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High Output Power Reluctance Electric Motors With Bulk HTS Elements.

L.K. Kovaleva, K.V. Ilushina, V.T. Penkina,K.L. Kovaleva,A. E. Larionoffe, S.M.-A. Koneeva,
K.A. Modestova, S.A. Laionoff", V.N. Poltavetsa,1.1. Akimovb, V.V. Alexandrovc, W. Gawalekd,
B. Oswalde, G. Krabbesf
a Moscow State Aviation Institute (Technical University) (MAI), Moscow, Russia
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Inorganic Materials (ARSRIIM), Moscow, Russia
All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute (VEI), Moscow, Russia
Institut Alr PhysikalischeHochtechnologie (IPHT), Jena, Germany
e Oswald Elektromotoren GmbH, Miltenberg, Germany
Institut Alr Festkorper und Werkstofforschung (IFW), Dresden, Germany
E-mail: kovalev@mail.sitek.net .

Absfmct New types of electric machines with the rotors cussed. The schemes of reluctance motors of increased out-
containing bulk HTS (YBCO and BkAg) elements are p r e put power (100 kW and morej are presented.
sented. Different schematics of hysteresis, reluctance, "trapped
feld" and composed synchronous HTS machines are dis- 11. STATE OF ART OF HTS MOTORS
cussed. The two-dimensional mathematical models describing
the processes in such types of HTS machines we& developed
on the basis o f the theoretical analysis of the electrodynamic Nowadays, the development of HTS motors can be clas-
and hysteresis processes in the singledomain and policrystal sified into three main groups: motors with the DC HTS
YBCO ceramic samples and plate shape Bi-Ag elements. The windings in the rotor, motors with AC HTS windings in the
test results of the series of hysteresis, reluctance, "trapped stator; motors with bulk HTS YBCO elements or HTS
field" and composed with permanent magnets HTS motors composed Bi-Ag elements.
with output power rating 0.1-18 kW and current frequency H7S electrical machines with Dc H 7 S rotor windings.
50 Hz and 400 Hz are given. These results show that in the me- These HTS motors are based on the possibility of composite
dia of liquid nitrogen the specific output power per one weight HTS wires to have a high value of the critical current den-
unit o f HTS motors is 4-7 times better then for conventional
electric machines. Comparison of the theoretical and experi- sity (up to IO3 - IO4 A/mm2 znd more) and, respectively, to
mental characteristics of the developed HTS motors show that provide very high magnetic flux densities and the current
they are in good agreement. The test results for liquid nitrogen loads of the rotating inductor of the electrical machines. The
cryogenic pump system with hysteresis 500 W HTS motor are investigations in this field are intensively going on in Ger-
discussed. Several designs of new HTS motors operating in the many (1 OOO kW HTS motor, Siemens), USA (I 00 - 200 hp
media of liquid nitrogen with output power 125kW (and and 1000 hp HTS motors), Japan etc. It is expected, that the
more) and power factor more then 0.8 are described. Future massdimensional parameters for 1000 kW HTS motor will
applications of new types of HTS motors for aerospace tech-
nology, on-land industry and transport systems are discussed.
be 2 - 3 times better, than the similar ones for conventional
Keywods bulk and foliate high temperature supercon-
motors. On the other hand, overall efficiency of the hture
ducting elements, electric motor, electromagnetic process, ro- cryogenic HTS electrical machines is expected to be higher
tating magnetic field. than for conventional electrical machines. These two factors
can give a real chance to produce HTS electrical machines
I. INTRODUCTION with better economic parameters than for conventional ones
of the same output power. It is important to mention that
Nowadays, high temperature superconductors (HTS) are due to the high current capability of HTS wires modem
already widely used in high-current applications, that allows HTS electrical machines with DC HTS winding must have
to improve essentially the output power and mass- cooling system only at the temperature level less than
dimensional parameters of the electrical machines [4-6].In 30 - 40 K.
the wide variety of HTS power devices the essential part H l S electrical machines with AC stator H 7 S windings.
relates on HTS electric machines. Theoretical and experi- These group of HTS electrical machines is based on the
mental investigations show, that in comparison to conven- possibility of HTS wires to lead AC current of frequency
tional electrical machines, HTS electrical machines possess 50 Hz (or more) with low losses (in 3 - 4 times less) in
much higher values of specific output power, efficiency and comparison to traditional copper wires. This allows to re-
power factor [ 1-31. duce the total losses of electrical machine and, respectively,
This work is devoted to the development of electrical realize new types of HTS motors with higher efficiency and
machines with bulk YBCO elements in the rotors. Theoreti- higher output power. The investigations of such HTS mo-
cal and experimental results for the different series of HTS tors with different types of the rotors are intensively going
reluctance motors are presented. The'advantages and de- on in France (15 kW and 150 kW HTS motors) and other
merits of various constructions of HTS motors are dis- countries (USA, Japan etc.). As for the previous case the
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AC HTS winding- are able to operate at the temperature ‘Zebra” type rotor with HTS thin flat plates
level less than 30 - 40 K. b
H7S electrical machines wilh bulk H7S elements. The
third group of HTS electrical machines with bulk HTS
(YBCO) elements are based on the folkwbg physical
properties of such elements: hysteresis phenomenon (real-
ized in HTS hysteresis motors); high magnetic anisofmpy of
compound material containing HTS and iron elements (re-
alized in HTS reluctance motors); possibility of bulk HTS ‘Zebra” type rotor with HTS thick flat plates
materials to trap high magnetic field (up to 6 - 8 T at 20 K P

