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Clinical Trial on Aveeno Skin

Relief Moisturizing Lotion in
Patients with Itching Accompanied
by Skin Lesions and Xerosis
Alessia Pacifico, MD*
Linda de Angelis, MD*
Maria Concetta Fargnoli, MD*
Catia De Felice, MD†
Sergio Chimenti, MD†
Ketty Peris, MD*
*Department of Dermatology, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy

Department of Dermatology, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy

KEY WORDS: colloidal oatmeal, improvement of cutaneous lesions

itching, menthol, xerosis including erythema, scaling, scratching
lesions, lichenization, and pruritus in 52
of 54 treated patients (96%). Complete
ABSTRACT regression of cutaneous lesions and pru-
Background: Itch associated with cuta- ritus was achieved in 48 of 54 (88.9%)
neous xerosis is a common condition, patients; whereas a partial remission
which can be effectively treated with the was observed in 4/54 (7.4%) subjects
use of emollients combined with hydra- and no improvement in 2/54 (3.7%)
tion therapy. The aim of our study was subjects. An increase of cutaneous
to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability hydration of 35.9% after 1 week treat-
of a new lotion containing menthol and ment and of 45.7% after 3 weeks treat-
colloidal oatmeal in patients with itch ment was observed; those increments
and cutaneous xerosis. were associated with a simultaneous
decrease of cutaneous pH: –4.0% after
Patients and Methods: Fifty-four one week and –6.3% after 3 weeks
patients with pruritus of different origin treatment. The lotion was well tolerated
associated with lesions as erythema, by all patients.
desquamation, scratching, and licheniza-
tion were treated with Aveeno Skin Conclusions. Based on our experience,
Relief Moisturizing Lotion once daily Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturizing Lotion
for 3 weeks. Efficacy and tolerability appears to be an effective moisturizing
were evaluated by comparison of emollient that reduces pruritus in sub-
changes from baseline in clinical appear- jects with xerosis.
ance, hydration, and pH.
Results: After treatment, clinical exami- It has been well established that
nation, and the self-administered ques- patients with dry skin conditions have a
tionnaire revealed a significant defect in skin barrier function even on

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areas of skin that have a normal appear- togenic when injected in the skin, such
ance, and emollients have been widely as amines, proteases, growth factors, neu-
used for the long-term treatment of dry ropeptides, opioids, eicosanoids and
skin conditions such as eczema and pso- cytokines.9 Causes of systemic itch of
riasis.1-3 Emollients exert their skin soft- peripheric origin include uremia,
ening and moisturizing effect within the cholestasis, hyperthyroidism, HIV infec-
stratum corneum. They help to restore tions and some blood disorders, eg, poly-
the epidermal barrier and thereby pre- cythemia vera, Sezary’s syndrome,
vent the penetration of environmental Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and leukemia.
triggers that may cause an inflammatory Itch is also a very common manifesta-
reaction. Moreover, they may also have tion of several cutaneous diseases,
a direct antipruritic/anti-inflammatory including xerotic eczema, atopic der-
effect on the skin.4 matitis, and contact dermatitis.10-11 It has
Itch is among the main symptoms of been observed that itch is very often
several dermatological diseases such as associated with conditions of cutaneous
lichen simplex, lichen planus and atopic xerosis.
dermatitis.5 Pruritus is often the hardest Although anti-inflammatory thera-
symptom to treat, causing the patient pies such as topical glucocorticoids, and
severe discomfort. However, the thera- more recently, topical immunosuppres-
peutic arsenal to reduce itch is rather sive agents (tacrolimus, ascomycin,
limited and the effect of the various mycophenolate mofetil), are considered
treatments to date is highly variable.6 mainstays of itch therapy, prevention of
Like pain, itch can be of central cutaneous xerosis and rehydration of
(neuropathic, neurogenic, or psy- dry skin represent critical components
chogenic) or peripheric (dermal) origin. for successful management of patients
Neuropathic itch can originate as a with pruritus. Use of effective emollients
result of damage to the nervous system combined with hydration therapy help
and has been reported in postherpetic to restore and preserve the stratum
neuralgia, multiple sclerosis, cerebral corneum barrier and might decrease the
tumors or thrombosis. Neurogenic itch is need for topical corticosteroids.12
induced centrally, without neural dam- The aim of our study was to evalu-
age and is often associated with ate the efficacy and tolerability of a new
increased opiodergic tone caused by the lotion containing colloidal oatmeal and
accumulation of endogenous opioids. menthol, used once a day for 3 weeks, in
Psychogenic itch can be associated with patients with itch associated with cuta-
psychiatric disorders as in parasitopho- neous xerosis.
Peripheric itch, originating in the PATIENTS AND METHODS
skin, can be due to inflammation, dry- This open study was performed to evalu-
ness, or other skin damage and is ate the efficacy and tolerability of
defined “pruritoceptive.” It is induced by Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturizing Lotion
stimulation of the free nerve endings of in subjects with itching accompanied by
specialized C-fibers by one or more pru- skin xerosis and erythema, desquama-
ritogens. These C-fibers are anatomically tion, scratching lesions, and/or licheniza-
identical but functionally distinct to tion. The study was conducted at the
those associated with the mediation of Departments of Dermatology,
pain. Several mediators of cutaneous University of L’Aquila and University of
itch have been identified and many Rome “Tor Vergata” from January to
endogenous chemicals are locally pruri- July 2003.

