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Mark Fioramonti

Dr. Reister

Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Animal Antics Grade: Kindergarten

Learning Target: In this lesson, students will be able to identify specific animals, what they eat, where
they live, and what sounds they make. This specific lesson is designed as an introduction into animals.
The goal of the lesson is to expose students to different types of animals and what they do through
books, songs, crafts, and a fun interactive game at the end of the lesson.

Grade Level Guide: Content Standards K-LS1-1 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and
Processes: Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to

Content Curriculum Focal Common Core State Standards Interdisciplinary Connections

Points (ie: NCTM, IRA,…)
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.CC.A.2 This lesson, as stated before, is
Focal point: The focal point Count forward beginning from a primarily about animals but will
of the lesson is animals, but given number within the known involve other skills and areas of
another focal point is: sequence (instead of having to begin knowledge as well. Students
Geometry: Identifying shapes at 1). will also be utilizing and
and describing spatial practicing counting, identifying
relationships shapes, and most importantly
using proper social interactions
and living skills.

Academic Language:
- Animal
- Pet
- Carnivore
- Herbivore
- Animal sounds
- Habitat
- Mammal
- Reptiles
- Amphibians

Students’ Needs:

This being a kindergarten lesson, there will be definitely be varying differences in background
knowledge and understanding as some, if not many, of the students have never been in school or have
any background knowledge in this subject. This particular topic might be very new to them or they
might know a lot about it. If I was the teacher, prior to teaching this lesson, I would build up their
vocabulary and understanding weeks before this lesson is taught. It would not be anything drastic but
maybe having an animal of the week or even an animal of the day and explaining what type of animal
they are, where they live or what they eat. We could have a board with a picture of the animal on it and
point out animals when we see them outside or read books on animals. This will all help build up the
student’s background knowledge on the topic. Prior knowledge of this subject would include basic
understandings of what animals are and the recognition that they live around us. Some things that will
be encouraged and reinforced in this lesson are creativity, emphasis on play, confidence, and social
skills. This is a kindergarten classroom and many of the skills and new things they discover are just
things that they need to learn because they are apart of everyday life. Students will be encouraged to be
creative and think creatively. Jean Piaget recognized the importance of creativity and that giving
students the ability to explore, use their hands, and be creative can impact their learning. Using their
imagination and creating fantasy are some things they will have the opportunity to do in this lesson.
Seeing a picture of an animal and creating a noise it makes or imitating a way it walks or a way it eats
are all examples of how students can demonstrate this creativity. Students will also be encouraged to
play. Students will have the opportunity to walk like animals and to act like animals all day, interacting
with their classmates and even the teachers. This helps students not only foster their creativity but
promote their physical development as well. The game we will play at the end of the lesson helps the
teacher be the facilitator and promoter of the play. Social skills are another aspect of the lesson that will
be introduced much earlier then the lesson but is vital for students to learn and practice. At the
kindergarten level, this mostly involves things such as being able to ask a question or communicate
effectively to classmates and teachers as well as being patient, understanding, and most importantly
getting along with their peers. Lev Vygotsky, stressed the importance that learning needs to be
interactive. He believed that a lot can be understood from a child’s work and interactions. This is where
creativity and social skills are necessary and important. The student’s culture can shape these
interactions and the teacher must recognize this and give students the greatest opportunity for success.
Maybe a student is not good with sharing but is great at helping others. The educator needs to recognize
the importance of emphasizing the student’s strength but also helping them through their weaknesses.
These social interactions are critical and involve a lot of learning. Lastly, this lesson was created so
that students could explore and be confident as well. To have the ability, and courage to try, fail, and try
again can help students explore more and build their confidence. There is not one specific way in which
we will act like animals or one way in which we will build animal masks, but this is the opportunity for
students to display that confidence and explore.

English Language Learners Special Needs (can be a

group such as “struggling
readers” or individuals)

- English Language - Students with

learners will be ADHD will be
given visual paired next to
instructions as well students that set
as instructions in good examples and
their own language they will also be
for things such as placed near the
the game or when teacher so that they
we create the animal are not distracted by
masks. the other students.
- ELL will be paired - For students who
with a student who are visually
can speak both impaired, a
languages description of the
proficiently so that animals will be
they can understand given. These
and share with the students will also be
class but also learn given tangibles so
English as well. that they can feel
what the animals
feel like.

- Smartboard
- Dry erase board
- Markers
- Carrots
- Slim Jim’s
- Paper plates
- Glue
- Colorful paper
- Animal Crackers
- Animal cards
- Book: My Very First Book of Animal Sounds

Language Function: Once a new word is introduced, this word will be put up on the board for
students. If students use the word correctly the rest of the week (especially within the lesson), they will
receive a point. Once 3 points have been accumulated the student can receive a sticker. To promote this
language, the vocabulary will not only be written on the board but will be constantly used by the
educator so as to get students used to these words. Students will also have the opportunity to critically
think and demonstrate their thinking and ideas to the class. The “I say, you say” method will also be
heavily used so that the educator can hear the students saying the word and identify which students
might struggle saying it.

