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Head Of The Room :Fina Ayu Ningtyas

Team Leader : Reka Dwi Intan P
Doctor : Krista Maisari
Nursing Associate : Desi Setya Ningrum
Patient :Agus Saparudin
Family : Krista Maisari

One day at the Siloam Hospital, in the VVIP Pavilliun room there was a patient named
Mr. D, with a medical diagnosis of DHF.
In the nurse stasion, the doctor, the head of the room, the team leader, and the nursing
associate discuss the situation of the patient Mr. D and discharge planning implementation plan

Head Of The Room : “Doc, I want to report from the observations made by nurses, the
condition of the patient named Mr. D has improved and from normal laboratory results. Platelets
and hematocrit are also normal. Can we do a return plan for the patient's doc.?”
Doctor : “I also saw the results of the laboratory indeed show improvement and it could be said
to be negative, but in my opinion it is better not to be repatriated first to better ensure the
Head Of The Room : “From the nursing care that the patients have done has improved, the
nursing interventions provided have also been achieved, and patients only need a lot of rest and
recovery at home.”
Doctor : “But what if later the patient experiences sudden fever again ?, In my opinion this
patient is still a little weak and still needs to undergo treatment.”
Team Leader : “Sorry doc, before the point is basically the patient only needs enough rest to
restore his health, and in our opinion it can be done at home”
Head Of The Room : “Yes Doc, we have planned discharge planning. This discharge planning
will later be given to patients regarding the necessary medical treatment at home later.”
Doctor : “Well, if so, I hope that later discharge planning can be carried out to patients named
Mr. D and make sure the patient and family of patients can understand what to do at home.”
Head Of The Room : “Yes Doc, so how can the patient be sent home this afternoon.?”
Doctor : “Yes nurse.”
Head Of The Room : “Ok Doc, Thank you.”
Doctor : “You are welcome nurse”
Head Of The Room : “Nurse, this is the discharge planning format that I signed and can be done
on patients named Mr. D can be prepared for discharge planning now.”
Team Leader : “Oke nurse, I'll prepare it first. Nurse, reka please call the patient's family, come
to the nurse station now.”
Nursing Associate : “Ok nurse”

(VVIP Pavilion Room)

Nursing Association associates the patient's family
Nursing Associate : "Good morning, Ma'am"
Patient and Family : "Yes nurse, good morning"
Nursing Assosiate : "Earlier after being discussed with the Doctor, Mr. D this afternoon it is
permissible to go home, because the situation has improved and all the results of the examination
also show improvement. The patient's family can come with me briefly to the nurse's room,
because there are several explanations regarding the planning of the return of Mr. D this
afternoon. "
Family : “Ok nurse”

The patient's family and nursing associate go to the nurse station

Team Leader : "Good morning, Ma'am. Is this a patient family named Mr. D ? "
Family : "Yes, right nurse"
Team Leader : "After the doctor did an examination of Mr. D and from the results of nursing,
the condition of Mr. D it has improved and can be treated at home. "
Family : "Is it true that my sister can go home this afternoon, nurse?"
Team Leader : "Yes, patients can go home this afternoon and this is a prescription for medicines
that must be redeemed first and also please do the payment administration for hospitalization in
the hospital."
Family : “Okey nurse”
Team Leader : "Before later, Mr. D going home we will provide health education. This
education is very important later to under go during recovery at home. Are you willing to be
given this health education?
Family : “Yes nurse, I’m agree”
Team Leader : “Okey, later it will be clarified again by nursing associate”
Family : “Yes nurse, Thank you”
Team Leader : “You are welcome”

(VVIP Pavilion Room)

The team leader and nursing associate provide Discherge Planning to patients and
their families.
Team Leader : "Good morning, today we from the nurses of the VVIP pavilion, which is on
duty this morning, will provide counseling on matters that must be considered during recovery at
home. Is Mr. D and the family agrees to be given health counseling? "
Team Leader : "Later it will be explained about the information, then later it will be asked again
and ended with the provision of leaflets that can be taken home. Later who will provide
information is my nurse's friend. How can it begin now? "
Patient and Family : “Yes nurse”
Nursing Assosiate : "Good morning. This is right with Mr. D ? "
Patient : “Yes, nurse”
Nursing Associate : "Introduce me that our nurse will give Mr. D some information. And care
about how to care for Mrs. D at home later after Mr. D returned from the hospital. Maybe you
already knew about the illness that was experienced? "
Patient : "I suffer from dengue fever from a bite from a nurse mosquito. That's more or less what
I know. "
Nursing Associate : "Yes that's right, dengue hemorrhagic fever is an infectious disease caused
by the dengue virus. How to prevent DHF by reducing the vector of dengue fever mosquitoes.
Some things must be done to maintain health in order to avoid dengue fever, including:
1. Do good habits, such as eating nutritious foods, regular exercise, and adequate rest.
2. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the living environment and do 3M (drain, close, bury).
3. Fogging or fumigation
Have you done one or maybe the whole method of prevention that I mentioned earlier? "
Patient and Family : "Not yet nurse. My family and I pay less attention to the environment
around the house. "
Team Leader : "For this reason, in the future, the prevention that we describe can be applied."
Nursing Associate : "Next I will add a little. Do you know how to deal with the initial treatment
of fever when exposed to DHF. "
Pasien : "I Don't know, nurse"
Nursing Associate : "For early treatment when getting a fever can be done by compressing and
taking febrifuge."
Team Leader : "You might be able to say what treatments can be done at home?"
Family : "Get enough rest, drink lots of water, eat soft foods and not be sour or spicy."
Nursing Associate : "So true. That means Mr. D and family are able to take care at home. "
Team Leader : "Before I end, is anyone asked or Mr. And the family does not understand. "
Patient and Family : "There is no nurse"
Team Leader : "Well, if no one is asked, I will give leaflets to Mr. D and family. The contents
are more or less the same as what I explained earlier, and I hope this can be useful. That's all
from us, thank you for your cooperation, hopefully get well soon, and remember to control your
health in one week. "
Nursing Associate : "This ma’am is a medicine that must be taken by Mr. at home, drink 3
times a day regularly every day. And this is a letter that must be taken during control, then this
laboratory result will not be forgotten when you control it. We will return to the nurses' room.
Pasien and Family : “Thank you nurse”
Team Leader & Nursing Associate : “You are welcome”

(Nurse Station)
Then the Nursing associate reports actions that have been taken to the Head Of
The Room and Team Leader.
The Head of Room conducts discharge planning evaluations that have been
carried out.
Nursing Associate : "Nurse, I have carried out discharge planning activities for patients named
Mr. D.
Team Leader : “Thank you nurse for your hard work. "
Head Of The Room : "Thank you for the cooperation of all colleagues, I think the discharge
planning activity this morning is quite good, but I hope that in the future it will be further
enhanced for the comfort and satisfaction of patients and families"
Nursing Associate : “Yes nurse, you are welcome.”
Head Of The Room : “Congratulations on the task and I hope it's always uplifting”
Nursing Associate & Team Leader : “Okey nurse”

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