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8/11/2019 Gmail - Data Science Insider: August 9th, 2019

Samuel Polancos <polancossamuel08@gmail.com>

Data Science Insider: August 9th, 2019

1 message

SuperDataScience Team <support@superdatascience.com> Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 4:04 AM

Reply-To: support@superdatascience.com
To: Samuel Polancos <polancossamuel08@gmail.com>

In this week’s Data Science Insider wrap: 7 new ML projects on GitHub. China’s
“Intelligent Education”. Robots As-A-Service trend. AI can predict movie success. Become
an anime character with AI.

- The SuperDataScience Team

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7 Innovative Machine Learning Projects on GitHub

In brief: The August installment of the
Machine Learning GitHub series, from
Analytics Vidhya. The 7 projects cover a
range of machine learning topics, from
computer vision, big data, NLP, and
more. Tutorials, guides and additional
resources are included. Highlights
include PyTorch-Transformers, a state-
of-the-art NLP library which drastically
cuts the computational power required to run models, Object detection/removal for
video, and a (very) early-stage Long Short Term Memory (LTSM) model for
autocompleting Python code

Why this is important: As well all know, studies aren’t enough to stand out from
other applicants in data science interviews. What really sets you apart is the strength
and scale of your projects, particularly with recently released technologies and
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frameworks. These 7 projects provide a welcome starting point to some of the most
popular and cutting-edge machine learning projects on GitHub.

Click here to read the full article.

China’s “Intelligent Education”, Poised To Expand

In brief: China is the world leader in AI
education, with over $1 billion invested
globally last year. This boom brings a
larger conversation on how best to use
AI to help further learning. Squirrel AI,
one of China’s largest such companies,
is the best poised to take its methods
overseas. Founder Derek Li envisions
the human teacher is a pilot, while the
algorithm flies the student’s (educational) plane. Its system can lift test-scores more
than an experienced teacher in a classroom setting. Other ed-tech companies like
Alo7 want to move away from China’s obsession with standard testing, using AI to
support human teacher’s classes. How will this affect students in the future?

Why this is important: On the one hand, anything that helps students struggle less
with math must be a good thing. With AI-powered adaptive learning, the system
spots a student’s weak points faster than a teacher, efficiently selecting practice
questions and lessons to build them up. On the other hand, AI education in its
current form is geared towards standardized testing. In the rapidly changing world of
work, with more jobs being automated than ever before, can an AI tutor teach
human ingenuity, problem-solving and creativity?

Click here to view.

Robots – The Next As-A-Service Trend?

In brief: Robots are being used with
increasing frequency to replace lower-
paying and repetitive human jobs. But
robots are expensive – a lot of robots
mean a long time to wait before seeing a
return on investment. A cloud-based
subscription model could supply a
robotic workforce that is affordable for
small and medium-sized businesses.
Today’s companies are already comfortable with the As-A-Service business model,
and big and small robotics players (including Amazon, Google, Honda, and
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Microsoft) are already developing pay-as-you-go robotics services. Areas most likely
to succumb to the RaaS trend are warehouse operations, security monitoring, and

Why this is important: Robots-as-a-Service could change the game in at least two
ways. First, the rapid advances in AI, machine learning and increased connectivity
open up new ways robots can work intelligently and collaboratively. This goes
double for RaaS systems underpinned by major forces like Google and Amazon.
Secondly, the lowered barrier to entry compared to in-house systems can bring
robotic solutions to less-obvious fields much faster.

Click here to read the full article.

AI Predicts Rollercoaster Emotions Key to Movie

In brief: Using only a detailed movie
summary, an AI tool can consistently
predict how audiences responded to the
plot. Researchers used plot summaries,
many from Wikipedia, of over 40,000
movies from around the world. Each plot
summary was broken down into its
component sentences, each rated for
positive or negative emotion. Successful
movies (based on movie-rating website Rotten Tomatoes’s score) tended to have a
high frequency of positive and negative fluctuation, while unsuccessful movies were
emotionally flatter. Whether the movie was happy or sad overall did not correlate to
its success – it seems cinema audiences crave an emotional rollercoaster.

Why this is important: If an AI tool can predict how successful a movie was from its
plot summary, could this be used to pick the next box office superstars? Perhaps,
although it seems the method will need some more refinement. Researchers used
three different models to produce a “volatility” score. All three did well predicting
which movie audiences would hate, but none was especially accurate at determining
what audiences loved. Still, filtering out box office flops early could free up
investment for better stories.

Click here to read.

New AI Can Turn You Into an Anime Character

In brief: Video game company NCSoft has created a machine learning tool that can
transform photos of people into an anime avatar. We’ve seen AI simulate adding
decades to your age, give you a classical painting makeover and change male to
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female and vice versa. Now, a team of

NCSoft researchers has developed a
tool to convert yourself into an anime
character. The tool uses Generative
Adversarial Networks (GANs), ‘learning’
from enormous quantities of human and
anime faces to generate new instances.
NCSoft has released the code on GitHub
and published the supporting research.

Why this is important: GANs have been in the news recently for the strength of
their ‘fake’ images but this project specifically focuses on image-to-image translation.
The researchers improved image-to-image translation in two novel ways. The first,
an ‘attention module’, divides an image into discrete points so the most important
elements can be classified. The second, a normalization layer, allows for greater
changes of shape than current similar AI models.

Click here to tune in.

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