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University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England

ABSTRACT. Four themes in Darwin’s writings are significant in the development of

geographical thought. 1) The idea of development through time strongly influenced
the progress of geomorphology, pedology, ecology, and to some extent the social
sciences; 2 ) Darwin’s stress on the intimate relationships between organic life and
habitat gave impetus to organismic interpretations of regions and states, which per-
sisted in geography long after the decline of biological Vitalism; 3 ) the themes of
selection and struggle were deterministically applied in both human and political
geography; 4) a fourth theme in Darwin’s writings, the random nature of original
variations, was ignored by geographers until recently, partly because of Darwin’s own
equivocal position on this issue. Finally, Darwin’s work so changed the nineteenth cen-
tury world view that the development of geography as a science itself became possible.

T a time when many sciences are re- tenaries of the deaths of Humboldt and Ritter
A examining the impact of biological think-
ing, and particularly of Charles Darwin’s
on May 6 and September 28, 1859, were com-
memorated by geographers, the first publica-
writings, on their methods and theoretical tion of On the Origin of Species on Novem-
foundations: geographers have been strangely ber 24 in the same year remained unnoticed.
silent, and the Darwin centenary in geograph- Much of the geographical work of the past
ical circles passed almost ~nremarked.~ It is, hundred years, however, has either explicitly
in fact, strange that Darwin’s name is not or implicitly taken its inspiration from biology,
prominent in either of Hartshorne’s volumes on and in particular from Darwin. Many of the
geographic methodology, where only passing original Darwinians, such as Hooker, Wallace,
reference is made to the impact of the life Huxley, Bates, and Darwin himself, had been
sciences on geography? Whereas the cen- actively concerned with geographical explora-
tion, and it was largely facts of geographical
Accepted for publication May 12, 1965. distribution in a spatial setting which pro-
vided Darwin with the germ of his theory.
I thank R. J. Chorley and P. Haggett, Cambridge
University, for their comments on this paper. This paper seeks to trace the broad lines of
B. J. Loewenberg, “Darwin, Darwinism and His- the biological impact on geography since
tory,” General Systems, Vol. 3 (Ann Arbor: Society 1859, to assess in what respects this impact
for General Systems Research, 1958), pp. 7-17. For was Darwinian and, equally important, what
an excellent recent review, see B. J. Loewenberg, essential features of Darwin’s thought were
“Darwin and Darwin Studies, 1959-63,” in A. C.
Crombie and M. A. Hoskin (Eds.), History of Science, ignored by geographers.
Vol. 4 (Cambridge: Heffer, 1965), pp. 15-54. It is important to recall that Darwin’s
A meeting at the Royal Geographical Society for theory was not simply one of ‘evolution,’ a
the Darwin Centenary did not consider Darwin’s
contribution to scientific thought: Sir C. G. Darwin,
word which did not appear in The Origin
“Darwin as a Traveller,” Geographical Journal, Vol. until the fifth edition in 1869, but concerned
126 (1960), pp. 129-36. See also footnote 87. A a mechanism whereby random variations in
paper entitled “Ch. Darwin’s Influence on the Prog- plants and animals could be selectively pre-
ress of Science in Geography,” by A. Malicki, was
announced for presentation at the XI International served, and by inheritance lead to changes
Congress of the History of Science, Warsaw, 1965, at the species level. In geography, however,
but no abstract of this paper was published (Som- Darwinism was interpreted primarily as evo-
maires, XIe Congrks International d’Histoire des Sci-
ences, Cracow, August 24-29, 1965. 2 volumes, 594
lution, in the sense of a “continuous process
PP. 1. of change in a temporal perspective long
R. Hartshorne, The Nature of Geography, a Criti- enough to produce a series of transforma-
cal Survey of Current Thought in the Light of the
Past (Lancaster, Pa.: Association of American Geog- Nature of Geography (Chicago: Rand McNally and
raphers, 1939) and R. Hartshorne, Perspective on the Co., for Association of American Geographers, 1959).
684 D. R. STODDART December

tions.”5 It was in this sense that many natural Each of these four themes is examined in turn
and social scientists welcomed evolution from from the geographical point of view, to de-
about 1860 onwards. Darwin, however, was termine in what sense such views were bio-
primarily concerned with the mechanism of logical or Darwinian in origin, how geography
the change or, as The Origin was subtitled, reacted to them, and what geographical in-
“the preservation of favoured races in the sights they stimulated.
struggle for life.” This element of struggle
was applied in a deterministic way, partic- TIME AND EVOLUTION
ularly in human geography, at about the same The first part of the nineteenth century,
period of time. The crux of Darwin’s theory, culminating in Lyell’s Principles of Geology,s
the randomness of the initial variations,6 saw the breakdown of the medieval view of
passed almost unnoticed. In both physical the age of the earth, just as the Copernican
and human geography, supposedly Darwinian revolution had revised ideas on its position
ideas were applied in an eighteenth rather in the universe four centuries earlier. The
than a nineteenth century fashion, and geog- expansion of physical geography towards the
raphers were still applying essentially New- end of the century drew on a double inspira-
tonian views of causation well into the twen- tion: that of the early geologists from Hutton
tieth century. Why the central theme of to Lyell, and that of evolutionary biology,
Darwin’s work was thus neglected is, there- which was itself dependent on the earlier
fore, a fundamental problem in the history of breakdown of restrictive cosmological ideas.
ideas. Finally, the Darwinian revolution gave The strongest and most explicit impact of
fresh impetus to concepts of biological origin evolution was in the study of landforms, a
which date back to Ritter and before, and the field in which Darwin had worked during the
subsequent development of ecology led to Beagle years, when he formed his theory of
new insights in some branches of geographical the transformation of fringing reefs into bar-
thinking. rier reefs and then into atolls by the slow
In this paper four themes are taken to be operation of subsidence of their foundation
especially significant contributions to geo- through time.9 The initial deduction and
graphical thought from biology and, partic- subsequent development of this theory, as
iilarly, from Darwin.’ They are: GruberlO observed, closely resembles the later
1) the idea of change through time; development of Darwin’s biological ideas,
2) the idea of organization; and it could serve as the archetype for the
3 ) the idea of struggle and selection; “cyc!ic” ideas later developed in geomor-
3 ) the randomness or chance character of phology. Huxleyll himself published on the
variations in nature. new subject of “physiography” in the 1870’s,
but it was Davis who took evolution as his
R. Scoon, “The Rise and Impact of Evolutionary
Ideas ” in S. Persons (Ed.), Evolutionary Thought in * Sir Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology: Being an
America (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1950), Attempt to Explain. the Former Changes of the
pp. 4142; reference on p. 5. Earth‘s Surface, by Reference to Causes now in
OSamuel Butler neatly phrased the issue: “To me Operution (London: John Murray, 3 volumes, 1530-
it seems that the ‘Origin of Variation,’ whatever it is, 1533). See also C. C. Gillispie, Genesis and Geology:
is the only true ‘Origin of Species,”’ in Life and a Study in the Relations of Scientific Thought,
Habit (London: Trhbner and Co., 1575), reference Natural Theology, and Social Opinion in Great Britain,
on p. 263. 1790-1850 ( Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
No attempt is made to cover more general issues, 1951) .
such as the influence of Darwin’s work on classifica- C. R. Darwin, “Coral Islands,” Introduction, map,
tion and taxonomy, with the resulting emphasis in and remarks by D. R. Stoddart, Atoll Research
geography on “genetic classification,” or such fun- Bulletin, No. 55 (1962), pp. 1-20, and C. R. Darwin,
damentally biological fields as zoogeography, on The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs (Lon-
which both Darwin and Wallace worked. For eom- don: Smith, Elder and Co., 1842).
rnentary on these, see particularly D. B. Grigg, “The loH. E. Gruber and V. Gruber, “The Eye of Rea-
Logic of Regional Systems,” Annals, Association of son: Darwin’s Development during the Beagle
American Geographers, Vol. 55 ( 1965), pp. 465-91, Voyage,” Isis, Vol. 55 (1962), pp. 186-200.
and P. J. Darlington, Jr., “Darwin and Zoogeography,” I1T. H. Huxley, Physiography, an Introduction to
Proceedings, American Philosophical Society, Vol. 103 the Study of Nature (London: Macmillan and Co.,
(1959), pp. 307-19. 1577).

