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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 111 (2005) 140–152


Carbon sequestration potential estimates with changes

in land use and tillage practice in Ohio, USA
Zhengxi Tan *, Rattan Lal
School of Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
Received 18 June 2004; received in revised form 16 May 2005; accepted 31 May 2005


Soil C sequestration through changes in land use and management is one of the important strategies to mitigate the global
greenhouse effect. This study was conducted to estimate C sequestration potential of the top 20 cm depth of soil for two
scenarios in Ohio, USA: (1) with reforestation of both current cropland and grassland where SOC pools are less than the baseline
SOC pool under current forest; (2) with the adoption of NT on all current cropland. Based on Ohio Soil Survey Characterization
Database and long-term experimental data of paired conservation tillage (CT) versus no-till (NT), we specified spatial variations
of current SOC pools and C sequestration potentials associated with soil taxa within each major land resource area (MLRA). For
scenario I, there would be 4.56 Mha of cropland having an average SOC sequestration capacity of 1.55 kg C m2 and 0.80 Mha
of grassland with that of 1.35 kg C m2. Of all potential area, 73% are associated with Alfisols and 15% with Mollisols, but the
achievable potential could vary significantly with individual MLRAs. Alternately, an average SOC sequestration rate of
62 g C m2 year1 was estimated with conversion from CT to NT for cultivated Alfisols, by which a cumulative increase of
71 Tg C resulted from reforestation of cropland could be realized in 25 years. Soils with lower antecedent C contents have higher
C sequestration rates. In comparison with the results obtained at the state scale, the estimates of SOC sequestration potentials
taxonomically associated with each specific MLRA may be more useful to the formulation of C credit trading programs.
# 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Alfisols; Carbon sequestration; Carbon sequestration potential; Conventional tillage; Cropland; Forestland; No-till; Reforestation;
Soil organic carbon

1. Introduction ment practice. Losses of SOC often occur upon

conversion from natural to agricultural ecosystems
The soil organic carbon pool (SOCP) in surface soil due to reduced inputs of organic matter, reduced
is sensitive to changes in land use and soil manage- physical protection of soil organic C (SOC) as a result
of tillage (Davidson and Ackerman, 1993), a lower
fraction of non-soluble materials in more readily
* Corresponding author. Present address: USGS National Center
for EROS, 47914 252nd ST, Sioux Falls, SD 57198, USA.
decomposed crop residues (Post and Kwon, 2000),
Tel.: +1 605 594 6903; fax: +1 605 594 6529. and soil erosion (Lal, 2003). Conversion to agricul-
E-mail address: ztan@usgs.gov (Z. Tan). tural ecosystems can reduce SOCP by as much as 50%

0167-8809/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Tan, R. Lal / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 111 (2005) 140–152 141

