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This is to certify that the Sarjana’s thesis of Virna Hafizha Ihwan has been

approved by the thesis advisors for further approval by the Board of Examiners.

Malang, ….............. 2018

Advisor 1

Dra. Sri Andreani, M.Ed.


Advisor 2

Prof. Ali Saukah, M.A.,Ph.D.

This is to certify that the Sarjana’s thesis of Virna Hafizha Ihwan has been
approved by the board of examiners as the requirement for the degree of Sarjana’s
in English Language Teaching.

Malang, July 28th 2018

Dra. Sri Andreani, M.Ed. ,Chair

NIP 19611023 198601 2 001

Prof. Dr. Ali Saukah, M.A., Ph.D. ,Member

NIP 19510227 198003 1 002

Dr. Anik Nunuk Wulyani,S.Pd, M.Pd ,Member

NIP 19740629 200312 2 002

Acknowledged by Approved by
Head, Department of English Dean, Faculty of Letters

Dr. Johannes A. Prayogo, M.Pd., M.Ed. Prof. Utami Widiati, M.A., Ph.D.
NIP 19581028 198601 1 001 NIP 19650813 199002 2 001

This undersigned,

Name : Virna Hafizha Ihwan

Reg. Number : 140221601395

Department : Department of English

Study Program : English Language Teaching

Faculty : Faculty of Letters

declares that the present Sarjana’s thesis is an original research undertaken by the

researcher mentioned above for the English Department, Faculty of Letters,

Universitas Negeri Malang. Any theories, findings, and research techniques which

are not my own have been acknowledged in the text. Theoretical and practical

significances of this study are my own original work and have not been published

for my degree in this or any other universities. If later it can be revealed that the

Sarjana’s thesis contains partly of wholly plagiarized other works, I will accept

the sanctions established by the university on the matter.

Malang, 2018
The Statement Maker

Virna Hafizha Ihwan


Ihwan, Virna Hafizha. 2018. A Comparative Study of Students Reading

Achievement between Natural Science, Social Science and Language
Programs. Thesis, Department of English, Faculty of Letters,
Universitas Negeri Malang. Advisors: (1) Dra. Sri Andreani, M.Ed. (2)
Prof. Ali Saukah, M.A.,Ph.D.

Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Natural Science, Social Science and

Language Programs
The objective of this research was to compare the students reading
comprehension in the different three programs in the eleventh grade students.
The research was carried out at SMA Negeri 4 Malang on May 2018. The
method of this study was a comparative study. The subject was three classes of
eleventh grade which consisted of 34 students of the Natural Science class, 35
students of the Social Science class and 22 students of the Language class with the
average level of ability. The data was gathered in the different time. The data was
analyzed by using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and follow-up test by using
Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD).
The result showed that the reading comprehension scores among the three
classes is different.
The result showed that the use of Writing Process and Cue Cards media
were effective to implement in teaching writing descriptive text. It showed that the
significant level of both pretest and posttest are .000, which mean it is smaller
than .05 (.000 ≤ .05). It means that there was enough evidence to reject the null
hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis is accepted which means there is a
significant difference between students’ pretest and posttest scores.
The research findings showed that using cue cards and writing process
approach were effective to implement in teaching writing skill, especially
descriptive text. The use of cue cards also motivates and encourages students to
write a text for the cards which were attractive. It contained a colorful picture and
some vocabulary that helped them to imagine what was the situation in the picture
so that the students were actively involved in learning and teaching process due to
the use of the media itself.

Hafizha Ihwan, Virna. 2018. Studi Perbandingan Kemampuan Membaca Siswa
Antara Program IPA, IPS dan BAHASA. Thesis, Department of
English, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang. Advisors: (1)
Dra. Sri Andreani, M.Ed. (2) Prof. Ali Saukah, M.A.,Ph.D.

