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DALSTON: Monday 17th June 2019

“……But still we do not use our vibratory power as we should use.
And this is the point I want to tell you – that you all have vibratory powers.
When we start using our vibratory powers also we do not know what dignity, protocol we
should have for using this power. It is the power of the Deities within us and it’s a ritual by
which we get their power working in us.”
SHRI MATAJI: You Are Part of The Divine Being 1980

To enable us to further develop our sensitivity and protocols for using the vibratory powers
gifted to us by Shri Mataji, this evening we gathered again at this little Sahaja Yoga centre at
the invitation of the East London collective. We enjoy having our session in the homes of our
yogi hosts, however, it’s interesting to note that in coming to this centre, the last few weeks,
it seems to be working something out here.

The venue is generously loaned to the local yogis to run Sahaj meetings for new people. The
yogis tell us more people are coming to the centre for the beginner meeting and also that
more established yogis are attending too. Also vibrations have improved immensely since we
started having the recent Sahajroots session there.

We can only respond by saying – Jai Shri Mataji. It is all in Her hands! But how wonderful to
be consciously aware we are, in some small way, part of a Divine phenomenon!

And so to this evening:

We took our collective namaskar and tie up and bandhan in the way Mother has shown us so
that, by doing with grace and respect, we may feel the benefit of the cool vibrations which
manifest as a result. We then checked to see if the vibrations were starting to activate on the

hands, which they were. However, with yogis having to travel in packed public transport
across the city we felt a little bit more could be done to allow the vibrations to come through

We did a short session using postures we have previously talked about in these write ups.
First of all, stretch forward and hold for some seconds to subjugate the RIGHT SIDE’s Ego.
The stretch upwards and backwards to raise up the LEFT SIDE’s Superego.

We then moved the body holding it over to the left side for a short time and then shifting it
over to the right side, without straining, for some time.

We next stretched our arms up to the sky with elbows at
the ear which is the stretch for the vishuddi Mother has


Doing this whole stretch sequence, just five postures this evening, without rushing, takes only
5- 10mins or so to do, but, oh, it can make a difference! Mother explains these positions help
us achieve balance through the physical aspect of our being and they also put certain chakras
into place.
This, of course, gives more space for the kundalini to come through and manifest more
strongly as a cool breeze on our hands and above the head. At the end of the stretch sequence
we tested to see how the vibrational flow had improved. It had.

An elder yogini shares this story:

“I used to practice Hatha Yoga before I came to Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji invited me to Her
house once to meet a Polish girl, a wife of an Indian diplomat. There were some other Indian
ladies in the room also wives of employees from the Indian Embassy in London.

They had some health problems and were not seekers. They kept asking Mother for advice
and She told me to instruct them about asanas they had to do. She gave me some general
guiding information: bending forward asanas are for the right and bending backwards
asanas are for the left.”
Grazyna Anslow

NOTE: the ego has problems bending down, bowing to the Divine and the superego has a
problem being raised up opening and receiving the Grace from above which is why these
physical positions can easily balance the system.


These physical stretches are called asanas. Asana is derived from Sanskrit: आसन āsana
"sitting down" (from आस ās "to sit down"), a sitting posture, a seat. Asanas is plural.

The term has been used, over the centuries, to simply mean a body posture, a stretch exercise
to achieve a spiritual purpose i.e. the attainment of samadhi, a state of meditative
consciousness. The word was first used in English to mean a yoga posture in 1834.

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras define ‘asana’ as a position that is
steady and comfortable which is why we should not extend
the position beyond its natural capability.

The Yoga Sutras are a collection of teachings on Yoga which
were passed down, orally, for hundreds of years before they
were written down and systematized by the Vedic Sage,
The Sanskrit word Sutra means thread. The Yoga Sutras of
Patanjali are a thread of teachings which help to unify the
diverse world of Yoga yet hold deeper truths within.

You can read more or download the YOGA SUTRAS OF
PATANJALI pdf here:

Back then kundalini awakening was not available en masse so these asanas helped the disciple
use his/her body to attain balance though the physical aspect.

