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excellib - Description : Excel support library

c:\legacyapp\python 2.5\lib\excellib.py

Constants : SAVEAS - Default value for saveas
VISIBLE - Default value for visible
UNVISIBLE - Default value for unvisible
CALCMANUAL - Calculation manual
CALCAUTOMATIC - Calculation automatic
LINE - Chart type line
LINEMARKERS - Chart type markers
LINEMARKERSSTACKED - Chart type markers stacked
LINEMARKERSSTACKED100 - Chart type markers stacked 100
LINESTACKED - Chart type line stacked
LINESTACKED100 - Chart type line stacked 100
COLUMNS - Default value for columns
ROWS - Default value for rows
CATEGORY - Axis type category
VALUE - Axis type value

Version : 2.0

Exceptions : excelliberror


class Application(excel12._Application)
| Syntax : OBJ = excelib.Application()
| Description : Class which represents an Excel application.
| Return Value: OBJ - Application - The newly created Excel application object.
| Attributes : See EXCEL's online help.
| Method resolution order:
| Application
| excel12._Application
| win32com.client.DispatchBaseClass
| Methods defined here:

| AddWorkbook(self)
| Creates a new empty Workbook and returns the object.
| Syntax : WorkBook = OBJ.AddWorkbook()
| Parameters : -
| Return Value: Ret - Workbook - The created Workbook object.
| Exceptions : -

| CentimetersToPoints(self, cm_in)
| Converts centimeters to points.
| Syntax : Points = OBJ.CentimetersToPoints(cm_in)
| Parameters : cm_in - float - Centimeters to convert.
| Return Value: Points - float - Length in points.
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type

| CloseWorkbook(self, Filename, Savechanges=1)

| Closes an open Workbook.
| Syntax : OBJ.CloseWorkbook(Filename [, Savechanges = 1])
| Description : Closes an open workbook. If the filename is empty
| The last of all created/loaded workbooks will be closed.
| To discard changes set the Savechanges parameter to false.
| Parameters : Filename - string - Name of the workbook to be closed.
| Savechanges - boolean - Flag if an modified workbook should be saved before closing.
| Return Value: -
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type
| TypeError - File does not exist

| GetWorkbook(self, Index)
| Returns an existing workbook specified by the given index.
| Syntax : Ret = OBJ.GetWorkbook(Index)
| Parameters : Index - int - Index of the Workbook to be returned.
| Return Value: Ret - Workbook - The requested Workbook object.
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type
| excelliberror - Index out of range
| Hide(self)
| Hides the EXCEL window.
| Syntax : OBJ.Hide()
| Parameters : -
| Return Value: -
| Exceptions : -

| InchesToPoints(self, in_in)
| Converts Inches to points.
| Syntax : Points = OBJ.InchesToPoints(in_in)
| Parameters : in_in - float - Inches to convert.
| Return Value: Points - float - Length in points.
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type

| MillimetersToPoints(self, mm_in)
| Converts millimeter to points.
| Syntax : Points = OBJ.MillimetersToPoints(mm_in)
| Parameters : mm_in - float - Millimeters to convert.
| Return Value: Points - float - Length in points.
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type

| OpenWorkbook(self, Filename)
| Opens an existing workbook with the given name.
| Syntax : Ret = OBJ.OpenWorkbook(Filename)
| Parameters : Filename - string - Pathname of the workbook to be opened.
| Return Value: Ret - Workbook - The opened Workbook object.
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type
| TypeError - File does not exist

| PointsToCentimeters(self, po_in)
| Converts points to centimeters.
| Syntax : Centimeters = OBJ.PointsToCentimeters(po_in)
| Parameters : po_in - float - Points to convert.
| Return Value: Centimeters - float - Length in centimeters.
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type

| PointsToInches(self, po_in)
| Converts points to Inches.
| Syntax : Inches = OBJ.PointsToInches(po_in)
| Parameters : po_in - float - Points to convert
| Return Value: Inches - float - Length in Inches
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type

| PointsToMillimeters(self, po_in)
| Converts points to millimeter.
| Syntax : Millimeters = OBJ.PointsToMillimeters(po_in)
| Parameters : po_in - float - Points to convert.
| Return Value: Millimeters - float - Length in millimeters.
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type

