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parents, staff and friends of St Henry's


A reflection of the life changing experience that both mys elf and Darryl Rehman were
priveledged to be a part of.....

After 32 hours of travelling, our group made up of 2 s taff members from each of the 5 South
African Maris t Schools as well as Mike Greeff (Director of Maris t Schools Council), Br Fortune
Chakas ara, Br John Bwanali and Fr John Ens lin arrived at the General Hous e in Rome and were
warmly welcomed by the res iding Brothers as well as Br Jos eph Walton who would be our
Pilgrimage leader over the next two unforgettable weeks .

It is difficult to put s o many joyful, overwhelming and emotional experiences that we s hared
together into a few lines of text.

Bes ides the incredible experience of s pending time at the Vatican Mus eum, The Sis tine Chapel
and St Peter’s Bas ilica we were fortunate enough to als o be taken to a number of other
Bas ilicas , s ights and Churches in Rome, each of which had its own unique and fas cinating
his tory. Highlights included having Mas s in the Catacombs of St Callixtus , climbing the 551
s tairs of the St Peter’s Bas ilica dome and getting as clos e to Pope Francis as indicated in the
photograph below.

Des pite the intens e heat in Rome we walked 1000’s of s teps together as a Community of
Maris ts , s haring many experiences and laughs , deepening our experience of what it is to be
Maris t! We left the General Hous e in Rome filled with s o many emotions and memories as well
as excitement for the week ahead in France.

After the hus tle and bus tle of Rome the Pilgrims headed off to France to s tay with the Brothers
at Notre Dame de l’Hermitage in Saint Chamond. We were welcomed by Br Maurice Birquet who
would act as our tour guide for the next few days . His wonderful s tories about Champagnat and
the Maris t Brothers both educated and entertained us . The tone of the Pilgrimage changed into
s omething more inward and s elf-reflective as we were challenged to literally walk in the
foots teps of Marcellin Champagnat. This was als o a wonderful way to experience the beautiful
French countrys ide. Having Mas s around the table at La Valla where Champagnat s at with his
brothers was a highlight and a deeply moving ceremony. A day of reflection allowed us to
explore the Hermitage and connect on a deeper level to what being Maris t means . The
temperature continued to heat up as we vis ited the Bas ilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière in Lyon,
the Cathedral Notre-Dame Du Puy-en-Velay and attended a s pectacular mas s at Taizè. After two
weeks abroad and walking a dis tance of 160kms it was time to head back home.

Our group connected with one another from day one. It has been quite extraordinary to
experience this s trong s piritual bond amongs t our members . I know that we will never forget
this journey, that is s ure to have an impact on the res t of our lives . We thank the Maris t
Community for this opportunity of a lifetime! We left South Africa as s trangers and returned as
s pecial friends .

Kerry‑Anne Francis​
Advancement Manager

29 July: 17th Sunday of the Year
Gen 18: 1-10
Ps 138: 1-8
Col 2: 12-14
Lk 11: 1-13

4 August: 18th Sunday of the Year

Eccl 1: 2; 2: 21-23
Ps 90: 3-6. 12-14. 14
Col 3: 1-5. 9-11
Lk 12: 13-21

11 August: 19th Sunday of the Year

Wis 18: 6-9
Ps 33: 1. 12. 18-20. 22.
He 11: 1-2. 8-19
Lk 12: 32-48

18 August: The Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Rev 11: 19; 12: 1-6. 10
Ps 45: 10-12. 16
1 Cor 15: 20-27
Lk 1: 39-56

25 August: 21st Sunday of the Year

Is 66: 18-21
Ps 117: 1-2
Heb 12: 5-7. 11-13
Lk 13: 22-30


With the long-awaited World Cup Cricket over and s adly not s uch a great performance by our
Protea team, we at St Henry’s can claim a little from the WINNING World Cup England s ide –
England captain, Eoin Morgan, attended St Henry’s for 4 months in 2003. The Catholic
Univers ity School(CUS) in Ireland s ent him over with Ronan Flannery to play cricket here, during
which time he lived with the Heffer family. Devin Heffer (Hollywood Bets ) fondly remembers
playing in the St Henry’s 1s t XI with both Iris h lads . Already then, Eoin was a formidable
cricketer, he s cored 2 hundreds and 4 fifties that s eas on, and finis hed with an average of 90.
At the tender age of 16, he had already played his firs t game for Ireland. In a recent interview,
Eoin mentioned that his time at St Henry’s , although he had been a little homes ick, had given
him the s ocial confidence at this young age to travel the cricket world by hims elf.