inspiration in the idea of the geographical Throughout his working life, Davis empha-
cycle. Earlier workers, faced with the be- sized this theme of orderliness and develop-
wildering complexity of landforms, had sought ment through time, which he termed evolu-
to reduce them to order by nominal classifi- tion, but it is perhaps significant that he took
cation, much as had Linnaeus in taxonomy, his illustrations not from the species or the
but the failure to supply any unifying prin- population, but from the individual. So suc-
ciple to such study reduced it to cataloguing.12 cessful was Davis in promoting this view that
In his first paper on the development of land- in his hands geomorphology became more the
forms, however, Davis referred to a “cycle of study of the origin of landforms than of land-
forms themselves,15 and was thus readily
life,” and used such terms as birth, youth,
channeled into the restricted field of denuda-
adolescence, maturity, old age, second child- tion chronology.
hood, infantile features, and struggle to em- Darwin was, of course, deeply influenced by
phasize the analogy of an organism under- Lyell’s Prin,ciples,lGand the two distinct com-
going a sequence of changes in form through ponents of Lyell’s uniformitarianism, gradual-
time.13 The power of evolutionary thinking ism, and actualism, are implicit in The Origin.
to bring diverse facts into new meaningful It has been argued that a strict uniformitarian-
relationships fascinated Davis: writing of the ism had no place for progression or trans-
cycle in 1900, h e stated that14 mutation of species,li and Lyell himself em-
in a word it lengthens our own life, so that we may, phatically rejected their mutability in the
in imagination, picture the life of a geographical early editions of the Prilzcip1es.ls But in the
area as clearly as we now witness the life of a
quick growing plant, and thus as readily conceive sense of excluding catastrophic explanations,
and as little confuse the orderly development of Huxley was certainly correct in his view t h a P
the many parts of a landform, its divides, cliffs, consistent uniformitarianism postulates evolution as
slopes, and water courses, as we now distinguish much in the organic as in the inorganic world,
the cotyledons, stems, buds, leaves, flowers, and
fruit of a rapidly maturing annual that produces
all these forms in appropriate order and position in l5 C. 0. Sauer, “The Morphology of Landscape,”
the brief course of a single summer. The time is University of California Publications in Geography,
ripe for the introduction of these ideas. The spirit Vol. 2 (19258), pp. 1%54; see p. 32.
of evolution has been breathed by the students of 16As early as 1855 Darwin wrote to W. D. Fox
the generation now mature all through their grow- that “I am become a zealous disciple of Mr. Lyell’s
ing years, and its application in all lines of study views. . . . I am tempted to carry parts to a greater
is demanded. extent even than he does.” C. R. Darwin to W. D.
Fox, Lima, July 1835, in Francis Darwin (Ed.),
l 2 See, for example, the writings of Eliske Rcclus, Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, including an
The Earth: a Descriptive History of the Phenomena Autobiographical Chapter ( London: John Murray, 3
of the Life of the Globe, edited by A. H. Keanc (Lon- volumes, 1887) (hereafter cited as L L D ) , reference
don: J. S. Virtue and Co., Ltd., 1886). in Vol. 1, p. 263.
13 W. M. Davis, “Geographic Classification, Illus- l7 W. F. Cannon, “The Uniformitarian-Catastrophist
trated by a Study of Plains, Plateaus and their Deriva- Debate,” Isis, Vol. 51 ( 1960 ), pp. 38-55; R. Hooykaas,
tives,” Proceedings, American Association for the Ad- Natural Law and Divine Miracle: The Principle of
vancement of Science (1884), pp. 428-32. Uniformity in Geology, Biology and Theology (Leiden:
l4 W. M. Davis, “The Physical Geography of the E. J. Brill, 1963), pp. 93-101.
Lands,” Popular Science Monthly, Vol. 57 ( 1900), See Gavin de Beer’s comment: “Lyell used the
pp. 157-70; reprinted in W. M. Davis, Geographical principle of uniformitarianism to prove that evolution
Essays, D. W. Johnson ( E d . ) (Boston: Ginn and was impossible because evolution involved progres-
Company, 1909) (hereafter cited as Essays), pp. 70- sionism and progressionism involved catastrophisin
86; reference on pp. 85-86. See also W. M. Davis, and catastrophism must be rejected. Darwin used
“The Relations of the Earth Sciences in view of uniformitarianism to show that simple, existing causes
their Progress in the Nineteenth Century,” Journal of produced and directed evolution, and that there was
Geology, Vol. 12 (1904), pp. 669-87, especially p. no link between catastrophism and progressionism. . . .
675; “The Physical Factor in General Geography,” The supreme paradox was, therefore, that Darwin
The Educational Bi-monthly, Vol. 1 (1906), pp. 112- used Lyell’s methods to show that Lyell’s views on
22; “The Geographical Cycle,” Geographical Journal, biology were wrong.” G. de Beer, Charles Darwin:
Vol. 14 (1899), pp. 481-504, and Essays, pp. 249-78, Evolution by Natural Selection (London: ‘Thomas
cspecially pp. 249 and 254; “Peneplains and the Nelson and Sons Limited, 1965), reference on p. 104.
Geographical Cycle,” Bulletin, Geological Society of T. H. Huxley, “On the Reception of the ‘Origin
America, Vol. 23 (1922), pp. 589-98, especially pp. of Species,”’ L L D , Vol. 2 (1887), footnote 16, pp.
594-95. 179-204; reference on p. 190.
686 D. R. STODDART December

and that20 time, it was time which he singled out

the Origin of Species is the logical sequence of the the one of the most frequent application and of a
Principles of Geology. most practical value

Uniformitarianism in geology, and subse- in landform study. The key to the cyclic view
quently in biology, involved, as Hutton clearly in geomorphology lies in fact in systematic,
saw, the need for time in excess of that al- irreversible change of form through time, and
lowed by theology. In a famous passage on from this derives the biological analogy of
the Alps, Hutton described the continuous aging used by Davis, Johnson, and their
mantle of waste from the mountaintops to school. Davisian geomorphology was deduc-
tive, time-oriented, and imbued with mecha-
the sea:21
nistic notions of causation, deriving its uni-
throughout the whole of this long course, we may formitarianism from Lye11 and its theme of
see some part of the mountain moving some part of change through time at least partly from a
the way. What more can we require? Nothing but
simplified view of evolution.
Closely similar views were being proposed
Once the reality of small but cumulative vari- a t about the same time in plant geography
ations was established in biology, a similar and particularly in ecology. Hooker, among
conclusion followed. Time became one of the founders of the subject, was an explorer
Darwin’s chief requirements, to the extent in his own right; later workers such as Shel-
that he refused to accept Lord Kelvin’s ap- ford, Cowles, and Tansley were members of
parent demonstration of the youth of the professional geographic bodies; and one man,
earth based on estimated rates of cooling and Clements, occupied in plant ecology a posi-
the second law of thermodynamics.2z And it tion similar to that of Davis in geomorphology.
was Kelvin, not Darwin, who was later shown In soil science also, similar naive views of
to be wrong. When Davis in 1899, therefore, evolution as change through time were em-
wrote his paper on the cycle of erosion, with phasized by Marbut and his school, in intro-
ducing the ideas of Dokuchaiev and Sibirtsev
the trinity of factors, structure, process, and
into the English l i t e r a t ~ r e . Both
~ ~ concep-
tually, and in the imagery employed, plant
2o T. H. Huxley, “The Corning of Age of ‘The Origin ecologists and pedologists followed Davis’s
of Species,”’ in T. H. Huxley, Science and Culture,
and other Essays (London: Macmillan and Co., 1882), biological analogy for change through time.
pp. 310-24; reference on p. 315. Clements emphasized succession as thez6
21 J. Hutton, Theory of the Earth, with Proofs and
Illustrations ( London and Edinburgh: printed for
universal process of formation development . ..
the life-history of the climax formation.’G
Messrs. Cadell, Junior, and Davies, London, and
William Creech, Edinburgh, 2 volumes, 1795), ref- The conceptual similarity to geomorphology
erence in Vol. 2, p. 329. was seized on by Cowles, a botanist trained
22 W. Thomson, Baron Kelvin of Largs, “On the
Secular Cooling of the Earth,” in W. Thomson and
P. G. Tait (Eds.), Treatise on Natural Philosophy 23 W. M. Davis, “The Geographical Cycle,” Geo-
(Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1867), Vol. 1 (all graphical Journal, Vol. 14 (1899), pp. 481-504, and
published), pp. 711-27; and W. Thomson, Baron Essays, footnote 14, pp. 249-78, reference on p. 249.
Kelvin of Largs, “The ‘Doctrine of Uniformity’ in 24 For Dokuchaiev’s views, see K. D. Glinka, Treatise

Geology briefly Refuted,” Popular Lectures and Ad- on Soil Science, fourth edition (Jerusalem: Israel
dresses, Vol. 2, Geology and General Physics (London: Program for Scientific Translations, for the National
Macmillan and Co., 1894), pp. 6-9. Darwin admitted Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1963), p.
to being “greatly troubled at the short duration of the 188; and, on the American school, C. F. Marbut,
world according to Sir W. Thomson.” C. R. Darwin “Soils of the Great Plains,” Annals, Association of
American Geographers, Vol. 13 ( 1923), pp. 41-46.
to James Croll, 31 January 1869, in F. Darwin and
2 5 F. E. Clements, Plant succession, an Analysis of
A. C. Seward, editors. More Letters of Charles Dar-
the DmeZoprnent of Vegetation (Washington: Car-
a i n : a Record of his Work in a Series of Hitherto negie Institution, 1916), reprinted in F. E. Clernents,
Unpublished Letters (London: John Murray, 2 vol- Plant Succession and Indicators: a Definitive Edition
umes, 1903), reference in Vol. 2, p. 163. For an of Plunt Successon and Plant Indicators (New York:
historical treatment of the problem of time, see F. C. Hafncr Publishing Company, 1963), reference on p.
Haber, The Age of the World: Moses t o Darwin (Bal- 3.
timore: Johns Hopkins Press, 19-59), especially pp. 2G F. E. Clements, op. cit., footnote 25, pp. 6, 168,
265-90. and 239.

