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Translators :- Ad. Nilesh Chandrabhushan Ojha

B.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication),
(Author of “How to get justice against wrong judgments and police atrocities”)
ISBN :- 978-93-83833-12-2
All India President of Indian Bar Association (IBA)
Chairman of the Maharashtra chapter of Transparency International India (TII)

B.E. (Mech)
(Author of “Law of Success Both the worlds)
ISBN :- 978-1-60494-019-0
(Author of more then Ten books.)
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Name of the book:

Bhagwad Gita
In light of the holy Quran

ISBN No:- 978-93-80778-04-4

First Edition:- 2019
Price:- 300/-

21, Bachan singh compound, Sonapur, Bhandup (West), Mumbai-400078.
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Dr. Sajid Siddiqui has translated the prophets, than we assume that the
Bhagwad Gita from Sanskrit in Hindi and teachings in all divine books also should
Urdu languages in light of the holy be the same.
Quran. As for the Hindi translation, the
With this assumption we studied the
following two Sanskrit scholar certified
Bhagwad Gita, and found that our
as correct and authentic. And as for the
assumption was right. All divine books
Urdu translation, Government of
teache the same golden rules of humanity,
Maharashtra has honoured with Award.
and the main teachings in religion is that
The Holy Quran is extremely simple for God is one. Bhagwad Gita also has same
understanding. When we read Bhagwad teaching for mankind. Please read
Gita in light of holy Quran, this divine translation of this divine book and
book Bhagwad Gita also becomes enlighten your soul.
extremely simple for understanding.
We all are human being and mistake is
Every individual of India and world always possible with human being. We
should read, understand and follow it, may have committed mistake in
hence we are presenting this divine book understanding and translating this divine
in English also. We hope this will bring book. If you find any mistake, kindly let
peace and prosperity in society. us know, we will correct it immediately.
Why Bhagwad Gita is translated in May God bless us with wisdom to
light of the holy Quran? understand His divine scripture and help
us in following it too.
God said in the holy Quran [O
Mohammed (pbuh)] He ordered you to
follow the same religion which He has Ad. Nilesh Chandrabhushan Ojha
ordered to Noah (Vivasvat Manu) to Q.S.Khan
follow, same commandment He had also
sent to Abraham, Moses, and Jesus
Christ. He also commanded all of them to
Sanskrit scholars, who certified Hindi translation of
establish the religion and not get divided this book.
themselves. (Holy Quran 42:13)
Dr. Rekha Vyas
From above mentioned verse we can Translator of Four Vedas.
Writer of 18 Books.
understand that God sent the same Prof. Hemant D. Khairnar
commandments to all prophets . M.A. (Sanskrit),
M.Ed. (Sanskrit) Mumbai University
If the commandment were same for all
Following introduction is copied from Bhagwad Gita which was translated from Sanskrit to Hindi by Dr. Sajid
Siddiqui. From this Hindi translation we have translated this divine book into English.
We are copying preface from Hindi translation of Dr. Sajid Siddiqui here in Hindi only to preserve its original form
and text.

-[e@. jsKee JÙeeme Øees] nsceble oòee$esÙe Kewjveej

(ÛeejeW JesoeW keâer DevegJeeokeâ SJeb De"ejn ØekeâeefMele hegmlekeâeW keâer uesefKekeâe)
Sce.S. mebmke=âle efleuekeâ ceneje°^ efJeÕeefJeÅeeueÙe,
DeecegKe-DeodYegle efcemeeue Deewj ceMeeue
yeer.S[. mebmke=âle-Deb«espeer keâefJe kegâueieg® keâeefueoeme efJeÕeefJeÅeeueÙe jecešskeâ,
‘‘cesjs heefjefÛele Dekeämej cegPes keânles nQ nceejer lejn Deehe Yeer heefjefÛeleeW kesâ keâece efkeâÙee Sce.S[. mebmke=âle cegbyeF& efJeÕeefJeÅeeueÙe
keâerefpeÙes Fmemes DeÛÚe jnlee nw~’’ ceQ Gvemes keânleer ntB ceQ efpevekeâe keâece keâjleer ntB Jees Jeso efJe<eÙe kesâ efueS efJeÕeefJeÅeeueÙe ceW ØeLece ›eâceebkeâ (ieesu[ ces[ue) Øeehle keâjves
heefjefÛele ner nes peeles nQ, keâece kesâ ceeOÙece mes ngDee heefjÛeÙe yesno hegKlee, DeelceerÙe Jeeues.
Deewj "esme neslee nw~ [e@. meeefpeo peer mes Yeer heefjÛeÙe ye=no efJeMeeue keâeÙe& kesâ ceeOÙece
mes ngDee Deewj Flevee hegKlee nes ieÙee efkeâ ueielee ner veneR efkeâ Ùen cesjs JesoeW kesâ DevegJeeo ‘ßeerceodYeieJeoieerlee’ ceeveJe mebmke=âefle keâe Skeâ Deveceesue Ghenej nw~ ieerlee kesâJeue Skeâ
keâer ØeMebmee ceW DeeÙes Gvekesâ heâesve keâer Øeefleef›eâÙee keâe megheefjCeece nw Deewj veÙee heefjÛeÙe Oeeefce&keâ «ebLe ner veneR yeefukeâ Ùen ceeveJe peerJeve keâes mener ceeie& efoKeeves Jeeuee heefJe$e «ebLe
nw~ Yeer nw~ ceeveJe peerJeve keâer meejer mecemÙeeDeeW keâe nue Fme efkeâleeye ceW ceewpeto nw~ ßeer
keâce& ØeOeeve efJeMJejefÛe jeKee heeb[gjbieMeeŒeer Dee"Jeues pees mJeeOÙeeÙe mebmLee kesâ efJeÕemLeehekeâ nQ, Jen keânles nQ efkeâ,
keâce& me=ef° keâe cetue nw Deewj ieerlee keâe cetue Ùener keâce& nw~ meeefpeo peer ves Fmeer keâce& “Geeta is not only Bibles of Hindusim,
but geeta is a Bible of Humanity.’’
«evLe ieerlee Ùeeveer ßeerceodYeieJeoieerlee keâe DevegJeeo keâjkesâ FmeceW keâce&"lee keâe Skeâ
Deewj veÙee DeOÙeeÙe peesÌ[ efoÙee nw~ Fleves «evLeeW ceW mes Ùeefo FvneWves Fme «evLe keâe ÛeÙeve ‘‘ieerlee kesâJeue efnboglJe keâer yeeF&yeue veneR nw yeefukeâ ieerlee meejer ceeveJe peeefle keâer yeeF&yeue
efkeâÙee nw lees efveef§ele ner Fvekesâ ceve ceefmle<keâ hej Gmekesâ oMe&ve keâer Úehe nesieer ner~ nw~’’

[e@. ßeer. meeefpeo ves yengle mejue, Deece yeesue Ûeeue Deewj DeeeflceÙe ceW Ùen DevegJeeo peerJeve kesâ ØeÙeeme ceW ceveg<Ùe efkeâme Øekeâej keâe yelee&Je keâjs Ùen yeleueeles ngS ceeveJe peerJeve
efkeâÙee nw~ Ùen Fme DevegJeeo keâe meyemes meMeòeâ leLee ØeeCeJeeve he#e nw~ Got& keâe hegš kesâ ßes‰ GösMÙeeW keâes ieerlee oMee&lee nw~ heg®<eesòece Ùeesie, YeefJeleÙeesie, efmLeleØe%eoMe&ve, keâce&,
Fmes ueeKeeW ueesieeW lekeâ mebÛeejer yeveeSiee~ [e@. meeefpeo ieerlee kesâ cece& lekeâ hengBÛes nQ, ceerceebmee, Fve efJe<eÙeeW hej efJemleej mes yenme heefJe$e «ebLe ieerlee ceW nw~ Ùeeveer ceeveJe peerJeve
Ùen Yeer DevegJeeo keâer leekeâle nw, kesâJeue MeyoevegJeeo nes lees Jees yeele veneR yeveleer~ kesâ Gòece efJekeâeme kesâ ceeie& keâes oMee&lee nw~

Ùen DevegJeeo cenpe DevegJeeo Ùee lepeg&cee Yej veneR nw, efkeâmeer «evLe keâe Yee<eevlejCe Yej DeeojCeerÙe [e@. meeefpeo efmeöerkeâer meenye ves ieerlee keâe DeOÙeÙeve keâjkesâ cegmeueceeveeW kesâ
veneR nw~ Deefheleg mebmke=âefleÙeeW keâe mebiece, je°^erÙe Skeâlee keâer efcemeeue nw pees nceejer heefJe$e «ebLe ]kegâjDeeve Mejerheâ kesâ Oeeefce&keâ Âef°keâesCe keâes Skeâ otmejs kesâ meceeve keâjves keâe
meyemes yeÌ[er DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~ Deepe Yeejle hegve: efJeÕeieg® Deewj leekeâle yeve peeS Ùeefo pees ØeÙeeme efkeâÙee nw, Gmekeâer ØeMebmee keâes MeyoeW ceW yeÙeeve keâjvee yengle keâef"ve nw~
Ùen heejmheefjkeâ JewcevemÙe Deewj KeC[ve keâer YeeJevee Kelce nes peeS~ F&MJej Skeâ ner nw Deewj nce meye Gmeer Skeâ F&MJej keâer mebleeve nQ~ Fme YeeJevee keâes oMee&ves
ogYee&iÙe mes nceves ceneve «evLeeW keâes Oece& kesâ nJeeues mes osKeves keâer Deeole heeue jKeer nw, kesâ efueS DeeojCeerÙe meeefpeo efmeöerkeâer meenye Éeje efueKes mebmke=âle Yeeie keâes peebÛeves keâe
peyeefkeâ Ùen DeeÛeej MeeŒe nQ FvnW keâesF& Yeer Dehevee mekeâlee nw~ Ùes meyekesâ nQ meye Fvekesâ nQ~ meewYeeiÙe cegPes efceuee, ceQ Deheves Deehe keâes OevÙe mecePelee ntB~
[e@ meeefpeo kesâ DevegJeeo mes meceepe kesâ keâeheâer Yeüce štšWies~ ieerlee kesâ yeejs ceW keâce peeveves ßeer. [e@. meeefpeo efmeöerkeâer meenye keâer efkeâleeye keâe DeOÙeÙeve keâjves kesâ yeeo efnvot Je
Jeeues Fmes Ùegæ «ebLe mecePeves keâer Yetue keâj uesles nQ, peye efkeâ Ùen keâle&JÙe keâer Deesj kesâefvõle cegefmuece meceepe ceW Skeâlee keâe JeeleeJejCe efvecee&Ce keâjves ceW pe®j ceoo efceuesieer~ F&MJej
keâjves Jeeuee «evLe nw~ mJe-hej keâe Yeso efceševes, osn Deewj Deelcee keâe Devlej yeleeves Jeeuee Gvekesâ Fme ØeÙeeme keâes meheâue keâjs, Ùener cesjer MegYekeâeceveeSB nQ~
«evLe nw~ Deepe kesâ Yeškeâles, Yetueles YeesieJeeo keâer Deesj GvcegKe nesles meceepe kesâ efueS [e@.
meeefpeo keâe DevegJeeo ‘‘DeodYegle efcemeeue Deewj ceMeeue’’ nw~ -Øees. nsceble oòee$esÙe Kewjveej
(mebmkeâej mebmke=âle keäueemesme, ceeuesieeBJe kewâche)
-[e@. jsKee JÙeeme
Preface 04
Importance of following Divine books 13
Tips for understanding Bhagvad Gita correctly
Who is Shri Krishna?
Who was Arjun?
Description of Warriors. 21
Observation of military by Arjun. 22
Nervousness of Arjun. 27
Reason of not fighting war by Arjun. 28
(Note : We have given sub-titles to some shloks. This is for the convenience of understanding 31
the teaching of Bhagvad Gita. Original scriptures don't have such sub-heading )

Consoling by Sri Krishna. 36
Arjun expressed his feeling. 38
Sri Krishna preaching to Arjun about God, Spirit and life after death. 40
Shri Krishna explains about God to Arjun. 41
Shri Krishna receives revelation from God. 41
Description of the Spirit. 44
Responsibility of a warrior. 46
Compulsory religious duties. 47
Behavior of those who do not believe in one God. 48
Divine instruction for mankind. 50
Always work selflessly 51
Signs of having firm faith in God. 53
How to have control on our wishes. 53
How Destruction starts. 54
Importance of controlling thoughts. 57
Path of perfect peace and success.
Chapter-3 60
Introduction of H$_© ]§YZ compulsory religious duty.
Compulsory religious duty is inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable. 61
How to do compulsory religious duty. 63
Advantage of doing compulsory religious duty (prosperity). 65
Advantage of doing compulsory religious duty (peace and blessings). 66
Purpose of doing compulsory religious duty (Welfare of human society). 67
Motivation for compulsory religious duty (God Himself does it). 68
How to do Compulsory religious duty? 70
Divine instruction in a nutshell. 70
Disadvantage of not doing compulsory religious duty. 70
Details of hurdle in doing compulsory religious duty. 71
Understand your compulsory religious duty and do it. 71
Reason because of which humanbeing could not perform compulsory religious duty. 73
How to control our desire to follow our own wishes (H$m_:)
Chapter-4 74

History of ancient divine guidance. 76

How God guides the Mankind. 77
Benefits of Divine knowledge. 78
Reason of neglecting Divine knowledge. 79
Important Divine knowledge. 79
Important knowledge about activities or deeds. 80
Important divine knowledge. 82
Important divine knowledge in nutshell. 83
Various types of prayer for pleasing God. 83
Disadvantages of not praying to God. 85
Importance of prayer. 85
Importance of divine knowledge. 86
The fate of those who don’t pray. 87
Divine knowledge in nutshell. 87

Chapter-5 88
Hierarchy of Karams. 90
Effort to recognise greatness of God by analysing His creation is a prayer. 91
Importance of Karam Yog. 91
God will take accounts of deed. 94
Importance of Bhagwad Gita. 94
Importance of Divine knowledge. 95
How to get peace and happiness. 96
How to attain Paradise? 99
Chapter-6 101
Signs of a true Sanyasi.
Importance of controlling Soul, Self, Mind, Intellect.
Procedure of Meditation.
Requirement for Meditation.
Solution of all Miseries.
Advantage of Meditation.
Important instructions for pious life.
Improvement in way of thinking due to meditation.
Practical difficulties in meditation.
Solution of Difficulties.
Fate of imperfect worshiper.
Status of meditating worshiper.
Importance of knowledge about God and the hereafter. 117
Know eight materials of construction of universe. 118
Most important creation of God is hereafter. 119
Introduction of God. 121
Why people do not recognise God. 121
Three types of natures are for taking exams of human being. 122
Who belives in God? 123
Reason of worship of Deities. 124
Mistake committed by ignorant people. 125
Reason of Tension in life. 125
Advantage of having faith in God.
Introduction to God. 130
How to become eligible for heaven. 132
Importance of Remembering God at the time of death. 132
How to attain Paradise? 135
Description of the Hereafter. 136
Recognise God clearly. 136
Description of process of entry in to heaven and hell. 138
Divine teaching in a Nutshell.
Chapter-9 141
Teachings of this book are revealed by God.
Fate of Non-religious people.
Description of Greatness of God.
Description of becoming alive on the day of parlay.
Misconception of ignorant people.
Fate of ignorant people.
Features of Pious people.
Classification of Human being.
God clarifying misconception of ignorant people who worship others.
Divine Insurance.
Fate of those who earned less blessings.
Divine insurance.
Reason of worshiping Deities.
Fate of deity worshiper.
Noble person is VIP.
How to get freedom from compulsory religious duties.
For God all living entities are equal.
Believer are beloved of God.
Lower caste people can also enter in Paradise.
A profitable business.
Chapter-10 154
Introduction to God. 154
Advantage of believing in God. 154
Presence of emotion in mankind expresses greatness of God. 155
Capability of reproduction of living beings express Greatness of God. 155
Behavior of believers. 156
Divine wisdom. 156
Arjun praising God. 157
Arjun requesting God to show him His Majestic creations. 158
List of Supreme creations of God which expresses His Greatness. 163
Conclusion. 164
Source of life is because of a fragment of light of God. 165
Chapter-11 166
Arjun requests to see divine majestic creation of God. 168
God exhibit Arjun majestic divine creation. 169
God blesses Arjun divine eyesight. 169
Description of Angels which Arjun saw. 170
Light of Almighty God. 171
Arjun expresses his gratitude and praises God. 173
Arjun describing greatness of God. 174
Arjun saw Yamraj (Angel of death). 176
Arjun describing fearful appearance of Yamraj. 176
Yamraj introduces Himself. 177
Assurance of victory by Yamraj to Arjun. 179
Arjun again expressed gratitude to God. 180
Arjun expressed His Apology. 180
Arjun requested again to see majestic creation of God. 182
God turned down the request of Arjun.
Important divine instructions. 184

Chapter-12 185
Worshiping God in some form is an ignorance. 186
How worshiper earns Paradise? 188
What to do when we cannot concentrate on a formless God? 190
Who are beloved of God?
Summery of adheyay in a Nutshell
Understanding God and His great creation human being, along with emotions. 194
Intelligence and emotion of human being. 196
Merit of religious knowledge. 196
Special features of God which no one can have. 198
Description about Destiny. 201
Fact about human being destiny and control of God. 202
How a faithful worshiper observes this universe. 203
How God is life (Jaan, Pran) of each living thing. 203
Knowledge and faith required to attain Paradise.
Chapter-14 205
Advantage of divine knowledge. 205
Description of creation of living beings by God. 206
Characteristic of Sattvic nature. 206
Characteristic of Rajasic nature. 207
Characteristic of Tamasic nature. 207
Effect of nature on human being. 207
What happens when Sattvic nature dominates? 208
What happen when Rajasic nature dominate? 208
What happen when Tamasic nature dominates? 208
At the time of death when only Sattvic nature will dominate, that person will get heaven. 208
People with Rajasic and Tamasic nature will enter hell. 209
Effect of nature on activities. 209
Effect of nature on way of thinking. 209
Position of people in hell as per three tendencies. 210
Advantage of giving up all the three natures. 210
Features of a person with Ateet nature. 212
Summary of Adheyay.
Description of Paradise. 216
Secret of existence of living beings on earth. 217
On day of parlay all human beings will be raised again (come alive). 218
Recognise God, the great creator and worship Him. 219
Actual knowledge is knowledge of recognising the Great God.
Qualities and features developed by the Devil. 223
Details of Demoniac nature. 228
Most important Divine instruction.
Chapter-17 229

Faith in God is in-built nature of human being. 231

How nature get changed? 231
Whom do human beings worship after changing of nature. 232
Those who disregard the laws of divine books are Demons. 232
Favorite food of people with three nature. 233
The way of doing deeds and activities by people of three nature. 234
Austerity (V[:) of Body. 235
Austerity (V[:) of speech. 235
Austerity (V[:) of mind. 235
How Austerity (V[:) is done by people of three natures. 236
How charity is done by people of three natures. 238
How three names of God, that is Om, Tat, Sat is pronounced.
Importance of faith in God.
Difference between Sanyas and Tyag. 242
Which deed should never be abandoned. 242
Three types of Tyag. 244
Important information about deed or Activity. 245
Five deciding factors of activities. 246
When Sin is not considered Sin. 247
Three types of understanding of Divine knowledge. 247
How understanding changes with Rajasic nature. 247
How understanding changes with Tamsic nature. 248
Three types of Deeds (actions). 248
Activity of person with Rajasic nature 249
Activity of person with Tamsic nature 249
Three types of performer of action 250
Three types of intelligence. 251
Three types of patience. 251
Three kinds of peace. 253
Four types of nature related to profession. 253
Nature of Brahmins. 253
Nature of warriors. 254
Natures of Vaisya & Shudra. 254
Importance of own in-built nature in Success. 255
Golden rules for realization of God. 256
How to reach God directly. 257
Importance of blessing of God for eternal success. 257
Divine instructions to Arjun by God. 258
How God take exam. 258
Important divine instructions for Success. 259
Summary of Divine teachings. 259
Terms & conditions of teaching Bhawad Gita. 259
Advantage of spreading divine knowledge. 260
Advantage of learning and listening to Bhagwad Gita. 261
Arjun confirms that his illusion is dispelled. 261
Sanjay expresses his feelings.

Notes 263
N1) Introduction of God
N2) Introduction of Spirit, Soul and divine wisdom
N3) The concept of Rebirth
N4) Rebirth in Bhagwad Gita
N5) Why we should not expect returns of our good deed?
N6) Meaning of Sangam
N7) Meaning of Yog
N8) Different meanings of emotion Kama (H$m_m:)
N9) Explantion of sloke No. 2:12 & 4:5 300
N10) Avatar 303
N11) Meaning of sloke no. 4.41 304
N12) What is Destiny? 306
N 13) Meaning of Moksh 307
N 14) Gayatri mantra 310
N15) Similarity between Shankar ji and Prophet Adam (A.S) 312
N 16) Parlay or Qayamat 314
N 17) Explanation of Shlok No. 15:7 316
N 18) Atma or Parmatma 317
N 19) Who is Devil? 320
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Introduction

1- Importance of following Divine books

Importance of following divine books could Bhagwad Gita Sloke No. 17:6
be understood from the following shloks of EVV `m{ZroZ ^yVmoZ gdm©oU BoV C[Yma` & Ah_² H¥$ËñZñ` OJV: à^d: àb`: VÏmm
the Bhagwad gita. &&6&&
Bhagwad Gita Sloke No. 16:23 (Ed) Certainly (H$f©`ÝV•) (they want to) remove (_m_²)
Me (AÝV• eara ñW_²) who is situated in body (heart)
`: emó-odoY_² CËg¥Á` dV©V{ H$m_-H$maV: & Z g: ogoÕ_² AdmßZm{oV Z gwI_² Z
[am_² JoV_² &&23&& (AM{Vg•) (who is) invisible (eara ñW_²) created body of
(^yV• J«m__²) of all kind of living beings (oZûM`mZ²)
(God said) (`•) One who (dV©V{) acts (H$m_-H$maV•) under certainly (odoÕ) know (VmZ²) them (as) (Amgwa) demons.
the influence of desire (and) (CËg¥Á`) give up (emñÌ
odoY_²) laws of divine scriptures (g•) he (Z) neither Bhagwad Gita Sloke No. 16:16
(AdmßZm{ o V) achieves (ogoÕ_² ) perfection nor l AZ{H$ oMÎm od^«mÝVm: _m{h Omb g_md¥Vm: & àgº$m: H$m_-^m{J{fw [VoÝV ZaH{$
concentration in prayers (Z) or (gwI_²) happiness (in AewMm¡ &&16:16&&
life) (Z) or ([a_² JoV_²) (he achieve) supreme
(od^«mÝVm•) Confused by (AZ{H$) many (oMÎm) anxieties
destination (heaven).
(g_md¥Vm•) surrounded by (Omb) a network of (_m{h)
Bhagwad Gita Sloke No. 3:16 illusion (àg·Vm•) addicted to (H$m_ ^m{J{fw) sense
gratification ([VoÝV) (after death they) descend
l Ed_² àdoV©V_² MH«$_² Z AZwdV©`oV Bh `:& AK-Am`w: BoÝÐ`-Amam_: _m{K_²
[mW© g: OrdoV &&16&& down to (AewMm¡) the unclean (ZaH{$) hell.

(God said) (Ed_²) Thus ([mW©) O Arjun (`•) one who (Bh) l So ultimately those who don't read divine
in this life (Z) does not (AZwdV©`oV) adopt (MH«$_²) cycle books and don't follow the commandments of God,
of life (àdoV©V_²) established by holy vedas (AÚ Am`w•) they fall down in hell.
his life get filled with sin (g•) (because) He (OrdoV) Advantage of having divine knowledge
lives life (_m{K_²) only to get immersed in (BoÝÐ` Amam_•)
gratification of senses. Bhagwad Gita Sloke No. 16:24
Bhagwad Gita Sloke No. 17:5 Vñ_mV² emó_² à_mU_² V{ H$m`© AH$m`© ì`doñWVm¡ & kmËdm emó odYmZ Cº$_² H$_©
H$Vw©_² Bh Ah©og &&24&&
A-emó odohV_² Km{a_² Vß`ÝV{ `{ V[: OZm: & Xå^ AhH$ma g§`wº$m: H$m_ amJ ]b
AoÝdVm: &&17:5&& (Vñ_mV²) Therefore (ì`doñWVm¡) in determining (V{) your
(H$m`©) duty (AH$m`©) (and) forbidden activities (emñÌ_²
(`{) Those who (AemñÌ odohV_²) (follow pattern of life à_mUm_²) (let) scriptures be your standard (authority)
which is) not prescribed by the scriptures (AoÝdVm•) (kmËdm emñÌ) understand scriptures (odYmZ) the
(and) under influence of (Xå^m) hypocrisy (AhL>H$ma) regulations (C·V_²) (and the) teachings (H$Vw©_²) (and)
false ego (g§`w·Vm• H$m_) engaged in gratification of do (H$_©) your duty (Bh) in this world (Ah©og)
senses (amJ ]b) anger and power (Km{a_² Vß`ÝV{) (and (appropriate) accordingly.
give) stern trouble (Vd: OZm) (to those) people (who
do) severe prayer (of God). Bhagwad Gita Sloke No. 4:36
l Ao[ M{V² Aog [m[{ä`: gd}ä`: [m[-H¥$V-V$_: & gd©_² kmZ-ßbd{Z Ed d¥oOZ_²
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Introduction

gÝVoaî`og &&4:36&& kmZ{[oag_mß`V{&&4:33&&

(M{V²) If (Aog) you are ([m[ H¥$V² V_•) most sinful (g>d©_²) (in) ([aÝV[) O Arjun (l{`mZ²) (it is) superior (`k•) to please
all ([m[{ä`•) sinners (Ao[) then also (kmZ-ßbd{Z) by the God by prayer (`kmV²) to with divine knowledge (`k•)
boat of divine knowledge (Ed) certainly (gÝVoaî`og) (than the) praying God by (Ðì`_`mV²) (sacrifying
you shall cross over (d¥oOZ_²) the ocean of miseries only) material possessions ([mW©) O son of Partha
(sin). (AoIb_²) completion (perfection) (gd©_²) all (H$_©) deed
([oag_mß`V{) (depends on) complete awareness of
Bhagwad Gita Sloke No. 4:37 (kmZ|) divine knowledge.
l `Wm EYm§og go_Õ: Ao¾: ^ñ_-gmV² Hw$éV{AOw©Z & kmZ-Ao¾: gd©-H$_m©oU
^ñ_gmV² Hw$éV{VWm &&4:37&& Bhagwad Gita Sloke No. 5:16
kmZ{Z Vw VV² AkmZ_² `{fm_² ZmoeV_² AmË_Z: & V{fm_² AmoXË`-dV² kmZ_²
(AOw©Z) O Arjun (`Wm) as (the way in which) (go_Õ•) àH$me`oV VV² [a_² &&5:16&&
blazing (Ao¾) fire (Hw$éV{) turns (EY§og) fire wood
(^ñ_gmV²) to ashes (VWm) similarly (kmZ Ao¾) the fire of (Vw) But (VV²) that (those) (AmË_Z•) human being (`{fm_²)
knowledge (Hw$éV{) turns (gd© H$_m©oU) all (bad) deeds whose (kmZ{Z) divine knowledge (ZmoeV_²) has been
(^ñ_gmV²) to ashes. destroyed (AkmZ_²) by ignorance (kmZ_²) This divine
knowledge (of Bhagvad Gita) (àH$me`oV) illumines
Bhagwad Gita Sloke No. 4:38 (V{fm_²) on them (VV²) that ([a_²) supreme entity (God)
l Z oh kmZ{Z gÑe_² [odÌ_² Bh odÚV{& VV² ñd`_² `m{J g§ogÕ: H$mb{Z AmË_oZ (AmoXË`-dV²) is like the sun.
odÝXoV &&4:38&&
Bhagwad Gita Sloke No. 18:66
(oh) Certainly (gÑe_²) like (kmZ{Z) divine knowledge (Z) gd©-Y_m©Z² [oaË`Á` _m_² EH$_² eaU_² d«O & Ah_² Ëdm_² gd© [m[{ä`:
nothing (odÚV{) exists (Bh) in this world (which) _m{jo`î`mo_ _m ewM: &&18:66&&
([odÌ_²) purifies. (VV²) By that (divine knowledge)
(ñd`_²) (human being) by himself (`m{J) get ([oaË`Á`) Abandon (gd© Y_m©Z²) all religions, (eaU_² d«O)
connected (to God) (g§ogÕ•) completely (H$mb{Z) (and) come to the shelter of (_m_² EH$_²) Me, the one God
in course of time (he) (odÝXoV) finds (AmË_oZ) (peace) (Ah_²) I (will) (_m{jo`î`mo_) forgive (Ëdm_²) your (gd©) all
within the heart. ([m[{ä`•) sins (_m ewM•) do not worry.

Bhagwad Gita Sloke No. 4:39 ******

lÕm-dmZ² b^V{kmZ_² VV²-[a: g§`V BoÝÐ`: & kmZ_² bãÜdm [am_² emoÝV_² AoMa{U
AoYJÀN>oV &&4:39&&
(lÕm-dmZ²) The faithful person (bãÜdm) having achieved
(kmZ_²) divine knowledge (and) (g§`V) (and by)
controlling (BoÝÐ`•) senses (wish to enjoy) (kmZ_²) (by
this) divine knowledge (b^V{) (achieves) (favour
of) (VV²) that ([a•) greatest of all (God) (AoMa{U) (then)
without delay (AoYJÀN>oV) (he) attains ([am_²) supreme
(emoÝV_²) (place of) peace (heaven).
Bhagwad Gita Sloke No. 4:33
l{`mZ² Ðì`-_`mV² `kmV² kmZ-`k: [aÝV[ & gd©_² H$_ª AoIb_² [mW©
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Introduction

2-Tips for understanding Bhagwad Gita correctly

Bhagwad Gita Shlok No. 18:74; ñd`_² Ed AmË_Zm AmË_mZ_² d{ËW Ëd_² [wéf-CÎm_ & ^yV-^mdZ ^yV-B©e X{d-X{d
OJV²-[V{ &&10:15&&
BoV Ah_² dmgwX{dñ` [mW©ñ` M _hm-AmË_Z: & g§dmX_² B__² Alm¡f_² AØxV_² am{_- Arjun said,
hf©U_² &&18:74&& (Ed) Certainly (AmË_mZ_²) (about) yourself (AmË_Zm) O God
(g§O` CdmM) Sanjay said (BoV Ah_²) this way I (Alm¡f_²) heard (you) (d{ËW) know (ñd`_²) yourself (only) (Ëd_²) you (are)
(B__² g§dmX_²) this conversation (am{_-hf©U_²) (which is) ([wéf• CÎm_) the supreme personality (^yV ^mdZ) the creator
wonderful, and cause the hair to stand on end of all beings (^yV B©e) the lord of all beings (X{d-X{d) the
(dmgwX{dñ`) (between) Shri Krishna ([mW©) Arjun (M) and God of devtas (OJV² [V{) the lord of universe.
(_hm AmË_Z•) supreme soul. (God)
Arjun said,
Sanjay said, this way I heard this conversation Certainly (about) yourself O God (you) know
(which is) wonderful, and cause the hair to stand on yourself (only) you (are) the supreme personality the
end (between) Shri Krishna Arjun and supreme soul. creator of all beings the lord of all beings the God of
(God) devtas the lord of universe.
Bhagwad Gita Shlok No. 10:14; l So from above mentioned three slokes we can
gd©_² EVV² F$V_² _Ý`{ `V² _m_² dXog H{$ed & Z oh V{ ^JdZ² ì`oº_² odXw: X{dm: Z understand that Bhagvad Gita is a conversation
XmZdm: &&10:14&& between Arjun, Shri-Krishna and God.
Arjun said,
(`V) Whatever (H{$ed) Shri Krishna (dXog) telling (_m_²) l Sanskrit scholar Shri Sunderlal ji in his book
Me (about you) (gd©_²) all (EVV²) those (_Ý`{) I accept as “Gita aur Quran” (On page no. 102) says that as per
(odV_²) truth (oh) certainly (^JdZ²) O God (Z) neither (X{dm:) many scholar, in battlefield Arjun received about
100 commandments, or instructions or explanations
Devtas (Angels) (Z) nor (XmZdm•) demons (odXw•) can
of his doubts from God.
understand (V{$) your (ì`o·V_) personality (your
At that moment in battlefield, no one recorded it
immediately. But later on Maharishi Ved Vyas ji
Arjun said,
expanded it into 700 slokes, and wrote it
Whatever Shri Krishna telling Me (about you) all
systematically, so that common people could
those I accept as truth certainly O God neither
understand and benefit from it.
Devtas (Angels) nor demons can understand your
personality (your greatness).
l When prophet David said “Be still, and know
that I am God”. (Oremns Bible : Psalm 49.10) No
l After reading above mentioned shlok, we can
one said prophet David is God, as he is saying “I am
sense that these words Arjun is not talking to Shri
God”. They understood that these words are of God.
Krishna, But to God.
And this is a revelation.
Bhagwad Gita Shlok No. 10:15;
Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said, “Indeed, I am the

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Introduction

lord, there is no God except Me. So worship Me

only.” (Holy Quran 20:14)

When these words were spoken by prophet

Mohammed (pbuh), no one said prophet
Mohammed (pbuh) is God, as he is saying,
“Indeed, I am the lord.” But people understood that
he is repeating words of God, which he (pbuh)
received by revelation.

l Exactly in the same way this Bhagwad gita is

revelation of God, received by Shri Krishna.

For example Shlok no. 10:3 of Bhagwad Gita is as

follows :
`: _m_² AO_² AZmoX_² M d{oÎm bm{H$ _hm-B©ída_² & Agå_yT>: g: _Ë`}fw gd©-[m[¡:
à_wÀ`V{ &&3&&
(`) One who (d{oÎm) knows (consider) (_m_²) Me (AO_²)
unborn (AZmoX_²) beginning less (_hm B©ída_²) the supreme
lord (bm{H$) of the universe (g•) he is (Agå_yT>•) not a fool
(à_wÀ`V{) (He will be) free from (gd© [m[¡•) all sins (_Ë`}fw)
after death.

One who knows (consider) Me unborn, beginning

less, the supreme lord of the universe. He is not a
fool. (He will be) free from all sins after death.

These words were pronounced by Shri Krishna.

But from content and subject of sentences we can
understand that these are words of God only.
Because Shri Krishna is not unborn and beginning

l Up to sloke No. 17 of chapter 2, the

conversation is between Arjun and Shri Krishna.
And sloke No. 2.18 and onward mainly it’s words
of God, which Shri Krishna has pronounced.


Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Introduction

3-Who is Shri Krishna?

Bhagwad Gita Shlok No. 2:17; Bhagwad Gita Shlok No. 8:3;
AodZmoe Vw VV² odoÕ `{Z gd©_² BX_² VV_² & odZme_² Aì``ñ` Añ` Z H$oíMV² H$Vw©_² Aja_² ]«÷ [a__² ñd^md: AÜ`mË__² CÀ`V{ & ^yV-^md-CX²^d-H$a: odgJ©: H$_©
Ah©oV &&17&& g§okV: &&8:3&&
(Shri Krishna said) (Vw) indeed (odoÕ) (you should) (lr ^JdmZ CdmM) The God said ([a__²) the supreme (Aja_²)
know (that) (VV²) that (God) is (AodZmoe) immortal (`{Z) immortal or Om (which is a name of God) (CÀ`V{) is
because of whom (gd©_²) this whole universe (VV_²) called (]«÷) Brahma or God. (ñd) Every human being
exists. (Z H$oûMV) no one (Ah©oV) is able (H$Vw©_) to do (^md•) has a nature to follow the commandment of
(odZme_²) destruction of (Añ`) that (God.) God (g§okV•) is called (AÜ`mË__²) the Soul (self) (CX²^d)
after creating (^wV) creatures (odgJ©•) assigning (H$_©) a
Shri Krishna said, indeed (you should) know (that), function to individual creature is (H$_©) is karam.
that (God) is immortal, because of whom this whole (Activity of managing the universe by God).
universe exists. No one is able to do destruction of
that (God.) (The God said,) the supreme, immortal or Om
(which is a name of God) is called Brahma or God.
l As per sloke no. 17:24 of Bhagwad Gita OM, Every human-being has a nature to follow the
TAT, SAT are three names of God. commandment of God is called the soul (self). After
creating creatures, assigning a function to
Shri Krishna said “tat”, that means that (God) is individual creature is karam. (or activity of God for
immortal. He has not said that “mat” or “aham” or I managing the universe).
am immortal.
Bhagwad Gita Shlok No. 8:4;
That means Shri Krishna is himself praising God,
and not saying that I am the God. AoY^yV_² ja: ^md: [wéf: M AoYX¡dV_² & AoY`k: Ah_² Ed AÌ X{h{-^¥Vm_² da
Bhagwad Gita Shlok No. 8:1; (God said)
(da) O the best (X{h-^¥V_²) among those who have
l oH$_² VV² ]«÷ oH$_² AÜ`mË__² oH$_² H$_© [wéf-CÎm_ & AoY-^yV_² M oH$_² àm{º$_² bodies (^md•) nature (of) ([wéf:) human beings (is) (ja•)
AoY-X¡d_² oH$_² CÀ`V{ &&8:1&& destructible (AÌ) in this (X{h{) body (Ah_²) I (the God
(AOw©Z CdmM) Arjun said (oH$_²) who is (VV²) that (]«÷) rule, who is) (AoY^wV_²) lord of all creatures (AoYX¡dV_²)
brahma (God) (oH$_²) what is (AÜ`mË__²) individual soul lord of all devtas (Angles) (AoY`k•) the Lord, who
(oH$_²) what is (H$_©) karma ([wéf CÝV_) (of) the supreme send the divine scriptures.
entity (God) (M) and (oH$_²) who (àm{·V_²) is called (AoY
^yV_²) lord of all creatures (oH$_²) who (CÀ`V{) is called (AoY O the best, among there who have bodies, nature
X¡d_) the lord of devatas (Angles). (of) human beings is destructible. In this body I (the
God rules, who is) lord of all creatures. lord of all
Arjun said, who is that brahma (God). What is devtas (Angles), and the Lord, who send the divine
individual soul. What is karma (of) the supreme scriptures.
entity (God). And who is called lord of all creatures.
Who is called the lord of devatas (Angles)?. l So whenever Arjun asked about God, Shri
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Introduction

Krishna never said that I am God. But he described in mind about Shri Krishna. To Shri Krishna he said
the indestructible, immortal, and supreme entity of uttam purush, and to God he said ishwaram (or
God only. Ishwar).

Bhagwad Gita Shlok No. 18:78; Bhagwad Gita Shlok No. 10:37;

`Ì `m{J-B©ída: H¥$îU: `Ì [mW©: YZ: Ya: & VÌ lr: odO`: ^yoV: Y«wdm ZroV: _oV: __ d¥îUrZm_² dmgwX{d: Aoñ_ [mÊS>dmZm_² YZ‚m`: & _wZrZm_² Ao[ Ah_² ì`mg: H$drZm_²
&&18:78&& CeZm H$od: &&10:37&&
(Sanjay said), (`Ì) Wherever (`m{J B©ída• H¥$îU) (there will (God said)
be) Shri Krishna who is Yogeshwar (`Ì) wherever ([mW©• (Aoñ_) I am (dmgwX{d•) Krishna (d¥îUrZm_²) amongst the
YZw• Ya•) (there will be) the supreme Archer, Arjun (VÌ) descendants of Vrishi (YZÄO`•) Arjun ([mÊS> d mZm_² )
there will be (lr•) opulence (grace) (odO`•) victory (^yoV) Amongst the Pandvas (Ao[) also (Ah_²) I am (ì`mg•) Ved
prosperity (Y«wdm ZroV•) firm law (justice for all, no Vyas (_wZrZm_²) amongst the sages (H$drZm_²) Amongst the
partiality) (_oV• __) this is my opinion. poets (CeZm H$od) (I am) Usana poet.

Sanjay said, wherever (there will be) Shri Krishna (God said) I am Krishna amongst the descendants of
who is yogeshwar, wherever (there will be) the Urishni. (I am) Arjun Amongst the Pandvas. I am Ved
supreme Archer, Arjun. There will be opulence, Vyas amongst the sages, Amongst the poets (I am)
victory, prosperity, firm law (justice for all, no Usana poet.
partiality), this is my opinion.
On requests of Arjun, God enlisted his various
Sanjay clearly says that Shri Krishna is Yogeshwar, majestic creation, from sloke no. 10:20 to 10:36. And
and not Ishwar, or God. In Nalanda Vishalsabd sagar at the end God said, Shri Krishna, Arjun, and Ved
kosh (Dictionary) on page no. 1144, there are 38 Vyasji are also his majestic creation. This show Shri
meanings of word yog. First meaning of yog “is to Krishna is creation of God.
unite”. and seventh meaning of yog is Doot
(messenger). So yogeshwar means messenger of Bhagwad Gita Shlok No. 7:19;
yentveeced pevceveeced Devles %eeve-Jeeved ceeced ØeheÅeles~ JeemegosJe: meJe&ced Fefle me:
Bhagwad Gita Shlok No. 11:3; cene-Deelcee meg-ogue&Ye: ~~ (7:19)
God said that (_hm AmË_m) great divine personality (like)
Ed_² EVV² `Wm AmËW Ëd_² AmË_mZm_² [a_-B©ída & Ðïx_² BÀN>mo_ V{ é[_² E{ída_² [wéf- (dmgwX{d•) Sri Krishna (gw-Xwb©^•) is extremely rare (]hwZm_²)
CÎm_ &&11:3&& (among) many (kmZdmZ²) religious scholars (OÝ_Zm_²) who
(Arjun said) (CÎm_ [wéf) O great person (Shri Krishna) takes birth on earth (and who do) (gd_©²) all deeds (_m_²
(`Wm) just as (Ëd_²) you (AmË_mZ_²) yourself (AmËW) have à[ÚV{) as per My (God’s) command (AÝV{) till death.
spoken (EVV²) this (about Great materialistic creation to
express) ([a_) greatness of (Eûda_²) God. (Ed_²) like this God said that Great divine personality (like) Sri
(V{) (from) you (BÀN>mo_) I desire (Ðïx>_²>) to see (é[_²) divine Krishna is extremely rare (among)many religious
creation of (Eûda_²) God (also). scholars who takes birth on earth (and who do) all
deeds as per My (God’s) command till death.
O great person (Shri Krishna), just as you yourself
have spoken this, (about Great materialistic creation In this sloke God praises Shri Krishna.
of God to express) greatness of God. Like this (from)
you I desire to see divine creation of God (also). Shri Vishnu puran- 5/23/12

From this sloke we can learn that Arjun was very clear l Shri Krishna said,
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Introduction
xÉɽþ näù´ÉÉä xÉ MÉxvÉ´ÉÉå xÉ ªÉIÉÉä xÉ SÉ nùÉxÉ´É:* Search Grave of Hazrat Nooh on youtube to see this
+½ÆþÆ ´ÉÉä ¤ÉÉxvÉ´ÉÉå VÉÉiÉÒ xÉèiÉÉÎSSÉxiªÉʨÉiÉÉä½þxªÉlÉ* (ßeer efJe<Ceg hegjeCe 5/23/12) grave. It is 15 meter long. It’s link is as follows;

Neither I am Dev, nor Gandharve, neither yaksh, nor https://youtu.be/5NAarYBzFno

Danav. I came into existence from friend (human-
being) like you only. You should not worry much about l Grave of Hazrat Sheesh is also at the holy city of
this matter. (Sri Vishnu Puran 5/23/12) Ayodhya at a place called Mani purbat. To see his
grave search “Grave of prophet Sheesh” on youtube.
l Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) said, “There was a This grave is also very long.
prophet of God in India, who was dark in colour, and
his name was Kahan.” ******
(Taarikh-i-Hamdaan Dailami, P-854 by Malik Abdur Rahman

l God says in holy Quran “In every ummah

What is the meaning of ‘Bhagwan’?
(community or nation) we have sent prophet” (Holy
Quran 16:36) As per Oxford English dictionary ‘Bhagwan’
India is a great nation, hundreds of prophet might have means;
come in India. 1) God 2) A guru or a person for whom we have
deep respect or admiration.
So Shri Krishna is Yogeshwar and not Ishwar. He gave
message of Ishwar to mankind. As per www.shabdkosh.com
Bhagwan (^JdmZ) means;
And this divine book Bhagwad Gita also mankind
received from God through Shri Krishna. 1) God head
2) god
l In India we get proof of three prophets. 1) Hazrat
Adam (rst human being). He is also known as 3) goodness
“Swyambhav Manu”. As he came into existence 4) heaven
without parents.
5) land
l Hazrat Sheesh (He is third son of prophet Adam 6) the Deity
and also known as “Shwet” in Bhavishya puran)
7) God.
l Hazrat Nooh (Vivasvat Manu). (in his era great In Bhagwad Gita, this word Bhagwan is used for
ood came) Shri Krishna as well as for God.
l Hazrat Adam desended in Sri Lanka from heaven.
Search “Foot of Adam” on youtube to see of his foot
print on top of a hill. That foot print is called Shri-pad
or foot print of Shankar ji.

l Grave of Hazrat Nooh (Vivaswat Manu) is in holy

city of Ayodheya. At following address :

Address :- Hazrat Nooh ki Qabar (Naw Gazi Mazar)

Behind Kotwali, Ayodheya-Faizabad,UP.Pin-241125
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Introduction

4-Who was Arjun?

l After the death of prophet Moses, people of Israel life, sin or to hell) ([mÊS>d) o son of partha (_m ewM•) (you)
requested prophet Samuel to plead God, that God may don't worry (Aog) (as) you are (Ao^OmV•) born with (X¡dr_²)
appoint a king for them. So that under command of divine (gå[X_²) qualities.
that new king, they can ght with their enemy. On
their request prophet Samuel pleaded to God and God It is My decision that divine qualities (in human-
appointed Jaloot as their king. People of Israel beings) lead to freedom (from sin and miseries of life).
strongly objected appointment of Jaloot as their king, Demonic (qualities) bind to (miseries of life, sin or to
and said that there are so many rich people than Jaloot hell). O Arjun, (you) don't worry, (as) you are born
in our society, then why Jaloot is selected as their with divine qualities.
king. Prophet Samuel replied “God has blessed him, gd©-Jwø-V__² ^y`: e¥Uw _{ [a__² dM: & Bï>: Aog _{ ÑT>_² BoV VV: dú`mo_ V{ ohV_²
with too much knowledge and a strong body, hence &&18:64&&
God has given him preference over you people. God said,
(Holy Quran 2:247) (^y`• e¥Uw) (O Arjun) Again listen ([a__² dM•) supreme
Knowledge and strong body, these were criteria by instructions (gd© Jwø V__²) (which are) the most confident
which God selected a person to lead an army, even in of all (_{) from Me (Bï>• Aog _{) you are dear to Me (ÑT>_²)
presence of prophet Samuel. (and you have) firm (faith in Me) (BoV) hence (V{ ohV_²) for
your benefit (dú`mo_) I am speaking (VV•) that
`Xm `Xm oh Y_©ñ` ½bmoZ^©doV ^maV & Aä`wËWmZ_Y_©ñ` VXmË_mZ§µ (confidential knowledge to you).
g¥Omå`h_² &&4:7&&
(O Arjun) Again listen supreme instruction, (which
(`Xm-`Xm) whenever (and) whereever (JbmoZ• ^drV) there is are) the most confident of all, from Me. You are dear to
decline of (Y_©ñ`) righteousness (Aä`wËWmZ_²) (and) increase Me, (and you have) firm (faith in Me). Hence for your
(AY_©ñ`) of unrighteousness (oh) certainly (VXm) at that time benefit I am speaking that (confidential knowledge to
(Ah_²) I (AmË_mZ_²) my self (g¥Omo_) deliver (the divine you).
From above mentioned shlok no. 4.7, It seems that, l ^y`: Ed _hm-]mhm{ e¥Uw _{ [a__² dM: & `V² V{ Ah_² àr`_mUm` dú`mo_ ohV-
period of Mahabharata was a time of decline in H$må``m &&1&&
righteousness and increase in unrighteousness. Hence
l (lr ^JdmZ CdmM²) God said that (_hm]mhm{) O (Arjun) the
war of Mahabharata was fought to re-establish
mighty armed one (^y`m•) again (e¥Uw) listen (_{) My ([a__² dM)
righteousness in society.
divine teachings, (`V²) which (Ah_²) I will (dú`mo_) say
(reveal) (V{) to you, (Ed) certainly (àr`_mU`) you are My
l In general Arjun is projected as a warrior and
beloved worshiper, (ohV H$å``m) (and I am) desiring your
expert archer. But following slokes of Bhagwad gita
state that he was a noble person and a beloved of God.
l So by birth Arjun was a noble person, with divine
X¡dr gå[V² od_m{jm` oZ]ÝYm` Amgwar _Vm & _m ewM: gå[X_² X¡dr_² Ao^OmV: Aog qualities and strong body and expert in archery. Hence
[mÊS>d &&16:5&& God selected him to fight against evil forces, and to
God said, re-establish true religion, in presence of Yogeshwar,
(_Vm) It is My decision that (X¡dr) divine (gå[V²) qualities Shri-Krishna.
(od_m{jm`) lead to freedom (from sin and miseries of life)
(Aog) demonic (qualities) (oZ]ÝYm`) bind to (miseries of ******
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Introduction

Introduction of chapter No. 1

A shlok about influence of influential
people on society is as follow;
Bhagwad Gita Shlok No. 3:21;
`V²–`V² AmMaoV l{ð>: VV² VV² Ed BVa: OZ: & g: `V² à_mU_² Hw$éV{bm{H$: VV²
(`V² `V²) whatever (AmMaoV) deeds (l{ð>•) influential
people of society do (VV² VV²) same type of deed
(BV a• OZ•) other common people also follow (Ed§)
certainly (`V² à_mU_²) whatever standard (g•)
influential people of society (Hw$éV{) present (set)
(VV²) same standard is (AZwdV©V{) followed by (bm{H$•)
all the world.
Whatever deeds influential people of society
do, same type of deeds common people also
follow. Certainly whatever standard
influential people of society set, same
standard is followed by all the world. (3:21)
Arjun was knowing this fact, hence he said to
Shri Krishna, that ours is a royal family. In this
battle on both sides, all our family members
and relatives are present. Family tradition
which our family represent will end with death
of our family members. After their death
society will follow irreligious way of life. As
we will be responsible for this destruction of
family tradition, hence all of us will fall in to
hell. Hence I will not fight.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-1

Description of Warriors :-
Y¥Vamï> CdmM,Y_©-j{Ì{ Hw$é-j{Ì{ g_d{Vm: `w`wËgd:& (Y¥Vamï> CdmM) Dhritrashtra said (gÄO`) O Sanjay
1:1 _m_H$m: [mÊS>dm: M Ed oH$_² AH¥$d©V gÄO` &&1&& (_m_H$m•) My (sons) (M) and ([mÊS>d•) (the sons of)
Dhritrashtra said : O Sanjay, My (sons) and Pandva (g_d{V) assembled (Hw$é j{Ì{) Kuruksetra
(the sons of) Pandu, assembled at Kuruksetra, (Y_© j{Ì{) (which is also) a religious place
(which is also) a religious place, desiring to (`w`wËgd) desiring to fight (oH$_) (at that place)
fight. (At that place) what (they) did? what (AHw$d©V) (they) did.

g§O`> CdmM, Ñï²>dm Vw [mÊS>d-AZrH$_² ì`yT>_² Xw`m}>YZ VXm & (g§ O ` CdmM) Sanjay said (amOm) O king
1:2 AmMm`© _² C[g§Jå` amOm dMZ_² A]«drV² &&2&& (dhritrashtra), (VXm) at this time (Ñï>dm) after
Sanjay said, O king (Dhritrashtra), at this time looking ([mÊS>d AZrH$_²) at the soldiers of the
after looking at the soldiers of the sons of Pandav (ì`yT>_²) arranged in a military phalanx
Pandu, arranged in a military phalanx, (Xw`m}YZ) Duryodhana (C[g§Jå`) approached
Duryodhana approached his teacher (AmMm`©_²) the teacher (and)(A]«drV) spoke
(Dronacharya) (and) said (these) words. (some) (dMZ_²) words.

1:3 ì`y[í`T>m_²EVm_² [mÊSw>-[wÌmUm_² AmMm`© _hVr_² M_y_² &

Ðx[X-[wÌ{U Vd oeî`{U Yr-_Vm &&3&&
(AmMm`©) O my teacher ([í`) see (_hVr_²) great
(M_w_²) military force ([mÊSw> [wÌmUm_²) of the sons of
O my teacher! see great military force of the Pandu (ì`yT>m_²) arranged (by) (Vd) your (oeî`{U)
sons of Pandu, arranged (by) your disciple, the disciple (Ðx[X [wÌmUm_²) the son of Drupada, (who
son of Drupada, (who is) very intelligent. is) (Yr-_Vm) very intelligent.

1:4 `wAÌ`wYeymZ:am:odamQ>
_hm-Bfw-Amgm: ^r_-AOw©Z g_m: `woY&
: M Ðx[X: M _hmaW&&4&&
(AÌ) here (`woY) in the war, (ewam) heroes (`w`wYmZ)
Yuyudhana (odamQ>) Virata (M) and (_hmaW•) great
Here, in the war, heros like Yuyudhan, Virat,
fighter (Ð[X•) Drupada (are) (g_m•) equal
and the great general, Drupada (are) equal to
mighty bowmen Arjuna and Bhima. (to)(_hm Bfw-Amgm•) mighty bowmen (^r_ AOw©Z)
Arjuna and Bhima.

Note :- We have given sub-heading of “Description of warriors”. This is only for convenience of understanding of this
divine book of Bhagwad Gita. The original scripture does not have such sub-headings.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-1

1:5 [wY¥éïoOV²
>H{$Vw M{oH$VmZ: H$moeamO: M dr`©dmZ² &
Hw$oÝV^m{O: M e¡ã` M Za[wS>d: &&5&&
(od`©dmZ²) Very powerful (fighter like) (Y¥ï>H{$Vw•)
Dhrstaketuh (M{oH$VmZ•) Cekitanah (M) and
Very powerful (fighter like) Dhrstaketuh, (H$moeamO) kasiraja (M) and ([wéoOV) Purujit (are
Cekitanah, and Kasiraja, and Purujit (are present) (Za[wS>d:) hero in human society (like)
present). Hero in human society (like) Saibya (e¡ã`•) Saibya (is also present).
(is also present).

`wYm_Ý`w: M odH$mÝV: CÎm_m¡Om: M dr`©dmZ² &

1.6 gm¡^Ð: Xm¡[X{`m: M gd} Ed _hmaWm: &&6&&
(`wYm_Ý`w•) Yudhamanyuh (CÎm_m¡Om•) Abhimanu
(gm¡^Е) the son of Subhadra (M) and (Ðm¡[X{`m•)
Yudhamanyuh, Abhimanu, the son of
the son of Draupadi (gd}) all (Ed) certainly
Subhadra, and the son of Draupadi, all are
(odH«$mÝV) mighty (M) and (_hmaWm•) great chariot
certainly mighty and great chariot fighter.

1.7 Añ_mH$_² Vw odoeï>m: `{ VmZ² oZ]m{Y oÛO-CÎm_&

Zm`H$m: __ g¡Ý`ñ` g§km-AW©_² VmZ² ]dro_ V{&&7&&
(Vw) But (oìXO CÎm_) O best of the brahmanas
(oZ]m{Y) be informed (about) (Añ_mH$_²) our
But, O best of the brahmanas, be informed (odoeï>m•) special (and) (Zm`H$m•) star fighter (in)
(about) our special (and) star fighters (in) my
(__) my (g¡Ý`ñ`) military (g§km-AW©_²) for (your)
military (also). For (your) information I am
information (]«dro_) I am speaking (`{) about
speaking about them to you.
(VmZy) them (V{) to you.

^dmZ² ^rî_: M H$U©: H¥$[:$M go_oV‚m`:& (^rî_•) Bhisma (H$U©•) Karna (M) and (H¥$[•) Krpa
1.8 AûdËWm_m odH$U©: M gm¡_XoÎm VWm Ed M &&8&& (M) and (AûdËWm_m) Asvatthama (M) and (odH$U©•)
(There are personalities like) Bhisma, Karna, Vikarnah (M) and (gm¡_XoÝV) the son of
Krpa, and Asvatthama and Vikarnah and the Somadatta (VWm) as well as (Ed) certainly (^dmZ²)
son of Somadatta. As well as your good self, your good self (go_VoVÄO`•) always victorious
who always (remains) victorious in battle. in battle.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-1

1.9 AÝ`{ M ]hd: eyam: _V² AW} Ë`º$ OrodVm&

ZmZm eó [haUm: gd} `wÕ-odemaXm: &&9&& (There are many) (AÝ`{) other (ewam•) heroes (M)
(There are many) other heroes also (who are) also (who) (Ë`·V OrodVm•) prepared to risk life
prepared to risk (their) life for my sake. (They (_V² AW}) for my sake (they are) (]hd•) great in
are) great in number (and) all are equipped number (and) (gd}) all are (àhaUm•) equipped
with weapons, (and) experienced in military with (eó) weapons (and) (`wÕ odemaXm•)
science. experienced in military science.

1.10 A[`m©á_² VV² Añ_mH$_² ]b_² ^rî_ Ao^aojV_²& (BX_²) This (military) (]b_²) strength (Añ_mH$_)
[`m©á_² Vw BX_² EV{fm_² ]b_² ^r_ Ao^aojV_² &&10&& of ours (Ao^aolV_²) under command of (^rî_)
This (military) strength of ours, under grandfather Bhishma (A[`m©á_²) immeasurable
command of grandfather. Bhishma is (infinite) (Vw) But (VV²) that (]b_²) strength
immeasurable (infinite). But that strength (of (EV{fm_²) (of) that (Ao^aolV_²) under command of
Pandavas) under command of Bhima is (^r_) by Bhima ([`m©á_²) limited.

A`Z{fw M gd}fw `Wm-^mJ_² AdoñWVm:&

1.11 ^rî__² Ed Ao^ajÝVw ^dÝV: gd} Ed oh &&11&&
(`Wm) The way in which (gd}fw) all of you
(AdoñWVm:) (have been) placed (^mJ_) in
The way in which all of you (have been)
different (A`Z{fw) strategic points (Ed-oh)
placed in different strategic points. Certainly
certainly (gd}fw) all of (^dÝV•) you (should)
all of you (should) protect grandfather
(Ao^ajÝVw) protect (^rî__²) grandfather, Bhisma.

1.12 Vñ` gÄVZ`Z² hf©_² Hw$é-d¥Õ: o[Vm_h: &

og§h-ZmX_² odZÚ CÀ^m¡: e»S>_² XÜ_m¡ àVm[-dmZ² &&12&&
(gÄOmZ`Z²) To increase (Vñ`) his (Duryodhan)
(hf©_²) cheerfulness (Hw$é d¥Õ•) the grandsire of the
To increase Duryodhan’s cheerfulness, the kuru dynasty (o[Vm_h•) the grandfather (odZK)
grandsire of the kuru dynasty, the grandfather,
thundered (and) (Cƒ¡) very loudly (àVm[-dmZ)
thundered (and) very loudly with full force,
with full force (og§h ZmX_²) roaring sound like that
and roaring sound like that of a lion blew
of a lion(XÜ_m¡) blew(eŠ>_²) conch shell.
conch shell.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-1

VV: eŠ>m: M ^{`©: M [Ud-AmZH$ Jm{_wIm: &

1.13 ghgm Ed Aä`hÝ`ÝV g: eãX: Vw_wb: A^dV² &&13&& (VV•) thereafter (eŠ>m•) conch shells (M) and
Thereafter conch shells and large drums, small (^{`©•) large drums ([mUd-AmZH$) small drums and
drums and kettledrums, and horns, all of a kettked srums (M) and (Jm{_wIm•) horns (ghgm) all
sudden were simultaneously sounded. of a sudden (Aä`hÝ`ÝV) were simultaneously
Certainly that combined sound became (very) sounded (Ed) certainly (g•) that (eãX•)
fearful. combined sound (A^dV²) became (Vw_wb•) (very)
tumultuous (fearful).

VV: ûd{V¡: h`¡: `wº{$ _hoV ñ`ÝXZ{ oñWVm¡ &

1.14 _mYd: [mÊS>d: M Ed oXì`m¡ e§Š>m¡ àXÜ_Vw: &&14&& (Ed) Certainly (VV•) thereafter (_mYd•) Shri
Certainly thereafter Shri Krishna and Arjuna Krishna (M) and (pandavas) Arjuna (oñWVm¡)
seating in a great chariot, being yoked with seating (_hoV) in a great (ñ`ÝXZ{) chariot (`wº{$)
white horses, blew their divine conch shells being yoked (ûd{V¡•) with white (h`¡•) horses
(also). (àXÜ_Vw•) blew (sounded) (oXì`m¡) transcendental
(e§Š>m¡) conch shells.

1.15 [mÁMOÝ`_² öfrH{$e: X{dXÎm_² YZÄO`& (öfrH{$e•) Hrsikesa (Sri Krishna) (blew)
[m¡ÊS¯>_² XÜ_m¡ _hm-eŠ_² ^r_-H$_m© d¥H$-CXa:&&15&& ([mÝOOÝ`_²) the conch shell named
Sri Krishna (blew) the conch shell named “Panchjanya” (YZ_²-O`•) Dhanamjay (X{dX-
“Panchjanya”. Arjuna (blew) conch shell XÎm_²) the conch shell named Devdatta (^r_-H$_m©)
named Devdatta. Bhima who performs great bhima who performs great task (and who)
task (and who) eats too much, blew the terrific (d¥H$-CXa•) eats too much (XÜ_m¡) blew (_hm e§L>I_²)
conch shell (named) Paundra. the terrific conch shell ([m¡ÊS>®_²) (named) Paudra.

AZÝV-odO`_² amOm Hw$ÝVr-[wÌ:& (amOm) Oh king (Hw$ÝVr-[wÌ:) the son of Kunti (AZÝV
1.16 `woYð>a: ZHw$b: ghX{d: M gwKm{f-_oU[wî[H$m¡ &&16&& odO`_²) blew the conch shell named ananta
O king, the son of Kunti blew the conch shell vijaya (ZHw$b:) Nakula (M) and (ghX{d:)
named ananta vijaya. Nakula and Sahadeva Sahadeva (gwKm{f _oU[wî[H$m¡) blew conch shell
blew conch shell named as Sughosa and named as Sughosa and Manipuspakan.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-1

1.17 H$mí`: M [a_-B©fw-Amg: oeIÊS>r M _hm:aW:& ([a_ B©gw-Amg•) the great archer (H$mí`•) the king of
Y¥ï>ÚwåZ: odamQ>:M gmË`oH$: M A[amoOV: &&17&& Kasi (Varanasi) (M) and (_hm-aW•) the great
The great archer, the king of Kasi (Varanasi), warrior (oeIÊS>r) Sikhandi (Y¥ï>ÚwåZ)
and the great warrior Sikhandi,
Dhrstadyumna (odamQ>•) Virata (M) and (gmË`oH$•)
Dhrstadyumna, Virata, and Satyaki, the one
Satyaki (M) and (A[amoOV•) one who had never
who had never been defeated.
been defeated.

1.18 Ðx[X: Ðm¡[X{`m: M gd©e: [¥oWdr-[V{ &

gm¡^Ð: M _hm-]mhw: eŠmZ² XÜ_w: [¥WH -[¥WH²$ &&18&& (Ðx[X•) Drupada (M) and (Ðm¡[X{`m•) the son of
Drupada and the (five) son of Draupadi, Draupadi (gm¡^Е) Abhimanu the son of
Abhimanu, the son of Subhadra (who has) Subhadra (_hm-]mhw•) (who has) mighty arm (M)
mighty arms, and O king, each one blew their and ([¥oWdr-[V{) o king (eL>ImZ²) conch shell
conch shell separately from every place. (XÜ_w•) were blew ([¥WH²$ [¥WH²$) each separately
(gd©e•) from every place.

1.19 g: Km{f: YmV©amï>¯mUm_² öX`moZ ì`Xma`V² &

Z^: M [¥oWdr_² M Ed Vw_wb: Aä`ZwZmX`Z² &&19&& (Ed) Certainly (Vw_wb•) uproarious of (g•) that
Certainly vibration of that uproarious (sound) (Km{f•) vibration (Aä`ZwZmX`Z•) has shaken
has shaken the surface of the earth (and) the ([¥oWdr_²) the surface of the earth (and) (Z^•) the
sky, and also shattered (the) heart of the sons sky (M) also (ì`Xma`V²) shattered (öX`moZ) heart
of Dhritrashtra. (YmV©amï>®mUm_²) of the son of Dhrtarastra.

1.20 àd¥AWÎm{ì`doñWVmZ² Ñï>dm YmV©amï>mZ² H$o[ÜdO:&

eó-gå[mV{ YZw: AÚå` [mÊS>d:& öfrH{$e_² VXm (_hr-[V{) O king (AW) thereupon (Ñï>²dm) looking
dm·`_² BX_² Amh _hr-[V{&&20&& at (YmV©amï>Z²) the son of dhrtarashra ([mÊS>d•) the
O king! thereupon looking at the son of son of Pandu (Arjun) (ì`doñWVmZ²) sitting (in
Dhritrashtra, the son of Pandu (Arjun) sitting chariot) (H$o[ÜdO•) with flage marked with
(in chariot) with flage marked with Hanuman, hanuman (à·¥V{) moves forward (eñÌ gå[mV{) to
moves forward to release arrow (from his) release arrow (YZw•) bow (Amh) said (BX_²) these
bow (and) said these words to Shri Krishna. (dmH²$`_²) words to (öfrH{$e_²) the Shri Krishna.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-1

Observation of military by Arjun :- (AOw©Z CdmM) Arjuna said (CÀ`wV) O perfect one
AOw©Z> CdmM, g{Z`m{: C^`m{: _Ü`{ aW_² ñWm[` _{ (Krishna) (ñWm[`) please keep (_{) my (aW_²)
1.21-22 CÀ`w V& chariot (_Ü`) between (C^`m{:) both (g{Z`m{:) the
`mdV² EVmZ² oZarj{ Ah_² `m{Õx-H$m_mZ² armies (`mdV²) as long as (Ah_²) I (oZarj{) able to
AdoñWVmZ²&&21&& look (EVmZ²) all those. (`m{Õx H$m_mZ²) (who) desiring
H¡$: _`m `h `m¡Õì`_² Aoñ_Z² aU g_wÚ_{ &&22&& to fight (AdoñWVmZ²) arrayed on the battlefield,
Arjuna said, O Krishna! please keep my (and) (gh) together (H¡$•) with whom (aU) (in
chariot between both the armies, (So that) I this) battlefield (_`m) I (g_wÚ_|) have to contend
(am) able to look (at) all (the warriors). (Who with and (`m{Õì`_²) have to fight.
are) desiring to fight (me) and arrayed on the
battlefield. (And) with whom (in this)
battlefield I have to contend with and have to

`m{Ëñ`_mZmZ² Ad{j{ Ah_² `{ EV{ AÌ g_mJVm: &

1.23 YmV©amï>ñ` Xw]w©Õ{: `wÕ{ oà` oMH$rf©d: &&1-23&&
(Ad{j{) let me see (EV{) those (`{) who (g_mJVm•)
assembled (AÌ) here (`wÕ{) in this war
And let me see those, who have assembled
(`m{Ëñ`_mZmZ²) to fight (oMH$rf©d•) wishing to (oà`)
here in this war to fight (with me), and wishing
please (Xw]w©Õ{•) evil-minded (YmV©amï>ñ`) the son of
to please evil-minded son of Dhritrashtra.

AOw©Z> CdmM, Ed_² Cº$: öfrH{$e: JwS>mH{$e{Z ^maV&

1.24 g{Z`m{: C^`m{: _Ü`{ ñWm[o`Ëdm aW-CÎm__² &&1-24&&
(AOw©Z CdmM) Sanjay said (^maV) O descended of
Bharata (Dhritrashtra) (Ed_²) this way (C·V) as
Sanjay said: O descended of Bharata per request of (JwS>mH{$e{Z) Arjun (öfrH{$e•) Shri
(Dhritrashtra)! this way, as per request of Krishna (ñWm[o`Ëdm) placed (aW CÎm__) the finest
Arjun, Shri Krishna placed the finest chariot, chariot (_Ü`{) in the midst of (C^`m{•) both (g{Z`m{•)
in the midst of both the armies. the armies.

^rî_ Ðm{U à_wIV: gd}fm_² M _hrojVm_² & (à_wIV•) In the presence of (^rî_) Bhism
1.25 CdmM [mW© [í` EVmZ² g_d{VmZ² Hw$éZ²$ BoV &&1-25&& Pitamah (Ðm{U) Dronacharya (M) and (gd}fm_²) all
In the presence of Bhism Pitamah, (_hr-ojVm_²) kings. (CdmM) Sri Krishna said (BoV)
Dronacharya, and all kings, Sri Krishna said behold ([mW©) (Arjun) ([í`) look at (EVmZ²) all
“behold Arjun, look at all the members of (Hw$éZ²) members of Kuru dynasty (g_d{VmZ²)
Kuru dynasty assembled here.” assembled here.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-1

VÌ A[í`V² oñWVmZ² [mW©: o[V¥Z² AW o[Vm_hmZ² & ([mW©•) Arjuna (Ed) certainly (A[í`V²) could see
1.26 AmMm`m©Z² _mVwbmZ² ^«mV¥Z² [wÌmZ² gIrZ² VwWm& (VÌ) there (oñWVmZ²) standing in (g{Z`m{•) armies of
ídewamZ² gwöX: M Ed g{Z`m{: C^`m{: Ao[ &1-26&& (C^`m{•) of both parties (o[V¥Z) fathers (o[Vm_hmZ²)
Arjun certainly could see there standing in grandfather (AmMm`m©Z²) teachers, (_mVwbmZm)
armies of both parties, fathers, grandfather, maternal uncle (^«mVwZ²) brothers, ([m¡ÌmZ²)
teachers, maternal uncle, brothers, grandsons, grandsons (gIrZ²) friends (M) and (AW) also
friends, and also fathers-in-law, including
(ûdewamZ²) fathers-in-law (Ao[) including(gwhX•)
(his) well-wishes too.
(his) well-wishes (VWm) too.

VmZ² g_rú` g: H$m¡ÝV{`: gdm©Z² ]ÝYyZ² AdoñWVmZ² &

1.27 H¥$[`m [a`m Amodï>: odfrXZ² BX_² A]«drV² &&1-27&&
(H$m¡ÝV{`•) (when) the son of Kunti (Arjun)
(g_rú`) saw (VmZ•) them (gdm©Z) all kind of (]ÝYyZ)
(When) the son of Kunti (Arjun) saw all kind
relativies (AdoñWVmZ²) standing (facing each
of relative standing (facing each other for
other for war) (g•) he (Amodï>) (got)
war), he (got) overwhelmed, with compassion
overwhelmed ([a`m) highly (H¥$[`m) with
and with deep sorrow, (he) spoke (the
following words.) compassion (odfrXZ²) with deep sorrow (BX_)
this way (A]«drV²) (he) spoke.

Nervousness of Arjun :- (AOw©Z CdmM) Arjun said, (H¥$îU) O Krishna (Xwï>dm)

1.28 AOw©Z> CdmM, Ñï>dm B__² ñdOZ_² H¥$îU `w`wËgw_² after seeing (B__²) all these (ñdOZ_²) relativies
g_w[oñWV_² & (g_w[oñWV_²) present (here) (`w`wËgw_) in fighting
grXoÝV __ JmÌmoU _wI_² M [oaewî`oV &&1-28&& spirit (__) my (JmÌmoU) limbs are trembling (M)
Arjun said, O Krishna! after seeing all these also (_wI_²) (my) month ([oaewî`moV) is drying up.
relatives present (here), in fighting spirit, my
limbs are trembling, also (my) month is drying

d{[Ww: M eara{ _{ am{_-hf© M Om`V{&

1.29 JmÊS>rd_² ó§gV{ hñVmV² ËdH²$ M Ed [oaXøV{ &&1-29&&
(_{) my (eara{) body (is) (Om`V{) developing
(d{[Ww•) tremble (M) and (a>m{_ hf©•) (my) hairs are
My body (is) trembling and (my) hairs are
standing on ends (M) and (JmÊS>rd_²) the bow
standing on ends, and the bow (Gandiva) is
(ñÌ{gV{) is slipping (hñVmV²) (from my) hand (M)
slipping (from my) hand, and (my) skin (is)
also burning. and skin (is) (Ed) also ([oaXø{V{) burning.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-1

1.30 Z M e·Zm{o_ AdñWmVw_² ^«_oV Bd M _{ _Z:&

oZo_ÎmmoZ M [í`mo_ od[arVmoZ H{$ed &&1-30&& (H{$ed) O Krishna! (AdñWmVw_²) standing (Bd) this
O Krishna! standing this way (is) not possible way (Z) (it is) not (e·Zm{od) possible (for me) (M)
(for me), and I see (result of this war will be) and ([í`mo_) I see (od[arVmoZ) (result of this war
just the opposite (of our expectation), and will be) just the opposite (of our exception) (M)
because (of this) my mind is reeling (losing and (oZo_ÎmmoZ) because (of this) (_{) my (_Z•)
control). mind (^«_oV) is reeling (losing control).

Z M l{`: AZw[í`mo_ hËdm ñdOZ_² Amhd{ &

1.31 Z H$mS²>j{ odO`_² H¥$îU Z M amÁ`_² gwImoZ M &&1-31&&
(H{$edm) O Krishna! (Z) neither (AZw[í`mo_) I see
(l{`•) (any) good (hËdm) by killing (ñdOÝ_²) own
O Krishna! neither I see (any) good in killing
kinsmen (in this fight) (Z) nor (H$mL>j{) do I
our own relatives (in this fight), nor do I desire
victory, kingdom and happiness. desire (odO`_²) victory, (amÁ`_) kingdom (M) and
(gwImoZ) happiness.

1.32 oH$_² Z: amÁ`{Z Jm{odÝX oH$_² ^m{J¡: OrodV{Z dm&

`{fm_² AW}> H$mS²>ojV_² Z: amÁ`_² ^m{Jm: gwImoZ M &&32&& (Jm{odÝX) O Krishna (`{fm_) for whose (AW})
O Krishna! for who’s benefit (we) in this life benefit (OrodV{Z) (we) in this life (H$mL>ojV_²)
desire pleasure, if (we perish them) than desire (^m{J¡•) pleasure (dm) if (we perish them)
neither this kingdom will be any (use to us), (Z•) (than) neither (amÁ`{Z) this kingdom is (oH$_²)
nor (we will get) happiness and material any (use to us) (gwImoZ) nor happiness (M) and
enjoyment. (Then this) kingdom (is of) what (^m{Jm•) material enjoyment (we get) (amÁ`_²)
(use to us)? (than this) kingdom (is) (oH$_²) what (use to us)?

1.33 V{ B_{ AdoñWVm: `wÕ{ àmUm_² Ë`·Ëdm YZmoZ M & (V{) (I see) these (o[Va•) fathers, (AmMm`m©•)
AmMm`m©: o[Va: [wÌm: Vwm Ed M o[Vm_hm: &&1-33&& teachers ([wÌm) sons (VWm) as well as (o[Vm_hm•)
(I see) these fathers, teachers, sons, as well as grandfather (M) also (B_{) (all) these (Ed)
grandfather also, (all) these are certainly certainly (AdoñWVm•) standing. (`wÕ{) on this
standing on this battlefield (to) scarify (their) battlefield (to) (Ë`·Ëdm) sacrify (their) (àmUmZ²)
lives and wealth. lives (M) and (YZmoZ) wealth.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-1

_mVwbm: û dewam: [m¡Ìm: í`mbm: gå]oÝYZ: Vwm&

1.34 EVmZ² Z hÝVw_² BÀN>mo_ ¿ZV: Ao[ _YwgyXZ &&1-34&& (_YwgyXZ) O Krishna, (Ao[) even (if I) (¿ZV•)
O Krishna, even (if I) being killed (by them), being killed (by them) (I) (Z) do not (BÀN>mo_)
(I) do not wish to kill all these maternal uncle, wish to (hÝVw_²) kill (EVmZ²) all these (_mVwbm•)
father-in-law, grandson, brother-in-law, (as maternal uncle, (ûdewam) fathers-in-law ([m¡Ìm•)
well as) relatives. grandson (í`mbm•) brother in law (as well as)
(gå]oÝYZ•) relatives.

Ao[ Ì¡-bm{·` amÁ`ñ` h{Vm{: oH$_² Zw _hr-H¥$V{&

1.35 oZhË` YmV©amï>mZ² Z: H$m àroV: ñ`mV² OZmX©Z &&1-35&&
(OZmX©Z) O Krishna (H$m) what (oàoV) pleasure
(Z•) we (ñ`mV²) will get (oZhË`) by killing
O Krishna, what pleasure we will get by (YmV©amï>>mZ²) the sons of Dhritrashtra? (oH$_ Zw)
killing the sons of Dhritrashtra? what to speak what to speak (_hr H¥$V{) for the sake of (ruling)
for the sake of (ruling) this earth, (I am not
this earth. (I am not willing to kill them) (Ao[)
willing to kill them) even for aim of ruling the
even for (h{Vm{•) aim of (amÁ`ñ`) ruling the (Ì¡ bm{·`)
three worlds.
three worlds.

[m[_² Ed Aml`{V² Añ_mZ² hËdm EVmZ² AmVVmo`Z: &

1.36 Vñ_mV² Z Ahm©: d`_² hÝVw_² YmV©amï>mZ² g-]mÝYdmZ² &
(_mYd) O Krishna (hr) certainly (Añ_mZ²) we
ñd-OZ_² oh H$W_² hËdm gwoIZ: ñ`m_ _mYd &&36&& (Aml`{V²) will get ([m[_²) sins (hËdm) by killing
O Krishna! certainly we will get sins by killing (EVmZ²) all these (AmVVmo`Z•) our relatives and
all these our relatives and son of Dhritrashtra, (YmV©amï>mZ²) son of Dhritrashtra (g-]mÝYdmZ²)
friends (and those) who are of our age. friends (ñd-OZ_) (and those) who are of our
Therefore (we are) not able to do it. Certainly age. (Vñ_mV²) therefore (we are) (Z) not (Ahm©•)
by killing (how) we will get peace? able to do it. (EoV²) certainly (hÝVw_²) by killing
(how) (ñ`m_²) we (H$W_²) get (gwoIZ•) peace.

1.37 `oX Ao[ EV{ Z [í`oÝV bm{^ C[hV M{Vg:& (Ao[) even (`Xr) if (EV{) they (Z) do not ([í`oÝV)
Hw$b-j` H¥$V_² Xm{f_² o_Ì-Ðm{h{ M [mVH$_² &&37&& see (Xm{f_²) fault (Hw$b j` H¥$V_) in killing the
Even if they do not see fault in killing the family (M) and (o_Ì-Ðm{h{) in quarreling with
family members and in quarreling with friends friends ([mVH$_²) as sinful acts (because) (bm{^)
as sinful acts. It is (because) greed greed (C[hV) overpowered (M{Vg•) their hearts.
overpowered their hearts.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-1

1.38 H$W_² Z k{`_² Añ_mo^: [m[mV² Añ_mV² oZdoV©Vw_²&

Hw$b-j` H¥$V_² Xm{f_² à[í`oØ: OZmX©Z &&38&&
(OZmX©Z) O Krishna (à[í`oäX•) (we) who can see
(Hw$b-j`-H¥$V_²) killing of family members (Xm{f_²)
O Krishna, (we) who can see killing of family (as) crime, (H$W_²) (than) why (Z) should not
member (as) crime, (than) why should not we (Añ_mo^:) we (oZdoV©Vw_) stop (Añ_mV²) these ([m[mV²)
stop these sins? sins.

Reason of not fighting war by Arjun :-

Hw$b-j`{ àUí`oÝV Hw$b-Y_m©: gZmVZm:& (CV) it is said (Hw$b-j`{) by destruction of
1.39 Y_}$ Zï{> Hw$b_² H¥$ËñZ_² AY_©: Ao^^doV CV &&39&& dynasty (family) (gZmVZ•) the eternal (Hw$b Y_m©•)
It is said, by destruction of dynasty (family), family tradition (àÊí`pÝV) get destroyed. (Y_{© Zï{>)
the eternal family tradition get destroyed. (and) by destruction of family tradition (H¥$ËñÌ_²)
(and) by destruction of family tradition, whole (remaining) whole (Hw$b_²) family (Ao^^dVr) are
families (of society) are overtaken by overtaken by (AY_©:) irreligious (way of life).
irreligious (way of life).

AY_© Ao^^mdV² H¥$îU àXwî`oÝV Hw$b-oó`:&

1.40 órfw Xwï>mgw dmîU}` Om`V{ dU©-gS>H$a: &&40&& (H¥$îU) O Krishna (AY_©) (when) irreligious
O Krishna (when) irreligious (way of life) (way of life) (Ao^^dmV²) overtake (the society)
overtake (the society), then ladies of families then (Hw$b oñÌ`•) ladies of families (àXwî`oÝV)
become polluted. O descended of Vrsni become polluted. (dmîU}`) o descended of Vrsni
(Krishna), (when) women get polluted (than) (Krishna), (when) (oñÌ`•) women (Xwï>mgw) get
illegal race (children) takes birth. polluted (than) (gL²>H$a•) illegal (dU©) race
(children) (Om`V{) takes birth.

1.41 g·S>a: ZaH$m` Ed Hw$b-¿«mmZm_² Hw$bñ` M & (Ed) Because of (gL²>H$a•) unwanted children
[VoÝV o[Va:oh Efm_² bwá o[ÊS> CXH$ oH«$`m: &&41&& (oH«$`m$•) law of nature (on) (o[ÊS>) land (and)
Because of unwanted childrens, law of nature (CXH$) water. (bwá) get disturbed (oh) certainly
(on) land (and) water get disturbed. Certainly (o[Va) forefather (head of ) (Hw$bñ`) of family
forefather (head of) family fall down in hell, ([VpÝV) fall down (ZaH$m`) in hell (Efm_²)
(because) of whom family (follows) (because) of whom (Hw$b) family (society)
irreligious way of life. (¿«mmZm_²) (follow) irreligious way of life.

Verse of Quran stating similar facts :-

1.41: Disturbance has appeared on land and sea because of the evil which mens’s hand have done. (Holy Quran chapter
No. 30, Ayat-41)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-1

Xm{f¡: EV¡: Hw$b¿ZmZm_² dU©-g·S>a: H$maH¡$: &

1.42 CËgmÚÝV{ OmoV-Y_m©: Hw$b-Y_m©: M emídVm: &&42&& (EV¡:) because of all these (Xm{f¡:) mistakes of (dU©
Because of all these mistakes of breeding gL>H$a H$maH¡$:) breeding unwanted children the
unwanted childrens, the eternal family (emœVm:) eternal (Hw$b Y_m©:) family tradition (M)
tradition (and) also society tradition gets also (OmoVY_m©:) society tradition (CËgmÚÝV{) get
destroyed. destroyed.

CËgÞ Hw$b-Y_m©Um_² _Zwî`mUm_² OZmX©Z& (OZmX©Z) O Krishna, (Azwewlw_) I have heard by

1.43 ZaH{$ oZ`V_² dmg: ^doV BoV AZwewlw_ &&43&& disciple of succession (BoV) that (_Zwî`mUm_²)
O Krishna, I have heard by disciple of those people who’s (Hw$b-Y_m©Um_²) family
succession (from teacher to student) that those tradition (CËgÞ) get spoiled, (ZaH{$) hell (^doV)
people who’s family tradition get spoiled, hell becomes (their) (oZ`V_²) permanent (dmg•)
becomes (their) permanent residence. residence.

Ahm{ ]V _hV² [m[_² H$Vw©_² ì`dogVm: d`_² & (Ahm{) Alas (]V) how strange it is (that) (bm{^{Z)
1.44 `V² amÁ`-gwI-bm{^{Z hÝVw_² ñdOZ_² CÚVm: &&44&& because of greed (of) (amÁ` gwI) royal pleasure,
Alas! how strange it is (that) because of greed (d`_²) we (ì`dogVm:) have decided (hÝVw_²) to kill
(of) royal pleasure, we have decided to kill (ñdOZ_²) our own family people. (`V²) it is (_hV²)
our own family people. It is a great sin. (which a great ([m[_²) sin. (which we are) (CÚVm•) trying
we are) trying to commit. (H¥$Vw©_) to commit.

Ë`oX _m_² AàVrH$ma_² Aeó_² eó-[mU`: & (`oX) if (aU) in battlefield (YmV©amï>m•) the sons of
1.45 YmV©amï>m: aU{ hÝ`w: VV² _{ j{_-Va_² ^d{V² &&45&& Dhartastra (eñÌ[mU`•) with weapon in hand
If in battle field, the sons of Dhritrashtra with (hÝ`w•) kill (_|) me (AàVrH$ma_²) unresisting and
weapon in hand, kill me unresisting and (AeñÌ_²) un-armed (VV²) that (^d{V²) would be
unarmed, that would be better for me.
(j_-Va_²) better for me.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-1

g§O`> CdmM, Ed_² Cº$Ëdm AOw©Z: g§»`{ aW C[ñW{ (g§O` CdmM) Sanjay said (gm§»`{) in battlefield
1.46 C[modeV²&
odg¥Á` g-ea_² Mm[_² em{H$ g§od¾ _mZg: &&46&&
(C·Ëdm) saying (Ed_²) so much (AOw©Z•) Arjuna
Sanjay said, in battlefield, saying so much, (C[modeV²) sat down at the (C[ñW{) rear side of (aW)
Arjuna sat down at the rear side of chariot, chariot, (odg¥Á`) putting aside (Mm[_²) the bow
putting aside the bow along with arrows. (ea_²) along with arrows. (with) (g§odJ«)
(with) distressed and nervous mind. distressed and (em{H$) nervous (_mZg•) mind.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

Introduction of Chapter No. 2

l God created human beings for some is heaven and hell.
specific purpose.
Destiny is explained in adheyay no.13.
l As a human being we have to keep certain
In adheyay no. 15, shlok no. 15.8 to 15.11
faith in our mind, and practically we have to
God explains how human beings will be raised
perform certain prayers, and some
again on day of parlay for checking deeds.
compulsory religious duties as well.
l First we start with adheyay no. 2 which
l We human beings are expected to have
introduces us with God, Spirit, and
correct faith about.
compulsory religious duty. In this chapter
1) God. there is a lesson for Arjun that there is an
2) Soul immortal God, who will look after you and this
society, Second teaching for Arjun is that don't
3) Concept of heaven, hell and angels. worry about death. As at the time of death only
4) Concept of destiny body get destroyed, but spirit which is main
5) How and when we will be rewarded for thing in human beings is not destroyed. On the
all our good and bad activities or deed. contrary a noble person get accommodation in
heaven which is much better place than this
6) How to pray, what are the compulsory
world. And third lesson for Arjun was that
religious duties and how to spend life etc.
there is some compulsory religious duty on
l This divine book, Bhagwad Gita has each human beings. Some duties are related to
explained all above mentioned facts in most society, and some are related to ourself. We
systematic way, and slowly slowly in each human being are not free to decide them as per
chapter. For example; our own wish. But those duties are binding on
us. And this war against evil forces is binding
This adheyay no.2 explains and clarifies
on Arjun, as Arjun is a Kshatriya (joÌ`).
the concept regarding God, Soul and
compulsory religious duties. l Summary of shloks of adheyay no. 2 are
as follows;
Adheyay no. 4 is regarding religious
knowledge. l In this chapter from shloke no. 2.1 to 2.9.
Arjun expresses his unwillingness for war.
Adheyay no.5 is regarding our religious
duty and meditation to purity soul. l To convince Arjun for war, Shri Krishna
gave him many logical reason. This chapter
Adhyay no.7 to 13 mainly teaches us
consist of many such reasoning. Those reasons
regarding faith in God.
are as follows.
By reading adheyay no. 11 we realise that
l In shlok no. 2:12. Shri Krishna says “in
angels and another world do exist, where there
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

every era there is struggles between right and intention is important.

evil power. This war is also one of them. We
l Shlok No 2:41 says that to fulfill
are not doing anything odd and wrong.”
compulsory religious duty faith in one God is
l Shlok no. 2:13 – 2:16 is about Spirit, life important.
after death and God. These are permanent
l Those who don't have faith in one God, do
things. Our existence on earth is temporary.
many wrong things. Those details are
That means we should give more importance
explained in sloke no. 2:42, 2:43, 2:44.
to Spirit, life after death and God, than this
temporary life on earth. l In sloke 2:45 God advised Arjun five things.

l Out of three, that is Spirit, hereafter, and 1. Raise above Sattvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic,
God, in shlok no. 2.17 Shri Krishna explain tendencies
about God. 2. Have patience in good and bad time
3.With determination follow commandments
l From shlok No. 2.18 on ward God himself of God.
revealed divine knowledge to Shri Krishna, 4. Don't always think about self prosperity.
which he pronounced to Arjun. 5. Depend on God.
l From shlok no. 2:18 to 2:30 God explained (Why to rise above Sattvic tendency is explained
in shlok no. 14.19, 14.20 and 14.21)
Spirit in various way. To understand Spirit
clearly please also read Note no.N-2. Which is l Shlok No. 2:46 explains why one should
at the end of this book. Summary of these believe in one God only.
shloks are that Spirit is immortal, you cannot l Shlok No. 2:47 and shlok no. 2:49 advises to
kill soul. Hence don't worry about death in do duty selflessly.
l Shlok No. 2:48 prohibits worship of deities /
l In shlok no. 2:39 God reminds Arjun about Devtas.
(karm bandhan) that is compulsory religious l Shlok No. 2:50 and 2:53 gives advantage of
duty. That means human being is not free to having faith in God.
live life as per his own wishes and liking.
l In shlok 2:54, when Arjun hears so much
There are certain duties for human being,
advantage of having faith in God, then he asks
which he has to do. And one of the compulsory what is symptoms of having firm faith in God.
religious duty is establishment of true religion
in society, and struggling for well-being of l In sloke No. 2:55- 2:58 and 2:61 God reveals
common people. the main features of those who have firm faith in
l From sloke no. 2:40 to 2:69 God explains
l 2:60 – 2:72 God explains the disadvantage of
how compulsory religious duty could be following self-wishes (emotion of Kama). How it
fulfilled. In between God also explained about could be controlled, and advantage of having
those people who don't believe in one God. control on these self-wishes. (Self-wishes means
l Shlok No 2:40 says that to fulfill (karma desire to follow our own wishes.)
bandhan) compulsory religious duty, pure ******
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

Consoling by Sri Krishna :-
(g§O` CdmM)V_² VÏmm H¥$[`m Amodï>_² Alw-[yU©-AmHw$b (g§O` CdmM) Sanjay said, (_YwgyXZ) (when)
2:1 B©jU_² & Krishna (saw) (V_) him (Arjun) (odfrXÝV_) sad
odfrXÝV_² B_X² dm·`_² CdmM _Yw-gyXZ: &&1&& (Amodï>_²) overwhelmed (H¥$[`m) by compassion
Sanjay said: (when) Shri Krishna (saw) him (and his) (B©jU_²) eyes (Alw [wU© AmHw$b) full of tears
(Arjun), sad (and) overwhelmed by (VWm) then (CdmM) said (BX_²) these (dm·`) words.
compassion, (and his) eyes full of tears, he
said these words.

(lr ^JdmZ CdmM²) Shri Krishna said (odf_{) in this

2:2 HwAZm`©
$V: Ëdm H$í_b_² BX_² odf_{ g_w[oñWV_² &
Owï>_² Añd½`©_² AH$roV© H$a_² AOw©Z &&2&& hours of crisis (Hw$V) from where (BX_²) these
Shri Krishna said: in this hour of crisis from (H$í_b_²) unreasonable thoughts (g_w[oñWV_²)
where these unreasonable thoughts overcame overcame (Ëdm) you (AmZm`©) An ignorant (Owï>_²)
you? O Arjuna, an ignorant act does not lead to act (Añd½`©_²) does not lead to heaven (but)
heaven; it leads to humiliation. (AH$roV© H$a_) (this) act (cause) humiliation (AOw©Z)
O Arjuna.

2:3 jw·b¡Ðã_²`_²öX`_m Xm¡ñ_]J_: [mW© Z EVV² Ëdo` C[[ÚV{&

©ë`_² Ë`·Ëdm CoÎmð> [a_²-V[ &&3&&
([mW©) O son of partha (Arjun) (_mñ_) do not (J_)
yield to (H$b¡ã`_²) unmanliness.(EVV²) this (Z)
O Arjun, do not yield to unmanliness. This do
does not (C[[ÚV{) suit (Ëdo`) you. (Ë`H²$Ëdm) give
not suits to you. Give up petty and weakness of
up. (jwÐ_) pettiness (Xm¡]©ë`_²) and weakness
heart, and arise (for war), O conqueror of
(öX`) of heart.(CoÎmð>) and arise (for war).([a_²
enemies (Arjun).
V[) O conqueror of enemies (Arjun).

Arjun expressed His feeling :- (AOw©Z CdmM) Arjun said (_YwgyXZ) O killer of
H$W_² ^rî__² Ah_² g§»`{ Ðm{U_² M _YwgyXZ & Madhu (Krishna) (g§»`{) in the war (H$W_²) how
2:4 Bfw o^: àoV`m{Ëgmo_ [yOm-Ahm© Aoa-gyXZ &&4&& (Ah_) I (will) (àoV`m{Ëñ`mo_) counterattack (Bfwo^•)
Arjun said: O Krishna, in the war how I will with arrows (to) (^rî__²) Bhisma (M) and (Ðm{U_²)
counter attack with arrows (to) Bhisma and Dronacharya (Aoa-gyXZ) O killer of enemies
Dronacharya. O Ari-sudama (Krishna) they (Krishna) ([yOm Ahm{) they are respectable (to
are respectable (to me). me).
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

2:5 BhJwéZ²bm{AhËdm
oh _hm-AZw^mdmZ² l{`: ^m{ºw$_² ^¡ú`_² Ao[ (Bh) in this (bm{H{$) world (oh) no doubt (l{`•) it is
hËdm AW© H$m_mZ² Vw JwéZ² Bh Ed ^wÄ Or` ^m{JmZ² éoYa better (for me) (^¡ú`_²) to beg (^m{·Vw_²) to fulfil my
àoX½YmZ² &&5&& needs (and) (AhËdm) not to kill (_hm-AZw^mdmZ²) great
In this world no doubt it is more better (for me) experienced (JwéZ²) teachers (Ao[). Even if (I)
to beg to full fill my needs, (and) not to kill (hËdm) kill (JwéZ²) my teachers (H$m_mZ²) in lust of
(my) great experienced teachers. Even if I kill gain (of wealth) (Vw) But (^wÄOr`) to enjoy (^m{JmZ²)
my teachers in lust of gain (of wealth), but to (and to have) pleasure (AW©) this wealth (Ed) (
enjoy and to have pleasure, this wealth (will will be) certainly (àoX½YmZ²) tainted with (éoYa)
be) certainly tainted with blood. blood.

Z M EVV² odÚ H$VaV² Z: Jar`: `V² dm O`{_ `oX dm O`{_

2:6 `oX dm Z: O`{`w:
(Z•) we (Z) don’t (odÚ) know (EVV²) that (H$VaV)
`mZ² Ed hËdm Z oOOrodfm_: V{ AdoñWVm: à_wI{ YmV©amï>m: what is (Jar`) better for us (`V² dm) either (O`{_) we
&&6&& will win (dm) or (O`{gw) they will win (`oX) if (we
We don’t know that what is better for us. win then) (YmV©amï>m:) (the son of Dhrtarastra) (V{)
Either they will win or we will win. If (we win who (AdoñWVm•) are standing (à_wI{) before us. (hËdm)
then) the sons of Dhrtarastra who are standing by killing (`mZ²) them (Ed) certainly (we) (Z) do
before us, by killing them, certainly (we) do not (oOOrodfm_•) wish to live (anymore).
not wish to live (anymore).

2:7 H$m[©Ê` Xm{f C[hV ñd^md: [¥ÀN>mo_ Ëdm_² Y_© gå_yT> M{Vm: & (H$m[©Ê`) (Because of) softness (ñd ^md•) (in) my
`V² l{`: ñ`mV² oZoíMV_² ]«woh VV² _{ oeî`: V{ Ah_² emoY _m_²
Ëdm_² à[Þ_² &&7&& nature (C[hV) (I) commit (Xm{f) mistake, (gå_yT>) my
(Because of) softness is my nature I commit curious (M{Vm•) heart ([¥ÀN>o_) asking (Ëdm_²) you (Y_©)
mistake. My curious heart is asking you (about (about the true) religion (Ah_²) I am (V{) your
the true) religion. I am your student, (and) I (l{`•) student (and) (_m_²) I (à[Þ_²) depend on (Ëdm_²)
depend on you (for true divine knowledge, you (for true divine knowledge hence) (]«yoh) tell
hence). Tell me that which is most true, after (_{) me (VV²) that (`V²) which (ñ`mV) may be (l{`•)
thinking deeply. Please guide (me). the most true (oZoûMV_²) after thinking deeply.
(emoY) please guide (me).

Z oh à[í`mo_ __ A[ZwÚmV² `V² em{H$_² CÀN>m{fUm_² BoÝÐ`mUm_² &

2:8 Admß` (Ao[) Even if (I) (Admß`) get (^y_m¡) world
^y_r Ag[ËZ_² F$Õ_² amÁ`_² gwamUm_² Ao[ M AmoY[Ë`_² (Ag[ËZ_²) free from enemies (F$Õ_²) free from
miseries (and) (AmoY[Ë`_²) the great (amÁ`_²)
Even if (I) get world free from enemies, free
kingdom (of) (gwamUm_²) angels (than also I) (Z)
from miseries, (and) the great kingdom (of)
don’t (à[í`mo_) see (this will) (A[ZwKmV²) free (__²)
angels, (than also I) don’t see (this will) free
me (em{H$_²) (from) sorrow (`V²) which is
me (from) sorrow, which is paralysing my
(CÀN{fU_²) paralysing (BoÝÐ`mUm_²) my senses.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

2:9 (g§O` CdmM) Ed_² C·Ëdm öfrH{$e_² JwS>mH{$e: [aÝV[: & (g§O` CdmM) Sanjay said (JwS>mH{$e•) Arjun (Ed_²) this
Z `m{Ëñ`{ BoV Jm{odÝX_² C·Ëdm VyîUr_² ]^yd h &&2-9&& (way) (C·Ëdm) spoke to (öfrH{$e_²) Krishna
Sanjay said; Arjun spoke to Shri Krishna “O (Jm{odÝX_) O Govinda (h) certainly (Z `m{Ëg`{) “I
Govinda! I shall not fight”. (after) saying (so), shall not fight” (C·Ëdm) (after) saying (so)
Arjun became silent. ([aÝV[•) Arjun (]^yd) became (VwîUr_²) silent.

2:10 g{(g§ZO`m{`:CdmM) V_wdmM öfrH{$e: àhgZ² Bd ^maV &

C^`m{: _Ü`{ odfrXÝV_² BX_² dM: &&10&&
(g§O` CdmM) Sanjay said (^maV) O Dhrtarastra
(öfrH{$e•) Shri Krishna (àhgZ²) with smiling face
Sanjay said; O Dhrtarastra, Shri Krishna with (V_² CdmM) (than) spoke to (odfrXÝV_²) grief
smiling face (than) spoke to grief stricken stricken (Arjun) (BX_² CdmM) these words (_Ü`{) in
(Arjun) these words, in the midst of the the midst of (g{Z`m{•) the armies.

Sri Krishna preaching to Arjun about God, Spirit and (lr ^JdmZ CdmM) Shri Krishna said (Ëd_²) (O Arjun)
life after death :- you (^mfmg{) talk (àkmdmXmZ²) (like a) learned one (M)
(lr ^JdmZ CdmM)Aem{À`mZ² AÝdem{M: Ëd_² àkmdmXmZ² and (AÝdem{M•) grieve (for those who are) (Aem{À`mZ²)
2.11 M ^mfg{ & not worthy of grieving ([oÊS>Vm•) the learned
JV AgyZ² AJV AgyZ² M Z AZwem{MoÝV [oÊS>Vm: &&11&& person (Z) don't (AZwem{MoÝV) grieve for (those
Shri Krishna said “(O Arjun) you talk (like a) who) (JV) lost (AgyZ²) life (M) and for (those who
learned one, and grieve (for those who are) not have) (AJV) not lost (AgyZ²) life.
worthy of grieving. The learned person neither
grieve for (those who)are dead, and for (those
who are) alive.

(Z) Never was (OmVw) there a time (when) (Ah_²) I

2.12 ZZ MVw Ed Ah_² OmVw Z Amg_² Z Ëd_² Z B_{ OZ-AoY[m: &
Ed Z ^odî`m_: gd} d`_² AV: [a_² &&12&& (Z) did not (Amg_²) exist (Z) nor (Ëd_²) you (Z) nor
Never was there a time (when) I did not exist, (B_{) all these (OZ AoY[m) rulers of people (existed)
nor you, nor all these rulers of people. And (M) and (Ed) (certainly) (AV•[a_²) from now after
(certainly) from now after in future (also there (^odî`m_•) in future (also there will be no period
will be no period in which), all of us cease to in which). (gd} d`_²) all of us (Z) cease to exit.
(Read note no. N-9 to understand this shloke.)

Note For 2.12 : That means divine preacher like me, warriors who fight for noble cause like you, and those
who exploit people like Duryodhan, will always exist in society in every era. And this war between right and evil will
be also fought in every era. So this is a natural process which happens in every era, and we are not doing anything odd
and wrong.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

X{ohZ: Aoñ_Z² `Wm X{h{ H$m¡_ma_² `m¡dZ_² Oam & (The way in which) (Aoñ_Z²) this (X{h) body of
2.13 VÏmm X{h-AÝVa àmoá: Yra: VÌ Z _wøoV &&13&& (X{ohZ•) creature having physical body (human
(The way in which) body of creature get being) (gets different types of body in) (H$m¡_ma_²)
(different types of new body in) childhood, childhood (`m¡dZ_²) youth (Oam) old age (VWm)
youth (and) old age, similarly (the soul which similarly (X{h-AÝVa) the soul (which is inside
is) inside body also get (a body after death in body) (àmoá•) also gets (a body after death in
Parlok). Hence wise people don't get deluded Parlok) (VÌ) hence (Yra•) wise people (Z) don't
(or afraid of death) get (_wøoV) deluded (or afraid of death).

_mÌm-ñ[em©: Vw H$m¡ÝV{` erV CîU gwI Xw:I Xm: & (H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjun) (AmJ_) coming
2.14 AmJ_ A[mo`Z: AoZË`m: VmZ² oVoVjñd ^maV &&14&& (and) (A[mo`Z•) going away (of) (gwI) happiness
O Arjun, coming (and) going away (of) (and) (Xw•I) sorrow (are like) (erV) winter and
happiness (and) sorrow (are like) winter and (CîU) summer (Vw) indeed (Xm) (how much
summer (seasons). Indeed how much they disturbance they) give (you) (_mÌm ñ[em©) (depend
disturb you depend upon how you perceive upon how you) perceive. (VmZ²) then (oVoVjñd) just
them. Then just try to tolerate (as you tolerate try to tolerate (as you tolerate adversity of
adversity of season). O descendent of the season) (^maV) O descendent of the bharata
bharata dynasty(Arjun). dynasty (Arjun).

2.15 `_² oh Z ì`W`oÝV EV{ [wéf_² [wéf-F f^ &

g_ Xw:I gwI_² Yra_² g: A_¥VËdm` H$ë[V{ &&15&&
([wéf_² F$f^) O best among men (Arjun) ([wéf_²) the
person (who) (Z) don't (get) (ì`W`oÝV) disturbed
O best among men (Arjun), the person (who) (and) (g_) remain same (equipoised) (Xw•I) in
don't get disturbed, (and remain) same bad time (and) (gwI_²) good time (g•) such a
(equipoised) (in) bad time (and) good time, person is (H$ë[V{) eligible for (A_¥Ëdm`) immortal
such a person is eligible for immortal life (in life (in heaven).

Note For 2.13: The body which we have at the age of 25 is not the same body which we had at the time of
birth. It is new. Similarly, the body which we will have at old age will not be the same which we had at age of 25. So in
our life our body keeps on renewing. After death also the soul will get a new body in parlok, which can feel pleasure of
heaven or punishment of hell. (Please read note No. N-3 and N-4 to have clear concept about rebirth).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

Z AgV: odÚV{ ^md: Z A^md: odÚV{ gV: & (AgV•) (Human-body and this world which are)
2.16 C^`m{ : Ao[ Ñï>: AÝV: Vw AZ`m{: VÎd Xoe©o^: &&16&& temporary (and will not exist one day) (^md•
(Human body and this world which are) odÚV{) (we can see) there existence.(gV•) (God,
temporary, (and will not exist one day) but we Soul and hereafter which are) fact (A^md• odÚV{)
could see their existence. (God, Soul and we could not see there existence (Vw) but (C^`m{:)
hereafter which are) fact, (but) we could not these two (Z) (are) not same (Ao[) certainly (VÎd)
see their existence. But these two are not same. truth about (AZ`m{•) all these (AÝV•) and their
Certainly truth about all these, (above concluding position (Xoe©o^•) only visionary
mentioned fact) and their concluding position, scholars can (Ñï>•) see.
only visionary scholars can see.

Shri-Krishna explains about God to Arjun :- (Vw) Indeed (odoÕ) (you should) know (that) (VV²)
AodZmoe Vw VV² odoÕ `{Z gd©_² BX_² VV_² & that (God) is (AodZmoe) immortal (`{Z) because of
2.17 odZme_² Aì``ñ` Añ` Z H$oíMV² H$Vw©_² Ah©oV &&17&& whom (gd©_²) this whole universe (VV_²) exist. (Z
Indeed (you should) know (that), that (God) is H$oûMV) no one (Ah©oV) is able (H$Vw©_) to (odZme_²)
immortal, because of whom this whole destroy (Añ`) of that (God.)
universe exist. No one is able to do destroy that
Note : To clearly understand meaning of shlok
No. 2.17 we are writing here shlok no. 17.23.
In which three names of God are mentioned.
That is Om, Tat, and Sat.

17.23 ]«CmVV² gV² BoV oZX}e: ]«÷U: oÌ-odY: ñ_¥V: &

÷Um: V{Z d{Xm: M `km: M odohVm: [wam &&17-23&&
([wam) In initial period of creation (]«÷U) the
supreme God(oZX} e :) directed (]« m ÷Um•)
In initial period of creation the supreme God brahmanas (ñ_¥V•) remember (Me by) (oÌ odY•)
directed brahmanas “remember (Me by) three three type of name (<) Om (VV²) tat (gV²) sat (BoV)
type of name, Om, tat, sat.” Thus by that thus (V{Z) by that (brahmans use to) (odohVm)
(names, brahmanas use to) manage prayers manage (`km) prayers (M) and (d{Xm:) teach vedas.
and teach vedas.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

Shri-Krishna receives revealation from God :- (C·Vm•) God said (X{hm•) the bodies of (eara) all
AÝV-dÝV B_{X{hm: oZË`ñ` Cº$m: earoaU: & creature (with body) (AÝV-dÝV) is going to
2.18 AZmoeZ: Aà_{`ñ` Vñ_mV² `wÜ`ñd ^maV &&18&& perish. (B_{) (but) in this (body) (AZmoeZ•) (there
God said, the bodies of all creatures are going is an) immortal (spirit) (Aà_{`ñ`) which could
to perish, (but) in this (body) (there is a) not be measured (oZË`ñ`) and which always
immortal (Spirit), which could not be remains in one form. (Vñ_mV²) therefore (^maV) O
measured, and which always remains in one descendant of Bharat (Arjuna) (don't fear
form. Therefor O descendent of Bharat death and) (`wÜ`ñd) (get prepared to) fight.
(Arjuna) (don't fear death and) (get prepared
to) fight.
Description of Spirit :- (`) Anyone who (d{oÎm) knows (EZ_²) this (spirit)
(hÝVma_²) as a killer (M) and (`•) anyone who (_Ý`V{)
2.19 `:C^m¡EZ_² d{oÎm hÝVma_² `: M EZ_² _Ý`V{ hV_²&
Vm¡ Z odOmZrV: Z A`_² hoÝV Z hÝ`V{ &&19&& thinks (EZ_²) this (soul) as (hV_²) mortal. (C^m¡) both
Anyone who knows this (Spirit) as a killer, and (of them have) (Z) no (odOmZrV) knowledge. (EZ_²)
anyone who thinks this (Spirit) as mortal (one this (soul) (Z) neither (hoÝV) kills (anyone) (Z)
who can die), both (of them have) no nor (hÝ`V{) it get killed.
knowledge. This (Spirit) neither kills
(anyone), nor it gets killed.
Z Om`V{ o_«`V{ dm H$XmoMV² Z A`_² ^yËdm ^odVm dm Z (A`_²) this (soul) (Z) neither (Om`V{) took birth (dm)
2.20 ^y`: &
AO: oZË`: emídV: A`_² [wamU: Z hÝ`V{ hÝ`_mZ{ and (Z) nor (dm) (o_«`V{) it dies (dm) and (H$XmoMV²) at
eara{&&20&& any time (Z) neither (it) (^yËdm) came into
This (spirit) neither took birth, nor it dies, and existence (^odVm) nor is in existence (Z ^y`•) and
at any time neither (it) came into existence, nor neither it will come into existence (A`_² [wamÊm)
is in existence, and neither it will come into and it is the oldest (one) (Z) this does not (hÝ`V{)
existence. This (spirit) is the oldest. This does die (with) (hÝ`_mZ{) death of (eara{) body.
not die (with) death of body.
Note :- (Read Note No-N2 on spirit to understand sloks
regarding spirit. This note is at the end of this book. )

Note For 17.23 :- That means God orders (mankind) to remember Him with three names Om, tat, Sat. In
this sloke no. 2:17 His name tat is mentioned.
Note For 2.18 :- Spirit will be described in sloke no. 2:18 to 2:26, and after this sloke no. 2:17 God will
directly talk to Arjun through Shri Krishna. It is revelation.
Note For 2.19 :- In holy quran God said to Angels that when I blow spirit in the body of Adam from my
spirit. (Holy Quran 15:29).
That means this spirit keeps human being alive and it is from God. Soul and Spirit are two different things. To know
the difference kindly read note no.2.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

2.21 d{H$W_²
X AodZmoeZ_² oZË`_² `: EZ_² AO_² Aì``_² &
g: [wéf: [mW© H$_² KmV`oV hoÝV H$_² &&21&&
(`•) one who (d{X) knows (EV_²) this (spirit)
(AodZmoeZ_²) imperishable (oZË`_²) eternal (AO_²)
One who knows this (spirit) imperishable, unborn (Aì``_²) immortal ([mW©) O Arjuna, (g•)
eternal, unborn, immortal. O Arjun, that thats ([wéf•) person (H$W_²) how (hoÝV) (can he) kill
person how (can he) kill anyone, or arrange to (H$_²) anyone or (KmV`oV) arrange to kill (H$_²)
kill anyone. anyone.

dmgm§og OrUm©oZ `Wm odhm` ZdmoZ J¥hUoV Za: A[amoU (`Wm) (just) as (Za•) a man (odhm`) giving up (OrUm©oZ)
2.22 VÏmm earamoU odhm` OrUm©oZ AÝ`moZ g§`moV ZdmoZ X{hr old and worn out (dmgm§og) garments (and) (J¥öUmoV)
&&22&& accepts (wear) (A[amoU) other (ZdmoZ) new
Just as a man giving up old and worn out (garment) (VWm) in the same way (spirit) (odhm`)
garments, and accepts (wear) other new gives up (OrUm©oZ) old and useless (earamoU) bodies
garment, in the same way (spirit) gives up old
(in this material world) (g§`moV) accepts (ZdmoZ)
and useless bodies (in this material world)
new (X{hr) body (AÝ`moZ) (in) other (world) (in
accepts new body in other (world) (in parlok).
(Read Note No.2 to understand life after death.)

