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Comprehensive training programme and bundled expertise


Our knowledge is your advantage. It is one of our main objectives     我们的专业知识就是您可利用的优质资源。让您充分了解并挖掘卡尔

that you can tap the full potential of your KARL MAYER machines. 迈耶设备的性能潜力是我们的重要目标之一。作为创新型市场领导者,卡尔
As innovative market leader, KARL MAYER offers a comprehensive 迈耶的培训学院为您提供全面的培训方案。
training programme with its Academy.     经验丰富的培训讲师帮助您和您的团队提升在经编理论、机器操作和
Competent trainers with many years of experience support you and 维护保养、以及面料分析方面的专业技能。我们也能根据客户的实际需求
your team in improving your know-how relating to warp knitting, 定制特殊的培训课程。
machine handling, maintenance and textile analysis. We always     我们在以下三个国家均开设了培训学院:德国、中国和印度。
take into account individual customer requirements.
We have pooled our training know-how in three locations: in our
Academies in Germany, China and India.

Your benefit 您的优势

• Highly experienced trainers with many years of • 拥有丰富经验和专业知识的培训讲师

professional experience • 全面的培训课程
• Extensive range of courses • 理论和实际相结合
• Combination of theory and practice • 以实践为导向的培训课程
• Practically oriented training courses • 持续、成功的学习
• Sustained, successful learning

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WarpKnitBasic (WKB) – 1 week 经编基础培训(WKB)——1周
Introduction to the principles of warp knitting 介绍经编工艺原理的培训课程
Target groups are users without special training and/or incomplete     培训对象为没有经过经编专业培训或培训不完善的人员。培训内
training in warp knitting. Topics: machines, fibres, fabric 容:机器、经编原料、组织结构、面料基本参数计算、以及在样机上
constructions, textile calculations, practical work on training 设置简单的花型。
machines and setting of basic pattern constructions on the
machine. 高速经编机培训(WKS)——1周
WarpKnitSingleface (WKS) – 1 week     培训对象为具备一定经编生产经验的人员。培训内容:机器结构、
Advanced course for warp knitting machines 日常维护保养、花型准备、经编机操作、以及在经编机上变换花型和
Target groups are users with experience in the warp knitting 生产面料。
­segment. Topics: machines, maintenance, pattern preparation,
and practical work and patterning on training machines to produce 多梳经编机培训(WKM)——1周
­single-face fabrics. 针对多梳拉舍尔经编机及其产品的课程
WarpKnitMultibar (WKM) – 1 week 日常维护保养、花型准备、经编机操作、以及在经编机上变换花型和
Advanced course for multibar Raschel machines 生产面料。
Target groups are users with experience in the warp knitting
­segment. Topics: machines, maintenance, pattern preparation, 经编织物分析培训(WKA)——1周
­practical working, patterning on training machines to produce     培训对象为具备一定经编生产经验的人员。
­multibar lace fabrics. WKA-S =单针床织物的分析
WKA-M =多梳花边面料的分析
WarpKnitAnalysis (WKA) – 1 week for each fabric area WKA-D =双针床织物的分析
Target groups are users with experience in the warp knitting WKA-J =贾卡拉舍尔面料的分析
WKA-S = Fabric analysis of single-face fabrics
WKA-M = Fabric analysis of multibar lace fabrics
WKA-D = Fabric analysis of double-needle bar Raschel fabrics
WKA-J = Fabric analysis of Jacquard Raschel fabrics

Contact: 联系方式:
More information and time schedules at www.karlmayer.com     更多信息和课程安排请登陆 www.karlmayer.com,在首页导航栏
under “Support / KARL MAYER Academy”, or please directly 中选择“支持→卡尔迈耶学院”查询,或者直接与邵荔女士联系。
contact Ms Shao Li. 电话:0519-86198862
Tel.: +86 (0)519 8619 8862 传真:0519-86196197
Fax: +86 (0)519 8619 6197 邮箱:Li.Shao@karlmayer.com
Email: Li.Shao@karlmayer.com
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KARL MAYER Textilmaschinenfabrik GmbH . info@karlmayer.com . www.karlmayer.com

Brühlstraße 25 . 63179 Obertshausen . Germany . T +49(0)6104 402-0 . F +49(0)6104 402-600

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