in physiography by Salisbury and Chamber- Argyll’s Primeval Civilization (1869) set a

lin, who brought Davisian geomorphology and fashion in the developmental interpretation of
Clementsian ecology together in “physio- prehistory and ethnology which dominated
graphical ecology,” following field work in the subject until Malinowski’s functional re-
the Chicago area on the coincidence of plant interpretation in the 1920’s. In social anthro-
formations and physiographic unitsz7 Plant pology also, MacLennan’s Primitive Marriage
ecologists and geomorphologists both adopted ( 18€6), Frazer’s Golden Bough ( 1890 ) ,
terms such as infancy, youth, maturity, and Westermarck on religion, and Lewis Morgan,
old age to describe development through Durkheim, and Lhy-Bruhl on social struc-
time. tures, established an evolutionary position
As in geomorphology, the time-framework
over a period of decades which dominated
has proved too restrictive for later investiga-
tions.28 Whittaker, in his thorough review of thinking in these subjects until the reaction
the climax concept, perceptively summarizes in the twentieth century.3o A few workers,
Clements’s contribution to plant ecology, but some of them influential in geography, main-
he could well have been speaking of Davis’s tained a developmental framework, ranging
role in the development of geomorphology from the “unilinear” school of White to the
or Marbut’s in p e d o l ~ g y : ~ ~ “multilinear” evolution of Stcward.“l Childe32
I t was the great contribution of Clements to have
influenced historical interpretation of tech-
formulated a system, a philosophy of vegetation, nological development, particularly among
which has been a dominating influence on American English geographers; the botanist Geddes’s
ecology as a framework for ecological thought and work on cities influenced early ideas on urban
investigation. . . Some negative aspects of Cle-
g e ~ g r a p h y ;Taylor
~~ applied developmental
ments’ system are . . . the superficial verbalism,
the tendency to fit evidence by one means or
another into the philosophical structure, the thread 3o I. Goldman, “Evolution and Anthropology,”
of non-empiricism which runs through his thought Victorian Studies, Vol. 3 (1959), pp. 55-75; D. G.
and work. . . The Clementsian system had a MacRae, “Darwinism and the Social Sciences,” in S.
certain symmetry about it, it was a fine design A. Barnett ( E d . ) , A Century of Darwin (London:
if its premises were granted; and for its erection William Heinemann Limited, 1858), pp. 296-312,
Clements may rank as one of the truly creative E. R. Leach, “Biology and Social Anthropology: the
minds of the field. Current Status of the Biological Analogy,” Cambridge
In the social sciences the development of Review, Vol. 85 (1964), pp. 248-51; F. S. C.
a time-perspective awaited that of a historical Northrop, “Evolution in its Relation to the Philosophy
of Nature and the Philosophy of Culture,” in S. Per-
tradition, especially the emergence of a con- sons ( E d . ) , op. cit., footnote 5, pp. 44-83; R. W.
cept of prehistory in the 1830’s. That evolu- Gerard, C. Kluckholn and A. Rapoport, “Biological
tionary ideas were in the air in 1859 is shown and Cultural Evolution: some Analogies and Ex-
by the appearance of Sir Henry Maine’s plorations,” Behuuioral Science, Vol. 1 ( 1956), pp.
Ancient Law as early as 1861. E. B. Tylor’s 6-34. For popular views, see H. R. Hays, From Ape
to Angel: An Informal History of Social Anthropology
Early History of Mankind (1865) and Origin (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1958), and G. E.
of Civilization (1870), and the Duke of Daniel, The Idea of Prehistory (London: Watt, and
Co., 1962).
27 H. C. Cowles, “The Causes of Vegetative Cycles,” dlL. White, “Evolutionary Stages, Progress and the
Botanical Gazette, Vol. 51 (1911), p. 161; “The Evolution of Cultures,” Southwestern Journal of An-
Causes of Vegetative Cycles,” Annals, Association of thropology, Vol. 3 (1947), pp. 165-92; J. H. Steward,
American Geographers, Vol. 1 (1911), pp. 3-20, Theory of Culture Change: the Methodology of iMul-
reference on p. 3. For Cowles’s substantive work, tilinear Evolution ( Urbana: University of Illinois
see H. C. Cowles, “The Physiographic Ecology of Press, 1955).
Chicago and Vicinity: a Study of the Origin, Develop- 32 V. G. Childe, Man Makes Himself (London:
ment and Classification of Plant Societies,” Botanical Watts and Co., 1936); V. G. Childe, Social Evolution
Gazette, Vol. 31 (1901), p. 73. Cowles’s teacher, (London: Watts and Co., 1951).
Salisbury, was not himself an advocate of the cycle of 33 P. Geddes, Cities in Evolution: An Introduction
erosion concept, but he used it as a teaching device. to the Town Planning Movement and to the Study
zsR. H. Whittaker, “A Consideration of Climax of Civics (London: Williams and Norgate, 1915);
Theory: the Climax as a Population and Pattern,” T. C . Taylor, Urban Geography: A Study of Site,
Ecological Monographs, Vol. 23 (1953), pp. 41-78; Euolutzon, Pattern and Classification in Villages,
C. C. Nikiforoff, “Reappraisal of the Soil,” Science, Towns and Cities (London: Methuen and Co., first
Vol. 129 (1959), pp. 186-96. edition 1949, second edition 19151),see pp. 7-9, 421-
29R. H. Whittaker, op. cit., footnote 28, p. 26. 23.
688 D. R. STODDART December

principles to the study of race and culture The influence of plant ecology and the his-
history;34 and Beaver and others attempted torical viewpoint was also clear, both in con-
to introduce cyclic ideas into the interpretation cept and language, in Whittlesey’s idea of
of economic landscapes:+Gthough with little sequent occupance in the development of
success. landscapes.3s
Change through time has been a dominant The history of these narrowly evolutionary
theme in much human geography, particularly views in geography, however, resembled that
in the work of the Berkeley School on the in social anthropology: the early and enthusi-
settlement of the American southwest and astic application of time-frameworks to the
other areas. Here Sauer’s influence has been data, and then a retreat from a developmental
dominant, and it is interesting that he himself to a functional approach, or to a much modi-
studied at Chicago under the physiographer fied and refined evolutionary interpretation.
Salisbury and the plant ecologist Cowles.“; Primarily, however, geographers interpreted
Another pupil of Cowles, who also studied the biological revolution in terms of change
under Davis and published in both geomor- through time: what for Darwin was a process
phology and vegetation geography, was the became for Davis and others a history. This
historical geographer Ogilvie, who carried was powerfully reinforced not only when
their emphasis on time into regional studies.si geology burst through theological restrictions
on time, but also when man himself was found
34T.G. Taylor, Environnwnt and Race: A Study of to have a history going back into antiquity.
the Evolution, Migration, Settlement and Status of the
Races of Man (London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford For a time “evolution” implied little more
University Press, 1927); T. G. Taylor, Environment than the idea of change, development, and
and Nation: Geographical Factors in the Cultural and “progress,” and Darwin was in spite of himself
Political History of Europe (Toronto: University of seen as its author.
Toronto Press, 1936); T. G. Taylor, Environnient,
Race and Migration. Fundamentals of Human Dis- ORGANIZATION A N D ECOLOGI
tribution: with Special Sertions on Racial Classifica-
tion; and Settlement in Canada and Australia (To- Darwin’s second major contribution to geog-
ronto: University of Toronto Press, 1937). raphy was the idea of the interrelationships
3s S. H. Beaver, “Technology and Geography,”
and connections between all living things and
Advancement of Science, Vol. 18 ( 1961), pp. 315-27;
H. Bobek, “Die Hauptstufen der Geselkchafts- und their environment, developed in Haeckel‘s new
Wirtschaftsentfaltung in geographischer Sicht,” Die science of e c ~ Z o g y . ~In
Q the third chapter of
Erde, Vol. 90 (1959), pp. 259-98; H. Carol, “Stages The Origin, Darwin had been impressed by
of Technology and their Impact upon the Physical the “beautiful” and “exquisite” adaptation and
Environment: A Basic Problem in Cultural Geography,”
Canadian Geographer, Vol. 8 (1964), pp. 1-9. The interrelationships of organic forms in nature,
time dimension is also emphasized in a different way and the theme of ecology is implicit if un-
by the Swedish school of human geography, for ex- stated in many of his writings:40
ample by T. Hagerstrand, “The Propagation of Innova-
how infinitely complex and close-fitting
tion Waves,” Lund Studies in Geography, Series B ,
Human Geography, Vol. 4 ( 1952), pp. 3-19, and R. he wrote in The Origin4’
L. Morrill, “Simulation of Central Place Patterns over
Tmnie,” Lund Studies i n Geography, Series B, Human are the mutual relations of all organic beings to
each other and to the physical conditions of life.
Geography, Vol. 24 (1962), pp. 109-20. ____
36 J. Leighly, “Introduction,” in J. Leighly ( E d . ) ,
Land and Life: A Selection from the Writings of Carl ::‘ D. Whittlesey, “Sequent Occupance,” Annals,
Ortwin Sauer (Berkeley arid Los Angeles: University Association of Anierican Geographers, Vol. 19 ( 1929),
of California Press, 1963), pp. 1-8. pp. 162-65.
37A. G. Ogilvie. “The Time-Element in Ceog- :+!’E. Haeckel, “Entwicklunsgang und Aufgaben drr
Zoologie,” Jenaische Zeitschrift, Vol. 5 ( 1869), p.
raphy,” Transactions and Papers, Institute of British
Geographers, No. 18 (1952), pp. 1-16, see p. 6. *” R. C. Stauffer, “Ecology in the Long Manuscript
Similar views were expres5ed by H. C. Darby, “On Version of Darwin’s Origin of Species and Linnaeus’
the Relations of Geography and History,” Transactions Economy of Nature,” Proceedings, -4merican Philo-
and Papers, Institute of British Geographers, No. 19 sophical Society, Vol. 104 (1960), pp. 235-41, and
(1953), pp. 1-11, but E. W. Gilbert resisted the in- P. Vorzimer, “Darwin’s Ecology and Its Influence
troduction of “scientific” or “evolutionary” ideas into upon his Theory,” Isis, Vol. 56 ( 1965), pp. 148-55.
historical geography, in “What is Historical Geog- C. R. Darwin, O n the Origin of Species by Means
raphy?” Scottish Geographical Magazine, liol. 148 of Natural Selection; or, The Preservation of favoured
(1932), pp. 129-36. Races in the Struggle for Life (London: John Murray,