Analyze, Argue, Describe, Evaluate, Explain, Interpret, Justify, Synthesize

Lesson Plan (step by step sequence of the lesson)

Before: The lesson will begin by asking students if they have ever seen an animal. This will give
students confidence because many have seen animals before and it also gives them the ability to
interact with the class. I will have pictures of 5 or so different types of animals at the front of the
class and each student will have 5 cards with their name on it. If they have seen any of these 5
animals before, whether in a movie, book, or real life, they will put their name under the picture.
Once this is completed the educator will explain how much the class already knows about animals.
The educator will then ask students where they (the students), live, eat, and how they talk. The
educator will help make the connection to the students that animals do many of the same thing’s
humans do. The educator will then explain that today we will explore these different aspects of

During: The first thing we will do after introducing the lesson will be traveling on a virtual field trip
to the San Deigo zoo. The educator will help explain habitats while they watch live cameras of
animals as well as educational videos. The educator will also explain the sounds animals make, using
an “I say, you say” technique. This will lead into the next activity in which we will sing the song Old
McDonald but beforehand, the educator will explain all the sounds the animals make. After the song,
the book, My Very First Book of Animal Sounds will be read, which will give students more insight on
animal habitats and sounds animals make. After this book is read, it will be snack time! But before
snack time, the educator will explain that there are two types of animals, meat eaters and plant eaters.
The educator will explain that both types of animals clean up after each other and eat nicely. For
snack students will have carrots and Slim Jim’s and they are encouraged to act as if they were one of
the animals. Once snack is done we will create animal masks that the students can choose and
decorate as well as bring home to show their parents. The last part of the lesson is the game. In this
game, students will be divided into two teams, each team having an animal name. A good amount of
space will be needed so this game might need to be moved outside if the classroom is too small, but it
can be adapted if that does not work. One student from each team stand about 10 yards away from the
rest of the team. That student will have picked a card from a hat with that particular animal on it.
When the game begins, the student will have to act out that animal, having the rest of the team try to
guess the animal they are acting out. The student can make animal noises but cannot talk. Once the
team guesses correctly the student runs back to their team acting like the animal they picked. Each
student will go until the whole group goes. Their will be no winning team as this is a kindergarten
class and things could fall apart if one team does not win. I realize these are a lot of activities for one
lesson which will be a challenge, but will the help of another teacher, these activities can go very
smoothly and involve a lot of fun and learning that is interactive and engaging. There will be students
who might not understand a concept or word and if they don’t this is okay! But it still needs to be
addressed. This might include reexplaining a word or even rereading the book or giving more time
for the virtual field trip.

After: After the lesson is completed, students will be given animal crackers so that they can all sit
down and recollect. The educator will then ask the students, “if you could be one animal for a day
what would you be.” Each student would get to share. After this is done, students will be paired
together and will be told to explain to their partner why they chose this animal. This will include why
they like the animal, and maybe what sounds it makes, what it eats and where it lives. After this is
done, each student will share with the class what animal their partner chose and one reason why they
chose it. I believe this is a great closing activity because it not only allows the teacher to informally
assess and check for understanding but it also allows the students to interact with their classmates and
become aware of their ideas too.


Type of Description of Modifications to Evaluation Criteria- How good is

assessment assessment the assessment so good enough to meet standards?
(formal or informal; What will students do that all students (related to the learning objectives)
formative or to show what they may demonstrate Include scoring guide, rubric or other
summative) have learned? learning criteria
Informal An informal form of Each and every Criteria, as stated before will be
Summative assessment will be student will have informal. The educator will still take
used to assess the the opportunity to notes on each student to check for
students learning. share the animals understanding.
This will be done they liked and
throughout the day anything about
through checking for the animals they
understanding and chose. If the
observing the student is shy or
student’s response to does not want to
questions asked and tell the whole
activities completed. class or even
The most important another
part of this is at the classmate, they
very end of the lesson can tell the
in which students teacher who can
share what animal either explain to
they like and why. the class or just
The educator will reinforce the
record which animal student. If
and why and see if students don’t
the student’s want to do this
responses match up either they can
with the content that have the option of
was covered. drawing out the
animal or even
making a sound it
makes. Every
opportunity to
check for
will be given for
those students
who might
struggle getting
feedback from.


- Virtual field trip: https://kids.sandiegozoo.org/index.php/animals

- Book: My Very First Book of Animal Sounds, by Eric Carle
- Animal masks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBsfcQwJDsQ
Analyzing Teaching: To be completed after the lesson has been taught.

What worked?
What didn’t? For whom?

What instructional changes do you need to make as
you prepare for your next lesson?
Proposed Changes Whole class:
If you could teach this lesson again to this group of
students what changes would you make to your Groups of students:

Individual students:

Why will these changes improve student learning?
What research/theory supports these changes?

Additional questions to consider when reflecting and completing the chart above: Did your activity
address your goals? Did your lesson plan reflect what you intended to teach? Were you pleased with the
sequencing of the lesson or would you change anything? What would you do differently next time or
what extension activities do you think would supplement this lesson? It may be helpful to cite one
resource that supports your instruction.

For the purpose of this Game Project, you will not be filling this out but instead will submit your
reflection to me after teaching using your game (due by midnight of the day you teach). However, I
wanted to leave this section here in the lesson plan template to encourage you all to be reflective
practitioners in the future; to always reflect on your teaching!

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