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World Geography

Largest Continent Asia Smallest Continent Australia

Most Populous Least Populous
Asia Australia
Continent Continent
Largest Country in the
Russia Smallest Country State of Vatican City
Land Size
First Person to reach
Largest Island Greenland Amundsen
South Pole
First Person to reach
Robert Pearey Person in Space Yuri Gagarin
North Pole
First Female to climb
Person to Moon Neil Armstrong Junko Taibei
Mount Everest
First Man to Walk in Women Cosmonaut
Alexei Leonov Valentina Tereshkova
Space in Space
Least Populous
Largest Peninsula Arabia State of Vatican City
Smallest Islamic Most densely
Maldives Macao
Country populated territory
Highest Capital City La Paz in Bolivia Largest Ocean Pacific Ocean
Largest Sea South China Sea Largest Bay Bay of Hudson
Mauna Loa, Most Populous
Largest Active Volcano China
Hawaii, USA Country
Largest Islamic Country Indonesia Oldest Capital City Damascus
Greatest land Mountain
Himalaya Smallest Ocean Artic Ocean
The Gulf of Highest Mountain
Largest Gulf Mount Everest
Mexico Peak
River carries the
Largest Fresh water
maximum volume of Amazon Lake Superior
Country of shortest Tallest tree in the
Manaco Redwood
coastline world
Tallest Building of
Driest place of the world Death Valley Burj Khalifa
the World
World's highest
Venezuela Coldest Planet Neptune
Waterfall is in
Planet Nearest to Earth Venus Brightest Planet Venus
World's highest Saltiest Water Lake of
Angel Assal Lake
Waterfall the world
Second Largest
Longest Glacier Lambert Glacier Sahara Desert
Antarctica (According to
Biggest River Amazon River Largest Desert
definition of Dessert)
Coldest place in the
Largest Salt Water Lake Caspian Sea Vostok in Antarctica
Planet with most
Jupiter Fastest Planet Mercury
Satellite is
Deepest Lake in the
Hottest Planet Venus Baikal
Longest Land Mountain Andes of Hottest Place of the
Aziziya (Libiya)
Range S.America World
Longest Coastline
Largest Lake The Caspian Canada
Longest River Nile, Egypt

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