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Vitamins and Minerals: Important or Just

Marketing Hype?

Vitamins and minerals are the most popular supplements in the

market place today, but do we really need them?

Vitamins and minerals are the most popular

supplements in the market place today, but do we really need them?

If you eat a balanced diet and eat a sufficient quantity of food, then it is likely you are
getting the recommended daily allowance of all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Assuming you aren’t deficient in micronutrient intake, then there is no additional benefit
in taking a multivitamin because your body can’t store the excess for future use.

On the other hand, if you tend to eat a lot of the same food (as bodybuilders do), or if
you are dieting and your calorie intake falls below maintenance levels, then there is a
good chance that you will be nutrient deficient. Vitamins and minerals are essential to
your health and well being as well as being needed for your training and for the ability for
the body to burn fat. They facilitate energy transfer, prevent disease, and act as co-
enzymes to assist in many chemical reactions. A significant deficiency in any of these
micronutrients can also lead to severe illness.

Personally I recommend to my clients to take a daily multivitamin and mineral complex

regardless of their dietary habits. The only way to tell if a person is short in any of the
micronutrients is through a blood test, but that takes time and involves having to wait for
an appointment with your doctor then waiting for the results to see if you are lacking in
any of the micronutrients (calcium and folate can be difficult to acquire through normal
dietary means). A good multivitamin acts as an insurance policy against any possible
deficiencies. And there is no downside; the cost is minimal and any micronutrients not
used by the body are simply excreted in the urine without any ill effects.

In addition to taking a multivitamin, there is a class of micronutrients called antioxidants

that require additional supplementation, over and above the recommended daily
allowance (RDA). The recommended daily allowance was established to prevent any
deficiencies, not to improve overall health and wellness, and antioxidants have benefits
well beyond their basic functions.

Antioxidants are the bodies’ scavengers, helping to defend against damage caused by
free radicals (unstable molecules that can injure healthy cells and tissues. Every time we
breathe, oxygen uptake causes free radical production. Environmental factors such as
pollutants, smoke and certain chemicals also contribute to their formation. If left
unchecked, they can wreak havoc on our physiques and cause a multitude of ailments
including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, dementia, and cancer.

To understand of the process works: Our bodies are made-up of billions of cells held
together by a series of electronic bonds. These bonds are arranged in pairs so that one
electron balances the other. However in response to various occurrences such as
oxygen consumption, a molecule can lose one of its electron pairs, making it an
unstable free radical. The free radical then tries to replace its lost electron by stealing
one from another molecule. This sets up a chain reaction where the second molecule
becomes a free radical and attacks a third molecule, which then becomes a free radical
and attacks a fourth molecule and so on.
To prevent rampant free radical production, your body has a sophisticated internal
antioxidant system. Various antioxidant enzymes combine with antioxidants from the
foods we eat to help keep free radicals at bay. But when free radical activity reaches a
critical level, the system becomes overwhelmed causing damage to cellular tissues.

Physical activity and training only exacerbates the situation. Because of increased
oxygen consumption, free radical production skyrockets during exercise (by as much as
twenty-fold over resting levels), overwhelming the body’s internal defence system. If left
unchecked, this results in an inflammation of muscle tissue, impairing muscular function
and slowing recovery. So, active people have an even greater need for antioxidant

Although there are dozens of know antioxidants, two are absolutely indispensable:
vitamin C and E. These vitamins are partners in defence; they have a synergistic
relationship, working together so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of
their individual actions. Other antioxidants such as alph-lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10,
selenium, and caroteinoids are also beneficial; they not only have important health
benefits in their own right, but can actually help to regenerate the activity of vitamins C
and E as well.

Although antioxidants can be obtained through dietary means, it’s virtually impossible to
consume adequate quantities from food sources alone. For example, you’d have to drink
11 glasses of orange juice to get your daily vitamin C requirement or eat over three
pounds of almonds for the necessary amount of vitamin E! And because it has been
shown that at low doses (even above RDA guidelines) antioxidants don’t provide
adequate protection against infirmity, supplementation isn’t an option, it is a necessity.
Given that side effects are virtually nonexistent at suggested levels, there is very little risk
and a great potential reward.

