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Why Family Is Unconditional

On every bad day and every good day

Kelsey Stratford

So, what does that mean, unconditional?

The dictionary would say that it means 'not conditional or limited', and I would say the love of my family
taught me that's what 'family' really means, to love someone and be there for them through anything
and everything.

The unconditional love and support of my family always existed, it just took a fair amount of mistakes
and a long time to realize it.

Months ago, my mom could've said she loved me unconditionally for weeks before I finally realized what
that meant. It meant we could yell and scream and bicker and fight until hell would break loose, but I
know she'll still wake up the next morning loving me.

It means I can try as hard as I possibly can on a test and still fail it, only for my family to still love me.

It means when I lose my way and fall down, they'll be there to pick me up and brush me off, having
unconditional faith in me.

It means I can make stupid jokes with my siblings and call them dumb names and they would retaliate,
yet we still know we have unconditional love for each other.

It means no matter how many ludicrous boys come into your life, your dad and your brother will always
be there to give them a hard time and unconditionally protect you.
It means that to this day when I slip up and make a mistake, because we aren't all perfect and we ALL
make mistakes, that the first people I could run to would be my family. No judgements, just
unconditional love.

It only took me moving 500 miles away from my family and fighting with them for most of my high
school years for me to realize that my family really is there for me. Although it's taken time, I've realized
when life knocks me down and I struggle to get back up, the people that will always be there for me are
the ones that have been standing right behind me since the day I came into this beautifully flawed world.
I can laugh and I can cry, but the love of my family doesn't change. They have seen the best and they
have seen the worst, but their acceptance of me hasn't changed.

Show Unconditional Love with Genuine Listening

Another way to show unconditional love is by listening. Practicing active listening with your loved ones
will show them that their opinions matter and that they are important.

When you listen to them, you also get to know them on a deeper level. This will allow you to tailor your
conversations, actions – even gifts – to their particular character.

When you are willing to do something for others the way they want it done, you are showing
unconditional love.

Show Unconditional Love with Genuine Listening

Another way to show unconditional love is by listening. Practicing active listening with your loved ones
will show them that their opinions matter and that they are important.

When you listen to them, you also get to know them on a deeper level. This will allow you to tailor your
conversations, actions – even gifts – to their particular character.

When you are willing to do something for others the way they want it done, you are showing
unconditional love.

Showing gratitude communicates value and purpose. It also communicates unconditional love.

Stay Committed
Unconditional love requires a certain type of mindset. It is a mindset that says:

“I’m not going anywhere.”

When you have this mindset, you will do whatever it takes to make your relationships work.

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