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Complex waves

2.2 Sound • In general sound waves are a combination

of different frequencies.
Complex Sound Waves • The different frequencies can be
Beats determined by mathematical procedure
called a Fourier Transform.
Doppler Effect.

Complex waves consist of different frequency

components , i.e. harmonics.
Frequency dependence of Hearing





Beats Tuning musical instruments

Superposition of two waves with different frequencies produce
oscillation in amplitude.
Due to constructive and destructive interference.
The beat frequency for two musical instruments is zero
when the two are in tune. (have the same frequency)

Tb 1
Beat Frequency fb = = f2 − f1

Observer moving toward a Stationary
Doppler Effect source (Relative Velocity Increases)

Doppler effect- the shift in frequency of a

wave where the source and observer are
moving relative to one another.
Two different cases: The wavelength in the media is unchanged but the relative
Observer moving – source stationary velocity (vo + v ) between the observer and the wave is
Source moving- observer stationary. vo + v vo + v
fo = = fs
λs v

When observer is moving toward source

the frequency increases.

Observer moving away from a stationary Source moving toward a stationary observer
source (Relative velocity decreases) (wavelength in the medium decreases)

vo changes sign

the relative velocity between the observer and the wave is

v − vo
fo = •When the source is moving the wavelength of the wave in the media is changed
λs •when the source approaches an observer
v − vo •Wavelength decreases and frequency increases
then fo = fs
v v fo increases when
fo = = v
When observer is moving away from the source λ s − v s Ts vTs − v sTs fo = fs source moves toward
v − vs
the frequency decreases. (use – vo) observer.

Source Moving Toward observer A Source Moving Away from observer B

Moving Source Observer Moving Source


•Wavelength decreases λ = λ s − vT •Wavelength increases λ = λ s + vT

v v v v
Frequency increases fo = = Frequency decreases fo = =
λ s − v s Ts vTs − v s Ts λ s + v s Ts vTs + v s Ts
v v
fo = fs fo = fs
v − vs v + vs

General case Example
A fire truck is approaching an observer with a speed of 30
m/s. The siren has a frequency of 700 Hz. What
frequency does the observer hear as the truck
source vs approaches? What frequency is heard after the truck
vo observer passes. speed of sound 340 m/s
⎛ v + vo ⎞
fo = fs ⎜ ⎟
Approaching source vs positive

⎝ v − vs ⎠ ⎛ v + vo ⎞ ⎛ v ⎞ ⎛ 340 ⎞
fo = fs ⎜ ⎟ = fs ⎜ ⎟ = 700 ⎜ ⎟ = 700 (1.09 ) = 763Hz
vo positive when observer is moving toward source ⎝ v − vs ⎠ ⎝ v − vs ⎠ ⎝ 340 − 30 ⎠
vo negative when observer is moving away from source
Departing source vs is negative

vs positive when source is moving toward observer ⎛ v + vo ⎞ ⎛ v ⎞ ⎛ 340 ⎞

fo = fs ⎜ ⎟ = fs ⎜ ⎟ = 700 ⎜ ⎟ = 700 ( 0.92 ) = 643Hz
vs negative when source is moving away from observer. ⎝ v − vs ⎠ ⎝ v − vs ⎠ ⎝ 340 + 30 ⎠

Doppler shift of Electromagnetic Doppler Radar

• Electromagnetic waves are also shifted by the Doppler Doppler radar is used to determine the speed of a car.
• Since EM waves travel in a vacuum the equations
governing the shift are different. fo1 f
• The same shift is observed for moving source or moving
observer. fo2
• For motion with speeds less than the speed of light the
relation is the same as for the approximate shift for sound
waves when u<<v. The beat frequency between the Doppler shifted frequency
and the initial frequency is measured to determine the
u speed of the car.
f = fs (1 ± )
U = relative velocities of source and observe.
Positive sign when approaching
Negative sign when moving away.

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