Vitamins, Minerals and the Athlete.

For a long time it was believed that the body only needed proteins, fats, carbohydrates
and a number of minerals to stay fit and healthy. But then it was discovered that these
dietary components were not enough - tiny amounts of other materials were essential to
keep the body functioning. These vital ingredients were named vitamins.

Vitamins - what are they?

Vitamins are organic compounds that help regulate fat, carbohydrate and protein
metabolism in the body. They cannot be made by the body and have to be provided by
the food we eat - fortunately we only need tiny amounts of these vitamins.

Vitamins are not an energy source, but they play a vital role in releasing the energy
stored in the other foods we eat. In addition, our enzyme, nervous, hormonal, and
immune systems are dependent on vitamins for regulation and control. Because of this
vitamins are essential for good health, well being, and growth.

Vitamins are divided into two types: water-soluble and fat-soluble.

Water-soluble: These vitamins cannot be stored in the body and need to be replaced
regularly through our diet.

Fat-soluble: These vitamins are stored in the body and include vitamins A, D, E, and K.
although these vitamins can be stored; they should still be part of a healthy diet

Minerals - what are they?

Minerals are inorganic elements that have many roles in the body's functioning. Apart
from their more well-known roles in the formation of strong bones and teeth, they also
help to control the nervous system, fluid balance in tissues, muscle contractions, some
hormonal functions, and enzyme secretion.

Minerals are as essential as vitamins and, just like most vitamins, they cannot be made in
the body. All our bodies' mineral needs have to be supplied from our diets.

Where do we get our vitamins and minerals from and

what role does each play?
Vitamin A: Found in two forms: Retinol and Beta carotene
Is necessary for vision in dim light, for healthy skin and surface tissues, especially those
which excrete mucus (for example the intestines, lungs and vagina). In addition, it
prevents infections and is necessary for the immune system
Food Sources: Fish liver oils (for example cod or halibut liver oil), liver, carrots, fortified
margarine, cheese and dark green leafy vegetables

Vitamin D: Found in two main forms: Cholecalciferol and Ergocalciferol.

Used for the growth and maintenance of bones and teeth through regulation of
absorption and metabolism of calcium
Food Sources: Oily fish, eggs, milk, fortified breakfast cereals and fortified margarine.
Also created in the body by action of sunlight on the skin

Vitamin E: Found as a group of compounds called tocopherols.

Used for the protection of cell membranes and fats from oxidative damage; protection of
vitamin A, immune system and nervous system
Food Sources: Vegetable oils, eggs, whole grains, green vegetables and nuts

Vitamin K: Covers a number of compounds, including Phylloquinone

Is necessary for normal blood clotting and energy metabolism
Food Sources: Dark green leafy vegetables, liver, meat, potatoes and cereals
Vitamin B1: Thiamin
Used for energy metabolism, especially from carbohydrates
Food Sources: Bread, potatoes, milk, meat (especially pork), offal, whole grain cereals,
and fortified breakfast cereals

Vitamin B2: Riboflavin.

Essential for the utilisation of energy from foods, especially fats and proteins
Food Sources: Milk, meat (particularly liver) and eggs

Niacin: Also known as vitamin PP (nicotinic acid)

Necessary for energy metabolism
Food Sources: Meat, potatoes, bread and fortified breakfast cereals

Pantothenic Acid: Also known as vitamin B5

Energy metabolism and production of neurotransmitters for the nervous system
Food Sources: Yeast, liver, whole grains, greens, and nuts. In fact it is found in virtually all

Vitamin B6: Found as a group of compounds, including pyridoxine

Necessary for protein metabolism, particularly of hemoglobin
Food Sources: Potatoes, vegetables, meat, milk and fish

Vitamin B12: Found as a group of compounds, including cyanocobalamin and

Used for the production of blood (red cells), nervous system, synthesis of DNA
Food Sources: Liver, milk, fish and eggs

Folic Acid: Also known as vitamin B or M)