and 1 - 2 T at 77 K)(used in ((Trapped Field))HTS motors;

HTS electrical machines based on the melt textured bulk
YBCO ceramics can be designed with cooling system oper-
ating at the temperature level of liquid nitragen (77°K)or
less. The electrical machines with the HTS bulk rotor ele- (b)
ments can operate in three main regimes: synchronous re- ‘Pilz” type rotor with two HTS blocks
gime with “trapped magnetic flux” in bulk UT5 rotors; syn-
chronous regimes with composed HTS-ferromagnetic rotor
(reluctance motors); hysteresis regime with small slip pa-
rameter. It is expected that these motor schemes will allow
to get the specific output performances essentially higher
(- 3 - 5 times) than for traditional electrical motors. The
reluctance HTS motor can also have rather high value of ef-
ficiency and rather high power factor (cow). Up to now ‘Zelz” type rotor with three HTS elements
hysteresis and reluctance HTS motors with YBCO bulk
elements with output power 100 W - 10 kW were devel-
oped within the frame of German-Russian cooperation.


The stator for HTS reluctance motors
The current work was done on the basis ofthe HTS mo-
tor models with the following dimensions of the active mo-
tor zone: diameter 62 mm and length 82 mm. The main idea
of this work was to achieve more understanding what type
of the HTS rotor construction with YBCO bulk elements
gives the best results for output power, power factor and ef-
ficiency. The following experimental HTS motors with bulk
YBCO elements were studied:
“Zebra”type H E moto,: Main design and the photo of (e)
this motor type are given on Fig. l.a, b. This motor was /
Fig 1. Reluctance Motors with Different Types of Finite HTS Ro-
tor Elements.
constructed with two variants of the rotor: with YBCO flat
plates containing single domain square blocks Mricated in HTS motor with good technology and good start-up per-
IPHT (Jena, Germany); with YBCO flat plates containing formance of “pilz” type motor. The YBCO single domain
square blocks fabricated in ARSRIIM (Moscow, Russia). bulk blocks for this rotor were fabricated in IFW (Dresden,
“Pilz” type H7S motor with two YBCO blocks fabri- Germany).
cated in IPHT (Germany) is shown in Fig. 1.b. This motor Test results for “Zebra”rype H E reluctance motor: The
was constructed previously and was used to get more de- full testing of HTS reluctance motor with single domain
tailed experimental data for comparison of the output power YBCO blocks hbricated by IPHT (Jena, Germany) was car-
and power factor of the HTS motors with different con- ried out. The main task of this investigation was to deter-
structions of the HTS rotor. “Pilz” HTS motor has simpler mine the output power, power factor and efficiency of
construction of the rotor, possesses ,good start-up perform- “zebra” type HTS motor with new YBCO blocks and to
ance, but has 1.5 - 2.0 times less output parameters in com- compare them with the other types of reluctance motors op-
parison with the same ones for “zebra” type motor. erating in the similar conditions. The test results for differ-
“Zelz” type “E motor has a new construction of the ent values of phase voltage (1 70 V and 250 V) at tempera-
HTS rotor (see Fig. 1 .c). The main idea of this HTS motor ture level of 77 K and 65 K are given in Fig. 2. At the same
is to combine good output characteristicsof “zebra” type graphics are presented the curves for conventional reluc-