| Quit(self, Savechanges=-1)
| Closes the application.
| Syntax : OBJ.Quit([Savechanges=TRUE])
| Description : Hides the application window and closes all documents. If type is
| Savechanges then all workbooks are saved before they are closed.
| Parameters : Savechanges - boolean - Save the changes before closing.
| Return Value: -
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type

| Show(self)
| Shows the EXCEL window.
| Syntax : OBJ.Show()
| Parameters : -
| Return Value: -
| Exceptions : -
| __init__(self)
| Creates an Excel application object.
| __repr__(self)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------

| Methods inherited from excel12._Application:

| ActivateMicrosoftApp(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| AddChartAutoFormat(self, Chart=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Name=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, Description=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| AddCustomList(self, ListArray=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, ByRow=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Calculate(self)
| CalculateFull(self)
| CalculateFullRebuild(self)
| CalculateUntilAsyncQueriesDone(self)
| CheckAbort(self, KeepAbort=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| CheckSpelling(self, Word=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, CustomDictionary=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, IgnoreUppercase=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ConvertFormula(self, Formula=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
FromReferenceStyle=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, ToReferenceStyle=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, ToAbsolute=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, RelativeTo=<PyOleMissing object at
| DDEExecute(self, Channel=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, String=<PyOleMissing object at
| DDEInitiate(self, App=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Topic=<PyOleMissing object at
| DDEPoke(self, Channel=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Item=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Data=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| DDERequest(self, Channel=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Item=<PyOleMissing object at
| DDETerminate(self, Channel=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| DeleteChartAutoFormat(self, Name=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| DeleteCustomList(self, ListNum=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| DisplayXMLSourcePane(self, XmlMap=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| DoubleClick(self)
| Dummy1(self, Arg1=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Arg2=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Arg3=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Arg4=<PyOleMissing object at
| Dummy10(self, arg=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Dummy11(self)
| Dummy12(self, p1=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, p2=<PyOleMissing object at
| Dummy14(self)
| Dummy20(self, grfCompareFunctions=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Dummy3(self)
| Dummy6(self)
| Dummy7(self)
| Dummy8(self, Arg1=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Dummy9(self)
| Evaluate(self, Name=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ExecuteExcel4Macro(self, String=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| FileDialog(self, fileDialogType=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| # Result is of type FileDialog
| # The method FileDialog is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass
the arguments
| FindFile(self)
| GetCaller(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| # The method GetCaller is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass
the arguments
| GetClipboardFormats(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| # The method GetClipboardFormats is actually a property, but must be used as a method to
correctly pass the arguments
| GetCustomListContents(self, ListNum=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| GetCustomListNum(self, ListArray=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| GetFileConverters(self, Index1=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Index2=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| # The method GetFileConverters is actually a property, but must be used as a method to
correctly pass the arguments
| GetInternational(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| # The method GetInternational is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly
pass the arguments
| GetOpenFilename(self, FileFilter=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
FilterIndex=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Title=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
ButtonText=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, MultiSelect=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| GetPhonetic(self, Text=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| GetPreviousSelections(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| # The method GetPreviousSelections is actually a property, but must be used as a method to
correctly pass the arguments
| GetRegisteredFunctions(self, Index1=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
Index2=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| # The method GetRegisteredFunctions is actually a property, but must be used as a method to
correctly pass the arguments
| GetSaveAsFilename(self, InitialFilename=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
FileFilter=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, FilterIndex=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
Title=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, ButtonText=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Goto(self, Reference=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Scroll=<PyOleMissing object at
| Help(self, HelpFile=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, HelpContextID=<PyOleMissing object at
| InputBox(self, Prompt=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Title=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Default=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Left=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Top=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, HelpFile=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, HelpContextID=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Type=<PyOleMissing object at
| Intersect(self, Arg1=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Arg2=<PyOleMissing object at
| # Result is of type Range
| MacroOptions(self, Macro=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Description=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, HasMenu=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, MenuText=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, HasShortcutKey=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
ShortcutKey=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Category=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
StatusBar=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, HelpContextID=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, HelpFile=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| MailLogoff(self)
| MailLogon(self, Name=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Password=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, DownloadNewMail=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| NextLetter(self)
| # Result is of type Workbook
| OnKey(self, Key=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Procedure=<PyOleMissing object at
| OnRepeat(self, Text=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Procedure=<PyOleMissing object at
| OnTime(self, EarliestTime=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Procedure=<PyOleMissing object
at 0x03B8AA20>, LatestTime=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Schedule=<PyOleMissing object at
| OnUndo(self, Text=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Procedure=<PyOleMissing object at
| Range(self, Cell1=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Cell2=<PyOleMissing object at
| # Result is of type Range
| # The method Range is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the
| RecordMacro(self, BasicCode=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, XlmCode=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| RegisterXLL(self, Filename=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Repeat(self)
| ResetTipWizard(self)
| Run(self, Macro=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Save(self, Filename=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SaveWorkspace(self, Filename=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SendKeys(self, Keys=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Wait=<PyOleMissing object at
| SetDefaultChart(self, FormatName=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Gallery=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SharePointVersion(self, bstrUrl=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ShortcutMenus(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| # Result is of type Menu
| # The method ShortcutMenus is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly
pass the arguments
| Support(self, Object=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, ID=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, arg=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Undo(self)
| Union(self, Arg1=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20)
| # Result is of type Range
| Volatile(self, Volatile=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Wait(self, Time=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| __call__(self)
| # Default property for this class is 'Value'
| __int__(self, *args)
| __str__(self, *args)
| # str(ob) and int(ob) will use __call__
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from excel12._Application:
| CLSID = IID('{000208D5-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}')
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from win32com.client.DispatchBaseClass:
| __cmp__(self, other)
| # Delegate comparison to the oleobjs, as they know how to do identity.
| __getattr__(self, attr)
| __setattr__(self, attr, value)