2.23 ZZ MEZ_²EZ_²oN>·b{ÝXoÝV eómoU Z EZ_² XhoV [mdH$: &

X`oÝV Am[: Z em{f`oV _méV: &&23&&
(EZ_²) To this (spirit) (Z) no (eñÌmoU) weapon
(oN>ÝXoÝV) can cut into pieces. (Z EZ_²) neither to
To this (spirit) no weapon can cut into pieces. (this spirit) ([mdH$•) fire (can) (XhoV) burn (M) And
To this (spirit) neither fire can burn, nor water (Z) nor (EZ_²) to this (spirit) (Am[•) water (can)
(can) drawn, and nor wind can dry (wither) (·b{X`oÝV) drawn, (Z) nor (to this spirit) (_méV•)
wind can (em{f`oV) dry (wither)

AÀN{>Ú: A`_² AXmø : A`_² A·b{Ú: Aem{î`: Ed ` &

2.24 oZË`: gd©-JV: ñWmUw: AM b: A`_² gZmVZ: &&24&&
(A`_²) this (spirit is) (AÀN{>Y:) unbreakable (AXmø•)
unable to be burned (A`_²) this (spirt (A·b{Ú•)
This (spirit is) unbreakable, unable to be
does not dissolve (in water) (Aem{î`•) does not
burned, this (spirit) does not dissolve (in
water), it does not get dried, and no doubt this get dried (M) and (Ed) no doubt (A`_²) this (spirit)
spirit is everlasting, unchangeable (Does n’t (oZË`•) everlasting (ñWmUw•) unchangeable (does
age), can survive in all places in universe, not age) (gd© JV•) can survive in all places in
immovable (whatever period assigned with universe (AMb•) immovable (whatever period
body, it remain with it). assigned with body-it remains with it)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

Aì`º$: A`_² AoMÝË`: A`_² AodH$m`©: A`_² CÀ`V{& (CÀ`V{) God said that (A`_²) this (spirit is) (Aì`·V•)
2.25 Vñ_mV² Ed_ odoXËdm EZ_² Z AZem{oMVw_² Ah©og &&25&& invisible (A`_² ) this (spirit is) (AoMÝË`•)
God said that this (soul) is invisible, this inconceivable (A`_²) this (spirit is) (AodH$m`©•)
(spirit) is inconceivable, this (spirit) is unchangeable (Vñ_mV²) therefore (odXrËdm) (after)
unchangeable. Therefore after knowing well knowing well about (A`_²) this (spirit) (Ah©og) you
about this (spirit), you should not worry should (Z) not (AZwem{oMVw_²) worry (about life and
(about life and death). death)

2.26 VwAWm Ao[

M EZ_² oZË`-OmV_² oZË`_² dm _Ý`g{_¥V_² &
Ëd_² _hm-]mhm{ Z EZ_² em{oMVw_² Ah©og &&26&&
(AW) even if (Ëd_) you (_Ý`g{) think that (EZ_²) this
(spirit) (oZË`_² OmV_²) always take birth (dm) or (_¥V_²)
Even if you think that this (spirit) always take dies (oZË`_²) forever (Ao[ VWm) then also (_hm]mhm{) o
birth or die forever. Then also O Arjun, don't Arjun, with mighty arms (Z) don't (em{oMVw_²) worry
worry so much about this (matter of life & (Ah©og) so much about (EZ_²) in this (matter of life
death). & death).

OmVñ` oh Y«wd: _¥Ë`w: Y«d_² OÝ_ _¥Vñ` M & (oh) Certainly (OmVñ`) one who has been born
2.27 Vñ_mV² A[oahm`©{ AW} Z Ëd_² em{oMVw_² Ah©og &&27&& (then) (Y«wd•) certainly (he will) (_¥Vñ`) die (M) and
Certainly, one who has been born (then), (Vñ_mV²) therefore (Y«wd_²) it is also a fact that
certainly (he will) die. And therefore it is also a (A[oahm`©{) we cannot escape from (_¥Vñ`) death
fact that we cannot escape from death (after (OÝ_) birth (and) (so in this matter) (Ëd_²) (O
taking) birth (so in this matter), (O Arjun) you Arjun) you (Ah©og) should (Z) not (em{oMVw_²) worry.
should not worry.

Aì`º$-AmXroZ ^yVmoZ ì`º$ _Ü`moZ ^maV & (^maV) O Arjun! (^yVmoZ) all created things were
2.28 Aì`º$ oZYZmoZ Ed VÌ H$m [oaX{dZm &&28&& (Aì`·V) not visible (AmoXZr) at the beginning (of
O Arjun! all created things were not visible at their creation) (ì`·V) they are visible in (_Ü`moZ)
the beginning of their creation. They are middle period (of this existence) (Ed) and (it is
visible in middle period of their existence, and a fact that) (oZYZmoZ) after death (again) (Aì`·V)
it is a fact that after death again they will not be they will not be visible (VÌ) then (H$m) what is
visible. Then what is the need of worrying so (the need of) ([oaX{dZm) worrying (so much.)

Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok no. 2:27;

Every human being is bound to taste death. And only on the Day of judgement you will be paid for whatever you have
done. One who is saved from fire of hell is really successful. Life of this world is nothing but an enjoyment of self-
delusion. (Holy Quran 3:185)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

2.29 AmíM`©
dV² [í`oV H$oíMV² EZ_² AmíM`©dV² dXoV VWm E] M (when facts about soul are described) (H$oûMV²)
some people see (EZ_²) this (spirit as) (AmûM`©dV²)
AmíM`©dV² M EZ_² AÝ`: e¥Um{oV l¥Ëdm Ao[ EZ_² d{X Z M Ed amazing (dXoV) some speak (about it as (AmûM`©dV²)
H$oíMV² &&29&&
amazing (VWm) and (Ed) indeed (AÝ`•) some
(When facts about spirit are described) some people (e¥Um{oV) hear (M) about (EZ_²) this (spirit as
people see this (spirit as) amazing. Some speak something) (Amü`©dV²) amazing (Ed) but (it is also
it as amazing. And some people hear about this a fact that) (AÝ`•) some people (Z) cannot (d{X)
(spirit as something) amazing. But it is also a understand (H$oûMV²) anything (EZ_²) about this
fact that some people cannot understand spirit (Ao[) even after (lwËdm) hearing about it.
anything about this spirit, even after hearing
about it.

X{hr oZË`_² AdÜ`: A`_² X{h{gd©ñ` ^maV &

2.30 Vñ_mV² (^maV) O Bharat (Arjun) (A`_²) this (spirit which
gdm©oU ^yVmoZ Z Ëd_² em{oMVw_² Ah©og &&30&& is present in) (X{h{) body of (gd©ñ`) all the creatures
O Bharat (Arjun), this spirit (which is present (oZË`_²) (is) immortal (X{hr) (spirit present in) body
in) body of all the creatures, (is) immortal. of creature (AdÜ`•) cannot be killed (Vñ_mV²)
(spirit present in) body of creature cannot be
therefore (gdm©oU) (on death of) all the (^yVmoZ)
killed. Therefore (on death of) all the creature
creature (Ëd_²) you (Ah©og) should (Z) not (em{oMVw_²)
you should not worry (so much).
worry (so much).

Responsibility of a warrior :-
(Ao[) Certainly (Y_©_²) The religious rules
ñd-Y_©_² Ao[ M Ad{ú` Z odH$oå[Vw_² Ah©og & (which) (ñd) (God has fixed for) yourself (Ad{ú`)
2.31 Yå`m©V² oh `wÕmV² l{`: AÝ`V² joÌ`ñ` Z odÚV{&&31&&
except thinking about them (you) (Z) should
Certainly the religious rules (which God has
not (odH$oå[Vw_²) think anything else. (oh) no (doubt)
fixed for) yourself, except thinking about
(joÌ`ñ`) for a warrior (AÝ`V²) nothing else (l{`•) is
them (you) should not think anything else. No
doubt, for a warrior nothing else is better than better than (`wÕmV²) fight for (Yå`m©V²) establishing
fighting for establishing divine religion. divine religion.

`ÑÀN>`m M C[[Þ_² ñdJ© Ûma_² A[md¥V_² & ([mW©) O partha (Arjun) (b^ÝV{) getting (`ÑÀN>`m)
2.32 gwoIZ: joÌ`m: [mW© b^ÝV{`wÕ_² B©Ñe_² &&32&& unsought (by its own) (B©Ñe_²) this way (C[[Þ_²)
O partha (Arjun) getting unsought (by its opportunity of (`wÕ_²) war is (gwoIZ•) Good thing
own), this way, opportunity of war is a good (M) and (A[md¥V_²) open (Ûma_²) door for (ñdJ©)
thing, and an open door for heaven.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

AW M{V² Ëd_² B__² Yå`©_² g§J«m__² Z H$oaî`og &

2.33 VV: ñd-Y_©_² H$roV©_² M ohËdm [mZ_² Admßñ`og &&33&&
(M{V) if (Ëd_²) you (Z) don't (H$oaî`og) do (g§J«m__²) war
(for this) (Yå`©_²) religion (VV•) then (ñdY_©_²) (as per
If you don't do war (for this) religion, then (as
religious laws which God has fixed for) you
per religious laws which God has fixed for)
(ohËdm) (you will) lose (H$roV©_²) (your) reputation
you, (you will) lose (your) reputation, and
(M) and (Admßñ`og) (you) will gain ([m[_²) sin (also).
(you) will gain sin (also.)

AH$roV©_² M Ao[ ^yVmoZ H$Wo`î`oÝV V{ Aì``m_² & (M) and (Ao[) certainly (^yVmoZ) all people will (V{)
2.34 gå^modVñ` M AH$roV© _aUm_² AoVoaÀ`V{ &&34&&
always (g_odVñ`) talk about this (AoH$oV©_²)
And certainly all people will always talk about
humiliating (H$Wo`î`moÝV) incident (M) and (AH$roV©•)
this humiliating incident, and humiliation (is)
humiliation (is) (AoVoaÀ`V{) worse than (_aUmV²)
worse than death.

^`mV² aUmV² C[aV_² _§ñ`ÝV{Ëdm_² _hmaWm: & (_hmaWm•) The great generals (`{fm_²) for whom
2.35 `{fm_² M Ëd_² ]hw-_V: ^yËdm `mñ`og bmKd_² &&35&& (Ëdm_²) you are (]hw _V•) highly respected, (_§ñ`ÝV{)
The great generals for whom you are highly they will consider that (Ëdm_²) you (C[aV_²) left the
respected, they will consider that you left the (aUmV²) battlefield (^`mV²) because of fear (hence)
battlefield because of fear, (hence) they will (^wËdm `mñ`og) they will consider you (bmÚd_²)
consider you insignificant (you will lose your insignificant (you will lose your respect)

AdmÀ` dmXmZ² M ]hyZ² doXî`oÝV Vd AohVm:& (Vd) your (AohVm•) enemy (oZÝXÝV•) while
2.36 oZÝXÝV: Vd gm_Ï`©_² VV: Xw:I-Va_² Zw oH$_² &&36&& criticizing (Vd) your (gm_Ï`©_²) ability (doXî`oÝV) will
your enemy while criticizing your ability, will say (]hyZ²) many (AdmÀ`) insulting (dmXmZ²) words
say many insulting words. That time of course (VV•) that time (Zw) of course (oH$_²) nothing could
nothing could be more insulting than this. be (Xw•I Va_²) more insulting than this.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

2.37 hV: dm àmßñ`og ñdJ©_² oOËdm dm ^m{ú`g{ _hr_² &

Vñ_mV² CoÎmð> H$m¡ÝV¡` `wÕm` H¥$V oZíM`: &&37&&
(H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjun) (hV•) (if) you get
killed (àmßñ`og) you will get (ñdJ©_²) heaven (dm) if
O son of Kunti (Arjun) if you get killed, you (oOËdm) you win the war (^m{ú`g{) you will get
will get heaven. If you win the war, you will
leisure (_hr_²) of this world (Vñ_mV²) therefore
get leisure of this world. Therefore get up with
(CoÎmð> ) get up with (H¥ $ V) firm (oZûM`)
firm determination for the war.
determination (`wÕm`) for the war.

gwIXw:I{ g_{ H¥$Ëdm bm^-Abm^m¡ O`-AO`m¡ & (H¥$Ëdm) (It is) religiously compulsory (for you to)
2.38 VV: `wÕm` `wÁ`ñd Z Ed_² [m[_² Admßñ`og &&38&& (g_{) remain balanced in (gwI) happiness (Xw•I)
(It is) religiously compulsory (for you to) distress (bm^-Abm^r) profit and loss (O`-AO`m¡)
remain balanced in happiness, distress, profit victory and defeat (these emotions should not
and loss, victory and defeat. (these emotions be motive for your war) (`wÁ`ñd) engage in war
should not be motive for your war). Engage in (the way in which it should be fought, that is
war (the way in which it should be fought. only for sake of protecting divine religion)
That is only for sake of protecting divine (Ed_²) in this way (Z) (you will) not (Admßñ`og)
religion) in this way (you will) not incur sin. incur ([m[_²) sin.
Compulsory religious duties :-
l In shlok no. 2:39 God reminds Arjun about (karm bandhan) that is a compulsory religious duty. That means
human being is not free to live life as per his own wishes and liking. Their are certain duties for human being, which he
has to do. And one of the compulsory religious duty is establishment of true religion in society, and struggling for well-
being of common people.

Efm V{ Ao^ohVm gm§»`{ ]woÕ: `m{J{Vw B_m_² e¥Uw & ([mW©) O son of partha (Arjun) (Ao^ohVm) I
2.39 ]wÕ`m `wº$: ``m [mW© H$_©-]ÝY_² àhmñ`og &&39&& explained (V{) to you (Efm) all this (gm§»`{)
O son of partha (Arjun), I explained to you all analytical knowledge (from vedas) (]woÕ•`m{J{)
this analytical knowledge (from vedas), which which connect you to God intellectually (Vw)
will connect you to God intellectually. But but (e¥Uw) listen to (B_m_²) this (teaching) (`w·V•)
listen to this teaching (which I am going to with (]wÕ`m) mind and soul (``m) because of this
teach you now) with mind and soul. Because (knowledge) (àhmñ`og) you will progress (H$_©
of this knowledge you will progress in ]ÝY_²) (in fulfilling your compulsory religious
fulfilling your compulsory religious duty.
Note :- (In religion two things are necessary. First is (àhmg) means odH$mg or progress (Sanskrit Hindi-
faith and second is certain duties or way of life. Till Shabdkosh By Pandit Ishvarchand, page no-616)
sloke No. 2.38 God explained regarding faith. Now
from 2.39 onward he will explain duties and way of life
as per requirement of religion.)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

2.40 Z Bh Ao^H«$_ Zme: AoñV àË`dm`: Z odÚV{& (Ao^H«$_) one who performs deeds with (Bh) this
gw-Aë[_² Ao[ Añ` Y_©ñ` Ìm`V{ _hV²: ^`mV² &&40&& (divine knowledge) (Z) neither (Zme• AoñV) faces
destruction (àË`dm`• Z odÚV{) nor falls in to hell.
One who performs deeds with this (divine (Ao[) no doubt (gw-Aë[_²) small action (Y_©ñ`) in
knowledge) neither faces destruction nor falls religion (Añ`) with (true divine knowledge)
in to hell. No doubt small action in religion (Ìm`V{) releases one from (_hV•)great (^`mV²) fear.
with (true divine knowledge) releases one
from great fear.

2.41 ì`dgm`-AmoË_H$m ]woÕ: EH$m Bh Hw$é-ZÝXZ & (Hw$é-ZÝXZ) O well wisher of Kurus (Arjun) (Bh) in
]hw-emIm: oh AZÝVm: M ]wÕ`: Aì`dgmo`Zm_² &&41&& this world (AmoË_H$m) person (with) (ì`dgm`)
O well wisher of Kurus (Arjun), in this world unwavering (]woÕ•) (believe in) (EH$m) one (God)
person with unwavering mind believe in one (M) and (oh) no doubt (Aì`dgmo`Zm_²) those who
God, and no doubt those who have indecisive have indecisive (]wÕ`•) mind (AZÝVm•) (believe in)
mind (believe in) unlimited (dieties), (and unlimited (dieties) (]hw emIm•) (and wander) on
wander) on various paths. various paths.
Note:- (following description is for other group, that
is for (Aì`dgmo`Zm_²), that means for those who have no
clear faith and belief.)

Behavior of those who do not believe in on God :-

`m_² B_m_² [woî[Vm_² dmM_² àdXoÝV Aod[oûMV: & ([mW©) O Arjun! (`m_²) all (B_m_²) those (Aod[oûMV•)
2.42 d{X-dmX-aVm: [mW© Z AÝ`V² AoñV BoV dmoXZ: &&42&& ignorant ([woî[V_²) show-off people (àdXoÝV) (only)
O Arjun! all those ignorant show-off people, talk (dmM_²) words (without intention of doing
(only) talk words (without intention of doing good deeds) (aVm•) they remain busy in (d{X dmX)
good deeds). They remain busy in disputing disputing teaching of vedas. (Z) (they) don't
teaching of vedas. (They) don't have any (have) (dmoXZ•) any intention (AÝ`V²) other than
intension other than this. (features described in (BoV) this (features described in next sloke)
next two slokes)

Note For 2.38 : Once Hazrat Ali overpowered a person in a war and was about to kill him. Helplessly when
that person could not do anything, he spot on face of Hazrat Ali. Hazrat Ali freed him immediately. After surviving he
asked Hazrat Ali “why you released me?” Hazrat Ali said, “initially I was fighting only for God. When you spot, I got
angry with you. If I kill you now, it will be not purely for God, but it will have my personal reason also, hence I freed
you.” So noble persons know that, act which is done only for God do not cause sin. If personal feeling get involved
then sin may occur.

l From sloke no. 2:40 to 2:69 God explains how compulsory religious duty could be fulfilled. In between God also
explained about those people who don't believe in one God.
l Shlok No 2:40 says that, to fulfill (karma bandhan) compulsory religious duty divine knowledge is important.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

2.43 oH«H$m_-AmË_mZ: ñdJ©-[am: OÝ_-H$_©-\ b-àXm_ &

$`m-ode{f ]hwbm_² ^m{J E{íd`© JoV_² àoV &&43&&
(H$m_-AmË_mZ•) Indulging in (self enjoyment),
sense gratification
Indulging in (self enjoyment) sense
gratification. (OÝ_ H$_© \$b àXmZ²) doing only these deed which
(they think) will yield good return in this
Doing only those deed which (they think) will world and good birth after death.
yield good return in this world, and good birth
after death. (oH«$`m ode{f) doing such rituals which are more
for self-satisfaction than pleasing God.
Doing such rituals which are more for self- (JoV_² ) always strive (àoV) towards (^m{ J )
satisfaction, than pleasing God. enjoyment, (]hwbm_²) power, (E{ûd`©) great wealth
Always striving towards enjoyment, power, and luxury,
and great wealth and luxury. (ñdJ© [am:) (even though there deeds are not
(even though their deeds are not perfect then perfect then also) wishing for luxurious life in
also) wishing for luxurious life in heaven after heaven after death.

^m{J E{íd`© àgº$mZm_² V`m A[øV-M{Vgm_² & (àg·VmZm_²) those who strive for (^m{J) materialistic
2.44 ì`dgm`-AmoË_H$m: ]woÕ: g_mYm¡ Z odYr`V{ &&44&& enjoyment (E{ûd`©) great wealth and luxurious
Those who strive for materialistic enjoyment, life (M{Vgm_²) the mind & soul (of such people)
great wealth and luxurious life, the mind & (A[hV) get confused (V`m) by such (wishes.) (Z)
soul (of such people) get confused by such (Because of these factor they) don't (have any
wishes. (Because of these factor they) don't deed) (odYr`V{) which depend on (ì`dgm` AmoË_H$m
(have any deed) which depend on determined ]woÕ•) determined mind and (faith in God)
mind and faith in God, and deed which is done (g_mYm¡) (and which is done only) to please
only to please God.

Divine instruction for mankind :-

Ì¡-JwÊ` odf`m: d{Xm: oZó¡-Ì¡-JwÊ` ^d AOw©Z & (d{ X m•) In holy vedas (odf`m•) there are
2.45 oZÛ© ÝÛ: oZË`-gÎd-ñW: oZ`m}J-j{_: AmË_dmZ² &&45&& descriptions of (Ì¡) three (JwÊ`) tendencies (good,
In holy vedas there are descriptions of three passion, ignorance) (AOw©Z) O Arjun (oZñÌ¡-JwÊ`•^d)
tendencies (good, passion, ignorance). O leave these three tendencies (oZìX©ÝÛ•) don't get
Arjun, leave these three tendencies. Don't get affected by duality (Don't get affected by
affected by duality (Don't get affected by sorrow & pleasure, good health & sickness
sorrow & pleasure, good health & sickness etc) (oZË`) always (ñW•) follow firmly (gÎd) the
etc). Always follow firmly the divine rules of divine rules of God (oZ`m}J) don't indulge in (j{_)
God. Don't indulge in always thinking of self- always thinking of self-prosperity and self-
prosperity, and self-protection. Become one protection (AmË_ dmZ²) become one who depends
who depends only on God. only on God.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

`mdmZ² AW©: CX-[mZ{ gd©V: gåßbwV-CXH{$ & (`mdmZ²) The way in which all (AW©) needs are
2.46 VmdmZ² gd}fw d{X{fw ]«måhUñ` odOmZV: &&46&& fulfilled (gd©V•) in all respects (gåßbwV CXH{$) from
The way in which all needs are fulfilled in all one big water reservoir (CX[mZ{) (but not from
respects from one big water reservoir, (but not many) small ponds. (VmdmZ²) similarly (odOmZV•)
from many) small ponds. Similarly one who one who has complete faith (d{X{fw) as per holy
has complete faith, as per holy vedas in (one) vedas (]«m÷Uñ`) in one supreme God (gd}fw) all his
supreme God, all his needs are fulfilled (by needs are fulfilled (by that one supreme God).
that one supreme God).

H$_©oU Ed AoYH$ma: _m \$b{fw H$XmMZ & (Ed) No doubt (AoYH$ma•) you have right (H$_m©oU) to
2.47 _m H$_©-\$b h{Vw: ^y: _m V{ g¶‹m{:> AñVw AH$_©oU &&47&& perform your prescribed duty (_m) (but you)
No doubt you have right to perform your don't (have) (H$XmMZ) (any) (control on) (\$b{fw)
prescribed duty, (but you) don't (have) any results (fruits) of you actions, (deeds) (_m)
control on results (fruits) of you action, neither (h{Vw•^y•) you consider your (self) the
(deeds). Neither your consider your (self) the
cause (H$_©$\$b) of outcome of your action (_m) nor
cause of outcome of you action, nor be
(g>‹>: AñVw) be attached to (inaction) (AH$_m©oU) not
attached to (inaction, that is) not doing your
doing (V{) your (duty).

`m{JñW: Hw$é H$_m©oU g‹>_² Ë`·Ëdm YZÄO` & (YZÄO`) O Arjuna (CÀ`V{) (God) says that (Ë`·Ëdm)
ogoÕ-AogÕ`m{: g_: ^wËdm g_Ëd_² `m{J: CÀ`V{&&48&& give up (gL²>J_²) worshiping deities (devtas)
O Arjuna, God says that, give up worshiping along with one God (Hw$é) perform (H$_m©oU) your
deities along with one God. Perform your duties (`m{JñW•) remain connected with God (^yËdm)
duties. Remain connected with God. Remain remain (g_•) equipoised or patient (in) (ogoÕ
equipoised or patient (in) in success and failure. AogÕ`m|•) in success and failure (g_Ëd_²-`m{J) this is
This is prayer of God by practicing patience.
prayer of God by practicing patience.
Note : Read Note no. N-6 to understand Sangam.
(worshiping deities along with one God).

Note For 2:45 : ( Shlok no. 14.20-14.26) describes Ateet nature or Tendency which we should adopt after
giving-up, Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamsic nature.

Note For 2:47 : (That means you should sincerely do your duty, but whatever will happen will be as per
decision of God and not as per your action. Hence whatever is happening don't think that it is because of your action.
And even after having knowledge that whatever happen is as per decision of God and not by your action. You should
not stop doing your duty. But you do your duty best and leave the rest to God.

Hadees similar to Shlok No. 2.47

Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said “To aim and to try is in your capacity. Result will be as per decision of God.”
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2
Always work Selflessly :-

2.49 ]wXyaÕ{Um¡ eaU_²

oh Ada_² H$_© ]woÕ`m{JmV² YZO` &
AoÝdÀN> H¥$[Um: \ b-h{Vd: &&49&&
(YZÄO`) O Arjuna (]wÕ¡ `m{JmV²) the divine
knowledge which you received from God. (on
O Arjun, the divine knowledge which you basis of this knowledge) (Xya{U) remain away
received from God, (On basis of this from (Ada_²) bad (H$_©) deeds (AoÝdÀN>) try to (eaU_²>)
knowledge) remain away from bad deeds. Try surrender (]wÕ¡) your intellect (to God) (\$b h{Vd•)
to surrender your intellect (to God). Those Those who do deed to get its good return (in
who do (good) deed to get its good return (in this world) are (H¥$[Um•) misers.
this world) are misers.

]woÕ-`wº$: OhmoV Bh C^{ gwH¥$V-XwîH¥$V{& (]woÕ`w·V•) Those who have deep faith in God
2.50 Vñ_mV² `m{Jm` `wÁ`ñd `m{J: H$_©gw H$m¡eb_² &&50&& (OhmoV) become free from (C^{) both (gw>H¥$V XwîH¥$V{)
Those who have deep faith in God, become good and bad deed (Arises above the thought
free from both good and bad deed (Arises of doing good or bad deed, and only strive to
above the thought of doing good or bad deed, please and obey God) (Bh) in this world (Vñ_mV²)
and only strive to please and obey God) in this therefore (`wÁ`ñd) get engaged in (`m{Jm`)
world. Therefore get engaged in connecting connecting your intellect and faith in God (`m{J•)
your intellect and faith in God. Action which
action which connect to (pleases) God is
connect to (pleases) God, is best way of doing
(H$m¡eb_²) best way of doing (H$_©gw) all activities.
all activities.
Note : Read Note no. N-7 to understand
meaning of “Yog”.

H$_©-O_² ]woÕ-`wº$m: oh \ b_² Ë`·Ëdm _ZrofU: & (_ZrofU•) Pious man (]woÕ `w·Vm•) who has deep faith
2.51 OÝ_-]ÝY odoZ_w©º$m: [X_² JÀN>oÝV AZm_`_² &&51&& in God (Ë`·Ëdm) give up (\ b_²) (expectations of
Pious man who has deep faith in God give up any) returns (H$_© O_) of result which get
(expectations of any) returns or results, which generated by his deed (hr) no doubt (he gets)
get generated by his deed. No doubt (he gets)
(odoZ_w©·Vm•) liberated from (OÝ_-]ÝY) bondage of
liberated from bondage of birth (in hell), and
birth (in hell) and (JÀN>oÝV) reaches ([X_²) heaven
reaches heaven where there is no misery.
(AZm_`_²) where there is no misery.

2.52 `Xm _m{h H$obb_² ]woÕ: ì`oVVoaî`oV &

VXm JÝVm Aog oZd}X_² lm{Vì`ñ` lwVñ` M &&52&&
(`Xm) When (]woÕ•) your mind (ì`oVVoaî`oV) will
come out from (H$obb_²) quicksand of (_m{h)
When your mind will come out from
illusion (lust, greed) (VXm) then (JÝVm Aog) you
quicksand of illusion (That is, wish to have
great wealth and power) then you shall shall become (oZd©{X_²) indifferent to (lm{Vì`ñ`) all
become indifferent to all that is to be heard and that is to be heard (M) and (lwVñ`) all that is
all that is already heard. already heard.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

lwoV odàoV[Þm V{`Xm ñWmñ`oV oZíMbm & (`Xm) When (V{) your (mind) (odàoV[Þm) stops
2.53 g_mYm¡ AMbm ]woÕ: `m{J_² Admßñ`og &&53&& getting influenced by (lw o V) talk of
When your (mind) stops getting influenced by (materialistic people) (than) (Admßñ`og) you will
talk of (materialistic people than) you will attain (]woÕ) a state of mind (which) (ñWmñ`oV)
attain a state of mind (which) remain remain (oZûMb) unmoved (AMb) determined
unmoved, determined (unshakeable). Which
(unshakeable) (`m{J_²) which will connect (your
will connect (your consciousness) to God and
consciousness) to God (g_mYm¡) (and) which will
which will be satisfied (with faith in one God).
be satisfied (with faith in one God).

oñWV-àkñ` H$m ^mfm g_moY-ñWñ` H{$ed & (AOw©Z CdmM) Arjuna said (H{$ed) O Krishna (oñWV àkñ`)
2.54 oñWV-Yr: oH$_² à^mf{V oH$_² AmgrV² d«O{V oH$_² &&54&& one who's heart has firm faith (in God) (g_moY
Arjuna said; O Krishna, one who's heart has ñWñ`) who’s consciousness is fully connected
firm faith (in God). Who’s consciousness is (to God) (oñWV Yr•) enlightened person (H$m ^mfm)
fully connected to God. enlightened person. what is his language (oH$_² à^mf{V) how he talks?
what is his language? how he talks? how he (oH$_²-AgrV²) how he lives? (d«O{V oH$_²) how he
lives? how he walks? walks?

Signs of having firm faith in God :-

àOhmoV `Xm H$m_mZ² gdm©Z² [mW© _Z: JVmZ² & lr ^JdmZ CdmM (God said) ([mW©) O Arjuna (`Xm) when
2.55 AmË_oZ Ed AmË_Zm Vwï>: oñWVàk: VXm CÀ`V{&&55&& (anyone) (àOhmoV) gives up (gdm©Z²) all (H$m_mZ²)
God said, O Arjuna, when (anyone) gives up desires for sense gratification (JVm_²) (which is)
all desires for sense gratification (which is) desired or insisted by (_Z•) his heart (AmË_oZ) by
desired or insisted by his heart, by his own his own will (and remain) (Vwï>) satisfied (VXm)
will, (and remain) satisfied, then it is said that then (CÀ`V{) it is said that (oñWV àk•) his mind and
his mind and heart have firm (faith) in God. heart have firm (AmË_Zm) (faith) in God.

Note For 2:51 : In hell when body gets burnt or cut into pieces, that man under punishment is given new
body and life again and again to suffer the punishment. He is bound to take birth again and again for completion of
punishment. This is (OÝ_]ÝY)

Note For 2:54 :- Sloke No. 2:41 and 2:46 indicate that the basic teaching of Bhagwat Gita is worship of
one God. Hence these sloke onward we should remember that even if name of God is not mentioned, we have to think
in that line. For example (oñWV-àkñ`). Meaning of this word is (oñWV) established /steady (àkñ`) heart. Or with
established heart. But heart established on what? From sloke No, 2:41 and 2:46 We should remember that it is (]«÷) or
Supreme God. Hence even though name of God is not written after every word, then also we have to remember that it
is about God only. Hence in other slokes also in same way we will do translation.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

Xw:I{fw AZwoÛJ«-_Zm: gwI{fw odJVñ[¥h: & (One who) (Xw•I{fw) in hard time (AZwoÛJZ) does not
2.56 drV amJ ^` H«$m{Y: oñWVYr: _woZ: CÀ`V{&&56&& get up set (_Zm•) (one who’s) mind (gwI{fw) in
(One who) in hard time does not get upset, happiness (odJVñ[¥h) does not get immersed in it
(one who’s) mind in happiness does not get (drV) (one who) remain free from (amJ) greed
immersed in it, (one who) remain free from (^`) fear (H«$m{Y•) anger (CÀ`V{) it is said that (_woZ•)
greed, fear, anger then it is said that, that pious that pious man has (oñWV) firmly stablished (in
man has firmly established (in faith of God) faith of God) (Yr•) with mind and
with mind and consciousness. consciousness.

`: gd©Ì AZo^ñZ{h: VV² VV² àmß` ew^ Aew^_² & (`•) One who (gd©Ì) in all conditions (AZo^ñZ{h•)
Z Ao^ZÝXoV Z Û{oï> Vñ` àkm àoVoð>Vm &&57&& (remain) unattached (VV²) that (person when he)
One who, in all conditions (remain) (àmß`) achieves (ew^) Good (or) (Aew^_²) evil (Z) he
unattached, (And) that (person, when he) neither (Ao^ZÝXoV) get delighted (Z) nor (Û{oï>)
achieve Good (or) evil, he neither get dejected (then) (Vñ`) his (àkm) consciousness
delighted nor dejected, (then) his and mind (àoVoð>Vm) firm (in faith in God.)
consciousness and mind is firm (in faith of

`Xm g§haV{M A`_² Hy$_©: AS²>JmoZ Bd gd©e: &

2.58 BoÝÐ`moU BoÝÐ`-AW}$ä`: Vñ` àkm àoVoð>Vm &&58&&
(`Xm) The way in which (Hy$_©•) tortoise (g§haV{)
The way in which tortoise withdraws it’s withdraws (A`_²) its (AL>JmoZ) limbs (Bd) similarly
limbs, similarly (when a person withdraws) (when a person withdraws) (gd©e•) all (BoÝÐ`moU)
all wishes for enjoyment (from) the objects of wishes for enjoyment (from) (BoÝÐ`-AW}ä`•) the
enjoyment, then his consciousness and mind is objects of enjoyment (Vñ`) then his (àkm)
firm (in faith of God). consciousness and mind (has) (àoVoð>Vm) firm
(faith in God).

2.59 odf`m: odoZdV©ÝV{oZamhmañ` X{ohZ:&

ag-dO©_² ag: Ao[ Añ` [a_² Ñï²>dm oZdV©V{&&59&&
(oZamhmañ`) by forcing restrain (odoZdV©ÝV{) and
practicing to remain away from (odf`m•) object
By forcing restrain and practicing to remain of enjoyment, (X{ohZ) human-being (ag• dO©_²) can
away from object of enjoyment, human being give up the wish for enjoyment. (Ao[) But (in
can give up the wish for enjoyment. But (in fact) (Añ`) it’s (ag•) taste (oZdV©V{) could only be
fact) it’s taste (or memory) could only be
removed (from mind) (Ñï>dm) by favorable
removed (from mind) by favorable looking
looking (help) ([a_²) of almighty God.
(help) of almighty God.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

How to have control on our wishes :-

`VV: oh Ao[ H$m¡ÝV{` [wéfñ` od[ol²MV: & (oh) No doubt (H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (BoÝÐ`moU)
2.60 BoÝÐ`moU à_mWroZ haoÝV àg^_² _Z: &&60&& desire of enjoyment (is so strong that it) (haoÝV)
No doubt, O Arjun, desire of enjoyment (is so overpowers (àg^_²) forcefully (Ao[) even (_Z:)
strong that it) overpowers forcefully even the the mind (of that) (od[oûMV•) intelligent ([wéfñ`)
mind (of that) intelligent person who tries to person who (`VV:) tries to (control it) (à_mWroZ)
(control it) forcefully. forcefully.

2.61 VmoZ gdm©oU g§`å` `wº$: AmgrV² _V-[a: &

de{oh `ñ` BoÝÐ`moU Vñ` àkm àoVoð>Vm &&61&&
(g§`å`) While controlling (gdm©oU) all (VmoZ) these
(wishes for enjoyment) (`w·V•) engage (your
While controlling all these (wishes for mind in) (_V² [a•) Me, the supreme Lord, (oh) no
enjoyment), engage (your mind in) Me, the double (`ñ`) who’s (BoÝÐ`moU) wishes for
supreme Lord. No double who’s wishes for enjoyment (are) (de{) under control (Vñ`) his
enjoyment (are) under control, his intellect (àkm) intellect (mind & Soul) will be also
(mind & Soul) will be also considered as considered as (àoVoð>Vm) firmly established (In
firmly established (In faith of God). faith in God).

How Destruction starts :-

2.62 Ü`m`V: odf`mZ² [w§g: gS²>: V{fw C[Om`V{&

gS>mV² g‚mm`V{H$m_: H$m_mV² H«$m{Y: Ao^Om`V{&&62&&
(Ü`m`V•) By continuously thinking about (odf`mZ²)
the source of enjoyment ([w§g•) human being
By continuously thinking about the source of
enjoyment, human beings develop an (g§L>J•) develop an attachment with (V{fw) them
attachment with them (things of enjoyment). (things of enjoyment) (C[Om`V{) (and then a
(And then a desire) arises (in his heart for desire) arises (in his heart for enjoyment)
enjoyment). (So from) attachment (he) (gL>JmV²) (so from) attachment (he) (gÄOm`V{)
develops desire, and when (desires are not develops (H$m_•) desire (H$m_mV²) and when (desires
fulfilled then) Anger, (frustration) arises in his are not fulfilled then) (H«$m{Y• Ao^Om`V{) Anger
mind. (frustration) arises in his mind.

Meaning of sense gratification = We have got five sense organs, Eye, Ear, Mouth, Nose and Tongue and we wish to
enjoy by all these organs, enjoyment by these organ is called sense gratification. Similarly enjoyment of sex is called
sex or sensual gratification. And word Kama (H$m_m) is used for all these types of gratifications. Gratification means
indulgence, fulfilment, satisfaction, enjoyment, pleasure etc.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

H«$m{YmV ^doV gå_m{h: gå_m{hmV² ñ_¥oV od^«_: &

2.63 ñ_¥ oV-^«§emV² ]woÕ-Zme: ]woÕ-ZmemV² àUí`oV &&63&&
(H«$m{YmV²) Anger (frustration) (^doV) leads to (gå_m{h)
clouding of thoughts (gå_m{hmV²) unclear thinking
Anger (frustration) leads to clouding of (clouding of thoughts) (ñ_¥oV) (causes) memory
thoughts. Unclear thinking (clouding of
(od^«_•) bewilderment (baffled or puzzled state
thoughts) (causes) memory bewilderment
of mind) (ñ_¥oV^«§emV²) because of baffled state of
(baffled or puzzled state of mind). Because of
mind (]woÕ Zme•) one cannot think properly
baffled state of mind, one cannot think
properly. (And because of this he gets) ruined. (àUí`oV) (and because of this he gets) ruined.

Importance of controlling thoughts :-

amJ Û{f od_wº¡$: Vw odf`mZ² BoÝÐ`¡: MaZ² & (Vw) But (odY{` AmË_) a pious person (who follows the
2.64 AmË_-dí`¡ : odY{`-AmË_m àgmX_² AoYJÀN>oV &&64&& instruction of God,) (od_w·V{$•) (who is) free from (amJ) lust
But a pious person (who follows the (Û{f•) hatred (MaZ²) and while enjoying (odf`mZ²) object of the
instruction of God), (who is) free from lust, senses (enjoyment) (dí`¡•) keeps control over (AmË_m) His
(BoÝÐ`}) wishes (for enjoy of) (AoYJÀN>oV) (He) attains (àgmX_²)
hatred. And while enjoying object of the mercy (of God.)
senses (enjoyment), he keeps control over his
wishes (for enjoyment). Then he attains mercy
(of God.)

àgmX{gd© Xw:ImZm_² hmoZ: Añ` C[Om`V{& (àgmX{) One who receives mercy (of God) (Añ`)
2.65 àgÞ-M{Vg: oh Amew ]woÕ: [oa AdoVð>V{&&65&& his (M{Vg•) heart (C[Om`V{) remains (àgÞ) peaceful
One who receives mercy (of God), his heart (in) (Xw•ImZm_²) misery (hmoZ•) (and) losses (gd©•) of
remains peaceful (in) misery (and) losses of all all kinds (hr) no doubt (Amew) very soon (]woÕ• [oa
kinds. No doubt, very soon his mind will have AdoVð>V{) his mind will have firm faith in God.
firm faith in God.

2.66 ZZ MAoñV ]woÕ: A`wº$ñ` Z M A`wº$ñ` ^mdZm &

A^md`V: emoÝV: AemÝVñ` Hw$V: gwI_² &&66&&
(A`w·Vñ`) If one does not have faith in God (Z) he
cannot (AoñV) have (]woÕ•) divine wisdom (M) and
If one does not have faith in God, he cannot if (A`w·Vñ`) one does not have faith in God (Z)
have divine wisdom. And if one does not have (he) cannot (have) (^mdZm) patience (stability of
faith in God, (he) cannot (have) patience mind and thought) (A^md`V•) (if one) does not
(stability of mind and thought also). (If one) have patience (stability of mind and thought)
does not have patience (stability of mind and (Z) (He can) not (emoÝV•) have peace (AmemÝVñ`) (if
thought) he will not (have) peace. (If one does one does not have peace) (Hw$V• gwI_²) how he can
not have peace) how he can have happiness? have happiness?

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

BoÝÐ`mUm_² oh MaVm_² `V² _Z: AZwodYr`V{& (Bd) the way in which (dm`w•) a strong wind
2.67 VV² Añ` haoV àkm_² dm`w: Zmd_² Bd Aå^og &&67&& (sweeps away) (Zmd_²) a boat (Aå^mog) in water (oh)
The way in which a strong wind (sweeps no doubt (in same way) (`V²) in whichever
away) a boat in water, no doubt (in same way) (BoÝÐ`mUm_²) wish of enjoyment (AZwodYr`V{) un-
in whichever wish of enjoyment un-controlled controlled (_Z•) mind (get engaged) (VV²) that
mind (get engaged), that (one wish) takes (one wish) (haoV) takes away (Añ`) his (àkm_²)
away his intelligence, (and) misleads him
intelligence (and) (MaVm_²) misleads him (from
(from true faith and state of mind)
true faith and state of mind)

2.68 Vñ_mV² `ñ` _hm-]mhm{oZJ¥hrVmoZ gd©e: &

BoÝÐ`moU BoÝÐ`-AW}ä`: Vñ` àkm àoVoð>Vm &&68&&
(Vñ_mV²) therefore (_hm]mhm{) O mighty armed
(Arjuna) (`ñ`) whoever (oZJ¥hrVmoZ) scrubbed
Therefore, O Arjuna, whoever scrubbed down
down (gd©e•) all (BÝÐ`moU) his wishes for
all the wishes for enjoyment, from the objects
enjoyment) (BÝÐ`moU AW}ä`•) from the objects of
of enjoyment, his mind is firmly established (in
enjoyment (Vñ`) his (àkm) mind (àoVoð>Vm) is firmly
faith of God.)
established (in faith in God.)

`m oZem gd© ^yVmZm_² Vñ`m_² OmJoV© g§`_r & (`m) which is (oZem) night for (gd©) all (^yVmZm_²)
2.69 `ñ`m_² OmJ«oV ^yVmoZ gm oZem [í`V: _wZ{: &&69&& living entities (Vñ`m_²) that is (OmJoV©) time to
Which is night time for all living entities, that remain awake for (g§`_r) the person who wishes
is time to remain awake for the person who to control his wishes. (`ñ`m_²) and the time in
wishes to control his wishes. And the time in which (^yVmoZ) all living being (OmJoV©) remain
which all living being remain awake, that is awake (gm) that is (oZem) night for (_wZ{•) pious
night for pious person, who seeks (control on person ([í`V•) who seeks (control on his wishes
his wishes of greed & lust.) of greed & lust.)

Am[y`©_mU_² AMb-àoVð>_² g_wÐ_² Am[: àodeoÝV `ÛV²

2.70 VÛV² (`ÛV²) The way in which (g_wÐ_²) the ocean (AMb
H$m_m: `_² àodeoÝV gd}g: emoÝV_² AmßZm{oV Z àoVð>_²) remains calm (on) (àodeoÝV) falling of
H$m_-H$m_r &&70&&
(Am[•) water of river. (VÛV²) in same way (g•) that
The way in which the ocean remains calm (on)
(pious man) (emoÝV_²) remains calm (`_²) unto
falling of water of river. In same way that
whom (gd©) all kind of (H$m_m•) wishes for
(pious man) remain calm, on whom all kinds of
enjoyment (àodeoÝV) enter (H$m_ H$m_r). One who
wishes for enjoyment enter. One who wishes
desires to fulfill his desires (Z) he cannot
to fulfill his desires, he cannot achieve it. (As (AmßZm{oV) achieve it.
wishes are always endless).

Note For 2:70 : Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) said “If human being gets two Jungles full of wealth, then he
will search for third Jungle. Stomach of human being only soil of Grave can fill. (Bukhari-6436)
So if anyone wishes that all his wishes get fulfilled, then it cannot happen that he become satisfied. Because when one
wish get fulfilled, two new wishes arises in his heart.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-2

Path of perfect peace and success :-

2.71 odhm` H$m_mZ `: gdm©Z [_mZ MaoV oZ:ñ[¥h: &

oZ_©_: oZah>S²>ma: g: emoÝV_² AoYJÀN>oV &&71&&
(`•) (The person) who (odhm`) gave up (H$m_mZ²)
desires for sense gratification (gdm©Z) of all kind
(The person) who gave up desires for sense ([w_mZ²) the person (who) (MaoV) lives (oZ•ñ[¥h•)
gratification of all kind. The person (who) without desire for materialistic enjoyment
lives without desire for materialistic (oZ_©_•) without a sense of proprietorship
enjoyment, without a sense of proprietorship, (oZahL>H$ma•) without false ego (g) that person
without false ego. That person will attain (AoYJÀN>oV) will attain (emoÝV_²) perfect peace.
perfect peace.

Efm ]«m÷r oñWVr [mW© Z Ezm_² àmß` od_wøoV & ([mW©) O Arjun (Efm) this is the (oñWVr•) path of (]«m÷r)
2.72 oñWËdm Añ`m_² AÝVH$mb{Ao[ ]«÷-oZdm©U_² F$ÀN>oV (establishing faith in) God (àmß`) having
&&72&& attained (EZm_²) this (firm faith) (Z) (human-
O Arjun this is the path of (establishing faith being) never (od_wøoV) get misleaded (Añ`m_²) (one
in) God. Having attained this (firm faith) who) on this (path) (oñWËdm) remain established
(human being) never gets mislead. (One who) (AÝV-H$mb{) till the hours of death (Ao[) certainly
on this (path) remains established till the (he) (F$ÀN>oV) gets (oZdm©U_²) peacefull place
hours of death, certainly (he) gets peaceful (heaven) (]«÷) of God.
place (heaven) of God.

Note For 2:69 :- God says in holy Quran,

O Mohammed, Rise to pray in night except a little, Half of it, or a little less. Or a little more, and recite the Quran
properly in a measured way. (73:2-4)
So at night when all the world sleeps, the prophet, saint, scholars and those who want to refine the soul remain awake
and pray to God. And at daytime when the whole world remains awake, They relax and do their day to day routine
work of common life.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-3

Introduction of chapter no.3

l In previous chapter it was said that faith in human being and sent him along with
God is extremely important to perform the commandments, and asked him to do it. In
compulsory religious duties satisfactorily. return he got prosperity.
l This chapter gives more details about l Shlok No. 3:11-3:12 says when human
compulsory religious duty. being do compulsory religious duties
sincerely, then angels will give them
l This chapter says, earlier every noble
sustenance, (food etc) which should be shared
person did it. By doing it they got peace and
with the poor.
l Shlok No. 3:13-3:15 says, when Vedas are
l Emotion of Kama or desire to live life as
followed correctly, that means compulsory
per our own wishes is main cause of avoiding
religious duties are done correctly, then God
or not discharging this religious compulsory
will bless with prosperity.
l Shlok No. 3:17-3:18 says, remembrance of
l Summary of shloks of this chapter are
God as per Holy Vedas gives peace.
as follows;
l Shlok No. 3:19-3:20 says, do good deeds
l In Shlok No. 3:1 Arjun asked, “When faith
as per Holy Vedas, considering harmony and
is more important, then why are you engaging
prosperity of common people.
me in this war?”
l In Shlok No. 3:22-3:24, God said, “I don't
l In Shlok No. 3:3 God says that, in religion,
have any need to do any duty. But I do it
faith and compulsory religious duties both are
selflessly. Similarly you also do compulsory
religious duties selflessly”.
l Shlok No. 3:4 says compulsory religious
l Shlok No 3:25 to 3:32 are about how
duties cannot be fulfilled by taking sanyas.
ignorant people do good deeds, and how they
l Shlok no. 3:5-3:8 says, as per Satvic, Rajas should be guided to the right path.
and Tamas nature of human being, human
l Shlok No. 3:34 the reason of not doing
being keeps on doing something. One who
compulsory religious duties is described. And
does good deed sincerely is right person.
it is “desire to live life as per our own wishes”.
l Shlok No. 3:9 says, read Vedas in which
l This desire includes lust of wealth, power,
compulsory religious duties are described.
and physical enjoyment. It is called (Kama
Worship God only and seek his blessing,
H$m_) in Sanskrit.
without which compulsory religious duties
could not be fulfilled. l This shlok No. 3:35 says that even if you
like to live life of other people. But it is better
l Shlok No. 3:10 says, God created first

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-3

to do profession for which God has created

l In Sloke No. 3:37 – 3:42 God says that this
desire of emotion of kama is so strong that it
covers knowledge, wisdom and intellect,
hence control it firmly.
l In Sloke No. 3:43 God says that with firm
faith in God, this motion of lust could be
conquered, which is main hindrance in
performing compulsory religious duties.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-3

Introduction of H$_© ]§YZ compulsory religious duty.

(AOw©Z CdmM) (AOw©Z CdmM) (Arjun said) (OZmX©Z) O Krishna, (V{) as

3.1 Á`m`gr M{V² H$_©U: V{_Vm ]woÕ: OZmX©Z &
VV² oH$_² H$_©oU Km{a{_m_² oZ`m{O`og H{$ed &&1&& per your (_Vm) instruction (M{V²) if (]woÕ•)
Arjun said, O Krishna, as per your instruction intelligence (with deep faith in God is) (Á`m`gr)
if intelligence (with deep faith in God is) better better (than) (H$_©U•) deed (VV²) then (oH$_²) why
(than) deed, then why you are engaging me (H{$ed) O Krishna (oZ`m{O`og) you are engaging
(in) (this) ghastly action (of war). (_m_) me (in) (Km{a{) (this) ghastly (H$_m©oU) action (of

ì`mo_l{U Bd dm·`{Z ]woÕ_² _m{h`og Bd _{& (_{) my (]woÕ_²) mind (_m{h`og) (got) confused
3.2 VV² EH$_² dX oZoíMË` `{Z l{`: Ah_² AmßZw`m_² &&2&& (because of) (dm·`{Z) sentences (which have)
My mind (got) confused (because of) (ì`mo_l{U Bd) many meanings (VV²) therefore
sentences (which have) many meanings. (oZûMË`) ascertain (yourself) (dX) and say (EH$_²)
Therefore ascertain (yourself), and say only only one thing (`{Z) by which (Ah_²) I (AmßZw`m_²)
one thing, by which I may have real
may have (l{`•) real knowledge.

(lr ^JdmZ CdmM)

3.3 bm{H{$ Aoñ_Z² oÛ-odYm oZð>m [wam àm{º$m _`m AZK &
(lr ^JdmZ CdmM) God said (A ZÚ) O sinless (Arjun),
kmZ-`m{J{Z gm§»`mZm_² H$_©-`m{J{Z `m{oJZm_² &&3&& (Aoñ_Z²) (in) this (bm{H{$) world (oZð>m) religious belief
God said, O sinless (Arjun), (in) this world, (oÛ odYm) (has) two parts ([wam) formerly (àm{·Vm)
religious belief (has) two parts. Formerly this (this) was told (_`m) by Me (to you) (first is)
was told by Me (to you). (First is) obeying God (kmZ–`m{J{Z) obeying God with help of Vedic
with help of Vedic knowledge, which is taught knowledge (gm§ » `mZm_² ) which is taught by
by scholars. (second is) obeying God with scholars (H$_©–`m{J{Z) (second is) linking with God
help of noble activities which are taught by with help of noble activities (`m{oJZm_²) which is
those who physically perform prayer and taught by those who physically perform noble
noble activities. religion activities.
Note : If we want to follow any religion, we have to
adopt faith as per that religion, and we have to perform
various acts also as per teachings of that religion. When
we do both the thing correctly, Then only we will be
considered as followers of that religion correctly. This
is main teaching in this sloke.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-3

Compulsory religious duties are inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable :-

Z H$_©Um_² AZmaå^mV² Z¡îH$å`©_² [wéf: AíZwV{& (Z) neither (AZmaå^mV²) by not doing (H$_©Um_²) the
3.4 Z M g§Ý`gZmV² Ed ogoÕ_² g_oYJÀN>oV &&4&&
prescribed duties ([wéf•) a man (AíZwV{) achieves
Neither by not doing the prescribed duties, a (Z¡îH$å`©_²) freedom (from responsibilities) and (Z)
man can achieve freedom (from
nor (Ed) by simply (g§Ý`gZmV²) giving up social life
responsibility) and nor by simply giving up
(g_oYJÀN>oV) one attains (ogoÕ_²) perfection.
social life one attains perfection.

Z oh H$oíMV² jU_² Ao[ OmVw oVð>oV AH$_©-H¥$V² & (oh) no doubt (H$oûMV) anyone (Ao[) even for (lU_²)
3.5 H$m`©V{oh Ade: H$_© gd©: àH¥$oV-O¡: JwU¡: &&5&& a moment (OmVw) at any time (Z) cannot (oVð>oV)
No doubt, anyone even for a moment at any remains (AH$_©H¥$V²) without doing something (hr)
time cannot remains without doing something. certainly (gd©) all human being (H$m`©V{) are forced
Certainly all human being are forced to do to do (H$_©) work (Ade•) helplessly (JwUm¡•) as per the
work helplessly, as per the qualities which God qualities (àH¥$oV O¡•) which God has made in them.
has made in them.

How to do compulsory religious duty :-

H$_©-BoÝÐ`moU g§`å` `: AmñV{_Zgm ñ_aZ² & (CÀ`V{) God says that (`•) anyone who (AmñV{)
3.6 BoÝÐ`-AWm©Z² od_yT> AmË_m o_Ï`m-AmMma: g: CƒV{&&6&& keeps on (g§`å`) controlling (H$_© BoìÐ`moU) the five
God says that, anyone who keeps on organs by which pleasure could be sensed
controlling the five organs by which pleasure (_Zgm) (but in) mind (ñ_aZ²) keep on thinking of
could be sensed. (But in) mind keep on (BoÝÐ` AWm©Z²) the things by which pleasure could
thinking of the things by which pleasure could be sensed (g•) that (AmË_m) human being is (od_yT>)
be sensed. That human being is fool and fool (o_Ï`m-AmMma•) and hypocrite.
(For example, a person don’t indulge in sexual act, by
keep on thinking about it, is a hypocrite).

`: Vw BoÝÐ`moU _Zgm oZ`å` Ama^V{AOw©Z & (AOw©Z) O Arjun (Vw) but (`•) one who (oZ`å`)
3.7 H$_©-BoÝÐ`¡: H$_©-`m{J_² Agº$: g: ode{î`V{&&7&& control (BoÝÐ`moU) his senses (of enjoyment) (_Zgm)
O Arjun, but one who control his senses (of by mind (Ama§^V{) (But) begins (H$_© BoÝÐ`¡•) act of
enjoyment) by mind. (But) performs act of enjoyment (Ag·V•) without attachment (to that
enjoyment without attachment (to that act, act and) (H$_© `m{J_²) the way in which divine
and) the way in which divine instruction is instruction is prescribed for it (g•) that person
prescribed for it. That person is superior. (odoeî`V{) superior.
(For example, A person indulges in sexual act with his
wife, but don't have lust of sex with other women, is
superior than hypocrite religious person.)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-3

3.8 oZ`V_² Hw$é H$_© Á`m`: oh AH$_©U:& (oZ`V_²) As per divine instruction (Ëd_²) you (Hw$é)
eara `mÌm Ao[ M V{Z àogÕç{V² AH$_©U &&8&& do (H$_©) (your) duties (oh) certainly (H$_©) doing
As per divine instruction you do (your) duties. duties (Á`m`:) better (than) (AH$U©_•) not doing
Certainly doing duties is better (than) not your duities. (Ao[) even (eara `mÌm) journey of
doing your duties. Even your journey of body body (materialistic life) (M) also (Z àogÕV{V²) not
(materialistic life) is also not possible without possible(AH$U©_•) without doing your duties.
doing your duties.

`k-AWm©V² H$_©U: AÝ`Ì bm{H$: A`_² H$_©-]ÝYZ: & (H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjuna) (g_mMa) read
3.9 VV² AW©_² H$_© H$m¡ÝV{` _wº$-gS²>: g_mMa &&9&& (holy vedas) (H$_©) perform your duties (AW©_²) for
O Arjun read (holy vedas), perform your the sake of (VV²) that (God) (_w·V gL>J•) without
duties for the sake of that (God), without polluting it with worship of other deities (H$_©U•)
polluting it with worship of other deities. For for every good deed (`k) seeks blessing of God
every good deed seeks blessing of God, and
(AWm©V²) and His guidance (AÝ`Ì) otherwise (bm{H$•)
His guidance. Otherwise in this world you will
in this world (H$_© ]ÝYZ•) (you will not able to
not able to complete your compulsory
complete your) religious compulsory duties.
religious duties.
Read note no. N-6 to understand (gS>J:)
Advantage of doing compulsory religious duty (prosperity)

gh `km: àOm: g¥ï²>dm [wam CdmM àOm[oV: &

3.10 AZ{ Z àgodî`Üd_² Ef: d: AñVw Bï> H$m_-YwH²$ &&10&&
([wam) in the beginning (g¥ï²>dm) (God) created (à)
first (Om•) human being (gh) (and sent him)
In the beginning (God) created first human
being (and sent him) along with divine along with (`km) divine commandments (àOm [oV)
commandments. The lord of first human being the lord of first human being (CdmM) said (AZ{Z) by
said, “by following these (divine these (divine commandment) (àgodî`Üd_²) (you
commandment) (you will get) more and more will get) more and more prosperity (Ef) (by
prosperity, and by following these you will get following) this (d•) you will (AñVw) get (Bï> H$m_ YwH²$)
all kind of desirable things, and you will be all kind of desirable things.
liberated (from sin).

Note:- (That means doing our duties as per divine

commandment, increases prosperity of human being.

Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok No. 3.10 :- Prophet Noah (Vivasvat Manu) said (to his people). Ask
forgiveness of your Lord, Indeed, He is ever a perpetual forgiver. He will send (rain from) the sky upon you in
(continuing) showers. And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you guidance and provide for you
rivers. What is (the matter) with you that you do not believe in greatness of God. (Holy Quran Chapter 71-verse 10-13)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-3

X{dmZ² ^md`Vm AZ{Z V{X{dm: ^md`ÝV² d:&

3.11 [añ[a_² ^md`ÝV: l{`: [a_² Admßñ`W &&11&& (AZ{Z) As per this (divine commandment) (X{dmZ²)
As per this (divine commandment) devtas devtas (Angles) (^md`Vm) worshiped God (V{)
(Angles) worshiped God. Then you also then (d•) you also (X{dm• ^md`ÝVw) worship God
worship God similar to devtas. Achieve shelter similar to devtas (Admßñ`W) achieve (l{`) shelter
of Great God (by) combined prayer of human of ([a_²) Great God (by) ([añ[a_² ^md`ÝV•) combined
being and devatas (Angels). prayer of human being and devatas (Angels)

3.12 Bï> mZ² ^m{JmZ² oh d: X{dm: Xmñ`ÝV{`k-^modVm: &

V¡: XÎmmZ² AàXm` Eä`: `: ^wS²>º{$ ñV{Z: Ed g: &&12&&
(oh) certainly (X{dm) Devtas (Angels) (Xmñ`ÝV{) will
provide (d•) to you (^m{JmZ²) necessities of
Certainly Devtas (Angels) will provide to you life.(Bï>mZ²) desired (for survival) (`k ^modVm•) if you
necessities of life desired (for survival), if you do prayer as per divine commandment (`•) he
do prayer as per divine commandment. He who (^wL²·V{) enjoys (XÎmmZ) things given (V¡•) by
who enjoys things given by them (Angles) them (Angels) (AàXm`) without offering (Bï>mZ²)
without offering others, certainly he is a thief. others (Ed) certainly (g•) he is (ñV{Z) a thief.

`k-oeï> AoeZ: gÝV: _wÀ`ÝV{gd© oH$oë]f¡: & ^w‚mV{V{Vw AK_² [m[m:

3.13 Pious people eat food which is as per `{[MoÝV AmË_-H$maUmV &&13&&
divine law, and get relief from all kind of sin
and sorrows. But one who prepares food for (gÝV•) pious people (AoeZ•) eat (`k oeï>) food
self enjoyment, he commits sin. which is as per divine law (_yÀ`ÝV{) get relief from
(gd©) all kind of (oH$oë]f¡•) sin and sorrows (Vw) but
(`{) one who ([MoÝV) prepares food for (AmË_H$maUmV)
self (^wÝOV{) enjoyment (V{) he ([m[•) commits sin.

3.14 AÞmV ^doÝV ^yVmoZ [O©Ý`mV² AÞ gå^d: &

`kmV² ^doV [O©Ý`: `k: H$_© g_wX²^d: &&14&&
(^yVmoZ) Body of all creature (^doÝV) grows
(survive) (AÞmV²) on food grains (gå^d•)
Body of all creature grows (survive) on food
production of (AÞ) food grain ([O©Ý`mZ) depends
grain. Production of food grain depends on
on rain, ([O©Ý`•) rain (^doV) become possible
rain. Rain become possible (by) command and
(`kmV²) (by) command and wish of God,(`k•)
wish of God. Command and wish of God
depends of deeds (of human being). command and wish of God (g_wX^d•) (born of)
depends on (H$_©) deeds (of human being).

3.15 H$_© ]«÷ CX² ^d_² odoÕ ]«÷ Aja g_wX²^d_² & (odoÕ) you should know (CX²^d_²) basic source of
Vñ_mV² gd©-JV_² ]«÷ oZË`_² `k{àoVoð>V_² &&15&& (H$_©) good deed are (]«÷) holy vedas (g_wX²^d_²)
You should know, basic source of Good deed which came into existence by (Aja) immortal
are holy vedas, which came into existence by God (Om) (Vñ_mV²) therefore (you should know
immortal God (Om). Therefore (you should that blessing of) (gd© JV_²) omnipresent (]«÷) God
know that blessing of) omnipresent God (àoVoð>V_²) remain where (oZË`_² `k) worship of
remains where worship of God and rules of God and rules of holy vedas are always
holy vedas are always followed. followed.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-3

Advantage of doing compulsory religious duty (peace and blessings)

3.16 Ed_² àdoV©V_² MH«$_² Z AZwdV©`oV Bh `:& (Ed_²) thus ([mW©) O Arjuna (`•) one who (Bh) in this
AK-Am`w: BoÝÐ`-Amam_: _m{K_² [mW© g: OrdoV &&16&& life (Z) do not (AZwdV©`oV) adopt (MH«$_²) cycle of life
Thus, O Arjun, one who in this life do not (àdoV©V_²) established by holy vedas (AÚ Am`w•) his
adopt cycle of life (way of life) established by life gets filled with sin (g•) (because) He (OrdoV)
holy vedas, his life gets filled with sin. lives life (_m{K_²) only to get immersed in (BoÝÐ`
(Because) He lives life only to get immersed in Amam_•) gratification of senses.
gratification of senses.
`: Vw AmË_-aoV: Ed ñ`mV² AmË_-V¥á: M _mZd: & (Vw) But (`•) one who (ñ`mV) remains (AmË_m aoV•)
3.17 AmË_oZ Ed M gÝVwï>: Vñ` H$m`©_² Z odÚV{&&17&& immersed in remembrance of God. (_mZd•) that
But one who remains immersed in man (Ed) certainly (AmË_ V¥á•) gets peace and
remembrance of God. That man certainly gets satisfaction from God (M) and (Ed) certainly
peace and satisfaction from God, and certainly (AmË_oZ) (he) in himself (gÝVwï>•) remains satisfied
(he) in himself remains satisfied, and (for (M) and (for peace of mind) (Vñ`) He (Z odÚV{)
peace of mind) he does not require (any) does not require (H$m`©_) (any) action.
3.18 ZZ MEdAñ`
Vñ` H¥$V{Z AW©: Z AH¥$V{Z Bh H$íMZ &
gd©^yV{fw H$oíMV² AW© ì`[ml`: &&18&&
(gd© ) all such pious people (with peace and
satisfaction) (Ed§) certainly (Z) neither (AW©) need
All such pious people (with peace and to (H¥$V{Z) perform anything (Z) nor (Vñ`) (have
satisfaction) certainly neither need to perform to) (AH¥$V{Z) avoid any action (to remain at
anything, nor (have to) avoid any action (to peace and satisfied) (Bh) in this world (M) and
remain at peace and satisfied) in this world,
(Añ`) he (Z) does not (require) (H$oüV) any (AW©)
and he does not (require) any need of taking
need of (ì`[ml`•) taking shelter (gd© ^yV{fw) of all
shelter of all living beings. (for peace and
living beings.
3.19 Vñ_mV² Agº$: gVV_² H$m`©_² H$_© g_mMa & (Vñ_mV²) therefore (g_mMa) as per teaching of holy
Agº$: oh AmMaZ² H$_© [a_² AmßZm{oV [wéf: &&19&& vedas (H$_©) do good deed (gVV_²) constantly
Therefore as per teaching of holy Vedas, do (H$m`©_) considering it as your duty (Ag·V•) and
good deed constantly. Considering it as your without expecting its return (oh) no doubt
duty, and without expecting its return. No (AmMaZ²) one who does (H$_©) good deed (Ag·V•)
doubt one who does good deed selflessly, such selflessly ([wéf•) such a man (AmßZm{oV) gets ([a_²)
a man gets blessing of great God. blessing of great God.

Note For 3.19 :- Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said “All creatures are (like) a family of God, and He
loves most those who are most kind to their family. (Mishkat-al-masabih-3:1392)

Teaching of Holy Quran similar to sloke No. 3.17.

Certainly, In the remembrance of God do hearts find peace (Holy Quran 13:28)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-3

Purpose of doing compulsory religious duty (Welfare of human-society)

3.20 H$_© Um Ed oh g§ogoÕ_² AmoñWVm: OZH$-AmX`: &

bm{H$-gS²>J«h_² Ed Ao[ gå[í`Z² H$Vw©_ Ah©og &&20&&
(oh) Certainly (OZH$) janak (first human being)
and (AmX`•) other divine personalities (Ed) also
Certainly Janak (first human being) and other
(H$_©Um•) were doing good deeds (g§ogoÕ_²) perfectly
divine personalities were also doing good
(AmoñWVm•) with firm faith in God (Ed Ao[) you also
deeds perfectly with firm faith in God. You
also should do good deed considering (Ah©og) should do (H$Vw©_²) good deed (gå[í`Z²)
harmony and prosperity of common people. considering (bm{ H $ gL>J« h _² ) harmony and
prosperity of common people.

`V²–`V² AmMaoV l{ð>: VV² VV² Ed BVa: OZ: &

3.21 g: (`V² `V²) whatever (AmMaoV) deeds (l{ð>•) influential
`V² à_mU_² Hw$éV{bm{H$: VV² AZdV©V{&&21&& people of society do (VV² VV²) same type of deed
Whatever deeds influential people of society (BV a• OZ•) other common people also follow (Ed§)
do, same type of deeds other common people certainly (`V² à_mU_²) whatever standard (g•)
also follow. Certainly whatever standard influential people of society (Hw$éV{) present
influential people of society present (sets), that (sets) (VV²) that (same standard is) (AZwdV©V{)
same standard is followed by all the world. followed by (bm{H$•) all the world.

Motivation for compulsory religious duty (God Himself does it) :-

3.22 ZZ AZdmá_²
_{[mW© AoñV H$V©ì`_² oÌfw bm{H{$fw oH$MZ &
Admáì`_² dV}$ Ed M H$_©oU &&22&& ([mW©) O Arjuna (oÌfw) in three (bm{H{$fw) worlds (AoñV)
(God said) O Arjun, in three worlds there is no there is (Z) no (oH$mZ) any (H$V©ì`_) prescribed duty
any prescribed duty for Me, Neither I am in (_{) for Me (Z AZdmá_²²) nor am I in want of
need of anything, nor I have a need to obtain anything (Amdáì`_) nor I have a need to obtain
anything, and yet I am engaged in prescribed anything (Ed M) and yet (dV}) I am engaged in
duty (of sustenance and protection of (H$_©oU) prescribed duty (of sustenance and
universes) protection of universes)

`oX oh Ah_² Z dV}`_² OmVw H$_©oU AVoÝÐV: & ([mW©) O Arjuna (`oX) if (Ah_²) I (Z) do not (dV}`_²) get
3.23 __ dË_© AZwdV©ÝV{_Zwî`m: [mW© gd©e: &&23&& engaged (AVoÝÐV•) with great care (H$_m©oU) in
O Arjun, if I do not get engaged with great care performance of prescribed duties (sustenance
in performance of prescribed duties & protection of Universe) (oh) no doubt (gd©e•)
(sustenance & protection of Universe), no all (_Zwî`m•) human beings (AZwdV©ÝV{) would follow
doubt all human beings would follow My (__) my (dË_©) path.
(That means all human-being will die and
return to God).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-3

CËgrX{`w: B_{bm{H$m: Z Hw$`m©_² H$_© M{V² Ah_² & (M{V²) If (Ah_²) I (Z) do not (Hw$`m©_²) perform (H$_©)
3.24 g§H$añ` M H$Vm© ñ`m_² C[hÝ`m_² B_m: àOm: &&24&& prescribed duty (of sustenance & protection)
If I do not perform prescribed duties (of (then) (B_{) all these (bm{H$m•) worlds (CËgrX{`•)
sustenence & protection), (then) all these would be put into ruin (M) But (on day of
worlds would be put into ruin. But (on day of parlaya) (H$Vm© ñ`m_²) I would (C[hÝ`m_) destroy (B_m•
parlaya) I would destroy all living entities like àOm•) all living entities (g§H$añ`) like unwanted
unwanted things. things.
How to do Compulsory religious duty?
gº$m: H$_©oU AodÛm§g: `Wm Hw$d©oÝV ^maV & (^maV) O Arjun (`Wm) the way in which (AodÛm§g•)
3.25 Hw$`m©V² odÛmZ² VWm Agº$: oMH$rfw©: bm{H$-g§J«h_² &&25&& ignorant people (H$_m©oU) do good deeds (g·Vm•)
O Arjun, the way in which ignorant people do with expectation of good result (V Wm) in same
good deeds with expectation of good result. In way (odÛmZ²) the learned people (Hw$`m©V²) should do
same way the learned people should do good good deeds (Ag·V•) selflessly (without
deeds selflessly (without expectation), with expectation) (oMH$rfw©•) desiring for (bm{H$ g§J«h_²)
desire for unity and prosperity of general unity and prosperity of general people.

3.26 Om{Z ]wfo`{Õ^{V² gd©

X_² OZ`{V² AkmZm_² H$_©g§oJZm_² &
H$_m©oU odÛmZ² `wº$: g_mMaZ² &&26&&
(odÛmZ²) The learned people (Z) should not (OZ`{V²)
cause (]woÕ ^{X_²) confusion of faith in (AkmZm_²)
The learned people should not cause ignorant people (who) (H$_© g§oJZm_²) do good
confusion of faith in ignorant peoples, (who) deeds with selfish motive and expectation of
do good deeds with selfish motive, and it’s returns (`w·V•) (Learned people should)
expectation of it returns. (Learned people engage (ignorant in) (g_mMaZ² ) learning
should) engage (ignorant in) learning knowledge of holy vedas, and (gd©) all these
knowledge of holy vedas, and all these (good) (H$_m©oU) deeds (Om{f`{V²) should be motivated to do
deeds should be motivated to do as per divine
as per divine instruction.
instruction. (As per religious rules).
3.27 àH¥$V{: oH«$`_mUmoZ JwU¡: H$_m©oU gd©e: & (gd©e•) All (H$_m©oU) deeds (activities) (oH«$`_mUmoZ) are
Ah·S>ma-od_yT> AmË_m H$Vm© Ah_² BoV _Ý`V{&&27&& being done (because of) (Jw U ¡ • ) (three)
All deeds (activities) are being done (because tendencies (àH¥$V{•) (destiny) governing system
of) (three) tendencies and (destiny) governing of God. (But) (AhL>H$ma) person with false ego
system of God. (But) person with false ego, (and) (od_yT>) fools (_Ý`V{) thinks (BoV) that (H$Vm© Ah_) I
(and) fools thinks that I do it myself.
do it myself.
Note For 3:27 :- Natures of human being are Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamsic. If God gave anyone a Sattvic
nature he will do good deeds. So the basic reason of good deed is Sattvic nature provided by God, and not will or desire
of that human being.
Meaning of Prakarti is mother nature, qudrat, governing system of God, and destiny. In this sloke we will consider it’s
meaning as destiny. If God made someone’s destiny that he will do many such works which will benefit mankind.
Then that noble deed will be because of destiny decided by God, but in such cases fools think that instead of God I
alone do it.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-3

3.28 JwVËdodV² Vw _hm]mhm{JwUH$_© od^mJ`m{: &

Um: JwU{fw dV©ÝV{BoV _Ëdm Z g‚mV{&&28&&
(_hm]mhm{) O mighty armed (Arjun) (VËdodV²) the
knower of absolute truth (od^mJ`m{•) (understand
O mighty armed (Arjun), the knower of the) difference between (Jw U H$_© ) work
absolute truth (understand the) difference performed as per natural (three) tendencies
between work performed as per natural (three) (which are) (dV©ÝV{) created (by God) (JwUm• JwU{fw)
tendencies (which are) created (by God), and work performed as per learned expertise (_Ëdm)
work performed as per learned expertise. thinking (BoV) (by) this way (Z g‚mV{) don't get
Thinking (by) this way (he) don't get trapped trapped.
(in false belief)

àH¥$V{: JwU gå_yT>m: g‚mÝV{JwU-H$_©gw &

3.29 VmZ² AH¥$ËóodX: _ÝXmZ² H¥$Ëó-odV² odMmb`{V² &&29&&
(JwU) Whatever good ability (àH¥$V{•) mother
nature (has provided to people) (gå_wT>m•) fool
Whatever good ability mother nature (has
(think that it is their own talent) (g‚mÝV{) they get
provided to people), fools (think that it is their
own talent) they get attached or engaged in attached or engaged (JwU H$_©gw) in doing deed,
doing deed, expecting its good result. The and expecting its good result (H¥$ËñÌ odV²) the
scholar who knows the God and His governing scholar who knows the God and His
system (prakrati) should protect these governing system (prakrati) (odMmb`{V²) should
ignorant, and lazy to understand (type of protect them from getting misleaded (VmZ²)
people) from getting misled. these (AH¥ $ ËñÌodX•) ignorant (_ÝXmZ² ) lazy to
understand (type of people).

_o` gdm©oU H$_m©oU g§Ý`ñ` AÜ`mË_ M{Vgm &

3.30 oZamer: oZ_©_: ^yËdm `wÜ`ñd odJVÁda: &&30&&
(AÜ`mË_-M{Vgm•) Remain fully concentrated on
divine law (gdm©oU) do all (H$_©oU) your prescribed
Remain fully concentrated on divine laws, do
duties (_o`) for Me (God) (^yËdm) become (g§Ý`ñ`)
all your prescribed duties for Me (God).
fully dedicated to Me (oZamer•) without desire for
Become fully dedicated to Me, without desire
for profit, without love (for unwanted thing), profit (oZ_©_•) without love (for unwanted thing)
without being lethargic. Do your duty on war (odJV Áda•) without being lethargic (`wÜ`ñd²) get
footing. prepared for war.

Note For 3:29 :- Qarun (korah) was extremely rich person at the time of prophet Moses. He used to say
“All this (wealth) has been given to me only by virtues of certain knowledge that I have”. He was arrogant, miser,
miscreant, so God sank him along with his wealth and house. (Summery of Holy Quran 28. verse 76:82)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-3

Divine instruction in a Nut-Shell :-

O{_{_V_² BX_² oZË`_² AZwoVð>oÝV _mZdm: &
3.31 lÕm-dÝV: AZgy`ÝV: _wÀ`ÝV{V{Ao[ H$_©o^: &&31&&
(`{) Those (_mZdm•) human beings (who) (oZË`_²)
always follow (_{ ) My (BX_² ) these (_V_² )
Those human being (who) always follow My
commandments (AZwoVð>oÝV) regularly (lÕm dÝV•)
these commandments regularly, with
with complete faith in Me (AZgw`ÝV) and free
complete faith in Me, and free from envy (like
from envy (like bad emotions) (V{) they (Ao[)
bad emotions), they also become free from
compulsory religious responsibilities. (by also (_w À `ÝV{ ) become free from (H$_m© o ^:)
doing it conveniently) compulsory religious responsibilities.

Disadvantage of not doing compulsory religious duty :-

3.32 `{gd©Vw-EVV² Aä`gy`ÝV: Z AZwoVð>oÝV _{_V_² &

kmZ od_yT>mZ² VmZ² odoÕ Zï>mZ² AM{Vg: &&32&& (Vw) However (`{) those (who) (Aä`gw`ÝV) criticise
H o w e v e r, t h o s e ( w h o ) c r i t i c i z e M y (_{) My (_V_²) commandments (Z) and do not
commandments, and do not regularly perform (AZw o Vð> o ÝV) regularly perform them (odoÕ)
them. Consider them befooled in all sorts of consider (VmZ²) them (gd© kmZ od_yT>mZ²) befooled in all
knowledge, completely ruined, (and) sorts of knowledge (Zï>mZ²) completely ruined
ignorant. (AM{Vg•) (and) ignorant.

Details of hurdle in doing compulsory religious duty :-

3.33 gÑe_² M{ï>V{ñdñ`m: àH¥$V{: kmZ-dmZ Ao[ & (kmZdmZ²) The learned one (M{ï>V{) acts (behave)
àH¥$oV_² `moÝV ^yVmoZ oZJ«h: oH$_² H$oaî`oV &&33&& (gÑe•) according to (ñdñ`m•) his own (àH¥$V{•) nature
The learned one acts (behave) according to his (Ao[) same way (^yVmoZ) all living beings (`moÝV)
own nature, same way all living beings follow follow (àH¥ $ oV_² ) their nature (oH$_² ) (then)
their nature, (then) how act done (under how(H$oaî`oV) act done (under influence of
influence of nature) could be stopped? nature) (oZJ«h•) could be stopped?

Note For 3:33 :- Scholars of religious knowledge sometime act under influence of Anger, Lust, depression
etc, Similarly all living thing act as per their own nature. So how we can put an end to this natural instinct?
This question Arjun may have asked.

Note For 3:31 :- Give up all self-intrest, and engage in worship of God, with your soul (with full
concentration). (If you do so you will be) free from auspicious and inauspicious result of your deed and also you will
be free from your compulsory religious duty.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-3

BoÝÐ`ñ` BoÝÐ`ñ`-AW}> amJ Û{fm¡ ì`doñWVm¡ & (BoÝÐ`ñ`) senses (Wishes to have something
3.34 V`m{ : Z de_² AmJÀN{>V² Vm¡ oh Añ` [oa[oÝWZm¡ &&34&& and) (BoÝÐ`ñ` AW}) sense object (and material of
(God said) senses (wishes to have something enjoyment as per our wishes) (ì`doñÏVm¡ )
and) sense object (material of enjoyment as establishes (fixes) (amJ) attachment (liking,
per our wishes) establishes (fixes) attachment loving, wishing for then or) (Û{f¡) detachment
(liking, loving, wishing for them or), (Z) we should not (AmJÀN{>V²>) come (de_²) under
detachment (hatred, pain, etc for them). We
control(V`m¡•) of them (oh) certainly (Vm¡) these
should not come under control of them.
(two emotions are) (Añ`) his ([oa[pÝWZm¡ )
Certainly those (two emotions are) our
stumbling block.
stumbling block.
That means some time we act as per our natural instinct, without considering religious rules and reputation. This is
because we have wishes or emotion of love or hatred for something. If we can control our wishes, we can avoid our
action under influence of our natural instinct, and breaking religious rules and regulations.

Understand your compulsory religious duty and do it :-

l{`mZ² ñdY_©: odJwU: [a-Y_m©V² gw-AZwoð>VmV² &
3.35 ñd-Y_} (l{`mZ) It is far better (to perform) (ñd Y_©•) one’s
oZYZ_² l{`: [a-Y_©: ^`Amdh: &&35&&
personal duty (odJwU•) not perfectly ([a Y_m©V²) than
It is far better (to perform) one’s personal duty
another’s prescribed duty (gw AZwoð>VmV²) in perfect
not perfectly, than other’s prescribed duty in
way (l{`•) it is far better to (oZYZ_²) die (ñd Y_©•) in
perfect way. It is far better to die in course of
course of performing one’s own duty (than to
performing one’s own duty, (than to follow the
follow the path of another, which is) (^`Amdh•)
path of other’s, which is) full of danger.
full of danger.
If God has made a person a warrior he should not wish to become a priest. Fighting imperfectly as warrior will be more
beneficial to that person as well as for society, than when that person becomes a priest. This fact is discussed in detail
in shlok No 18:41 to 18:48.

Reason because of which human being could not do compulsory religious duty :-

AW H{$Z $à`º$: A`_² [m[_² MaoV [yéf: & (AOw©Z CdmM²) Arjun asked (dmîU}`) Vrishini (Shri
3.36 AoZÀN> Z² Ao[ dmîU}` ]bmV² Bd oZ`m{oOV: &&36&& Krishna) (AW) then (H{$Z) by what ([yéf•) a person
Arjun asked, O Shri Krishna, than why is a (à`w·V•) impelled (MaoV) (to) commit (A`_²) these
person impelled (to) commit these sins, as if ([m[_²) sins (Bd) as if (AoZÀN>Z²) unwillingly(]bmV²) by
unwillingly by force (someone has compelled
force (oZ`m{oOV•) (someone has compelled him to
him to get) engaged (in it).
get) engaged (in it).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-3

H$m_: Ef: H«$m{Y: Ef: aOm{-JwU g_wX² ^d: & (lr ^JdmZ CdmM) God said (Ef•) this (H$m_•) desire to
3.37 _hm-AeZ: _hm-[mß_m odoÕ EZ_² Bh d¡oaU_² &&37&&
follow our own wishes is (main cause of
God said, this desire to follow our own wishes committing sin) (H«$m{Y•) (when desires are not
is (main cause of committing sin) (when fulfilled then it gets converted into) Anger (Ef•)
wishes are not fulfilled it gets converted into)
this (desire to follow our own wishes) (g_wX²^d•)
Anger. This desire to follow our own wishes
get developed due to (aOm{ JwU) nature of passion
get developed due to nature or tendency of
(trying to have materialistic gain
passion (trying to have materialistic gain
continuously) (odoÕ) know (consider) (EZ_²) this
continuously). Consider this “desire to follow
our own wishes”, in this material world as (desire to follow our own wishes) (Bh) in this
biggest enemy, great sin, and great cause of material world (d¡oaU_²) biggest enemy (_hm[mß_m)
destruction. great sin and(_hmAeZ•) great cause of
Note :- Read Note no. N-8 to understand emotion
Kama (H$m_•). In simple words Kama means our decision
and desire to follow only our own wishes.

Yy_{Z Amod«`V{dohZ: `Wm AmXe©: _b{Z M &

3.38 `Wm (`Wm) Just as (dohZ•) fire (Amod«`V{) is covered (Yy_{Z)
Cë]{Z Amd¥V: J^©: VWm V{Z BX_² Amd¥V_² &&38&& by smoke (AmXe©•) mirror (_b{Z) by dust (`Wm) just
Just as fire is covered by smoke, mirror by as (J^©•) embryo (Amd¥V•) is covered (Cë]{Z) by the
dust, just as embryo is covered by the womb. womb (VWm) similarly (V{Z) by that (desire/lust)
Similarly by that (Kama or desire to follow (BX_²) this (knowledge and intellect of human
one own wishes) this (knowledge and intellect being) (Amd¥V_²) is covered.
of human being) is covered.

Amd¥V_² kmZ_² EV{Z kmoZZ: oZË`-d¡oaUm & (H$m¡ÝV{`) O Son of Kunti (Arjun) (kmZ_²) the
3.39 H$m_-é[{ U H$m¡ÝV{` Xwî[a{U AZb{Z M &&39&& knowledge of (kmoZZ•) scholars (Amd¥V_²) also get
O Son of Kunti (Arjun), the knowledge of covered (EV{Z) by this (oZË` d¡oaUm) perpetual enemy
scholars also get covered by this perpetual (H$m_ é[{U) in form of insatiable desire (Xwî[ya{U)
enemy (in form of) insatiable desire, (which) (which is) never satisfied (M) and (AZb{Z) burns
never get satisfied, and burns like fire.
like fire.

Note For 3:37 :- “Have you seen him who has taken his own desire to be his God? (O Muhammad) can you
be a guardian over him? Do you think most of them can hear and understand? They are like cattle. Indeed, they are
even farther astray from the path. (i.e. even worse than cattle). (Q.25:42/43)
Ÿ That means those who follow their own desire, they neither hear anyone, nor try to understand anything else. To
such people even a prophet cannot preach. They are like cattle.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-3

How to control our desire to follow our own wishes (H$m_:) :-

BoÝÐ`moU _Z: ]woÕ: Añ` AoYð>mZ_² CÀ`V{&

3.40 EV¡ (CÀ`V{) God says that (_Z•) mind (]woÕ) intellect
: od_m{h`oV Ef: kmZ_² µAmd¥Ë` X{ohZ_² &&40&& (are) (AoYð>mZ_²) residing place of (Añ`) this
God says that mind and intellect are residing (BoÝÐ`moU) sense (emotion of lust) (EV¡•) by these
place of this (emotion of Kama). By this
(lust) (kmZ_²) knowledge of (X{ohZ_²) the embodied
(Kama) knowledge of the embodied (human
(human being) (Amd¥Ë`) get covered (Ef•) and this
being) get covered. And this (Kama or desire
(emotion of lust) (od_m{h`oV) bewilders, deludes,
to follow one is own wishes) bewilders,
deludes, misleads (human beings). mislead (human beings).

Vñ_mV² Ëd_² BoÝÐ`moU AmXm¡ oZ`å` ^aV-F$f^ & (Vñ_mV²) Therefore (Ëd_²) you (^maV F$f^) the best of
3.41 [mß`mZ_² àOoh oh EZ_² kmZ odkmZ ZmeZ_² &&41&& Bhartas, (Arjun) (AmXm¡) in the very beginning
Therefore, you the best of Bhartas, (Arjun), in (oZ`å`) get control (BoÝÐ`moU) on the wishes
the very beginning get control on this emotion (emotion of lust) (àOoh) slay (this) ([mß_mZ_²)
of Kama. Kill (this which is) cause of sin. (which is) cause of sin (oh EZ_²) because this is
Because this is the destroyer of religious (ZmeZ_² ) the destroyer of (kmZ) religious
knowledge and realisation. knowledge (odkmZ) realisation.

BoÝÐ`moU [amoU Amhw: BoÝÐ`{ä`: [a_² _Z: &

3.42 _Zg: Vw [am ]woÕ: `: ]wÕ{: [aV: Vw g: &&42&& (Amh) (It is said that) senses (desires) are ([amoU)
(It is said that) senses (desires) are superior. superior (BoÝÐ`{ä`• [a_ _Z•) mind (will power) is
Mind (will power) is more superior than more superior than senses (_Zg• Vw [am ]woÕ•) But
senses. But intellect is much superior than intellect is much superior than mind (Vw) But (g•)
mind. But that (God) is much superior than this that (God) is ([aV•) much superior than (`• ]wÕ{•)
intellect. this intellect.

Ed_² ]wÕ{: [a_² ]wX²¿dm g§ñVä` AmË_mZ_² AmË_Zm & Ed_²) Therefore (_hm]mhm{) O mighty armed one
3.43 Ooh eÌw_² _hm-]mhm{H$m_-é[__² XwamgX_² &&43&&
(Arjuna) (]wÕdm) (after) knowing ([a_²) (God is)
Therefore O mighty armed one (Arjun) (after)
superior (then) (]wÕ{•) intellect, (g§ñV^`) establish
knowing (God is) superior (than) intellect,
(AmË_mZ_²) in your mind and intellect (AmË_mZm) (the
establish in your mind and intellect (the faith
faith of) great God (Ooh) and conquer (XwamgX_²)
of) great God, and conquer formidable
(difficult to defeat) enemy, (which is in) form formidable (difficult to defeat) (eÌw_²) enemy
of Kama (desire to follow our own wishes). (H$m_ é[_²$) (which is in) form of lust.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-4

Introduction of chapter No. 4

This chapter is regarding religious knowledge for quick success.
which is necessary for satisfactorily doing of
l In shlok No. 4:13-4:14 God introduces
compulsory religious duty,
Himself to those short-sighted people, who do
To know procedure and method of prayer of not worship him, for quick success.
l Shlok No. 4:15 Motivate to acquire
To know the sin and prohibited activities and knowledge.
remain away from them.
l Shlok No. 4:16-4:17 Emphasises the
Summary of each shloks of this chapters are importance of religious knowledge.
as follows :-
l Shlok No. 4:18-4:19 express advantage of
l Shlok No. 4:1 is about how in ancient time religious knowledge
God sent this knowledge
l From shlok No. 4:20 religious knowledge
l Shlok No. 4:2 is about how knowledge got start. Which are as follows?
1. By doing our duty selflessly we remain
l In shlok No. 4:3 God says that same divine satisfied and do not depend on anyone else.
knowledge He is introducing to Arjun.
2. Shlok No. 4:21 Says by controlling mind
l In shlok No. 4:4 Arjun got confused and and intellect we can control self-desires
asked some questions. (Kama), and avoid wrong act.
l Shlok No. 4:5-4:6 is explanation of doubts, 3. Shlok No. 4:22 Says one who remains
by God. contended and controls emotion, he can do his
compulsory religious duty satisfactorily.
l In shlok No. 4:7-4:8 God explains how He
sends knowledge. That is by revelation and by 4. Shlok No. 4:23 Says People should remain
messenger safe from sangam (worshiping deities)
l Shlok No.4:9, 4:10, 4:11 is about 5. Shlok No.4:24 Says we should sacrifice
advantage of having this knowledge and that is everything to God, and seek everything from
getting heaven. God.
l Shlok No. (4:10) is about getting blessing 6. Shlok No. 4:25 Introduces various types of
of God. prayers of God
l In shlok No. 4:11 God says that He blesses 7. Shlok No. 4:26 Describes prayer by
human beings as per their expectation.
1) Controlling sensory organs. (Hearing)
l Shlok No. 4:12 is about why people do not 2) Recitation of names of God.
follow the divine knowledge. Reason is wish 3) Controlling self-desire.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-4

8. Shlok No. 4:27 Explains some types of

9. Shlok No. 4:28 Explains, prayer by
donation and by reading Holy Vedas.
10. Shloke No. 4:29 Is about meditation.
l Shlok No. 4:30 Explains the advantage of
prayer and that is getting heaven.
Shlok No. 4:31 Explains the losses and
disadvantage of not praying to God.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-4

History of ancient divine guidance :-
(lr ^JdmZ CdmM) B__² oddñdV{`m{J_² àm{º$dmZ² Ah_ (lr ^JdmZ CdmM) God said (Ah_²) I (àm{·VdmZ²) taught
4.1 Aì``_² & (B__² ) this (Aì``_² ) eternal (`m{ J _² ) law of
oddñdmZ² _Zd{àmh _Zw: BúdmH$d{A]«drV² &&1&&
religion(oddñdV{) to vivasvat (oddñdmZ²) Vivasvat
God said, I taught this eternal law of religion to
(àmh) told (_Zd{ ) Manu (_Zw • ) Manu (A]« d rV² )
Vivasvat. Vivasvat told (this to) Manu, Manu
instructed it to Iksvaku. instructed (BúdmH$d{) Iksvaku.

Ed_² [aå[am àmá_² B__² amF$f`: odXw: & ([aÝV[) O the scorcher of foes (Arjun) (Ed_²) thus
4.2 g: H$mb{Z Bh _hVm `m{J: Zï>: [aÝV[ &&2&& (this way) (B__²) this (_hVm) great (`m{J•) divine
O Arjun, (this way) this great divine knowledge ([aå[am) by disciple of succession
knowledge by disciple of succession received (àmá_²) received (by the people of later era)(amO
(by the people of later era). The saintly kings F$f`•) the saintly kings also (odXw•) understood (it
also understood (it and ruled accordingly. But) and ruled accordingly. But) (Bh) in this world
in this world, with the long passage of time,
(H$mb{Z) with the long passage of time (g•) this
this divine knowledge got scattered (and lost).
divine knowledge (Zï>•) got scattered (and lost).
Note :- (disciple of succession mean knowledge got transferred from teacher to student, and from that student to
another generation and then to next generation and process kept on repeating).

Note (Verse of Quran having similar teaching) :- God said in holy Quran, (O
Mohammed (Pbuh)) “He (God) ordered you to follow the same religion, which He has ordered Noah (Vivasvat Manu)
to follow, same commandment He had also sent to Abraham (Abi-ram) Moses and Jesus Christ. He also commanded
all of them to establish the religion and not get divided themselves.’’ (Holy Quran 42:13)
There are total fourteen Manus in puran. Vivasvat Manu is seventh Manu. In his era great ood came, and kal-yug
started at the end of this ood. Soyambhav Manu (Prophet Adam) is rst Manu. After Vivasvat Manu, six more Manu
came in world. Prophet Adam is called Soyambhav Manu because he came into existence without parents.
Name of fourteen Manus are as follow :-
1) Svayambhuva 2) Svarocisa 3) Uttama 4) Tamasa 5) Raivata 6) Chakshusha (Cakshsa) 7) Vaivasvata 8) Surya
Savarnika 9) Daksa Savarni 10) Brahma Savarni 11) Dharma Savarni 12) Rudra Savarni 13) Deva Savarni 14) Indra
Savarni. (https://wikipedia.org/wiki/manu-(Hinduism))

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-4

g: Ed A`_² _`m V{AÚ `m{J: àm{º$: [wamVZ: &

4.3 ^º$: Aog _{gIm M BoV ahñ`_² oh EVV² CÎm__² &&3&& (Ed) Certainly ([wamVZ•) the ancient (`m{J•) divine
Certainly the ancient divine knowledge knowledge (which was) (àm{·V) spoken (_`m) by
(which was) spoken by Me (earlier), today the Me, (AÚ) today (A`_²) this (g•) same (divine
same (divine knowledge I am speaking to knowledge I am speaking to you) (Aog) you are
y o u ) . Yo u a r e f o l l o w e r ( o f ) M y (^·V•) follower (of) (_{) My (gIm) (and) friend (M)
(commandment) (and you are) (my) friend also (BoV) therefore (oh) no doubt (you can
also, therefore no doubt (you can understand) understand) (EVV) these (CÎm__²) supreme (ahñ`_²)
these supreme secrets. secrets.

A[a_² ^dV: OÝ_ [a_² OÝ_ oddñdV: & (AOw©Z CdmM) Arjun said (oddñdV•) Vivasvat (OÝ_)
4.4 H$W_² EVV² odOmZr`m_² Ëd_ AmXm¡ àm{º$dmZ² BoV &&4&& took birth ([a_) first (^dV• OÝ_) you took birth
Arjun said, Vivasvat took birth first, you took (A[a_²) later on (H$W_²) how (odOmZr`m_²) shall I
birth later on. How shall I understand that you understand (EVV²) that (Ëd_²) you (àm{·VdmZ²) taught
taught this in the beginning. (BoV) this (AmXm¡) in the beginning.

]hyoZ _{ì`VrVmoZ OÝ_moZ Vd M AOw©Z &

4.5 VmoZ Ah_² d{X gdm©oU Ëd_² d{ËW [aÝV[ &&5&&
lr ^JdmZ CdmM (God said) (_{) I (ì`VrVmoZ OÝ_moZ) came
to this world (]hwoZ) many time (M) and (Vd) you
God said, I came to this world many times, and (AOw©Z) O Arjun (Ah_²) I (d{X) know (gdm©oU) all of
you (also) O Arjun. I know all of them (and) (VmoZ) them (Ëd_²) you (Z) don’t (d{ËW) know (them)
you don’t know (them), O Arjun.
([aÝV[) O Arjun.
(To understand this Shlok Read Note No. N 9)

How God guides to Mankind :-

AO: Ao[ gZ² Aì`` AmË_m ^yVmZm_² B©ída: Ao[ gZ² & (Ao[) although (gZ²) being (AO•) unborn (Aì``
4.6 àH¥$oV_² ñdm_² AoYð>m` gå^dmo_ AmË_-_m``m &&6&& AmË_m) (and) immortal Lord (Ao[) although (gZ²)
Although being unborn (and) immortal Lord, being (^yVmZm_² B©ída•) God of all the creatures (ñdm_²)
although being God of all the creatures, (then (then also by) My (àH¥$oV_²) Governing system of
also by) My Governing system of universe, (I) universe (AoYð>m`) (I) establish (some means for
establish (some means for Guidance of Guidance of mankind and) (gå^dmo_) I
mankind, and) I communicate (with communicate (with messengers) with (AmË_-
messengers) with My mysterious divine _``m) My mysterious divine power.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-4

`Xm `Xm oh Y_©ñ` ½bmoZ ^doV ^maV & (`Xm-`Xm) whenever (and) whereever (JbmoZ• ^drV)
4.7 Aä`wËWmZ_² AY_©ñ` VXm AmË_mZ_² g¥Omo_ Ah_² &&7&& there is decline of (Y_© ñ `) righteousness
Whenever (and) whereever there is decline of (Aä`wËWmZ_²) (and) increase (AY_©ñ`) of
righteousness, (and) increase of unrighteousness (oh) certainly (VXm) at that time
unrighteousness. Certainly at that time, I (Ah_²) I (AmË_mZ_²) myself (g¥Omo_) deliver (the
myself deliver (the divine knowledge). divine knowledge)
Note :- (Shlok No. 9.1/9.2 also gives the same

4.8 [oaÌmUm` gmYyZm_² odZmem` M XwîH¥$Vm_² & ([oaÌmUm`) To protect (gmYyZm_²) the righteous
Y_© g§ñWm[Z-AWm©` gå^dmo_ `wJ{`wJ{&&8&& (odZme`) to terminate (XwîH¥$Vm_²) the wicked (M) and
To protect the righteous people and to (g§ñWm[Z AWm©`) establish again (Y_©) the law of
terminate the wicked, and establish again the religion (`w J { `w J { ) age after age (gå^dmo_) I
law of religion, age after age I communicate communicate (with messengers).
(with messengers).
Note :- To understand shlok no. 4.7 & 4.8 read note no. N 10
Benefits of Divine knowledge :-
OÝ_ H$_© M _{oXì`_² Ed_² `: d{oÎm VÎdV: & (_{) My (OÝ_) Birth (M) and (H$_©) activities (oXì`_²)
4.9 Ë`·Ëdm X{h_² [wZ: OÝ_ Z EoV _m_² EoV g: AOw©Z &&9&& (are all) divine (Ed_²) thus (`•) whoever (d{oÎm)
My Birth and activities (are all) divine, thus understands (VÎdV) this fact (Ë`·Ëdm) after
whoever understands this fact, after abandoning (X{h_²) body (he) (Z) doesn’t (EoV) get
abandoning body (he) doesn’t get again (and ([wZ•) again (and again) (OÝ_) birth (in hell) (g•)
again) birth (in hell). He gets My (heaven), O He (EoV) gets (_m_²) My (heaven) (AOw©Z) O Arjuna.

drV amJ ^` H«$m{Ym: _V² – _m`m _m_² C[molVm: &

4.10 ]hd: (]hd:) many (people) (kmZ V[gm) in light of divine
kmZ V[gm [yVm: _V²-^md_² AmJVm: &&10&& knowledge ([yVm•) purified (themselves) (drV)
Many (people) in light of divine knowledge (and got) freed from (amJ) lusted, jealously (^`)
purified (themselves), (and got) freed from fear (H«$m{Ym•) anger (_V-_`m) they completely
lusted, jealously, fear, anger. They completely (obey) Me (_m_²) (and took) My (C[olVm•) shelter
(obeyed) Me, (and took) My shelter, (hence) (AmJVm•) (hence) received (_V-^md_) My blessing.
received My blessing.
amJ Means, anger, lust, jealously. (Page No. 780
Dictionary of Pandit Ishwarchand)

Verse of Quran similar to sholk No. 4.7 / 4.8

And we certainly sent into every nation a messenger, who said “worship God only and avoid worship of Deities.
Among (those nation) some accepted right path of God, and some denied it. Travel on earth and see what happened to
those who denied the message of God. (Holy Quran 16:36)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-4

`{`Wm _m_² à[ÚÝV{VmZ² VWm Ed ^Omo_ Ah_² & ([mW©) O partha (Arjun) (`{) whoever (`Wm) in
4.11 __ dË_© AZwdV©ÝV{_Zwî`m: [mW© gd©e: &&11&& whatever way (à[ÚÝV{) surrender (_m_²) to Me (V
O partha (Arjun), whoever and in whatever Wm) so (in same way) (Ah_²) I (Ed) certainly (^Omo_)
way surrenders to Me, in the same way I reward (VmZ²) to them (_Zwî`m•) (pious) human-
certainly reward them. (pious) human beings
being (gd©e•) in all respect (AZwdV©ÝV{) follows (__²)
in all respect follow My path.
My (dË_©) path.

Reason of neglecting Divine knowledge :-

H$mS²>jÝV: H$_©Um_² ogoÕ_² `OÝV{Bh X{dVm: & (bm{H{$) In this world (itself) (ogoÕ•) good result of
4.12 ojà_² oh _mZwf{bm{H{$ ogoÕ: ^doV H$_©-Om &&12&& (H$_©Um_) their deed or activity (H$_©-Om) should
In this world (itself) good result of their deed occur (oh) hence (Bh) in this world (_mZwf{) human
or activity should occur, hence in this world being (H$mL>jÝV) in hope of (ojà_²) quick (ogoÕ_²)
human being in hope of quick success start success (`OÝV{) start worshiping (X{dVm:) Devtas
worshiping Devtas (instead of God). (instead of God).

Important Divine knowledge :-

MmVw:dÊ`©_² _`m g¥ï>_² JwU H$_© od^mJe: & (MmVw•) The four (JwU) qualities (H$_©) to work (dÊ`©_²)
4.13 Vñ` H$Vm©a_² Ao[ _m_² odoÕ AH$Vm©a_² Aì``_² &&13&& in human society is (g¥ï>_²) created (_`m) by Me
The four qualities to work, in human society is (Vñ` H$Vm©a_) I am the doer of this creation process
created by Me. I am the doer of this creation (Ao[) certainly (odoÕ) consider (_m_²) Me (Aì``_²)
process. Certainly consider Me immortal God, immortal God (AH$Vm©a_²) who don't work (like
who don't work (like human being). (and human being).
worship Me alone).

4.14 ZBoV_m_²_m_²H$_m©`:oAo^OmZmoV
U obå[oÝV Z _{H$_©-[b{ñ[¥hm &
H$_©o^: Z g: ]Ü`V{&&14&&
(Z) Neither (H$_m©oU) activity or deed of creating
and sustaining of this universe (obå[oÝV) attract
Neither activity or deed (of creating and (_m_²) Me (Z) nor (_{) I (get) (ñ[¥hm) desire (H$_© \$b{)
sustaining of this universe) attract Me, nor I returns of my action (I do it selflessly) (BoV)
get benefitted from my action. (I do it (Thus) this way (`•) one who (Ao^OmZmoV) does
selflessly). (Thus) this way one who does know (Me) (g•) He (also) (Z) never (]Ü`V{)
know (Me), he (also) never become entangled become entangled (H$_©o^•) (in wish to have)
(in wish to have) results of his action (And he results of his action. (And he also starts doing
also starts doing activities selflessly). activities selflessly).

Note 4.11 :- Hazrat Mohammed (pbuh) said, God says that I am like the expectation (imagination) of human
being. Whatever he imagines or expect from Me, in same way I treat him. (Bukhari, Hadees-nabvi ki Roshni mein-563)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-4

4.15 HwEd_² kmËdm H¥$V_²$ H$_© [yd}$: Ao[ _w_wjwo^: &

$é H$_© Ed Vñ_mV² Ëd_² [yd}: [yd©-Va_² H¥$V_²$ &&15&&
(Ed_²) Thus (this way) ([yd©-Va_²) in ancient time
(kmËdm) knowing (the fact about) (H$_©) deed (H¥$V_²$)
Thus (this way) in ancient time, knowing (the
they performed it and (Ao[) and certainly
fact about) deed, they performed it and
(_w_wjwo^•) got forgiveness (of God from sin)
certainly got forgiveness (of God from sin).
Therefore you also do activities (accordingly). (Vñ_mV²) therefore (Ëd_²) you (Ed) also (Hw$é) do (H$_©)
activities (accordingly)
Note : (Read Note No. N-13 to understand meaning of Mosksh)
Important knowledge about activities or deeds :-

oH$_² H$_© oH$_² AH$_© BoV H$d`: Ao[ AÌ _m{ohVa: &

4.16 VV² V{H$_© àdú`mo_ `V² kmËdm _m{ú`g{Aew^mV² &&16&&
(oH$_²) What is (H$_©) action (oH$_²) what is (AH$_©)
inaction (H$d`•) the intelligent people (Ao[) also
What is action and what is inaction, the
(_m{ohV•) got confused (AÌ) in this matter (àdú`mo_) I
intelligent people also got confused in this
shall explain (V{) you (VV²) these (H$_©) actions
matter. I shall explain you about these actions.
Knowing which you will be free from (kmËdm) knowing (`V²) which (_m{ú`g{) you will be
ignorance. free (Aew^mV²) from inauspiousness.

H$_©U: oh Ao[ ]m{Õì`_² ]m{Õì`_² M odH$_©U: &

4.17 AH$_©U: M ]m{Õì`_² JhZm H$_©U: JoV: &&17&&
(oh) Certainly (H$_© U ) recommended action
(Good deed) (]m{Õì`_²) should be known (M) and
Certainly recommended action (Good deed)
should be known, and prohibited action (bad (odH$_©U•) prohibited action (bad deed) (Ao[) also
deed) also should be known, and inaction (]m{Õì`_²) should be known (M) and (AH$_©U)
(also) should be known. (Because) depth of inaction (also) (]m{Õì`_²) should be known
philosophy of deed or activity or action (is (because) (JhZm) depth of (H$_©U•) philosophy of
difficult to) understand. action (JoV•) (is difficult to) reach.

4.18 H$_©oU AH$_© `: [í`{V² AH$_©oU M H$_© `: &

g: ]woÕ_mZ² _Zwî`{fw g: `wº$: H¥$ËñZ-H$_©-H¥$V² &&18&& (`•) One who ([íM{V²) see (H$_©oU•) action (in) (AH$_©)
One who see action (in) inaction, and one who inaction (M) and (`•) one who (see) (AH$_©oU)
(see) inaction (in) action. He (is an) intelligent inaction (in) (H$_© ) action (g•) He (]w o Õ_mZ² )
human being, engaged (in) performing all kind intelligent (_Zwî`{fw) human being (`w·V) engaged
of good deeds. (in) (H¥$V²) performing (H¥$Ëó H$_©) all kind of good

Note 4.18 :- Whatever you will do willingly will be as per will and wish of God. And whatever you don’t do
willing will be also as per will and wish of God. So everything happen as per will and wish of God. One who
understands this is an intelligent person.
Hazrat Mohammed (Pbuh) said, Take every precaution to do thing in most correct way. But if you get unexpected
result don't say if “I had done this or that, result would have been favorable.” But say “whatever God wished has
happened.” (Summery of Hadees).
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-4

`ñ` gd}g_maå^m: H$m_ g§H$ë[ doO©Vm:&

4.19 kmZ Ao¾ X½Y: H$_m©U_² V_² Amhw: [oÊS>V_² ]wYm: &&19&&
(`ñ`) One who (g_maå^m•) from beginning only
(g§H$ë[) resolved to (doO©Vm•) not to follow (H$m_)
One who from beginning only resolved not to
self-desires (gd}) (who’s) all (H$_©Um_²) deeds are
follow self-desires. (Who’s) all deeds are burnt
(X½Y•) burnt (and got cleaned) (Ao¾) in fire of (kmZ)
(and got cleaned) in fire of divine knowledge.
divine knowledge (V_²) He is (Amhy•) addressed
He is called as the wise sage.
(called as) (]wYm•) the wise ([oÊS>V_²) sage.