England will be in SA in February 2020 to play the Proteas …we are hoping to have the
opportunity to catch up with Eoin then.

In the s chool picture is from Left to right: Ronan Flannery, Eoin Morgan, Devin Heffer,
Tyson Heffer.

Marists making a difference at Sisters of Mercy in Addo, Eastern Cape

The Place of Mercy is clos ely tied to the greater Maris t community and is a collaborative effort
between the Maris t Brothers , Sis ters of Mercy and lay pers on’s in the Sundays River Valley. The
facility as s is ts families who are from the extremely impoveris hed local community and in
particular the children. The Program cares for a Crèche and Pre-School, Clinic, Soup Kitchens
and Adult Learning programs .

We would like to congratulate Sr Martha, Sr Breda and 2007 alumnus and Head Boy Jas on
Grieve (Directors of the ‘Place of Mercy and Hope’ at the Sis ters of Mercy) on the recent
opening of the ‘Hope Baby and Toddler Care Centre’ which was s pons ored by Capespan. We
wis h them every s ucces s with this new centre which is to s ervice the many abus ed and s ickly
children from the local Valencia Community.

Maris t Mercy Care would like to extend a huge Thank you to the St Henry’s Maris t College family
for all the wonderful donations of much needed clothing, blankets , beanies and water which
was collected las t term. They are extremely grateful to St Henry’s Head Students Kels ey Jones
and Njabulo Radebe who were res pons ible for motivating this collection drive. All thes e
donations were very generous ly couriered free of charge by COURIER IT SA and will be
dis tributed to the Sundays River Valley community to be us ed in the Place of Mercy and Hope
Crèche, Pre-School, Clinic and the new Baby Care Centre.

Further to Maris t Mercy, las t week, Brendan Martin ,1966 alumnus and chairman of the St
Henrys Maris t College Alumni As s ociation, and his wife Tris h vis ited the Sis ters of Mercy and
s pent time with the s taff and children at the centre. They were extremely dis turbed by the
poverty in this community. They would like to als o as s is t where pos s ible. They are appealing to
anyone who has unwanted fabrics lying around to pleas e donate it to the Addo Towns hip
Des igns which is bas ed at Sis ters of Mercy. The local women will us e it to make bags , cus hions
etc. which they will then s ell to help uplift their community. It’s als o heart-warming to know that
the Sewing centre with its machines was originally donated and s etup s ome years ago by
Raymond Nel a 1953 St Henry’s alumnus . He s adly pas s ed away 2 years ago, however, the
Maris t community will endeavour to continue his legacy.

Any fabrics and donations can be handed to Tes s a Tos tee in the Alumni office. We thank you
very much in advance, for your continued s upport of our various community drives .

Together we can make a difference!

For further ins ight into the Marist Mercy Care South Africa, pleas e, “LIKE” their Facebook

Tessa Tostee​
Alumni Officer


After hours of preparation for s ome and a few minutes for others , we were all ready to dance
the night away. The boys had all trans formed from our us ual s chool-s elves (never having our
s hirts tucked in, having our ties loos e and s cuffed s hoes ) to pres entable gentlemen, fit for the
cover of GQ. The girls almos t certainly outs hone the boys , des pite s ome of our bes t attempts ,
but overall everyone looked s tunning. Turns out we don’t clean up too badly.

The red-carpet entrance was on par with that of the Met Gala. The paparazzi made up of our
family and friends s napped away vigorous ly, almos t as excited as us . Unfortunately for them,
entrance was for VIP only.

We indulged in a lovely three cours e meal that gave us the energy we needed for dancing. After
dinner was a bit of banter with the Matric Dance Awards . We s ugges ted awards beforehand that
related to various ins ide jokes that we have all s hared over the years . They were like receiving
Os cars , jus t far les s of an achievement in every s ens e. They are more des igned to poke fun at
than to celebrate.

Following the awards was the head team dance. What s eemed like a nice idea was ruined a bit
by our s erious ly lacking ballroom dance capabilities . It was fun nonetheles s . The real dancing
commenced when everyone hit the dance floor. We all s ang and danced along to our favourite
s ongs for hours , s topping momentarily to take s ome pictures to remember the night by.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable night filled with laughter and the Maris t Family s pirit that we have
all developed over the years and that we will carry in life forever.

Jonathan Wimberley



We congratulate the following pupils who received their Colours Blazers recently at a s pecial
pres entation as s embly. Their proud family members were pres ent to hand over the blazers to

A s pecial moment!

