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The Important of Google Form In Education

By: Ruri Tri Wahyuni

NIM. 201610401964

English Education Department, Mayjen Sungkono University of Mojokerto


Abstract: In this era, internet is a basic needs in our daily life. Because it can helps our life easily,
for example when we want to buy a ticket for traveling, we do not need to go to airport to book a
ticket for plane and we do not need to call the hotel to book a room for stay. We only need our
smartphone and install the book and travel application. We can book any tickets from one
application without go anywhere.That condition equal with education, actually we do not need to
write down a task on our paper, we do not need to do exercise on a paper when we got examination.
The teacher also do not need to waste their time to type, print and copy their task on a paper. While
it is so make them busy, and also waste their money. That is why Google creates Google Form as
a solution for teacher, tutor, trainer or instructor to make them easy to do their job.
Key words : Google Form, education, teacher, learner, solution.
Education is the most important ways to increase the human level of life. People can
educate themselves by learning by doing or can follow certain education program from
government or from private class or we usually call it informal education. We need many media
in education. Such as books, articles, journals, internet, magazine etc. Nowadays, people try to
reduce the use of paper as media for education. So, many company of technologies create software
for education. One of them is Google Form. The education platform from Google Inc.
Google form is a web based app used to create forms for data collection purposes, and
education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skill, values,
beliefs, and habit. In fact, Google form is familiar to the world of education, but there are still
some people who do not know about Google Form. That is why, I write article about Google Form.
I want to inform the reader about Google Form especially in education. So, people will know more
about the function of Google Form. How Google Form can make their way to educate themselves
Google Form is a survey administration app that is included in the Google Drive Office
suite along with Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides. Forms features all of the
collaboration and sharing features found in Docs, Sheets, and slides.Google Form is very helpful
for both the teacher and the student in the world of education. It makes teacher easy to share
information and exercises to students. And students can get the information and doing exercise
from the teacher easily. The students can also see their score directly after doing the exercise. They
can use smartphone or PC to do their exercise by the Google Form.
So, Google Form is very helpful for the teacher in teaching and learning process.
A. Definition and Purpose of Google Form
Recently Google has released its new revolutionary product into Google Docs, the Google
form. Even though it is still under development, Google Forms is the beginning of a very versatile
data collection framework. Also read the article How to Make Google Form. To further make it.
In this era, modern facilities are needed to facilitate access to information. For that, Google made
new innovations in this modern era in order to facilitate electronic data access. One of them is
Google Form.
Google Form or called Google Form is a useful tool to help you plan events, send surveys,
give students or other people quizzes, or gather information easily in an efficient manner. The form
can also be linked to a spreadsheet. If the spreadsheet is related to the form, the staircase will
automatically be sent to the spreadsheet. If not, users can see them in the "Summary Response"
page accessible from the feedback menu.
One reason many users may not be aware of Google Form is that they are found not as
separate applications, but as part of Google Drive. Thus, to create a new form, you must first log
into Gmail or Google Apps. With Spreadsheets it is possible to show how you can use this software
to ask various questions, including where your users respond with simple text answers or further
text responses. You can request multiple choice questions, questionnaires, scale questions, and
much more. When sharing your forms with other people, you can arrange them to appear with
impressive themes with easy access.
The Purposes of Google Form in education are to help teacher to make exercise or test easily,
reduce the use of paper test, help the teacher to be more creative, make the students directly
understand their score,and to create a survey for the teacher’s or students’ performance.
B. The Steps of Using Google Form
Some ways you can use to create Google Forms:
1. From forms.google.com, click Blank or select the template.
2. From drive.google.com, click New> Other. Next to Google Forms, navigate to the right
arrow and click Blank form or from a template.
3. Name your form: In the top left corner, click the untitled form or name the template form
and enter a new name.
4. (Optional) Add description: Under the form name, add your text.
5. (Optional) Change the background color or theme: Click the palette (Color Palette) then
choose a color or theme.
Forms Editor is very easy to learn. Your form will fill the center of the screen, with space for
the title and description followed by the form column. Click the form field to edit it and add a
Use the dropdown box next to the field to choose a type of field, such as multiple choice, check
box, short answer, and so on. Google Forms offers several setting options. The toolbar on the right
lets you add more form fields. In the upper right menu you can change the form color scheme,
preview the form, use the Send button to share the form, and access other additional options,
including installing add-ons for Forms. Switching from the Questions tab to the Responses tab in
your form editor to see current responses to your form and link to a spreadsheet. All you need to
do is add your question and submit the form, so let's look at the form options and what you can do
with each.
How to add questions to Google Forms?
1. Click untitled question and enter your question. You get advice based on the type of your
2. (Optional) To change the type of question, click the down arrow.
3. Add response options (if applicable to your type of question).
4. (Optional) Then to determine whether people have to answer the question, click required.
To add more questions, choose one option:
5. Next to add new questions, click 'Add Question'.
6. To add a copy of the existing question, click 'Duplicate'.
Note: Changes will be saved automatically. To preview your changes at any time, at the top right,
click 'Preview.'
Google Forms includes 12 types of features: 9 types of questions, along with text, photo and video
fields. Just click the + icon on the right side bar to add a new question, or click the text, photo or
video icon to add media to your form.
How to make Google Forms
Each feature includes a copy button to duplicate quickly, with a simple way to add similar
questions to your form. There is also a delete button, an option to make a field needed, and a menu
with additional options on the right side.
You can change the type of question at any time, although note that your field settings and
questions will be reset if you switch from multiple choices, check boxes, or menus to other types
of questions.
To quickly fill in a question in the column, just press enter to start adding another one.
Quick Tips: Accidentally delete form elements or add too much? Just tap CMD + Z or Ctrl + Z to
cancel, just like you did in the document.
How to submit Google Forms that have been made?
If you are ready to send your Forms, you can send them via email, copy and paste links in chat or
e-mail messages, embed them on websites, or share links on social media.
How to Send Your Forms:
1. On the top right, click Send.
2. (Optional) To collect email addresses: If form listeners are limited to your organization,
check automatically collects your respondent's organization email address. If you distribute
forms externally, check Collect email addresses.
3. Choose how you want to send the form:
4. Enter the e-mail address in the To column. You can adjust subject and message content.
5. Click the 'insert link' link. You can shorten the URL. Click Copy and paste the link to chat,
conversation or email.
6. Website content - Click the Embed code. You can specify inline frame dimensions. Click
Copy and paste HTML into your website or blog.
7. To send your Forms to the media social you have you live Click on one of the social media

