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Essential Oils and Aromatherapy
Before we begin, we need to start with a disclaimer. Aromatherapy has numerous benefits when
used properly but it can also be highly dangerous if used incorrectly. The publisher has put
forth their best efforts in preparing and arranging this book. The information provided herein by
the author is provided “as is” and you read and use this information at your own risk. The
publisher is not a licensed doctor and you should consult your doctor before engaging in any
medical activities. The publisher and author disclaim any liabilities for any loss of profit or
commercial or personal damages resulting from the use of information contained in this book.
Table of Contents
Essential Oils and Aromatherapy
A Brief History Of Essential Oils
A Few Facts About Essential Oils
The Benefits of Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Essential Oils
The Do's and Don'ts Of Aromatherapy
Essential Oils Starter Kit
The Tools of the Trade
Essential Oils For Beautiful Skin
Essential Oils For Face Care
Aromatherapy: The Ultimate Stress Buster
Ways To Relax Using Essential Oils
Essential Oils For Bathing
Essential Oils and Your Hair
More Essential Oils For Hair Care
Essential Oils and Natural Green Cleaning
Essential Oils For Massages
Essential Oils For Muscle Relief/Relaxation
Essential Oils For Improved Sleep
Aromatherapy Tips And Tricks
Aromatherapy and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
A Brief History Of Essential Oils

The usage of essential oils goes back centuries, and people today might be surprised at how
extensively and creatively the oils were applied in the ancient world. People might also be
surprised by the level of scientific discovery for which the ancient people should be credited.
Having studied the chemical traits of essential oils, people in the ancient world found numerous
healing uses for the oils. From depictions of medicinal plants in cave paintings to the
aromatherapy of today, the history of essential oils demonstrates a significant role in promoting
beauty, health and wellness in millions of lives.

What Are Essential Oils

The main ingredients that we are going to use in aromatherapy are essential oils. These oils are
extremely potent and powerful so it is extremely important that you do the proper research and
take the necessary precautions before using any oils. Essential oils are harvested from various
plants and herbs and the oil is then removed and bottled. These oils are then sold to numerous
herbal and pharmaceutical stores across the world to be sold to those looking to practice
Egyptian Wellness

The Egyptians garnered a wealth of knowledge about the beneficial properties of essential oils.
They also used essential oils in the embalming process. Plants distilled for their precious oils
were used as antiseptics, and they effectively killed germs and helped to prevent the spread of
viruses and bacteria in that capacity. The oils were used with vegetable oil bases to create
ointments for healing applications. Cedar, sandalwood and myrrh were particularly known for
their beneficial properties. The extracts could then be mixed into pills, powders and
suppositories. These essential oils also contributed to what the world recognizes as the
remarkable preservation of corpses that the Egyptians mummified.

Egyptian Beauty

Egyptians were dedicated to refining their cosmetics. In their culture, beauty was directly related
to holiness and spirituality, and this led them to incorporate cosmetics into their daily lives.
Many Egyptians even took cosmetics with them when they were buried. In addition to the kohl
eyeliner and Henna treatments that are easy to picture on ancient Egyptians, the people also
made significant use of essential oils. The oils were used to create products for daily skin care
and for solutions to combat wrinkles. They were known to make use of Castor oil, Moringa oil
and sesame oil for the purpose of skin care. Some of the oils were used as cleansers and to
remove the heavier applications of makeup, including mascara and kohl.

Egyptian Food and Religion

As an ingredient in food, ancient Egyptians would have used essential oils from citrus sources.
Usage would have been minimal for all purposes in general, particularly given how precious the
oils were. That sparing usage would also have been the case in cooking. A potent drop of citrus
would have been used as a flavoring sweet dishes and desserts. This usage continued over time,
and other cultures adapted the practice and incorporated those citrus oils into foods such as ice
cream. For religious purposes, only high priests were permitted to mix and use essential oils.
They had specific oils that were dedicated to particular deities. The statues for the deities were
typically anointed with their specified oils.
Indian Medicinal Tradition

India has a long tradition of blending essential oils into mixtures concocted for healing purposes.
Oils from flowers and herbs such as Rosemary were used for anti-inflammatory purposes, for
astringents, and as antiseptics. Aromatic massage was also considered a benefit to health and
healing. Usage evolved over time, and some wellness companies in India today rely on the old
tradition of Indian medicine known as Ayur Veda. The Vedic literature covers the usage of an
estimated seven hundred substances.

Hypocrites and the Greeks

Like the Egyptians, the Greeks occasionally used essential oils for flavorings in foods, most
typically in desserts. Building on the knowledge acquired from the Egyptians, the Greeks also
continued the medicinal application of essential oils. Greek priests prepared mixtures to treat
specific ailments. It was in part due to his role in these types of efforts that Hippocrates became
known to represent a significant contribution to modern medicine. Aristotle and Theophrastus
continued a meaningful study of the benefit of plants and their valuable extracts. The adaptation
of some techniques from Greek travels in India led to further extension of the foundation of
knowledge that Hippocrates built.
Roman Massage and Bath

The Roman people also had a strong interest in using essential oils for hygiene and maintaining
good health. One of the popular applications was as an aromatic for the bathhouses. The Romans
also used essential oils in temples and political buildings. When used for those who were
politically connected or very wealthy, the usage of aromatherapy was lavish, particularly in the
baths. The wealthy also indulged in massages with aromatic oils. As the Roman Empire
declined, the proliferation of knowledge regarding aromatics also declined. The decrease of
Roman influence in Europe meant all types of knowledge was lost or neglected, including
medicinal and hygienic applications of essential oils.


The Persian people adapted what they learned from Indians, Chinese, Greeks and Romans. The
Persian people, primarily a physician called Avicenna, also perfected the distillation of essential
oils. The enormous and comprehensive medical encyclopedia that Avicenna wrote included
knowledge disseminated by Hippocrates. The improved distillation methods traveled to various
parts of Europe, and they were further refined there.

Everyday knowledge of the benefits of essential oils was limited in the Dark Ages. Usage of
essential oils in that time was meant primarily to fight odor. Ironically, bathing was considered a
sin in that period of history. The antiseptic properties of the essential oils were incidental for
most of the people. Some individuals, however, gleaned a few of the beneficial traits of essential
oils. The antibacterial characteristics of some aromatics effectively immunized thieves who
sought to rob people who had died from the Bubonic Plague. A mixture called Thieves Vinegar
was a recipe said to be devised by infamous thieves of Marseilles, who were rumored to have
been among those who could steal within areas rife with the Black Death.

The Modern World

The modern era has seen a renewed interest in the benefits of essential oils. In an age of artificial
chemicals and complicated pharmaceuticals, the healing properties of natural ingredients are
being rediscovered. More than for superficial burn treatments and their antiseptic properties,
essential oils are increasingly recognized as valuable to holistic medicine. It is also worth noting
that most of the tasty soft drinks consumed throughout the world contain flavoring based on
essential oils. Individuals in the modern world might be surprised to discover the ways in which
they already benefit from wonders of essential oils.
A Few Facts About Essential Oils

You might have heard a thing or two about essential oils but you might not have the important
facts you should know about essential oils. It is necessary that you have as much information as
possible about the value and abilities of essential oils.

First of all, there are no fatty acids in essential oils like that which are contained in regular oils.
In fact, they are known to be plants that are highly concentrated with elements that have cosmetic
and medicinal abilities.

Some essential oils are also great for aiding in the home cleaning process. This is because they
have high levels of properties that are known to be antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial. The oils
that are considered most ideal to clean house include rosemary, lemon, peppermint and lavender.
The rosemary oil in particular is known for its ability to help the brain to function in tests
performance and memory recall. The rosemary as well as the lavender oils is also proven to offer
relaxing properties when inhaled.

Essential Oils and Their Recommended Uses

• Peppermint is great for use as a cleaning product, for acne skin and as lip balm
• Lemon is ideal for enhancing mood, cleaning and as aid in products and toners that are
designed for oily-type skin (to be used sparingly)
• Sweet orange is good for children's room spray for a soothing effect and great for every type of
• Lavender can be used on every skin type also and is ideal to help someone to relax. It is also
effectively used in cleaning and hair products
• Rosemary is most times used in hair preparation and in cleaning products. It is also great to be
used on skin with acne condition
• Tea tree is famous for healing, for use on all types of skin (including acne skin) and
minimizing or eliminating dandruff, and found in a lot of homemade moisturizers and perfumes
• Rose geranium is also great for use on every type of skin as perfumes and moisturizers that are

The skin is able to adequately absorb essential oils as they are miniscule in size. This is why they
work great to quickly nourish, soften and heal the skin. Among the important facts you should
know about essential oils is that the body does not retain them for long periods; these oils are
absorbed in the body and do what they are supposed to do then are passed through the system.

It is not recommended that all types of essential oils be used on skin surfaces in their undiluted
state. To avoid undesirable skin reactions, it is advised that these undiluted oils should be mixed
with diluting options such as 'carrier oils' (real oils such as sweet almond, jojoba and olive),
alcohols, butters or waxes. Not all essential oils are unsafe when used undiluted. Rose geranium,
sandalwood and German chamomile are few of them that will not harm the body if used in the
undiluted form. However, no type of undiluted oil should be used on a child or a baby as their
skins are much more delicate and thinner than that of the adults and will have negative reactions
to the essential oil's potency. If essential oils are used in recipes for children, only 50% of the
recommended amount should be used. In addition, all types of essential oils should be kept out of
the children's reach and should not come in contact with the human eyes.
Eucalyptus and wintergreen essential oils in particular should not be taken internally. This is
because some of them are toxic and should not even touch the skin. There are some that have to
be diluted properly to make them safe to be used as toothpaste, for example. However, these oils
are uncommon and are mostly never found in stores.

Pregnant or nursing mothers should ensure that they do not use some essential oils as these can
be harmful to both mother and unborn child. These include lemon, sage, nutmeg, jasmine,
rosemary, ginger, cinnamon, cedarwood, among others.

It is recommended that a test is done to determine if the skin is sensitive before using any
essential oils. Half (½) teaspoon of carrier oil should be combined with a single drop of the
essential oil then rubbed on the upper and inside part of the arm. If there is no itching or redness
occurring after a few hours, this could mean the skin is not sensitive to that particular oil.
There is a method that can be used to check the 'pureness' of the essential oil. Place only a drop
of the oil on construction paper and wait to see if quick evaporation takes place; if there is no
obvious ring left after evaporation then it can be considered as being pure. If a ring is observed,
then you might have a manufacturer-diluted essential oil. It should be noted that absolutes,
patchouli and myrrh will not respond to this type of test.

You can have a bottle of essential oil lasting for a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 10
years. This is because they are well-concentrated and there is no need to use more than just a bit
in whatever it is
needed for. Citrus oil, however, will lose its potency in 1 to 2 years.

To aid in the preservation of their potency, it is recommended that the valuable and useful
essential oils should be stored in glass bottles that have dark shades (such as the ones that they
are generally sold in) and kept out of the direct path of the sunlight.

Another fact that you should know about essential oils is that they will not make it on the
shelves as pharmaceutical drugs because they are totally natural. The scientific research done on
essential oils is limited as researchers in drug companies do not want to waste funds studying
them because in the long run they will not be able to patent these natural essential oils.
Information or knowledge on essential oils and their abilities are mostly dependent on personal
experimentation and use for thousands of years and several generations.
The Benefits of Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

Those new to aromatherapy and essential oils may be wondering what all the talk is about.
Usually the first question that we receive is, “What are the benefits to aromatherapy and essential
oils?” There are numerous benefits to practicing with oils so let’s take a look at a few of the big

A Natural Decongestant

When you find yourself suffering from a tough cold and having difficulty sleeping you can turn
to aromatherapy to help relieve your sinus cavities. Eucalyptus is extremely popular when it
comes to resolving stuffed noses, coughs, and sinus infections. Many people use eucalyptus as a
way to naturally treat allergies, especially when pollen counts rise.