With later texts identifying some 200 asanas, daily practice of these exercises have provided
evidence that they improve flexibility, strength, and balance; to reduce stress and conditions
related to it; and specifically to alleviate some diseases such as asthma and diabetes and other
ailments. Therefore, it’s not difficult to see how non realised people are drawn to them. Many
have even made a business or industry out of them!

But, wisely enough, not all Hindu scriptures agreed that asanas were beneficial in achieving
the spiritual goal of moksha, liberation and salvation. The 10th century Garuda Purana,
attributed to sage Veda Vyāsa, stated that "the techniques of posture do not promote (true)
yoga.” But early yogis still practised extreme austerities (tapas) to overcome what they saw
as the obstacle of the body in the way of liberation.

TODAY, however, WITH direct access to the kundalini, as realised souls, we now have what
Mother refers to as SAHAJ- ASANAS, the postures Mother has now shown us. Mother also
1981-10-29 e1: Sahaj-asana (Bramham Court Ashram, UK)

Question to Shri Mataji: Is it a good idea to sit in the lotus position?

SHRI MATAJI: I don’t know, I don’t want, it’s too much, sometimes. For meditation you
shouldn't do it. For exercise is all right, but not for meditation. In meditation takes a sahaj-
asana. Sahaj-asana is when both the legs are absolutely spread out as much as you can.
Very much like that, very comfortable. It should be a comfortable position. That is the sahaj-

Therefore, using asanas as a realised soul really does can have a positive effect, not just on
physical health but in helping us to achieve our spiritual goal too.

This evening, having used these physical postures/asanas to bring about balance of both
channels we next focussed on bringing the left and right channels into balance but with
vibrations this time. We ‘pulled down’ several times both channels with our hands.
If anyone still felt a particular channel blocked they were requested to put left to right or right
to left depending if which channel was out of balance.

NOTE: In sharing Sahajroots practice we often find there is still some confusion about how
to balance one or other of the channels – do we pull up or push down the channel?

Here, Mother demonstrates how to correct the right side until it balanaces:
(Do the opposite for left side)

Workshop for New People, Sydney
Cue: 23.27mins - Shri Mataji:

“And taking the grace, you see, on the right side [Shri Mataji is doing a bandhan from the left to the
right], because right side is showing nothing. If the right side is showing nothing, then what you are
doing, you are lifting your left which is slightly showing and you take up and bring it (right side)
down, with your right hand. Left to the right.”

When we had finished balancing ourselves we then held our hands out to see if both hands
were feeling equal. We did several more times to ensure they were. We were now ready to
take full benefit of the next part of our session.

We sat for a short time in meditation, to allow the vibrations to establish, and to let the body
get used to the moving energies we had invoked. At this point the room went still and silent
and our breathing became were very small. We soon began to feel more prepared to engage
in the collective clearing exercise which we were about to do – collective string burning.

We handed round a length of string to each person. Taking it our hands we made the first
knot and said the affirmation and mantra for that chakra – the moolhadara, holding the knot
between the base of the palms of both hands.
(See attached sheet for how to do string burning).

We worked our way up each chakra making a knot and
saying the affirmation and mantra for each, holding each
knot between the fingers of the chakras they related to.

When we had completed all seven we tied up and
bandhanned and quietly, still in a meditative state, we
went outside to the small enclosed courtyard.

As prescribed in the string burning technique we use in Sahaja Yoga the aim was now to hold
the string in our own hand and light the fire from below to burn the negativities therein.

However, the wind decided to join us this point in the evening and this method of burning
became quite unsafe. We, therefore, put all the strings into a metal pot and proceeded to
pour olive oil (as we did not manage to find mustard oil in time for tonight’s session) and we
proceeded to light the strings.

As the strings began to burn we all took the negativity destroying mantra, repeating it until
the strings had completely burnt out.

Om twameva sakshat Shri Shuddha Iccha sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi
Namo Namah.

NOTE: Photo is illustration only.
We feel it’s best not to show photos of
actual negativity being burned.

The strings took quite a time to burn to ashes this evening but we kept reciting the negativity
destroying mantra none the less! When all the strings had completely burned down, we tied
up and bandhanned and then went quietly indoors feeling quite different, in a profound way,
from when we started this collective treatment. In fact, we felt the same effect as if we had
been to a huge havan!