Kata Kunci: Writing Process, Cue Cards, Keterampilan Menulis

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan pendekatan
Writing Process dengan menggunakan Cue Cards dalam pengajaran menulis teks
deskriptif siswa kelas tujuh.
Penelitian dilakukan di SMP Laboratorium Universitas Negeri Malang
pada bulan Januari 2018. Data kuantitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Metode
penelitiannya adalah desain pra eksperimental. Subjek yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah salah satu kelas di kelas tujuh yang terdiri dari 30 siswa
dengan tingkat kemampuan rata-rata. Data dikumpulkan dari nilai pretest dan
posttest. Selama tiga kali treatments, siswa diberikan beberapa tes menulis
deskriptif dengan menggunakan Cue Cards. Mereka juga diajar dengan
menggunakan pendekatan writing process. Data dianalisis dengan beberapa
langkah; memeriksa tulisan siswa dengan menggunakan rubrik penilaian,
menganalisis normalitas data menggunakan Shapiro-Wilk untuk memenuhi
asumsi statistik, menetapkan hipotesis statistik dengan menggunakan Uji beda dua
sampel berpasangan (Paired-Sample T-Test), dan menentukan bagaimana
hipotesis nol diterima atau ditolak. Data kuantitatif dianalisis dengan
membandingkan rata-rata nilai pretest dan posttest siswa.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pendekatan Writing
Process dan media Cue Cards efektif untuk digunakan dalam pengajaran menulis
teks deskriptif. Ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat signifikan dari pretest dan posttest
adalah .000, yang berarti lebih kecil dari 0,05 (.000 ≤ 0,05). Hal tersebut berarti
adanya cukup bukti untuk menolak hipotesis nol sehingga hipotesis alternatif
diterima bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara skor pretest dan posttest
siswa. Singkatnya, hasil skor posttest siswa lebih tinggi dari skor pretest.
Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan cue cards dan
pendekatan writing process efektif untuk dalam pengajaran keterampilan menulis,
khususnya teks deskriptif. Penggunaan cue cards juga dapat memotivasi dan
mendorong siswa untuk menulis teks untuk kartu yang menarik tersebut. Isi dari
kartu tersebut ialah gambar berwarna-warni dan beberapa kosakata yang dapat
membantu siswa untuk membayangkan situasi yang ada didalam gambar sehingga
para siswa secara aktif terlibat dalam proses belajar dan mengajar karena
penggunaan media itu sendiri.

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the Most Almighty and
the Most Merciful God, Allah SWT, who has blessed me with great things in my
life, so that I could have strength to finish this thesis well-timed. My gratitude and
prayers are also for the beloved Propet Muhammad SAW, who has guided human
beings from the darkness to the brightest way of life called Islam.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my parents and also my
siblings both living and dead for their prayers, support, advice, guidance,
motivation, and encouragement throughout my study. So that while I felt give up,
I always remember them all. They are my spirit and inspiration for my life.
Also, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mrs. Dra. Sri
Andreani, M.Ed and Mr. Prof. Ali Saukah, M.A.,Ph.D. as my advisors who has
given me advice, help, direction, guidance, suggestion, correction toward my
thesis patiently.
A special appreciation is delivered to SMA Negeri 4 Malang that gave me
permission to conduct my research. Also, for my lovely students of XI IPA 6, XI
IPS 2 and XI Language 1 that kindly help me to do activity regarding to my
My gratitude also goes to my beloved boy friend, Brillian Andrian who
gave me support, great motivation while I was feeling down and desperate and
sincerely accompany me anytime. I also do not forget to say thanks to my close
friends, Temin, Yossita, Mbak Asmid, Martin, Novan, Zaky, Mas Rozaq, Jeni,
Nana, Yanti, Sita, Lolik and mbak Tifany who gave me some helps, suggestion
and support as well during finishing this thesis and for they who are able to listen
to my problems about anything.
I realize that this writing is still far for being perfect. Therefore, all
criticisms and suggestions will be appreciated. I hope that this thesis will be
beneficial especially for me, and generally the readers.
Malang, July 2018

The Writer

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