Aromatherapy and essential oils are great at improving your mood and also help you to relax.
Anxiety and stress levels are highly correlated with depression, and aromatherapy helps you fight
both. Ylang Ylang is a popular antidepressant and natural sedative which makes it useful in
fighting off bouts of insomnia. Aromatherapy can also lower blood pressure and decrease your
heart rate through its ability to fight off stress and calm you down after a long stressful work day.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalances can cause issues within our body, especially for females. Anxiety, stress,
and a depleted immune system make it difficult for your body to regulate your everyday
hormonal functions. Geranium is often used to help balance out hormones and get your body
back on track. If you suffer from mood swings throughout the day or roller coaster highs and
lows you may want to look into essential oils and aromatherapy that will help balance your
Antiseptic and Antibacterial Properties

Essential oils can be used to help treat wounds or burns and are often highly regarded for their
ability to improve the healing process. There is evidence of ancient cultures using essential oils
on the battlefield to treat injuries and wounded soldiers. Lavender is highly recommended
essential oil that can be used to treat numerous wounds ranging from cuts, insect bites, burns,
and allergic reactions. Certain essential oils are also known for their ability to naturally repel
insects and mosquitoes. This is a great alternative to harmful chemical bug spray especially if
you have little ones running around.

Digestive Issues

Those who suffer from inflamed intestines and Crohn’s disease have often turned to essential oils
and aromatherapy to help with their symptoms. People who have suffered from constipation,
diarrhea, bloating, and irritable bowl syndrome have seen a great deal of success with essential
oils. Peppermint is common for these issues and will refresh and stimulate the nervous system
and help your body fight off inflammation in your stomach area.
An Improvement in Skin Quality

Essential oils are also known for their rich blend of vitamins and nutrients. Dry, broken, burnt,
and damaged skin can quickly be healed with certain essential oils. Warts, pimples, and other
skin blemishes can also be removed with essential oils. Tea tree oil is often a popular choice to
improve skin health along with overall skin quality. The skin is often the last organ in your body
to receive nutrients, so if your diet is lacking, your skin quality will be poor. Using essential oils
to supplement your diet and improve the quality of your skin is imperative to keep beautiful skin.

Improving the Quality of Your Sleep

Essential oils and aromatherapy are great for people who suffer from numerous sleep disorders.
If you have trouble falling asleep, or if you never feel rested even after a full night of sleep, you
may want to look into essential oils. Certain essential oils will not only relax your body to
prepare for sleep, but will also enhance your REM sleep cycles. Many people suffer from
broken or incomplete REM sleep cycles, which in turn cause drowsiness. Roman Chamomile is
often used to treat insomnia and disrupted sleep cycles. So if you find yourself struggling to get
through the day with energy even when you drank numerous amounts of coffee, you may want to
look into improving the quality of your sleep with the essential oils of aromatherapy.

Essential oils can also be used to clean and disinfect areas of your body or even your home.
Lemon is popular for cleaning, and fights infections in your mouth and gums. Many people even
use lemon as a natural deodorizer, and there are many ways you can actually clean and disinfect
your home naturally with lemon.

Improve Focus and Mental Performance

Essential oils and aromatherapy can also improve your ability to focus and enhance your mental
performance. If you find your mind foggy, or are having trouble concentrating, you should look
into rosemary to help you improve your mental performance. Other essential oils will also help
clear your mind or give you a boost of energy to get you thinking again.
Essential Oils

Essential oils are highly concentrated oils found in plants. Essential oils are extracted and
contain the healing power and therapeutic properties form the plant itself. When essential oils
are used properly they can have natural health benefits. No man-made or harmful chemicals are
used in harvesting essential oils as long as the natural process is being followed. Many essential
oils have antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties, which make them great for fighting
off infections and strengthening your overall immune system.

The Growth Explosion Of Essential Oils

The popularity of essential oils has grown dramatically in the past few years. This growth has
had both positive and negative consequences on the aromatherapy market. This growth has lead
to new and cheaper essential oils but at the same time numerous knock-offs have entered the
market. Watered down oils are becoming common place and you need to make sure you do your
proper due diligence before making any large purchases. Every oil that you purchase should be
100% pure oil unless you are purchasing an already diluted oil. Many different products are now
being labeled as “aromatherapy” even though these products are not natural and have nothing to
do with aromatherapy. So before you make any purchase, make sure you read user reviews and
understand the product you are purchasing.

Essential Oils

The main ingredients in aromatherapy treatments are essential oils. These oils are comprised of
natural oils that have been collected from leaves, rinds, seeds, bark, and flowers. These oils can
be extremely potent which why you need to make sure you have an understanding of the oils you
are using. Some essential oils are safe to apply directly to your skin while others will burn if not
properly diluted.

Diluting Essential Oils

The majority of essential oils are extremely potent and will need to be diluted. There are two
ways to dilute essential oils. The first, is to dilute essential oils with carrier oils. Carrier oils are
usually other types of oils that are not as potent that can dilute your essential oils. When mixed
together these two oils can create a great combination. Grape seed, aloe Vera, sesame, and olive
oil are all common carrier oils.

The second way that you can dilute essential oils is with a mixture of water. Water will dilute
essential oils and allow them to be safely administered or used for their desired effect.
Remember these oils are extremely potent and failing to dilute them properly can have terrible

What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is defined as the use of essential oils for the treatment or prevention of certain
diseases. Aromatherapy is used to help assist the body in its ability to heal, regulate, and
maintain proper functions. Essential oils are the lifeblood of aromatherapy and are absorbed
through the body via inhalation or contact with the skin. The aromatic molecules are then
broken down by the body and released into the blood stream.

Essential oils can be used in a variety of different practices including bathing, massage, and
aromatic treatments. The beauty of essential oils is their flexibility in treatment options and the
ability to combine different forms of absorption. For example, the combination of relaxing
essential oils combined with a massage is a powerful one-two punch that will relax even the most
stressed individual. We will cover numerous ways you can combine both relaxing activities and
essential oils in order to maximize the benefit of essential oils.

Aromatherapy has grown rapidly in the past decade. Its user base has expanded exponentially as
more people are using aromatherapy to treat both acute and chronic stages of illness or disease.
More and more people are turning to regular use of aromatherapy to help boost their immune
system and improve their overall health. Others are using essential oils to improve skin and hair
health as well as a source of natural cleaning around the home. The benefits and uses of
aromatherapy are endless and the aromatherapy community continues to come up with new and
innovative recipes.

Aromatherapy has also grown in popularity due to its ability to help ease symptoms of illness or
disease that are difficult to cure with modern medicine. Headaches, Crohn’s disease, irritable
bowel syndrome, migraines, and arthritis are all issues that cause daily pain and suffering.
Conventional medicine can provide relief for some patients but at the expense of nasty side
effects. Turning to natural aromatherapy has provided people who suffer from the above cheap
and healthy combination or alternative to conventional medicine. We always insist you consult
your doctor before using aromatherapy especially if you are currently on medicine.
The Do's and Don'ts Of Aromatherapy

There are numerous do's and don'ts that we want to cover quickly before we begin listing and
recommending different essential oils. These tips are geared towards the beginner and will help
you ease your way into your journey of aromatherapy.

Don't Get Overwhelmed

If you are first starting your aromatherapy journey, you need to be careful of information
overload. There are numerous sources such as websites,books, and “specialists”. Try to learn
about a few different oils each day. Then try to experiment and keep the oils that work for you.
Some oils are expensive while other are cheap. Some oils work for certain people while others
fail to see any improvement at all. The best way to practice aromatherapy is to research, test, and
keep what works for you.

Do Pay Attention To Warnings And The Instructions

You need to make sure you pay attention to all warnings, instructions, and how exactly you need
to dilute essential oils. This should be common sense, but many people fail to practice this and
they end up having a bad experience. Your experience will be much better if you properly dose
and mix your essential oils. This is extremely important especially if you have certain illnesses,
injuries, or you are pregnant.
Research Prices Online

There are numerous online sites that will sell you higher quality and lower priced essential oils
than a brick and mortar health store. The trick is to make sure you do your research. Look for
reviews that people have posted and what their feedback has been. You should feel 100%
confident in your purchase and if anything doesn’t feel right about the site or the reviews your
best to move on. There are literally hundreds of websites that can sell you almost any essential
oils that you desire.

Avoid Street Vendors

Essential oils salesmen will often sell oils on the street, at concerts, or one time festivals. These
oils should not be purchased under any circumstances. These oils are often highly diluted, not
100% pure, or have other defects. These salesmen usually move around and never stay in one
spot for a long time. This is why concerts and festivals are great targets. Avoid these vendors
and purchase your oils from a reputable businesses that will take refunds and will be there the
next day should you have to complain.

Avoid Rubber Droppers

Some essential oils are sold with a rubber dropper top. You should avoid these oils as certain
oils are extremely potent and can actually dissolve the rubber. The dissolved rubber can actually
mix with your oil and create a toxic mixture.
Essential Oils Starter Kit

If you are new to aromatherapy and essential oils you may be overwhelmed at first. There are so
many different oils to try and test out. While it may take awhile for you to figure out what oils
you like and don’t like, we have put together a basic starter kit that will help you out. The
following are essential oils that are easy to use, very popular, and have numerous benefits. Try
starting out with these oils and slowly adding to your collection as you go along and become
more experienced with essential oils.

Ylang Ylang- This oil is extremely popular because of its beautiful and unique scent. It has
been known to have numerous relaxing properties that can relax both the mind and the body.
This oil is cultivated in Thailand but is shipped and distributed throughout the entire world. This
is a great beginner oil that will allow you to relax, especially if you are stressed out.

Tea Tree Oil- Tea tree oil is another essential oil that is very inexpensive yet it has numerous
benefits. Tea tree oil is known for its ability to treat skin ailments. It is also known to cure
bacteria and fungus issues which makes it extremely popular for people who suffer from athletes
foot. Tea tree oil is also commonly used during the cold and flu season as it is known to
strengthen and boost your immune system.
Eucalyptus- Eucalyptus is known for it's great scent and is very popular especially for topical
application. Eucalyptus is very versatile and can cure numerous skin ailments as well as keep
your skin smooth. Eucalyptus is often used in various massage techniques as it can be a great
muscle relaxer.

Spearmint- Spearmint is the less intense cousin of the peppermint oil and many people actually
prefer it to peppermint. Spearmint is known for its clean and fresh aroma that can relax and clear
your mind. Many users find that adding a few drops to their bathtub can help them relax and feel
clean and fresh.

Ginger- Ginger is another popular oil because of its ability to clear headaches and sinus
infections. If you are prone to allergies you should give ginger a try and see how you feel.
Ginger is also known to help improve the appetite of those suffering from colds and the flu.

Sage- Sage is extremely popular for its unique and warm smell. It can create a homey and warm
feeling in any room. Sage is very popular in the winter months or during the fall season. Sage
can warm up any house and create a great atmosphere.

Juniper- If you are feeling stressed out and exhausted then look no further then Juniper berry
oil. Juniper will relax and restore even the most stressed out individual. Nothing is better then
using Juniper berry oil after a difficult work week or when you need to feel rested and restored
for the coming weeks of work.
Lavender- Popular for use in the bath and shower, Lavender is known to create a calm and
relaxed feeling for its users. Many bath and shower products have some concentration of
lavender oil. But if you want the real benefits you should try the concentrated lavender oil. You
will feel relaxed and invigorated after you bathe yourself with some lavender.

Rosemary- Rosemary is known for its great fresh and clean smell and is used in many household
cleaning products. Rosemary is also very popular in shampoos. Your home can experience a
new, clean smell with the help of the rosemary essential oil.

Lemon- Lemon is another essential oil that is know for its zesty and clean scent. Lemon has
variety of different uses. Lemon can be extremely concentrated so its best to use it heavily
diluted. But lemon should be added to any beginner's essential oil collection.

Peppermint- Peppermint is similar to spearmint but it's much more concentrated and powerful.
If you are looking for a stronger fragrance then you should try peppermint. We recommend
peppermint in addition to spearmint. This allows you to experiment and really figure out which
one you prefer.. You should always have either peppermint or spearmint in your aromatherapy

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is extremely popular for curing numerous skin ailments. For instance, it can be
useful in curing acne. If you suffer from red, dark, or puffy spots under your eyes witch hazel
can also help. Witch hazel tea is popular for sore throats and relieving allergies or runny noses.
Witch hazel provides moisture to your skin and can soothe rashes and mosquito bites.