Luke Brown – Kudos , Rugby and Water Polo

Nathalie Desfontaines – Firs t Aid, Hockey, Prefect
Kelly Hall – Hockey, Netball, Swimming and Prefect
Chelsea Ingle – Hockey, Prefect and Performing Arts
Liam Long – Prefect, Rugby and Soccer
Mvelo Mthembu – Prefect, Performing Arts and Rugby
Tanna Ronne – Hockey, Kudos , Rugby and Softball

Well done to all of you!.

“Good day Mate - how are we” is a phras e I became accus tomed to hearing in Aus tralia over
the las t two and a half months while I was down under. It was hard being away from family and
friends for s uch a long time but going on this experience has taught me to cheris h the people
clos e to me.

Aus tralia has changed my point of view on life. There were many highlights of my time s pent in
Aus tralia and at Joeys but there are a few memories that s tood out for me. At Joeys rugby is a
“religion”, they love playing the s port they have a great pas s ion for it. One thing that impres s ed
me from Joeys is their s ens e of brotherhood and a motto they embrace daily is “You’ll never
walk alone.” This was repeated time and time again before, during and after a game. They s ing
a war cry entitled “You’ll never walk alone” which they have adopted from the Englis h Premier
League team Liverpool. This war cry was s ung with s uch pas s ion that the other teams would
have no chance to try and s ing over the “Mighty Joe boys ” as they are affectionately known as
in Aus tralia.

Yes , I do mis s Joeys , but being back at St Henry’s and having experienced the Aus tralian
culture, I have a greater appreciation for the opportunities St Henry’s offers pupils and I would
not change it for anything in the world.

Matthew Ackerman
Grade 10
My exchange experience in Australia

I was away from home for 78 days . I was s o excited but nervous to go. After the term I had, it
was n’t eas y returning to SA. I had amazing experiences and made s o many new friends and
new memories .

Before I left my counterpart, Archie arrived from Aus tralia to s pend 12 days with me, I was able
to s how him around and introduce him to my friends , it was nice to get to know him a little
before I left for Aus tralia.

After a very long flight via Abu Dhabi we arrived in Sydney, Aus tralia, and I was met my hos t
family the MILLERS. I was no longer the younger brother but had to experience living with an
older s is ter. My hos t family was very good to me and made me feel right at home.

My experience was more than I ever hoped for. There was s o much I loved about Aus tralia. It
was great being able to us e public trans port. The freedom to be able to hop on the bus or train
to go places was amazing.

My firs t few days at s chool were a little s cary as I never had anyone to s how me around nor
introduce me to everyone. The s chool is s o big, and I found it difficult to learn my way around.
St. Jos ephs is a boy only s chool. I thought this was great. I really enjoyed the experience. I got
to make s ome great friends who will be friends for life. I was very welcomed at the s chool by
the boys and the teachers . I really enjoyed s taying behind after s chool and playing with my
friends on the field. It was interes ting to s ee the way the s chool works and how the les s ons are
taught. We got to eat lunch s erved by the s chool, which was a cooked meal.

The s port was fantas tic. I played rugby while I was over there. The training was a lot more
intens e than I was us ed to. I played for all the different teams which was good as I got to try
out different pos itions in the team.

I got to experience boarding s chool while I was there. This was awes ome. To be with your
friends 24/7 was loads of fun. If ever I had the opportunity again, I would board. I really enjoyed
the brotherhood that you experience.

I got to go to s ome amazing places like the Sydney harbor bridge, the Sydney opera hous e, city
center. We went to the family farm often, this was always fun. We went on boat trips , s wam in
the lakes , moved cattle, rode a ‘UTE’. I went to a nature res erve called the 3 s is ters . That was
awes ome and I s aw s ome great views . I did a lot of things , and the lis t goes on and on.

Saying goodbye to my Sydney family and the friends I made was very hard. Saying goodbye to
Joeys s chool, I was leaving behind a lot of good memories and experiences .

I was bles s ed to go for a holiday to my aunts , uncles and cous ins from South Africa that
immigrated to OZ 10 years ago. My family lives on the Gold coas t Bris bane. It was s o
wonderful to s ee them. I had not s een then in 8 years . We went to the khaula and kangaroo
s anctuary. Loved 4x4 in the mud, fis hing, catching the train into the city, s ea world and being
with my family.

