
organization anchored on the establis hment of rational and factual basis for
performance targets a nd measures; and

3.1.3 Lin k performance management with other Human Resources systems and ensure
adherence to the principles a nd objectives of a performance based tenure and
incentive system.

3.2 Guiding Principles

It shall be DTI's policy to:

3.2.1 Adhere to the principles of effective governance and performance-based rewards

and incentives by encouraging better performance and greater accountability in the
public sector and by ensuring the accomplishment of commitments and targets set
in the Department's Scorecard and the Philippine Development Plan;

3.2.2 Operate on mutual understanding, recognition, agreement, and commitment on

achievable targets and objective measures of performance. Performance targets
and standards or measures of results are planned and agreed upon by the
management, supervisors, and employees;

3.2.3 Promote collective accountability for achievements by engaging the executives,

managers, supervisors, and staff in accomplishing organizational goals;

3.2.4 Enhance productivity by using performance targets and standards attuned to

organizational goals and mandate and to provide basis for incentives to performers
taking into account both individual and organizational performance and apply
sanctions to non-performers;

3.2.5 Recognize the role of multi-stakeholders (e.g. clients, management, supervisors,

subordinates, among others) in the objective assessment and giving of feedback on
individual employee performance; and

3.2.6 Promote transparency and provide mechanism for appeals and resolution of
conflicts and/or disagreements.


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Section 4. BASte ELEMENTS

The SPMS shall include the following basic elements:

4.1 Goa l Aligned to Agency Mandate and Organizational Priorities

Performance goals and m easu re me nt are aligned to the national development plans, agency
mandate/vision/mission, and strategic priorities and/or organizational performance
indicator framework. Standards are pr ede t e rmined to e nsure efficient use and management
of inputs and work processes. These standards are integrated into the succ ess indicators as
organizational objectives and cascaded down to operational level.

4.2 Outputs/Outcomes-based

The system puts premium on major final outputs that contributes to the fulfilment of
organizational mandate, realization of mission/vision, execution of strategic priorities, and
achievement of outputs and outcomes.

4.3 Team-approach to performance management.

Accountabilities and individual roles in the achievement of organizational goals are clearly
defined to give way to collective goal setting and performance rating. Individual dashboards
are linked with their respective division/unit/office work plan and/or Performance
Governance System (PGS) scorecard to establish clear linkage between organizational and
individual performance.

4.4 User-friendly

The forms used for both the organizational and individual performance are similar and easy
to accomplish. The organizational and individual deliverables and success indicators are
aligned to facilitate the cascading of goals to staff members and the harmonization of
organizational and individual performance ratings.

4.5 Information System that supports monitoring and evaluation.

Monitoring and Evaluation mechanisms and Information Systems are vital components of
the SPMS in order to facilitate linkage between organizational and employee performance.
The DTI shall use automation and other necessary tools and resources available to ensure
generation of timely, accurate, and reliable information for performance monitoring/
tracking, program improvement and policy decision-making.

4.6 Communication Plan

A program to orient agency officials and employees on the new and revised policies on SPMS
shall be implemented. This is to promote awareness and interest on the system, generate
employees' appreciation for the agency SPMS as a management tool for performance
planning, control and improvement, and guarantee employees' internalization of their role
as partners of management and co-employees in meeting organizational performance goals.


Strategic Performance Management System
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5.1 SPMS Champion (Secretary and Undersecretaries)

5.1.1 Primarily responsible and accountable for the establishment and implementation of
5.1.2 Set asency pe rformance goats and objectives and performance m eas ures;

5.1.3 Decide and approve Organizational Performance Rating;

5.1.4 Assess performance of officials and hea ds of b ureaus under their supervision.

5.2 Performance Management Team (PMT)

As provided in the Department Order 14-31 (s.2014), the PMT shall be composed of the

Chair Undersecretary for Management Services Group (MSG)

Members : Director/Head of Human Resource and Administrative Services

Director/Head of Corporate Pla nning Service
Director/ Head of Financial & Management Service
Director/Head of Legal Service
Director/Head of Knowledge Management and Information Service
Three (3) Regional Directors from the Regional Operations Group
(to be designated by the ROG Supervising Undersecretary)
Functional Group Planning Coordinators
Two (2) Representatives from the Employee Union/Employee Association
or their duly designated alternates

5.2.1 Functions and Responsibilities of the PMT Committee

The PMT shall have the following functions and responsibilities: Formulate implementing rules on DTI Strategic Performance Management

System in line with CSC guidelines and conduct review as may be
necessary; Oversee overall implementation and monitoring of DTI's SPMS; Set consultation meeting of all Heads of Offices for the purpose of
discussing the targets set in the PGS Scorecards; Ensure that Office performance targets and measures, as well as the
budget are aligned with those of the Agency and that work distribution of
Offices/units is rationalized; Recommend approval of the DTI Organizational Performance Rating Act as appeals body and final arbiter for performance management issues
of the Agency;


Strategic Performance Management System
Page 5 of 5 Ide ntify potential top performers and provide recommendations to the
System on Pe rfo rm an ce Rewards and Incentives (SPRints) Committee for
grant of awards and incentives; Oversee com plian ce by DTI with eligibility requirements of the

Performance Based Incentive System (PBIS) pursuant to DBM Circulars,
particularly on good governance conditions, ranking of bureaus/offices or
equivalent and ranking 9f individua �s based on perform ance; Adopt Its own internal rules, proc edures and strategies in carrying out the
above responsibilities Including schedule of meeting and deliberations and
d eleg ation of authority to repre sen tatives in case of absence of its
members. The Corporate Planning Service shall serve as the PMT Secretariat.

5.2.2 PMT Sub-Committees

Regional Offices and Attached Agencies may create sub-PMTs to implement, review,
formulate, and recommend enhancements in the DTI-SPMS, and implement the above­
mentioned tasks, whenever necessary. The Sub-PMTs must be chaired by the head of office
with the designated planning officer/unit serving as its secretariat.

5.3 The role of Corporate Planning Service (CorPian)

5.3.1 Monitor submission of PGS Scorecards and Performance Contracts and schedule
the review/ evaluation of Office Commitments by the PMT before the start of a
performance period;

5.3.2 Consolidate, review, evaluate, and provide the initial performance assessment of the
bureaus/offices based on reported Office accomplishments against the success
indicators (strategic measures). The result of the assessment shall be the basis of
PMT's recommendation to the DTI Secretary who shall determine the final
Bureau/Office rating; and

5.3.3 Present to each Bureau/Office their respective Organizational Performance Rating.

5.4 The role of Human Resource and Administrative Services (HRAS}

5.4.1 Monitor submission of Individual dashboards of all employees;

5.4.2 Review the Summary List of Individual Performance Rating submitted by the
bureau/office HR Partner;

5.4.3 Provide analytical data on retention, skill/competency gaps, and talent development
plans that align with strategic plans;

5.4.4 Coordinate developmental interventions that will form part of the HR Plan; and

5.4.5 Ensure that employees with Below Satisfactory and Poor Performance are provided
with necessary development intervention to improve performance.

5.4.6 Present to each Bureau/Office their respective Organizational Performance Rating.


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5.5 The role of Head of Bureau/Office (Director IV or equivalent)

5.5.1 Assume primary re spo nsi bility for pe rfor m ance management in his/her

5.5.2 Con duct strategic plannin g session with th e supervisors and staff and agree on the
outputs that sho uld be accomplished based on the goals and objectives of the
organization and submit the PGS Scorecard s and Performance Contracts to the
5.5.3 Review and a pp rove individual employee's Scorecards/Dashboards for su b mi ssio n to
the HRAS before the start of the performance period;
5.5.4 Submit a q ua rte rly accomplishment report to the CorPian based on the SPMS
calendar, which shall form part he reof;

5.5.5 Do ini tial assessment of Bureau's/Office's performance using the approved PGS
Scorecards/ Performance Con tracts;
5.5.6 Determine tha fintil essessmen t of the performance level of the individual

emplo �es in his/her office based on proof of performance;

5.5.7 Inform employees of the final rating and identify necessary interventions to
employees based on the assessment of developmental needs -

• Re co m mend and discuss a developmental plan with the subordinates who obtain
Below Satisfactory Performance during the rating period not later than one {1)
month after the end of the said period (i.e. January of succeeding year) and
prepare a written notice/advice to subordinates that a succeeding Below
Satisfactory Performance shall warrant their separation from the service.

• Provide preliminary rating to subordinates showing Poor Performance during the

mid-year assessment. A developmental plan shall be discussed with the concerned
subordinate and issue a written notice that failure to improve their performance
shall warrant their separation from the service.