Thyme is one of the older essential oils we will discuss and has ties all the way back to ancient
Chinese and Roman cultures. Thyme is often used in culinary arts and can be added to numerous
different dishes. Thyme has numerous bacteria and antiseptic uses. Many people add it to soaps
to help ward off bacteria. Thyme is also used to fight off infections and clean wounds.

Sandal Wood

Sandalwood is popular for its ability to increase melatonin production in the brain. Many people
who suffer from insomnia or sleep deprivation have turned to sandalwood instead of prescription
medicines. Not only does sandalwood improve your overall sleep health, but it can boost your
immune system. So if you feel a cold coming, you can use sandalwood to get a good night’s rest
and fight off any viruses or colds that may be trying to compromise your immune system.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is known for its ability to improve and promote skin health. Its roots can be traced all
the way back to ancient Egypt where they added olive oil to their soaps which added a natural
shine to their skin. Olive oil is extremely versatile and can be mixed with other essential oils or
ingredients to make numerous skin creams and other mixtures. Olive oil can quickly penetrate
deep into your skin which makes it a popular massage oil, especially after an active day.


Myrrh has numerous medicinal properties and is generally used for curing and treating allergies
and common cold symptoms. Myrrh is often used in vaporizers and can quickly clear up a stuffy
nose or sore throat. Many people also use Myrrh for allergy relief. Myrrh also has numerous
antiseptic qualities and fights off bacteria and treats wounds.

Jasmine is a very popular natural aphrodisiac. In addition to being an aphrodisiac, jasmine is

also used to rid the body of toxins. Numerous diets also recommend jasmine as it improves your
body's overall digestion and aids in weight loss.

Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil is a natural anti-inflammatory agent and is often used in skin care. Hemp seed oil
can help reduce swelling from arthritis and other inflammatory issues. Hemp seed oil also
promotes healthy skin and is often times used to cure acne, dry skin, and swelling around the

Coconut oil

Coconut oil has numerous benefits, ranging from cooking to hair health. Coconut oil is rich in
nutrients that help promote skin health, hair health, removal of acne, and other various skin
conditions. Coconut oil is often used in cooking and can lower blood pressure, cholesterol
levels, and in many cases, helps aid in weight loss. Coconut oil is often recommended for its
nutrients which help promote a strong and healthy immune system. Coconut oil is also a natural
anti-inflammatory which makes it great for helping with digestive and stomach issues, such as
celiac disease.

Chamomile is another essential oil that you may consider if you’re having problems sleeping.
Chamomile has a natural calming and sedative affect which makes it great to use before you go
to sleep. Many people find that Chamomile will improve their REM sleep cycles, allowing them
to feel rested after waking up in the morning.

Almond Oil

Almond oil is popular for its nutrients and its numerous cosmetic benefits. Almond oil has
natural moisturizers and is highly nutritious for your body. Touted as a powerful anti-aging
product, almond oil can restore dry skin, remove redness or blemishes, and restore a natural glow
to your skin.
How Much Should I Dilute

How much you need to dilute your essential oils depends on the type of oil and what you are
trying to accomplish. Most oils will need to be diluted with either carrier oils or water. You
should always follow the instructions exactly when using essential oils. Most oil combinations
will be 1-2% essential oils. Yes that's right! One or two drops per 100 of water or carrier oil.
Mixing these oils can be a painstaking process but you can also purchase pre-diluted oils. But
once again you need to make sure that they mixed properly. We still recommend you purchase
100% essential oils and do the mixing by hand.

How To Use Essential Oils

There are many different ways to use essential oils and your goals will depend on the oil that you
are using and what you are trying to achieve. The three most popular ways to use essential oils
are as follows: Diffusion, Vaporization, Topical, and Ingestion.


Diffusion and vaporization are two different ways to use essential oils to create a scent in a room
or inhale the essential oils. You can purchase diffusion and vaporization devices for a cheap
price depending on the quality that you desire. These devices will allow you to slowly heat and
warm up your essential oils, which can be used to create an aroma in your room. There have
been numerous scientific studies that have shown that different odors can actually impact our
mood and the way we feel throughout the day. Essential oils are extremely popular in home
offices because you can create an uplifting and productive mood by diffusing different essential

Diffusion is also a great way to inhale and quickly get the essential oils in your system. If you
have a stuffy nose or sinus problems diffusion can allow you to fix this problem with essential
oils. Diffusion is one of the fastest ways to get relief using essential oils.

Another way that you use essential oils is through topical absorption, aka rubbing the oils on
your skin. If you choose this method, you need to be extremely careful with how you dilute your
oils and how you apply them to your skin. Failure to properly dilute your oils can lead to burns,
irritation, and hot/cool flashes. Always start with a small area to see how your body reacts
before covering a large portion of your body with oil. Nothing is worse then covering a large
area with oil only to realize you have made a mistake. Once again you want to make sure read
the proper instructions and you blend your essential oils with water, carrier oils, or use a pre-
blended mixture.


There are two distinct camps when it comes to ingestion of essential oils. On one hand, you have
the camp that is against ingestion of essential oils and considers it extremely dangerous. The
other camp says there are numerous benefits to ingesting essential oils and ingestion is just
another way to get the oils into your body.

The Camp Against Ingestion

The camp against ingestion is because they believe that essential oils are not 100% pure. There
are numerous other substances and toxins that are also included in the oils that can be harmful
and perhaps fatal if used incorrectly. So while your oil may be 100% pure there are still
chemicals that are released and captured during the harvesting process of the oil.
The Camp For Ingestion

The camp for ingestion states that essential oils have been ingested for thousands of years and
ingestion is a great way to reap the benefits of essential oils. As long as essential oils are diluted
properly and you understand 100% what you are doing, there is no harm in ingestion. Many
people in this camp have been ingesting essential oils for years without any significant
problems. Many detox programs are structured around ingesting essential oils to clean the body.
There currently is no scientific proof that this process actually works.

What We Recommend

For all legal and disclaimer purposes of this book we highly recommend you DO NOT ingest
these oils. You can make up your own mind by yourself but we highly recommend you avoid
ingestion especially if you are new to aromatherapy. Failure to understand what you are doing
can be fatal. There are numerous benefits that you can experience beyond ingestion with the
other application methods we mentioned above. So please do not ingest any of these oils.
The Tools of the Trade

One mistake that people who are new to essential oils make is not having the proper tools. This
can lead to improper use of essential oils, or even failure to utilize the full potential of the oils.
Making sure you have the proper tools to not only label your collection of essential oils, but
improve the shelf life of the oils is essential in improving the shelf life of your oils. If you do
become serious with essential oils, you will be spending a good amount of money on high
quality products. So it’s imperative that you take the extra steps to protect your investment. A
few extra dollars spent on the tools of the trade will go a long way to making your oils last as
long as possible.

Aromatherapy Foam Cases and Carry Cases

There are numerous cases that are lined with foam and have little slots to keep your essential
oils. This is ideal if you are going to take your oils on the road, as well as beneficial for storing
the oils in your home. Many foam carry cases have a dozen to forty-eight slots to store oils.
Spray Tops

You can purchase tiny spray tops to attach to your essential oil bottles. This allows you to
quickly spray a small amount of oil on a surface. This works great for pre-diluted essential oils
or essential oils that have already been mixed before you purchased them. Use caution when
spraying undiluted oils.

Aromatherapy Diffuser

A quality diffuser is also highly recommended when it comes to tools of the trade. If you are
going to spend your hard earned income on quality oils you need to have a quality diffuser as
well. There are numerous diffusers on the market most of which are travel friendly. Put some
time into your research and see which one works for you.

Make sure that you have labels to help you keep your collection of oils organized. Most of the
time factory labels are hard to read or they quickly wear off. Creating your own labels is ideal,
especially if you are going to be mixing and matching different oils. Large labels with big
typeface make it easy to identify and sort your essential oils as your collection grows.

Glass Containers

Air tight glass containers are ideal if you are going to be making your own body lotions, scrubs,
and soaps with essential oils. The oils will make your scrubs and soaps more bristle, thus they
will break easily if not well maintained. Glass containers will aid your ability to store these
items as well as dramatically increase their shelf life.

Rolling Bottles

Rolling bottles will allow you to fully mix your essential oils and carrier oils together. Simply
add the required ingredients to the bottle and then roll them to make sure they are fully mixed
before using the mixture.
Essential Oils For Beautiful Skin

The vast selection of skin care products available today can be confusing. There are different
lotions, creams, and scrubs that claim to contain helpful ingredients and nutrients. But, many
products also contain chemicals and preservatives that can be harmful. Some people will avoid
using any product with oils, believing these oils will contribute to problems like acne,
blackheads, and blemishes.

In fact, many oils which contain essential nutrients can have the opposite effect. They can help
reduce the redness, inflammation, and irritation of acne and other conditions. They have
properties that promote skin health at the cellular level. Using the right oils for skin care can
reduce the aging process of skin cells, can keep skin looking healthy and free of blemishes, and
can give people a healthy glow that others may be envious of. Some oils or mixtures can help
tighten the pores and keep skin looking youthful. Find out how to improve skin with some of the
most powerful essential oils for skin care available today.

Rosehip Seed Oil

Some oils are more suitable for dry, aging skin. Rosehip seed oil provides the moisture aging
skin needs. At the same time, it provides plenty of antioxidants, which contribute to the aging
process. The vitamin A in rosehip seed helps prevent aging and contributes to the skin's
elasticity. It can be used to treat various types of skin damage from the sun's UV rays, from
burns, from surgical scars, and from the normal aging process.
Grape Seed Oil

Grape seed oil has powerful antioxidants that are similar to those found in berries and some
herbal teas. It contains vitamins C and E, which help build collagen and elastin. The oil's
nutrients will penetrate below the skin's surface, for longer lasting protection and better
conditioning of the skin's surface.

Olive Oil

Olive oil has been consumed for ages, due to its health benefits for the human body. Organic
olive oil can also be used on the skin's surface, as a moisturizer. It contains powerful
antioxidants, to keep skin looking young. It also combats bacteria, which helps prevent build up
of bacteria that can get into the skin's pores. It has anti-inflammatory properties as well, which
can help alleviate many skin conditions that cause redness and irritation. Olive oil also provides
protection from harmful UV rays. A final benefit, is that the oil lasts much of the day and
requires fewer applications on a regular basis, to achieve desired benefits.

Carrot Seed Oil

This oil is beneficial to the skin, as it can help people achieve smoother, more even skin tone.. It
has vitamin A and beta carotene, which helps keep new skin cells healthy. It can also be used to
help fade scars from surgery and burns. Its main function is to improve skin tone. This makes it
an excellent moisturizer to use on the face and neck.

Geranium Oil

Geranium oil has a pleasant aroma, but is best known for its ability to tone and tighten the skin.
It also promotes better health and functioning of blood vessels, including those closest to the
skin's surface. Improved circulation to the skin leads to healthier looking skin that is better able
to fight infection and irritation. It can help heal bruises, cuts, rashes, and fungal skin infections.
Geranium oil may be a must have for those who want natural products in the medicine cabinet or
first aid kit.
Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is good for a number of purposes. It can repel bacteria, help keep skin looking
younger, and can ease irritation. It is also one of the most pleasant smelling oils, which may
make it a favorite among those who want light, natural scents. It can help promote relaxation,
which contributes to healthy looking skin.

Neroli Oil

This oil is ideal for those with acne. It acts as a gentle cleanser and can prevent infections. While
it can eliminate bacteria, Neroli oil also helps shrink pores without drying like typical over the
counter skin products may.

Patchouli Oil

This oil is known for its use in perfumes. While it is a strong scent, many people find it pleasing.
However, the best benefit is that patchouli oil can fend off fungal infections, bacteria, and many
other organisms that could cause skin irritation. It also encourages cell regeneration and can help
heal may types of inflammatory skin conditions.
Jasmine Oil

Jasmine oil is has a pleasant, flowery scent. This may make it a favorite among those who want
to combine skin care with a light scent. It can help reduce scars from a variety of injuries, such as
surgical scars and burns. It is also relatively light, so it will leave skin feeling soft and smooth.

