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cost to produce and global warming also.

Transmission and Privatization and deregulation also produces new

challenges to the distribution systems. The
Distribution distribution systems doesn’t received the
technological impact as the generation and the
transmission whereas about 30% to 40% of the
Losses (Power) total investment in the electricity sector go to the
Jaiveer Kesria distribution systems. The developing countries
Department of Electrical Engineering loose their power about 20% of the generation. In
Universal Institute of Technology ,Garhi India, the transmission and distribution losses are
Hisar, Haryana, India about 23% in 2008. For a loss reduction program in
jkjaiveer@gmail.com transmission and distribution system, it is must to
for us to use effective and efficient computational
Abstract - Power generated in power stations pass tools that allows the loss in each different network
through large and complex networks like element for the reduction of losses.[1]
transformers, overhead line, cables and other The transmission and distribution losses can be
equipment and reaches to the end users. It is fact that expressed mathematically as follows:
the amount of electrical energy generated by power
station does not match with the amount distributed to (EIF(KWH)) − (BEC(KWH))
the consumers. Some percentage of the electrical 𝑇 & 𝐷 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠 =
𝐸𝐼(𝐾𝑊𝐻) × 100
energy is lost in the distribution network. This
difference in the generated and distributed amount of
electricity is known as transmission and distribution
T & D :-Transmission and Distribution
loss. Transmission and Distribution loss are the
amounts that are not paid for by users. EIF:-Energy input to feeder

Power transmission and distribution losses in India BEC:-Billed energy to consumers