This was the theme of ecology and, while phatically become a subject for scientific
Clements in America was forcing vegetation speculation. Darwin himself, in the Ex-
into a time-framework, European workers in pression of the Emotions in Man and Animak
general were more concerned with community (1868) and in The Descent of Man ( 1871),
structures and functions, culminating in Tans- went further by treating modem man on the
ley’s idea of the ecosystem. Perhaps Darwin’s same level as other living things.
most significant contribution to ecological Haeckel used the term “ecology” in 1869,
thinking, however, was to include man in the and from about 1910 “human ecology” was
living world of nature. This had been be- used for the study of man and environment,
coming inevitable, with Boucher d e Perthes’ not in a deterministic sense, but for man’s
work on the Somme gravels after 1837, but place in the “web of life” or the “economy of
it was in 1859 that the importance of finds of nature.” Park‘s statement of the scope of
ancient man was formally recognized, in human ecology4Gdeals with the web of life,
Prestwichs paper to the Royal the balance of nature, concepts of competi-
Darwin deliberately left the implications of tion, dominance and succession, biological
The Origin for the history of man unspoken economics and symbiosis: all concepts taken
in his first edition, but he was disappointed from plant and animal ecology. For Park,
by Lyell’s reluctance to draw the obvious human ecology investigated the processes in-
conclusions in T h e Antiquity of Man four volved in biotic balance, in which man inter-
years l~iter.4~The theological difficulties were acts with nature through culture and tech-
considerable for, although it was possible to nology. McKenzie4? expressed similar ideas
reinterpret the biblical account of time, fun- with a more economic bias. The simplicity
damental Christian beliefs such as the fall of of human ecology as a methodological frame-
man and original sin hinged on specific de- work when stated in purely biological terms
tails of special creation: if the creation proved was echoed by Barrows in his presidential
address to the Association of American Geog-
a myth, what of the theology? In spite of
raphers in 1923:48
Darwin’s own reticence, his theory soon took
the popular title of “the ape theory,” and con- . . . geography is the science of human ecology.
. . . Geography will aim to make clear the relation-
troversy in the 1860’s centered around the ships existing between natural environments and the
problem of man’s ancestry rather than of clktrihution and activities of man. Geographers
variation and selection.44 Huxley’s Man’s will, I think, be wise to view this problem in gen-
eral from the standpoint of man’s adjustment to en-
Place in Nature in 18G3, for example, dealt vironment, rather than from that of environmental
not with man’s ecological status, but with his influence. . . . The center of geography is the
relationship with the apes;4G man had em- study of human ecology in specific areas. This
notion holds out to regional geography a distinctive
field, an organizing concept throughout, and the
1859). Page references are given here to the reprint opportunity to develop a unique group of under-
of the sixth edition (London: Geoffrey Cumherlege, lying principles.
Oxford University Press, 1951): reference on D. 81.
42 J. Prestwich; “On the Occurrence of Flint-imple- Barrows’ address, perhaps hastening the ex-
ments, Associated with the Remains of Extinct Mam- pulsion of geomorphology from geography in
malia, in Undisturbed Beds of a late Geological
period,” Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol. the United States, aroused considerable ani-
(1860), pp. 50-59, read 26 May 1859. Published in mosity and little positive support among
full with amended title in Philosophical Transactions geographers, and the sociologists themselves
of the Royal Society, Vol. 150 ( 18611, PP. 277-317. gradually moved away from Park‘s position.
C. Lyell, T h e Geological Evidences of the Antio-
uity of Man, with Remarks on Theories of the Origin R. E. Park, “Human Ecology,” American Journal
of Species by Variation (London: John Murray, 1863). of Sociology, Vol. 42 (1936), pp. 1-15.
See C. R. Darwin to J. D. Hooker, 24 February 1863, H R. D. McKenzie, “The Ecological Approach to
in LLD, Vol. 3 (1887), footnote 16, p. 9. the Study of the Human Community,” American
44 A. EllegHrd, “Darwin and the General Reader: Journal of Sociology, Vol. 30 (1924), pp. 287-301;
The Reception of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution in the R. D. McKenzie, “The Scope of Hiiman Ecology,”
British Periodical Press, 1859-1872,” Acta Universitatis Publications, American Sociological Society, Vol. 20
Gothoburgensis: Gotebmgs Universitets Arsskrift, vol. (1926), pp. 141-54.
64 ( 1958), pp. 1 3 9 4 . 48 H. H. Barrows, “Geography as Human Ecology,”
45 T. H. Huxley, Evidence as to Man’s Place in Annals, Association of Ameri6an Geographers, Vol. 13
Nature ( London: Williams and Norgate, 1863). (1923), pp. 1-14.
690 D. R. STODDART December

Bews, himself a botanist, followed Park dies. . . . Each climax formation is able to repro-
closely,49 but beginning with Alihan, sociol- duce itself.56
ogists turned to community as their field of Clements believed thatsG
study.5o With some exceptions, such as White this concept is the ‘open sesame’ to a whole new
and Renner’s textbooks,51 the field delimited vista of scientific throught, a veritable magnu carta
by Barrows and Park was abandoned by both for future progress.
geographers and sociologists,52 though in
Similarly, Shaler, Whitney, and others inter-
America the Berkeley school adopted an eco-
preted the functional interrelationships in
logical approach in the study of settlement
in the American southwest. soils as a phase in the “higher estate of or-
ganic exi~tence.’’~~ Later workers, however,
Ecology has become, howevcr, increasingly
failed to demonstrate the discrete existence
empirical in method, and in doing so it has
of organic unity in either soil or vegetation
run counter to, and ultimately has superseded, formations,58 and the organic analogy in
the synthetic geographical tradition of ex- physical geography never carried the influence
planation by analogy, which attempted to which it did in other branches of the subject.5D
understand the complexity and interrelation- In geography as a whole the organism
ships of phenomena by reference to the even analogy operated on three distinct levels:
greater complexity of living organisms.53 This those of the earth, its regions, and its states;
is a theme which may b e traced to classical and on each level its use long predates Dar-
writings and medieval scholasticism, and is winian evolutionary theory. Organic theories
in no sense Darwinian in origin, but after of the state were revived by such philosophers
Darwin such treatment lost its more extreme as Hobbes, and were thoroughly worked out
metaphysical implications and became more by Ahrens in 1850.60 Much of this earlier
directly biological in expression. The orga- work was teleological, as in Ritter’s concep-
nism analogy iy explicit in both classical plant tion of terrestrial unity and in the preface to
ecology and pedology, particularly in Clem- Hobbes’ Leviathan, but in the nineteenth
rnts’s writings. For him, the plant community century the details of the analogy were being
is pursued more closely. Bluntschli61 attributed
to states the properties of human organisms,
a complex organism, or superorganism, with char-
acteristic development and ~ t r i i c t u r e.~.~. . As an even the details of sex and personality, and
organism the formation arises, Srows, matures, and a fundamental precept of Comte’s positivism

49 J. W. Bews, Human Ecology (London: Hnmphrey 55 F. E. Clements, op. cit., footnote 25, p. 3.
Milford, Oxford University Press, 1935). 56 F. E. Clements and V. E. Shelford, op. cit., foot-
M. Alihan, Social Ecology: A Critical Analysis note 54, p. 24.
( Morningside Heights, New York: Columbia Univer- 57 N. S. Shaler. “The Origin and Nature of Soils,”
sity Press, 1938); A. H. Hawley, Human Ecology: A 12th Annual Report, U.S. ceological Survey (1890-
Theory of Community Structure (New York: The 9 1 ) , Part 1, pp. 213-345.
Ronald Press Company, 1950). 58 See, for example, C. C. Nikiforoff, “Reappraisal
51 C. L. White and G. T. Renner, Geography, an ot‘ the Soil,” Science, Vol. 129 (1959), pp. 186-96,
Introdtiction to Human Ecology (New Pork: D. and T. Kira, H. Ogawa, and K. Yoda, “Some Unsolved
Appleton-Century Company, Inc., 1936), and Human Problems in Tropical Forest Ecology,” Proceedings,
geography, an Ecological Study of Society (New Ninth Pacific Science Congress, Vol. 4 (1962), pp.
York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1948). 124-34.
‘2L. F. Schnore, “Geography and Human Ecol- 5Q But see the more extreme writings of, for example,
ogy,” Economic Geography, Vol. 37 ( 1961), pp. 207- C. Strickland, Deltaic Formation, with Special Refer-
17. ence to the Hydrographic Processes of the Ganges and
ci ‘ For commentary on the geographic relevance of Brahmaputra ( Calcutta and London: Longmans,
the concepts of community and ecosystem, see W. B. Green and Co., Ltd., 1940), especially Chapter 2,
Morgan and R. P. Moss, “Geography and Ecology: “The Sea in Pregnancy.”
The Concept of the Community and its Relationship H. Ahrens, Die Organbche Staatslehre, auf philo-
to Environment,” Annuls, Association of American sophbch-anthropologbcher Grundluge ( Wien: G.
Geographers, Vol. 55 (1965), pp. 339-50, and D. R. Gerold & Sohn, 1850).
Stoddart, “Geography and the Ecological Approach: G1 J. Bluntschli, Allgemeine Statslehre: Funfte
The Ecosystem as a Geographic Principle and Method,” umgearbeitete Auflage des ersten Bandes cles Allge-
Geography, Vol. 50 (1965), pp. 242-51. meinen Statsrechts (Lehre zlom Modernen Stat,
54F.E. Clements and V. E . Shelford, Bio-ecologij Erster Theil) (Stuttgart: Verlag der J. G. Cotta’schen
( N e w York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1939), p. 24. Buchhandlung, 1875).
IMPACr 691

