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Book Reviews

HEGEL’S PHILOSOPHY Overlooking the following period of

OF THE CHEMICAL PROCESS: intensive research, John W. Burbidge
A REHABILITATION presents the first monograph in English
devoted to the chemical parts of Hegel’s
JOHN W. BURBIDGE, Real Process. philosophy of nature. The title – Real
How Logic and Chemistry Combine Progress: How Logic and Chemistry
in Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature, Combine in Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature
Univ. of Toronto Pr., Toronto 1996, – indicates Burbidge’s program. In the
x + 274 pp., (ISBN 0-8020-0897-6) Science of Logic, Hegel presents a sys-
tematic philosophy in which categories
and patterns of reasoning are developed,
allegedly only by the means of self-
Hegel’s philosophy of nature and in par- reflecting thought. In the Encyclopaedia,
ticular his philosophy of the chemical Hegel presents a philosophy of nature
process seemed to be antiquated soon af- which provides a framework for natural
ter its appearance. Some of his state- sciences rather than being second-order
ments were picked out and exposed as reflections upon the results of natural
grotesque mistakes. This led to the bad sciences. The framework is derived from
reputation of the idealistic philosophy of concepts of the Science of Logic, but does
nature and to the opinion that idealistic not coincide with the Science of Logic.
speculative thought should have no rele- According to Hegel, it is not the data of
vance to a science such as chemistry and empirical phenomena that can be derived,
could at best be regarded as an outdated but fundamental principles that are es-
historical curiosity. Not only natural sci- sential for undertaking natural sciences.
entists who principally opposed philoso- As concerns chemistry, the principles
phy of nature but also philosophers who come from two different parts of the Sci-
reproduced and paraphrased the obscure ence of Logic; first, from the theory of
passages in Hegel’s Science of Logic and measure and, secondly, from a series of
Encyclopaedia contributed to that bad syllogisms where ‘chemism’ follows
reputation. It was not before the 1970s ‘mechanism’ and precedes ‘teleology’.
that the prejudice against Hegel’s puta- Thus, Burbidge’s question can be formu-
tive incompetence in the natural sciences lated more precisely (p. 4): why did He-
of his time was removed. In 1976, von gel discuss the chemical process in three
Engelhardt published his pioneering systematically different parts? If the
book Hegel und die Chemie. He pointed concept ‘chemical process’ were deduci-
out that the obscurity of those passages ble a priori, it would not have been nec-
vanishes if it is shown how early 19th essary to write a philosophy of nature
century chemistry is expressed in Hege- that intensively refers to galvanism and
lian texts and especially how Hegel com- combustion, acid and base, solution, and
bined experimental facts with contempo- chemical compound; all that would be no
rary developments in the philosophy of more than a footnote to the Science of
nature, particularly with those of Kant Logic. If, on the other hand, the concept
and Schelling. Through von Engelhardt’s ‘chemical process’ were taken from the
groundbreaking studies, philosophers natural sciences, it would be puzzling
began to understand Hegel’s writing and why chemical concepts such as neutrali-
what had remained terra incognita for zation, elective affinity etc. should be
150 years. systematic concepts in the Science of

HYLE – International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry, Vol. 6 (2000)

Copyright  2000 by HYLE and the authors.
176 Book Reviews

Logic and play a central role in two dif- In the second part, Burbidge offers an
ferent parts of the reflection of thought exposition de texte of Hegel’s theory of
upon itself. ‘chemism’, placed in the third book of
In the first part of his book, Burbidge the Science of Logic between ‘mechanism’
offers an exposition de texte of Hegel’s and ‘teleology’. A mechanical object is
theory of ‘real measure’ in the Science of complete in itself and indifferent to
Logic. Hegel considered this chapter, whatever happens to it. Any movement
where he develops logical concepts con- or change comes from outside. In con-
cerning chemical and physical concepts, trast, a chemical object has a one-sided
as one of the most difficult topics. Be- existence; by its distinctive quality, it is
cause ‘measure’ unites the two categories oriented to another chemical object and
‘quality’ and ‘quantity’, it is a key aspect vice versa. Furthermore, both objects are
for determining qualitative and quantita- determined by a comprehensive concept
tive objects and, hence, the decisive cate- that they share and that differentiates
gory for natural sciences. The category them as being directly complementary to
‘measure’ corresponds to a process of each other – this Hegelian concept of
and between real things, viz. the process ‘chemism’ anticipates the logical struc-
of measuring. Therefore, the logic of ture of the acid-base-definition by
‘measure’ is at the same time the logic of Brønsted one hundred years later. If, in
measuring. Starting with the measure- such a way, a chemical object is deter-
ment of a length by a ruler, Hegel goes mined by its affinity, the chemical pro-
over to measuring velocity and then to cess can be understood as the realization
measuring specific weight. In order to of what the concept ‘chemical object’
determine a substance more precisely, contains. In the following parts of the
Hegel considers its chemical reactions. Science of Logic, Hegel argues that the
From these reactions, new measures can chemical process itself must be differen-
be gained that characterize a substance tiated to several types. Burbidge empha-
more intrinsically. Accordingly, he de- sizes that ‘chemism’ „involves a system-
velops further as categories in his logic of atic development that is logical on its
measuring: ‘distinct and fixed propor- own account“ and that „there is no need
tions of stoichiometric masses’, ‘elective to refer […] to actual chemical bodies or
affinity’, and ‘nodal line’. By doing that, to discrete historian persons“ (p. 105).
Hegel shows that chemistry is to be con- Therefore, ‘chemism’ could be applied
sidered a science, against Kant’s claim not only to chemical phenomena.
that chemistry would never be a science In the third part, Burbidge approaches
and would remain only a systematic craft Hegel’s philosophy of nature, especially
because it cannot be set out in mathe- of chemical phenomena. First, he pro-
matical terms. He also cites Richter’s in- vides a fairly literal translation of the
vestigations about the proportions of el- eleven paragraphs of the Encyclopaedia
ements involved when two salts in a so- devoted to chemistry, parallel to the
lution exchange their radicals. At this German original. (The courage to pre-
point, the question arises as to how logic sent the translation parallel to the origi-
refers to chemistry, especially in Hegel’s nal should be an example for other trans-
case since his lifetime coincided with the lators of Hegel’s texts.) Secondly, he
emergence of modern chemistry. Bur- provides notes on specific Hegelian
bidge argues (p. 61 ff.) that thought by terms, the difficulties of their translation,
itself can develop its categories. Accord- and on contemporary chemistry. Thirdly,
ing to him, Hegel’s choice of chemical he thoroughly expounds Hegel’s view,
concepts (such as elective affinity) for especially considering how the data from
the definition of logical categories of chemistry are being combined with his
measuring was only for reason of di- systematic principles.
dactic illustration, to make it easier to Finally, in the conclusion (p. 204)
grasp the structure of the category. Burbidge ties the various strands togeth-
Book Reviews 177