My experience in Aus tralia was amazing, I loved everything about it. I would do it all over again.
I mis s ed my family and friends in South Africa while I was a way, it is good to be back, jus t
takes a while s ettling back in with the s chool work mis s ed. I am s till in contact with my Hos t
family and friends in Sydney. I am already planning my next trip to Aus tralia.

Although I did not s pend as much time with Archie as my friends did, the time s pend with him
was one to remember.

Thank you to St. Henrys and St Jos eph’s for this amazing opportunity as well as the Miller
Family for welcoming me in there home and letting me be a part of their family.

Keegan Williams
Grade 10
Exchange student 2019

My exchange experience in the UK

The 12th April was the s tart of probably one of the bes t few weeks I was going to have in my
life. Firs tly I was lucky enough to be s elected to fly overs eas to Maris t As cot for the 2019
exchange s tudent programme. All I can s ay is that I am extremely happy and grateful to have
been chos en. I flew to England on the 12 April with my dad and s pent 10 fantas tic days
s ights eeing, s hopping and catching up with family that lives in England. Then on the 22nd of
April I was lucky enough to meet my exchange partner. Her name is Phoebe and s he and her
family were extremely welcoming and tried their bes t to make me feel as much at home as
they pos s ibly could.

When I arrived there I was greeted by her adorable dog Bubbles who jumped up at me. Jus t
having dogs around me als o made me feel more at home. On the day I arrived, we all went out
to the park for ice-cream and we walked the dog. The next day I s tarted s chool with Phoebe and
even their s chool couldn’t have been more welcoming! All of the teachers kept on offering help,
nearly all of the girls gave me a welcoming hug and I’ve made s o many friends that I can’t wait
to s ee again.
On the weekends with Phoebe we did loads of activities that I really enjoyed s uch as Harry
Potter world, Winds or Cas tle, The London Eye and Thorpe Park. Phoebe was als o vegetarian
and s he introduced me to a lot of new foods and ways to help the environment. While I was in
England we als o went to a vegan fes tival which was quite interes ting. Overall I thoroughly
enjoyed the trip and couldn’t have as ked for a better hos t family.

Anabelle Conlon (Grade 9)

Exchange student 2019

On Thurs day, 18 July, Mandela Day, the Junior Primary children all made a peanut butter
s andwich which was given to the Durban Children’s Home. The children loved it and had s o
much fun making the s andwiches

Our Grade 4’s s pent their 67 minutes making ecobricks to contribute to Ros eland Outdoor
Adventure Centre's initiative, to help build Linwood Combined School in Richmond, a s chool
library. They are hoping to get s tarted with building the Library's foundations at the end of
Augus t.

Our Pre-primary pupils s pent their 67minutes , cleaning their environment!



On Wednes day 24 July the High School choir was invited to take part in the Inter-Catholic
Schools ' Sing with One Voice Choir concert at Maris Stella. This is an annual concert held in
s upport of the Denis Hurley centre and the wonderful work that they do.

The theme this year was "Celebration in s ervice to God". Our choir has been working very hard
in preparation for this event. The other s chools that participated were St Benedicts School, St
Francis College, Kwa Thintwa School for the Deaf, Maris Stella, and Holy Family College. We
performed two s ongs , "How Great is Our God" and "10 000 Reas ons ". It was a wonderful
evening of mus ic, and our choir performed extremely well. They did St Henry's proud.

Mandy Wilken​
Director of Music


On Friday 19th and Saturday the 20th, the St Henry’s 7’s rugby 1s t team took part in the 7th
annual Crawford La Lucia 7’s fes tival. The tournament is a highlight on the provincial 7’s
calendar with many top teams participating in the fes tival.

We were drawn in a pool with Amanzimtoti High School, St Charles and Michaelhous e. Our
match agains t Amanzimtoti was a tight affair with Amanzimtoti managing to s core a break away
try after the final hooter had s ounded giving them the win 17-15.

Our next two matches were hard fought and unfortunately we went down in both fixtures .
We went through to the s hield final on Saturday afternoon after our s emi-final opponents failed
to arrive.
The s hield final was contes ted agains t As hton International College. An all-round great team
performance s aw Connor Van Wyk s core three wonderful tries as well as Mvelo Mthembu and
Marick Baronet dotting down for a try a piece, giving us the victory by 31 points to 19.

Ray Brent​
Commerce department
Phase head: Grade 8 & 9


A trip filled of mus icals , laughs , food, funny jokes , coffee and naps and that was jus t the 12
hour bus ride up to the National Arts Fes tival 2019 in Grahams town. It did not take long before
we were all amazed by the ins ane talent dis played, from the key note s peaker Kay Mos iane to
the many s hows that required intens e phys icality and amazing acting.

