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~ i The Odisha (yg) Gazette EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY TACK, TUESDAY, OCTOUER Iie TOITIASWINA 25, 1939 HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION ‘The 16th October, 2017 ‘SRO. No.500/2017-— In exercise ofthe powers conferred by Sestion 22 ofthe COsisha Municipal Services Aet, 2016 and in suporsession of the rules! regulations ‘oxdesinstuctons, except a8 respects things done or omited to be done before such supersession, he Stato Governrent do heraby make the folowing rules regulating the retiod of retutment and conditions of sevice ofthe persons appoints to the Odisha Municipal Planning Services, namely — chaPreRs PRELIMANARY 4. Shot title and Commencement (1) These rules may be called the Oxisha Municipal Piansing Service (Mettiod of Recruitment and Conditions “of Service) Rules 2017 (2)! They shall come Into force Hom the date of thei publication in the Oda Gazote 2. Definitions: 1) In these rules, unless the context othenise requires:— (a) "Act" means the Osisha Municipal Services Act, 2016; (0) "Commissioner maans Commissioner ofa Municipal Corporation: (6) "Committee" means the Departmental Promotion Committes constivted under ule 13; (6) “Deputy Commissioner” means Deputy Conimissioner of 8 Municipal corporat: (e) Disher moans a venue Dt ("Execute Ofcer means Executive Offcar of a Municpalty ora Notified ‘rea Counc (@) “Exsemvicemen” means persons a5 defined n the Odlsha Ex-servicemen (Recrurmento State Ci Sevices and Posts) Rules, 1985; (6) "Government means the Government of Otis: (“Joint Commissioner” means Joint Conmissioner of a Municival Corporation (OP SC" means Casha Pubse Service Commission; ()"OSSC" meats Oaisha Staff Sdecien Cmmissin; () “Persons with Disables” means persons who have been granted with isabiitycetncates by Competent Authorty as per the provisions ofthe Persons with Oisabities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Right, and ful Participation) Oxsha Rules, 2003, (“Schedule means a parcutar Schedule appended to these rules: (a) “Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tres" shall have refeence to the Schedules Castes and Scheduled Tribes specifed in the Constitution (Seneculed Castes) Order 1950 and the Constiuton (Scheduled Tribe) Order, 1950, a8 the case may be, madeunder Article 341 and 242 ofthe Constitution of nda, respectively, (0)"SEBC* means the Sociaty and Eduetionaly Backward Classes of ctzens ‘other than the Scheduled Castes and Scteduled ‘Trbes as may be specified by the State Government from time tte inthe list under the (dish State Commision for Backward Classes Ac, 1993; (0) "Section means section ofthe Osisha Municipal Services Act, 2016; (@) “Service” means the Odisha Municipal Planning Service (9 *Sportsmen™ means persons whe have been issued wih identity card as sportsmen by the Biector, Sports; and (6)-Year means the Calendar Yea. (2) All ther words and expressions used in these ules but not defined specially shall, unless te contex! otherwise requires, have the sare meaning 2s respectively ‘assigned to themin the Act and the Ocisha Service Code 3. Constitution of Cadre and Sorvices'—The Oxisha Municipal Panning Sevice shall consist ofthe folowing poss, namety:— () Gly Planner, Associate Cty Planner: (i) Assistant Town Planner: (W) Junior Town Pinner (1 Planning Assistant (Find Superior (ui) Field Ispectorand (win) Ari. CHAPTER Memio0s oF RecRumTuENT | 4. Methods of recrutment:— (1) The cadre strength of Osha Municipal Planning Service for al the Uban Local Bodes shall be as decid by the Government from te to (2) Te quaticavons, experence and method of selection for aterent posts in the ‘service shall be as provided inthe Schedule (@) Subject to other provisions made in these rules octutment to alert posts in the sonic shat be made by the folowing methods, namely — (2) Tre postof City Planner shal be filed up by promotion or deputation: (©) The poi of Associate iy Planner shall be filedip by prometion or by depuration: (c) The post of Assistant Town Plannér el beled up by way of direct recrutment throw Compettve Examinalion by the OPSC or by deputation: (6) The post of Junior Town Planner shal be filed up byway of promation from among the Planing Assistants; (e) The post of Planning Assistantshal be filed up byway of diect recruitment ‘trough competve examination by the OS8C ( The post of Field Superior shall be Med up byway of promotion from ‘amang the Field Inspectors; (9) The post of Fel! Inspector shal be fled up by way of promotion from ameing the Amin (6) The post of Amin shall be fled up byway of arectrecrutment through Compettive Examination by the OSSC, 5 Reservations — Notwitstanding anything contained in these rules reservation of vacancies o” posts, a6 the case may bo, fot (0) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tibes shall be made in accordance wth the provisions of the Osha Reservation of Vacancies in Posts and Sens (tor Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tnbes) Act 1975 and the rules made thereunder and (6) SEBC, Women, Sportsmen, Ex-senicemen