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Student: Brayan Quiroz

I.D: 27.019.713

Professor: Rostym Sulbarán

Commented [S1]: I would recommend you to work a bit more

Culture and Society. on the introduction of ideas. From the beginning, some of these are
clearly understood, but there is a point while reading that these are a
bit blurry. In fact, some ideas might seem a bit confusing, you need
to go back twice in order to understand most of the information you
just displayed. Also, you seem to have some semantic redundancies
that may cause a bit of noise while reading as in “national changes
of nations”. Grade: 16.

Mérida, June, 2.019.

Societies, from an anthropological point of view, constitute differentiated units,
characterized by a reality called culture that, although it is variable, constitutes a timeline of
social learning and of the different changes that can produce the situations to the inhabitants
of such community. One of the most renamed able features of this concept is that it is a
totally abstract idea that over the years of scientific study has been integrated until it is
recognized, currently, as a set of shared social practices.

Culture integrates different edges of human behavior, American society, as a point of

reference for this text, required multiple changes to be recognized as the identity unit
differentiated from the rest of the world that we know today; since globality can be
imperative each country will continue to constitute a different culture from the rest of the
existing ones. The “election” or the predominance of a religion, a powerful leader, a series
of decisions on global conflicts and internal conflicts, in addition to the customs and
traditions conductive to the physical environment of a society make it differentiate from

In the words of the Dictionary of Cultural Studies (, p. 44) “’Culture is a complicated and Commented [S2]: Year?

contested Word because the concept does not represent an entity in an independent object
world’’, this is said given as an abstract concept, there are only characteristics of it, the
integrity of shared practices as mentioned above, which gives a general sense to a purely
individual practice of societies. The Dictionary also exposes that “Cultural studies include
culture as a whole way of life; as like a language; as constituted by representation; as a tool;
as practices; … as mass as popular’’, explaining that it is composed by a number of natural
events in human interaction that make up a complex whole to what we call culture, that is
still all of the above but not only this. It is a sense of human identity that goes beyond
common activities.

Although, theorizing so generally can turn out to be a fallacy, since it is a complex process,
as everything that has to do with humanity and its development. Culture can be studied in
spite of the limitation of encompassing such a unique aspect of human interaction in
predominant features or traits.
It has to do with the language, the development and origin of it, being the English invasion
in the American case and its subsequent independence from it, taking other forms of
speech; similarly it has to do with the way of recognizing and treating others, that is, the Commented [S3]: What do you mean by other forms of
processes of racism and recognition of rights to people of color and women.

It may seem like events that led to immediate changes, but the truth is that, cultural
transformation require years and different cultural “explosions” or very latent needs for
society to jump into culture tend to change and the regeneration of it, adapting to what Commented [S4]: This idea I do not understand it. Aren’t
societies immersed in culture since the beginning. What do you
happens; that if the members of a society are part of a change and are mostly part of it, they mean by this?

generate a braking point, a before and a after in the practices of their society generating
cultural changes.

Despite of the use of the term “acculturate” as a synonym of having more general
knowledge that allows a wider view of the world, its reality and national and global
panoramas. This use of the language keeps some interesting feature. It is rewarded who Commented [S5]: Isn’t this same idea that you presente in the
following lines. I do not understand this distinction regarding the
recognizes the historical process which it is a part and those that have passed to get to term “acculturate”. The use of language you mention is not the
same to the one you mention prior to this. This whole idea is
where it is, this recognition of the cultural past and present allows people being coherent in understood in a general way but once you explain it, it has some
inconsistency. Perhaps it might be due to how you introduce the
topic by using “despite…”.
his time and having a more realistic vision for the future. This type of people in a society,
Commented [S6]: ?
being leaders are those who unleash positive changes in the long run; or they can be
theoretical that explain in knowledge parts of the reality that in own judgment should be
taken into account by the society for the improvement of the same.

Well now, the differentiation and the identity that a culture conceives is rooted in the fact
that no one can face the same events as another, although the economic crisis, for example,
may be similar, the popular reactions and the way of facing them, as well as the nature of
the crisis itself, it will be, in background different and concerning to events that could only
occur in the cradle of the society that suffer it.

Socially, all behavior together will bring certain consequences that may contribute to a
society or generate a situation of conflict that in turn requires a learning to avoid relapse
into the accident. Well it has been said that a society that forgets what has happened in its Commented [S7]: Which one?

past can be a victim of the same events in the future, since they do not show to have
changed “something” in their unit of cultural practices to avoid certain undesirable
situations such as: starvation, wars, economic destabilization among others.