Those who want to purchase and use essential oils for skin care should consider a suitable carrier
oil. Essential oils work best when diluted to a 5% solution. Even when diluted, they may still
cause irritation to the skin of some people. It is recommended that any new essential oils used on
the skin, should be tested on a small patch of skin first. The under side of the upper arm is
recommended, as it is a sensitive area.

When considering which oils to use for skin care, the type of skin and particular skin conditions
the individual faces should be considered as well. An oil with overall moisturizing properties and
antioxidants should be considered for aging skin. Those who suffer from acne should choose oils
that fight bacteria. Those who are prone to inflammatory skin conditions, like rosacea, psoriasis,
and eczema, should choose oils with anti-inflammatory properties.

Many essential oils can be purchased at a relatively low cost, when compared to traditional skin
care products available on store shelves. When mixed with carrier oils, even more costly
products that are guaranteed to be organic are cost effective. The most effective oils for skin care
are those that are guaranteed to be pure. They are often found in whole foods stores in smaller
vials. However, there are many online sellers who will offer larger vials of the desired oils.
Essential Oils For Face Care

If you suffer from acne, dry skin, inflammation, puffiness, or redness on your face then you
should look into essential oils to help aid your skin in healthy development. Essential oils are
great for skin and face care as they are full of nutrients, have ant-inflammatory properties, and
are great at cleaning and regulating healthy skin growth. Making sure the skin on your face is
healthy and receiving the proper amount of nutrients is essential if you want to avoid wrinkles
and other issues that go along with aging. Let’s take a look at a few essential oils, carrier oils,
and recipes you can use to help keep your face looking as young as possible!

Rosewood Oil:

One of the best oils to help prevent wrinkles and aging is rosewood. Rosewood can improve the
overall firmness and elasticity of your face which helps prevent wrinkles. Rosewood also helps
promote healthy skin growth which helps remove blemishes, dry skin, scars, and stretch marks.

Clary Sage

Clary sage is full of antioxidants that help promote healthy skin growth and health. This can
slow down or reverse certain signs of aging. Wrinkles, skin resembling leather, and facial
blemishes are all caused by harmful free radicals. Clary sage helps remove these free radicals
and provides your skin with the nutrients it needs to be healthy. Clary sage can tighten your skin
and improve the overall elasticity of your face.

If you suffer from dry and damaged facial skin then you should look into Neroli. Neroli can
provide moisture and nutrients to dried out skin. It also promotes healthy pore growth and
cleaning which is essential to avoid acne and other skin blemishes. Neroli is often used to
regenerate and reduce scar tissue on the face or neck.


If you want to restore a healthy glow to your skin, look no further then Myrrh. Myrrh is a natural
anti-inflammatory agent which will reduce facial swelling, especially if you suffer from
allergies. Myrrh will not only restore dried and damaged skin, but it will increase the production
of healthy natural skin oils. This is the reason why Myrrh is responsible for restoring a natural
glow to your face.

Patchouli Oil:

Patchouli is a common ingredient in most skin moisturizer and lotions. Patchouli is a natural
anti-inflammatory which makes it a popular face wash before and after bed. Patchouli is also
well known for its ability to clear up acne. It has the ability to clear and cleanse damaged pores
and remove acne or acne damage from your face.


Frankincense is often referred to as the bodyguard of your face. Frankincense will not only
provide the nutrients your face needs to be healthy but it will also protect the skin cells of your
face. This is essential if you are working in a harsh environment or climate. Frankincense will
prevent your face from drying out or peeling.

Tea tree oil works great to dry out oily skin affected by acne. Wash your face to remove any dirt
or debris then swab the affected area with a cotton ball. Let the tea tree oil soak into your skin
for a few hours and wash off.

Deep Steam Facial

Take a large steam pot and bring it to a boil. Add one drop of chamomile blue to the pot and put
the top back on. Wait a few minutes and remove the pot from the stove. Take the top off and
place your head over the steam.

6 - 7 Drops of Helichrysum and 1 oz. of joba oil

Mix the Helichrysum and joba oil together. Apply the mixture to your bruises preferable before
you go to bed.


1 pint of cold water

5 drops of Lavender

Add the lavender to the water and stir thoroughly. Add mixture to burn and compress. Hold for a
few minutes and wash and repeat.
Sun burn

1 tablespoon of vinegar
200 IU Vitamin E Oil
4 ounces Aloe Vera
15- 20 Drops of lavender oil

Combine ingredients and add to a spray bottle. Always try to use a spray bottle when dealing
with burns as rubbing can increase the pain for a burn victim. Apply to affected area. Store
mixture in refrigerator as the cool liquid can help resolve pain.
Nutrient Face Recipe For Normal Skin

1 tablespoon Sweet Almond Oil

2 drops lavender
1 drop Geranium


Mix and apply to face: Let sit for 20 - 30 minutes and then wash off your face.

Dry Face Recipe

1 teaspoon Jojoba
11 teaspoon Camellia Oil
1 Teaspoon Sesame Oil
20 Drops Carrot seed
5 drops Sandalwood
4 Drops Neroli
2 drops Geranium


Mix and apply to face: Let sit for 20 - 30 minutes and then wash off your face.

Wrinkle Remover

2 drops sandalwood
3 drops rose
1 drop patchouli
2 drops neroli
2 drops myrrh
2 drops frankincense
3 drops carrot seed
1 ounce argan oil
1 ounce rose hip seed oil


Mix and apply to face: Let sit for 20 - 30 minutes and then wash off your face.


2 tablespoons sweet almond

10 drops rosehipseed oil
8 drops carrot seed
3 drops lemon
8 drops fennel
2 drops rosemary
10 drops frankincense
10 drops lavender
8 drops neroli


Mix and apply to face: Let sit for 20 - 30 minutes and then wash off your face.

Dry Skin Facial Recipe

2 drops Chamomile
3 drops lavender
5 drops Geranium
½ ounce evening primrose
½ ounce avocado oil


Mix and apply to face: Let sit for 20 - 30 minutes and then wash off your face.

Oily Skin Recipe

3 drops neroli
3 drops juniper
6 drops rosemary
½ ounce jojoba
½ ounce apricot oil

Mix and apply to face: Let sit for 20 - 30 minutes and then wash off your face.
Eye wrinkle remover

10 drops vitamin E
5 drops carrot oil
3 drop rosewood
3 drops lavender
15 drops jojoba oil
2 tbsp of hazelnut oil

Mix with carrier oil or lotion and apply daily.

Anti Aging Rub

5 drops rose oil

5 drops Chamomile oil
1 ounce Jojoba Oil

Mix with carrier oil or lotion and apply daily.

Nutrient Rich Serum

3 tablespoon almond oil

10 drops neroli
5 drops Chamomile

Mix with carrier oil or lotion and apply daily.

Face Restoration

8 drops Neroli
10 drops rose
15 drops frankincense
2 teaspoons carrot oil
1 tablespoon rose hip oil
2 tablespoons apricot kernel oil

Mix with carrier oil or lotion and apply daily.

Recipe For Sensitive Skin

5 drops geranium
2 drops German Chamomile
3 drops everlasting essential oil
½ ounce rose hip
½ ounce jojoba

Mix with carrier oil or lotion and apply daily.

Aromatherapy: The Ultimate Stress Buster

Removing stress from your body is a great way to boost both energy levels and improve your
immune system. Aromatherapy is often referred to as the natural stress buster. Essential oils
combined with relaxing activities will help melt the stress right out of your body. Many people
underestimate the harm that stress does to their bodies. Often times the symptoms and problems
that are suffered are directly linked to the stress in your life. Aromatherapy will help you remove
these areas of stress in your life and thus allow your body to start regulating and improving your
natural illness defense. Let’s take a look at a few problems that stress can cause in your life and
how you can help alleviate them with aromatherapy.
Stress Problem: Staying Awake At Night

Stress can lead to a lack of sleep or anxiety which will make difficult or impossible to get a full
night’s rest. This will make you extremely tired and groggy when you wake up to tackle the
day. Extended periods of sleep deprivation can also lead to long term problems. Disruptions in
sleep cycles can deplete your immune system and even lead to long bouts with insomnia.
Cultivating strong sleep habits is essential to maintaining healthy bodily functions.

Aromatherapy Solution

There are numerous essential oils that will help you relax and even improve your REM and sleep
cycles. Often time, people who suffer from insomnia will turn to aromatherapy before turning to
prescription medication. While prescription medication will help, it comes with numerous side
effects that are not so pleasant. If you suffer from insomnia, a bath with aromatherapy oils is
recommended as well as a night time massage. Placing cotton balls dipped with essential oils
near your nightstand is also a great way to relax when you are sleeping.
Stress Problem: angry or poor mood throughout the day

People who suffer from stress are prone to unleash their built-up anger throughout the day.
Unfortunately, any other people or objects in their way are going to fall victim to the unintended
consequence of built up stress. Aromatherapy will help you relax, especially when you feel
stressed throughout the day.

Aromatherapy solution

Taking a relaxing bath or receiving a relaxing massage will help you alleviate and let go of the
stress in your life. Giving yourself time to unwind and relax is essential if you are going to
remove excess stress from your life. There are also numerous essential oils that will help elevate
your mood or invigorate you before you head to work, or when you come home after a long day.
Rose, Orange, Bergamot, Lemon and Neroli are all great mood regulating essential oils.
Lavender arose and geranium are also great for any anxiety or stress you feel throughout the
day. Being able to release the stress you feel in your life is the first step to letting go and finally
being able to relax. This, in turn, will help improve your mood throughout the day.
Stress Problem: Digestive Issues

Many stomach and digestive problems can be linked to an increase in stress level. Whether you
suffer from problems with bowel movements or you suffer from inflamed intestines, often times
stress is not helping you out. Certain essential oils will help not only remove stress from your
life but they will also help relax your stomach muscles.

Aromatherapy Solution

Many people use essential oils to help with stomach or digestive issues. Peppermint oil, Clove,
Cardamom and Oregano are all oils that will help with stomach inflammation and digestive
issues. Removing stress and using these oils will help you regulate and improve your digestive
Stress Problem: Lowered Immune System

If you are constantly battling a cold or flu your immune system is most likely depleted. This can
be due to numerous factors, but often times an excess level of stress can be the culprit. Having
to suffer with a cold every week can be both physically and mentally demanding. Aromatherapy
and essential oils will not only help you alleviate the stress that causes these problems, but will
also boost your immune system as well.

Aromatherapy Solution

Essential oils and aromatherapy are also highly recommended and very popular when you are
feeling sick and tired. Many people can feel a cold coming a few days before their symptoms
begin to peak. So if you start to feel sluggish, sore, or your nose begins to stuff up, you should
turn to aromatherapy to help prepare your immune system for battle. Bay laurel, cinnamon leaf,
Eucalyptus, Frankincense, and Oregano are all immune boosting essential oils.
Stress Problem: Lowered Sex Drive

Remaining constantly stress throughout the day can lead you to exhaustion which will make sex
the last thing on your mind. A lack of intimacy for you and your partner can lead to long term
relationship problems which only add to your level of stress. The good news is that
aromatherapy will help you remove the stress in your life as well as invigorate your sex drive.

Aromatherapy Solution

Aromatherapy was often used in Ancient Roman and Indian cultures as a natural aphrodisiac.
Sandalwood, Rose, Ylang Ylang, and Jasmine will all help to spice up your love life. This will
also help you relive stress in your life. A healthy stress life is vital to a healthy life and
aromatherapy can help both you and your partner.
Ways To Relax Using Essential Oils

Mixing essential oils and certain carrier oils while having a partner massage you will help you
relax and fall asleep. We highly recommend that you start your massage a few hours before you
want to fall asleep. Many essential oils will relax your body and improve circulation. This can
result in a quick energy boost which makes it difficult to fall asleep. But after a few hours your
body will succumb to the relaxing properties of the essential oils and you will be able to sleep
like a baby.