in the top 20 cm depth of soil and 25–30% in the top and land uses at the major land resources area
100 cm depth following 30–50 years of cultivation (MLRA) and state scales in Ohio, USA. Within
(Davidson and Ackerman, 1993; Post and Kwon, either a MLRA or a soil order, the SOCP (0–30 cm
2000). Enhancing SOC sequestration with changes in depth) depends, to a significant extent, on land use,
land use and management practice has been recog- drainage class, and soil texture (Tan et al., 2004a).
nized one of the important strategies for reducing For either local or regional C credit trading programs
atmospheric CO2 level. (American Farm Bureau, 2000), there is a strong
Recently, reforestation is taking place in developed need to identify C sequestration potentials of
countries of the Northern hemisphere, which is individual soil taxa by specifying spatial variations
predicted to increase soil C storage. Guo and Gifford at more detail scales. Because of the strong influence
(2002) reported an average increase in SOC storage by of site features and land use category on SOC
18% after conversion of cropland to woodland dynamics, a greater precision is achievable if the
plantations. Post and Kwon (2000) estimated a baseline for C sequestration potential estimate is
global average SOC sequestration rate of 33.8 g established for individual soil taxa within the region
C m2 year1 by reforestation of cultivated lands. In containing comparable climatic conditions. The
addition, the adoption of conservation tillage or MLRA is a geographic unit that contains similar
intensified cropping systems also leads to SOC patterns of climate, soils, water resources, and land
sequestration. West and Post (2002) estimated a uses (USDA-Soil Conservation Service, 1981). It
global SOC sequestration rate of 57  14 g C offers an appropriate scale unit for estimating SOCPs
m2 year1 with conversion from conventional tillage (Brejda et al., 2001; Tan et al., 2004b).
(CT) to no-till (NT) and 20  12 g C m2 year1 When settlers first came to Ohio over 200 years
by increasing the number of crops in a rotation ago, the territory was about 95% forest. Between 1900
system. and 1910, the average forest cover in the region
Potentials for SOC sequestration in U.S. terrestrial decreased to about 10% of all land surface area due to
ecosystems are generally estimated at the national or a wide expansion of agriculture (Ohio Division of
regional scale. For example, Lal et al. (1998, 1999) Forestry, 2004). Assuming that a mean 27.5% loss of
estimated that potential soil C sequestration from initial SOC storage (to 100 cm depth) over a 50-year
improved management on U.S. cropland is between 75 period following deforestation (Davidson and Acker-
and 208 Tg C year1 (Tg = 1012 g) for several dec- man, 1993; Houghton et al., 1999) took place on 70%
ades, and Bruce et al. (1999) also claimed a of total land area in this state, the cumulative
sequestration potential of 75 Tg C year1 attainable deforestation-induced SOC loss could amount to
from U.S. agricultural soils in the next 20 years. 270 Tg. Using the SOCP in current forestland as the
Following the approach proposed by Eve et al. (2001), baseline in comparison with that in cultivated land
Sperow et al. (2003) included interactions of climate should be a good indicator of either the C source
and management practice into the estimation of contribution to the greenhouse effect by deforestation
potential soil C sequestration in U.S. agricultural soils, or the potential of SOC sequestration through
and estimated a potential of 60–70 Tg C year1 reforestation of cultivated land.
increase over the present rate of 17 Tg C year1. We hypothesized that reforestation of cultivated
Obviously, there is a great potential of soils for C lands or adoption of conservation tillage practices
sequestration through reforestation and conservation (such as NT with >30% residue) enhances SOC
tillage practices. However, land use planning for sequestration, and the C sequestration potential is
enhancing SOC sequestration and its implementation proportional to the difference in current SOCPs either
must consider the spatial variability in site char- between forestland and cultivated land or between
acteristics that influence SOC sequestration rates. soils under NT and CT. Therefore, this study was
Tan et al. (2004b) reported the geographic and conducted to estimate C sequestration rates and
taxonomic distribution patterns of SOC storage (to potentials of the top 20 cm depth of soil for two
100 cm depth) and observed significant differences scenarios in Ohio, USA: (1) with reforestation of both
in SOC storage magnitudes associated with soil taxa current cropland and grassland where SOCPs are less
142 Z. Tan, R. Lal / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 111 (2005) 140–152

than the baseline SOCP under current forest, and (2) regionalized into eight major land resources areas
with the adoption of NT practice on all current (Fig. 1) according to common features in climate,
cropland. topography, origin of soil parent materials, and
vegetation (USDA-Soil Conservation Service,
1981). The western half and northeast quadrants of
2. Materials and methods the State were glaciated during the Wisconsinan Age.
The southern half of the southwest quadrant is
2.1. Study area Illinoisan age glacial till. Both tills are covered by
variable thickness of Wisconsinan loess. Outwash
The state of Ohio is located between 388240 0000 – deposits are associated with the glacial termini,
418580 4800 N and 808300 0400 –848490 1600 W and covers abandoned glacial lakeshores, and major stream
an area of 107,100 km2. The territory of this state is valleys. Locally significant lacustrine deposits are

Fig. 1. Major land resource areas (MLRA) in Ohio, USA.