Necessary for the production of blood (red cells), nervous system, synthesis of DNA
Food Sources: Offal and raw green vegetables

Biotin: Also known as vitamin H

Used for protein and fat metabolism
Food Sources: Liver and kidneys, whole grains and nuts

Vitamin C: Found as a group of compounds, including ascorbic acid

Necessary for the maintenance of connective tissues (including tendons, ligaments, and
cartilage). In addition, it helps wound healing, production of hormones, the immune
system and protects vitamins A and E
Food Sources: Fresh fruit, especially citrus fruits and vegetables (particularly potatoes)

Minerals Function Food Sources

Helps regulate body fluids and is involved in energy release, functioning of nerves and
muscle contraction. Increases blood pressure
Food Sources: Salt, bread and cereal products, bacon, ham, shellfish, smoked fish, soy
sauce, and foods that have been preserved by using salt

Is used in the body's fluid balance and is involved in membrane functions, muscle
function and reduces blood pressure
Food Sources: Potatoes, vegetables, greens, pork, dairy products, fruit (especially
bananas) and juices

For bones and teeth, blood clotting, hormone secretion, muscle and nerve function
Food Sources: Milk, cheese, bread and flour, green leafy vegetables and small oily fish
with bones

Involved in muscle tone and activates enzymes
Food Sources: Milk, bread, potatoes and vegetables

Necessary for the manufacture of hemoglobin in blood (red cells) oxygen transport and
transfer to tissues, activates enzymes
Food Sources: Red meats, liver, flour and cereal products, potatoes, and vegetables

For growth, bone metabolism, activation of enzymes, release of vitamin A from liver,
immune system, taste and insulin storage
Food Sources: Meat, liver, seafood (especially oysters) milk, bread, and cereals

Essential for enzyme function, especially blood formation, bone metabolism, immune
system, nerve function and energy metabolism
Food Sources: Oysters, mussels, whelks, liver, brewer's yeast, whole grains, nuts and

Necessary for enzyme activation and cell structure (works with calcium and iron)
Food Sources: Wholemeal bread, wheat germ, nuts, avocados, peas, and tea

Involved in enzyme functions
Food Sources: Liver, kidney, wheat germ, lentils, sunflower seeds, eggs, and beans

Have an enzyme function protecting cell membranes and fats from oxidative damage
(works with vitamin E)
Food Sources: Nuts (especially Brazils), seeds, bread, fish, and meat (especially pork)

Enhances the action of insulin on glucose uptake by cells
Food Sources: Egg yolk, liver, cheese, wholemeal products, molasses and brewer's

A necessary component of thyroid hormones
Food Sources: Oily fish, seaweed, meat, milk, and iodised table salt

Accommodates energy stores, bones, membrane function and growth
Food Sources: Dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, Soya beans, Soya products, pulses and
wheat bran

So Am I Getting Enough?
Most experts now agree that a balanced diet should provide you with all the vitamins
and minerals you need. This is provided you eat a variety of foods from each of the food
groups, and, of course, in sufficient quantity. By quantity, we mean enough food for you
to maintain a healthy body weight.

Clearly, different people have different requirements and, because of this, helpful
guidelines have been established by the Department of Health. These are called Dietary
Reference Values or DRV’s. For any particular nutrient (where the scientific information is
available) there are three values.

LRNI (Lower Reference Nutrient Intake): This is for a small number of people who have
low needs and represents about three percent of the population. Most people will need
more than this.

EAR (Estimated Average Requirement): Is the amount of a nutrient needed by an

average person. So many people will need more and many will need less.

RNI (Reference Nutrient Intake): The amount of a nutrient that should cater for the needs
of 97 percent of the population. It is more than most people require and only very few
people (3 percent) will need more. This is also known as the Recommended Daily
Amount or RDA. It is this value you will see on the sides of cereal packets.

It is important to remember that DRV’s are aimed at populations of people, not

individuals. As such they are guidelines and not targets for you to aim for.

Athletes - do we have or need different requirements?