4 Tablespoons massage oil or almond oil

1 drop frankincense
1 drop Petitgrain
4 drops lavender

Bath Time

Another great way to relax your body with essential oils is to take a hot bath. Not only does your
body relax, but it will allow the essential oils to work into your body. Just like a massage, we
recommend you take your bath a few hours before you fall asleep as you may receive a quick
boost of energy once your bath is over.

Add a few drops of Lavender or Roman Chamomile to your bath tub to induce relaxation and
prepare your body for sleep.

Sheet, Linen, And Pillow Spray

Another way to relax and keep your bed smelling great at the same time is by creating an
essential oil bed spray.

3 ounces of distilled water

20-30 drops of a relaxing essential oil
Combine in a spray bottle that has a light mist setting and spray
( Be sure you are choosing essential oils that are safe for skin contact)
Essential Oils For Massages

A great way to not only relax your body but also to apply essential oils to your body is with a
massage. If you have a partner who is willing to work and hone their massage skills, you can
really benefit from essential oil massages. The art of a good massage is actually easier than you
think, and there are many resources and videos online to help you out. This chapter will cover
different essential oils that will relax, improve your skin, and act as great massage lotions.


Sandalwood is a natural muscle relaxer and can be worked deep into muscle tissue. Sandalwood
also has a very pleasant scent and is used in many different perfumes and other cosmetics.
Sandalwood has a sweet and woody aroma that many people find enjoyable. It's also common to
use Sandalwood if you are suffering from cold or flu like aches and pains.


Peppermint has a rich and clean aroma, making it a popular choice for massage. Peppermint is
also a natural anti-inflammatory which helps reduce swelling around sore muscles. Peppermint
is also great for your skin, and is also known to improve circulation and blood flow throughout
your body.

Eucalyptus has a natural and refreshing aroma, and can be quite cool to the touch. Eucalyptus
also has natural anti-septic properties that make it great for massages, mosquito bites, skin that
has been exposed to the sun, or cuts and bruises. Eucalyptus also has the ability to work deep
into muscle tissue and really helps your body relax.


Lavender is widely used in different massage oils for a few different reasons. The first is that
lavender is a natural muscle relaxant. Secondly, lavender is great for providing nutrients and
cleansing your skin. Many people will use lavender to prevent scar tissue from forming or to
reduce the visibility of scar tissue after an injury.


Rosemary has a pleasant aroma and is often used to treat stretch marks and cellulite. It has a
natural tendency to restore elasticity and firmness to your skin. Rosemary is also very good at
relaxing your muscles and is used to treat migraines. Rosemary is great for re-energizing tired
and sore muscles, especially after a long day or difficult workout.
Massage Carrier Oils

You are going to want to combine your essential oils with either a massage oil or a carrier oil.
This makes it easier to massage as it dilutes your essential oils. Here are a few carrier oils you
can try:

Hazelnut Oil

Hazelnut lacks aroma but it has the ability to penetrate deep into your muscles. Hazelnut is also
great for your skin as a natural moisturizer.

Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat Germ oil is another natural anti-oxidant that is touted for its ability to moisturize and
repair dry or dying skin. Wheat Germ oil also has an abundance of Vitamin E which is essential
for healthy skin growth.

Apricot Kernel

Apricot kernel has a sweet and pleasant aroma. It’s lighter than most carrier oils which makes it
great for self-massages.

Almond Oil

Almond oil has numerous moisturizing qualities and is packed with numerous nutrients. Almond
oil is great for repairing damaged skin and restoring a natural glow to your skin. Almond oil has
a light odor that most people find pleasant.
Avocado Oil

Avocado oil is often used to heal damaged skin. Whether your skin is damaged from being
exposed to the elements or you just sat out in the sun too long, avocado oil will help repair your
skin. Avocado oil also specializes in stretch marks and treating wrinkles.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba is more of a wax than oil, but it has numerous nutritional properties. It can be a little
more challenging to use as a massage oil, but some people love the way it interacts with their
skin. Give jojoba a try and see how you feel after your massage.

Grape Seed Oil

Grape seed oil is the most popular carrier oil and is often used by most professional massage
therapists. Grape seed oil is light and very easy to move around when giving a massage. It has
little odor and works great as a carrier oil to deliver the essential oils deep into your muscles.
Stress Relief Massage Oil

2 drops Petitgrain
1 drop Ylang Ylang
2 drops lavender
5 teaspoons of massage oil or carrier oil

Relax Massage Oil

1 drop frankincense
1 drop Petitgrain
5 drops lavender
6 teaspoons of massage or carrier oil

Sore Muscle Rub

1 drop rosemary
1 drop juniper
2 drops lavender
4 teaspoons of massage or carrier oil

Muscle Cramps/Pulled Muscles

2 drops rosemary
2 drops lavender
4 teaspoons of massage or carrier oil
Essential Oils For Bathing

If you are like most people, you would agree that few pleasures rival that of a leisurely bath.
Immersing yourself in warm, fragrant water under flickering candlelight relaxes the body, calms
the mind and soothes the spirit. Cool baths, on the other hand, boost energy and stimulate the
brain. Whatever your preference, scented oils can only enhance these experiences. For this
reason, essential oils and bathing are a popular combination.

People have used fragrance for centuries for a variety of reasons. These include to produce
pleasant aromas in their immediate environments or as a type of perfume. The popularity of
essential oils has increased significantly over the past few years and such substances are now
used in other products, including soaps, lotions and body wash formulas.

Fragrance and Therapy

Long before essential oils and bathing became a popular topic, Native Americans, Egyptians,
Chinese, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians and Greeks used such oils when bathing to treat
certain physical problems, as well as a host of emotional and mental conditions. Essential oils
have the characteristics of the plants and flowers from which they are extracted but in an
exceptionally concentrated form. They are technically the plants' essence and offer a vast array
of therapeutic benefits, although they should never be used to replace traditional medical care.
A Variety of Uses

The properties found in these products come from many different plant parts, such as leaves,
flowers or bark and can be absorbed through the skin or added to bath water, as previously
mentioned. There is a wide array of plants from which such oils are made. For instance, stress
essential oil is often made from chamomile, lavender or sandalwood. Weight loss essential oils
are usually made from fruits and plants such as peppermint and bergamot, the latter of which is
the primary substance that gives Earl Grey tea its flavor. Those used for general health include
cedarwood, frankincense and mulberry. Lemon or other citrus scents including grapefruit and
orange are often used to enhance energy. The one you select will depend on your personal
objectives, but regardless of your goals, essential oils are thought to produce dramatic results in a
short amount of time.


You have probably noticed that hydrotherapy is popular among athletes and other fitness
conscious individuals, as well as those interested in complementary and holistic therapy.
Whirlpools and hot-water baths are often recommended by physical therapists as well. The
various forms of such therapy include mineral baths, saunas, wet compresses and whirlpool
therapy. Hydrotherapy has a positive effect on a broad range of conditions, from acne to muscle
strains and arthritis.

Hot and Cold Therapy

Cold hydrotherapy treatments can boost your level of stamina and promote physical and mental
restoration. In addition, cold water reduces inflammation by constricting blood vessels. It also
subdues fevers, quells pain and decreases swelling after surgical procedures or injuries. Cold
hydrotherapy includes ice packs, cold-wet compresses, cool baths and the ever-popular ice

Hot water is believed to enhance energy and promote relaxation. This is because it not only
relaxes your body, it also bolsters your immune system, making it easier for you to fight off the
germs and bacteria that cause common illnesses. In addition, during hot water therapy you will
perspire, which will encourage the elimination of toxins. Hot water therapy includes heated
compresses,immersion baths and hot packs. You may also have heard of hyperthermia treatment.
This term refers to a type of hot water treatment designed to induce a fever by increasing body
temperature. Even though a fever is typically a bad sign, as it may indicate illness, a slight rise in
body temperature stimulates your immune system, which can help you fight a virus or other
disease. In fact, medical professionals state that the body fights illness most efficiently at a
temperature of 99.5.

You are probably quite familiar with whirlpool baths, as they are the most popular and well-
known of all hydrotherapy. They are recommended for a broad range of reasons, such as to
improve circulation, heal edema, help the body repair injured joints and muscles, cure frostbite
pain, disinfect wounds and improve cardiovascular function. The circulating water in a whirlpool
bath feels somewhat like a massage, and works externally and internally.

Alternating Hydrotherapy

Contrast hydrotherapy, also referred to as alternating hydrotherapy, is a treatment that alternates

the use of both cold and hot water. The constant change is designed to contract and dilate blood
vessels, which keeps them healthy. It also improves digestion, alleviates inflammation, improves
organ function, reduces congestion, stimulates the endocrine system and adrenal glands, and
increases circulation.

Neutral Bath

A neutral bath is a bath taken in water featuring a tepid or "neutral" temperature, which as its
name implies, is neither cold nor hot. If you have ever taken such a bath, you were likely
instructed to submerge your entire body up to your neck. The average water temperature for such
baths is typically between 92 and 98 degrees, which essentially mimics your body's natural
temperature range. Neutral baths are believed to calm emotional disturbances, prevent insomnia
and soothe the nervous system. Such baths are also frequently recommended for those suffering
from mild heart conditions, liver cirrhosis and swollen joints.

Creating the Perfect Blend

Because of the numerous benefits with which they are associated, it is no surprise that fragrant
oils are highly popular among many consumers. Because of the broad range of fragrance choices
available, the perfect formula can be found to suit any individual. You can purchase pre-made
blends featuring different fragrance combinations. If you are interested in mixing your own
fragrances, you will be happy to know that many stores and online merchants sell kits with
directions on how to create original scents. Be sure to read customer reviews about various
companies before making a final decision.

Storage of Essential Oils

It is important to store such products properly, as this will help them retain their potency for
many years. In most cases, aromatic oils are sold in dark-colored bottles, as direct sunlight can
interfere with the quality of their fragrances. When all the facts are considered, it is easy to see
why essential oils and bathing will likely go hand in hand for many years.
Essential Oils and Your Hair

Where there is hair there are always bad hair days and it does not matter which side of the bed
you got off. At times, you would swear that hair has a mind of its own and just refuses to
cooperate no matter what or how much product is applied. Most hair problems stem from our
unhealthy lifestyles and unawareness of proper hair care practices. However, with a bit of
research, self education, advise from hair experts (even an occasional tip or two from each visit
to the salon), you can learn to take good enough care of your hair to keep it healthy and good

There are many reasons for unhealthy hair. These could include one or a combination of the

• Bad eating habits -- too much sugar or salt can lead to bad hair.
• Genetics -- thank your mom, dad or someone down the line.
• The water we drink and use to wash our hair.
• Stress levels.
• Our sleep cycles.
• The quality of product we use to condition our hair.
• Medical conditions such as poor circulation or hormonal conditions.

Unhealthy hair, split ends and conditions of the scalp such as dandruff and balding are reversible
conditions. A hair expert may be able to determine the reason, or reasons, for the condition and
suggest remedies. However, no remedy will show results overnight. Caring for hair demands
long-term dedication; daily grooming, use of essential oils for hair care and brushing and
combing at least twice a day. Brushing hair gently massages the scalp while gently pulling the
hair roots. This improves blood circulation and strengthens the hair over time. Ever seen Indian
ladies with long healthy hair that falls way below their hips? They ritually run a brush through
their hair 101 times before going to bed!
Essential oils for haircare do not contain rough chemicals and synthetic materials such as glycols
and sulphates. These chemicals lead to rashes, damaged hair follicles, split ends, dry scalp and
many more conditions. Essential oils for hair care contain natural extracts from flowers and
plants such as lavender, Lemon, Geranium and Cedar wood among other natural herbal extracts
that do not clog the pores of the scalp like mineral oils do.

Categories of Hair

Hair is generally categorized into natural, oily and dry hair.

Natural Hair

Natural hair can simply be described as perfectly normal hair that has not been altered
permanently by any product. Colored hair can still be considered natural because the texture of
the hair has remained unaltered. Natural hair needs little or no conditioning products except
occasional shampoo to wash out the dust.