Indoors, before the altar of Mother again, we sat in
meditation for a short while to consolidate the
experience of the string burning activity.

We now felt what chakras were catching still, if any. Or,
to use the correct terminology Mother tells us to use, in
the previous video link (see page 4 of this Write Up) -
instead of the word ‘catching’ – we should check for
which chakras were, (still) not alright.

As we could feel, in more detail, now deeper sensations
within the chakras that needed correcting we got into
our groups to do group workshops for further collective

We tried a playful experiment this evening. As yoginis, we have a tendency to give more loving
attention to the person being worked on that is actually needed. We do this in the form of
massaging hands, face, arms etc. This comes from a good heart of course. However, the
nature of Sahajroots is to develop a mastery of vibrations so this type of what we call
‘pampering’ is not needed every week, on every person, every time.

Now we don’t have this problem with the men. The men are very efficient in their workshop,
diligently getting the kundalini to flow more easily by simple corrections and moving on to
the next person in their group. The men always finish earlier than the ladies having, therefore,
more time to sit in silent meditation to enjoy the benefit of the group workshop.

The yoginis were very aware of this tendency and despite lots of teasing on the subject had
not quite been able to get out of the habit of over pampering.

So this evening, in a bid to be able to curb this, two yoginis happily gave permission to join a
group of men, just for the one time, so they can experience what it is like to work with
vibrations only. In that group they would not be able to massage or stroke or do anything,
due to the male/female maryadas we respect in Sahaja Yoga. The yoginis would only be able
to use vibrations.
After gamely agreeing to this as an interesting experiment the yoginis worked away in their
respective groups.


At the end of the workshop session when asked how they go on, their faces lit up, “Oh yes
much better!”. They reported that because they were unable to ‘pamper’, they had to focus
more on what they were sensing, where the kundalini in the person was, and how their
corrections were making an impact. This made them more aware of vibrations.

So the lesson is balance in all things. Best
to use our hands and develop sensitivity to
vibrations so the vibrations alone can work
things out.
Mother has, of course, given so many other
wonderful ‘treatments’ to use, oil,
massage, candle, ice packs etc. which we
can and should use, but not to reply on
them, as a first step. In fact, we should
really be aiming to go beyond the need to
use these ‘supports’.
Also, we must always remember it is not US
who is doing the workshop, its Mother, via
the kundalini of the person we are
engaging with.

Also, we have found, the power of our attention, and/or our own personal vibration and
degree of surrender to Mother can have an impact on another person whether they are a
yogi being worked on or people around us in daily life.
The goal to achieve vibratory self-mastery is what we aim to achieve through our Sahajroots
study and practical experimentation.
Well done to the yoginis who wanted to go further this evening!

In one of the workshops one of our group was still experiencing a lot of heat of the left and
right channels despite all the collective clearing we had done this evening. The yogi’s
shoulders were positioned high and the muscles were solid and tight with tension. Now the
yogi had been to the SY Wellness Camp, Vashi and such like and is indeed a very dedicated
yogi. They were conversant with and applied on a regular basis all the treatments we know
are associated with correcting these types of chakra problems.

However, an insight came from one in our group as they asked the yogi if they ever did gentle
exercise, any movement for fun, dance, swimming or attended arts or culture programmes.
There was a feeling this was lacking in the body and daily life and wellbeing of the yogi.

The yogi confessed they did nothing of this kind of thing. We discussed how engaging in
creative arts, expressive activities, can do more to keep our left, and right side, open and
liberate us from the restraints of the mundane life – more even, sometimes, than a strict
clearing or treatment regime.


Sahaj Culture gives us many opportunities to do so and online videos of past performances,
TEV, Evening Programmes, many before Mother Herself is a good place to start! Otherwise
taking up an activity to learn to dance, a new language, an instrument can really help us stay
more in the centre channel – and enjoy our SELF!!

