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Convolution Neural Networks vs Fully

Connected Neural Networks
Poulastya Mukherjee Follow
Jan 10 · 4 min read

If the terminator had CNN, the other Sarahs wouldn’t have died: image courtesy Adweek.com

I was reading the theory behind Convolution Neural Networks(CNN)

and decided to write a short summary to serve as a general overview of
CNNs. This article also highlights the main differences with fully
connected neural networks.

Convolution neural networks are being applied ubiquitously for variety

of learning problems. They are quite effective for image classification
problems. In this post we will see what differentiates convolution
neural networks or CNNs from fully connected neural networks and
why convolution neural networks perform so well for image
classification tasks.
First lets look at the similarities. Both convolution neural networks and
neural networks have learn able weights and biases. In both networks
the neurons receive some input, perform a dot product and follows it
up with a non-linear function like ReLU(Rectified Linear Unit).

Main problem with fully connected layer:

When it comes to classifying images — lets say with size 64x64x3 — fully
connected layers need 12288 weights in the first hidden layer! The
number of weights will be even bigger for images with size 225x225x3
= 151875. Networks having large number of parameter face several
problems, for e.g. slower training time, chances of overfitting e.t.c.

The main functional difference of convolution neural network is that,

the main image matrix is reduced to a matrix of lower dimension in the
first layer itself through an operation called Convolution. For e.g. an
image of 64x64x3 can be reduced to 1x1x10. Following which
subsequent operations are performed.

A CNN usually consists of the following components:

• Input layer — a single raw image is given as an input. For a RGB

image its dimension will be AxBx3, where 3 represents the colours
Red, Green and Blue.

• A convolution layer - a convolution layer is a matrix of dimension

smaller than the input matrix. It performs a convolution operation
with a small part of the input matrix having same dimension. The
sum of the products of the corresponding elements is the output of
this layer.

Courtesy: analyticsvidhya.com
• ReLU or Rectified Linear Unit — ReLU is mathematically expressed
as max(0,x). It means that any number below 0 is converted to 0
while any positive number is allowed to pass as it is.

A ReLU function: courtesy Wikipedia

• Maxpool — Maxpool passes the maximum value from amongst a

small collection of elements of the incoming matrix to the output.
Usually it is a square matrix.

A Maxpol function: courtesy ResearchGate.net

• Fully connected layer — The final output layer is a normal fully-

connected neural network layer, which gives the output.

Usually the convolution layers, ReLUs and Maxpool layers are repeated
number of times to form a network with multiple hidden layer
commonly known as deep neural network.
A Convolution Neural Network: courtesy MDPI.com

Some well know convolution networks

• LeNet — Developed by Yann LeCun to recognize handwritten digits

is the pioneer CNN.

• AlexNet — Developed by Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever and Geoff

Hinton won the 2012 ImageNet challenge. It is the first CNN
where multiple convolution operations were used.

• GoogleLeNet — Developed by Google, won the 2014 ImageNet

competition. The main advantage of this network over the other
networks was that it required a lot lesser number of parameters to
train, making it faster and less prone to overfitting.

• VGGNet — This is another popular network, with its most popular

version being VGG16. VGG16 has 16 layers which includes input,
output and hidden layers.

• ResNet — Developed by Kaiming He, this network won the 2015

ImageNet competition. The 2 most popular variant of ResNet are
the ResNet50 and ResNet34. Another complex variation of ResNet
is ResNeXt architecture.




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