Oily Hair

Oily hair is generally caused by accumulation of natural secretions from glands in the scalp. This
can be a chronic condition and is usually accompanied by oily facial skin with perhaps acne that
can be mild or severe.
Dry Hair

Dry hair will mostly appear brittle and unkempt with little or no moisture. This type of hair
condition will typically display a lack of porosity, cuticle and cortex damage; will not be pliable
at all; and in most cases look and feel like straw. Dry hair has no elasticity and cannot be neatly
styled. This is usually a medical condition caused by thyroid dysfunction. However, in not so
severe cases, essential oils for haircare have effectively repaired and restored dry hair.

Some Essential Oils Used for Hair Care

Nature has its own botanical essences that have been used through the centuries to nurture
damaged unhealthy hair back to health. These fragrant essential oil extracts were also used for
regular hair maintenance by royalties in ancient times. They nurture the hair roots, clean the
scalp, control and even cure dandruff, improve blood circulation, and ultimately results in
improved hair growth.

Some essential oils for hair care come packaged and can be directly applied to the scalp and the
hair while some need to be diluted in a carrier such as water or some other oil as directed by the

The following are some essential oils for haircare and their advantages:

• Basil: Basil extracts are good for oily hair. Basil oil is known to improve blood circulation thus
stimulating hair growth.

• Chamomile: If you want a slightly golden sheen, great conditioned hair, and no split ends, this
is the oil for you. This oil even cures scaly scalps and psoriasis.

• Cedar Wood oil: This oil helps normalize both dry as well as oily hair; it stimulates the
follicles and is used for hair loss and to cure dandruff. Cedar Wood oil is an antiseptic too.

• Clary Sage: This all-purpose oil is great for all kinds of hair.

• Lavender: This is good for all types of hair conditions, itchiness of the scalp and dandruff.
Lavender effectively controls excessive scalp oils and promotes hair growth.

These are just some of the essential oils for haircare. They contain no chemicals and are pure
natural extracts that do not clog the pores and damage the hair in the long-run.

While some essential natural oils have been used for centuries to treat a vast condition of hair
problems, at times it is essential to combine treatments. Commercial products may need to be
combined with essential oils to treat rare hair conditions -- but then again, these are rare

Essential oils for hair care are mostly essences extracted from botanical sources. Most people
prefer them for their fragrances alone completely ignoring their therapeutic value. Nonetheless,
tricologists are increasingly discovering powerful medicinal properties in these botanical
extracts. In fact, even commercial beauty product manufactures are currently claiming their right
to produce and sell these versatile oils

If you doubt the benefits of natural essential oils to your hair, at least try them for their calming
fragrance properties. You will soon believe in their therapeutic value as well. With time, you will
notice that people are not only noticing you for the attractive fragrance emanating from your
healthy hair, but they will also begin asking about the secret behind your healthy hair!
More Essential Oils For Hair Care

Essential Oils:

Lemon Oil

Lemon oil works well on oily hair. It also works well if you suffer from dandruff, itchy scalp, or
any other scalp issues.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil helps promote healthy PH levels on your scalp and is a natural anti-fungal agent.
Tea tree oil is essential for removing dead scalp cells and promoting healthy scalp growth. This
in turn strengthens the roots of your hair.


If you suffer from dry and damaged hair you should look into using Myrrh. Dry and damaged
hair is caused by a lack of nutrients, and applying Myrrh will help restore a natural shine and
strengthen your hair.

Lavender is popular with people who are suffering from thinning hair or hair loss. Many people
experience thicker hair or a slowdown of hair loss when they apply lavender to their hair.
Lavender also helps with scalp itching and dandruff.


Peppermint is known to stimulate cell growth and blood flow on your scalp. As we mentioned
above, one reason for poor hair is a lack of nutrients. Peppermint will naturally increase the
amount of nutrients your hair absorbs.

Carrier Oils For Hair Health

Avocado Oil

Avocado is rich in nutrients and potassium which is vital if you want to promote healthy hair
growth. Avocado has the ability to penetrate deep in your hair and scalp, providing your hair
with the nutrients it needs to be strong and healthy.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is very popular for promoting a healthy head of hair for all the right reasons.
Coconut oil is packed with numerous nutrients that will help promote a healthy head of hair.
Coconut oil also helps balance the PH levels of you scalp which is essential for curing a dry and
itchy scalp. Not only does coconut oil help restore damaged hair but it acts as a natural
conditioner as well.
Olive Oil

Olive oil contains numerous antioxidants that promote a healthy scalp. Olive oil is known for
transferring a healthy shine to damaged hair while adding extra strength to the roots. Olive oil is
also used in treating hair loss and early onset balding.

Jojoba Oil

Poor scalp health is the primary reason for poor and damaged hair. Jojoba oil specializes in
promoting a healthy scalp. Not only does jojoba oil cleanse and promote healthy follicle health,
but it helps strengthen the roots as well. If you suffer from damaged or oily hair, jojoba oil
should be first on your list.

Hair Moisturizer Recipe

1 oz Jojoba Oil
12 Drops Rosemary
8 Drops Lavender
8 Drops Cedar Wood
Blend mixture together and work into scalp for 2 - 3 minutes. Let sit for another 2 minutes and
Hair loss/ Thin Hair Recipe

4 drops rosemary
10 drops Lavender
40 drops carrot seed
1 tbs sweet almond
1 tbs jojoba

Blend mixture together and work into scalp for 2 - 3 minutes. Let sit for another 2 minutes and

Oily Hair Recipe

2 tbs grape seed

8 drops rosemary
9 drops lime
8 Drops Ylang Ylang

Blend mixture together and work into scalp for 2 - 3 minutes. Let sit for another 2 minutes and
Dandruff Recipe

10 Drops Camphor oil

¼ cup distilled water
1 cup rosemary extract
boil ¼ cup of water and the cup of rosemary extract. Add 10 drops of Camphor oil
after mixture has boiled.

Let mixture cool and work into hair for 3 - 5 minutes. Let sit for an additional five minutes and
then rinse.

Tea Tree Nutrient Blast

10-20 drops of Tea tree oil

1 cup of olive oil

Blend mixture together and work into scalp for 2 - 3 minutes. Let sit for another 2 minutes and
Essential Oils and Natural Green Cleaning

Everyone wants a spic and span home, but often the products we use to achieve this can be
hazardous to our health.

While much of the cleaning merchandise the market today may promise gleaming floors and
spotless counter tops, it is often filled to the brim with artificial scents, caustic detergents, strong
bleaching agents and chemically-produced polishes---just to name a few. Sure these may
disinfect, but at what cost? Many of the man-made chemicals in these products add to indoor air
pollution and are terribly poisonous if they are swallowed. Many are harmful if they are simply
inhaled or touched! Did you know that household cleaners make up nearly 10 percent of all
toxic incidents reported to the United States Poison Control Centers each year?
But it's not just instances of inhaling or accidentally consuming a harmful substance found in a
run of the mill household cleaner. Some chemical additives are known to cause skin irritation
and even chemical burns--while others still are associated with more devastating long-term
health effects such as chronic migraines or even numerous cancers.

The most dangerous cleaning products on the market are caustic drain cleaners and acrid toilet
bowl cleaners. If you accidentally get any of these substances in your eyes the corrosive
chemicals may cause severe burns. Other products such as chlorine bleach and ammonia can also
produce toxic fumes that are incredibly irritating to the eyes, nose and overall airway. These
types of products shouldn't even be used by those with asthma or lung or heart problems! Bleach
and ammonia also carry the added danger of a potential chemical reaction with other cleaning
agents that forms lung-damaging gases.
The good news is you do not have to continue using these harmful chemicals. There are
completely safe and natural ways to clean your home. You can create cleaning products yourself
with organic ingredients that offer the same one two punch against dirt and grime without the
frightening potential of adverse health effects.

The best way to kick off your journey into safe and natural cleaning is by investing in some high-
quality essential oils. Not only do essential oils tickle the senses, but they also have powerful
cleansing properties. For example, Lemon oil is usually used for deodorizing, while peppermint
oil is great for purifying. Eucalyptus and tea tree oil also have powerful sanitizing abilities---
which are magnified when combined with a bit of pine essential oil--and lavender oil is widely
known for its antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, and fungicidal actions, which makes it a
particularly effective ingredient for home cleaning. Cinnamon bark oil is also very popular in
cleaning, as it is an invigorating scent that also acts as an antiseptic. As an added bonus,
cinnamon is known to promote healthy cardiovascular and immune function.
Essential oils for cleaning can be combined with some of the simplest---not to mention
inexpensive---common household products to create amazingly potent cleansing agents. This is
all thanks to the simple magic of chemical reactions, much like baking a cake or creating a fluffy,
mouthwatering omelet. To create your own products be sure to have the following ingredients on
hand (in addition to your favorite essential oils, of course):
-Washing soda (also referred to as sodium carbonate)
-Baking soda
-White distilled vinegar
-Clean spray bottles
-cotton dusting cloths or natural bristled brushes for general scrubbing purposes

When you collect all your ingredients, you will be delighted to learn many of the caustic
traditional cleaning products can be easily, and quickly, reproduced with natural substances,
complete with the addition of essential oils.
A selection of recipes is included below.

Invigorating window cleaner:

Add four tablespoons of white distilled vinegar with 12 drops of lemon essential oil. Mix up the
vinegar and essential oil in a 22- to 32-ounce spray bottle. Fill the remainder of the bottle with
warm water, and viola---your window cleaner is ready. For an added earth-loving bonus, you
may wipe your windows dry with well-crumpled recycled newspapers for added shine.

Multi-Purpose Spray Cleaner

The essential oils used in this recipe are typically a combination of tea tree oil, lemon, eucalyptus
and lavender, but the great thing about making your own cleaners is that you may craft them to
your liking. Love lavender? Add some extra oil! Not a huge fan of the scent of tea tree? Feel free
to go without. Another wonderful thing about this multi-purpose cleaner is that not only does is
clean, but it smells oh so good.

Simply combine two cups of warm water with one half teaspoon of borax and a splash of liquid
castile soap in a clean spray bottle. (In a pinch you can substitute castile soap for liquid dish
soap, but the organic version seems to disinfect better). Then, add about 36 drops of your
favorite combination of essential oils.

That is it! Just remember to shake the mixture before each use.

Organic Purifying Floor and Surface Cleaner

With this easy peasy, three ingredient combination your newly-mopped floor will be left
smelling super fresh.

Simply combine two tablespoons of liquid castile soap (or dish soap in a pinch) with four to six
drops of lemon essential oil. Then, add two drops tea tree essential oil and mix well. Pour this
mixture into a one-gallon bucket of hot tap water. Then use a damp sponge, rag or mop to wipe
up dirt and grime from the floor.

Safe to use toilet bowl cleaner

There won't be any respiratory distress while using this blissfully safe cleaning combination.
Mix up 18 ounces of hot water with a splash liquid castile soap and four drops each of the
following essential oils:
-lavender essential oil
-tea tree essential oil
-lemon essential oil
Combine all of the ingredients above in a 22-ounce spray bottle and shale well. Spray the toilet
bowl, scrub with a brush, and flush.

Easy tub scrub

Baking soda and essential oils make the perfect combo for tub cleansing.

Add one cup baking soda to 24 drops of tea tree essential oil and 24 drops of grapefruit essential
oil. Thoroughly mix these ingredients, then sprinkle the power on your tub. Scrub gently with a
brush, and rinse. The tub should have a lovely, refreshing scent.
Essential Oils For Massages

After a long day at work, you will probably look forward to a nice, relaxing massage. It is one of
the best ways to ease tired and tense muscles. Aside for relaxation, massage offers the following

A massage helps to improve circulation. When the circulation improves, contracted muscles are
relieved from stress and tension. With improved circulation, headaches, migraines, or cramps are
also reduced.

The scent of essential oils for massages combined with a steady massage is an effective relaxing
therapy. When you go to a health spa for a massage, you can choose an essential oil that you
prefer. However, use caution when choosing them. Here are some tips to help you choose the
right one:

The type of massage that you want. The massage you want will help determine the type of
medium to deliver the massage. This can be in the form of oil, cream, or lotion. Low friction
therapy, like the Swedish massage, will work well with heavy oils like olive oil. If you desire a
deep tissue massage, light oils should be used like grape seed oil.
Allergies you have. A therapist may use almond oil which can cause allergic reactions. If you
have allergies to nuts, it is best to mention it to the massage therapist beforehand.

