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This study aims to know the effects of using mobile phones to the academic performance
of AFA-12 students. To determine the negative and positive effects of using mobile phones to
the academic performance of AFA-12 students.
In today’s fast moving and globalized world it is almost impossible to imagine our day-
to-day life without mobile phones. It is one of the most successful inventions of the 20th century,
which has become a convenient means of communication. Modern mobile phones perform many
other functions as well; they can substitute for such devices as music players, cameras and
organizers. Most of them also provide internet access and texting. According to the U.N.
Telecom agency, there were almost 6 billion cellphones user in the world, with almost 86
gadgets for every 100 people. There is nothing strange in this factor, as modern people need
phones in all sphere of their lives-professional and personal. But we do not notice how much we
depend on cellphones and what effects their excessive use might bring.
Mobile phone is one of the most rapidly growing new technologies in the world (rebello
2010). In 2001, cellphone users were less than a billion worldwide with the majority of the users
from the developed countries. By the end of 2010. However, mobile phones users had reached
five billion worldwide with subscriptions from developing countries outnumbering that of the
developed countries (Kelly. 2009; Rebello,2010) obviously. This increase includes a sharp
increase in the number of cellphone usage and other dependent on this devices especially among
our secondary school student. Interestingly this is obviously imperative as Geser & Junco (2006)
and Merson & Salter (2010) had observed that the youth has consistently displayed higher level
of attachment to their mobile phones which could serve as distraction to them because of the
time channeled to the phones.
In a similar lecture format, froese et al. (2010) demonstrated that students lost texting. A
related study found similar results (Kuznekoff and Titsworth, 2013). Participants in three groups
(non-multitasking, low-distraction and high-distraction) watched a video lecture while taking
notes and completed two post-lecture assesstments.
According to Gowthami and VenkataKrishnaKumar (2016) and Kuznekoff and Titsworth
(2013), the application and usage of smartphones the students are distracting to users and people
around them. Some say they do not have smartphones and therefore it does not improve their
academic lives or their social lives; however, based on the results,evidence shows that
smartphones do play the vital role in the lives of those students who these gadgets, as it improved
access to their learning materials.
Mobile phone is a phone that can make receive phone calls. It is a telephone with access
to a cellular radio system so it can be used over a whole area, without a physical connection to a
network. We started on surveying last February 22 2019 in the morning. While they are having
their class discussion, we ask their teacher to conduct a survey to them. The respondents we
chose to conduct a survey are the AFA-12. We chose to them to be our respondents because most
of them are addicted to online games, internet, and etc.
The Expansion of cell phone usage as a multidimensional challenge for sociological theory and research

Since its inception in the late 19th century until recent years, the telephone has received very meagre
attention from sociology and the media sciences (Lasen 2002a: 31). In particular, no considerable efforts
have been made to gain a synopsis of its multifaceted impacts on various fields of social life, and no
integrated theory has evolved concerning the specific functions and consequences of phone
communication (vis-à-vis face-to-face interaction, on the one hand, and written communication on the
other). This deficit only illustrates the larger tendency to ignore the impact of technologies on the
unspectacular aspects of everyday life. Even Erving Goffman, while focusing completely on everyday life,
has almost ignored the telephone: portraying the life of modern individuals in an old-fashioned way as a
sequence of face-to-face-encounters (Katz/Aakhus 2002:3/10).

Evidently, the cell phone seems to evoke much less intellectual enthusiasm and scientific research
endeavours than the World Wide Web. In the theoretical perspective of Manuel Castells (1996), for
instance, only the Internet is given the status of a Mega-Innovation that really counts, while mobile
communication facilities are almost totally neglected. Such views ignore the basic facts that in comparison
with PC’s and Net technologies, cell phones are used nowadays by broader strata of the population all
over the world, and that for many users, they have stronger impacts on social life [2], so that most of them
are ready to spend much larger sums of money on monthly phone bills than on Internet provider services.

“The advent of inexpensive mass-produced mobile communications in particular, has avoided scholarly
attention, perhaps because it seems pedestrian compared to the nebulous depths of cyberspace. Yet the
cellular telephone, merely the first wave of an imminent invasion of portable digital communications tools
to come, will undoubtedly lead to fundamental transformations in individuals’ perceptions of self and the
world, and consequently the way they collectively construct that world.” (Townsend 2000).

Due to the rapid increase in cell phone technology, the total number of phones worldwide has for the first
time surpassed the number of TV-Sets in 2001. (Katz/Aakhus 2002:4). This diffusion has occurred
worldwide, rather independently of different cultural habits, values and norms. Thus, cell phones have
become popular even in rather "technophobic" contexts like Italy, where computers and other modern
technologies have a difficult stand (Fortunati 53), and especially in Scandinavian countries where people
traditionally are introverted and silence in talk is highly valued (Puro 2002).

One major impact of the cell phone stems from its capacity to include partly illiterate mass
populations in less developed countries in the southern hemisphere, who will never have the means to
buy a computer and who hitherto were not even connected to the traditional networks.
Through the data that we gathered with the 20 respondents 2 respondents has the age of 17, 14
respondents has the age 18, 2 respondents has the age of 19 and also 2 respondents the age 20. 9
respondents are male and 11 respondents are female with the total of 20. 13 students says that they are
sometimes playing online games and the seven respondents says they don’t play online games. Some of
the AFA-12 says they always use their mobile in doing their project and most of them says that they
sometimes use their mobile phones in doing their projects. Half of the respondents says that they always
using their mobile phones in chatting with their friend or relatives and the other half says that they
sometimes use their mobile phones in chatting with their friends/relatives. Only one respondent says that
he always use his mobile phone during class hours and 16 respondents says that they sometimes use their
mobile phones during class hours and the three says they never use mobile phones during class hours. 9
respondents admits that using cellphones affects their focus on their studies, 10 respondents admit that
using cellphones affects their focus on their studies sometimes and one says never.

Through this study we learned that using mobile phones is a big hindrance on the academic
performance of those students. It also affects their focus on their studies because mobile phones are quite
addicting. This is study happens because we are curious on the effect of mobile phones on the academic
performance of the grade 12 AFA. The strengths of this study is to let the people especially to the students
know the effects of using mobile phones. The weakness of this study is that we found out that using
mobile phones affects the academic performance of grade 12 AFA.

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