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by Ar. B. K. Prabu
Nature of light
Electro-magnetic theory
• Light is a form of energy wave
• Energy propagates in the form of electro-magnetic waves
• Specific wavelengths define quality and luminous colors of light
Nature of light
Quantum theory
• Light is a form of energy packet
• Energy is emitted & absorbed in the form of discreet packets called photons
• Amount of photons define the quantity of light
Nature of light
Velocity, Frequency & Wavelength of visible spectrum
• Velocity, C = 3 x 108 m/s
• Frequency, f = 405 - 790 THz •
Wavelength, λ = 380 - 780 nm •
Relationship between the three: C = fλ
Nature of light

• Physical phenomena - light “thrown back” when passing from one media to another
• Law of reflection - “angle of incidence = angle of exitance”
• Precondition - incoming & exiting rays are on the same surface • Applications -
designs of luminaire reflectors, sun-shades, daylight devices, etc.
Nature of light

• Physical phenomena - light “bends” when passing from one media to another •
Law of refraction - “speed-direction changes at border of transmission densities” •
Precondition - incoming & exiting rays need not be on the same surface •
Applications - designs of lenses, fibre-optics, daylight devices, etc.
Nature of light

• Physical phenomenon - transforming unpolarized light into polarized light •
Polarized light waves - light waves in which the vibrations occur in a single plane •
Polaroids - materials that block one of the two planes of a light wave •
Applications - filters, sunglasses, cameras
Nature of light

Black-body radiation
• Black-body emits light as a result of its interior temperature measured in Kelvin (K)
• Light emitted from a light source is described with respect to a black-body radiator
• Higher the temperature, lower the wavelength of light emitted
Visual & Non-visual effects of light

Visual effects
• Human eye & brain - image processing system
• Iris/Pupil - control & regulates the amount of light entering the eye
• Lens - focuses light onto the retina
• Retina - converts light to electrical signals for the brain to process
• Processing patterns - colour, depth, form & motion
Visual & Non-visual effects of light

Visual effects
• Colour - sensations on the eye as a result of the way an object reflects or emits light of a particular
• Retinal photoreceptors - rods & cones
• Cones - responsible for photopic (day & colour) vision
• Rods - responsible for scotopic and mesopic (night) vision
Visual & Non-visual effects of light

Non-visual effects
• Circadian rhythm - human sleep cycles are determined by light
• Light suppress production of sleep hormone (melatonin)
• Light enhances production of activity hormone (cortisol)
• Lack of light - seasonal affective disorder (SAD), depression
Visual & Non-visual effects of light
Non-visual effects
• Infra-red - wavelength 800nm to 1mm, just greater than red visible light
• Benefits - same benefits of sunlight without sunburns, improves blood circulation, recovers injured
muscle or tissue, treats arthritis & cures acne
• Hazard - high heat settings may cause damage to eyes or even blinding
• Safety - special protective goggles
Visual & Non-visual effects of light
Non-visual effects
• Ultra-violet - wavelength 10 nm to 400 nm, just shorter than violet visible light
• Benefits - production of Vitamin-D, skin conditions like psoriasis use UV-A (315-400 nm)
or UV-B (280-315 nm) for treatment
• Hazards - painful eye injury, skin burn, premature skin aging, or skin cancer.
• Safety - appropriate shielding and protective equipment
Basic units for measuring light

• Luminance - ratio of the luminous intensity of a surface to the projected area of the surface
• Unit & Symbol - candelas per square meter (cd/m2) & L = I/A
• Luminous flux - total amount of light emitted by a light source
• Unit & Symbol - lumen (lm) & Φ
• Luminous efficacy - ratio of luminous flux of a lamp in relation to its power consumption
• Unit & Symbol - lumens per watt (lm/W) & ŋ = Φ/P
• Luminous intensity - spatial distribution of luminous flux with respect to solid angle
• Unit & Symbol - candelas (cd) & I = Φ/Ώ
• Illuminance - Incident flux per unit area
• Unit & Symbol - lux (lx) & Em = Φ/A

Illuminance Luminance

- light falling on a surface - light reflected off a surface

Basic units for measuring light

• Inverse square law - quantity of light incident on an object is inversely proportional to the square of
its distance from the source of light
Basic units for measuring light

• Scientific system for the measurement of colour
• Munsell system - hue, chroma & value
• Hue - part of the spectrum occupied by the colour
• Chroma (Saturation) - strength of the colour or amount of grey in the colour
• Value (Lightness) - reflectance of the colour or amount of white in the grey
Production & Control of light
• Incandescence - emitting light as a result of being heated
• Applications - tungsten lamps, tungsten-halogen lamps

• Luminescence - emission of light by a substance • Types of luminescence - thermo, electro, photo, chemical
Production & Control of light

• Fluorescence - emitting light of longer wavelength by absorbing light of short wavelength

• Applications - fluorescent, compact-fluorescent lamps

• Phosphorescence - emitting light in a similar manner to fluorescence but on a longer timescale, so

that emission continues after excitation ceases
Production & Control of light
• Mirrors - reflective surfaces that reflect light rays
• Lenses - transparent objects for concentrating or dispersing light rays
• Prisms - transparent objects with triangular shape that separates white light into a spectrum of colours

• Reflectors - mirrors or other devices for reflecting light in a required direction

Production & Control of light
• Diffusers - devices that spread the light from a light source evenly & reduce harsh shadows

• Louvers - set of angled slats or flat strips aligned at regular intervals for controlling light
Production & Control of light
• Colour mixing
• Additive (light) mixing - blue, green & red
• Subtractive (pigment) mixing - cyan, magenta & yellow
Fundamental lighting considerations
Visual performance
Quality lighting

Visual ambience

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