class Chart(excel12._Chart)
| Description : Class which represents an Excel chart object. To access these object use the
application class e.g. Application.Charts[0]
| Application.Charts.Item("Chartname")
| Attributes : See EXCEL's online help.
| Method resolution order:
| Chart
| excel12._Chart
| win32com.client.DispatchBaseClass
| Methods defined here:

| SetChartAppearance(self, **Parms)
| Sets the appearance of the chart
| Syntax : OBJ.SetChartAppearance([YGridLines = ],[xGridLines = ])
| Parameters : YGridLines - boolean - Flag to show y-gridlines of the chart.
| XGridLines - boolean - Flag to show x-gridlines of the chart.
| Return Value: -
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type
| AttributeError - The paramter given is not available in the function.

| SetChartLegend(self, **Parms)
| Sets the legend properties of the chart
| Syntax : OBJ.SetChartLegend([Show = ] [,BorderWeight = ]
| [,BorderLineStyle = ] [,Shadow = ]
| [,ColorIndex = ] [,AutoScaleFont = ])
| Parameters : Show - boolean - Visible flag for the chart legend.
| BorderWeight - XlBorderWeight - Weight of the border around the chartlegend..
| BorderLineStyle - XlLineStyle - Style of the border around the chart legend.
| Shadow - boolean - Shadow flag for the chart legend.
| ColorIndex - int - Colorindex of the interior of the legend.
| AutoScaleFont - boolean - Type of font scaling for the chart legend.
| Return Value: -
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type
| AttributeError - The parameter given is not available in the function.

| SetChartLines(self, LineIndex, **Parms)

| Sets the lines properties of the chart.
| Syntax : OBJ.SetChartLines(LineIndex [,Name = ] [,AxisName = ] [,ColorIndex = ], [Linethickness
= ] [LineStyle = ])
| Parameters : LineIndex - int - Index of the line to change.
| Name - string - Name of the chart lines.
| AxisName - string - Axisname of the chart lines.
| ColorIndex - int - Colorindex of the chart lines.
| Linethickness - XlBorderWeight - Linethickness of the chart lines.
| LineStyle - XlLineStyle - Linestyle of the chart lines.
| Return Value: -
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type
| AttributeError - The paramter given is not available in the
| function.
| excelliberror - Lineindex out of range

| SetChartMarkers(self, LineIndex, **Parms)