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tance motor (without HTS materials in the rotor) at the tem- “pilz” type motor. At the second stage of testing the detailed
perature 77 K. Output parameters at voltage supply 170 V study of “zelz” type reluctance motor (with YBCO blocks
correspond to the motor regimes without saturation of the fabricated in IFW) was carried out. The test results for
steel. The output parameters at voltage 250 V correspond to “zebra” and “zelz” types of HTS reluctance motors are
the saturated motor regime. It is clearly seen that the YBCO shown in Fig. 4. It is seen that the better output power and
bulk single domain blocks allow to obtain the output power power factor possesses the motor design with “zebra” type
and power factor 1.5 - 2.0 times higher than the same rotor.
ones for conventional reluctance motors at the temperature
level 77 K. At the temperature level 65 K the output power 2500
of HTS reluctance motors are 2 times higher than for con-
ventional ones.
1.07 4000

0.91 $1500
0.8 -- 3000
B 0.7 - .$IO00
3g 0 . 6 --g3 2500 0

g0.5 -- g2000
6 -3
.-6 0.4 - $ 1500
- 1000 * pt. 6SK. with HTS 0
0.2 - 4 PZ. 77K. without M S 2 4 6 8 IO
output power
0.1 -

0.0 - 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
uw=170 v
1.0 - 6000

0.9 --
0.8 -

0.7 -
- 3
’ :o.61

-- -9-8.3000
f 0.4 - 8
- 2000
0.3 -

0.2 - lo00 2 4 6 8 IO
0.1 - power factor
Fig. 3. Comparison of the experimental parameters for ”zebra“,
0.0 - 0 “pilz” and “zelz” types of HTS reluctance motors.
4 6 8 10 12
Uw=250 V Finite Element Modeling. In order to take into account all
Fig. 2. Test results for “Zebra”type HTS reluctance motor with electromagneticprocesses in the HTS motor units during its
single domain YBCO blocks. operation (such as real properties of the ferromagnetic and
HTS materials, actual shape of the motor units etc.) the fi-
Comparkon of the experimental parametersfir “zebra”, nite element simulations were used. A special calculation
“pilz”and “zelz” types of H I S reluctance motors. At the technique was elaborated. This technique allows to calculate
fust stage of the experimental work the comparison of out- the characteristics of the motor (main inductive resistances,
put parameters of different types of reluctance motors was output power etc.) with taking into account the dependence
done at the temperature level 77 K without HTS blocks. The of the stator current on the rotor position (regime
test results are presented in Fig. 3. It is seen that the new U = const). The calculation is carried out in 3 stages: deter-
scheme of “zelz” type reluctance motor possesses the output mination of the main inductive resistances (& X,) on the
power and power factor more than for the same ones for flux linkage in two rotor positions
-931 -