Z. Tan, R. Lal / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 111 (2005) 140–152 143

found between the ridge moraines and also extensive use classes of the imagery were merged into
in the northwest quadrant because of ice blockage of forestland, grassland, and cropland, respectively,
northward flowing drainage systems into ancestral and other land use/cover classes remained with no
Lake Erie. The southeastern and south central parts of change. The reclassified land use theme was then
the state are unglaciated. The soils there are mostly used to identify land use category for each pedon
developed from residuum and colluvium derived from defined by the Ohio Soil Survey Characterization
sandstone, shale, and limestone (Calhoun et al., 2001). Database (Calhoun et al., 1999), which was then
Soils in Ohio have either a udic or an aquic overlain with the STATSGO soil theme. The areas of
moisture regime and a mesic temperature regime. The cropland, grassland, forestland, and individual
1997 National Resources Inventory (NRI) (USDA- MLRAs provided by the 1997 NRI (USDA-Natural
Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2000) shows Resource Conservation Service, 2000) were used as
that, of the state land area in 1997, 44.0% was used for the area baseline for computation of current SOCPs
crop cultivation, 7.6% for grass, and 26.8% for forest. and C sequestration potentials.
Alfisols covered 69.2% of all land area. According to
the climatic data provided by Ohio Agricultural 2.3. Computation of SOC pools
Research & Development Center, the mean annual
precipitation is 979 mm, spatially ranging from 2.3.1. SOCP for pedons
846 mm in the northwest to 1098 mm in the southeast. Data presented in terms of soil organic matter
The mean annual temperature is 10.1 8C, ranging from (SOM) percentage in STATSGO attribute table were
9.2 8C in the north to 11.6 8C in the south. first converted to SOC percentage by multiplying a
factor of 0.58. The SOCP in the top 20 cm depth for
2.2. Data sources each pedon was expressed in mass per unit area
(kg C m2) by multiplying the SOM percentage by
The SOC data of about 1500 pedons with sample respective measurements of soil bulk density
depths 20 cm were obtained from the Ohio Soil (g cm3), sampled soil depth (cm), and fine soil
Survey Characterization Database (Calhoun et al., fraction <2 mm in size (Tan et al., 2004b). In case the
1999). All pedons are classified as Alfisols, Entisols, SOM measurements were provided without data on
Inceptisols, Mollisols, Ultisols, or Histosols. Only bulk density, the bulk density was estimated using the
areas classified as cropland, grassland (including method of Calhoun et al. (2001) for mineral soils and
pasture, hay, weeds, grasses, grasses, and shrubs), the method of Adams (1973) for organic soils. The top
and forests were adopted for the SOCP calculation 20 cm depth of soil considered in this study is because
based on the vegetation recorded at the time of the upper 20 cm is usually the depth of CT and used to
sampling. Soil spatial distribution and areas covered long-term NT versus CT experiments.
by each soil order were obtained from the State Soil
Geographic (STATSGO) soil map and attribute table. 2.3.2. Generation of taxon-land use-MLRA theme
The USGS 1992 National Land Cover Data (NLCD), and area data
derived from landsat TM imagery (USGS, 2001), The procedure for creating the taxon-land use-
was used to define spatial distribution of cropland, MLRA theme and aggregating data is outlined as
grassland, and forestland. The NLCD datasets and follows:
files in GeoTIFF format are available at http:// (1) Classify all pedons into respective orders; (2)
landcover.usgs.gov/natllandcover.asp. The 1992 geographically locate each pedon on a 1:100,000-
NLCD imagery of Ohio contains 19 land use/cover scale 30  60 minute Quadrangle Topographic map
classes. We define the forestland category to include by referencing initial records of sampling location and
deciduous forest, evergreen forest, and mixed forest relevant on-line USGS Quad maps (USGS, 2002) to
classes; the grassland to contain grassland/herbac- create the pedon theme; (3) generate the taxon-land
eous and pasture/hay classes; and the cropland to use theme and its attribute table by loading the NLCD
consist of row crops, small grains, and fallow. GeoTIFF file into ArcView 3.1 (ESRI, 1999) and
Through image processing, the relevant original land converting it to a grid file (land use theme), then
144 Z. Tan, R. Lal / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 111 (2005) 140–152