were 21.97% as of 2010. Its highest value over the
past 39 years was 28.65% in 2001, while its lowest EI:- Energy input
value was 16.36% in 1971. Information collected
from an RTI query regarding the transmission and We all know that all energy supplied to the
distribution (T&D) losses has revealed how Haryana consumers doesn’t reach the end consumer. A
lost energy worth at least Rs 4,500 crores in the specific value of energy is lost in the transmission
past one year on account of line losses and power and the distribution system. The transmission and
theft. Haryana hit a low in 2002-3 with a 34 % loss distribution losses are of two types:
but showed consistent improvement in the past few
years when the losses have hovered around 26%. It is 1. Technical Losses.
very essential that immediate steps are initiated to
have an assessment of the realistic T &D losses in
2. Non- Technical Losses.
each of the states. The central or the state
governments should draw plans to provide financial As per TERI these losses are calculated as high as
support to the utilities for installations of meters on at 50%. According to SBI capital markets, the
least all the distribution transformers in a phased transmission and distribution losses are calculated
manner. We can reduce Losses by mitigating power around 58% of the generation. In advanced
theft. Publicity campaigns should be carried out to countries of the world the transmission and
make the consumer aware of the high penalties on the distribution losses ranges from 4 - 12%. Due to the
unauthorized use of electricity. population growth and economic development in
India, energy consumption has been increasing at
Key Words – Energy, Power, Electricity Act.
one of the fastest rates in the world in the recent
I. INTRODUCTION years. India;s ranking is fifth among the world in
Power is generated for the consumption of the terms of primary energy consumption. India
consumer. Distribution of power is the final and accounts for about 3.5% of the world commercial
most important link in the power supply chain and energy demand. According to a study carried by
most concerned part of the electricity sector. EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) of USA,
According to Power Grid Corporation of India the losses in various Transmission and Distribution
Limited (PGCIL) current power distribution losses system usually are of the order as indicated in
are about 30%. Due to the losses in power Table 1.
transmission and distribution, it also increases the
TABLE І Losses due to metering inaccuracies may be
defined as the difference between the amount of
The losses in various elements of the T&D system energy delivered through the meters and the
amount registered by the meters. The non –
Supply System Power Losses
technical losses are not easy to calculate but these
Minimum Maximum Step-up transformers
losses can be estimated by firstly calculate the
& EHV transmission system 0.5 – 1.0
technical losses and then subtract that technical
Transformation to intermediate voltage
level, transmission system & step down to 1.5-3.0 losses from the total losses.
sub-transmission voltage level
Sub-transmission system & step-down to 2.0-4.5 The non – technical losses are very important to
distribution voltage level control because these losses cover a large
Distribution lines and service 3.0-7.0 percentage of the total losses of a power system.
connections Administrative errors as well as unauthorized
Total losses 7.0-15.5
connections are the other reasons for the non –
technical losses. On transmission level, non –
technical losses are rare and can be neglected. The
A. Technical Losses
most probable reasons for the non – technical
Technical losses in any power system occurs due to
losses are as follows :-
the physical properties of the components we use
in that power system. Technical losses are the  Non – payment by consumers.
natural losses occurred by the internal action of the  Stealing by bypassing the meter.
power system. Technical losses consists of mainly  Errors in technical losses computation.
dissipation of power in the power system  By just ignoring the unpaid bills.
component like measurement system, power  Tampering with meters.
transformers, transmission lines etc. the technical  Errors in meter reading and billing.
losses of any power system are possible to compute  Tapping on LT lines.
but the losses can’t be reduced to zero, they only  Faulty energy meters or un-metered
can reduced up to an optimum level. In the supply.
distribution system, technical losses occur due to  Arranging false readings by bribing meter
heat dissipation resulting from current passing readers.
through conductors and from magnetic losses in
transformers. Technical losses occur due to the C. Electricity Act
current flow in the network and produce the
following types of losses :- A comprehensive Electricity Bill was drafted in
 Losses due to poor standard of 2000 following a wide consultative process in
equipments. recognizing the need for the reform process
 Harmonics distortion. covering the entire facets of the electricity sector
 Copper losses are due to I2R losses that comprising generation, transmission and
are inherent in all inductors. distribution. After various obstacles, the bill finally
 Unbalanced loading. enacted on 10 June 2003. It replaces the Indian
 Dielectric losses. Electricity Act 1910, Electricity (supply) Act 1948
 Losses due to overloading and low and the Electricity Commissions Act 1998. The
voltage. Electricity Act 2003 states that the regulatory
 Improper earthing at consumer end. commissions shall regulate tariff and the issue of
 Induction and radiation losses. licenses. The SEBs will be restructured into
 Long single phase lines. separate generation, transmission and distribution
entities. The Electricity Act 2003 states mandates
B. Non – Technical Losses license – free thermal generation, non-
discriminatory open access of the transmission
Non – Technical losses are sometimes also called system and gradual implementation of open access
as “commercial losses”. These losses occurs due to in the distribution system.
the external actions of any power system or by the
loads or some other factors that are not computed D. Remedial Actions
in the technical losses. The technical losses occurs
due to the instrumental errors. But on the other There are various remedies for the transmission
hand non – technical losses occurs due to power and distribution losses which are as follows :-
theft, unmetered energy, metering inaccuracies.
 Avoiding overloading of transformers. losses (NTL) in all forms are very real and
 Resizing of conductors. significant problems for utilities
 Ensuring a constant power factor to companies.[1]
industrial users.
 “Mohsin Mahmood” states that Energy
 Relocation of distribution transformers.
 Installation of capacitor banks. losses occur in the process of supplying
electricity to consumers due to technical
II. LITERATURE REVIEW and commercial losses. This paper
 “J.P. Navani” describes in his paper that presents a study on technical losses in
India faces very huge shortage of distribution system and analysis of the
electrical energy. He states that these impact of losses in power sector. In this
shortages had a very detrimental effect on paper we studied about the technical and
the overall economic growth of the nontechnical losses in distribution system.
country. The total losses equals to the As we see the transformer, its efficiency
technical losses plus non – technical depends upon the operating load.it has
losses. The total losses can also be defined two type of losses: no-load loss and load
as the difference between the metered loss. no-load loss is also called core loss
units of electricity entering the & it occurs when the transformer is
distribution network and those leaving the energized, it does not vary with load.
network paid for through electricity Load loss is called as copper loss & it is
accounts, whether estimated or metered, the power loss on primary and secondary
in a well-defined period of time. Private windings .we can reduce the losses by
companies become more involved in the locating the transformer closed to the load
distribution segment of the electricity center. The additional energy needs to be
industry. Thus this need is particularly produced and transferred to cover the
important in developing countries, where technical losses. By installing the
total losses are generally high, especially capacitor bank, resizing of conductors,
prior to the incorporation of the private shortening the distances and by phase
sector. The problem is that it is precisely balancing, the losses can be reduced.[2]
in these situations where needed data for
accurately estimating the total losses and
particularly their breakdown into technical
and non – technical components are
generally lacking. I have taken a two bus In this paper we had studied about the transmission
system with one bus as slack bus and load and distribution losses. We also studied about the
is on another bus. The load profiles of various reasons that are responsible for the
simple industrial area and residential area transmission and distribution losses. Keeping the
has been taken. The power factor above various reasons for the transmission and
contributions chosen here are negative distribution losses we should take several
because the NTL load is assumed to be initiatives for the reduction of the transmission and
inductive. The readings of one full day distribution losses. We have to mitigate the power
have been taken. Then a case study of one theft which is normal thing in the rural areas of
small village has been carried out to India. Strictly implementation of the audit schemes
determine the extent of non-technical is very necessary for the realistic determination of
losses in that area. Then their difference is the transmission and distribution. The financial
used to determine the extent of non- institutions should be encouraged to provide easy
technical losses in that area. The main loans to the utilities for the technological up
scope of future work is by the use of gradation. Consumer awareness programs should
newer technologies to increase
measurement capabilities. Non-technical
be carried out time by time by the utilities related
to the power utilization and power consumption.


[1]. J.P. Navani, N.K.Sharma and Sonal Sapra

“Technical and Non – Technical losses in power system
and its economic consequence in Indian Economy”

[2]. Mohsin Mahmood, Om Shivam, Pankaj Kumar and

Gopal Krishnan “Real Time study on Technical losses in
Distribution System” Vol.3, Special Issue1, Feb. 2014

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