| Sets the marker properties of a line in the chart.
| Syntax : OBJ.SetChartMarkers(LineIndex [,Shadow = ] [,BgColorIndex = ][,FgColorIndex =
][,Style = ] [,Size = ])
| Parameters : LineIndex - int - Index of the line to be changed.
| Shadow - boolean - Shadow flag of the markers.
| BgColorIndex - int - Background color index of the chart markers.
| FgColorIndex - int - Foreground color index of the chart markers.
| Style - XlMarkerStyle - The style of the chart markers
| Smooth - boolean - Smooth flag for chart marker
| Size - float - Sets the size of the chart markers in points.
| Return Value: -
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type
| AttributeError - The paramter given is not available in the
| function.
| excelliberror - Lineindex out of range

| SetChartText(self, Title, XAxisName, YAxisName)

| Sets the labels inside the chart.
| Syntax : SetChartText(Title,XAxisName,YAxisName)
| Description : Set the chart labels. If any text is empty the title or axis descrition will be disabled
| Parameters : Title - string - Title of the chart.
| XAxisName - string - Title of the x-axis.
| YAxisName - string - Title of the y-axis.
| Return Value: -
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type
| __init__(self, oobj)
| __repr__(self)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------

| Methods inherited from excel12._Chart:

| Activate(self)
| ApplyChartTemplate(self, Filename=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ApplyCustomType(self, ChartType=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
TypeName=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ApplyDataLabels(self, Type=2, LegendKey=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
AutoText=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, HasLeaderLines=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, ShowSeriesName=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
ShowCategoryName=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, ShowValue=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, ShowPercentage=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
ShowBubbleSize=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Separator=<PyOleMissing object at
| ApplyLayout(self, Layout=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, ChartType=<PyOleMissing object
at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Arcs(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| AreaGroups(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| AutoFormat(self, Gallery=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Format=<PyOleMissing object at
| Axes(self, Type=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, AxisGroup=1)
| BarGroups(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Buttons(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ChartGroups(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ChartObjects(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ChartWizard(self, Source=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Gallery=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Format=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, PlotBy=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, CategoryLabels=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, SeriesLabels=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, HasLegend=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Title=<PyOleMissing object
at 0x03B8AA20>, CategoryTitle=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, ValueTitle=<PyOleMissing object
at 0x03B8AA20>, ExtraTitle=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| CheckBoxes(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| CheckSpelling(self, CustomDictionary=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
IgnoreUppercase=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, AlwaysSuggest=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, SpellLang=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ClearToMatchStyle(self)
| ColumnGroups(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Copy(self, Before=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, After=<PyOleMissing object at
| CopyChartBuild(self)
| CopyPicture(self, Appearance=1, Format=-4147, Size=2)
| CreatePublisher(self, Edition=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Appearance=1, Size=1,
ContainsPICT=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, ContainsBIFF=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, ContainsRTF=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, ContainsVALU=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Delete(self)
| Deselect(self)
| DoughnutGroups(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| DrawingObjects(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Drawings(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| DropDowns(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Evaluate(self, Name=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Export(self, Filename=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, FilterName=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Interactive=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ExportAsFixedFormat(self, Type=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Filename=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, Quality=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
IncludeDocProperties=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, IgnorePrintAreas=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, From=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, To=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
OpenAfterPublish=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, FixedFormatExtClassPtr=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| GetChartElement(self, x=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, y=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, ElementID=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Arg1=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Arg2=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| GetHasAxis(self, Index1=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Index2=<PyOleMissing object at
| # The method GetHasAxis is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass
the arguments
| GroupBoxes(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| GroupObjects(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Labels(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| LineGroups(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Lines(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ListBoxes(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Location(self, Where=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Name=<PyOleMissing object at
| # Result is of type Chart
| Move(self, Before=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, After=<PyOleMissing object at
| OLEObjects(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| OptionButtons(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Ovals(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Paste(self, Type=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Pictures(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| PieGroups(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| PrintOut(self, From=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, To=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Copies=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Preview=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, ActivePrinter=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, PrintToFile=<PyOleMissing object
at 0x03B8AA20>, Collate=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, PrToFileName=<PyOleMissing object
at 0x03B8AA20>)
| PrintPreview(self, EnableChanges=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Protect(self, Password=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, DrawingObjects=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, Contents=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Scenarios=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, UserInterfaceOnly=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| RadarGroups(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Rectangles(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Refresh(self)
| SaveAs(self, Filename=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, FileFormat=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Password=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, WriteResPassword=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, ReadOnlyRecommended=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
CreateBackup=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, AddToMru=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, TextCodepage=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, TextVisualLayout=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, Local=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SaveChartTemplate(self, Filename=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ScrollBars(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Select(self, Replace=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SeriesCollection(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SetBackgroundPicture(self, Filename=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SetDefaultChart(self, Name=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SetElement(self, Element=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SetHasAxis(self, Index1=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Index2=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, arg2=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| # The method SetHasAxis is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass
the arguments
| SetSourceData(self, Source=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, PlotBy=<PyOleMissing object at
| Spinners(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| TextBoxes(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Unprotect(self, Password=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| XYGroups(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from excel12._Chart:
| CLSID = IID('{000208D6-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}')
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from win32com.client.DispatchBaseClass:
| __cmp__(self, other)
| # Delegate comparison to the oleobjs, as they know how to do identity.
| __getattr__(self, attr)
| __setattr__(self, attr, value)
class Workbook(excel12._Workbook)
| Description : Class which represents a excel Workbook object. To access these object use the
application class e.g. WB = Application.GetWorkbook(Index)
| WB = Application.AddWorkbook("Workbookname").
| Attributes : See EXCEL's online help.
| Method resolution order:
| Workbook
| excel12._Workbook
| win32com.client.DispatchBaseClass
| Methods defined here:

