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Organizational Behavior – Semester II- Session & Evaluation Plan

Batch 2014-2017

Session Topic to be covered Learning Outcome Hours

1-5 Introduction to Organizational To familiarize the students with 5
Behavior OB as a field , its foundations
The Meaning, Goals of Organizational and associated challenges.
Behavior, Fundamental concepts in
Organizational Behavior ,
Historical background of Organizational
Models of Organizational Behavior
(Autocratic, Custodial, Collegial,
Supportive, Systems)
6-20 Individual differences at work place •Understand perceptual clarity 15
about personality.
Biographical Characteristics •Discuss main determinants of
Age, Gender, Marital Status, Tenure personality.
Ability- Intellectual Ability, Physical •Describe perception attribution
in organizations.
•Understand various factors
The Ability- Job Fit
affecting human behavior.
Attitudes •Explain implications of
Definitions, Types, Cognitive behavior modification.
Dissonance Theory, •Describe reinforcement for
Values- Definition, Types, Values across inducing positive behavior.
Culture-Hofstede and Globe value •Understand the method of
survey formation of attitude.
Personality- Meaning, The Big Five •Discuss individual attitude in
Personality Traits, Major Personality organizations and indicate their
attributes influencing OB, effect on behavior.
Achieving Personality –job Fit •Understand the meaning,
nature and importance of
21-35 Foundations of Group Behaviour  To understand the 15
Group Dynamics and teams in modern extension of individuals
workplace into groups to deliver
Defining and classifying groups, The results despite of all the
dynamics of groups in organizations – differences.
group role, norms, structure and
cohesiveness, Theories of group
development-five stage model and
punctuated equilibrium model, The
nature and types of teams
Creating effective teams
Dysfunctions of groups and teams
Motivating teams
Definition, Early Theories of Motivation
(Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, Theory
X, Y, Herzberg’s Two Factor theory)
Contemporary Theories- Equity,
Vroom’s Expectancy Model , Porter and
Lawler Expectancy theory
Organizational Behavior – Semester II- Session & Evaluation Plan
Batch 2014-2017

Motivation: Application of the

concepts in Organizations
-Management by Objectives
-Employee Recognition Programs
 -Variable Pay Programs,-Skill-
Based Pay Plans,Flexible
35-55 Organizational culture and role of  To understand and 20
Leadership appreciate the concept
Definition, types, layers , functions of and value of
organizational behavior organizational structure
How culture is embedded in and its related
organizations dimensions.
The organization socialization process-  To sensitize with the
concept and importance
three phase model
of Leadership.
Leading people
Definition, difference between leaders
and managers, leadership styles
Theories of leadership-Trait theories,
Behavioural theories, Hershey
Blanchard’s Situational leadership
theory, Fiedler’s contingency approach,
path goal theory
Modern concepts of leadership-
charismatic leadership, Transactional
vs transformational leadership, level
five leadership

55-60 Team Assignment/Project  Application of concepts 5

This time shall be utilized to check learnt.
the progress on Project
Total Number of Marks : 100. External Examination : 60 marks. Internal Evaluation : 40 marks

Internal Evaluation Pattern

Serial Number Type Proposed Period * exact Marks

date will be intimated
1 Written Test As per exam dept. 10
2 Case Analysis December First week 5
3 Presentation on Team Project February Last week 20
4 Viva March 5

Name of Faculty : Prof. Anju Chawla

Signature :

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