IO00 2-T--
2 4 6 8 10 12
output power


“rclz”without HTS
“nlz”with HTS

2 4 6 8 10 12 Fig. 5. Finite elements calculation technique. Comparison of the

power factor simulation and test results.
Fig.4. Test results for ‘‘zebra’’ and “zelz” HTS reluctance motors
mne has two advantages: increasing of the critical current in
(y = 0” and y = 90’); estimation of the stator current at dif- the HTS rotor elements due to the lower temperature
ferent load angles of the rotor, and in the end - calculation -
(T 65 K) (and, correspondingly, increasing of the output
of the mechanical torque at different load angles. The com- power and power factor of HTS motor), decreasing of the
parison of the simulation and the experimental results is friction losses in the air-gap of the motor.
shown in Fig. 5. The seriei of simulations for different con- On the basis of theoretical and experimental results the
structions of the rotors of HTS reluctance motors are shown 100 kW HTS reluctance motor was developed and designed
in Fig. 6. It is seen that the construction of “zebra” motor (see Fig. 8) with the following dimensions: diameter
with thin HTS and ferromagnetic plates (# 4) possesses the 130 mm, length 355 mm, air-gap 3 mm. The stator and rotor
highest output performance. Nevertheless the constntction are cooled’by liquid nitrogen and have separate cryostats
of the rotor with thick HTS plates (# 2) gives better cham- (see Fig. 7). The fabrication and testing of this HTS motor
teristics in comparison with the rotor with middle-size plates will be done in the nearest future.
(# 1 and # 4). The optimization of the rotor construction will
be carried out for the design of HTS reluctance motor with Iv. CONCLUSION
higher output power (100 kW and more).
Rational cryogenic schemes of the H7S reluctance motor Nowadays the development of new generation of HTS
of high output power The advanced cryogenic scheme of machines is carried out on three main directions: electric
HTS motor and the diagram of the losses in it are given in machines with HTS DC windings in the rotor, electric ma-
Fig. 7. It is seen that the use of new materials for the stator chines with HTS AS windings (50Hz) and electric ma-
zone (such as amorphous steel and HTS wires) allows to chines on the basis of bulk HTS (YI3CO)samples and com-
decrease significantly the steel losses and the losses in the posite plate-shaped (Bi-Ag) elements.
stator windings. Operating at the lower pressure in the rotor
’ -932-
RHeat losses through the shaft OHe.1 losses through the supports
ORldlatlon h w s F1Ohmlc losses In steel
OFrIctlonlorises OOhmic 10-5 In statw windlnp
0Hy.tererblosses In steel OTotal loasas In cryostat




Fig. 7. Advanced cryogenic scheme of HTS motor and the diagram
2000 of the losses.

0 - - -355 . - _I

0 10 20 30 40
Fig. 6. Simulations for different constructions of the rotom of HTS
reluctance motors.

Theoretical and experimental researches have shown that

new types HTS electric motors with bulk YBCO rotor ele-
ments operating at the temperature of liquid nitrogen (77 K)
allow to increase the power-to-weight ratio in 2 - 5 times.
The results of investigations show that the best parame-
1 . . . .- . SO5 .. . :
ters of HTS reluctance motors with high output power
(100 kW and more) can be realized for the “Zebra” type
rotor. The first investigations of such HTS motor designs
are now started.
This work is done under the support of German Ministry
of Science (Contract I3N6854A), Russian Ministry of Sci-
ence and Russian Academy of Science (Project “Centaur”). I
Fig. 8. Project design of 100 kW HTS reluctance motor.
REFERENCES 3. L.K. Kovalev, W. Gawalek, B. Oswald et al. New types of
electric machines on the basis of the bulk HTS elements. Re-
I. L. Kovalev; B. Oswald, W. Gawalek et al. Superconducting
Reluctance Motors with YBCO Bulk Materials. IEEE Trans- cent results and hture development. Proc. of ICEC-18.21 - 25
actions on Applied Superconductivity, June 1999, Vol. 9, February 2000, Bombay. India
4. L.K.Kovalev et al. HTS Electrical Machines With YBCO
No. 2, Part one of three parts, pp. 1201 - 1204.
2. L.K. Kovalev, W. Gawalek B. Oswald et al. Hysteresis and Bulk and Si-Ag Plate shape HTS Elements. Recent Results
Reluctance Electric Machines with the Bulk HTS Rotor Ele- and Future Development. Proc. of the.Int. ConE Supercon-
ments. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, June ductors for Applications, Material Properties and Devices. June
-1999, Vol. 9, No. 2, Part one of three parts, pp. 1261 - 1263. I1 -1 5 2000, Rio de Janeiro. Brasil.
5. L.K. Kovalev et al. Electrical Machines With Bulk HTS Ele-
ments. The Achieved Results and Future Development. Proc.
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October 14- 16,2000, Tokyo, Japan.
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