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(a) (v) (a) () ies ADVANCED LEVEL EXAMINATION, 1972 APPLIED MATHEVATICS PAPER I Time _alloved: Three hours Answer any SEVEN questions let F be a constant vector force field in two-dimensional space. Show that the vork done in moving an object around any closed polygon in this force field is zero. Let 7 be a tetrahedron with four faces S$, , i=1,2,3,4. Each of the faces S, is acted upon by a force F, , whose magnitude is equal to the area of S, and whose direction is Perpendicular to S, in the cutvard sense. Find the resultant force acting on T . An observer on a train which is at rest finds that the rain falls at an angle @, vith the vertical in the forverd direction. The train then moves forvard vith a constant speed v, and the angle of the rein drops is found to be in the backward direction. When the train moves with another constant speed v, forvard the angle of the rain drops is 6, in the backward direction. Find the ratio of the speeds v,:v, in terms of @ , 0 and 0), assuming that the rain drops have c constant velocity. A smooth straight tube of mass H is closed at both ends and lies on e smooth horizontal table. A particle of mass m which is already in the tube is now projected from one end of the tube with velocity u towards the other end so that it will subsequently rebound from each end alternately. If the coefficient of restitution Detween the particle and the tube is e , find the velocity of the tube after n impacts. (Distinguish between the two cases when n is even and when n is odd.) Applied Methenaties I (Cont'd.) 3. = 84 - ‘A smooth horizontel tube OA of length a can rotate about O and a particle P is placed in the tube et a distance b fron 0. The tube is henceforth set roteting with constant angular velocity w and P is released. Shov that (a) the time taken for P to travel up to the end of the tube is 2 tog SP ana (>) the velocity with which P leaves the tube is uv2a*-b? , meking an angle tan > raat with the tube. A particle, moving in 3-dimensional space, is subjected to a force c?(yi + xj) per unit mass vhen it is locatel eat (x, y, z) where c 1s a constant. Write dovn the equetions of motion. By making the substitution u= x+y , v= x-y or othervise, solve the equations of motion. If it starts from the origin with velocity Vi , find the subsequent psth of the particle. The coordinetes of a particle moving in the cartesian x-y plane ere given by x= sinut , y = sin (2ut + k) vhere t denotes the tine, w is a positive constant cnd k is a positive or negative constent. (4) Show that the motion of the particle is periodic end find its period. (4i) Show thet the trajectory is symmetrical about the y-axis. (444) Shov that the trajectory corresponding to k = 1/2 is part of 9 parabola. (4) Give rough sketches of the trajectories corresponding to k= 0 ond k=>/h, Ivo particles at r, have masses m, , m, respectively. Their 1 Applied Mathematics I (Cont'a.) > 85 - : mr + centre of mass is defined to be at R= et 2 my +B mm, (a) show that: if yr =4r,-4r,, Nom +m, ,y=—'? a + 1 (1) the total kinetic energy of the systen is given ty - wi? + tae? | ona (ii) the total anguler momentum about the centre of mass is given wy ume (v) A system consists of 2 particles interacting with each other. Using Newton's Third Law, show that if the total external force | : acting on the system is zero, the centre of mass moves vith constant velocity. 7. A particle is projected froma point 0 of an inclined plane inclined at an angle a to the horizontal in a vertical plane through the line of greatest slope. The direction of projection is up the plane and makes an angle 8 with the plene. The coefficient of restitution j between the particle and the plane is e . (a) Find the total time of flight of the particle from 0 to the th point of impact. (bv) If the particle returns to © at the n-th impact, show that (1 - €) cot a cot B= 2-7. (c) Furthermore if the r-th impact is normal to the plane, show that -2eh +120. Applied Methenaties I (Cont'd.) peo 8. (a) Calculate the moment of inertie of a uniform circuler hoop of mass M and radius R about a dieneter on the plane of the hoop. (b) A smooth circular hoop of mass % and radius R is initially revolving ebout a vertical dianeter with anguler velocity wu. . A srall smooth ring of mss m is threaded through the hoop and initielly is at the top of the hoop. It is then gently @isplaced so that it begins to slide down the hoop. What is the ‘ongulat monentun of the vhole systen when the ring hes descended a vertical distance h< 2R. Calculate the angular velocity of the system at that time. What is the tangential velocity of the ring at that moment? 