was that sociology could only be understood for the “complex entity” of physical and or-
in biological terms.02 The impact of Darwinian ganic elements of the earth‘s surface:66
thinking, and the writings of Spencer in En- the soil itself the flesh, the vegetation its epidermal
gland and of Worms in France, helped pop- covering with its animal parasites, and the water
ularize these narrower organic analogies in the circulating life-blood automatically stirred daily
the social sciences, and they retained vitality and seasonally by the great solar heat. . . . If we
regard the Earth as an individual, and these geo-
in geography long after they had been aban- graphical regions, districts, localities, as representing
doned in other branches of human studies. organs, tissues, and cells, we perhaps get nearest
The idea of the organic unity of the earth to a useful comparison.
can best be traced to Ritter.G3 Subsequently Herbertson wrote that natural
The earth is one; . . . all its parts are in ceaseless regions areG7
action and reaction on each other. . . The earth is
therefore . .. a unit, an organism of itself: it has definite associations of inorganic and living matter
with definite structures and functions, with as real
its own law of development, its own cosmical life;
it can be studied in no one of its parts. a form and possessing as regular and orderly
changes as those of a plant or an animal.
To him the earth was aG4
Like plants and animals, regions can be
living work from the hand of a living God, (with) hierarchically ranked into species, genera,
a close and vital connection, like that between body
and soul, between nature and history. orders, and classes.G8 Similar thinking per-
vaded English regional methodology in the
For both Humboldt and Ritter, unity, har- first half of the century. Unstead spoke of
mony, and interdependence of parts consti- the evolution of regions, in the sense of in-
tuted the organic analogy. Half a century creasing complexity, and of their pathology,
later Vidal de la Blache reached similar con- in the sense of conditions harmful to man.
clusions and acknowledged his debt to Ritter, He admitted that regions, unlike organisms,
both at the earth and at the regional level.G5 cannot be said to die, but he compared con-
In regional geography the idea of organic tinuity of existence in a region with that of
unity served as a unifying theme in an in- the “germ-plasm of organisms through the
creasingly particularistic discipline. Herbert- successive generation^,"^^ thus endowing re-
son in 1905 used the term “macro-organism” gions at one time with the properties of in-
dividuals and at other times of populations.
(i2 A. Comte, Cours de Philosophie positive (Paris: Similar organismic views were expressed by
Bachelier, Librairie pour les MathBmatiques, Vol. 1, Rluntschli, Stevens, and most extremely by
and Bachelier, Imprimeur-Libraire pour les Sciences, Swinnerton.?O
Vols. 2-6, 6 volumes, 1830-1842), and commentary
by F. W. Coker, “Organismic Theories of the State:
In political geography the use of the or-
Nineteenth Century Interpretations of the State as ganic analogy usually is associated with Rat-
Organism, or as Person,” Columbia University Studies zel, whose whole work is colored by Dar-
in History and Economics, Vol. 38 (1910). Also H.
Spencer, The Principles of Sociology (London: 66 A. J. Herbertson, “The Higher Units: a Geo-
Williams and Norgate, 3 volumes, 1876-1896), graphical Essay,” Scientia, Vol. 14 (1913), pp. 203-
especially Vol. 2, and R. Worms, Organisme et 12, reference on p. 205. This paper is reprinted in
SocidttQ (Paris: V. Giard et E. Brikre, Bibliothkque Geography, Vol. 50 (1965), pp. 33242.
sociologique internationale, 1896; also published as a 67 A. J. Herbertson, “Natural Regions,” Geographical
Thkse, Facult6 des Lettres, Paris, 1895). Teacher, Vol. 7 (1913-1914), pp. 158-63, reference
63 C. Ritter, Comparative Geography, translated by on pp. 158-59.
W. L. Gage (Edinburgh and London: William Black- fiRA.J. Herbertson, op. cit., footnote 67, p. 161.
69 J. F. Unstead, “Geographical Regions illustrated
wood and Sons, 1865), pp. 64, 65.
64 C. Ritter, The Comparative Geography of Pales-
by reference to the Iberian Peninsula,” Scottish Geo-
graphical Magazine, Vol. 42 (1926), pp. 159-70, ref-
tine and the Sinaitic Peninsula, translated and adapted erence on p. 168.
lo the use of Biblical Students by W. L. Gage (Edin- 70 H. Bluntschli, “Die Amazonasniederung als har-
burgh: T. and T. Clark, 4 volumes, 1866), reference monischer Organismus,” Geographische Zeitschrift,
in Vol. 2, p. 4. Vol. 27 (1921), pp. 49-67; A. Stevens, “The Natural
65 P. Vidal de la Blache, “Le Principe de la Gkog- Geographical Region,” Scottish Geographical Maga-
raphie GknBrale,” Annales de Gdographie, Vol. 5 zine, Vol. 55 (1939), pp. 305-17, see pp. 308-10;
(1896), pp. 12942; “Des Caractkres distinctifs de la H. H. Swinnerton, “The Biological Approach to the
Gkographie,” Annales de Ge‘ogruphie Vol. 22 (1913), Study of the Cultural Landscape,” Geography, Vol.
pp. 289-99. 23 (1938), pp. 83-89.
692 D. R. STODDART December

winian evolutionary thinking.71 Tlie first questions, and hence obtain no answers.75
chapter of his Politische Geographie is en- This was perceived by Vallaux in geography
titled “Der Staat als bodenstandiger Organis- many years ago, and with recent advances
mus,” and the mystical conception of the in the study of molecular biology Vitalism
indivisibility of people and land when orga- now has no place in science.76The major ob-
nized into a state goes far beyond the formal- jection to the organic approach in geography,
istic comparison of lines of communication however, is methodological, for it is a syn-
and arteries, seats of government and the thetic notion which gives no assistance in
brain, and so on, which Spencer outlined.72 actual investigation, and it is, furthermore, an
The organic quality of states depends on or- essentially idiographic concept in an increas-
ganization and interdependence of parts; it ingly nomothetic science.77 The concept is
then assumes properties of growth and com- thus reduced to a metaphor of dubious value,
petition, and in so doing goes beyond the hinging on gross formal and functional com-
organic analogies of the earth and the geo- parisons between living matter and complexly
graphical region. interrelated facts in areas, and as such has
The fundamental criterion used by geog- dropped out of geographic work since 1939,
raphers for applying the organic analogy at cxcept in occasional mention of Herbertson
all levels has been the possession of properties and Vidal de la Blache.7s
of organization of constituent components into SELECTION AND STRUGGLE
a functionally related, mutually interdepen-
dent complex which in spite of continuous Although the limitations of organic analogies
flow of matter and energy is in apparent require little demonstration, the problem of
equilibrium, and which possesses properties the effect of environment on man leads into
as a whole which are more than the sum of the difficult fields of environmental influence,
the partsT3 In this one may distinguish the i.-, W. S. Beck, Modern Science and the Nature of
influence of Vitalism in biology and the Life (London: Macmillan and Co., 1958; page ref-
holistic philosophy of Smuts and erences to the 1961 edition, Harmondsworth: Penguin
The Vitalist approach has the appearance of Books ). There is some similarity between Vitalist
beliefs and Vidal’s idea of the “personnalit6 g6og-
profound insight, but in essence it calls up raphique” of regions. See P. Vidal de la Blache,
undemonstrable, and hence unprovable causes Tahleau de la Ge‘ographie de la France, Tome 1,
such as the entelechy of Driesch or the e‘lan premibre partie, of E. Lavisse, Histoire de France
vital of Bergson, to explain phenomena which illustrBe depuis les Origines jusyu’ci la Rcoolution
(Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1911), especially Premi6re
are otherwise too complex to understand. partie, “Personnalitk gkographique de la France,” pp.
Such procedures in biology preclude the ra- 5-54.
tional formulation and testing of hypotheses, 7(i C. Vallaiix, “La Surface Terrestre assiniil6e B un
Organisme,” Chapter 2, pp. 28-57, in Les Sciences
for they lie outside hypothesis; they pose no Gdographiques ( Paris : Librairie Felix Alcan, nouvelle
eclition, 1929); see p. 49; Ernst Caspari, “On the
i * On the nineteenth century backgroiind to Ratzel’s Conceptiial Basis of the Biological Sciences,” in R. G.
thought, see particularly J. Steinmetzler, “Die An- Coloclny, ( Ed. ), Frontiers of Science and Philosophy
thropogeographie Friedrich Ratzels i d ihre ideenge- (Loncbn: George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1964), pp.
schichtlichen Wurzeln,” Ronner Geographischer Ah- 13145: and Beck, op. cit., footnote 75.
handlungen, Bd. 19 (1956), pp. 1-151. 7 i W. R. Siddall, Idiographic trnd Nomothetic Geog-
7 2 F. Ratzel, Politische Geographic (Munich: R.
raphy: Tlie Application of Some Ideas in the Philoso-
Oldenhourg, 1897), and €1. Spencer, op. cit., footnote phy of Histor;/ and Science to Geographic Method-
62. ology (University of Washington, Ph.C. Thes
z4H. J. Fleure, A n Introduction to Geography
i R Crowe attacked the organism analogy
(London: Benn, 1929), p. 13.
i+ H. Driesch, T h e Science and Philosophy of the
1’. R. Crowe, “On Progress in Geography,” Scottish
Organism: the Gifford Lectures delizjered before the Geographical Magazine, Vol. 54 (1938), pp. 1-19, see
Unioersity of Aberdeen in the year 1907 (Vol. 1) pp. 10-11. See also the discussions by R. Hartshorne,
. . . arid in the year 1908 (Vol. 2 ) (London: Adam “Is the Geographic Area an Organism?” in The Nature
and Charles Black, 1908); J. C. Smuts, Holism and o f Geography, op. cit., footnote 4, pp. 256-60, and by
Evolution ( London: Macrnillan and Co., Ltd., 1926) ; D. R. Stoddart, “Organism and Ecosystem as Geo-
A. N. Whitehead, Science and the Modern World: graphical Models,” in R. J. Chorley ancl P. Haggett
Lowell Lectures 1925 (Cambridge: at the University ( Eds. 1, hfodels in Geography (London: Methuen
Press, 1926). and Co., 1967).

