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Synae Coleman

CUIN 3313
Draft Video Script
Due: July 15th, 2019

How to apply interpersonal skills in a professional work setting

Que: Start off with an introduction slide with my name and

welcome as well as a picture of socialization

Hello and Welcome Everyone! My name is Synae Coleman and I know

you all are eager to start training for your future careers. Now
that you all have been accepted and have been deemed qualified
to work at Edelmans, before you dive right into work I want to
give you some tips on how to use certain social skills in the
workplace that will help assist you when connecting and
networking together.

Que: Motivating and upbeat music starts to help boost energy

Que: Picture of a lot of people in one setting

Though you all are hired for different positions, this is a PR

and Marketing Firm that works together to help our clients and
provide them with the best services that we have to offer. We
have a very big and diverse team which for some can come off
intimidating, but the purpose for this small training video is
to help you get more comfortable in your workplace and to know
how to use your interpersonal skills to be able to communicate
with one another.

Que a picture from the ​Matrix​ with the blue and red pill

Question!? Are you the person where it is easy for you to talk
to people, do you have social skills naturally, and are you a
good communicator? Or are you someone who is a little shy, it’s
hard for you to ask questions, and are to yourself? If you
answered that it is hard for you to communicate and be social
these are a couple of skills that you can apply to help you when
working with others to build your confidence. And if it is easy
for you, then here is a refresher on how to advance your skills.

Que pictures for each point that I am going to elaborate on.

Synae Coleman
CUIN 3313
Draft Video Script
Due: July 15th, 2019

● Self Awareness- Be aware of one’s feelings so that you are

able to be aware of messages to give to others verbal and
nonverbal communication
● Know what kind of non verbal communication you are having.
Use eye-contact to show trust and attentiveness, be aware
of your facial expressions, and your gestures and body
language will play a part because it is also a form of
communication. You can tell if someone is listening or not,
attentive, and alert.
● Be respectful of others, That involves listening to others,
being courteous,not being insulting, and show appreciation
for help. We may not always agree with each other but still
we should respect.
● Show empathy and understanding. Show that you care and be
understanding so that you are able to build relationships.
Take account for other’s feelings when you have a
disagreement which can diffuse conflict and help you have a
better understanding of their thoughts and feelings and
vice versa.
● Communicating and Listening, when communicating with others
you should speak clearly and makes it easy to get your
point across as well as being an active listener. Have an
open mind when having conversations and take in the ideas
others bring to you. Remember we work together
● Attitude, It is always good to have a good attitude. When
you bring positivity you can expect good results with
others as well as in your work.

End of story with clapping hands and picture inserted with

everyone smiling and shaking hands

Congratulations!!! You have made it to the end of this Module.

When working keep in mind of these skills that you can work on
to be able to communicate with each other. Remember, we are all
in this together and we are here to serve our clients with the
best service that we can provide.
Synae Coleman
CUIN 3313
Draft Video Script
Due: July 15th, 2019

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