and Persons wih Disabiliies shall be made in aocoance with the provisions madeunder sich At, ues, ofders or instuctons issued inthis bohal by the Govermmen: tom time to tine 6, Grouping of Posts:—the posts i the Service shall be classed as aiterent Groups on the basis of scales of pay, similar tothe clasication of post mide by the General Adminstration Deparment inthe State Government offces famine 10 time. 7. Appointing Authority and Jurisdiction of Municipal Services: (1) The Director, Municipal Admiisiaton shall be the Appointing Authority forall categories of postsin the Service, {@) The appointment orer shal be issued afer cbtsinng orders ofthe Government in at cases (9),The service shall be a State Cadre and the Offcars and employees appoint to the serves shal be transtered or deputed to al Urban Local Bodies across the State as per the policy of the Government. “so, 8 Status of Personnel and Salary —{1)The Officers and employees recruited to ‘he Serve, shall be appointed end contoled by the Director, Municipal Adminstration and they shall not be, in any case, the employees ofthe State Government. They sha be Offices and employees of he Urban Local Body. (2) The Urban Local Body concemed shall be lable 10 meet the salares, atiowances and other financial benefis ofthe personel posted inthe Urban Local Boies, 9, eligibility Criteria for Direct Recrutment:—In exer to be eligible for direct, recruitment fo the posts Undo the Sonvice, 2 candidate shall have to satisy the general ‘conditions aid down in the Osisha Municipal Services (Genera) Rules, 2016 as applicable ‘yf. fonning ture condtions, namely — (2) A candidate must be of good mental condition and body heath and toe ‘tom any physical dofct kaly to interfore withthe eischarge of his dues in the service: applicable to the persons with sabi. (6) Minimum Educational Qualifications for iferent posts under the Service ‘shall be as provided in the Schedule, 10, selection by the OPSC—(t) The Competitive Axamination for direct recrutmnnt othe posts of Assistant Town Planner shal be conductes by the OPSC. {@ Ordinary in the month of January of each year the Government shat communicate t0 the OPSC the total qumber of vacancies for recruitment taking into sceount the exsteg and the anticipated vacancies in that year indicating therein the umber of posts required 10 be filed up and the posts to be reserved for candidates belonging to aferent reserved categories and umish the necessary deals in the format sroscibed for the purpose (9) The OPSC, on eceint ofthe vacancies ta be filed up by dct recrutment shal take alt necessary steps forthe recutment of sutable candidates and adopt its own procedures. (4) The sylabus, pate and scheme of examination shat be 2s decid by the ‘OFSC in consultation wth the Department. (6) The OPSC sna prpae a composite met st aking ini account al catogorios ‘nd separate mei ist category wise i 41, Selection by the OSSC— (1): The Competitive Examination for direct ‘ecrutment to he poss of Planning Assistant and Arn shal be conducted by the OSC. (2) Oxdinaty in the monty of January of each year the Director, Municpal -Aiinitration shal communicate the total number of vacancies, already exiting and the anticipated vacancies in that year to tho OSSC indicating therein the numberof posts ‘equi tobe filed up and the posts tobe reserved for candidates belonging to diferent ‘reserved categories end furnish the necessary deals in the format prescribed forthe purpose, (2) The OS8C, on receipt of the vacancies tobe filed up by direct recruitment shal take all necessary stops forthe recutment of suitable candidates and adopt its own procedures (4) Ine sytabus, patio ana schemé ot examinaton shal be 2s decised by the (0550 in consultation withthe Department (8) Te OSSC shall prepare composite ment st taking nto account al categories and separate mitt category wise 42, Solect List in case of Direct Recrutment:— (1) The mer ists received from the OPSC and the OSSC as the case may be, shal be placed before the Government for ‘approval and on such approval thal form the select st. {2) Appointment to cterent grades in the sanvce shall be made inthe order of the ames as they appear in the select it. (3) Every candidate included inte solect st shail be examined by a Medical Boars ‘and any candidate who fis to qualty after examination by the Medical Board sal ot be sige fr appointment (4) The select ist shat ordinary remain in force for one year from the date of Ks _2pprvalby the Government under sub-ule (1) of unt another sect Ist i prepared, (CHAPTER ProwoTON 13. Constitution of Departmental Promotion Commitee — (1) There shall be constiuid wo siflerent Committees for considering promotion of the officers and sempoyers othe cfferent grades in he sevice, namely — (ai The Commute for promotion to the posts of Cay Planner and Associate City Planner — (0) Secretary of the Hand UD Department : Chairman (i) Directer, Municipal Adminstration e Member {Gi Director, Tow Pianning, cena a Member (w) Representative of the ST and SC Development Department of he rank of Under Secretary and above 2 Member (Joint