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Action Research Proposal



Arranged by :

Name : Heryanto S.Pd

Number : 19070515710231
Asal Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Siempat Nempu Hilir
Kota : Dairi
Kelas : B – Bahasa Inggris


TAHUN 2019

I. 1 Back ground of Research

Speaking is one of four basic skills (listening, speaking, reading, and
writing) that have to be mastered in learning English. In 2013 curriculum,
speaking is one of four skills which have to be mastered by senior high school
students in Indonesia because speaking skill is tested in national exam. It means
that every senior high school student has to master speaking skill. Besides,
speaking skill is very important to be mastered because it can help us to
communicate with others well. Therefore, the speaking skill is totally required.
Speaking skill is hard to be mastered by the students because of the lack of
teachers' achievement to improve their students' speaking achievement. Besides
that, many teachers use local language and Bahasa Indonesia when they teach
English in the classroom. Some teachers also teach speaking only by reading
some dialogues and asking their students to read and make some dialogues. Those
methods can make the students not accustomed to use English actively and
assume that learning English is not interesting. ( metode pembelajaran??)

I.2 Identification of Research Problem

Most of students of SMA Negeri l Siempat Nempu Hilir still have difficulties
in Speaking. Because of these problems, we have to find an effective method in
teaching and improving the students speaking skill. The writer chooses the role
play technique to solve the student’s problem in speaking. Because it gives
students an opportunity to practice communicating in different social contexts and
in different social roles, so it can improve students’ oral performance.Therefore
the writer formulate the problem as follow : “Does the use of Role play in
teaching speaking significantly improve the students’ achievement in speaking in
SMA Negeri 1 Siempat Nempu Hilir ?
I.3 Purpose of study
Objectives of this study are:
1. To answer the question formulated above, especially to prove the
effectiveness of using Role Play in teaching English at SMA
Negeri 1 Siempat Nempu Hilir( to investigate....)
2. To improve the students’ achievement in Speaking by using Role
3. To develop learning strategy and effective, efficient, and fun
learning model.
4. To improve students’ motivation in learning English.
I.4 The Significance of the study
(Findings of the study are expected to occur theoretical and significance
a. theoretically : 1. To enrich horizon in theories of foreign language learning
2. to be references for further studies
b. Practically: 1. To be models for other teacher in solving students’ dificulties
2. to be relevance for head master in assessing teacher
3. to be consideration for text book writers
4. Authorities in educational in considering research conduct.
a. For Teachers
1. To develop effective, efficient, and fun learning model which can
involve the students being active in English learning process to
improve their communicative competence.
2. To improve the result teaching and learning process.
3. To assist improving the quality of teachers’ professionalism as
educator. ( adopt new horizon in learning English )
4. References for further studies( theoretically), practically. Kepala
sekolah, kepala dinas, MGMP

b. For Students
1. To improve students’ achievement in speaking skill so the students
can speak fluently and can apply the dialogue to their environment
in their daily activity.
2. To improve the students’ motivation and interest.
3. To build students’ confidence in communicating.
4. To improve the students’ communicative competence and their
achievement in learning English.
c. For The school
Through the learning method by using Role Play can improve English
learning process at SMA Negeri 1 Siempat Nempu Hilir


In this chapter, the writer discusses the expert point of defenition of

speaking , the ways of teaching speaking, Role play method , and overview.

2.1 Definition Of Speaking

According to Jones speaking is a form of communication, so it is
important that what you say is conveyed in the most effective way. How you say
something can be as important as what you say in getting meaning across.” Based
on that opinion, speaking is realized as communication, so the speakers must be
able to express what they want to say as effectively as possible in order to convey
the message.
Bygate says, “Speaking is a skill which deserves attention every bit as
much as literary skills, in both first and second language. It is the skill which the
students are frequently judged. It is also the vehicle par excellent of social
solidarity, of social ranking, of professional advancement and of business”. It is a
proof that speaking as the one of language skills, it should get attention from
teachers and learners because it plays the important role in our real sociality life.
Therefore, as a language skill, speaking becomes an important component
to master by the students as the main tool of verbal communication because it is a
way to express ideas and opinions directly what we have in our minds. It can be
synthesized that speaking is the process of using the urge of speech to pronounce
vocal symbols in order to share the information, knowledge, idea, and opinion to
the other person. Moreover, speaking cannot be dissociated from listening aspect,
because speaking involves speaker and listener.

2.2 The Definition of Teaching Speaking

According to Hornby (1995: 37) teaching means giving the instruction to
(a person): give a person (knowledge skill, etc). Meanwhile, speaking is how to
make use of words in an ordinary voice. So, teaching speaking is giving
instruction to a person in order to communicate.
Tarigan (1990: 3-4) defines that speaking is a language skill that is
developed in child life, which is preceded by listening skill, and at that period
speaking skill is learned. It means that speaking is the basic language. The goal of
teaching speaking skills is to communicate efficiency.
It can be concluded that teaching speaking is the way for students to
express their emotions, communicative needs, interact to other person in any
situation, and influence the others. For this reason, in teaching speaking skill it is
necessary to have clear understanding involved in speech.

2.3 Teaching Speaking Using Role Play Method

According to Gower et-al, “A role play part of a particular person: a

customer, a manager, a shop assistant, for example. As this person, they take part

in a situation, acting out a conversation. It is unscripted, although general ideas

about what they are going to say might be prepared beforehand. These might well

come out of a text or a previous context”.

It means that role play has number of possibilities for communication

practice. Students are no longer limited to the kind of language used by learners in
a classroom. Meanwhile according to Revell, role play defined as an individual’s
spontaneous behavior reacting to others in a hypothetical situation. The essential
core of the activity is understanding the situation of with the other participants’
roles, not just his own. It can be illustrated that in role play, a player is given basic
information about who he is, what he is like, and what he wants to do. A player
must interact with others relate to the situation to theirs. The writer concludes that
role play is a technique in English teaching in which the students learn in an
imaginary situations or roles in order to develop the students’ fluency. The
situations and the roles are made as a real life situation so the students know the
functions of English in real life. ( give real fact in school)


3.1Research Procedures
The Classroom Action Research (CAR) procedure used in this research is
Kurt Lewin’s design. It consists of two cycles in which each cycle contains four
phases; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Moreover, in this study the
writer will conduct this classroom action research into two cycles. As stated by
Arikunto that “Classroom action research should be implemented at least two
cycles continuously”. This means that a classroom action research should be conducted
at least in two cycles. If the results are less satisfactory, researchers can perform the cycle
once again in order to achieve the criteria that have been determined.

3.2 Data Collecting Technique

The data used in this classroom action research (CAR) will be quantitative and
qualitative. Quantitative data used pre-test and post-test scores in speaking. The criteria of
assessment are based in content, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and fluency. The
qualitative data are taken through role play activity.

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