9. Six particle each of mass m, rest at the vertices of a regulor hexagon ABCDEF , end are connected together by six light rods along the sides of the hexegon. The perticle D is struck by a iow of inpulse J in the direct AD. Find the velocities of the particles at A and D immediately after the blov. (Copyright reserved) oMe ADVANCED LEVEL EXAMINATION, 1972. APPLIED MATHEMATICS PAPER IT ‘Time allowed: Three hours Answer any SEVEN questions Two equal planes AO and BO of negligible veights are smoothly hinged together along a fixed horizontal axis 0 , so that they are equally inclined to the horizontal. A uniform cylinder of radius r and veight W is placed in between the planes as shown in Fig.1, its axis 0, being parallel to 0. ‘wo horizontal forces P are now applied to A and B. If AB=a, AOB= 2a and the coefficient of friction between the cylinder and the planes is u , find a condition on the magnitude of P such that the cylinder nay ‘ve in equilibrium (i.e. not moving up or down) between the planes. Distinguish between the tvo cases u < tana and » > tana 6 FIG. 1 Beside a vertical wall tvo cylindrical logs of the same weight W, radii R and 3R respectively and a plank of thickness are put on @ horizontal floor as shown in Fig. 2. A horizontal force P is applied on the plank so that the wall, the loge and the plank are pressed against each other. Assume that all contacts are smooth. (a) Determine the thickness of the plank such that the reactions of the horizontal floor on the logs are equal. Then find the yalue P such that both logs are about to be lifted upwards. (ov) Find the maximum value of P such that the system is in equilibrium vhen (i) H = R/2 and (ii) H = R/5. = laa AS FIG. 2 | Applied Mathematics IT (Cont'd.) - 88 - 3. a, An inflammable fuse vith uniform density is shaped into a circle with radius a such thet there is a negligible small gap between the tvo ends of the fuse (see Fig. 3). The circular fuse is put on a horizontal table, lit at the 2nd A and is burnt avey with @ constant speed c from one end to the other. Suppose that the part burnt avay is imediately detached from the fuse. Let r=r(t) , @= 6(t) denote the polar coordinates of the instantaneous centre of mass of the fuse with respect to the centre of the circle. (a) Determine r(t) and o(t), O) Show that r increases as t increases from 0 to 2na/c . (c) Sketch roughly the path of the centre of mass of the fuse for O) Four samples of the same size have means =, ,m, , 23 and m, and standard deviations ; , 02, 03 and a, respectively. The four samples are mixed together. What is the standard deviation of’ this combined sample? (a) Define probability space. (b) In a probability space, let A, B, C, D, E be five events. Show that P(AUBUC\DUE) < P(A) + P(B) + P(C) + P(D) + P(E) « (c) In a probability space, let {A,} be a sequence of exclusive events such that not all P(A,) are equal to zero, and let B be any event. Prove that zP(BlA; )P(A;) P(B] YAy) = ve Fray) (a) A manufacturer of transistors cleims that only 2% of his delivered Jot of 3,000 are imperfect. To investigate this claim, the Purcheser decides to test 20 of these transistors chosen at random end then accept the cleim if at most one has imperfections;, otherwise reject it. Find (1) the probability that the purchaser will reject the manufacturer's claim even though it is correct, and (ii) the probability that the purchaser will accept his clefin even though the per cent defective of the lot is, infoct,5. - Do you think that this test scheme is fair to the manufacturer? Why? Applied Mathematics IT (Cont'd.) - 90 - (>) A large lot of thernostats was submitted for acceptance Anspection. The inspection involves « high-tenperature experixent vhich destroys the thermostat being tested. A two stege sampling procedure is thus adopted: Select 4 thermostats at random from the lot and test then. If ell of then pess the test, accept the lot. If 2 or nore feil the test, reject the lot. If only one fails, take a second random sample of 2. In the latter case, if both thermostats pass the test, accept the lot; otherwise reject it. What is the probability of accepting the lot in which 12% of the thermostats are not good enough to pass the destructive test? (Copyright reserved)

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