SecretaryDeputy Secretary! Undor Secretary of he H and UD Department eating with the subject = Mener (i) Deputy Director, Municipal Adminstration) Deputy Commissioner = Member Convener (21The Commitee for promotion to the posts of Junior Town Pianner, Fld ‘Supervisor and Field Inspector-— {WDvector, Municipal Administration > Chatman (i) Director, Town Planning, Ocha - Member (@ Representative ofthe ST and SC Development Department ofthe rank of Under- ‘Sectotary and above 7 Momor Aw) Joint Secretay/Deputy Secretary! Under Secretary of tho H and UD Department dealing with the subject ~ Member (Deputy Director, Municipal ‘Administration’ Deputy Cémmissioner ~ Member Convener (2) The recommendation of the Commitee shat be valid and can be acted upon rotwihstanding the absence of any one of ts members other than the Chairman Provided thatthe member 30 absenting was duly invited to attend the meting of the Comte and the majntyof members ofthe Commitee attonded the meeting, 14, Procedure for Selection by the Departmental Promotion Committee —(1) “Tne Commitee shall mast at east ance ina year preferably i the month of January of the rectltment year to prepare ait of ofcars aa are held by them suitable for promotion to the nat higher grade, (2) The Commitee while considering the cases ofsultableoffeors and preparation ofthe ist shall folow the provisions of — (@) the Odisna Civil Services (Zone of Consideration for Promtion) Rules, 1988, (@) the Ocisha Chil Seneas (Cite or Promotion) ules, 192, (6) the Odea Civil Seroes (Grea fr Selection for Appointment incuding Promotion) Rules, 2008, and (6) the Odisha Reservation of Vacancies in Posts and Services (for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) Act, 1975 and the ules made there under 4S.consultation with the Commission:—(1) The recommendation of the committee in respect of offcers shal be refered othe Osisha Pubic Sevie® Commission for concirence along witha Hat of al eigble candidates, including those who has not been recommended together wth the sevice pariculrs relating to their academic alifcaion, Feld experionc, i any. (@) The Commission shall consider the fst along with the sence, patoulas ‘ecelved under sub-ru(1) and shall fish ts ecommendations. 46 Select List in cate of Promotion — (1) The recommendaton of the OPSC in ‘espoct of reference mage to it under subrule) of rule 15. and the Hist prepafed by the Committee under sub-cule) of tule 14 eal aer being approved by the Government form the selects (2) The lit refered to under sub cule (1) sha orsinarly be in force for 2 period of ‘one year fom the dae of is approval by the Government or until another select ist Is prepared atesh whichever i ete. (9) Appointment on promation oiferent grades inthe sevice sha be made inthe ‘orderin which he names of offers appear inthe selec ist. cnaprersiv Contn conomons or Semuce 17, Probation — (17h pedo baton as proed unde sacton 9 othe Act (2) exon eae (©) pod of autores ansence or (sy ota ptad Nt be not beg on Su iy, 2) Tee sport of 9 probate may fr goad and sult reasons 10 be ‘scored in wing, Be tials a nyt witout pres nate ng te ard tmenye shal ear ioe reverted tis oer cartoat else a once 18. Iter seSenloly—The itr se sersoy ole oles promoted to any rade fhe ene ate conmencamant of hs des na parla Yer sa be nthe edo 'n whch thei names appear in he sect St prepared unde We 18 and we mero senorty of the dec rer hall be fied 3 gr th provision ofthe prvse wo Secon 10 ole Odsha Mrinal Srces Ac, 2016 ead wih let2 Proves hat tiers appointed on promotion agains te vacancies of a ear sha see be sano thse spp by dest recutment apa vacant Year. whete eps ae bag Bled up batty way ef promotion ahd det recurert, 9. Other Sere Copdiions the ater sence contons of he clears fetid tote Seva nol covered in the provins of he At and these es al be sons inthe etn respective Slate Goverment ul HAPTER t iusceseous 20. Relaation:—ien the Goverment a of he ephion tat ts consdeed ‘necessary or expedient s0 to.do, in pub, interest, it may, by order for reasons to be ‘eed n wing lx any of the proviion f these rues respec of any ce or category of onsoyees orn aspect of any parclrenpoye. sae, BY Ilargaion— Many queston ages relating to the inertia of ese fe shal reer to Goverment whose decision tean sha be tal {Seo ¢(2) 2nd 80) UAUFicATIONS, METHOD OF SELEC' | cease | Jon sree [Scher tt | feownnen . Promotion’ For promaian Must have pul Tout lanl pos a cone al 12 lamestecu are °| jaeisen toon some | I i nsec” ron] I] | jo sane meron |e ortten ty | 2 [poesia tom Pawar | paler |enSonnce ery Se ry | Saat |S eee thor fa oy | tome |For ewuianen- Fram re Pa 5 | Panos Ast pti Shona in hetere ena Iain econ ty the Go Sha He mag. howe pach [mst nave a 10 years 6 Sevan Fal moped” ‘ot Fave posed Hier Secerday “(i0t) Eamon pe ‘vec | fem Gnunc shot Secotoy eouien | Easter, Oatha or egal {No, 23367-HUD-13-LEGIS-67-POLICY-15-1572017MUD] By Order ofthe Governor om IATHI VATHANAN, CCommissioer-cum Secretary Government nod and pares bythe etx, Pring, Staion Ee Gar 805730 er and Publication, Odisha,Cutcs10 00

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