After effects of the oil. Essential oils for massages have different effects. Some may make you
feel warm while others will make you feel refreshed. If you want to determine the aftereffects of
the oil used on you during a massage, it is best to ask the therapist so that you can avoid the
effects that you do not want.

In order to maximize the benefits of a massage, it will be beneficial to take a look at the most
common essential oils for massages and their effects:

Aloe Vera. If you want to get the benefit of soft, supple skin, aloe vera is a good choice. It is a
natural emollient and helps to soothe and smoothen the skin. It is a natural salve for minor burns
and helps to heal sun-damaged skin. It helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin through
collagen repair.

Jojoba Oil. Like olive oil, it helps to keep the skin stay soft and supple. It is easily absorbed by
the skin and it is a natural fungicide. This is why individuals with chapped skin, eczema, and
psoriasis will benefit from using this oil.

Shea Butter. Shea butter is commonly incorporated when manufacturing lotions. If you are
constantly exposed to the sun, you will benefit from using this oil since it helps to protect the
skin from the UV rays and pollution. It contains vitamins A, D, and E which are all good for the
skin. It stimulates the skin's production of collagen while maintaining its elasticity. It also helps
to soothe and cool the skin.

Vitamin E. Vitamin E can be taken as a supplement to renew cells. Vitamin E oil can also be
used for a massage. It is a natural antioxidant and helps to lighten brown patches on your skin.

There are also commercially prepared massage oils that are a combination of different essential
oils. They are chemically combined so that you can benefit from their effects:

Cel-Lite Massage Oil. This oil is a perfect combination of selected vegetables, juniper, and
grapefruit essential oils with vitamin E. It helps to remove toxins from the skin and improve skin

Dragon Time Essential Oil. This oil has different variants to address body aches and pains. You
can ask for one that contains jasmine to uplift your mood and alleviate menstrual and muscle
discomfort. It is also available with sage essential oil to promote hormonal balance. If you are
looking for antibacterial benefits, you can ask for the variant that contains marjoram oil.

To help relieve stress, sore muscles, and nervous tension, ask for something that contains
lavender essential oil. In addition, if you are diabetic and experiencing digestive problems,
variants with fennel essential oil will be the best choice for you.
Ortho Ease Massage Oil. Ortho Ease massage oil is composed of coconut, wheatgerm, grape
seed, olive, and almond oils. It helps to ease the pain of overexerted muscles. It also has anti-
inflammatory properties that can help promote circulation in both upper and lower extremities. It
also contains essential oils like peppermint oil which cools the skin and helps to relieve pain.

Relaxation Massage Oil. This oil is composed of different essential oils for massages that are
meant to promote relaxation. It contains tangerine and lavender oil that will help relieve your
anxiety and nervousness. It also contains ylang-ylang, rosewood, and peppermint essential oils
that will help to promote your self-confidence and equilibrium. If you are mentally stressed, you
will also benefit from its spearmint essential oil content. It will help to relieve you of your mental
stress and fatigue.

Sensation Massage Oil. This oil is the perfect blend of geranium, bergamot, and coriander
essential oils. The combination of these oils give off a unique scent that is both uplifting and
arousing. Some women mix it with their bath or shower gel to benefit from its hydrating and
nourishing effects.
Should you want to try and massage anyone at home, be sure to read these important

Use gentle, firm strokes. Unless you have professional training in giving a massage, never use
hard pressure.

Avoid directly massaging over bony areas or areas that have been fractured.

Never massage the abdominal part. The abdominal part is not protected by bones. Massaging it
may aggravate an already present inflammation, disrupt digestion, or harm a baby.

Do not massage or use oil, lotion, or powder when there is a skin break or a wound. Any foreign
matter entering an open wound may cause it to get infected.

Do not massage if you are not sure if the individual is prone to bruising or blood clotting.
Massaging may dislodge a clot and impede circulation or breathing.

Ask about allergies before using essential oils to prevent allergic reactions.

Massage and the use of essential oil for massages can benefit anyone. However, careful
consideration of health conditions and illnesses should be of primary importance to prevent
accidents and injuries. It is best to go to a professional massage therapist to get the maximum
benefit from massage.
Essential Oils For Muscle Relief/Relaxation

Essential oils are great for relaxing both the mind and body. If you have aching or sore muscles,
essential oils can penetrate deep into your tissue providing relief to your muscles. Whether you
are applying these essential oils through massage or you are adding them to your bathwater,
essential oils can provide the relief you need. Stiff necks, lower back pain and sore legs can all
be cured with certain essential oils. So let’s take a look at the best essential oils for muscle relief
and relaxation:

Palo Santo Oil

An oil that is rich in both antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Palo Santo is known
for penetrating deep into sore muscles and providing relief. This oil is great for sore joints as its
anti-inflammatory properties will reduce swelling and reduce your pain.

Balsam Fir

Balsam Fir is known for its anticoagulant properties and for its ability to provide quick relief to
sore muscles. Balsam fir will help get your blood flowing again which provides relief to sore
and tired muscles.


Vetiver is known for its ability to warm up and provide relief to sore muscles, similar to how
IcyHot works. Vetiver is also well known for its ability to reduce pain from those who suffer
from arthritis.

If you are suffering from sore muscles because you are under the weather or have the flu, lemon
will help boost your immune system and provide relief to your sore body. Lemon is uplifting
and refreshing to your sore muscles.

Copal Essential

Copal is known for its ability to help relax and restore your cardiovascular system. If your lungs
are sore from running or the flu, Copal can help restore your respiratory system.


Peppermint can soothe and cool your sore muscles. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory and provides
cool relief to aching muscles. Peppermint is great for sprained ankles or other injuries that have
caused bruising or swelling.


Clove oil is very popular for arthritis or other inflammatory issues. It’s a natural antiseptic
which can disinfect wounds or sport related injuries.


Helichrysum is known for its ability to improve circulation on the affected region. Swelling,
bruises, and inflammation are usually caused by damaged or poor circulation in the affected
area. Helichrysum will fix this problem and make sure that circulation is restored so that your
body can make the necessary repairs.

Wintergreen is another ant-inflammatory that has warming properties. Wintergreen will reduce
inflammation and slowly warm the affected area, providing the relief you need.

Headache Cure footbath

Often time, headaches are caused by constricted blood flow and dehydration. By taking a warm
footbath you can open your blood vessels in your body and allow healthy blood flow to return.
This will allow your headache to quickly resolve itself.

Fill a bucket or foot bath with warm or slightly hot water. Add lavender, peppermints, and
ginger to the water. Stir the mixture before finally slowly stepping in the water.
Blood Flow Increase

If you have a cramped leg or tightening leg muscles try this recipe:

2 drops ginger
4 drops black peppermint
4 drops cinnamon
4 drops of your favorite carrier oil


Apply to affected area and massage or let sit for 10 - 30 minutes. Wash off when finished.

Joint and Bone Pain

4 drops silver fir

4 drops ginger
2 drops lavender
4 teaspoons carrier oil

Apply to affected area and massage or let sit for 10 - 30 minutes. Wash off when finished.

Muscle Relaxer

4 drops lavender
4 drops rosemary
2 drops ginger
4 teaspoons carrier oil


Apply to affected area and massage or let sit for 10 - 30 minutes. Wash off when finished.
Tired and aching muscles

4 teaspoons carrier oil

4 drops lavender
4 drops ginger
2 drops lemon grass


Apply to affected area and massage or let sit for 10 - 30 minutes. Wash off when finished.

Muscle spasm relief

4 drops sweet marjoram

4 teaspoons carrier oil
2 drops ginger
4 drops cypress


Apply to affected area and massage or let sit for 10 - 30 minutes. Wash off when finished.

Joint and muscle inflammation

3 drops peppermint
3 drops yarrow


Apply to affected area and massage or let sit for 10 - 30 minutes. Wash off when finished.

muscular pain

3 drops roman chamomile

3 drops lavender


Apply to affected area and massage or let sit for 10 - 30 minutes. Wash off when finished.

pulled back
2 drops sweet marjoram
3 drops roman chamomile


Apply to affected area and massage or let sit for 10 - 30 minutes. Wash off when finished.
Essential Oils For Improved Sleep

Many people turn to essential oils to help improve their quality of and ability to sleep each
night. Whether you toss and turn throughout the night, or you have trouble falling asleep, certain
essential oils can help you. Many of the essential oils we’re going to discuss help calm and relax
your body before you fall asleep. The reason most people have trouble falling asleep is due to
stress and anxiety. If you can remove stress and anxiety before you fall asleep you will have a
much easier time sleeping, and the quality of your sleep will improve dramatically. The
following essential oils will help you relax and achieve a full night's rest:

Ylang Ylang

Once again Ylang Ylang is on our list of essential oils. Since Ylang Ylang is a natural relaxer
and non-stimulant it’s great to use before you fall asleep. Many cases of insomnia have been
treated with Ylang Ylang. Ylang Ylang also relaxes your nervous system and calms your mind.
This is especially useful when you have a big presentation or meeting the next day.

Sweet Marjoram

Sweet Marjoram is a warming essential oil and creates a feeling of calm and peacefulness,
perfect before falling asleep. Sweet Marjoram is also useful if you’re suffering from a cold and
having trouble falling asleep. It has a natural tendency to treat flu-like symptoms and headaches.


Sandalwood is another essential oil that you see mentioned on our lists. You may be wondering
why an essential oil that has aphrodisiac properties is on a list of essential oils for improved
sleep. Sandalwood relaxes the body and calms the nerves, especially if you are excited or full of
anxiety. This helps improve sexual performance for those who suffer from performance anxiety.
This similar concept of relaxation will also help you fall asleep at night.


Rose is naturally relaxing and soothing. Rose is especially good at relaxing your mind. If your
mind races before you go to bed, we highly recommend using rose to help calm it. It's nearly
impossible to get a good night’s rest if your mind is running while you are trying sleep, and you
will no doubt suffer physically and mentally the next day as a result of restlessness.

If you are stressed out and full of anxiety you should look to Neroli. Neroli's specialty is to calm
stress and anxiety. If you had a bad day at the office or are “bringing your work home” you
should try Neroli to relax. Failure to relax will only stress you out more the next day which
could and will lead to the psychological term known as burnout.


Melissa is great if you are suffering from depression and anxiety. Not only is Melissa good at
relaxing your body and removing anxiety, but it’s also uplifting. This combination is great for
treating depression. One reason that depression is difficult to deal with is due to irregular sleep
schedules. Melissa will help you relax and restore your sleep schedule back to normal.


If you are suffering from a stress headache before you go to bed, you should look into lavender.
Lavender specializes in headaches and migraines related to stress. Muscle tension due to stress
is also something that lavender specializes in. Lavender will soothe your nerves and prepare you
for a great night’s rest.

Jasmine is a natural sedative and muscle relaxer. If you use Jasmine a few hours before bedtime
you will feel relaxed and tired in no time. We wouldn’t recommend using Jasmine unless you
are ready to fall asleep. Jasmine is also great if you had a stressful day and are completely
exhausted. It will help prepare your body for a fulfilling rest.

Roman Chamomile

Roman Chamomile is known to induce sleep. It is often used on people who are too sick to sleep
or who are tossing and turning throughout the night. Roman Chamomile will relax your body
and help you fall asleep.


Benzoin is another essential oil that has a warming and uplifting presence. Benzoin will put you
in a great mellow mood before you fall asleep at night. This is very important if you are going to
wake fully recharged and ready to tackle day.
Aromatherapy Tips And Tricks

Great Smelling Towels

Mixing some essential oils into a terry cloth and throwing it into the dryer with your towels will
produce a great smelling result. Your towels will be clean and smell great at the same time.

Gums, Bacteria, Bad Breath

1 teaspoon of vodka
Glass of warm water
2-4 drops of lemon oil

Combine and mix together. Rinse and use mixture like regular mouthwash. Try to swish around
your mouth for 10-15 seconds before spitting. Rinse with fresh water when done.