Ë`º$dm H$_©-[b-Amg½S>_² oZË` V¥á: oZamj`: & (Ë`m·Ëdm) Having given up (AmgL> J _² ) any
4.20 H$_©oU Ao^àd¥Îm: Ao[ Z Ed oH$ÝMV² H$am{oV g: &&20&& expectation of (H$_© \$b•) return of deed (oZË` V¥á)
Having given up any expectation of return of he remains always satisfied (oZ`{ l `•) and
deeds, he remains always satisfied, and without dependency on anyone else (Ao^àd¥Îm•)
without dependency on anyone else. (He (he remain) engaged in (H$_©oU) doing his
remains) engaged in doing his duty. (He) also duty(Ao[) also (Ed) (but) certainly (Z) (He) never
certainly never (think that) he (is) doing any (think that) (g•) he (is) (H$am{oV) doing (oH$oÄMV²) any
(deed). (deed).

Important divine knowledge :-

oZamer: `V oMÎm-AmË_m Ë`º$ gd© [oaJ«h: & (oZamer•) Not expecting anything from any
4.21 emara_² H{$db_² H$_© Hw$d©Z² Z AmßZm{oV oH$oë]f_² &&21&&
person (`V²) controlling (oMÎm AmË_m) mind and
Not expecting anything from any person. intellect (Ë`·V) having abandoned (gd© [oaJ«h•) all
Controlling mind and intellect. Having
kind of material of enjoyment and sense of
abandoned all kind of materials of enjoyment,
worship (H$_©-Hw$d©Z²) He perform activities (H{$db_²)
and sense of ownership. He perform activities
only to (emara_²) (sustain his) body (Z AmßZm{oV) He
only to (sustain his) body. He don't become
don't become (oH$oë]f_² ) wrongdoer and
wrongdoer and disturbed.

`ÑÀN>m bm^ gÝVwï>: ÛÝÛ AVrV: od_Ëga: &

4.22 g_: (gÝVwï) (one who) remains content with (bm^)
ogÕm¡ AogÕm¡ M H¥$Ëdm Ao[ Z oZ]Ü`V{&&22&& gain (`ÑÀN>m) which comes of its own accord
(one who) remains content with gain which (AVrV) suppresses (ìX§ì`) duality (becoming too
comes of its own. Suppresses duality happy or sad) (od_Ëga•) free from envy (g_•)
(becoming too happy or sad). Free from envy. equipoised (remain same) (ogÕm¡) in sucess
Equipoised (remain same) in success and (AogÕm¡) failure (H¥$Ëdm) performs all his duties (Ao[)
failure. Performs all his duties, (his) certainly (certainly) (Z oZ]Ü`V{) his compulsory religious
compulsory religious duty does not remain duty does not remain pending.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-4
Important divine knowledge in a Nut shell :-
JV-gS²> ñ` _wº$ñ` kmZ-AdoñWV: M{Vg: &
4.23 `km` AmMaV: H$_© g_J«_² àodbr`V{&&23&&
(_w·Vñ`) (Such a person) becomes free from (JV
gL>Jñ`) path of worshiping God with other
(Such a person) becomes free from path of
Dieties (kmZ) (In light of) divine knowledge
worshiping God with other Deities. (In light
(AdpñWV•) He fixes his (M{Vg•) intellect (in God)
of) divine knowledge he fixes his intellect (in
(AmMaV•) (He) performs (H$_©) all his duties (`km`)
God). (He) performs all his duties as per divine
As per divine law (to please only God) (g_J«_²)
law (to please only God) (Because of this he)
completely get attached to God. (because of this he) completely (àodbr`V{) get
attached to God.

4.24 ]«]«÷÷ Ed
A[©U_² ]«÷ hod: ]«÷ A¾m¡ ]«÷Um hwV_² &
V{Z JÝVì`_² ]«÷ H$_© g_moYZm &&24&&
(]«÷) (One who considers) God (A¾m¡) the first
and great, (]« ÷ A[© U _² ) one who sacrifices
(One who considers) God the first and great. everything for God, (]«÷ hod•) one who seek
One who sacrifices everything for God. One
everything from God, (g_moYZm) one who
who seek everything from God. One who
concentrates (]«÷) on one God and (H$_©) do
concentrates on one God, and do deeds for
deeds (]«÷Um hwV_²) for pleasure of God, (Ed)
pleasure of God. Certainly by blessing of God
(he become eligible) to attain (the heaven of) certainly (V{Z) by blessing of God (JÝVì`_²)
God. (eligible) to attain (]«÷) (the heaven of) God.
Various types of prayer for pleasing God :-

4.25 ]«X¡d÷_²A¾m¡
Ed A[a{`k_² `m{oJZ: [`w©[mgV{&
A[a{`k_² `k{Z Ed C[OwøoV &&25&&
(Ed) No doubt (A[a{) some (pious men) (`m{oJZ•)
for worship of (X¡d_²) God (`k_²) as per divine
No doubt some (pious men) for worship of knowledge (]« ÷ ) (consider) God as (A¾m¡ )
God as per divine knowledge (consider) God
supreme ([`w©[mgV{) and worship him (as per
as supreme, and worship him (as per
procedure written in the holy vedas), (A[a{)
procedure written in the holy vedas). Some
some (pious man) (`k{Z) to please God (C[Owµˆ>oV)
(pious men) to please God, offers God their
good deeds (activities). offers God (`k_²) good deeds.

(What deed or activity they do to please God are as follows:)

lm{Ì-AmXroZ BoÝÐ`moU AÝ`{g§`_ Ao¾fw OwøoV &
4.26 eãX-AmXrZ² odf`mZ² AÝ`{BoÝÐ` Ao¾fw OwøoV &&26&& (AÝ`{) Some peoples (Ao¾fw) consider supreme
Some peoples consider supreme the control of the (g§`_) control of (BoÝÐ`moU) senses (lm{Ì• AmoXZ²)
senses, such as the hearing process, and such as the hearing process (OwˆoV) and scarifice
sacrifice it. (Don't hear avoidable thing to it (Don't hear avoidable thing to please God)
please God). Some people consider supreme (AÝ`{) some people (Ao¾fw) consider supreme the
the recitation of words (praise of God), and (eãX AmXrZ²) recitation of words (praise of God)
they sacrifice wish to enjoy, and object of (OwˆoV) and they scarifice (BoÝÐ`) wish to enjoy
sense gratification. (and get engaged in (odf`mZ²) and object of sense gratification. (and
recitation of praises of God). get engaged in recitation of praises of God.)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-4

4.27 gdm©oU BoÝÐ` H$_mªoU àmU-H$_mªoU M A[a{& (A[a{ ) Some people (kmZ Xr[V{ ) in light of
AmË_-g§`_ `m{J A¾m¡ OwøoV kmZ-Xro[V{&&27&& knowledge (A¾m¡) (consider) supreme (`m{J)
Some people in light of knowledge (consider) prayer (and) (AmË_ g§`_) self control (M) and (do it
supreme to prayers (and) self control, and
and, some people consider) (gdm©oU BoÝÐ`) all
(then do it, and some people consider) all
kinds of wishes of enjoyment (àmU H$_m©oU) And all
kinds of wishes of enjoyment and all acts
acts which are necessary for survival (of
which are necessary for survival as supreme,
human beings) as supreme (OwˆoV) And sacrifice
And sacrifice (them to please God)
(them to please God).
Note :- (This type prayer is fasting).
Ðì`-`km: V[:-`km: `m{J-`km: VWm A[a{&
4.28 ñdmÜ`m` kmZ-`km: M `V`: g§oeV-d«Vm: &&28&&
(A[a{) Some people (Ðì`-`km•) sacrifice (donate)
wealth to please God (V[`km•) (some people do)
Some people sacrifice (donate) wealth to
severe meditation to please God (`m{J-`km•)
please God. (Some people do) severe
meditation to please God. (Some people do) (some people do) prayer (to please God)
prayer (to please God). Some people read holy (ñdmÜ`m`) some people read holy Vedas (kmZ `km•)
Vedas and acquire divine knowledge (to and aquire divine knowledge to please God (M)
please God), and (some people please God by) and (some people please God by) (`V`•) trying
trying their best in observing strict vows. their best in (g§oeV) observing strict vows.

4.29 A[mZ{OwøoV àmU_² àmU{A[mZ_² VWm A[a{&

àmU A[mZ JVr éÕdm àmU-Am`m_ [am`Um: & (A[a{ ) Some people (Ow ˆ oV) sacrifice (A[mZ{ )
A[a{oZ`V Amhmam: àmU{fw OwøoV &&29&& outgoing breath (in the) (A[mZ_²) incoming
Some people offer as scarifice out going breath (VWm) and (A[a{) some people (éÕdm) block
breath (in the) incoming breath, and some (JVr) movement of (àmU) incoming breath and
people block movement of incoming breath (A[mZ) outgoing breath (Am`m_) (they) prolong
and outgoing breath. (They) prolong incoming (àmU) incoming breath and ([am`Um•) do
breath and do prayanama (breath control prayanama (breath control medittion) (A[a{)
mediation). Some people control intake of some people (oZ`V) controls (Amhmam•) intake of
food. Hence by controlling breath they scarify food (OwˆoV) and offer sacrifice as (àmUmZ²) life
life breath, and by controlling food intake they breath (àmU{fw) life energy.
scarify life energy.

Note 4.26 We have got five sense organs. They are, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and touch, and we can feel
enjoyment by all the sense organs by seeing, hearing, eating or talking, smelling and touching. The process of
enjoyment by these sense organs are called sense gratification. This term will be repeated again and again, hence we
explained it for better understanding.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-4

4.30 gd} Ao[ EV{`k-odX: `k-jo[V H$ë_fm: &

`k-oeï> A_¥V-^wO: `moÝV ]«÷ gZmVZ_² &&30&&
(Ao[) No doubt (gd}) all (EV{) these (people who
offered sacrifice) (`k odX•) know the prayers
No doubt all these (people who offered which pleases God (`k jo[V) and because of
sacrifice) know the prayers which pleases prayer of God (H$ë_fm•) they get freedom from
God, and because of prayer of God they get sins (`k oeï>) as returns of their prayer (`moÝV) they
freedom from sins. As returns of their prayer
get (gZmVZ_²) everlasting heaven of (]«÷) God
they get everlasting heaven of God, (and)
(and) (A_¥V ^wO•) pleasure of immortal life.
pleasure of immortal life.

Disadvantages of not praying to God :-

Z A`_² bm{H$: AoñV A`kñ` Hw$V: AÝ`: Hw$é-gV²-V_ &&31&&
4.31 (Hw$é-gV²-V_) O the great (Arjun) of kuru dynasty (A`kñ`)
those who don't pray to please God (A`_²) in this (bm{H$•)
O the great (Arjun) of kuru dynasty, those who world (Z) they don’t (AoñV) have peace (H¥$V•) (if they don’t
don't pray to please God in this world, they have peace in this world then) from where (AÝ`) (they
don’t have peace. (If they don’t have peace in will get peace in) hereafter (life after death).
this world then) from where (they will get
peace in) hereafter (life after death)
(Read note no. 20 to understand AÝ` that means hereafter)

Importance of prayer :-
Ed_² ]hw-odYm: `km: odVVm: ]«÷U: _wI{& (Ed_²) In this way (]hw odYm•) various kinds of (`km•) good
4.32 H$_© -OmZ² odoÕ VmZ² gdm©Z² Ed_² kmËdm od_m{ú`g{&&32&& deeds to please God (odVVm•) have been described (_wI{) in
In this way various kinds of good deeds to the teachings (]«m÷U•) of holy vedas, (odoÕ) you should
please God have been described in the know that (H$_©) (by doing these) good deeds (OmZ) they
teachings of holy vedas. You should know that become more prominent (come alive in your life) (Ed_²)
in this way (kmËdm) knowing (gdm©Z) all (VmZ²) of them
(by doing these) good deed they (good deed) (philosophies of good deed) (od_m{ú`g{) you will be
become more prominent (come alive in your forgiven by God.
life). In this way, knowing all of them
(philosophies of good deed) you will be
forgiven by God.
Note :- Read Note No. N-14 to understand meaning of Moksh.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-4
Importance of divine knowledge :-
l{`mZ² Ðì`-_`mV² `kmV² kmZ-`k: [aÝV[ &
4.33 gd©_² H$_ª AoIb_² [mW© kmZ{[oag_mß`V{&&33&& ([aÝV[) O subduer of enemies (Arjun) (l{`mZ²) (it
O Arjun, (it is) superior to please God by is) superior (`k•) to please God by prayer (`kmV²)
prayer with divine knowledge, (than) praying with divine knowledge (`k•) (than) praying to
to God by (sanctifying only) material God by (Ðì`_`mV²) (sacrifying only) material
possessions. O son of Partha (Arjun) possessions ([mW©) O son of Partha (AoIb_²)
completion (perfection) of all deeds (depend completion (perfection) (gd©_²) all (H$_©) deeds
on) complete awareness of divine knowledge. ([oag_mß`V{) (depends on) complete awareness of
(kmZ|) divine knowledge.

4.34 VV²C[X{odoÕ àoU[mV{Z [oaàíZ{Z g{d`m &

ú`oÝV V{kmZ_² kmoZZ: VÎd Xoe©Z: &&34&&
(àoU[mV{Z) By approaching a spiritual master
By approaching a spiritual master, by (g{d`m) by rendering service to him ([oaàíZ{Z) by
rendering service to them, by humbly asking humbly asking questions (odoÕ) try to learn (VV²)
questions, try to learn the truth (divine the truth (divine knowledge) (these spiritual
knowledge from them). (These spiritual masters) (C[X{ú`oÝV) can impart (kmZ_²) divine
masters) can impart divine knowledge to you. knowledge (V{) to you (because they are) (kmoZZ•)
(Because they are) enlightened ones, they are enlightened (VÎd-Xoe©Z) they are those who have
those who have realised the truth. realised the truth.

4.35 `{`V²Z kmËdm Z [wZ: _m{h_² Ed_² `mñ`og [mÊS>d &

^yVmoZ Ae{f{U Ðú`og AmË_oZ AWm{_o` &&35&&
(Ed_²) In this way ([mÊS>d) O Arjuna, (kmËdm) having
known (`V) this (knowledge) (Z) (you will)
In this way, O Arjuna, having known this
never ([wZ•) again (`mñ`og) get (_m{h_²) deluded
(knowledge), (you will) never again get
(confused) (`{Z) by this (knowledge) (Ðú`og) you
deluded (confused). By this (knowledge) you
will see (Ae{f{U) all (^yVmoZ) living beings (AmË_oZ)
will see all living beings by God. That is to say
(only) by Me. by God (AW•) that is to say (_o`) (only) by Me.

Ao[ M{V² Aog [m[{ä`: gd}ä`: [m[-H¥$V-V$_: & (M{V²) If (Aog) you are ([m[ H¥$V² V_•) most sinful (g>d©_²)
4.36 gd©_² kmZ-ßbd{Z Ed d¥oOZ_² gÝVoaî`og &&36&& (in) all ([m[{ä`•) sinners (Ao[) then also (kmZ-ßbd{Z)
If you are most sinful (in) all sinners, then also by the boat of divine knowledge (Ed) certainly
by the boat of divine knowledge certainly you (gÝVoaî`og) you shall cross over (d¥oOZ_²) the ocean
shall cross over the ocean of miseries (sin).
of miseries (sin).

(Sloke No. 4:35)

Note: - Sloke No. 5 of Adheyay No. 9 clearly says that God is neither in anyone nor anyone is in God. Hence
meaning of (Atmani) is to be consider as by God.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-4

`Wm EYm§og go_Õ: Ao¾: ^ñ_-gmV² Hw$éV{AOw©Z & (AOw©Z) O Arjuna (`Wm) as (the way in which)
4.37 kmZ-Ao¾: gd©-H$_m©oU ^ñ_gmV² Hw$éV{VWm &&37&&
(go_Õ•) blazing (Ao¾) fire (Hw$éV{) turns (EY§og)
O Arjuna as (the way in which) blazing fire
firewood (^ñ_gmV²) to ashes (VWm) similarly (kmZ
turns firewood to ashes, similarly the fire of
Ao¾) the fire of knowledge (Hw$éV{) turns (gd© H$_m©oU)
knowledge turns all (bad) deeds to ashes.
all (bad) deeds (^ñ_gmV²) to ashes.

Z oh kmZ{Z gÑe_² [odÌ_² Bh odÚV{& (oh) Certainly (gÑe_² ) like (kmZ{ Z ) divine
4.38 VV² ñd`_² `m{J g§ogÕ: H$mb{Z AmË_oZ odÝXoV &&38&& knowledge (Z) nothing (odÚV{) exists (Bh) in this
Certainly, like divine knowledge nothing world (which) ([odÌ_²) purifies, (VV²) by that
exists in this world (which) purifies. By that (divine knowledge) (ñd`_²) (human being) by
(divine knowledge) (human being) by themselves (`m{J) get connected (to God) (g§ogÕ•)
themselves get connected (to God) completely (H$mb{Z) (and) in course of time (he)
completely, (and) in course of time (they) find (odÝXoV) find (AmË_oZ) (peace) within the heart.
(peace) within the heart.

lÕm-dmZ² b^V{kmZ_² VV²-[a: g§`V BoÝÐ`: &

4.39 kmZ_² bãÜdm [am_² emoÝV_² AoMa{U AoYJÀN>oV &&39&&
(lÕm-dmZ²) The faithful person (bãÜdm) having
achieved (kmZ_²) divine knowledge (and) (g§`V)
The faithful person who has gained divine
(and by) controlling (BoÝÐ`•) senses (wish to
knowledge (and) controlled his senses (wish
enjoy) (kmZ_²) (by this) divine knowledge (b^V{)
to enjoy), (then by this) divine knowledge (he
achieves favour of) greatest of all (God), (achieves) (VV²) that ([a•) greatest of all (God)
(than)without delay (he) get supreme (place (AoMa{U) (then) without delay (AoYJÀN>oV) (he)
of) peace (heaven). attains ([am_²) supreme (emoÝV_²) (place of) peace

The fate of those who don’t pray :-

Ak: M AlÔYmZ: M g§e` AmË_m odZí`oV & (Ak•) The ignorant (M) and (AlÔYmZ•) without
4.40 Z A`_² bm{H$: AoñV Z [a: Z gwI_² g§e` AmË_Z: &&40&& faith (M) and (g§e`) sceptical (AmË_m) person
The ignorant and without faith and sceptical (odZí`oV) will fall down (in hell) (g§e`) (For such)
person will fall down (in hell) (For such) sceptical (AmË_Z) person (Z) (there is) no (gwI_²)
sceptical person (there is) no happiness.
happiness (Z) neither (A`_²) in this (bm{H$•) world
Neither in this world, nor in the next
(Z) nor([a•) in the next (hereafter).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-4

Divine knowledge in a Nut shell :-

`m{J g§Ý`ñV H$_m©U_² kmZ goN>Þ g§e`_² & (YZÄO`) O Arjun (one who) (goÝN>Þ) dispels (g§e`_²)
4.41 AmË_-dÝV_² Z H$_m©oU oZ]ÜZoÝV YZÞ` &&41&& doubts (kmZ) by divine knowledge (dÝV_) (one
O Arjun (one who) dispels doubts by divine who is) firmly situated (AmË_) (in belief of) God
knowledge. (One who) is firmly situated (in (g§Ý`ñV) (one who) giving up (H$_m©U_²) (fruits or
belief of) God. (One who) gives up (fruits or returns of) action or good deed (`m{J) and do
returns of) his action or good deed, and do
such prayer which connect him to God. Such a
such prayer which connect him to God. Such a
person (Z) does not (oZ]ÜZoÝV) get bound (H$_m©oU)
person does not get bound by his deed.
(by his) deed.
Note For 4.41 :-
That means his compulsory religious duties don't
remain pending. And he is easily able to full them. Or
his compulsory duty will not hold him in entering
heaven. (Read Note No N-11 to under this shlok

4.42 oN>Vñ_mV² AkmZ-gå^yV_² öËgW_² kmZ AogZm AmË_Z:&

ÎMm EZ_² g§e`_² `m{J_² AoVð> CoÎmð> ^maV &&42&& (Vñ_mV²) Therefore (^maV) O Arjun, (g§e`_²) the
Therefore O Arjun, the doubt which arises in doubt (gå^yV_²) which arises (hËñW_²) in your heart
your heart because of ignorance, cut it with the (AkmZ) because of ignorance (oN>Îdm) cut (EZ_²) it
sword (of) divine knowledge of God. Take (AogZm) with the sword (of) (kmZ) divine
shelter by prayer of God and arise (for noble knowledge (AmË_Z•) of God (AoVð>) take shelter
war). (`m{J_²) prayer of God and (CoÎmð>) arise (for noble

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-5

Introduction to chapter No. 5

· This chapter deals with are as follows:
1. Karam sanyas. 1.Prayer
2. Karam yog 2.Meditation
3. Meditation. 3.Keeping fasts
Karam means activity or deed. Sanyas means 4.Donating money
to giveup. Yog has got about 38 meanings. One 5.Practicing righteousness, honesty
of the meaning is to get connected with God.
Other meanings are mentioned in Note No. N- 6.Speaking truth
7. 7.Helping family and friends etc etc.
Karam sanyas l Meditation:- In meditation we get
l In simple word Karam Sanyas means our isolated physically and mentally. Then we
activity or duties related to service to society control our breathing and recite name of God.
and community, but without expectation of And concentrate to remain thinking about God
any returns. only and nothing else.
l In Karam sanyas various compulsory l This chapter No. 5 explains, motivate, give
religious duties are there, which we have to do importance, give advantage of all the above
selflessly. Some of them are : mentioned three things. That is Karam Sanyas,
Karam Yog and Meditation.
1.Establishing righteousness in society.
l Meditation makes faith strong, By strong
2.Stopping un-religiousness in society. faith Karam Yog become easy. By doing
3.Establishing law and order, fighting with regularly Karam Yog, Karam Sanyas become
aggressor, exploiter, cruel rulers. easy.
4.Spreading divine knowledge. So this chapter is to establish human being
firmly on these three things.
5.Establishing places of worship of God etc.
l Out of three, which shlok describes what,
6.Giving food and sustenance to poor etc. that we have summarizes in following lines.
These are some of the activities of Karam Before reading each shlok just read purpose or
Sanyas message in that shlok. This will help you in
understanding this chapter easily.
l Karam Yog: - Yog means getting
connected l In shlok No. 5:1 Arjun asks, which is more
important, Karam Sanyas or Karam Yog.
Karam Yog means those good activities by
which we get connected to God. Some of them l In shlok No. 5:2 God says both are

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-5

important. But Karam Yog is more important. doing meditation, having faith in God yields
Because without practicing Karam Yog, heaven.
Karam Sanyas could not be practiced.
l shlok No. 5:18 says about change in views
l In sloke No. 5:3 God explains feature due to acquiring divine knowledge.
require to do Karam Sanyas.
l shlok No. 5:19 is about advantage of
l shlok No. 5:4 is introduction of change in views and attitude.
l shlok No. 5:20 says having divine
l shlok No. 5:5 explains importance of knowledge and by doing meditation we can
meditation. have firm faith.
l shlok No. 5:6 explains importance of l shlok No. 5:21 gives advantage of
Karam Yog. meditation, and that is peace and happiness.
l shlok No. 5:7, 5:8 and 5:9 explains l shlok No. 5:22 says because of knowledge
importance of doing meditation and karam we can remain safe from temporary pleasure
Yog together. of this world.
l shlok No. 5:10 explains importance of l shlok No. 5:23 give advantage of
worship of one God. (pure faith) meditation, and that is control of emotion,
having firm faith and happiness.
l shlok No. 5:11 says that by pure faith in
one God, meditation and Karam Yog is l shlok No. 5:24 says, by meditation, we
possible. become comfortable from inside and will get
heaven after death.
l shlok No. 5:12 says Karam Yog is basis or
foundation of Karam Sanyas. l shlok No. 5:25 says, by doing Karam Yog,
Karam Sanyas, and Mediation we get heaven
l shlok No. 5:13 is about importance of
meditation and mind control. l shlok No. 5:26 says by having divine
knowledge and doing mediation we can get
l By meditation we realize the God. shlok
No. 5:14 about advantage of realization of
God, and facts related to Him. l shlok No. 5:27-5:28 emphasises
meditation which will yield heaven.
l shlok No. 5:15 is about disadvantage of not
doing meditation. l shlok No. 5:29 says by knowledge we get
clear faith, and by clear faith we get heaven.
l shlok No. 5:16 says by knowledge,
ignorance could be removed and faith in God ******
could be developed. Hence having knowledge
is important.
l shlok No. 5:17 says acquiring knowledge,

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-5

g§Ý`mg_² H$_©Um_² H¥$îY [wZ: `m{J_² M e§gog &
5.1 `V² l{`: EV`m{: EH$_² VV² _{]«woh gw-oZoíMV_² &&1&& (AOw©Z CdmM) Arjun said (H¥$îU) O Krishna (g§Ý`mg_²)
Arjun said, O Krishna (you ask me) to do Karam (you ask me) to give up (H$_©Um_²) activities ([wZ•)
sanyas, Again you are praising such activities again (e§gog) you are praising (`m{J_²) such deed
(karam yog), which connect to God. Please which connect to God (]«woh) please tell (gwoZoíMV_²)
tell conclusively that out of these two which conclusively (VV²) that (EV`m{•) out of these two
one is more beneficial to me? (`V²) which (EH$_²) one (l{`•) is more beneficial (_{)
to me?

Hierarchy of Karams :-

g§Ý`mg: H$_©`m{J: M oZ:l{`g-H$am¡ C^m¡ & (lr ^JdmZ CdmM), “God said” (g§Ý`mg•) karma-
5.2 V`m{: Vw H$_©-g§Ý`mgmV² H$_©-`m{J: odoeî`V{&&2&& sanyasa (H$_©`m{J•) and doing good deed which
“God said, karma-sanyasa, and doing good connect worshiper to God (Karma-yog) (C^m¡)
deed which connect worshiper to God (That is both (oZ•l{`_-H$am¡) lead to the supreme goal (Vw)
Karma-yog) both lead to the supreme goal, but (V`m{•) out of the two (H$_© `m{J•) karma yogah
but out of the two, karma yog (is) superior to (is) (odoeî`V{) superior to (H$_© g§Ý`mgmV²) karam-
karam-sanyas.” sanyasat.

k{`: g: oZË` g§Ý`mgr `: Z Û{oï> Z H$mS²>joV &

5.3 oZÛ©ÝÛ: oh _hm]mhm{ gwI_² ]ÝYmV² à_wÀ`V{ &&3&& (_hm]mhm{) O Arjun (mighty armed one) (g•) that
O Arjun, that person should be considered (as) person (k{`•) should be considered (as) (g§Ý`mgr)
sanyasi, who neither hates nor desires sanyasi (`•) who (Z) neither (oÛoï>) hates(Z) nor
(H$mL> j oV) desires (oZìX© Ý Û) remain patient in
(anything. And who) remains patient in
dualities (poverty-prosperty, sickness-healthi
dualities (poverty-prosperty, sickness-health
etc) (oh) certainly (he gets) (à_wÀ`V{) freedom
etc). Certainly (he gets) freedom (from) the
(from) (]ÝYmV²) compulsory religious duties (and
compulsory religious duties (and becomes) becomes) (gwI_²) peaceful.

(Note :- That means such person is successfully able to

discharge his responsibilities.)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-5

Effort to recognise greatness of God by analysing His creation is a prayer :-

gm§»` `m{Jm¡ [¥WH²$ ]mbm: àdXoÝV Z [oÊS>Vm: & (]mbm•) The ignorant (àdXoÝV) says (gm§ » `)
5.4 EH$_² Ao[ AmoñWV: gå`H²$ C^`m{: odÝXV{ \ b_² &&4&& developing faith in God by understanding His
The ignorant says that developing faith in God creation (Meditation) and (`m{Jm¡) doing good
by analysis of His creation (Meditation), and deed which connect human being to God. ([¥WH$)
doing good deed which connect human being are different (Z) (but it is) never said by ([oÊS>Vm•)
to God are different. (But it is) never said by the learned one (C^`m{:) both have (Ao[) same
the learned one (In actual) both have same (\$b_²) result (which is) (odãXV{) achieved (by)
results (which is) achieved (by) completely (gå`H²$) completely (AmoñWV•) adopting (anyone of
adopting (anyone of them). them).

`V² gm§»`¡: àmß`V{ ñWmZ_² VV² `m{J¡: Ao[ Jå`V{& (`V²) Whatever (ñWmZ_²) (spiritual) place (àb`V{) is
5.5 EH$_² gm§»`_² M `m{J_² M `: [í`oV g: [í`oV &&5&&
attained by (gm§»`¡) meditating on creation to
Whatever (spiritual) status is attained by understand God (`m{J¡•) by noble deed (Ao[) also
meditating on creation (of God) to (VV²) that (same spiritual place is) (Jå`V{) attained
understand God, by noble deed also that (`•) (one) who ([í`oV) sees (gm§»`_²) meditations on
(same spiritual status is) attained, (One) who creation to understand God (M) and (`m{J_²)
sees meditations on creation to understand practicing noble deed as (EH$_²) one (g•) that
God and practicing noble deed as one (and person ([í`oV) actually sees.
same), that person actually has a vision.

Importance of Karam Yog :-

g§Ý`mg: Vw _hm]mhm{ Xw:I_² Amáw_² A`m{JV: & (Vw) But (_hm]mhm{) O Arjuna (A`m{JV•) without
5.6 `m{J-`wº$: _woZ: ]«÷ Z oMa{U AoYJÀN>oV &&6&& practicing noble deeds (Amáw_²) attaining (gÝ`mg•)
But, O Arjuna, without Karm yog, attaining karm sanyas (Xw•I_²) distress (difficult to attain)
Karm sanyas is difficult to attain. A pious (_woZ) a pious person (`m{J `w·V) who is engaged in
person who is engaged in prayer of God, prayer of God (Z oMa{U) quickly (AoYJÀN>oV) gets
quickly gets blessing of God. (]«÷m) (blessing of) God.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-5

`m{J-`wº$: odewÕ-AmË_m odoOV-AmË_m oOV-BoÝÐ`:&

5.7 gd©-^yV AmË_-^yV-AmË_m Hw$d©Z² Ao[ Z obß`V{ &&7&& (`m{J `w·V) One who is engaged in doing prayers
One who is engaged in doing prayers which which connect him to God
(odewÕ-AmË_m) one with purified intellect
connect him to God. One with purified
(odoOV AmË_m) one who has conquered mind
intellect. One who has conquered mind. One
(oOV-BoÝÐ`•) one who conquered the senses
who conquered the senses (conquered the
(conquered the wish to enjoy)
wish to enjoy). (he understand that) God of
(^yV AmË_m ) (he understands that) God of human
human being is God of all creatures. Although beings
(that noble person) performs (all kinds of (gd© ^yV AmË_m ) is God of all creature
deeds) (but) never gets entangled (in (Ao[) although
prohibited activities) (Hw$d©Z²) (that noble person) performs (all kinds of
(Z) (but) never gets
(obß`V{) entangled (in prohibited activities)

Z Ed oH$ÄMV² H$am{o_ BoV `wº$: _Ý`{V VÎdodV² &

5.8 [í`Z² e¥ÊdZ² ñ[¥eZ oOK«Z² AíZZ² JÀN>Z² ñd[Z² l²dgZ² &&8&& (`w·V•) (One who is) engaged in (worship of
[ab[Z² odg¥OZ² J¥h² UZ² CoÝ_fZ² oZo_fZ² Ao[ & God) and (VÎdodV²) one who knows the truth
5.9 BoÝÐ`moU BoÝÐ`-AW}fw dV©ÝV{ BoV Yma`Z² &&9&& (while) ([í`Z²) seeing (e¥UdZ²) hearing (ñ[¥eZ)
(One who is) engaged in (worship of God), touching (oOK«Z) smelling (AíZZ²) eating (JÀN>Z²)
and one who knows the truth (while) seeing, moving (ñd[Z²) sleeping (ûdgZ²) breathing (àb[Z²)
hearing, touching, smelling, eating, moving, talking (odg¥OZ²) giving up (J¥hUZ²) accepting
sleeping, breathing, talking, giving up, (CoË_fZ²) opening (the eyes) (oZo_fZ²) closing (the
accepting, opening (the eyes), closing (the eyes) (_Ý`V{) thinks (Ed§) certainly (Z) (I) don’t
eyes), thinks certainly (I) don’t do anything, (H$am{o_) do (oH$oÝMV²) anything (Ao[) but (BoÝÐ`moU) wish
but “wish to enjoy” engaged in getting the to enjoy (dV©ÝV{) engaged in getting (BoÝÐ` AW}fw) the
object of enjoyment. This way (he is) object of enjoyment (BoV) this way (he is) (Yma`Z²)
convinced. convinced.
(To understand this shlok kindly read shlok No. 15.7
and it’s explanation in Note No. N-17)

]«åhoU AmYm` H$_m©oU gS²>_² Ë`·Ëdm H$am{oV `: & (`•) (One) who (AÜ`m`) dedicates (H$_m©oU) all
5.10 obß`V{ Z g: [m[{Z [X_² -[Ì_² Bd Aå^gm &&10&& action (prayer and good deeds) (]«÷oU) to God
(One) who dedicates all action (prayer and (and) (Ë`º²$dm) abandoning (g§L>J_²) mixing (of
good deeds) to God, (and) abandoned mixing prayer to God with prayer of Deities) (g•) that
(of prayer of God with prayers of Deities). That person (Z) is never (obß`V{) affected ([m[{Z) by sin
person is never affected by sin, like a lotus (Bd) like ([X²_ [Ì_) a lotus leaf (is not affected)
leaf (is not affected) by water. (Aå^gm) by water)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-5

H$m`{Z: _Zgm ]wÕç H{$db¡: BoÝÐ`¡: Ao[ &

5.11 `m{oJZ: H$_© Hw$d©oÝV gS>_² Ë`·Ëdm AmË_ ewÕ`{ &&11&&
(H{$db¡) Only (that) (`m{oJZ:) worshiper (who)
(Ë`º$dm) gives up (g§L>J_²) worshiping deities
Only (that) worshiper (who) gives up (Hw$d©oÝV) (can) perform (H$_©) noble deeds (with)
worshiping deities (can) perform noble deeds (ewÕ`{) pure (H$m`{Z) body (_Zgm) mind (]wÕ`m)
(with) pure body, mind, intellect, senses, intellect (BoÝÐ`¡:) senses (and) (AmË_) soul)
(and) soul).

`wº$: H$_©-\ b_² Ë`· Ëdm emoÝV_² AmßZm{oV Z¡oð>H$r_² &

5.12 A`wº$: H$m_H$ma{U \ b{ gº$: oZ]Ü`V{ &&12&&
(`w·V) One who is engaged in worship of God
with deep faith (Ë`·Ëdm) he gives up (H$_© \$b_²$) the
One who is engaged in worship of God with result of all activities (AmßZm{oV) attains (emoÝV_²)
deep faith, he gives up the expectation of peace (dm¡oð>H$_²) misled person (A`w·V•) who is not
result of all activities, and (he) attains peace. engaged in prayer of God (H$m_ H$maU{) impelled by
Misled person who is not engaged in prayer of desire (of getting returns of his action (oZ]Ü`V{)
God, impelled by desire (of getting returns of and remain entangled. (compulsory religious
h i s a c t io n ) , a nd re ma i n duties remain uncomplete)
entangled.(compulsory religious duties
remain uncomplete)

gd© H$_m©oU _Zgm g§Ý`ñ` AmñV{ gwI_² der &

5.13 Zd-Ûma{ [wa{ X{hr Z Ed Hw$d©Z² Z H$ma`Z² &&13&&
(_Zgm) By the mind (with full determination,
pious man) (g§Ýgñ`) gives up (gd© H$_m©oU) all types
By the mind (with full of determination, pious
of activities (which are prohibited) (der) and
man) gives up all types of activities (which are
(he keeps) control on himself (AmñV{) and
prohibited) and (he keeps) control on himself, remains (gwI_²) happy (because) (Ao[) certainly
and remains happy. (Because) certainly (he (he knows) (X{hr) human body (ZdÛma{ [wa{) city of
knows) human body (which is) city of nine nine gates (Z) neither (Hw$d©Z²) doing anything (Z)
gates, neither doing anything, nor causing nor (H$ma`Z²) causing anything to be done.
anything to be done.

Hadees similar to shlok No. 5.12

God says “Oh my servants, remain engaged in my prayer, and I will give you peaceful and prosperous life. And if you
ignore my remembrance, then neither I will remove your miseries nor you will ever have free time (person will remain
entangled in day to day problems). (Hadeese-Qudsi)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-5

Z H$V¥©Ëd_² Z H$_m©oU bm{H$ñ` g¥OoV à^w: &

5.14 Z H$_©-\ b g§`m{J_² ñd^md: Vw àdV©V{ &&14&& (bm{H$ñ`) People (Z) neither (g¥OoV) able to do
People neither able to do activities/deed, nor (H$_©oU$) activities/deed (Z) nor (able to) (H$V¥©Ëd_²)
(able to) get it done from others. (And) get it done from others. (and) (Z) neither
neither (able to give) returns (reward) of deed. (H$_©$\$b) (able to give) returns (reward) of deed
(If) (human being) changes his nature (as per (if) (human-being adopts) his nature (g§`m{J_²)
wishes of) God, then (his deed becomes) as (which) connect (him to)(ñd^md•) his nature (as
per laws (of God). per) (à^w•) God (Vw) than (àdV©V{) (everything will)
happen (perfectly).

God will take accounts of Deed :-

Z AmXÎm{ H$ñ`oMV² [m[_² Z M Ed gw-H¥$V_² od^w: &
5.15 AkmZ{Z Amd¥Îm_² kmZ_² V{Z _wøoÝV OÝVd: &&15&& (Ed§) Certainly (AkmZ{Z) ignorance (has) (Amd¥V_²)
Certainly ignorance (has) covered knowledge covered (kmZ_²) knowledge (of human beings)
(of human beings). And because of this (V{Z) and because of this (OÝVd•) human beings
human beings are deluded (misguided). (And (_wømZr) are deluded (misguided) (and think
think) that the omnipresent God neither that) (od^w) the omnipresent God (Z) neither
accepts (will take account of) anyone's sin, (AmXV{) accepts (will take account of) (H$ñ`oMV²)
and nor virtuous (good) deeds. anyone’s ([m[_²) sin (M) and (Z) nor (gw-H¥$V_²$)
virtuous (good) deeds.

Importance of Bhagwad Gita :-

kmZ{Z Vw VV² AkmZ_² `{fm_² ZmoeV_² AmË_Z: &
5.16 V{fm_² AmoXË`-dV² kmZ_² àH$me`oV VV² [a_² &&16&& (Vw) But (VV²) that (those) (AmË_Z•) human beings
(`{fm_²) whose (kmZ{Z) divine knowledge (ZmoeV_²)
But those human beings whose divine
has been destroyed (AkmZ_²) by ignorance (kmZ_²)
knowledge has been destroyed by ignorance,
This divine knowledge (àH$me`oV) illumines
this divine knowledge (of Bhagwat Gita will)
(V{fm_²) on them (VV²) that ([a_²) supreme entity
illumines on them that supreme entity (God),
(God) (AmoXË`-dV²) like the sun.
like the sun.

Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok No. 5:14)

God says in holy Quran that “We have distributed economy in human being. So that they can benefit from each other.”
(Holy Quran 43:32)
(That means whoever is owner and whoever is worker is decided by God. Human beings are free to select his
intentsion and attitude, and activities. But result of his effort is not in his control. It is decided by God)
(Read Shlok No. 2.47 and Note No. N-12 to understand this shlok No. 5.14)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-5

Importance of Divine knowledge :-

VV² -]wÕ`: VV² -AmË_mZ: VV² -oZð>m: VV² -[am`Um: & (kmZ) By knowledge (VV-]wÕ`•) those whose
5.17 JÀN>oÝV A[wZ:-Amd¥oÎm_² kmZ oZYy©V H$ë_fm: &&17&& intellect is directed toward God (VV-AmË_mZ•)
By knowledge, those whose intellect is those whose mind and soul are solely absorbed
directed toward God. Those whose mind and in God (VV-oZð>m•) those who have firm faith in
soul are solely absorbed in God. Those who God (VV²-[am`Um•) those who has taken shelter of
have firm faith in God. Those who has taken God (JÀN>oÝV²) (such people will) go (to such
shelter of God. (Such people will) go (to such heaven from where) (A-[wZ•) again (Amd¥oÎm_) no
heaven from where) again no one returns, and one returns (oZYy©V H$ë_fm) and where human
where human beings become free from sins beings become free from sins and miseries.
and miseries.

odÚm odZ` gå[Þ{ ]«m÷U{ Jod hoñVoZ & (gå[Þ{) Equipped with (odÚm) divine knowledge
5.18 ewoZ M Ed ûd[mH{$ M [oÊS>Vm: g_-Xoe©Z: &&18&& (odZ`m) humble human being (g_ Xe}Z•) see with
Equipped with divine knowledge, humble equal vision (]«m÷U{) a Brahmin (Jod) a cow (hoñVoZ)
human being see with equal vision a Brahmin, an elephant (ewoZ) a dog (M) and (ûd[mH{$) a dog-
a cow, an elephant, a dog eater, and even the eater (M) and (Ed) even ([oÊS>Vm•) the learned one
learned one (pandit). (pandit).

Bh Ed V¡: oOV: gJ©: `{fm_² gmå`{ oñWV_² _Z: & (Vñ_mV²) Because (V{) they (are) (oñWVm•) firmly
5.19 oZXm}f_² oh g__² ]«÷ Vñ_mV² ]«÷oU V{ oñWVm: &&19&& seated (in faith of) (]«÷_oU•) the supreme God
In this life they conquered the complete (`{ f m_² ) (hence) these (_Z•) minds (oZXm} f _² )
world, (Because) these minds flawlessly flawlessly (oñWV_² ) remain firm (in) (gmå`{ )
remain firm (in concept of) equality, similar to equality (g__²) similar to (]«÷) God (Bh Ed§)
God, Therefore (we can say) they (have firm) (Because of this) life (V¡•) they (oOV{•) conquered
faith in supreme God. (gJ©•) (heart of) all creation (human beings).

(Sloke No. 5:19)

Whoever in human beings believe in God, and practices noble deeds, God promises them to make them rulers of the
society. (Holy Quran 24:55)

Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok No. 5.18

O Mankind! We created you from single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you
may know each other (not that you may despise each other). Certainly the most honoured of you in the sight of God is
(he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is All aware (Holy Quran 49:13)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-5

How to get peace and happiness :-

Z àöî`{V² oà`_² àmß` Z CoÛO{V² àmß` M Aoà`_² &
5.20 oñWa]woÕ: Agå_yT>: ]«÷-odV² ]«÷oU oñWV: &&20&& (Such person) (Z) neither (àöî`{V²) rejoices (àmß`)
(Such person) neither rejoices on getting the on getting (oà`_²) the desired thing (Z) nor (CoÛO{V²)
desired things, nor become disturbed on become disturbed (àmß`) on getting (Aoà`_²) the
getting the unpleasant (things or situation). unpleasant (thing or situation). (He has) (oñWa
(He has) a stable mind. He is a scholar, and ]woÕ•) a stable mind (Agå_yT>•) he is a scholar (]«÷
having a firm understanding of divine odV²) having a firm understanding of divine
knowledge (oñWV•) he has firm faith (]«÷oU) in
knowledge. He has firm faith in Supreme God.
Supreme God.

]«m÷-ñ[e}fw Agº$-AmË_m odÝXoV AmË_oZ `V² gwI_² &

5.21 g: ]«÷-`m{J `wº -AmË_m gwI_² Aj`_² AíZwV{ &&21&&
(`V²) Those (Ag·V AmË_oZ) human beings who are
unattached to (]mø ñ[e}fw) external materialistic
Those human beings who are unattached to
pleasure (odÝXoV) get (gwI_²) bliss (peace) (AmË_oZ) in
external materialistic pleasure, get bliss
themselves (g) that (AmË_oZ) human being (`wº$)
(peace) in themselves. That human being engaged in (`m{J) prayer of (]«÷m) God (AíZwV{) will
(who is) engaged in prayer of God, will experience (Aú`_²) unlimited (gwI_²) happiness.
experience unlimited happiness.

5.22 `{ oh g§ñ[e©-Om: ^m{Jm: Xw:I `m{Z`: Ed V{ & (oh) Certainly (Om•) object (`{) which (^m{Jm•)
AmoX AÝVdÝV: H$m¡ÝV{` Z V{fw a_V{ ]wY: &&22&& (gives) pleasure (g§ñ[e©) when it comes in
Certainly, the object which (gives) pleasure contact with senses (Ed) certainly (V{) they are
when it comes in contact with senses, (`m{Z`:) source of (Xw•I) sorrow in (AmoX) first or
certainly they are source of sorrow in first or initial (life) (AÝVdÝV•) and life after death (also)
initial (life in this world), and life after death (H$m¡ÝV{`) O Arjun (]wY•) (hence) the wise men (Z)
also. O Arjun (hence) the wise men never never (a_V{) takes delight (V{fw) in these.
takes delight in these.
(Read Note no. 20 to understand life after

(Sloke No. 5:21)

Certainly in the remembrance of God do hearts find peace. (Holy Quran 13:28)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-5

e·Zm{oV Bh Ed `: gm{Tw>_² àmH²$ eara od_m{jUmV² &

5.23 H$m_ H«$m{Y CX²^d_² d{J_² g: `wº$: g: gwIr Za: &&23&& (`•) one who (e·Zm{oV) is able (gm{Tw>_²) withstand (Bh
One who is able withstand in the present body, Ed) in the present body (d{J_²) forces (CX²^d_²)
forces generated from desire and anger, before generated from (H$m_) desire (H«$m{Y) (and) anger
giving up the body (before death). That (àmH²$) before (od_m{jUmV²) giving up (eara) the body
person is engaged (is considered to be having (before death) (g•) that person (`w·V•) is engaged
deep faith in God) (and) that person (is a) (is considered to be having deep faith in God)
(g•) (and) that person (gwIr) happy (Za•) person.
happy person.

How to get Heaven? :-

`: AÝV:-gwI: AÝV:-Amam_: VÏmm AÝV:-Á`m{oV: Ed `: &
5.24 g: `m{Jr ]«÷-oZdm©U_² ]«÷-^yV: AoYJÀN>oV &&24&& (`•) one who is (AÝV•gwI) happy within the self
One who is happy within the self. Comfortable (AÝV• Amam_•) comfortable within the self (V Wm) as
within the self. As well as one who illumined well as (`•) one who is (AÝV• Á`m{oV•) illumined
inside by light of knowledge. He (is) certainly inside by light of knowledge (g•) he (is) (Ed)
certainly (`m{ J r) worshiper (^y V •) in future
worshiper. In future he will get (blessing of)
(AoYJÀN>oV) he will (attain) get (]«÷) God and (]«÷
God, and bliss full place of God (heaven).
oZdm©U_²) bliss full place of God (heaven).

b^ÝV{ ]«÷-oZdm©U_² F$f`: jrU-H$ë_fm: &

5.25 oN>Þ Û¡Ym: `V-AmË_mZ: gd©^yV ohV{ aVm: &&25&&
(F$f`•) Pious (jrU H$ë_fm•) whose sins have been
purged (oN>Þ Û¡Ym•) whose doubts have been
Pious person whose sins have been purged. removed (`V² AmË_mZ•) whose minds are in
Whose doubts have been removed. Whose controls (aVm•) who rejoice (ohV{) in welfare work
mind is in control. Who rejoice in welfare work (gd©^yV) of all living entities (b^ÝV{) gets (]«÷ oZdm©U_²)
of all living entities, gets the blissful place blissful place (heaven) of God.
(heaven) of God.

H$m_ H«$m{Y od_wº$mZm_² `VrZm_² `V-M{Vgm_² &

5.26 Ao^V: ]«÷-oZdm©U_² dV©V{ odoXV-AmË_Zm_² &&26&& (odoXV) Who recognized (AmË_Zm_²) God (od_w·VmZm_²)
(The person) Who recognized God. Who is who is liberated from (H$m_ H«$m{Y) desire and anger
liberated from desire and anger. Saintly (`VrZm_²) saintly person (`V M{Vgm_²) who controlled
person who controlled his mind from every his mind (Ao^V•) from every side (dV©V{) there is
(]«÷ oZdm©U_²) heaven of God (for him).
side, there is heaven of God (for him).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-5

5.27/5.28 ñ[em©Z² H¥$Ëdm ]oh: ]mømZ² Mjw: M Ed AÝVa{ ^«wdm{: (H¥$Ëdm) Keeping (shutting) (]hr•) out (]mømZ²)
& àmU-A[mZm¡ g_m¡ H¥$Ëdm Zmg-Aä`ÝVa MmoaUm¡ &&27&& external (ñ[em©Z²) source of enjoyment (M) and
(Mjw•) eyes (gaze fixed) (AÝVa{) between (^w«dm{•)
`V BoÝÐ` _Z: ]woÕ: _woZ: _m{j [am`U: & odJV BÀN>m ^` H«$m{Y: `: gXm _wº$ eyebrows and (g_m¡ H¥$Ëdm) equalising (MmoaUm¡) flow
Ed g: &&28&&
of (àmU-A[mZm¡) incoming and outgoing (breath)
Keeping (shutting) out external source of (Zmg-Aä`ÝVa) in the nostrils (`•) controlling (BoÝÐ`)
enjoyment, and eyes (gaze/fixed) between the senses (_Z•) mind (]woÕ•) intellect (one who
eyebrows, and equalising flow of incoming and do this) (_woZ•) (is a) sage (`•) who ([am`U•) is
outgoing (breath) in the nostrils. Controlling destined for (_m{j) forgiveness of God (odJV) (and
the senses, mind and intellect. (One who do will be) free from (BÀN>m) lust (^`) fear (H«$m{Y•)
this) (is a) sage, who is destined for anger (also) (Ed) certainly (g) he will (_w·V•)
forgiveness of God (and will be) free from lust, liberated (in hereafter) (gXm) permanently (from
fear, anger also. Certainly he will be liberated punishment in hell).
(in hereafter) permanently (from punishment
in hell).
Read Note No. N-13 to understand Moksh.

^m{º$ma_² `k V[gm_² gd©bm{H$ _hm-B©ída_² & (kmËdm) one who believes (_m_²) Me (as the God)
5.29 g¥öX_² gd© ^yVmZm_² kmËdm _m_² emoÝV_² F$ÀN>oV &&29&& (^m{·Vmam_²) for whom (`k) sacrifices (V[gm_²)
One who believes Me (as the God) for whom all austerities (are done) (_hm B©ída) the supreme lord
sacrifices, austerities (are done. Who believe (gd© bm{H$) of all the world (gwöX_²) merciful (to) (gd©
Me) the supreme lord of all the world, merciful ^yVmZm_) all the living beings (such a person)
(to) all the living beings, (such a person) (F$ÀN>oV) attains (emoÝV_²) peaceful (place, and that
attains peaceful (place and that is, heaven). is heaven).

Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok No. 5.27 / 5.28

“Those men and women who engage much in God’s praises, for them God has prepared forgiveness and a Great
Reward.’’ (Holy Quran 33:35)

Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok No. 5.29

“And your God is one God. There is no God but He. He is the Beneficent and Merciful’’ (Holy Quran 2:163)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

Introduction of chapter No. 6

l Along with the body we human being have sanyas
soul, spirit, life and divine wisdom. Spirit, life
l Shlok No. 6:3 says practicing patience has
and divine wisdom are directly from God,
more merit than good activities (noble deed)
hence they are always divine in nature. But
soul has got three natures: Sattvic, Rajasic and l Shlok No. 6:4 says practicing sanyas
Tamsic. Those who’s soul is Sattvic or Ateet (giving up) expectation gives highest merit.
(which is better than Sattvic) will only enter
l Shlok No. 6:5 and 6:6 is information about
heaven. Other will go to hell. (as per their faith
in God and sins committed).
l Shlok No. 6:7 gives importance of
God says in Holy Quran that one who purifies
conquering self.
the soul will succeed. And one who degrades
his soul will be ruined. (Holy Quran 91:7-10). l Shlok No. 6:8 says one who lives as per
divine knowledge, One who has controlled the
Read note no. N-2 to understand Spirit, Soul
self, is an enlightened person.
and divine wisdom. This note is at the end of
this book. l Shlok No. 6:9 is about featured of the
enlightened person.
Our “soul” with Rajasic or Tamsic nature and
our desire to live life as per our own wish is l Shlok No. 6:10 - 6:15 explains procedure
biggest hurdle in discharging the compulsory of meditation.
religious duties. By meditation and prayer we
l Shlok No. 6:16 is about requirement of
can control our wishes and improve our nature.
meditation and prayer
This chapter is about meditation and various
type of prayer. Hence if we became perfect in l Shlok No. 6:17 explains about real prayer
meditation and prayer, our “Soul” will be in and solution of miseries.
control, and for us ‘Karam yog’ and ‘Karam
l Shlok No. 6:18 says about definition of
sanyas’ will become easy.
perfect worshiper.
Soul is programmed with various types of
l Shlok No. 6:19 says about advantage of
wishes and nature. Hence it is also called as our
becoming perfect worshiper.
mind, heart or self. Read Note No.2 for more
information. l Shlok No. 6:20 explains how meditation
protects from bad deeds.
Importance of each shlok or what shlok is
emphasising, is described in the following l Shlok No. 6:21 explains results of perfect
lines. meditation.
l Shlok No. 6:1. This shlok defines who a l Shlok No. 6:22 explains positive effect of
sanyasi is meditation.
l Shlok No. 6:2 defines importance of l Shlok No. 6:23 is about advantage of
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

meditation and prayer. of highest status is that who has deep faith in
God and remains engaged in mind and soul in
l Shlok No. 6:24, 6:25, 6:26 is about
thinking about God.
instruction of God for mankind.
l Shlok No. 6:27 and 6:28 explains benefit of
being a perfect worshiper.
l Shlok No. 6:29, 6:30, 6:31 says how our
views and thought change, because of
enlightment, which we get due to meditation.
l Shlok No. 6:32 describes feature of perfect
l Shlok No. 6:33 is about practical difficulty
in doing meditation.
l Shlok No. 6:34, 6:35 is about
acknowledging difficulty and explaining way
of controlling self
l Shlok No. 6:36 describes advantage of
controlling mind and self.
l In Shlok No. 6:37, 6:38, 6:39 Arjun asked
about those who are not able to do meditation
and prayer perfectly.
l Shlok No. 6:41 says that God gives
imperfect worshiper also high return due to his
l Shlok No. 6:42 says that always giving
high return due to good intention is not
common, but rare. What commonly happens is
described in shlok No. 6:45.
l Shlok No. 6:43 and 6:44 describe reason of
giving good return to imperfect worshiper.
l Shlok No. 6:45 says that imperfect
worshiper go to hell temporarily, as per his sin.
On completing punishment he gets heaven.
l In Shlok No. 6:47 God says that worshiper

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

Signs of true Sanyasi :-
AZmolV: H$_©-\ b_² H$m`©_² H$_© H$am{oV `: &
6.1 g: g§Ý`mgr M `m{Jr M Z oZ: Ao¾: Z M AoH«$`: &&1&&
lr ^JdmZ CdmM God said: (gÝ`mgr) Monk (`•) one who
(AZmolV•) without relying upon (H$_© \$b_²) results
God said : The monk who without relying upon
of action (H$am{oV) performs (H$_©) (good) deeds
results of action, performs (good) deeds (as)
(as) (H$m`©_²) obligatory duty (g:) that person (is)
obligatory duty. That person (is a) worshiper. (`m{Jr) worshiper (M) and (Z) not (that person who
And not (that person who remains) without remains) (oZh) without (food cooked on) (Ao¾)
(food cooked on) fire. Also not (that person) fire (M) also (Z) not (that person) (AoH«$`:) one
also who is without activities. who is without activities.

`_² g§Ý`mg_² BoV àmhw: `m{J_² V_² odoÕ [mÊS>d & (`_²) what is (àmhw:) called as (g§Ý`mg_²) giving up
6.2 Z oh Ag§Ý`ñV gS²> H$ë[>: `m{Jr ^doV H$íMZ &&2&& (not desiring of getting fruits of our action and
What is called as giving up (not desiring of deed) (odoÕ) know (V_²) this is (`m{J_²) prayer of
getting fruits of our action and deed), know God ([mÊS>d) O Arjun (oh) certainly (Z) no one
this is prayer of God. O Arjun, certainly no one (^doV) can become (`m{Jr) a true worshiper (Ag§Ý`ñV{
can become a true worshiper without firm gL>H$ë[) without firm determination to give up
determination to give up expectation of expectation of returns (of deeds).
returns (of deeds).

Amééjm{: _wZ{: `m{J_² H$_© H$maU_² CÀ`V{ &

6.3 `m{J AméT>ñ` Vñ` Ed e_: H$maU_² CÀ`V{ &&3&&
(CÀ`V{) God says that (_wZ{:) pious man (H$maU_²)
because of (H$_©) doing noble deed (`m{J_²) which
God says that, pious man. because of doing connect him to God (Amééjm{:) he attains first
noble deed which connect him to God, he stage (of spirituality) (CÀ`V{) God says that
attains first stage (of spirituality). God says (H$maU_²) because of (e_:) having patience, having
that, because of having patience, having control on sexual desire and giving up
control on sexual desire, and giving up expectation of return of good deed (Vñ`) that
expectation of return of good deed, that pious pious man (Ed) certainly (`m{J AméT>ñ`) attains the
man certainly attains the higher spiritual higher spiritual position.

(Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok No. 6:2)

Never will you attain to righteousness unless you spend for the cause of God out of what you
cherish (Love the most) and whatever you spend is known to God. (Holy Quran 3:92)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

`Xm oh Z BoÝÐ`-AW}fw Z H$_©gw AZwf‚mV{ &

6.4 gd©-gS²> H$ë[ g§Ý`mgr `m{J-AméT>: V Xm CÀ`V{ &&4&& (CÀ`V{) God says (`Xm) when (g§Ý`mgr) sanyasi
God says, when sanyasi resolved not to use (gL>H$ë[) resolved (Z) not to (AW}fw) use (BoÝÐ`)
desired things, and not (to do) all undesired desired things and (Z) not (to do) (gd©) all
activities. At that stage certainly (that pious (AZwf‚mV{) undesired (H$_©gw) activities (VXm) at that
stage (oh) certainly (`m{J AméT>•) (that pious man is
man is at) higher spiritual position.
at) higher spiritual position.

Importance of controlling soul / self / intellect :-

CÕa{V² AmË_Zm AmË_mZ_² Z AmË_mZ_² AdgmX`{V² & (oh) Indeed (AmË_mZ_²) human being (should)
6.5 AmË_m Ed oh AmË_Z: ]ÝYw: AmË_m Ed oa[w: AmË_Z: &&5&& (CÕa{V²) elevate (AmË_Z) himself (AmË_mZ_²) human
Indeed human being (should) elevate himself. being (Z) should not (AdgmX`{V²) degrade
Human being should not degrade (himself). (himself) (AmË_m) (As) self (is) (]ÝYw•) friend of
(As) SELF (is) friend of human being, as well (AmË_Z•) human being (Ed) as well as (AmË_m) self
as SELF (is) enemy of human being. (is) (oa[w•) enemy (AmË_Z) of human being.
(Read Note No. N-2 to understand soul/self/

(Sloke No. 6:3)

1) In Sanskrit-Hindi shabdhkosh written by Pandit Ishwar Chandra has given more than ten meanings of the word.
(ím_:) Shamah, on page No. 906 few of them are:
1. Y¡`© (Patience)
2. Ë`mJ X{Zm (give away)
3. dmgZmAm| [a am{H$ (control on sexual desire)
4. emoÝV peaceful
5. g§Vwï> hm{Zm become satisfied
We wrote so many meaning for one word Shamah. It is not that we are confused and don't know exact meaning, so
writing all possible meaning. But it is miracle of God, that He reveals such words which have many meanings, and all
of them give different meaning for difficult situation, and all are correct.
In this shlok also it is like that. Patience, self control, and refraining from luxuries life is more important than simple
personal level prayer of God.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

]ÝYw: AmË_m AmË_Z: Vñ` `{Z AmË_m Ed AmË_Zm oOV: &

6.6 AZmË_Z: Vw eÌwËd{ dV}V AmË_m Ed eÌw-dV² &&6&& (AmË_Z•) The person (`{Z) by whom (AmË_m) the self
(Soul) (oOV•) was conquered (Vñ`) of him (AmË_m)
The person by whom the SELF (Soul) is
self (Soul) (]ÝYw•) become friend (Vw) But (AmË_m Ed)
conquered, for him SELF (Soul) become
the same self (Soul) (AmË_Zm) of the person
friend. But the same SELF (Soul) of the (AZmË_Z:) with unconquered self (dV}V) remains
person, (which remains) unconquered that (eÌwËd{) enemy (Ed) and certainly (eÌw dV²) (acts)
remains enemy and certainly (acts) like an like an enemy.

oOV-AmË_Z: àemÝVñ` [a_-AmË_m g_mohV: &

6.7 erV CîU gwI Xw:I{fw V Wm _mZ A[_mZ`m{: &&7&&
(oOV-AmË_m) One who has conquered self (àemÝVñ`)
remains peaceful (g_ohV) and remains steadfast
One who has conquered SELF (Soul) remains
in (worship of) ([a_² AmË_m) great God (erV) in cold
peaceful and remains steadfast in (worship
(CîU) (and in) heat (gwI) happiness (Xw•I{fw) (and in)
of) great God, in cold, (and in) heat, distress (V Wm) also (_mZ) in honor (A[_mZ`m{) and
happiness, (and in) distress. Also in honor, dishonor.
and dishonor.

kmZ odkmZ V¥á AmË_m Hy$Q>-ñW: odoOV-BoÝÐ`: & (BoV) This way (one who is) (Hw$Q>ñW•) firmly
6.8 `wº$: BoV CÀ`V{ `m{Jr g_ bm{ï²> Aí_ H$mÄMZ: &&8&&
established on (kmZ) knowledge (odkmZ) wisdom
This way (one who is) firmly established on
(odoOV BoÝÐ`•) (one who has) conquered the senses
knowledge and wisdom. (One who has)
(V¥á AmË_m) (one who is with) satisfied SELF (g_)
conquered the senses. (One who is with) one (who looks equally to) (bm{ï>) pebbles (Aí_)
satisfied SELF (Soul). One (who looks equally stone (H$mÄMZ•) gold (CÀ`V{) is said to be (`wº$)
to) pebbles, stone, gold, is said to be enlightened (`m{Jr) worshiper.
enlightened worshiper.

(Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok No. 6:5)

God made the Soul and inspired it to understand what is right and wrong for it. He (human being)
who purifies (Soul) will indeed be successful, and he who corrupts it is sure to fail. (Holy Quran 91:9-

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

gw-öV² o_Ì Aoa CXmgrZ _Ü`ñW Û{î` ]ÝYwfw & (Such pious man) (gwöV²) equality treat to (o_Ì)
6.9 gmYwfw Ao[ M [m[{fw g_-]woÕ: odoeî`V{ &&9&& friends (Aar) (and) enemies (CXmgrZ) (remain)
(Such pious man) equaly treats friends (and) neutral (M) and (_Ü`ñW) (give judgement)
enemies. (Remains) neutral and (give mediate (g_ ]woÕ:) (with) impartial intellect
judgement) mediate (with) impartial intellect (between) (Û{î`) the enemies (]ÝYwfw) (and)
(between) the enemies (and) relatives, relatives (gmYwfw) (between) pious (Ao[) as well as
(between) pious as well as the sinners. (Such ([m[{fw>) the sinners (odoeî`V{) (such pious person is)
pious person is) superior. superior.

Procedure of Meditation :-
(By Meditation self could be controlled)

`m{Jr `w‚mrV gVV_² AmË_mZ_² ahog oñWV: &

6.10 EH$mH$r `V-oMÎm-AmË_m oZamer: A[oaJ«h: &&10&&
(`m{Jr) The worshiper (who) (oZamer:) does not
attach to materialistic world (A[oaJ«h:) and is free
The worshiper (who) does not attached to from feelings of possessions (gVV_²) (should)
materialistic world and is free from feelings of always (go to) (ahog) a secluded place (isolated
possessions, (should) always (go to) a place) (oñWV:) (and should) sit (EH$mH$r) alone (and
secluded place (isolated place) (and should) engage) (AmË_mZ_²) himself (`V-oMV-AmË_m) from
sit alone (and engage) himself from body, body, mind and soul (`w‚mrV) in worship of God.
mind and soul in worship of God.

(Note No. 6:8)

Yuktah (`wº$)
Yuktah means joined, connected, familiar with, occupied with, established, dependent on, absorbed in abstract
meditation, auspicious united, engaged in, possessed of, being in conjunction with, experienced in, disciplined.
In our translation we will consider meaning of Yuktah as
1. Enlightened
2. Engaged in worship of God
3. Endowed with deep faith in God
4. As per divine instruction

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

6.11 ewMm¡ X{e{ àoVð>mß` oñWa_² AmgZ_² AmË_Z: &

Z AoV CoÀN²>V_² Z AoV ZrM_² M¡b-AoOZ Hw$e CÎma_² &&11&& (`m{Jr) worshiper (should) (oñW_²) firmly (àoVð>mß`)
(Worshiper should) firmly place himself on a place (AmË_Z•) him self (ewMm¡) on a clean (X{e{) land
clean land (place), (which is) neither too high (place) (which is) (Z) neither (AoV) too (CoÀN>V_²)
and nor too low. (On such land spread) kusa high (Z) and nor (AoV) too (ZrM_²) low (on such
grass and covered it with a soft cloth or deer land spread) (Hw$e) kusa grass (CÎma_²) and cover it
with (M¡b AoOZ) a soft cloth or deer skin (AmgZ_²)
skin, and sit (on it).
and sit (on it).

VÌ EH$-AJ«_² _Z: H¥$Ëdm `V-oMÎm BoÝÐ` oH«$`: & (VÌ) After that (to fix your) (_Z•) mind (in
6.12 C[odí` AmgZ{ `w‚`mV² `m{J_² AmË_ odewÕ`{ &&12&& remembrance) of (EH$) one (AJ«_) God (H¥$Ëdm) do
After that (to fix your) mind (in remembrance) (`V²) control (your) (oMÎm) mind (BoÝÐ`) senses
of one God, do control (your) mind, senses (oH«$`•) (and) activity (C[odí`) sit (on your) (AmgZ{)
(and), activity. Sit (on your) seat (firmly and) seat (firmly and) (`wÄOm`mV²) should do (`m{J_²)
should do prayer (for) purifying of (your) prayer (for) (odewÕ`{) purifying of (AmË_) (your)
Soul. soul.

g__² H$m` oea: J«rd_² Yma`Z² AMb_² oñWa: & (For mediation) (Yma`Z²) hold (H$m`) body (oea•)
6.13 gåà{ú` ZmogH$m AJ«_² ñd_² oXe: M AZdbm{H$`Z² &&13&& head (J«rd_²) and neck (g__²) straight (AM b_²)
(For mediation) hold body, head and neck unmoving (oñWa) and still (gåà{{ú`) looking (ñd_²) at
straight, unmoving and still. Looking at our our own (AJ«_²) tip (ZmogH$m) of nose (M) and
own tip of nose, and don't look on all the (AZdbm{H$`Z²) don't look on (oXe•) all the sides.

àemÝV AmË_m odJV-^r: ]«÷Mmoa-d«V{ oñWV: &

6.14 _Z: g§`å` _V² oMÎm: `wº$: AmgrV _V² [a: &&14&&
(With) (àemÝV) unagitated (odJV ^r:) and fearless
(AmË_m) mind (oñWV:) fixing (in heart an) (d«V{) vow
(With) unagitated and fearless mind, fixing
(]«÷ Mmoa) to spend life as per divine guidance
(in heart an) vow (commitment) to spend life
(g§`å`) control (your) (_Z:) mind (and) (AmgrV²) sit
as per divine guidance. Control (your) mind
(oMV: `wº$:) for meditation and consider (_V²) Me
(and) sit for meditation, and consider Me (the (the God) ([a:) the ultimate goal.
God) the ultimate goal.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

6.15 `w‚mZ² Ed_² gXm AmË_mZ_² `m{Jr oZ`V-_mZg: &

emoÝV_² oZdm©U-[a_m_² _V²-g§ñWm_² AoYJÀN>oV &&15&& (Ed_²) This way (`m{Jr) worshiper (who) (AmË_mZ_²)
This way, worshiper (who) himself by himself (gXm) by constantly (oZ`V) controlling
constantly controlling his mind worships (_mZg•) his mind (`wÝOZ²) worships (Me) (then he)
(Me), (then he) does attain My (God’s) heaven (AoYJÀN>oV) does attain (_V²) My (God’s) (g§ñWm_²)
(of) great (pleasure). heaven (of) ([a_m_²) great (oZdm©U) pleasure.

Note :- (oZdm©U) has more than 50 meanings. Some of

them are calm, happiness and complete pleasure.

Requirement for Meditation :-

Z AoV AíZV: Vw `m{J: AoñV Z M EH$mÝV_² AZíZV: &
6.16 Z M AoV ñdßZ-erbñ` OmJ«V: Z Ed M AOw©Z &&16&& (AOw©Z) O Arjun (Vw) however (Ed) it is a fact that
O Arjun, however it is a fact that prayer (`m{J•) prayer (Z) neither (can be done by) (AíZV•)
neither (can be done by) one who eats too one who eats (AoV) too much (M) and (not by one
much, and (not by one who) abstaining who) (AZíZV•) abstaining (avoid) from eating
(avoid) from eating at all. And neither by one (EH$mÝV_²) at all (M) and (Z) neither by (ñd[Z erbñ`)
who sleeps too much, nor by one who does not one who sleeps (AoV) too much (Z) nor by (OmJ«Vm)
sleep enough. one who does not sleep enough.

Solution of all Miseries :-

`wº$ Amhma odhmañ` `wº$ M{ï>ñ` H$_©gw & `wº$ Amhma odhmañ` eating and spending life as per
6.17 `wº$ ñdßZ-Ad]m{Yñ` `m{J: ^doV Xw:I-hm &&17&& divine instruction
Eating and spending life as per divine
instruction. Activities and struggle as per `wº$ M{ï>ñ` H$_©gw activities and struggle as per divine
divine instruction. Dreaming and wakefulness instruction
as per divine instruction. (This is what real) `wº$ ñd[Z Ad]m{Yñ` dreaming and wakefulness as
prayer is, (and) solution of all miseries. per divine instruction
`m{J ^doV (this is what real) prayer is
XwI hm (and) solution of all miseries

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

Advantage of Meditation :-
`Xm odoZ`V_² oMÎm_² AmË_oZ Ed AdoVð>V{ &
6.18 oZñ[¥h: gd© H$m_{ä`: `wº$ BoV CÀ`V{ VXm &&18&& (`Xm) When (human beings) (oZñ[¥h•) give up
When (human beings) give up desire for all desire for (gd©) all (kind of) (H$m_{ä`•) material
(kind of) material sense gratification sense gratification (and) (AdoVð>V{) stay (odoZ`V_²)
(enjoyment), (and) stay particularly particularly disciplined in (AmË_oZ) (following)
disciplined in (following) God, then (such God (V Xm) then (CÀ`V{) (such person) is said to be
person) is said to be engaged in perfect prayer (`w º $:) engaged in perfect prayer or
or (enlightened) (enlightened)

`Wm Xr[: oZdmV-ñW: Z BS²>V{ gm C[_m ñ_¥Vm & (ñ_¥Vm) God reminds that (`Wm) the way in which
6.19 `m{oJZ: `V-oMÎmñ` `w‚mV: `m{J_² AmË_Z: &&19&& (Xr[•) lamp (ñW•) placed in (oZdmV) windless place
God reminds that, the way in which lamp (Z) does not (BL>JV{) flicker (gm) in (same) (C[_m)
placed in windless place does not flicker. In way (`m{oJZ•) the worshiper (whose) (oMÎmñ`) mind
(same) way the worshiper (whose) mind is in (`V²) is in control (and) (AmË_Z•) (and) who’s self
control, (and) who’s self (Soul) steadily (`wÄOV•) steadily remains engaged in worship of
remains engaged in worship of God, (do not God (`m{J_²) (do not flicker from) prayer of God.
flicker from) prayer of God.

`Ì C[a_V{ oMÎm_² oZéÕ_² `m{J-g{d`m & (Ed) Certainly (`Ì) when (in the condition of
6.20 `Ì M Ed AmË_Zm AmË_mZ_² [í`Z² AmË_oZ Vwî`oV &&20&& concentration and in worship of God) (AmË_Zm)
Certainly, when (in the condition of human beings ([í`Z²$) feel the presence of
concentration and in worship of God) human (AmË_Z_²) the supreme God (AmË_oZ) by himself
beings feel the presence of the supreme God (Vwî`oV) and become satisfied (peaceful) (M) and
by himself, and become satisfied (peaceful). (`Ì) in this condition (C[a_V{) because of inner
And in this condition because of inner joy, joy (oMÎm_²) and his mind (`m{J) being connected to
and his mind being connected to God, this God (g{d`m) this condition becomes reason for
condition becomes reason for restraining him (oZéÕ_²) restraining him from bad deeds.
from bad deeds.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

gwI_² AmË`oÝVH$_² `V² VV² ]woÕ J«mø_² AVroÝÐ`_² &

6.21 d{oÎm `Ì Z M Ed A`_² oñWV: MboV VËdV: &&21&& (Ed) Certainly (VV²) that (worshiper) (`V²) who
Certainly, that (worshiper) who intellectually (]woÕ) intellectually (J«mø_²) remains (AVrÝÐ`_²)
remains away from pleasure (enjoyment) of away from pleasure of senses and (d{oÎm)
senses, and experiences peace. In that state experiences (gwI_²) peace (`Ì) in that state (he)
(he) never (deviates) moves away from (Z) never (MboV) (deviates) moves away from
establishing (remembrance of God) (and) (oñWV•) establishing (remembrance of God)
truthfulness. (VÎdV•) (and) truthfulness.

`_² bã¿dm M A[a_² bm^_² _Ý`V{ Z AoYH$_² VV:& (`_²) Then after (bãÜdm) having blessing of God
6.22 `oñ_Z² oñWV: Z Xw:I{Z JwéUm Ao[ odMmë`V{ &&22&& (worshiper) (Z) never (_Ý`V{) consider (A[a_²) any
Then after having blessing of God, (worshiper) other thing (AoYH$_²) more (bm^_²) beneficent (VV•)
never consider any other thing more than that. (oñWV•) After having (`oñ_Z²) that
beneficent than that. After having that (blessing, worshiper) (Z) don’t (odMmë`V{) get
(blessing, worshiper) don’t get shaken (in) in shaken (in) (JwéUm Ao[) in situation of great (Xw•I{Z)
situation of great miseries. miseries.

Important instructions for pious life :-

6:23 V_² odÚmV² Xw:I-g§`m{J od`m{J_² `m{J-g§okV_² &&23&& (V_²) Therefore (odÚmV) you should know (`m{J-
g§okV_²) prayer of God with full concentration
Therefore you should know prayer of God with
(od`m{J_²) save (make free from) (Xw•I g§`m{J)
full concentration save (make free from)
suffering from sorrow. (g•) that (`m{J•) prayer
suffering from sorrow. That prayer should be
(`m{·Vì`•) should be practiced (oZûM`{Z) with firm
practiced with firm determination, (and) with determination (AoZod© Ê U M{ V gm) with an
an undeviating mind. undeviating mind.

g: oZíM`{Z `m{º$ì`: `m{J: AoZod©ÊU-M{Vgm &

6:24 gS> H$ë[ à^dmZ² H$m_mZ² Ë`º$Ëdm gdm©Z² Ae{fV: & (Ed) Certainly (odoZ`å`) restrain (BoÝÐ` J«m__²) five
_Zgm Ed BoÝÐ`-J«m__² odoZ`å` g_ÝVV: &&24&& parts of body which receive sense (g_ÝVV•) from
Certainly, restrain five parts of body which all sides (_Zgm•) consciously (gL>H$ë[) (and)
receive sense, from all sides, consciously. resolve (Ae{fV•) totally (Ë`·Ëdm) to give up (gdm©Z²)
(And) resolve totally to give up all (desire of all (desire of enjoyments which) (à^dmZ²) born of
enjoyments which) born of (self) nature of (H$m_mZ²) (self) nature of human being which
human being which craves to enjoy. craves to enjoy.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

eZ¡: eZ¡: C[a_{V² ]wÕ`m Y¥oV-J¥hrV`m &

6:25 AmË_-g§ñW_² _Z: H¥$Ëdm Z oH$oÁMV² Ao[ oMÝV`{V² &&25&& (C[a_{V) Withdraw (_Z•) mind (from unnecessary
Withdraw mind (from unnecessary thought), thought) (Z) don’t (oMÝV`{V²) think of (oH$oÄMV²) any
don’t think of any creature or deity. Do creature or deity (H¥$Ëdm) do (g§ñW_²) establish (AmË_)
establish (remembrance) of God slowly slowly (remembrance) of God (eZ¡• eZ¡•) slowly slowly
in your intellect (consciences) with firm (]wÕ`m) in your intellect (consciences) (Y¥oVJ¥hrV`m)
resolution and regularity. with firm resolution and regularity.

`V: `V: oZíMboV _Z: MÁMb_² AoñWa_² & (`V• `V•) Whenever (MÄMb_²) restless (_Z•) mind
6:26 VV: VV: oZ`å` EVV² AmË_oZ Ed de_² Z`{V² &&26&& (AoñWa_² ) does not remain steady (in
Whenever restless mind does not remain remembrance of God and) (oZûMboV) and
steady (in remembrance of God) and wanders. wanders (VV• VV•) Then (EVV²) this (mind) (oZ`å`m)
Then this (mind) should be restrained (as per should be restrained (as per divine teaching)
divine teaching). Certainly it should be given (Ed) certainly (Z`{V) it should be (de_²) given in
in control of God. control of (AmË_oZ) God.

àemÝV _Zg_² oh EZ_² `m{oJZ_² gwI_² CÎm__² & (hr) Certainly (^yV_²) worshiper (of) (]«÷) one God
6.27 C[¡oV emÝV-aOg_² ]«÷-^yV_² AH$ë_f_² &&27&& (emÝV) by controlling his (aOg_²) bad nature
Certainly, worshiper (of) one God, by (AH$ë_f_²) get rid of his past sins (EZ_²) after this
controlling his bad nature, get rid of his past (`m{oJZ_²) worshiper (C[¡oV) attains (àemÝV) peaceful
sins. After this worshiper attains peaceful (_Zg_²) mind and (CÎm__²) highest (gwI_²) happiness.
mind and highest happiness.

6:28 `w‚mZ² Ed_² gXm AmË_mZ_² `m{Jr odJV H$ë_f: & (Ed_²) In this way (`m{Jr) worshiper (who) (gXm)
gwI{Z ]«÷-gñße©_² AË`ÝV_² gwI_² AíZwV{ &&28&& always (AmË_mZ_²) (engages) himself (in) (`wÄOZ²)
In this way, worshiper (who) always such prayers which unite him with God (]«÷-
(engages) himself (in) such prayers which g§ñ[e©_²) feels the presence and blessing of God,
unite him with God, feels the presence and (and because of which he) (odJV) (becomes)
blessing of God, (And because of which he) free from (H$ë_f•) sins (gwI{Z) (and becomes)
(becomes) free from sins, (and becomes) peaceful (in this life and after death he) (AíZwV{)
peaceful (in this life and after death he) attains (AË`ÝV_²) the highest (gwI_²) peace and
attains the highest peace and pleasure, (that pleasure, (that is heaven).
is heaven).

(Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok No. 6:24)

Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from
illegal sexual acts). That is purer for them. Verily, God is All-Aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to
lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts). (Holy
Quran : Sure Nur, 24:30-31)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

6:29 gd©-^yV-ñW_² AmË_mZ_² gd© ^yVmoZ M AmË_oZ & (AmË_m) Human being (`w·V) who is engaged in
BªjV{ `m{J-`wº$-AmË_m gd©Ì g_-Xe©Z: &&29&& (`m{J) such prayer which connect him to God
Human being who is engaged in such prayer (B©jV{) sees (AmË_mZ_²) himself (ñW_²) depends on (gd©)
which connects him to God, sees himself all (^yV) creatures (M) and (gd©) all (^yVmoZ) living
depends on all creatures, and all living beings beings (depends on) (AmË_oZ) God (gd©Ì) (this
(depends on) God. (This way) everywhere he way) everywhere (g_ Xe©Z•) he sees same
sees same picture. picture.
Improvement in way of thinking due to meditation :-
`: _m_² [í`oV gd©Ì gd©_² M _o` [í`oV & (`•) One who ([í`oV) sees (gd©_²) everything (_o`)
6.30 Vñ` Ah_² Z àUí`mo_ g: M _{ Z àUí`oV &&30&& (created) by Me ([í`oV) (He) see (_m_²) Me (gd©Ì)
One who sees everything (created) by Me, (he) everywhere (Vñ`) (then) for him (Ah_²) I (am) (Z)
sees Me everywhere. (Then) for him I (am) never (àUí`mo_) lost (away from him) (M) and (g•)
never lost (away from him), and that person that person (is also) (Z) never (àUí`oV) lost (away
(is also) never lost (away for) Me. for) (_{) Me.

gd©-^yV-oñWV_² `: _m_² ^OoV EH$Ëd_² AmoñWV: &

6.31 gd©Wm dV©_mZ: Ao[ g: `m{Jr _o` dV©V{ &&31&&
(`•) One who (sees) (oñWV_²) sustenance and
existence of (gd© ^yV) all living beings (and)
One who (sees) sustenance and existence of
(^OoV) accept (that they are) (AmoñWV•) exist or
all living beings, (and) accept (that they)
survive (because of) (EH$Ëd_²) one ( God that is)
exist or survive (because of) one ( God, that
(_m_²) Me (g•) that (`m{Jr) worshiper (Ao[) although
is) Me. That worshiper although serves all (dV©_mZ) serves (gd©Wm) all living being (but) (dV©V{)
living beings, (but) he does all work for Me. he does all work for (_o`) Me.

AmË_ Am¡[å`{Z gd©Ì g__² [í`oV `: AOw©Z & (AOw©Z) O Arjun (`oX) if (`•) one who (g__²) equally
6.32 gwI_² dm `oX dm Xw:I_² g: `m{Jr [a_: _V: &&32&& ([í`oV) sees (feel) (gwI_²) in happiness (dm) or
O Arjun, if one who equally sees (feel) in (Xw•I_²) in sorrow (gd©Ì) of all (living being) (AmË_
happiness or in sorrow of all (living being) Am¡[Ý`{Z) similar to himself (_V•) (I) consider (g•)
similar to himself. (I) consider such person as such person as (`m{Jr) worshiper ([a_•) of highest
worshiper of highest (status). (status).

(Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok No. 6:29)

God, it is He who created for you all that is on earth. Then He rose over (Istawa) towards the heaven and made them
seven heavens and He is the All-Knower of everything. (Holy Quran 2:29)

(Hadees similar to Sloke No.6:32)

Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said “None of you will be considered as believer of God unless you love for your brother
what you love for yourself.” (Bukhari – Muslim)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

Practical difficulties in meditation :-

`: A`_² `m{J: Ëd`m àm{º$: gmå`{Z _YwgyXZ & (AOw©Z CdmM) Arjun said (_YwgyXZ) O Krishna (`•A`_²)
6.33 EVñ` Ah_² Z [í`mo_ MÁMbËdmV oñWoV_² oñWam_² &&33&& This (gmå`{Z) right way of (`m{J•) prayer (which)
Arjun said, O Krishna, this right way of prayer was (àm{·V•) described (Ëd`m) by you (MÄMbËdmV²
(which) was described by you. Because of oñWoV_²) Because of restlessness situation (of
restlessness situation (of mind), I see (it do) mind) (Ah_²) I ([í`mo_) see (it do) (Z) not (oñWam_²)
not (remain) steady on it. (remain) steady (EVñ`) on it.

MÁMb_² oh _Z: H¥$îU à_moW ]b-dV² ÑT>_² & (H¥$îU) O Krishna (_Z•) mind (self) is (oh) certainly
6.34 Vñ` Ah_² oZJ«h_² _Ý`{ dm`m{: Bd gw-XwîH$a_² &&34&&
(MÄMb_²) restless (à_oW) agitating (]bdV²$) strong
O Krishna, mind (Self) is certainly restless, (and) (ÑT>_²) obstinate (Ah_²) I (_Ý`{) think (oZJ«h_²)
agitating, strong (and) obstinate. I think controlling (mind) is (Bd) as(gw-XwîH$a_²) difficult
controlling (mind/Self) is as difficult (as) (as) (dm`m{•) (controlling the) wind.
(controlling the) wind.

Solution of Difficulties :-
Ag§e`_² _hm]mhm{ _Z: XwoZ©J«h_² Mb_² &
6.35 Aä`mg{Z Vw H$m¡ÝV{` d¡am½`{U M J¥øV{ &&35&&
(lr ^JdmZ CdmM) God said (_hm]mhm{) O mighty armed
Arjun (Ag§e`_²) undoubtedly (XwoZ©J«h_²) (it is)
God said, O mighty armed Arjun, undoubtedly
difficult to restrain (Mb_²) restless (_Z•) mind
(it is) difficult to restrain restless mind (Self).
(self) (Vw) but (H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Aä`mg{Z) by
But O son of Kunti, by practice and control of
practice (M) and (d¡am½`{U) control of senses
senses (detachment), it can be controlled. (detachment) (J¥øV{) it can be controlled.

Ag§`V AmË_Zm `m{J: Xwîàm[: BoV _{ _oV: & (Ag§`V) Because of uncontrolled (AmË_Zm) mind
6.36 dí` AmË_Zm Vw `VVm e·`: Admáw_² C[m`V: &&36&& (Xwîàm[) it is difficult to (`m{J•) get connected to
Because of uncontrolled mind it is difficult to God (Vw) But (dí` AmË_Zm) by controlling mind
get connected to God. But by controlling mind (and thought) (`VVm) (and) strive (to control
(and thought) (and) strive (to control mind) mind) (C[m`V•) by right means (or as per our own
by right means (or as per our own capability), capability) (e·`•) then it is possible (Admáw_²) to
then it is possible to achieve (concentration achieve (concentration in worship of God)
in worship of God). (BVr) (this is) (_{) my (_oV) instructions.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

Fate of imperfect worshiper :-

A`oV: lÕ`m C[{V: `m{JmV² MobV _mZg: & (AOw©Z CdmM) Arjun said (A`oV•) lax or casual person
6.37 Aàmß` `m{J-g§ogoÕ_² H$m_² JoV_² H¥$îU JÀN>oV &&37&& who (lÕ`m) has faith in God (C[{V•) and remain
Arjun said, lax or casual person who has faith engaged in (`m{JmV²) worship of God (JoV_²) (but)
in God and remain engaged in worship of God (Aàmá) failing to attain (`m{J g§ogoÕ_²) the highest
(but) failing to attain the highest perfection perfection in prayer (H¥$îU) O Krishna (H$m_²)
in prayer, O Krishna which destination (he) which(JoV_²) destination (JÀN>oV) (he) goes.

H$oƒV² Z C^` od^«ï>: oN>Þ A^«_² Bd Zí`oV & (_hm]mhm{) O Krishna (H$pÄOV²) does not a (od_yT>•)
6.38 AàoVð>: _hm-]mhm{ od_yT>: ]«÷U: [oW &&38&&
bewildered (confused pious man) (AàoVð>•)
O Krishna, does not a bewildered (confused (because of) not firmly following ([oW) path of
pious man) (because of) not firmly following (]«m÷U•) God (od^«ï>•) (get) misled and (Bd) like (oN>Þ
path of God (get) misled, and like scattered C^«_²) scattered cloud (and) (Zí`oV) perishes ( C^`)
cloud perishes in both (that is this world and in both (that is this world and hereafter) ?
hereafter) ?

EVV² _{ g§e`_² H¥$îU N{>Îmw_² Ah©og Ae{fV: & (H¥$îU) O Krishna (EVV²) this is (_{) My (g§e`_²) doubt
6.39 ËdV² AÝ`: g§e`ñ` N{>Îmm Z oh C[[ÚV{ &&39&&
(oh) certainly (Z) (I do) not (C[[ÚV{) find (AÝ`•)
O Krishna, this is My doubt certainly (I do) not anyone other (ËdV²) than you (N{Îmm) to remove
find anyone other than you to remove (my) (g§e`ñ`) (my) doubts (Ah©og) (hence) you are
doubts. (Hence) you are requested to dispel it requested (N{>Îmw_²) to dispel it (Ae{fV•) completely.

[mW© Z Ed Bh Z A_wÌ odZme: Vñ` odÚV{ & (lr ^JdmZ CdmM) God said (VmV) My friend (Arjun)
6.40 Z oh H$ë`mU-H¥$V² H$oíMV² XwJ©oV_² VmV JÀN>oV &&40&& (oh) certainly (H$oûMV) anyone (H$ë`mU H¥$V²) who
God said, My friend (Arjun), certainly anyone strives for noble deed (Z) never (JÀN>oV) goes to
who strives for noble deed never goes to evil (XwJ©oV_²) evil destination (Hell) (Ed) certainly ([mW©)
destination (Hell). Certainly, O Arjuna neither O Arjuna, the son of partha (Z) neither (Bh) in
in this world, nor in the next world, this world (Z) nor (A_wÌ) in the next world
(hereafter) exist destruction (for) him. (hereafter) (odÚV{) exist (odZme) destruction (for)
(Vñ`) him.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

àmß` [wÊ`-H¥$Vm_² bm{H$mZ² CofËdm emídVr: g_m: &

6.41 ewMrZm_² lr-_Vm_² J{h{ `m{J-^«ï>: Ao^Om`V{ &&41&& (`m{J-^«ï>•) The unsuccessful worshiper (Arjun)
The unsuccessful worshiper (Arjun) attains (àmß`) attains (g_m•) same (emûdVr) eternal (CofËdm)
same eternal place (heaven), (because of) the place (heaven) ([wÊ` H¥$Vm_²) (because of) the noble
noble deed (which he did in) this world, (and) deed (which he did in) (bm{H$mZ²) this world (and)
gets new life in house of pious (and) (Ao^Om`V{) gets new life in (J{h{) house of (ewMrZm_²)
prosperous people (in heaven). pious (and) (lr _Vm_) prosperous people (in

Awdm `m{oJZm_² Ed Hw$b{ ^doV Yr-_Vm_² & (Awdm) Or (^doV) get new life in (Hw$b{) family of
6.42 EVV² oh Xwb©^-Va_² bm{H{$ OÝ_ `V² B©Ñe_² &&42&& (`m{oJZm_²) people with divine wisdom (Ed) and (Yr
Or get new life in family of people with divine _Vm_²) (in) wise people. (oh) No doubt (`V²) (like)
wisdom and (in) wise people. No doubt this this is (Xwb©^ Va_²) very rare (case) (bm{H{$) in world
is very rare (case in world). That is getting (`V²) that is (OÝ_) getting new life (in pious
new life (in pious people) in this way. people) (B©Ñe_²) in this way.

VÌ V_² ]woÕ-g§`m{J_² b^V{ [m¡d©-X{ohH$_² & (People get heaven even with imperfect deed
6.43 `VV{ M VV: ^y`: g§ogÕm¡ Hw$éZÝXZ &&43&& because) (VÌ) there (V_²) (in) that ([m¡d© X{ohH$_²)
(People get heaven even with imperfect deed previous life on earth (b^V{) (he) attained (]woÕ
because) there (in) that previous life on earth g§`m{J_²) deep faith in God (M) and (VV•) he (^y`•)
(he) attained deep faith in God, and he again again (and again) (`VV) strives (g§ogÕm¡) for
(and again) strives for perfection. perfection.

[yd© Aä`mg{Z V{Z Ed oø`V{ oh Ade: Ao[ g: & (Person gets heaven even with imperfect deed
6.44 oOkmgw: Ao[ `m{Jñ` eãX-]«÷ AoVdV©V{ &&44&& because) ([yd©) before death (Ade•) by himself (oh)
(Person gets heaven even with imperfect deed certainly (V{Z) he was (oö`V{) attracted (toward)
because) before death by himself certainly he (Aä`mg{Z) reading of the holy vedas (Ao[) even (g•)
was attracted (toward) reading of the holy that person was (oOkmgw•) struggling (for) (`m{Jñ`)
vedas. Even that person was struggling (for) worship of God (Ed) certainly (AoVdV©V) (he)
worship of God. Certainly (he) progressed in progressed in (eãX ]«÷) reciting names of God.
reciting names of God.

Verse of holy Quran similar to Shloke No. 6:43

God says in holy Quran. “To those who believed in God and their children also believed in God (but if they earned less
blessing) we shall unite those children to their parent (in heaven), and not reduce blessing of parents also. (Holy Quran

That means if a worshiper had perfect faith in God, and struggled also in life to do noble deed, but remained imperfect
God will raise his status, and accommodate him in heaven, in company of his near and dear relatives or friends who
were perfect.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-6

à`ËZmV² `V_mZ: Vw `m{Jr g§ewÕ oH$oë]f: & (Vw) Such (`m{Jr) worshiper (`V_mZ•) (who was)
6.45 AZ{H$ OÝ_ g§ogÕ: VV: `moV [am_² JoV_² &&45&& trying hard (à`ËZmV²) with great effort (to follow
(But if the worshiper had too fews blessings in divine laws on this earth) (AZ{H$) after many
his account, then) such worshiper (who was) (OÝ_) new life (and death in hell) (gewÕ) gets
trying hard with great effort (to follow divine purified (g§ogÕ•) perfectly from (oH$oë]f•) all sins
laws on this earth) after many new lives and (VV•) then (he) (`oV) attains ([a_²) the highest
death (in hell), get purified perfectly from all (JoV_²) goal of life (heaven).
sins. Then (he) attains the highest goal of life

Status of meditating worshiper :-

V[oñdä`: AoYH$: `m{Jr kmoZä`: Ao[ _V: AoYH$ & (`m{Jr) Worshiper is (AoYH$•) superior (V[oñdä`•) than
6.46 H$o_©ä` M AoYH$: `m{Jr Vñ_mV² `m{Jr ^d AOw©Z &&46&& the monk (Ao[) even (_V•) (he is) considered
Worshiper is superior than the monk. Even (he (AoYH$•) superior (than) (kmoZä`•) scholar (M) and
is) considered superior (than) scholar. And (`m{Jr) worshiper is (AoYH$•) superior (H$o_©ä`•) than
worshiper is superior than the ritualistic the ritualistic performer (Vñ_mV²) therefore (^d)
performer. Therefore become a worshiper, O become (`m{Jr) a worshiper (AOw©Z) O Arjun.

`m{oJZm_² Ao[ gd}fm_² _V²-JV{Z AÝV:-AmË_Zm & (_{) I (God) (_V•) consider (`w·VV_•) the highest
6.47 lÕmdmZ² ^OV{ `: _m_² g: _{ `wº$-V_: _V: &&47&& worshiper (gd}fm_²) in all (`m{oJZm_²) worship (g•) to
I (God) consider the highest worshiper in all that (person) (`•) who (lÕmdmZ²) has deep faith in
worship to that (person) who has deep faith in God (^OV{) and remains engaged (AÝV• AmË_Zm)
God and remains engaged from mind and soul from mind and soul in (_V² JV{Z) thinking about
in thinking about Me (God). Me (God).

Note for shlok no. 6:45 : In hell due to burning in fire, body get destroyed and does not remain
suitable for further punishment. Hence that person is given new body again and again. This is called (AZ{H$ OÝ_{) many
births. So such worshiper who had firm faith in God. But earn too much sin and too less blessings. Then such
worshiper will first enter hell, where his body may get destroyed many times, and renewed again and again for
completing punishment. After completing punishment he will enter heaven.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-7

Introduction to chapter No. 7

l In religion, two things are necessary. First was described in previous chapter) very few
is our faith and second, our act as per religious people able to do it. And out of them only few
laws. In previous chapter it is said that by doing succeed in realizing God.
meditation we control our SELF. By
4. In Shlok No. 7:4 God enlists eight things by
controlling SELF it becomes easy to perform
which He created this universe.
Karam yog or activities which are related to us
personally, regarding prayers and noble deeds 5. In Shlok No. 7:5 God says, beyond this
etc. When we becomes perfect in doing karam universe which He created by eight elements,
yog, it becomes easy to perform karam sanyas, there is another thing or fact or world. And that
that is selfless service to society. Above is HEREAFTER, or life after death. And that is
mentioned things we were taught in chapter no. more important than this world.
6. Now from chapter no.7 to 13, basic teaching
6. Shlok No. 7:6 says all human beings
of this divine book is to purify our faith in God.
depends on these two. That is, this world and
Because a correct faith in God is must to
life after death (hereafter).
succeed in the life which we will spend after
death in parlok. 7. From Shlok No. 7:7 to 7:12 God introduces
l This chapter introduces the concept of life
after death in shlok no. 7.5. It is said that life 8. In Shlok No. 7:13 God says human being
after death is more important than this world. could not raise above three basic tendencies
But to succeed there one has to believe in God. (Sattvic, Rajasic,Tamas) hence could not
recognize God.
l This chapter is about God. God introduces
himself, then describes which type of people 9. Shlok No. 7:14 says, to succeed exam of
recognize and worship Him. And at the end of God in this world, help of God is extremely
chapter advantage of worshiping God is important
10. Shlok No. 7:15 says wrong people do not
l In the following lines we will describe the take help of God. Hence their knowledge also
summary of each shlok or basic teaching of does not help them.
that shlok. Before reading each shlok if you
11. Shlok No. 7:16 says four types of people
remember the lesson in that shlok, you can
wish to know about God.
understand this chapter very easily.
12. Shlok No. 7:17 says out of four only the
1. Shlok No. 7:1 describes the way of knowing
scholar remains engaged in worship of God.
13. Shlok No. 7:18 says scholar is best among
2. Shlok No. 7:2 describes the importance of
four, because he always remains engaged in
knowledge about God.
worship of God.
3. Shlok No 7:3 says the meditation (which
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-7

l 14. Shlok No. 7:19 says Holy personality

like Shri Krishna rarely takes birth in mankind.
15. Shlok No. 7:20 describes how people start
worshiping Devtas
16. Shlok No. 7:21 describes reaction of God
for such people
17. Shlok No. 7:22 says whatever human being
receives is supplied by God only.
18. Shlok No. 7:23 says that these who don't
worship God, they will faces destruction.
19. Shlok No. 7:24 describes misconception of
people about God.
20. Shlok No. 7:25 describes reason of
misconception about God.
21. Shlok No. 7:26 says God knows
everything, but no one knows about God.
22. Shlok No. 7:27 describes reason of tension,
fear in human being
Shlok No. 7:28, 7:29 and 7:30 describes
advantage of believing in God.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-7


_o` Amgº$-_Zm: [mW© `m{J_² `w‚mZ² _V² -Aml`: &

7.1 Ag§e`_² g_J«_² _m_² `Wm kmñ`og VV² e¥Uw &&1&& (lr ^JdmZ CdmM²) God said ([mW©) O Arjun! (Amg·V _Zm•)
God said, O Arjun! with the mind attached to with the mind attached (_o`) to Me (`wÄOZ²)
Me, engaging in prayer (at fixed timing) engaging in prayer (at fixed timing) (_V Aml`•)
taking My shelter, obeying My commandment. taking My shelter (`m{ J _² ) obeying My
commandment (`Wm) the way in which (kmñ`og)
The way in which you can know Me completely
you can know (_m_²) Me (g_J«_²) completly
free from doubt, that (you) listen (from Me).
(Ag§e`_²) free from doubt (VV) that (e¥Uw) listen
(from Me).
Importance of knowledge about God and hereafter :-
kmZ_² V{ Ah_² g odkmZ_² BX_² dú`mo_ Ae{fV: & (Ah_²) I (dú`mo_) shall reveal (V{) to you (BX_²) this
7.2 `V² kmËdm Z Bh ^y`: AÝ`V² kmVì`_² Adoeî`V{ &&2&& (Ae{fV•) complete (kmZ_²) knowledge (g) with
I shall reveal to you this complete knowledge (odkmZ_²) wisdom (kmËdm) having known (`V²) which
with wisdom, knowing which, in this world (Bh) in the world (Z) (you will) not (Adoeî`V{) need
(you will) not need anything else to know (AÝ`V²) anything else (kmVì`_²) to know (^y`•)
further. further.

_Zwî`mUm_² ghó{fw H$oíMV² `VoV ogÕ`{ & (ghñÌ{fw) Out of many thousands (_Zwî`mUm_²) human
7.3 `Vvm_² Ao[ ogÕmZm_² H$oíMV² _m_² d{oÎm VËdV: &&3&& beings (H$oûMV²) only some people (`VoV) strive
Out of many thousands human beings only (ogÕ`m{ ) for perfect concentration and
some people strive for perfect concentration remembrance of God (Ao[) certainly (`VVm_²) of
and remembrance of God. Certainly of those these who strive (ogÕmZm_²) to achive perfect
who strive to achieve perfect concentration in concentration in God (H$oûMV²) only some of them
God, only some of them realise My truth. (d{oÎm) realise (_m_²) My (VÎdV•) truth.

Know eight materials of construction of the universe :-

^yo_: Am[: AZb: dm`w: I_² _Z: ]woÕ: Ed M & (Ed) Certainly (^yo_•) earth (Am[) water (AZb•) fire
7.4 Ah§H$ma: BoV B`_² _{ o^Þm àH¥$oV: Aï>Ym &&4&& (dm`w•) air (I_²) space (_Z•) self (]woÕ•) intellect (M)
Certainly, earth, water, fire, air, space, self, and (Ah§H$ma) ego (wish for superiority) (B`_²) all
intellect, and ego (wish for superiority). All these (Aï>Ym) eight (_{) (are) Mine (o^Þm) different
these eight (are) My different substances of (àH¥$oV$•) substance of creation.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-7

Most important creation of God is hereafter :-

A[am B`_² BV: Vw AÝ`m_² àH¥$oV_² odoÕ _{ [am_² &
7.5 Ord-^yVm_² _hm-]mhm{ ``m BX_² Ym`©V{ OJV² &&5&& (Vw) But (odoÕ) (try to) understand (_{) My ([a_)
But (try to) understand My supreme creation, supreme (àH¥$oV_²) creation (and that is) (AÝ`m_²)
(and that is) another (life after death or another (life after death or hereafter) (BV•)
hereafter), beside this inferior (materialistic beside (B©`_²) this (A[am) inferior (materialistic
world). O Arjun, on which depends this world) (_hm]mhm{) O Arjuna (``m) on which (Ym`©V)
material world (and) all living beings. depends (BX_²) this (OJV) material world (and)
(That means our life after death is more (Ord ^yVm_²) all living beings.
important than our life on this planet earth).

EVV² `m{ZroZ ^yVmoZ gdm©oU BoV C[Yma` & (BoV) This way (the success of) (gdm©oU) all (`m{ZroZ
7.6 Ah_² H¥$ËñZñ` OJV: à^d: àb`: VWm &&6&&
^yVmoZ) the race of human beings (C[Yma`) depends
This way, (the success of) all the race of on (EVV²) these two (this world and hereafter)
human beings depends these two (this world (VWm) and (Ah_²) I (am the doer of) (à^d•)
and hereafter), and I (am the doer of) beginning (and) (àb`•) end (of) (H¥$ËñZñ`) entire
beginning and end (of) entire world (or (OJV•) world (or creation).

(Notes for Sloke No. 7:4)

Earth, water, fire, air and space these are the things by which God created this universe. These elements also express
greatness of God. Self (manah/Nafs), intellect (Buddhi) and wish for superiority (Ahankarah). These are three factors
on non-materialist level, because of which this human beings is in operating condition. These three unique things also
express the greatness of God. These facts, all the scholars, philosopher and learned people know. But beyond these
eight things there is one more thing, because of which this whole universe was created. But no one concentrates on that
thing. God wants to mention that thing in the next Shlok.

(Notes for Sloke No. 7:5)

That means this inferior world has been created only because there is a life after death. In this world human beings are
tested and divided in different grades. And in life after death, they will be placed according to their grades.
God said in the the holy Quran,
And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. Surely the Home of the Hereafter is best for those who
fear God. Will you not understand? (Holy Quran 6: 32)
That means main life of human being begins after death. This world is only to struggle to earn a better and comfortable
place in life after death.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-7

Introduction to God :-
_Îm: [a-Va_² Z AÝ`V² oH$oÝMV² AoñV YZ‚m` & (YZÄO`) O Arjun (AoñV) there is (Z) no (AÝ`V² oH$oÝMV²)
7.7 _o` gd©_² BX_² àm{V_² gyÌ{ _oU-JUm: Bd &&7&&
one else ([a-Va_²) superior (_Îm•) to Me (Bd) the
O Arjun, there is no one else superior to Me. way (in which) (_o` JUm•) beads of necklace
The way (in which) beads of necklace strung (àm{V_²) strung on a (gyÌ{) thread (gd©_²) this entire
on a thread, this entire (world) (depends on) (world) (_`r) (depends on) Me.

Z M _V² -ñWmoZ ^yVmoZ [í` _{ `m{J_² E{ída_² & (^yVmoZ) All creatures (Z) neither (ñWmoZ) exist in
9.5 ^yV-^¥V² Z M ^yVñW: __ AmË_m ^yV-^mdZ:&&5&& (_V²) Me (M) and (Z) nor (^yV ^¥V²) (I) exist in
All creatures neither exist in Me, nor (I) exist creatures ([í`) just see (Eûda_²) great power (`m{J_²)
in creatures. Just see great power related to related to (Me) (__ AmË_m) I myself am (^yV ^mdZ•)
(Me). I myself am the creator of all creation the creator of all creation (M) and (^yV ^¥V²)
and sustainer of all living entities. sustainer of all living entities.
(While reading shlok no. 7.8 to 7.11 remember fact
described in above mentioned shloke no. 9.5. And that
message is that neither God exists in anyone nor anyone
can exist in God. Light of God is present in everyone
which we will study in 10.41/10.42)

7.8 ag: Ah_² Aßgw H$m¡ÝV{` à^m Aoñ_ eoe-gy`©`m{: & (H$m¡ÝV{`) O Arjun, The son of Kunti (Ah_²) I (am
àUd: gd© d{X{fw eãX: I{ [m¡éf_² Z¥fw &&8&& the) (ag•) taste (Aßgw) in water (Aoñ_) I am (à^m) the
O Arjun, The son of Kunti, I am the taste in radiance (eoe gy`©`m{•) of the moon and the sun (gd©)
water. I am the radiance of the moon and the in all (d{X{fw) vedas (àUd•) (I am the) sacred
sun. In all vedas (I am the) sacred syllable syllable Om (eãX•) (I am the) sound (recitation
Om. (I am the) sound (of recitation of sacred of sacred name of God) in (I{) sky ([m¡éf_²) (I am
name of God) in sky. (I am the) ability in the) ability (Z¥fw) in human being.
human being.
(Notes for Sloke No. 7:8)
To judge the greatness of an artist, we see and judge his artwork. Or a masterpiece art work confirms that the person
who has drawn it is a great artist.
Similarly to understand greatness of God, God says look at my creation, then you will believe in my greatness.
A person dying because of thirst will only wish for a sip of water and not coca cola or any other drink. Water has such a
great taste. It expresses greatness of God.
Light of sun and moon also express greatness of God. Temperature of sun is 2, 00,000°C. But on earth we get sunlight
of about 30°. Instead of burning down, this light enhances good health, and develops vitamin D in body. This only
great God can do.
Similarly all the planets and stars recite names of God and worship God. (Which a layman cannot understand). Only a
Great God can create such bodies which keeps on giving light for billions of year, and also recite God’s name.
So God says see taste of water, sun, moon, and other creation and understand My greatness.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-7

[wÊ`: JÝY: [¥oWì`m_² M V{O: M Aoñ_ od^mdgm¡ & (God says that) (Aoñ_) I am ([wÊ`•) (the) pure (JÝY•)
7.9 OrdZ_² gd© ^yV{fw V[: M Aoñ_ V[oñdfw &&9&& fragrance ([¥oWË`m_²) of the earth (M) and (V{O)
(God says that) I am the pure fragrance of the brilliance (od^mdgm¡) in the fire (M) and (OrdZ_²) life
earth, and brilliance in the fire, and life of all of (gd©) all (^yV{fw) beings (M) and (Aoñ_) I am (V[•)
beings. And I am the penance (hardship in penance (hardship in prayer) (V[oñdfw) of the
prayer) of the ascetics (worshiper). ascetics.

]rO_² _m_² gd©-^yVmZm_² o]oÕ [mW© gZmVZ_² &

7.10 ]woÕ: ]woÕ-_Vm_² Aoñ_ V{O: V{OoñdZm_² Ah_² &&10&& ([mW©) O Arjuna, the son of partha (odoÕ) know
O Arjun, the son of partha, know (that) I am (that) (_m_²) I am (]rO_²) seed (gd© ^wVmZm_²) of all
seed of all living beings. (I) am the intellect of living beings (Aoñ_) (I) am (]woÕ•) intellect (]woÕ-
the intelligent people. I (am) splendor (light) _Vm_²) of the intelligent people (Ah_²) I (am) (V{O•)
of the splendid. (shining things) splendor (V{OoñdZm_²) of the splendid.