• Provide HRAS with a copy of the written notice issued to the concerned employee

5.6 D i visio n Chief or Equivalent

5.6.1 Assume joint responsibility with the Head of Office in ensuring attainment of
performance objectives and targets;

5.6.2 Rationalize distribution of targets or tasks;

5.6.3 Monitor closely the status of the performance of their subordinates and provide
support and assistance through the conduct of coaching for the attainment of
targets set by the Division/Unit and individual employee;

5.6.4 Assess individual employee's performance; and

5.6.5 Recommend developmental intervention.


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5.7 Designated Acency Planning Officer (APO)

5.7.1 Coordinate the preparation and m onito rin g of PGS Scorecards and Performance
Contracts and budget execution documents;

5.7.2 Monitor plans and programs of the i r respective bureaus and ensure timely
submission of accomplishment reports and co mplian ce requirements of oversight
agencies such as Office of the P r esi den t, Presidential M a na ge m en t Staff, NEDA and
DTI Offtce of the Secretary among others; and

5.7.3 Act as PMT Secretariat (for those with Sub-PMTs).

5.8 Designated HR Partner

5.8.1 Be an affiliate of HRAS programs and projects;

5.8.2 Act as intermediary or point person with regard to coordinating employee concerns
with HRAS;

5.8.3 Ensure the timely submission of required documents to HRAS and that requested
forms and documents are complete with attachments and properly accomplished
before transmitting the same to HRAS; and

5.8.4 Ensure that written notices to employees with "Below Satisfactory" or "Poor"
Performance are transmitted to HRAS.

5.9 Individual Employee

5.9.1 Act as partner of management and their co-employees in meeting organizational

performance goals;

5.9.2 Prepare individual dashboard and commit to support meaningful and challenging
targets; and

5.9.3 Take charge in pursuing professional advancement and exploring opportunities for


Strategic Performance Management System
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The DTI-SPMS shall be uniformly and con si stently implemented across DTI taking into account the
following four major steps:

6.1 Performance Pl anni.ng

6.1.1 Development of Change Agenda , Strategy Map, and DTI Scorecards

6.1.2 Determination of Performance M ea sures
6.1.3 Target Setting

6.2 Performance Monitoring and Coaching

6.2.1 Monitoring
6.2.2 Coaching

6.3 Performance Review and Evaluation

6.3.1 Organizational Performance Assessment

6.3.2 Performance Assessment and Evaluation for Individual Employees

6.4 Performance Rewarding and Development Planning

6.4.1 Career Plan for employees

6.4.2 Developmental intervention
6.4.3 Rewards and Incentives


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Figure 1. DTI SPMS Flowchart


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7.1 Activity- It is a work process that contributes to the implementation of a sub-program or


7.2 Agency Performance Review Conference (APRC) - conducted annually by the Corporate
Planning Service for the purpose of discussing the Office as ses s m ent (PGS Scorecard) with
concerned Heads of Offices. This shall include the pa rticipation of the Financial and
Management service with regards to budget utiUzation, among others.

7.3 Behavioral Assessment- It is measured through an annual 360° Behavioral Asse ssment
Survey administered to identified raters.

7A DASH EASY- 8-step process for preparing personal dashboards

7.5 DTI SPMS - A system that connects individual performance to the scorecard of top

7.6 DTI Stratecv Map -It illustrates the values, mission, and values of the organization. It also
defines the strategies and the reforms to be pursued to accomplish the vision. The strategy
map is balanced, as the strategies cover four major perspectives: external stakeholders
(customers}, core processes (MFO), People & Organization and Resources necessary to
achieve goals set.

7.7 Individual Dashboard - It shows the personal contribution of each team member to the
accomplishment of DTI's strategic objectives.

7.8 Job Levels - Classes of positions in the career service appointment to which requires
examination shall be grouped into three major levels as follows:

a) The first (1st) level shall include clerical, trades, crafts, and custodial service positions
which involve non-professional or sub-professional work in a non-supervisory and
supervisory capacity requiring less than four year of collegiate studies;

b) The second (2"d) level shall include professional, technical and scientific positions which
involve professional, technical and scientific work in a non-supervisory or supervisory
capacity requiring at least four year collegiate work up to Division Chief level;

c) The third
{3rd) level shall cover positions in the Career Executive Service.

7.9 LEAD (formerly entitled Human Capital Development) - It embodies the agency's collective
effort aimed at promoting people development and lifelong learning through a wide range
of PAPs that facilitate both professional {knowledge and skills) and personal (talents, social
and spiritual) growth. LEAD includes competency assessment, impact evaluation, and
program learning mechanisms, scholarship management and organizational development.

7.10 LOGFRAME- A management tool used to improve the design of interventions, most often at
the project level. It involves identifying strategic elements (inputs, outputs, outcomes,
impact) and their causal relationships, indicators, and the assumptions or risk that may
influence success and failure. It thus facilitates planning, execution, and evaluation of a
development intervention.


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Page 11 of ll
7.11 Major Final OUtputs or MFOs - These are products, goods, and services delive:red to
external clients and/ stakeholders through the implementation of the PAPs.

7.12 Measures Profile - An inst ru me n t that defines and sets standa rd s for the uniform
interpretation of the measures.

7.13 OPIF- Organizational Performance Indicator F ra m ework

7.14 Orcanizational Outcomes - These are short to medium term benefits to clients and
community which resulted from the accomplishment of t h e MFOs.

7.15 PAPs Structure - A current budgeting framework used to approp ri ate funds in the General
Appropriations Act (GAA). The grouping of PAPs identified with an MFO will work towards
the accounting of the budget resources made available for each department/agency for
generation of its MFO. As a ru le, one PAP shall be attributed to only on e MFO.

7.16 PBB- Performance Based Bonus is a to p up bonus given to personnel of bureaus or delivery

units in accordance with their contribution to the accomplishment of their Departm ent s '

overall targets and commitments.

7.17 PBIS - Performance Based Incentive System is a process which aims to motivate higher
performance and greater accountability in the public sector, consisting of PEl and PBB (E. 0
No. 80, 20 July, 2012).
7.18 PDAP - Professional Development Action Plan is a tool used to prepare and monitor an
employee action p lan in address ing identified development priorities which contains the
consequences and recommendations appropriate to the performance shown by the

7.19 PEl- Productivity Enhancement Incentive granted across-the-board.

7.20 PEM- Public Expenditure Management
7.21 Performance Indicators- These specify the expected performance of a department/agency
in terms of quantity, quality, timeliness and cost of MFO delivery.

7.22 Performance Measurement - The use of methods to measure incremental progress

indicators from baselines to targets.

7.23 Performance Target - A predetermined level (numerical target) of quantity, quality,

timeliness, and cost of an output.

7.24 PGS - the local adaptation of Norton and Kaplan's Balanced Scorecard for tracking
performance using critical measures to ensure organizational reform. It translates
statements of governance and vision to actionable strategies and commitments leading to
the realization of breakthrough results through four perspectives: Customer, Internal
Process, learning & Growth, and Finance.

7.25 PMS- A set of processes that establishes a shared understanding of what will be achieved
(goals), how it will be achieved, and managing people in a way that will increase the
probability that goals will be achieved. It is a mechanism to address the demand to produce
tangible results. The PMS is a means to professionalize the civil service.


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7.26 PRAISE - A system of provid ing incentives and awards based on performa nce innovative
ideas and exemplary be hav ior . Designed by th e CSC to encourage creativity, innovativeness,
effici ency, integrity, and productivity in the public service by recognizing and rewa rd ing
officials a nd e m p loyee s, individ u ally or in groups for their suggestions, inventions, superior
acco mplish me nts, and other personal efforts which contribute to the efficiency, e conomy, or
other improvement in government operations, or for other extra�ordinary acts or services in
the p ubl ic in te rest .

7.27 Procram - It is an integrated group of activities that contri b u t e to a pa rti c u la r continuing

objective of a department/agency.
7.28 Project - It is a special department or agency undertaking carried out within a definite time
frame and intended to resu lt in so me pre·determined measure of goods and services.

7.29 Procrams, Activities,Projects (PAPs) - These are key activities and processes
undertaken by the department/agency to achieve the MFOs, Outcomes, and Goals.

7.30 Results-Based Performance Management System (RBPMS) - A system which serves to

harmonize; streamline, and sim p lify all existing monitoring and reporting requirements and
processes (Admin. Order No. 25, 21 Dec 2011).

7.31 Scorecard - is a management tool that effectively monitors organizational performance

against strategic goals

7.32 Sectoral Goals - These are the longer-term benefits to the sector resulting from the
initiatives, changes, and outcomes of an organization, department or agency.

7.33 Societal Goals - Serves as the societal benefits resulting from sectoral changes, these are
the ultimate policy objectives of the government that describe the desirable impact of the
MFOs on society.

7.34 S P R ints - DTI's annual search for exemplary performers.

7.35 Strategic Measures - These are key performance indicators (KPI) that monitor the
implementation and effectiveness of an organization's strategies, determine the gap
between actual and targeted performance and determine organization effectiveness and
operational efficiency.

7.36 Strategic Initiatives - organizationally-sponsored innovative strategic projects or key actions

(temporary endeavor) that address challenges, drive progress in organization, and create
unique results.

7.37 Value Chain - A sequence and configuration of activities that enable the organization to
deliver value to its constituents.


8.1 The DTI SPMS Framework shows the alignment of individual performance with
organization's strategic objectives. It is an integrated system, which focuses on measuring
performance across all levels in the organization.