selection, and adaptati~n.’~Most pre-Dar- regions (regions of difficulty, of effort, of

winian writers on the effects of environment increment) came close to applying Darwinian
were content to look for cause-effect relation- ideas of natural selection through environ-
ships, without enquiring too closely into proc- mental influence to human groups.83The study
ess, and this theme was taken up by Ratzel of physiological effects, however, has become
in the first volume of Anthropogeographie, a specialized branch of biology outside geo-
and later by his students Miss Semple and graphical competence, and geographers have
Demolins. To the French school, imbued with generally restricted themselves to the infer-
Vidal‘s notions of harmony and interrelation- ence of causation from covariance on a coarser
ship, this was too rigid a framework for anal- scale. Huntington particularly took up the
ysis, but in America Davis attempted to carry problem of natural selection, environmental
simplistic ideas of causality into the definition influences, and human population on a world
of geography itself .80 scale, and Taylor explored the same theme in
Any statement is of geographical quality if it con- a series of studies of race, peoples, states, and
tains a reasonable relation between some inorganic towns, emphasizing their development through
element of the earth on which we live, acting as a time under the influence of environmental
control, and some element of the existence, or factors.84 The questions which these deter-
growth, or behavior or distribution of the earth‘s
organic inhabitants, serving as a response.
minists raised, however, were posed in so
gross a manner that they could only invite
This suggestion gained little support among the grossest answers; most geographers real-
geographers, who realized that no science can ized this, and neither Taylor nor Huntington
take as its field of study a specific relation- gained full academic acceptance. The ques-
ship rather than a body of data, for if it did tions which they asked could not be meaning-
the statement of its aims would presuppose fully answered in geographical terms, and the
the existence of the relationship itself.81 whole determinist-possibilist controversy, “un-
If causal relationship provided an unsound real and futile” as Hartshorne termed it,
methodological principle, however, the prob- moved on to a philosophical rather than an
lem of environmental influence remained.82 empirical level.*5
Fleure, who came deeply under the influence
8R H. J. Fleure, “Geography and the Scientific
of Darwinism in 1892-1895, stressed the need Movement,” Geography, Vol. 22 (1937), pp. 178-88;
for the physiological study of environmental H. J. Fleure, “The Later Development in Herbertson’s
effects on man, and in his typology of human Thought: A Study in the Application of Darwin’s
Ideas,” Geography, Vol. 37 (1952), pp. 97-10.3;
H. J. Fleure, “Human regions,” Scottish Geographi-
iy G. Tatham, “Environmentalism and Possibilism,”
cal Magazine, Vol. 35 (1919), pp. 94-105; revised
in T. G. Taylor ( E d . ) , Geography in the Twentieth from “R6gions humaines,” Annales de Giographie,
Century: A Study of Growth, Fields, Techniques, Vol. 26 (1917), pp. 161-74.
Aims and Trends (London: Methuen, 1951), pp. 84 E. Huntington, Mainsprings of Civilisation (New
128-62; L. Febvre with L. Bataillon, A Geographical York: John Wiley and Sons, 1945); E. Huntington,
Introduction to History (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, “Geography and Natural Selection,” Annals, Associa-
Trubner and Co. Ltd., 1925), being the translation of
tion of American Geographers, Vol. 14 ( 1924), pp.
La Terre et l’lholution Humaine: Introduction gkog- 1-16; T. G. Taylor, Environment and Race: A study
raphiyue & l’Histoire (Paris: La Renaissance du Livre, of the Evolution, Migration, Settlement and Status
1922): F. Ratzel, Anthropo-geographie oder Grund-
of the Races of Ma,n (London: Humphrey Milford,
ztigp der Anwendung der Erdkunde auf die Geschichte Oxford University Press, 1927); T. G. Taylor, En-
(Stuttgart: J. Engelhorn, 1882). vironment and Nation: Geographical Factors in the
yo W. M. Davis, “An Inductive Study of the Con-
Cultural and Political History of Europe (Toronto:
tent of Geography,” Bulletin, American Geographical University of Toronto Press, 1936); T. G. Taylor,
Society, 1’01. 38 (1906), pp. 67-84, and Essays, foot- Urban Geography: A Study of Site, Evolution, Pattern
note 14, pp. 3-22, reference on p. 8. Also W. M.
and Classification in Villages, Towns and Cities
Davis, “Systematic Geography,” Proceedings, American
Philosophical Society, Vol. 41 (1902), pp. 235-59. (London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1949).
85 R. Hartshorne, Perspective on the Natiire of
s1 C. 0. Sauer, op. cit., footnote 15, pp. 51-52.
82 A. P. Brigham, “Problems of Geographic Influ- Geography, op. cit., footnote 4, p. 57; A. F. Martin,
ence,” Annals, Association of American Geographers, “The Necessity for Determinism, a Metaphysical Frob-
Vol. 5 (1915), pp. 3-25; C. R. Dryer, “Genetic Geog- lem Confronting Geographers,” Transactions and
raphy: The Development of the Geographic Sense Papers, Institute of British Geographers, No. 17
and Concept,” Annals, Association of American Geog- (1951), pp. 1-11; for a review 1.p the whole group
raphers, Vol. 10 (1920), pp. 3-16. of issues around environmental influence and deter-
694 D. R. STODDART December

Darwin’s theory was, of course, one of nat- of competition, and its implications, Danvin-
ural selection rather than of evolution, and ism had little effect in classical equilibrium
basic to his thesis was the idea, taken from economics, and both the implications of ran-
Malthus, that populations tended to expand dom variation and of development through
at a geometric rate and thus outstrip re- time are relatively recent innovations.9o
sources.8G It was in political geography, however, that
Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and ideas of struggle and selection on a national
death, the most exalted object of which we are level were most significant. In 1896 Ratzel
capable of conceiving, namely, the production of developed his seven laws of the growth of
the higher animals, directly follows, (wrote Darwin states, from which derived the powerful con-
i n the last paragraph of The Origin): There is
grandeur in this view of life. cept of Lebensruum:91
Just as the struggle for existence in the plant and
Such views in turn influenced social thinking, animal world always centres about a matter of
particularly in America, where Spencer’s idea space, so the conflicts of nations are in great part
of the survival of the fittest and Darwin’s of only struggles for territory.
the struggle for life were used to justify laissez Although there is undoubtedly a danger that
faire in politics and economies, particularly selective quotation of this sort may do violence
in the “Social Darwinism” of S ~ m n e r .Hof- ~~ to Ratzel’s essentially scholarly position, as
stadter has shown how the geologists Ward both Broek and Wanklyn it is clear
and Shaler denied the value of unrestricted that the organic analogy for Ratzel not only
competition in social life, and how they and provided a simple and powerful model in
the Russian geographer Kropotkin stressed co- analytical political geography, but also an ap-
operation and mutual aid in social develop- parently scientific justification, in Darwinian
ment.88 The idea of social selection was often selection, for political behavior. It is interest-
somewhat crudely phrased, especially in gco- ing that Semple, in her exposition of Ratzel’s
graphical writing. Thus Turner’s frontier own views, decided to omit the cruder Spen-
hypothesisss and especially Roosevelt’s book cerian analogies as already outdated even in
on The Winning of the W es t both took the sociology,93 but in spite of her disclaimers
naive view that frontier conditions selected her writings are permeated by such thinking.
all that was pioneering and democratic in a
society, which then itself took on the pioneer !lo T. Veblen, “Why is Economics not an Evolution-
spirit. It is interesting that, except in the idea ary Science?” Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 13
(1898), pp. 373-97; J. J. Spengler, “Evolutionism in
jninism, see G. R. Lewthwaite, “Environmentalism American Economics, 1800-1946,” in S. Persons, op.
and Determinism : A Search for Clarification,” Annals, cit., footnote 5, pp. 202-66; A. Alchian, “Uncertainty,
Association of American Geographers, Vol. 56 ( 1966), Evolution, and Economic Theory,” Journal of Political
pp. 1-23. Economy (1950), pp. 211-21; and, on development
*q C. R. Darwin, op. cit., footnote 41, p. 560. economics, W. W. Rostow, The Stages of Economic
87Herbst has attempted to trace the dichotomy in Growth: a non-comnaunist Manifesto (Cambridge: at
American geography between physical and human the University Press, 1960).
studies to the early influence of Social Darwinism on, O1 The laws are set forth in F. Ratzel, “Die Gesetze

for example, Davis’s definition of the nature of the des raumlichen Wachstums der Staaten: ein Beitrag
subject. See J. Ilerbst, “Social Darwinism and the zur wissenschaftlichen politischen Geographie,” Peter-
History of American Geography,” Proceedings, Anieri- manns Mitteilungen, Vol. 42 (1896), pp. 97-107, and
can Philosophical Society, Vol. 105 ( 1961), pp. also “The Territorial Growth of States,” Scottish Geo-
538-44. graphical Magazine, Vol. 12 (1896), pp. 351-61; the
R R R. Hofstadter, Social Darwinism in American concept of Lebensraum is enunciated in F. Ratzel,
Thought ( Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania op. cit., footnote 79, p. 458.
Press, 1944; revised edition, Boston: The Beacon O2 J. 0. M. Broek, “Friedrich Ratzel in Retrospect,”
Press, 1955); the decline of the more extreme Social mimeographed, abstract in Annals, Association of
Darwinism in America closely paralleled the eclipse of of American Geographers, Vol. 44 (1954), p. 207; 13.
Spencer’s evolutionary philosophy by the pragmatism Wanklyn, Friedrich Ratzel: a Biographical Memoir
of William James and John Dewey in the later years and Bibliography (Cambridge: at the University
of the nineteenth century. See especially P. S. Wiener, Press, 1961).
Enolution and the Founders of Pragmatism (Cam. L15E. C. Semple, Influences of Geographic Environ-
bridge: IIarvard University Press, 1949). nzcnt: on the Basis of Ratzel‘s System of Anthropo-
I?. J. Turner, The Frontier in American History geography (New York: Henry Holt and Company,
(New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1920). 1911), p. v.
IMPACr 695