]b_² ]b-dVm_² M Ah_² H$m_ amJ oddoO©V_² & (^aV F$f^) O Arjun, the best of the bharats (Ah_²) I
7.11 Y_©-AodéÕ: ^yV{fw H$m_: Aoñ_ ^aV-F$f^ &&11&&
(am) the (]b_²) strength of (]bdVm_²) powerful
O Arjun, the best of the bharats, I (am) the
people (oddoO©V_²) (which is) devoid (H$m_) desire
strength of powerful people, (which is) devoid (M) and (amJ) anger (lust) (Aoñ_) (I) am (H$m_•)
of desire, and anger (lust). (I) am the desire of desire of (^wV{fw) living beings (which do) (Y_©-
living beings, (which do) not conflict with law AodéÕ) not conflict with law of religion.
of religion.

(Sloke No. 7:9)

In this sloke God asks to concentrate on :
1. Smell of earth
2. Brilliance of fire
3. Life in living beings
4. Hardship of worshiper

1. When rain falls first time on dry land. Then whatever smell spreads in air, for farmer that is the finest smell
which he is always eager to smell, that smell not only pleases us while breathing, But also induces, peace and
hope of bright future in farmer. No scent in the world can do this.
2. If one ton of iron is heated in a furnace. It may boil at 1800 °C. If you go nearby, you will feel heat, but not
light. In same way oil and wax etc also could have been boiled and turned into charcoal. But they ignite and burn
with light and flame. So a small candle with minimum heat and small flame illuminate whole room. This is
greatness of God.
See how all things take birth and grow, if you concentrate on them you will realise the greatness of God.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-7

Why people do not recognise God :-

M{ ` Ed gmoÎdH$m: ^mdm: amOgm: Vm_gm: M `{ & (Ed) Certainly (^mdm•) nature or Tendencies of
7.12 _Îm: Ed BoV VmZ² odoÕ Z Vw Ah_² V{fw V{ _o` &&12&& (gmoÎdH$m•) Goodness (amOgm•) nature of passion (M)
Certainly, nature or Tendencies of Goodness, and (Vm_gm) ignorance (`{) these are (_V•) (created
(nature of) passion, and (nature of) by) Me (Vw) But (VmZ²) you (odoÕ) understand it (BoV)
ignorance, these are (created by) Me. But you this way that (Ah_²) I am (Z) not (like) (V{fw) them
should understand it this way that, I am not (human beings) (M) and (V{) they (human
(like) them (human beings).And they (human beings) (_o`) (not like) Me.
beings) (are not like) Me.

oÌo^: JwU-_`¡: ^md¡: Eo^: gd©_² BX_² OJV² &

7.13 _m{ohV_² Z Ao^OmZmoV _m_² Eä`: [a_² Aì``_² &&13&&
(gd©_²) All (BX_²) these (OJV²) people of world
(_m{ohV_²) got deluded (_`¡•) by getting entangled
All these people of world got deluded by (Eo^•) in these (oÌo^•) three (JwU) natures (^md¡•)
getting entangled in these three natures created (by Me) (Z) (because of this they)
created (by Me). (Because of this they) could could not (Ao^OmZmoV) recognise (_m_²) Me (Aì``_²)
not recognise Me the immortal God beyond the immortal God ([a_²) beyond (Eä`•) these
these (three natures). (three natures).

Three types of nature are for taking exam of human beings :-

7.14 X¡dr oh Efm JwU-_`r __ _m`m XwaË``m & (oh) Certainly (XwaË``m) it is difficult to pass (_m`m)
_m_² Ed `{ à[ÚÝV{ _m`m_² EVm_² VaoÝV V{ &&14&& exam (based on) (Efm) these (three) (X¡dr) divine
Certainly it is difficult to pass exam (based on) (or natural) (JwU) tendencies or nature (_m`r)
these (three) divine (or natural) tendencies or (created by) Me (Ed) certainly (`{) (those) who
nature (created by) Me. Certainly (those) who (take) (__) (My) (à[ÚÝV{) support (V{) they (VaoÝV)
(take) (My) support they cross over this exam. cross over (EVm_²) this (_m`m_²) exam.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-7

Z _m_² XwîH¥$oVZ: _yT>m: à[ÚÝV{ Za-AY_m: &

7.15 _m``m A[øV kmZm: Amgwa_² ^md_² AmolVm: &&15&& (XwîH¥$oVZ•) The evil doers (_wT>m•) the ignorant (Za
The evil-doers, the ignorant, and human AY_m•) and human beings who are going to fall
beings who are going to fall (in hell) do not (in hell) (Z) do not (take) (_m_²) My (à[ÚÝV{) shelter
take My shelter (do not seek My help, because (do not seek My help, because of which)
of which). (Devil from people who) adopt (AmolVm•) Devil via people who accept (Amgwa_²)
demonic nature, has hijacked the divine demonic (^md_²) nature (C[öV) has hijaked the
knowledge (of mankind which is required for (kmZm•) divine knowledge (_m``m•) (of mankind
passing) the divine exam of God. which is required for passing) the divine exam
of God.
Note :- (To understand shlok no. 7.15, kindly read
Note no. N-19 regarding Devil)

Who belives in God? :-

7.16 Mvw: odYm: ^OÝV{ _m_² OZm: gw-H¥$oVZ: AOw©Z & (AOw©Z) Arjun (^aV F$f^) descendant of Bharata
AmV©: oOkmgw: AW©-AWu kmZr M ^aV-F$f^ &&16&&
(MVw©• odÚm•) (only) four kinds of (gw-H¥$oVZ•) pious
O Arjun, descendant of Bharata. (Only) four (OZm:) human beings (^OÝV{) believe in (_m_²) Me
kinds of pious human-being believe in Me. In (AoV) In trouble (distressed) (oOkmgw•) the
trouble (distressed). The inquisitive (Those inquisitive (Those who have thirst for
who have thirst for knowledge). One who knowledge) (AW© AWu) one who desires material
desire material gain, (and the) Scholar. gain (kmZr) scholar.

V{fm_² kmZr oZË`-`wº$: EH$ ^oº$: odoeî`V{ &

7.17 oà`: oh kmoZZ: AË`W©_² Ah_² g: M __ oà`: &&17&& (V{fm_²) Out of them (kmZr) the scholar who has full
Out of them the scholar who has full knowledge (oZË` `w·V•) always remains engaged
in (^o·V•) worship of (EH$) one God (odoeî`V{) (he
knowledge, always remains engaged in
is) special (excellent) (oh) Because (kmoZZ•) to the
worship of one God. (He is) special
scholar person who has knowledge (Ah_²) I am
(excellent). Because to the scholar person
(AË`W©_²) too much (oà`•) dear (to him) (M) and (g•)
who has knowledge I am too much dear (to
he (also) (oà`•) is dear (__) to Me.
him), and he (also) is dear to Me.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-7

Cxmam: gd} Ed EV{ kmZr Vw AmË_m Ed _{ _V_² & (Ed) Certainly (gd}) all (the four are) (CXmam•) noble
7.18 AmoñWV: g: oh `wº$-AmË_m _m_² Ed AZwÎm_m_² JoV_² &&18&& (Vw) but (kmZr) scholar (has) (AmË_m) (noble) nature
Certainly, all (the four are) noble. But scholar (EV{) Because (g•) he (Ed) certainly (AmoñWV•)
(has) (noble) nature. Because he is also firmly firmly established in (following) (_V_²) My
established in (following) My commandment, commandment (`w·V AmË_m) and always remains
and always remains engaged in My worship, engaged in My worship (and pleasing Me) (Ed)
(and pleasing Me). Certainly (which should certainly (which should be) (AZwÎm_m_²) the
be) the highest Goal of life (of any human highest (JoV_²) Goal of life (of any human
being). being).

]hyZm_² OÝ_Zm_² AÝV{ kmZ-dmZ² _m_² à[ÚV{ & (_hm AmË_m) great divine personality (like) (dmgwX{d•)
7.19 dmgwX{d: gd©_² BoV g: _hm-AmË_m gw-Xwb©^: &&19&& Shri Krishna (gw-Xwb©^•) is extremely rare (]hwZm_²)
Great divine personality (like) Shri Krishna is (among) many (kmZ-dmZ²) religious scholars
extremely rare (among) many religious (OÝ_Zm_²) who takes birth on earth, (and who do)
scholars, who takes birth on earth (and whose (gd_©²) all deeds (_m_² à[ÚV{) as per My (God’s)
do) all deeds are as per My (God’s) command, command (AÝV{) till death.
till death.

Reason of worship of Deities :-

H$m_¡: V¡: V¡: öV kmZm: à[ÚÝV{ AÝ` X{dVm: &
7.20 V_² V_² oZ`__² AmñWm` àH¥$Ë`m oZ`Vm: ñd`m &&20&& (H$m¡_{) (Because of) desire (to follow our own
(Because of) desire (to follow our own wishes) wishes) (V¡V¡) various people (öV) lose (kmZm)
various people lose religious knowledge. religious knowledge (à[ÚÝV{) (then they)
surrender (to) (AÝ`) other (X{dVm) devtas (instead
(Then they) surrender (to) other devtas
of God) (V_² V_²) (then) these people (ñd`m) by
(instead of God). (Then) these people by
themselves (oZ`__²) (make) procedure or
themselves (make) procedure or regulation
regulation (of) (AmñWm`) following or
(of) following or worshiping (of those devtas)
worshiping (of those devtas) (àH¥$Ë`m oZ`Vm)
(similar to what) God or nature has made rules (similar to what) God or nature has made
and regulation (of worship). regulation (of worship).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-7

7.21 `: `: `m_² `m_² VZw_² ^º$: lµÕ`m AoM©Vw_² BÀN>oV & (`• `•) In whoever (^·V•) worshiper (BÀN>oV)
Vñ` Vñ` AMbm_² lÕm_² Vm_² Ed odXYmo_ Ah_² &&21&&
desires (to have) (lÕ`m) faith, (and) (AoM©Vw_)
In whoever worshiper desires (to have) faith,
(and) worship (`m_² `m_²) whichever (VZw_²) devtas,
(and) worship whichever devtas, (then) (Ed) (then) certainly (Ah_²) I (The God) (odXYmo_)
certainly I (The God) makes steady or strong makes (AMbm_²) steady or strong (lÕm_²) faith (of)
faith (of) that worshiper (on those) devta. (Vñ` Vñ`) that worshiper (Vm_²) (on those) devta.

7.22 g: V`m lÕm `wº$: Vñ` AmamYZ_² B©hV{ & (g•) That (person) (lÕ`m `w·V•) with full faith in
b^V{ M VV: H$m_mZ² _`m Ed odohVmZ² oh VmZ² &&22&& (V`m) in that (Devta) (AmamYZ_²) worships (Vñ`) that
That (person) with full faith in that (Devta), Devta (B©hV{) with expectation (of material gain)
worships that Devta with expectation (of (M) and (b^V{) he get (H$m_mZ²) desired things (VV•)
material gain), and he get desired things from from that (Devta) (Ed) (but) certainly (it is a
that (Devta). (But) certainly (it is a fact that) fact that) (odohVmZ²) (all desired thing are) given
(all desired thing are) given by Me only to by (_`m) Me (only) (VmZ²²) to Him.

AÝV-dV² Vw [b_² V{fm_² VV² ^doV Aë[-_{Ygm_² & (_V ^·Vm•) (After deaths) My worshiper
7.23 X{dmZ² X{d-`O: `moÝV _V² ^º$m: `moÝV _m_² Ao[ &&23&& (worshiper of God) (`moÝV) will come (_m_² Ao[)
(After deaths) My worshiper (worshiper of certainly to Me (and) (X{d-`k•) worshiper of
God) will come certainly to Me (and) Devtas (`moÝV) will go (X{dmZ²) to Devtas (V{) But
worshipers of Devtas will go to Devtas. But (AÝV-dV²) destruction (^doV) will occur (VV²) that
destruction will occur to that low intelligence (H$ë[ _{Ygm_²) low intelligence person (worshiper)
person (worshiper), and returns of his deed (\$b_² V{fm_²) and returns of his deed also will be
also will be destroyed. destroyed.

Mistake committed by ignorant people :-

Aì`º$_² ì`oº$_² Am[Ì_² _Ý`ÝV{ _m_² A]wÕ`: &
7.24 [a_² ^md_² AOmZÝV: __ Aì``_² AZwÎm__² &&24&& (AOmZÝV•) Not understanding (__) My ([a_²)
Not understanding My supreme nature (which supreme (^md_²) nature (which is) (Aì``_²)
is) imperishable, and the finest one. People imperishable (AZwÎm__²) and the finest one (A]wÕ`•)
with less intelligence, think of Me (who is) people with less intelligence (_Ý`ÝV{) think (_m_²)
formless, to have assumed a personality of Me (Aì`·V_²) (who is) formless (Am[Þ_²) to have
(visible form). assumed (ì`o·V_²) a personality (visible form).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-7

7.25 Z Ah_² àH$me: gd©ñ` `m{J-_m`m g_md¥V: & (God says) (Ah_²) I (Z) do not (show My) (àH$me•)
_yT>: A`_² Z Ao^OmZmoV bm{H$: _m_² AO_² Aì``_² &&25&& light to (gd© ñ `) everyone (g_md¥ V ) (My)
(God says) I do not (show My) light to invisibility (bm{H$•) in this world (`m{J _m`m) is
everyone. (My) invisibility in this world is related to taking exam of human being (_yT>•)
related to taking exam of human being. ignorant people (Z) don't (Ao^OmZmoV) know (A`_²)
Ignorant people don't know this fact, (about) this fact (about) (_m_²) Me (who is) (AO_²) unborn
Me (who is) unborn (and) immortal.
(Aì``_²) (and) immortal.

d{X Ah_² g_VrVmoZ dV©_mZmoZ M AOw©Z & (AOw©Z) O Arjun (Ah_²) I (d{X) know (^yVmoZ) all living
7.26 ^odí`moU M ^yVmoZ _m_² V d{X Z H$íMZ &&26&& being who (g_VrVmoZ) (were in) past (dV©_mZmoZ)
O Arjun, I know all living being who (were in) who are present (M) and (^odî`moU) (who will take
past, (who) are present, and (who will take birth in) future (Vw) But (Z H$ûMZ) no one (d{X)
birth in) future. But no one knows Me. knows (_m_²) Me.

Reason of Tension in life :-

BÀN>m Û{f g_wËW{Z ÛÝÛ _m{h{Z ^maV & (^maV) O Arjun (ÛÝÛ) (because of) (confusion)
7.27 gd© ^yVmoZ gå_m{h_² gJ} `moÝV [aÝV[ &&27&& (_m{h{Z) (and) illusion (BÀN>m) desire (Û{f) hatred
O Arjun (because of) (confusion) (and) (aversion) (g_wËW{Z) arises (in heart of mind)
illusion desire hatred (aversion) arises (in ([aÝV[) O Prantap (Arjun) (gJ}) from birth (and)
heart of mind) O Prantap (Arjun) from birth (gd© ^yVmoZ) all human-being (`moÝV) acquire (gå_m{h_²)
(and) all human-being acquire illusion (That illusion (That means because of illusion that
means because of illusion that this world is this world is immortal everyone wishes for
immortal everyone wishes for maternal gain maternal gain and hate failure. And generally
and hate failure. And generally people have people have this illusion since child herd) In
this illusion since child herd) In actual this actual this would is mortal and hereafter is
would is mortal and hereafter is immortal.) immortal.)

Advantage of having faith in God :-

`{fm_² Vw AÝV-JV_² [m[_² OZmZm_² [wÊ` H$_©Um_² &
7.28 V{ ÛÝÛ _m{h oZ_w©º$m: ^OÝV{ _m_² ÑT>-d«Vm: &&28&&
(Vw) But (^OÝV{) (one who) believes (worship)
(_m_²) in Me (ÑT>d«Vm•) with determination (`{fm_²)
But (one who) believes (worship) in Me with
and of these (OZmZm_²) human beings (whose)
determination, and those human beings
(whose) sin completely get destroyed by pious ([m[_²) sin (AÝV JV_²) completely get destroyed by
activities, they get freed from illusion (fear, ([wÊ`) pious (H$_©Um_²) activities (V{) they (oZ_w©·Vm•) get
tension) of Dualities (desire or hatred of good freed from (_m{h) illusion (fear, tension) of (ÛÝÛ)
or bad thing or time). Dualities (desire or hatred or hatred of good or
bad thing or time).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-7

Oam _aU _m{jm` _m_² AmolË` `VoÝV `{ & (`{) (Those) Who (take) (_m_²) My (AmolË`) shelter,
7.29 V{ ]«÷ VV² odXw: Hw$Ëó_² AÜ`mË__² H$_© M AoIb_² &&29&& (V{) they (odXw•) realise the (VV²) truth of (]«÷) God
Those who (take) my shelter, they realise the (`VoÝV) (then they) struggle (AoIb_²) completely
truth of God (then they) struggle completely in (H¥$ñÌ_) in every (H$_©) deed (AÜ`mË__²) for God.
every activity for God. (Such people) get (such people) (_m{jm`) become free from (Oam) old
freedom from old age and death. (That means age and (_aU) death.
they get heaven, where there is no old age and

g-AoY^yV AoYX¡d_² _m_² g-AoY`k_² M `{ odXw: & (`{) Those who (odXw•) knows (_m_²) Me (as) (g-
7.30 à`mU H$mb{ Ao[ M _m_² V{ odXw: `wº$-M{Vg: &&30&& AoY^yV) God of all human beings, (AoYX¡d_²) God of
Those who know Me (as) God of all human all Devtas (Deities), (g-AoY`k_²) God who
beings. God of all Devtas (Deities). God who accepts all noble deed or God who sends all
accepts all noble deeds or God who sends all divine knowledge. (`w·V M{Vg•) their mind has full
divine knowledge. Their mind has full faith in faith in God (V{) such people (in difficult times
God. Such people (in difficult time like) death like) (à`mU) death also (odXw•) know (_m_²) Me (as
also know Me (as their God, which is their God, which is necessary for success in
necessary for success in hereafter). hereafter).

Notes for 7.29 :-

Why those who have faith in God become free from illusion, tension, worries etc?
l In this divine book Bhagwad Gita God has promised faithful worshiper that He will take the responsibility of
protecting them; few shloks are as follows.
l Those people (who) properly worship Me, without thinking about any other deity I take the responsibility of
protection of such (people, who are) always absorbed in (My) worship. (Bhagwad Gita 9.22)
l Very soon (He will) become righteous person. (After death he will) attain lasting peace. O son of Kunti (Arjun)
declare (it) (know it very clearly) My worshiper never perishes. (Bhagwad Gita 9.31)
l In holy Quran also God has given same promise. That verse is as follow.
l Who have faith in God, for them God makes way of exist from every adversity. He gives sustenance from such
source from which no one can imagine. He fulfill all their needs. (Sure Talaq, Ayat 2-3)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-8

Introduction of Chapter No. 8

Previous chapter introduced concept of condition human being spends life in same
Hereafter that is life after death. To live in condition he will die.
heaven after death we should have clear and
l Shlok No. 8:7 says, every moment of life
firm faith in God, we should live a pious life,
God should be remembered
and at the time of death we should remember
only name of God. This chapter teaches us l Shlok No. 8:8 says, one who doesn’t do
how to become successful in life after death by Sangam, worship God as per Holy Vedas, and
above mentioned acts. constantly think about God, gets God's
This chapter is about
l Shlok No. 8:9, 8:10 describes features of
1. God
true worshiper, whose mind does not wonder
2. Our act which at the time of death is at the time of death.
necessary to get heaven.
l Shlok No. 8:11 introduces the heaven.
3. The lifestyle which is necessary to
l Shlok No. 8:12 and 8:13 describes the
remember God at the time of death.
requirement of getting heaven.
4. Introduction of heaven and requirement
l Shlok No. 8:15, 8:16 says that
of our deed for of getting heaven.
accommodation in heaven is forever.
5. Introduction of hereafter.(Life after
l Shlok No. 8:17 says that giving life and
death in pralok)
death on earth is a regular procedure of God.
6. Path of heaven and hell.
l In shlok No. 8:18 and 8:19 it is said that as
7. Description of good deeds which are the period start, creature become visible or
required to get heaven and blessing of God. come alive. At the end of period, they die or
become invisible.
Summary of each shlok is as follow :-
l Shlok No. 8:20 says that beyond this life
l In shlok No. 8:1, 8:2 Arjun asks about God,
cycle on earth, there is another thing. That is
self and how God could be remembered at the
life after death or hereafter. Which is
time of death.
l In shlok No. 8:3, 8:4 God introduces
l In Shlok No. 8:21 God says that hereafter
himself and answer question of Arjun.
is ultimate goal, from where no one comes
l In shlok No. 8:5 God says, one who back
remember him throughout life, will remember
l Shlok No. 8:22 says that only by unalloyed
him at the time of death.
worship of God, He can be pleased, which is
l In shlok No. 8:6 God says, in whatever necessary for success in hereafter.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-8

l Shlok No. 8:23 describes path by which

People will go to heaven or hell.
l Shlok No. 8:24 says that path of heaven is
l Shlok No. 8:25 says that path of hell is
l Shlok No. 8:26 confirms that same
description is also given in Holy Vedas.
l In Shlok No. 8:27 God say that those who
have knowledge of hereafter, and path of
heaven and hell, never get confused.
In Shlok No. 8:28 God says, study Holy
Vedas, worship God, give charity. Worshiper
who will do these will receive more blessings
of God in heaven.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-8

Introduction of God :-

oH$_² VV² ]«÷ oH$_² AÜ`mË__² oH$_² H$_© [wéf-CÎm_ & (AOw©Z CdmM) Arjun said (oH$_²) who is (VV²) that (]«÷)
8.1 AoY-^yV_² M oH$_² àm{º$_² AoY-X¡d_² oH$_² CÀ`V{ &&1&& brahma God (oH$_²) what is (AÜ`mË__²) individual
Arjun said, who is that brahma (God). What is soul (self) (oH$_²) what is (H$_©) karma ([wéf CÝV_) (of)
individual soul (self). What is karma (of) the the supreme entity (God) (M) and (oH$_²) who
supreme entity (God). And who is called lord (àm{·V_²) is called (AoY ^yV_²) lord of all creature (oH$_²)
of all creature. Who is called the lord of who (CÀ`V{) is called (AoY X¡d_) the lord of devatas
devatas (Angles) ?

AoY`k: H$W_² H$: AÌ X{h{ Aoñ_Z² _YwgyXZ &

8.2 à`mU-H$mb{ M H$W_² k{`: Aog oZ`V-AmË_o^: &&2&& (AoY) The lord of (`k:) divine knowledge (H$W_²)
(Who is) The lord of divine knowledge. How how (communicate with prophets) (M) and
(communication with prophets are done), and (_YwgyXZ) O Krishna (H$•) who (is present) (AÌ)
O Krishna, who (is present) here (in this here (in this world) (Apñ_Z²) in this (X{h{) body
world) in this body. At the time of death by (à`mUm H$mb{ ) at the time of death (oZ`V) by
controlling mind (self) how He (God) can be controlling (AmË_o^•) mind (self) (H$W_²) how (k{`•
known (remembered)? Aog) He (God) can be known (remembred).

God introduced Himself in shlok 7.7 also. What is the difference between these two introductions?
In chapter 7 God enlisted His great creation, so that by analysing great creation human being will get convinced about
greatness of God.
Now in this introduction, God wants to remove misconception about self (soul) and devtas. People are of the opinion
that Atma is part of Parmatma, and Devtas are equivalent to God. But answering the doubt of Arjun, God clears doubt
of whole mankind that God is lord of human being as well as of Devtas. Atma is basically self or personality (it is an
entity) God has created it, and gave it a nature, which keep it working, or keep human beings active accordingly.

Note For 8.2

ja means destruction Aja mean indestructible. God is indestructible. Aja also means words. One name of God is Om. It
is just two words. So Aja means God who is indestructible, and whose name is OM. (g§ñH¥$V-ohÝXr eãXmW© H$m{e [§. B©ídaM§Ð [{O Z§. 8)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-8

Aja_² ]«÷ [a__² ñd^md: AÜ`mË__² CÀ`V{ &

8.3 ^yV-^md-CX²^d-H$a: odgJ©: H$_© g§okV: &&3&&
(lr ^JdmZ CdmM) God said ([a__²) the supreme (Aja_²)
indestructible (CÀ`V{) is called (]«÷) Brahma or
God said, the supreme, indestructible (entity)
God. (ñd) Every human-being (^md•) has nature
is called Brahma or God. Every human being
has a nature (or personality which) is called the (or personality, which) (g§okV•) is called (AÜ`mË__²)
soul (self). After creating creature, assigning a the soul (self) (CX²^d) after creating (^wV) creature
function to individual creature is karam. (or (odgJ©•) assigning (H$_©) a function to individual
deed of God for managing the universe). creature is (H$_©) is karam. (of managing the
universe by God).
AoY^yV_² ja: ^md: [wéf: M AoYX¡dV_² & (da) O the best (X{h-^¥V_²) among those who have
8.4 AoY`k: Ah_² Ed AÌ X{h{-^¥Vm_² da &&4&& bodies (^md•) nature (of) ([wéf:) human being
O the best, among those who have bodies, (ja•) destructible (AÌ) in this (X{h{) body (Ah_²) I
nature (of) human being is destructible. In this (the God rule, who is) (AoY^wV_²) lord of all
body I (the God rules, who is) lord of all creatures (AoYX¡dV_²) lord of all devtas (Angles)
creatures. lord of all devtas (Angels), and the (AoY`k•) the Lord, who sends the divine
Lord, who sends the divine scriptures.

How to become eligible for heaven :-

AÝV-H$mb{ M _m_² Ed ñ_aZ² _wº$dm H$b{da_² & (M) and (from beginning of life till) (AÝV H$mb{)
8.5 `: à`moV g: _V²-^md_² `moV Z AoñV AÌ g§e`: &&5&& end of life (`•) he who (Ed) truly (ñ_aZ²)
And (from beginning of life till) end of life, he remembers (_m_²) Me (_w·Ëdm à`oV) while quitting
who truly remembers Me, while quitting (the (·b{da_²) (the body) (g•) he (`oV) achieved (^md_²)
body), he achieved the nature (which obeys) the nature (_V²) (which obeys) Me (AoñV) there is
Me. There is no doubt (assuming) in this (Z) no (g§e`) doubt (AÌ) (assuming) in this
(way). (way).

`_² `_² dm Ao[ ñ_aZ² ^md_² Ë`OoV AÝV{ H$b{da_² & (H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (AÝV{) at the time of death
8.6 V_² V_² Ed EoV H$m¡ÝV{` gXm VV² ^md ^modV: &&6&& (Ë`OoV) while giving up (H$b{da_²) the body (`_²-`_²)
O son of Kunti, at the time of death, while whichever (^md_²) nature or personality of (dm Ao[)
giving up the body, whichever nature of (devtas or things) at all (human being) (ñ_aZ²)
personality of (devtas or things) that (human remembers (Ed) certainly (EoV) (he) gets (V_² V_²)
being) remembers, certainly (he) gets that that (devtas or things) (Because) (^modV) (he
(devtas or things). (Because in span of life he remained) engaged (gXm) always (^md) getting
remained) engaged always in getting favour of favour of (VV²) that (devata or creature).
that (devata or creature).
Note :- Only that person will succeed who will
remember only God at the time of death.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-8

8.7 Vñ_mV² gd}fw H$mb{fw _m_² AZwñ_a `wÜ` M & (Vñ_mV²) Therefore (gd}fw) every (H$mb{fw) moment (of
_o` Ao[©V _Z: ]woÕ: _m_² Ed Eî`og Ag§e`: &&7&& life) (AZwñ_a) remember (_m_²) Me (`wÕ) fight
Therefore every moment (of life) remember (struggle) (Ao[©V) to surrender (_Z•) mind (]woÕ•)
Me. Fight (struggle) to surrender mind, intellect (_o`) to me (Ag§e`•) this way (Ed)
intellect to Me. This way certainly you will get certainly (Eî`og) you will get (_m_²) Me.

Aä`mg-`m{J `wº{$Z M{Vgm Z AÝ` Jmo_Zm &

8.8 [a__² [wéf_² oXì`_² `moV [mW© AZwoMÝV`Z² &&8&&
([mW©) O Son of Partha (Arjun) (Z) without (Jmo_Zm)
deviating (M{Vgm) mind and intellect (AÝ`) to any
O Son of Partha (Arjun), without deviating
mind and intellect to any other diety or thing. other deity or thing (`m{J) worshiping (Aä`mg) as
Worshiping as per vedas. Constantly thinking per vedas (AZwoMÝV`Z²) constantly thinking (about
(about God), achieve or get (blessing of) the God) (`moV) achieve or get (blessing of) (à__²) the
supreme divine entity (God). supreme (oXì`_²) divine ([wéf_²) entity (God).

H$od_² [wamU_² AZwemogVma_² AÊmm{: AUr`m§g_² AZwñ_a{V² `: &

8.9 gd©ñ` YmVma_² AoMÝË` é[_² AmoXË`-dU©_² V_g: [añVmV² &&9&& (`•) (the person) who (AZwñ_a{V) always think of
(The person) who always think of (God as) (God as) (H$od_²) one who knows everything
one who knows everything. The first one ([wamU_²) the first one (oldest) (AZwemogVma_²) the
(Oldest). The controller (of universe). Subtler controller (of universe) (AUm{• AUr`m§g_²) subtler
than the subtlest (omnipresent). Maintainer of than the subtlest (omnipresent) (gd©ñ` YmVma_²)
everything. Whose form cannot be conceived maintainer of everything (é[_² ) whose
(understood). Luminous like the Sun, beyond form(AoMÝË`) cannot be conceived (understood)
all darkness of ignorance. (AmoXË` dU©_) luminous like the sun(V_g [añVmV²)
beyond all darkness of ignorance.

Hadees similar to Shlok No. 8.8

Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said, “After entering heaven human being will not regret anything, except the time which
he spent on earth without remembering God.” (Hadees)

Note For 8.6 :- Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said “Whatever way of life a person adopts consciously. In same
condition he will die.” (Hadees)
That means if a person adopt an un-religious way of life, and thinks that at old age he will become religious. This will
not happen. At the time of death that person will remain un-religious only.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-8

Importance of Remembering God at the time of death:-

à`mU-H$mb{ _Zgm AMb{Z ^·Ë`m `wº$: `m{J-]b{Z M Ed & ^«wdm{: _Ü`{

8.10 (The pious person who) by power of àmU_² Amd{í` gå`H²$ g: V_² [a_² [wéf_² C[¡oV oXì`_² &&10&&
deep faith and prayer, establishes completely
the life air (thoughts) between the two (The pious person who) (`m{J ]b{Z) by power of
eyebrows, (and remains) engaged (throughout deep faith and prayer (Amd{í`) establishes (gå`H²$)
life in) worship of God. At the time of death completly (àmU_²) the life air (thoughts) (_Ü`{)
(who) does not allow mind to wander. between (^«wdm{•) the two eyebrows (`w·V•) (and
Certainly he gets (blessing of) that supreme remains) engaged (throughout life in)(^·Ë`m) in
divine entity (God). worship of God (à`mU H$mb{) all the time of death
(_Zgm AMb{Z) (who) does not allow mind to
wander (Ed) certainly (g•) he (C[¡ o V) gets
(blessing of) (V_²) that ([a_²) supreme (oXì`_²)
divine ([wéf_²) entity (God).

`V² Aja_² d{X-odX: dXoÝV odeoÝV `V² `V`: drV-amJm:&

8.11 `V² (The heaven) (odeoÝV) to enter (`V²) in which (d{X
BÀN>ÝV: ]«÷M`©_² MaoÝV VV² V{ [X_² gS>J«h{U àdú`{ &&11&& odX) scholar (dXoÝV) recite names of (Aja_²)
(The heaven) to enter in which scholar recite imperishable God (`V`•) great ascetics (drV amJm•)
names of imperishable God, Great ascetics
give up attachment or anger (`V²) for which
give up attachment or anger. For which
(people) (MaoÝV) practice (]«÷M`©_²) way of life
(people) practice way of life described by
described by God (àdú`{) I shall explain (V{) to
God, I shall explain to your briefly that great
place. your (gL>J«h{U) briefly (VV² [X_²) that great place.

How to get heaven?:-

gd©-ÛmamoU g§`å` _Z: öoX oZéÜ` M &
8.12 _yoÜZ© AmYm` AmË_Z: àmU_² AmoñWV: `m{J-YmaUm_² &&12&& (To get heaven one has to do following things)
(To get heaven one has to do following things) (g§`å`) control (gd© ìXmamoU) all the gates (of body)
Control all the gates (of body). confine all (oZéÜ`) confine (_Z•) all wishes (öoX) in heart (not
wishes in heart (not running after them to running after them to fulfill them) (M) and
fulfill them), and (engaging) self (soul) in (AmË_Z•) (engaging) self (soul) in (àmU_² )
meditation. Establishing concentration meditation (and) (AmYm`) establishing
between eyebrows. Unite the consciousness (concentration) (_yoÜZ©) in the head (between
with God. (worship God with full eyebrows) (AmoñWV• `m{ J YmaUm_² ) unite the
concentration). consciousness with God. (worship God with
full concentration).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-8

< BoV EH$-Aja_² ]«÷ ì`mhaZ² _m_² AZwñ_aZ² & (`•) Anyone who (à`moV Ë`OZ² X{h_²) (while) quitting
8.13 `: à`moV Ë`OZ² X{h_² g: `moV [a_m_² JoV_² &&13&& away body (dying) (AZwñ_aZ²) remember (_m_²) Me
Anyone who, while quitting away body (and) (ì`mhaZ²) recite (<) Om (EH$ Aja_² ]«÷) the
(dying) remember Me, (and) recite Om, the name of one indestructible God (g•) he (`•)
name of one indestructible God, he achieves achieves ([a_m_²) supreme (JoV_²)
supreme goal (the God). goal/destination. (the God).

AZÝ`-M{Vm: gVV_² `: _m_² ñ_aoV oZË`e:& ([mW©) O Arjuna (`•) one who (AZÝ` M{Vm•) without
8.14 Vñ` Ah_² gw-b^: [mW© oZË` `wº$ñ` `m{oJZ: &&14&& thinking about anyone else (oZË`e•) patiently
O Arjuna one who without thinking about (gVV_²) always (_m_² ñ_aoV) (remain engaged in)
anyone else, patiently always (remain engaged My remembrance (Vñ`) for him (Ah_²) I am (gw-
in) My remembrance for him I am very easy to b^•) very easy to achieve (`m{oJZ•) (because he is
achieve. (Because he is a) worshiper (who) a) worshiper (who) (oZË`) regularly (`w·Vñ`)
regularly (remains) engaged (in My prayer). (remains) engaged (in my prayer).

_m_² C[{Ë` [wZ: OÝ_ Xw:I Amb`_² Aeml²dV_² & This way (C[{Ë`) after achieving (_m_²) Me
8.15 Z AmßZwdoÝV _hm-AmË_mZ: g§ogoÕ_² [a_m_² JVm: &&15&& (earning My blessing) (_hm AmË_mZ•) great souls
This way after achieving Me (earning My (Z) do not ([wZ• OÝ_) take birth again (Xw•I Amb`_²
blessing) great souls do not take birth again in AemûdV_²) in temporary place of miseries (hell)
temporary place of miseries (hell) (but) attain (AmßZwdoÝV) (but) attain ([a_m_²) ultimate (JVm•) aim of
ultimate aim of life (favour of God or heaven)
life (favour of God or heaven) (g§ o goÕ_² )
(because of their) perfect (prayer).
(because of their) perfect (prayer).

Am-]«÷-^wdZmV² bm{H$m: [wZ: AmdoV©Z: AOw©Z & (AOw©Z) O Arjun (bm{H$m•) (whatever) worlds (are)
8.16 _m_² C[{Ë` Vw H$m¡ÝV{` [wZ:OÝ_ Z odÚV{ &&16&& (Am ]«÷ ^wdZmV²) around the place of God (around
O Arjun, (whatever) worlds (are) around the heaven) ([wZ• AmdoV©Z•) there is cycle of life and
place of God (around heaven), there is cycle of death (Vw) But (H$m¡ÝV{`) O Arjun (C[{Ë`) after
life and death. But O Arjun, after achieving Me achieving (_m_²) Me (odÚV{) there is (Z) no (OÝ_)
there is no birth again (and again) birth ([wZ•) again.
Note :- Heaven is a raised and vast place. And around
this heaven there are 84 lacs deep hell, (like trench
around a fort). And whoever will go to heaven has to
pass over hell.

Hadees similar to Shlok No. 8.13

Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said “If a person’s last words are “No one is eligible to be worshiped, except one God.”
paradise will be guaranteed for him.” (Ahmed 21529, Abu-Dawood-3116)
In Arabic that sentence is pronounced as “Laa ilaaha il-lal-laah”

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-8

ghó `wJ [`©ÝV_² Ah: `V² ]«÷U: odXw: & (Ah) a day (of) (]«m÷U•) God ([`©ÝV_²) is equal to
8.17 amoÌ_² `wJ ghómÝVm_² V{ Ah:-amÌ odX: OZm: &&17&& (ghñÌ `wJ) a thousand years (of human beings)
A day (of) God is equal to a thousand years (of (amoÌ_²) (one) night (of God) (`wJ ghñÌmÝVm_²) (is also)
human beings). (One) night (of God) (is also) one thousand (year of human beings) (`V²) one
one thousand (year of human beings). One who (odXw•) know this (V{) those (OZm•) people (odX•)
who knows this, those people knows (truly knows (truly the) (Ah• amÌ) nights and days (of
the) nights and days (of God). God).

Aì`º$mV² ì`º$`: gdm©: à^doÝV Ah:-AmJ_{ &

8.18 amoÌ-AmJ_{ àbr`ÝV{ VÌ Ed Aì`º$ g§kH{$ &&18&&
(Ah• AmJ_|) As the day begins (Aì`·VmV²) (soul)
which is) invisible (ì`·V`•) (become) visible
As the day begins (soul/self) which is
(in) (gdm©•) all (creature) (à^doÝV) (and life is)
invisible (become) visible (in) all (creature),
visible (everywhere) (Ed) certainly (similarly)
(and life is) visible (everywhere). Certainly
(similarly) when night arives (soul/self) (amÌr AmJ_{) when night arrives (g§kH{$) (soul) which
which is called not visible, dies (withdrawn). is (Aì`·V) not visible (àbr`ËZ{) dies (withdrawn).

Notes for Shlok No. 8.17

As per your calculation one day of God is equal to your one thousand years. (Holy Quran- Sure-haj, Ayat-47)
Hazrat Abu-Saeed khudri says, one day I was sitting in company of poor migrants (new Muslims who migrated from
other cities to Madina city) and one of the companion of Prophet (pbuh) was reciting Holy Quran. That time prophet
Mohammed (pbuh) came and greeted us, and stood very close to us and asked, what are you doing? We said “one of us
is reciting Quran, and we all are listening and understanding it”. Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said, “all Praise are for
God, who created such (pious) people among my followers, among which God asked me to stay.” Then Prophet sat
among us, and said, “have good news that you will have complete illumination (light or Noor) on the day of judgment
(parlay). (Light is necessary to travel the path of heaven) and you will enter heaven half day before rich people, and
half day is equal to 500 years. (Abu-Dawood).

· One who truly believe that life after death is immortal, he will struggle to do good deed. That means belief of
immortal life after death changes life of a person. But one who knows that one day of a God is of thousand years, and
some prayers and way of life will allow him to enter heaven a day before other people. Then on micro level he will
struggle to make his good deed perfect. So that he is not delayed in entering heaven, even for a day or, more. Hence
along with heaven a day and night of 1000 years is specifically described.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-8

8.19 ^yV-J«m_: g: Ed A`_² ^yËdm ^yËdm àbr`V{ & (àbr`V{) (they) die (AmJ_{) on the arrival (amÌr) of
amoÌ AmJ_{ Ade: [mW© à^doV Ah: AmJ_{ &&19&& night (Ade•) automatically (à^doV) they come
(they) die on the arrival of night automatically alive (AmJ_|) on the arrival (Ah•) of day ([mW©) O
they come alive on the arrival of day. O Arjun Arjun (Ed) certainly (A`_²) these are (^yËdm ^yËdm)
certainly these are repeated creations of all repeated creations of (g:) all these (^yËdm J«m_•)
these living beings (By Me).
living beings (By Me).

Description of Hereafter :-
[a: Vñ_mV² Vw ^md: AÝ`: Aì`º$: Aì`º$mV² gZmVZ: & (Vw) But ([a•) beyond (repeated creation of all
8.20 `: g: gd}fw Zí`Ëgw Z odZí`oV &&20&& creatures) (^md:) (there is one more) creation
But beyond (repeated creation of all creatures) (and that is) (AÝ`•) another (life after death or
(there is one more) another (life after death or hereafter) which is (Aì`·V•) more invisible than
hereafter) which is more invisible than (Aì`) invisible (`• g•) that which (Z) do not
invisible. That which do not get destroyed (odZí`oV) get destroyed (Zí`Ëgw) (even after)
(even after) destruction of all creatures.
destruction of (gd}fw) all (^wV{fw) creatures.
(Read Note no. 20 to understand hereafter.)

Aì`º$: Aja: BoV Cº$: V_² Amhw: [a_m_² JoV_² & (V_²) To that (hereafter or life after death) (Amhw•)
8.21 `_² àmß` Z oZdV©ÝV{ VV² Ym_ [a__² __ &&21&& (God) says as ([a_m_²) ultimate (JoV_²) destination
To that (hereafter or life after death) (God) (C·V•) (God also) says (BoV) to this (as) (Aì`·V•)
says as ultimate destination. (God also) says to invisible and (Aja•) imperishable (àmß`) getting
this (hereafter as) invisible and imperishable. (`_²) which (Z) no one (oZdV©ÝV{) comes back (VV²)
Getting which no one comes back (in this that ([a__²) supreme (Ym_) abode or place is (__)
world) that supreme abode or place is Mine. Mine.

Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok No. 8.19

Holy Quran says “It is God who takes away men’s soul (self) upon their death and the soul (self) of the living being
also during their sleep. Then He withholds those soul (self) for whom He has decided death, and send back the soul
(self) of others for a limited period till their death. There are certainly signs in this, for those who reflect (think/
analyses) (Holy Quran 39:42)
(That means daily in sleep our soul is withdrawn from our body, and returned on waking up. At the time of our death
this will be permanently withdrawn.)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-8

Recognise God clearly :-

[wéf: g: [a: [mW© ^· Ë`m bä`: Vw AZÝ``m& (g•) He (The God to whom we will face in
8.22 `ñ` AÝV:-ñWmoZ ^yVmoZ `{Z gd©_² BX_² VV_² &&22&& hereafter is) ([a•) beyond ([wéf•) being humans
He (The God to whom we will face in ([mW©) O Arjun (bä`•) (he could be pleased)
hereafter is) beyond being humans. O Arjun achieved (^·Ë`m) (by His) worship (Vw) But
(he could be pleased) achieved (by His) (AZÝ``m) unalloyed (without mixing His
worship. But unalloyed (without mixing his worship with worship of any other deity) (`{Z)
worship with worship of any other deity). (He
(He is the God) by whom (gd©_²) all (^yVmoZ)
is the God) by whom all creation pervade
creation (VV_²) pervade (`ñ`) (And He is the God
(And He is the God by) whom end of universe
by) whom (AÝV•) end of universe (ñWmoZ) will be
will be established.
Description of process of entry in heaven and hell :-

`Ì H$mb{ Vw AZmd¥oÎm_² Amd¥oÎm_² M Ed `m{oJZ: & (Vw) And (H$mb{) the time (`Ì) at which (à`Vm•) after
8.23 à`mVm: `moÝV V_² H$mb_² dú`mo_ ^aV-F$f^ &&23&& death (`m{oJZ•) the worshiper (`moÝV) attains
And the time at which after death the (AZmd¥oÎm_²) heaven or (Amd¥oÎm_²•) hell (^aV F$f^) O
worshiper will attain heaven or hell, O Arjun, I Arjun (dú`mo_) I shall describe (you) (V_²) that
shall describe (you) that moment (also). (H$mb_²) moment.

Ao¾: Á`m{oV: Ah: ew·b: fQ²>-_mgm: CÎma-A`U_² &

8.24 VÌ à`mVm: JÀN>oÝV ]«÷ ]«÷-odX: OZm: &&24&&
(Ozm) Human beings (]«÷ odX•) who knows the God
(and believes and worships him) (à`mVm•) after
Human being who knows the God (and death (JÀN>oÝV) will go (]«÷) (to heaven of) God
believes and worships him), after death will go (ew·b•) by the path of light (VÌ) there (Ao¾: Á`m{oV•)
(heaven of God) by the path of light. There
illumination and light (Ah•) (as we have in) day
(will be) illumination and light (as we have in)
(fQ² _mgm•) six months (CÎma A`U_²) when the sun
day time of six months, when the sun passes on
passes on the northen side of the earth.
the northen side of the earth.

Yy_: amoÌ: VWm H¥$îU: fQ²>-_mgm: XojU-A`U_² &

8.25 VÌ MmÝÐ-_g_² Á`m{oV: `m{Jr àmß` oZdV©V{: &&25&&
(`m{Jr) The worshiper (àmß`) (who will) achieve
(oZdV©V{) Hell (place of repeated birth) (H¥$îU•) will
The worshiper (who will) achieve Hell (place
travel the dark path (VÌ) there (it seems as) (XojU
of repeated birth), will travel the dark path.
There (it seems as) sun is passing on the A`U_²) sun is passing on the southern side of
southern side of earth for six months. (Because earth for (fQ> _mgm•) six months (because of which
of which there is) smoke, night and the dim there is) (Yy_•) smoke (amoÌ•) might (MmÝÐ _g_² Á`m{oV•)
light of Moon. the dim light of Moon.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-8

ew·b H¥$îU{ JVr oh EV{ OJV: emídV{ _V{ &

8.26 EH$`m `moV AZmd¥oÎm_² AÝ``m AmdV©V{ [wZ: &&26&& (emûdV{) In holy vedas (also) (EV{) two (JVr) paths
In holy vedas (also) two paths (to travel from) (to travel from) (OJV•) from this world (to
from this world (to another) are described by another) (_V{) are described by Me (ew·b H¥$îU{)
Me) (and these paths are) illuminated and dark (and those paths are) illuminated and dark (E·`)
(out of these two) one goes to heaven (place of (out of these two) one (`moV) goes to (AZmd¥oÎm_²)
no return) and another (goes to) Hell (place heaven (place of no return) (AÝ``m) and another
where people are again and again given life (goes to) (AmdV©V{ [wZ•) Hell (place where people
when their body get destroyed because of are again and again given life when their body
punishment.) get destroyed because of punishment.)
Note :- (Holy Quran chapter no. 51 verse no.7 says there
are paths in the sky.)

8.27 Z EV{ g¥Vr [mW© OmZZ² `m{Jr _wøoV H$íMZ & ([mW©) O Parth (`m{Jr) worshiper (OmZZ²) who knows
Vñ_mV² gd}fw-H$mb{fw `m{J-`wº$: ^d AOw©Z &&27&& (EV{) these two (g¥Vr) paths (Z) never (H$íMZ) ever
O Parth, worshiper who knows these two (_wøoV) get confused (Vñ_V) therefore (AOw©Z) O
paths, never ever get confused. Therefore, O Arjun, (gd}fw H$mb{fw) always (^d) remain (`w·V•)
Arjun, always remain engaged in worship of engaged (`m{J) in worship of God.

Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok No. 8.24

God says in holy Quran “ On the day (of parlay) you (O prophet) shall see the believers (of God), both men and women
with their light streaming on before them and on their right hands (and you shall hear a voice saying to them) Glad
tidings for you today! You shall enter gardens with rivers flowing through them, where in you shall forever dwell. That
is the supreme triumph. (Holy Quran 57:12)

Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok No. 8.24

“Believers, fear God and believe in His messenger. He will show you mercy in double measure and will provide a light
for you to walk in.” (Holy Quran 57:28)

Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok No. 8.25

“On that day, the hyporites both men and women, will say to the faithful, “Wait a while for us, so that we may have
some of your light.” They will be told, “Turn back and look for a light elsewhere. A wall will then be raised between
them.” (Holy Quran 57:13)
(That means a sinner has to travel in dark)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-8

Divine teaching in Nutshell :-

8.28 Study of holy Vedas, worship of God, d{X{fw `k{fw V[:gw M Ed XmZ{fw `V² [wÊ`-[b_² àoXï>_² & AË`{oV VV² gd©_² BX_²
odoXËdm `m{Jr [a_² ñWmZ_² C[¡oV M AmÚ_² &&28&&
hard struggle in path of God, and certainly
giving charities. Worshiper (have been) told (d{X{fw) Study of holy Vedas (`k©fw) worship of God
(about) unending (great) returns of these noble (V[•gw) hard struggle in path of God (M) and (Ed)
deeds. (Worshiper) knows all of them. In certainly (XmZ{fw) giving charities (`m{Jr) worshiper
supreme abode (heaven) Worshiper will (àoXï> _ ² ) (have been) told (about) (AË`{ o V)
receive it, and in original form. (along with unending (great) (\$b_²) returns of (`V²) these
much more blessing) ([wÊ`) noble deeds (odoXËdm) (worshiper) knows (VV²
gd©_²) all of them ([a_² ñWmZ_²) in supreme abode
(heaven) (C[¡oV M AmÚ_²) worshiper will receive it
and in original form.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-9

Introduction to chapter No. 9

l One of the main conditions to succeed in of their deeds. And as per their deed human
life after death is to have clear faith in one God. being will go to hell or heaven.
Main message in this chapter is related to
Shlok No. 9:7 to 9:10 God says He has
clarification of misconception of those people
created this universe, and this is a continuous
who worship Dieties.
process. Hence on the day of parlay He can
l Shlok No. 16 of adheyay 2 says that raise people again. That raising again is within
(Human beings and this world which is) His capacity.
Temporary (and will not exist one day) But we
l Shlok No. 9:11 and 9:12 describes how
could see their existence. (God, hereafter, hell
ignorant people insult God, and what will be
and heaven which are) fact (but) we could not
fate of ignorant people.
see there existence. But these two are not
same. Certainly truth about all these (above l Shlok No. 9:13 and 9:14 is about praises of
mentioned facts) and their concluding position noble people.
only visionary scholars could see.
l Shlok No. 9:15 describe two types of
l Sat (God, life after death) only visionary people. One who believes in God and other
scholars could see. But merciful God is who believes in deities.
describing them in this chapter No. 9, so that
l From Shlok No. 9:16 to 9:19, God clarifies
common people also could get the information
the misconcept of those who worship deities.
about them and believe them.
l Shlok No. 9:20 describes the reward of
l Hence in this chapters God described these
believer of God (first group of people)
SAT in various ways so that we can understand
their importance, believe them, and change l From Shlok No. 9:21 introduction of hell
our life to become successful in hereafter. and heaven begins. This Shlok describes the
fate of pious and sinful people.
Summary and basic teachings of sloks of
this adheyay are describes as follows, l In Shlok No. 9:22 God gives assurance to
pious people.
l Shlok No. 9:1 and 9:2 gives introduction of
divine knowledge of religion. l Shlok No. 9:23 describes fact about those
who worship false deities.
l Shlok No. 9:3 describes the disadvantage
of not believing in religion. l Shlok No. 9:24 is about fate of ignorant
people. (They fall down in to hell)
l From Shlok No. 9:4 to 9:6 God introduces
himself as creator and sustainer. l In Shlok No. 9:25 also God describes fate
of various types of people
l On day of parlay (Qiyamat) God will raise
all human beings again, and take the account l In Shlok No. 9:26 God appreciates those
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-9

worshiper who have clear heart.

l In sloke No. 9:27 and 9:28 God gave
instruction to mankind.
l In Shlok No. 9:29 God says He is impartial
to all creatures. But loves those who believe in
l Shlok No. 9:30 and 9:31 describe fate of a
sinner who believes in God.
l Shlok No. 9:32 and 9:33 says that whoever
believes and worships God will get heaven.
In Shlok No. 9:34 God gives very important
instruction to mankind.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-9

Teachings of this book are revealed by God :-
oH$_² VV² ]«÷ oH$_² AÜ`mË__² oH$_² H$_© [wéf-CÎm_ &
9.1 AoY-^yV_² M oH$_² àm{º$_² AoY-X¡d_² oH$_² CÀ`V{ &&1&&
(lr ^JdmZ CdmM) God said (Vw) But (V{) you (O Arjun)
(AZgy`d{) (are) non-envious (hence) (àdú`mo_) I am
God said, But you are (O Arjun) non-envious,
speaking (to you) (JwøV__²) the most
(hence) I am speaking the most confidential
confidential (kmZ_²) knowledge (gohV_²) with
knowledge with divine wisdom, knowing
(odkmZ) divine wisdom (kmËdm) knowing (`V²)
which you will be released from miseries of
life. which (_m{ú`g{) you will be released (Aew^mV²)
(from) miseries of life.

AoY`k: H$W_² H$: AÌ X{h{ Aoñ_Z² _YwgyXZ &

9.2 à`mU-H$mb{ M H$W_² k{`: Aog oZ`V-AmË_o^: &&2&& (Yå`©_² gw-gwI`_²) The knowledge of this very
The knowledge of this very peaceful religion, peaceful religion (amO odÚm) the king of education
(which is) the king of education, most (amO Jw ø _² ) most profound secret ([odÌ_² )
profound secret, extremely pious. This extremely pious (BX_² ) this (religious
(religious knowledge is) directly revealed by knowledge is) (àË`j) directly (Aì``_²) revealed
the highest, the immortal, (and) the executor by (CÎm__²) the highest (Aì``_²) the immortal (H$V©w_²)
(God). the executor (God).

Fate of Non-religious people :-

AlÔYmZm: [wéfm: Y_©ñ` Añ` [aÝV[ & ([aÝV[) O parantap (Arjun) ([wéfm•) those people
9.3 Aàmß` _m_² oZdV©ÝV{ _¥Ë`w: g§gma dË_©oZ &&3&& (AlÔYmZm•) who don't believe (Añ`) in this (Y_©ñ`)
O parantap (Arjun), those people who don't religion (Aàmß` _m_²) They don't get My blessing
believe in this religion. They don't get My (oZdV©ÝV{) (They) come back (dË_©oZ) on the path of
blessing. (They) come back on the path of the (_¥Ë`w: g§gma) the world of death. (to hell, where
world of death (to hell, where people people repeatedly die because of punishment.)
repeatedly die because of punishment.)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-9

Description of Greatness of God :-

_`m VV_² BX_² gd©_² OJV² Aì`º$-_yoV©Zm &
9.4 _V²-ñWmoZ gd©-^yVmoZ Z M Ah_² V{fw AdoñWV: &&4&&
(_`m) Because of Me (Aì`·V _yoV©Zm) (who is in)
invisible form (BX_²) this (gd©_²) whole (OJV²)
Because of Me (who is in) invisible form, this universe (VV_²) sustained (gd© ^yVmoZ) all living
whole universe is pervaded. All living entities entities (ñWmoZ) exist (sustained) (_V²) (because
exist (sustained) (because of) Me, and I do not
of) Me (M) and (Ah_²) I (Z) do not (AdoñWV•) depend
depend on them.
(V{fy) on them.

Z M _V² -ñWmoZ ^yVmoZ [í` _{ `m{J_² E{ída_² & (^yVmoZ) All creatures (Z) neither (ñWmoZ) exist in
9.5 ^yV-^¥V² Z M ^yVñW: __ AmË_m ^yV-^mdZ:&&5&& (_V²) Me (M) and (Z) nor (^yVñW) (I) exist in
All creatures neither exist in Me, and nor (I) creatures ([í`) just see (Eûda_²) great power (`m{J_²)
exist in creatures. Just see great power related
related to (Me) (__ AmË_m) I myself am (^yV ^mdZ•)
to (Me). I myself am creator of all creation,
creator of all creation (M) and (^yV ^¥V²) sustainer
and sustainer of all living entities.
of all living entities.

`Wm AmH$me-oñWV: oZË`_² dm`w: gd©Ì-J: _hmZ² & (`Wm) Just as (dm`w•) the air (which) (oZË`_²) always
9.6 VWm gdm©oU ^yVmoZ _V²-ñWmoZ BoV C[Yma` &&6&& (gd©Ì J•) and everywhere (AmH$me oñWV•) stays in sky
Just as the air (which) always and everywhere (_hmZ²) (and has) great (importance for survival
stays in sky, (and has) great (importance for of living beings) (VWm) similarly (and) (BoV) in the
survival of living beings). similarly (and) in same way (C[Yma`) understand that (gdm©oU ^yVmoZ) all
the same way, understand that all creatures creatures (_V² ñWmoZ) depends on Me.
depends on Me.

Description of becoming alive on the day of parlay :-

gd©^yVmoZ H$m¡ÝV{` àH¥$oV_² `moÝV _mo_H$m_² &
9.7 H$ë[-j`{ [wZ: VmoZ H$ë[-AmXm¡ odg¥Omo_ Ah_² &&7&&
(H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjun) (H$ë[ AmX>m¡) at the
O son of Kunti (Arjun), at the beginning of beginning of creation of universe (Ah_²) I
creation of universe I created all those (human (odg¥Omo_) created (VmoZ) all those (human beings)
beings). And at the end of this universe (parlay (H$ë[ j`{) and at the end of this universe (gd} ^yVmoZ)
or Qiyamat), all living beings will be raised all living beings (`moÝV) will be raised ([wZ•) again
again (by) My power of nature (My divine (_mo_H$m_²) (by) My (àH¥$oV_²) power of nature (My
power). divine power).

Note :- Swami Padaprabhu has translated meaning of (`moÝV) Yanti as “to enter” and Swami Sukhrami ji translated
it as to get (àmá hm{Zm). Yanti word is derired from word yan which means vehicle. In chapter 15 shlok no. 15.8 to 15.10
God clearly state that He will again transfer our this body which we leave behind at the time of death. Hence we
consider meaning of yanti as soul will enter the body again or it will get body again, or God will raise all living beings

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-9

àH¥$oV_² ñdm_² Adï>ä` odg¥Omo_ [wZ: [wZ: &

9.8 ^yV-J«m__² B__² H¥$ËñÞ_² Ade_² àH¥$V{: demV² &&8&&
(Adï>ä`) With help of (ñdm_²) My personal (àH¥$oV_²)
creative power (odg¥Omo_) I creat ([wZ• [wZ•) again
With help of My personal creative power I
create again and again all kinds of creatures. and again (^yV J«m__) all kinds of creatures (Ade_²)
Surely I will create all these (again on parlay surely (H¥$ËñZ_²) I will create (B__²) all these (again
or Quiyamat). (Because it is) under control of on dooms day) (demV²) (Because it is) under
My creative power. control of (àH¥$V{•) My power of creation.

Z M _m_² VmoZ H$_m©oU oZ]ÜZoÝV YZ‚m` & (YZÄO`) O conqueror of wealth (Arjun) (VmoZ) all
9.9 CXmgrZ-dV² AmgrZ_² Agº$_² V{fw H$_©gw &&9&& those (H$_m©oU) activities (of creation) (Z) do not
O conqueror of wealth (Arjun), all those (oZ]ÜZoÝV) bind (tire) (_m_²) Me (M) and (CXmgrZ dV²)
activities (of creation) do not bind (tire) Me. unbiased (Ag·V_²) unattached (AgrZ_²) (I am)
And unbiased, unattached, (I am) engaged in engaged (V{fw) in these (H$_©gw) activities.
these activities.

_`m AÜ`j{U àH¥$oV: gy`V{ g Ma-AMa_² &

9.10 h{VwZm AZ{Z H$m¡ÝV{` OJV² od[oadV©V{ &&10&& (H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjun) (_`m) (Because
O son of Kunti (Arjun), (Because of) my of) my (AÜ`j{U) management
management (control/direction), (and) (control/direction) (and) (àH¥$oV•) power creative
creative power, all these living and non living (g) all these (Ma AMa_²) living and non living (gy`V{)
come into existence. Because of this reason come into existence (h{VwZm) Because of this
this universe is working. reason (AZ{Z) this (OJV²) universe is (od[oadV©V{)

Misconcept of ignorant people :-

AdOmZoÝV _m_² _yT>m: _mZwfr_² VZw_² AmolV_² & (_yT>m) Foolish people (AOmZÝV•) do not consider
9.11 [a_² ^md_² AOmZÝV: __ ^yV _hm-B©ída_² &&11&& (_m_) Me (as) (_hm B©ída_²) Supreme lord of (^yV) all
Foolish people do not consider Me (as) creature ([a_² ^md_²) Supreme creator (AdOmZoÝV)
Supreme lord of all creatures and Supreme (they) insult (_m_) Me (AmolV_²) (by) assuming
creator. (They) insult Me (by) assuming (Me) (Me) (_mZwfr_²) (as) a human being (who have)
(as) a human being (who have) (some) form. (VZw_²) (some) form.

Verse of holy Quran similar to Shloke No. 9:7

And (non-believers) used to say “What! after we have died and become dust and bones, shall we indeed be raised up
again?”. And also our forefather?’’ (O Muhammed (pbuh)) say “Indeed, the earlier ones and the later ones will be
indeed be gathered together at a fixed time on an appointed day (of Qiyamat). (Holy Quran 56:47-50)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-9

Fate of ignorant people :-

_m{K Amem: _m{K-H$_m©U: _m{K-kmZm: odM{Vg: & (For such foolish people there) (_m{K Amem) No
9.12 amjgr_² Amgwar_² M Ed àH¥$oV_² _m{ohZr_² olVm: &&12&& hope (of success in hereafter) (_m{K H$_m©U:) all
(For such foolish people there is) No hope (of their good deeds become useless (_m{K kmZm•) the
success in hereafter). All their good deeds
knowledge is of no use (odM{Vg•) (because of
become useless. Their knowledge is of no use
such) incorrect belief (that God does have
(because of such) incorrect belief (that God
form) (Ed) certainly (olVm•) (such people take)
does have forum). Certainly (such people take)
shelter (or assume) (amjgr_²) demonic (Amgwar_²)
shelter (or assume) demonic, satanic,
bewildering nature. satanic (_m{ohZr_²) bewildering (àH¥$oV_²) nature.

Features of Pious people :-

_hm-AmË_Z: Vw _m_² [mW© X¡dr_² àH¥$oV_² AmolVm: &
9.13 ^OoÝV AZÝ` _Zg: kmËdm ^yV AmoX_² Aì``_² &&13&&
(Vw) But ([mW©) O son of Partha (Arjun) (_hm AmË_Z•)
the noble people (AmolVm•) take shelter (or belive
But, O son of Partha (Arjun), the noble people
in) (_m_²) My (X¡dr_² àH¥$oV_²) divine nature (of
take shelter (or belive in) My divine nature (of
formless, omnipresent, immortal, supreme
formless, omnipresent, immortal, supreme
God) (^OoÝV) (they) worship (Me) (AZÝ` _Zg•)
God). (They) worship (Me) without deviation
without deviation of the mind (for worship of
of the mind (for worship of another deity).
another diety) (kmËdm) (they) know (Me as)
(They) know (Me as) immortal, the origin of
all creature. (Aì``_²) immortal (^yV AmoX_) the origin of all
gVV_² H$rV©`ÝV: _m_² `VÝV: M ÑT>-d«Vm: & (The noble people who) (oZË` `w·Vm•) constantly
9.14 Z_ñ`ÝV: M _m_² ^· Ë`m oZË`-`wº$m: C[mgV{ &&14&& engaged in (_m_²) My (C[mgV{) worship (They)
(The noble people who) constantly engaged in (gVV_²) always (H$rV©`ÝV•) sing My glories (M) and
My worship, (they) always sing My glories, (`VÝV•) strive hard (ÑT> d«Vm•) with determination
and strive hard with determination (to follow) (to follow) (_m_²) My (commandments) (M) and
My (commandments), and (they) humbly bow (they) (Z_ñ`ÝV•) humbly bow down (prostrate
down (prostrate and) worship Me. and) (^·Ë`m) worship (_m_²) Me.
Classification of Human beings :-
kmZ-`k{Z M Ao[ AÝ`{ `OÝV: _m_² C[mgV{ & (There are two kinds of people in the
9.15 EH$Ëd{Z [¥W· Ëd{Z ]hwYm odídV: _wI_² &&15&& world)(kmZ `k{Z) (first those who) worship as per
(There are two kinds of people in the world) divine guidance (M) and (Ao[) certainly (AÝ`{
(first one are those who) worship as per divine `OÝV•) (second are those who) worship others
guidance and, certainly, (second are those (_m_² C[mgV{) (first group) worships Me (EH$Ëd{Z) as
who) worship others. (First group) worships one God (other group worships) (]hyYm) various
Me, as one God. (Second group worships) ([¥W·Ëd{Z) different (_wI_²) forms (and things)
various different forms (and things) of world. (odûdV•) of world.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-9

God clarifying misconception of ignorant people who worship others :-

Ah_² H«$Vw: Ah_² `k: ñdYm Ah_² Am¡fY_² &
9.16 _ÝÌ: Ah_² Ah_² Ed AmÁ`_² Ah_² Ao¾: Ah_² hwV_² &&16&& (Ah_² H«$Vw•) I am the lord (your God)
I am the lord (your God). It is Me, for whom (Ah_² `k:) It is Me, for whom you do sacrifice
you do sacrifice (yagya). The things offered in (ñdYm Ah_²) The things offered in yagya are created by Me
yagya are created by Me. It is I, who puts
(Ah_² Am¡fY_²) It is I, who put healing effect in those things
healing effort in medicine. It is I who puts which you give for treatment (of spiritual or physical
spiritual effect in Mantras. It is I, who created problem.)
fire (by which you perform yagya). Certainly,
(_ÝÌ• Ah_²) it is I, who put spiritual effect in Mantras
it is I, who created Ghee (which you put in
fire). Various things which you put in fire at the (Ah_² Ao¾•) It is I, who created fire (by which you perform
time of yagya, those things are also given to
you by Me only. (Ed) certainly
(Ah_² AmÁ`_²) it is I, who created Ghee (which you put in
(Ah_² hwV_²) various things which you put in fire at the time
of yagya. Those things are also given to you by Me.

o[Vm Ah_² Añ` OJV: _mVm YmVm o[Vm_h: & (o[Vm Ah_) I am like your father, (because of whom you
9.17 d{Ú_² [odÌ_² <H$ma: F H²$ gm_ `Ow: Ed M &&17&& took birth.)
I am like your father, (because of whom you (Añ` OJV• _mVm ÚmVm) I am like mother, who gives sustenance
took birth.) I am like mother who gives to this universe, (or because of whom this world
sustenance to this universe, (or because of survives.)
whom this world survives.) I am creator of (o[Vm_h• d{Ú_²) I am creator of your father, about whom you
your father, about whom you should have should have knowledge
knowledge. I am immortal God (Om) who ([odÌ_² <H$ma•) I am immortal God (Om) who purifies you
purifies you from your sins. And certainly, from your sins
Rigveda, Sam veda, and Yajur veda are (M) and
revealed by Me.
(Ed) certainly
(F$H²$, gm_, `Ow• ) Rigveda, Sam veda and Yajur veda are
revealed by Me.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-9

JoV: ^Vm© à^w: gmjr oZdmg: eaU_² gwöV² & (JoV) I am the real Goal of your life
9.18 à^d: àb`: ñWmZ_² oZYmZ_² ]rO_² Aì``_² &&18&&
(^Vm©) I am your sustainer
I am the real Goal of your life. I am your
([«^y•) I am your real lord
sustainer. I am your real lord. Whatever sin or
(gmjr) whatever sin or noble deed you do, I am witness of
noble deed you do, I am witness of it. I am the it,
only shelter where you can live safely. I am (oZdmg eaU_²) I am the only shelter where you can live
friend (your well wisher) who looks after you. safely
I am the creator of this universe. I will cause (gwöV²) I am friend (your well wisher) who looks after you
end of this universe. The land on which you (à^d•) I am the creator of this universe
live in this life is created Me. The place at (àb`•) I will cause end of this universe
which you will rest after death is also created (ñWmZ_²) the land on which you live in this life is created by
by Me. I am immortal (imperishable). I am the Me
originator (seed) of this mortal universe. (oZYmZ_²) The place at which you will rest after death is
also created by Me
(Aì``_²) I am immortal (imperishable)
(]rO_²) I am the originator (seed) of this mortal universe.

V[mo_ Ah_² df©_² oZJ¥h² Umo_ CËg¥Omo_ M & (V[mo_ Ah_²) I am lord of heat (of Sun to whom you
9.19 A_¥V_² M Ed _¥Ë`w: M gV² AgV² M Ah_² AOw©Z &&19&& worship)
I am lord of heat (of sun to whom you (Ah_² df©_²) It is I, who generate rain (from heat of sun).
worship). It is I, who generate rain (from heat (oZJ¥hUmo_ CËg¥Omo_) It is I who sends the rain, and it is I who
of sun). It is I who sends the rain, and it is I who holds it. (Rain deity has no control on it)
holds it. (Rain deity has no control on it). And I (M) and
am the lord of heaven, where there is no death, (A_¥V_²) I am the lord of heaven where there is no death.
and also I am the lord of Hell (which is a place (M Ed _¥Ë`y•) and also I am the lord of Hell (which is place of
of repeated death). And, O Arjun, I am the lord repeated death).
of this temporary world in which you live, and (M-gV²-AgV²-M-Ah_-AOw©Z) and, O Arjun, I am the lord of
the hereafter, the real world where you will This temporary world in which you live and
live forever. the hereafter, the real world where you will live forever.

Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok No. 9.19

“Say O God!, master of all the kingship, you give the kingdom to whom you please and take away the kingdom from
whomsoever you please. You give honor to whom you please and disgrace to whom you please. All the good is in your
hand, surely you have power over everything. (Holy Quran 3:26)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-9

Divine Insurance :-
Ì¡-odÚm: _m_² gm{_-[m: [yV [m[m: `k¡: Bï²>dm ñd-JoV_² àmW©`ÝV{ & (The first group of pious people who believe in
9.20 V{ [wÊ`_² AmgmÚ gwa-BÝÐ bm{H$_² AíZoÝV oXì`mZ² oXod X{d-^m{JmZ²& one formless God, they) (Ì¡-odÚm•) As per
(The first group of pious people, who believe teaching of holy vedas (àmW©`ÝV{) supplicate for
in one formless God, they) As per teaching of (gm{_ [m•) soma juice (JoV_²) and to reach the
holy vedas supplicate for soma juice. And to highest goal of (ñd•) heaven (`k¡• Bï²d>m) they
reach the highest goal of heaven, they perform perform good deeds and worship (_m_²) Me ([yV)
good deeds and worship Me. They get purified They get purified from ([m[•) sins ([wÊ`_² AmgmÚ) as
from sins. As a result of their good deeds (they a result of their good deeds (oXod) (they get)
get) heaven, the world of great angels, where heaven (bm{H$_²) the world of (gwa BÝÐ) great angels
they enjoy divine pleasure by using things (AíZmoÝV) where they enjoy (oXì`mZ² ) divine
given to them by the angels. pleasure (^m{JmZ²) by using things (X{d) given to
them by the angels.

Fate of those who earned less blessings :-

V{ V_² ^w·Ëdm ñdJ©-bm{H$_² odemb_² jrU{ [wÊ`{ _Ë`©-bm{H$_²
9.21 odeoÝV&
(jrU{) due to shortage of ([wÊ`{) noble deeds (odeoÝV)
Ed_² Ì`r Y_©_² AZwà[Þm: JV-AmJV_² H$m_-H$m_m: b^ÝV{ (pious people also) fall down (_Ë`© bm{H$_²) in
&&21&& world of death (hell) (Ed_²) after that (V{) these
Due to shortage of noble deeds (pious people people (Ì`r Y_©_² AZwà[Þm•) who follow the law of
also) fall down in world of death (hell) after these vedas (^w·Vdm) enjoy (pleasure of) (V_) that
that these people who follow the law of these (odemb_²) vast (ñdJ©-bm{H$_²) heaven (H$m_ H$m_m•) those
vedas enjoy (pleasure of) that vast heaven. who remain engaged in enjoying things of lust
Those who remain engaged in enjoying things and greed (b^ÝV{) get (hell) (JV AmJV_²) where they
of lust and greed get (hell) where they come come into existence after every destruction (of
into existence after every destruction (of their their body due to punishment).
body due to punishment).

Verse of holy Quran similar to Ayat No. 9.20

“Here is the description of the paradise which the righteous have been promised. It has rivers, the water of which will
never be stagnant, rivers of milk whose taste never changes, rivers of wine delicious to those who drink, and rivers of
honey pure and clear. In it they will have all kinds of fruits, as well as forgiveness from their God. Can such people be
compared to those who shall dwell in hell forever, and they will be given boiling water which will cut their intestines
into pieces.” (Holy Quran 47:15)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-9
Divine insurance :-
AZÝ`m: oMÝV`ÝV: _m_² `{ Ozm: [`w©[mgV{ & (`{) Those (OZm•) people (who) ([w`©[mgV{) properly
9.22 V{fm_² oZË` Ao^`wº$mZm_² `m{J j{__² dhmo_ Ah_² &&22&& worship (_m_² ) Me (AZÝ`m oMÝV`ÝV•) without
Those people (who) properly worship Me, thinking about any other deity (Ah_²) I (dhmo_)
without thinking about any other deity I take take the responsibility of (j{__²) protection of
the responsibility of protection of such (V{ f m_² ) such (people who) (oZË`) always
(people, who) always absorbed in (My) (Ao^`w·VZm_²) absorbed in (`m{J) (My) worship.

Reason of worshiping Deities :-

`{ Ao[ AÝ` X{dVm ^º$m: `OÝV{ lÕ`m AoÝdVm: &

9.23 V{ Ao[ _m_² Ed H$m¡ÝV{` `OoÝV AodoY-[yd©H$_² &&23&&
(H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjun) (^·Vm•) worshiper
of (AÝ`) other (X{dVm) deities (`{) who (lÕ`m) have
O son of Kunti, worshiper of other deities who
faith in them (Ao[) (and) also (`wOÝV{) worship
have faith in them (and) also worship them,
them (V{) they (Ao[) also (Ed) certainly (`OoÝV)
they also certainly (wish to) worship to Me
(wish to) worship (_m_²) Me (AodoY [yd©H$) (but due
(but due to lack of knowledge they do it in)
prohibited way. to lack of knowledge they do it in) prohibited

Fate of deity worshiper :-

Ah_² oh gd© `kmZm_² ^m{º$m M à^w: Ed M & (oh) Surely (Ah_²) I am the (à^w) Lord (^m{·Vm)
9.24 Z Vw _m_² Ao^OmZoÝV VÎd{Z AV: À`doÝV V{ &&24&& (enjoyer) for whom (gd©) all (`kmZm_²) prayers are
Surely I am the Lord, (enjoyer) for whom all performed (Vw) But (Z) who don’t (Ao^OmZoÝV)
prayers are performed. But who don’t know know this (VÎd{Z) fact (V{) they (AV•) because (of
this fact, they because (of their ignorance) fall their ignorance) (À`doÝV) fall down (in hell).
down (in to hell).

`moÝV X{d-d«Vm: X{dmZ² o[V¥Z² `moÝV o[V¥-d«Vm: & (After death) (X{d d«Vm•) worshiper of Devtas
9.25 ^yVmoZ `moÝV ^yV-BÁ`m: `moÝV _V² `moOZ: Ao[ _m_² &&25&& (deities) (`moÝV) will go (X{dmZ²) to the Devtas
(After death) worshiper of Devtas (deities) (deities) (o[V¥ d«Vm•) worshipers of ancestors (`moÝV)
will go to the Devtas (deities). Worshipers of will go (o[V¦Z²) to the ancestors (^yV BÁ`m•) Those
ancestors will go to the ancestors. Those who who pleases creature (sun, snake, earth etc.)
pleases creature (sun, snake, earth etc.) will go (`moÝV) will go (^yVmoZ) to the creatures (Ao[) But
to the creatures. But those who worship Me, (`moOZ•) those who worship (_m_²) Me (`moÝV) will
will go to My (heaven). go to (_V²) My (heaven).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-9
Noble person is VIP :-
[Ì_² [wî[_² [b_² Vm{`_² `: _{ ^·Ë`m à`ÀN>oV &
9.26 VV² Ah_² ^oº$-C[öV_² AíZmo_ à`V-AmË_Z: &&26&&
(^·Ë`m) The worshiper (à`V AmË_Z•) who keeps his
The worshiper who keeps his heart clean, with heart clean (^oº$ C[öV_² ) with emotion of
emotion of devotion (even insignificant devotion (à`ÀN>oV) (even insignificant things he)
things) he offers (to please Me), such as a leaf, (_{) offers (to please) Me (`•) such as ([Ì_²) a leaf
a flower, fruit, and water, that I accept it. ([wî[_²) a flower (\$b_²) fruit (Vm{`_²) water (VV²) that
(because of cleanliness of his heart and (Ah_²) I (AíZmo_) accept it. (because of cleanliness
emotion of devotion or attitude of following of heart, and emotion of devotion or attitude of
My commandment) following My commandment)

How to get freedom from compulsory religious duties :-

`V H$am{of `V² AíZmog `V² Owhm{of Xxmog `V² & (H$m¡ÝV{`) O Son of Kunti (Arjun) (`V) whatever
9.27 `V² V[ñ`og H$m¡ÝV{` VV² Hw$éîd _V² A[©U_² &&27&& (H$am{of) you do (`V²) whatever (AíZmog) you eat (`V²)
O Son of Kunti (Arjun) whatever you do, whatever (Owhm{of) you offer (`V²) whatever (XXmog)
whatever you eat, whatever you offer you donate (`V²) whatever (V[ñ`og) austerities
whatever you donate, whatever austerities that (VV²) that (Hw$éîd) (you) do (A[©U_²) dedicate (only)
(you) do, dedicate (only) to Me. (_V²) to Me.

ew^ Aew^ \$b¡: Ed_² _m{ú`g{ H$_© ]ÝYZ¡: & (g§Ý`mg `m{J) Do prayer selflessly (`w·V AmË_) keep
9.28 g§Ý`mg `m{J `wº$-AmË_m od_wº$: _m_² C[¡î`og &&28&& your soul engaged (in My remembrance)
Do prayer selflessly keep your soul engaged (od_w·V•) (this path of) freedom (from) (ew^ Aew^
(in My remembrance) (this path of) freedom \$b¡•) auspicious and inauspicious results of
(from) auspicious and inauspicious results of your deed. (Ed_²) and also (_m{ú`g{ H$_© ]ÝYZ¡•) you
your deed. and also you will be released from will be released from compulsory religion
compulsory religion duties (you will be able to duties (you will be able to fulfill it) (_m_² C[¡î`og)
fulfill it) and you will get Me also. and you will get Me also.

For God all living entities are equal:-

9.29 `{g_:^OoÝV
Ah_² gd©-^yV{fw Z _{ Û{î`: AoñV Z oà`: &
Vw _m_² ^·Ë`m _o` V{ V{fw M Ao[ Ah_² &&29&&
(Ah_²) (For) Me (gd© ^wV{fw) all living entities are
(g_•) equal (Z) neither (_{) to Me (Û{î`•) (anyone)
(For) Me all living entities are equal. Neither hateful (Z) nor (I) (oà`•) beloved (Vw) but (`{) those
to Me (anyone) hateful nor (My) beloved. But who (^OoÝV) believe (and) (^·V`m) worship (_m_²)
those who believe (and) worship Me, such a Me (V{) such a person (_o`) is for Me (M) and (Ah_²)
person is for Me, and I am also for him. I am (Ao[) also for (V{fw) for him.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-9
Believers are beloved of God :-
Ao[ M{V² gw-XwamMma: ^OV{ _m_² AZÝ`-^mH²$ & (Ao[) Ever (M{V²) if (gw XwamMma•) a person who
9.30 gmYw: Ed g: _ÝVì`: gå`H²$ ì`dogV: oh g: &&30&& committed too much sins (^OV{) believe in (_m_²)
Even if a person who committed too much Me (AZÝ` ^mH²$) without worshiping another deity
sins, believe in Me, without worshiping (Ed) certainly (g•) he (_ÝVì`) should be
another deity. Certainly he should be considered as (gmYw•) a noble person (oh) certainly
considered as a noble person. Certainly he is of (g) he is of (gå`H²$) perfect (ì`dogV•) faith (and
perfect faith (and believes in God). believes in God).

ojà_² ^doV Y_©-AmË_m eûdV² -emoÝV_² oZJÀN>oV & (ojà_²) Very soon (^doV) (He will) become (Y_©
9.31 H$m¡ÝV{` àoVOmZroh Z _{ ^º$: àUí`oV &&31&& AmË_m) a righteous person (oZJÀN>oV) (after death he
Very soon (He will) become a righteous will) attain (eûdV² emoÝV_²) lasting peace (H$m¡ÝV{`) O
person. (After death he will) attain lasting son of Kunti (Arjun) (àoVOmZroh) declare (it)
peace. O son of Kunti (Arjun) declare (it) (know it very clearly) (_{) My (^·V•) worshiper
(know it very clearly) My worshiper never (Z) never (àUí`oV) perishe.

Lower cost people can also enter in heaven :-

_m_² oh [mW© ì`[molË` `{ Ao[ ñ`w: [m[-`m{Z`: &
9.32 oñ``: d¡í`m: V Wm eyÐm: V{ Ao[ `moÝV [am_² JoV_² &&32&& ([mW©) O Arjun, (`{ Ao[) whoever (ì`[molË`) takes
O Arjun, whoever takes shelter of Mine, shelter (_m_²) of Mine (oh) certainly (V{) they (Ao[)
certainly they all go to the supreme destination all (`moÝV) go ( [am_² ) to the supreme (JoV_² )
(heaven). (Even if they) are born of a lower destination (heaven) (ñ`w•) (even if they) are ([m[
family, women, mercantile people, also lower `m{Z`•) born of a lower family (oñÌ`•) women
caste people. (d¡í`m:) mercantile people (VWm) also (ewÐm•) lower
caste people.

A profitable business :-
oH$_² [wZ: ]«m÷Um: [wÊ`m: ^º$m: amO-F$f`: V Wm &
9.33 AoZË`_² AgwI_² bm{H$_² B__² àmß` ^Oñd _m_² &&33&&
When even sinner and shudra can get my
heaven) (oH$_²) how much ([wZ•) more (]«m÷Um•)
(When even sinner and shudra can get My
heaven), how much more brahmans, righteous brahmans ([w Ê `m•) righteous people (^·Vm•)
people, worshiper, and saintly kings (will get). worshiper (VÏmm) and (amO-F$f`•) saintly kings
Hence (what you will) gain (by earning) this (will get) (B__²) hence (àmß`) (what you will) gain
world, (which is) full of miseries and in (by earning) (bm{H$_²) this world (which is)(AgwI_²)
temporary. (Hence to get heaven) get engaged full of miseries and (AoZË`_²) is temporary
in worship of Me. (Hence to get heaven) (^Oñd) get engaged in
worship of (_m_²) Me.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-9

_V²–_Zm: ^d _V² ^º$: _V² `mOr _m_² Z_ñHw$é & (_V² _Zm•) Keep Me in your heart (^d-_V²-^·V•)
9.34 _m_² Ed Eî`og `wº$Ëdm Ed_² AmË_mZ_² _V-[am`U: &&34&& become My slave (_V² `mOr) worship Me (_m_²
Keep Me in your heart. Become My slave. Z_ñHw$é) prostrate to Me (Ed) no doubt (Ed_²) this
Worship Me. Prostrate to Me. No doubt this way (`w·Ëdm) by worshiping Me (AmË_mZ_²) with
way, by worshiping Me with your soul, with your soul (_V² [am`U•) with my help (Eî`og) you
My help you will get Me. will get (_m_²) Me.

Note :- Note the word _V² [am`U• that means “with my help”. Always remember this fact, that on
basis of our noble deed we cannot enter heaven. We can enter heaven or become successful only
with grace and help of God. And this is the reason why we should not expect return of any good
deed. Because they are of no use to us. The main thing for success is support and blessing of God.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

Introduction of Adheyay No. 10

l How to Judge a great artist? l Shlok No. 10:7–10:8 says one who
concentrates on above mentioned facts.
To judge a great artist we have to see and judge
Recognizes greatness of God and get engaged
his art. Then only we can judge greatness of
in His worship.
that artist. Similarly to feel the greatness of
God we have to see His great creation. l Shlok No. 10:9, 10:10, 10:11 explain that a
faithful worshiper remains engaged in prayer
l Previous chapter says, one who remembers
of God and preaching His greatness. By doing
God at the time of death gets heaven. This
so he feels divine bliss in himself, gets divine
chapter teaches how to concentrate in creation
consciousness and divine wisdom. So these
of God to feel the greatness of God and to have
slokes explain advantages of being a faithful
deep faith in Him.
l In this chapter No. 10, God enlists His
l In Shlok No. 10:12, 10:13, Arjun praises
various majestic creation so that human beings
could analyse, understand, feel, concentrate God.
and become convinced about greatness of l In Shlok No. 10:16, 10:17, 10:18 Arjun
God. requesting God to show him His masterpiece
Short introduction of each shlok is as follow materialistic creation. So that he concentrates
on them to feel greatness of God.
l Shlok No. 10:1 says Arjun is beloved of
God l In Shlok No. 10:19 God accepts Arjun’s
l In Shlok No. 10:2 God introduces Himself
l In Shlok No. 10:20 God introduces
l Shlok No. 10:3 is about advantage of Himself.
knowing God.
l From Shlok No. 10:21, 10:40 God
l Shlok No. 10:4 – 10:5 describes different describes His ( od^yV{) special creation which
features and nature of human being which God express His greatness.
has created in him. And this expresses
greatness of God. For example even a super l In Shlok No. 10:41, 10:42, God says this
computer with high artificial intelligence universe is alive because of My one particle of
cannot have emotions and feature which God light. (Fraction of My Light).
created in human being. l Holy Quran says “Certainly in the creation
l Shlok No. 10:6 says world populated from of the heavens (sky and its content) and the
Manu. This is again a greatness of God that earth, and in the alternation of night and day,
human-beings re-produce another human there are indeed signs (of God) for men of
being. A computer cannot re-produce a understanding. Those (wise man) who
computer like itself. remember God in standing, sitting and lying
down on their sides (position), and think
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

deeply about the creation of the heavens and

the earth. (They say) our Lord! You have not
created (all) these without purpose, glory to
You, Give us salvation from the torment of the
fire (Holy Quran 3:190-191).
So it is sign of wise peoples that they think in
creation of God, to recognize God.
l Those who think God has created this
universe without a purpose will be punished in
hell. (Summary of Holy Quran 38:2)
l So this chapter is to strengthen our faith
and belief in God by analyzing His creation.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

Introduction of God :-
^y`: Ed _hm-]mhm{ e¥Uw _{ [a__² dM: & (lr ^JdmZ CdmM²) God said (_hm]mhm{) O (Arjun) the
10.1 `V² V{ Ah_² àr`_mUm` dú`mo_ ohV-H$må``m &&1&& mighty armed one (^y`m•) again (e¥Uw) listen (_{) to
God said, O (Arjun) the mighty armed one, My ([a__² dM) divine teachings, (`V²) which (Ah_²) I
again listen to My divine teachings, which I will (dú`mo_) say (reveal them) (V{) to you, (Ed)
will say (reveal them) to you, certainly you are certainly (àr`_mU`) you are my beloved
my beloved worshiper, (and I am) desiring worshiper, (ohV H$å``m) (and I am) desiring your
your welfare. welfare.
Z _{ odXw: gwa-JUm: à^d_² Z _hm-F$f`: & (oh) Certainly (Ah_²) I (am) (AmoX) the origin (odXw:)
10.2 Ah_² AmoX: oh X{dmZm_² _hm-ÌfrUm_² M gd©e: &&2&& (hence I) know (gd©e) in all respect (everything)
Certainly, I (am) the origin, (hence I) know in (X{dmZm_²) about devtas (angels) (M) and (_hm F$ofUm_²)
all respect (everything) about devtas (angels),
great prophets (M) and (_{) My (à^d_²) origin (Z)
and great prophets. And My origin neither
neither (gwa-JUm•) Angles know (Z) nor (_hm-F$f`•)
Angles know, nor the great prophets.
the great prophets.
Advantage of believing God :-
`: _m_² AO_² AZmoX_² M d{oÎm bm{H$ _hm-B©ída_² & (`) One who (d{oÎm) knows (considers) (_m_²) Me
10.3 Agå_y T>: g: _Ë`}fw gd©-[m[¡: à_wÀ`V{ &&3&& (AO_²) unborn (AZmoX_²) beginning-less (_hm B©ída_²)
One who knows (considers) Me unborn, the supreme lord (bm{H$) of the universe (g•) he is
beginning-less, the supreme lord of the (Agå_yT>•) not a fool (à_wÀ`V{) (He will be) free from
universe. He is not a fool. (He will be) free (gd© [m[¡•) all sins (_Ë`}fw) after death.
from all sins after death.
Presence of emotion in mankind expresses greatness of God :-

10. ]woÕ: kmZ_² Agå_m{h: j_m gË`_² X_²: e_: & gwI_² Xw:I_² ^d: (]woÕ) Intelligence (kmZ_²) (use of) knowledge
A^md: ^`_² M A^`_² Ed M &&4&& Aoh§gm g_Vm V¥oï>: V[: (Agå_m{h•) freedom from doubt and delusion (j_m)
4-5 XmZ_² `e: A`e: & ^doÝV ^mdm: ^yVmZm_² _Îm: Ed [¥WH²$- forgiveness (gË`_²) truthfulness (X_•) control
odYm:&&5&& over the senses (e_) control of the mind (self-
Intelligence, (use of) knowledge, freedom control) (gwI_²) happiness (Xw•I_²) sorrow (^d•)
from doubt and delusion, forgiveness, birth (A^md•) death (^`_²) fear (M) and (A^`_²)
truthfulness, control over the senses, control courage (M) and (Ed) certainly.
of the mind (self-control), happiness, sorrow, (Aoh§gm) non-violence (g_Vm) doing justice (Vwoï>•)
birth, death, fear, courage, and certainly, remaining satised (V[•) doing severe and deep
non-violence, doing justice, remaining meditation (XmZ_²) charity (`e•) fame (A`e•)
satised, doing severe and deep meditation, (remaining patient in) humiliation (Ed)
charity, fame, (remaining patient in) certainly (are) ([¥WH$) different (odÚm) types of
humiliation. Certainly (these are) different (^mdm•) natures (^doÝV) created (_V•) by Me.
types of natures created by Me. 154

(Note :- Human beings can land on Mars, but cannot

make a supercomputer with above mentioned in-built
emotion. It is greatness of God that He created such
emotions in human beings.)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

Capability of reproduction of living beings expresses greatness of God :-

_hm-Ff`: gá [yd}$ MËdma: _Zd: VWm & (gá) seven (_hm F$f`•) great sages (VWm) and ([yd©)
10.6 _V² ^mdm: _mZgm: Om `{fm_² bm{H{$ B_m: àOm: &&6&& before (them) (MËdma•) fourteen (_Zd•) manus
Seven great sages, and before (them) fourteen (_mZgm•) thoughtfully (lived life) (_V²) (as per) My
manus, thoughtfully (lived life) (as per) My (^mdm•) desire (commandment) (B_m•) all these
desire (commandment). All these human (àOm•) human beings (bm{H{$) of this world (OmVm•)
beings of this world are born from them. born (`{fm_²) from them.
Note :- From Manu this earth was again
populated after great flood. Giving birth is
also expression of God, as no robot can give
birth to a robot or no super computer give birth
to another computer.

10.7 g:EVAodH$ë[{
m_² od^yoV_² `m{J_² M __ `: d{oÎm VÎdV:&
Z `m{J{Z `wÁ`V{ Z AÌ g§e`: &&7&& (`•) Those who (`m{J_²) meditate (think deeply)
Those who meditate (think deeply) about all (EVm_²) about all these (od^yoV_²) glories (great
these glories (great creation of God, that creation of human beings and his different
means this human being and his different nature) (d{oÎm) (he) knows (recognises) (__) Me
nature), (he) knows (recognises) Me. He (also) (g•) he (also) (AoVH$ë[{Z) clearly understands
clearly understands the truth (Then he) (VÎdV•) the truth (`wÁ`V{) (then he) becomes
becomes engaged in My worship. (There is) engaged (`m{J{Z) in My worship (Z) (there is) no
no doubt (in) this (fact). (g§e`) doubt (in) (AÌ) this (fact).

Behavior of believers :-
Ah_² gd©ñ` à^d: _Îm: gd©_² àdV©V{ & (Ah_²) I (am) (à^d•) creator of (gd©ñ`) all creation
10.8 BoV _Ëdm ^OÝV{ _m_² ]wYm: ^md-g_oÝdVm: &&8&&
(gd©_²) everything (àdV©V{) put in operation (_Îm{)
I (am) creator of all creation. Everything put in
(by) Me (]wYm•) the wise people (_Ëdm) (who)
operation (by) Me. The wise people (who)
understand (_m_²) Me (BoV) in this way (^OÝV{)
understand Me in this way, worship (Me) with
great attention. worship (Me) (^md g_oÝdVm•) with great attention.

_V²-oMÎmm: _V² JV-àmUm: ]m{Y`ÝV: [añ[a_² & (_V² oMÎmm•) Those who always keep Me in their
10.9 H$W`ÝV: M _m_² oZË`_² Vwî`oÝV M a_oÝV M &&9&& mind (_V²) (those who consider) Me (JV) aim of
Those who always keep Me in their mind. (àmU•) their life (]m{Y`ÝV•) also preach (about Me)
(Those who consider) Me as aim of their life. (H$W`ÝV•) they talk ([añ[a_²) with one another (_m_²)
They also preach (about Me). They talk with about Me (oZË`_²) (such people) always (feel)
one another about Me. (Such people) always (Vwî`moÝV) satisfaction (M) and (a_oÝV) divine bliss
(feel) satisfaction and divine bliss (in their
(in their life).
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

Divine wisdom :-
V{fm_² gVV-`wº$mZm_² ^OVm_² àroV-[yd©H$_² & (Those who have faith in God) (àroV [yd©H$_²) with
10.10 XXmo_ ]woÕ-`m{J_² V_² `{Z _m_² C[`moÝV V{ &&10&& love (gVV `w·VmZm_²) they always remain engaged
(Those who have faith in God) with love they (^OVm_²) in worship of God (XXmo_) (to such
always remain engaged in worship of God. (To people) I give (V_²) such (]woÕ `m{J_²) divine
such people) I give such divine consciousness
consciousness (`{Z) by which (V{) they (C[`oÝV) get
by which they get Me.
(_m_²) Me.

V{fm_² Ed AZwH$å[m-AW©_² Ah_² AkmZ-O_² V_: & (V{fm_²) for them (AZwH$å[m AW©_²) to show special
10.11 Zme`mo_ AmË_-^md ñW: kmZ Xr[{Z ^mñdVm &&11&&
mercy (Ah_²) I (ñW•) keep situated (AmË_ ^md) within
For them, to show special mercy, I keep
their hearts (kmZ Xr[{Z) lamp of knowledge (^mñdVm)
situated within their hearts a lamp of
knowledge. (By) light of which I destroys (by) light of which (Zme`mo_) (I) destroys (V_•)
darkness, which (the darkness) is born darkness (AkmZ O_²) which is born of ignorance
because of ignorance (in their heart). (in their heart).

Arjun praising God :-

AOw©Z CdmM Arjun said (O God) (^dmZ²) You (are) ([a_²) Great (]«÷)
10. [a_² ]«÷ [a_² Ym_ [odÌ_² ^dmZ² & [wéf_² emídV_² oXì`_² God ([a_²) greatest (Ym_) shelter (for all creator)
AmoX-X{d_² AO_² od^w_² &&12&& Amhw: Ëdm_² F$f`: gd} X{d-
12-13 F$of: ZmaX: VWm & AogV: X{db: ì`mg: ñd`_² M Ed ]«drof ([odÌ_²²) supreme pious entity (O God, you are) ([wéf_²
emûdV_²) eternal personality (oXì`_²) divine (AmoX X{d_²)
_{ &&13&&
Arjun said, (O God) You (are) Great God. Greatest You were existing before existence of Devtas (AO_²)
shelter (for all creation). Supreme pious entity. (O unborn (od^w_²) omnipresent.
God, you are) eternal personality and divine. You
were existing before existence of Devtas. unborn. (Oh God) (Ed) certainly (gd}) all (F$f`:) sages (X{d F$fr
omnipresent. ZmaX) Dev-rishi-narad (VWm) also (AogV X{db: ì`mg) asit,
Deval, Vyas (Amhw) say (Ëdm_²) to you (of having these
(Oh God) certainly all sages Dev-rishi-narad also features) (M) and (ñd`_²) you yourself (Ed) also (]«drof)
asit, Deval, Vyas say to you (of having these declaning (those your qualities to) (_{) to Me.
features) and you yourself also declaning (those
your qualities to) (_{) to Me.

10.14 Zgd©oh_V{² EVV² F$V_² _Ý`{ `V² _m_² dXog H{$ed &
^JdZ² ì`oº_² odXw: X{dm: Z XmZdm: &&14&&
(`V) whatever (H{$ed) Shri Krishna (dXog) is telling (_m_²)
Me (about you) (gd©_²) all (EVV²) those (_Ý`{) I accept as
Whatever Shri Krishna telling Me (about you), all (F$V_²) truth (oh) certainly (^JdZ²) O God (Z) neither
those I accept as truth. Certainly, O God, neither (X{dm:) Devtas (Angels) (Z) nor (XmZdm•) demons (odXw•)
Devtas (Angels), nor demons can understand your can understand (V{$) your (ì`o·V_) personality (your
personality (your Greatness). greatness).
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

ñd`_² Ed AmË_Zm AmË_mZ_² d{ËW Ëd_² [wéf-CÎm_ &

10.15 ^yV-^mdZ ^yV-B©e X{d-X{d OJV²-[V{ &&15&& (Ed) Certainly (AmË_mZ_²) (about) yourself (AmË_Zm)
Certainly, (about) yourself, O God, (you) O God you (d{ËW) know (ñd`_²) yourself (only)
know yourself only. You (are) the supreme (Ëd_² ) you (are) ([w é f• CÎm_) the supreme
personality. The creator of all beings. The lord personality (^yV ^mdZ) the creator of all beings (^yV
of all beings. The God of devtas. The lord of B©e) the lord of all beings (X{d-X{d) the God of
universe. devtas (OJV² [V{) the lord of universe.

Arjun requesting God to show him His Majestic creations :-

dºw$_² Ah©og Ae{f{U oXì`m: oh AmË_ od^yV`: & `mo^: (od^yoVo^:) Creation (`mo^:) whatever (Ëd_²) you
10. od^yoVo^: bm{H$mZ² B_mZ² Ëd_² ì`má oVð>og &&16&& H$W_² have (ì`mß`) spread (oVð>og) and established (B_mZ²)
odÚm_² Ah_² `m{oJZ² Ëdm_² gXm [oaoMÝV`Z² & H{$fw H{$fw M
16-17 ^md{ fw oMÝË`: Aog ^JdZ² _`m &&17&&
in these (bm{H$mZ²) universe, (Ah©og) please (dËH¥$_²)
describe (Ae{f{U) in detail (AmË_Z) your (those)
Creation whatever you have spread and (oXì`m) divine (od^yV`:) creation (so that I can
established in these universe, please describe concentrate on them and recognise you).
in detail your (these) divine creation. (So that I
(^JdZ²) O My God (H{$fw H{$fw) which variety of (^md{fw)
can concentrate on them and recognise you).
creature (oMÝV`: Aog) to be thought of (_`m) by
O My God, which variety of creature to be Me? (H$W_²) how (odÚm_ Ah_²) shall I know to (gXm)
thought of by Me? how shall I know to always always (`m{oJZ²) remain connected (Ëdm_²) to you
remain connected to you, by deeply thinking. ([oaoMÝV`Z²) by deeply thinking.

odñVa{U AmË_Z: `m{J_² od^yoV_² M OZ-AX©Z & (OZ-AX©Z) O God, who looks after the people
10.18 ^y`: H$W` V¥oá: oh e¥ÊdV: Z AoñV _{ A_¥V_² &&18&& (H$W`) (please) describe (^y`•) again (odñVa{U) in
O God, who looks after the people, (please) detail (AmË_Z•) your (od^yoV_²) creation (M) and
describe again in detail your creation and (`m{J_²) prayer (oh) certainly (e¥ÊdV•) hearing (A_¥V_²)
prayer. Certainly hearing (your word which (your word which are) nectar (_{) I (Z) never
are) nectar, I never (get) satiated (satisfied). (get) (V¥oá•) satiated (satisfied).
Note : Remember these sloke no. 10:18 and 10:19. In
these shloks it is clearly mentioned that Arjun wanted to
see the great creation of God. And not God himself. In
next chapter he will wish to see God and his divine
creation. In this chapter God enlisted him many
materialistic creation and not divine or spiritual
creation. When God says I am such and such thing it
means look at these things and feel My greatness.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

lr ^JdmZ CdmM, God said, (Hw$él{ð>) O best of the Kurus (Arjun) (Z

10.19 hÝV V{ H$Wo`î`mo_ oXì`m: oh AmË_-od^yV_`: & AoñV) there is no (AÝV•) limit of (_{) My (odñVañ`)
àmYmÝ`V: Hw$él{ð> Z AoñV AÝV: odñVañ` _{ &&19&& description of creation (hÝV) yes (then also)
God said, O best of the Kurus (Arjun), there is (H$Wo`î`mo_) I shall describe (V{) to you (oh)
no limit of description of My creation. Yes certainly (àmYmÝ`V•) which are principle and (oXì`m•
(then also) I shall describe to you those which AmË_ od^yV`•) my divine creation.
are principle, and my divine (supreme)

List of Supreme creations of God which express His Greatness :-

Ah_² AmË_m JwS>mH{$e gd©-^yV Ame`-oñWV: & (JwS>mH{$e) O Arjun (Ah_²) I am (AmË_m) the spirit of (gd©
10.20 Ah_² AmoX: M _Ü`_² M ^yVmZm_² AÝV: Ed M &&20&& ^yV) all living entities (Ame` oñWV•) seated in the
O Arjun, I am the spirit of all living entities, heart (M) and (Ed) certainly (Ah_²) I am (AmoX•) the
seated in the heart, and certainly I am the beginings (_Ü`_²) middle (life span) (AÝV•) end
beginning, middle (lifespan), and the end (death) (^yVmZm_²) of all living entities.
(death) of all living entities.
Note : That means God wants to say “O Arjun I
created the soul, I give birth to living entities, I
sustain them and end their lives.” O Arjun,
concentrate on these facts. You will realise that
except Me no one else can do it, and hence you
will get convinced about My greatness and
various supreme features.

AmoXË`mZm_² Ah_² odîUw: Á`m{oVfm_² aod: A§ew_mZ² & (AmoXË`mZm_²) Those who took birth in initial (stage
10.21 _aroM: _éVm_² Aoñ_ ZjÌmU_² Ah_² eer &&21&& of creation) (Ah_²) I am (odîUy) Vishnu (Á`m{oVfm_²)
Those who took birth in initial (stage of amongst the luminous object with (A§ew_mZ²)
creation) I am Vishnu. Amongst the luminous radiance (aod•) (I am the) sun (_éVm_²) in desert
objects with radiance (I am the) sun. In desert I (Aoñ_) (I) am (_arMr•) mirage (illusion of water in
am mirage (illusion of water in desert). desert) (ZjÌUm_²) amongst the stars (Ah_²) I (am)
Amongst the stars I am the moon. (eer) the moon.
Note : God says look at sun, Moon and Universe and
feel my greatness. God also says, to Vishnu God created
at initial period of creation, Ininitial period God created
only supernatural entities.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

d{XmZm_² gm_-d{X: Aoñ_ X{dmZm_² Aoñ_ dmgd: & (d{XmZm_²) Amongst the vedas (Aoñ_) (I) am (gm_-d{X•)
10.22 BoÝÐ`mUm_² _Z: M Aoñ_ ^yVmZm_² Aoñ_ M{VZm &&22&& the Sama veda (X{ d mZm_² ) Amongst Angels
Amongst the vedas I am the Sama veda. (Devtas) (Aoñ_) (I) am (dmgd•) the heavenly king
Amongst Angels (Devtas) I am the heavenly (BoÝÐ`mUm_²) amongst the wishes (to enjoy) (Aoñ_) I
king. Amongst the wishes (to enjoy) I am the am (_Z•) the self (soul) (M) and (^yVmZm_²) Amongst
self (soul). And Amongst the living beings I living the beings (Aoñ_) I am (M{VZm)
am consciousness (spirit). consciousness.

éÐmUm_² eS²>H$a: M Aoñ_ odÎm-B©e: `j-ajgm_² & (éÐmUm_²) Amongst the rudras (Aoñ_) I am (eL>H$a•)
10.23 dgyZm_² [mdH$: M Aoñ_ _{é: oeIoaUm_² Ah_² &&23&& the shankar (dgyZm_²) among water (Aoñ_) I am
Amongst the rudras I am the shankar, among ([mdH$•) purifying (water) (Aoñ_) I (am) (ajgm_²)
water I am pawak purifying (water). I (am) protector of (`j) yaksh (odÎm-B©e•) (who is)
protector of yaksh (who is) protector of devtas protector of devtas (angles) (M) and (oeIoaUm_²)
(angels), and amongst the mountains I am
amongst the mountains (Ah_² ) I am (_{ é •)
mountain Meru.
mountain Meru.

10.24 g{[waZm{mZrZm_²
Ygm_² M _w»`_² _m_² odoÕ [mW© ]¥hñ[oV_² &
Ah_² ñH$ÝX: gagm_² Aoñ_ gmJa: &&24&&
([mW©) O The son of Partha (Arjun) (odoÕ)
considers (_m_²) Me (]«hñ[oV_²) Brihaspati ([wam{Ygm_²
O The son of Partha (Arjun), considers Me _w»`_²) chiefs among Priset (Ah_²) I am (ñH$ÝX•) king
Brihaspati, chief among Priset. I am king (g{ZmZrZm_²) among army chief (Aoñ_) I am (gmJa•)
among army chiefs. I am the ocean amongst the ocean (gagm_²) amongst resources of water.
resources of water.
(Note : Army chief works under command of king, so
king is superior to Army chief).

_hm-F$frUm_² ^¥Jw: Ah_² oJam_² Aoñ_ EH$_² Aja_² & (_hm F$frUm_²²) Among the great prophets (Ah_²) I am
10.25 `kmZm_² O[-`k: Aoñ_ ñWmdamUm_² oh_mb`: &&25&& (^¥Jw) Bhrgh (oJam_²) among words (Aoñ_) I am
Among the great prophets I am Bhrgh. Among (Aja_²) (words) OM (EH$_²) which represent name
words I am (words) OM, (which represents of one God. (`kmZm_²) among prayers (O[-`k•) (I
name of) one God. Among prayers (I am)
am) repeated recitation of divine names of
repeated recitation of divine names of God.
God. (ñWmdamUm_²) amongst immovable things
Amongst immovable things I am the mountain
(Aoñ_) I am (oh_mb`•) the mountain Himalaya.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

AídËW: gd©-d¥jmUm_² X{d-F$frUm_² M ZmaX: & (gd© d¥jmUm_²) Amongst all trees (AûdËW•) (I am) the
10.26 JÝYdm© Um_² oMÌaW: ogÕmZm_² H$o[b:_woZ &&26&& banyan tree (X{d F$ofUm_²) Amongst sages in
Amongst all trees (I am) the banyan tree. Angles (ZmaX) (I am) Narad (JÝYdm©Um) Among the
Amongst sages in Angels (I am) Narad.
Gandharvas (oMÌaW•) (I am) chitrah, and (ogÕmZm_²)
Among the Gandharvas (I am) chitrah, and
amongst siddhas (H$o[b• _woZ•) I am sage Kapil.
amongst siddhas I am sage Kapil.
Note : God says, concentrate on bayaan tree, Narad
Muni, Chitrah and Kapil munih, to realise My

Cƒ¡:ldg_² AídmZm_² odoÕ _m_² A_¥V-CØd_² & (odoÕ) Know (_m_) Me (Cƒ¡: ldg_²) Uccchaih
10.27 E{amdV_² JO-BÝÐmUm_² ZamUm_² M Za-AoY[_² &&27&& shravasam (AûdmZm_²) amongst (CX²^d_²) those who
Know Me Ucchaih shravasam amongst those were created in (A_¥V) place of no death
horses which were created in place of no death (heaven) (E{amdV_²) (I am) airavata (JO-BÝÐmUm_²)
(heaven). (I am) airavata amongst all lordly amongst all lordly elephants (M) and (Za-AoY[_²)
elephants. And the king amongst human the king (ZamUm_²) amongst human beings.

Am`wYmZm_² Ah_ dO«_² Y{ZyZm_² Aoñ_ H$m_-YwH²$ & (Ah_² ) I am (dO« _ ² ) the vajra (thunderbolt)
10.28 àOZ: M Aoñ_ H$ÝX[©: g[m©Um_² Aoñ_ dmgwoH$: &&28&& (Am`wYmZm_²) amongst weapons (YZwZm_²) amongst
I am the vajra (thunderbolt), amongst cows (Aoñ_) I am (H$m_-YwH²$) kamdhenu (àOZ•)
weapons. Amongst cows I am kamdhenu. (among) Angel looking after birth of human
Amongst angel looking after birth of human beings (Aoñ_) I am (H$ÝX[©•) Kamdev (g[m©Um_²)
beings, I am Kamdev. Amongst serpents I am amongst serpents (Aoñ_) I am (dmgwoH$•) Vasuki.

