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Eveready Industry limited

Number of employees: - 2886


Year Net sales (Rs in crore)

2017-18 1451.95
2016-17 1353.81
2015-16 1322.51
2014-15 1277.76
2013-14 1152.34


Year Profit after sales (Rs in crore)

2017-18 54.74
2016-17 93.63
2015-16 69.08
2014-15 49.08
2013-14 13.60

Share price:

203.85 (NSE 15 feb 2018)

Customer issues:

Damage Product receive

Bulb got fused
Poor Quality of bulb
Bulb fused before Warranty period

Data collection variable

1. Bulb is tested or not

2. Electricity issues
3. Wires and bulb holders are good/ Bad condition
4. Checking of the bulb before sell

HR issues
Old HR policies
Timing issues
Pay structure is not so good
Paper work not digitalized

Vertical for solving HR policies

Employee’s retention
Work timings
HR Policies

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