| GetData(self, FirstCell='A1', LastCell='', SheetIndex=0)

| Returns data from the specified range in the worksheet.
| Syntax : Ret = OBJ.GetData([FirstCell="A1" [, LastCell="" [, SheetIndex=0]]])
| Description : To get data from a single cell just use first cell.
| Parameters : SheetIndex - int - Index of the sheet to retrieve data from.
| FirstCell - string - First cell of the range.
| LastCell - string - Last cell of the range.
| Return Value: Ret - variant - Data which was retrieved from the cells.
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type
| excelliberror - Sheetindex out of range"

| InsertBlockData(self, Data, SheetIndex=0, FirstCell='A1')

| Inserts block datas in a workbook
| Syntax : OBJ.InsertNonBlockData(Data [,SheetIndex=0 [,FirstCell="A1"]])
| Description : Data is a two dimensional array or tuple of size m x m.
| Parameters : SheetIndex - int - Index of the sheet where the data is inserted.
| FirstCell - string - Cell where the data insertion should start.
| Data - tuple - Data that is inserted in the cells.
| Return Value: -
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type
| excelliberror - Sheetindex out of range"
| InsertChart(self, SheetIndex=0, AnchorCell='A1', Range='', Top=0,
Left=200, Width=400, Height=400)
| Inserts a chart in the specified sheet of the workbook.
| Syntax : Ret = OBJ.InsertChart([SheetIndex=0, AnchorCell="A1" , Range="",
| Top=0, Left=200,Width=400,Height=400])
| Parameters : SheetIndex - int - Index of the sheet where the chart is inserted.
| AnchorCell - string - Name of the anchor cell.
| Range - string - Source where the chart gets the data.
| Top - int - Top offest in points from the start cell.
| Left - int - Left offest in points from the start cell.
| Width - int - Width of the chart in points.
| Height - int - Heigth of the chart in points.
| Return Value: Chart - Object - Instance of a chart class
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type
| excelliberror - Sheetindex out of range

| InsertData(self, Data, Cell='A1', SheetIndex=0)

| Inserts data in a single cell.
| Syntax : OBJ.InsertData(Data [,Cell="A1" [,SheetIndex=0]])
| Parameters : SheetIndex - int - Index of the sheet where the chart is inserted
| Cell - string - Cell where the value should be inserted.
| Data - variant - Data to be inserted.
| Return Value: -
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type

| InsertNonBlockData(self, Data, SheetIndex=0, FirstCell='A1')

