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Y3T: Week 1, Day 2, Chest And Triceps

If you like heavy weight and ultimate exertion, then this is your trainer!
Watch Neil Hill put the pins to Flex Lewis' chest and triceps!

by Bodybuilding.com Jun 06, 2012
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A strong chest determines your core strength, your bench press and your ability to push an opponent
off his mark. Y3T will turn your pecs into plates of armor.

Neil Hill's Y3T Trainer: Chest and Triceps Workout

Watch The Video - 19:18

This training sequence pairs valuable chest reps with total triceps destruction. The triceps are the real
strength in the upper arm, determining strength much more than your biceps ever will. By building
mass in the posterior arm, you increase your power potential (and arm size).

Make sure you work the mind-muscle connection. You're not lifting weight for weight's sake. It's all
contraction, squeeze and control. It's not about ego. The weight is irrelevant in terms of the stress you
want to put on the muscle.

The Y3T program implements warm-up sets to assure your working sets impart maximum impact to
the target muscle. Remember, you don't want to fatigue the muscle before you're ready to go in for
your first working set. Stretch after each warm-up set.
Pro Tips
Rest-Pause: Come to a state, rest, gather energy and thoughts before you go into the next stage of
rest-pause. This is a great way to go beyond your failure points, and more importantly, you put more
load and stress on the fibers you target.

Rest Between Sets: The ideal rest period is based on your ability to recover before you go into your
next working sets. If you take too long of rest between sets, you run the risk of injury. Rest 90 seconds
between early sets, but cut the rest down to 60 seconds between the last sets to add stress to the

Y3T Week 1: Chest + Triceps


Incline Dumbbell Press

3-4 warm up sets

Incline Dumbbell Press

4 working sets of 8-20 reps

Incline Dumbbell Flyes

3 working sets of 8-10 reps

Machine Bench Press

3 working sets of 8-10 reps


Triceps Pushdown (Straight Bar)

3 warm up sets

Triceps Pushdown (Straight Bar)

4 working sets of 8-10 reps

Seated Triceps Extension (Shown With Dumbbell)

4 working sets of 8-10 reps

Printable Page PDF Document

Rules of Hill Road

1. Never ask your training partner to perform more reps than he can physically do,
because straightaway you put his mindset into a negative state. He's going to drop
those weights before he even tries his next working set. You've taken away his
2. If you bring your incline too far up, you will transcend the load more directly
toward your shoulder.
3. Don't go all the way down on the incline press working sets. Stop 1-to-2 inches
from your chest. This puts more stress and load directly onto your chest and takes
those loads and stresses away from your shoulders.
4. If you twist your wrist, you put the load on your shoulders. Remember, flyes are a
chest exercise, not a shoulder exercise.
5. By slowing down an exercise (Rest-Pause), you place more stress on the muscle.
Yes, you will see a decrease in reps, but that isn't important. Don't forget: This is
about building muscle mass.
6. At times we ask you to do exercises you may not be able to perform at your gym,
because your training center may not have the equipment we list in the workout. Use
your initiative; use a piece of equipment similar to the exercise we ask you to
7. Straight-bar cable push-down: The first movement to the bottom is not a
repetition. That just gets you into position. The exercise begins at the bottom of the
movement. Make sure you control the negative!
8. Do NOT go to failure on warm-up sets.
9. Do not consistently lift the weight for your training partners, because otherwise
you'll never know how many reps they are actually performing on their own.
10. The weight (and gravity) will always try to force the weight where your body finds
it easier to handle the loads and stresses. By controlling the weight, you aggravate

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