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8.2 The OTI SPMS adheres to the O rga n izatio na l Performance I nd icator Framework (OPIF), an
ap proach to expenditu re management that seeks to drive perform an ce effici ency
improvements by improvi ng accounta bility for results in govern ment agenci es . OPlF is an
a pproa ch to expenditure management that di rects resources for major final outputs (MFOs)
toward results and measures department/agency perfo rmance by key quality, quantity,
timeliness, and cost indicators.
8.3 OPIF helps government empl oyees understand how the individual activities/tasks they
perform a nd the outputs they are accountable for contri bute directly to the attain men t of
this unit outputs, de pa rtment M FOs, sector outcomes, a n d soci eta l goa l s.
8.4 The OTI-SPMS su pports the OPIF cascading plan, a corporate planning process that shows
the linkages betwee n the different plans/documents in a hierarchical manner. The
documents (i.e. OPIF logfram e, Corporate Plan, Business Plan, U nit Work Pla n, and Individual
Work Pla n ) a re i nterrelated a nd must remain fu nda me ntally consistent with each other,
even though they may present information i n d ifferent ways and from different
perspectives. OTI SPMS provide s for a cascading process in which the Department's
strategies must be secured at each level in the organization and further down to each


f runaionat�•ScorecwJ


Figure 2. SPMS Framework

Adapted from the OPIF Reference G u ide


Strategic Performance Management System
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1.1 The Performance Governance System (PGS) is the local adaptation of Norton and Kaplan's
Balanced Scorecard used for tracking performance using critical measures to ens ure
organizational reform. It translates statements of governance and vision to actionable
strategies and commitments leading to the realization of breakthrough results through four
perspectives namely: Customer, Internal Process, Learning and Growth, and Finance. It aims
to ensure organizational effectiveness by cascading institutional accountabilities to the
various levels of the organization anchored on the establishment of scJentiflc basis for
performance targets and measures, and most importantly, improve office and individual
performance through a systematic approach of establishing strategic performance
objectives, measuring performance, and collecting, analysing, reviewing, and reporting
performance data.

1.2 Organizational Performance Indicator Framework. As defined by the Department of Budget

and Management (DBM), the Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (OPIF) is a
results-based management approach being mainstreamed by the Government of the
Philippines (GOP) as one of the pillars of its public expenditure management (PEM) reforms.
It provides a performance or results management framework that the national government
and its clients and stakeholders can use to address the demand for greater transparency and
accountability in the use of public resources. In applying OPIF to the budget process, the
government seeks to improve its results focus, specifically to:

1.2.1 Attain national development and sector outcomes during budget preparation and
execution; and

1.2.2 Capacitate departments/agencies to: Get the most value for money in the way they provide goods and services
to the public (i.e. operational efficiency); Use available resources for priority expenditures (i.e. fiscal discipline); Spending money on the right things or right priorities (i.e. Allocative

1.3 As a National G overnment Agency ( NGA), the DTI has created a consolidated logframe that
puts together the organizational outcomes and MFO's of the DTI's Office of the Secretary
(OSEC) and each of its attached agencies. A consolidated logframe shows cohesion of
services among its attached agencies, central and regional offices. Since the goods and
services provided by OSEC agencies and attached agencies are complementary, the


Strategic Performance Management System
Page 15 of lS
consolidated logframe shows the shared goals, outcomes, a nd outputs of the department as
a whole. F igu re 3 shows the DTI Consolidated logframe aligned with the societal goals as
enunciated in the P h ilip pine Development Plan 2011-2016.

llaJ:tir Rna� Cllltplt :2


Figure 3
DTI Consolidated LogFrame (2013-2016)

1.4 Harmonization of PGS and OPIF

The Performance G overnance System builds on the Organizational Performance Indicator

Framework (OPIF). The PGS ensures that DTI strategies will contribute to the societal goal
and sector outcomes. Organizational Outcomes are reflected in the 1st and 2"d level
scorecards (Secretary/Undersecretaries) and are reflected in the outcome/customer
perspective ( External Stakeholders), while the PGS' Core Processes are reflected as Major
3rd level
Final Outputs/PAPs, that appear in scorecards or unit work plans.


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Figure 4
OPIF-PGS Harmonization

1.5 PGS P lanning Process. A three- track planning process shall be implemented under the PGS
as follows:

1.5.1 The Strategy Formu lation Process involves the conduct of visioning exercise, the
formulation of a change agenda, and the development of a strategy map. An
Enterprise Scorecard is then developed to measure targets, cognizant of the
principle that "what cannot be measured, cannot be managed". Annex A shows the
DTI Change Agenda, Strategy Map, and DTI Enterprise Scorecard.

1.5.2 Strategy Execution Process - Consistent with the Whole of Government Results
Based Performance Managem ent Framework (RBM), this process involves
program ming (budgeting for results), implementing for results, monitoring for
results, and evaluating for results. The creators of the Balanced Scorecard
underscore the execution of strategies as the key to an effective performance
management. Execution therefore begins with a well formulated strategy. To
monitor the effectiveness of these strategies, the PGS monitoring and reporting
framework shall be classified into two major activities:


Strategic Performance Management System
Page 17 of 17 Operations Review. It shall be conducted every month by eac h agency,
bureau and office in the Department. It shall result in th e submission of
m onthly scorecard reports a nd narrative Accomplishment Reports (AR)
containing performance analysis of measures and strategic initiatives (i.e.
projects). This review shall be cond ucte d by the Director or Head of
Age ncy and shall be attended by its respective senior management
personnel; with the goals identifying and solving operational problems. It
must respond to short-term proble m s and promo te continuous
improvement. Functiona l Groups may also conduct regula r operations
review to keep track of strateg i c initiatives, and breakthrough g oals. Stratesv Review. It shall be conducted either monthly or quarterly by the

Functional Group units and once a year, in the case of the DTI Enterprise.
The objective is to monitor 2nd level scorecards and assess its contribution
to the DTI Enterprise Scorecard. Organized by the Undersecretary and
attended by their respective Management Team; the strategy review
session shall focus on issues in strategy implementation and focus on
monitoring the progress of strategic initiatives. The aim of this monthly or
quarterly strategy review is to fine-tune strategy and undertake necessary
midcourse adaptations; specifically, the review should identify
performance issues, analyze objective performance, and pursue
appropriate actions.

This shall a lso refer to the annual planning conference of the DTI, where
strategies a re revisited, taking into account external conditions and
refocusing of priorities among others.

1.5.3 Stratesv Refresh occurs over a 3 to 5 year cycle. The o bjective of the strategy
refresh sessions is to improve or transform strategy, whenever necessary.
Complementing the PDP formu lation, the DTI d u ring the strategy refresh, may revisit
the vision, values, and develop new strategies.


Figure 5
PGS Planning Process


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1.6 Planning Calendar - All units must adhere to the Planning Calendar, which is shown in Annex

1.7 DTI Scorecard Infrastructure. Each agency, bureau, office, or unit of the DTI are expected to
execute and monitor the same strategy.

1.7.1 Three Level Scorecards The DTI Secretary's scorecard or DTI Enterprise serves as the highest (1st)
level scorecard. The 2nd level (functional group/undersecretaries) scorecards shall be

developed and monitored to address key result areas (KRAs), i.e. trade and
industry policy, exports and investments promotion, MSME development
and promotion, and consumer protection. Second level scorecards are
cascaded to the operat ng units, specifically the regional/provincial offices
(ROs/POs), bureaus, and service offices.
r e- - ,
1.7.1.l!! - The 3rd level scorecards or Bureaus' scorecards should contribute to the 1st
and 2nd level scorecards. Regional offices and provincial offices share the
same scorecard across geographical boundaries, albeit aligned with DTI
functional groups. Provincial Director Scorecards shall represent the
lowest cascaded scorecard unit, i.e. Provincial Office.

1.7.2 a
Each scorecard sh ll cover the four perspectives of external stakeholders, i.e. Core
Processes, People and Organization, and Resources.

1.7.3 The DTI scorecards contain strategic measures or Key Performance Indicators (KPis)
that focus on results or outcomes, i.e. Lag Indicators, and are subjected to a four -
way test to ensure quality: Does the measure focus on the envisioned strategic shifts?
1. 7 .3.2 Is the measure quantifiable, reliable, and repeatable over time? Can meaningful targets be established? Is this meaningful on a monthly or quarterly basis?

1.7.4 Each scorecard sets the necessary targets in the medium term and outlines strategic
initiatives or projects to achieve end results. Accountable units and persons are
identified who would be responsible for obtaining results.

1.7.5 Individual Dashboards. Operational dashboards are designed to drive and monitor
operational execution. It articulates the link between management of strategy and
operations. Each member of the DTI organization shall prepare his/her own
dashboard where the individual is measured based on key functions/processes that
he/she performs for the organization. The Individual Dashboard shows the personal
contribution of each team member to the accomplishment of DTI's strategic
objectives. The appraisal of the employee's performance should be on both
achievement of targets or results and the demonstration of values and
competencies deemed essential for all employees. While quantitative indicators


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are dete r m i ne d to measure the extent of the employee's achieveme nt of targets,
qualitative indicators must also be defined to assess the behavioral asp.ect of

1.8 Organizati�l P•rformance Rating (OPR). The u n it's organizational performance shall be
based on the PGS Scorecard of the Office/Bureau/Atta c h ed Agency and the rating of their
Supervising Undersecretary. In the case of the Regional Offices, a system of ran king the
Regiona l and Provincial Offices may be established to determine the OPR of each office
within the region . The Corporate Planning Service (CorPian) shall report yearly to the DTI
Executive Committee the consolidated ac com p li shme nts of all units/offices and attached
agencies of the Department.