AZÝV: M Aoñ_ ZmJmZm_² déU: `mXgm_² Ah_² & (ZmJmZm_²) Amongst the snakes (Aoñ_) I am (AZ§V:)
10.29 o[V¥Um_² A`©_m M Aoñ_ `_: g§`_Vm_² Ah_² &&29&& Anant (M) and (`mXgm_²) amongst aquatics (Ah_²) I
Amongst the snakes I am Anant, and amongst
am (déU•) Varun (o[V¦Um_²) Amongst the departed
aquatics I am Varun. Amongst the departed
ancestors (A`©_m) (I am the)Aryama (M) and
ancestors (I am the) Aryama, and I am Yam
(Angel of death) amongst the regulators of (Aoñ_) I am (`_•) Yam (g§`_VmZ²) Amongst the
laws. regulators of laws.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

àëhmX: M Aoñ_ X¡Ë`mZm_² H$mb: H$b`Vm_² Ah_² & (X¡Ë`mZm_²) Amongst angels (Aoñ_) I am (à‡mX•)
10.30 _¥JmUm_² M _¥J-BÝÐ: Ah_² d¡ZV{`: M [ojUm_² &&30&& pralhad (M) and (H$b`Vm_²) amongst those who
Amongst angels, I am pralhad, and amongst keep records (Ah_²) I am (H$mb•) era (time) (M) and
those who keep records, I am era (time). And (_¥JmUm_²) Amongst animals (Ah_²) I am (^¥J-BÝЕ) the
amongst animals, I am the lion, and amongst lion (M) and ([ojUm_²) Amongst birds (Ah_²) I am
birds, I am falcon. (d¡ZV{`•) falcon.

10.31 [dZ: [dVm_² Aoñ_ am_: eó-^¥Vm_² Ah_² &

PfmUm_² _H$a: M Aoñ_ óm{Vgm_² Aoñ_ OmöZdr &&31&&
([dVm_²) Amongst purifiers (Aoñ_) I am ([dZ•) the
wind (eñÌ ^¥ V m_² ) amongst the wielders of
Amongst purifiers, I am the wind. Amongst weapons (Ah_²) I am (am_•) Ram (PfmUm_²) amongst
the wielders of weapons I am Ram. Amongst all water creatures (Aoñ_) I am (_H$a•) crocodile
all water creatures I am crocodile. Amongst (ñÌm{Vgm_²) amongst flowing rivers (Aoñ_) I am
flowing rivers, I am the river Ganges. (Omh³mdr) the river Ganges.

gJm©Um_² AmoX: AÝV: M _Ü`_² M Ed Ah_² AOw©Z & (AOw©Z) O Arjun, (Ah_²) I (am the) (AmoX•) beginning
10.32 AÜ`mË_-odÚm odÚmZm_² dmX: àdXVm_² Ah_² &&32&& (creation) (_Ü`_²) middle (M) and (Ed) indeed
O Arjun, I am the beginning, middle, and (AÝV•) end of (gJm©Um_²) of all creation. (odÚmZm_²)
indeed end of all creation. Amongst all the amongst all sciences (AÜ`mË_ odÚm) (I am) spiritual
sciences I am the spiritual knowledge. I am the knowledge (Ah_² ) I am (dmX•) the logical
logical conclusion of debates. conclusion (àdXVm_²) of debates.

AjamUm_² A-H$ma: Aoñ_ ÛÝÛ: gm_mogH$ñ` M & (AjamUm_²) Amongst all letters (Aoñ_) I am (A-H$ma•)
10.33 Ah_² Ed Aj`: H$mb: YmVm Ah_² odídV:-_wI: &&33&& the letter A (gm_ogH$ñ`) amongst grammatical
Amongst all letters I am the letter A. Amongst compounds (Aoñ_) I am (ÛÝÛ•) the dual word (Ed)
grammatical compounds I am the dual word. certainly (Ah_²) I am (KmV) creator in (Aj`•)
Certainly I am the creator in endless time
endless (H$mb•) time period (Ah_²) I am (that
period. I am (that entity) who’s faces are in all
entity) (YmVm) creators (odûdV• _wI•) who’s faces are
in all directions.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

_¥Ë`w: gd©-ha M Ah_² CØd: M ^odî`mVm_² &

10.34 H$roV©: lr: dmH²$ M$ ZmarUm_² ñ_¥oV: _{Ym Y¥oV: j_m &&34&& (Ah_²) I (ha:) carry (gd©) everyone (towards) (_¥Ë`w:)
I carry everyone (towards) death, And will death (M) and (CØd•) will create them (again)
create them (again) in future (in hereafter). (^odî`Vm_²) in future (hereafter) (H$rVu) fame (lr)
Fame, peace, blessing and fine speech, (is peace and blessing (dmH²$) fine speech (is
because of Me) in women. Memory, because of Me) (ZmarUm_²) in women (ñ_¥oV)
intelligence, courage and forgiveness (is memory (_{Ym) intelligence (Y¥oV•) courage (j_m)
because of Me in them ). forgiveness (is because of Me in them).

]¥hV²-gm_ VWm gmåZm_² Jm`Ìr N>ÝXgm_² Ah_² & (Ah_²) I am (]¥hV²-gm_) the brihatsama (gmåZm_²)
10.35 _mgmZm_² _mJ©-erf©: Ah_ F$VyZm_² Hw$gw_-AmH$a: &&35&& amongst the hymns of the Sama veda (VWm) and
I am the brihatsama amongst the hymns of the (Jm`Ìr) the Gayatri mantra (N>ÝXgm_²) amongst all
Sama veda, and the Gayatri mantra amongst poetic matters (_mgmZm_²) in months (Ah_²) I am (_mJ©
all poetic matters. In months I am month of erf©•) months of guidance and blessing (F$VyZm_²)
guidance and blessing. Of all seasons I am the of all seasons (Hw$gy_ AmH$ma•) (I am) spring season.
spring season.

ÚyV_² N>b`Vm_² Aoñ_ V{O:V{OoñdZm_² Ah_² & (Aoñ_) I am the (ÚwV_²) gambling (planning to
10.36 O`: Aoñ_ ì`dgm`: Aoñ_ gËd_² gËd-dVm_² Ah_² &&36&&
cheat) (N>b`Vm_²) of the cheaters (Ah_²) I am (V{O•)
I am the gambling (planning to cheat) of the
cheaters. I am light of all shining things. I am light (V{OoñdZm_²) of all shining things (Aoñ_) I am
the victory of adventurers (or of those who victory (ì`dgm`•) of adventurer (or of those who
have firm resolution). I am the virtue have firm resolution) (Ah_²) I am (gËd_²) virtue
(piousness) of the virtuous (pious) people. (piousness) (gÎmd-dVm_²) of the virtuous (pious)

Note 10.35 :- God says death, life, fame, fortune and ability of fine speech, are because of Me. These no one
can give. So feel My greatness. Women are so delicate and physically weak, then also I give them memory,
intelligence, courage and forgiveness, and make them extraordinary. They are My masterpiece. Look at them and feel
My greatness.

Note of 10:35 :
Margashirsha is ninth month of Vikramadit calender. Vikramadit calender basically depends on Moon, and one year is
of 354 day instead of 365 day. But to match solar calender 11 days are added separately to adjust it.
Muslim follow same lunar calendar but don't add 11 days. And ninth month of lunar calendar is Ramzan, which is of
guidance and blessing.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

d¥îUrZm_² dmgwX{d: Aoñ_ [mÊS>dmZm_² YZ‚m`: & (Aoñ_) I am (dmgwX{d•) Krishna (d¥îUrZm_²) amongst the
10.37 _wZrZm_² Ao[ Ah_² ì`mg: H$drZm_² CeZm H$od: &&37&& descendants of Vrishni (YZÄO`•) Arjun ([mÊS>dmZm_²)
I am Krishna amongst the descendants of Amongst the Pandvas (Ao[) also (Ah_²) I am
Vrishni. (I am) Arjun amongst the Pandvas. I (ì`mg•) Ved Vyas (_wZrZm_²) amongst the sages.
am Ved Vyas amongst the sages. Amongst the (H$drZm_²) Amongst the poets (CeZm H$od:) (I am)
poets (I am) Usana poet. Usana poet.

Note :- This sloke indicates that Shri

Krishna and Arjun are great creations of God.

XES>: X_`Vm_² Aoñ_ ZroV: Aoñ_ oOJrfVm_² & (X_`Vm_²) Amongst means of preventing crime
10.38 _m¡Z_² M Ed Aoñ_ JwømZm_² kmZ_² kmZ-dVm_² Ah_² &&38&& (Aoñ_) I am (XÊS>•) punishment (based on justice)
Amongst means of preventing crime, I am (oOJrfVm_²) Amongst those who seek victory
punishment (based on justice). Amongst those (Aoñ_) I am (ZroV•) those principle (M) and (Ed)
who seek victory, I am their principle. And
also (JwømZm_²) amongst secrets (Aoñ_) I am (_m¡Z_²)
also amongst secrets I am silence. I am
silence (Ah_²) I am (kmZ_²) knowledge of (kmZ-dVm_²)
knowledge of the scholars.
the scholars.

Conclusion :-

10.39 `V² M Ao[ gd©-^yVmZm_² ]rO_² VV² Ah_² AOw©Z &

Z VV² AoñV odZm `V² ñ`mV² _`m ^yV_² Ma-AMa_² &&39&&
(AOw©Z) O Arjun (M) and (`V²) whichever is (]rO_²)
generating seed of (gd© ^yVmZm_²) all living beings
O Arjun, and whichever is generating seed of (VV²) that is (Ah_²) My self (Ma AMa_²) living and
all living beings, that is (because of) My self. non-living (things) (`V² ) whichever (^y V _² )
Living and non-living whichever creature creature (exists) (VV²) that (Z) cannot (ñ`mV²) exist
(exists) that cannot exist without Me. (odZm) without (_`m) Me.

10.40 ZEf:AÝV: AoñV __ oXì`mZm_² od^yVrZm_² [aÝV[ &

Vw CÔeV: àm{º$: od^yV{: odñVa: _`m &&40&&
(AoñV) (There is) (Z) no (AÝV•) end (of) (__²) My
(oXì`mZm_²) divine (od^yVrZm_²) creation ([aÝV[) O Arjun
(There is) no end (of) My divine creation O (Vw) but (then also) (CÔ{eV•) as an example (Ef•) all
Arjun. But (then also) as an example, all this this (od^yV{•) (My) special creation (àm{·V•) spoken
(My) special creation are spoken (to you) in (to you) (odñVa•) in detail (_`m) by Me.
detail by Me.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

Source of life is because of a fragment of light of God :-

`V² `V² od^yoV _V² gÎd_² lr-_V² CoO©V_² Ed dm & Certainly (`V² `V² ) whatever ( od^y o V _V² )
10.41 VV² VV² Ed AdJÀN> Ëd_² __ V{O: A§e gå^d_² &&41&& materialistic creation (DoO©V_²) glorious (energy)
Certainly whatever materialistic creation, (dm) or (lr _V²) peace, happiness (_V²) considered
glorious (energy) or peace, happiness (gÎd_²) to exist. (Ed) Certainly (Ëd_²) you (should)
considered to exist. Certainly you (should) (AdJÀN>) know (it clearly that) (VV² VV²) all those
know (it clearly that) all those are because of a are (gå^d_²) because of (A§e) a small part of (__)
small part of My light. My (V{O•) light.

Awdm ]hwZm EV{Z oH$_² kmV{Z Vd AOw©Z &

10.42 odï>ä` Ah_² BX_² H¥$ËñZ_² EH$ A§e{Z oñWV: OJV² &&42&& (AOw©Z) O Arjun (AWdm) or (but) (EV{Z) in this way
O Arjun or (but) in this way why you (need to) (oH$_²) why (Vd) you (kmV{Z) (need to) know (Me)
know (Me) (by thinking of) so many (things). I (]hwZm) (by thinking of) so many (things) (Ah_²) I
(have) established this universe (by My) one (have) (oñWV•) established (BX_²) this (OJV²)
fraction (of light) and parvading and support universe (EH$) (by My) one (A§e{Z) fraction (of
(all creatures in) this (universe) (so light) (odï>ä`) and parvading and support (all
concentrate only on Me). creatures in) (BX_² ) this (universe) (so
concentrate only in Me).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-11

Introduction to Chapter No. 11

l This chapter is to create firm faith in death do exist. And this is the purpose of this
hereafter, that is life after death in human chapter in this Holy Book of Bhagwad Gita.
l When prophet Mohammad (pbuh) started
l Life after death is very difficult to preaching religion of God, people of Makkah
understand and believe. But without believing bitterly opposed him. They confined his full
it no one can succeed. Hence all divine books tribe between two hills for 3 years. In 618 A.D,
very seriously preached about hereafter. This his beloved uncle and wife died, and it was
adheyay No. 11is also one of such efforts. great loss to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). All
the residents of Makkah city were his enemies,
l Arjun saw the world of “life after death”
and no one was listening to him. Hence he used
with his own eyes. And these observations
to remain silent and sad. To motivate him God
become part of this divine book. So there
arranged for his visit of heaven, where he met
should not be any doubt that another world
various Prophets and saw angels, heaven and
does exist.
other divine things etc. This boosted his
l Some atheist may claim that all these morale. Arjun experienced same type of
teachings are part of mythology, and all are experienced which boosted his belief and faith
imaginary, and there is no proof of its in God.
So this chapter is to convince mankind that
But it is not so. There is a proof that his book God, angels, hell and heavens are not
is revealed by God, and whatever is written are imaginary things. They do exist and human
facts. That proof is as follows; being has to spend infinite period of time after
death in that place. But in hell or heaven,
Telescope discovered about 200 years ago.
which place he gets accommodation depend
Before that no one was able to see even sun and
on his deeds on this planet earth.
moon clearly. After the invention of electronic
Telescope we are able to see galaxies, and this ******
discovery is only about 100 year old. Before
that no one even could imagine the sky is full
of rotating galaxies. But this Bhagwad Gita
says Arjun saw comet and rotating galaxies.
(In shlok No. 11.17) So if this book is
mythology then how Arjun saw galaxies?
This book is authentic. God is truth. Whatever
God showed to Arjun is truth, that is why he
was able to see galaxies 4000 years ago. So
whoever reads this divine book has to believe
that God, Angels, hell, heaven, and life after
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

Arjun request to see divine majestic creation of God.

AOw©Z CdmM² (AOw©Z CdmM²) Arjun said (_V² AZwJ«hm`) to favour me

11:1 _V²-AZwJ«hm` [a__² Jwø_² AYmË_ g§okV_² &
([a__²) supreme (Jwø_²) confidential (AÜ`mË_² g§okV_²)
`V² Ëd`m Cº$_² dM: V{Z _m{h: A`_² odJV: __&&1&&
Arjun said, to favour me, the supreme (and) spiritual knowledge (`V) which (was)
confidential (and) spiritual knowledge which (C·V_²) spoken (to me) (Ëd`m) by you (V{Z) by that
(was) spoken (to me) by you. By those words (dM•) words (__) my (A`_²) all those (_m{h•) illusion
my all those illusions (have been) removed. (odJV•) (has been) removed.

^d Aß``m¡ oh ^yVmZm_² lwVm¡ odñVae: _`m & (H$_b-[Ì-Aj) O lotus-eyed one (Shri Krishna)
11:2 ËdÎm: H$_b-[Ì-Aj _mhmËå`_² Ao[ M Aì``_² &&2&& (oh) certainly (odñVae•) details (about) (^d) birth
O lotus-eyed one (Shri Krishna), certainly, (Aß``m¡) (and) death (^yVmZm_²) of all living beings
details (about) birth (and) death of all living
(lwVm¡) is heard (_`m) by me (ËdÎm•) from you (Ao[)
beings is heard by me from you, (and) also
also (about) (_mhmËå`_²) greatness (M) and (Aì``_²)
(about) greatness and eternal (features of
eternal (features of God).

Ed_² EVV² `Wm AmËW Ëd_² AmË_mZm_² [a_-B©ída &

11:3 Ðïx>_² BÀN>mo_ V{ é[_² E{ída_² [wéf-CÎm_ &&3&&
(CÎm_ [wéf) O great person (Shri Krishna) (`Wm) just
as (Ëd_²) you (AmË_mZ_²) yourself (AmËW) have spoken
O great person (Shri Krishna), just as you
yourself have spoken this, (about Great (EVV²) this (about Great materialistic creation to
materialistic creation of God to express) express) ([a_) greatness of (Eûda_²) God. (Ed_²)
greatness of God. Like this (from) you I desire like this (V{) (from) you (BÀN>mo_) I desire (Ðïx>_²>) to
to see divine creation of God (also). see (é[_²) divine creation of (Eûda_²) God (also).

Note :- Roopam word has made from word roop. www.shabdkosh.com says roop has got 45 meanings. In sloke
no. 11:43 Arjun says God is AàoV_² that means God doesn't have a form. Hence for rupoom we will select those
meanings which are not related to form of God. Some of the meanings of Roop are phenomenon, plan, capacity, style,
mould, nature, design, pattern. As this word in this sloke is related to God, we will select its meaning as divine
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

_Ý`g{ `oX VV² e·`_² _`m Ðïx>_² BoV à^m{ & (`m{J B©ída) O yogeshwar, (O Shri Krishna) (`oX) if
11:4 `m{J-B©ída VV: _{ Ëd_² Xe©` AmË_mZm_² Aì``_² &&4&& (_Ý`g{) you think (_`m) by me (e·`_²) (it is)
O yogeshwar, (Shri Krishna) if you think that Possible (Ðï>_²) to see (VV²) that (à^m{) God (then)
by me (it is) Possible to see that God, (then) (Ëd_²) you (AmË_mZm_²) yourself (Xe©`) show (_{) to me
you yourself show to me that imperishable (VV•) that (Aì``_²) imperishable God.
Note :- In this shloke Arjun calls Shri Krishna as
yogeshwar, and God he calls as that prabhu (God) The
word (VV²) indicates that Arjun was saying prabhu to
someone other than Shri Krishna. Arjun never said in
this divine book in any shlok, Shri Krishna as God.

God exhibits Arjun majestic divine creation :-

[í` _{ [mW© é[moU eVe: AW ghóe: & (lr ^JdmZ CdmM) God said ([mW©) O son of partha (AW)
11:5 ZmZm-odYmoZ oXì`moZ ZmZm dU© AmH¥$VroZ M &&5&& now ([í`) see (_{) My (é[moU) majestic creation
God said, O son of partha, now see My (eVe•) in hundreds (AW) and (ghñÌe•) in
majestic creation, in hundreds and in
thousands (ZmZm odYmoZ) of various type and (oXì`moZ
thousands of various type and various spiritual
ZmZm) various spiritual (dU© AmH¥$VroZ M) shapes and
shapes, and colour.
Note :- As per Ishwarchand dictionary page no. 788
é[U means Ab§H$moaH$ dU©Z and
Ab§H$moaH$ means figurative, ornamental, decorative. so
meaning of é[moU we will consider as majestic or supreme

[í` AmoXË`mZ² dgyZ² éÐmZ² AoídZm¡ _éV: VWm & (^maV) O Arjun ([í`) look at (AmoXË`mZ²) Aditya
11:6 ]hyoZ AÑï> [ydm©oU [í` AmíM`m©oU ^maV &&6&& (angel managing Sun) (dgyZ²) Vasun (the angel
O Arjun, look at Aditya (angel managing Sun), managing water) (éÐmZ²) the fearful angel Rudra
Vasun (the angel managing water), the fearful (AoûdZm¡) the Angel of horses, Ashvinu (_éV•)
angel Rudra, the Angel of horses, Ashvinu. Marut (the Angel managing wind) (VWm) and
Marut, the Angel managing wind, and look at ([í`) look at (]hyoZ) many more (AmûM`m©oU)
many more surprising (divine creations, which surprising (divine creations which were) (AÑï>)
were) never seen before. never seen ([ydm©oU) before.

Note :- Above mentioned things are (é[_²) or (é[oU) of God that means (é[_²) or (é[oU) words were not used to see
God in physical form, but His divine creation. Many more such creations are further described in next slokes.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

Bh EH$-ñW_² OJV² H¥$ËñZ_² [í` AÚ g Ma AMa_² &

11:7 __ X{h{ JwS>mH{$e `V² M AÝ`V² Ðïx>_² BÀN>og &&7&&
(JwS>mH{$e) O Arjun, (AÚ) now ([í`) see (Bh) here (EH$
ñW_²) at one place (H¥$ËñZ_²) entire (OJV) universe (g)
O Arjun, now see here at one place, entire
universe along with living and non-living, and along with (Ma-AMa_²) living and non-living (M)
whatever other thing you wish to see, (See and (`V²) whatever (AÝ`V²) other thing (BÀNog) you
them in) My effulgence (jyoti, light). wish (Ðïx>_²) to see (__² X{h) (see them in) My
effulgence (jyoti, light).
Note:- Ishwarchand dictionary gives following
meaning of X{h as
eara (Body),
é[ (form, appearance),
Á`m{oV (light)
bJZ H$m ñWmZ (some important place).
As in sloke no.11:43 of this chapter Arjun himself says
to God that you are (AàoV_), that means you don’t have a
form, hence we select meaning of (X{h) as (Á`m{oV) or light or

God blesses Arjun divine eyesight :-

Z Vw _m_² e·`g{ Ðïx>_² AZ{Z Ed ñd-Mjwfm &
11:8 Xì`_² XXmo_ V{ Mjw: [í` _{ `m{J_² E{ída_² &&8&& (Vw) but (Z) (it is) not (Mjwgm) possible (Ðïx>_²>) to see
But (it is) not possible to see Me with these (_m_²) Me (AZ{Z) with these (ñd Mjwgm) your physical
your physical eyes. So I give you divine eyes, eyes (Ed) so (XXmo_) I give (V{) to you (oXì`_²) divine
to see divine creation related to Me. (Mjw) eyes ([í`) to see (Eûda_²) divine creation
(`m{J_²) related to (_{) Me.
Note :- Arjun saw Angels managing various situations
of earth. That means such angel a saint or noble person
can see. To look directly in heaven one needs divine
sight, hence God gifted Arjun divine eyes, to see His

Ed_² C·Ëdm VV: amOZ² _hm-`m{J-B©ída hoa: &

11:9 Xe©`m_mg [mWm©` [a__² é[_² E{ída_² &&9&& (amOZ²) O king (Dhritrashtra) (Ed_² C·Ëdm) saying
O king (Dhritrashtra), saying this, from place this (Amg) from place of (_hm) great (har) Krishna
of great Krishna, who is yogeshwar, that God (`m{J B©ídam•) who communicates with God (VV•)
displayed Arjun (His) great divine majestic that God (Xe©`m_²) displayed ([mWm©`) Arjun ([a__²)
creation. (His) great (E{ûda_²) divine (é[_²) majestic

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

Description of Angels which Arjun shaw :-

AZ{H$ d·Ì Z`Z_² AZ{H$ AØxV Xe©Z_² & AZ{H$ oXì` (Arjun is shown angels with) (AZ{H$) many (d·Ì)
11: Am^aU_² oXì` AZ{H$ CÚV Am`wY_² &&10&& faces (AZ{H$) many (Z`Z_²) eyes (AX²^wV Xe©Z_²) (it was
10-11 oXì` _më` Aå]a Ya_² oXì` JÝY AZwb{[Z_² & gd© AmíM`©- a) wonderful scene (AZ{H$) many angels wearing
_`_² X{d_² AZÝV_² odídV:-_wI_² &&11&& (oXì`) divine (Am^maU_²) ornaments (AZ{H$) many
(Arjun is show angles with) many faces many (CÚV) wielding (carrying) (oXì`) divine (Am`wY_²)
eyes. (It was a) wonderful scene. Many angels weapons (there were angels. Who were) (Ya_²)
wearing divine ornaments, many wielding wearing (_mb`m Aå]a) saffron garlands (oXì` JÝY
(carrying) divine weapons, (there were angels AZwb{[Z_²) smeared with divine fragrances (gd©
who were) wearing saffron garlands, smeared AmûM`©-_`_²) all wonderful (AZÝV_²) unlimited (X{d_²)
with divine fragrances. All wonderful, Angels (odûdV• _wI_²) looking in all directions.
unlimited Angels looking in all directions.

Note:- Things mentioned in above shlok no.

11:10-11 are mentioned as (E{ûda_² é[_²) in shlok no.11.9.
Hence this confirms the meaning of (é[_²) as divine or
supreme or majestic creation of God. And not the
physical form of God.

Light of Almighty God :-

11:12 oXod gy`© ghóñ` ^d{V² `wJ[V² CoËWVm &

`oX ^m: gÑer gm ñ`mV² ^mg: Vñ` _hmË_Z: &&12&& (Then Arjun saw effulgence (light) of God, it
(Then Arjun saw effulgence (light) of God, it was as) (`oX) if (oXod) in the sky (ghñÌñ`) many
was as) if in the sky many thousand suns were thousand (gy`©) suns (`wJ[V²) simultaneously (^d{V²)
present simultaneously. That light would be were (AoñWVm) present (gm) that (^m•) light (ñ`mV²)
like splendor of that great God. would be (gÑer) like (^mg•) splendor of (Vñ`) that
(_hmË_Z•) great God.
(That means Arjun saw light of God which
was more than many thousand sun
simultaneously shining in sky).

Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok No. 11.12:-

Once Prophet Moses asked God to show His light to him. When God revealed His light on a nearby mountain, that
mountain crashed, and Prophet Moses fell unconscious. (Holy Quran 7:143, Summery)
Once people of Israel insisted that they will believe in God only after seeing Him. When God revealed Himself, His
Light was as strong as lightning, and all Israelites died. After that, merciful God gave them Life again (Holy Quran 2:55-
56, Summary). So light of God is extremely intense and powerful, and human being cannot see or withstand it.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

Arjun expresses his gratitude and praises God :-

VÌ EH$-ñW_² OJV² H¥$ËñZ_² àod^º$_² AZ{H$Ym & (V Xm) at that time ([mÊS>d•) Arjun (A[í`V²) could see
11:13 A[í`V² X{d-X{dñ` eara{ [mÊS>d: VXm &&13&& (VÌ) there (EH$ ñW_²) at one place (H¥$ËñZ_²) entire
At that time, Arjun could see there, at one (OJV²) universe (àod^·V_² AZ{H$Ym) getting divided
place, entire universe getting divided into into many (that is creation process of universe
many (That is creation process of universe was going on) (eara{) by internal power and
was going on) by internal power and
constituent elements created by (X{d X{dñ`) God
constituent elements created by God of
of angles. (supreme God).
Angels. (supreme God).

Note:- (Meaning of eara in Sanskrit in dictionary

by ishwarchand is
g§KQ>H$ VÎd = Constituent elements
X¡ohH$ eoº$ = Internal power
We are using both the meanings in this shlok. And this is
greatness of God that by one word He says many thing at
a time)

VV: g: odñ_`-Amodï> öï>-am{_m YZ‚m`: & (YZÄO`•) Arjun (the conqueror of wealth) (g•
11:14 àUå` oeagm X{d_² H¥$V-A‚mob: A^mfV &&14&& odñ_`) with surprise (Aodï>) full of happiness (hï>
Arjun with surprise (and) full of happiness am{_m) with hair standing on ends (àUå` oeagm)
(and) with hair standing on ends, bowed down
bowed down with head (VV•) (to) that (X{d_²) God
with head (to) that God, (and) said with folded
(A^mfV) (and) said (H¥$V-AÄOob•) with folded

11:15 ]«[í`mo_ X{dmZ² Vd X{d X{h{ gdm©Z² VWm ^yV ode{f-gS²> KmZ² &
÷mU_² B©e_² H$_b-AmgZ-ñW_² F$frZ² M gdm©Z² CaJmZ² M
(AOw©Z CdmM) Arjun said (X{d) O Lord ([í`mo_) I see
(Vd) (in) your (X{h) (jyoti) effulgence (gdm©Z) all
oXì`mZ² &&15&& (X{dmZ²) angels (VWm) and (^yV) all creatures (ode{f
Arjun said, O Lord, I see (in) your (jyoti) gL²>KmZ²) together specially (]«÷Um_²) Brahman (B©e_²)
effulgence all angels, and all creatures Shankar (H$_b Amg_² ñW_²) sitting on the lotus
together. Specially Brahman (and) Shankar flower (M) and (gdm©Z) all (oXì`mZ²) divine (CaJmZ²)
sitting on the lotus flower, and all divine serpents (M) and (F$frZ²) sages.
serpents and sages.
Note for 11:15 :- Brahma is a title and it is used for an angel whom God specially created for creation process of
l Brahma title is also used for Prophet Ibrahim in (Atherv ved, 10-2-26) in chapter of purush medha.
l There is too much similarity between Shankarji and prophet Adam. To know the similarity kindly read note no. 14
l When Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) visited heaven, (on night of Meraj) he also saw prophet Adam and Ibrahim in
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

11:16 ZAZ{AÝV_²
H$ ]mhw CXa d·Ì Z{Ì_² [í`mo_ Ëdm_² gd©V: AZÝV-é[_² &
Z _Ü`_² Z [wZ: Vd AmoX_² [í`mo_ odíd-B©ída odídé[
(odíd B©ída) O God of universe (odídé[) who gave
this universe an existence (form) ([í`mo_) I saw
(angels with) (AZ{H$) so many (]mhw CXa d·Ì Z{Ì_²)
O God of universe, who gave this universe an
hands, stomach, faces and eyes (Ëdm_²) (I saw)
existence (form), I saw (angels with) so many
your (AZÝV é[_²) infinite majestic creation (gd©V•)
hands, stomach, faces and eyes. (I saw) your
infinite majestic creation in every direction. in every direction ([í`o_) (O God) I see (Z) no
(O God) I see no end, no middle, and no (AZÝV) end (Z) no (_Ü`_²) middle (Z) no ([wZ•)
repeated beginning of yours. repeated (AmoXZ) beginning (Vd) of yours.

11:17 oH$aroQ>Z_² JoXZ_² MoH«$U_² M V{O:amoe_² gd©V: Xroá-_ÝV_² (Xroá _ÝV_²) Shining (like) (oH$aroQ>Z_²) crown, (JoXZ_²)
& [í`mo_ Ëdm_² XwoZ©arú`_² g_ÝVmV² Xrá-AZb AH©$ ÚwoV_² Aà_{`_² &&17&& club (comets) (MoH«$U_²) discs (Galaxies) (amoe_²)
Shining (like) crown, club (comets) discs (and) stars (gd©V•) everywhere ([í`mo_) (O God I)
(galaxies) (and) stars, everywhere. (O God I) see (Ëdm_²) your (Aà_{`_) infinite (V{O•) effulgence
see your infinite effulgence in all directions, (g_ÝVm_²) in all directions (XwoZ©arú`_²) (but which is)
(but which is) difficult to look upon, (like) difficult to look upon (Xrá AZb) (like) blazing
blazing fire, (or) effulgence (light) of the sun. fire (ÚwoV_²) (or) effulgence (light) (AH©$) of the
Note :- This shlok is a miracle. As Arjun was able
to see galaxies 4000 year ago without electronic

Arjun describing greatness of God :-

Ëd_² Aja_² [a__² d{oXVì`_² Ëd_² Añ` odídñ` [a_² (Ëd_²) (O God) you (are) (Aja_²) the imperishable
11:18 oZYmZ_² & (immortal) God ([a__²) greatest of all (d{oXVì`_²)
Ëd_² Aì``: emídV-Y_©-Jm{ám gZmVZ: Ëd_² [wéf: _V: _{ worthy of being known (Ëd_²) (O God) you (are)
&&18&& ([a_²) supreme (oZYmZ_²) support of (Añ`) this
(O God) you (are) the imperishable (immortal) (odûdñ`) universe (Ëd_²) (O God) you (are) (Jm{ám)
God, greatest of all, worthy of being known.
protector of (Aì``•) everlasting (emûdV Y_©) eternal
(O God), you (are) supreme, (and) support of
divine religion (Ëd_²) (O God) you (are) (gZmVZ•)
this universe. (O God) you (are) protector of
everlasting ([wéf•) the supreme divine entity (_V•
everlasting eternal divine religion. (O God)
_{) this is my faith (opinion).
you (are) everlasting, the supreme divine
entity. This is my faith.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

AZmoX _Ü` AÝV_² AZÝV dr`©_² AZÝV ]mhw_² eoe gy`© (O God you are) (AZmoX _Ü` AÝV_²) without
11:19 Z{Ì_² & beginning middle and end (O God you have)
[í`mo_ Ëdm_² Xrá hwVme-d·Ì_² ñd-V{Ogm odíd_² BX_² (AZÝV dr`©_²) infinite power (AZÝV ]mhw_²) infinite
V[ÝV_² &&19&& arms (means to control universe) (eoe gy`© Z{Ì_²)
(O God you are) without beginning, middle, moon and sun are like your eyes ([í`mo_) (O
and end. (O God you have) infinite power, God, I) see (BX_²) this (odûd_²) universe (V[ÝV_²)
infinite arms (means to control universe). getting heated up (ñd V{Ogm) by your radiance (Xrá
Moon and sun are like your eyes. (O God, I) hyVme d·Ì_²) which is emanating from your
see this universe getting heated up by your blazing (shining) face.
radiance, which is emanating from your
blazing (shining) face.

Úm¡ Am-[¥oWì`m{: BX_² AÝVa_² oh ì`má_² Ëd`m EH{$Z $oXe: M (_hm AmË_Z²) O great God (Km¡ Am [¥oWì`m{•) from sky to
11:20 gdm© :& Ñï>dm AØxV_² é[_² BX_² Vd CJ«_² bm{H$ Ì`_² earth (BX_²) and (AÝVa_²) and in-between (M) and
àì`oWV_² _hm-AmË_Z² &&20&&
(gdm©•) in all (oXe•) directions (oh) certainly (Ëd`m
O great God, from sky to earth, and and in- EH{$Z) your alone (ì`má_²) (effulgence/light)
between, and in all directions, certainly your pervades (Ñï>dm) seeing (Vd) your (BX_²) this (AäXwV_²)
alone effulgence (light) pervades. Seeing your wonderful (é[_²) state (intense light) (CJ«_²)
this wonderful state, (intense light) (which is) (which is) terrible (bm{H$ Ì`_²) three worlds are
terrible, three worlds are trembling. (àì`oWV_²) trembling.

11:21 A_r oh Ëdm_² gwa-gS²Km: odeoÝV H{$oMV² ^rVm: àm‚mb`: (oh) Indeed (A_r) all those (gwa-gS²Km:) groups of
J¥UoÝV & angels (Ëdm_²) (seeking) your (odeoÝV) shelter
ñdoñV BoV C·Ëdm _hm-F$of ogÕ-gS²>Km: ñVwdoÝV Ëdm_² ñVwoVo^ [wîH$bmo^: (H$oMV²) some (^rVm•) in fear (J¥UoÝV) (they are)
&&21&& offering prayer (àmÄOb`•) with folded hands
(C·Ëdm) and seeking (ñdoñV BoV) your protection (_hm
Indeed, all those groups of angels (seeking) F$of) great sages (ogÕ gL>Km•) and perfect beings
your shelter. Some in fear. (They are) offering
(ñVwoVo^•) offering prayer ([wîH$bmo^) (with) vedic
prayer with folded hands, and seeking your
hymns (and) (ñVwdoÝV) praising (Ëdm_²) you.
protection. Great sages, and perfect beings
(siddha), offering prayer (with) vedic hymns
(and) praising You.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

11:22 éÐCî_-[m:
AmoXË`m: dgd: `{ M gmÜ`m: odíd{ AoídZm¡ _éV: M
(O God) (Ed) certainly (`{) these (éÐ, AmoXË`, dgd:)
Rudra, Adityas, vasavah (M) and (gmÜ`m:, odíd{,
JÝYd© `j Agwa ogÕ gS>Km: drjÝV{ Ëdm_² odoñ_Vm: M Ed Aol²dZm¡, _éV:) Sadhyas, Vishve, ashvinah,
gd}> &&22&&
marutah (M) and (Cî_-[m) the ancestors (M) and
(O God), certainly these Rudra, Adityas,
(JÝYd©, `j, Agya, ogÕ gL>Km) gandharv, yaksha,
vasavah and Sadhyas, Vishve, ashvinah,
marutah, and the ancestors, and gandharv, demons, group of noble (perfect) people, (gd})
yaksha, demons, (and) group of noble all (drjÝV{) looking (odoñ_Vm•) with wonder (Ëdm_²) at
(perfect) people, all looking with wonder at your (majestic effulgence).
your majestic effulgence.

Arjun saw Yamraj (Angel of death) :-

Note :- (God) presents yam, Angel of death to Arjun, to

encourage him and predict death of most of his enemies.
After looking at him he says.

11:23 ]hwé[_²Cxa_hV² V{ ]hw d·Ì Z{Ì_² _hm-]mhm{ ]hw ]mhw Cé [mX_² &
_² ]hw-Xï>m H$amb_² Ñï>dm bm{H$m: àì`oWVm: VWm Ah_²
(Arjun said) (_hm]mhm{) O mighty armed lord (Ñï>²dm)
seeing (V{) your (é[_² _hV) magnificent form with
(]hw) many (d·Ì Z{Ì_²) mouths, eyes (]mhw) many (]mhw
(Arjun said) O mighty armed lord, seeing your
magnificent form with many mouths, eyes, Dé [mX_²) arms, thighs, legs (]hy CXa_²) many
many arms, thighs, legs many stomachs and stomachs (]hw X§ï>m H$amb_²) many terrifying teeth
many terrifying teeth, all the worlds and I am (bm{H$m•) all the worlds (VWm) and (Ah_²) I am (àì`oVWm•)
afraid (terror stricken). afraid (terror stricken).

Note:- In shlok no.11:22 all were observing light

of Almighty God which was more than light of a
thousand suns and all were looking with surprise. But
when they saw Yam, all got terrified. description of Yam
starts with shlok no.11:23. Arjun also in shlok no. 11:16
called God as (odíd B©ída), but the new face he called
Vishnu in shlok no. 11:24. It is clarified in shlok No.
11.32 That new face is of Yamraj (Angel of death).

Z^: ñ[¥e_² Xrá_² AZ{H$ dU©_² ì`mÎm AmZZ_² Xrá odemb (odîUm{) O Vishnu (Ñï²>d>m) seeing (Ëdm_²) your (Z^:
11:24 Z{Ì_² & ñ[¥e_²) touching the sky (AmZZ_²) mouth (which is)
µX>ï²>dm oh Ëdm_² àì`oWV: AÝV: AmË_m Y¥oV_² Z odÝXmo_ e__² (ì`mÎm) open (Xrá odemb Z{Ì_) radiant and of many
M odîUm{ &&24&&
colors, seeing your big blazing eyes (oh)
O Vishnu, seeing your touching the sky mouth
certainly (àì`oWV• AÝV• AmË_m) my heart is fearful
(which is) open, seeing your big blazing eyes,
certainly my heart is fearful from inside, (and) from inside (Z) (and) not (odÝXmo_) having (Y¥oV_²)
not having steadiness and mental peace. steadiness (M) (and) (e__²) mental peace.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

Arjun describing fearful appearance of Yamraj :-

X§ï>m H$ambmoZ M V{ _wImoZ Ñï>d Ed H$mb-AZb goÞ-^moZ
11:25 oXe: Z OmZ{ Z b^{ M e_© àgrX X{d-B©e OJV²-oZdmg
(X{d B©e) O lord of lords (OJV oZdmg) the shelter of
the universe (Ñï²>dm) seeing (V{) your (H$ambmoZ)
terrible teeth (M) and (_wImoZ) mouth (Ed) indeed
O lord of lords, the shelter of the universe.
(goÞ-^moZ) (it is) resembling (H$mb AZb) the fire of
Seeing your terrible teeth, and mouth, indeed
death (because of this) (Z) neither (OmZ{) (I)
(it is) resembling the fire of death. (Because of
this) neither (I) know direction, nor getting know (oXe•) direction (Z) nor (b^{) getting (e_©)
peace. Have mercy (on me). peace (àgrX) have mercy (on me).

11: A_r M Ëdm_² Y¥Vamï>ñ` [wÌm: gd} gh Ed AdoZ-[mb gS>K¡:

& ^rî_: Ðm{U: gyV-[wÌ: VWm Agm¡ gh Añ_Xr`¡: Ao[ `m{Y-
(Ëdm_²) Your (power is) (A_r) immeasurable (gd})
all ([wÌm) sons of (Y¥Vamï>>ñ`) Dhritarashtra (gh)
26-27 _w»`¡: &&26&& along with (gL>K¡•) group of (AdoZ [mb) their allied
d·ÌmoU V{ Ëda_mUm: odeoÝV X§ï>m H$ambmoZ ^`mZH$moZ & kings (^rî_• Ðm{U• gyV-[wÌ•) (Bhisma, Dronacharya,
H{$oMV² odb¾m: XeZ-AÝV{a{fw gÝXí`ÝV{ MyoU©V¡: CÎm_-AS¡>: Sut putra) (VWm) and (Agm¡) those (Añ_Xr`¡•) from
our side (Ao[) also (gh) along with (`m{Y _w»`¡•)
Your (power is) immeasurable. All sons of generals.
Dhritarashtra along with group of their allied
kings, Bhisma, Dronacharya, Karna, and (odempÝV) entering (Ëda_mUm•) with speed (V{) (in)
those from our side also, along with generals your (dH²$ÌmoU) mouth (with) (Ñï>m H$ambmoZ) terrible
entering with speed (in) your mouth with teeths (H{$oMV²) some (of them) (odb¾m•) getting
terrible teeth. Some (of them) getting stuck stuck (XeZ AÝVa{fw) between the teeth (gX¥í`ÝV{) (and
between the teeths, (and some) are seen (with) some) are seen (MyoU©V•) (with) crushed (CÎm_-AL¡>J)
crushed heads. heads.

Vwm ZXrZm_² ]hd: Aå]w-d{Jm: g_wÐ_² Ed Ao^_wIm: ÐdoÝV &

11: Vw m Vd A_r Za-bm{ H $-dram: odeoÝV d·ÌmoEm (`Wm) The way in which (ZXrZm_² ]hd•) many rivers
Ao^odÁdboÝV &&28&& (Aå]w d{Jm•) and waves of water (ÐdoÝV) flow rapidly
28-29 `Wm àXrá_² ÁdbZ_² [Ëm‹m odeoÝV Zmem` g_¥Õ d{Jm: & (Ao^_wIm•) towards (g_wÐ_²) the ocean (VWm) in the
Vwm Ed Zmem` odeoÝV bm{H$m: Vd Ao[ d·ÌmoU g_¥Õ-d{Jm: same way (Vm) (in) your (A^r) immeasurable
&&29&& (Ao^odÁdboÝV) blazing (d·ÌmoU) mouth (Za bm{H$ dram•)
The way in which many rivers and waves of kings of human society (are) (odeoÝV) entering.
water flow rapidly towards the ocean, in the (`Wm) the way in which (patangah) moths
same way (in) your unmeasurable blazing (odeoÝV) enter (àXrá_²) blazing (ÁdbZ_²) fire (g_¥Õ d{Jm•)
mouth, kings of human society entering. with great speed (Zmem`) to perish (VWm Ed)
The way in which (insects) moths enter similarly (bm{H$m•) those people (Ao[) are also
blazing fire with great speed to perished, (odeoÝV) entering in (Vd) your (d·ÌmoU) mouth (g_¥Õ
similarly those people are also entering in your d{Jm•) with great speed (Zmem`) to perish.
mouth with great speed to perish.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

11:30 b{obög{ J«g_mZ: g_ÝVmV² bm{H$mZ² g_J«mZ² dXZ¡: ÁdboØ: & (odîUm{) O Vishnu (ÁdboäX•) blazing fire of (dXZ¡•)
V{Om{o^: Am[y`© OJV² g_J«_² ^mg: Vd CJ«m: àV[oÝV odîUm{ &&30&& (your) mouth is (b{obøg{) licking (and) (J«g_mZ•)
devouring (g_ÝVmV²) from all sides (g_J«_²) all the
O Vishnu, blazing fire of (your) mouth is people of (bm{H$mZ²) the world (g_J«mZ) all (OJV²) the
licking, (and) devouring from all sides all the universe (Am[y`©) is filled with (àV[oÝV) scorching
people of the world. All the universe is filled (CJ«m•) fierce (V{Om{o^•) blazing (^mg•) rays (of) (Vd)
with scorching fierce blazing rays (of) your your (mouth).

11:31 Tell (me, who is) in fierce form, who Am»`moh _{ H$: ^dmZ² CJ«-é[: Z_:AñVw V{ X{d-da àgrX & odkmVw_² BÀN>mo_
(are) you? I bow to you. O superior than ^dÝV_² AmÚ_² Z oh àOmZmo_ Vd àd¥oÎm_² &&31&&
Angels, be merciful (to me) (You are the) (Amaì`moh) tell (_{) (me) (CJ« é[•) in fierce form (H$•)
primeval, I wish to know you, I could not who (are) (^dmZ²) you? (Z_•AñVw) I bow (V{) to you
understand your working. (X{d da) O superior than Angels (àgrX) be merciful
(to me) (AmÚ_²) (you are the) primeval (BÀN>mo_) I
Note :- Few moments before Arjun was observing wish (odkmVw_²) to know (^dÝV_²) you (Z) I could not
wonderful creation, angles, and effulgence of God,
which was difficult to see. Suddenly he starts observing (àOmZmo_) understand (Vd) your (àd¥oÎm_²) working.
a fierce form, In place of effulgence of God. So he
wanted to clarify whether he is talking to God or
someone else. In next sloke he gets answer that he is
talking to Yam. Angel of death. And it is his form which
is fierceful and not of God.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10
Yamraj introduce Himself :-
H$mb: Aoñ_ bm{H$ j`-H¥$V² àd¥Õ: bm{H$mZ² g_mhVw©_² Bh (lr ^JdmZ CdmM²) The supreme entity said (Aoñ_) I
11:32 àd¥Îm: &
F$V{ Ao[ Ëdm_² Z ^odî`oÝV gd}$ `{ AdoñWVm: àoV- am (H$mb•) Yam (j`-H¥$V²) source of destruction
AZrH{$fw `m{Ym: &&32&& (bm{H$mZ²) of the world (g_mhVw©_) (I) destroy (àd¥Õ•)
The supreme entity said, I am (kal) Yam, mighty (proudly) (bm{H$mZ²) people (àd¥Îm•) (to)
source of destruction of the world. (I) destroy protect (Bh) this world (Ao[) even (F$V{) without
mighty (proudly) people, (to) protect this (Ëdm_²) you (gd}) all (`{) these (`m{Ym•) warriors
world. Even without you, all these warriors (AdoñWVm•) who are standing (àoV-AZrH{$fw) in the
who are standing in the opposite army (will) opposite army (Z) (will) not exist (^odî`oÝV) in
not exist in future. future.

Note:- Dictionary of Ishwarchand mentioned

many meanings of (kal) (H$mb•). Two of these are Time,
and Yam (Angel of death). In this sloke only description
of destruction is there, hence we select its meaning as
Yam. Kal (H$mb•) do both things, destruction and
construction. For example, from birth to age of 33, body
of man grows. After 33 till old age its ages or deceases.
So in a life cycle, along with Time (H$mb•) a human being
faces both positive and negative phases. But when Yam
comes, it means “THE END” Hence in this shlok we
selected Yam as meaning of (H$mb•).

Assurance of victory by Yamraj to Arjun :-

Vñ_mV² Ëd_² CoÎmð> `e: b^ñd oOËdm eÌyZ² ^wS²>úd amÁ`_²

11:33 g_¥ Õ_² &
(Vñ_mV²) Therefore (gì`-gmoMZ) (O Arjun) the one
_`m Ed EV{ oZhVm: [yd©_² Ed oZo_Îm-_mÌ_² ^d gì`-gmoMZ² who can shoot arrows with both hands (Ëd_²)
&&33&& you (CoÎmð>) arise (b^ñd) and attain (oOËdm) victory
Therefore, O Arjun (the one who can shoot (over) (eÌyZ) enemy (^wL>úd) (and) enjoy (`e•)
arrows with both hands) you arise, and attain honor (g_¥Õ_²) prosperity (amÁ`_²) (from) kingdom
victory (over) enemy, (and) enjoy honor, (^d) (you) become (_mÌ_²) only (oZo_Îm) reason (Ed)
prosperity (from) kingdom. (You) become certainly (EV{) (all) these (oZhVm• [yd©_²) will be killed
only reason. Certainly (all) these will be killed (_`m) by Me (only).
by Me (only).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

Ðm{U_² M ^rî__² M O`ÐW_² M H$U©_² VWm AÝ`mZ² Ao[ `m{Y-

11:34 dramZ² & (Ðm{Êm_²) Dronacharya (M) and (^rî__²) Bhishm (M)
_`m hVmZ² Ëd_² Ooh _m ì`oWð>m: `wÜ`ñd O{Vm Aog aU{ and (O`ÐW_²) Jayadrath (M) and (H$U©_²) Karn (AÝ`mZ²)
g[ËZmZ² &&34&& other (`m{Y dramZ²) brave warriors (VWm) also (hVZ²)
Dronacharya and Bhishm and Jayadrath and will be killed (_`m) by Me (Ëd_²) you (only) (Ooh)
Karn, (and) other brave warriors also will be slay (them) (_m ì`oWð>m•) don't be afraid (`wÜ`ñd)
killed by Me. You (only) slay (them). Don't be fight (O{Vm Aog) you shall be victorious (aU{) in
afraid (and) fight. You shall be victorious in battle (g[ËZmZ²) (against) enemies.
battle (against) enemies.

Arjun again expresses gratitude to God :-

EVV² lwËdm dMZ_² H{$edñ` H¥$V-A‚mob: d{[_mZ: oH$arQ>r & (g§O` CdmM) Sanjay said (lwËdm) hearing (EVV²) these
11:35 Z_ñH¥$Ëdm ^y`: Ed Amh H¥$îU_² g-JwX²JX_² ^rV-^rV: (dMZ_²) words (H{$edñ`) from Shri Krishna (oH$arQ>r)
àUå` &&35&& the crowned one (Arjun) (d{[_mZ•) (in) trembling
Sanjay said, hearing these words from Shri (condition) (H¥$V-AÄOob•) with joined palms
Krishna, the crowned one (Arjun) (in) (Z_ñH¥$Ëdm) expressed his gratitude (Ed) certainly
trembling (condition) with joined palms (^rV• ^rV•) overwhelmed (^y`•) (he) again (àUå`)
expressed his gratitude. Certainly bowed down (and) (g-JX²JX_²) in soft voice (Amh)
overwhelmed (with fear and gratitude) (he)
spoke (H¥$îU_²) to Krishna.
again bowed down (and) in soft voice and
spoke to Krishna.

ñWmZ{ öfrH$-B©e Vd àH$rË`m© OJV² àöî`oV AZwaÁ`V{ M & (AOw©Z CdmM²) Arjun said (Be) O God (you revealed
11:36 ajm§ og ^rVmoZ oXe: ÐdoÝV gd}$ Z_ñ`oÝV M ogÕ-gS²>Km: yourself) (ñWmZ{) in place of (öfrH{$e) Krishna
Arjun said, O God (You revealed yourself) in (àH$rË`m©) by the glories (Vd) yours (OJV) the entire
place of Krishna. By the glories of yours, the world (AZwaÁ`V{) is filled with love (àöî`oV) and
entire world is filled with love and rejoicing. rejoicing (M) and (ajm§og) the demons (ÐdoÝV) are
And the demons are fleeing fearfully in all fleeing (^rVmoZ) fearfully (oXe•) in all directions
directions. And all groups of perfect saints (M) and (gd}) all (ogÕ gL>Km) groups of perfect
bow down (to you). saints (Z_ñ`oÝV) bow down (to you).

Note:- When Yam appeared everyone was feeling

heat and fear. But with God, everyone become
comfortable and happy.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

H$ñ_mV² M V{ Z Z{_aZ² _hm-AmË_Z² Jar`g{ ]«÷U: Ao[

11:37 AmoX-H$Ì} & (O God) (Ëd_²) you are (Aja_²) immortal God of
AZÝV X{d-B©e OJV²-oZdmg Ëd_² Aja_² gVAgV² VV²- (AgV²) this world (gV²) hereafter (VV² [a_² `V²) (and)
[a_² `V² &&37&& that which is beyond (Jar`g{) greater than
(O God), you are immortal God of this world, (imagination) (AmoX H$Ì}) the original creator (Ao[)
hereafter, (and) that which is beyond. Greater than (]«÷U•) brahma (AZÝV) the timeless one (X{d
than (imagination). The original creator than B©e) God of devtas (angels) (OJV² oZdmg) refuge of
brahma. The timeless one. God of devtas the universe (H$ñ_mV²) (then) why (_hm AmË_Z²) the
(angels). Refuge of the universe. (Then) why Great personality (Krishna) (Z) should not
the Great personality (Krishna) should not (Z_{aZ²) bow down (V{) to you.
bow down to you.

Ëd_² AmoX-X{d: [wéf: [wamU: Ëd_² Añ` odídñ` [a_²

11:38 oZYmZ_² &
(O God) (Ëd_²) you are (AmoX X{d•) God who is
d{Îmm Aog d{Ú_² M [a_² M Ym_ Ëd`m VV_² odíd_² AZÝV- before everyone ([wamU•[wéf•) earliest personality
é[ &&38&& (Ëd_²) you are ([a_²) supreme (oZYmZ_²) refuge of
(O God) You are God, who is before everyone. (odûdñ`) universe (d{Îmm{) (you) know everything
Earliest personality. You are supreme. Refuge (Aog d{Ú_) you are one who should be known (M)
of universe. (You) know everything. You are and ([a_² Ym_) the supreme abode (heaven is
one who should be known. And the supreme yours) (AZÝV) infinite (é[_²) creation (VV_²) which
abode (heaven is yours). Infinite creation pervade (odûdñ`) the universe (Ëd`m) (is) by you.
which pervade the universe (is) by You.

11:39 dm`w : `_: Ao¾: déU: eím-AS²>H$: àOm[oV: Ëd_² à-

o[Vm_h: M &
O Lord you are one God of (dm`w•) wind (`_•)
angel of death (Ao¾•) fire (déU) water (ee-AL>H$•)
Z_: Z_: V{ AñVw ghó-H¥$Ëd: [wZ:M ^y`: Ao[ Z_: Z_: V{
&&39&& angel of moon. (àOm[oV:) O lord of masses (Ëd_²)
O Lord you are God of wind, angel of death, you (are) (à) earlier than (o[Vm_h•) brahma (M) and
fire, water and angel of moon. O lord of (Z_•) (I express) my respect (salutation) (Z_•-V{-
masses, you (are) earlier than brahma. And (I AñVw-ghñÌ-H¥$Ëdm) let there be my salutation to you a
express) my respect (salutation). Let there be thousand times ([wZ•M ^y`• Ao[ Z_•) again and again
my salutation to you a thousand times. Again my salutation to you (Z_• V{) I bow down before
and again my salutation to you. I bow down you, (O my lord.)
before you (O my lord.)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

Z_: [añVmV AW [¥ð>V: V{ Z_: AñVw V{ gd©V: Ed gd© & (O God, I) (Z_•) offer my salutation (V{) to you
11:40 AZÝV-dr`© Ao_V-odH«$_: Ëd_² gd©_² g_mßZm{of VV: Aog ([wañVmV²) from the front (AW) and ([¥ð>V•) from rear
gd©: &&40&&
(Z_• AñVw) (O God) I offer my salutation (V{) to you
(O God, I) offer my salutation to you from the
(gd©V:) from all sides (O God) (V{) you are (gd©)
front and from rear. (O God) I offer my
everything (to me) (O God) (you have) (AZÝV-
salutation to you from all sides.(O God) you
are everything (to me). (O God) (you have) dr`©) infinite power (Ao_V odH«$_•) infinite valor and
infinite power, infinite valor and might. You might (Ëd_²) (O God) you (g_mßZm{of) you have
have covered (you have control on) covered (have control on) (gd©_²) everything
everything. Thus (for) me (you) are (VV•) thus (for me) (Aog) (you) are (gd©)
everything. everything.
Arjun expresses his Apology :-
gIm BoV _Ëdm àg^_² `V² Cº$_² h{ H¥$îUm h{ `mXd h{ gIm (_Ëdm) Thinking (you) (BoV) as (gIm) (my) friend
11: BoV& (àg^_) in hurry (`V²) whatever (CÎH$_²) I said (to
AOmZVm _oh_mZ_² Vd BX_² _`m à_mXmV² àU`{Z dm Ao[
41-42 &&41&& you) (BoV) such as (h{ H¥$îU) O Krishna (h{ `mXd) O
`V² M Adhmg-AW©_² AgV²-H¥$V: Aog odhma eæ`m AmgZ ^m{OZ{fw & Yadav (h{ gIm) O my dear friend (AOmZV) not
EH$: AWdm Ao[ AÀ`wV VV² g_j_² VV² jm_`{ Ëdm_² Ah_² Aà_{`_² &&42&& knowing (Vd) your (_oh_mZ_²) greatness (BX_²) this
Thinking (you) as (my) friend, in hurry (mistake committed) (_`m) by me (dm Ao[) or else
whatever I said (to you), such as O Krishna, O (this happened because of my) (à_mXmV²)
Yadav, O my dear friend. Not knowing your foolishness (àU`{Z) or out of love.
greatness this (mistake committed) by me, or While (odhma) relaxing (eæ`m) laying down (AmgZ)
else (this happened because of my) sitting (^m{OZ{fw) eating (Ao[) also (EH$•) in privacy
foolishness or out of love. (Awdm) or (VV²-g_j_²) infront of others (Adhmg AW©_²) for
joking (AgV H¥$V•) disrespectfully (AÀ`wV) (I said)
While relaxing, laying down, sitting, eating,
also in privacy, or infront of others, for joking, Krishna (`V²) or whatever (VV²) for all that (Ah_²) I
disrespectfully (I said) Krishna or whatever, (jm_`) beg forgiveness (Ëdm_²) from you (Aà_{`_²) O
for all that I beg forgiveness from you, O immeasurable.
o[Vm Aog bm{H$ñ` Ma AMañ` Ëd_² Añ` [yÁ`: M Jwé:
11:43 Jar`mZ² & (O God) (Aog) you are (o[Vm) the father (creator
Z ËdV² -g_: AoñV Aä`oYH$: Hw$V: AÝ`: bm{H$-Ì`{ Ao[ AoàV_ à^md of) (Ma) living (AMañ`) non-living (things) (Añ`)
&&43&& of this (bm{H$ñ`) entire universe (Ëd_²) you ([yÁ`•)
(O God) you are the father (creator of) living deserve to be worshiped (M) and (Jwé•) spiritual
and non-living (things) of this entire universe. master (Z) no one (AoñV) has (Jar`mZ²) glories
You deserve to be worshiped and spiritual (greatness) (g_•) equal (ËdV²) to you (bm{H$ Ì`{) in
master. No one has glories (greatness) equal to the three worlds (Hw$V•) who (AÝ`•) else (Aä`oYH$•)
you in the three worlds. who else could be greater (you) (Ao[) certainly (AàoV_ à^md) you
greater (than you)? Certainly you don't have a don't have a form, and beyond imagination.
form, and (you are) beyond imagination.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

11:44 B©Vñ_mV²
Sç_² &
àUå` àoUYm` H$m`_² àgmX`{ Ëdm_² Ah_² B©e_² (B©L>`_²) Most respected (B©e_²) God (Ah_²) I (àUå`)
bow down (H$m`_²) (my) body (àoUYm`) and
o[Vm Bd [wÌñ` gIm Bd g»`w: oà`: oà`m`m: Ah©og X{d gm{Tw_² &&44&& prostrate (to you) (àgmX`{ Ëdm_²) to receive your
O Most respected God, I bow down (my) body, blessing. (Vñ_mV²) therefore (just) as (Bd) father
and prostrate to you, to receive your blessing. (tolerates mistake of) (o[Vm) son. ([wÌñ`) just as
Therefore (just) as father (tolerates mistake of) (Bd) a friend (remain tolerant) (gIm•) with a
son, just as a friend (remain tolerant) with a friend. (g»`w) a lover (oà`•) with the beloved.
friend, (just as) a lover (remain tolerant) with (Ah©og) you should (X{d) O God (gm{Ty>) forgive (me).
the beloved. you should, O God forgive (me).

Arjun requests again to see majestic creation of God :-

AÑï>-[yd©_² öofV: Aoñ_ Ñï²>dm ^`{Z M àì`oWV_² _Z: _{ & (Aoñ_) I am (öofV•) happy by (Ñï²>dm) having seen
11:45 VV² Ed _{ Xe©` X{d é[_² àgrX X{d-B©e OJV²-oZdmg &&45&& (AÑï [yd©_²>) that which has not been seen before.
I am happy by having seen that which has not (After looking at Yamraj) (_{) my (_Z•) mind (M)
been seen before. (After looking at Yamraj) is also (àì`oWV_²) trembling (^`{Z) because of fear.
my mind is also trembling because of fear. O (X{d B©e) O God of devtas (OJV² oZdmg) refuge of the
God of devtas, refuge of the universe, please universe (àgrX) please have mercy (on me) (Xe©`)
have mercy (on me) and show me (again) that show (_{) me (again) (VV) that (view of) (X{d é[_²)
(view of) divine majestic creation. divine majestic creation.

11:46 oH$aroQ>
Ed &
Z_² JoXZ_² MH«$hñV_² BÀN>mo_ Ëdm_² Ðïx>_² Ah_² VWm (O God) (Ah_²) I (BÀN>mo_) wish to (Ðïx>_²) see (Ëdm_²)
your (majestic creation again) (such as)
V{Z-Ed é[{U MVw:^wO{Z ghó-]mhm{ ^d odíd-_yV}> &&46&&
(oH$oaoQ>Z_²) crown (stars) (JoXZ_²) (comets) club
(O God) I wish to see your (majestic creation
(MH«$hñV_²) (galaxies) disc (VWm) and (Ed) also (V{Z)
again), (such as) crown (stars), (comets) club,
your (é[{U) majestic creation. (Ed) such as (MVwa
(galaxies) disc, and also your (other) majestic
creation. Such as (Angels with) four arms, ^wO{Z) (angels with) four arms (ghñÌ ]mhm{) (angels
(Angels with) a thousand arms. O basic source with) a thousand arms (^d) o basic source of
of forms of (this) universe. (_yV}) forms of (odûd) (this) universe.

God turn-down request of Arjun :-

God said, (AOw©Z) O Arjun (àgÞ{Z) to please (Vd)
lr ^JdmZCdmM _`m àgÞ{Z Vd AOw©Z BX_² é[_² [a_²
11:47 Xoe© V_² AmË_-`m{JmV²
you (BX_²) these ([a_²) majestic (é[_²) creation
V{O:_`_² odíd_² AZÝV_² AmÚ_² `V² _{ ËdV² AÝ`{Z Z Ñï>-[yd©_² &&47&& (Xoe©V_²) shown (_`m) by Me (AmË_ `m{JmV²) (which
(God said) O Arjun, to please you these majestic are) related to Me (V{O• _`_²) and are in form of
creation shown by Me, (which are) related to Me, effulgence/light (odûd_²) (spreads in) universe
and are in form of effulgence/light (spreads in) (AZÝV_²) and unlimited. (`V²) (and) which is (_{)
universe, and unlimited. (And) which is My My (AmÚ_²) original or primeval (light). ([wd©_²)
original or primeval (light). Before you and no one before (ËdV²) you (AÝ`{Z Z) and no one else (Ñï>) has
else has seen it. seen it.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

11:48 ZEd_²d{X-`k AÜ``Z¡: Z XmZ¡: Z M oH«$`mo^: Z V[m{o^: CJ«¡: &

é[: e·`: Ah_² Z¥-bm{H{$ Ðïx>_² ËdV² AÝ`{Z Hw$é-àdra
(Observing My Tej or effulgence or light) is
not possible at will of any human being) (Z d{X `k
AÜ``Z¡•) neither (it is possible) by study of holy
(observing My Tej or effulgence or light) is not
vedas (Z XmZ¡) nor by giving charity (Z M oH«$`mo^•)
possible at will of any human being). Neither
and neither (it is possible) by performing
(it is possible) by study of holy vedas, nor by
rituals (Z V[m{o^• C¾¡•) nor performing severe
giving charity. And neither (it is possible) by
prayer (meditation) (Z¥-bm{H{$) in this mortal
performing rituals, nor performing severe
world (Ah_²) I (have made) (e·`•) possible (Ðï²>_)
prayer (meditation). In this mortal world I
(have made) possible to see these divine to see (Ed_² é[•) these divine creation (AÝ`{Z) no
creation no other one, except you, O the best other one (ËdV²) except you (Hw$é $àdra) O the best
among Kuru-worrior. (Arjun) among Kuru-worrior. (Arjun)

_m V{ ì`Wm _m M od_yT>-^md: Ñï²>dm é[_² Km{a_² B©µÑH²$ __ (_m-V{) you should not be (ì`Wm) afraid (_m M) and
11:49 BX_² & you should not be (od_yT>• ^md•) confused (Ñï²>dm) on
ì`[{V-^r: àrV-_Zm: [wZ: Ëd_² VV² Ed _{ é[_² BX_² à[í` seeing (__) my (B©ÑH²$) such (Km{a_²) terrible (é[_²)
&&49&& creation (Yamraj) (Ed) certainly (ì`[{V àoV) be free
You should not be afraid, and you should not from fear (àoV _Zm•) (and with) cheerful mind
be confused on seeing my such terrible (Ëd_²) you ([wZ•) again (à[í`) look at (_{) my (VV²)
creation (Yamraj). Certainly be free from fear, that (é[_²) majestic creation.
(and with) cheerful mind you again look at my
that majestic creations.

11:50 BoV AOw©Z_² dmgwX{d: VWm C·Ëdm ñdH$_² é[_² Xe©`m_² Amg
(M) and (C·Ëdm) saying (BoV) in this way (ñdH$_²)
with his power God (Xe©`m_mg) displayed (^w`:)
Amídmg`m_² Amg M ^rV_² EZ_² ^yËdm [wZ: gm¡å` d[w: _hm-
AmË_m &&50&& again (é[_²) his creation (g•) in place of (dmgwX{d)
And saying in this way, with his power, God Shri Krishna (VWm) in that way (Amídmg`m_² Amg) to
displayed again his creation in place of Shri console (^rV_²) frightened (AOw©Z_²) Arjun (d[w:)
Krishna. In that way, to console frightened body of (gm¡å`) friend (_hm-AmË_m) and great
Arjun, body of friend, and great personality personality (Krishna) (^yËdm) appeared ([wZ•)
(Shri Krishna) appeared again. again.

Ñï>dm BX_² _mZwf_² é[_² Vd gm¡å`_² OZmX©Z & (OZAmX©Z) O God (Ñï²>dm) seeing (gm¡å`_) my favorite
11:51 BXmZr_² Aoñ_ g§d¥Îm: g-M{Vm: àH¥$oV_² JV: &&51&& (Vd) your (BX_) this (_Zwî`_²) human (é[_²) creation
Arjun said, O God, seeing my favorite, your (BXmZr_²) now (Aoñ_) I am (g§d¥Îm•) settled (g M{Vm•) my
this human creation, now I am settled. My
mind (JV•) returned to (àH¥$oV_²) my own nature.
mind returned to my own nature. (Normal
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

11: X{lrdm:^JdmZCdmM gw-XwX©e©_² BX_² é[_² Ñï>dmZ² Aog `V² __ &

Ao[ é[ñ` oZË`_² Xe©Z-H$mS²>ojU: &&52&&
God said (gw-XwXe©) (it is) very difficult to see (__)
My (é[_²) creation (or Tej / light) (BX_²) in this
52-53 Z Ah_² d{X¡: Z V[gm Z XmZ{Z Z M BÁ`Om & (way) (`V²) which (Ñï>dmZ² Añ`) you have seen (X{dm)
e·`: Ed_² odY: Ðïx>_² Ñï>dmZ² Aog _m_² `Wm &&53&& Devtas (Angles) (Ao[) also (oZË`_²) always (Xe©Z
God said, (it is) very difficult to see My H$mL>ojU•) wish to see (Añ` é[ñ`) this (my majestic)
creation (or Tej / light) in this (way) which creations. (or light / Tej)
you have seen. Devtas (Angels) also always
wish to see this (my majestic) creations.) (or (Z d{X¡•) neither by study of vedas (Z V[gm) nor by
light or Tej). severe meditation (Z XmZ{Z) neither by charity (Z M
BÁ``m) also not by worship (e·`:) it is possible
Neither by study of vedas, nor by severe (Ed_² odY•) like this (Ðïx>_²) to see (Ah_²) Me. (`Wm) the
meditation. Neither by charity, also nor by way in which (Ðïx>_² Aog _m_²) you have seen My
worship, it is possible to see Me like this. The (majestic creation or light).
way in which you have seen My (majestic
creation or light).

Important divine instructions :-

11:54 ^·Ë`m Vw AZÝ``m e·`: Ah_² Ed_²-odY: AOw©Z &

kmVw_² Ðïx>_² M VÎd{Z àd{ïx>_² M [aÝV[ &&54&&
(AOw©Z) O Arjun (Vw) but (those who don't) (^·Ë`m)
worship (AZÝ``m) anyone else (except Me) (e·`•)
O Arjun, but (those who don't) worship
(it is) possible (that) (Ah_²) I (àd{ïx>_²>) enter in (their
anyone else (except Me), (it is) possible (that)
heart) (Ed_-odY•) like this (faith and belief which
I enter in (their heart) like this. (That means
you got after) (Ðïx>_²) seeing (my creation) (M)
faith and belief will become stronger in Me
and (kmVw_²) knowing the (VÎd{Z) truth (about Me)
which you got after) seeing and knowing the
([aÝV[) scorcher of foes (Arjun).
truth (about Me), O scorcher of foes (Arjun).
Note:- That means who don't worship anyone else
except one God, then God may bless him as strong faith
in God as Arjun got after observing light of God and
many divine personalities.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-10

_V²-H$_©-H¥$V²$ _V²-[a_: _V²-^º$: gS>-doO©V: & ([mÊS>d•) O Arjun, the son of pandu (`•) one who
11:55 oZd¡ a: gd©-^yV{fw `: g: _m_² EoV [mÊS>d &&55&& (_V² H$_© H¥$V) performs all deeds only to please Me.
O Arjun, the son of pandu, one who performs (_V² [a_•) consider Me the supreme (_V² ^yV{fw)
all deeds only to please Me. Consider Me worship only Me (doO© V •) avoids (gL> J )
supreme. Worship only Me. Avoid combining combining together (oZd£a•) has no malice (gd©
together. Has no malice toward all living ^yV{fw) toward all living beings (g•) He (EoV) comes
beings. He comes to Me (he gets My heaven). (gets) (_m_²) to Me.

Note:- Avoids combining together means.

Avoiding prayer of other dieties along with
prayer of one formless God.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-12

Introduction of chapter No. 12

l God says in Bhagwat Gita adhyaye 9 shlok l From 12:13 – 12:19 God describes various
23 that many human beings wish to worship features, natures, habit, attitude and behavior
God. But due to ignorance they do it in of human beings whom God loves.
prohibited way.
l Sloke No. 2:20 is summary of this chapter.
l Main teaching in this chapter is
clarification of misconception about God.
And to guide worshiper for concentration on
one formless God.
l In sloke No. 12:1 Arjun inquires that one
who worships formless God, and others who
worship God in some form. Out of two, who is
l In shlok No. 12:2 God says that
worshiping God in some form is ignorance.
l In shlok No. 12:3 / 12:4 God says that
those who worship formless God, control their
senses, practice patience, and remain engaged
in welfare work, get blessing of God.
l In shlok No. 12:5 – 12:6 – 12:7 God says
that indeed it is difficult to concentrate on an
invisible God. But those who perform all
deeds for God, avoid worshiping deities, and
always try to please and pray God. To such
person, God very soon make him free from
sinful life.
l In shlok No. 12:8 to 12:12 God says that
remain immersed in My remembrance. If it is
not possible read the Holy Veda. If that is also
not possible then do all good deeds prescribed
by God. If that is also not possible then control
yourself, and your senses. And do activities
selflessly. Religious knowledge is better. But
meditation is better than only knowledge. But
selfless service is better than mediation.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-12

Worshiping God in some form is an ignorance :-
AOw©Z CdmM, Ed_² gVV `wº$m: `{ ^º$m: Ëdm_² [`w©[mgV{ & (AOw©Z CdmM) Arjun said (O God) (`{) those (^·Vm•)
12:1 `{ M Ao[ Aja_² Aì`º$_² V{fm_² H{$ `m{JodV²-V_m: &&1&& worshipers (who) (gVV) always (remain) (`w·Vm•)
(Arjun said,) (O God) those worshipers who engaged (in) (Ëdm_²) your ([`w©[mgV{) worship (Ed_²)
always (remain) engaged (in) your worship like this (in some form) (M) and (Ao[) also(`{)
like this, (That means they worship you, but those (who worship you, but as) (Aì`·V_²) the
consider you in some form). And those (who formless (and) (Aja_²) the imperishable,
worship you, but as) the formless, (and) the
immortal God (who name is Om) (V{fm_²) of
imperishable, immortal God (whose name is
them (in these two) (H{$) who is (V_m•) ignorant
Om). Of them (in these two), who is ignorant
(odV²) in knowledge (of) (`m{J) worship?
in knowledge (of) worship?

_o` Amd{í` _Z: `{ _m_² oZË` `wº$m: C[mgV{ & (lr ^JdmZ CdmM) God said, (`{) Those (who) (Amd{í`)
12.2 lÕ`m [a`m C[{Vm: V{ _{ `w·V-V_m: _Vm: &&2&& establish (_o`) Me (_Z•) in their heart (oZË` `w·V)
God said, Those (who) establish Me in their (and) always (remain) engaged (in) (_m_²) My
heart, (and) always (remain) engaged (in) My (C[mgV{) (My) worship (lÕ`m) with faith ([a`m)
worship, with faith (that I am) living creature. (that I am) living creature (C[{Vm) approaching
Approaching Me (in this way), I consider they (_{) Me (in this way) (_Vm•) I consider (V{) they
(are) engaged in darkness (sin, ignorance). (are) (`w·Vm•) engaged in (V_m•) darkness (sin,

12.1 Note :- V_ = AÝYH$ma, A§Y{am, [m[, AkmZ. (Ref. Nalanda vishal Shabd sagar Page No. 499)
odV = OmZH$ma, kmVm, MVwa, oZ[wU (Ref. Nalanda vishal Shabd sagar Page No. 1264)

12.2 Note:- [a`m = Dependent upon another (Monier- williams- dictionary).

(living being or creature)
C[{Vm = One who has approached. (Monier- williams- dictionary).
_{ = To me, my, mine, of mine, unto me.
God is formless (AàoV_-as per sloke No.11:43) and (oZJw©U-). As per sloke No. 13.15 and invisible as
per sloke No.12.3, so considering Him in some living form or creature is ignorance.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-12

How worshiper earns Heaven? :-

`{ Vw Aja_² AoZX}$í`_² Aì`º$_² [`w©[mgV{ &
12.3 gd©Ì-J_² AoMÝË`_² M Hy$Q>-ñW_² AMb_² Yw«d_² &&3&& (Vw) But (`{) (those) who (Hw$Q ñW_²>) sit firmly like
But (those) who sit firmly like mountain. mountain (AMb_²) their mind do not wander
Their minds do not wander. (Concentrate at) (Y«wd_²) (concentrate at) tip of the nose ([w`©[mgV{)
tip of the nose, and worship (and consider Me worship and consider Me as (Aja_²) the
as) the imperishable, (immortal), the imperishable (immortal) (AoZX} í `_² ) the
indefinable, formless/invisible, omnipresent, indefinable (Aì`·V_²) formless/invisible (gd©Ì J_²)
the unthinkable. omnipresent (AoMÝË`_²) the unthinkable.

goÞ`å` BoÝÐ`-J«m__² gd©Ì g_-]wÕ`: & (goÞ`å`) Controlling (BoÝÐ`J«m_Z²) all the senses
12.4 V{ àmß`wdoÝV _m_² Ed gd© ^yV-ohV{ aVm: &&4&& (gd©Ì) everywhere (and all the time) (g_ ]wÕ`•)
Controlling all the senses, everywhere (and all equally disposed (don't have extreme
the time). Equally disposed (don't have emotion) (gd©) always (aVm•) engaged (ohV{) in
extreme emotion). Always engaged in welfare welfare of (^yV) living being (Ed) certainly (V{)
of living being. Certainly they achieve or they (àmßZwdoÝV) achieve or receive or get (_m_²) my
receive or get My (blessing, favor, heaven).
(blessing, favor, heaven).

What to do when we cannot concentrate on formless God? :-

·b{e: AoYH$Va: V{fm_² Aì`º$ Amgº$ M{Vgm_² &
12.5 Aì`º$m oh JoV: Xw:I_² X{h-doØ: Admß`V{ &&5&&
(hr) indeed (Amg·V) Concentrating (M{Vgm_²) mind
(Aì`·V) on invisible (God) (AoYH$Va•) (is) full of
Indeed concentrating mind on invisible (God)
(H$b{e) difficulties (V{fm_²) (for) those (X{h doÕ) living
(is) full of difficulties, (for) those living
creatures (human beings) (Admß`V{) achieving
creatures (human beings). Achieving (right)
path of invisible God is exceedingly difficult. (JoV•) (right) path (Aì`º$m) invisible God (Xw•I_²)
exceedingly difficult.

`{ Vw gdm©oU H$_m©oU _o` g§Ý`ñ` _V-[am: & (Vw) But (`{) (those) who (gdm©oU H$_m©oU) perform all
12.6 AZÝ`{Z Ed `m{J{Z _m_² Ü`m`ÝV: C[mgV{ &&6&& deeds (_o`) for Me (Ed) and (g§Ý`ñ`) give up (`m{J{Z)
worshiping of (AZÝ`{Z) other deities (_V [am•)
But (those) who perform all deeds for Me, and (and) regard Me as the supreme goal (C[mgV{)
give up worshiping of other deities, (and)
(perform) prayer (Ü`m`ÝV•) keeping (Me) in
regard Me as the supreme goal. (And perform)
prayer keeping (Me) in mind.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-12

V{fm_² Ah_² g_wÕVm© _¥Ë`w g§gma gmJamV² &

12.7 ^dmo_ Z oMamV² [mW© _o` Amd{oeV M{Vgm_² &&7&&
([mW©) O Arjun (M{Vgm_²) of those whose mind is
(Amd{oeV) fixed (_o`) upon Me (Z oMamV²) no long
O Arjun,of those whose mind is fixed upon
time (I don't keep them in this difficult
Me, I don't keep them in this difficult condition
condition for very long time) (V{fm_²) to them
for very long time. To them I very soon free
them from ocean of sinful life. (Ah_²) I (g_wX²YVm©) very soon (^dmo_) free them from
(_¥Ë`y g§gma gmJamV²) ocean of sinful life.

_o` Ed _Z: AmYËñd _o` ]woÕ_² oZd{e` & (AmYËñd) Establish (Ed) only (_o`) Me (_Z•) in your
12.8 oZdogî`og _o` Ed AV:CÜd©_² Z g§e`: &&8&& mind (oZd{e`) surrender (]woÕ_²) your intellect (_o`)
to Me (Ed) certainly (AV-DÜd_©²) thereafter
Establish only Me in your mind. Surrender (oZdogî`og) (you will remain) immersed in (_o`)
your intellect to Me. Certainly thereafter (you My (remembrance) (Z) (there is) no (g§e`•)
will remain) immersed in My (remembrance). doubt (about it).
(There is) no doubt (about it).

AW oMÎm_² g_mYmVw_² Z e·Zm{of _o` oñWa_² & (AW) If (Z e·Zm{of) it is not possible (g_mYmVw_²) to fix
12.9 Aä`mg-`m{J{Z VV: _m_² BÀN> Amáw_² YZ§O` &&9&& (or concentrate) (oMÎm_²) mind (oñWa_²) firmly (_o`)
on Me (YZÄO`) O Arjun (VV•) then (BÀN>m) with
If it is not possible to fix (or concentrate) mind desire of (Amáw_²) reaching (_m_) Me (Aä`mg `m{J{Z) get
firmly on Me, O Arjun. Then with desire of
in touch with study of holy Vedas.
reaching Me get in touch with study of holy

Aä`mg{ Ao[ Ag_W©: Aog _V-H$_© [a_: ^d &

12.10 _V-AW© _² Ao[ H$_m©oU Hw$d©Z² ogoÕ Admßñ`og &&10&& (Ao[) If (Aog) you are (Ag_W©•) unable to do (Aä`mg{)
study of holy Vedas ([a_•) then (consider Me)
If you are unable to do study of holy Vedas, supreme (_V² H$_©) the deed which I have
then (consider Me) supreme. The deed which I described (^d) be (_V² AW©_²) doer of those (deed)
have described, be doer of those (deeds) for for Me only (Ao[) in this way (Hw$d©Z²) by
Me only. In this way, by performing deeds performing (H$_m©oU) deeds (ogoÕ_²) perfectly
perfectly, you will receive (Me or My (Admßgog) you will receive (Me or My blessing).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-12

12.11 AW EVV² Ao[ Aeº$: Aog H$Vw©_² _V² `m{J_² AmolV: &
gd©-H$_© [b Ë`mJ_² VV: Hw$é `V-AmË_dmZ² &&11&&
(AW) If (Aog) you are (EVV²) in this way (Ao[) also
(Ae·V•) unable (H$Vw©_²) to do (_V²) My (`m{J_²) prayer
If you are in this way also unable to do My (AmolV•) taking (My) refuge, (VV•) then (Hw$é) do
prayer taking (My) refuge, then do controls of (`V) control of (AmË_dmZ²) yourself (Ë`mJ_²) give up
yourself. Give up expectation of returns of
(\$b) expectation of returns (gd© H$_©) of you good
your good deeds.
(Do good deed selflessly).

l{`: oh kmZ_² Aä`mgmV² kmZmV² Ü`mZ_² odoeî`V{ & (oh) Certainly (Aä`mgmV²) study of (kmZ_²) religious
12.12 Ü`mZmV² H$_©[b-Ë`mJ: Ë`mJmV² emoÝV: AZÝVa_² &&12&& knowledge is (l{ ` •) good (but) (Ü`mZ_² )
meditation (analysis and concentrating of
Certainly study of religious knowledge is religious knowledge is) (odoeî`V{) is better (kmZmV²)
good. (But) meditation (analysis and than knowledge (only reading divine books)
concentrating on religious knowledge) is (H$_© \$b Ë`mJ•) giving up returns of good deed is
better than knowledge. Giving up (of (better than) (Ü`mZmV) meditation (understanding
expectation of getting) returns of good deed is religious knowledge) (because) (AZÝVa_²)
(better than) meditation, (because) thereafter thereafter (finally) (emoÝV•) (you will get) peace
(finally) (you will get) peace by giving up (of (Ë`mJmV²) by giving up (of expectation only).
expectation only).

Who are beloved of God? :-

12.13 AÛ{ ï>m gd©-^yVmZm_² _¡Ì: H$éU: Ed M &

oZ_©_: oZah§H$ma: g_ Xw:I gwI: j_r &&13&&
(God says, that person is dear to Me who is)
(Ed) certainly (AÛ{ï>m) free from malice (gd© ^yVmZm_²)
towards all living beings (_¡Ì•) (who is) friendly
(God says, that person is dear to Me who is) (H$éU•) merciful (M) and (oZ_©_•) selfless (oZah§H$ma)
certainly free from malice towards all living free from egoism (g_ Xw•I gwI•) who remains
beings. (Who is) friendly, merciful and patient in distress and happiness (j_r)
selfless. Free from egoism. Who remains forgiving.
patient in distress and happiness, forgiving.

12.14 gÝVw ï>: gVV_² `m{Jr `V-AmË_m ÑT>-oZíM`: &

_o` Ao[©V _Z: ]woÕ: `: _V² ^º$: g: _{ oà`: &&14&&
(gÝVwï>•) (Who is) contented (gVV_² `m{Jr) always
engaged in prayer (`V AmË_m) having self control
(ÑT>•oZûM`•) firm in conviction
(Who is) contented, (and) always engaged in (commitment/decision) (_o` Ao[© V ) (who)
prayer. Having self control. Firm in conviction dedicated to Me (_Z• ]woÕ•) his mind and intellect
(commitment/decision). (Who) dedicated to (_V² ^·V•) (who is only) My worship (g•) he is
Me his mind and intellect. (Who is only) My (oà`•) very dear (_{) to me.
worshiper, he is very dear to Me.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-12

12.15 hf©`ñ_mV² Z CoÛOV{ bm{H$: bm{H$mV² Z CoÛOV{ M `: &

A_f© ^` CÛ{J¡: _wº$: `: g: M _{ oà`: &&15&& (`ñ_mV²) By whom (bm{H$•) people are (Z) not (CoÛOV{)
agitated (and who is) (Z) not (disturbed) (bm{H$mV²)
By whom people are not agitated (and who is) from people (M) and (`) who is (_wº$:) free from
not (disturbed) from people. And who is free (hf©) pleasure (A_f©) distress (^`) fear (CÛ{J¡•)
from pleasure, distress, fear, anxiety, he is also anxiety (g• M) he also (oà`•) very dear (_{) to Me.
very dear to Me.

12.16 gd©AZ[{-Amaå^
j: ewoM: Xj: CXmgrZ: JV-ì`W: &
[oaË`mJr `: _V² ^º$: g: _{ oà`: &&16&&
(AZ[{j•) Have no expectation from human
beings (ewoM•) pure (pious) (Xj•) honest (CXmgrZ•)
secular (JV-ì`W•) free from all distress (gd©) all
Having no expectation from human being.
Pure (pious) honest, secular, free from all ([oaË`mJr) gave up (Amaå^) undertakings (`•) who
distress, gave up all undertaking. Who (_V² ^·V•) worships only Me (g•) he is (oà`•) very
worships only Me, he is very dear to Me. dear (_{) to me.

`: Z öî`oV Z Û{oï> Z em{MoV Z H$mS²>joV & (`•) One who (Z) neither (öî`oV) rejoice (Z) nor
12.17 ew^ Aew^ [oaË`mJr ^oº$-_mZ² `: g: _{ oà`: &&17&&
(Ûoï>) despair (Z) neither (em{MoV) lament (Z) nor
One who neither rejoice nor despair. Neither (H$mL>joV) wish for gain (`•) one who ([oaË`mJr) gave
lament nor wish for gain. One who gave up up (belief of) (ew^ Aew^) auspicious and omen
(belief of) auspicious and omen. (One who) (^o·V _mZ²) (one who) feel honor in worshiping
feel honor in worshiping (Me). That person is (g•) that person is (oà`•) very dear (_{) to Me.
very dear to Me.

Note For 12.16:- Gave-up all undertaking, means those hobbies, or work which waste time and do not
help for this life and life after death, is given-up. For example-playing cards or chess, gambling etc. They neither help
constructively in this world nor in life after death.

As per Nalanda vishal sabd sagar page No. 156, one of the meaning of CXmg is oZa[{j
Verse of holy Quran similar to Shlok 12.16
Successful indeed are the believers. Those who are humble in their prayer, those who turn away from all that is
frivolous (senseless, lacking seriousness works). Those who pay the Zakat (Donation) and those who safeguard their
chastity. (Holy Quran 23:1-5)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-12

12.18 g_: eÌm¡ M o_Ì{ M VWm _mZ A[_mZ`m{: &

erV CîU gwI Xw:I{fw g_: g‹oddoO©V: &&18&&
(One who) is (g_•) alike (eÌm¡) to an enemy (M)
and (o_Ì) to a friend (VWm) also (g_•) equipoised
(remains patient in) (_mZ A[_mZ`m{•) honor and
(One who) is alike to an enemy, and to a friend. insult (erV CîU) in cold and heat (gwI Xw•I{fw) in joy
Also equipoised (remains patient in) honor and sorrow (oddoO© V •) free from (gL> J )
and insult, in cold and heat, in joy and sorrow, association.
free from association.

Note :- (gL>J oddoO©V•) meaning of these words are

“free from association.” And free from association
means this person does not associate worship of one
formless God, with worship of other deities.

Vwë` oZÝXm ñVwoV: _m¡Zr gÝVwï>: `{Z H{$ZoMV² & (One who remains) (Vwë`) equipoised (oZÝXm ñVwoV•)
12.19 AoZH{ $V: oñWa: _oV: ^oº$_mZ² _{ oà`: Za: &&19&& in criticism and praise (_m¡Zr) remains silent (`{Z
H{$ZoMV²) in all conditions (gÝVwï>) remains satisfied
(One who remains) equipoised in criticism (content) (AoZH{$V•) homeless (oñWa) firm (_oV•)
and praise. Remains silent in all conditions. intellect (_mZ²) feel honor (^o·V) (in) worshiping
Remains satisfied (content). With homeless (Me) (Za•) (such) person (oà`•) (is) very dear (_{)
firm intellect. Feel honor (in) worshiping to Me.
(Me). (Such) person (is) very dear to Me.
Note :- (AoZH{$V•) means homeless (AoZH{$V• oñWa _oV•)
means he is not attached to any place and considers this
whole world as land of God. And all places are equal
and people are equal for him, and on basis of originality
(native place) he does not hate anyone.

Summary of adheyay in Nutshell :-

12.20 `{lÔYmZm:
Vw Y_© A_¥V_² BX_² `Wm Cº$_² [`w©[mgV{ &
_V [a_m: ^º$m: V{ AVrd _{ oà`m: &&20&&
(Vw) Indeed (`{) one who ([`©w[mgV{) has complete
(lÔYmZm•) faith (C·V_²) (what is) said (about) (Y_©)
religion (A_¥V_²) heaven (BX_²) this world (_V² [a_m•)
Indeed one who has complete faith (in what is) consider Me as the supreme God (^·Vm•) (and)
said (about) religion, heaven and this world. worships (Me) (V{) he (AVrd) extremely (oà`m•)
Consider Me as the supreme God (and) dear (_{) to me.
worships (Me), he is extremely dear to Me.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-13

Introduction to chapter No. 13

l God says in holy Quran “ We shall show follows :
them our signs on the horizons (around them)
In Shlok No. 13:1 Arjun wants to know many
and in their souls, until it is clear to them that
details. Basically all these details are
He (God) is the real ( Holy-Q, 41:53)
necessary to understand the greatness of God.
l In chapter no.10 God described His
l From Shlok No. 13:2 to 13:4 is the detail of
creation of this materialistic world which
this field and God. But what we should
expresses His greatness.
remember is that the designer of field himself
l In chapter no. 11 God described His divine will never come in form of field.
or spiritual creation which expresses His
l In Shlok No. 13:5 God says that Brahm-
Sutra described God perfectly. (And Brahm-
l Now in this chapter God is describing the Sutra says God is one)
human being, in which there is miracle of God.
l From Shlok No. 13:6-13:11 God described
The emotion, desire and nature which God
special feature of human body (field). It is
created in human beings and destiny which
basically various kinds of emotions, attitude
God created for human beings, that no robot
and way of life.
can have. It is a miracle, and greatness of God.
A robot or super computer can have high
l Now most of the entrance exams are online
memory, speed, storage etc etc. But whatever
type. In these exams you have a computer with
emotion, attitude God has design in human
internet connection. You are free to type your
being that super-computer or robot cannot
answer using Key-board of computer.
have. This express Greatness of God. Or His
Human being is actually SELF (Soul). It has sign in human- being.
got this body along with various types of
l In Shlok No. 13:12 God says that religious
emotions and 5 types of sensory organs to give
knowledge of this Sanatan dharm is only main
on-line exam.
knowledge other than this knowledge is
Our consciousness is like internet connection. ignorance. (Hence by science or philosophy
So for us this body is our online computer with something goes against this knowledge
internet connection. This thing (our body) by revealed by God then only this divine
which we have to give exam is not just knowledge should be followed)
something in material form only. But it has
l From Shlok No. 13:13 to 13:18 God
intelligence, emotion and consciousness also,
describes His such features which except God
hence it is called a field.
no one can have.
And God is one who is taking our exam. This
l So if any human claims to be God then the
field is also designed by Him only.
features describe in these six Shlok described,
Summary of shloks of this chapters are as he cannot have even one of them. So how
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-13

human being can claim to be God. In Shlok person with divine vision can see that
No. 13:17 God says he is not divided and He whatever is happening in this universe is by
himself does creation, sustenance and God only.
annihilation. (In society generally people believe
l Again in Shlok No. 13:32 - 13:33 and
that these are done by Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar ji.)
13:34 God explains how universe is a live
l In Shlok No. 13:19 God says if a person because of him.
understands human beings and God, then he
will have perfect faith and belief as desired by l In Shlok No. 13:35 is the summary of
God. whole chapter of 13.

l In Shlok No. 13:20 God says, it is God who ******

created destiny and human beings.
l In Shlok No. 13:21 God says, activity,
reason of that activity, and who perform that
activity, all are decided by destiny which God
has created.
l In Shlok No. 13:23 God state His supreme
l In Shlok No. 13:24 God says that one who
understands human being and, destiny
correctly and understands that whatever
happens is as per wish of God, then he will be
successful in hereafter.
l In Shlok No. 13:25-13:26 God says people
should read the Holy Vedas, do good deeds or
listen to divine knowledge and worship God
and get success.
l In Shlok No. 13:27 God says that whatever
has come into existence is due to God and for
human beings.
l In Shlok No. 13:28 - 13:29 God says that
one who sees and believes that this whole
universe is created and sustained by God, only
then he does not degrade his mind and self,
and achieves heaven.
l In Shlok No. 13:30 - 13:31 God says that a

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-13

Understanding God and His great creation human being, along with emotions :
AOw©Z CdmM, (AOw©Z CdmM) (Arjun asked) (H{$ed) O krishna (BÀN>mo_) I
13.1 àH¥$oV_² [wéf_² M Ed j{Ì_² j{Ì-k_² Ed M &
wish (d{oXVw_²) to know (EVV²) all these (àH¥$oV_²)
EVV² d{oXVw_² BÀN>mo_ kmZ_² k{`_² M H{$ed &&1&&
Arjun asked, O Krishna, I wish to know all governing systems of God ([wéf_²) the human
these governing systems of God. The human being (M) and (Ed) certainly (j{Ì_²) the field (j{Ì
being, and certainly, the field, the knower of k_²) the knower of the field (Ed M) and also (kmZ_²)
the field, and also the knowledge, and the the knowledge (M) and (k{`_²) the purpose of
purpose of acquiring knowledge. acquiring knowledge.

BX_² eara_² H$m¡ÝV{` j{Ì_² BoV Ao^Yr`V{ &

13.2 EVV² `: d{oÎm V_² àmhw: j{Ì-k: BoV VV² odX: &&2&& (lr ^JdmZ CdmM) God said (H$m¡ÝV{`) O Arjun (BoV) as
God said, O Arjun, as per those who know the per (odX•) those who know (VV²) the truth (BX_²)
truth, this body is termed as the field. This way, this (eara_²) body (Ao^Yr`V{) is termed as (j{Ì_²) the
one who know this (field), that entity is called field (BoV) this way (`•) one who (d{oÎm) knows
the knower of the field. (EVV²) this (V_²) that entity (àmhw•) is called (j{Ì k•)
the knower of the field.

j{Ì-k_² M Ao[ _m_² odoÕ gd© j{Ì{fw ^maV & (^maV) O Arjun (odoÕ) consider (_m_²) Me (as) (gd©
13.3 j{Ì j{Ì-k`m{: kmZ_² `V² VV² kmZ_² _V_² __ &&3&& j{Ì{fw) (creator) of all the bodies (M Ao[) and also
O Arjun, consider Me (as) (creator) of all the (j{Ì k_²) knower of all the bodies (kmZ_²) the
bodies, and also knower of all the bodies. The knowledge of (mine who has) (j{Ì j{Ì-k`m{•)
knowledge of (mine who has) (created) (created) bodies (and who has) knowledge of
bodies, (and who has) knowledge of bodies, bodies (`V² VV²) that is the (kmZ_²) (true)
that is the (true) knowledge. (This is) My knowledge (__) (this is) My (_V_²) decision.

VV² j{Ì_² `V² M `mÑH²$ M `V² odH$moa `V: M `V² &

13.4 g: M `: `V² à^md: M VV² g_mg{Z _{ e¥Uw &&4&&
(God said) (VV² j{Ì_² `V² M) and what is that body,
(`mÑH$ M `V²) and what is its nature, (odH$mar `V² M `V²)
(God said), and what is that body, and what is
from what (factors) changes take place in it,
its nature. From which (factors) changes take
and what (changes) (g• M `• `V• à^md) who is he
place in it, and what (changes takes place).
that (who) influence it (M VV² g_mg{Z _{ e¥Uw) listen
Who is he, that (who) influence it. Listen from
Me, that (is also) in brief. from Me, that (is also) in brief.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-13

Intelligence and emotion of human being :-

(Which express greatness of God as no computer or robot can have it?)

F$ofo^: ]hwYm JrV_² N>ÝXm{o^: ododY¡: [¥WH²$ &

13.5 ]«÷-gyÌ [X¡: M Ed h{Vw-_X²o^: odoZoíMV¡: &&5&& (About God) (F$ofo^•) great sages has (JrV_) sung
(About God) great sages have sung various (]whyYm) various (N>ÝXm{o^) hymns ([¥WH²$) in different
hymns, in different ways, in many vedas, with ways (ododY•) in many vedas (h{Vw _X²o^•) with the
the aim of benefit to mankind. In hymns of aim of benefit to man-kind (]«÷ gwÌ [X¡•) in hymns
brahma-sutra it is described perfectly. of brahma-sutra (odoZoûMV¡•) it is described
Note:- Brahma-sutra is as follow.

EH$_² ]«÷ oÛVr`{ ZmñV{: Z{h Zm ZmñV{ oH§$MZ.

(There is) (EH$_²) One (]«÷) God (ZmñV{) (there is) no
(oÛVr`{) second (Z{h) never (Zm) no (ZmñV{ oH§$MZ) not a
little bit.
God is one, there is no second one. there is no
(other God). There is not a little bit (other
_hm-^yVmoZ AhH$ma: ]woÕ: Aì`º$_² Ed M & (Main feature of human being (field) is that)
13.6 BoÝX`moU Xe-EH$_² M [ÝM M BoÝÐ`-Jm{-Mam: &&6&& (Ed) certainly (_hm ^yVmoZ) he is superior to all
(Main feature of human being (field) is that) creatures (AhL>H$ma•) he maintains his superiority
certainly, he is superior to all creatures. He (]woÕ•) he is intelligent (Aì`·V_²) he has many
maintains his superiority. He is intelligent. He hidden features or characteristics (M) and (BpÝÐ`
has many hidden features or characteristics, Xe-EH$_²) he has eleven main wishes (M) and ([ÝM
and he has eleven main wishes, and five organs M BpÝÐ`-Jm{-Mam:) five organs of senses
of senses.

BÀN>m Û{f: gwI_² Xw:I_² ñmS>mV: M{VZm Y¥oV: & (BÀN>m) Wishes (gL²>KmV•) to live with (gwI_²)
13.7 EVV² j{Ì_² g_mg{Z g-odH$ma_² CXmöV_² &&7&&
happiness (Û{f•) hates to (Xw•I_²) misery (M{VZm)
Wishes to live with happiness. Hates to
(ability to) think (Y¥oV•) (to remain) patient (EVV²)
misery. (Ability to) think, (and to remain)
all these (j{Ì_²) (ability of field) body (g odH$ma_)
patient. All these (ability of field) body, along
along with emotion also are (g_mg{Z) briefly
with emotion, also are briefly (described here)
with examples. (described here) (CXmöV_²) with examples.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-13

A_moZËd_² AXoå^Ëd_² Aoh§gm jmoÝV: AmO©d_² & (A_moZËd_²) Humility (AX²oå^Ëd_²) pridelessness
13.8 AmMm`©-C[mgZ_² em¡M_² ñW¡`©_² AmË_-odoZJ«h: &&8&& (Aoh§gm) non-violence (jmoÝV) tolerance (AmO©d_²)
Humility, pricelessness, non-violence, simplicity (AmMm`© C[mgZ_²) approaching and
tolerance, simplicity, approaching and following a true spiritual scholar (em¡M_²)
following a true spiritual scholar, cleanliness, cleanliness (ñW¡`©_²) steadfastness (AmË_ odoZJ«h•) self
steadfastness, (and) self control. control.

BoÝÐ`-AW}fw d¡am½`_² AZh§H$ma: Ed M & (d¡am½`_²) Giving up (BoÝÐ` AW}}fw) objects of the
13.9 OÝ_ _¥Ë`w Oam ì`moY Xw:I Xm{f AZwXe©Z_² &&9&& senses (things of enjoyment) (AZh§H$ma•) absence
Giving up objects of the senses (things of of egoism (Ed M) and also (AZwXe©Z_²) always
enjoyment). Absence of egoism, and also keeping in mind (reason and purpose of) (OÝ_)
always keeping in mind (reason and purpose birth (_¥Ë`w>) death (Oam) old age (ì`moY) sickness
of) birth, death, old age, sickness, distress and (Xw•I) distress (Xm{f) faults.

Agoº$: AZo^îdS>: [wÌ Xma J¥h-AmoXfw &

13.10 oZË`_² M g_-oMÎmËd_² Bï> AoZï> C[[oÎmfw &&10&&
(AZo^îdS>:) Absence of craving (for worldly
material) (Agoº$:) not deeply attached with ([wÌ)
Absence of craving (for worldly material). Not
son (Xma) spouse (J¥h-AmoXfw) household matters (M)
deeply attached with son, spouse, household
and (if) (C[[oÎmfw) faces (get involved in) (Bï> AoZï>)
matters. And (if) faces (get involved in)
desirable or undesirable situation, then always desirable or undesirable situation then (oZË`_²)
(adopts) balanced behavior (balanced mental always (adopts) (g_ oMÎmËd_²) balanced behavior
attitude). (balanced mental attitude).

_o` M AZÝ`-`m{J{Z ^oº$: Aì`o^MmoaUr & (M) And (Aì`o^MmoaUr) constant (AZÝ`-`m{J{Z ^o·V•)
13.11 ododº$ X{e g{odËd_² AaoV: OZ-g§goX &&11&& unalloyed attachment and worship (_o`) of
And constant unalloyed attachment and Mine (g{odËd_²) wish to (odod·V X{e) solitary place
worship of Mine. Wish to (stay at) solitary (AaoV) remaining away from (OZ g§goX) assembly
place. Remaining away from assembly of
of general people.
general people.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-13

Merit of religious knowledge :-

AÜ`mË_ kmZ oZË`Ëd_² VÎdkmZ AW© Xe©Z_² &
13.12 EVV² kmZ_² BoV àm{º$_² AkmZ_² `V² AV: AÝ`Wm &&12&&
(AÜ`mË_) The spiritual God (àm{·V_²) declares that
(kmZ) the religious knowledge of this (oZË`Ëd_²)
The spiritual God declares that the religious constant (sanatan dharam) (VËdkmZ) is the real
knowledge of this constant (sanatan dharam)
knowledge (AW©) for this aim (EVV²) all (above
is the real knowledge. For this aim all (above
mentioned) (kmZ_²) knowledge is (Xe©Z_²) shown
mentioned) knowledge is shown (to you).
(to you) (BoV) Hence (AV• AÝ`Wm) other than this
Hence other than this (knowledge) whatever
(knowledge is there) all are ignorance. (`V) whatever (knowledge is there) (AkmZ_²) all
are ignorance.
Special features of God which no one can have :-
k{`_² `V² VV² àdú`mo_ `V² kmËdm A_¥V_² AíZwV{ & (àdú`moZ) now I shall reveal about (VV²) that (]«÷)
13.13 AZmoX _V² [a_² ]«÷ Z gV² VV² Z AgV² CÀ`V{ &&13&& Brahm (`V²) who (k{`_²) ought to be known (AZmoX)
Now I shall reveal about that Brahm. who who is beginningless (Z) (who is) neither (gV²)
ought to be known. Who is beginningless, spiritual (Z) nor (AgV²) materialistic (CÀ`V{) it is
(who is) neither spiritual nor materialistic. It is said that (kmËdm) knowing (`V²) whom (A_¥V_²)
said that knowing whom, such place (heaven) place where there is no death (heaven) (AíZwV{) is
where there is no death, is achieved. That
achieve (VV²) that (heaven) is (_V²) My ([a_²)
(heaven) is My highest spiritual place.
highest spiritual place.
Note :- Existence of God is neither like angel nor like
human-being. His existence can not be explained.

gd©V: [moU [mX_² VV² gd©V: Aoj oea: _wI_² & (gd©V•) Everywhere (VV²) are his ([moU) hands ([mX_²) feet
13.14 gd©V: lwoV-_V² bm{H{$ gd©_² Amd¥Ë` oVð>oV &&14&& (gd©V•) everywhere (are his) (Aoj) eyes (oea•) heads
Everywhere are his hands, feet (everywhere he has
(_wI_²) face (gd©V•) everywhere (bm{H{$) in universe (lwoV-
control). Everywhere (are his) eyes, heads.
_V²) (He has) ears (gd©_²) all (Amd¥Ë`) universe (oVð>oV)
Everywhere in universe he has ears (He is aware of
everyplace of universe). All universe is His (His) creation.

gd© BoÝÐ` JwU Am^mg_² gd© BoÝÐ` oddoO©V_² & (gd©) All (BoÝÐ` JwU) wishes and features (in human
13.15 Agº$_² gd©^¥V² M Ed oZJw©U_² JwU-^m{º¥$ M &&15&& beings are) (Am^mg_²) ignited or illuminated (or
All wishes and features (in human beings are) created by God. But he is) (oddoO©V_²) devoid of (gd©)
ignited or illuminated (or created by God. But he all (BoÝÐ`) wishes (gd©^¥V²) he sustains all creature (but)
is) devoid of all wishes. He sustains all creatures, (Ag·V_²) he is not attached to anyone (Ed) indeed (he
(but) He is not attached to anyone. Indeed (he is) is) (JwU ^m{º¥$) creator of all features (M) but (oZJw©U_²) he is
creator of all features (in living being), but he is free from any features.
free from any features. (tendencies, emotions,
oVï>Zm = ]ZZm, aMZm (Zmb§Xm odembeãXH$m{e [{O Z§. 523)
13.14 oVð>Zm= R>haZm (Zmb§Xm odembeãXH$m{e [{O Z§. 523)
AmdV©= g§gma (Zmb§Xm odembeãXH$m{e [{O Z§. 134)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-13

13.16 gy]oh:ú_Ëdm_²
AÝV: M ^yVmZm_² AMa_² Ma_² Ed M &
VV² Aodk{`_² Xya-ñW_² M AoÝVH{$ M VV² &&16&&
(VV²) He (is) (]oh•) outside (AÝV•) inside of (^yVmZm_²)
all living beings (M) and (AMa_² Ma_²) all moving
He (is) outside, inside, of all living beings and and nonmoving (things) (gyú_Ëdm_²²) he is subtle
all moving and nonmoving (things). He is (Aodk{`_²) incomprehensible (VV²) he (is) (Xya) far
subtle, incomprehensible. He (is at) far off
off (ñW_²) place (M) and (AoÝVH{$) very near.
place, and very near.
Note :- Read Note No.1 to understand about features of

13.17 ^yAod^º$_² M ^yV{fw od^º$_² Bd M oñWV_² &

V-^V¥© M VV² k{`_² J«ogîUw à^odîUw M &&17&&
(God is) (Aod^·V_²) without division (M) and (He
has created) (^yV{fw) all living beings (M) and
(od^·V_² Bd M oñWV_²) divided (them in various
(God is) without division, and (He has categories) and kept them stable (does not
created) all living beings, and divided (them in allow them to get hybrid, extinct, or harmful to
various categories and kept them stable. (does nature, or others) (M) and (^yV ^V¥©) He sustains
not allow them to get hybrid, extinct, or (provides food) to all living entities (k{`_²) (you
harmful to nature, or others). And He sustains should) know that (VV²) He is (à^odîUw) the creator
(provides food) to all living entities.(you (M) and (J«ogîUw) annihilator.
should) know that He is the creator, and

Note For 13.17:- In society it is believed that Vishnu sustains the living being, Brahma creates the
living being, and Shankar ji annihilates the living being.
In this shlok God clarifies that He is not divided in three, but creation, sustenance and annihilator He does himself.

Verse of holy Quran similar to shlok no. 13.17

Say, O God, (you are) supreme ruler of all monarchs (rulers). You bestow sovereignty (power to rule) on whom you
will and take it away from whom you please. You give honour to whoever you will, and humiliate whoever you will.
All that is good lies in your hards. You have control over everything. You cause the night to pass into the day and the
day into the night. You bring forth the living from the lifeless and the lifeless from the living. You give unlimited
wealth to whom you wish. (Holy Quran 3:26-27)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-13

Á`m{oVfm_² Ao[ VV² Á`m{oV: V_g: [a_² CÀ`V{ & (CÀ`V{) God says that (VV²) He is (Ao[) also (Á`m{oV)
13.18 kmZ_² k{`_² kmZ-Jå`_² öoX gd©ñ` odoð>V_² &&18&& the light (knowledge of) (Á`m{oVfm_²) (of)
luminous objects (scholars) ([a_²) (He is)
God says that, He is also the light (knowledge beyond (V_g:) the darkness (ignorance) (He
of) luminous objects (scholars). (He is)
could not be understood without knowledge of
beyond the darkness (ignorance). (He could
divine scriptures) (k{`_²) (he) could be known
not be understood without knowledge of
(kmZ_²) (by) knowledge only (kmZ-Jå`_²) (he)
divine scriptures). (He) could be known (by)
knows everything because (odoð>V_²) he is
knowledge only. (He) knows everything,
because He is situated in the heart of everyone. situated (öoX) in the heart of (gd©ñ`) everyone.

BoV j{̧ VWm kmZ§ k{`§ Mm{º§$ g_mgV: & (g_mgV•) (O Arjun) briefly (about) (j{Ì_²) body
13.19 _V²-^º$: EVV² odkm` _V^mdm` C[[ÚV{ &&19&& (kmZ_²) the knowledge (VWm) and (k{`_²) one who
should be known (God) (C·V_²) was revealed (to
(O Arjun) Briefly (about) body, the you. God says that) (odkm`) after understanding
knowledge, and one who should be known (EVV²) all these (_V² ^·V•) My worshiper (C[[ÚV{)
(God) was revealed (to you. God says that). will be able to get or attain (_V² ^mdm`) pious
After understanding all these My worshiper nature desired by Me.
will be able to get or attain pious nature
(faith/belief) desired by Me.