Generally speaking, athletes should get all the vitamins and minerals from their diet.
Because athletes use up more energy than inactive people, they probably eat more too,
and so any increased requirement for vitamins or minerals should be met by their
increased food intake (providing the diet is balanced).

However, some studies have shown that many athletes don't have adequate vitamin and
mineral intakes. This may be because they restrict calorie intake in order to manage
weight. Other reasons for inadequate vitamin and mineral intake include irregular training
routines that making meal planning difficult and following a dietary "fad" that is not
providing a balanced diet.

Will vitamin and mineral supplements enhance my

training performance?
A lot of work has been carried out to try to establish whether vitamin and mineral
supplements improve athletic performance. So far, there is little evidence that any
improvement occurs in athletes who are well nourished. The only improvements
observed have been in people whose diets were previously deficient in one nutrient or
another, adding supplements just brought them up to their optimum level.

In summary, if you are not deficient in any vitamins or minerals, then supplementing your
diet will not bring about any improvement in performance. Nevertheless, if you do have
some sort of deficiency, then correcting this may well be of benefit.

Choosing a Supplement
Most people will probably not be aware of any minor vitamin and mineral deficiencies as
the symptoms may be slight, while gross deficiencies are very uncommon in this

Nevertheless, you may want to take a supplement as an "insurance policy", based on the
principle that, at the very least, it will not harm you and may possibly be of benefit. If you
do decide to take a supplement then it is best to choose a well formulated multi-vitamin
and mineral supplement that contains all the main vitamins and minerals.

More information on vitamin supplements.

What about specific vitamins or mineral supplements?

It is best not to use supplements that contain just one or two specific vitamins or
minerals. This is because vitamins and minerals work in harmony and an excessive
amount of just one can impair the absorption or effectiveness of others. Correct balance
is important.
Furthermore, some vitamins, particularly the fat-soluble vitamins, can be harmful in
excess quantities as they tend to build up in the body and cause problems. With water-
soluble vitamins, amounts over and above the body's requirements are simply lost from
the body in urine and do not provide any additional benefit - so you will be wasting your

You will notice on the packaging of supplements that for each particular vitamin or
mineral it may list the "% of RDA". RDA simply means the Recommended Daily Amount
so, for example, if say for Vitamin C it says "100% RDA", this means that it contains 100
percent of your daily allowance. The RDA is similar to the RNI in Dietary Reference

You will probably notice that many supplements exceed the RDA, however, this is not
necessarily harmful as the safety margins are very high and well-formulated supplements
are well within the acceptable range. RDAs were formulated to cater for the vast majority
of a population (nearly 100 percent). This means that many people will require less.

However, RDAs were also set at a level where it was known that there were no adverse

Key Points
1. Most vitamins and all minerals cannot be made by the body, so need to come from
your diet
2. A balanced diet should provide you with all vitamins and minerals you need
3. If you are well nourished already, supplements will not improve performance
4. If you are slightly deficient in some nutrients, a supplement may benefit
5. Gross vitamin deficiencies are rare in this country
6. The fat-soluble vitamins, A D E and K, may cause side-effects if taken in very high
7. When choosing a supplement choose a well-balanced multi-vitamin and mineral
8. Supplements containing a single vitamin or mineral are best avoided because it is
difficult to get the balance right.

This article was written by Doug Lawrenson. Doug is an expert in diet and fitness and
can be found over at our muscle building and fitness forum. Doug also owns Pro-
Diets.com which provides personal diet plans for athletes and people wanting to change
their bodies.

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About The Author

Doug Lawrenson
Doug is an ex-competitive bodybuilder with over 20 years fitness experience, specifically diet &
nutrition, weight management and training techniques.
View all by Doug Lawrenson »

1 Comment + Post Comment

Posted Mon, 05/31/2010 - 10:09 LIKE 22

Matt Welt
There is always going to be conflicting views on this, but do you really think you can get all the
vitamins and minerals from balanced diet alone? There is not enought good soil left to do that.
Then if you workout, you need even more. Multi Vitamins and Fish Oil (Both GMP stamped
and pharmecuetical grade) are a must in everyones daily life.



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