The ra n king of orga ni zations will be com puted based o n a "pass/fail" count per the strategic
measure indicated in the PGS Scorecard. Hence, a unit will receive a "Pass" if the said unit
has accomplished at least 90% of ta rgets set per strategic measure. If the said u nit did no t
achieve at le ast 90% of the target set, this will re sult and be cou nted as "Fail". A rating is
determined by the number of "Pass" target relative to the total nu mbe r of valid strategic
measures using the PGS Rating Matrix (please refer to Annex C: PGS Rating Matrix).

In me asu ring organizational performance under the i mplemen t atio n of the Pe rform ance­
Based Incentive System, the DTI may adhere to prescribed monitoring tools such as
Performance Contra cts (Planning Toolkit) to determine the unit/agency eligibility. It is
understood that the key performance indicators in the Planning Toolkit shall be consistent
with the PGS Scorecard. The Planning Toolkit issued by the Cabinet Secretary is enclosed as
Annex D.


2.1 Coverage

2.1.1 For Incumbents of Career Executive Service (CES) positions, the

accomplishment/performance of the units/ division under the PGS Scorecard must
be an input to the Career Executive Service Performance Evaluation System (CESPES)
2.1.2 First and second level employees shall be assessed using the PGS Dashboard. These
shall also apply to employees in the non-career service, e.g. contractual employees,
service providers, or employees under contract of service whenever appropriate.
For those in the non-career service, results of the appraisal of their performance
shall provide bases for the renewal of their contracts or continuance of their
2.1.3 Members of the Foreign Trade Service Corps are also assessed using the PGS


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2.2 Individual Dashboards. The following instruments will be prepared by each employee:

2.2.1 Dashboard Form z. The form reflects the targets for the year and commitment
between the employee and his/her superior. This form must be acco m plishe d not
later than end of March of a give n year.
2.2.2 Dashboard Form X. The form will reflect the ta rgets and accomplishments for the
year and feedback comments from the immediate supervisor. Performance .Report
to reflect the I ndivi dua l Performance Rating (IPR) of the employee for the year as
well as the certification that the employee and the supervisor have conducted their

2.3 Individual Performance Evaluation Process

2.3.1 Performance Planning a.nd Commitment. Each dashboard must contribute to the
strategic objectives of the last cascaded unit. An individual must craft his I her personal I individual dashboard

depending on his/her job family. Given the varying tasks assigned per
employee, no two dashboards may be alike; The individual shall set annua l / periodic targets and discuss this with his I
her superior; The superior and subordinate shall engage in a commitment I signing
ceremony reflecting mutual agreement on targets set.

2.3.2 Performance Rati ng Rating Period. For incumbents of 3rd level positions, the rating period
shall be in accordance with the rules on CESPES. For first and second level
employees, there shall be an annual rating period, from January to
December of the calendar year. Mid-Year Assessment shall provide feedback on the individual's progress

in accomplishing his/her targets during the first semester. This is a
mechanism to monitor any deviation from the set targets or slippages, and
employ adjustments and/or interventions as may be necessary. For this 6-
month period, the employee shall receive a preliminary (non-binding) mid­
year performance rating from his/her superior. The Head of Office must
inform all employees of the preliminary rating and identify necessary
interventions based on the assessment of developmental needs. In the
case of subordinates showing poor performance, a developmental plan
shall be discussed with the concerned subordinate and the head of
bureau/office must issue a written notice that failure to improve their
performance shall warrant their separation from the service.


Strategic Performance Management System
Page 21 of 21 Year-End Assessment shal l determine the final pe rform a nce rating for the
whole year, i.e. January to De ce m be r, and shall be the basis for
com p uti ng the annual individual performance rating. The head of age ncy
shall p rov ide HRAS with a copy of the summary of individual ratings a nd
pe rsonnel actions issued to th e concerned em ployee/s.

2.3.3 Computation of Performance Ratings

Individual Performance Rating (IPR): To obtain a passing mark, a n individual must

attain a "Satisfactory'' rating . This wjiJ be co mp ute d based on a "pass/fail'' count per
strategic/success measu re indicated in his/her PGS score ca rd/dash boa rd . In determining the PGS rating for 1st and 2nd level employees, an
individual shall receive a "Pass" if he/she has accomplished at least 90% of
ta rgets set per strategic/success measure in his/her scorecard/ dashboard.
If the individual is unable to attain at least 90%, this will be counted as
"Fail" . The rating is determined by the number of "Pass" relative to the
total number of valid strateg ic/success measures using the PGS Rating
Matrix. Intervening Tas ks Additional/special functions/tasks that may be assigned


to an individual employee during the course of the rating period shall be

d u ly considered a nd incorporated in his/her Dashboard. A task m ust
satisfy at least three (3) out of the five (5) criteria below to warrant its
i nclusion i n the Dashboard as an additional objective I success measure:
• Task is difficult or requires special skills;
• Task is not within the regu lar functions of the e mployees or the work
program of their division/unit;
• Urgency in the com pletion of the task which has an impact on the
• Non-complia nce/performance of said tasks will unduly prejudice the
service; a nd
• Tasks exposing an employee to u n necessary risks.

Each intervening task shall be treated as an addition to the total numbe r

o f valid strategic/success measures and shall b e assessed using a
"pass/fa il" system.

Final Individual Performance Rating (FIPR) is computed using the individ ual's OPR
and IPR. The DTI ExCom or DTI PMT may revise the weights/proportion as may be
necessary a nd ensure that all e mployees are properly notified.


Strategic Performance Management System
Page 22 of 22


'--rning Experience to Advance Development (LEAD) Program promotes people development and
� learning through a wide ranse of activities and projects aimed at promoting both
professional (knowledge and skills) and pe rson al (talents, social, and spiritual) growth . In additi o n to
purposive training programs that add ress critical competency gaps, other human optimiza tio n
efforts may inclu de any other competency assessment, i mpac t evalu a tion, program lea rning
mecha nis m s, scho la rship mana ge ment, an d o rga n izational development.

1.1 Program Objectives. As a Learning Organization, DTI, through the LEAD Prog ra m, aims to:

1.1.1 I mplem e nt a more progressive and an efficient human resource management and
development system;
1.1.2 Implement a Targeted/Focused Competency Trai nin g P rogra m;
1.1.3 Pursue p rogram s that shall p ro mote DTI values and brand as an "Agency of Choice";
1.1.4 Implement a holistic wellness program (physical, mental, social, and spiritual);
1.1.5 Provide an Orientation Program for new entrants; and
1.1.6 Offer a preparatory Retirement Program for retirees.

1.2 Capacity Building Programs. The Department, through the adoption of a targeted training
program aimed at addressing individual development needs, shall:

1.2.1 Intensify capacity-building efforts focused on specific job families, particularly mid­
level managers and strategic specialists (i.e. SME Experts, enforcers and negotiators,
and Foreign Trade Service Officers);
1.2.2 Promote personal growth and well-being of all employees through the infusion of
values-based and wellness courses provide employees a brief respite from work,
allowing them to learn other skills that will be useful in their current work as well as
in other personal pursuits;
1.2.3 Offer world-class, cutting-edge, and differentiated courses that promote efficiency
and cultivate functional competencies in work performance redounding to the
improved delivery of DTI services. These shall cover a broad array of knowledge and
development areas such as business communication, information and
communication technology, leadership, and management. These sessions deepen
DTI not only as a competency-based agency but also as an integrity-centered
1.2.4 Promote "on-the-job" training, coaching, and mentoring and other established
forms of intervention.


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Page 23 of 23
1.3 Competency Assessment (COMPASS). Each individual employee undergoes a competency
assessment at least once every two years to identify opportunities for career growth The .

results of the assessment shall be discussed by the Head of Office and supervisors with the
individual employee at the end of each rating period.

1.3.1 A Professional Development Action Plan (PDAP} shall be prepared at the sta rt of the
yea r to address performance/competency gaps of em p loyees, especially those with
Below Satisfactory and Poor Performance ratings. The PDAP shall include an action
agenda containing specific interventions (i.e. training programs, mentoring, on�the­
job-tralnings), timeline and schedule of regular monitoring to measure and ensure
1.3.2 The effective implementation of developmental interventions such as on-the�job
training, mentoring, a nd coaching shall be the shared responsibility and
accountability among top officials, human resource staff, supervisors, a nd
employees of the Department.


The PRAISE was designed by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) to encourage creativity,
innovativeness, efficiency, integrity, and productivity in the public service by recognizing and
rewarding officials a n d employees, individually or in groups, for their suggestions, inventions,
superior accomplishments, and other personal efforts which contribute to the efficiency, economy,
or other i mprovement in government operations or for other extra-ordinary acts or services in the
public interest.