The bes t way to des cribe it would be in the words of one of the art s tudents , Amy-Grace
Bes s ick “It was truly s uch an ins piring experience filled with culture and art.”

As a group we got to experience a variety of s hows . One s how that really amazed all of us was
called Electric Juju by Rob Van Vuuren. We were als o lucky enough to have a talk by Rob Van
Vuuren later in the trip. There were many other s hows in which we were s imply in awe by the
talent of the actors , s uch as Next!, Mother Earth and Cellis t with Rabies . The impact of the
s hows was perfectly s ummed up by As anda, “As a drama s tudent, it gave me an ins ight on the
s ignificance of performances and the arts .”

It was n’t all about the s hows however, there were als o the many works hops we each got to
experience. We each got a s election of works hops to attend varying from Contemporary Dance,
Urban Street Dance, Art Prints and African Drums and Percus s ions . Jos h Robert s poke for all of
us when he s aid how much he joyed being challenged by s ome of the works hops .

Through out the works hops and in the free time walking around the Village Green (a market
place) we all made new friends and became clos er friends with each other. This trip was really
a once in a life time experience and I could not thank my parents and Mrs Swart and Mr
Shumann enough for giving me the opportunity to experience s uch raw emotional talent.

Sarah Taylor

Recently the Grade 9’s went on an eight day “Vas byt” camping trip to Camp Solomon, s ituated
jus t outs ide Pietermaritzburg. I was fortunate enough to attend this camp and emerged a
completely new pers on. Many new friends hips were made, and exis ting ones s trengthened.

Over the 8 days we learnt to work as a unit, helping each other along the way. We s oon realis ed
that a lot could be achieved when we worked as a team, rather than individually. We learnt how
to manage our very limited food s upply, and s oon appreciated the importance of a full s tomach.
This exercis e als o allowed us to experience firs t hand what real hunger feels like, a hards hip
faced by many in our country on a daily bas is .

There were various activities that we were engaged in, one of which was a 50km hike. The hike
pus hed many of us to our limits , but we all pers evered, helping each other along the way. The
relief many of us felt finally getting back to camp was probably s imilar to the feeling
experienced by an Olympic gold medal winner!

Dylan and Rene were two of our guides . They helped us with s ome of the more challenging
activities , s uch as moving a ball through a half pipe, an activity where we had to balance the
ball whils t moving it around camp.

The owner, Dave, educated us on the importance of managing ones finances . Another one of
our guides , Deon, is a very experienced hiker, and we all learnt a great deal from him. I s poke
to Deon about s ome of the mountains he has hiked s uch as “The Rhino”, “The Rockies ” and
Giant’s Cas tle. We were able to relate many of the concepts learnt in Geography whils t hiking
acros s the lands cape.

The memories and experiences made at Camp Solomon will remain with me forever. It truly is
an amazing experience, and one that I will always treas ure.

Reece Kyle
Grade 9G

Las t term, the Grade Four’s embarked on their firs t ever overnight excurs ion to Ros elands
Outdoor Adventure Centre. The air was filled with a mixture of excitement and nerves as the
children climbed onto the bus .

An hour and a half later, we arrived and were heartily greeted by the Ros elands Group Leaders .
The morning was s pent learning camp s ongs and s tretching our legs on a walk where the
children were taught how to catch gras s hoppers (s afely) and were educated about s ome of the
trees growing on the farm.

The afternoon s aw the children braving icy waters , learning how to canoe and facing their fear
of heights on a zip-line into the dam. Upon their return to the farm, the grade was s plit into
teams where one s caled a rock-climbing wall and the other defeated a gladiator cours e. After a
bus y, active afternoon, dinner was devoured, and the day was concluded by roas ting
mars hmallows around a bon fire.

Early the next morning, we were given a s neak peek into farm life and the children had the
opportunity to milk a cow. Thereafter, they changed into old clothes and, in their teams ,
completed their final activity. This s aw the children fully immers ed in mud as they made their
way through a rather challenging obs tacle cours e.

The Grade Four’s thoroughly enjoyed their time at Ros elands . They learnt the value of
teambuilding and came home filled with feelings of pride and accomplis hment at all they had
achieved and conquered.