Basically we can sit and do treatments all day and be very well versed in which treatment is
for which chakra but by simply enjoying life, literature, music, dance we can enjoy vibrations
in a different way, stay more in the moment and transcend all this attention on the body and
chakras and just feel the joy of the left heart again.

A lesson for all of us to make more time for the arts and culture and social life
- and to enjoy the SELF!

After the collective workshops we took our seats before the projector ready for Mother’s
video which was suggested this evening by one of the elder yogis.

You Are Part Of The Divine Being: Caxton Hall, London (England) 1980

In the video Mother talks about vibratory awareness had how we should be respectful of
our powers:

“When you use your vibratory awareness you should not use them for useless powers like, for example,
going to a cinema and there’s a traffic and you think that there’s a traffic so you must use your vibratory
powers to reach that place. Because it’s frivolous; it does not matter.
In Sahaja Yoga it does not matter whether you go to a cinema or not. What matters is: what are your
spiritual powers, how far you have come in your spirituality. It (the cinema) does not matter at all.

You are a saint, and what saintliness you are achieving within you is the main problem. Otherwise, all

the rest of the things that you have, has no meaning. Or all these problems have no meaning in
So all the Sahaja Yogis must realise that you are now newly born and you are people of new awareness
and you have to have that dignity.” SHRI MATAJI


After the video of which, due to time restriction we were unable to play in its entirety, we
next sat for some time in silent meditation. Now feeling cool on both hands and above the
head. This, we have found, is ideal state of being to give bandhans. So now we wanted to
send vibrations out into the society to resolve some of the issues that now came into our

Some of the bandhans were for individuals’ situations or for national issues concerning
leaders and politicians and other bandhans for bigger on going issues to do with justice,
plastics, big Pharma etc.

IMPORTANT NOTE ON BANDHANS: Whatever we bandhan it’s worth remembering some key
Extract from this evening’s talk: “You Are Part of The Divine Being”

“I’ll just give an example because I was discussing with someone
today. When you give somebody a sort of a bandhan you just
turn your hand like this or like that. This is not the way it should
be done. Your hands itself are to be respected because these are
the hands of a saint.

And all the deities reside on your hands and fingers so when you
have to give them bandhan or anything, you have to use them
properly. Use them in such a way that it’s dignified to do it. Any
indignity or cheap behaviour should be absolutely avoided.”

Feeling replete in ourselves, through the manifestation of cool vibrations and in having
shared our good fortune, via bandhans, to help others in the world – we did our sincere
thanks, head bowed low, to Mother through our namaskar this evening.


Thanks to East London collective, guardians of the Hackney centre, for inviting us to use the
centre this evening and to our hosts Steve and Gilly for all the work they do behind the scenes
to prepare the space for us to arrive and to feel immediate comfort and vibrations when we
walk in the door! Much appreciated.

Our supper was a lovely collective mix of offerings, sweet and savoury, brought by Yogis.
Drinks and snax affords us the valuable social time to relax and share feedback on the
workshops, share some fun, anecdotes or insightful stories of Mother and generally discuss
what we learned this evening.


Due to the forthcoming Summer Festival period, where we take a Sahaja Yoga stall to give
realisation we will be quite busy in the next three weeks.

We will, therefore, be able to put into practice our vibratory knowledge not only to help new
people feel more strongly the Divine power of love in their own being but to advance our own
level of vibrations through the act of giving and receiving.

Until next time

Jai Shri Mataji!


SAHAJROOTS is a practical Sahaja Yoga Study group, of long established practitioners, that meets weekly in London
to explore, and develop further, the art of vibratory awareness as taught by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

We desire to develop greater sensitivity to vibrations, improve confidence and mastery for use in every- day life and, more
importantly, to become subtler beings to achieve the goal of Sahaja Yoga – our Ascent.

We do this by watching and studying the early talks and practical workshops videos of Shri Mataji, by collective clearing and
collective workshops, giving each other feedback and practicing using our vibrations in ways to benefit ourselves and others
and improve world situations. We gain much knowledge and insight from the early yogis who were ‘trained’ by Shri Mataji,
in person, for which we thank them for their continued support and contribution.

Contact us at Sahajroots@gmail.com - look forward to hearing from you!

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