It shall adhere to the principle of providing incentives and awards based on performance, innovative
ideas and exemplary behavior and shall give emphasis o n the timeliness of giving award or
recognitio n . Aside from the conferment of awards during the traditional or planned awarding
ceremonies, the spirit of on-the-spot grant of recognition shall be institutionalized. It shall provide
both monetary and non-monetary awards and incentives to recogni�:e, acknowledge, a nd reward
productive, creative, innovative, and ethical behavior of employees through formal and informal
modes. For this purpose, PRAISE shall encourage the grant of non-monetary awards. Monetary
awards shall be granted only when the suggestions, inventions, superior accomplishments, and
other personal efforts result in monetary savings which shall not exceed 20% of the savings
generated .

2.1 DTI PRAISE. The DTI Praise shall have three components:

2.1.1 Performance Benefits

In accordance with esc MC No. 01 series 2001, the Depa rtment hereby promulgates
the types of awards and the corresponding incentives as authorized by law: Grant of Step Increment Due to Length of Service or Longevity Pav shall be
granted to qualified person nel for every three (3) years of continuous
satisfactory service in his/her present position.


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Page 24 of 24
a. Said length of service in the p resent position in the same agency may
include the period/s rende red by an Incumbent as follows:
i) While on temporary or provisional status of appointment in the
same position;
if) Before his/her present position was reclassified/upgraded/re­
allocated; and
iii) Period rendered by him/her prior to re-appointment to the same or
comparable position with the same salary grade in a reorganized
agency staffing pattern.

b. Length of service in the present position shall also include the period
rendered by an incumbent prior to his/her transfer within the same
agency o r to a nother agency in a position with the same or
comparable position and salary grade .

c. The grant of step increment to a n official or employee on leave of

a bsence with o r without pay for more than three (3) months shall be
deferred corresponding to the period of such absence/non­
performance of actual duties and responsibilities of his/her position
until such time the service and performa nce rating requirements a re
co m p leted .

d. A n official or employee a uthorized to be granted Longevity Pay under

existing rules shal l not be eligible for the grant of Step Increment due
to Length of Service. Retirement Award shall be given to a retiree who has rendered at least 15
years of satisfactory government service in accordance with Section 7 (f),
Rule X, and Omnibus Rules Im plementing Book V of Executive Order No.
292. Monetary and non-monetary tokens of gratitude shall be granted to
retirees for their years in public service, the value and form of which shall
be determined by the PMT.

2.1. 1.3 Loyaltv Award shall be granted to a n employee who has completed at least
ten ( 10) years of continuous and satisfactory service in the government in
accorda nce with esc MC No. 42 s. 1992 and other existing guidelines. To
celebrate employee's m ilestone year in government service, the recipient
shall be entitled to tokens as may be determined by the PMT a nd published
in a gift catalogue subject to regular review/updating.

2.1.2 Merit and Promotion

2. 1.2.1 The maximum number of em ployees that may be granted Step I ncrements
Due to Meritorious Performance in a ny given year shall be limited to five
percent (5%) of all incumbent officials and employees in an agency.


Strategic Performance Management System
Page 25 of 25
a. A two-step increment due to meritorious performance may be
granted to a q ua lified official or employee who has atta i n ed an
"Outstanding" rating for the calendar year.

b. A one-step increment due to me ritorio us performance may be

granted to a qualified official or employee who has atta i ned a "Very
Satisfactory" rating for the calendar year. Performance ratings shall be ba sed on the Final Individual Performance

Rating of each official/employee. Officials and employees shall be ranked sepa ratel y in accordance wit h the
fo llowi ng scheme and shall be the basis in determining the 5% maximum
number of grantees:

a. For incumbents of CES positions, H RAS shall prepare the FIPR to

determine the top 5% among Third Level Officials. The results shall
be submitted to the DTI Secretary for approval.

b. For R�k-pnd-file employees belonging to the DTI Central Office, H RAS

0!!! h
s all prepare the FIPR to determine the top 5% among 1st and 2"d level
employee s per functional group.

c. Each Regional Office shall be entitled the maximum number of rank­

and-file e mployees that may be granted step increments equivalent to
5% of its 1st and 2"d level employees. Regional Offices shall submit the
sum mary list of FIPR to HRAS.
d. HRAS wil l validate a nd consolidate t h e results t o determine t h e overall
ranking of a ll grantees and recom mend to PMT the top 5% who may
be granted step increments due to meritorious performance. Step lncrementfs Due to Meritorious Performance shal l be granted initially

effective January 1, 2015, and subsequently every January 1 of every year
thereafter. Inasmuch as personnel on secondment, study privilege, scholarship, or

training grant for a period of more than three (3) months do not perform
the actual d uties and responsibilities of their positions in their mother
agencies, such engagements shall not be considered in determining their
entitlement to the grant of Step l ncrement/s Due to Meritorious
Performance. The performance of personnel on detail to another agency for a period of

three (3) months or more shal l be rated by the official concerned in the
receiving agency. The average performance rating of the detailed personnel
shall be considered in the ranking of qualified personnel in either the
receiving or the mother agency where the detailed personnel served for a
longer period within a given year.


Strategic Performance Management System
Page 26 of 26
2.1.3 System on Pe rformance Rewards and Incentives (SPRints). One of the
Department's goals is to
also motivate its e m p loyees to consistently deliver quality
service beyond expectations through a formal recog ni ti o n and g ra nting of rewards
based an exemplary pe rfo r ma nce. Towards this end, an annual search for
exemplary performers known as the System on Performance Rewards and
Incentives (SPRints) shall be implemented by the Department. SPRints Objectives. The SPRints aims to:

a. Inspire officials and em ployees in order to promote and uphold the

highest standards of performance and ethics;

b. Provide, as a consequence, motivational incentives to enhance

employee competence, efficiency, and productivity; and
c. Recognize and highlight superior accomplishments, extraordinary acts or
and other persona l effo rts which contributed to the
improvement of DTI operations and public service delivery by individuals
or teams.

2. 1.3.2 Implementing Rules. Attached as Annex E is the implementing guidelines

on the conduct of the SPRints which includes coverage, type of
contribution, creation of SPRints Committees, a nd its functions and
responsibilities, types of awards a nd corresponding forms of awards and
incentives, mechanics a nd procedures in the nomination and selection of
awardees, a nd the conduct of the recognition ceremony. The PMT shall be
authorized to revise or amend these rules, or append as may be necessary. Grant of Monetary and Non-Monetary Awards. SPRints awardees shall be

granted monetary a nd non-monetary awards pursuant to Sec. 35 Chapter
5, Title I, Book V, Executive Order No. 292 of the Administrative Code of
1987, to wit:

"Sec. 35. Employee Suggestion and Incentive Awards System. There shall be
established a government-wide employee suggestion and i ncentive awards
system which shall be administered under such rules, regulations, and standards
as may be promulgated by the Commission.

In accordance with rules, regulations, and standards promu lgated by the

Commission, the President or Head of each department or agency is
authorized to incur whatever necessary expenses involved i n the
honorary recognition of subordi nate officials and employees of the
government who by their suggestions, inventions, superior
accomplishments, and other personal efforts contribute to the
efficiency, economy, or other improvement of govern ment operations,
or who perform such other extraordinary acts or services in the public
interest in connection with, or i n relation to, their official employment."


Strategic Performance Management System
Page 27 of 27
Likewise, Sections 5 and 6 of CSC Memorandum Circular No. 01 Series of
2001 (Program on Awards and Incent ive s for Service Excellence), to wit

"Sections 5 and 6. The awards and incentives system shall provide both
monetary and non�monetary awards a nd incentives to recognize,
acknowledge, and reward innovative ideas and prod uctive, creative and
ethical behavior of employees
through formal and i nfo rmal mode.
Monetary awards be granted only when the suggestions,
inventions, superior accomplishments a..nd othe r personal efforts result
in monetary savings which shall not exceed 20% of the savi ngs
generated.11 Subject to the above condi tion s and the approval of the DTI Sec retary,
SPRints awardees may be granted monetary and non-moneta ry awards
such as but not limited to

a. O ne (1) Step Me ri t I ncrease for the highest award category;

b. Cash prizes for productivity, i nn ovative ideas, suggestions, and

exem plary behavior; and

c. Tokens a nd other forms for nominees and other special awards that
may be ide nt ified by the SPRints Committee.


Strategic Performance Management System
Page 28 of 28


As provided by EO 292, the DTI Secreta ry is authorized to incur whatever

expenses that may be
necessary in t h e implementation of the DTI Program on Awards
and Incentives for Service E xcellence
(DTI PRAISE) and the System on Performance Rewards and Incentives (SPRints).

The training b udget of the Department is intended to fund expenses related to the participation I
attendance of DTI personnel to training, conventions and seminars I workshops and scholarship
programs. At least 20% of the Department's training budget shall be allocated for initiatives under
the Human Capital· Development (LEAD and P RAISE) to be administered by the H uman Resource and
Administrative Service ( H RAS).

section 2. SANCTIONS

Non-submission of PGS Scorecards/Dashboards and the summary of ratings by the concerned

office/em ployee to the Corporate Planning Service (CorPian) and/or Human Resource and
Adm inistrative Service ( H RAS} within the specified dates shall be a ground for:

2.1 E m ployee disqualification from performance-based personnel actions such as promotion,

traini ng, scholarship grants, or performance-enhancement bonus, if the delay or non­
submission of the report is the fault of the employee;

2.2 Adm i nistrative sanction for violation of reasonable office rules and regulations and simple
neglect of d uty comm itted by supervisors or em ployees responsible for the delay or non­
submission of the office and individ ual performance;

2.3 Adm i nistrative offense for neglect of d uty for fa ilure on the part of the Head of Office to
comply with the req uired notices to their subordinates for their "Below Satisfactory" or
"Poor" performa nce d u ring a rating period.