C. Advantages and Disadvantages of Google Form

Google forms are widely used to create surveys easily and quickly since they allow you
to plan events, ask questions to your employees or clients and collect diverse type of
information in a simple and efficient way. Google forms allow us to include different types
of questions such as short answers, paragraphs, multiple selection, verification boxes, pull-
down, linear scale, grid of several options, among others.

Advantages of using Google forms in Education

a. It is a free and easy online tool.

That allows student or teacher to collect information and data easily and
efficiently without any charges. So with Google forms you can create surveys
in few minutes to ask your students or collaborators information about the
education subject. To start using this tool, you only need a Google account, the
same one you need to access Gmail, YouTube or Google Drive. The interface
is very easy to use. Any user with an average Internet knowledge can create
forms using this tool. And the assistant is simple to use. The What-You-See-Is-
What-You-Get interface makes it easy to drag and drop form elements and
organize them based on actions or events.

b. Google forms stores the feedback received so we can analyze it in detail.

The forms are integrated with Google spreadsheets therefore we can
access to a spreadsheet view of the collected data. And the general
configuration of forms or surveys allows you to collect the recipient’s emai l
address and limit the answers.

c. Easy to make some question.

With this tool, teacher can make unlimited questions and answers at no
cost, while other survey tools require a payment depending on the number of
questions and recipients. We can send the form by email, integrate it into our
website or send the link via social networks or any other means

d. Save the paper and stationaries.

When using Google forms the student no need any stationaries when
test. They just need a PC or computer to do their test. And teacher not wasting
many papers to make some question of test. The teacher just share a link of the
test to the student by using Google form.

Disadvantages of using Google forms

a. Connection internet
You should have internet connection for access the Google form. And it
is will be difficult for the student or the teacher to use it if they are in area
without signal. Such as in some small islands in Indonesia.
b. The design customization is very limited.
Advanced users can change the design to use the tool with a greater number of

c. There are some security concerns.

The user has to create a good password and protects it to increase the level of

d. It is require the school to have computer lab.

For school in big city, computer lab is a common. But for school in villa ge, it
will be hard for them to have computer lab. Because the school need much money
to have computer lab.
e. It is require the student to have android or pc to access google form.
Not all students are rich. So they have ability to buy android or pc. Some student
are poor also and can not buy android or pc. So they can not access goggle form.

So now, we already know advatages and disadvantage of Google form. If we

see the advatages of it , Google form is very helpful in education development and
if we see the disadvantages of it, we should have solution to handle them.

D. The Function of Google Form

1. Create Surveys to Meet Curriculum Objectives

It is likely that your students are required to make surveys. Take a look at your math
curriculum. Learning objectives typically include research design, data collection, data analysis,
and reporting outcomes (often these appear in the data management, statistic, and/or probability
section). Now take a look at your science curriculum. Scientific inquiry should be listed as a
learning objective, which includes asking questions, collecting data, organizing findings,
analyzing and interpreting data, and communicating results. The great news is that Google Forms
can help your students meet curriculum requirements! Your students will be able to pose a
meaningful research question, select a sample group from the population using an appropriate
sampling technique, design a questionnaire without question bias, administer the survey, analyze
the data using graphs, data tables, and pivot charts, and draw conclusions from the data. Google
Forms is a useful tool for meeting objectives.