Ratzel’s views served as a source for the Why was chance omitted in geography? The
Geopolitik developed in Europe between the question is of more than historical interest,
wars. States for Kjellen were biological mani- for a century after The Origin, geographers
f e s t a t i o n ~ ,endowed
~~ not only with morality are beginning to recognize the importance of
but also with “organic lusts.” Herbert Spen- stochastic processes in geographic change.gs
cer’s writings are directly echoed in Kjellen’s The problem is more remarkable because
Staten sorn Lifsf0rrn.9~ The political usage the study of random processes in the nine-
made of the organic view of the state, and teenth century was by no means limited to
the ideas of struggle and Leblensraum,brought Darwinian biology: indeed, Merz has written
the subject into intellectual disgrace in the thatgg
1930s, as Trollg6 has outlined, and modern the study of this blind chance in theory and prac-
political geography is at pains to dissociate tice is one of the greatest scientific performances of
itself from any kind of organic analogy. the nineteenth century.
In the natural sciences Laplace laid the
foundations of probability theory at the be-
This review of biological ideas in geography ginning of the century, and the theme was sub-
has demonstrated that “Darwinism” or “evo- sequently taken up by Adolphe Quetelet in
lution” was almost always interpreted by the social sciences and used by Buckle in a
geographers either in the sense of change work with which Darwin was certainly fa-
through time or of social struggle and selec- miliar.loO The new kinetic theory of gases
tion. In both cases the application has been
largely deterministic: it has in fact been said of Natural Selection,” in J. Huxley, A. C. Hardy, and
that simple geographical determinism, in its E. B. Ford (Eds.), Evolution as u Process (London:
George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1954), pp. 84-98,
picture of causality, was one of the last fields reference on p. 91.
of operation of the Newtonian world-view in 98For an early statement on probability in geog-
the twentieth century. Any discussion of the raphy, see J. Brunhes, “Du Caractkre propre et
biological impact on geographical thinking du caractere complexe des Faits de GCographie
Humaine,” Annals de Gbographie, Vol. 33 (1913),
inust hinge on this central question: why was pp. 1 4 0 , and translation in “The Specific Char-
Darwinism, a theory for the selection of acteristics and Complex Character of the Subject-
randomly occurring variants, interpreted in a matter of Human Geography,” Scottish Geogmphical
deterministic and not a probabilistic sense?97 Magazine, Vol. 29 (1913), pp. 304-22, 358-74:
“Every truth concerning the relations between natural
OeR. Kjellen, Staten som Lifsform, Vol. 3, No. 3 surroundings and human activities can never be
of Politiska Handbocker (Stockholm: H. Geber, anything but approximate; to represent it as some-
1916), and the German editions, Der Stmt aLS Lebens- thing more exact than that is to falsify it” (pp. 362-63).
form, uebersetzt von Margarethe Landfeldt ( Leipzig: “All biological relations, all oecological truths, are,
S. Herzel, 1917) and Der S t a t als Lebensform, ueber- and can be, nothing more than statistical truths” (p.
tragung von J. Sandmeier ( Berlin-Grunewald: K. 364). For recent substantive work, see, for example,
Vowinckel, 1924, 4 A d a g e ) . Also H. W. Weigert, T. Hagerstrand, op. cit., and R. L. Morrill, op. cit.,
Generals and Geogruphers: The Twilight of Geopoli- footnote 35.
tics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1942), pp. 99 J. T. Merz, A History of European Thought in

106-07. the Nineteenth Century, Volume 2 (Edinbiirgh:

95 Rudolph Kjellen, op. cit., footnote 94, quoted by William Blackwood and Sons Ltd., 1928), p. 624.
11. H. Fifield and G. E. Pearcy, GeopoEitics in Principle For a historical review, see E. Nagel, “Principles of
and Practice (Boston: Ginn and Company, 1944), p. the Theory of Probability,” International Encyclopedia
11. of Unified Science, Vol. 1, No. 6 (Chicago: University
06C. Troll, “Geographic Science in Germany dur- of Chicago Press, 1939).
ing the Period 1933-1945: a Critique and Justifica- loop. S. de Laplace, The‘orie analytique des Prob-
abilitbs (Paris: Mme. Ve. Courcier, Imprimeur-
tion,” Annals, Association of American Geographers,
Librairie pour les Mathematiques, 1812); P. S. de
VOI. 39 (1949), pp. 99-137. Laplace, Essai philosophique SUT les Probabilitbs
9r R. A. Fisher goes so far as to state that “Darwin’s
(Paris: Bachelier, Successeur de Mme. Ve. Courcier,
chief contribution, not only to Biology but to the Librairie pour les Mathkmatiques, 1814); L. A. J.
whole of natural science, was to have brought to Quetelet, Sur 1‘Homme et le Dbveloppement de ses
light a process by which contingencies a priori im- Faculte‘s: ou essai de Physique sociale (Bruxelles:
probable, are given, in the process of time, an increas- L. Hauman et Compe., 2 volumes, 1836); J. Herschel,
ing probability, until it is their non-occurrence rather “Quetelet on Probabilities,” Edinburgh Review, Vol.
than their occurrence which becomes highly improb- 42 (1850), pp. 1-57; H. T. Buckle, History of Ciuili-
able.” See “Retrospect of the Criticisms of the Theory sation in England, Volume 1 (London: J. W. Parker
696 D. R. STODDART December

developed by Herapath, Clausius, and Clerk he undoubtedly believed that unfavorable

Maxwell was appearing at the same time as variations could be as numerous as favorable
The Origin.Io1 Boltzmann extended statistical ones, this became less clear with each succes-
conceptions in mechanics; and in biology it- sive edition. Darwin’s difficulty was this:
self Darwin’s work stimulated a long series of whereas his theory explained adaptation in
statistical studies, from Galton and Pearson nature by variation and natural selection, he
to Fisher and Haldane. Why, then, in such could not, before the discovery of Mendel’s
an intellectual atmosphere, was the geograph- work on genetics, offer any explanation of the
ical interpretation so deterministic‘Po2 basic variation, but the very facts of adapta-
Part of the answer lies in Darwin himself. tion, which provided his strongest evidence,
Darwin’s theory made a clear distinction be- and which natural selection explained, had
tween the way in which evolution was ef- long been accounted for by the Church in
fected, and the course of evolution itself: terms of Design.lo5 Early nineteenth century
geography seized on the latter and ignored theology in England was a curious mixture of
the former. Darwin began with the idea of revelation and natural theology, exemplified
the selection of “chance” variations, which in the Bridgewater Treatises and in William
are “no doubt” governed by laws.lo3 These Paley. Paley wrote, for example, in 1802,
laws Darwin failed to discover, and in time thatlo6
he came to emphasize chance less and less, There cannot be a design without a designer; con-
and by the last edition of The Origin he trivance without a contriver; order without choice;
was thinking of directional variation in a arrangement, without any thing capable of arrang-
Lamarckian sense. Nowhere does h e use the ing; subserviency and relation to a purpose, without
that which could intend a purpose; means suitable
word “random,” and in the fourth chapter of to an end, and executing their office in accomplish-
The Origin he states that the use of the word ing that end, without the end ever having been
“chance” is “wholly Although contemplated, or the means accomodated to it.
Arrangement, disposition of parts, subserviency of
and Son, 1857), and Darwin’s comments in L L D , niems to an end, relation of instruments to an use,
1/01. 2 (1888), footnote 16, pp. 110 and 386. One imply the presence of intelligence and mind.
may of course argue that these earlier workers used Lacking a mechanism for variation, and shaken
statistical analysis as a tool to overcome error and in-
completeness in our perception of the world, rather by the theoretical objections in Jenkin’s North
than recognizing that the real world is itself siibject to British Review article in 1867,107 Darwin
chance. See the comments by hl. B. Hesse on C. C. changed his ground. Although maintaining
Gillispie, “Intellectual factors in the Background of
Analysis by Probabilities,” in A. C. Crombie ( E d . ) , privately that1”*
Scientific Change, Symposium on the History of the old argument of design . . . fails (and that)
Science, University of Oxford, 9-15 July 1961 (Lon- there is no more design . . . than in the course
don: Heinemann, 1963), pp. 4 3 0 4 5 3 and comments which the wind blows,
pp. 471-76.
Iui J. Clerk Maxwell, “Illustrations of the Dynamical he still had doubts: the thought of the eye
Theory of Cases, Part I,” London, Edinburgh and made him cold all over, the sight of feathers
Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Sci-
ence, Series 4, Vol. 19 (ISGO), pp. 19-32, read 21 in a peacock’s tail made him sick.lo9 T o Asa
September, 1859.
Io2 F. Lukermann, in an interesting recent discus- loiSee on this theme A. Ellergird, op. cit., footnote
sion, has drawn attention to the dependence of the 44.
French school of human geography on the work of lonW. Paley, Natural Theology, or, Evidences of
French statisticians and natural scientists in the nine- the Existence and Attributes of the Deity collected
teenth century, from Laplace to Cournot and later from the Appearances of Nature (London: printed for
Henri Poincark, and the intellectual milieu in which H. Fanlder, 1802), p. 12.
they worked. The French possibilists thus form an Io7See the anonymous article by Fleeming Jenkin,
exception to the generalizations in this paragraph. See “The Origin of Species,” North British Revtew, Vol.
E’. Lukermann, “The ‘Calcul des Probabilitks’ and the 92 (1&67), pp. 277418, and discussion by I?;
Bcole Francaise de Gbographie,” Canadian Geogra- Vorzimer, “Charles Darwin and Blending Inheritance,
pher, Vol. 9 (1965), pp. 1 2 8 3 7 . Is&, Vol. 54 (1963), pp. 371-90.
lnrJC.R. Darwin to J. D. Hooker, 23 December lo8C. R. Darwin, T h e Autobiography of Charles
1856, LLU, Vol. 2 (1888), footnote 16, p. 87. Darwin 1809-1882, edited by Nora Barlow (London:
Io4 Darwin, op. cit., footnote 41, p. 138. Huxley, of Collins, 1958), p. 87
course, interpreted even “chance” variations deter- loqC. R. Darwin to Aaa Gray, April 1860, LLD,
ministically, op. cit., 1887, footnote 19, pp. 199-201. Vol. 2 (1888), footnote 16, p. 296. Perhaps hc re-