Section 3 . APPEALS

3.1 Office performance assessment as discussed in the Agency Performance Review Conference
(APRC) shall be final and not appealable. Any issues raised or a ppeals submitted on the
initial performance assessment of an Office shall be discussed a nd decided during the APRC.


Strategic Performance Management System
Page 29 of 29
3.2 An individual e m ployee who feels aggrieved or dissatisfied with their final performance
ratings can file an appeal with the PMT within ten (10} days from the date of receipt of
notice of their final performance evaluation rating from the Head of Office. An office/ un it or
individual employee, however, shall not be a ll owed to protest the performance rating of
other offices/units or co em ploy ees
- . Ratings o b ta i ned by othe r offices/un its or e m ployees
can only be used as basis or reference for co m pa riso n in appealing one's office or individual
perfo rm ance rating.

3.3 ThePMT sllalt d ecide on t he a ppeals within one month from receipt. Appeals lodged at any
PMT shall follow the hierarch ical jurisdiction of various PMTs in an agency.

3.4 Officials or employees who are separated from the service on the basis of "Be low
Satisfactory'' or "Poor'' performance rati ng can appeal their separation to the esc or its
concerned regional office within 15 days from receipt of the order or notice of separation.


Strategic Performance Management System
Page 30 of 30
AN NEX Al: DTI Cha nge Agenda

Decentralized .data analysis; reactive; delayed KNOWLEDGE Participatory and centralized database;
information downloads; inadequate sharing MANAGEMENT proactive; real time information dissemination;
and passing of info shared databases

Sporadic ; short�term ; reactive; Exploratory; DEVELOPMENT long-term, focused and strategic; /targeted
segmented mindsef; lll�prepared and cursory INTERVENTIONS Programs must be based on comprehensive
understanding of

Random thinking and purely quantitative POLICY FORMULATION Systematic analysis

analysis; passive policy making mindset Balanced

Insufficient information drive (do and do) COMMUNICATION Effective communication reach (do and tell)

lnadeql.late alignment of f)dicies (LGU vs PARTNERSHIPS effective leadership over interagency bodies
NationaO; DTI as coordinator we are responsible for, DTI as drivers

Inconsistent and' weak, perceived as non REGULATION Consistent and forceful, integrity in
transparent implementation, transparent, and systematic

Bureaucraticvsistonnected PROCESSES Standardized and predictable processes

lack of personnel paucity of skiHs along

, HUMAN CAPITAL Adequate and high pefforming workforce
industry mapping, project development, equipped with right capabilities and supports
enforcement, negotiation, poticy research systems, more engaged, confident, innovative,
creative, passionate team players

Umited convergence among Functional TEAMWORK More vertical and horizontal interaction

Umited resources/ low budget allocation FUNDING More resources/ higher budget allocation
con s u m e rs

n s u re
c o m p re h e n s ive
Prov i d e E n s u re d e a r,
and sound
s u ffi c i e nt a n d program a n d c o n s i st e nt a n d
p o l i c i es /
effective n etworks o n e nfo rc e m e n t
reg u l a t i o n s
a dvoc a cy a n d tra d e; of r u l e s a n d
c onsiste n t with
com m u n icat i o n i nvest m e nts
PlAN the n a t i o n's best
reg u l a t i o n s
and MSME

Maximize o pportunities
from availa ble and
new sour�s of funds
DTI Enterprise Scorecard
Secretary Gregory L. Domingo
�tJNEX A 3 : V1\ ��fRis

1----+-::-���':':-:-;::---::::--t-------t---:;;;;;-----j--:;;;;--"j---;;;;;- " Comprehensive Industrial

· · -
; -l---;;;;;--l Development MasterPlan/
natm Industry Roadmaps

/ 1n L_ ........... ....... 1c�o.tt o1 11 "-7';�er" / 7nn / ·n:n J ann J at:.n ������������·Enforcement

I 300
networks on trade,
and MSME

Increases In Increases In
prevailing prices of prevailing prices
regulations non-agricultural of non-
basic and prime agricultural basic
commodities </= and prime

90% 91% 92% 93%

SO% I 4S% 4S% 45% 4S%

83% I I 83% 83% - ISSP
- Human Optimization Program
One DTI Building

76% 75%

2.85 3.S

1,512.39 3,on.oo 3,000.00 I 4,000.00

lS 23
Notes: dtlscorecard_v32
82 Source of data: PDI'-2&11·2016 Midterm Update; labor force Survey, Philippine Statistics Authority as of 10242014
os �kehoider Engagement SUrveyIn 2014 wiH be available In the 4th quarter of the year.
Results of the annlllll
G12 Revised boJied o n �gyRefresh 2014 (Breakthrough Goals)
N21 Previous DBM definJtlott<lfbildpt utllzatlon rate adopted (obligations/allotment).New DBM formula for Budget utilization rate = (ratio of total obligations to total releases)
1\N Nti\ � : PC.§ itft1 1N C. Mf)-T It I)\_
,k'lPthr-JN IN b 1\lOl-Kff

Contrlbutol}' Entities

Contribute!}' Entities

�..;&9�· promotion of good governance, integrity and ethics; employee

,�parlnetships towards the effective implementation ofyour strategies

Signed by:

Assistant Secretary

� -- ,,, ,,,,,_ ___�--- ---�-- ------ ------- -------

· �i>Z;t.>R'!W:��fo�" ; y;; , •,c /"]" -'•.f;
Contributory Entities

Action Plll'l Contributory Entities

promotion of good governance, integrity and ethics; employee morale and

fiiQ;partnership s towards the effective implementation ofyour strategies and the

Noted by: S igned by:

Supervising Undersecretary Director/Head of Agency




In Iitle WithDepartment's continUing go at to upgrade the standards of performance of DTI OffiCials

and employees through timely recognition a nd granting of rewards, an annual search for exemplary
performers known as the Syste m on Performanc:e Rewa rds and Incentives (SPRi nts) shall be
i mplemented throughout the Department. The formal SPRints R ecognition Ceremony shall be held
as part of the DTI Anniversary Celebration every July or on a n a lternate schedule prescribed by the
Performance Management Team (PMT).

1. SPRints Objectives. The SPRints aims to:

A. Inspire officials and employees i n order to promote and uphold the highest standards of
performance and ethiCs;

B. P rovide as a consequence motivational incentives to officials and employees to enhance

their competence, efficiency, a n d productivity;

C. Recognize a nd reward officials and employees, individually or in group, for their superior
accomplishments, extraordinary acts or services, a n d other personal efforts which
contributed to the improvement of government operations and public service delivery

fl. Legal Basis

A. Chapter 5, Title I, Book V, Executive Order No. 292 (Administrative Code of 1987)

Sec. 35.Employee Suggestion and I ncentive Awards System. There shall be established a
government-wide employee suggestion and i ncentive awards system which shall be
administered u nder such rules, regulations, and standards as may be promulgated by the

In accordance with rules, regulations, and standards promulgated by the Commission, the
President or Head of each department or agency is authorized to incur whatever necessary
expenses involved i n the honora ry recognition of subordinate officials and employees of
the government who by their suggestions, inventions, superior accomplishments, and
other personal efforts contribute to the effiCie ncy, economy, or other improvement Of
government operations, or who perform such other extraordinary acts or services in the
public i nterest in connection with, or i n relation to, their official employment.

"Sec. 36 {2). Every Secretary or Head of agency shal l take all proper steps toward the
creation of an atmosphere conducive to good supervisor-employee relations and the
improvement of employee mora le."
B. Rul e X, Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of EO 292 and Other Pe rtinent Civil Service

"Sec. 1. Each department or agency of government, whether national or local, including

bureaus and agencies, shal l establish its own Department or Agency Employee Suggestions
a nd Incentives Award System in accordance with the Rules and shall submit the sa m e to
the Commission for a pproval."

"Sec. 2. The System is designed to encourage c rea tivity, innovativeness, efficiency,

integrity and productivity in the public service by recognizing and rewarding officials and
employees, i ndividually or in groups, for their suggestions, i nventions, superior
accomplishments, and other personal efforts which contribute to the efficiency, economy,
or other improvement in government operations, or for other extraordinary acts or
services in the public i nterest."

c. C hapter 2, Titl e x, Book 1, Executive Ordet 292 (Administrative code of 1987).