er by answering the questions if Hegel’s ELISABETH CRAWFORD, Arrhenius:

systematic philosophy provides an un- From Ionic Theory to the Greenhouse
derstanding of chemical concepts and Effect, Science History Publications,
how chemistry understands chemical Canton, 1996 (Uppsala Studies in
phenomena. According to Burbidge, He-
gel’s approach in the Science of Logic and
History of Science, Volume 23),
in the Philosophy of Nature should be -xiii, 320 pp. (ISBN: 0-88135-166-0)
distinguished. In the Science of Logic, DIANA BARKAN, Walther Nernst and
philosophy analyses and develops con- the Transition to Modern Physical
cepts. If a concept proves to be incon-
sistent, thought is compelled to move to Science, Cambridge University Press,
a more comprehensive concept that re- Cambridge, 1999, -xii, 288 pp.
solves the contradiction revealed in the (ISBN: 0-521-44456-x)
former one. Thus, thought uses its own
resources and refers to concrete material
only as an illustration or example. On Svante August Arrhenius and Walther
the other hand, in the Philosophy of Na- Nernst were two of the founders of the
ture, philosophy takes a thoroughgoing new physical chemistry. Arrhenius was
empirical approach. One gathers every- one of the original triumvirate with Wil-
thing experience tells us about nature, helm Ostwald and Jacobus Henricus
looks at all determinations discovered van’t Hoff, Nernst one of a second gen-
and, by recognizing their relations and eration of physical chemists, although
considering them as a whole, “constructs only five years younger than Arrhenius.
the concept” (Hegel). The categories an- Importantly, Nernst was the first Ger-
alyzed in the Science of Logic are condi- man chemist to become a disciple of the
tions of the approach of the Philosophy new physical chemistry. In 1886-7,
of Nature that proceeds in a radically Nernst and Arrhenius became close
empirical way (p. 208). The latter turns friends as colleagues in Friedrich Kohl-
out to be systematic, because the specu- rausch’s Würzburg physics institute, and
lative concept arises if the empirical data both spent an additional year together in
are grasped in their synthesis. Ultimate- Graz in Ludwig Boltzmann’s institute.
ly, the Hegelian ‘spirit’ is the subject that They later would become estranged, and
combines logic and nature. ‘Spirit’ means Arrhenius would play a large part in pre-
the achievements of finite subjective venting Nernst from receiving the Nobel
spirits, as members of the universal intel- Prize until 1921. These two recent biog-
lectual community reflecting the ‘real raphies of Arrhenius and Nernst, relying
process’ in which logical thought and heavily on extensive archival research,
empirical chemistry are united (p. 211). provide intriguing insights into the dete-
In these efforts, Hegel’s philosophy has riorating relationship between Nernst
its place. and Arrhenius, but more significantly,
John W. Burbidge has written a re- the different factors involved in the
markable book, essential reading to eve- emergence of the ‘new’ physical chemis-
rybody who studies Hegel’s philosophy try of the 1880s and 1890s. This bio-
of nature. graphical approach provides a convenient
method for understanding the unique
Ulrich Ruschig: confluence of theoretical traditions in
Institute of Philosophy, University of Ol- chemistry and physics – chemical affini-
denburg, Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-8, ty, electrochemistry, thermochemistry,
D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany; conductivity, quantum physics – that oc-
Ulrich.Ruschig@uni-oldenburg.de curred during the late nineteenth centu-
ry. Were Nernst and Arrhenius chemists
or physicists? As it becomes clear on
reading both volumes, it is difficult to

HYLE – International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry, Vol. 6 (2000).

Copyright  2000 by HYLE and the authors.

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