Sarah Dean​
Grade 5 Class Teacher


On Tues day 18th June, the grade 5’s s et off on an overnight outing to Sweetdale Farm in
Margate. We left at8am, and the children were filled with much excitement and anticipation for
the events that lay ahead. Their s nacks were packed, and there was much happy chitter chatter
on the bus . When we arrived at Sweetdale Farm, we were greeted warmly and all enjoyed juice
and homemade bis cuits .

The children were divided into groups of 10. They were as s igned their dorms and met their
team leaders . Each team s et off to do their firs t activity for the day. The object of each activity
was bas ed on “team building”. The activities included, zip-lining, rock-climbing, an obs tacle
cours e and a water s lide. They were put into teams that did not neces s arily include their
friends , s o it als o encouraged them to get to know other children in an informal s etting. After
the activities had been completed, the children s at down to a delicious lunch.

The “hit” of the day was the water s lide. Even though it was a tad cold, this did not prevent the
children from having a “ball” on the water s lide. The day ended with a delicious s upper and
mars hmallows around a cozy, warm fire.

We arrived back at s chool at 11.30am the next day with very tired children. Great fun was had
by all!

Grade 5 Teachers
The highlight of the year, the Wagendrift Dam Excurs ion, had finally arrived!

On the morning of Tues day 18 June, the Grade 6’s arrived in a buzz of excitement. At firs t
glance, it would be difficult to believe that we were only going away for two nights , with the
“mountain of luggage” lying in the corridor. They jus t couldn’t wait to begin the adventure
accompanied by Mrs Young, Mr Schwikkard and Mis s Ramalho.

On our way to Wagendrift Dam, we s topped over for a picnic at Howick Falls . What a beautiful
touris t attraction and a great s ight to behold. The waterfall is approximately 95m in height and
lies on the Umgeni River. The Z ulu people called the falls ‘KwaNogqaza’, which means “Place of
the Tall One”.

After two hours on the road, we eventually arrived at Wagendrift Dam where we were welcomed
by our team leaders , Rus s ell, Paula and the guides . After a s hort trip by boat acros s Wagendrift
Dam, the children were s hown to their tents and were given s ome time to unpack and get ready
for s ome fun and adventure.

The children were then divided into two teams , the ‘Z ebras ’ and the ‘Giraffes ’. The groups
then rotated between the activities after lunch, which were a Cartoon Signs activity and an
Arachnid Study.

On our firs t afternoon, we walked down to the Wagendrift Dam and learnt s ome interes ting
facts about the dam. It is located on the Bus hman’s River, ups tream of Es tcourt, in the
KwaZ ulu-Natal province of South Africa.

The s erenity and s cenic view of Wagendrift Dam was definitely a view to behold!

After dinner, we went on a night hike and us ed the s tars as a guide. We walked for about three
kms up and down trails and experienced the s ights and s ounds of the wild.

Eventually our tired, weary children were es corted back to camp, to get a well-des erved night’s
res t.

The firs t night was quite a s hock to the s ys tem for all the children as the temperature was -2
degrees Cels ius ! What an icy, cold evening we all experienced!

The s econd day s tarted early at 06h30. After breakfas t we got ready for a full day out in the
res ort.

The two teams were s plit and completed various activities : an obs tacle cours e, orienteering,
canoeing and a team building exercis e where one group was given a “new team member”, an
egg and the team with an undamaged egg by the end of the day was awarded points .

The children loved this and were abs olutely exhaus ted after this activity, s o we made the long
“trek” back to camp to s hower and get ready for dinner at 18h00.

The teams were over-excited at the thought of playing “Stalk the lantern” and s tar-gazing. This
was a great s ucces s and a wonderful way to end a very tiring day.

Our third and final day, Thurs day 20 June was a fun-filled morning s pent on a Scavenger Hunt.
After breakfas t, the children hiked down to the dam in s earch of s piders , different types of
leaves , s corpions , etc.

This was rounded up with a formal talk about the different s pecies of animals that are found at
the Wagendrift Dam Res ort.

We then went back to our tents to pack up and were s oon on our way back to the bus . We began
the journey home! No s ooner had we left Wagendrift Dam and the bus grew very quiet. We
noticed that many children were fas t as leep!

The outing had been very tiring, yet an invaluable learning experience for all. It was lovely to
s ee the friends hips being forged and the interaction of s o many different pers onalities .

This quote s ummaris es the Grade 6’s Wagendrift Dam experience…

”Take a quiet walk with Mother Nature. It will nurture your mind, body and s oul.”