"Sec. 5 (5). The Human Resource Development Service shall design and i mplement human
resource development plans and programs for the personnel of the Department; provide
for present and future manpower needs of the organization; a nd maintain high morale
a nd favorable employee attitudes towards the organization through the continuing design
a nd i mplementation of employee development programs;"

D. CSC Memorandum Circular No. 01 Series of 2001 (Program on Awards and Incentives for
Service Excellence)

"Sec. 1 and 2. Every department or agency sha l l establish its own employee suggestions
and incentives awards system designed to encourage creativity, innovativeness, efficiency,
integrity and productivity in the public service by recognizing and rewa rding officia ls and
e mployees, individually or in groups for their s uggestions, inventions, superior
accomplishments and other personal efforts which contribute to the efficiency, economy,
or other i m p rovement in government operations, or for other extraordi nary acts or
services i n the public interest."

"Sections 5 and 6. The awards and incentives system shall provide both monetary and
non-monetary awards and incentives to recognize, acknowledge, and reward i nnovative
ideas and productive, creative, and ethical behavior of employees through formal a nd
informal mode. Monetary awards shall be granted only when the suggestions, inventions,
superior accomplishments and other personal efforts result in monetary savings which
shall not exceed 20% of the savings generated ."

"Sec. 11 and 13. The committee on awards and incentives system shall ensure that
productivity, innovative ideas, suggestions, and exemplary behavior can be identified,
considered, managed, and implemented on a continuing basis to cover employees at all
levels and shall establish its own internal procedure and strategies."
Ut. Coverage

The SPRINTS shall apply to all officials and employees of the Department of Trade and I n dustry
(DTI) who are occupying career or non-career positions on a permanent, temporary,
contractual, and casual basis who have rendered at least 1 year of service in the Department
immediately at the time of the nomination in recognition of their outstanding performance,
achievement or contribution that affect economy in operation, increase in production,
improved work conditions/services, or such other end-results beneficial to the government,
including heroic acts done in the public interest or through sustained work performance and
consistent manifestation of outstanding work outputs in terms of q uantity without sacrificing
quality and timeliness or rendition of overtime work, etc.

IV. creation of tHe System on Performance Rewards and IncentiVes committees

A. Committee Composition. To effectively implement the system, SPRints Committees are

hereby created for the Head Office and for every regional office, respectively, to wit:

1. HEAD OFFICE - SPRints Committee

Chairperson Head of the Human Resource and Administrative Services (HRAS)

Co-chair Head of the Corporate Planning Service (CorPian)

Members Chair of each functional Group Personnel Selection Board

One (1) Employee U nion representative (to be designated by the

employee u nion or to be chosen through general assembly and shall
serve for a period of 2 years)

Secretariat HRAS/CorPian

2. REGIONAL OFFICE - SPRints Committee

Chairperson Regional Director or his/her authorized representative

Members Assistant Regional Directors and Provincial Directors

One (1) Employee U nion representative (to be designated by the

employee union or to be chosen through general assembly and shall
serve for a period of 2 years)

Secretariat Finance and Administrative Division (FAD)

Attached Agencies may create their respective SPRints Committees.

8; Fund:ions and Responsibilities of the Head Office - SPRints Committee
1. Formulate, develop, prescribe, promulgate, a nd adopt its own rules, policies and
procedures/mechanisms to govern the conduct of its activities which shall i nclude
guideUnes for eva l uati ng the nominations a nd selection of awardees, mechanism for
recognizing the awardees, as well as rewa rd s and incentives to be given;

2. Ev a luate nominees/awardees in any of the awards catego ri es;

3, Supplement; a me nd ,. modify,. or revise these rules as may be netessary; and
4. Recommend for the a pp rova l of the Secretary, through the Executive Committee, a list
of nominees wh o are most q ua lifi e d to rece i ve certain rewards granted by the
President of the P hili p p i nes, the CSC, the CESS, the D e pa rt m ent, and other duly
recognized award-giving i nstitutions such as the Lingkod Boyan Awa r d , Dangal ng
Boyan Awa rd, Pag-osa Award, Gawad CES, Gat Apolinario Mabini Award, etc.

C Fund:i ons of the SPRints Secretariat

1. Eva l ua te/scree n nominations as to the completeness of documents/requirements and

establish eligibility of candidates based on qualifications;
2. Document and package nominations;
3. Facilitate nomination and selection of awardees;
4-. Impleme nt additional processes i n the selection of nominees and awardees as may be
required by the SP R i nts Committee;
5. Consolidate results of eva luation of nominations;
6. Prepare m i nutes/highlights of meetings and deliberations and program folio;
7. Prepare for the Recognition Ceremony;
8. Provide other Secretariat functions as may be required by the SPRints Committee.

V. Types of Awards and Corresponding Forms of Rewards and Incentives

Such awards and incentives shall consist of but not limited to the following:

A. Employee of the Year (EOY) Award shall be granted to officials and rank-and-file
employees who have demonstrated exemplary conduct/behavior and service on the basis
of their previous year's performa nce, i.e. their outputs and observance of DTI Values
within the previous calendar year. EOY awardees shall be selected from among "
B. Special Citation shall be granted to the top performing official or employee from each of
the Regional Offices. Awardees from Attached Agencies and Corporations shall
a utomatically qualify as semi-finalists for the DTI EOY award.

C. Other Awards that the SPRints Com mittee may prescribe as allowed by existing rules and

Details as to nomination qualifications, number of recipients/awardees, form of i ncentives,

criteria, and other requirements of the a bove award categories are described in the Matrix of
Awards and Incentives presented below.


• Status of Employment. Employees on permanent, co-terminus, temporary, casual, and contractual status
• Tenure. M ust have rendered at least one (1} year of service i n the Department at the time of the nomination
• Performance Rating. M ust have o btained at least a Very Satisfactory CESPES/PGS Rating for the a n nual rating period immediately precedi ng the nomination
• Individual Rank. M ust belong to the top 10% of the bureau/office/unit as determined by HRAS based on PMT-prescribed performance documents/criteria
• Has NOT been found guilty of any criminal or administrative offense (including moral turpitude) d uring the period covered, at the time of the nomination and for an
extended period as may be prescribed by the SPRi nts Committee.



1. Noteworthiness - t h e d egree of u n i q ueness a n d o rigi n a l ity o f outsta nding performance or contribution/s
2. I m pact of Performa nce/Achievement/Contribution
a. extent to which outsta nding performance o r contri bution i s recogn ized b y the ma nagement;
b. extent of improved efficiency and effectiveness in a d d ressing a pressing need I i m p roving q u a l ity of services del ivered to clients/p u b l ic;
c. breadth of positive i m pact/effect, wh ich m ay be, i n a scale of 1 to 5:
Limited - affects/ appl ies to immed iate work a rea/ associates
2 ,,
local - affects/a ppl ies to more than the i m m e d i ate work area or associates b ut not beyond the employee's bu rea u/office
:1 · local Extended - affects/ applies to other bureaus/ offices or to the entire Department
4 * Broad - affects/appl ies to other government agencies or in the public i nterest to some degree
5 "" Broad Extended - a ffects/ applies throughout greater part of government o r public interest i n genera l

11. DEMONSTRATION O F DTI VALUES. Degree of consistent demonstration of exemplary ethical behaviour on the basis of the nominee's observance of th e n i ne (9)
DTI Values which include Professionalism, Service Orientation, Integrity, Conscientiousness, Resourcefulness, Creativity, Loyalty, Teammanship, and Continuous
Learning and Growth .

Nominee qualifications, criteria, and method used in the selection of awardees may be revised I amended by the SPRints Committee or the PMT.

- ---

A. 1} OTI Executive of the Yea r 1. Additional Cash Award or Token amounting to PSO,OOO.oo·:·
2) OTI Emptoyee of the Year 2. Medallion, Trophy, Plaque or Certificate of Recognition·:·
Top two (2) awardees selected from the Finalists (B) 3. Commendation Letter from the Secretary
4. O ne-Steo Increment
8. OTI EOY Finalists 1. Cash Award or Token amounting to PSO,OOO.OO
Top ten (10) awardees selected from the combined candidate pools (C, D and E) 2. Medallion, Trophy, Plaque or Certificate of Recognition·:·
3. Commendation Letter from the Secreta
C. OTI EOV Semi-Finalists 1. Cash Award or Token amounting to P20,000
1} FUNCTJONAL GROUP (FG) 2. Medallion, Trophy, Plaque or Certificate of Recognition<·
One (1) awardee selected from each FG: CPG, /DG, lPG, MSG-OSEC and three 3. Commendation Letter from the Supervising Head I Undersecretary
{3) /rom ROG
Five {5) awardees selected/rom incumbents representing the three (3) position
levels: 15tLevel, 2"dLevel, and 3'd Level EOY
One {1) awardee en dorsed as the top perform er from each of the AA's/Corpo's:
801, ClAP, DCP, PTTC, CITEM, /PO, NDC, PEZA, PITC and SB Corp; semifinalists

. the DTl EQ.Y award

qualified offitials a nd
submission of
employees who are officially nominated by way of \ 1.
Cash Award or Token amounting to P2,000.0a•
complete no m inatio n documents a n d other requirements to the 2. Commendation Letter from the SPRints Committee or the PMT
SPRints Secretariat I HRAS
•:• Va lue and form of awards and/or tokens granted to SPRints nominees and awardees shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the SPRints Committee.