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Personal and family histories for and xerosis were included in this study.
allergic pathologies and atopic dermati- Itching was accompanied by erythema in
tis were registered. Two weeks before 13 patients, desquamation in 49, scratch-
starting the trial, all patients discontin- ing lesions in 30, and lichenization in 10.
ued previous topical or systemic treat- Twenty-eight patients had allergies, 12
ments used for possible skin pathologies. had atopic dermatitis, and 10 were in
Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturizing dialysis.
Lotion was kindly provided by Johnson The 54 subjects completed the 3
& Johnson Italy. The lotion was used as weeks treatment with Aveeno Skin
the only treatment once a day for 3 Relief Moisturizing Lotion in a compli-
weeks. Patients were allowed to use neu- ant manner, as ascertained by question-
tral cleansing daily. ing at baseline and at the end of the
The study included a screening visit study.
(T0) and a treatment period with regu- After 3 weeks of treatment, clinical
lar visit after 1 (T1) and 3 weeks (T3). examination revealed a significant
Clinical evaluation of skin lesions improvement of cutaneous lesions
was performed at each time point and including erythema, scaling, scratching
the presence of erythema, desquama- lesions, and lichenification, as well as
tion, scratching lesions, and lichenization pruritus in 52/54 (96%) of treated
was scored as 0 = absent, 1 = mild, 2 = patients. Complete regression of cuta-
moderate. neous lesions and pruritus was achieved
Before and after treatment, lesions in 48/54 (88.9%) patients, and a partial
of each subject were photographed and remission was observed in 4/54 (7.4%);
pH and skin hydration measurements no improvement was observed in 2/54
were performed using a SM CM PH (3.7%). Self-administered questionnaires
Combi 3 instrument (G. F. Secchi, Italy). revealed a significant decrease of pruri-
The pH of healthy skin can vary from tus: ± 44.8% after the first week and
acidic (3.5-4.4), normal (4.5-5.5), or alka- -73.5% after 3 weeks of treatment
line (> 5.6); the level of corneal stratum (P < 0.001) (Table 1).
hydration of healthy skin is < 50 for very The 2 patients who showed no
dry skin, 50-60 for dry skin, and > 60 for improvement were affected by advanced
normally hydrated skin. chronic renal failure treated with
At the end of the study all subjects hemodialysis.
completed a self-administered question- An increase of cutaneous hydration
naire for the evaluation of itching with of 35.9% was observed after 1 week
10 questions each quantified with 0-10 treatment and of 45.7% after 3 weeks of
visual analogue scale. treatment (P < 0.001) (Table 2).
In order to evaluate treatment effi- Results of pH measurements
cacy, results were analyzed by analysis of revealed a simultaneous decrease of
variance. Statistical analysis was per- cutaneous pH: -4.0% after 1 week
formed using STATA software (Stata and -6.3% after 3 weeks treatment
Corporation, College Station, Texas) and (P < 0.001) (Table 3).
a P value < 0.05 was considered statisti- No intolerance reactions to Aveeno
cally significant. Skin Relief Moisturizing Lotion have
been reported.
A total of 54 patients (20 male and 34 DISCUSSION
female, mean age 46 years, range: 12-79 Itch, also known as pruritus, is one of
years) who had itching (mean score 5.8) the major complaints in dermatologic

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Table 1. Improvement of Itching After 1 Week and 3 Weeks of Treatment.