Description about Destiny :-

àH¥$oV_² [wéf_² M Ed odoÕ AZmXr C^m¡ Ao[ & (odoÕ) Know (àH¥$oV_²) Destiny (M) and ([wéf_²)
13.20 odH$mamZ² M JwUmZ² M Ed odoÕ àH¥$oV gå^dmZ² &&20&&
human beings (C^m¡) both (Ed Ao[) are also (AZmXr)
Know, destiny and human being both are also (created by) (one who is) without beginning
(created by one who is) without beginning (God) (odoÕ) know (odH$mamZ²) emotions (hate, love
(God). Know emotion (hate, love etc), and etc) and (JwUmZ²) features (patience, humbleness
nature (patience, humbleness etc) are also etc) (M Ed) are also (gå^dmZ²) is created by (àH¥$oV)
created by governing power or creative power governing power or creative power of God.
of God (Qudrat).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-13

(H$m`©) Deed (karma or activity) (H$maU) reason of

13.21 [wH$m`© H$maU H$V¥©Ëd{ h{Vw: àH¥$oV: CÀ`V{ &
éf: gwI Xw:ImZm_² ^m{º¥$Ëd{ h{Vw: CÀ`V{ &&21&& performing that deed (H$V©¥Ëd{) and one who
Deed (activity or karma), reason of performs that deed (h{Vw•) are because of (àH¥$oV•)
performing that deeds (activity) and one who destiny (a system designed by God) ([wéf)
perform that deeds (activity) are because of human being (^m{º¥$Ëd{) experiences whatever (gwI
destiny, (a system designed by God). Human Xw•ImZm_²) happiness and distress (in life is) (h{Vw•)
being experiences whatever happiness and because of (destiny).
distress (in life is) because of (destiny).
Note :- Sanskrit-Hindi Shabdkosh by Pandit
Ishwarchand on page no. 577 has given many meanings
of àH¥$oV• One of the meaning is _m`m, g¥ï>r aMZm _| [a_mË_m H$r BÀN>m.
In other words we can say it is wish or decision of God
as per which this universe works or things happen in the
universe. Destiny is also a condition of human beings
which God has already decided. So when something as
per decision of God happens which is related to the
world, it will be called mother-nature (Prakruti). And if
something happens as per decision of God in life to
human being, that will be called as destiny.

[wéf: àH¥$oVñW: oh ^wS>º{$ àH¥$oV-OmZ² JwUmZ² & ([wéf•) Human beings (àH¥$oVñW•) who believe in
13.22 H$maU_² JwU-gS²>: Añ` gV² AgV² `m{oZ OÝ_gw &&22&& destiny (^wL>º{$) experiences that (JwUmZ²) nature of
Human beings who believe in destiny, human being (H$maU_²) and opportunities or
experience that nature of human being, and reason of something in life is (àH¥$oV OmZ) created
opportunities or reason of something in life is by nature (God) (Añ`) human being (OÝ_gw) takes
created by nature (God). Human being takes birth (JwU gL>J•) along the nature of (gV² AgV²) good
birth along the nature of good or bad from or bad from (`m{oZ) sperm level.
sperm level.
(That means by birth human beings get nature
of good or bad)
Fact about human being, destiny and control of God :-

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-13

C[Ðï>m AZw_ÝVm M ^Vm© ^m{º$m _hm-B©ída: & (C·V•) God says that ([a•) (God is) at the highest
13.23 [a_² AmË_m BoV M Ao[ Cº$: X{h{ Aoñ_Z² [wéf: [a: &&23&& level (as compared to) (Aoñ_Z²) this (world and)
God says that (God is) at the highest level, (as ([wéf•) human being with (X{h{) body (BoV M Ao[) He
compared to) this (world and) human being is also (_hm-B©ída•) supreme God ([a_ AmË_m)
with body. He is also supreme God, superior superior (than) soul (C[Ðï>m) witness (of
(than) soul. (He is) witness (of everything everything from first day to eternity) (AZw_ÝVm)
which happens from first day to eternity), (He
with whose permission things happens (^Vm©)
is God) with whose permission things
sustainer of all living being (^m{·Vm) for whom all
happens. (God is). Sustainer of all living
prayers are done.
being, (And it is God) for whom all prayers are
Note:- [a• means g]g{ C[a, l{îR (Nalanda
dictionary page no. 795)

` Ed_² d{oÎm [wéf_² àH¥$oV_² M JwU¡: gh & (Ed_²) In this way (`•) one who (d{Îmr) understands
13.24 gd© Wm dV©_mZ: Ao[ Z g: ^y`: Ao^Om`V{ &&24&& ([wéf_²) human being (àH¥$oV_²) destiny (M) and (JwU¡•)
In this way, one who understands human basic feature (nature, ability) of human being
being, destiny, and basic feature (nature, (gh) along with (dV©_mZ•) what is happening
ability) of human being, along with what is around (gd© W m) everywhere (that means
happening around and every where (in the situations are controlled and programmed by
world). (That means situations are controlled God) (Ao[) then certainly (g•) he (Z) does not
and programmed by God). Then certainly he
(Ao^Om`V{) take birth (^y`•) again and again (in
does not take birth again and again (in hell).
hell). (That means he succeeds and gets
(That means he succeeds and gets heaven).

Ü`mZ{Z AmË_oZ [í`oÝV H{$oMV² AmË_mZ_² AmË_Zm & (H{$oMV²) Some people (AmË_oZ) by themselves
13.25 AÝ`{ gmS²>»`{Z `m{J{Z H$_©-`m{J{Z M A[a{ &&25&& (Ü`mZ{Z) think deeply (meditate) (AÝ`{) other
Some people by themselves think deeply people by (gmL²>»`{Z `m{J{Z) getting in touch with
(meditate). Other people by getting in touch knowledge of holy Vedas (A[a{) other people by
with knowledge of holy Vedas. Other people (H$_© `m{J{Z²) doing such noble deed which connect
by doing such noble deeds which connect them them to God ([í`oÝV) (understand and) see (the
to God, (understand and) see (the truth about) truth about) (AmË_mZ_²) God.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-13

AÝ`{ Vw Ed_² AOmZÝV: lwËdm AÝ`{ä`: C[mgV{ & V{ Ao[ M AoVVaoÝV Ed _¥Ë`w_²
13.26 But others who don't have spiritual lwoV-[am`Um: &&26&&
knowledge by these (three ways), (they) hear
(Vw) But (AÝ`{) others (AOmZÝV•) not having spiritual
(these knowledge) from others, and worship knowledge (Ed_²) by these (three ways) (lwËdm) hear
God. So those (who) listen and follow also, (these knowledge) (AÝ`{ä`•) from others (C[mgV{) and
certainly cross over place of death (hell). worship God (M) and (V{) those (who) (lwoV) listen
([am`Um•) and follow (Ao[) also (Ed) certainly (AoVVaoÝV)
cross over (_¥Ë`w_²) place of death (hell).

13.27 j{`mdV² g‚mm`V{ oH$oÝMV² gËd_² ñWmda OS>__² &

Ì j{Ì-k g§`m{JmV² VV² odoÕ ^aV-F$f^ &&27&&
(`mdV²) Whatever (gÄOm`V{) comes into being
(existence) (gÎd_²) in these universe, (oH$oÝMV²)
Whatever comes into being (existence) in this
anything (ñWmda) not moving (OL>J__²) (and)
universe, anything not moving (and) moving.
moving (odoÕ) know it (^aV-F$f^) O chief of the
Know it O Arjun, that (is due to) mutual
bhartas (Arjun) (VV²) that (is due to) (g§`m{JmV)
relation between human being (and) God.
mutual relation between (j{Ì) human being
Note :- God wanted to create human being, so he (j{Ì-k) (and) one who knows human being
created this universe. God wants to feed human being, (God).
so he created this solar system and system of seasons.
(Summer, monsoon, winter). When God want to punish
human being, he sends storm, earthquake, draught etc.
So whatever is happing in the universe is because of the
human beings and as per orders of God.

How a faithful worshiper observe this universe :-

g__² gd}fw ^yV{fw oVð>ÝV_² [a_-B©ída_² &
13.28 odZí`Ëgw AodZí`ÝV_² `: [í`oV g: [í`oV &&28&&
(`•) One who ([í`oV) sees (oVð>ÝV_²) existence of
One who see existence of all living beings on (gd}fw) all (^yV{fw) living beings (g__²) on uniform
uniform (divine law of) great God, (that means (divine law of) ([a_ B©ída_²) great God (that means
he sees existence of) all living beings who will he sees existence of) (odZí`Ëgw) all living beings
die one day (depending on) immortal God. who will die one day (depending on)
(Then) he (has divine) vision. (AodZí`ÝV_²) immortal God (g•) (then) he ([í`oV)
(has divine) vision.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-13

13.29 Zg__²ohZoñV
[í`Z² oh gd©Ì g_doñWV_² B©ída_² &
AmË_Zm AmË_mZ_² VV: `moV [am_² JoV_² &&29&&
([í`Z²) (One who) sees (g__²) uniform (divine
law of) (B©ída_²) God (g_doñWV_²) equally present
(One who) sees uniform (divine law of) God (gd©Ì) everywhere (oh) certainly (VV•) then (Z)
equally present everywhere. Certainly, then
(he) never (ohZoñV) degrades (AmË_Zm) his mind
(he) never degrades his mind and himself, and
(AmË_mZ_²) and himself (`moV) and achieves ([a_²)
achieves the supreme destination (heaven).
the supreme (JoV_²) destination (heaven).

13.30 `:àH¥[í`oV
$Ë`m Ed M H$_m©oU oH«$`_mUmoZ gd©e: &
VWm AmË_Z_² AH$Vm©a_² g: [í`oV &&30&&
(`•) One who ([í`oV) see (gd©e•) all (H$_m©oU)
activities (oH«$`_UmoZ) being performed by (àH¥$Ë`m)
One who sees all activities being performed by destiny or God’s governing system (nature)
destiny, or God’s governing system, (nature), (VWm) and (he realizes that) (AmË_mZ_²) he himself
and (he realizes that) he himself did not do (AH$Vm©a_²) did not do anything (Ed M) then
anything. Then certainly he has divine vision. certainly (g•) he has ([í`oV) divine vision.

`Xm ^yV [¥WH²$ ^md_² EH$-ñW_² AZw[í`oV & (`Xm) When one (AZw[í`oV) sees ([¥WH²$ ^md_²) different
13.31 VV: Ed M odñVma_² ]«÷ gå[ÚV{ VXm &&31&& kinds of (^yV) living entities (M) and (odñVma_²)
When one sees different kinds of living expanding (universe) (EH$ ñW_²) established by
entities, and expanding (universe), established one God (VXm) then (VV•) he (Ed) certainly (gå[ÚV{)
by one God, he certainly understands and attains (understand and beliefe in) (]«÷) God.
believes in God.

How God is life (Jaan, Pran) of each living thing :-

AZmoXËdmV² oZJw©UËdmV² [a_ AmË_m A`_² Aì``: &
13.32 eara-ñW: Ao[ H$m¡ÝV{` Z H$am{oV Z obß`V{ &&32&&
(H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjun) (A`_²) this (God
is) (AZmoXËdmV²) without beginning (oZJw©UËdmV²)
O Arjun, this (God is) without beginning,
without any feature (qualities like human
without feature (qualities like human being),
being) ([a_ AmË_m) supreme soul (Aì``)
supreme soul, imperishable (immortal), He is
imperishable (immortal) (eara ñW•) he is in body
in body, but neither do anything nor attaches to
it. (Ao[) but (Z) neither (H$am{oV) does anything (Z) nor
(obß`V{) attaches to it.
Note :- (A solar calculator work on energy of sun.
So in actual Sun is present in solar calculator in some
form. But that Sun neither does any calculation in solar
calculator by itself nor it get attached to it. Similarly all
living beings are alive because of God. But God does
not attach to anyone.)
Read Note No. N-1 to understand God and His features.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-13

`Wm gd©-JV_² gm¡úå`mV² AmH$me_² Z C[obß`V{ &

13.33 gd© Ì AdoñWV: X{h{ VWm AmË_m Z C[obß`V{ &&33&& (`Wm) The way in which (gm¡úå`mV² AmH$me_²) subtle
The way in which subtle space being present space (gd©-JV_²) being present everywhere (Z
everywhere, but not attached to anyone, in C[obß`V{) but not attached to anyone (VWm) in the
same way (light/tej of) God is present same way (AmË_m) (light/tej of) God (AdoñWV•) is
everywhere in body, but not attached to present (gd©Ì) everywhere in (X{h{) body (Z C[obß`V{)
anyone. but not attached to anyone.

13.34 j{`WmÌ_²àH$me`oV EH$: H¥$ËñZ_² bm{H$_² B__² aod: &

j{Ìr VWm H¥$ËñZ_² àH$me`oV ^maV &&34&&
(^maV) O bharta (Arjun) (VWm) the way in which
(EH$•) one (aod•) sun (àH$me`oV) illuminates (makes
O Arjun, the way in which one sun illuminates alive) (B__²) this (H¥$ËñZ_²) entire (bm{H$_²) world (VWm)
(make alive) this entire world, in the same way in same way (j{ Ì r) one God (àH$me`oV)
one God illuminates (makes alive) entire illuminates (makes alive) (H¥$ËgZ_²) entire (j{Ì_²)
(field) body.
(field) body.

Knowledge and faith required to get heaven :-

(`{) (Those) who (odXw) know the (AÝVa_²)
13.35 ^yj{VÌ àH¥j{Ì$oV-k`m{_m{j: _²Ed_²M `{AÝVa_² kmZ-Mjwfm &
odXw: `moÝV V{ [a_² &&35&& difference between (j{Ì) human being (or
(Those) who know the difference between materialistic state of human being) (j{Ì-k`m{•)
human-being (materialistic state of human knower of the body (that means God) (kmZ Mjwfm)
being), knower of the body (that means God), by the eyes of knowledge (Ed_²) and also
by the eyes of knowledge, and also (understands) (^yV) living entities (àH¥$oV) destiny
(understands) living entities, destiny or or governing power of God or nature (_m{j_²) and
governing power of God or nature, and how to how to get forgiveness of God (V{) they (`moÝV)
get forgiveness of God, they attain (get) the attain ([a_²) the supreme (God and his heaven).
supreme (God and his heaven).

Note :- Read Note No. N-13 to understand Moksh.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-14

Introduction to chapter No. 14

1) Once Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said to
Abdullah ibne Umar “you consider yourself to
be among the dead people”.
(Musnad immam Ahmed-bin-hambal)
l A dead person worries only about what
will happen to him after that stage of death.
That means whatever type of life he spent, if
God starts taking account of his deeds, then
what reply he will give to God etc. etc.
l So when a person assumes himself among
the dead people, he will fully concentrate in
pleasing God and some how get His
forgiveness. And will try to spends his life
hundred percent as per teachings of divine
l This state of mind is superior than the
Satvic nature. Aim of this chapter No. 14 is
that we should adopt this state of mind, which
is called Ateet. (AoVV)
l In this chapter no.14, in best possible way
God first described three type of natures, that
is Satvic, Rajasic and Tamasic. Then described
features of each nature. Then in Shlok No.
14:20 gave advantage of deserting all three
nature (Satvic, Rajasic, Tamasic).
l The person who deserts all the three
natures is called (Ateet ). As per nalanda
dictionary, one of the meaning of Ateet is dead
person or someone who has already passed
away. From Shlok No. 14:21 to 14:27
advantage of Ateet is described.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-14

Advantage of divine knowledge :-
(^JdmZ CdmM²) [a_² ^y`: àdú`mo_ kmZmZm_² kmZ_² CÎm__² (lr ^JdmZ CdmM²) God said, (àdú`mo_) I shall explain
14:1 `V² kmËdm _wZ`: gd} [am_² ogoÕ_² BV: JVm: &&1&& (you) (^y`) again ([a_²) divine knowledge (which
God said, I shall explain (you) again the divine is) (CÎm__²) supreme (kmZ_²) knowledge (kmZmZm_²)
knowledge, (which is) supreme knowledge among all knowledge (kmËdm) knowing (`V²)
among all knowledges. Knowing which all which (gd}) all (_wZ`) saints (JVm) attained ([am_²)
saints attained highest perfection through this. highest (ogoÕ_²) perfection (BV) through this.

BX_² kmZ_² C[molË` __ gmYå`©_² AmJVm: &

14:2 gJ} Ao[ Z C[Om`ÝV{ àb`{ Z ì`WoÝV M &&2&& (C[molË`) (By) adopting (BX_²) this (kmZ_²) divine
(By) adopting this divine knowledge, (people) knowledge (AmJVm) (people) attain (gmYå`©_²)
attain nature described by Me. (Then) neither nature described by (__) Me (Z) (then) neither
in this world, nor on becoming alive on Day of (gJ}) in this world (Z) nor (C[Om`ÝV{) on becoming
alive (àb`{) on Day of Judgment (Qyamat)
Judgment (Qyamat) , he will face any misery.
(ì`WmpÝV) he will face any misery.
(Note:- After death our body disintegrates either by
burning or by burying. But on judgements day everyone (C[OZm means to grow, take birth, ([¡Xm hm{Zm, CË[Þ hm{Zm,
will become alive again, and will give account of his CJZm) Nalanda Vishal Shab sagar, Page No.
deeds to God. This process of become alive on day of 161)
judgement is called C[Om`ÝV{ àb`{)

Description of creation of living beings by God :-

__ `m{oZ: _hV² ]«÷ Voñ_Z² J^©_² XYmo_ Ah_² & (^maV) O Arjun (Ah_²) I (am) (_hV² ]«÷) the great
14:3 gå^d: gd©-^yVmZm_² VV: ^doV ^maV &&3&& God (XYmo_) (who) created (J^©_²) the womb (`m{oZ)
O Arjun, I (am) the great God. (Who) created (and) the source of birth (also) (gå^d) is created
the womb. (And) the source of birth (also) is by (__) Me (Voñ_Z²) (I cultivate egg and sperm
created by Me. I cultivate (egg and sperm cell) cell ) in that (VV) in this way (gd© ^yVmZm_²) all living
in that. In this way all living beings come into beings (^doV) come into existence.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-14

gd©-`m{oZfw H$m¡ÝV{` _yV©`: gå^doÝV `m: &

14:4 Vmgm_² ]«÷ _hV² `m{oZ: Ah_² ]rOàX: o[Vm &&4&&
(H$m¡ÝV{`) O Arjun (Ah_²) I am (]«÷ _hV²) the great God
of (gd© `m{oZfw) all source of births (`m) (from)
O Arjun, I am the great God of all source of which (_yV©`) (different kinds of) forms
births, (from) which (different kinds of) forms (species) (gå^doÝV) come into existence (Vmgm_²)
(species) come into existence. And in all and in all (`m{oZ) sources of birth (]rO àX o[Vm) (I am
sources of birth (I am the) creator of basic cell, the) creator of basic cells which germinate (to
which germinates (to form species). form species).

gËd_² aO: V_: BoV JwUm: àH¥$oV gå^dm: & (_hm-]mhm{) O mighty armed one (Arjun) (gÎd_²)
14:5 oZ]ÜZoÝV _hm-]mhm{ X{h{ X{ohZ_² Aì``_² &&5&& nature of goodness (aO) nature of passion (V_)
O Arjun, nature of goodness, nature of nature of ignorance (BoV) these are (JwUm)
passion, and nature of ignorance, these are tendencies (gå^dm) created by (àH¥$oV) governing
(nature or) tendencies created by governing force of God (Aì``_²) immortal God has (oZ]ÜZoÝV)
force of God. Immortal God has bound (them bound (them to the) (X{h{) bodies of (X{ohZ_²)
to the) bodies of human beings. human beings.

Characteristic of Sattvic nature :-

14:6 VÌ gËd_² oZ_©bËdmV² àH$meH$_² AZm_`_² &

gwI gS{>JZ ]ÜZmoV kmZ gS{>Z M AZK &&6&& (VÌ) Among these (gÎd_²) the tendency or nature
Among these the tendency or nature of of goodness (oZ_© b ËdmV² ) purifies (àH$meî_² )
illuminating (AZm_`_²) keeps person sinless
goodness (satvic nature) purifies, illuminates,
(]ÜZmoV) (this nature) binds (gL>J{Z) (person) with
keeps person sinless. (This nature) binds
(kmZ) divine knowledge (M) and (gL>J{Z) attach
(human beings) with divine knowledge, and
(him with) (gwI) peace, prosperity, and
attach (him with) peace, prosperity, and

Characteristic of Rajasic nature :-

aOm{ amJ-AmË_H$_² odoÕ V¥îUm gS²> g_wX²^d_² & (aOm{)Tendency of passion (produces) (amJ
14:7 VV² oZ]ÜZmoV H$m¡ÝV{` H$_©gS{>Z X{ohZ_² &&7&& AmË_H$_²) anger, hatred, injustice in mind (odoÕ)
Tendency of passion (produces) anger, hatred, know (because of this tendency) (X{ohZ_²) human
injustice in mind. Know (because of this being (gL>J g_wX^d_²) gets connected to (V¥îUm) lust
tendency) human being gets connected to lust. (H$m¡ÝV{`) o Arjun (VV²) that (lust) (oZ]ÜZmoV) binds
O Arjun that (lust) binds (human-being) with (human being) (H$_© gL>J{Z) with work activities.
work activities.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-14

Characteristic of Tamasic nature :-

V_: Vw AkmZ-O_² odoÕ _m{hZ_² gd©X{ohZm_² &
14:8 à_mX Ambñ` oZÐmo^: VV² oZ]ÜZmoV ^maV &&8&&
(Vw) But (V_) tendency of ignorance (AkmZ O_²)
born of absence of knowledge (odoÕ) know (it
But tendency of ignorance born of absence of is) (_m{hZ_²) (cause of) illusion of (gd© X{ohZm_²) all
knowledge. Know (it is) (the cause of) illusion human beings (^maV) O son of bharta (Arjun)
of all human beings. O Arjun that (tendency) (VV²) that (tendency) (oZ]ÜZmoV) binds (human
binds (human beings with) negligence, beings with) (à_mX) negligence (Ambñ`) laziness
laziness, (and) sleep. (Ambñ`) (and) (oZÐmo^) sleep.

Effect of nature on human beings :-

gËd_² gwI{ gÝO`oV aO: H$_©oU ^maV & (CV) God says that (^maV) O son of Bharta
14:9 kmZ_² Amd¥Ë` Vw V_: à_mX{ gÝO`oV CV &&9&& (Arjun) (gËd_²) nature or tendency of goodness
God says that, O Arjun, nature or tendency of (gÄO`oV) binds with (gwI{) happiness (aO)
goodness binds with happiness. Tendency of tendency of passion (binds with) (H$_©oU) work
passion (binds with) work or activity. But /activity (Vw) but (V_) tendency of ignorance
tendency of ignorance covers the knowledge, (kmZ_² Amd¥Ë`) cover the knowledge (gÄO`oV) and
and binds with madness, or negligence, or binds with (à_mX{) madness or negligence or
delusion. delusion.

aO: V_: M Ao^^y` gËd_² ^doV ^maV &

14:10 aO: gËd_² V_: M Ed V_: gËd_² aO: VWm &&10&&
(^maV) O son of Bharta (Arjun) (gÎd_² )
(sometime) tendency of goodness (Ao^^y`)
O Arjun, (sometime) tendency of goodness
surpasses (aO: V_: M) tendency of passion and
surpasses tendency of passion, and ignorance,
ignorance (^doV) (and) become prominent (aO:
(and) become prominent. Sometime passion
surpasses goodness, and ignorance, and gÎd_ V_:) sometime passion surpasses goodness
sometime ignorance surpasses goodness, and and ignorance (M Ed) and sometime (V_: gÎd_ aO
passion. VWm) ignorance surpasses goodness, and
What happens when Sattvic nature dominates? :-
gd©-Ûma{fw X{h{ Aoñ_Z² àH$me: C[Om`V{ &
14:11 kmZ_² `Xm VXm odÚmV² odd¥X²Y_² gËd_² BoV CV &&11&& (BoV CV) God say that (`Xm) when (àH$me)
God say that when illumination of knowledge illumination of (kmZ_²) knowledge (C[Om`V{)
develops in all the doors of this body, then develops in (gd© Xma{fw) all the doors of (X{h{ Aoñ_Z)
know that tendency of goodness is increasing. this body (VXm) then (odÚmV²) know that (gÎd_²)
tendency of goodness is (odd¥Õ_²) increasing.

Note:- Doors of body are five sense organs, and

sex organs. If they are used as per religious guidelines,
then nature of human beings becomes satvic or of
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-14

What happen when Rajasic nature dominates? :-

(bm{^ àd¥oÎm:) Increase in lust (Amaå^ H$_©Um_²) good
bm{^: àd¥oÎm: Amaå^: H$_©Um_² Ae_: ñ[¥hm & efforts in activities (Ae_ñ[¥hm) uncontrolled
14:12 aOog EVmoZ Om`ÝV{ odd¥Õ{ ^aV-F$f^ &&12&& desires (E{VmoZ) all these (Om`ÝV{) develop (odd¥Õ{)
Increase in lust, good effort in activities, when there is an excess of (aOog) tendency or
uncontrolled desires. All these get developed nature of passion (^aV-F$f^) O chief of
when there is an excess of tendency or nature descendent of Bharta (Arjun).
of passion. O Arjun!

What happen when Tamasic nature dominates? :-

AàH$me: Aàd¥oÎm: M à_mX: _m{h: Ed M & (AàH$me) Ignorance (Aàd¥oÎm) inactivity, inertia
14:13 V_og EVmoZ Om`ÝV{ odd¥Õ{ Hw$éZÝXZ &&13&& (à_mX) negligence (M) and (_m{h) illusion (EVmoZ) all
Ignorance, inactivity, inertia, negligence, and these (Om`ÝV{) (get) developed (Ed M) certainly,
illusion, all these get developed. Certainly, when (odd¥Õ{) there is an excess of (V_og)
when there is an excess of tendency of tendency of ignorance (Hw$éZÝXZ) O the joy of the
ignorance (Tamsic nature) O Arjun. Kurus (Arjun).

At the time of death when only Sattvic nature will be dominated, then that person will get heaven :-

14:14 `Xm gËd{ àd¥Õ Vw àb`_² `moV X{h-^¥V² &

VXm CÎm_-odXm_² bm{H$mZ² A_bmZ² àoV[ÚV{ &&14&&
(Vw) But (`Xm) when (àd¥Õ{) there is increase (gÎd{)
nature of goodness (àb`_²) (till) death (`moV)
But when there is increase in nature of reaches (X{h-^¥V) to the human beings (VXm) at that
goodness (till) death reaches to the human time (àoV[ÚV{) (he) attains (A_bmZ²) pure (bm{H$mZ²)
beings. At that time (he) attains pure world world (heaven) (CÎm_ odXm_²) of the great sages.
(heaven) of the great sages.

People with Rajasic and Tamasic nature will enter hell :-

aOog àb`_² JËdm H$_©-goS>fw Om`V{ & Note:- As per sloke no. (14:18) people of all
14:15 VWm àbrZ: V_og _yT>`m{oZfw Om`V{ &&15&& these natures will go to hell. Out of them rajas
After death people with tendency or nature of and tamas nature people will have following
passion will be given new life (in hell) among fate
the group of people whose work was a passion. (àb`_²) after death (aOog) people with tendency
Likewise after death, people of ignorant nature or nature of passion (Om`V{) will be given new
will be given life (in hell) in group of (similar) life (in hell) (JËdm H$_© goL>Jfw) among the group of
ignorant peoples. people whose work was a passion (VWm)
likewise (àbrZ) after death (V_og) people of
ignorance nature (Om`V{) will be given life in hell
(_yT `m{oZfw>) in group of (similar) ignorant peoples.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-14

Effect of nature on activities :-

H$_©U: gw-H¥$Vñ` Amhw: gmoËdH$_² oZ_©b_² [b_² & (Amhw) God says that (gmoËdH$_²) because of
14:16 aOg: Vw [b_² Xw:I_² AkmZ_² V_g: [b_² &&16&& goodness nature (gw H¥$VñW) pious (H$_©U) deed
God says that because of goodness nature, occurs (\$b_²) (and then) results (are also)
pious deed occurs, (and then) results (are also) (oZ_©b_²) pure (Vw) but (\$b_²) result of (deed
pure. But results of (deed performed with) performed with) (aOg) nature of passion is
nature of passion is misery, and result of (deed (XwI_²) misery (\$b_²) and result of (deed
performed with) ignorant nature is performed with) (V_g) ignorant nature (AkmZ_²)
foolishness. is foolishness.

Effect of nature on way of thinking :-

gËMmV² gÝOm`V{ kmZ_² aOg: bm{^: Ed M &
14:17 à_mX _m{hm¡ V_g: ^dV: AkmZ_ Ed M &&17&& (gÎdmV²) From nature of goodness (gÝOm`V{)
From nature of goodness develops develops (kmZ_²) knowledge (M) and (aOg) from
knowledge, and from nature of passion nature of passion (develops) (bm{^) greed (Ed M)
(develops) greed, and certainly from nature of and certainly (V_g) (from) nature of ignorance
ignorance develops negligence, illusion, and (^dV) develops (à_mX) negligence (_m{hm¡) illusion
also foolishness. (Ed M) and also (AkmZ_²) foolishness.

Position of people in hell as per three tendencies :-

CÜd©_² JÀN>oÝV gËd-ñWm: _Ü`{ oVð>oÝV amOgm: & (d¥oÎm-ñWm) Dying persons (JwU) as per tendencies
14:18 OKÝ` JwU d¥oÎm-ñWm: AY: JÀN>oÝV Vm_gm: &&18&& (their nature) (JÀN>oÝV) they go (they are kept)
Dying persons as per tendencies (their natures) (AY) in hell (in following way) (gÎd ñWm) person
they go or (they are kept) in hell (in following with goodness tendency (JÀN>oÝV) attains (DÜd©_²)
way). Person with goodness tendency attains upward (side in hell) (_Ü`{) in middle (oVð>oÝV)
upward (side in hell). In middle dwell those
dwell (amOgm) those having rajas tendencies
having rajas tendencies. At the rearest (or
(OKÝ`) at the rearest (or lowest area occupied)
lowest area occupied) by person with ignorant
by (Vm_gm) person with ignorant tendency.
Note:- People of good nature also go to hell
temporarily due to lack of noble deeds)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-14

14:19 JwZUAÝ`_² JwU{ä`: H$Vm©a_² `Xm Ðï>m AZw[í`oV &

{ä`: M [a_² d{oÎm _V²-^md_² g: AoYJÀN>oV &&19&& (`Xm) when (Ñï>m) a wise person (understand that)
When a wise person (understands that) no (Z) no (other force) (H$Vm©a_²) perform (all these
(other force) performs (all these activities), activities) (AÝ`_²) except (JwU{ä`) basic tendencies
except basic tendencies (nature) of people. (nature) of people (g) (then) he (AZw[í`oV) sees
(Then) he sees the truth. (He) knows (that there the truth (d{oÎm) (he) knows (that there is a) ([a_²)
is a) supreme God (who has created these) supreme God (who has created these) (JwU{ä`)
tendencies and (then he) attains nature desired tendencies (M) and (than he) (AoYJÀN>oV) attain (_V²
by Me. ^md_²) nature desired by Me.

Advantage of giving-up all the three natures :-

JwUmZ² EVmZ² AVrË` ÌrZ² X{hr X{h g_wÕdmZ² &
14:20 OÝ_ _¥Ë`w Oam Xw:I¡: od_wº$: A_¥V_² AíZwV{ &&20&&
(AoVË`) (One who) gives up (EVmZ²) all these (ÌrZ²)
three (JwUmZ²) natures or tendencies (g_wäXdmZ²)
(One who) gives up all these three natures or
(which are) created in (X{h) body of (X{hr) human
tendencies (which are) created in body of
being (od_w·V) (he become) free from (XwI¡)
human being, (then he becomes) free from
sorrow of (OÝ_, _¥Ë`y, Oam) birth, death and old age
sorrow of birth, death and old age, and attains
(AíZwV{) attains (A_¥V_²) place where there is no
place where there is no death (heaven).
death (heaven).
Note :- The person who deserts all the three nature is
called AVrV. As per Nalanda dictionary one the meaning
of Ateet is dead person. From shlok no. 14.21 to 14.27
advantage of Ateet is described.

Features of person with Ateet nature :-

(AOw©Z CdmM) Arjun inquired (à^m{) O God (H¡$) what
14:21 (AOw©Z CdmM) are the (obL>J¡) symptoms of (AVrV) that pious
H¡$: obS¡>: ÌrZ² JwUmZ² EVmZ² AVrV: ^doV à^m{ &
person (who gives up) (EVmZ²) these (ÌrZ²) three
oH$_² AmMma: H$W_² M EVmZ² ÌrZ² JwUmZ² AoVdV©V{ &&21&&
(JwUmZ²) tendencies or natures (H$W_²) how (he)
Arjun inquired. O God, what are the symptoms
(AoVdV©V{) gives up (EVmZ²) these (ÌrZ) three (JwUmZ)
of that pious person (who gives up) these three
tendencies or natures (M) and (oH$_²) what (is his)
tendencies, or natures. How (he) gives up
(AmMma) behaviours?
these three tendencies or natures. And what (is
his) behaviour? ((AVrV) has many meaning, one of the meaning
is Dead, Nalanda vishal shabd kosh-page-34)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-14

(^JdmZ CdmM²) God said, (Z Û{oï>) (Pious person)

14:22 àH$me_² M àd¥oÎm_² M _m{h_² Ed M [mÊS>d &
Z Û{oï> gåàd¥ÎmmoZ Z oZd¥ÎmmoZ H$mS²>joV &&22&& neither hate (àH$me_²) fame (M) and (àd¥oÎm_²)
God said (Pious person with nature of Ateet) progress (M _m{h_) family and friends (gåàd¥ÎmmoZ)
neither hate fame and progress, family and (when these things) increased (Z) nor (H$mL²joV)
friends, (when these things) increase. Nor wishes (for them) (oZd¥ÎmmoZ) when they start
wishes (for them) when they start decreasing. decreasing.
Note :- “_m{h_” means illusion, but I translated here as
family and friend. Because they are big source of
illusion. (Bhagwad gita 16.15). We depend on them and as
soon as we die we become bitterly alone.

14:23 JwCXmgrZdV² AmgrZ: JwU¡: `: Z odMmë`V{ &

Um: dV©ÝV{ BoV Ed_² `: AdoVð>oV Z BS²>V{ &&23&& (`) One who (AmgrZ) remains (CXmgrZdV²) neutral
One who remains neutral (does not incline (does not incline toward) (JwU¡) (these three)
toward) (these three) tendencies, (and) does tendencies (Z) (and) does not (get) (odMmë`V{)
not (get) disturbed or agitated or misled by disturbed or agitated or mislead by (dV©ÝV{)
provocation (of these) tendencies or nature (in provocation (of these) (JwU¡) tendencies or
his mind). In this way no doubt he (becomes) nature (in his mind) (BoV Ed_²) in this way no
stable, and does not flicker (lose his balance). doubt (`) he (AdoVð>oV) (becomes) stable and (Z)
does not (BL²>JV{) flicker (lose his balance).

g_ Xw:I gwI: ñd-ñW: g_ bm{ï> Aí_ H$mÝMZ: &

14:24 Vwë` oà` Aoà`: Yra: Vwë` oZÝXm AmË_-g§ñVwoV: &&24&& (For such a person) (XwI) distress (gwI) happiness
(For such a person) distress and happiness are (g_) are alike (ñd-ñW) he remains established in
alike. He remains established in himself. A himself (bm{ï>) a lump of earth (Aí_) stone (H$mmZ)
lump of earth, stone (and) gold are alike (for gold (g_) are alike (for him) (Vwë`) (he is) equally
him). (He is) equally disposed to those who disposed to (oà`-Aoà`) those who are dear to him
are dear to him and the undesirable people. and the undesirable people (Yra) (such person
(Such a person with) patience (in situation of) with) patience (oZÝXm) (in situation of)
defamation (and) praises of himself (remains) defamation (AmË_ g§ñVwoV) (and) praises of himself
equally disposed. (Vwë`) (remains) equally disposed.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-14

_mZ A[_mZ`m{: Vwë`: Vwë`: o_Ì Aoa [j`m{: &

14:25 gd© Amaå^ [oaË`mJr JwU-AVrV: g: CÀ`V{ &&25&& (CÀ`V{) God says that (JwU-AVrV) (one who) gives
God says that (one who) gives up all three up all three qualities (g) for such person (_mZ)
qualities, for such person honor (and) honor (A[_mZ`m{) (and) dishonor (Vwë`) (are) alike
dishonor (are) alike. (For him) friends (o_Ì) (for him) friends (Aoa) enemy ([j`m{) (his or
enemies of (his or any other) parties are alike. any other) parties (Vwë`) are alike ([oaË`mJr) (he)
(He) give up all business. give up (gd©) all (Amaå^) business. (undertaking)

Note :- To understand meaning of (Amaå^) business or

undertaking read note of sloke no. 12:16.

14:26 g:_m_²JwMUmZ²`:g_VrË`
Aì`o^Mma{U ^oº -`m{J{Z g{dV{ &
EVmZ² ]«÷-^y`m` H$ë[V{ &&26&&
(God says) (`) one who (^o·V) does such prayer
(which) (`m{J{Z) connects him to (_m_² M) Me and
(God says) one who does such prayer (which) (AË`o^Mma{U) does not mix it with worship of other
connects him to Me, and does not mix it with deities (g{d{V) and becomes my slave (follows all
worship of other deities, and becomes My My commandments) (g) he (g_VrË`) rises above
slave (follows all My commandments). He (EVmZ) these (JwUmZ²) (three) natures or tendencies
rises above these (three) natures or tendencies, (H$ë[V{) (he) comes (^y`m`) very (close to) (]«åhm)
(He) comes very (close to) God. (To Me). God. (To Me).

Summery of Adheyay :-
]«÷U: oh àoVð>m Ah_² A_¥Vñ` Aì``ñ` M &
14:27 emídVñ` M Y_©ñ` gwIñ` E{H$moÝVH$ñ` M &&27&& (God says) (Ah_²) I (have) (àoVð>m) established
(God says that) I (have) established (this) (]«÷mÊS>) (this) universe (M) and (Aì``ñ`) the
universe and the imperishable place where imperishable place (A_¥Vñ`) where there is no
there is no death (heaven). And religion (which death (heaven) (M) and (Y_©ñ`) religion (emûdVñ`)
is) eternal and of peace and prosperity. And (I (which is) eternal (gwIñ`) and of peace and
am the) one and (first and) last God (there is no prosperity (M) and (EH$moÝVH$ñ`) (I am the) one and
other God except Me). (first and) last God (there is no other God
except Me).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-15

Introduction to chapter No. 15

l This chapter is again for purifying faith in l In Shlok No. 15:4 God says one must
God on higher level. search the heaven which is final destination of
human beings and created by God.
l In adheyay No. 14 what new thing we
learned is the most desired attitude of human l In Shlok No. 15:5 God says that those
beings. And that is rising above Satvic nature human being who are without false pride, don't
and adopting Ateet natures. worship anyone except one God, always
remain engaged in worship of God, and who
This nature means although you are alive but
have patience, will get heaven.
consider yourself to be among death people,
then concentrate fully for preparation of l In Shlok No. 15:6 God briefly described
journey after death. conditions of heaven. He says it is illuminated
not by sun, moon and fire.
l This chapter helps us to prepare for the
journey after death. When a person dies, his Once a companion asked prophet Mohammad
relatives burn him or bury him as per their (pbuh) that in heaven can we visit our relatives
religion. But that is not the end. God says in and stay few days with them. Prophet
shlok no. 15.8 that He will raise all human Mohammad (pbuh) replied. There is no day
beings again on the doomsday or day of and night in heaven. It will have light like what
Qiyamat or parlay. (This concept was written we have at evening.
in previous chapter also in shlok no. 14.2)
l In Shlok No. 15:7 God says that the main
l Then this chapter teaches us what belief power by which human beings are alive are
we should have toward God so that we succeed soul which is from God, in-built six burning
in journey after death and get heaven. desires in him, and his destiny. All these are in
hand of God, when God switches them off,
l Summary and teachings of shlok are as
human being dies.
l In Shlok No. 15:8 God says that the body
l Teaching in shlok No. 15:1, 15:2, 15:3 is
which human being leave behind, God will
that soul gets peace in remembrance of God,
again raise it. It is as easy for God as air easily
and spending life as per Holy Vedas. This
transfers fragrance of flower from one place to
world and our materialistic life is mysterious
like a banyan tree. As its secondary roots hold
the branches to ground. Similarly our nature l In Shlok No. 15:9 God says that all five
and wishes holds our mind and soul to this senses will come alive and human being can
world. God says that cut this root which hold enjoy these senses again.
you with this world, by firm faith in God.
l In Shlok No. 15:10 and 15:11God
l In Shlok No. 15:4, 15:5, 15:6 God describes the feature of learned people who
describes the ultimate destination of human could understand the doomsday or Qiyamat or
being and that is heaven. parlay and how people will come alive.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-15

l Sloke No. 9:23 says that those who supports them.

worship various things, they don't deny the
l In Sloke No. 15:18 God says that as He is
existence of God. In fact they believe in God
superior than body as well as soul, Hence in
and want to worship God only, but due to
this world and in Holy Vedas, He is described
ignorance they do it in the wrong way. From
as supreme entity and praised one.
Sloke No. 15:12 to 15.15 God is removing
such mis-conceptions from them. l In Sloke No. 15:19 God says, O Arjun, who
consider Me in this way supreme entity, he
l People worship, sun, moon, earth and fire.
actually has complete knowledge and he only
In Sloke No. 5:12 God says that light in sun,
can worship Me whole heartedly.
moon and fire is because of Me. (Hence
worship Me only, a formless God). l In Sloke No. 15:20 God says that this is
true knowledge, and after knowing it human
l People worship dharti-mata ( YaVr _mVm ). God
being is able to do what he should actually do.
says in Sloke 15:13 that it is Me because of
whom earth produces grain, and moon ******
produces riping effect in fruits. (Hence
worship Me only).
l In Sloke No. 15:14, 15:15 God says that,
body is alive because of Me. Knowledge and
memory is because of Me. Because of these
things whatever you learn from Vedas, is Me
only. As I am the author of all Vedas and know
its true meaning. (And that basic meaning and
teaching of Vedas is that you should worship
Me alone).
l Another misconception in society is that
people says Atma is Parmatma.
l God is clarifying this concept of “Atma is
parmatma” in Sloke No. 15:16, 15:17 and
l In Sloke No 15:16 God says there are two
types of thing in the universe 1. mortal 2.
immortal. All living things are mortal and the
soul is immortal.
l In Sloke No. 15:17 God says that He
Himself is superior than all things, superior
than soul, He encompasses three worlds and
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-15

CÜd©-_yb_² AY: emI_² AídËW_² àmAmhw: Aì``_² & (lr ^JdmZ CdmM²) God says that, (AûdËW_²) (there is a)
15.1 N>ÝXm§og `ñ` [Um©oZ `: V_² d{X g: d{XodV² &&1&& banyan tree (àmhw•) (which is) said (to be) (Aì``_²)
God says that, (there is a) bayan tree (which is) eternal (CÜd©-_yb_²) with its root growing in
said (to be) eternal, with its roots growing in upward direction (emI_²) (and) branches in (AY•)
upward direction, branches in downward downward direction (`ñ`) its ([Um©oZ) leaves are
direction. Its leaves are Vedic hymns. One (N>ÝXm§og) Vedic hymns (`•) one who (d{X) knows
who knows that, is the knower of the Vedas.
(V_²) that (g•) he is (d{XodV²) the knower of the
AY: M CÜd©_² àg¥Vm: Vñ` emIm: JwU àd¥Õm: odf` àdmbm: &
15.2 AY:M _ybmoZ AZwgÝVVmoZ H$_© AZw]ÝYroZ _Zwî`m-bm{H{$ &&2&& (Vñ`) Its (emIm) (secondary) branches (JwU)
Its (secondary) branches, (which represents) tendencies or nature (àg¥Vm•) extended (DÜd©_²)
tendencies or nature extended upward and in upward (M) and (AY•) in downward (direction)
downward (direction). Twigs (which (àdmbm) twigs (odî`) objects of enjoyment (àd¥Õm•)
represent) objects of enjoyment, develops in develops (AY•) in downward direction (M) and
downward direction. And roots are deed, (_ybmoZ) roots (H$_©) (are) deeds (AZwgÝVVmoZ) keep on
which and binds human beings in this world. growing (AZw]ÝYroV) binds (_Zwî`-bm{H{$) human
beings in this world.
Note:- Secondary roots of banyan tree grow from branches toward the ground. It supports and hold branch
firmly from ground. This represents attachment of human beings with this world.
In case of old banyan tree, it grows in all directions and its branches are having additional roots. So some time it
becomes so huge that we cannot identify its original tree. A single banyan tree in Acharya Jagdish chandra Bose
Botanical garden, near Kolkata city has spread in 3.5 acres land, that is 156,000 sq.feet. This single tree looks like a
Z é[_² Añ` Bh VWm C[bä`V{ Z AÝV: Z M AmoX: Z M
15.3 gåàoVð>m &
(Bh) This world (AûdËW_²) (is like) banyan tree
AídËW_² EZ_² gw-odéT> _yb_² AgS>-eó{U ÑT{>Z oN>Ëdm (C[bä`V{) we can understand (Z) neither (Añ`) its
&&3&& (é[_²) form (Z) nor (AmoX•) beginning (M) and (Z)
This world (is like a) banyan tree. We can neither (we can understand its) (AÝV•) end (VWm)
understand neither its form, nor beginning. and (Z) nor (gåàoVð>m) the foundation (oN>Ëdm) cut (gw-
And neither (we can understand its) end, and odéÕ) very strong (_yb_²) roots of (EZ_²) this (tree)
nor the foundation. Cut very strong roots of (ÑT{>Z) strongly (holding) (eñÌ{U) weapon of
this (tree), strongly (holding) weapon of pure (AgL>J) not-combining. (pure faith in one God).
faith in one God.
Note :- AgS>J means not combining of two thing. In religion gL>J means combining belief and worship of one formless
God along with worship of other deities. So AgL>J mean pure faith in one God.
As per God it is unforgivable sin. Above shlok says that strongly hold belief of one formless God and follow Him. And
one basis of this strong belief removes emotion of attachment with this world.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-15
Description of Heaven :-
VV: [X_² VV² [oa_moJ©Vì`_² `oñ_Z² JVm: Z oZdV©oÝV ^y`: & (VV²) Thereafter (VV²) that ([X_²) place ([oa_moJ©Vì`_²)
15.4 V_² Ed M AmÚ_² [wéf_² à[Ú{ `V: àd¥oÎm: àg¥Vm [wamUr &&4&& one must search out (JVm) (after) going (`oñ_Z²)
Thereafter, that place one must search out where (Z) no one (oZdV©pÝV) comeback (^y`•) again
(after) going where no one comeback again. (V_² Ed M) and then certainly (that person gets)
And then certainly (that person gets) shelter of (à[Ú{) shelter of ([wéf_²) God (who is) (AmÚ_²)
God, (who is) before everyone (original). before everyone (original) (`V) from whom
From whom this old (world) has originated, ([wamUr) this old (world) has (àd¥oÎm•) originated
and expanded. (àg¥Vm) and expanded.

oZ _mZ _m{hm: oOV gS> Xm{fm: AÜ`mË_ oZË`m: odoZd¥Îm (One who is) (oZ) without (_mZ) false pride (_m{hm•)
15.5 H$m_m: & illusion (oOV) having conquered (Xm{fm•) fault
ÛÝX¡ od_wº$m: gwI-Xw:I g§k¡: JÀN>oÝV A_yT>m: [X_² Aì``_² (like) (gL>²J) association (of worship of one God
VV² &&5&&
with other deities) (AÜ`mË_ oZË`m•) always
(One who is) without false pride, and illusion.
engaged in worship of God (odoZd¥ H$m_m•) freed
Having conquered fault (like) association
from wish to enjoy senses (od_w·V•) liberated
(worship of one God with other deities).
Always engaged in worship of God. Freed (ÛÝÛ¡) from the dualities (g§k¡•) such as (gwI Xw•I)
from wish to enjoy senses. Liberated from the happiness and distress (VV²) that (A_yXm•) scholar
dualities, such as happiness and distress. That (JÀN>oÝV) attains (Aì``_²) eternal ([X_²) place
scholar attains eternal place (heaven). (heaven).

Secret of existence of living beings on the earth :-

Z VV² ^mg`V{ gy`©: Z eemS²>H$: Z [mdH$: & (VV²) That (heaven is) (Z) neither (^mg`V{)
15.6 `V² JËdm Z oZdV©ÝV{ VV² Ym_ [a__² __ &&6&& illuminates (gy`©) (by) sun (Z) nor (eemL>H$•) the
That (heaven is) neither illuminates (by) sun moon (Z) (it is also) not (illuminated by) ([mdH$•)
nor the moon. (It is also) not (illuminated by) fire (JËdm) going (`V²) where (Z) no one (oZdV©ÝV{)
fire. Going where no one comes back. That comes back (VV²) that (Ym_) place is (__) My
place is My supreme (place). ([a__²) supreme (place).

__ Ed A§e: Ord-bm{H{$ Ord^yV: gZmVZ: &

15.7 _Z: fð>moZ BoÝÐ`moU àH¥$oV ñWmoZ H$f©oV &&7&&
(Ed) Certainly (Ord ^yV•) living entities (Ord bm{H{$) in
this material world (ñWmoZ) established (are alive
Certainly, living entities in this material world due to) (__) My (gZmVZ•) eternal (A§e•) fragment
established (are alive due to) My eternal
part (fraction of light) (H$f©oV) this world is
fragment part (fraction of light). This world is
working (because of) (_Z•) self (soul) (ñWmoZ
working (because of) self (soul), six senses
BoÝÐ`moU) six senses (wishes) and (àH¥$oV) destiny.
(wishes) and destiny.
Note :- Read Note No. N-17 to understand this shlok.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-15

On day of parlay all human beings will be raised again (come alive) :-
ear`_² `V² AdmßZm{oV `V² M Ao[ CËH«$m_oV B©ída: & (eara_²) The body (`V²) which (human being)
15.8 J¥hrËdm EVmoZ g§`moV dm`w: JÝYmZ² Bd Ame`mV² &&8&& (CËH«$m_oV) gives up (at the time of death) (Ao[)
The body which (human being) gives up (at certainly (AdßZm{oV) on day of Qiyamat (parlay)
the time of death), certainly on day of Qiyamat he gets (it again) (`V²) that which (he left
(parlay) he gets (it again) that which (he left behind) (EVmoZ) these (body which) (g§`moV) goes
behind). These (bodies which) go away, God away (B©ída) God (J¥hrËdm) take (it to the place of
take (them to the place of judgment) like air judgment) (Bd) like (dm`w) air (Ame`mV²) transfers
transfers fragrance. (JÝYmZ²) fragrance.

lm{Ì_² Mjw: ñ[e©Z_² M agZ_² K«mU_² Ed M & (lm{Ì_²) Ears (Mjw•) eyes (ñ[e©Z_²) touch (M) also
15.9 AoYð>m` _Z: M A`_² odf`mZ² C[g{dV{ &&9&& (agZ_²) tongue (ability to taste) (K«mU_²) smelling
Ears, eyes, touch, also tongue (ability to taste), power (M) and (_Z•) mind (Ed) certainly (A`_²)
smelling power and mind. Certainly these these (AoYð>m`) again come alive (hence person
again come alive. (Hence person can) enjoy can) (C[g{ d V{ ) enjoy (odf`mZ² ) objects of
objects of enjoyment. enjoyment.

CËH«$m_ÝV_² oñWV_² dm Ao[ ^w‚mmZ_² dm JwU-AoÝdV_² & (CËH«$m_ÝV_²) After death (oñWV_²) revival of the body
15.10 od_y T>m: Z AZw[í`oÝV [í`oÝV kmZ-Mjwf: &&10&& (dm) or (Ao[) certainly (JwU AoÝd«V_²) revival of
After death revival of the body, or certainly abilities (tendencies/nature) (dm) or (^wÄOmZ_²)
revival of abilities (tendencies/ nature), or enjoyment (by organs) (od_yT>m•) foolish persons
enjoyment (by organs), foolish persons (can) (Z) (can) never (AZw[í`oÝV) understand ([í`oÝV) this
never understand. This could be only could be only visualized by (kmZ Mjwf•) those
visualized by those who can see by who can see by knowledge.

`VÝV: `m{oJZ: M EZ_² [í`oÝV AmË_oZ AdoñWV_² & (`VÝV•) (One who) struggles (`m{oJZ:) to do prayer
15.11 `VÝV: Ao[ AH¥$V-AmË_mZ: Z EZ_² [í`oÝV AM{Vg: &&11&&
(`VÝV•) (one who) struggles (AdoñWV_²) to
(One who) struggles to do prayer. (One who)
establish religion (M) and (AmË_oZ) (one who) can
struggle to establish religion, and (one who)
look into himself (EZ_² [í`oÝV) can see these
can look into himself, can see these things.
things (AH¥$V AmË_Z•) those who don't concentrate
Those who don't concentrate on understanding
themselves, such fools cannot see these things. on understanding themselves (AM{Vg•) such
(That is coming alive again on Day of fools (Z) cannot ([í`oÝV) see (EZ_²) these things
Judgment). (that is coming alive again on Day of
Note :- Read Note No. N-16 to understand parlay or
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-15

Recognise God the great creator and worship Him :-

`V² AmoXË`-JV_² V{O: OJV² ^mg`V{ AoIb_² &
15.12 `V² MÝÐ_og `V² M A¾m¡ VV² V{O: odoÕ _m_H$_² &&12&& (^mg`V{) To illuminates (AoIb_²) entire (OJV²)
To illuminate entire world light that (we get) world (V{O) light (`V²) that (we get) (AoXË` JV_²)
from sun, (the light) which we get from moon, from sun (`V²) (the light) which we get from
and (the light) which (we get from) fire, (MÝÐ_og) moon (M) and (`V²) (the light) which (we
understand that (all these) light (are) from Me. get from) (A¾m¡) fire (odoÓ) understand (VV²) that
(all these) (V{O•) light (are) (_m_H$_²) from Me.

(So worship only to Me, and not to Sun, Moon

and Fire.)

15.13 Jm_² Amodí` M ^yVmoZ Yma`mo_ Ah_² Am{Ogm & (Ah_²) I (Amodí`) enter (Jm_²) planet (earth) (M) and
[wîUmo_ M Am¡fYr: gdm©: gm{_: ^yËdm ag-AmË_H$: &&13&& (Yma`mo_) sustain (^yVmoZ) creatures (Am{Ogm) (by My)
I enter planet (earth), and sustain creatures (by energy (and) ([wîUmo_) nourish (then) (^yËdm)
My) energy, (and) nourish (them). (I) become become (gm{_•) moon (M) and (ag-AmË_H$•) supply
moon, and supply the juice of life to all the juice of life to (gdm©•) all (Am¡fYr•) planets.
(Hence Worship Me and not the earth)

Ah_² d¡ídmZa: ^yËdm àmoUZm_² X{h_² AmolV: & (Ah_²) I (AmolV•) stay (X{h_²) in body of (àmoUZm_²) all
15.14 àmU A[mZ g_m`wº$: [Mmo_ AÞ_² MVw:-odY_² &&14&& living beings (^yËdm) in form of (d¡ídmZa:) fire of
I stay in body of all living beings in form of fire digestion (àmU A[mZ g_m`w·V•) I control incoming
of digestion. I control incoming and outgoing and outgoing breath ([Mmo_) I digest (AÞ_²) food
breath. I digest food of four kinds. of (MVw• odY_²) four kinds.
Note :- Read Note No-1 to understand God

15.15 d{gd©X¡:ñ`M Mgd}Ah_² öoX goÞodï>: _Îm: ñ_¥oV: kmZ_² A[m{hZ_² M

$: Ah_² Ed d{Ú: d{XmÝV-H¥$V² d{XodV² Ed M Ah_²
(Ah_²) I am (goÞodï>•) seated (öoX) in heart of (gd©ñ`)
everyone (M) and (ñ_¥oV•) memory (kmZ_²)
knowledge (M) and (A[m{hZ_²) forgetfulness (_Îm•)
I am seated in heart of everyone. And memory,
is because of Me (M) and (gd}•) by all (d{X¡•) Vedas
knowledge, and forgetfulness is because of
(Ah_²) I (Ed) alone (d{Ú•) to be known (Ed M Ah_) and
Me. And by all Vedas I alone to be known, and
I am alone (d{XmÝV-H¥$V) the author of the Vedas
I am alone the author of the Vedas, and knower
of the meaning of the Vedas. (d{XodV²) and knower of the meaning of the

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-15

Ûm¡ B_m¡ [wéfm¡ bm{H{$ ja: M Aja: Ed M &

15.16 ja: gdm©oU ^yVmoZ Hy$Q>ñW: Aja: CÀ`V{ &&16&&
(M) Certainly (bm{H{$) in this world (B_m¡) there are
(Ûm¡) two kinds of ([wéfm¡) elements (ja•) the
Certainly in this world there are two kinds of perishable (body) (M) and (Aja•) the
elements. The perishable (body), and the
imperishable (soul) (M) and (CÀ`V{) God says that
imperishable (soul). And God says that to all
(gdm©oU) to all (^yVmoZ) living beings (ja•) (with)
living beings (with) perishable (body), the
perishable (body) (Aja•) the immortal soul (Hy$Q>)
immortal soul (keeps them) firmly stable.
(keeps them) firmly (ñW•) stable.

CÎm_: [wéf: Vw AÝ` [a_ AmË_m BoV CXmöV: & (Vw) But (CXmöV•) God says (BoV) that (B©ída•) God
15.17 `: bm{H$ Ì`_² Amodí` o]o^oV© Aì``: B©ída: &&17&& (himself) ([wéf•) (is that) entity (CÎm_•) (who is)
But God says that God (himself is that) entity superior (AÝ`•) (than) others ([a_) (He is)
(who is) superior (than) others. (He is) superior (AmË_m) soul (Aì``•) He is immortal (`)
superior (than) soul. He is immortal. He He (Amodí`) encompasses (bm{H$•Ì`_²) three worlds
encompasses three worlds, and supports them. (o]o^oV©) and supports them.

`ñ_mV² ja_² AVrV: Ah_² AjamV² Ao[ M CÎm_: & (`ñ_mV²) Because (Ah_²) I am (AVrV•) beyond (ja_²)
15.18 AV: Aoñ_ bm{H{$ d{X{ M àoWV: [wéf-CÎm_: &&18&& mortal human body (M) and (Ao[) also (CÎm_•)
Because I am beyond mortal human body, and superior than (AjamV²) immortal soul (AV•)
also superior than immortal soul. Therefore in therefore (bm{H{$) in this world (M) and (d{X{) (in)
this world and in holy Vedas, I am supreme
holy Vedas (Aoñ_) I am ([wéf CÎm_•) supreme entity
entity, and praised one.
(M) and (àoWV•) praised one.
(As God is superior than the soul, hence don't
have faith that (interior) soul will get observed
in supreme God)

Actual knowledge is knowledge of recognsing Great God :-

15.19 g:`: _m_² Ed_² Agå_yT>: OmZmoV [wéf-CÎm__² &

gd©-odV² ^OoV _m_² gd©-^md{Z ^maV &&19&&
(^maV) O Arjun, the son of Bharta (`•) one who
(Agå_yT>•) without a doubt (OmZmoV) knows (_m_²) Me
O Arjun one who without a doubt knows Me as ([wéf CÎm__) as the supreme divine entity (Ed_²)
the supreme divine entity. Certainly he has certainly (g•) he (gd© odV²) has complete
complete knowledge, (he) worships Me with knowledge (^OoV) (he) worships (_m_²) Me (gd©
his whole being. ^md{Z) with his whole being.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-15

15.20 BoV Jwø-V__² emó_² BX_ Cº$_² _`m AZK &

EVV² ]wÕdm ]woÕ_mZ² ñ`mV² H¥$V-H¥$Ë`: M ^maV &&20&& (^maV) O Arujn the son of Bharata (BoV) in this
O Arjun, in this way, these most secret divine way (BX_²) these (JwøV__²) the most secret (emñÌ_²)
knowledge have been told (to you) by Me. O divine knowledge (C·V_²) has been told (to you)
sinless, (by) understanding these (knowledge (_`m) by Me (AZK) O sinless (]w X ² Ü dm)
human being) become knowledgeable understanding (EVV²) this (]woÕ_mZ² ñ`mV²) (human
(learned one), and then he does what should be being) become knowledgeable (learned one)
done. (M) and (H¥$V H¥$Ë`•) then he does what should be

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-16

Introduction to chapter No. 16

l In war of Mahabharat daily lakhs of l From Shlok No. 16:1 to 16:3 God enlisted
soldiers were getting killed. But it is said that divine character and features which leads to
all the surviving people use to believes success in this world and hereafter.
themselves to be immortal.
l From Shlok No. 16:4 to 16:20 God
Same thing is happening in present era also. If described Demoniac nature, features, and
you observe carefully the videos of cremation characteristics. Anyone of them can lead to
or condolence meetings of any filmstar or hell, hence we should do our best to avoid
politician, large number of guest will come to them.
express their heartfelt condolences. But their
l Form Shlok No. 16:21, 16:22 and 16:23
attitude will be that “This world is a permanent
God says that wish to follow our own desire,
place, he himself is immortal, the expired
Anger, Lust (Greed), these three emotions
person was unfortunate that he left early. This
which are also gates of hell. As these are not
will not happen to anyone of them. And he or
related to Rajas or Tamas nature, but inbuilt
all of them are on perfectly right path”.
nature of all human beings. Hence along with
Even death of a relative or friend cannot shake demoniac character or nature, we should
or remove illusion of human beings, then control our these three basic emotions also.
simply reading of a religious book what fear it
l Shlok No. 16:24 is summary of this chapter
can develop in them. We human beings are
and very valuable divine instruction for
very slow in accepting the truth.
In this divine book, Bhagwad Gita, God
systematically explained that only soul is
immortal, this body is going to perish. Then
God explains the importance of divine
knowledge, then about himself, and hereafter
etc. But still we might be thinking that it is for
someone else and not for us. We are perfect and
on the right path. So ultimately God is
revealing this chapter. It is a checklist of our
character or behavior or our faith and belief.
This chapter describes completely character
and behavior of divine and demoniac nature
people. So we should read each shlok and keep
on concentrating on ourself. If we find even
one demoniac nature or behavior in ourself,
we need to improve our self.
Summary of each shlok is as follows.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-16

God says that, (following character and
feature get developed in human beings by
following divine laws of God).
A^`_² gËd-g§ewoÕ: kmZ `m{J ì`doñWoV: & Developed in human beings by following
16.1 XmZ_² X_: M `k: M ñdmÜ`m`: V[: AmO©d_² &&1&& divine laws of God).
Fearlessness, purification of mind and soul,
Linking up with God by knowledge. (A^`_²) fearlessness (gÎd g§ewoÕ•) purification of
Becoming steadfast in prayers, Charity, mind and soul (kmZ `m{J) linking up with God by
Controlling the mind and senses, and knowledge (ì`doñWoV•) becoming steadfast in
performing noble deeds, and study of Vedic prayers (XmZ_²) charity (X_•) controlling the mind
literature, Meditation (struggling hard for and senses (M) and (`k) performing noble deeds
right cause), Adopting simplicity. (M) and (ñdmÜ`m`•) study of Vedic literature (V[•)
meditation (struggling hard for right cause)
(AmO©d_²) adopting simplicity.

Aoh§gm gË`_² AH«$m{Y: Ë`mJ: emoÝV: A[¡ewZ_² &

16.2 X`m ^yV{fw Abm{bwád_² _mX©d_² ör: AMm[b_² &&2&& (Aoh§gm) Adopting non-violence (gË`_²) always
Adopting non-violence, always speaking speaking truth (AH«$m{Y•) absence of anger (Ë`mJ•)
truth, absence of anger, giving up any giving up any expectation for anything from
expectation for anything from human beings, human beings (emoÝV•) struggling for peace
struggling for peace, avoiding back-biting (A[¡ewZ_²) avoiding back-biting (fault-finding)
(fault-finding), having mercy on all living (X`m ^yV{fw) having mercy on all living beings
beings, giving up greed, becoming gentle, (Abm{bwád_²) giving up greed (_mX©d_²) becoming
adopting modesty, fulfilling promises. gentle (hr³•) adopting modesty (AMm[b_²) fulfilling

V{O: j_m Y¥oV: em¡M_² AÐm{h: Z AoV-_moZVm &

16.3 ^doÝV gå[X_² X¡dr_² Ao^OmVñ` ^maV &&3&&
(V{O•) Becoming healthy (having vigor) (j_m)
forgiving others (Y¥oV:) remaining steedfast
Becoming healthy (having vigor), forgiving (em¡M_²) remaining clean (AÐm{h•) neither envying
others remaining steedfast , remaining clean,
nor having enmity towards anyone. (Z
neither envying nor having enmity towards
(AoV_moZVm) not expecting honor from others
anyone, not expecting honor from others. O
(^maV) O Arjun (^doÝV) these are the (gå[X_²)
Arjun these are the qualities which get
developed by following divine laws of God. qualities (Ao^OmVñ`) which get developed (X¡dr_²)
by following divine laws of God.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-16

Qualities and features developed by Devil :-

Xå^: X[©: Ao^_mZ: M H«$m{Y: [méî`_² Ed M & (God says that) ([mW©) O son of partha (Arjun)
16.4 AkmZ_² M Ao^OmVñ` [mW© gå[X_² Amgwar_² &&4&& (Ed) certainly (gå[X_²) these Qualities are
(God says that) O Arjun, certainly these (Ao^OmVñ`) developed (Amgwar_) by devil (Xå^•)
Qualities are developed by devil. Committing Committing fraud (X[©•) arrogance (Ao^_mZ•)
fraud, arrogance, false pride, harshness, and false pride (M) and ([méî`_²) harshness (M) and
ignorance. (AkmZ_²) ignorance.

(To understand Devil read note No.19)

X¡dr gå[V² od_m{jm` oZ]ÝYm` Amgwar _Vm &
16.5 _m ewM: gå[X_² X¡dr_² Ao^OmV: Aog [mÊS>d &&5&&
(_Vm) It is My decision that (X¡dr) divine (gå[V²)
qualities (od_m{jm`) lead to freedom (from sin and
It is My decision that divine qualities lead to
miseries of life) (Aog) demonic (qualities)
freedom (from sin and miseries of life).
(oZ]ÝYm`) bind to (miseries of life, sin or to hell)
Demonic (qualities) bind to (miseries of life,
sin and to hell). O Arjun, (you) don't worry, ([mÊS>d) O son of partha (_m ewM•) (you) don't worry
(as) you are born with divine qualities. (Aog) (as) you are (Ao^OmV•) born with (X¡dr_²)
divine (gå[X_²) qualities.

Details of Demoniac nature :-

Ûm¡ ^yV-gJm}$ bm{H{$ Aoñ_Z² X¡d: Amgwa: Ed M &
16.6 X¡d: odñVae: àm{º$: Amgwa_² [mW© _{ e¥Uw &&6&&
(Aoñ_Z²) In this (bm{H{$) world (^yV) human beings
have (Ûm¡) two (gJm£) natures (X¡d•) divine (Amgwa•)
In this world, human beings have two natures, (and) demoniac (shaitanic) (Ed) certain (X¡d•)
divine and demoniac. Certainly, divine nature
divine nature (àm{·V•) has been told (to you)
has been told (to you) in detail. O Arjun. Now
(odñVae•) in detail ([mW©) O son of partha (Arjun)
listen about the demoniac nature from Me.
(e¥Uy) now listen about (Amgwa_²) the demoniac
(shaitanic) nature (_{) from Me.

àd¥oÎm_² M oZd¥oÎm_² M OZm: Z odXw: Amgwam: & (OZm:) People of (Amgwam•) demoniac qualities (Z
16.7 Z em¡M_² Z Ao[ M AmMma: Z gË`_² V{fw odÚV{ &&7&& odXw) don't know (àd¥oÎm_²) (what is) good conduct
People of demoniac qualities don't know (M) and (oZd¥oÎm_²) (what is) bad conduct (Z em¡M_²)
(what is) good conduct, and (what is) bad neither they know cleanliness (Ao[) and (Z
conduct. Neither they know cleanliness nor AmMma•) nor good behavior (M) and (V{fw) in them
good behavior. And in them there is no truth. (odÚV{) there is (Z) no (gË`_²) truth.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-16

AgË`_² AàoVð>_² V{ OJV² Amhw: AZrída_² & (V{) They (Amhw•) say (OJV²) this world is (gå^yV_²)
16.8 A[añ[a gå^yV_² oH$_²-AÝ`V² H$m_-h¡VwH$_² &&8&& created (A[añ[a) without a purpose or reason
They say, this world is created without a (AgË`_²) it is unreal (AàoVð>_²) without any
purpose or reason. It is unreal, without any foundation (AZrûda_²) there is no God (h¡VwH$_²)
foundation. There is no God. Purpose of life is purpose of life is (oH$_²) what (AÝ`V²) except (H$m_)
what except sexual gratification?, or sexual gratification?, or fulfillment of wishes?
fulfillment of wishes?

Evm_² Ñoï>_² Adï>ä` Zï> AmË_mZ: Aë[-]wÕ`: & (Aë[ ]wÕ`•) These fools (AmË_mZ•) by themselves
16.9 à^doÝV CJ«-H$_m©U: j`m` OJV: AohVm: &&9&& (Adï>ä`) holding (EVm_²) such (Zï>) misdirected
These fools by themselves holding such (destructive) (Ñoï>_²) views (à^doÝV) arise (AohVm•)
misdirected (destructive) views, arise as as enemies (of world) (C¾ H$_m©U•) and engage in
enemies (of world), and engage in such cruel such cruel activities (j`m` OJV•) (which
activities (which threaten) the destruction of threaten) the destruction of the world.
the world.

16.10 _m{H$m__² AmolË` Xwî[ya_² Xå^ _mZ _X-AoÝdVm: &

hmV² J¥hrËdm AgV² J«mhmZ² àdV©ÝV{ AewoM d«Vm: &&10&&
(AmolË`) Harboring (holding in mind) (Xwî[ya_²)
insatiable (H$m__²) lust (AoÝdVm•) absorbed in (Xå^)
Harboring (holding in mind) insatiable lust, hypocrisy (_mZ) false prestige (_X) wrong views
absorbed in hypocrisy, false prestige, wrong (J¥hrËdm) adopting (AewoM d«Vm) impure (wrong)
views, adopting impure (wrong) resolve, resolve (_m{hmV²) illusioned (àdV©ÝV{) they progress
illusioned. They progress in non-permanent in (AgV² J«mhmZ²) non-permanent materialist things
materialist things and position. and position.

16.11 oMÝVm_² A[oa_{`m_² M àb`-AÝVm_² C[molVm: &

H$m_-C[^m{J [a_m: EVmdV² BoV oZoíMVm: &&11&& (Such people with demoniac nature) (C[molVm•)
(Such people with demoniac nature) adopt the adopt ([a_m•) the highest goal of life as (H$m_ C[^m{J)
highest goal of life as gratification of desires. gratification of desires (oZoûMVm•) (they) firmly
(They) firmly decide that “still I have this decide that (EVmdV² BoV) “still I have this much
much only” (so I need to earn more), then till only” (so I need to earn more) (M) then (àb`
the end of life their anxiety is immeasurable. AÝVm_²) till the end of life (oMÝVm_² A[oa_{`mZ) their
anxiety is immeasurable.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-16

16.12 Amem-[me eV¡: ]Õm: H$m_ H«$m{Y [am`Um: &

B©hÝV{ H$m_ ^m{J AW©_² AÝ`m{`{Z AW© gÝM`mZ² &&12&&
(Such people with demoniac nature) (]X²Ym•) get
entangled in (eV¡•) hundreds of (Amem [me)
(Such people with demoniac nature) get network of hopes ([am`Um) they always
entangled in hundreds of network of hopes. mentality occupied with (H$m_ H«$m{Y) lust and
They always mentality occupied with lust and anger (B©hÝV{) (they) strive (AW©_²) for (^m{J)
anger. (They) strive for gratification of senses gratification of (H$m_) senses (sex) or (gm`mZ²)
(sex), or accumulation of wealth, by illegal accumulation of (AW©) wealth (AÝ`m`{Z) by illegal
means. means.

BX_² AÚ _`m bãY_² B__² àmßñ`{ _Z: aW_² &

16.13 BX_² AoñV BX_² Ao[ _{ ^odî`oV [wZ: YZ_² &&13&& (The demoniac person thinks that) (BX_²) (all)
(The demoniac person thinks that) (all) these these (bãY_²) things (which I) have (AÚ) today
things (which I) have today, all these (things) (B__²) all these (things) (àmßñ`{) are gained by (_`m)
is gained by my intelligent mind and desire. So my (_Z• aW_²) intelligent mind and desire (BX_²)
much is mine (at present), also this wealth this (at present so much) (AoñV) is (_{) mine (Ao[)
again (will increase in) the future. also (BX_²) this (YZ_²) wealth ([wZ•) again (^odî`oV)
(will increase in) the future.

16.14 Agm¡ _`m hV: eÌw: hoZî`{ M A[amZ² Ao[ &

B©ída: Ah_² ^m{Jr ogÕ Ah_² ]bdmZ² gwIr &&14&&
(A person with demoniac nature thinks that)
(Agm¡) that (eÌw•) enemy (hV•) has been killed (_`m)
(A person with demoniac nature think that) by me (M) and (A[amZ²) to others (Ao[) also (hoZî`{) I
that enemy has been killed by me, and to others shall kill (B©ída• Ah_) I am the lord (Ah_² ^m{Jr ogÕ•) I
also I shall kill. I am the lord. I am enjoying, am enjoying and perfect (Ah_² ]bdmZ² gwIr) I am
and perfect. I am powerful and comfortable. powerful and comfortable.

16.15 AmTç: Ao^OZ-dmZ² Aoñ_ H$: AÝ`: AoñV gÑe: _`m &
`ú`{ Xmñ`mo_ _m{oXî`{ BoV AkmZ od_m{ohVm: &&15&&
(A person with demoniac nature) (od_m{ohVm•) get
mislead (AkmZ) by ignorance and (BoV) (thinks in)
(A person with demoniac nature) gets mislead this way (Aoñ_) I am (AmTç•) wealthy (Ao^OZ-dmZ)
by ignorance and (thinks in) this way. I am surrounded by influential relatives (H$•) who
wealthy, surrounded by influential relatives. (AÝ`•) else (AoñV) is (gÑe•) equal (to me) (_`m `ú`{
Who else is equal (to me). (Big) prayers are Xmñ`mo_) (big) prayers are performed by me and
performed by me, and donations are given by donations are given by me (_m{oXî`{) I am
me. I am enjoying.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-16

AZ{H$ oMÎm od^«mÝVm: _m{h Omb g_md¥Vm: & (od^«mÝVm•) Confused by (AZ{H$) many (such) (oMÎm)
16.16 àgº$m: H$m_-^m{J{fw [VoÝV ZaH{$ AewMm¡ &&16&& imaginations (or anxiety) (g_md¥Vm•) surrounded
Confused by many (such) imaginations (or by (Omb) a network of (_m{h) illusion (àg·Vm•)
anxiety). Surrounded by a network of illusion. addicted to (H$m_ ^m{J{fw) sense gratification
Addicted to sense gratification (luxurious life). (luxurious life) ([VoÝV) (after death they)
(After death they) descend down to unclean descend down to (AewMm¡) unclean (ZaH{$) hell.

AmË_-gå^modVm: ñVãYm: YZ-_mZ _X AoÝdVm: & (AmË_ gå^modVm•) They think their wrong belief as
16.17 `OÝV{ Zm_ `k¡ V{ Xå^{Z AodoY-[yd©H$_² &&17&& truth (`k¡•) Their prayers (AoÝdVm•) are full of
They think their wrong belief as truth. Their (exhibition of) (YZ _mZ) wealth and false
prayers are full of (exhibition of) wealth and prestige (_X) arrogance (ñVãYm•) shameless
false prestige, arrogance, shameless boldness. boldness (V{) they (`OÝV{) organize prayers (Zm_)
They organize prayers for namesake only, and for namesake only (Xå^{Z) and as showoff (AodoY
as show off. (And they do it) with no regards [yd©H$_²) (and they do it) with no regards to the
to the rules of the scripture. rules of the scripture.

AhH$S>ma_² ]b_² X[©_² H$m__² H«$m{Y_² M g§ojVm: & (g§ojVm:) Covered by (because of) (AhL>H$ma_²) false
16.18 _m_² AmË_ [a X{h{fw àoÛfÝV: Aä`gy`H$m: &&18&& ego (]b_²) strength (X[©_²) arrogance (H$m__²) lust
Because of false ego, strength, arrogance, lust (desire) (M) and (H«$m{Y_²) anger (Aä`gy`H$m•) they
(desire), and anger, they envy (Me) (and) envy (Me) (àoÛfÝV•) (and) criticize (_m_²) Me
criticize Me, (who is) beyond soul (and)
(who is) ([a) beyond (AmË_²) soul (X{h{fw) (and)

VmZ² Ah_² oÛfV: H«w$amZ² g§gma{fw Za-AYZm_² &

16.19 oj[mo_ AOó_² Aew^mZ² Amgwarfw Ed `m{oZfw &&19&&
(Ah_²) I (oj[mo_) throw (hurl) (AOñÌ_²) forever (VmZ²)
these (oÛfV•) hateful (H«y$amZ²) cruel (Za AY_mZ²)
I throw (hurl) forever these hateful, cruel,
meanest in human being (g§gma{fw) of the world
meanest in human beings. of the world, in
inauspicious hell where races of demons are (Aew^mZ²) inauspicioushell (Amgwarfw Ed `m{oZfw) where
kept. races of demons are (kept).
Note:- (Sloke no. 16:16) Clearly state that people with
demoniac nature goes to hell, hence in this sloke also we
concluded the same. The word (oj[mo_) which mean
throwing or hurling also indicate that they are thrown in

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-16

Amgwar_² `m{oZ_² Am[Þm: _yT>m: OÝ_oZ OÝ_oZ & (_yT>m•) These foolish (people) (Am[Þm) gets
16.20 _m_² Aàmß` Ed H$m¡ÝV{` VV: `moÝV AY_m_² JoV_² &&20&&
(another life after death among) (Amgwar_² `m{oJ_)
These foolish (people) get (another life after
the races of demons (in hell) (OÝ_oZ-OÝ_oZ) After
death among) the races of demons (in hell).
getting new body many times (`moÝV) (they) go
Even after getting new body many times in
hell (they) go to further to lowest portion of to (AY_m_² JoV_²) lowest portion of hell (VV•)
hell. Therefore, O son of Kunti (Arjun) therefore (H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjun) (Ed)
certainly they cannot achieve Me. certainly (Aàmß`) they cannot achieve (_m_²) Me.
Note:- When a pious man is kept in hell for some crime.
Due to punishment his body gets burnt or cut into
pieces. So he gets a new body or life. Such few new lives
he receives because of punishment, as per the crime he
committed. Then he gets freedom from hell and goes to
heaven. But people with demoniac nature, life after life
or forever they remain in hell, which is place of demons.

oÌodY_² ZaH$ñ` BX_² Ûma_² ZmeZ_² AmË_Z: & (oÌodY_²) Three kinds (of emotions which are)
16.21 H$m_: H«$m{Y: VWm bm{^: Vñ_mV² EVV² Ì`_² Ë`O{V² &&21&& (ZmeZ_²) destructive to (AmË_Z•) self or mankind
Three kind (of emotions which is) destructive (are) (H$m_•) wish to follow our own desire (H«$m{Y•)
to self or mankind (are) wish to follow our own anger (VWm) as well as (bm{^•) greed (BX_²) these are
desire, anger, as well as greed. These are (also) (also) (Ûma_²) gates (ZaH$ñ`) of hell (Vñ_mV²) therefore
gates of hell. Therefore one must give up these (Ë`O{V²) one must give up (EVV²) these (Ì`_²) three
three (emotions). (emotions).

EV¡: od_wº$: H$m¡ÝV{` V_:-Ûma¡: oÌo^: Za &

16.22 AmMaoV AmË_Z: l{`: VV: `moV [am_² JoV_² &&22&&
(H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjun) (Za•) the person
(who) (od_w·V•) gets freedom (EV¡•) from these
O Arjun, the person (who) gets freedom from
these three gates of ignorance, improves his (oÌo^•) three (Ûma¡•) gates of (V_•) ignorance (AmMaoV)
character, gets shelter of God. Therefore he and improves his character (l{`•) gets shelter of
goes to the supreme destination (heaven). (AmË_Z•) God (VV•) therefore (`moV) he goes ([a_²
JoV_²) to the supreme destination (heaven).

16.23 Z`:g:emó-odoY_² CËg¥Á` dV©V{ H$m_-H$maV: &

ogoÕ_² AdmßZm{oV Z gwI_² Z [am_² JoV_² &&23&&
(`•) One who (dV©V{) acts (H$m_-H$maV•) under the
influence of desire (and) (CËg¥Á`) gives up (emñÌ
One who acts under the influence of desire,
odoY_²) laws of divine scriptures (g•) he (Z)
(and) gives up laws of divine scriptures, he
neither (AdmßZm{oV) achieves (ogoÕ_²) perfection nor
neither achieves perfection nor concentration
concentration in prayers (Z) nor (gwI_²)
in prayers, nor happiness (in life). nor (he
achieve) supreme destination (heaven). happiness (in life) (Z) nor ([a_² JoV_²) (he achieve)
supreme destination (heaven).
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-16

Wish to follow our own desire, anger and great (lust), these are three emotions which are in-built in human nature and
even a noble person (Satvic nature) can have it, these lead to hell. Hence special precaution should be taken to control

Most important Divine instruction :-

Vñ_mV² emó_² à_mU_² V{ H$m`© AH$m`© ì`doñWVm¡ & (Vñ_mV²) Therefore (ì`doñWVm¡) in determining (V{)
16.24 kmËdm emó odYmZ Cº$_² H$_© H$Vw©_² Bh Ah©og &&24&& you (H$m`©) (your) duty (AH$m`©) (and) forbidden
Therefore, in determining you, (your) duty, activities (emñÌ_² à_mUm_²) (let) scriptures be your
(and) forbidden activities, (let) scriptures be standard (authority) (kmËdm emñÌ) understand
your standard (authority). Understand scriptures (odYmZ) the regulations (C·V_²) (and the)
scriptures, the regulations, (and the) teachings (H$Vw©_²) (and) do (H$_©) your duty (Bh) in
teachings, (and) do your duty in this world this world (Ah©og) (appropriate) accordingly.
(appropriate) accordingly.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-17

Introduction to chapter No. 17

l This chapter is again a checklist to check and Tamasic nature people. we should
our self. Doubt clarification on a higher level, concentrate on our liking and try to understand
and preaching for a refined and pious life. our nature and improve to Satvic.
l There are so many smart people who says l From shlok No. 17:11 to 17:13 God
that we don't believe in divine scripture, But describes the attitude and aim by which we try
we are on right path. Shlok No. 17:28 says to do good deeds. We should cross-check as
such people are wrong. per this list to ourselves and try to get
converted to Sativic.
l So this chapter is for smart and learned
people who are away from religion. l Tap (V[) is a hard struggle or our strong
effort to control our senses and purify our self.
l Summary of each shlok is as follow
l In shlok No. 17:14 God enlists a number of
l Arjun asks in shlok No. 17:1 that those
activities which we should do to purify and
who worship, but don't follow divine books,
control our body.
and laws in it, what is their fate?
l In shlok No. 17:15 God enlists a number of
l God says in shlok No. 17:2 and 17:3 that
activities which we should do to purify and
these are three types of nature of human beings
control our speech.
that is Satvic, Rajasic and Tamasic. But every
human being takes birth with pure Satvic like l In shlok No. 17:16 God enlists a number of
nature in which he believes in God. After that activities which we should do to purify and
whichever type of lifestyle he adopts or is control our mind.
trained by family or society, he becomes or
l In shlok No. 17:17 God again remains
gets converted to these natures.
features and characteristic of Satvic nature
l In shlok No. 17:4 God describes people including hard struggle (Tap).
with three types of nature who worship to
l In shlok No. 17:18 and 17:19 God enlists
which entities.
features and characteristic of Rajas and
l In shlok No. 17:5 and 17:6 God says those Tamasic nature which should be avoided.
who do not follow divine scriptures, due to
l Everyone does charity but how people
hypocrisy, ego, lust, anger causes harm to
with Satvic, Rajasic and Tamasic nature do are
these who follow divine scriptures and God.
described in shlok No. 17:20, 17:21 and 17:22.
And such people should be considered as
Demons. Charity done with Satvic aim, emotion and
way will only yield blessing.
l From shlok No. 17:7 to 17:10 God
describes the favorite foods of Sattvic, Rajasic
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-17

AOw©Z CdmM, `{ emó-odoY_² CËg¥Á` `OÝV{ lÕ`m (AOw©Z CdmM) Arjun said (`{) one who (Ag¥Á`)
17.1 AoÝdVm: & disregard (emñÌ-odoY_²) the laws of divine books
V{fm_² oZð>m Vw H$m H¥$îU gÎd_² Amhm{ aO: V_: &&1&& (Vw) but (`OÝV{) worship (lÕ`m AoÝdVm•) with full
Arjun said, one who disregards the laws of faith (H¥$îU) O Krishna (H$m) what (about) (V{fm_²)
divine books, but worships with full faith. O their (oZð>m) faith? (Are they) (gÎd_²) (people with)
Krishna, what (about) their faith? (Are they) good nature (Amhm{) or (aO•) (with nature of)
(People with) good nature, or (with nature of)
passion (V_•) (or with nature of) ignorance.
passion, (or with nature of) ignorance?

Faith in God is in-built nature of human being :-

lr ^JdmZ CdmM oÌ-odYm ^doV lÕm X{ohZm_² gm ñd-
17.2 ^md-Om & (lr ^JdmZ CdmM) God said (the way in which) (oÌ
gmoËdH$r amOgr M Ed Vm_gr M BoV Vm_² e¥U² &&2&& odYm) three natures (^doV) created in (X{ohZm_²)
God said (the way in which) three natures human beings (gm) (in same way) that (lÕm)
created in human beings, (in same way) that faith in God (ñd-^md) is in his nature (Om) by birth
faith in God is in nature (of human beings) by (e¥Uw) hear from Me (gmoÎdH$r) nature of Goodness
birth. Hear from Me nature of Goodness, (amOgr) nature of passion. (Mm) and (Ed) certainly
nature of passion and certainly the nature of (Vm_gr) the nature of ignorance (BoV) along with
ignorance, along with that (faith in God is (Vm_²) that (faith in God is inbuilt nature of
inbuilt nature of human beings). human beings).

How nature get changed? :-

gËd-AZwé[m gd©ñ` lÕm ^doV ^maV & (^maV) O son of Bharat (Arjun) (lÕm) faith (gd©ñ`)
17.3 lÕm _`: A`_² [wéf: `: `V² lÕ: g: Ed g: &&3&& of everyone (^doV) is (AZwê$[m) similar to (gÎd)
O Arjun, faith of everyone is similar to truth truth or goodness (at the time of birth) ([wê$f:)
(goodness) at the time of birth. Human beings human beings (A`_²) in this (world or in his life)
in this (world or in his life) whatever type of (_`:) whatever type of (lÕm) faith (`:) he (keeps
faith he (keeps in his heart), he (will have) in his heart) (g:) he (will have) (Ed) certainly
certainly same faith, (when) he (dies). (`V) same (lÕm) faith (g:) (when) he (dies).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-17
To whom human beings worshiping after changing of nature :-
`OÝV{ gmoËdH$m: X{dmZ² `j-ajm§og amOgm: & (gmoÎdH$•) People of Good nature (`OÝV{) worship
17.4 à{VmZ² ^yV-JUmZ² M AÝ`{ `VÝV{ Vm_gm: OZm: &&4&& (X{dmZ²) God (amOgm•) people of passionate nature
People of Good nature (who don't believe in (`j ajog) (worship) yaksh and demons (Vm_gm•
God) worship God. People of passionate OZm•) people of ignorance nature (`OÝV{) worship
nature (worship) (Devtas) yaksh or demons. (à{VmZ²) spirits of the dead (^yV JUmZ²) ghosts (M) and
People of ignorance nature worship spirits of (AÝ`{) others.
the dead, ghosts, and others.
Note :- We translated X{d as God, because in shlok no.
10.15, X{d is said for God also.

Those who disregard the laws of divine books are Demons :-

A-emó odohV_² Km{a_² Vß`ÝV{ `{ V[: OZm: &
17.5 Xå^ AhH$ma g§`wº$m: H$m_ amJ ]b AoÝdVm: &&5&& (`{) Those who (AemñÌ odohV_²) (follow pattern of
Those who (follow pattern of life which is) not life which is) not prescribed by the scriptures
prescribed by the scriptures, (and) under (AoÝdVm•) (and) under influence of (Xå^m)
influence of hypocrisy, false ego, engaged in hypocrisy (AhL>H$ma) false ego (g§`w·Vm• H$m_)
gratification of senses, anger and power, (and engaged in gratification of senses (amJ ]b) anger
give) stern trouble (to those) people (who do) and power (Km{a_² Vß`ÝV{) (give) stern trouble (Vd:
severe prayer (of God). OZm) (to those) people (who do) severe prayer
(of God).

EVV `m{ZroZ ^yVmoZ gdm©oU BoV C[Yma` & (Ed) Certainly (H$f©`ÝV•) (they want to) remove
17.6 Ah_² H¥$ËñZñ` OJV: à^d: àb`: VÏmm &&6&& (_m_²) Me (AÝV• eara ñW_²) who is situated in body
Certainly (they want to) remove Me who is (heart) (AM{Vg•) (who is) invisible (eara ñW_²)
situated in body (heart), (who is) invisible created body of (^yV• J«m__²) of all kind of living
(and) created body of all kind of living beings.
beings (oZûM`mZ²) certainly (odoÕ) know (VmZ²) them
Certainly know them (as) demons.
(as) (Amgwa) demons.

Favorite food of people with three nature :-

Amhma: Vw Ao[ gd©ñ` oÌ-odY: ^doV oà`: & (Vw) Certainly (oà`•) favorite (Amhma•) food (`k•)
17.7 `k: V[: VWm XmZ_² V{fm_² ^{X_² B__² e¥Uw &&7&& prayer (V[•) austerity (VWm) and (XmZ_²) charity
Certainly, favorite foods, prayers, austerity, (gd©ñ`) of all (human beings) (^doV) is (Ao[) also
and charity of all (human beings) is also (of) (of) (oÌ-odY•) three types (B__²) these (^{X_²)
three types. The difference of them hear (from differences (V{fm_²) of them (e¥Uw) hear (from Me).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-17

Am`w: gËd ]b Amam{½` gwI àroV oddY©Zm: & (oà`m•) Favorite (Amhmam) food (of) (gmoÎdH$) people of
17.8 aé`m: oñZJYm: oñWam: öÚm: Amhmam: gmoËdH$ oà`m: &&8&&
good nature (are) (añ`m•) juicy (oñZ½Ym•) fatty (oñWam•)
Favorite food (of) people of good nature (are)
enduring (öÚm•) pleasing to the heart (oddY©Zm•)
juicy, oily, enduring, (and) pleasing to the
(they) increase (Am`w•) duration of life (gÎd) good
heart. (They) increase duration of life, good
nature (]b) strength (Amam{½`) good health (gwI)
nature, strength, good health, happiness, and
satisfaction. happiness (àroV) and satisfaction.

H$Qw> Aåb bdU AoV-CîU VrúU éj odXmohZ: &

17.9 Amhmam: amOgñ` Bï>m: Xw:I em{H$ Am_` àXm: &&9&&
(Bï>m•) Favorite (Amhmam•) food (of) (amOgñ`) people
with nature of passion (are) (H$Qy>) bitter (Aåb)
Favorite food (of) people with nature of sour (bdU) salty (AoV CîU) very hot (VrúU) pungent
passion (are), bitter, sour, salty, very hot, (éjm) dry (odXmohZ•) (give) burning (sensation)
pungent, dry, (give) burning (sensation).
(àXm•) (these food) cause (Xw•I) distress (em{H$)
(These food) cause distress, sorrow, (and)
sorrow (Am_`) diseases.

`mV-`m__² JV-ag_² [yoV [`w©ofV_² M `V² &

17.10 CoÀN>ï>_² Ao[ M A_{Ü`_² ^m{OZ_² Vm_g² oà`_² &&10&&
(oà`_²) Favorite (^m{OZ_²) food (of) (Vm_g) people
with nature of ignorance are (`mV `m__²) stale
Favorite food (of) people with nature of foods (JV ag_²) tasteless ([woV) bad smelling
ignorance are stale foods, tasteless, bad
([`w©ofV_²) decomposed (M) and (`V) that which
smelling, decomposed, and that which is left
(CoÀN>ï>_²) left over food (M) and (Ao[) also (A_{Ü`_²)
over and also impure.

The way of doing deeds and activities by people of three nature :-

A[b-AmH$mS²>ojo^: `k: odoY-oXï>: `: BÁ`V{ & (`•) whichever (`k•) noble deed (BÁ`V{) is
17.11 `ï>ì`_² Ed BoV _Z: g_mYm` g: gmoËdH$: &&11&& performed (A\$b• AmH$mL>ojo^•) without desiring its
Whichever noble deed is performed without result (odoY oXï>•) according to the direction of
desiring its result. According to the direction of scripture (`ï>Ë`_²) considering it as duty (_Z•
scripture. Considering is as duty. With firm g_mYm`) with firm conviction of mind (BoV) this
conviction of mind. This way (whatever deeds way (whatever deed are performed are) (Ed)
are performed are) certainly, it is by the nature certainly (g•) it (gmoÎdH$•) is by the nature of
of goodness. goodness.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-17

Ao^gÝYm` Vw [b_² Xå^ AW©_² Ao[ M Ed `V² & (^aVl{ð>) O chief of the bharatas (Arjun) (BÁ`V{)
17.12 BÁ`V{ ^aV-l{ð> Vy² `k_² odoÕ amOg_² &&12&& the deed (`V²) which is (performed) (Ao^gÝYm`)
O Arjun, the deed which is (performed) with with expectation of (\$b_²) result (returns) (M)
expectation of result (returns), and also to fool and (Ao[) also (Xå^) to fool (others or as a show-
(others or as show-off) to get benefit. Consider off) (AW©_²) to get benefit (odoÕ) consider (V_²) that
that prayer (motivated) by nature of passion. (`k_²) prayer (amOg_²) (motivated) by nature of

odoY-hrZ_² Ag¥ï>-AÞ_² _ÝÌ-hrZ_² AXojU_² &

17.13 lÕm odaohV_² `k_² Vm_g_² [oaMjV{ &&13&&
(`k_²) Prayer (odoY hrZ_²) without following
scriptural norms (Ag¥ï AÞ_²>) without distribution
Prayer (which is performed) without of foods (_ÝÌ hrZ_²) without chanting mantras
following scriptural norms, without
(AXojU_²) without any payment to priest (lÕm
distribution of foods, without chanting
odaohV_²) without faith (such prayers) ([oaMjV{) is to
mantras, without any payment to priest,
be considered (Vm_g_²) by the nature of
without faith. (Such prayers) is to be
considered by the nature of ignorance. ignorance.

Austerity (V[:) of Body :-

17.14 ]«X{d÷oÛO Jwé àmk [yOZ_² em¡M_² AmO©d_² &

M`©_² Aoh§gm M emara_² V[: CÀ`V{ &&14&&
(CÀ`V{) God says that (V[) austerity (emara_²) of
body is ([yOZ_²) respecting (X{d) God (oÛO)
God says that austerity of body is respecting Brahmans (Jwé) spiritual teacher (àmk) scholar
God Brahmans, spiritual teacher, scholar, (em{M_²) (remaining) clean (AmO©d_²) simple (]«÷ M`©_²)
(remaining) clean, simple, following way of following way of life directed by Brahma
life directed by Brahma (God), following non- (God) (Aoh§gm) following non-violence.

Note :- V[: As per Nalanda dictionary Tap (V[) means those resolutions determinations, and physical acts which
are as per religious norms and which give strain to body. And the purpose of these acts to save mind and soul from
enjoyment of senses. Second meaning of Tap is given as “to keep body and all sensory is organs in control.”

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-17

Austerity (V[:) of speech :-

AZwÛ{J-H$a_² dm·`_² gË`_² oà` ohV_² M `V² &
17.15 ñdmÜ`m` Aä`gZ_² M Ed dmH²$-_`_² V[: CÀ`V{ &&15&& (CÀ`V{) God says that (dm·`_²) words (which are)
God says that, words (which are) not causing (AZwÛ{Z H$a_²) not causing hatred (gË`_²) truthful
hatred, truthful, sweet or full of love, (oà`) sweet or full of love (ohV_²) beneficial (M `V²)
beneficial, and which (the ability get and which (the ability get developed due to)
developed due to) reading and analyzing Vedic (ñdmÜ`m` Aä`gZ_²) reading and analyzing of Vedic
scriptures, are certainly austerity (V[:) of the scriptures (M Ed) are certainly (V[•) austerity of
speech. (dmH²$-_`_²) of the speech.

Austerity of mind :-
_Z:àgmX gm¡å`Ëd_² _m¡Z_² AmË_ odoZJ«h: &
17.16 ^md g§ewoÕ: BoV EVV² V[: _mZg_² CÀ`V{ &&16&&
(CÀ`V{) God says that (_Z• àgmX•) merciful heart
(gm¡å`Ëd_²) gentleness (_m¡Z_²) silence (AmË_ odoZJ«h•)
God says that merciful heart, gentleness,
silence, self-control, purification of one's self-control (^md g§ewoÕ) purification of one's
nature. This way all those are austerity (V[:) of nature (BoV EVV) this way all those are (V[•)
the mind. austerity (_mZg_²) of the mind (heart) .

How Austerity (V[:) is practiced by people of three natures :-

lÕ`m [a`m Vá_² V[: VV: oÌ-odY_² Za¡: &
17.17 A[b-AmH$mS² ([oaMjV{) God says that (Za¡•) human beings (lÕ`m
>ojo^ `wº¡$: gmoËdH$_² [oaMjV{ &&17&&
[a`m) who believe in one supreme God (Vá_²)
God says that human beings who believe in one
practice (V[•) hard struggle of (oÌ odY_²) three
supreme God, practice hard struggle Austerity
kinds (A\$b) don't expect returns their good
of three kinds (as described in previous three
deed (AmH$mL>ojo^•) don't expect favor from
sloks) don't expect return of their good deed,
don't expect favor from anyone (except God), anyone (except God) (`wº¡$•) always remain
always remain engaged (in remembrance of engaged (in remembrance of God) (VV:) these
God). These qualities are due to nature of (qualities are due to) (gmoËdH$_²) nature of
goodness. goodness.

gV-H$ma _mZ [yOm AW©_² V[: Xå^{Z M Ed `V² & (àm{·V_²) God says that (to get) (gV² H$ma) respect (_mZ)
17.18 oH«$`V{ VV² Bh àm{º$_² amOg_² Mb_² AYw«d_² &&18&& honor ([yOm) adoration (AW©_²) for the sake of (Xå^{Z)
God says that (to get) respect, honor, showoff (M Ed `V) and certainly all these (V[•)
adoration, for the sake of show off, and struggles (oH«$`V{) are performed (amOg_²) are due to
certainly all these struggles are performed due nature of passion (VV²) all those (Bh) in his world
to nature of passion. All these in his world (Mb_²) create disturbance (AY«wd_²) temporary.
create disturbance (and they are) temporary.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-17

_yT> J«mh{U AmË_Z: `V² [rS>`m oH«$`V{ V[: & (J«mh{U) Adopting (_yT>) foolishness ([rS`m) torturing
17.19 [añ` CËgmXZ-AW©_² dm VV² Vm_g_² CXmöV_² &&19&& (AmË_Z•) one's own self (dm) or (CËgmXZ AW©_²) for the
Adopting foolishness, torturing one's own purpose of harming ([añ`) others (`V²) whatever
self, or for the purpose of harming others. (V[) hard struggle (oH«$`V{) is performed (CXmöV_²) it
Whatever austerity is performed it is said to be is said to be (Vm_g_²) because of nature of
because of nature of ignorance. ignorance.
How charity is done by people of three natures :-

17.20 X{XmVì`_² BoV `V² XmZ_² Xr`V{ AZw[H$moaU{ &

e{ H$mb{ M [mÌ{ M VV² XmZ_² gmoÎdH$_² ñ_¥V_² &&20&&
(XmZ_²) Charity (Xr`V{) (which is) given (XmVì`_²) (if
that thing is) worthy of giving (AZw[H$moaU{) to one
Charity (which is) given (if that thing is) who cannot give in return (X{e{) in the proper
worthy of giving, to one who cannot give in place (H$mb{) at the proper time (M) and ([mÌ{) to a
return (to a helpless person). In the proper
worthy person (BoV `V²) in this way whatever is
place, at the proper time, and to a worthy
(given) (VV²) that (XmZ_²) charity (ñ_¥V_²) is
person. In this way whatever is (given), that
considered (gmoÎdH$_²) (is motivated by) the
charity is considered (or motivated by) the
nature of goodness. nature of goodness.

`V² Vw àoV-C[H$ma-AW©_² [b_² CoÔí` dm [wZ: & (Vw) But (`V²) charity which (Xr`V{) is given (àoV
17.21 Xr`V{ M [oao·bï>_² VV² XmZ_² amOg_² ñ_¥V_² &&21&& AW©_²) for the sake of getting some benefit (\$b_²
But charity which is given for the sake of CoÔí`) desiring result (dm [wZ•) again (getting it
getting some benefit, desiring result, again back) (M) and ([oao·bï>_²) reluctantly (VV²) that
(getting it back), and reluctantly. That charity (XmZ_²) charity (ñ_¥V_²) is said to be (amOg_²)
is said to be motivated by nature of passion. motivated by nature of passion.

AX{e H$mb{ `V² XmZ_² A[mÌ{ä`: M Xr`V{ & (AX{e) At wrong place (H$mb{) at wrong time
17.22 AgV² -H¥$V_² AdkmV_² VV² Vm_g_² CXmöV_² &&22&& (A[mÌ{ä`:) to ineligible person (for charity) (AgV²
At wrong place, at wrong time, to ineligible H¥$V_²) for wrong purpose (AdkmV_²) without
person (ineligible for charity), for wrong respect (XmZ_²) charity (`V²) that which (Xr`V{) is
purpose, without respect. Charity that which given (in this way) (VV²) that (CXmöV{_) is said to be
is given (in this way), that is said to be (motivated by) (Vm_g_²) with the nature of
(motivated by) with the nature of ignorance. ignorance.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-17

How three names of God, that is Om, Tat, Sat is pronounced :-

17.23 In initial period of civilisation, the C VV² gV² BoV oZX}e: ]«÷U: oÌ-odY: ñ_¥V: & ]«m÷Um: V{Z d{Xm: M `km: M
odohVm: [wam &&23&&
supreme God directed Brahmans (priest
community) to remember (God) by three ([wam) In initial period of civilisation (]«÷U) the
types of names. Om, Tat, Sat. Thus by that supreme God (oZX}e) directed (]«m÷Um•) Brahmans
(priest community used to) manage prayers, (ñ_¥V•) remember (Me/God) (oÌ odY•) three types
and teach Vedas. of name (<) Om (VV²) that (gV²) truth (BoV) thus
(V{Z) by that (Brahmans used to) (odohVm) manage
(`km) prayers (M) and (d{Xm•) teach Vedas.

Vñ_mV² C BoV CXmöË` `k XmZ V[: oH«$`m: & (Vñ_mV²) Therefore (]«÷ dmoXZm_²) those who
17.24 àdV©ÝV{ odYmZ-Cº$m: gVV_² ]«÷-dmoXZm_² &&24&& worships one God (odYmZ C·Vm•) according to
Therefore, those who worship one God, scriptural regulation (àdV©ÝV{) at beginning of
according to scriptural regulation, at (`k) prayer (XmZ) charity (V[•oH«$`m•) performance
beginning of prayer, charity, performance of of struggle (meditation or noble deed) (BoV
struggle (meditation or noble deed), say this CXmhË`) say this way (<) Om.
way, Om.

17.25 VV²XmZBoVoH«$`mAZo^gÝYm` [b_² `k V[: oH«$`m: &

M ododYm: oH«$`ÝV{ _m{j-H$mS²>ojo^: &&25&& (VV²) That (tat is name of God, who is final
That (tat is name of God, who is final authority) (_m{j H$mL>ojo^•) those who desire
authority) those who desire forgiveness from forgiveness from God (oH«$`ÝV{) perform (ododYm•)
God perform various (noble deeds) without various (noble deed) (AZo^gÝYm` \$b_²) without
desiring the result (of good deed), such as the desiring the result (of good deed) (BoV) such as
act of prayer, and meditation, and hard (`k V[• oH«$`m•) the act of prayer and meditation or
struggle, and act of charity. hard struggle (M) and (XmZ oH«$`m•) act of charity.
Note :- That means name of God < we recite verbally
at the beginning of prayer. Second name of God we
don't pronounce verbally. but by doing prayer,
mediation, charity etc. We pronounce tat name of God,
and by having pure faith and intention we recite Sat
name of God.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-17

gV² -^md{ gmYw-^md{ M gV² BoV EVV² à`wÁ`V{ & ([mW©) O son of partha (Arjun) (gV² eãX•) the word
17.26 àeñV{ H$_©oU VWm gV²-eãX [mW© `wÁ`V{ &&26&& sat (`wÁ`V{) is used (gV ^md{) with the intention of
O Arjun, the word sat, is used with the remembering God with eternal existence (as
intention of remembering God with eternal His feature) (M) and (gmYw ^md{) for auspicious
existence (as His feature). And for auspicious nature (of worshiper) (VWm) and (BoV) this way
nature (of worshiper). And in this way, this (EVV²) this (word) is (à`wÁ`V{) used for (H$_©oU)
(word) is used for activities or deeds activities or deeds performed (àeñV{) to please
performed to please God (auspicious God (auspicious activities).

`k{ V[og XmZ{ M oñWoV: gV² BoV M CÀ`V{ & (`k{) Prayer (V[og) meditation (XmZ) charity (M) and
17.27 H$_© M Ed VV² AWu`_² gV² Ed Ao^Yr`V{ &&27&& (pñWoV•) steadily getting established in prayer
Prayers, meditations, charities, and steadily (BoV-M-CÀ`V{) is pronounced (gV²) sat (M Ed) and also
getting established in prayer, is pronounced (H$_©) deed (VV² AWu`_²) for such (noble) purpose (BoV
sat, and also deed for such (noble) purpose is Ed) is indeed (Ao^Yr`V{) describe or indicate (gV²)
indeed describe and indicate sat. sat.

Importance of faith in God :-

17.28 AlÕ`m hwV_² XÎm_ V[: Vá_² H¥$V_² M `V² &

AgV² BoV CÀ`V{ [mW© Z M VV² à{Ë` Z C Bh &&28&&
([mW©) O son of partha (Arjun) (AlÕ`m) without
faith (in God) (hwV_) supplication (XÎm_²) charity
O Arjun, without faith (in God), supplication (V[•) meditation or hard struggle (M `V²) and
charity, meditation, or hard struggle, and whatever (H¥$V_²) deed (Vá_²) executed (BoV CÀ`V{)
whatever noble deed executed, they are said to they are said to be (AgV²) false (VV²) that (Z C)
be false. That is neither in this world, and nor neither (Bh) in this world (Z M) and nor (à{Ë`) after
after death (benefit anyone). death (benefit anyone).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

Introduction to chapter No 18
l This is a very long chapter and it describes up delicious food, but basic reason was his
a number of topics. First 12 Slokes are cholesterol or sugar was increasing, then that
regarding Tyag. That is willingly sacrificing will not be considered as Tyag.
pleasures of life.
l Shlok No. 18:9 gives condition of a true
l In shlok No. 18:1 Arjun wants to know tyag or scarifying to purify ourself.
about Sanyas and Tyag. Sanyas means giving
l Shlok No. 18:10 says don't hate difficult
up of action. For example not earning money.
work and wish for only easy noble deeds. But
And Tyag is giving up fruits of action. For
do your all duties selflessly.
example you earned money and donated it.
Now you can enjoy the fame and respect. But l Shlok No. 18:11 Say human being could
you donated secretly and gave up fame and not remain away from doing activities. But one
respect also. This is Tyag. who does it selflessly is true tyagi.
l Shlok No. 18:2 and 18:3 discuss what is l Shlok No. 18:12 says that there could be
true sanyas and tyag. Then it is said that prayer, three kinds of returns of any activity or deed.
charity and hard struggle to purify the self And that is good, bad and mixed. But one will
should be never given up. always get good return of selfless activities.
l Shlok No. 18:4 says there are three types of l From shlok No. 18:13 to 18:17 there is
Tyag. deep philosophy of good deed.
l Shlok No. 18:5 says that noble deeds, l Shlok No. 18:14 says there are five causes
charity and hard struggle to purify ourself of any deed.
should never be given up. As they purify the
1) Place of deed
2) The human being
l Shlok No. 18:6 says that above mentioned
three works should be done selflessly and 3) Reason of activity
without worshiping any other deity.
4) Different kind of situation
l In shloks No. 18:7 God says that if anyone
5) Commandment of God.
give up noble deed, charity and hard struggle
to purify himself, and considers them tyag l In shlok No. 18:15 God says that an
(sacrifying) for God, then that tyag is activity is proper or improper we can judge it
ignorance (Tamasic). on basis of above mentioned five factors.
l Shlok No. 18:7 says that if anyone gives up l In Shlok No. 18:16 God says those are
returns of his good deed, or sacrifice pleasure fools who think that all activities are because
in name of Tyag. But main reason was that it of him alone.
was troublesome, then that Tyag is due to
1) On this earth (Not in Swarglok)
nature of Rajas. For example if a person gave
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

2) By human beings (and not by yamraj) 18:40 it is described in detail.