| Inserts non block data in a workbook.
| Syntax : OBJ.InsertNonBlockData(Data,[SheetIndex=0,FirstCell="A1"])
| Description : Data is a two dimensional array or tuple. It must
| have the following form : [[11,12,13],[21,22],...], where the
| two numbers are Row/Column index. The two array dimension
| must not have the same size.
| Parameters : SheetIndex - int - Index of the sheet where the data is inserted.
| FirstCell - string - Cell where the data insertion should start.
| Data - tuple - Data that is inserted in the cells.
| Return Value: -
| Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type
| excelliberror - Sheetindex out of range"

| Save(self, OverWriteExisting=0)
| Saves an open workbook
| Syntax : OBJ.Save()
| Description : If the workbook has no filename the file will be saved to the default file path with
the document title. If the file already exists it depends on the overwriteexisting flag if an exception will
be raised.
| Parameters : OverWriteExisting - boolean - If true any existing file will be overwritten (default
| Return Value: -
| Exceptions :

| SaveAs(self, Filename, OverWriteExisting=0)

| Saves an open workbook with the given filename.
| Syntax : OBJ.SaveAs(Filename [, OverWriteExisting = 0])
| Description : If no path is given a new file will be saved to the defaultfilepath or to the path
where the original file was located.
| Parameters : Filename - string - New name for the workbook.
| OverWriteExisting - boolean - If true any existing file will be overwritten (default false).
| Return Value: -
| Exceptions : IOError - In case the file already exists and the overwrite flag is not set.
| __init__(self, oobj)
| __repr__(self)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------

| Methods inherited from excel12._Workbook:

| AcceptAllChanges(self, When=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Who=<PyOleMissing object
at 0x03B8AA20>, Where=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Activate(self)
| AddToFavorites(self)
| ApplyTheme(self, Filename=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| BreakLink(self, Name=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Type=<PyOleMissing object at
| CanCheckIn(self)
| ChangeFileAccess(self, Mode=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
WritePassword=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Notify=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ChangeLink(self, Name=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, NewName=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Type=1)
| CheckIn(self, SaveChanges=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Comments=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, MakePublic=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| CheckInWithVersion(self, SaveChanges=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
Comments=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, MakePublic=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
VersionType=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Close(self, SaveChanges=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Filename=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, RouteWorkbook=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| DeleteNumberFormat(self, NumberFormat=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Dummy16(self)
| Dummy17(self, calcid=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| EnableConnections(self)
| EndReview(self)
| ExclusiveAccess(self)
| ExportAsFixedFormat(self, Type=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Filename=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, Quality=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
IncludeDocProperties=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, IgnorePrintAreas=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, From=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, To=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
OpenAfterPublish=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, FixedFormatExtClassPtr=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| FollowHyperlink(self, Address=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, SubAddress=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, NewWindow=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
AddHistory=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, ExtraInfo=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
Method=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, HeaderInfo=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ForwardMailer(self)
| GetColors(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| # The method GetColors is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass
the arguments
| GetWorkflowTasks(self)
| # Result is of type WorkflowTasks
| GetWorkflowTemplates(self)
| # Result is of type WorkflowTemplates
| HighlightChangesOptions(self, When=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Who=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, Where=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| LinkInfo(self, Name=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, LinkInfo=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Type=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, EditionRef=<PyOleMissing object at
| LinkSources(self, Type=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| LockServerFile(self)
| MergeWorkbook(self, Filename=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| NewWindow(self)
| # Result is of type Window
| OpenLinks(self, Name=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, ReadOnly=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Type=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| PivotCaches(self)
| # Result is of type PivotCaches
| PivotTableWizard(self, SourceType=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
SourceData=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, TableDestination=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, TableName=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, RowGrand=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, ColumnGrand=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, SaveData=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, HasAutoFormat=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, AutoPage=<PyOleMissing object
at 0x03B8AA20>, Reserved=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, BackgroundQuery=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, OptimizeCache=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
PageFieldOrder=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, PageFieldWrapCount=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, ReadData=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Connection=<PyOleMissing object at
| Post(self, DestName=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| PrintOut(self, From=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, To=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Copies=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Preview=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, ActivePrinter=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, PrintToFile=<PyOleMissing object
at 0x03B8AA20>, Collate=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, PrToFileName=<PyOleMissing object
at 0x03B8AA20>, IgnorePrintAreas=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| PrintPreview(self, EnableChanges=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Protect(self, Password=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Structure=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Windows=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ProtectSharing(self, Filename=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Password=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, WriteResPassword=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
ReadOnlyRecommended=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, CreateBackup=<PyOleMissing object
at 0x03B8AA20>, SharingPassword=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, FileFormat=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| PurgeChangeHistoryNow(self, Days=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
SharingPassword=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| RecheckSmartTags(self)
| RefreshAll(self)
| RejectAllChanges(self, When=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Who=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Where=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ReloadAs(self, Encoding=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| RemoveDocumentInformation(self, RemoveDocInfoType=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| RemoveUser(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| Reply(self)
| ReplyAll(self)
| ReplyWithChanges(self, ShowMessage=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ResetColors(self)
| Route(self)
| RunAutoMacros(self, Which=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SaveAsXMLData(self, Filename=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Map=<PyOleMissing object
at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SaveCopyAs(self, Filename=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SendFaxOverInternet(self, Recipients=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
Subject=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, ShowMessage=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SendForReview(self, Recipients=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Subject=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>, ShowMessage=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
IncludeAttachment=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SendMail(self, Recipients=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Subject=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, ReturnReceipt=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SendMailer(self, FileFormat=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Priority=-4143)
| SetColors(self, Index=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, arg1=<PyOleMissing object at
| # The method SetColors is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass
the arguments
| SetLinkOnData(self, Name=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Procedure=<PyOleMissing
object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| SetPasswordEncryptionOptions(self, PasswordEncryptionProvider=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, PasswordEncryptionAlgorithm=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
PasswordEncryptionKeyLength=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>,
PasswordEncryptionFileProperties=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ToggleFormsDesign(self)
| Unprotect(self, Password=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| UnprotectSharing(self, SharingPassword=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| UpdateFromFile(self)
| UpdateLink(self, Name=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Type=<PyOleMissing object at
| WebPagePreview(self)
| XmlImport(self, Url=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, ImportMap=<PyOleMissing object at
0x03B8AA20>, Overwrite=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Destination=<PyOleMissing object at
| XmlImportXml(self, Data=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, ImportMap=<PyOleMissing object
at 0x03B8AA20>, Overwrite=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>, Destination=<PyOleMissing object
at 0x03B8AA20>)
| sblt(self, s=<PyOleMissing object at 0x03B8AA20>)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------

