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Bilt see

kidney patients weak and thus are quali-

as PWDs
regular iobs.
fied to be consider6d as -'Chrirnic dialysis pa-
PWDs. tients of chronic kidney
The orooosed law iri- disease patienst on dialy-
A MEASURE seeking to tends tb oiovide kidnev sis are amonq those se-
consider kidnev patients oatients tfie same benefids verelv troublEd bv their
as Dersons witfi disabili- ind discounts given to disea6e which is why any
w (Pwo"), has been filed PWDs. assistance that will 6e rc-
ih ttre Hduse of Repre- To date at least 20,000 ceived in the form of Phil-
sentatives. Filipinos suffering from health or PCSO aid is very
In filine House BiIt chronic kidney diseases much valued," added
2120, Defruty Speaker (CKDs) are undergoing ex- Romero, president of the
Michael Romdro said pa- pensive dialysis. CKD pq- Partvlist- Coalition of
tients with kidney failirre tients are now acknowl- Fouridation Inc..
are suffering and-are very edeed as PWD's because Romero said amending
CI{P has been categorized the list of PWD's entitleil
as a disease and not a dis- to various benefits, includ-
abilitv. ing discounts on medi-
Roirero noted there has ciies and other basic
been a sharo rise in'the needs, could be the best
number of CfO patients way of help CKD pa-
ryho. u.ndg.go
teg'qlur {- _ tients.
alvsls ln tne Dast vears. Under HB 2.1,20, the
'The solori said aside Philhealth is tasked to pro-
from the financial cost of vide additional hemoclial-
undergoing dialysis, pa- ysis treatment coverage to
tients who no lonser have hllow oatients. especiallv
normallv functionTne kid- those *ith end stale rendl
nevs alio face diffiiulties disease, to prepare for the
in leading normal lives, in- cost of havin^g a kidney
cluding attending to their transplant. p%ee

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