That explains how hard changes lead to a better social perspective to a community and how
vague changes can fall on the same problem.

Well now, identity is a social construct that is strengthened in the adaptation we have
explained previously, an event, a reaction that allows to avoid the event really and this will
constitute a change in the identity, a nation in its beginning can possess a vague culture of
the origin of its roots, not very differentiated from the adjacent communities, but it is the
adaptive force and the eternal search of civilization in humanity that will allow a society to
recognize itself as a differentiated unit, in the pride of participating in conflict situations
and give them resolution as a whole, part of social behavior as a masses.

American culture is an example of identity and differentiation coining terms like

“American Dream”, and appropriating the term “America” for itself. They have been
consistent in respecting certain fundamental values, which in their own consideration “is
what makes America great”, which explains that, given certain cultural changes, the
identification with the same social purpose allows Americans to feel part of a nation as
necessary participants, as active members of a society exercising changes on it but
maintaining without a doubt national ideals that have been respected to remain in the same
line of development.

Globally, a truly differentiated society can be recognized when the idiom of a nationality,
its tradition and customs are recognized marked, although in the same way the uniformity
of certain nation in similar cultural terms, as in the case of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin
America, so as not to delve deeply into it, give a reference as a cultural unit with certain
societies among these will be highlighted by the differences that only these can

It is prudent to recognize that this does not require, nor it is expected, that it has a value
judgment, since, the historical journey of each society deserves respect as a social
construction, capable to maintain itself and prospering over time; the way in which they
achieve this is what can establish the fundamental divergences between one and another set
of persons constituted as a social unit.

Then, understanding how fundamental culture is in the national changes of nations,

although culture does not have to do with legally determined borders, since it transcends
the limits imposed by man himself; as well as movements that become globalized, taking
into account these ideas, we can glimpse identity and cultural differentiation as discursive

A discursive construction can be understood as those verbal structures or cultural

communicative events, a way of interaction or a sense or construction of ideas, responds to
what in the Dictionary of Social Studies (, p. 55) represents as “processes of meaning Commented [S8]: Year?

production … to understand culture is to explore how meaning is produced symbolically as

forms of representation”; which implies that social reality and our own knowledge about or
culture starts from ideas constructed in expression that pass from one individual to another
forming a generality without any of these being written at the moment, the present of each
society goes writing new symbolic forms of self-representation and recognizing itself
differently from others.

Here we consider that identity as a nation, as culture is a mental representation that the Commented [S9]: Sometimes there is no cohesion on some of
the ideas you use to start a paragraph. It seems that you are going
participants of it have, as well as those who observe it from the outside of it, based on the to introduce a kind of comparison by the usage of “as…as” but then
you end up doing something completely different. You present facts
normal behavior of a society and the ideas that it transmits; giving as an example the sense that are not totally connected to the way in which you start them.

of “Freedom” with which certain societies are recognized or “Intellectuality” or “Respect”

that without naming them can give the reader hints of the society that can be referred, since
these ideas of differentiation about the different communities allow us to recognize culture
as a whole developed in a special way by each society.

The ideas that promote the relationship of human beings with their culture has have to do
with a relevant fact of societies, education to which, if we pay attention to its concept is no
more than the search for instruction of individuals to be useful in the sociocultural context
in which they operate, seeing it in this way and not as an individual intellectual goal, the
human being is endowed with fundamental ideas about the place where he is born, the
functioning of their peers and the reality to which they belong, this sense, transmitted under
teaching and nurturing allows the individual to recognize himself as a differentiate being
that is part of a whole, as it happens with the culture, existing facts of the global culture that
are subdivided in facts of the nation in particular. Commented [S10]: What do you mean by this?

From these ideas we can observe how, although formal education has “Social Identity”,
guidelines that are transmitted under government lines, in most cases, these organisms are
responsible for recognizing the cultural needs of nations; but there is also a discursive
construction in each individual that although it is made up by a set of knowledge of the
experience in the social interaction, that nobody received in writing and that is the basis of
the social reality; the teaching of parents to the little ones transmits to them, through
language, which is already a cultural form of their own, patterns behavior, rules and
customs that, at the end of the day, make up what we recognize as culture and society.

The Sage Dictionary of Cultural Studies, Chris Barker, (2.004).

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