3) To fulfill compulsory religious duty and l All the human beings have got one of the
three natures. That is Satvic or Rajasic or
4) In situation of war in which one has to save
Tamasic. In short these are divine,
true religion and humanity.
professional, sinner nature. Similar to these
5) And as per commandment of God, inbuilt nature, God has also created four types
of personalities. These are
If anyone kills someone, then that act will not
be a sin. This is what God wants to say to Arjun 1) Religious / Teachers types of personality
in Shlok No. 18:17 (Brahmins)
l There are six factors in human life. related 2) Administrative / Management types of
to religion and God personality (Kshtriya)
1) Human being himself (Let us consider him 3) Professional types of personality (Vaishya)
as student who has to give exam)
4) Worker types of personality (Sudra)
2) Divine knowledge (it is syllabus as per
l God says in holy Quran “we have to raise
which exam will be taken)
the status of some over the others. So that they
3) Intelligence of human being (it is equivalent can take help from each other.”
to his written exam. He has to mould his
That means creation of these four types of
thinking and attitude as per divine law.
personalities by God, is to sustain and run the
4) Activity (it is equivalent to his practical human society perfectly.
exam. He has to act as per divine law)
l So from Shlok No. 18:40 to 18:48 God
5) Patience (is equal to viva. Examiner keeps says that do your duty as per your professional
on insulting you in front of others, and you nature, even if you are imperfect. Only by
patiently answer all questions) doing so, you will be successful.
6) Peace (it is your satisfaction or tension l Then God addresses Arjun, that even if you
which you get after exam as per your try to avoid war but the warrior nature along
performance) with which you have born, you will be
helplessly doing it. So don't try to avoid war.
l We should not remain ignorant or remain
in illusion and we should ensure that all above l Two most important things to have success
six factors should be as per Satvic nature, after death is 1) deep faith in God 2) perfection
hence God described all the six factors under in prayer. This is explained in Shlok No. 18:49
three conditions or what we do in all three to 18:50
l Merciful God again enlists points from
That is Satvic, Rajasic and Tamas for above Shlok No. 18:51 to 18:53.
mention six factors. In Shlok No. 18:18 to
l From Shlok No. 18:54 to 18:58 these four
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

Shlok are again summary of the teachings of

the Bhagvat Gita.
l Shlok No. 18:56 says that “Worshiper can
get heaven by My Grace only”. This fact is
basic reason of doing all work selflessly.
Because whatever amount of blessing we
accumulate, that will be not be sufficient to get
heaven. So we should not try to accumulate
blessing but do activities selflessly so that God
get pleased with our act and bless us heaven.
l Second meaning of this shlok is that don't
think that only by doing prayer and noble deed
you will get heaven. To get heaven you have to
consider what God says, and obey it, to please
Him. You have to fulfil all your compulsory
religion duties, then only you can please God,
and get heaven.
l Shlok No. 18:61 and 18:62 and 18:65,
18:66 summary of Bhagvad Gita they should
be written in golden words and hung on the
walls of our homes.
l To whom teaching of this book should be
disclosed is mentioned in Shlok No. 18:67.
l Advantage of reading and preaching
teachings of the Bhagvad Gita is described in
Shlok No. 18:68 to 18:71.
l In Shlok 18:73 Arjun confirms that his
illusion is dispelled.
l In Shlok No. 18:74 to 18:78 Sanjay
acknowledges listening to this divine book and
expresses his experience and views.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

AOw©Z CdmM, g§Ý`mgñ` _hm]mhm{ VÎd_² BÀN>mo_ d{oXVw_ & (AOw©Z CdmM) Arjun said (_hm]mhm{) O Krishna (BÀN>mo_) I
18.1 Ë`mJñ` M öfrH{$e [¥WH$ H{$oe-oZfyXZ &&1&& wish (d{oXVw_) to understand (VÎd_²) the truth
Arjun said, O Krishna, I wish to understand the (about) (g§Ý`mgñ`) giving up of action (M) and
truth (about) giving up of action, and giving up (Ë`mJñ`) giving up of desire for enjoying the
of desire for enjoying the fruits of action fruits of action ([¥WH²$) distinctively (öfrH{$e)
distinctively. Oh Krishna, the killer of the Krishna (H{$er-oZfyXZ) the killer of the Keshi
Keshi demon. demon.
Difference between Sanyas and Tyag :-
lr ^JdmZ CdmM, H$må`mZm_² H$_©Um_² Ý`mg_² g§Ý`mg_² (lr ^JdmZ CdmM²) God said (H$d`•) the learned one
18.2 H$d`: odXw: & (odXw•) understands that (Ý`mg_²) giving up of
gd© H$_© [b Ë`mJ_² àmhw: Ë`mJ_² odMjUm: &&2&& (H$må`mZm_²) desireful (H$_©Um_²) deed or work or
God said, the learned one understands that action (is) (g§Ý`mg_²) sanyas (odMjUm•) the wise (àmhw•)
giving up of desireful deed or work or action says that (Ë`mJ_²) giving up or not expecting (\$b)
(is) sanyas. The wise says that giving up or not returns of (gd© H$_©) all deed or work or action is
expecting returns of all deed or work or action (Ë`mJ_²) tyag.
is tyag.

Which deed should never be abandonds :-

Ë`mÁ`_² Xm{f-dV² BoV EH{$ H$_© àmhw: _ZrofU: & (BoV) In same way (A[a{) others (àmhw•) says that (EH{$
18.3 `k XmZ V[: H$_© Z Ë`mÁ`_² BoV M A[a{ &&3& H$_©) doing every action is (Xm{f-dV²) as doing
In the same way, others says that doing every mistake (Ë`mÁ`g) hence (all actions) should be
action is as doing mistake, hence (all actions) given up (_ZrofU•) (But) the learned one (says
should be given up. (But) the learned one (says that) (`k) prayer (XmZ) charity (V[•) hard struggle
that), prayer, charity, hard struggle, to purity to purity ourself (BoV H$_©) these actions or deeds
ourself, these actions or deeds should not be (Z Ë`mÁ`g) should not be abandoned.

Three types of Tyag :-

18.4 oZíM`_² e¥Uw _{ VÌ Ë`mJ{ ^aV-gV²-V_ & (^aV gÎm_) O best of the bharatas (Arjun) (VÌ)
Ë`mJ: oh [wéf-ì`mK« oÌ-odY: gåàH$roV©V:&&4&& now (e¥Uw) listen (_{) to My (oZûM`_²) decision (Ë`mJ•)
O Arjun, now listens My decision (about) (about) giving up of desire for enjoying the
giving up of desire for enjoying the fruits of fruits of action ([wéf-ì`mK«) O lion amongst men
action (Ë`mJ•). O lion amongst men (Arjun), (Arjun) (oh) indeed (oÌ odY•) three kinds of (Ë`mJ•)
indeed three kinds of giving up of desire for (tyag) giving up of desire for enjoying the
enjoying the fruits of action are declared by fruits of action (gåàH$roV©V•) are declared (_{) by
Me. Me.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

18.5 `k XmZ V[: H$_© Z Ë`mÁ`_² H$m`©_² Ed VV² & (`k) Noble deed (XmZ) charity (V[•) hard struggle
`k: XmZ_² V[: M Ed [mdZmoZ _ZrofUm_² &&5&& (H$_©) these deeds (Z) should never be (Ë`mÁ`_²)
Noble deeds, charity, hard struggle, these given up (Ed VV²) certainly they are (H$m`©_²)
deeds should never be given up. Certainly compulsory (`k• XmZ_² V[•) noble deeds, charity,
they are compulsory. Noble deeds, charity, hard struggle (Ed) certainly ([mdZmoZ) purify
hard struggle, certainly they purified the wise (_ZrofUm_²) the wise (the human being who does
(the human being who does it). it).

EVmoZ Ao[ Vw H$_m©oU gS²> _² Ë`·Ëdm [bmoZ M & (Vw) But ([mW©) O son of partha (Arjun) (H$_m©oU)
18.6 H$V©ì`moZ BoV _{ [mW© oZoíMV_² _V_² CÎm__² &&6&& (while) performing (EVmoZ) these (above
But O Arjun, (while) performing these (above mentioned noble deeds) (\$bmoZ) (expectation
mentioned noble deeds) (expectation of) of) returns of action (noble deed) (M) and (gL>J_²)
returns of action (noble deed), and (sangam) (sangam) prayer of other deities (Ao[) also
prayer of other deities, also should be given (Ë`·Ëdm) should be given-up (H$V©ì`moZ) (and noble
–up. (and noble deed should be considered as) deed should be considered as) compulsory
compulsory duty. This is my supreme opinion duty (BoV) this is (_{) My (_V_² CÎm__²) supreme
and decision. opinion (oZoûMV_²) and decision.

oZ`Vñ` Vw g§Ý`mg: H$_©U: Z C[[ÚV{ & (Vw) But (H$_©U•) the deeds (that is) (Noble deed,
18.7 _m{hmV² Vñ` [oaË`mJ: Vm_g: [oaH$roV©V: &&7&& charity, hard struggle) (oZ`Vñ`) (which God has
But the deeds, (that is) (Noble deed, charity, made) compulsory (Z C[[ÚV{) are not deserved to
hard struggle) (which God has made) be (g§Ý`mg•) given up (_m{hmV²) by illusion (Vñ`
compulsory, are not deserved to be given up by [oaË`mJ•) giving up them ([oaH$roV©V•) will be called
illusion. Giving up them will be called as (Vm_g•) as nature of ignorance.
nature of ignorance.

Xw:I_² BoV Ed `V² H$_© H$m` ·b{e ^`mV² Ë`O{V² & (Ed `V² H$_©) Certainly whatever deeds or actions
18.8 g: H¥$Ëdm amOg_² Ë`mJ_² Z Ed Ë`mJ [b_² b^{V &&8&& (Ë`O{V²) are given up (^`mV²) because of fear of (H$m`
Certainly, whatever deeds or actions are given ·b{ e ) bodily discomfort (Xw • I_² BoV) (or
up because of fear of bodily discomfort (or considering them) troublesome (g•) that (Ë`mJ_²)
considering them) troublesome, that (giving giving up of desire of enjoying the fruits of
up) of desire of enjoying the fruits of action is action (H¥$Ëdm amOg_²) this action is due to nature of
due to nature of passion. Certainly, for such passion (Ed Ë`mJ) certainly for such giving up (Z
giving up there is no gain or return of efforts or \$b_² b^{V²) there is no gain or return of efforts or
deed (there is no blessing for such action). deed (there is no blessing for such action).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

H$m`©_² BoV Ed `V² H$_© oZ`V_² oH«$`V{ AOw©Z & (AOw©Z) O Arjun (`V² H$_©) whatever deed (oH«$`V{) is
18.9 gS>_² Ë`·Ëdm [b_² M Ed g: Ë`mJ: gmoÎdH$ _V: &&9&& performed (BoV Ed) and certainly (oZ`V_²) as per
O Arjun, whatever deed is performed, and prescribed way (H$m`© _ ² ) considering it
certainly as per prescribed way, considering it compulsory (M) and (Ë`·Ëdm) giving up (gL>J_²)
compulsory, and giving up association (of association (of worship of one God with
worship of one God with worship of Devtas), worship of Devtas) (\$b_²) expectation of
and expectation of returns of good deed, (then) returns of good deed (Ed) (then) certainly (g•
certainly that giving up (Tyag) is as per nature Ë`mJ•) that giving up (Tyag) (gmoÎdH$•) is as per
of goodness,(this is) My (decision). nature of goodness (_V) (this is) My (decision).

Important information about deed or Activity :-

Z Û{oï> AHw$eb_² H$_© Hw$eb{ Z AZwf‚mV{ & (Z Û{oï>) Neither hate (AHw$eb_²) troublesome work
18.10 Ë`mJr gÎd g_modï>: _{Ymdr oN>Þ g§e`: &&10&& (H$_©) (while performing) deed or activity (Z
Neither hate troublesome work (while AZwf‚mV{) nor seek (Hw$eb{) to an agreeable or
performing) deed or activity. Nor seek to an comfortable work. (Ë`mJr) one who gives up
agreeable or comfortable work. One who gives desire for enjoyment of returns of his noble
up desire for enjoyment of returns of his noble deed (gÎd g_modï>>•) and immersed in good nature
deed, (and remains) immersed in good nature, (_{Ymdr) is intelligent (oN>Þ g§e`•) and does not
is an intelligent (person), and does not doubt doubt (about his nature of work.)
(about his nature of work).

Z oh X{h-^¥Vm e·`_² Ë`ºw$_² H$_m©oU Ae{fV: & (oh) Certainly (Z) (it is) not (e·`_²) possible (X{h
18.11 `: Vw H$_© [b Ë`mJr g: Ë`mJr BoV Ao^Yr`V{ &&11&& ^¥Vm) for living being with body (Ë`ºw$_²) to give up
Certainly (it is) not possible for living being (H$_m©oU) activity or deed (Ae{fV•) completly. (Vw)
with body to give up activity or deed but (`•) one who (Ë`mJr) gives up (H$_© \$b) wish to
completely. But, one who gives up wish to enjoy fruits of his activity (g•) he (BoV) is
enjoy fruits of his activity, he is certainly said certainly (Ao^Yr`V{) said to be (Ë`mJr) a true tyagi
to be a true tyagi (one who gives up wish to (one who gives up wish to enjoy fruits of his
enjoy fruits of his action). action).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

AoZï>_² Bï>_² o_l_² M oÌ-odY_² H$_©U: [b_² & (AoZï>_²) Leading to hell (Bï>_²) leading to heaven
18.12 ^doV AË`moJZm_² à{Ë` Z Vw g§Ý`mogZm_² ·doMV² &&12&& (o_l M) and mixed (^doV) are the (oÌ-odY_²) three
Leading to hell, leading to heaven, and mixed kinds of (H$_©U• \$b_²) returns of deed or work or
are the three kinds of returns of deed or work or action (à{Ë`) after death (AË`moJZm_²) for those who
action after death for those who wish to enjoy wish to enjoy returns of their action (those who
returns of their action (those who perform perform selfish deeds) (Vw) but (g§Ý`mogZm_²) for
selfish deeds). But for those who don't expect those who don't expect to enjoy fruits of this
to enjoy fruits of their action (that means who action (that means who do selfless services or
do selfless services or deed) there is no such deed) (Z ·doMV²) there is no such three kinds of
three kinds of results for them in this world or results for them in their world or in the
in the hereafter. (For them there is only hereafter. (For them there is only heaven).
Five deciding factors of activities :-
[ÝM EVmoZ _hm-]mhm{ H$maUmoZ oZ]m{Y _{ &
18.13 gmS² (_hm-]mhm{) O mighty-armed one (Arjun) (ogÕ{`) for
>»`{ H¥$V-AÝV{ [íM àm{º$moZ ogÕ`{ gd© H$_©Um_² &&13&& perfection of (gd© H$_©Um_²) all activities or deeds
O Arjun, for perfection of all activities or ([m) five (H$maUmoZ) causes (are there) (gmL>»`{) in
deeds, five causes (are there) in Vedas (I will) Vedas (àm{·VmoZ) (I will) explain (H¥$V-AÝV{) the
explaine the motivating factor and outcome motivating factor and outcome (of these
(of these activities). Listen (again) all these are activities) (oZ]m{Y) listen (again) (EVmoZ) all these
from Me. are (_{) from Me.

18.14 AoYð> mZ_² VWm H$Vm© H$aU_² M [¥WH²$ -odY_² &

ododYm: M [¥WH²$ M{ï>m: X¡d_² M Ed AÌ [ÝM__² &&14&&
(AoYð>mZ_²) The place (VWm) and (H$Vm©) the doer (M)
and (H$maU_²) reasons ([¥WH²$ odY_²) of different kinds
of activity (ododYm: M [¥WH²$) and different kinds of
The place and the doer, and reasons of
(M{ï>m•) effort (X{d_² M) and God (Ed AÌ [m__²) certainly
different kinds of activity and different kinds
these are five (factor of activities/ deed/
of effort and God. Certainly these are five
(factor of activities or deed or action).

eara dmH²$ _Zm{o^: `V² H$_© àma^V{ Za: & (`V²) Whichever (H$_©) deed (Za•) a person (àma^V{)
18.15 Ý`mæ`_² dm od[arV_² dm [ÝM EV{ Vñ` h{Vd: &&15&& performs (eara dmH²$ dm _Zm{o^•) (by) body, speech or
Which ever deed a person perform (by) body, mind (Ý`mæ`_²) proper (justified) (dm od[arV_²) or the
speech, or mind. (Those are) proper (justified), opposite (unjustified), (Vñ`) their (h{Ëd•) (reason)
or the opposite (unjustified), their reason or or causes (EV{) are these ([ÄM) five (factors).
causes are these five (factors).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

VÌ Ed_² goV H$Vm©a_² AmË_mZ_² H{$db_² Vw `: &

18.16 [í`oV AH¥$V-]woÕËdmV² Z g: [í`oV XwV©oV: &&16&&
(Vw) But (`•) one who (AH¥$V ]woÕËdmV²) (because of)
low intelligence ([í`oV) sees (H{$db_²) only
But one who (because of) low intelligence sees
(AmË_mZ_²) himself (H$Vm©a_²) the doer (of everything)
only himself as the doer (of everything), in
(Ed_² goV) in spite of (five factors) (VÌ) hence (g•)
spite of (five factors) hence he (is a) fool, (and)
he (Xw_©oV•) (is a) fool (and) (Z) doesn't ([í`oV) see
doesn't see (anything).

When Sin not considered as Sin :-

18.17 `ñ` Z AhS²>H$V: ^md: ]woÕ: `ñ` Z obß`V{ &

hËdm Ao[ g: B_mZ² bm{H$mZ² Z hoÝV Z oZ]Ü`V{ &&17&&
(`ñ`) The one, whose (^md•) nature (Z) don't
(have) (AhL>H¥$V•) false ego (`ñ`) one whoes (]woÕ•)
The one whose nature don't (have) false ego. intelligence (Z) is not (obß`V{) entangled in
One whose intelligence is not entangled in (wishes of enjoyment or revenge) (B_mZ² bm{H$mZ²) in
(wishes of enjoyment or revenge). In this this world (hËdm Ao[ g•) even if he kills (Z hoÝV) (he)
world even if he kills, (he) doesn't kill. doesn't kill (Z) (because he is) not (oZ]Ü`V{)
(Because whatever he did is) not (in emotion entangled (in emotion of wish of enjoyment or
of wish or enjoyment or revenge). revenge).
(What he does is basically following
commandment of God and not for his pleasure
or revenge. So he don't incur sin).

kmZ_² k{`_² [oakmVm oÌ-odYm H$_© Mm{XZm & (kmZ_²) The (divine) knowledge (k©`_²) (hereafter)
18.18 H$aU_² H$_© H$Vm© BoV oÌ-odY: H$_© gS>²J«h: &&18&& which should be known ([oakmVm) one who
The (divine) knowledge, (hereafter) which knows everything (God) (oÌ-odYm) (these are)
should be known, (and) One who knows three kinds of (Mm{XZm) motivating factors (or
everything (God). (These are) three kind of factors that induces action) (H$_©) of noble work
motivating factors (or factors that induces or deed or activities. (H$aU_²) the wishes (H$_©)
action) of noble work. The wishes, activities, activities (of fulfilling own desires) (H$Vm©) the
the doer (human being) These are three things doer (human being who indulge in sense
which are constituents of actions. gratification) (BoV) these are (oÌ odY•) three things
(H$_© gL>J«h•) which are constituents of actions.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

The cause of any activity is knowledge, person, and his

action. These three factors are also as per three types of
nature (that is satvic, rajasic, Tamsic)
Detail about them are as follows :-

18.19 kmZ_² H$_© M H$Vm© M oÌYm Ed JwU-^{XV: &

àm{À`V{ JwU-gS>»`mZ{ `Wm-dV² e¥Uw VmoZ Ao[ &&19&&
(kmZ_²) Knowledge (H$_©) activity (M) and (H$Vm©)
doer (M) are also (oÌYm) of three kinds (Ed)
Knowledge, activity and doer, are also of three certainly (JwU ^{XV•) distinguished as per three
kinds. Certainly distinguished as per three types of nature (JwU) (their) nature (`Wm-dV²) as
types of nature, (Their) nature as they are they are (àm{À`V{) described in (gL>»`mZ{) Vedic
described in Vedic literature, listen to them literature (e¥Uw VmoZ Ao[) listen to them also.
Three types of understanding of divine knowledge :-
How view changes with satvic nature :-
gd©-^yV{fw `{Z EH$_² ^md_² Aì``_² B©jV{ & (`{Z) (The knowledge) by which (B©jV{) you can
18.20 Aod^º$_² od^º{$fw VV² kmZ_² odoÕ gmoËdH$_² &&20&& see (gd© ^yV{fw) all living beings (^md_²) created (EH$_²)
(The knowledge) by which you can see all by one God (Aì``_²) (who is) imperishable
living beings created by one God (who is) (Aod^·V_²) and un-divided (as creator, sustain
imperishable (immortal), and un-divided, (as and destroyer) (od^º{$fw) (in creating and
creator, sustain and destroyer), (in creating and sustaining) different kinds of (creatures). (odoÕ)
sustaining) different kinds of (creatures). understand (VV kmZ_²) that knowledge (gmoÎdH$_²)
Understand, that knowledge as based on nature (as) based on nature of goodness.
of goodness.

How understanding changes with Rajasic nature :-

18.21 [¥d{WoÎm·Ëd{gd}ZfVww ^y`V²V{fwkmZ_² ZmZm-^mdmZ² [¥WH²$ -odYmZ &

VV² kmZ_² odoÕ amOg_² &&21&&
(Vw) But (`V² kmZ_²) the knowledge by which ([¥WH²$
odYmZ) different kinds of (gd}fw ^yV{fw) all living
But the knowledge by which different kinds of beings (d{oÎm) consider as (^mdmZ²) creation of
all living beings consider as creation of ([¥W·Ëd{Z) different kind of (ZmZm) many (Gods) (VV²
different kind of many (Gods), that knowledge kmZ_²) that knowledge (odoÕ) must be known (as)
must be known (as) by nature of passion. (amOg_²) by nature of passion.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18
How understanding changes with Tamsic nature :-
`V² Vw H¥$ËñZdV² EH$oñ_Z² H$m`} gº$_² Ah¡VwH$_² & (Vw) But (`V²) (the knowledge by) which (g·V_²)
18.22 AVÎd-AW© -dV² Aë[_² M VV² Vm_g_² CXmöV_² &&22&& (one get) attached (H¥$ËñZdV²) fully (EH$oñ_Z²) in one
But (the knowledge by) which (one gets) kind of work (and that is earning money)
attached fully in one kind of work (and that is (Ah¡VwH$_²) (which is) without aim (AVÎd-AW©-dV) and
earning money) (which is) without aim, and without the knowledge of reality (Aë[_² M) and
without the knowledge of reality, and meager meager also (VV²) that (knowledge is) (CXmöV_²)
also. That (knowledge is) said to be by the said to be (Vm_g_²) by the nature of ignorance.
nature of ignorance.

Three types of Deeds (action) :-

Activity of person with Satvic nature :-

18.23 oZ`V_² gL>²J>-aohV_² AamJ-Û{fV: H¥$V_² &

A\$b-à{ßgwZm H$_© `V² VV² gmoËdH$_² CÀ`V{ &&23&&
(H$_©) (Deed) (`V²) which (is) (H¥$V_²) done (oZ`V_²) in
accordance with scriptures (gL>²J aohV_) free from
(Deed) which (is) done in accordance with combining (worship of one God with worship
scriptures, free from combining (worship of of deities) (A-amJ-Û{fV•) without anger and hatred
one God with worship of deities), without (A\$b à{ßgwZm) without expecting returns of good
anger and hatred, without expecting returns of deeds (VV²) that is (CÀ`V{) said to be (gmoÎdH$_²)
good deeds. That is said to be according to according to nature of goodness.
nature of goodness.

Activity of person with Rajasic nature :-

`V² Vw H$m_-B©ßgwZm H$_© gAhS²>H$ma{U dm [wZ: & (Vw) But (H$_©) action or deed (`V²) which (is done
18.24 oH«$`V{ ]hwb-Amgm`_² VV² amOg_² CXmöV_² &&24&& with) (H$m_ B©ßgwZm) desire of fruitive result (g
But action or deed which (is done with) desire AhL>²H$ma{U) with ego (dm [wZ oH«$`V{) or did again and
of fruitive result, with ego, or did again and again (]hwV Am`mg_²) with great labor (or
again with great labor (or stressfully). That stressfully) (VV²) that (action or deed) (CXmöV_²) is
(action or deed) is said to be (motivated by) the said to be (amOg_²) (motivated by) the nature of
nature of passion. passion.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18
Activity of person with Tamsic nature :-

18.25 _m{AZwh]mV²ÝY_²Amaä`V{
j`_² oh§gm_² AZ[{ú` M [m¡éf_² &
H$_© `V² VV² Vm_g_² CÀ`V{ &&25&&
(H$_©) Action or deed (`V²) which is (Amaä`V{) begun
(AZw]ÝY_²) without following law (j`_² oh§gm_²)
Action or deed which is begun without (with) violence and destruction (AZ[{ú`)
following law, (with) violence and without considering the consequence (M) and
destruction, without considering the ([m¡éf_²) one's own ability (_m{hmV²) because of
consequence and one's own ability, and delusion (VV²) that (action or deed) (CÀ`V{) is said
because of delusion. That (action or deed) is to be (Vm_g_²) motivated by nature of ignorance.
said to be motivated by nature of ignorance

Three types of performer of action :-

_wº$-gS²> J: AZh_²-dmXr Y¥oV CËgmh g_oÝdV: &
18.26 ogoÕ AogÕçm{: oZod©H$ma: H$Vm© gmoÎdH$: CÀ`V{ &&26&&
(H$Vm©) A performer of deed (CÀ`V{) is said to be
(gmoÎdH$•) performing under influence of nature
A performer of deed is said to be performing
of goodness if he (_w·V gL>²J) is free from sangam
under influence of nature of goodness, if he is
(mixing of worship of God with deities) (AZh_²-
free from sangam (mixing of worship of God
dmXr) free from ego (Y¥oV) having determination
with deities). Free from ego, having
(CËgmh) having great enthusiasm (g_oÝdV•) having
determination, having great enthusiasm, ability to remain (oZod©H$ma•) without change (ogoÕ
having ability to remain without change, in AogÕ`m{•) in perfect condition and in failure.
perfect condition and in failure.

(amJr) Hot tempered (H$_© \$b) expecting fruits of

18.27 hf©amJr-em{H$_©H-$-AoÝdV:
\$b à{ßgw: bwãY: oh§gm-AmË_H$: AewoM: &
H$Vm© amOg: [oaH$roV©V: &&27&& his deed (bwãY•) greedy (oh§gm AmË_H$m•) violent
Hot tempered, expecting fruits of his deed, natured (AewoM•) unclear (hf©-em{H$-AoÝdV:) moved
greedy, violent natured, unclean moved by joy by joy and sorrow (H$Vm©) performer (of such
and sorrow. Performer (of such deeds) is deeds) ([oaH$roV©V•) is declared (as) (amOg•) having
declared (as) having nature of passion. nature of passion.

A`wº$: àmH¥$V: ñVãY: eR>: Z¡H¥$oVH$: Abg: & (H$Vm©) The performer (A`w·V•) (who is) not
18.28 odfmXr XrK©-gyÌr M H$Vm© Vm_g: CÀ`V{ &&28&& engaged in worship of God (àmH¥$V•) materialistic
The performer (who is) not engaged in (ñVãY) obstinate (eR>•) cunning/deceitful (Z¡H¥$oVH$•)
worship of God, (who is) materialistic, expert in insulting others (Abg•) lazy (odfmXr)
obstinate, cunning/deceitful, expert in unhappy (M) and (XrK©-gyÌr) procrastinating (CÀ`V{)
insulting others, lazy, unhappy, and is said to be (Vm_g•) having nature of ignorance.
procrastinating is said to be having nature of
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

(YZÄO`:) O Arjun (]woÕ•) intelligence (Ed) and (Y¥V{•)

18.29 àm{]wÕÀ`_mZ_²
{: ^{X_² Y¥V{: M Ed JwUV: oÌ-odY_² e¥Uw &
Ae{fU [¥W·Ëd{Z YZÝO` &&29&& patience (Ed) certainly (oÌ-odY_²) of three kinds
O Arjun intelligence and patience, certainly (JwUV•) as per nature (of person) (e¥Uw) just hear
are of three kinds, as per nature (of person). ([¥W·Ëd{Z) separately (^{X_) there difference (Ae{f{U)
Just hear separately their difference in detail, in detail (àm{À`_mZ_²) (as I) describe (it to you).
(as I) describe (it to you).
Three types of intelligence :-
àd¥oÎm_² M oZd¥oÎm_² M H$m`© AH$m`} ^` A^`{ & (àd¥oÎm_²) (What is) progress (M) and (oZd¥oÎm_²) (what
18.30 ]ÝY_² _m{j_² M `m d{oÎm ]woÕ: gm [mW© gmoÎdH$r &&30&& is) death (M) and (H$m`©) (what is) noble deed
(What is) progress, and (what is) death, and (AH$m`©) (and) deed which ought not to be done
(what is) noble deed, (and ) deed which ought (^`) fear (A^`{) fearlessness (]ÝY_²) what is
not to be done, fear, fearlessness. What is binding (M) and (_m{j_²) what is liberating (]woÕ•)
binding, and what is liberating. Intellect intellect (`m) which (d{oÎm) understands (this) ([mW©)
which understands (these), O Arjun, that O son of partha (Arjun) (gm) that (intellect is
(intellect is said to be of) good nature. said to be of) (gmoÎdH$r) good nature.

``m Y_©_² AY_©_² M H$m`©_² M AH$m`©_² Ed M&

18.31 A`Wm-dV² (]woÕ•)The intellect (``m) which is (A`Wm-dV²)
àOmZmoV ]woÕ: gm [mW© amOgr &&31&& confused in (àOmZoV) distinguishing (Y_©_²) (and)
The intellect which is confused in righteousness (AY_©_²) unrighteousness (M) and
distinguishing righteousness and (H$m`©_²) right conduct (M) and (AH$m`©_²) wrong
unrighteousness, and right conduct and wrong conduct ([mW©) O son of partha (Arjun) (gm) that
conduct. O Arjun, that (intellect is said to be) (intellect is said to be) (amOgr) (having) nature of
(having) nature of passion. passion.

AY_©_² Y_©_² BoV `m _Ý`V{ V_gm Amd¥Vm &

18.32 gd©-AWm©Z² od[arVmZ² M ]woÕ: gm [mW© Vm_gr &&32&&
(]woÕ•) Intellect (V_gm Amd¥Vm) affected by ignorance
(is that) (`m) which (_Ý`V{) considers (AY_©_²)
Intellect affected by ignorance (is that) which irreligion (Y_©_²) (as) religion (M) and (gd© AWm©Z²)
considers irreligion (as) religion. And (considers) all things (od[arVmZ²) in wrong
(considers) all things in wrong direction. That direction (gm) that ([mW©) or son of partha (Arjun)
OArjun (is said to be in) nature of ignorance. (Vm_gr) (is said to be in) nature of ignorance.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

Three types of determination :-

18.33 `m{Y¥ËJ`m{Z``m Yma`V{ _Z: àmU BoÝÐ` oH«$`m: &

Aì`o^MmoaÊ`m Y¥oV: gm [mW© gmoÎdH$r &&33&&
([mW©) O Arjun (Aì`o^MmoaÊ`m) with steadfastness
(Y¥Ë`m) (to fulfill) commitment (_Z) (to control)
O Arjun, the determination, (by which one is) mind (àmU) (to sustain) life (BoÝÐ` oH«$`m•) for
committed (to control) mind, (to sustain) life, controlling of all activities which leads to
controlling of all activities which leads to enjoyment of senses (`m{J{Z) (to perform) prayer
enjoyment of senses, (to perform) prayer. The (Y¥oV) the determination (``m) which is (Yma`V{)
determination which is adopted (for all these adopted (gm) that (determination is) (gmoÎdH$r) by
things is) because of nature of goodness. nature of goodness.

``m Vw Y_© H$m_ AWm©Z² Y¥Ë`m Yma`V{ AOw©Z & (AOw©Z) O Arjun (Vw) but (``m) (if) someone (Yma`V{)
18.34 àgS{>Z [b-AH$mS²>jr Y¥oV: gm [mW© amOgr &&34&& adopts (Y¥Ë`m) determination (àgL²>J{Z) due to
O Arjun, but (if) someone adopts attachment (that means he has lust or anger or
determination due to attachment (that means some emotion towards is that work or) (\$b
he has lust or anger or some emotion towards AmH$mL²>jr) expectation of fruitful returns from
is that work or) expectation of fruitful returns activity while (Y_© H$m_ AWm©Z²) performing religion
from activity while performing religion duty, duty sense gratification or earning wealth (Y¥oV•
(such as) sense gratification, or earning gm) that determination (amOgr) is by nature of
wealth. That determination is by nature of passion.

18.35 ``m ñdßZ_² ^`_² em{H$_² odfmX_² _X_² Ed M & ([mW©) O Partha (Xw_}Ym) person with evil mentality,
Z od_wÝMoV Xw_}Ym Y¥oV: gm [mW© Vm_gr &&35&& (``m) (patience) by which (Z od_wÄMoV) (he) doesn't
O Arjun, person with evil mentality, (patience) give up (ñdßZ_²) dreaming (^`_²) fearing (em{H$_²)
by which (he) doesn't give up dreaming, grieving (odfmX_²) despair (M) and (_X_²) illusion
fearing, grieving, despair and illusion. (Ed) certainly (gm) that (Y¥oV•) determination
Certainly that determination is by nature of (Vm_gr) is by nature of ignorance.

Three kinds of peace :-

gwI_² Vw BXmZr_² oÌ-odY_² _{ ^aV-F$f^ & (Vw) But (BXmZr_²) now (^aV-F$f^) O best amongst
18.36 Aä`mgmV² a_V{ `Ì Xw:I AÝV_² M oZJÀN>oV &&36&& the bharatas (e¥Uw) hear (_{) from Me (oÌ odY_²)
But now, O Arjun, hear from Me three kinds of three kinds of (gwI_²) happiness (peace) (`Ì) in
happiness (peace), in which (first one is) which (first one is) (Aä`mgmV²) reading and
reading and analysis holy Vedas. (By this we) analysis of holy Vedas (oZJÀN>oV) (by this we)
gain peace and (miseries end). gain (a_V{) peace (M) and (Xw•I AÝV_²) miseries end.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

`V² `V² AJ«{ odf_² -Bd [oaUm_{ A_¥V C[__² & (VV² AJ«{) That (reading of holy Vedas is) (AJ«{) in
18.37 VV² gwI_² gmoËdH$_² àm{º$_² AmË_ ]woÕàgmX-O_² &&37&& the beginning (odf_²-Bd) like poison ([oaUm_{) but
That (reading of holy Vedas is) in the its results are (C[__²) equal to (A_¥V) nectar (VV²)
beginning like poison, but its results are equal that (gwI_²) peace (is of) (gmoÎdH$_²) by the nature of
to nectar. That peace (is) by the nature of goodness (àm{·V_²) God says that (AmË_) (by
goodness. God says that (by remembrance of) remembrance of) God (]woÕ àgmX O_) peace
God, peace develops in mind. develops in mind.

odf` BoÝÐ` g§`m{JmV² `V² VV² AJ«{ A_¥V-C[__² & (ñ_¥V_²) Remember (`V²) (the peace) which (we
18.38 [oaUm_{ odf_² Bd VV² gwI_² amOg_² ñ_¥V_² &&38&& get by) (g§`m{JmV²) combining the (BoÝÐ`) wishes of
Remember, (the peace) which (we get by) enjoyment (with) (odf`) object of enjoyment
combining the wishes of enjoyment (with) (VV²) that (peace) (AJ«{) in the beginning (A_¥V-
object of enjoyment, that (peace) in the C[__²) equal to nectar ([oaUm_{) and its result is
beginning is equal to nectar, and its result is (odf_² Bd) like poison (VV²) that (gwI_²) peace is
like poison. That peace is due to nature of (amOg_²) due to nature of passion.

`V² AJ«{ M AZw]ÝY{ M gwI_² _m{h__² AmË_Z: &

18.39 oZÐm (CXmöV_²) God says that (gwI_²) peace (`V²) which
Ambñ` à_mX CËW_² VV² Vm_g_² CXmöV_² &&39&& (AZw]ÝY{) binds (AmË_Z•) human being (_m{hZ_²) (with)
God says that peace which binds human being illusion (oZÐm) ignorance (Ambñ`) laziness (à_mX)
(with) illusion, ignorance, laziness, negligence (VV²) that (peace) is (CËW_²) produced
negligence. That (peace) is produced by (Vm_g_²) by nature of ignorance.
nature of ignorance.

Z VV² AoñV [¥oWì`m_² dm oXod X{d{fw dm (VV²) That (human being) (AoñV [¥oWì`m_²) which are
18.40 [wZ: gÎd_² àH¥$oV-O¡: _wº$_² `V² Eo^: ñ`mV² oÌo^: JwU¡: on the earth (dm) or (oXod X{d{fw) or spiritual entities
&&40&& (dm) or ([wZ• gÎd_²) those pious entities which do
That (human being) which are on the earth, or good deed again and again (àH¥$oV O¡•) whoever is
spiritual entities, or those pious entities which born by natures power of God (`V²) they (ñ`mV²)
do good deed again and again, or whoever is are (Z) not (_w·V) free from (Eo^) influence of
born by natures power of God. They are not (oÌo^• JwU¡•) three types of nature.
free from influence of three types of nature
(that is goodness, passion, ignorance).
(Hence all of them should be careful, and cross check
themself, and correct themselves as per the details
described in this adheyay.)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

Four types of nature related to profession :-

18.41 ]«H$_m©m÷UoUjoÌ` odem_² eyÐmUm_² M [aÝV[ &

àod^º$moZ ñd^md à^d¡: JwU¡: &&41&&
(]«m÷U•) Brahmin (joÌ`) the warrior (d¡í`) the
mercantile and farming class (M) and (eyÐmUm_²) of
Brahmin, the warrior, the mercantile and the worker class ([aÝV[) O (Arjun) (à^d¡• JwUm¡•)
farming class, and of the worker class. O (God) created (them) along with nature (H$_m©oU
Arjun, (God) created (them) along with nature àod^·VmoZ) to perform different activities (ñd^md)
to perform different activities as their own as their own nature.

Nature of Brahmins :-
e_: X_: V[: em¡M_² jmoÝV: AmO©d_² Ed M & (e_•) peacefulness (X_•) self control (V[•) hard
18.42 kmZ_² odkmZ_² AmoñV·`_² ]«÷ H$_© ñd^mdO_² &&42&& struggle (em¡M_²) cleanliness (jmoÝV•) patience
Peacefulness, self control, hard struggle, (AmO©d_²) integrity/ honesty (M) and (kmZ_²)
cleanliness, patience, integrity/honesty, and knowledge (odkmZ_²) wisdom (AmoñVH²$`_²) belief in a
knowledge, wisdom, belief in a hereafter. hereafter (Ed) certainly (ñd^md O_²) these qualities
Certainly these qualities are created (in are created (]«m÷Um| H$_©) (in Brahmins who) do
Brahmins who) do (teaching and religious) (teaching and religious) works for God.
works for God.

Natures of worriers :-

18.43 Va l o r , p o w e r / s t r e n g t h , em¡`©_² V{O: Y¥oV: Xmú`_² `wÕ{ M Ao[ A[bm`Z_² & XmZ_² B©ída ^md: M
jmÌ_² H$_© ñd^md-O_² &&43&&
determination, skill in weaponry, and not
fleeing, generosity, leadership qualities. Those (em¡`©_²) Valor (V{O) power/ strength (Y¥oV)
who work for administration and military determination (Xmú`_² `wÕ{) skill in weaponry (M)
affairs (joÌ`) are born with these qualities. and (A[bm`Z_²) not fleeing (XmZ_²) generosity (M)
and (B©ída ^md•) leadership qualities (jmÌ_² H$_©)
those who work for administration and
military affairs (ñd^md O_²) one born with these

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

Natures of Vaisya & Shudra :-

H¥$of Jm{ aú` dmoUÁ`_² d¡í` H$_© ñd^md-O_² & (H¥$of) Farming (Jm{ aú`) protection of cows
18.44 [oaM`m© AmË_H$_² H$_© jwÐñ` Ao[ ñd^md-O_² &&44&& (dmoÊmÁ`_²) trade (d¡í` H$_©) are activities of vaisya
Farming, protection of cows, trade are (ñd^md O_²) and they are created with these nature
activities of vaisya, and they are created with ([oaM`m© AmË_H$_) service related (H$_©) activities
these natures. Service related activities are of (eyÐñ`) are of sudra (Ao[) (and) also (ñd^md O_²)
sudra, (and) also they are created with these they are created with these natures.

Importance of own in-build nature in sucess :-

18.45 ñd{ñd-H$_©
ñd{ H$_©oU Ao^aV: g§ogoÕ_² b^V{ Za: &
oZaV: ogoÕ_² `Wm odÝXoV VV² e¥Uw &&45&&
(Ao^aV) Engaged in (H$_m©oU) activities (ñd{ ñd{) as per
own (nature) (Za•) human being (b^V{) attains
Engaged in activities as per own (nature).
(g§ogoÕ_²) success/perfection (`Wm) the way in
Human being attains success/perfection the
which (oZaV•) (those who get) engaged (ñd H$_©) in
way in which (those who get) engaged in work work as per own nature and (odÝXoV) attain (ogoÕ_²)
as per own nature, and attain success/perfection (VV²) that (e¥Uw) listen (from
success/perfection. This (you) listen (from Me).

`V: àd¥oÎm: ^yVmZm_² `{Z gd©_² BX_² VV_² & (`V•) (God) who has (àd¥oV) created (^yVmZm_²) all
18.46 ñd-H$_© Um V_² Aä`À`© ogoÕ_² odÝXoV _mZd: &&46&& living entities (`{Z) by whom (gd©_² BX_) all this
(God) who has created all living entities. By universe (VV_²) pervades (Aä`À`©) by worshiping
whom all this universe pervades. By (V_²) him (to God) (ñd H$_©Um) and practicing
worshiping him (to God), and practicing profession as per own nature (_mZd•) human
profession as per own nature, human being being (odÝXoV) attains (ogoÕ_²) perfection/success.
attains perfection/success.

l{`mZ² ñd-Y_©: odJwU: [aY_m©V² gw-AZwoð>VmV² & (l{`mZ²) It is better to (ñd-Y_©•) work with own
18.47 ñd^md-oZ`V_² H$_© Hw$d©Z Z AmßZm{oV oH$oë]f_² &&47&& natural abilities (odJwU•) (even if) performance
It is better to work with own natural abilities, is imperfect) ([a• Y_m©V²) (than) doing work of
(even if) performance is imperfect, (than) people of other nature (gw-AZwoð>VmV²) perfectly
doing work of people of other nature perfectly. (Hw$d©Z) by doing (H$_©) work (oZ`V_²) prescribed by
By doing work prescribed by own nature, (ñd^md) own nature (oH$oë]f_²) failure is (Z) never
failure is never achieved. (AmßZm{oV) achieved.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

ghO_² H$_© H$m¡ÝV{` g-Xm{f_² Ao[ Z Ë`O{V² & (oh) Certainly (gd© Amaå^m•) all human nature and
18.48 gd© -Amaå^m: oh Xm{f{U Yy_{Z Ao¾: Bd Amd¥Vm: &&48&& tendencies are (Xm{f{U) full of imperfection (Bd)
Certainly, all human nature and tendencies are the way in which (Ao¾•) fire is (Amd¥Vm•) full of
full of imperfection. The way in which fire is smoke (H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjun) (ghO_²)
full of smoke. O Arjun, human being is created human being is created (g Xm{f_²) along with
along with imperfection. Therefore, work (as imperfection. (Ao[) therefore (H$_©) work (as per
per own nature) should never be given up. own nature) (Z) should never be (Ë`O{V) given

18.49 Z¡Agº$-]w oÕ: gd©Ì oOV-AmË_m odJV-ñ[¥h: &

îH$å`©-ogoÕ_² [a_m_² g§Ý`mg{Z AoYJÀN>oV &&49&&
(Ag·V ]woÕ•) Those whose mind (gd©Ì) is not
attached to everyone (oOV AmË_m) having
Those whose mind is not attached to everyone, mastered the mind (od½V ñ[¥h•) without material
having mastered the mind, without material desire (Ý`mg{Z) gave up (Z¡îH$å`© ogoÕ_²) expectation
desire, gave up expectation of fruits of noble of fruits of noble deed completely (AoYJÀN>oV) he
deed completely. He attains the supreme God. attains ([a_m_²) the supreme God.

18.50 ogoÕ_² àmá: `Wm ]«÷ VÏ mm AmßZm{oV oZ]m{Y _{&

g_mg{Z Ed H$m¡ÝV{` oZð>m kmZñ` `m [am &&50&&
([am) Divine (kmZñ`) knowledge (`m) by which
(human being) (àmá•) attains (oZð>m) deep faith in
Divine knowledge by which (human being) God (VWm) and (AmßZm{oV) achieves (ogoÕ_²)
attains deep faith in God and achieves perfection (in concentration) (]«÷) (in) God
perfection (in concentration) (in) God, try to (oZ]m{Y) try to understand (_{) from me (g_mg{Z) in
understand from Me in brief, this (knowledge). brief (`Wm) this (knowledge).

Golden rules for realization of God :-

]wÕ`m odewÕ`m `wº$m{ Y¥Ë`mË_mZ§ oZ`å` M &
18.51 eãX-AmXrZ² odf`mZ² Ë`·Ëdm amJ Û{fm¡ ì`wXñ` M &&51&& (]wÕ`m odewÕ`m Ë`wËdm{) purified mind (against
(One become eligible for realization of God worship of deities) and remain engaged in
when he fulfills following criteria) worship of God.
1) Purified mind (against worship of deities) (Y¥Ë`m AmË_mZ_² oZ`å`) keeping oneself steadfast in
and remain engaged in worship of God. following divine laws.
2) Keeping one self steadfast in following (M) and
divine laws and (eãX AmXrZ² odf`mZ² Ë`·Ëdm) giving up object of
3) giving up objects of enjoyment and too enjoyment, and too much talking
much talking and (M) and
4) casting aside anger and hatred. (ì`wXñ` amJ Û{fm¡) casting aside anger and hatred.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

ododº$-g{dr bKw-Amer `V dmH²$ H$m` _mZg: &

18.52 Ü`mZ-`m{ J[a: oZË`_² d¡am½`_² g_w[molV: &&52&& (odod·V g{dr) Living in a peaceful place
4) Living in a peaceful place, (bKw-Amer) eating less
6) eating less, (`V-dmH²$-H$m`m-_mZgm) controlling, speech, body
7) controlling, speech, body, and mind, and mind
8) always engage in remembrance of God by (Ü`mZ `m{J[a• oZË`_²) always engage in remembrance
meditation of God by meditation
9) taking shelter of God, and having absence (d¡am½`_² g_w[molV•) taking shelter of God and
of passion of materialistic things. having absence of passion of materialistic

Ah·S>ma_² ]b_² X[©_² H$m__² H«$m{Y_² [oaJ«h_² & (od_wÀ`) Freed from (AhL²>H$ma>_²) egoism (]b_²)
18.53 od_w À` oZ_©_: emÝV: ]«÷-^y`m` H$ë[V{ &&53&& violence (X[©_) arrogance (H$m__²) desire for
10) Freed from egoism, violence, arrogance, enjoyment (H«$m{Y_²) anger ([oaJ«h_²) selfishness
desire for enjoyment, anger, selfishness. 11) (oZ_©_• emÝV•) having no pride of possessing of
having no pride of possessing of property or property or wealth and peaceful nature (]«÷ ^y`m`
wealth and peaceful nature. Such a person has H$ë[V{) such a person has right for realization of
right for realization of God. God.

]«÷-^yV àgÞ-AmË_m Z em{MoV Z H$mS>joV & (]«÷ ^yV•) The human being who is engaged in
18.54 g_: gd}fw ^yV{fw _V² ^oº$_² b^V{ [am_² &&54&& worship of one God (àgÞ AmË_m) remains
The human being who is engaged in worship mentally peaceful (Z em{MoV) neither grieving (Z
of one God remains mentally peaceful. (He) H$mL²>joV) nor expect (anything from other human
neither grieve nor expect (anything from other beings) (g_• gd}fw ^yV{fw) equally disposed toward
human being). (He remains) equally disposed all living beings (_V² ^o·V_²) worship Me (b^V{ [am_²)
toward all living beings. (Hence) worship Me to attain supreme (heaven).
attain supreme (heaven).

How to reach God directly :-

å^º$`m _m_² Ao^OmZmoV `mdmZ² `: M Aoñ_ VÎdV: &
18.55 VV: _m_² VÎdV: kmËdm odeV{ VV-AZÝVa_² &&55&&
(VV•) That worshiper (^·Ë`m) by prayer only
(Ao^OmZoV) realizes (VÎdV•) truth (_m_²) (about) Me
That worshiper, by prayer only realizes truth (`mVmZ² `• M Aoñ_) whatever I am and whoever I am
(about) Me. Whatever I am, and whoever I am. (kmËdm) knowing (_m_²) My (VÎdV•) truth (VV²) he
Knowing, My truth, he reaches (Me) without (odeV{) reaches (Me) (AZÝVa_²) without anyone in
anyone in between. between.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

Importance of blessing of God for eternal success :-

ågd© H$_m©oU Ao[ gXm Hw$dm©$U: _VËì`[ml`: & (gXm) one who always (Hw$dm©U•) performs (gd© H$_m©oU)
18.56 _VËàgmXmV² AdmßZm{oV emûdV_² [X_² Aì``_² &&56&& all deeds (_V² ì`[ml`•) taking My shelter (as per
But (it is also a fact that) one who always My command) (Ao[) But (AdmßZm{o[) (he) can get
perform all deeds taking My shelter (as per My (emûdV_²-[X_²-Aì``_²) eternal, supreme immortal
command), (he) can get eternal, supreme (place heaven) (_V² àgmXV²) by My grace only.
immortal (place heaven) by My grace only.
(That means without special grace of God, no
one can get accommodation in heaven only by
doing good deeds) Hence we should try to
please God first, then earn blessings.)

Divine instructions to Arjun by God :-

18.57 ]wåM{oÕ-`m{
Vgm gd©-H$_m©oU _o` g§Ý`ñ` _V-[a: &
J_² C[molË` _V²-oMÎm: gVV_² ^d &&57&&
(g§Ý`ñ`) Dedicate (gd© H$_m©oU) all activities or deeds
(M{Vg²) consciously (_o`) to Me (_V²-[a•) have Me
Dedicate all activities or deeds consciously to as supreme goal (]woÕ `m{J_²) have the intellect
Me. Have Me as supreme goal. Have the connected to Me (C[olË`) take (My) shelter (^d)
intellect connected to Me. Take (My) shelter. become (one who's) (_V² oMV• gVV_²)
Become (one who's) consciousness always consciousness always absorbed in Me.
absorbed to Me.

_V² oMÎm: gd© XwJm©oU _V² àgmXmV² Voaî`og &

18.58 AW (_V² oMV•) Always remember Me (Voaî`og) you
M{V² Ëd_² AhH$mamV Z lm{î`og odZS>ú`og &&58&& shall overcome (gd© XwJm©oU) all obstacles (_V² àgmXmV²)
Always remember Me. You shall overcome all by My grace (AW) but (M{V) if (Ëd_²) you (Z lm{î`og)
obstacles by My grace. But if you do not do not listen (AhL²>H$ma>mV²) due to false ego
listen due to false ego, you will perish. (odZL²>ú`og) you will perish.

`V² Ah·S>ma_² AmolË` Z `m{Ëñ`{ BoV _Ý`g{& (`V²) If (AolË`) taking shelter (of) (AhL²>H$ma_²) false
18.59 o_Ï`m Ef ì`dgm`: V{ àH¥$oV: Ëdm_² oZ`m{ú`oV &&59&& pride (Z `m{Ëñ`{) I shall not fight (BoV) this way
If taking shelter (of) false pride, “I shall not (_Ý`g{) you are thinking (Ef) this (ì`dgm`•)
fight,” this way if you are thinking. This determination (o_Ï`m) is false (V{ àH¥$oV•) your
determination is false. Your destiny will destiny (Ëdm_² oZ`m{ú`oV) will engage you (in this
engage you, (in this war). war).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

ñd^md-O{Z H$m¡ÝV{` oZ]Õ ñd{Z H$_©Um & (H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjun) (_m{hmV²) because of
18.60 H$Vw ©_² Z BÀN>og `V² _m{hmV² H$oaî`og Ade: Ao[ VV² &&60&& delusion (H$_©Um) the work (`V²) which (H$Vw©_² Z BÀN>og)
O Arjun, because of delusion, the work which (you) don't wish to do (ñd^md ñd{Z) the nature
(you) don't wish to do. The nature along with along with which you have been born (oZ]X²Y•)
which you have been born bound (by that bound (by that nature) (Ao[) certainly (ñd{Z) you
nature) certainly you by yourself helplessly by yourself (Ade•) helplessly (H$oaî`og) you will
you will do, that (war). do (VV²) that (war).
How God takes exam :-

18.61 ^«B©ím_`Z²
da: gd©-^yVmZm_² öV-X{e{ AOw©Z oVð>oV &
gd©-^yVmoZ `ÝÌ AméT>moZ _m``m &&61&&
(AOw©Z) O Arjun (B©ída•) God is (oVð>oV) present (öV
X{e{) in heart of (gd© ^yVmZm_²)) all human beings (gd©
O Arjun, God is present in heart of all human ^yVmoZ) to all human beings (_m``m) (for the
beings. To all human beings (for the purpose purpose of) taking examination (`ÝÌ AméT>moZ) (He
of) taking examination (He has) placed them has) placed them on a machine (^«m_`Z²) and
on a machine, and causing them to travel. causing them to travel.

V_² Ed eaU_² JÀN> gd©-^md{Z ^maV & (^maV) O son of Bharat (Arjun) (eaU_²) surrender
18.62 VV àgmXmV² [am_² emoÝV_² ñWmZ_² àmßñ`og emûdV_² &&62&& (gd© ^md{Z) in all respect (V_²) to Him (God) (àmßñ`og)
O Arjun, surrender in all respect to Him (God). you will get ([am_² emoÝV_² ñWmZ_²) supreme peaceful
You will get supreme peaceful place (heaven), place (heaven) (VV² àgmXmV²) by His grace (emûdV_²)
by His grace eternally (forever). eternally (forever).

18.63 BoV V{ kmZ_² Am»`mV_² JwømV² JwøVa_² _`m &

od_¥í` EVV² Ae{f{U `Wm BÀN>og Vwm Hw$é &&63&&
(BoV) In this way (this) (kmZ_²) the knowledge
(JwømV² JwøVa_²) which is more secret than secret is
In this way, (this) knowledge which is more (Am»`mV_²) explained (_`m) by Me (V{) to you (EVV²)
secret than secret, is explained by Me to you. on this (knowledge) (od_¥í`) think (Ae{f{U)
On this (knowledge) think completely, (and) completely (Hw$é) (and) do (`Wm BÀN>mog `Wm) as you
do as you wish. wish.
Important divine instructions for Success :-
gd©-Jwø-V__² ^y`: e¥Uw _{ [a__² dM: & (^y`• e¥Uw) Again listen ([a__² dM•) supreme
18.64 Bï>: Aog _{ ÑT>_² BoV VV: dú`mo_ V{ ohV_² &&64&& instructions (gd© Jwø V__²) (which are) the most
Again listen supreme instructions, (which confident of all (_{) from Me (Bï>• Aog _{) you are
are) the most confident of all, from Me. You dear to Me (ÑT>_²) (and you have) firm (faith in
are dear to Me, (and you have) firm (faith in
Me) (BoV) hence (V{ ohV_²) for your benefit (dú`mo_) I
Me). Hence for your benefit I am speaking
am speaking (VV•) that (confidential knowledge
that (confidential knowledge to you).
to you).
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

_V-_Zm: ^d _V^º$: _V² `mOr _m_² Z_ñHw$é & (_V² _Zm•) (Always) think of Me (^d _V² ^·V)
18.65 _m_² Ed Eî`og gË`_² V{ àoVOmZ{ oà`: Aog _{ &&65&& become my worshiper (_V² `mOr) worship Me (_m_²
(Always) think of Me, become My worshiper. Z_ñHw$é) protrate to Me (Ed) certainly (by doing
Worship Me. Prostrate to Me. Certainly (by so) (_m_² Eî`og) you will get Me (gË`_² V{ àoVOmZ{) (this
doing so) you will get Me. (this is My) true
is my) true promise to you (oà`• Aog _{) (because
promise to you (because you) are dear to Me.
you) are dear to me.
Summary of Divine teachings :-
gd©-Y_m©Z² [oaË`Á` _m_² EH$_² eaU_² d«O& ([oaË`Á`) Abandon (gd© Y_m©Z²) all religions (eaU_² d«O)
18.66 Ah_² Ëdm_² gd© [m[{ä`: _m{jo`î`mo_ _m ewM: &&66&& come to the shelter of (_m_² EH$_²) Me the one God
Abandon all religion, come to the shelter of (Ah_² Ëdm_² gd©) I will your all ([m[{ä`• _m{jo`î`mo_)
Me, the one God. I will forgive all your sins. forgive sins (_m ewM•) do not worry.
Do not worry.

Terms & conditions of teaching Bhawad Gita :-

18.67 ZBX_²M Aew

V{ Z AV[ñH$m` Z A^º$m` H$XmMZ &
lyfd{ dmÀ`_² Z M _m_² `: Aä`gy`oV &&67&&
(BX_²) These (divine instructions) (Z) (should)
never (dmß`_²) to be spoken (to those) (AV[ñH$m`)
These (divine instructions) (should) neither be who are not austere (have no control on the
spoken (to those) who are not austere (have no senses) (Z A^·Vm` H$XmMZ) never to those who don't
control on the senses) nor to those who don't worship at any time (Z M Aewlyfd{) and neither to
worship at anytime. And neither to those who those who are not interested in listening (Z M _m_²
are not interested in listening. And nor to those `• Aä`gy`oV) and neither to those who are envious
who are envious of Me. of Me.

Advantage of spreading divine knowledge :-

`: BX_² [a__² Jwø_² _V² ^º{$fw Ao^Ymñ`oV & (`•) Those who (along with) (H¥$Ëdm) doing (^o·V_²)
18.68 ^oº$_² _o` [am_² H¥$Ëdm _m_² Ed Eî`oV Ag§e`: &&68&& My worship (Ao^Ymñ`oV) teaches (BX_²) these ([a__²
Those who (along with) doing My worship, Jwø_²) most confident knowledge (_V² ^º{$fw$) to My
teaches this most confident knowledge to My worshiper (Ag§e`•) without doubt (Eî`oV) achieve
worshiper. Without doubt achieve My (_m_²) My ([am_²) supreme place (heaven) (Ed)
supreme place (heaven) certainly. certainly.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

Z M Vñ_mV² _Zwî`{fw H$oûMV² _{ oà`-H¥$V²-V_: & (M Vñ_mV²) And as compared (to him) (_Zwî`{fw)
18.69 ^odVm Z M _{ Vñ_mV² AÝ`: oà`-Va: ^wod &&69&& among human beings (H$oûMV²) no one is (oà`
And as compared (to him) among human H¥$VÎm_{•) more dear (_{) to Me (at present) (^odVm Z
beings, no one is more dear to Me (at present), M) and never will be (AÝ`) anyone else (^wod) in
and never will be anyone else in this world as this world (Vñ_mV²) as compared to him (will be)
compared to him (will be) more dearer to Me (oà`m Va•) more dearer (_{) to Me (in future).
in future.

Advantage of learning and listening to Bhagwad Gita :-

AÜ`{î`V{ M `: B__² Yå`©_² g§dmX_² Amd`m{: & (M `•) And one who (AÜ`{î`V{) will study (B__²) this
18.70 kmZ Ak{Z V{Z Ah_² Bï>: ñ`m_² BoV _{ _oV: &&70&& (Amd`m{•) our (Yå`©_² g§dmX_²) sacred conversation (kmZ
And one who will study this, our sacred `k{Z) he will worship (please) Me by the way of
conversation, he will worship (please) Me by gaining knowledge (Ah_²) I (ñ`m_²) shall fulfill (V{Z)
the way of gaining knowledge. I shall fulfill his (Bï>•) (all) wishes (BoV) this is (_{) My (_oV•)
his (all) wishes. This is My decision.

lÕ-dmZ² Azgy`: M e¥Uw`mV² Ao[ `: Za: &

18.71 g: Ao[ _wº$: ew^mZ² bm{H$mZ² àmßZw`mV² [wÊ`-H$_©Um_² (`• Za•) That human being (lÕmdmZ²) who believes
&&71&& in God (AZgy`•) and doesn't have bad feelings
That human being who believes in God, and for God (M e¥Uw`mV²) and he listens to it (g•) he (Ao[
doesn't have bad feelings for God. And he _w·V•) will be free from sorrow (in this world)
listens to it. He will be free from sorrow (in (àmßZw`mV²) (and after death he will) attain (ew^mZ²
this world), (and after death he will) attain bm{H$mZ²) pious world (heaven) of ([wÊ`-H$_©Um_²) those
pious world (heaven) of those who do noble who do noble deed.

H$oƒV² EVV² lwV_² [mW© Ëd`m EH$AJ«{U M{Vgm &

18.72 H$oƒV² AkmZ gå_m{h: àUï>: V{ YZÝO` &&72&&
([mW©) O son of Partha (Arjun) (H$oƒV²) whether
(EH$-AJ«{U) concentrating fully (Ëd`m) your (M{Vgm)
O Arjun, whether concentrating fully your
mind (lwV_²) (have you) heard (EVV²) this divine
mind (have you) heard this divine knowledge?
knowledge (H$oƒV²) whether (V{) your (AkmZ gå_m{h•)
O Arjun, whether your ignorance and illusion
ignorance and illusion (àUï>•) dispelled (YZÄO`)
on conqueror of wealth (Arjun).

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

Arjun confirm that his illusion is dispelled :-

Zï>: _m{h: ñ_¥oV: bãYm ËdV²-àgmXmV² _`m AÀ`wV &
18.73 oñWV: Aoñ_ JV gÝX{h: H$oaî`{ dMZ_² Vd &&73&&
(AOw©Z CdmM) Arjun said (_`m) my (Zï>• _m{h•) illusion
dispelled (ñ_¥oV• bãYm) memory regained (AÀ`wV) O
Arjun said, my illusion is dispelled. Memory Krisna (ËdV² àgmXmV²) by your grace (oñWV: Aoñ_) I am
regained. O Krishna, by your grace I am now now stable in my faith (JV gÝX{h•) free from doubt
stable in my faith. Free from doubt. Now I will (H$oaî`{ dMZ_² Vd) now I will act as per your
act as per your instructions.

Sanjay expresses his feelings :-

18.74 g§BoVdmX_²Ah_²B__²dmgwAlm¡
X{dñ` [mW©ñ` M _hm-AmË_Z: &
f_² AØxV_² am{_-hf©U_² &&74&&
(AOw©Z CdmM) Sanjay said (BoV Ah_²) this way I (Alm¡f_²)
heard (B__² g§dmX_²) this conversation (AØxV_²)
Sanjay said, this way I heard this conversation, wonderful and cause the hair to stand on end,
(which is) wonderful and cause the hair to (dmgwX{dñ` [mW© M _hm AmË_Z•) (between) Shri Krishna,
stand on ends, (between) Shri Krishna, Arjun, son of Partha (Arjun) and great soul (God).
and great soul (God).

18.75 `m{ì`mg-àgmXmV² l¥VdmZ² EVV² Jwø_² Ah_² [a_² &

J_² `m{J-B©ídamV² H¥$îUmV² gmjmV² H$W`V: ñd`_² &&75&&
(ì`mg àgmXmV²) By the grace of Ved Vyas (Ah_²) I
(lwVdmZ²) heard (ñd`_²) myself (gmúmmV²) directly (EVV²²
By the grace of Ved Vyas, I heard myself J«ø_² [a_²) this supreme secret knowledge (`m{J_²)
directly this supreme secret knowledge (about) prayer which connects with God (`m{J-
(about) prayer, which connects with God, B©ûdmamV² H¥$îUmV) from Shri Krishna who is
from Shri Krishna, who is Yogeshwar (while
Yogeshwar (H$W`V•) (while he was) speaking.
he was) speaking.
Note :- In Nalanda Vishal Shabdkosh page no. 1144.
there are about 38 meanings of the word yog one of the
meaning of yog is Doot where means messenger. Hence
at means messenger of God.

amOZ² g§ñ_¥Ë` g§ñ_¥Ë` g§dmX_² B__² AX² ^wV_² & (amOZ²) O king (g§ñ_¥Ë` _hw•_hw•) by repeatedly
18.76 H{$ed AOw©Z`m{: [wÊ`_² öî`mo_ M _whw:_whw: &&76&& recalling again and again (B__² AX²^wV_² [wÊ`_²) this
O king, by repeatedly recalling again and astonishing and pious (g§dmX_²) dialogue (H{$ed
again this astonishing and pious dialogue AOw©Z`m{•) (between) Shri Krishna and Arjun
(between) Shri Krishna and Arjun I feel (öî`o_) I feel happy.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran Adhyay-18

18.77 VV² M g§ñ_¥Ë` g§ñ_¥Ë` é[_² AoV AØV_² ha{: &

odñ_`: _{ _hmZ amOZ µöî`mo_ M [wZ:[wZ: &&77&&
(M g§ñ_¥Ë`)And (I) remember (AoV AØxV_² odñ_`•)
extremely astonishing and wonderful (é[_²)
And (I) remember extremely astonishing and divine creation (VV²) (which) that (God
wonderful divine creation (which) that (God revealed) (ha{•) (through) shri Krishna (g§ñ_¥Ë` [wZ•
revealed) (through) Shri Krishna. By recalling [wZ•) by recalling it again and again, (öî`mo_) I feel
it again, and again I feel happy. happy.

`Ì `m{J-B©ída: H¥$îU: `Ì [mW©: Y Zw: Ya: &

18.78 VÌ (`Ì) wherever (`m{J B©ída• H¥$îU) (there is) Shri
lr: odO`: ^yoV: Y«wdm ZroV: _oV: __ &&78&& Krishna who Yogeshwar (`Ì) wherever ([mW©• YZw•
Wherever (there is) Shri Krishna, who is Ya•) (there is) the supreme archer Arjun (son of
Yogeshwar. Wherever (there is) the supreme Partha) (VÌ) there will be (lr•) opulence (odO`•)
archer Arjun. There will be opulence, victory, victory (^yoV) prosperity (Y«wdm ZroV•) firm law
prosperity, firm law (justice for all no
(justice for all and no partially) (_oV• __) this is
partially). This is my opinion.
my opinion.

N1) Introduction to God 263
N2) Introduction of Spirit, Soul and divine wisdom 274
N3) The concept of Rebirth 289
N4) Rebirth in Bhagwad Gita 292
N5) Why we should not expect returns of our good deeds? 293
N6) Meaning of Sangam 295
N7) Meaning of Yog 296
N8) Different meanings of emotion Kama (H$m_m:) 297
N9) Explantion of sloke No. 2:12 & 4:5 298
N10) Avatar 300
N11) Meaning of sloke no. 4.41 303
N12) What is Destiny? 304
N 13) Meaning of Moksh 306
N 14) Gayatri mantra 307
N15) Similarity between Shankar ji and Prophet Adam (A.S) 308
N 16) Parlay or Qayamat 310
N 17) Explanation of Shlok No. 15:7 312
N 18) Atma or Parmatma 314
N 19) Who is Devil? 315
N 20) Hereafter (life after death) 318
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N-1- Introduction to God

N.1.2 How big our God is? l Our universe has got more than 100 super
l Ray of a light travel at a speed of 3,00,000
kilometers per second. At this speed this ray of l Our this universe is created by one God
light can encircle our earth planet seven times who is bigger than this universe.
in one second. The distance which a ray of
l Can you imagine how big our God is?
light can travel in one year is called a “light
year.” N.1.3 Let us understand God from
teachings of Shiv Puran & Bhagvad Gita
l Our sun is 13,00,000 time bigger than our
planet earth. But sun is not the biggest star in We will refer to Shiv Puran translated by L.J.
universe. A star with name “eta carinae” is 50 Joshi in English, Which is published by Motilal
lakh times bigger than our sun. “beetle juice” Banarsidas Publishers Pvt. Ltd Delhi.
star is 30 crore time bigger than our sun. V.Y. Few sloks from Shiv Puran regarding curse on
Canis majoris Star is 100 crore times bigger Daksh are as follows;
than our sun.
l When Sati devi burnt her body in divine fire,
l Name of our galaxy is “Milky way”. In this that time a celestial sound said following words to
galaxy there are 300,00,00,00,000. Suns Daksh.
similar to our sun.
peieeflhelee efMeJe: Meefòeâpe&ievceelee Ûe meemeleer~
l Our galaxy is so big that light of a ray take melke=âleew ve lJeÙee cet{! keâLeb ßesÙees YeefJe<Ùeefle~25~
one lakh “light years” to travel from one end to “Siva is the father of the universe, and Sati is the
other end of our galaxy. mother of the universe. O Fool, they were not
l Another galaxy nearest to our galaxy is honored duly by you. How can you attain
double in size than our galaxy. It's name is welfare?”
Andromeda Galaxi. M-81 galaxy is 60 times (Shiv puran, Vol-1, Rudra Samhita Section-II, Narrative of
Sati, Chapter-31, Shlok-25, Page no.419)
and, 1C-1011 galaxy is 600 time bigger than
our galaxy.
From the words of celestial voice it is clear that this
Number of such galaxies combined to make
voice was not of Shankarji. This voice was also not
one cluster. The cluster in which we are of Shakti or Durga devi. Because Sati is said to be
present is called Virgo. In Virgo cluster there incarnation of Shakti. If we assume that this voice
are 47,000 galaxies. is of Shakti then words of shlok must have been
l Many cluster combines to form one super that, “I and shiv are mother and father of this
universe.” But such words were not spoken by the
cluster. Our galaxy is in super cluster known as
celestial voice.
“local super cluster.”
l The Celestial voice addressed Brahma &
l In one super-cluster there are more than Vishnu in following words.
100 clusters.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

efveie&ÛÚvlJehejs meJex cegefveveeieeoÙees ceKeeled ~ (Shiv puran, Vol-1, Rudra Samhita Section-I, Creation
DevÙeLee YeJeleeb veeMees YeefJe<ÙelÙeÅe meJe&Lee~~33~~ Chapter-7, Shlok-15, Page no.200)
l Prophet Adam (A.S) Eve, Iblis and angels only
“Let all the sages, Nagas and others leave this
heard sound of God, that is celestial voice. None of
sacrifice. Otherwise, you all will perish today,
them have actually seen God with their eyes.
without an escape.”
(Shiv Puran, Vol-1, Rudra Samhita Section-II, Narrative of So this celestial voice is actually voice of God.
Sati, Chapter-31, Shlok-33, Page no.420)
Bhagwad Geeta has described three features of
God, they are as follows:
efveie&ÛÚ lJeb njs MeerIeÇcesleOJejceC[heeled ~
DevÙeLee YeJelees veeMees YeefJe<ÙelÙeÅe meJe&Lee~~34~~ N.1.5 Features of God
“O Visnu, come out of this sacrificial platform DeefJeveeefMe (Immortal)
quickly. Otherwise, you all will perish today,
without an escape.” DeefJeveeefMe leg leled efJeefæ Ùesve meJe&ced Foced leleced ~
(Shiv Puran, Vol-1, Rudra Samhita Section-II, Narrative of efJeveeMeced DeJÙeÙemÙe DemÙe ve keâef§eled keâleg&ced Den&efle~~ (2:17)
Sati, Chapter-31, Shlok-34, Page no.420)
Shri Krishna said, (Vw) But (odoÕ) (you) know it (VV²)
that (God is)(AodZmoe) immortal(`{Z) because of
efveie&ÛÚ lJeb efJeOes! MeerIeÇcesleoOJejceC[heeled ~ whom(gd©_²) this whole universe(VV_²)exist(Z-
DevÙeLee YeJelees veeMees YeefJe<ÙelÙeÅe meJe&Lee ~35~~ H$oûMV²)no one(Ah©oV)is able (H$Vw©_) to do (odZme_²)
“O Brahma, come out of this sacrificial platform destruction(Añ`) of that (God)
quickly. Otherwise you will perish today, by all Shri Krishna said, But (you) know it that (God is)
means.” immortal, because of whom this whole universe
(Shiv Puran, Vol-1, Rudra Samhita Section-II, Narrative of exist, No one is able to do destruction of that (God)
Sati, Chapter-31, Shlok-35, Page no.420) (Bhagwad Gita 2:17)
l From these words it is clear that celestial voice
is so powerful that it can destroy or burn great
Devtas like Brahma and Vishnu and others. N.1.6 Depeced (Unborn)
Ùe: ceeced Depeced Deveeefoced Ûe Jesefòe ueeskeâ cene-F&Õejced ~
Demeccet{: me: celÙex<eg meJe&-heehew: ØecegÛÙeles~~
N.1.4 Who is Celestial voice?
God said, (`) one who(d{oÎm) know(_m_²)Me (AO_²)
l Bible (Genesis-3 NIA) and Quran (20:11-12)
unborn(AZmoX_) beginning-less (M) and (_hm-B©ída_²)
says that while returning from Madain prophet
Moses (A.S.) saw a light on top of a hill. He went the supreme lord (bm{H$)of the universe. (g:)He is
there to get some fire. But when he reached the (Agå_yT>:) learned one (à_wÀ`V{) and will be free (gd©-
place, no one was there. At that place prophet [m[¡:) from all sins (_Ë`{fw) among those who are
Moses (A.S.) heard a celestial voice which said “O subjected to death.
Moses, I am your God, and I have selected you as God said, One who know Me unborn, beginning-
messenger for Israel Community.” less, and the supreme lord of the universe. He is
l When Brahmaji was confused after his birth, learned one and will be free from all sins among
this celestial voice advised him to do meditation to (human being) those who are subjected to death.
get enlightened. (Bhagwad gita 10:3)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N.1.7 DeÂMÙe (Formless) N.1.9 Creation

DeJÙeòebâ JÙeefòeâceeheVeb cevÙevles ceeceyegæÙe:~ meJe&Yetleeefve keâewvlesÙe Øeke=âefleced Ùeeefvle ceeefcekeâeced ~
hejced YeeJeced Depeevevle: cece DeJÙeÙeced Devegòececed ~~ keâuhe-#eÙes hegve: leeefve keâuhe-Deeoew efJeme=peeefce Denced ~~

God said, (AOmZÝV:) not understanding (_m_²) My God said, (H$m¡ÝV{`) O Son of Kunti (Arjun) (VmoZ) all
([a_²) supreme (^md_²) nature (which is) (Aì``_²) those (human beings) (Ah_) I (have) (odg¥Omo_)
imperishable (AZwÎm__²) and the finest one (A]wÕ`:) created(H$ë[-AXm¡) at beginning of universe (and)
people with less intelligentce (_Ý`ÝV{) think (_m_²) Me (H$ë[-j`{) at the end of universe (on the day of parlay)
(who is) (AÑí`) formless (Am[Þ_²) to have assumed (àH¥$oV_²) by my power of nature (_mo_H$m_²) and with my
(ì`o·V_²) a personality (visible form) decision (gd©^yVmoZ) all human beings (`moÝV) will be
raised([wZ:) again.
God said, Not understanding My supreme nature
O Son of Kunti (Arjun) all those (human beings) I
(which is) imperishable and the finest one, people
(have) created at beginning of universe (and) at the
with less intelligence think Me (who is) formless to
end of universe (on the day of parlay) by my power
have assumed a personality (visible form).
(Bhagwad Gita 7:24) of nature and with my decision all human beings
will be raised again. (Bhagwad Gita 9:7)

N.1.8 Who creates, sustain and destroys?

mJeÙeced SJeb Deelcevee Deelceveced JeslLe lJeced heg®<e-Gòece~
l People are of the opinion that God has three Yetle-YeeJeve Yetle-F&Me osJe-osJe peieled -heles~~
forms. First create, second sustain and third
destroys. But in Bhagwad Gita God says that He is Arjun said, (Ed) certainly (O God) (ñd`_²) personally
not divided, and other sloks indicate that all the (AmË_mZm) by yourself, (d{ËW) you (know) (AmË_mZ_²)
three acts God does himself. These sloks are as yourself, (Ëd_²). You are ([wéf-CÎm_) greatest of all (^yV-
follows; ^mdZ) creator of everything (^yV-B©e) lord of
everything (X{d-X{d) God of devtas (OJV²-[V{) lord of
DeefJeYeòebâ Ûe Yetles<eg efJeYeòeâced Fje Ûe efmLeleced ~ entire universe.
Yetle-Yele=& Ûe leled %esÙeced «eefme<Ceg ØeYeefJe<Ceg Ûe ~~
Arjun said, Certainly (O God) personally by
(God is) (Aod^·V_²) without division (M) and (He has yourself, you (know) yourself. You are greatest of
created) (^yV{fw) all living beings (M) and (od^·V_² Bd M all, creator of everything, lord of everything, God of
oñWV_²) divided (them in various categories) and kept devtas, lord of entire universe. (Bhagwad Gita 10:15)
them stable (M) and (^yV ^V¥©) He sustains (provide
food) to all living entities (k{`_²) (you should) know
that (VV²) He is (à^odîUw) creator (M) and (J«ogîUw) N.1.10 Sustenance :-
ceÙee leleced Foced meJe&ced peieled DeJÙeòeâ-cetefle&vee~
(God is) without division and (He has created) all celed-mLeeefve meJe&-Yetleeefve ve Ûe Denced les<eg DeJeefmLele:~~
living beings and divided (them in various
categories) and kept them stable and He sustains God said, (gd©_) all (BX_²) these (OJV) universe (VV_²)
(provide food) to all living entities (you should) pervades (because of) (_`m) My (God’s) (Aì`º$)
know that He is creator and annihilator. (Bhagwad invisible (_yoV©Zm) form (gd©-^wVmoZ) all creatures (_V²-ñWmoZ)
Gita 13:17) exist due to Me. (M) and (Ah_²) I (Z) do not (AdoñWV)
exist (V{fy) in them.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

God said, All these universe pervades (because of) Sleled Ùeesveerefve Yetleeefve meJee&efCe Fefle GheOeejÙe~
My (God’s) invisible form, all creatures exist due Denced ke=âlmvemÙe peiele: ØeYeJe: ØeueÙe: leLee ~~7-6~~
to Me, and I do not exist in them. (Bhagwad Gita 9:4)
God said, (Success and failure of) (gdm©oU) (all)
(^wVmoZ) human race (C[Yma`) depends (EVV²) on these
DevevÙee: efÛevleÙevle ceeced Ùes pevee: heÙeg&heemeles~ two (This world and hereafter) (BoV) This way (Ah_)
les<eeced efvelÙe DeefYeÙegòeâeveeced Ùeesie #esceced Jeneefce Denced~~ I (the God) (H¥$ËñZñ`) who do (à^d:) beginning (VWm)
and (àb`:) End (OJV:) of the world.
God said, (`{) Those (OZm) people who (AZÝ`m: oMÝV`ÝV)
without thinking about other Deities ([`©w[mgV{) God said, (Success and failure of) (all) human race
properly worship (_m_²) Me (God) (Ah_²) I (oZË`) depends on these two (This world and hereafter)
always (dhmo_) take responsibility of (j{ _ _² ) This way I (the God) who do beginning and End of
protection (of). (V{fm_²) such (Ao^`wº$Zm_²) people who the world. (Bhagwad Gita 7:6)
constantly do (`m{J) (My) worship.
God said, Those peoples who without thinking N.1.12 Some other important features of God
about other Deities properly worship Me (God), I are as follows:
always take responsibility of protection (of) Such les<eeced %eeveer efvelÙe-Ùegòeâ: Skeâ Yeefòeâ: efJeefMe<Ùeles~
people who constantly do (My) worship. (Bhagwad efØeÙe: efn %eeefveve: DelÙeLe&ced Denced me: Ûe cece efØeÙe:~~ (7:17)
Gita 9:22)
God said, (V{fm_²) among them (kmZr) one who has
knowledge (`w · V•) remains engage d (oZË`)
N.1.11 Destruction :-
patiently(^o·V•) in worship of (EH$) one God
heg®<e: me: hej: heeLe& YekeälÙee ueYÙe: leg DevevÙee~ (odoeî`V{) he is best among them (oh) because (kmoZZ•)
ÙemÙe Devle:-mLeeefve Yetleeefve Ùesve meJe&ced Foced leleced ~~ for that scholar (Ah_²) Myself (God) is(oà`•)beloved
(to him) (AË`W©_²) more than anyone else (M) and (__)
God said, ([mW©) O Arjun (VÏ`) favor of (g:) that
(to) Me (g•) also (oà`•) he is most beloved.
(Great God could be achieved only by) (^·Ë`m)
worshiping Him alone (AZÝ``m) without mixing His God said, Among them one who has knowledge
prayer with any other diety. (Vw) But (He is also) ([a:) remains engaged patiently in worship of one God.
Beyond ([wéf) being a human. (`{Z) because of whom He is best among them, because for that scholar
(BX_²) these (gd©_) all (^wVmoZ) universe (VV_²) pervades Myself (God) is beloved (to him) more than anyone
(`ñ`) and by whom (AÝV-ñWmoZ) the parlay (Qiyamat) else, and (to) Me also he is most beloved.
will accure. From above mentioned shlokes we conclude
God said, O Arjun, favor of that (Great God could that :-
be achieved only by) worshiping Him alone, 1) God is Immortal (2:17)
without mixing His prayer with any other deity. But
(He is also) beyond being a human. Because of 2) God is unborn (10:3)
whom these all universe pervades, and by whom 3) God is invisible (7:24)
the parlay (Qiyamat) will occure. (Bhagwad Gita
8:22) 4) God is one (7:17)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N.1.13 How God is present everywhere? simultaneously were present. That light would be
like splendor of that great God. (Bhagwad Gita 11:12)
When we switch on a bulb, it emits light. Bulb
is a small source of energy; hence the light emitted The great God is the basic and highest source of
by the bulb is also weak and could be blocked by a energy in universe. His vision has highest state or
sunglass. level of energy, which can pass each and
everything in the universe. A ray emitted by
A welding arc has stronger level of energy, hence
radioactive material could be blocked by a thick
its rays cannot be blocked by plain sunglass, but
wall of lead. But nothing can stop the vision of
require a special glass to block its ultraviolet rays.
God. This whole universe is transparent to God.
X-ray has still higher level of energy and
Shlok No. 18.61, of Bhagwad Gita says “ O Arjun
cannot be blocked by welding glass. Even mass of
God is present in heart of all human beings”
human being cannot block it. It is blocked by
Chapter 2, verse no. 284 of holy Quran says that
denser material like bones.
“Whatever you disclose or whatever you hide in
Radioactive rays emitted from uranium etc., which your heart, He(God)knows it.”
are used in atomic plants, have such high energy
Since His vision passes through us. We are
level that they even penetrate bones of human
transparent for Him. He knows each and every
beings, wooden partitions and brick walls etc. To
cell, every atom and molecule of our body; every
block them, scientist uses three-feet-thick wall
beat of our heart, every thought in our mind.
made from lead bricks. Hence higher the energy
Surely, He is closest to us than our blood vessels
level, more penetrative the rays emitted.
and He knows everything. Things take shape
I have seen a person moving a coin on the table according to His command anywhere in the
with a stare of his eyes. Many Yogis and Rishis, universe and at anytime. Hence we can also say
who wake their Kundalni, also can move things that He is present everywhere.
with a stare of their eyes. From above examples I
assume that like light, eyesight or vision of a
person is also like rays of light and have energy N.1.14 Why time has stopped for God?
like rays of light or electro-magnetic waves or
A theory of Einstein says that when the
sunlight etc., which we still have not understood
velocity of a thing increases more than light, that is
300000 kms/sec or (186000 mile/sec) time starts
One shlok of Bhagwad Gita is as follows; slowing down for that object.
oXod gy`© ghóñ` ^d{V² `wJ[V² CoËWVm & For better understanding let us consider an
`oX ^m: gÑer gm ñ`mV² ^mg: Vñ` _hmË_Z: && example of a spaceship and a wall clock. Suppose a
(Then Arjun saw effulgence (light) of God, it was spaceship has capacity of travelling more than the
as) (`oX) if (oXod) in the sky (ghñÌñ`) many thousand speed of light and a clock is fixed to its cabin wall.
(gy`©) suns (`wJ[V²) simultaneously (^d{V²) were (AoñWVm) When the spaceship travels below the speed of
present (gm) that (^m•) light (ñ`mV²) would be (gÑer) like light; the wall clock would work with its regular
(^mg•) splendor of (Vñ`) that (_hmË_Z•) great God. speed. As the speed of the spaceship crosses the
(Then Arjun saw effulgence (light) of God, it was speed of light, the wall clock starts slowing down.
as) if in the sky many thousands suns And at infinite speed it would stop completely.
That is, time would stop in that spaceship. It will
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

not age and become old. Bhagwad Gita to understand how God is present
in the human body.
Initially it was thought that light has only
spectrum of seven colours and seven types of rays. gd© BoÝÐ` JwU Am^mg_² gd© BoÝÐ` oddoO©V_² &
Then it was discovered that other types of light Agº$_² gd©^¥V² M Ed oZJw©U_² JwU-^m{º¥$ M &&13:15&&
also exist; for example infrared and ultraviolet. (gd©) All (BoÝÐ` JwU) wishes and features (in human
Then other types of rays were discovered, such as beings are) (Am^mg_²) ignited or illuminated (or
the x-rays and radiation of radioactive elements. created by God. But he is) (oddoO©V_²) devoid of (gd©)
The process of discovery is not over, and still all (BoÝÐ`) wishes (gd©^¥V²) he sustains all creatures
many more types of rays and waves remain to be (but) (Ag·V_²) he is not attached to anyone (Ed)
discovered, some of which we commonly know indeed (he is) (JwU ^m{º¥$) creator of all features (M) but
such as rays of eyesight, rays of thought energy (oZJw©U_²) he is free from any features.
etc. Eyesight and thought both travel at a high
speed similar to light or may be more than that. All wishes and features (in human beings are)
ignited or illuminated (or created by God. But he
The mind and heart work on complex nature of
is) devoid of all wishes. He sustains all creatures,
electrical energy and thought which is generated in
(but) He is not attached to anyone. Indeed (he is)
the mind; it is also some form of energy. That is
creator of all features (in living being), but he is
why telepathy messages can be transmitted to
free from any features. (tendencies, emotions,
another person far away, but this form of energy is
characteristics). (Bhagwad Gita 13:15)
yet to be discovered and defined.
In line of the above scientific facts,
]oh: AÝV: M ^yVmZm_² AMa_² Ma_² Ed M &
philosophers and thinkers say that no doubt God is gyú_Ëdm_² VV² Aodk{`_² Xya-ñW_² M AoÝVH{$ M VV² &&16&&
some form of energy or light, but the nature and
speed of that light is not known. It may be having (VV²) He (is) (]oh•) outside (AÝV•) inside of (^yVmZm_²) all
infinite speed. Hence time has stopped for Him. living beings (M) and (AMa_² Ma_²) all moving and non-
Hence He is in the same condition since eternity moving (things) (gyú_ËdmV²) he is subtle (Aodk{`_²)
and He would remain in the same condition for incomprehensible (VV²) he (is) (Xya) far off (ñW_²) place
eternity. Hence He is neither born nor would die. (M) and (AoÝVH{$) very near.
Suppose the universe has a diameter of 600000 He (is) outside, inside, of all living beings and all
kms, a light starting from its center would reach moving and non-moving (things). He is subtle,
the edge of the universe in one second. (At a speed incomprehensible. He (is at) far off place, and very
of 300000 kms/sec) near. (Bhagwad Gita 13:16)
Similarly God has infinite speed; hence He
reaches any place in the universe in zero time. AZmoXËdmV² oZJw©UËdmV² [a_ AmË_m A`_² Aì``: &
Hence He is everywhere all the time; hence He is eara-ñW: Ao[ H$m¡ÝV{` Z H$am{oV Z obß`V{ &&32&&
(H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjun) (A`_²) this (God is)
(AZmoXËdmV²) without beginning (oZJw©UËdmV²) without any
N.1.15 How God is present in the Human feature (qualities like human beings) ([a_ AmË_m)
body? superior (than) soul (Aì``) imperishable
(immortal) (eara ñW•) he is in the body (Ao[) but (Z)
Remember facts and figures in following shloks of neither (H$am{oV) does anything (Z) nor (obß`V{) attached
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

to it. stays in sky, (and has) great (importance for

O Arjun, this (God is) without beginning, without survival of living being). Similarly (and) in
feature (qualities like human beings), superior same way, understand that all creature
(than) soul, imperishable (immortal), He is in depends on Me. (Bhagwad Gita 9:6)
body, but neither does anything nor attached to it.
(Bhagwad gita 13:32)
That mean the human body is functioning and
alive because of God, and all intelligence and
`Wm gd©-JV_² gm¡úå`mV² AmH$me_² Z C[obß`V{ &
gd©Ì AdoñWV: X{h{ VWm AmË_m Z C[obß`V{ &&13:33&& emotion in human being is also because of
God. But God is neither inside any human
(`Wm) The way in which (gm¡úå`mV² AmH$me_²) subtle space (gd©- being nor attached to it.
JV_²) being present everywhere (Z C[obß`V{) but not attached
to anyone (VWm) in same way (AmË_m) (light/tej of) God Remember the messages in the above
(AdoñWV•) is present (gd©Ì) everywhere in (X{h{) body (Z mentioned shlokes. Also read the following
C[obß`V{) but not attached to anyone.
philosophy. Then we will be able to
The way in which subtle space being present understand how God is present in human
everywhere, but not attached to anyone, in same beings, and how things happen in universe.
way (light/tej of) God is present everywhere in
body, but not attached to anyone. (Bhagwad Gita To understand how things happen in universe
13:33) as per decision of God kindly read the
following two chapters of a book called “Tao
`Wm àH$me`oV EH$: H¥$ËñZ_² bm{H$_² B__² aod: & of Leadership written by John Heider
j{Ì_² j{Ìr VWm H¥$ËñZ_² àH$me`oV ^maV &&34&& published by Bantam Books.
(^maV) O Bharta (Arjun) (VWm) the way in which (EH$•) one Originally 2000 years ago Lao Tuz wrote a
(aod•) sun (àH$me`oV) illuminates (make alive) (B__²) this book with title “Tao te ching”. This book was
(H¥$ËñZ_²) entire (bm{H$_²) world (VWm) in same way (j{Ìr) one for education of kings and royal families of
God (àH$me`oV) illuminates (makes alive) (H¥$ËgZ_²) entire
(j{Ì_²) (field) body. china. John Heider Translated it in to English.

O Arjun, the way in which one sun illuminates

(make alive) this entire world, in same way one N.1.16 Tao stands for 'How’
God illuminates (make alive) entire (field) l Tao stands for 'how': In what way do things
body. (Bhagwad Gita 13:34) happen, how things operate, Tao is the one
principle fundamental to all creation.
`Wm AmH$me-oñWV: oZË`_² dm`w: gd©Ì-J: _hmZ² &
Vwm gdm©oU ^yVmoZ _V²-ñWmoZ BoV C[Yma` &&9:6&& l 'Tao is God',

(`Wm) Just as (dm`w•) the air (which) (oZË`_²) always (gd©Ì l Tao cannot be described or given a definition
J•) and everywhere (AmH$me oñWV•) stays in sky (_hmZ²) as it is applicable to everything. A thing cannot
(and has) great (importance for survival of living be explained in terms of itself. If you are able
being) (VWm) similarly (and) (BoV) in some way (C[Yma`) to define a principle, it is not Tao.
understand that (gdm©oU ^yVmoZ) all creatures (_V² ñWmoZ)
l Tao is a law while Creation is a process.
depends on Me.
That's all there is: principal and process, how
Just as the air (which) always and everywhere
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

and what. may Cooperate with each other, or they may

conflict or oppose each other in varying
l All the creation develops in consonance
with Tao and there is no other system.
l Everything and all happenings, be they co-
l Tao cannot be described but it can be
operating with one another or opposing,
understood. It can be understood by
congruous or tumultuous take their shape and
meditation or being aware of what is going on.
are sorted out according to Tao. But Tao is not
By understanding what is going on I start
an event of motion. For example, Tao is not a
perceiving how it is happening and finally I
noise. There is no opposite or Tao has no
start perceiving Tao.
opposites. Tao is a single entity, Tao is One.
l To know what is going on I must pay
l I believe that nothing precedes Tao.
attention with open mind. I must set aside my
Nothing has created Tao. No one has made
personal prejudices or bias. Prejudiced people
see only what fits those prejudices.
Tao: What it is and what it isn't
l Meditation method is effective because
principle and process are never independent of Tao is not any of the following:
each other. All the processes reveal the
It is not an object.
principle underlying them. It implies that it is
possible for me to know what Tao is. Thus I It is not a noise or any other sort of motion.
can also know God.
It cannot be divided into portions.
l By understanding about Tao I can
It cannot alter.
understand how things operate.
It does not decrease or increase.
l Tao is not an object
It has no associate or supplement.
l No matter how much you try you will never
find a thing called Tao or God. Tao is not an Tao is this:
object or thing. Tao is a principle and a law.
1. Tao is single; it is One.
Tao means how or in what way.
2. Everything is determined by Tao.
l All things operate according to Tao but Tao
does not obey anyone. Tao is never an object or 3. Everything comes after Tao.
a process. Tao is the principle of all things and
4. Tao is the principle of all things.
all events; Tao is the law common ground to all
creation. The most comprehensible and useful word I
can use for Tao is 'how', because Tao is the
Creation is made up of objects and
underlying law of how all the things operate.
happenings. All things and events are in
constant motion. Motion is made up of Keep in mind that while Tao has no shape or
opposites or polarities. Different polarities characteristics, it is omnipresent and eternal.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

Just suppose there are four stages of temperature in sun is as high as 1.5 crore C°.
perpetuity. People are unlimited in a way; the No one can even look at the Sun with naked
earth is unlimited, the universe is unlimited, eyes, or go near it.
Tao is unlimited. Even though each of these
The rays emitted froms sun could be
may be unlimited in a sense, the first three
considered as rain of energy and each drop of
depend on the next greater one.
energy is called photon. After hitting the
People depend on earth; earth depends on surface of the earth, they get scattered. When
cosmos. Cosmos depends on Tao. we bring a solar watch and calculator near a
window these photons or scattered energy of
However Tao does not depend on anything.
(End of chapter on Tao.) sun is absorbed by photo-cell of watch and
calculator and they start working.

l Taoism is a religion in China So it is the Sun which is operating the solar

watch and calculator. We can say Sun is inside
l So everything happens in the universe is as watch and calculator, but in actual sun exists
per principle decided, ordered determined by far away from earth, even if sun comes closer,
God. And energy to live and function also then at 1.5 crore C° heat, solar watch and
comes from energy of God, that is from V{O: A§e. calculator and whole world will get burnt. So
The thing which receives energy and principle we cannot go even near to the Sun, but then
from God are called living things. And those also we can correctly say that Sun is inside
who do not receive it any more are dead things. solar watch and calculator, because they
become alive because of Sun only.
This presence of energy and principle in the
l Solar watch and calculator remain dead in
body is called life in English, jaan in Urdu, and
pran in Hindi. This is different the soul, and dark, But come alive in sunlight. In this case
spirit. Let us understand it more clearly in the there is life or jaan or Pran in these units
next chapter. because of the Sun.
Similarly this whole universe works because
Life, Jaan, Pran (àmU) of some divine energy and that divine energy is
energy of God, holy Quran says;
Life is called as Jaan in Urdu and Pran in
Hindi. To understand it clearly kindly consider l “God is the light of the heaven and the earth”
following example. ( Holy Quran, 24:35)

When you keep a solar watch and calculator in l This universe is alive. All stars and planets
dark, it will not work. But if you bring it near a are alive, this earth is alive, our body is alive.
window. Even if sunlight doesn't fall on them Without our knowledge or wish hundreds of
directly, then also they start working. processes keep on going on in our body. Such
as digestion of food, building of muscles
Why they work? development of blood and hormones,
Sun is 13 lac time bigger than earth. And purification of body etc etc.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

l God asks human beings in holy Quran that from God.

“On the earth and in yourself there are signs
(of God) for the (people who have) firm belief
in God. Do you not see them?” (Holy Quran l `Wm àH$me`oV EH$: H¥$ËñZ_² bm{H$_² B__² aod: & j{Ì_² j{Ìr VWm H¥$ËñZ_²
51:21) àH$me`oV ^maV &&13:34&&
God asks human beings in holy Quran that, (^maV) O Bharta (Arjun) (VWm) the way in which (EH$•) one
(aod•) sun (àH$me`oV) illuminates (make alive) (B__²) this
So every process in universe, in world and in (H¥$ËñZ_²) entire (bm{H$_²) world (VWm) in the same way (j{Ìr) one
our body is happening because of light of God, God (àH$me`oV) illuminates (make alive) (H¥$ËgZ_²) entire
similar to the light of sun, which actuate the (j{Ì_²) (field) body.
functioning of solar watch and calculator.
O Arjun, the way in which one sun illuminates
Sun is far above in sky, but it is in solar watch (make alive) this entire world, in the same way
and calculator also. Exactly in same way light one God illuminates (make alive) entire (field)
of God as per Bhagwat Gita is more than many body.
thousand Sun shining simultaneous in sky (BG
11:12). But every creature in this universe is
= `V² `V² od^yoV _V² gÎd_² lr-_V² CoO©V_² Ed dm & VV² VV² Ed AdJÀN> Ëd_² __
alive because of Him. Hence we can say He is V{O: A§e gå^d_² &&10:41&&
in our body also.
Certainly (`V `V) whatever (od^yoV _V²) materialistic creation
Once God revealed a fraction of his light on a (DoO©V_²) glorious (energy) (dm) or (lr _V²) peace, happiness
hill, that hill exploded into pieces and prophet (_V²) considered (gÎd_²) to exist. (Ed) Certainly (Ëd_²) you
(should) (AdJÀN>) know (it clearly that) (VV² VV²) all those are
Mosses fell down unconscious. (Holy Quran) (gå^d_²) because of (A§e) a small part of (__) My (V{O•) light.
So energy of God is so intense that no one can
bear it. So He cannot be in our body. Certainly whatever materialistic creation
glorious (energy) or peace, happiness
The way in which God is in our body, considered to exist. Certainly you (should)
understands it from example of solar know (it clearly that) all those are because of a
calculator and watch. small part of My light.
In case of solar calculator or watch, how it
should work that software is designed by l Awdm ]hwZm EV{Z oH$_² kmV{Z Vd AOw©Z & odï>ä` Ah_² BX_² H¥$ËñZ_² EH$ A§e{Z
manufacturer of that solar calculator or watch. oñWV: OJV² &&42&&
(AOw©Z) O Arjun (AWdm) or (but) (EV{Z) in this way (oH$_²) why
In case of universe, how things should (Vd) you (kmV{Z) (need to) know (Me) (]hwZm) (by thinking of)
function is decided by God. so many (things) (Ah_²) I (have) (oñWV•) established (BX_²)
this (OJV²) universe (EH$) (by My) one (A§e{Z) fraction (of
l So in case of solar calculator and watch, light) (odï>ä`) and parvading and support (all creature in)
energy comes from sun and software from (BX_²) this (universe) (so concentrate only on Me).
manufacturer. While in case of universe and O Arjun or (but) in this way why you (need to)
things in it, operating energy as well as know (Me) (by thinking of) so many (things). I
software, or how thing should happen comes
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

(have) established this universe (by My) one because of that energy. (Like Solar watch
fraction (of light) and parveding and support comes alive in Sun-light) That energy or
(all creature in) this (universe) (so light in ourself is called Life, Jaan, or Pran.
concentrate only in Me).
How philosophies regarding God came
into existence because of not
understanding life correctly:-
l When saints meditate to realize God, and
when they concentrate towards heaven, they
feel God as individual entity, having light
more than thousand of Suns. So they said,
this universe is created by God, and God is a
separate entity. This philosophy is called
Dwitwad. (Û¡VdmX) That mean they are two.
God and universe are separate entities.
l When some saints concentrated on
themselves. They found light of God in
themselves, and they also found every living
thing alive because of light of God. So they
got convinced that God is in everything.
They called this philosophy as Adwitwad
(AÛ¡VdmX). A-dwit mean not two, but all is one
and that is God. Among Muslims sufies
these two philosophies are called as “wah-
da-tul-shahood” and “wah-da-tul-wajood.”
l Mansoor was a Sufie. He use to remain
absorbed in remembrance of God. One day
he starts saying “Anal haq” that means,I am
God. He might have realised light of God
within him. But because of saying “Anal-
Haq”. That means I am God, he was
l So Adwitwad (AÛ¡VdmX) and Dwitwad (Û¡VdmX)
each are 50% correct. When they combine
together then only a real and true picture
emerges. God is an individual entity up
above in heaven. But His light is present
everywhere, and every living being is alive
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N-2 Introduction to Spirit, Soul, Life and divine wisdom

What we are? l Body is the most important part of our
We human beings are combinations of
At the time of death we will desert it, and it
I) Body
will get disintegrated. But on the judgment
ii) Spirit
day, which is also called Qiyamat or Parlay,
iii) Soul
God will reconstruct our body from soil, and
iv) Life
our soul will enter in it gain. And after that this
v) Divine Wisdom
body will remain forever with us.
N.2.1 Body: -
We will sense pleasure of heaven or
l God said to angels that I am going to punishment of hell on this body only.
create my successor on the earth. (Holy Quran
2:30) In hell due to punishment if our body gets
spoiled, God will keep on renewing it.
From above mentioned verse we conclude
that, human being who is with body is l God created Prophet Adam in heaven and
superior to the angels who are without body. Prophet Adam and Eve spent sometime in
Because we are successor of God and not they. heaven. This proves that human being can
stay in heaven with this body, which is made
l God said to the angels that when I blow from soil. So we should take extreme care to
spirit in body of Adam from My spirit than feed our body with clean food. Clean food
you prostate to him. () means food should be hygienically and
This verse indicates that God blew or spiritually clean, and earned honestly. So that
transferred something from Himself in the our body remains eligible for heaven.
human being. Revival of body after death :-
l What God can transfer from Himself ? l Few verses of Quran and shloks of
God is infinite intelligence and basic source of Bhagwad Gita which say that God created us
guidance. The thing which He transferred in from soil, after death we will return to soil,
human body is divine finite intelligence. This and on the day of Qiyamat or parlay God will
finite divine intelligence is called spirit. raise us again from soil are as follows;
This divine finite intelligence or spirit is our l Verse No. 55 chapter No. 20 of holy quran
conscience, or Zameer or AÝVamË_m or odd{H$ or is as follows.
ability to recognise right or wrong. Or
someone inside our self who will always l From the earth we created you, and into it
remind us if we do something wrong. we will return you, and from it we will extract
you another time. (Holy Quran 20:55)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

Shloke of Bhagwad Gita :- the time of death), certainly on day of

l BX_² kmZ_² C[molË` __ gmYå`©_² AmJVm: & gJ} Ao[ Z C[Om`ÝV{ àb`{ Z Qiyamat (parlay) he gets (it again), that which
ì`WoÝV M &&14-2&& (he left behind). These (bodies which) goes
(C[molË`) (By) adopting (BX_²) this (kmZ_²) divine knowledge
away, God takes (it to the place of judgment)
(AmJVm) (people) attain (gmYå`©_²) nature described by (__) like air transfer fragrance.
Me (Z) (then) neither (gJ}) in this world (Z) nor (C[Om`ÝV{)
on becoming alive (àb`{) on Day of Judgment (Qyamat)
(ì`WmpÝV) he will face any misery. l lm{Ì_² Mjw: ñ[e©Z_² M agZ_² K«mU_² Ed M & AoYð>m` _Z: M A`_² odf`mZ²
C[g{dV{ &&15-9&&
(By) adopting this divine knowledge,
(lm{Ì_²) Ears (Mjw•) eyes (ñ[e©Z_²) touch (M) also (agZ_²) tongue
(people) attain nature described by Me. (ability to test) (K«mU_²) smelling power (M) and (_Z•) mind
(Then) neither in this world, nor on becoming (Ed) certainly (A`_²) these (AoYð>m`) again come alive
alive on Day of Judgment (Qyamat), he will (hence person can) (C[g{dV{) enjoy (odf`mZ²) objects of
face any misery. enjoyment.
Ears, eyes, touch, also tongue (ability to test),
l gd©^yVmoZ H$m¡ÝV{` àH¥$oV_² `moÝV _mo_H$m_² & H$ë[-j`{ [wZ: VmoZ
smelling power, and mind. Certainly these
H$ë[-AmXm¡ odg¥Omo_ Ah_² &&9-7&& again come alive. (Hence person can) enjoy
objects of enjoyment.
(H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjun) (H$ë[ AX>m¡) at the begining of
creation of universe (Ah_²) I (odg¥Omo_) created (VmoZ) all
those (human beings) (H$ë[ j`{) and at the end of this
l CËH«$m_ÝV_² oñWV_² dm Ao[ ^w‚mmZ_² dm JwU-AoÝdV_² & od_yT>m: Z
universe (gd} ^yVmoZ) all living beings (`moÝV) will be raised AZw[í`oÝV [í`oÝV kmZ-Mjwf: &&15-10&&
([wZ•) again (_mo_H$m_) (by) My (àH¥$oV_²) power of nature (My
divine power). (CËH«$m_ÝV_²) After death (oñWV_²) revival of the body (dm) or
(Ao[) certainly (Jw U AoÝd« V _² ) revival of abilities
O son of Kunti (Arjun), at the beginning of (tendencies/nature) (dm) or (^wÄOmZ_²) enjoyment (by
creation of universe I created all those (human organs) (od_yT>m•) foolish persons (Z) (can) never (AZw[í`oÝV)
beings). And at the end of this universe understand ([í`oÝV) this could be only visualized by (kmZ
(parlay or qyamat), all living beings will be Mjwf•) those who can see by knowledge.
raised again (by) My power of nature (My After death revival of the body, or certainly
divine power). revival of abilities (tendencies/ nature), or
enjoyment (by organs), foolish persons (can)
l ear`_² `V² AdmßZm{oV `V² M Ao[ CËH«$m_oV B©ída: & J¥hrËdm EVmoZ g§`moV
never understand. This could be only
dm`w: JÝYmZ² Bd Ame`mV² &&15-8&& visualized by those who can see by
(eara_²) The body (`V²) which (human being) (CËH«$m_oV)
given up (at the time of death) (Ao[) certainly (AdßZm{oV) on
day of Qiyamat (parlay) he gets (it again) (`V²) that
l _¥Ë`w: gd©-ha M Ah_² CØd: M ^odî`mVm_² & H$roV©: lr: dmH²$ M$ ZmarUm_²
which (he left behind) (EVmoZ) these (body which) (g§`moV)
ñ_¥oV: _{Ym Y¥oV: j_m &&10-34&&
goes away (J¥hrËdm) God take (it to the place of judgment)
(Bd) like (dm`w) air (Ame`mV²) transfer (JÝYmZ²) fragrance. (Ah_²) I (ha:) carry (gd©) everyone (towards) (_¥Ë`w:) death (M)
and (CØd•) will create them (again) (^odî`Vm_²) in future
The body which (human-being) given up (at
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

(hereafter) (H$rVu) fame (lr) peace and blessing (dmH²$) fine Immortal,
speech (is because of Me) (ZmarUm_²) in women (ñ_¥oV) immeasurable,
memory (_{ Y m) intelligence (Y¥ o V•) courage (j_m)
forgiveness (is because of Me in them).
Always remains in one form.
l `: EZ_² d{oÎm hÝVma_² `: M EZ_² _Ý`V{ hV_²& C^m¡ Vm¡ Z odOmZrV: Z
I carry everyone (towards) death, And will A`_² hoÝV Z hÝ`V{ &&19&&
create them (again) in future (in hereafter).
Fame, peace, blessing and fine speech, (is (`) anyone who (d{oÎm) knows (EZ_²) this (spirit)
because of Me) in women. Memory, (hÝVma_²) as a killer (M) and (`•) anyone who (_Ý`V{)
intelligence, courage and forgiveness (is thinks (EZ_²) this (spirit) as (hV_²) mortal. (C^m¡)
because of Me in them ). both (of them have) (Z) no (odOmZrV) knowledge.
(EZ_²) this (spirit) (Z) neither (hoÝV) kills (anyone)
(Z) nor (hÝ`V{) it gets killed.
Spirit Anyone who knows this (spirit) as a killer, and
anyone who thinks this (spirit) as mortal (one
Regarding spirit, maximum detail we get from who can die), both (of them have) no
Bhagwad Gita. So let us study eight shloks of knowledge. This (spirit) neither kills
this divine book. (anyone), nor it get killed. (Bhagwad Gita 2.19)
Shloks of Bhagwat Gita regarding spirit Facts to be remembered from above
l AÝV-dÝV B_{X{hm: oZË`ñ` Cº$m: earoaU: & AZmoeZ: Aà_{`ñ` mentioned shloks about spirit is, it is
Vñ_mV² `wÜ`ñd ^maV &&18&&
It neither get killed, nor kills anyone.
(C·Vm•) God said (X{hm•) the bodies of (eara) all
creature (with body) (AÝV-dÝV) are going to l Z Om`V{ o_«`V{ dm H$XmoMV² Z A`_² ^yËdm ^odVm dm Z ^y`: & AO:
perish. (B_{) (but) in this (body) (AZmoeZ•) (there oZË`: emídV: A`_² [wamU: Z hÝ`V{ hÝ`_mZ{ eara{&&20&&
is a) immortal (spirit) (Aà_{`ñ`) which could not
be measured (oZË`ñ`) and which always (A`_²) this (spirit) (Z) neither (Om`V{) took birth
remains in one form. (Vñ_mV²) therefore (^maV) O (dm) and (Z) nor (dm) (o_«`V{) it dies (dm) and (H$XmoMV²)
descendent of Bharat (Arjuna) (don't fear at any time (Z) neither (it) (^yËdm) came into
death and) (`wÜ`ñd) (get prepared to) fight. existence (^odVm) nor is in existence (Z ^y`•) and
neither it will come into existence (A`_² [wamÊm)
God said, the bodies of all creatures are going and it is the oldest (one) (Z) this doesn't (hÝ`V{)
to perish, (but) in this (body) (there is a) die (with) (hÝ`_mZ{) death of (eara{) body.
immortal (spirit), which could not be
measured, and which always remains in one This (spirit) neither took birth, nor it dies, and
form. Therefore O descendent of Bharat at any time neither (it) came into existence,
(Arjuna) (don't fear death and) (get prepared nor is in existence, and neither it will come in
to) fight. (Bhagwad Gita 2.18) to existence. This (soul) is the oldest. This
doesn't die (with) death of body.
Facts to be remembered from above (Bhagwad Gita 2.20)
mentioned shloks about spirit are :
Facts to be remembered from above
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

mentioned shloks about spirit is, it is l AÀN{>Ú: A`_² AXmø : A`_² A·b{Ú: Aem{î`: Ed ` & oZË`: gd©-
JV: ñWmUw: AM b: A`_² gZmVZ: &&24&&
Non-existing. (A`_²) this (spirit is) (AÀN{>Y:) unbreakable (AXmø•)
Oldest. unable to be burned (A`_²) this (spirit) (A·b{Ú•)
doesn't dissolve (in water) (Aem{î`•) doesn't get
l d{X AodZmoeZ_² oZË`_² `: EZ_² AO_² Aì``_² & H$W_² g: [wéf: [mW© dried (M) and (Ed) no doubt (A`_²) this (spirit)
H$_² KmV`oV hoÝV H$_² &&21&& (oZË`•) everlasting (ñWmUw•) unchangeable (Don't
(`•) One who (d{X) knows (EV_²) this (spirit) age) (gd© JV•) can survive in all places in
(AodZmoeZ_²) imperishable (oZË`_²) eternal (AO_²) universe (AMb•) immovable (whatever period
unborn (Aì``_²) immortal ([mW©) O Arjuna, (g•) asigned with body-it remains with it)
that ([wéf•) person (H$W_²) how (hoÝV) (can) kill (H$_²) This (spirit is) unbreakable, unable to be
someone or (KmV`oV) arrange to kill (H$_²) burned, this (spirit) doesn't dissolve (in
someone. water), it doesn't get dried, and no doubt this
One who knows this (spirit) imperishable, spirit is everlasting, unchangeable (Doesn't
eternal, unborn, immortal. O Arjuna, that age), can survive in all places in universe,
person how (can) kill someone, or arrange to immovable (whatever period asigned with
kill someone. (Bhagwad Gita 2.21) body, it remains with it). (Bhagwad Gita 2.24)
Facts to be remembered from above
l Z EZ_² oN>ÝXoÝV eómoU Z EZ_² XhoV [mdH$: & Z M EZ_² ·b{X`oÝV mentioned shloks about spirit is, it is;
Am[: Z em{f`oV _méV: &&23&& Unbreakable
(EZ_²) To this (spirit) (Z) no (eñÌmoU) weapon Un-dissolveable
(oN>ÝXoÝV) can cut into pieces. (Z EZ_²) neither to everlasting
(this spirit) ([mdH$•) fire (can) (XhoV) burn (M) And unchangeable
(Z) nor (EZ_²) to this (spirit) (Am[•) water (can) can stay in all places in the world.
(·b{X`oÝV) drawn, (Z) nor (to this spirit) (_méV•)
wind can (em{f`oV) dry (withered) l Aì`º$: A`_² AoMÝË`: A`_² AodH$m`©: A`_² CÀ`V{& Vñ_mV² Ed_
odoXËdm EZ_² Z AZem{oMVw_² Ah©og &&25&&
To this (spirit) no weapon can cut into pieces.
(CÀ`V{) God said that (A`_²) this (spirit is) (Aì`·V•)
Neither to this (spirit) fire can burn, nor to this
(spirit) water (can) drown, and nor wind can invisible (A`_² ) this (spirit is) (AoMÝË`•)
dry (wither it) (Bhagwad Gita 2.23) inconceivable (A`_²) this (spirit is) (AodH$m`©•)
unchangeable (Vñ_mV²) therefore (odXrËdm) (after)
Facts to be remembered from above knowing well about (A`_²) this (spirit) (Ah©og)
mentioned shloks about spirit is; you should (Z) not (AZwem{oMVw_²) worry (about life
Weapon cannot cut it. and death)
Fire cannot burn it. God said that, this (spirit) is invisible, this
Water cannot drown it. (spirit) is inconceivable, this (spirit) is
Wind cannot dry it.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

unchangeable. Therefore after knowing well must bring Him true spiritual worship.
about this (spirit), you should not worry (about (John 4:24, Weymouth Bible)
life and death).(Bhagwad Gita 2.25) l From above mentioned two verses, facts
Fact to be remembered from above mentioned which should be remembered are:
shloks about spirit is, it is 1) Spirit and Soul are two separate things.
Invisible. 2) Spirit is related to God.
Verses of holy Quran regarding spirit:-
In holy Quran spirit is called as Rooh, and it is
used for four different meanings which are as Regarding soul maximum details are found in
follows; the holy Quran. Hence let us study some of it’s
1) Commandment of God or Revelation.
(42:15, 40:15, 17:85) Soul has got existence :-
2) Blessing of God (56:89) (12:87) Three verse of holy Quran are as follow:
3) Arch-Angel who communicates 1) (God asks those who deny existence of
revaluation of God to prophets. (26:193-194), God)
(2:87), (81:19)
Why you don't retain the soul of dying person
4) Conscience (Zameer, A§VamË_m) (15:29), (38:72), (in his body), if you are not in control of God.
(32:9) (Holy Quran 56:85-87 (Summary))

If we summerise all four in one place we can 2) But when (Men’s soul) reaches the throat
say that spirit is some feature in human being, and when it is asked “could any magician save
blessed directly from God, which guides the him now?” And (The dying person) knows
human beings from inside. The conscience or that it is the time of parting. (Holy Quran 75:26-28
Zameer or A§VamË_m is best possible name for
spirit. 3) But God will not grant any extra time to a
soul. When its appointed time (of death) has
Verse of Bible regarding spirit :-
come. (Holy Quran 63:11)
A verse of bible is as follow,
From above mentioned three verses of holy
l The words of God is living and active, Quran we can conclude that soul has got an
sharper than any two-edged sward, piercing to existence. It stays in the body for a specific
the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and time. And on appointed time it has to leave the
of marrow and discerning the thought and body.
intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12, Biblia.com)
Birth of Soul
l God is spirit, and those who worship Him
Two verses of holy Quran are as follows,
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

l When your Lord took out soul of children Understanding Soul :-

of Adam from his back and made them
witness over themself, and asked them “Am I l To understand soul concentrate on
not your Lord?” computer, as we daily use it, and aware of its
construction. Hence we can easily understand
They (Souls of all human beings) replied, “We example explain with reference to computer.
bear witness that you are (our God).”
l Main body of computer is our body.
(God says) This we did so that mankind
should not say on day of Qiyamat that we had l Our spirit is CPU (central processing unit)
no knowledge that one God is our lord, Or of computer. This unit gives only intelligence
human being may say that “Our forefather to computer. You cannot add or delete any
worshiped deities along with God, we are thing in CPU. Similarly sprit gives divine
only their descendants and came after them, intelligence only, and always remains in same
so why you are punishing us for the new condition. It is our conscience. (Zameer, AÝVamË_m
method of worship which our forefather )
invented.” (Holy Quran 7:172/173)
l Our soul is Hard Disc of computer.
l God says in holy Quran “And (remember)
l In hard disk we load many kinds of software.
when we took from the prophets their Anything could be added or deleted from the
covenant (pledge, promise) and from you (O hard disk.
Mohammed) and from Noah, Abraham,
Moses and Jesus son of Mary. We took from Similarly God has loaded or programmed our
them a firm commitment. (Holy Quran 33.7) soul with many kind of wishes and emotion.