2. Ask Various Types of Questions

Google Forms allows you to ask both open-ended and closed-ended questions. You can use
drop down menus, multiple choice, checklists, rating scales, and short answers text boxes to gather
data. Below are the types of questions you can use in a Google Form:

 Text
 Paragraph Text
 Multiple Choice
 Checkboxes
 Choose from a list
 Scale
 Grid
 Date
 Time

3. Apply Validation Options to Control Data Entry

Data validation is a rule applied to data entry to make sure that the information is correct
and/or useful. Google Forms offers many options for controlling answers provided by respondents.
Questions can be set to required to prevent respondents from skipping a question. A number or
text can be restricted to a specific entry, character count, or range. A checklist can have the number
of options selected limited. As well, the order of choices for a question can be shuffled to avoid
placement within a list influencing selection. Validation options provided by Google Forms help
to improve the quality of the data recorded.

4. Create Professional Looking Forms using Themes

Google Forms helps you create a professional looking form. Themes are available allowing
you and your students to select from over twenty pre-set designs. In addition, a custom option
promotes creativity. The header, text, form background, and page background can all be
customized. It is fun to explore the library of header images (some are animated!). One feature I
like is the ability to set the page background. You can upload a picture, take a snapshot, or load an
image from a URL or Google Drive to create a custom look. With so many web apps limiting the
creative process, it is refreshing that form appearance is not restricted to only a few templates in
Google Forms.

5. Multiple Ways to Administer Forms

Google Forms lets you and your students collect data using multiple methods. A form can
be included in the body of an email allowing a respondent to submit their responses from their
Inbox. A link can be generated allowing respondents to answer the questions using a web-based
form. Code can be generated and then embedded into a blog or web page as another option for
data collection. As well, if a paper/pencil method is preferred the form can be converted into a
PDF file using Google Chrome.

6. Automatic Creation of Summary of Responses Report

The Summary of Responses is a report that displays answers for each question as a graph,
data table, and/or list. The report offers a comprehensive overview of the responses. There is no
need to produce a graph or create a formula. It is automatically done. The Summary of Response
report makes data analysis easier. This report can be viewed by respondents or shared with others
using a link. Summary of Responses is a report that displays data in a Google form using graphs,
tables, charts, and lists.

7. Direct the Flow of the Survey Based on Response

The questions answered by a respondent can be controlled using Google Forms. A form
can be created that directs the flow of questioning based on the answer to a multiple choice
question. Logic is applied to options in a multiple choice list to display a particular page or submit
the form. This is a great way to have people skip questions that do not apply to their situation.
8. Grade a Quiz Automatically
The add-on Flubaroo can be set to automatically grade answers submitted using Google
Forms. This add-on is used to create an answer key. Based on this information Flubaroo can
quickly grade answers and display results on a separate worksheet. Options are available to email
marks to the respondent automatically. This add-on is a must have for any teacher. It is a super
9. Analyze Data using Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
Data from a Google Form is typically stored in a spreadsheet. This information can be
analyzed using a pivot table or pivot chart. A pivot table allows a person to place data into rows
and columns to produce a grid that summarizes information in a spreadsheet. This is an excellent
method of comparing the answers for each subgroup.

A pivot table organizes data from a spreadsheet to compare subgroups.

Information in a pivot table can be transformed into a pivot chart. The chart type can be a bar
graph, column graph, line graph, or pie graph. This produces a visual display that makes it easier
to compare data for each subgroup.

A pivot chart makes it easy to compare subgroups.

10. Change Destination of Saved Responses

The location of the responses to a Google Form can be changed. This is a great way to re-
use a form with a new group of respondents, while maintaining the original set of responses in a
separate spreadsheet. This feature makes managing data from different classes simpler.

There are many fungtions of Google form. So google form is must be exist in every
education in all schools in Indonesia.

Google Form is very helpful for both the teacher and the student in the world of education. It
makes teacher easy to share information and exercises to students. And students can get the
information and doing exercise from the teacher easily. The students can also see their score
directly after doing the exercise. They can use smartphone or PC to do their exercise by the Google
Form. So, Google Form is very helpful for the teacher in teaching and learning process.Google
forms can facilitate the contact with your customers or with your organization members and
it is very helpful to gather information that might allow you to have a greater control of your
company production and distribution processes. It can also help you to see and analyze your
workers’ performance.


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