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BCA I - sem. & B.Sc. I year

Assignment on ‘C’
0. WAP to print Fahrenheit – Celsius table.
1. WAP to count lines, words and characters in input string.
2. WAP to counts digits, white spaces and others.
3. WAP to convert integer N to string.
4. WAP to print integer N in decimal using recursion.
5. WAP that reads a floating-point number and then displays the right=most digit of the integral part of the number.
6. WAP that will obtain the length and width of a rectangle from the user and compute its area and perimeter.
7. WAP to read the name ARVIND KUMAR MAURYA in three parts using the scanf statement and to display the
same in the following format using the printf statement:
8. WAP to compute and display the sum of all integers that are divisible by 6 but not divisible by 4 and lie between 0
and 100. The program should also count and display the number of such values.
9. WAP that could read a positive integer number and decide whether the number is a prime number or not.
10. WAP to find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 100.
11. WAP to find the number of and sum of all integers greater than 100 and less than 200 that are divisible by 7.
12. WAP to print Febonacci series.
13. WAP that read an integer number and decide whether the number is an Armstrong number or not.
14. WAP to calculate the element of the Pascal triangle for 10 rows and print the results.
15. WAP to read a matrix of size MxN and print its transpose.
16. WAP to read the table element into a two-dimensional array temperature, and to find the city and day
corresponding to :
 The highest temperature
 The lowest temperature
17. WAP to read two matrices A and B and print the following
 A+B
 A-B
18. WAP that read and store the details of your class students in the format: Roll No. Name Marks obtained
and produce the following output as:
 Alphabetical list of names, roll numbers and marks obtained.
 List sorted on roll numbers
 List sorted on marks (rank-wise list)
19. WAP to find the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20.
20. WAP to find the difference between the sum of the squares of the one hundred natural numbers and the square of
the sum.
21. WAP to find all the perfect numbers below 1000.
22. WAP that uses the recursive function reverse(S) that reverses the string S in place.
23. WAP to reverse the given number without using array.
24. WAP to find the area of triangle using Hero’s formula.
25. WAP to find the H.P., G.P., and A.P. of two given numbers.
26. WAP to sum the series 1 + (1+2) + (1+2+3) + (1+2+3+4) +……….nth term.
27. WAP to sum the series !
− !
+ !
− …………nth term.
28. WAP that generate the mark sheets of the given numbers of students using disk file.
29. WAP that write text into the disk file and then read it to count the numbers of words, special character, white
spaces and vowels.
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BCA 3 - sem. & B.Sc. 2 year
Assignment on Data Structure
0. WAP that read a string of 0s and 1s representing a positive integer in binary and print a string of 0s, 1s, and 2s
representing the same number in ternary notation.
1. WAP that read ternary number and print the equivalent in binary.
2. WAP that read two strings of 0s and 1s representing binary nonnegative integers and print the string representing
their sum, differences, and product.
3. WAP that represent rational number in the text and routines to add, subtract and divide such numbers.
4. WAP to implement recursive binary search.
5. WAP to implement GCD(x,y) and LCM(x,y) using recursion.
6. WAP to store students’ simple record in the external file.
7. WAP that read students’ details from external file and sort it corresponding to students’ name.
8. WAP for Merge sort
9. WAP to convert
 A prefix string to postfix
 A postfix string to prefix
 A prefix String to infix
 A postfix string to infix
10. WAP to perform each of the following operation in linked list
 Append an element to the end of the list
 Reverse the list
 Delete the last element from the list
 Delete the nth element from the list
 Insert an element after the nth element of the list
 Place the elements of the list in increasing order
 Return the number of elements in the list
 Move node(p) forward n positions in the list
11. WAP to read a group of input lines, each containing one word. Print each word that appears in the input and the
number of times that it appears.
12. WAP to implement a sorted list that uses a class OrderedList into which elements can only be inserted in their
proper place.
13. WAP to implement a circular list that uses a class CircList.
14. WAP to implement a doubly linked list that uses a class DoubleList.
BCA 5 - sem.
Assignment on Java Programming Language
0. Calculate Area & Perimeter of Circle
1. To find the first character of cities is equal or not
2. To display the name of those cities those are start from vowels.
3. To convert the first char of each cities in uppercase
4. To display Floyd Triangle
5. To convert Decimal no to octal & hexadecimal no.
6. To print the sum of digits of a given no.
7. To display the Fibonacci series up to given limit using recursion.
8. To convert given length i.e. in Inches into Feet & Inches.
9. To evaluate the Grade of student when the marks of five subjects read from the keyboard.
10. To find out the MSD of two given numbers are equal or not.
11. To evaluate the sum of square of first n natural numbers.
12. To swap two given string.
13. To print the table from zero to a particular given no.
14. To convert time (i.e. accepted only in seconds) into Hours, Minutes and seconds.
15. To find out how many days is being between two given dates.
16. Demonstrate the power method, to find out 2-n and 2n.
17. Demonstrate ternary operator to find absolute value.
18. Demonstrate the following
 Basic arithmetic operators
 Bitwise logical operators
 Boolean logical operators
 << and >> operators as a quick way to multiply by 2 and divide by 2 respectively
 Boolean value with if statement
 Unsigned right shift operator.
 Three-Dimensional array
 Variable sized two dimensional array.
 Object may be passed to methods
 autoboxing works for all the primitive types and their wrappers.
19. To evaluate the sum of Harmonic series for first N natural no.
20. To implement a class that defines an integer stack that can hold 10 values.

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