From above mentioned two verses we l Virus can attack hard disc. To protected we
conclude that. use anti virus software .

I) God created souls of all human beings Similarly Devil can develop wishes of sin in us.
By divine knowledge and prayer of God we can
before creation of this body, along with
protect our soul.
prophet Adam.
l Many types of software could be loaded in
II) Before birth, soul is so small that soul of one hard disk. As per software in hard disk,
whole mankind could be accommodated on computer get an overall lable. (That means
back of prophet Adam. computer suitable for accounts, or engineering
design, or graphic design, or video editing etc.)
III) Before creation of universe souls of all
human beings were created along with their Similarly our soul gives as an overall
complete personality, position, status, personality. Hence soul is also called as self.
intelligence and responsibilities. On earth l Soul develops wishes in mind and heart.
only they got body and spirit to practically Hence it is called our heart or mind also. If
give exam and fulfill commitments.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

someone says my heart desires this thing. That our heart or mind also
means my soul is desiring it. Because it is soul
8) Soul gives us a personality. What we are
which generates desire.
considered in society is because of our behavior
Explanation about Soul :- and thinking, which we do as per suggestion of
our soul. Hence soul is called as personality, as
1) We human beings have got a body, which is
well as “self.”
made up of soil. Soil is not useful for storing
data. Knowledge is in form of light, or energy. 9) Soul is an angel like entity, which lives in our
God created an entity of light and super imposed body. Whatever movement we do is because of
on human body. It is our soul. It is some form of soul. In sleep it is removed from our body by
energy similar to body of angels. In which God angels, hence we could not perform any willful
loaded many software, which are necessary to activity in sleep. It again enters the body when
take the exam of human being. we wakeup.
2) First type of software which God loaded in 10) At the time of death, it will leavebody
human being corresponds to all natures of permanently.
human beings. This software gives a man
11) God has got a personality. For example He
Sattvic, or Rajasic or Tamsic, overall nature.
loves us, He becomes angry, He blesses, He
3) Second type of software is six desires. Detail doesn't like many things. Hence God is also
of which is given in holy Quran. (3:14) called soul or atma, or parmatma.
4) Third type of emotion are : 12) God created soul before creation of universe,
and in hereafter human beings will stay in
1. Anger 2. Greed 3. Wish to follow our own
heaven or hell for infinite period of time along
desires. (H$m_:)
with soul. Hence soul is called immortal. Soul
5) Above motioned are main groups of emotions. experiences death hence it is said that all soul
But along with these emotions, God has placed will taste death (That means it will not die but
in soul many types of other emotions, and will taste or experience death.).
feeling also. For example;
13) God is immortal, and God is without
Love for children, Love for country, Love for our beginning and end. And existence of God is
own religion, Partiality, envy, desire for sex, neither spiritual (like angel) not materialistic
revenge etc. like human being. But soul is spiritual (like
angel). God created it (so it has a beginning). It is
6) Because of above mentioned emotions, it is
not a part of God. It could be extremely inferior.
nature of soul to always wish to enjoy and
For example soul of Tamas nature people are
accumulate wealth, and want to do easy and non-
kept in hell along with demons.
religious things. If we human being do not
understand our own body composition and We have made above mentioned thirteen
always do what our mind wish to do. Then we statements. Now we will give reference of our
remain busy in accumulating and enjoying each statements, and we will also mention
materialistic things only. Shloks of Bhagwat Gita and Holy Quran in
which soul is called as Soul, mind, heart, self,
7) Soul induces desire, hence we call our soul as
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

and God. soul (self) (CX²^d) after creating (^wV) creature (odgJ©•)
assigning (H$_©) a function to individual creature is
References of our statements :- (H$_©) is karam (of managing the universe by God).
Emotion and wishes are stored in Soul :- God said, the supreme, indestructible (entity) is
1) oH$_² VV² ]«÷ oH$_² AÜ`mË__² oH$_² H$_© [wéf-CÎm_ & AoY-^yV_² M oH$_² àm{º$_² called Brahma or God. Every human being has a
AoY-X¡d_² oH$_² CÀ`V{ &&1&& nature (or personality which) is called the soul
(self). After creating creature, assigning a
(AOw©Z CdmM) Arjun said (oH$_²) who is (VV²) that (]«÷)
function to individual creature is karam. (or deed
Brahma God (oH$_²) what is (AÜ`mË__²) the individual
of God for managing the universe). (Bhagwad Gita
Soul (oH$_²) what is (H$_©) karma ([wéf CÝV_) (of) the 8:3)
supreme entity (God) (M) and (oH$_²) who (àm{·V_²) is
called (AoY ^yV_²) lord of all creature (oH$_²) who (CÀ`V{) l gd©-ÛmamoU g§`å` _Z: öoX oZéÜ` M & _yoÜZ© AmYm` AmË_Z: àmU_² AmoñWV:
`m{J-YmaUm_² &&12&&
is called (AoY X¡d_) the lord of devatas (angles).
(To get heaven one has to do following things)
Arjun said, who is that brahma (God). What is (g§`å`) control (gd© ìXmamoU) all the gates (of body)
individual soul. What is karma (of) the supreme (oZéÜ`) confine (_Z•) all wishes (öoX) in heart (not
entity (God). And who is called lord of all
running after them to fulfill them) (M) and (AmË_Z•)
creature. Who is called the lord of devatas
(engaging) self (soul) in (àmU_²) meditation (and)
(angels) ? (Bhagwad Gita 8:1)
(AmYm`) establishing (concentration) (_yoÜZ©) in the
l AoY`k: H$W_² H$: AÌ X{h{ Aoñ_Z² _YwgyXZ & à`mU-H$mb{ M H$W_² k{`: Aog head (between eyebrows) (AmoñWV• `m{J YmaUm_²) unite
oZ`V-AmË_o^: &&2&& the consciousness with God (worship God with
(AoY) The lord of (kmZ_²) divine knowledge (H$W_²) full concentration).
how (communicate with prophets) (M) and (To get heaven one has to do following things)
(_YwgyXZ) O Krishna (H$•) who (is present) (AÌ) here Control all the gates (of body). Confine all
(in this world) (Apñ_Z²) in this (X{h{) body (à`mUm H$mb{) at wishes in heart (not running after them to fulfill
the time of death (oZ`V) by controlling (AmË_o^•) them), and (engaging) self (soul) in meditation.
mind (self) (H$W_²) how (k{`• Aog) He (God) can be Establishing concentration between eyebrows.
known (remembered). Unite the consciousness with God. (worship
(Who is) The lord of divine knowledge. How God with full concentration).(Bhagwad Gita 8:12)
(communication with prophets are done), and O So soul is something which is related to thinking,
Krishna, who (is present) here (in this world) in wishes, emotion, our nature etc.
this body. At the time of death by controlling
mind (self) how He (God) can be known Soul aquire Sattvic, Rajas or Tamas nature :-
(remembered)? (Bhagwad Gita 8:2) 2) In verse No. 27-30 of chapter No. 89 of holy
l Aja_² ]«÷ [a__² ñd^md: AÜ`mË__² CÀ`V{ & ^yV-^md-CX²^d-H$a: odgJ©: Quran, God says to righteous people, “O Soul at
H$_© g§okV: &&3&& peace (Nafs-mutmainna / sattvic soul) return to
your lord. You were happy (with whatever God
(lr ^JdmZ CdmM) God said ([a__²) the supreme (Aja_²) gave you) and God is also happy with your
indestructible (CÀ`V{) is called (]«÷) Brahma or deeds.” (Holy Quran 89 : 27-30)
God. (ñd) Every human being (^md•) has nature (or
personality, which) (g§okV•) is called (AÜ`mË__²) the In this verse Soul is named as Sattvic soul, That
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

means it is soul who acquire Sattvic, or Rajasic l X¡dr oh Efm JwU-_`r __ _m`m XwaË``m & _m_² Ed `{ à[ÚÝV{ _m`m_² EVm_² VaoÝV
or Tamsic nature. V{ &&14&&
gËd_² aO: V_: BoV JwUm: àH¥$oV gå^dm: & oZ]ÜZoÝV _hm-]mhm{ X{h{ X{ohZ_² (oh) Certainly (XwaË``m) it is difficult to pass (_m`m)
Aì``_² &&5&& exam (based on) (Efm) these (three) (X¡dr) divine (or
natural) (JwU) tendencies or nature (_m`r) (created
(_hm-]mhm{) O mighty armed one (Arjun) (gÎd_²)
by) Me (Ed) certainly (`{) (those) who (take) (__)
nature of goodness (aO) nature of passion (V_)
(My) (à[ÚÝV{) support (V{) they (VaoÝV) crossover
nature of ignorance (BoV) these are (JwUm)
(EVm_²) this (_m`m_²) exam. (Bhagwad Gita 7:14)
tendencies (gå^dm) created by (àH¥$oV) governing
force of God (Aì``_²) immortal God has (oZ]ÜZoÝV) All emotions such as love, greed, anger etc are
bound (them to the) (X{h{) bodies of (X{ohZ_²) human- present at a time in human being. Similarly all
beings. (Bhagwad Gita 14:5) the three natures (Satvic, Rajasic, Tamasic) are
l gËd_² gwI{ gÝO`oV aO: H$_©oU ^maV & kmZ_² Amd¥Ë` Vw V_: à_mX{ gÝO`oV CV all at a time present in human being. It is way of
&&9&& life, attitude and struggle of human being which
decide which nature is because predominant.
(CV) God says that (^maV) O son of Bharta (Arjun) Read shlok no. 14.20 to 14.27 to control and get
(gËd_²) nature or tendency of goodness (gÄO`oV) rid of these three natures.
binds with (gwI{) happiness (aO) tendency of
passion (binds with) (H$_©oU) work /activity (Vw) but Wishes are imbedded in soul :-
(V_) tendency of ignorance (kmZ_² Amd¥Ë`) covers the 3) Soul is loaded with six types of desires, details
knowledge (gÄO`oV) and binds with (à_mX{) madness of which are mentioned in Quran as follow;
or negligence or delusion. (Bhagwad Gita 14:9)
l “Worldly desires of Wives, Children,
l aO: V_: M Ao^^y` gËd_² ^doV ^maV & aO: gËd_² V_: M Ed V_: gËd_² aO:
VWm &&10&& accumulated treasures of gold and Silver, horses
of noble bread, cattle, and farms are all made to
(^maV) O son of Bharta (Arjun) (gÎd_²) (sometime) seem attractive to men. All these are the bounties
tendency of goodness (Ao^^y`) surpasses (aO gÎd_² M) of the worldly life, but in the life to come (after
tendency of passion and ignorance (^doV) (and) death) God has the best place for people to
become prominent (aO gÎd_ V_) sometime passion dwell.” (Holy Quran 3:14)
surpasses goodness and ignorance (M Ed) and
sometime (V_ gÎd_ aO VWm) ignorance surpasses l Equivalent six desires in present period will
goodness and passion. (Bhagwad Gita 14:10) be 1) Women 2) Son 3) Bank balance 4) Costly
l JwUmZ² EVmZ² AVrË` ÌrZ² X{hr X{h g_wÕdmZ² & OÝ_ _¥Ë`w Oam Xw:I¡: od_wº$: vehicle 5) stock of shares or good business 6)
A_¥V_² AíZwV{ &&20&& Properties
(AoVË`) (One who) giveup (EVmZ²) all these (ÌrZ²) Three destructive wishes of Soul :-
three (JwUmZ²) nature or tendencies (g_wäXdmZ²) (which
is) created in (X{h) body of (X{hr) human being (od_w·V) 4) oÌodY_² ZaH$ñ` BX_² Ûma_² ZmeZ_² AmË_Z: & H$m_: H«$m{Y: VWm bm{^: Vñ_mV²
EVV² Ì`_² Ë`O{V² &&21&&
(he become) free from (XwI¡) sorrow of (OÝ_, _¥Ë`y, Oam)
birth, death and old age (AíZwV{) attains (A_¥V_²) (oÌodY_²) Three kinds (of emotions which are)
place where there is no death (heaven). (Bhagwad (ZmeZ_²) destructive to (AmË_Z•) soul or mankind
Gita 14:20) (are) (H$m_•) wish to follow our own desire (H«$m{Y•)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

anger (VWm) as well as (bm{^•) greed (BX_²) these are (oOV•) was conquered (Vñ`) of him (AmË_m) self (]ÝYw•)
(also) (Ûma_²) gates (ZaH$ñ`) of hell (Vñ_mV²) therefore become friend (Vw) But (AmË_m Ed) the same self
(Ë`O{V²) one must give up (EVV²) these (Ì`_²) three (AmË_Zm) of the person (AZmË_Z:) with unconquered
(emotions). self (dV}V) remains (eÌwËd{) enemy (Ed) and certainly
(eÌw dV²) (acts) like an enemy.
Three kind (of emotions which are) destructive
to soul or mankind (are) wish to follow our own The person by whom the self is conquered, for
desire, anger, as well as greed. These are (also) him self become friend. But the same self of the
gates of hell. Therefore one must give up these person, (which remains) unconquered that
three (emotions). (Bhagwad Gita 16:21) remains enemy and certainly (acts) like an
enemy. (Bhagwad Gita 6:6)
Following verse proves that greed is related to
Note : Soul, Self and mind have got same
soul. meaning. This shloke No. 6.5 and 6.6 has got
word Atma. And we translated shloke by
l Those who were already settled in the city selecting meaning of atma as self.
(Madinah) and firmly rooted in faith, love those
who migrated to them for refuge, and harbor no If we select it as soul or mind, then also over all
desire in their hearts, For what has been given to meaning of shloke remains same. That means,
the (migrants). They give them preference over we should purify our soul or self or mind for
themselves, even if they too are needy. Those success.
who are saved from their own soul’s greed are l (Prophet Joseph said) I am not trying to
truly successful. (Holy Quran, 59:9) declare myself (free from sin), because man’s
very soul incites him to evil, unless my lord
5 & 6) CÕa{V² AmË_Zm AmË_mZ_² Z AmË_mZ_² AdgmX`{V² & AmË_m Ed oh AmË_Z: bestows His mercy (Holy Quran,12:53)
]ÝYw: AmË_m Ed oa[w: AmË_Z: &&5&&
l Above mentioned verse proves that soul
(oh) Indeed (AmË_mZ_²) human being (should) (CÕa{V²) creates desire in heart. Sometime even wrong
elevate (AmË_Z) himself (AmË_mZ_²) human being (Z) desire.
should not (AdgmX`{V²) degrade (himself) (AmË_m) (As)
7) V{fm_² Ed AZwH$å[m-AW©_² Ah_² AkmZ-O_² V_: & Zme`mo_ AmË_-^md ñW:
self (is) (]ÝYw•) friend of (AmË_Z•) human being (Ed) kmZ Xr[{Z ^mñdVm &&11&&
as well as (AmË_m) self (is) (oa[w•) enemy (AmË_Z) of
human-being. (V{fm_²) for them (AZwH$å[m AW©_²) to show special mercy
(Ah_²) I (ñW•) keep situated (AmË_ ^md) within their
l Indeed human being (should) elevate hearts (kmZ Xr[{Z) lamp of knowledge (^mñdVm) (by)
himself. Human being should not degrade light of which (Zme`mo_) (I) destroy (V_•) darkness
(himself). (As) self (is) friend of human being, as (AkmZ O_²) which is born of ignorance (in there
well as self (is) enemy of human-being. (Bhagwad heart).
Gita 6:5)
For them, to show special mercy, I keep situated
l ]ÝYw: AmË_m AmË_Z: Vñ` `{Z AmË_m Ed AmË_Zm oOV: & AZmË_Z: Vw eÌwËd{ within their hearts a lamp of knowledge. (By)
dV}V AmË_m Ed eÌw-dV² &&6&&
light of which I destroy darkness, which is (the
(AmË_Z•) The person (`{Z) by whom (AmË_m) the self darkness) born because of ignorance (in there
heart). (Bhagwad Gita 10:11)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

l In this shloke we have translated meaning of l Let the man of means (a rich person)
Atma as heart. spend in accordance with his means
l Agº$-]woÕ: gd©Ì oOV-AmË_m odJV-ñ[¥h: & Z¡îH$å`©-ogoÕ_² [a_m_² (capacity), and let him whose resources are
g§Ý`mg{Z AoYJÀN>oV &&49&& restricted, spend in accordance with what God
has given him. God does not burden any
(Ag·V ]woÕ•) Those whose mind (gd©Ì) is not
person with more than He has given him. God
attached to everyone (oOV AmË_m) having mastered
the mind (od½V ñ[¥h•) without material desire (Ý`mg{Z)
will soon bring about ease after hardship. (Holy
gave up (Z¡îH$å`© ogoÕ_²) expectation of fruits of noble
deed completely (AoYJÀN>oV) he attains ([a_m_²) the In this verse we translated Atma (Nafs) as
supreme God. person.
Those whose mind is not attached to In sleep Soul is withdrawn from the body :
everyone, having mastered the mind, without 9&10) Aì`º$mV² ì`º$`: gdm©: à^doÝV Ah:-AmJ_{ & amoÌ-AmJ_{ àbr`ÝV{ VÌ
material desire, gave up expectation of fruits Ed Aì`º$ g§kH{$ &&18&&
of noble deed completely. He attains the (Ah• AmJ_|) As the day begins (Aì`·VmV²) (self)
supreme God. (Bhagwad Gita 18:49) which is) invisible (ì`·V`•) (become) visible
l In this shloke we have translated meaning of (in) (gdm©•) all (creature) (à^doÝV) (and life is)
Atma as mind. visible (everywhere) (Ed) certainly (similarly)
l Soul is also called as self or person or (amÌr AmJ_{) when night arives (g§kH{$) (self or Soul)
personality :- which is (Aì`·V) not visible (àbr`ËZ{) dies
8) amJ Û{f od_wº¡$: Vw odf`mZ² BoÝÐ`¡: MaZ² & AmË_-dí`¡: odY{`-AmË_m àgmX_²
AoYJÀN>oV &&64&& l As the day begins Soul which is invisible
(Vw) But (odY{` AmË_) a pious person (who follows (become) visible (in) all (creature), (and life
the instruction of God,) (od_w·V{$•) (who is) free is) visible (everywhere). Certainly (similarly)
from (amJ) lust (Û{f•) hatred (MaZ²) and while when night arrives soul which is called not
enjoying (odf`mZ² ) object of the senses visible, dies (withdrawn). (Bhagwad Gita 8:18)
(enjoyment) (dí`¡•) keeps control over (AmË_m) l ^yV-J«m_: g: Ed A`_² ^yËdm ^yËdm àbr`V{ & amoÌ AmJ_{ Ade: [mW© à^doV
His (BoÝÐ`}) wishes (for enjoy of) (AoYJÀN>oV) (He) Ah: AmJ_{ &&19&&
attains (àgmX_²) mercy (of God.) (àbr`V{) (they) die (AmJ_{) on the arrival (amÌr) of
But a pious person (who follows the night (Ade•) automatically (à^doV) they come
instruction of God), (who is) free from lust, alive (AmJ_|) on the arrival (Ah•) of day ([mW©) O
hatred. And while enjoying object of the Arjun (Ed) certainly (A`_²) these are (^yËdm ^yËdm)
senses (enjoyment), he keeps control over his repeated creation of (g:) all these (^yËdm J«m_•)
wishes (for enjoyment). Then he attains living being (By Me).
mercy (of God.) (Bhagwad Gita 2:64) (they) die on the arrival of night automatically
l In this shlok we translated atma for person
they come alive on the arrival of day. O Arjun
certainly these are repeated creation of all these
and him (self).
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

living being (By Me). (Bhagwad Gita 8:19) God.

A verse of holy Quran is as follows, Soul will not die but experience death :-
l It is God who takes away men’s souls upon 12) Every soul shall taste death, and then to Us
their death and the souls of the living during you shall return. (Holy Quran,29:57)
their sleep. Then He withholds those for whom
He has ordained death and restores the souls of l In this verse it is mentioned that soul will
other for an appointed term. There are certainly taste death. It does not say soul will die. It
signs in this, for those who think. (Holy leaves the body at the time of death and, on
Quran,39:42) parlay it will again get same body. To know
11) Verse of holy Quran in which God called more about this read notes on parlay.
himself as well as for human being as Nafs, God is superior than soul :-
which means self or soul, are as follow;
13) Following shloks says that God is superior
l “Say, to whom belongs whatever is in the than Soul.
heaven and on earth. Say, to God. He has l Ûm¡ B_m¡ [wéfm¡ bm{H{$ ja: M Aja: Ed M & ja: gdm©oU ^yVmoZ Hy$Q>ñW: Aja:
inscribed for himself mercy. He will surely CÀ`V{ &&16&&
gather all of you on the day of parlay, about
(M) Certainly (bm{H{$) in this world (B_m¡) there are (Ûm¡)
which there is no doubt. Those who ruin their
two kinds of elements (ja•) the perishable (body)
soul will not believe (in God). (Holy Quran 6:12) (M) and (Aja•) the imperishable (soul) (M) and (CÀ`V{)
l (In this verse Nafs or Soul is translated as God says that (gdm©oU) to all (^yVmoZ) living beings (ja•)
himself) (with) perishable (body) (Aja•) the immortal soul
(Hy$Q>) (keeps them) firmly (ñW•) stable.
(Similarly in verse No. 6.55 also God called
Himself as Nafs / Soul) Certainly in this world there are two kinds of
l `V² kmËdm Z [wZ: _m{h_² Ed_² `mñ`og [mÊS>d & `{Z ^yVmoZ Ae{f{U Ðú`og elements. The perishable (body), and the
AmË_oZ AWm{_o` &&35&& imperishable (soul). And God says that to all
living beings (with) perishable (body), the
(Ed_²) In this way ([mÊS>d) O Arjuna, (kmËdm) having
known (`V) this (knowledge) (Z) (you will) never immortal soul (keeps them) firmly stable.
(Bhagwad Gita 15:16)
([wZ•) again (`mñ`og) get (_m{h_²) deluded (confused) (`{Z)
by this (knowledge) (Ðú`og) you will see (Ae{f{U) all l CÎm_: [wéf: Vw AÝ` [a_ AmË_m BoV CXmöV: & `: bm{H$ Ì`_² Amodí` o]o^oV©
Aì``: B©ída: &&17&&
(^yVmoZ) living beings (AmË_oZ) by God (AW•) that is to
say (_o`) (only) by Me. (Vw) But (CXmöV•) God says (BoV) that (B©ída•) God
(himself) ([wéf•) (is that) entity (CÎm_•) (who is)
In this way, O Arjuna, having known this superior (AÝ`•) (than) others ([a_) (He is) superior
(knowledge), (you will) never again get (AmË_m) soul (Aì``•) He is immortal (`) He (Amodí`)
deluded (confused). By this (knowledge) you encompasses (bm{H$•Ì`_²) three worlds (o]o^oV©) and
will see all living being by God. That is to say support them.
(only) by Me.
But God says that God (himself is that) entity
In this shloke word Atma (AmË_moZ) is used for (who is) superior (than) others. (He is)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

superior (than) soul. He is immortal. He Money is everything.

encompasses three worlds and support them. Sleep well, eat well, dress well.
(Bhagwad Gita 15:17)
Worry about yourself as compared to anyone
l `ñ_mV² ja_² AVrV: Ah_² AjamV² Ao[ M CÎm_: & AV: Aoñ_ bm{H{$ d{X{ M àoWV:
[wéf-CÎm_: &&18&& else.
(`ñ_mV²) Because (Ah_²) I am (CVrV•) beyond (ja_²) Then this soul or self will have rajasic nature.
mortal human body (M) and (Ao[) also (CÎm_•) = If family culture is religious, and they
superior than (AjamV²) immortal soul (AV•) therefore worry about humanity and others also,
(bm{H{$) in this world (M) and (d{X{) (in) holy Vedas (Aoñ_)
I am ([wéf CÎm_•) supreme entity (M) and (àoWV•) praised Person wake-up early morning.
one. Reads divine books.
Because I am beyond mortal human body, and Worships God in the early morning.
also superior than immortal soul. Therefore in Eats and sleep moderately. Spends balance
this world and in holy Vedas, I am supreme life.
entity, and praised one. (Bhagwad Gita 15:18) Keeps fas, donate money to poor .
l How to make soul pure? Not addicted to comfortable life etc.
l Both physical body and soul take birth at Then “soul or Self” of this person will have
same time. sattvic nature.
At this stage soul has pious or noble nature (by = If family has corrupt, communal or
birth) and human body mostly free from all criminal culture then “Soul” will have tamasic
dieses. nature.
= As per food habit physical body becomes = At any stage of life if a person does analysis
weak or normal or strong, and get Pitta, Vata whether he has Tamasic or Rajasic nature,
and Kapha nature. then by hard struggle and worship of God he
= As per family culture, society culture,
can become sattvic.
education and self control or by blessing or = Soul always wants to remain free and
curse of God, soul get three natures comfortable. When we punish him by doing
mentioned below thing what he doesn't want to do, it changes
1 Sattvic nature (Nafs mutmainna)
and become sattvic. The things which our
“soul” doesn't want to do is are follows.
2 Rajasic nature (Nafs lawamma)
3 Tamasic nature (Nafs Ammara) 1. Firm belief in God.
= If family culture is business-minded. 2. Getting up early in morning
Follows modern philosophies such as: 3. Worshiping God at early morning.
4. Keeping fast.
Live your own life.
5. Donating money.
Enjoy life fully and upto maximum extent.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

6. Controlling all five senses as per religious required to get heaven is more pious and noble
norms. than our attitude or thinking in sattvic nature.
This we will discuss in Adheyay14 of
When we keep on doing these acts regularly
Bhagavat Geeta. But sattvic nature is first step
slowly our soul changes to sattvic.
toward that nature, which is called Ateet.
= Holy Quran says “getting up early morning
severely punishes self (soul)”.(Holy Quran 73:6)
= Fasting is made compulsory so that human Life, Jaan, Pran (àmU) :-
beings become pious (Holy Quran 2:183)
This subject we have already studied in
Donating money is exactly opposite to our section of introduction of God.
nature of lust and greed. Hence by regularly
donating, we punish our nature of lust or Divine Wisdom
greed or kama.
l Stephen Hawking was one of the great
Getting up early in morning has great scientists. He wrote a best selling book with
importance in religion. For common Muslim title “A brief history of time”. Which
five times prayer is compulsory. But for describes big bang theory to black holes. He
prophet Mohammad (pbuh) it was six time. wrote that this universe is working like a
And that extra one time prayer was called perfect machine, but even if speeds of planets
Tahazzud (Holy Quran 17:79). Time of this get increased or decrease by fraction of a
namaz starts around midnight and ends 90 second this universe will collapse.
minute before sunrise. And all prophets and
l Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh) became orphan
all saints strictly follow prayer at this time.
before his birth. He was brought up by his
In Holy Vedas we get reference of early uncle Hazrat Abu Talib. When Hazrat
prayer as follow. Muhammed (Pbuh) declared that he is a
vfXu% izkr% lous ikRoLeku~ oS”pkujks foÜo”kaHkq%A¼vFkoZosn 06%47%01½ massenger of God, people of whole Makkah
city became his enemy. They wanted to
O' God you are) beloved of all human beings, eliminate prophet Muhammed (pbuh) but
creator of the whole universe, beneficent on Hazrat Abu Talib who was leader of their
every individual. O' God, please protect us tribe, always protected. Hazrat Muhammed
when we perform our early morning prayer." (pbuh). But hazrat Abu Talib never accepted
God says in Holy Quran “O nafs mutma inna Islam. Whenever Hazrat Muhammed (pbuh)
(sattvic self) enter in My heaven. You use to preach Hazrat AbuTalib, he use to say
surrendred (to my commandment) and I am “Son I know you are true, and I will always
pleased with you. (Holy Quran 89:2) stand by you. But I will continue my older
So we should try to develop sattvic nature in
l Why it happens that people firmly belive
us, to get heaven. Actually the attitude
that this person is prophet, and his religion is a
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

true religion, then also they don't accept it? Or (in their heart).
a genius person knows that this perfect
]wÕr `m{J_ or divine consciousness is called
universe cannot come into existence by it’s
Emaan in Islam. It is a divine wisdom.
own. God has created it, but he never
acknowledges it? l When God blesses with this divine wisdom
then only we accept true path and
l God says in Holy Quran (O Mohammad!)
commandment of God. Otherwise even if we
You cannot guide whom you like, to be
become genius like Stephen Hawking then
guided, but (it is) God (who) guides
also we will die atheist like him, or will
whomever He will, and He knows best those
remain on old religion which do not accept
who will be guided. (H.Q 28:56)
God as our and supreme.
l This divine wisdom is not free for all. Only
Bhagwat Gita says, those people get it who seek it from God. Only
l V{fm_² gVV-`wº$mZm_² ^OVm_² àroV-[yd©H$_² & XXmo_ ]woÕ-`m{J_² V_² those can retain it who seek help from God.
`{Z _m_² C[`moÝV V{ &&10:10&&
l Holy Vedas teaches us following
(Those who have faith in God) (àroV [yd©H$_²) with love supplication to get it.
(gVV `w·VmZm_²) they always remain engaged (^OVm_²) in
worship of God (XXmo_) (to such people) I give (V_²) l bUnz dzrqa vk Hkj firk iq=sH;ks ;Fkk A
such (]woÕ `m{J_²) divine consciousness (`{Z) by which f”k{kk .kks vfLeu+ iq:gwr ;kefu thok T;ksfrj “khefg A
(V{) they (C[`oÝV) get (_m_²) Me. l “O God! Give us knowledge in this
(Those who have faith in God) with love they direction so that we get enlightenment within
always remain engaged in worship of God (to our life span.” (Atharva Veda-18:3:67)
such people) I give such divine consciousness l Holy Quran teaches us following
by which they get Me. supplication to retain it. “Our lord, do not
cause our hearts to deviate, after giving us
mercy from you. You are the Bestower.” (Holy
l V{fm_² Ed AZwH$å[m-AW©_² Ah_² AkmZ-O_² V_: & Zme`mo_ AmË_-^md ñW:
Quran 3:8)
kmZ Xr[{Z ^mñdVm &&10:11&&
(V{fm_²) for them (AZwH$å[m AW©_²) to show special mercy
Let us seek this guidance from God and try to
(Ah_²) I (ñW•) keep situated (AmË_ ^md) within their retain it.
hearts (kmZ Xr[{Z) lamp of knowledge (^mñdVm) (by) *******
light of which (Zme`mo_) (I) destroy (V_•) darkness
(AkmZ O_²) which is born of ignorance (in their
For them to show special mercy, I keep
situated within their hearts a lamp of
knowledge. (By) light of which I destroy
darkness, which is born because of ignorance
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N.3 - The concept of Rebirth

l Holy vedas don't teaches the faith of 29 and adheyay 4-sloke 17-18-19-20) that
rebirth. Abhimanyo, Karan, Dron Acharya and all the
warriors who died in war got heaven, along
l The origin of concept of rebirth is from
with Bhishm Pitama.
following three book.
l Swami Vikasanand ji says that when
1) Mahabharat
Abhimanyo, Karan etc got heaven even when
2) Chandogya Upanished sun was in south, then why Bhishm Pitama
waited so long for sun to travel to north side in
3) Brahdarnyak Upanished
fear of rebirth. Swamiji says that concept of
l Swami vikasanand wrote a book with title re-birth in Mahabharta was added in later era,
“Punar Janam ka Rahassiya” (Secret of and it is fabricated and not true.
Rebirth. You can freely download and read
l Maharishi Ved Vyas ji never taught the
this book from following link
concept of rebirth. He wrote 18 purna and
complied four vedas and bhagwat Gita, but he
never mentioned rebirth in any of them.
l In this book he proved that rebirth faith is
N.3.2) Chandogya Upanishad-
wrong and fabricated and introduced in
religious books in later era. Summery of his One of the disciple of Maharishi Ved Vyas
logic is as follows: ji was Rishi Vyashyampayam (´É趪É{ÉɪɨÉ). Rishi
N.3.1) Mahabharat Vyashyampayam was having two famous
disciples namely Rishi Tand and Rishi
Mahabharat says that Bhishm Pitama delayed Yajvalkiya.
his death till sun moved to north side. Because
those who die when sun is in south, will have Rishi Tand researched on one section of
to take birth again. Sama veda and named it Chandogya
Brahman, which contained 10 chapters. out of
Swami Vikasanand ji says, Maha rishi Ved 10 chapters one more book was compiled
Vyas ji wrote only 25000 slokes of which contains only 8 chapter and is called
Mahabharta. And his aim of writting this story Chandogya Upnishad.
was to convince people that righteous people
will always win even if they are weak and In this Chandogya upnishad in following
small in number. But in later era people added two adheyay (chapters) the description of
another 75000 shloks in Mahabharat and rebirth is given.
made it too complicated. 1) Adheyay 5, Khand-10, Mantra No. 1-10
Maha rishi Ved Vyas ji wrote in Mahabharat 2) Adheyay 8, Khand-6, Mantra No. 1-5
(Swarg rohan parva-3 Adheyay 5 mantra 27-
l Summary of teaching of these shloks are

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

as follow: of a noble person travel to heaven is also

similar to holy vedas.
1) The human being should know panchagini
vidya. So in same book two contradictory teachings
are there.
2) They should stay in Jungle.
l Swami Vikasanand says that when two
3) They should perform prayers faithfully as
types of contradictory teachings are present in
per panchagini vidya, then only human beings
one holy book, then only that teaching will be
will get mukti. Otherwise they will take re-
accepted which is as per teachings of holy
birth on this earth.
Vedas and other will be rejected. As only the
l Swami Vikasanand says that criteria for Vedas are authentic books.
getting mukti as per Chandogya Upanishad is
l He also says that Maha rishi Ved Vyasji
so difficult that very few can fulfill it. He
never tought the concept of re-birth, Hence his
further says that even Bhishm pitama may not
disciples also could not preach the concept of
have fullfilled this criteria, then how he got
re-birth. It is fabricated and added in their
books in later era.
l Swami Vikasanand ji says that this
N.3.3 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
teaching is also against teaching of holy
Vedas. Holy vedas don't teaches to stay a l Rishi Yajvalkya wrote Brihadaranyaka
lonely life in jungle. On the contrary vedas Upnishad. This Upnishad is drived from 14
teaches to spend a happy family life. For chapters of Brahaman shatpat of shukul
example, In sixth mandal of Rig veda, the sukt shakha (branch) of Yajur veda. This Upnishad
no. 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 and 24 ends with a pray has got 6 chapters. 47 Brahmans and 435
which says “Oh God, May we stay joyfully mantras.
with our sons with good deed for a hundred
l At following three places in this Upnishad,
the description of rebirth is given,
l So criteria of Chandogya upanishad for
1) 4th Brahman of 4th chapter.
getting mukti is against teaching of veda.
2) 10th Brahman of 5th chapter.
l In same upanishad, Adheyay 8, Khand 6,
Mantra No. 5, it is mentioned that those who 3) second Brahman of 6th chapter.
die remembering God, they travel up and
3rd mantra of 4th Brahman of 4th chapter
reach the world called Aditya in as less time as
says that “And just as a leech moving on a
our thought get replaced with another thought
blade of grass when reaches at its end, takes
in our mind. This Aditya world is door for
hold of another and draws itself together
heaven. And only scholars enter it.
toward new blade of grass and leaves the
l Now this shlok does not put the condition previous one. Similarly soul leaves the old
of knowing Panchgini Vidya and staying in body and moves on in new body.”
jungle for mukti. And the description of soul
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

l 4th shloke of 4th Brahman of 4th chapter insect)

says, “Just as a goldsmith takes a small
l So the teachings of above mentioned shlok
quantity of gold and fashions out of it another
of Brihadaranyaka Upanished are
newer and better form, so does the soul. After
contradictory to the teachings of holy Veda.
throwing off old body, arrives new and better
Now we will study one sloke of this upanished
which is as per teachings of holy Veda.
l (The teachings in other shloks are similar
l When a human being dies, his soul travels
to what has been described in Chandogya
upward. First it enters the world of Air. Air
gives him passage in form of hole is sheet. The
l Swami Vikasanand ji says the teachings of hole is of size like wheel of chariot. Then soul
above mentioned two mantras are reaches to the world of Sun, Sun gives him
contradictory to the teachings of Rig Veda passage like a hole. From there the soul rises
which says as follows: up to the world of Moon. Moon also gives him
a passage like hole. Rising from this world
l In parlok all have to be like Deities. (Body
soul reaches to the world called Ashok. In this
without flesh) and in parlok souls will not be
world there is no physical or mental trouble
free but will be as per their deeds.
(Rig veda Book-10, Sukth-14, Mantra-182) and soul stays there for a long time.
(Brihadaranyak-Upanishad, Adheyay-5, Brahman 10,
Yama (the angel of deaths) tells the deceased Mantra 1)
person that by which path he has to travel to l Now teaching of this sloke is somewhat
parlok. The path will be never destroyed, the similar to the teaching of the holy Veda.
path on which ancient souls have traveled. As Swamiji says that when two contradictory
per the deed everyone has to walk the same teachings are present in a holy book, then that
path. (Rig veda Book-10, Sukth-14, Mantra-2) teaching which is as per the holy Veda will be
l Both sloks say: accepted and others will be regarded as
A) Souls are not free to aquire any body or
shape as per choice. l Hence the teachings of rebirth are present
in Mahabharat or Chandogya Upanishad or
B) There will be no rebirth on the Earth, but Brihadarnayaka Upanishad are all added in the
everyone will get a new body in parlok. later era. They are not the teachings of the
C) And the path by which soul has to travel is author of these books. They are fabricated and
also decided by the angel of death as per the not correct.
deed of deceased person. (that path may lead *******
to hell or heaven)
D)And the person will get reward or
punishment only after death in parlok (and not
on the earth in form of rebirth as plant or

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N.4. What is the meaning of the cycle of life and death

in Bhagwad Gita?
Sloke No. 16 of Aheyay 8 of Bhagvat Gita is as · Garud puran, Adheyay 4, mantra – 2 says
follows : that “those who commit sin, will go to hell,
Am-]«÷-^wdZmV² bm{H$m: [wZ: AmdoV©Z: AOw©Z & _m_² C[{Ë` Vw H$m¡ÝV{` [wZ:OÝ_ Z and they pass from one hell to another”. (That
odÚV{ &&16&& means they passes through 84 lac Hells).
(AOw©Z) O Arjun (bm{H$m•) (whatever) worlds (are) (Am ]«÷ Maybe from this fact, concept of passing from
^wdZmV²) around the place of God ([wZ• AmdoV©Z•) there is 84 lacs yoni (`m{Zr) before taking another birth as
cycle of life and death (Vw) But (H$m¡ÝV{`) O Arjun (C[{Ë`)
human being has came into existence.
after achieving (_m_²) Me (odÚV{) there is (Z) no (OÝ_)
birth ([wZ•) again.
· Garud Puran describes hundreds of hells,
O Arjun, (whatever) worlds (are) around the and how people are tortured there. After every
place of God, there is cycle of life and death. punishment the body of person gets destroyed,
But O Arjun, after achieving Me there is no or burned or cut into pieces. So for next
birth again. punishment again a new body is given to that
person. This is the actual meaning of repeated
What is world or place of God?
birth around the heaven (in hell). While those
It is heaven. who get heaven, as their body doesn't get
What are worlds around heaven? destroyed, they don't get it repeatedly. And
Our earth? they remain there permanently.
No. It is hell. This is said in Sloke No. 15:4 Bhagvat
Heaven is a raised and vast beautiful plain Geeta which is as follow:
land, while Hell is deep Trench or valley VV: [X_² VV² [oa_moJ©Vì`_² `oñ_Z² JVm: Z oZdV©oÝV ^y`: & V_² Ed M AmÚ_²
[wéf_² à[Ú{ `V: àd¥oÎm: àg¥Vm [wamUr &&4&&
around the Heaven. Rig Veda described
Heaven as follow. (VV²) Thereafter (VV²) that ([X_²) place ([oa_moJ©Vì`_²) one
most search out (JVm) (after) going (`oñ_Z²) where (Z)
Because of your truthfulness you will see that no one (oZdV©pÝV) comes back (^y`•) again (V_² Ed M) and
vast land. (Rig veda 1-21-6) then certainly that person gets (à[Ú{) shelter of
Acharya Sine in his explanation of Holy Vedas ([wéf_²) God (who is) (AmÚ_²) before everyone (`V)
says, this vast land is heaven. from whom ([wamUr) this old (world) has (àd¥oÎm•)
About Hell Rig Veda says, “for sinful people, originated (àg¥Vm) and expanded.
extremely deep place is created”. (Rig veda 4-5- Thereafter, that place one must search out,
5) (after) going where no one come back again.
Acharya Sine says in his explanation of holy And then certainly that person gets shelter of
vedas, that this deep place is hell. God, (who is) before everyone. From whom
· Garud puran, Adhayay 3, mantra-60, says this old (world) has originated, and expanded.
that there are 84 lac Hells. *******
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N.5. Why we should not expect returns of our good deeds?

There was a saint in the Israel community. So when the Angel reached near this
He pleaded to God : “O God! I don't want to be bridge, due to heat the Saint was perspiring
involved in this material world. Please and feeling thirsty. When he reached further
accommodate me on some lonely island and closer to this bridge, thirst was beyond his
arrange for my food. So that day and night I control.
can remain engaged in your worship.”
That moment only a hand appeared with a
God accepted his plea and accommodated glass of water in hand. And said “this one glass
him on an island, where there was a fruit tree of water is for sale. If you want to purchase,
and a fountain. So this saint used to eat fruit then purchase it”.
and drink water from fountain for survival,
Saint asked its price, and invisible sound
and use to remain engaged in prayer day and
said “500 years of sinless prayer”. Saint said,
night. This way he spent 500 years of sinless
“yes I have it. Take my prayer and give me one
life. After death he was produced before God.
glass of water.”
God said “Because of my special favour I
Saint took water and drunk. When Angels
forgive you”.
saw saint's blessing are sold out, they stopped
Saint was surprised for the reason of his the journey to heaven, and brought back saint
forgiveness. He thought that I prayed for 500 again before of God.
years without a single sin, that is the reason for
God said “you fixed price of one glass of
my forgiveness, and God is saying that
water as 500 years prayer. Now for 500 years
“because of my special favour I forgive you.
daily I gave you many glasses of water, and
Then what about my prayer?”
fruits also for eating, good health and many
l God was aware of thoughts in mind and more blessings. Now give me account that
heart, but he did not replay it. Only said to how you thanked Me for all those blessing.
Angel to take him to paradise walking.
Saint fall down on ground, prostrated
Heaven is surrounded by 84 lac deep Hells. before God and said, “I am convinced that no
For safety trenches are dug around forts. one can attain heaven without your special
Similarly heaven is also surrounded by deep favour. O God kindly forgive me.”
hells. Their is a bridge on these hells which is
l Once Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said
called Pul-Sirat in Muslim literature.
“certainly, none of you will enter Paradise
In Vedas and Bhagvat Geeta (8:24) it is because of your noble deeds alone.
referred as the “illuminated path”.
Some companion asked “O Prophet! What
This path is the only path to reach heaven. about you”. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said
An ineligible person cannot cross this path. He “Not even me, unless God grants me mercy
will fall down into the hell. from Himself”. (Ref. Sahih-al-Bukhari 6099, Sahih-
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

Muslim 2818) That means My grace or My help is main

l When a Great Prophet says so, who never cause of getting heaven. Hence we should not
committed any sin, and scarified his whole life depend on returns of our noble deed for
and wealth for spreading message of God. getting heaven, but seek grace and help of
What about us, who commit more sins than God.
blessing? That is why it is many time said in this divine
l So understand and remember while book that don't expect return of your good
reading sloke of this divine book that no one deed.
will get forgiveness by (H$_©\b) good returns of *******
our good deeds. Mankind will get forgiveness
and heaven by special favour of God only.
This fact is also mentioned in Bhagvat Gita
as follow:
l gd© H$_m©oU Ao[ gXm Hw$dm©U: _V²-ì`[ml`: & _V²-àgmXmV²
AdmßZm{oV emœV_² [X_² Aì``_² &&18:56&&
(Ao[) But (it is a fact that) (gXm) one who always
(Hw$dm©U) performs (gd© H$_m©oU) all deeds (_V² ì`[ml`)
taking My shelter (as per My command)
(AdmßZm{o[) (he) can get (emûdV_²-[X_²-Aì``_²) eternal,
supreme immortal place (heaven) (_V² àgmXV²) by
My grace only.
“But (it is also a fact that) one who always
performs all deeds taking My shelter (as per My
command), (he) can get eternal, supreme immortal
place (heaven) by My grace only.
l _V² –_Zm: ^d _V² ^º$: _V² `mOr _m_² Z_ñHw$é & _m_² Ed Eî`og
`wº$Ëdm Ed_² AmË_mZ_² _V-[am`U: &&9:34&&
(_V² _Zm•) Keep Me in your heart (^d-_V²-^·V•)
become My slave (_V² `mOr) worship Me (_m_²
Z_ñHw$é) prostrate to Me (Ed) no doubt (Ed_²) this
way (`w·Ëdm) by worshiping Me (AmË_mZ_²) with
your soul (_V² [am`U•) with my help (Eî`og) you
will get (_m_²) Me.
Keep Me in your heart. Become My slave.
Worship Me. Prostrate to Me. No doubt this
way, by worshiping Me, with your soul, with
my help you will get Me.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N.6. Meaning of Sangam

l In dictionary Nalanda vishal sabd sagar (AWm©V²) and His guidance (AÝ`Ì) otherwise (bm{H$•)
kosh on page No. 1373 we find so many in this world (H$_© ]ÝYZ•) (you will not able to
meaning of word “sangam”. Some of which complete your) religious compulsory duties.
are as follow: l JV-gS²> ñ` _wº$ñ` kmZ-AdoñWV: M{Vg: & `km` AmMaV: H$_©
1) gå_{bZ Gathering, meeting of large number g_J«_² àodbr`V{&&4:23&&
of people. (_w·Vñ`) (Such person) become free from (JV
2) dh ñWmZ Ohm± Xm{ ZXr`m± o_bVr gL>Jñ`) path of worshiping God with other
Deities (kmZ) (In light of) divine knowledge
The place where two rivers meet each other. (AdpñWV•) He fixes his (M{Vg•) intellect (in God)
3) gmW, gm{h]V together, company of someone (AmMaV•) (He) performs (H$_©) all his duties (`km`)
As per divine law (to please only God) (g_J«_²)
4) Xm{ `m AoYH$ dñVwAm| H$m EH$ gmW o_bZm (because of this he) completely (àodbr`V{) gets
Meeting of two or move things at one place. attached to God.
l In Bhagwad Gita, Sangam means l ]«åhoU AmYm` H$_m©oU gS²>_² Ë`·Ëdm H$am{oV `: & obß`V{ Z g: [m[{Z
worshiping of one supreme God along with [X_² -[Ì_² Bd Aå^gm &&5:10&&
deities or devtas. It is a great sin, hence (`•) (One) who (AÜ`m`) dedicates (H$_m©oU) all
nineteen time it is prohibited in Bhagwad Gita. actions (prayer and good deeds) (]«÷oU) to God
Reference of those shloks are as follows: (and) (Ë`º²$dm) abandoning (g§L>J_²) mixing (of
l Xya{U oh Ada_² H$_© ]woÕ`m{JmV² YZO` & ]wÕm¡ eaU_² AoÝdÀN> prayer to God with prayer of Deities) (g•) that
H¥$[Um: [b-h{Vd: &&2: 49&& person (Z) never (obß`V{) affected ([m[{Z) by sin (Bd)
like ([X²_ [Ì_) a lotus leaf (not affected) (Aå^gm)
(YZÄO`) O Arjuna (]wÕ¡ `m{JmV²) the divine
by water)
knowledge which you received from God. (on
basis of this knowledge) (Xya{U) remain away 2:49, 3:9, 4:23, 5:10, 5:11, 8:22, 9:15, 9:22,
from (Ada_²) bad (H$_©) deeds (AoÝdÀN>) try to (eaU_²>) 9:30, 11:55, 12:6, 12:18, 13:11, 14:26, 15:3,
surrender (]wÕ¡) you intellect (to God) (\$b h{Vd•) 15:5, 18:9, 18:23, 18:26.
Those who do deed to get its good return (in l God says in the holy Quran.
this world) are (H¥$[Um•) misers.
God will not forgive anyone for associating
l `k-AWm©V² H$_©U: AÝ`Ì bm{H$: A`_² H$_©-]ÝYZ: & VV² AW©_²
H$_© H$m¡ÝV{` _wº$-gS²>: g_mMa &&3:9&& something with Him. While He will forgive
whoever He wishes for anything besides that.
(H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjuna) (g_mMa) read Whoever ascribes partners to God, is guilty of
(holy vedas) (H$_©) perform your duties (AW©_²) for a great sin. (Holy Quran 4:49)
the sake of (VV²) that (God) (_w·V gL>J•) without
Hence we should absolutely avoid worshiping
polluting it with worship of other deities (H$_©U•) anyone along with God.
for every good deed (`k) seek blessing of God
295 *******
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N.7. Meaning of Yog (`m{J)

In Dictionary there are about 38 different

meanings of the word ‘Yog’. Some of them are
as follows :-
g§`m{J, o_bmZ, _{b, XyV, C[m`, VaH$r], Ü`mZ, g§JoV, à{_, Am¡fY,
YZ, bm^, \ m`Xm, Z¡`mo`H$, Zm_, H$m¡eb, MVwamB©, [oaUm_, ZVrOm,
oZ`_, H$m`Xm, C[`wº$Vm, Zmd AmoX H$r gdmar, C[`wº$VVm, gm_-
Xm_-X§S> Am¡a ^{X `h Mmam| C[m`, gå]ÝY, gyÌ, gX²^md, YZ Am¡a
gå[oÎm àmá H$aZm Am¡a ]¶T>mZ>m, H$m{B© ew^ H$mb, _{bo_bm[, d¡am½` &
(Ref :- Nalanda Vishal Shabkosh Page No. 1144)
Swami Mukundananda says in the explanation
of Shlok no. 4:41. Yog means “to unite with
God.” (Rif :- Website : www.holy-bhagavad-gita.org)
In general we will consider it as “getting
connected with God by prayer, meditation or
good activities.”

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N.8. Different meaning of emotion of Kama (H$m_:)

l Swami Mukundananda says in his understand anything else. To such people even
comments of sloke no.3.37 that “The Vedas a prophet cannot preach. They are like cattle.
use the word Kama or lust, not only for sexual
l So this emotion of Kama or the tendency
desire, but also to include all desires for
of following our own wishes and desire is
material enjoyment, based on the bodily
main reason of neglecting religious
concept of self. Thus lust shows itself in many
commandments, and doing compulsory
ways, The urge for money, physical craveing
religious duties.
for prestige, the drive for power etc. (Swami
Mukundnanda, www.holy-bhagavad-gita.org) *******
l This emotion of Kama could be also
explained as “our wishes to whom we give
more importance than religious
l When religious people follow
commandment of God, then that is equivalent
to worshiping God. Similarly, those who
follow only their self-wishes, Then that is
equivalent to worshiping their self-wishes.
l This process of following our own wishes,
liking, desire and giving them importance as
religious commandment is called (iccha
bhakti) in (Hindi) and Nafs-Parasti in Urdu.
Which means worshiping our own wishes.
l One verse of Holy Quran regarding
following our own self-wishes is as follow:
“Have you seen him who has taken his
“own desire” to be his God? (O Muhammad)
can you be a guardian over him? Do you think
most of them can hear and understand? They
are like cattle. Indeed, they are even farther
astray from the path. (i.e. even worse than
cattle). (Q.25:42/43)
That means those who follow their own
desire, they neither hear anyone, nor try to
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N.9 Explanation of shlok no. 2:12 & 4:5

If Rebirth is not a teaching of Bhagwad Gita, that I am (AO:) unborn (Aì``) immortal. And
then what is the meaning of the following two My birth and activities are all divine (OÝ_ H$_© M
shloks. Those shloks clearly mention rebirth.
Adhey-2, Shlok no.12
l So God also doesn't take birth personally
Shri Krishna said, Never was there a time and physically in every era. It is His divine
(when) I did not exist, nor you, nor all these system by which He guides mankind.
rulers of people. And (certainly) after this in
future (also there will be no period in which), l So from above shlok we conclude that the
all of us cease to exit. (Bhagvad Gita 2:12) meaning of “I came to this world many times”.
Or “in every era we all remain present” means,
Adhey-4, Shlok no.5 “in every era some divine personalities will be
I came to this world many times, and you there, who will teach divine laws of God to
(also) O Arjun. I know all of them (and) you people. In every era their will be always
don't know (them), O Arjun. (Bhagvad Gita 4:5) righteous people like Arjun, who will ght to
restore peace and prosperity in society. And in
l Holy Vedas don't teaches concept of every era there will be people like Duryodhan,
repeated birth in this world. who will capture the power or ruling position,
They teach only one more birth in Parlok on and will exploit human beings.
the day of parlay. For argument, even we if l Divine books are masterpieces of
accept concept of repeated birth, then also literature. We have to read and understand
conclusion of above mentioned slokes will be their poetic form in their perspective. We can
as follows: not do word by word translation at some
l Duryodhan was a wrong person. A wrong places. For example if I say “need is mother of
person cannot take birth as a human being, and invention.” This is perfectly correct statement,
that also in a position of king in every birth. provided you try to understand the meaning
Sinner take birth in form of animal, insect etc behind it. That is, whenever there is a need,
etc. So Duryodhan who was son of Dritrashtra accordingly someone will make invention.
cannot take birth in every era in same position. But if you try to translate it word by word and
(as mentioned shlok no. 2:12) take this statement itself as truth, then some
odd concept will come into existence.
l In introduction of Arjun we studied that
Arjun was a pious and noble person. At the end l This I will explain from one more
of Mahabharata Maharishi Ved Vyasji wrote example. Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) said
that all the pandu brothers got heaven. So after “Tie bell to the neck of camel, and then have
Mahabharata Arjun will also not take birth trust in God”. This is a hadees. Now if
again. Muslims start tying bells in necks of camel in
their stable, and sit in their home and trust in
l In shlok no. 4:6 and 4:9 God clearly says
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

God, that God will make them prosperous.

Then what you will say about their this
behavior? foolishness.
l “Tie bell in neck of camel and then trust in
God” means, set out on journey of business
rst, and then have trust in God that He will
make you prosperous. Without effort success
will not come.
(Note : Bell uses to tie in the neck of camel,
when they uses to travel to long distance
journey in form of carvan)
So divine book are also masterpiece of
literature. We have to understand them in the
right perspective.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N.10 Avatar (AdVma)

Shree A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada present everywhere, so to think of Him as
has translated sloke No. 4.7 & 4.8 as follows : conned to a xed place is to deny His Innity.
`Xm `Xm oh Y_©ñ` ½bmoZ ^doV ^maV & Aä`wËWmZ_² AY_©ñ` VXm There are places where His Brightness is in
AmË_mZ_² g¥Omo_ Ah_² &&4:7&& full glare, and there are places where His Glow
is dim. The rays of the Sun look pretty dim in a
Whenever and wherever there is a decline in fog, but that does not reduce the real brightness
religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, of the Sun. In the seven heavens, God
and a predominant rise of irreligion—at that encompasses the highest heaven. The Sun, the
time I descend Myself. (Bhagvad gita 4:7) Moon and the Stars do not exist at that height.
[oaÌmUm` gmYyZm_² odZmem` M XwîH¥$Vm_² & Y_© g§ñWm[Z-AWm©` — (Shetash-watar Upanishad, chapter 6,
gå^dmo_ `wJ{`wJ{&&4:8&& mantra 14). The effulgence of God's Light is so
bright and severe there, that the Sun and the
To deliver the pious and to annihilate the
Moon will become totally eclipsed. The entire
miscreants, as well as to re-establish the
creation becomes manifest with the Light of
principles of religion, I Myself appear,
God, just like the rmament becomes manifest
millennium after millennium. (Bhagvad gita 4:8)
with the light of the Sun.
He further writes that :
So does God send His special man for the
“The avatära, or incarnation of Godhead, welfare of mankind. Such a man is specially
descends from the kingdom of God for related to Him. He is a great soul and is dearly
material manifestation. And the particular loved by God. He is the one who, among men,
form of the Personality of Godhead who so has the most immaculate heart and possesses a
descends is called an incarnation, or avatära.” sterling character, and his heart is lled with
l If we accept translation of Swami
divine knowledge. He experiences theophany,
Prabhupada, then for better understanding we and therefore, even without being taught by
will try to learn the meaning of Avtar from anyone or learning from books, his heart
another Sanskrit scholar Dr. Ved Prakash receives the highest and the purest form of
Upaddhay, who was head of Sanskrit knowledge. The expression 'God's avatar'
department in Punjab University. He wrote in indicates a possessive case and means 'the
His book follow meaning of Avatar. coming of a man who is in a special
relationship with God. Now, the question is,
The Meaning of 'Avatar' who is that man, who has a special relationship
with God? Obviously, the one who is His
The word Avatar is formed by combining the devotee, is related to Him. In the Rigveda
roots 'ava' and 'tu', which together mean 'to (2:12:6) such a person is called a Keeri, that is,
come to the world'. God's Avatar means 'birth a person who praises God. Its Arabic
of a great man who preaches to the world equivalent is Ahmad. One may then ask,
messages revealed to him by God'. God is whether any person who praises God can be
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

called Ahmad? The answer is, no. There is a versed in it, as a result they end up promoting
very special person who is indicated by the irreligion.
words Keeri and Ahmad, and these words are
5. When the true devotees of God are
applicable to him alone. When a word is
oppressed and persecuted.
applicable to a person, it is only he who is
pointed out by that word. Adam also praised 6. When the inuence of sinful people and
God, but he is not called Ahmad. tyrants increases.
Consequently, every person who is deeply
7. When jealousy, malice and anarchy become
related to God, is not a Keeri.
wide spread.
It is not my intention to examine all the Avatars
8. When religious considerations are kept
here. The prime subject for the present
within the bounds of personal and family
discussion is the Final Avatar. However, I
want to make it clear that the Sanskrit Avatar is
synonymous to Prophet in English and Nabi in 9. When provisions given by God are misused
Arabic.-(see Sunder Lalji's Hindu-Muslim and wasted. (Yajurveda, chapter 40, part 1).

Unity, page 29-30). In the olden times, every

10. Avatars appear to protect the saints and to
country received its own Avatar, The Prophets.
restrain the wicked. (Geeta).

Because it was not possible for any one Avatar
to work for the welfare of the entire world. But 11. Avatars arrive because religion is being
the case of the Final Avatar is different. He has destroyed.
been sent for the welfare of mankind as a
12. When blood shed, looting and destruction
whole. His religion is intended for everyone.
go out of control, Avatars appear.
In the next chapter, I want to look at the
reasons for which an Avatar makes his 13. Avatars are sent to re-establish Religion in
appearance. the face of moral degeneration and religious
Conditions when an Avatar appears (Ref.:- Muhammed in the Hindu Scriptures, Dr. Ved Prakash
An Avatar appears when the following Uaddhay, Translated by Muhammad Alamgir, Published by :
A.S.Noordeen, P.O. Box 10066, 50704 Kuala Lumpur)
conditions prevail:
1. When people are inclined towards an Conclusion about Avatar as per
irreligious way of life and disregard true Buddhism:
religion. —(Geeta). Holy Puran says, Gautam Buddha is the
2. When the true message is corrupted to 23rd Avatar. Gautam Buddha said to his
acquire worldly gains. servant, Nanda:
3. When irreligion is practiced in the name of “O Nanda, I am not the first Buddha in this
religion. world, nor am I the last. In time, there will
appear a Buddha in this world, who will give
4. When people teaching religion are not well
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

the teachings of truth and charity. His

disposition will be pure and holy. His heart will
be clear. He will possess knowledge and
wisdom. He will be the leader and guide of all
men. He will teach the truth, as I have taught
the truth. He will give the world a way of life,
which will be pure and at the same time
complete. O Nanda, his name will be
Maitreya.” (Gospel of Buddha by Carus, Page 217)
l Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay proved in his
two books that predictions in holy religious
books (Gospel of Buddha about Maitriya is)
for Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh).
Name of the two books are as follows :
1) Kalki Avatar and Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh)
by Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay
2) Narashansa aur Antim Rishi b y D r . Ve d
Prakash Upadhyay
l Gautam Buddha is considered as 23rd
Avatar. That Avatar (Gautam Buddah) is
saying that I am not the first nor the last, but last
one will be Maitriya. Last Buddha (Maitriya)
or Avatar comes out to be a prophet, hence we
can say the holy entities to whom we call
Avatar are actually prophets or representatives
of God, whom God sent to guide the mankind.
And this is what the opinion of great scholars is
such as,
Swami Vivekanand, Pandit Sunderlal, Dr.
P.H.Choube, Dr. Ramesh Prasad Garg, Pandit
Durga Shanker Satyarthi, Shri Lal Bhajat etc
(Ref.: Hazrat Muhammad and Bhartiya dharm Granth by Dr.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N-11.Meaning of sloke no. 4.41

l God says in the holy Quran; giving their account of deeds, and they will be
ones who have deep trust and faith in God.
“And indeed, (appointed) over you are (Muslim-Ahmed)
keepers, noble and recording, they know
whatever you do”. (Chapter 82 (Al-Intar), Verse - l Sloke No. 4.41 say, one who,
1) Dispels doubt about God by divine
That means, knowledge
“God has appointed many angles with each 2) One who have deep faith in God,
human being.”
3) One who performs good deeds selessly
Scholars says some angles are for protection
4) and one who pray with full concentration.
and two are for recording deeds.
Such people will not get bounded by their
l Holy Quran says;
“On that day (Qiyamat) people will come
Meaning of sloke in light of hadees means,
forward in separate groups to see their deeds.
such person will enter heaven, and their deed
Whoever has done the smallest particle of
will be not be binding on them. So meaning of
good will see it. While whoever has done the
oZ]ÜZoÝV H$_©oU is they will not be bound by their
smallest particle of evil will see it.” (99:6-8)
deed, for giving their account to God, And will
l On judgements no one can move from his enter heaven freely.
place unless he answers ve questions asked
by God.
How you lived your life?
How you utilised your youth?
By what means did you earned your wealth?
How did you spend your wealth?
What you did with your knowledge? (Hadees-
So on judgement day everyone will be
thoroughly examined for his deeds and
l But Hazrat Muhammed (Pbuh) said,
70000 of my people will go in heaven without

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N-12. What is Destiny?

l If you are a science student you must have should I write”. God said “write destiny”.
studied the periodical table. In this table there Then pen wrote everything which has
are few elements such as Ununseptium, happened till today, and whatever will happen
ununtrium etc, which were not discovered till till the last day of this universe. (Ref. Tirmizi.
2016. But as per the place they were located in Muntakhib Abwab. Vol. 1. Hadees no. 88)
the periodic table, without even discovering Whatever sin we do, Who is responsible for
them, we were having complete knowledge of it. Our destiny or we our self?
their physical, atomic and chemical
properties. We were knowing their density, l God says in the holy Quran “It is we who
melting point etc etc. Why we were knowing distribute among them their livelihood in the
it? We were knowing it, because of their life of this world, and raise some of them
position in periodical Table. And whichever above others in rank, so that they may take one
element will occupy a specic position in another into service”. (Chapter 43 Verse 33)
Periodic table, that element has to have those That means whatever position a person
properties according to that position. occupies in society, is as per decision of God,
l Similar to our periodic table of science that is as per destiny.
there is a divine periodic table of God. It has as l God says in the holy Quran;
many positions or places in this divine
periodic table as much as human beings God l “On the day of parlay (Qiyamat) people
has created. And as per their position in this will be able to see even small amount of sin
table all details about their life is xed. That is, which they did and small amount of noble
time of birth, time of death, which place of deed which they did.” (Holy Quran 99:7-8)
earth he will live, how much amount of food he That means whatever sin we do, we will be
will eat, children, wife, parents, profession, etc responsible for it.
etc. Everything is xed as per his place in
divine periodic table. This is called destiny. l We human beings are free to select our
intention, and to do certain activities. But we
have no control over the results of our
l Sloke no. 13:22 of Bhagwat Gita says that activities. That result is decided by God or
human being gets good as well as bad nature destiny. And what we do is sin or noble deed
by birth. depends on our intention.
Because in whatever position in divine l To understand above mentioned statement
periodic table he occupies, his nature will be consider the following example.
accordingly. It is pre-determined.
Two person were quarrelling on a terrace of a
l Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said, rst bungalow. In a t of angers rst person lift a
thing which God created in universe is the pen. rie and res on the second person. To save the
Then God ordered it to write? Pen asked “what second person third person pushes him aside.
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

the Second person remains safe from bullet, outcome of our act. It depends on destiny. But
but loses balance and falls down from rooftop, we are free for our intention and act and we
and gets critically injured. will be responsible for it. And will be rewarded
or will be punished for it. Or our act will be
Now the rst person does not harm the second
considered as a sin or a noble deed as per our
person, but will incure sin of attempt of murder
if second person survives, and will incure sin
of murder, if the second person dies. ******
Even if the second person dies, then also act of
the third person will be counted as a noble
deed, and he will earn blessing.
And the third person will survive or die will
depend on his destiny.

l H$_©oU Ed AoYH$ma: _m [b{fw H$XmMZ & _m H$_©-[b h{Vw: ^y: _m V{g¶S>: AñVw
AH$_©oU &&2:47&&
(Ed) No doubt (AoYH$ma•) you have right (H$_m©oU) to
perform your prescribed duty (_m) (but you)
don't (have) (H$XmMZ) (any) control on (\$b{fw)
results (fruits) of your actions (deeds) (_m)
neither (h{Vw•^y•) you consider your (self) the
cause (H$_©$\$b) of outcome of you action (_m) nor
(g>‹>: AñVw) be attached to (inaction) (AH$_m©oU) not
doing (V{) your (duty).
No doubt you have right to perform your
prescribed duty, (but you) don't (have) (any)
control on results (fruits) of you action
(deeds). Neither you consider your (self) the
cause of outcome of you action, nor be
attached to (inaction, that is) not doing your
duty. (Bhagwad Gita 2:47)

l Prophet Muhammed said, "To aim and to

try is in our capacity. Result will be as per
decision of God." (Masande-Ahmed-ibne-hamble)
l So we human beings have no control on the
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N-13. Meaning of Moksh (_m{j)

l In the Sanskrit dictionary following
meanings are described for word Moksh.
Discharge of a debt, solution, release, liberate,
detach, salvation, freedom.
l Translation of sloke no. 18.66 is as
gd©-Y_m©Z² [oaË`Á` _m_² EH$_² eaU_² d«O& Ah_² Ëdm_² gd© [m[{ä`: _m{jo`î`mo_
_m ewM: &&66&&
([oaË`Á`) Abandon (gd©) all (Y_m©Z²) religions (d«O) come to the
(eaU_²) shelter of (_m_²) Me (EH$_²) one (God).
(Ah_²) I (will) (_m{jo`î`mo_) forgive (gd©) all (Ëdm_²) your ([m[{ä`•)
sins (_m ewM•) do not worry.
Abandon all religion, come to the shelter of
Me, the one God. I will forgive all your sins.
Do not worry.
l For following part of shlok,
Ah_² Ëdm_² gd© [m[{½` _m{jo`î`mo_
The best translation seems to be,
I will forgive all your sins.
Hence from this shlok we consider one of the
meaning of Moksh as forgiveness of God.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N-14. What is Gayatri mantra?

In Gayatri mantra we praise God and seek His
goodness. Gayatri mantra and it’s meaning is as
ॐ भूभुवः वः ।
त सि॑ वत
॒ ुवरे यं॒
भग ॑ दव
॒े यध
॑ ीमिह ।
॒ यात
िधयो॒ यो नः॑ चोद ॑ ्॥

(<) (I begin with name of) God (da{Ê`_) all

praises (are for) (X{dñ`) Lord (of) (^y) this world
(^wd©) hereafter (AÝ` bm{H$) (ñd) (and) heaven. (`m{)
who (^J©) forgives sins (godV¥) and guides to the
right path (oY`m{) (oh God) with our heart and soul
(Yr_oh) we worship you (àMm{X`mh) (oh God, please)
guide (Z:) us.

Gayatri means, the mantra, which is supposed

to be recited or sung three times a day. It is
mantra of Rig veda, Mandal-3, Sukt-62,
Mantra-100. And it is also shlok of Yajur veda
(adheyay 36, shloke no.3)


Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N-15. Similarity between Shankar ji and

Prophet Adam (A.S)
Seven unique incidences in life of Shankar ji name as Parvati) on earth.
(Shiv Puran, Vol-1, Rudra-Samhita, Section-II,
l If we study Shiv Puran, we find seven Chapter-1(Summary of Sati’s Life), Shlok No. 44-45,
Page No. 278)
unique incidents in the life of Shankar ji. They
are as follows.
6) Shankar ji and Parvati stayed near divine
land of Haram.
1) When Brahama was meditating, Shankar ji (Shiv Puran, Vol-4, Vayaviyasamnita, Section-I, Chap-
came out from the forehead (Avimukta) of 24, (Siva’s sports on the Mandra mountain) shlok No.
Brahma ji. 23, Page No. 1859)
(Shiv Puran, Vol-1, Rudra-Samhita, Section-1,
(Creation), Chap-No-15, Shlok No. 55, Page No. 249) 7) Shankar ji and Parvati lost their younger son
Kartikeya because of marriage dispute
That means he took birth without mother and between their two sons (Kartikeya & Ganesh).
father. (Shiv Puran, Vol-2, Rudrasamhita, Kumar khand
Section-IV, Shlok No-25, Page-800)
2) When Shankar ji came into existence he was
half man and half woman. Seven unique incidents in the life of prophet
(Shiv Puran, Vol-1, Rudra-Samhita, Section-I, Adam :-
(Creation), Chap-No-15, Shlok No. 56, Page No. 249)
l If we study life of prophet Adam (a.s) then
3) Daksh insulted Shankar ji. we again find these seven unique incidents
(Shiv Puran, Vol-1, Rudra-Samhita, Section-II,
(Narrative of Sati), Chap-No-26, Shlok No. 14,16, Page
which occurred in the life of Shankar ji.
No. 396)
1) Prophet Adam (a.s) took birth without father
4) Because of this insult, Celestial voice cursed and mother. (Holy Quran 15:29)
(Shiv Puran, Vol-1, Rudra-Samhita, Section-II, 2) Initially body of Eve (a.s) was integral part
(Narrative of Sati), Chap-No-31, Shlok No. 1,2, Page of the body of prophet Adam (a.s). (Holy Quran
No. 417) 4:1)

5) Because of Daksh Sati cast off her body in 3) Iblis does not respect prophet Adam (a.s).
swarglok. (Holy Quran 15:32)
(Shiv Puran, Vol-1, Parvatikhanda, Section III, Chapter
one, (The marriage of Himacala) Shlok No. 6-7, Page 4) Iblis got cursed by God. (Holy Quran 15:34)
No. 475)

Sati appeared as daughter of Mina hill (New 5) Because of Iblis prophet Adam (a.s) and Eve
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran
(a.s) disobeyed God, hence were expelled
from heaven. (Holy Quran 7:24)

Eve descended to the earth near Mina hill.

6) On earth after meeting each other again,

prophet Adam (a.s) and Eve (a.s) stayed in
Makkah, the divine land of Haram. (Holy
Quran 3:96)

7) Initially they had two sons (Cain and

Abel). Because of marriage dispute among
two sons they lost their younger son Abel.
(Holy Quran 5:27-31)

Note :- (We refered to the Shiv Puran,

translated in English by L.J. Joshi, published
by Motilal Banarasidas Publishers Pvt Ltd.

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N-16. Parlay or Qiyamat

Scientific Facts and Figures drifting as items float in the cockpit of rockets
i n s p a c e o r c l o u d s f l o a t i n t h e s k y.
In the sun there is a continuous process of
fusion. Two atoms of the helium gas combine l On 13 Feb. 2007 NASA released an image
and form a by-product. In this process heat and (news release number. STScl-2007-09) with
light are generated, which our solar system and title “The colorful demise of a Sun-like star”.
we receive. As oil and petrol in the crust of the
earth is in limited quantity and would get This image taken by NASA's Hubble Space
exhausted after a certain period of time, Telescope, shows the colorful “last hurrah” of a
similarly the helium gas in the sun is limited star like our Sun. Who's scientific designation
and would get exhausted after a certain period is NGC 2440.The Star is ending its life by
of time. Scientists guess that it would take a casting off its outer layer of gas, which formed
very long time, but no one can predict when it a cocoon around the star’s remaining core.
would happen. Ultraviolet light from the dying star makes the
material glow. The burned-out star, called a
When helium gets exhausted and fusion stops, white dwarf, is the white dot in the center. Our
the sun would start cooling and the process of Sun will also eventually burn out and shroud
the death of the sun and this solar system will itself with stellar debits, but not for another 5
begin. The sun would become pink and start billion years. The colors in the image
expanding and shall engulf Mercury, Venus, correspond to material expelled by the star.
Mars, Earth and few planets beyond earth also. Blue corresponds to helium, green to oxygen,
It would remain in this state for a long time, and red to nitrogen and hydrogen.
then start contracting and become a solid mass
or a black hole. When the gaseous sun engulfs For image and addition information on NGC
the earth, there would not be any night and that 2440 visit http:/hubblesite.org and search for
continuous single day would last for a very NGC 2440 (The colorful demise of a sun-like
l o n g p e r i o d o f t i m e . s t a r )

The Earth has a gravitational force, which Religious facts and figures
attracts everything towards the center of the
earth. When the giant Sun ball engulfs the 1. On judgment day the sky will become pink
earth, the gravitational force of the sun may like rose. (Holy Quran 55:37)
balance or neutralize the gravitational force of
the earth and everything on the earth may feel 2. Wait, then, for the Day when the sky brings forth
weightless as astronauts experience in space. plainly visible clouds of smoke. That will envelop
the people. This will be a painful punishment.
Hence everything on the earth starts floating or (Holy Quran 44:10-11)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

3. The Earth will lose its gravity and hereafter is) beyond being human. O Arjun (he
mountains will float like clouds or cotton could be pleased) achieved (by his) worship.
balls. (Holy Quran 70:9) But unalloyed (without mixing his worship
with worship of any other deity). (He is the
4. Period of the judgment day; that is a single God) by whom all creation is pervaded (And
day of apocalypse shall be equal to 50000 He is the God by) whom end of universe will be
years of the solar calendar. (Holy Quran 70:4) established. (Bhagwad Gita 8:22)

5. On judgment day the sun will be just above l If I do not perform prescribed duty (of
heads and the earth will be red hot like sustainece & protection), (then) all these
copper. (Holy Quran 70:8) worlds would be put into ruin. But (on day of
parlaya) I would destroy all living entities like
6. On judgment day God will check the unwanted things. (Bhagwad Gita 3:24)
account of every individual and according
to his or her deed and performance on the l O son of Kunti (Arjun), at the beginning of
earth will decide their fate. creation of universe I created all those (human
beings). And at the end of this universe (on
7) This day of death of sun is called as Qiyamat parlay), all living beings will be raised again
in the holy Quran and parlay in Bhagwat (by) My power of nature (My divine power).
Gita. (Bhagwad Gita 9:7)

l This way, all the race of human beings

8) On this day God will again re-construct
bodies of human beings from soil. This depends these two (this world and hereafter),
process will be like growth of plant in soil. and I (am the doer of) beginning and end (of)
And to this process God has called in entire world (or creation). (Bhagwad Gita 7:6)
Bhagwat Gita as;
l Certainly ignorance (has) covered
C[Om`ÝV{ àb`{, taking birth again on day of knowledge (of human being). And because of
parlay. this human beings are deluded (misguided).
(And think) that the omnipresent God neither
9) In the holy Quran it is described as follows: accept (will take account of) anyone's sin, and
nor virtuous (good) deeds. (Bhagwad Gita 5:15)
“From the (earth) did We create you, and in ********
to it shall We return you, and from it shall
We bring you out once again. (Holy Quran 20:55)

Shloks of Bhagwat Gita which says this

world will end one day are as follows:

l He (The God to whom we will face in

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N-17. Explanation of Shlok No. 15:7

l Shlok No. 15:7 is as follows : 2) Destiny
__ Ed A§e: Ord-bm{H{$ Ord^yV: gZmVZ: & _Z: fð>moZ BoÝÐ`moU àH¥$oV Shlok No. 2:47 is as follow;
ñWmoZ H$f©oV &&15:7&&
(Ed) Certainly (Ord ^yV•) living entities (Ord bm{H{$) in H$_©oU Ed AoYH$ma: _m [b{fw H$XmMZ & _m H$_©-[b h{Vw: ^y: _m
this material world (ñWmoZ) established (exist due V{g¶S>: AñVw AH$_©oU &&47&&
to) (__) My (gZmVZ•) eternal (A§e•) fragment (of (Ed) No doubt (AoYH$ma•) you have right (H$_m©oU) to
light) (they are) struggling (H$f©oV) (because of) do your prescribed duty (_m) (but you) don't
(_Z•) self (soul) (ñWmoZ BoÝÐ`moU) six senses (wishes) (have) (H$XmMZ) (any) control on (\$b{fw) results
and (àH¥$oV) destiny. (fruits) of you actions (deeds) (_m) neither (h{Vw•^y•)
you consider your (self) the cause (H$_©$\$b) of
In this shlok four things are described, outcome of you action (_m) nor (g>‹>: AñVw) be
fragment (of light), destiny, self (soul) and six attached to (inaction) (AH$_m©oU) not doing (V{)
wishes. Detail about them are as follows: your (duty).
l God has written script of whatever will
1) Fragment of light :-
happen till last day of this universe; things
happen in this world accordingly. This is called
1) In shlok No. 10:41 God says
as destiny.
`V² `V² od^yoV _V² gÎd_² lr-_V² CoO©V_² Ed dm & VV² VV² Ed AdJÀN> Ëd_²
__ V{O: A§e gå^d_² &&10:41&& 3) Soul :-
Certainly ( `V `V ) whatever (od^yoV _V²)
materialistic creation (DoO©V_²) glorious (energy) l God has created a spiritual entity, called the
(dm) or (lr _V²) peace, happiness (_V²) considered soul. It is loaded or programed with one of the
(gÎd_²) to exist. (Ed) Certainly (Ëd_²) you (should) three types of nature, (Sattvik, Rajasic or
(AdJÀN>) know (it clearly that) (VV² VV²) all those are Tamsic) . Anger, Lust and Ego is also loaded in
(gå^d_²) because of (A§e) a small part of (__) my it. Then six types of wishes are loaded in it.
(V{O•) light. Because of all these natures and emotions, this
soul keeps the human being active from
l The way in which the solar calculator
childhood till death. The six desires which are
becomes active in presence of sunlight. in-built in human being are described in the
Similarly whole universe is alive and active holy Quran. They are as follows :
because of a fraction of the light of God. This
light is Praan (àmU), or Jaan of human being and 4) Six wishes :-
everything in the universe.
l Worldly desires of Wives, Children,
accumulated treasures of gold and Silver,
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

horses of noble breed, cattle, and farms are

all made to seem attractive to men. All these
are the bounties of the worldly life, but in the
life to come God has the best place for people
to dwell. (Holy Quran 3:14)

l Equivalent six desires in present period

will be 1) Women 2) Son 3) Bank balance 4)
Costly vehicle 5) stock of shares or good
business 6) Properties


Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N-18. Atma and Parmatma

l God is clarifying this concept of “Atma and (`ñ_mV²) Because (Ah_²) I am (CVrV•) beyond (ja_²)
Parmatma” in sloke no.15.16, 15.17 & 15.18. mortal human body (M) and (Ao[) also (CÎm_•)
superior than (AjamV²) immortal soul (AV•)
l Ûm¡ B_m¡ [wéfm¡ bm{H{$ ja: M Aja: Ed M & ja: gdm©oU ^yVmoZ Hy$Q>ñW: therefore (bm{H{$) in this world (M) and (d{X{) (in)
Aja: CÀ`V{ &&16&&
holy Vedas (Aoñ_) I am ([wéf CÎm_•) supreme entity
(M) Certainly (bm{H{$) in this world (B_m¡) there are (M) and (àoWV•) praised one.
(Ûm¡) two kinds of elements (ja•) the perishable
Because I am beyond mortal human body, and
(body) (M) and (Aja•) the imperishable (soul) (M) also superior than immortal soul. Therefore in
and (CÀ`V{) God says that (gdm©oU) to all (^yVmoZ) this world and in the holy Vedas, I am supreme
living beings (ja•) (with) perishable (body) entity, and praised one. (Bhagwad Gita 15:18)
(Aja•) the immortal soul (Hy$Q>) (keeps them)
rmly (ñW•) stable. l This fact we can say in other words as,
“soul is inferior than God, hence it could not
In sloke no. 15.16 God says, “Certainly in this get absorbed in God.” God is Supreme,
world there are two kind of elements. The Immortal entity. And God Himself has created
perishable (body), and the imperishable (soul). soul as immortal entity, but it is interior to God.
And God says that to all living beings (with)
perishable (body), the immortal soul (keeps l Soul is that entity which will enjoy
them) firmly stable.” (Bhagwad Gita 15:16) pleasure in heaven or punishment in hell, and
always remain with the body.
CÎm_: [wéf: Vw AÝ` [a_ AmË_m BoV CXmöV: & `: bm{H$ Ì`_² Amodí` o]o^oV©
Aì``: B©ída: &&17&&
Spirit is divine. It is from God, it is our
(Vw) But (CXmöV•) God says (BoV) that (B©ída•) God conscience or AÝV©AmË_m. But as per shlok no. 2.19
(himself) ([wéf•) (is that) entity (CÎm_•) (who is) to 2.30 it is non-existing. Read note no.2 to
superior (AÝ`•) (then) others ([a_) (He is) understand soul & spirit etc.
superior (AmË_m) soul (Aì``•) He is immortal (`)
He (Amodí`) encompasses (bm{H$•Ì`_²) three worlds ******
(o]o^oV©) and supports them.
But God say that God (himself is that) entity
(who is) superior (than) others. (He is) beyond
soul. He is immortal. He encompasses three
worlds, and supports them. (Bhagwad Gita 15:17)
l `ñ_mV² ja_² AVrV: Ah_² AjamV² Ao[ M CÎm_: & AV: Aoñ_ bm{H{$ d{X{
M àoWV: [wéf-CÎm_: &&18&&

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

Devtas and Demons :- kingdom which no one had on this earth.” So
God gave him authority over human beings,
l In Tetra yug, that is in the period of Shri
Demons, animals and wind.
Rama Demons use to live on the earth. They
were visible. Ravan was one of the famous l In a few verse of the holy Quran we find
personality with whom everyone is familiar the details of demon (Shaitan) working for
even today. Ravana was considered to be prophet Solomon. One such verse is as
extremely learned demon. follow: “Then we subjected the wind to his
power, to flow gently to his order, in
l Dr. Ved Prakash Upadheyay wrote a book
whichever direction he directed. And (also)
called “Vedon ke aadhaar par dharmic ekta ki
the devils (Jinn) who were builders and
jyoti”. In preface of this book he wrote that
divers, and others bound together in
Shri Ram and Haunaman, etc were super-
shackles” (Holy Quran 38:36-38)
natural entities. In that period which was
about 20 lacs year ago, human beings did not So Jinn also are referred as Demos, or
exist. Ravan was also a super-natural entity. shaitans in religious scriptures.
In Sanskrit we call such supernatural entities All Demons are not bad :-
as Devta and Demons.
l Demons or jinn were living on earth till
Devta and Demons in holy Quran :- arrival of human being.
In Quran they are called angels and Jinn. l All jinns or Demons were not bad. As we
Before human beings jinn were living on know brother of Ravan, Vibishana helped
land. But due to their too much violence on Shri Ram. Similarly in Jinn also, there are
earth, as per order of God, angels expelled good as well as bad Jinns.
them from mainland, and pushed them to
l Dr. Ved Prakash Upadheya mentioned
jungles and hilly area.
following shloks of Bhavishya puran.
l Dr. Ved Prakash Upadheya says in his (Pratisarg-parve, chaturh Adheyay) Which
book that this fact is also written in “Brahman says that when Rishi (saint) came to know
Granth” He gave reference as follows: e]«m. that children of Adam will occupy this land
01.7.2, 22-4, V¡]m 01-5-6, 3/4 V¡g - 06, 2.3-1 etc. then they migrated to hilly area.
In which it is said that Devtas defeated DeeÙe&osMee #eerCeJevlees cuesÛÚJebMee yeueeefvJelee~
demons and expelled them from the YeefJe<Ùeefvle Ye=iegßes‰ lemceeÛÛe legefnveeÛeueced ~
mainland. ielJee efJe<Cegb meceejeOÙe ieefce<Ùeecees njs: heoced ~
Fefle ëe=lJee efÉpee: meJex vewefce<eejCÙeJeeefmeve:~
l In the holy Quran Demons are also called De°eMeerefle menœeeefCe ieleemles legefnveeÛeueced ~
as shaitan. Prophet Solomon was prophet as
well as the king of Israel community. He Devta will not migrate to hills. They will
prayed to God that “bless me with such migrate to heaven. It is Demon or Jinn saints
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

who migrated to hills. God was that “Whoever will follow you, with
them along with you I will fill the hell. (Holy
Who is Shaitan? :- Quran 38:71-85)
l “Azaazeel” was a jinn. He was very So we should be very careful about our
learned and was doing too much worship of behavior. We have got two enemies. First is
God. So God allowed him to stay along with Demons or Devil or Shaitaan and second is
the angels. When God was making body of our self, or mind or soul, which always
Adam from soil this Jinn was present there. instigates us to enjoy and avoid the right path
When God finished creation of Adam. God of God.
asked angels to express their respect to Adam. l Bhagwad Gita was revealed long ago. But
All angels obeyed command of God, and if was not only for people of that period. It is
prostrated to Adam except Azaazeel. for guidance of all man kind. Those who read
l Demons or Jinns are created from fire. it as a religious book should remember that its
hence ego, pride, feeling of superiority are teachings are not obsolete. It holds good for
dominant in their behavior. today also.
When God asked Azaazeel, why he did not So if it mentions that because of Devil such
respect (prostrate) Adam, he said Adam is feature get developed. That means as on today
created from soil and I am from fire. I am also Devil do exisist. Who mislead mankind.
superior to Adam, so why should I prostrate to And we should be careful about him. There
him. God disliked the attitude or ego or proud are too may shloks about Devil or Demon and
behavior of Azaazeel and cursed him and Demonic nature in Bhagwad Gita. Few of
expelled him from heaven. them are as follows:
l Xå^: X[©: Ao^_mZ: M H«$m{Y: [méî`_² Ed M & AkmZ_² M Ao^OmVñ` [mW©
From that moment his name become Iblees. gå[X_² Amgwar_² &&4&&
Meaning of Iblees in Arabic is “one who lost
hope.” (Because there is no hope that (God says that) ([mW©) O son of Partha (Arjun)
Azzazeel will be forgiven by God) (Ed) certainly (gå[X_²) these qualities are
(Ao^OmVñ`) developed (Amgwar_) by devil (Xå^•)
When Azaazeel lost his honor, he further
doing fraud (X[©•) arrogance (Ao^_mZ•) false pride
became arrogant, and challenged God to give
(M) and ([méî`_²) harshness (M) and (AkmZ_²)
him a long life (till parlay). And I will mislead
majority of children of Adam except few. ignorance.
(And prove that what You made is not the (God said) O Arjun, certainly these qualities
finest or superior one). God allowed him to are developed by devil. Doing fraud,
remain alive till parlay. And now he is doing arrogance, false pride, harshness, and
his best to distract human beings from the ignorance. (Bhagwad Gita 16:4)
right path of God. Because of misleading l Z _m_² XwîH¥$oVZ: _yT>m: à[ÚÝV{ Za-AY_m: & _m``m A[øV kmZm: Amgwa_²
work he is doing he is called shaitan. ^md_² AmolVm: &&15&&
In conversation with Azaazeel the last word of (XwîH¥$oVZ•) The evil doers (_wT>m•) the ignorant (Za
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

AY_m•) and human beings who are going to fall divine nature (àm{·V•) has been told (to you)
(in to hell) (Z) do not (take) (_m_²) My (à[ÚÝV{) (odñVae•) in detail ([mW©) O son of Partha (Arjun)
shelter (do not seek My help, because of (e¥Uy) now listen about (Amgwa_²) the demoniac
which) (AmolVm•) Devil via people who accept (shaitanic) nature (_{) from Me.
(Amgwa_²) demonic (^md_²) nature (C[öV) has
In this world, human being has two natures,
hijacked the (kmZm•) divine knowledge (_m``m•)
divine and demoniac. Certainly, divine nature
(of mankind which is required for passing)
has been told (to you) in detail. O Arjun. Now
the divine exam of God.
listen about the demoniac nature from Me.
The evil-doers, the ignorant, and human (Bhagwad Gita 16:6)
being who are going to fall (in to hell) do not l VmZ² Ah_² oÛfV: H«w$amZ² g§gma{fw Za-AYZm_² & oj[mo_ AOó_² Aew^mZ²
take My shelter (do not seek My help, Amgwarfw Ed `m{oZfw &&19&&
because of which). (Devil, from people who) (Ah_²) I (oj[mo_) throw (hurl) (AOñÌ_²) forever (VmZ²)
adopt demonic nature, has hijacked the divine these (oÛfV•) hateful (H«y$amZ²) cruel (Za AY_mZ²)
knowledge (of mankind which is required for meanest in human beings (g§gma{fw) of the world
passing) the divine exam of God. (Aew^mZ²) inauspicious hell (Amgwarfw Ed `m{oZfw) where
(Bhagwad Gita 7:15)
races of demons (kept).
l _m{K Amem: _m{K-H$_m©U: _m{K-kmZm: odM{Vg: & amjgr_² Amgwar_² M Ed
àH¥$oV_² _m{ohZr_² olVm: &&12&& I throw (hurl) forever these hateful, cruel,
(For such foolish people there is) (_m{K Amem) no meanest in human beings. of the world, in
inauspicious hell where races of demons
hope (of success in the hereafter) (_m{K H$_m©U:) all
kept.(Bhagwad Gita 16:19)
their good deeds become useless (_m{K kmZm•)
their knowledge is of no use (odM{Vg•) (because l Amgwar_² `m{oZ_² Am[Þm: _yT>m: OÝ_oZ OÝ_oZ & _m_² Aàmß` Ed H$m¡ÝV{`
of such) incorrect belief (that God has a form) VV: `moÝV AY_m_² JoV_² &&20&&
(Ed) certainly (olVm•) (such people take) shelter (_yT>m•) These foolish (people) (Am[Þm) get
(amjgr_²) (of) demonic (Amgwar_²) satanic (_m{ohZr_²) (another life after death among) (Amgwar_² `m{oJ_)
bewildering (àH¥$oV_²) power. the races of demons (in hell) (OÝ_oZ-OÝ_oZ) After
(For such foolish people there is) No hope (of getting new body many times (`moÝV) (they) go
success in hereafter). All their good deeds (AY_m_² JoV_²) lowest portion of hell (VV•)
become useless. Their knowledge is of no use therefore (Ed) certainly (Aàmß`) they cannot
(because of such) incorrect belief (that God achieve (_m_²) Me.
has a form). Certainly (such people take) These foolish (people) get (another life after
shelter of demonic, satanic, bewildering death among) the races of demons (in hell).
power. (Bhagwad Gita 9:12) Even after getting new body many times in
l Ûm¡ ^yV-gJm}$ bm{H{$ Aoñ_Z² X¡d: Amgwa: Ed M & X¡d: odñVae: àm{º$: Amgwa_² hell (they) go further to lowest portion of hell.
[mW© _{ e¥Uw &&6&& Therefore, certainly they cannot achieve
(Aoñ_Z²) In this (bm{H{$) world (^yV) human being Me.(Bhagwad Gita 16:20)
has (Ûm¡) two (gJm£) nature (X¡d•) divine (Amgwa•) ******
(and) demoniac (shaitanic) (Ed) certainly (X¡d•)
Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

N-20 Hereafter (Life after death)

l After raising again God will take account of (odZí`oV) get destroyed (Zí`Ëgw) (even after)
each human being and award punishment in destruction of (gd}fw) all (^wV{fw) creatures.
hell or reward stay in heaven. This second life l dmgm§og OrUm©oZ `Wm odhm` ZdmoZ J¥hUoV Za: A[amoU & VÏmm earamoU
after first death is called “Hereafter’’ in English odhm` OrUm©oZ AÝ`moZ g§`moV ZdmoZ X{hr &&2-22&&
and “Akherat’’ in Urdu and Arabic, and (AÝ`)
ANOTHER in Sanskrit. Shloks related to AÝ` (`Wm) just as (Za•) a man (odhm`) giving up (OrUm©oZ)
are as follow, old and worn out (dmgm§og) garments (and) (J¥öUmoV)
accepts (wear) (A[amoU) other (ZdmoZ) new
Shlok regarding hereafter (life after death) garments (VWm) in the same way (spirit) (odhm`)
are as follow :- gives up (OrUm©oZ) old and useless (earamoU) bodies
l A[am B`_² BV: Vw AÝ`m_² àH¥$oV_² odoÕ _{ [am_² & Ord-^yVm_² _hm- (in this material world) (g§`moV) accept (ZdmoZ) new
]mhm{ ``m BX_² Ym`©V{ OJV² &&7-5&& (X{hr) body (AÝ`moZ) (in) other (world) .
(Vw) But (odoÕ) (try to) understand (_{) My ([a_) l [mW© Z Ed Bh Z A_wÌ odZme: Vñ` odÚV{ & Z oh H$ë`mU-H¥$V² H$oíMV²
supreme (àH¥$oV_²) creation (and that is) (AÝ`m_²) XwJ©oV_² VmV JÀN>oV &&6-40&&
another (life after death or hereafter) (BV•)
(lr ^JdmZ CdmM) God said (VmV) My friend (Arjun)
beside (B©`_²) this (A[am) inferior (materialistic
(oh) certainly (H$oûMV) anyone (H$ë`mU H¥$V²) who
world) (_hm]mhm{) O Arjuna (``m) on which (Ym`©V)
strives for noble deed (Z) never (JÀN>oV) goes to
depends (BX_²) this (OJV) material world (and)
(XwJ©oV_²) evil destination (Hell) (Ed) certainly ([mW©)
(Ord ^yVm_²) all living being.
O Arjuna, the son of Partha (Z) neither (Bh) in
l EVV² `m{ZroZ ^yVmoZ gdm©oU BoV C[Yma` & Ah_² H¥$ËñZñ` OJV: à^d: this world (Z) nor (A_wÌ) in the next world
àb`: VWm &&7-6&& (hereafter) (odÚV{) exist (odZme) destruction (for)
(BoV) This way (the success of) (gdm©oU) all (`m{ZroZ (Vñ`) him.
^yVmoZ) the race of human beings (C[Yma`) depends l Z A`_² bm{H$: AoñV A`kñ` Hw$V: AÝ`: Hw$é-gV²-V_ &&4-31&&
on (EVV²) these two (this world and hereafter)
(VWm) and (Ah_²) I (am the doer of) (à^d•) (Hw$é-gV²-V_) O the great (Arjun) of Kuru dynasty
beginning (and) (àb`•) end (of) (H¥$ËñZñ`) entire (A`kñ`) one who doesn’t pray to please God
(OJV•) world (or creation). (A`_²) in this (bm{H$•) world (Z) they don’t (AoñV)
have peace (H¥$V•) (if they don’t have peace in
l [a: Vñ_mV² Vw ^md: AÝ`: Aì`º$: Aì`º$mV² gZmVZ: & `: g: gd}fw this world then) from where (AÝ`) (they will get
Zí`Ëgw Z odZí`oV &&8-20&& peace in) hereafter (life after death).
(Vw) But ([a•) beyond (repeated creation of all l Ak: M AlÔYmZ: M g§e` AmË_m odZí`oV & Z A`_² bm{H$: AoñV Z
creatures) (^md) (there is one more) creation [a: Z gwI_² g§e` AmË_Z: &&40&&
(and that is) (AÝ`•) another (life after death or
(Ak•) The ignorant (M) and (AlÔYmZ•) without faith
hereafter) which is (Aì`·V•) more invisible than
(M) and (g§e`) sceptical (AmË_m) person (odZí`oV) will
(Aì`) invisible (`• g•) that which (Z) does not

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

fall down (in to hell) (g§e`) (For such) sceptical l ear`_² `V² AdmßZm{oV `V² M Ao[ CËH«$m_oV B©ída: & J¥hrËdm EVmoZ
(AmË_Z) person (Z) (there is) no (gwI_²) happiness g§`moV dm`w: JÝYmZ² Bd Ame`mV² &&15-8&&
(Z) neither (A`_²) in this (bm{H$•) world (Z) nor([a•) in (eara_²) The body (`V²) which (human beings)
the next (hereafter). (CËH«$m_oV) give up (at the time of death) (Ao[)
certainly (AdßZm{oV) on day of Qiyamat (parlay) he
gets (it again) (`V²) that which (he left behind)
Shloks regarding becoming alive on day of (EVmoZ) these (body which) (g§`moV) goes away
parlay :- (J¥hrËdm) God take (it to the place of judgment) (Bd)
l BX_² kmZ_² C[molË` __ gmYå`©_² AmJVm: & gJ} Ao[ Z C[Om`ÝV{ like (dm`w) air (Ame`mV²) transfers (JÝYmZ²) fragrance.
àb`{ Z ì`WoÝV M &&14-2&&
(C[molË`) (By) adopting (BX_²) this (kmZ_²) divine l lm{Ì_² Mjw: ñ[e©Z_² M agZ_² K«mU_² Ed M & AoYð>m` _Z: M A`_²
knowledge (AmJVm) (people) attain (gmYå`©_²) nature odf`mZ² C[g{dV{ &&15-9&&
described by (__) Me (Z) (then) neither (gJ}) in
this world (Z) nor (C[Om`ÝV{) on becoming alive (lm{Ì_²) Ears (Mjw•) eyes (ñ[e©Z_²) touch (M) also (agZ_²)
(àb`{) on Day of Judgment (Qiyamat) (ì`WmpÝV) he tongue (ability to test) (K«mU_²) smelling power (M)
will face any misery. and (_Z•) mind (Ed) certainly (A`_²) these (AoYð>m`)
again come alive (hence person can) (C[g{dV{)
(C[OZm means to grow, take birth, ([¡Xm hm{Zm, CË[Þ hm{Zm, CJZm) enjoy (odf`mZ²) objects of enjoyment.
Nalanda Vishal Shab sagar, Page No. 161)

l CËH«$m_ÝV_² oñWV_² dm Ao[ ^w‚mmZ_² dm JwU-AoÝdV_² & od_yT>m: Z AZw[í`oÝV

l gd©^yVmoZ H$m¡ÝV{` àH¥$oV_² `moÝV _mo_H$m_² & H$ë[-j`{ [wZ: VmoZ H$ë[- [í`oÝV kmZ-Mjwf: &&15-10&&
AmXm¡ odg¥Omo_ Ah_² &&9-7&&
(CËH«$m_ÝV_²) After death (oñWV_²) revival of the body (dm) or (Ao[)
(H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjun) (H$ë[ AX>m¡) at the certainly (JwU AoÝd«V_²) revival of abilities
begining of the creation of the universe (Ah_²) I (tendencies/nature) (dm) or (^wÄOmZ_²) enjoyment (by organs)
(odg¥Omo_) created (VmoZ) all those (human beings) (od_yT>m•) foolish persons (Z) (can) never (AZw[í`oÝV)
understand ([í`oÝV) this could be only visualized by (kmZ
(H$ë[ j`{) and at the end of this universe (gd} ^yVmoZ) Mjwf•) those who can see by knowledge.
all living being (`moÝV) will be raised ([wZ•) again
(_mo_H$m_) (by) My (àH¥$oV_²) power of nature (My
divine power). God will take account of deeds on the day of
parlay :-
l àH¥$oV_² ñdm_² Adï>ä` odg¥Omo_ [wZ: [wZ: & ^yV-J«m__² B__² H¥$ËñÞ_² l Z AmXÎm{ H$ñ`oMV² [m[_² Z M Ed gw-H¥$V_² od^w: & AkmZ{Z Amd¥Îm_² kmZ_²
Ade_² àH¥$V{: demV² &&9-8&& V{Z _wøoÝV OÝVd: &&5-15&&
(Adï>ä`) With help of (ñdm_²) my personal (àH¥$oV_²) (Ed§) Certainly (AkmZ{Z) ignorance (has) (Amd¥V_²)
creative power (odg¥Omo_) I create ([wZ• [wZ•) again covered (kmZ_²) knowledge (of human beings)
and again (^yV J«m__) all Shlok regarding (V{Z) and because of this (OÝVd•) human beings
hereafter (life after death) (_wømZr) are deluded (misguided) (and think that)
(od^w) the omnipresent God (Z) neither (AmXV{)

Bhagwad Gita in light of Holy Quran

accept (will take account of) (H$ñ`oMV²) anyone’s

([m[_²) sin (M) and (Z) nor (gw-H¥$V_²$) virtuous (good)
l I have presented you fourteen shloks from
this divine book of Bhagwad Gita.
Now I will present some verses from holy
Quran so that the concept of the hereafter
becomes clear.
Verses from the holy Quran regarding the
hereafter :-
1) God says in the holy Quran “from the earth
we have created you, and we will return you to
it, and from it we shall bring you forth a second
time. (We will create you again). (Holy Quran
2) Your God is the One God. Those who do not
believe in the Hereafter, their hearts refuse to
admit the truth, and they are arrogant. (Holy
Quran 16:22)
3) And warn those who deny the hereafter with
grievous punishment. (Holy Quran 17:10)
4) The life of this world is nothing but sport
and entertainment. It is the life of the Hereafter
which is the only true life, if they, but knew it.
(Holy Quran 29:64)
5) But if you seek God and His Messenger and
the abode of the Hereafter, then know that God
has prepared a great reward for those of you
who do good deeds. (Holy Quran 33:29)
So there is an infinite life after death. And we
should struggle for success in that life as well.


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