| Data and other attributes inherited from excel12._Workbook:

| CLSID = IID('{000208DA-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}')
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from win32com.client.DispatchBaseClass:
| __cmp__(self, other)
| # Delegate comparison to the oleobjs, as they know how to do identity.
| __getattr__(self, attr)
| __setattr__(self, attr, value)

SetFont(Font, **Parms)
Sets the properties of a given font.
Syntax : SetFont(Font [,Color = ] [,ColorIndex = ] [,Style = ] [,Name = ]
[,Size = ] [,Bold = ] [,Outlinefont = ] [,Italic = ]
[,Shadow = ] [,Strikethrough = ] [,Subscript = ]
[,Superscript = ] [,Underline = ])

Parameters : Font - Font - The font object to be changed.

Color - color - Color of the font.
ColorIndex - int - Colorindex of the font.
Style - string - String which describes the style of the font.
Name - string - Name of the font.
Size - float - Size of the font.
Bold - boolean - Bold flag of the font.
Outlinefont - boolean - Outlinefont flag of the font.
Italic - boolean - Italic flag of the font.
Shadow - boolean - Shadowflag of the font.
Strikethrough - boolean - Strikethrough flag of the font.
Subscript - boolean - Subscript flag of the font.
Superscript - boolean - Superscript flag of the font.
Underline - boolean - Underline flag of the font.

Return Value: -

Exceptions : TypeError - Parameter has wrong type

AttributeError - The paramter given is not available in the function.

CALCMANUAL = 4294963161L
LINE = 4
ROWS = 1
TRUE = -1
__Author__ = '$Author: Stefanm $'
__Revision__ = '$Revision: 21 $'
__version__ = '2.0'
excelliberror = 'excellib Error'


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