Gray he wrote in distress in 1860 on the prob- work, and particularly the statistical treat-
lem of evil and the question of design:l10 ment of heredity by Sir Ronald Fisher in The
I am inclined to look at everything as resulting Genetical Theory o f Natural Selection gave
from designed laws, with the details, whether good Darwinists the weapons they needed; but
or bad, left to the working of what we may call Fisher’s book appeared seventy years after
chance. Darwin’s, and by that time the “evolutionary”
But the effort to reconcile the unreconcilable impact in geography and other sciences had
was a fai1ure:lll been made.
A dog might as well speculate on the mind of
Newton. . . . The more I think the more bewildered
I become. Biological influences in geography during
Darwin therefore abandoned the funda- the past century, therefore, although often
mental issue of random variation, on which claiming descent from evolution or from Dar-
both the natural theologians and the expo- win, have been interpreted in ways which at
nents of revealed religion could unite, and con- times subtly and at times blatantly diverge
centrated on descent and on selection. If from Darwin’s actual philosophy. The major
descent could be demonstrated, then the argu- themes of change through time, of selection
ment from design would appear much less and struggle, and of the interrelatedness of
plausible than that from evolution,l12 whereas things ( th e organic analogy, and later
selection could be demonstrated, for example ecology), are all present in Darwin’s writ-
in pigeons, on a purely empirical level. Dar- ings, specifically in the eleventh, fourth,
win thus outflanked his opponents and de- and third chapters of The Origin of Spe-
flected them from his most serious weakness, cies, but the unique contribution of Dar-
but at the same time he laid himself open to win’s theory, that of random variation, was, for
the charge of plagiarism and lack of original- religious and scientific reasons, neglected in
ity. After all, evolution was not new, only geographical circles. It is interesting that
Darwin’s mechanism was, yet before Mendel methods which incorporate randomness are
Darwin could only defend the former, not the now being increasingly used by geographers.
latter.lf3 Darwinism in the sense of develop- The discussion of these four themes demon-
ment or evolution through time was seized strates that geographical thinking in the past
on in geography as a unifying principle to hundred years has cut across biological think-
subsume vast quantities of otherwise discrete ing, incorporating some ideas into the corpus
and apparently unrelated data: the clarity and of thought derived by Hartshorne and Hett-
order which this interpretation revealed had ner from Kant and Humboldt, but neglecting
a remarkable effect on the progress of the others. Even in their most extreme statement,
sciences. But called Darwinism or not, it however, these themes never came to dominate
omitted Darwin’s central theme. Mendel’s geographical thinking, which, by concentrat-
~- ing on the interdependence of phenomena on
called Sturmius’s remark, quoted by Paley, “that the the earths surface, evolved a rationale of its
examination of the eye was a cure for atheism,” in own. In this, however, Darwin’s influence
W. Paley, op. cit., footnote 108, p. 35.
lTn Darwin to Asa Gray, LLD, Vol. 2 (1888), foot-
can still be distinguished, in the impact which
note 18, p. 312. 22 May 1880. he made on the nineteenth century world
111 Ihid. view. Darwin established a sphere of scien-
112 A. Ellerggrd, o p . cit., footnote 44. tific enquiry free from a priori theological
llR D. Fleming, “The Centenary of the Origin of
Specks,” Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 20
ideas, and freed natural science from the argu-
( 1959), pp. 437-46; On the general theme of Dar- ments of natural theology. With the publica-
win’s theological difficulties, see M. Mandelbauin, tion of Essays and Revk.tr;sin 1860,’14theology
“Darwin’s Religious Views,” Journal of the History itself began to turn away from science, and
of Ideas, Vol. 20 (1958), p. 563-78, and D. Fleming, to acknowledge that in this field the Bible
“Charles Darwin, the Anaesthetic Man,” Victorian
Studies, Vol. 4 (1961), pp. 219-38. For an alterna- was no authority. Darwin, by empirical argu-
tive interpretation, deriving ideas of randomness from ment and inductive method, thus dismissed
natural theology, see W. F. Cannon, “The Bases of
Darwin’s Achievement: a Revaluation,” G‘ictorian 1‘4 F. Temple and others, Essays and Reuivrcs
Studies, Vol. 5 ( 1961), pp. 109-34. (London: John W. Parker and Son, 1880).
698 D. R. STODDART December

teleology as a live issue in scientific explana- without these general advances, but their
tion,l15 and though similar arguments per- elaboration belong to the study of intellectual
sisted in Vitalist biology they were gradually history, not to that of geographical thought.Il6
reduced by the expansion of knowledge.
Darwin, furthermore, sealed the acceptance lltiIn preparing this paper the following discussion\
of uniformitarianism and law in science, and have been valuable: C. C . Gillispie, Genesis and
completed the dismissal of Providential inter- Geology: A Study in the Relations of Scientific
ference and catastrophism in scientific writing. Thought, Natural Theology, and Social Opinion in
And finally, and in this he was alone, Darwin Great Britain, 1790-1850 (Cambridge: Harvard Uni-
versity Press, 1951); A. EllergHrd, Darwin and the
established man’s place in nature, both in General Reader (footnote 44); L. Eiseley, Darwin’s
Huxley’s sense, and in Haeckel’s, and in so Century: Evolution and the Men who discovered it
doing made man a fit object for scientific (London: Victor Gollancz, 1959); Gertrude Him-
study. Modern geography is inconceivable nielfarb, Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution (Lon-
~~ don: Chatto and Windus, 1959); J. C. Greene,
115 The role of teleology in Darwin’s thought is Darwin and the Modern World View: the Rockwell
notoriously difficult to assess, especially in the later Lectures, Rice University (Baton Rouge: Louisiana
editions of The Origin as Darwin shifted his ground State University Press, 1961); Jacob Bronowski, “In-
over mechanism. These, together with the much- troduction,” in M. Banton (Ed.), Darwinism and the
quoted last paragraph, have led to the argument that Study of Society ( London: Tavistock Publications,
Darwinian evolution was in fact of a teleological 1981) ; and the writings of Darwin himself, particu-
nature. The situation is complicated by the curious larly The Origin of Species (1859), the Life and Let-
reaction in some theological circles, which saw in this ters (1888), and the Autobiogiaphtl ( 1958).
interpretation a way out of the crisis which the pnb- Since this paper initially went to press, I have seen
lication of The Origin had caused. A reviewer has an early treatment of the geographical content of
drawn my attention to G. Himmelfarb‘s account of Darwin’s own writings by Giovanni Marinelli, “Carlo
this in Daruin and the Darwinian Revolution (Lon- Roberto Darwin e la Geografia,” Atti dell‘ Istituto
don: Chatto and Windus, 1959), pp. 325-29. Asa Veneto de Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Serie 5, Vol. 8
Gray, among others, was acutely aware of the teleo- ( 1882), pp. 1279-1321. Marinelli treats Darwin’s
logy issue, and his attempt to interpret The Origin coral reef work at length, and in analyzing the
teleologically led to growing estrangement from Dar- geographical nature of Darwin’s other writings, he
win himself. Gray saw natural selection as purposive, concludes that their principle was essentially choro-
“and to most minds Purpose will imply Intelligence”; logical. The paper is reprinted in Rivista de Filosofia
A. Gray, “Relation of Insects to Flowers,” Contem- scientifica, Vol. 2 (1882-1883), pp. 385410, and in
porary Reuiew, Vol. 41 (1882), p. 809. This quota- Scritti minori di Giovanni Marinelli, Vol. 1, Metodo
tion is taken from the elegant treatment of Gray’s e Storia della Geografin (Firenze: Tipografia de M.
position in “A theist in the Age of Darwin,” Chapter Ricci, 1908), pp. 99-141. See also Willi Ule, “Dar-
18, pp. 335-83, in A. H. Dnpree, Asa Gray 1810-1888 win’s Bedeutung in der Geographie,’’ Deutsche
( Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Rundschau fur Geographie irnd Statiytik, Vol. 31
Press, 1959). (1909), pp. 4 3 3 4 3 .

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