•:• Nominees belonging to candidate pool s C and D may only be awarded in one category, i.e. 15t, 2"d and 3'd Level Awardees shall no longer be included in the selection of
PG Awardees.
•:• Awardees texcludlng the DTI EOY) shall be entitled to receive the incentives corresponding to the highest level of award reached as illustrated below:
o Awardees shall no l ong e r be given the in cent ives granted to nominees.
o Additi onal cash award or token a mo u nting to PlS,OOO shall be granted to employees with Special Citation.
o Too 5 finalists sha ll be given PSO,OOO on ly, forfeiting the P20,000 they were originally e ntitled to as EOY awardees in their

Gerw,r�t .. �rements
'> ;,'file foffowing �uments shaH be submitted to the SPRints Committee through the SPRints
Secretariat to f�tUitate the evaiuation of nominees .

. A, Accompf}shed n om inati on form with Write-up/Documentation {as prescribed by the

SPRints committee)

Updated Personal Data Sheet (Form 214)

Certtfic:a o n from the OTt-legal Service that the nominee has not been found guilty ,of any
criminal arnica:� ,a:dministratfvl:'l t1ffense at the time of the nomination and during the
period (yf>�r} covered. I n the case of atta ched agencies and regional offices, the
certification must be i ssued by their respect ive Legal Department. For attached agencies
or regional offices who do not have their own legal Department, the certification must be
issued by OTi:otA o r their respective Administrative D ivision .

D. For Drlvt!rs only: Ce rt ificati on of no traffic accidents, and/or violat io ns of the NOminee.
The certification should be issued by the General Administrative Service or Adminisltrative
D ivi s io n for attached agencies and regi on a l offi ces .

E. Record of calibrated pe rfo r m a nce ratings for the last annual rating period immediately
precedin gthe nomination.

F. Three (3) co pies of recent 2" X 2" 10 picture (taken within the last 12 mo nths)
G. Other suppo rting papers like clippings, citat i ons, etc. which wo ul d facilitate the evaluation
of the nominee.

VII. Mechanics/Procedures in the Nomination and Selection of Awardees

Agreements covering selectionand procedures as indicated in the

minutes/highlights of the SPRints Committee meetings s ha ll auto m atica lly form part of this set
of guid�lines.

A. Selection of Nominees

1. Based on I ndividual Performance Rating/IPR (or other criteria identified by the SPRints
Committee), officials and employees within each bureau/office/unit shall be ran ked.
I ndividuals belonging to the top 10% shall automatically be considered candidates for
nomination to the search. !"or Central Offices, Regional Offices and Attached Agencies,
the SPRints Secretariat ( H RAS) shall provide the Bureau/Office/Agency Head (BOAH) a
list of top performers who may be nominated.
a. For Regional Offices, the respective Regional Director/Head shall endorse from
among the top performers within the region one ( 1) candidate who shall be awarded
a special citation as the Region's Employee of the Year ( EOY), e.g. DTI CAR Employee
of the Year.
b. For Attached Agencies and Corporations, the Head of Agency/Office shall endorse
from a mong their top performers one (1) candidate who shall a utomatically qualify
as semi-finalist.
2. Officials/employees m ust be endorsed by the Bureau/Office/Agency Head ( BOAH)
through submission of complete documents to make the nomination official.
3. Trte SPRrnts secretariat snail pre-screen nomination documents to cneck for
completeness a nd to validate candidate's qualifications/eligibility as nominee.
Incomplete or non�submission of requirements may disqualify candidates from being
declared official nominees, thus lead to forfeiture of entitlement to i ncentives/benefits
that such declaration may entail.

B. Selection of EOY Awardees

1. From among the official nominees, i ncluding the Attached Age ncy/Co rpo ra tio n EOY
awardees, the SP Ri nts Secretariat shall conduct further selection through a scheme
based on criteria prescribed by the SPRints Committee, such as but not limited to the
a. Document Review (50%} - a grou p of select individuals identified by the SPRints
Committee, i.e. HRAS, CorPian, FG Pla nning Coordinators, a nd HR Partners, shall
review and rate the content of submitted nomination documents based on specified
b. Group Interview (50%) - a team of interviewers composed of members of the
SPRints Com mittee and other Third Level Officials (including selected Division Chiefs,
as may be necessary a nd duly a pproved by the SPRints Committee) shall conduct a
round of group interviews to assess/rate nominees based on their demonstration of
the nine (9) 9DTI Values.

2. From among the nominees who u ndergo Step 1 together with the candidates from the
Attached Agencies and Corporations, top�ran ked candidates shall be shortlisted as
semi�finalists. Each of these semi�finalists shall u ndergo a validation interview by a
panel composed of DTI Third Level Officials and Third.::Party panelists as determined by
the SPRints Committee, e.g. representatives from oversight agencies (CSC and CESB),
private sector (Consumer and Business Sectors), a nd/or other award�giving or certifying
bodies (ISA and Metrobank Foundation lncorported).

3. Based on the results of the interview and review of supporting documents and other
relevant data, the panel shall determine the top ten {10) candidates who shall be
declared EOY Finalists.

4. The ten (10) EOY finalists shall be presented to the DTI EXCOM who shall decide and
declare the DTI Employee of the Year.

C. Nomination to Other Award Giving Bodies

1. With respect to National/Presidential Awards such as but not limited to those given by
esc and CESB, nominations shall be subject to the guidelines prescribed by the
concerned award giving body.

2. The nominating party shall submit the nominations together with the supporting
requirements/documents to the SPRi nts Committee for evaluation and
recommendation to the Secretary for endorsement as DTI's nominees.

VIII. Confidentiality of Nominations

Documentation in support of recommendations for recognition is confidential information and

is available only to those involved in the awards decision process and other officials on a need-
to�know basis. As a ge nera l rule, recommendations are not to be discussed with nominees or
with anyone involved i n the decision process u ntil the awards have been approved within the
Department, or in the case of external award nominations, until the nominees have been
selected by the Department as its nominees. When nominations for external awards require
personal information ( e. g . date of
birth, home address, professional affiliations, employment
history), the SP1Unts Committee or the H RAS must obtain permission from the nominee/s
before submitting the information to the sponsoring organization.

IX. Awards Presentation

A OTI-Wide Recognition Ceremony for the awardees shall be he l d annually, in titne for the DTI
Anniversary Cetebration. Under the general supervision of the SPRints Committee, the
following SPRints Working Committees represented by the SPRints Se c reta riat shall be i n
charge of the preparations for the Recognition Ceremony in coordination with the other
bureaus/offices and attached a gencies :

A. Technical Committee shall provide staff work for the SPRints Committee. It shall assist the
SPRints Committee i n drafting guidelines, policies, or processes a nd shall assist and prepare
necessary forms to be used during the SPRints Committee deliberations and other related
B. Logistics Committee shall be in-charge of preparing the SPRints budget proposal,
processing and liquidation of cash advances, canvassing and pu rc ha s in g of rewards and
incentives, a nd providing for transportation to and from the venue of the Recognition
Ceremony. It shall also provide ushers to assist the guests during the ceremony and
perform such other related tasks.
C. Production Committee shall be responsible in scouting for and overall laying out/setting up
of the venue, designing the stage, providing light and sound systems, a nd such other
technical requirements.
D. Rewards Committee shall take charge of the preparation of rewards a nd incentives to be
given to awardees. It shall be responsible in designing and preparing certificates, letters,
etc. in time for the Recognition Ceremony. It sha l l coordinate with the Logistics Committee
and attached agencies the expenses to be incurred. It shall also ensure the timely delivery
and security of the rewards/incentives to be given away to the awardees, take charge of
distribution during the ceremony, and shall perform other related tasks.
E. Program and Promotions Committee shall be in charge of the program proper w hich shall
include preparing the program invitation; inviting guest speakers, emcees, presenters, and
other special guests; the program flow and script; making posters and announcements
regarding the Recognition Ceremony. It shall coordinate with the Logistics Committee the
availability, release and liquidation of funds and cash advances made, and shall perform
such other related tasks.

I p.Jp !liiiMii t myUi!, IOQalhenvllh my� lr!,� lllll!lnmenl of l1e stated outcomes as my conlribUUan to
1lle �s
, SoGial COnttact!o !he Filljlilll) fltoplll.tWlilll!igenlly det!Wr the oull:omes !trough m.tementing lhe
sbateillb tbfecllves andmeasttet lnthis� Governance Scorecard.

Conlblme: Confonne:

NamufOirector Name of Supervising Undersecretary

Name of Bureau Functional Group

J 10
K 11

L 12

M 13

N 14

0 Ensure Customer Satisfaction 1 5 CSF Rating 95%

16 No. of reports prepared

reports submitted w/in

P Ensure compliance to DTI requirements 1 00%


1 00%

I commit myself to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment

of these targets and to living up to the standards of behavior
befitting a DTI employee.

These targets and standards have been discussed and set with my


--- - ---·- -- -

Dashboard v5 Form Z 8.1 2.2014 Name of H EAD OF UN IT/OFFICE


0 0

Customer Satisfaction



I certify that the declared accomplishments are correct and


have dlecutod and evaluated the first semester

accOIIIpNehlllents or thta employee.
w«h 90% accomplishment
1 st Semester


For 1 st Semester



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