Itching No change Improvement Mean score Score Significance

(n) (n) variation ( P)
T0 - 5.80

T1 12 42 3.20 -44.8 > 0.001

T2 1 52 1.43 -75.3 > 0.001

Table 2. Improvement of Hydration After Table 3. Reduction of pH After 1 Week and

1 Week and 3 Weeks of Treatment 3 Weeks of Treatment

Hydration Mean Variation Signifi- pH Mean score Variation Signifi-

score cance cance
(P) (P)
T0 29.4 - T0 5.7 -
T1 45.8 +35.9 > 0.001 T1 5.5 -4.0 > 0.001
T2 54.2 +45.7 > 0.001 T2 5.3 -6.3 > 0.001

and internal diseases. Although it can be and to reduce both pain and itch.
extremely distressing and as disabling as Calamine is a lotion containing phenol
severe pain; its pathophysiology is still 0.5% used in the treatment of non-spe-
not completely understood. Itch and cific itch.
pain seem to be transmitted by the same Recent studies have demonstrated
nerve fibers, the slow conducting that, even though oral administration of
unmyelinated C fibers. The existence of aspirin seems to have little or no effect
specialized itch fibers remains to be doc- on clinical itch, topical aspirin has an
umented. Itch can appear either after antipruritic effect in experimentally
direct mechanical stimulation of the itch induced itch.
receptors or through activation or Polidocanol is a non-ionic sufractant
release of mediators which would stimu- with local anesthetic properties. Creams
late the itch receptors.13 containing 3% polidocanol have been
Itch is often defined as a sensation successfully used in the treatment of
that induces the urge to scratch. atopic dermatitis.15-16
Scratching, in turn, gives instant relief In this clinical trial we tested the
from itch, presumably through activation efficacy of a lotion containing colloidal
of mechanical nociceptors in the skin oatmeal and menthol, in reducing itch of
but unfortunately, scratching will exacer- various origin.
bate the underlying skin condition by Colloidal oatmeal is extracted from
inducing additional lesions in the skin.14 seeds of Avena sativa, an annual plant of
Several topical drugs are currently Graminae. It contains essential fatty
used in the treatment of itch. Among acids, flavonoids, phospholipids, and
them, capsaicin, isolated from pepper sterols that exert a moisturizing and
plants of the genus Capsicum, has been emollient activity associated with a pro-
demonstrated to deplete substance P tective action on the skin, maintaining
from C-fibers when applied repeatedly the hydrolipidic film of the surface, and

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reducing the transepidermal water loss failure and to the duration of hemodial-
(TEWL). Insoluble proteins contained ysis.
in colloidal oatmeal have buffering The emollient properties of the
properties, maintaining cutaneous pH at Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturizing Lotion
physiologic values. In addition, a lenitive were evaluated by its ability to increase
and anti-inflammatory action is due to cutaneous hydration. Those evaluations
flavonoids that inhibit the synthesis of have shown a significant increase in
prostaglandins.17 cutaneous hydration associated with a
Menthol is a naturally occurring normalization of pH. Furthermore, at
monocyclic terpene found in the oil of the end of the study, a progressive
the mint tree Mentha arvensis. Mentha restoring of the physiologic skin condi-
piperita oil is currently used in cosmetic tions was also seen. The simultaneous
formulations as a fragrance component improvement of pruritus can be related
and is composed primarily of menthol both to the antipruriginous properties of
and menthone. Menthol is well known menthol and to an adequate rehydration
for its cooling effects and its mint flavor of the skin.
and odor, which are the basis of the In conclusion, based on our study,
majority of its uses, such as nasal sprays, Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturizing Lotion
cough drops, mouthwashes and sprays. revealed a good tolerability and excel-
In addition, short-term antinociceptive lent moisturizing and anti-itching prop-
effects of menthol are well known and it erties. Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturizing
has been widely used in several topical Lotion, might therefore be considered
antipruritic products. It has been demon- an effective treatment in patients with
strated recently that menthol, after topi- pruritus associated to cutaneous xerosis,
cal application, causes a feeling of either alone or as an adjunctive therapy
coolness due to the stimulation of “cold” to corticosteroids and/or antihistamines.
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