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Installation, Operation, Maintenance, and Repair 247

effect is more pronounced the farther to the left of BEP the pump operates
and is more pronounced on larger pumps.

5. Recirculation
Recirculation is a flow reversal at the suction and/or discharge tips of impel-
ler vanes (Figure 8.6). Suction recirculation causes noise and cavitation-like
damage at the impeller inlet, while discharge recirculation can cause similar
damage on the pressure side of the outlet edge of the vane. The flow also
separates from the vanes at these points.
Other symptoms of recirculation include cavitation-like damage to the
shrouds near the vane outlets and unexpected shaft breakage or thrust bear-
ing failure.
It is important to note that this cavitation-like damage occurs on the pres-
sure side of the impeller vane. When looking at the inlet of an impeller, the
pressure side of the vane is the side that is usually not able to be seen directly
with the eye, but which requires a mirror to see behind the vane. This is the
opposite side of the impeller vane from that where conventional cavitation
damage occurs.
Suction and discharge recirculation damage can occur as the pump
moves away from its BEP. Although the onset of recirculation alone is not
necessarily a cause for concern, if the pump is allowed to operate too long
in a period where there is too much of this recirculation, it can cause dam-
age to the pump. Thus, this is a criterion used for determining minimum
flow on some pump types. The pump types most likely to exhibit problems

Recirculation occurs at impeller inlet and/or outlet at capacities below BEP. (From Karassik, I.J.
et al., Pump Handbook, 4th Ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 2008. With permission)
248 Pump Characteristics and Applications

with recirculation are high-energy pumps and pumps with high suction
specific speed. The definition of what constitutes a high energy pump is
not agreed upon by everyone in the pump industry. Many put the thresh-
old level at around 100 HP per stage. Others use a higher figure, such as
200 HP per stage.
The percent of BEP capacity at which suction recirculation begins is a func-
tion of the pump specific speed Ns, the suction specific speed S, and whether
the pump is single suction, double suction, or multistage (Ref. [3]). At higher
values of both Ns and S, the minimum acceptable flow (as a percentage of
BEP) to prevent recirculation increases. Also, the flow at which recirculation
begins (as a percentage of BEP) is higher for double suction pumps than for
single suction pumps, and higher still for multistage pumps. For example,
for Ns = 1000 and S = 7500, the percent of BEP at which recirculation begins
is about 50%, 55%, and 65%, respectively, for single suction, double suction,
and multistage pumps. For the same value of Ns but S = 10,000, the percent of
BEP at which suction recirculation begins is about 63%, 73%, and 83% of BEP
for the same three pump types. For higher S values, these percentages are
even higher. This effect is one reason why large-eye impellers for reduced
NPSHr (higher S value) must be used with caution, as this can restrict the
safe operating range of the pump.
Note that there is neither complete agreement within the pump industry
as to exactly when the onset of recirculation begins for a given pump type,
nor is there complete agreement as to how the onset of recirculation should
relate to the recommended minimum flow for that particular pump. Some
suggest that the minimum continuous flow show not be less than one half of
the flow at which recirculation begins.
Some manufacturers are more conservative in their approach than oth-
ers, and some industrial pump end users such as refinery owners tend to
be more conservative than some pump manufacturers in setting minimum
flows. A good communication between the pump end user and manufac-
turer is essential in establishing the recommended minimum flow to avoid
recirculation for a given pump, especially a high-energy pump.

6.  Settling of Solids

For liquids containing solids, the minimum flow must be high enough to
prevent the solids in the liquid from settling in the pump or in the piping.

7.  Noise and Vibration

At reduced flow rates, pump operation may be recirculation-induced noisy due
to a combination of the effects of prerotation, recirculation, and recirculation-
induced cavitation. Vibration may be caused by the same factors, plus the higher
bearing loads and greater shaft deflection that occur at low flows.

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