Stretch Marks

Many essential oils are great for the skin and healing stretchmarks. This is great for pregnant or
post-pregnant women. A few drops added to your bath can make all the difference when trying
to combat stretch marks. Be careful which oils you use, as many oils should not be used if

Reviving Potpourri

Old potpourri that lacks its original scent can be brought back to life with a few drops of
specified essential oils.

Painful Sunburn

Sunburns and damaged skins can be healed with certain essential oils. Try using Lavender or
Tea tree oil to help soothe a painful sunburn.
Insect Repellant

Chemical insect repellant can be quite toxic and harmful especially around the little ones. You
can create your own natural insect repellant and avoid the harsh chemicals with the following

Ticks hate: Juniper, rosewood, oregano, grapefruit, and rose

Mosquitoes hate: citronella, eucalyptus, lemon, basil, clove, time, and lavender
Fleas hate: citronella, tea tree, lemongrass, orange, and cedar wood

Insect repellant

2 oz. of water
30 drops of citronella
20-25 drops of peppermint
1.5 oz. of witch hazel
15 drops tea tree oil

Mix and add to a spray bottle-Shake well and apply every two or so hours
Aroma Candle

A feel drops of essential oils on candle wax can release a unique scent throughout your room
similar to how a diffuser works.

Use Aromatherapy In Your Office

One area that some people miss out on aromatherapy is in their office. Using certain essential
oils will energize, create focus, and remove stress from your workdays. You use aromatherapy
in your house why not your office where you spend the majority of your days?


Certain essential oils are great if you are suffering from arthritis. Not only will a massage help
loosen your joints but the essential oils will help rejuvenate old or stiff joints and muscles.


One of the reasons that essential oils are so popular for cold and flu is the ability to lower fevers.
There are numerous essential oils that will cool the body and provide relieve if you have been
sweating all night.
Stinky Carpets

Adding a mixture of certain essential oils and some baking soda to your carpet is a great way to
get your carpet smelling fresh and clean. You can vacuum up the baking soda after you have let
it sit for a while. This will not only brighten your carpet but it will smell amazing.


Essential oils are great during cold and flu season. Not only can they help relieve symptoms if
you are already suffering, but they can also boost your immune system. Many long time cold
sufferers have turned to essential oils to help them combat flu season.

Fleas, Ticks, And Mosquitoes

Many essential oils can act as natural insect repellents. Using essential oils outside or burning
them when you are camping is a great way to keep out those pesky bugs. You can also add
some essential oils to your dog's collar to prevent ticks and other bugs. This is very helpful
especially if you want to avoid using harsh chemicals and flea collars.

Hair Health

Many essential oils are regarded for their ability to heal and rejuvenate skin, but many oils can
also repair and strengthen damaged hair. Not only can some oils strengthen hair, but they can
also prevent hair loss.

Stinky Shoes

Do you have a pair of shoes that will not stop smelling bad no matter what you do? Try placing
a few drops of essential oils into the shoes. Essential oils are great a destroying bacteria and
fungus and they have a great smell as well.
Cool The Body

Taking a nice warm bath during the summer months with a blend of Eucalyptus oil will bring a
cool and refreshing feeling to your entire body. This can feel great especially if you have been
outside sweating in the hot sun all day.

Musty Vacuum Cleaner

Do you have a vacuum cleaner that smells musty and is full of allergens? Try adding a few
drops of essential oil into the bag. This will allow the oil to circulate throughout your vacuum
cleaner and will freshen up everything that you vacuum.

Brighter, Younger, and Fresh Looking Skin

One of the main reasons that people love essential oils is the benefits that they get from applying
it to their skin. Numerous essential oils can heal and promote great skin health. This will restore
damaged skin and prevent aging and wrinkles. Make sure you research which oils you are going
to put on your skin as many can cause irritation and a burning sensation.

Damp, Smelly, Dirty Drawers

If you have dresser drawers or kitchen cabinets that smell because they are constantly damp and
dirty, try adding a few drops of essential oils to remove the smell. Many times this smell is
caused by mold so make sure you give your cabinets a good scrub and then add in the essential
oils. Now when you open your cabinets you will be greeted by a warm and fresh smell instead
of the usual damp and dirty smell.
Stomach Aches

Many essential oils can relieve stomach aches and digestion through topical application.
Remember we don’t recommend ingestion of essential oils. But numerous oils have been known
to help cure and relieve all sorts of digestive issues. So if you suffer from digestive problems try
using essential oils and record your results.

Cockroaches and Ants

If your home has an infestation of cockroaches or ants try placing a few drops of essential oil on
a cotton ball. Place this cotton ball in the location where you think these problem insects are
coming from. You will find that this may solve your cockroach and ant problem for good.


Many essential oils, especially tea tree oil, are well known for their ability to ease the pain of a
burn and promote the healing process. So if you or a loved one has suffered a burn turn to your
essential oils to help heal the pain and allow the skin to start recovering.


Want to always have a clean and fresh bathrooms? Apply essential oils to some cotton balls and
place them strategically around your bathroom. This will promote a clean and fresh scent that is
more powerful then your typical air fresheners.

Keeping Your Fridge Smelling Good

One problem that most people have is a stinky fridge. Many people have old pieces of food or
damp refrigerator drawers. This can lead to a very foul smelling fridge. Take some time to clean
your fridge out one shelf or drawer at a time. When you have cleaned your fridge to the best of
your ability try adding in some essential oils to keep your fridge clean and smelling good.
New Homes

If you are moving into a new home and you want to add your own personal scent, look no further
then essential oils. You can quickly add your own personality and freshen up your new home.
You will feel more comfortable in your new home and you remove any unwanted smells that the
owners left.

Adding Essential Oils To Your Soaps

You can add essential oils to your favorite soaps to increase their fragrance and also promote
healthier skin. Many people use essential oils in both their liquid soaps and shampoos to freshen
up and increase their overall bathing experience.

Brighten Up Your Hotel

A great way to bring a bit of home to your hotel room is with essential oils. This can combat any
nerves or stress that you may feel when you are traveling, especially abroad. Many essential oils
can also help you relax and fall asleep. This can be a great way to avoid jet lag and get your
body adjusted to your new surrounding as quickly as possible. If you are preparing for a
stressful work conference, you can transform your hotel room into a calming room that will help
you focus and achieve your goals.


Numerous essential oils are also known to help remove warts. Many people find that this natural
relief is much better then the traditional methods of harsh chemicals or freezing warts only for
them to return in a few days. Essential oils will tackle the problem at the source and you can
finally rid yourself of those pesky warts as quickly as possible.
Polishing Copper And Brass

Essential oils can also be great for polishing brass and copper. Lemon is a great oil to dilute and
mix with some water. This will quickly remove any dirt and scum from your brass and copper
and it will begin to shine like new!

Promoting Healthy And Restful Sleep

Essential oils are great for promoting sleep and there are a variety of different oils that will help
you relax and get a full night's rest. Essential oils are highly recommended, especially if you are
stressed or you suffer from insomnia. The recommended way to use essential oils for sleep is in
a diffuser although some people have had success putting a few drops on their pillows and

Adding A Warm And Cozy Scent To Your Fireplace

Adding a few drops of essential oils to your fireplace will create a unique scent that will
permeate throughout your house. This is great for both fall and winter seasons. Adding oil to
your fireplace will create a warm and cozy house, perfect for Christmas and other holidays.

Curing Pesky Hangovers

Hangovers are unfortunately a tough drawback to drinking too much and can ruin the following
day. Try using a few essential oils to help you recover and start to feel better. Certain essential
oils can wake you up, help you focus, help you recover, and boost your immune system to help
you fight the various symptoms of a hangover. Various essential oils are also well-known to
help cure and relive headache symptoms.

Hard Towels, Blankets, And Stiff Pillows

If you have towels, blankets, or pillows that are older, you know that they may suffer from being
stiff and rugged. Before you throw them out, try adding a few drops of essential oils before you
wash and dry them. You may find that this not only makes them smell great but they might be
restored to their original softness.
Realtors- Get The Best Price

We recommended that you use essential oils when you are moving into a new home but you can
also use them when you are trying to sell your home. Essential oils will create a clean and
uplifting scent that is pleasant to new home buyers. You can create a homey and rich
atmosphere which will allow new home buyers to imagine themselves living and enjoying your
old home.

Stimulate Your Mind

Do you have a test to study for, long day of work ahead, or you just want to finish reading your
collection of books on the weekend? Numerous essential oils are great for stimulating and
focusing your mind. You will find the concentration and energy that you need to accomplish any
task. You will find that you mind is extremely focused and you will avoid daydreaming and
excessive thinking.
Aromatherapy and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Usually after reading our books, our readers still have few questions on their mind or they might
want some clarification on certain concepts. To help out these readers and to also improve the
quality of our books, we have combined the top ten questions our readers ask. Hopefully, this
will improve your overall knowledge of essential oils and aromatherapy.

Are essential oils safe?

Like all medicine, you should consult with a doctor before using essential oils. Certain people
may have an adverse reaction to certain oils, which is why we recommend that you test out small
diluted portions before applying them over a large area of your body. Making sure you
understand how to properly dilute and mix essential oils is very important and should be
followed carefully. Certain oils should also be used with caution near babies, pregnant women,
and children. Overall, if you practice safety, follow the guidelines, and consult with your doctor,
aromatherapy and essential oils are very safe and provide a great alternative or supplement to
traditional medicine, often times without any harsh side effects.

Does the quality of essential oils really matter?

Yes, high quality essential oils do matter and it’s imperative that you purchase from a reliable
source. There have been numerous scams and knock-off oils emerging, especially with the
growing popularity of essential oils. Do your research before making a purchase, and always
make sure you purchase from a verified source. Avoid smaller, less known sources, especially if
you don’t have any experience dealing with them. Also, be careful of reviews and quality ratings
as a new trend, for some of these websites make up their own quality control statistics. Often
times high quality essential oils are expensive, so if the offer seems too good to be true, often
times, it is!
Where I store all my essential oils?

You should always store your essential oils out of the reach of pets, children, and even the
elderly. Unless the people in your home understand how to handle and use essential oils, the
product should be treated the same way you treat medicine. You want to store your essential oils
in a cool environment that is away from direct sunlight. We highly recommend that you store
your oils in dark blue or green bottles designed to hold essential oils.

Do essential oils last forever?

Unfortunately, no, there is a shelf life to most essential oils. Since the compounds are quite
volatile, they do succumb to a shelf life and break down over time. The time it takes to break
down essential oils and diminish potency can range from months to years depending on the type
of essential oil that you have. The location and storage system you have in place also determines
the speed at which essential oils deteriorate. UV exposure, along with exposure to heat, will
significantly decrease the shelf life of your essential oils.
Can I make my own shampoo, body wash, etc.?

Yes, this is actually one of the reasons why essential oils are so popular. Adding essential oils to
your bath time rituals and cleaning supplies is a great way to improve the quality of your hair and
your skin. There are numerous recipes out there that allow you to combine essential oils and
bathing products. Rosemary, Juniper, tea tree, lime, grapefruit, and orange are all popular
essential oils for bathing. Many products already have some sort of essential oil included in
them already, so we recommend that you purchase base or odorless products and add them to
your essential oils.

What are the different ways that I can use essential oils?

There are numerous ways you use essential oils in your life and we highly recommend you test
out and try new methods. Some essential oils work well with some processes while others
provide little to no benefit. Putting in some research and experimenting yourself will allow you
to hone in your aromatherapy skills while discovering what process and oils work for you.

Some popular methods include:

An oil burner or vaporizer

Massage Oil
Inhalation on tissue or cotton ball
Mixing with bathing products
A few drops in a bath tub or shower
Candle wax
Steam ventilator
Topical application
What’s up with the weird names?

Essential oils are named form the common and Latin name of the plant they come from. The
type of plant as well as the essential oil that you use can be quite different from each other.
Make sure to pay extra attention when it comes to reading and writing down essential oils that
you want to use. The color, sweetness, and texture of essential oils can lead to different names
being used.

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