Gertie Ramalho​
Grade 6 Gold Class Teacher
Preparatory School


In the las t week of term two, the three Grade s even clas s es together with Mrs Burns , Mr.
Mkhize and Mr. Was s erman, s et out for Hella Hella Adventure Camp in the Mkomazi River Valley
in Richmond for three days and two nights .

After a long bus ride, we arrived at camp full of anticipation and excitement. They immediately
were broken up into groups and had to create a name and war cry.

The war cries were ‘great’! or s o the kids thought!

Included in the res t of the day’s activities , was a s occer match, a night hike and games after

The next day s tarted bright and breezy with exercis e for the kids and a cup of hot chocolate for
the teachers . After breakfas t we all went on a hike up into the hills and then back down into the
valley. There the kids s aw all the beauty that this part of KZ N has to offer. Being in nature and
dis tres s ing after June Exams was the order of the day! Later on the kids got broken up into
further s maller groups where they participated in rock climbing, archery and paintball s hooting.

After lunch the kids were introduced to the river. Planned activities for the afternoon included
foofi s liding and raft building. As the river was very cold, we didn’t get around to raft building
but the s wim acros s the river and s ubs equent climb to the top of the foofi s lide, rewarded the
learner’s brave enough to cros s it. Many learners conquered their fears that afternoon and as
teachers , it was rewarding to s ee thes e wonderful kids growing before our eyes .

That evening a challenge was s et by Mr. Mkhize. We were to wake up at the break of dawn and
attempt the POLAR BEAR CHALLENGE. Little did Mr. Mkhize and mys elf know that Mrs Burns had
a plan of her own. While we prepared ours elves phys ically and mentally for the challenge
ahead, unbeknowns t to us , Mrs Burns proceeded to convince the kids that we were crazy to
s wim in a freezing cold river and they s hould rather watch us get in by ours elves .

We got to the river at 6:30, way too early and way to cold, and we s aw all the kids s till dres s ed
in their pajamas . It didn’t deter the two of us and we waded in. The challenge dictated that you
only had ten minutes to get in and out before the challenge was over. Many of the kids tried (in
vain) to s tay the cours e but alas , many of them faltered and ran into the water fully clothed! It
was a s ight to behold.

We s aid goodbye later that morning after a thoroughly rewarding time s pent together. We are
bles s ed with a wonderful group of grade s evens this year and what a privilege it was to s ee
them continuing to learn, laugh, grow and develop into good citizens of the Maris t family, on a
truly memorable camp.

Mr. C Wasserman
Grade 7 Teacher

“Any man can be a Father, but it takes a s pecial man to be a Dad.”

On the morning of the 14th of June 2019 all our s pecial dads made their way down to the
Durban Underwater Club to s pend s ome treas ured time with their little ones .

They were treated to s ongs /rhymes in the balmy winter s un as huge container s hips s ailed by,
much to the childrens delight. After all the excitement and photo s hoots we all enjoyed a hearty
breakfas t

Michelle Singh​
Grade Head

On the 14 June our day began differently. Ins tead of the morning cereal at home and the car
ride to s chool, Dads and their children’s des tination was P W C to s hare breakfas t together!

We were s poilt with a s plendid day – blue s kies , the warm winter s un and the deep flowing
waters of the harbour mouth. The Pre-Primary and Junior Primary children gathered on the
club’s gras s y bank to s ing to their heroes , their Dads (and a few Gramps too), honouring them
for Father’s Day. Breakfas t was s erved after our s hort recitals and the children and their Dads
s hared a hearty meal of eggs , bacon, mus hrooms , toas t and buns .

The relaxed chatter and banter of the Fathers and children indoors and outdoors , was s uddenly
hus hed by the loud, hollow hooting of the foghorn as all turned to admire the majes tic entrance
of an ocean liner in the Durban Harbour. What a fitting clos e to a s pecial morning!

But, back to work it was for Dads , as it was for gals and lads !

Anne Bowes‑Taylor​
Grade 2

Andre Venter (Grade 9) played for the KZ N U16 Action Cricket team in the Inter-Provincial
tournament held during the holidays at the Z ambezi Action arena in Pretoria, from the 4-8 July.
The KZ N team res ults were as follows :

U10 - 6th Pos ition

U11 - 9th Pos ition
U12 - Gold Winners
U13 - 6th Pos ition
U14 - Gold Winners
U16 - 6th Pos ition
U18 - Gold Winners

KZ N als o won the “Mos t Spirit” Award in the Juniors divis ion. Well done Andre!
Matthew Pels er (Grade 10) was s elected as part of a junior SA team to participate in a French
open water event and training camp. Matt had a phenomenal s wim in France, making a 10
minute improvement on his 5km s wim time We’re s o proud! Well Done Matt!

