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Articolul (The Article)

Articolul hotarât (The Definite Article)

Articolul hotarât are forma unica the.

Numele proprii sunt precedate de obicei de articolul hotarât când in

structura lor intra si un adjectiv sau substantiv folosit adjectival.

The United Kingdom, the United States, the Art Gallery

sau o constructie prepozitionala postpusa (cu of)

The University of Bucharest , the Houses of Parliament;

În aceste cazuri, articolul the este folosit chiar daca unul dintre cele doua
elemente este omis

the (river) Thames, the Tate (Gallery), the Pacific (Ocean), the
Mediterranean (Sea), the Intercontinental (Hotel)

Articolul hotarât se foloseste cu urmatoarele clase de nume proprii

a) substantive la plural:
the Browns - familia Brown; the Nertherlands - Olanda the Alps – Alpii

b) denumiri geografice:

- nume de râuri: The Danube, the Olt;

- nume de mari si oceane: the Black Sea, the Atlantic Ocean;
- nume de canaluri: the Suez Canal, the Panama Canal;
- nume de deserturi, golfuri, capuri: The Sahara, The persian Gulf, the
Cape of Good Hope.

c) nume de institutii:

- hoteluri si restaurante: the Lido, the Berlin Restaurant;

- teatre, cinematografe, cluburi: The National Theatre, the Capitol Cinema;
- muzee, bliblioteci:The British Museum, the National History Museum;

d) nume de ziare:

The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian.

Numele de reviste au de obicei articolul zero:

Life, English Language Teaching Journal.

e) nume de vase:

The Transylvania.

Substantivele proprii nearticulate primesc articol când se intentioneaza

restrângerea referintei la un anumit timp sau loc.

in Romania - in the Romania of today

Bucharest - the Bucharest I like
Eminescu - the young Eminescu
in Victorian England - in the England of Queen Victoria

Articolul nehotarât (The Indefinite Article)

Articolul nehotarât are doua forme: a si an.

An se foloseste inaintea substantivelor care incep cu vocale.

Articolul zero (The Zero Article)

Se foloseste in cazul in care substantivele sunt folosite cu inteles generic.

I like milk / coffee.

I like music / literature/ geography / traveling
I like long walks / good friends / games.

Este des intrebuintat in proverbe si in limbajul stiintific.

Haste makes waste.

Graba strica treaba.
Light travels faster than sound. Lumina se deplaseaza mai repede decât

Se foloseste cand se face referire la toti membrii unei clase:

Children like to play.

Copiilor le place sa se joace.

Urmatoarele clase de nume proprii se folosesc cu articolul zero:

a) Numele de persoane: Peter, John Brown, Dr Smith.

b) diviziuni de timp:
- zilele saptamânii: Monday, Friday.
- lunile anului: april, may, june.
- sarbatorile: Liberation Day.

c) denumiri geografice:
- continente: Europe, Asia.
- tari: Romania, Bulgaria, Francia.
- orase: Bucharest, Edinburgh.
- lacuri: Lake Ontario, Loch Lomond.
- munti: Ben Nevis, Mount Everest.

d) numele proprii urmate de substantive comune, denumind cladiri, strazi,

poduri, etc.: Bran Castle, Westminster Abbey, Oxford Street.

Sunt si substantive comune care se folosesc cu articolul zero. Majoritatea intra in componenta unor

Ce denumesc Articolul zero Articolul hotarât

Anotimpuri (in in during -spring/summer/ in the
during) autumn/winter spring/summer/
Anumite institutii (at, be in/go to- bed/hospital, class lie down on the
in, to, prison; bed,
etc.) be at/go to - modernize the
school/college/university; hospital,
be at/go home walk round the
be in/leave town prison,
walk past the
approach the
Mijloace de travel/leave/come - by - sit on the bicycle
transport (by) bicycle/boat/bus/car/train/plane be on the bus
sleep in the car
take the/a train
be on the plane
sit in the boat
Momente ale zilei si at/before - during the day
noptii dawn/daybreak/sunrise/sunset/ admire the
(at,by,after,before) dusk/twilight sunrise/sunset
at/around/before - see nothing in the
noon/midnight dusk
at/by - night in the afternoon
(by) day and night wake up in the
in the daytime
Mesele zilei have/before/at/after - The breakfast was
breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper good.
Dinner will be served at 7.00. She cooked the
The dinner they
offered us was
very good.
Nume de boli appendicitis the plague
anaemia (the) flu
diabetes (the) measles
influenza (the) mumps
Structuri paralele arm in arm He took her by the
hand in hand arm.
day by day He has a book in
face to face his hand.
from dawn to dusk From the
from morning till night beginning of the
from beginning to end book
from right to left to the end of it.
from east to west Keep to the right.
He lives in the

Omisiunea articolului (The Elypsis of the Article)

Exista unele situatii în care articolul hotarât sau nehotarât este omis.
Aceste cazuri se deosebesc de cele în care se foloseste articolul zero,
deoarece omiterea articolului nu produce modificari de sens ci are
doar o valoare stilistica.

a) I like honey. Îmi place mierea. (articolul zero = functia generic􀄃)
I like the honey they sell here. Îmi place mierea care se vinde aici. (articolul
hotarât the = referinta definita).

b) Take the honey to the children at the corner table ! Du mierea copiilor de
la masa din colt !
Takes honey to children at corner table. Duce mierea copiilor de la masa
din colt. (indicatii scenice).

Articolul se omite în urmatoarele situatii:

a) în vorbirea familiara:
(It’s a ) Pity they won’t be there. Pacat ca nu vor fi si ei acolo.
(Is the) Car still not working? Tot nu merge masina ?
(A)Friend of mine told me about it. Un prieten de-al meu mi-a spus despre

b) în limbajul jurnalistic:
Employees have to obey safety regulations. Angajatii trebuie sa respecte
regulile de protectie a muncii.

c) în indicatii scenice:
(The) Old woman goes to (the) settee (on the) right. Batrâna se îndreapta
spre canapeaua din dreapta (scenei).

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