Jorja Rowland (Grade 6), Kiera Rowland (Grade 9) and Willow Eberle (Grade 9) travelled to
Aus tria on the 5th July to participate in the 16th World Gymnas trada. They are s een in the
picture with the KZ N Team who were participating in the event.

This event is the larges t general gymnas tics exhibition. It is held every four years much like the
Olympics . But the focus of this event is not on winning medals . The Gymnaes trada is about
Group Performances – s ome with hundreds or even thous ands of participants . Adults and
children of every age and des cription perform. Countries from around the world come together
to s howcas e their talent and the culture of their various countries .

This year South Africa is one of 60 countries participating.

They certainly did us proud.

Bradley Goddard (Grade 6) and Keegan Goddard (Grade 9) were s elected to repres ent KZ N at
the South African Judo Open Champions hips held at Emerald Cas ino & Res ort in Vanderbijlpark,
Gauteng from the 30th June to 4th July 2019. A fantas tic achievement for thes e two brothers .


Ethan Govender (Grade 9) has jus t competed in the Under 15 FCG CALLAWAY WORLD
CHAMPIONSHIP in Palm Springs and is currently competing in the OPTIMIST JUNIOR
INTERNATIONAL in Miami this week. This is one of the larges t bes t-known tournaments in the
world. It has been 2 weeks of gruelling tough competition s o far, but he has gained s o much
experience, knowledge and technique in participating in thes e tournaments thus far. He is
hoping to go back next year.

Ethan qualified by ranking in the top 10 in the Africa Challenge las t year at San Lameer.

A fabulous experience and achievement!


Caitlyn Petterson (Grade 10) recently performed in the American Academy of Ballet
Performance Awards and was awarded a s cholars hip to attend the American Academy of Ballet
Summer School of Excellence in New York 2019.

She went to New York for 3 weeks from the 21s t of June to the 14th July where s he did Ballet,
Spanis h, Mus ical Theater and Contemporary clas s es during thos e 3 weeks . At the AAB Summer
s mSchool s he performed in a s how every Saturday. It was an abs olutely wonderful experience
for her. She made many friends from all over the World and has made memories that s he will
never forget.

She is s een in the picture with Kevin Durwael who was one of her Clas s ical Ballet and
Contemporary dance teachers .

It was that time of the year again - the Grade 10 Leaders hip Camp. The Grade 10’s were
accompanied by Mrs van Rens burg and Mr Hiron. This year the group went to Bergventure in
the Drakens burg from the 18 to the 21 June, and were not dis appointed. What a beautiful venue
with s tunning views and excellent camp leaders ! Our pupils were kept bus y and occupied from
the time they arrived right up to the time of departure. They all commented on the fantas tic
experience they had even with it being s o cold in the mornings . We are certain the pupils gained
much from this experience in terms of confidence, leaders hip and teamwork.

Elizea Van Rensburg​

Head of Department: Afrikaans
Grade Head: Grade 10


The annual Grade 11 Leaders hip excurs ion took place from 17 -19 June at Seula, Z imbili. The
camp was run by TVG, who ens ured that the Grade 11 learners got involved from the s tart.

Once they were divided into groups of 10, they were tas ked with the job of finding a group
name. Echoes of “Buffalo”, “Broad Beans ” and “Phuthu” filled the camp!

The mornings s tarted with an early wake-up s hake-up s es s ion, followed by a generous
breakfas t.

The day activities included:

- group dynamics
- low rope cours e
- obs tacle cours e
- abs eiling
- fuffi s lide
- raft building

Evenings were us ed for leaders hip talks and s trategies . On the las t evening, the groups each
had to pres ent their war cry, followed by an evening of s inging at the boma.

The few days away from s chool gave the learners the opportunity to get to know each other
and time to reflect on how they could make a pos itive contribution to the Grade.

In true TVG s tyle, the outing was SUPER FANTASTIC!

Liezl McDonald​
Subject Head: Life Orientation
Grade 11 Head

&s b s p ;

Congratulations to the newly weds , Mr and Mrs Bis hop. During the holidays Brittany Wats on
(High School Englis h teacher) was married to Clarke Bis hop at a beautiful ceremony which took
place at Bellevue Café in Kloof.

We wis h the s tunning couple many years of happines s together.

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