intersect the pedon theme created from step (1) with area-weight because basic units for data aggregation
the land use theme, by which the land use category may have different areas associated with individual
code was assigned to each pedon; (4) assign a MLRA taxa and MLRAs.
code to each pedon by intersecting the taxon-land
use theme with the MLRA coverage. Thus, the (1) The mean of area–weighted SOCP at an order
taxon-land use-MLRA theme was generated and level.
each pedon record in the attribute table includes The following equation was used to calculate
STATSGO map unit ID, taxonomic name (soil order) the mean of area–weighted SOCP at an order
and areal percentage of individual taxon components level:
within a map unit, land use category, and MLRA Xn   
code. Ai
SOCPO ¼ SOCPi  (1)
2.3.3. Areas of land uses associated with taxon
where SOCPO is the average area–weighted
and MLRA
SOCP for an order in the state, SOCPi the SOC
The areas of individual soil orders were directly
pool size under the ith land use category, Ai the
derived from the STATSGO attribute table that
area of the ith land use category associated with
provides the total area of each map unit and areal
the order, Ao the area of the order in the state and n
percentages for all taxon components within each map
is the number of land use categories (3), i.e.,
unit. The areas covered by individual land use
cropland, grassland, or forestland.
categories in Ohio and the areas covered by individual
The results derived from Eq. (1) are presented
land use categories within each MLRA adapted from
in Table 2.
the 1997 NRI (USDA-Natural Resources Conserva-
(2) The mean of area–weighted SOCP for each
tion Service, 2000) were used as the baseline to
estimate the areas of order-associated land uses within
A specific MLRA may include m soil orders
each MLRA.
and each soil order may be shared by n land use
Each soil order may not only contain crop, grass, or
categories. We first calculated the area–weighted
forest, but also other land use categories, while a land
SOCP value for each soil order (SOCPij) using
use may be distributed on different orders. Therefore,
Eq. (1) in which Ai was replaced by Aij is the area
the area of an order-associated land use within a
of the ith land use category associated with the jth
specific MLRA was calculated with the assumption
soil order within a specific MLRA, and Ao was
that every soil order contains same relative proportion
replaced by Am is the area of the jth soil order
of a land use as the land use constitute of total area of
within the MLRA. Then the average SOCP for
the MLRA. For example, if the order O has been
each MLRA was computed as follows:
identified as cropland within the MLRA M; within the
X m X n   
MLRA the area of the order O is Aom, the total area of Ai j
MLRA M is Am, and the area of cropland is CPm; SOCPMLRA ¼ SOCPi j  (2)
j¼l i¼l
assuming that the order O in the MLRA M has same
percent of cropland as the percentage of all cropland in where SOCPMLRA isthearea–weighted SOCPvalue
the MLRA; then the estimated area of the order O- oftheMLRA,SOCPij theSOCPundertheithlanduse
associated cropland within the MLRA should be category associated with the jth soil order within the
(Aom  (CPm/Am)). MLRA, Aij the area of the ith land use category
The area data derived from the above procedures associated with the jth soil order within the MLRA,
were also used to calculate the means of area– Am theareaoftheMLRA,mthenumberofsoilorders
weighted SOCP at MLRA scale. present in the MLRA (m  6), and n is the number of
land use categories (n  3).
2.3.4. Area–weighted mean of SOCP
The SOCP means for each land use category at both The SOC content and area of the three land use
soil order and MLRA levels were calculated with an categories may have changed since the date of soil
Z. Tan, R. Lal / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 111 (2005) 140–152 145

sampling. These changes may have enhanced SOC tion or depletion of SOC. It would be ideal to make
sequestration on the target lands, or depleted the SOC density correction to the calculation of C sequestra-
due to CT, over-grazing, etc., especially if samples tion potentials with changes in land use and
were collected before the 1980s. Therefore, changes in management. However, we used the equivalent soil
land use and SOC dynamics were not considered when volume (same depth of soil) rather than the
calculating average SOCPs. ‘‘equivalent soil mass’’ as defined by Ellert and
The area–weighted mean and standard deviation Bettany (1995) because (1) many soil pedons used in
(Stdev) were calculated for SOCP values at either soil this study have no initial bulk density measurements;
order level or MLRA level using the SAS software (2) few similar research papers have been found to
(SAS Institute, 2001). Fisher’s least significant use the equivalent soil mass protocol in the
difference (LSD) was used to test differences among computation of either SOC stock or C sequestration
land uses at a = 0.05. potentials because of the limited availability of soil
bulk density measurements from literature (West
2.4. Estimation of potentials for SOC et al., 2004). Another uncertainty is that the extent of
sequestration changes in soil bulk density is time-dependent and
also varies with individual soil taxa. For the volume
Carbon sequestration potentials for individual soil of soil defined by a fixed depth, the current method
taxa were computed by aggregating the point SOCPs of with no density correction, in comparison with the
pedonsforeach landusewithin individual soil ordersand computation based on the equivalent soil mass, leads
MLRAs to the MLRA level. The SOCP value on current either to an underestimate of SOCP for current
forestland was considered as the baseline. Thus, a forestland or to an overestimate for the land to be
positive difference between the baseline and the SOCP reforested. The results presented here were com-
on either current cropland or grassland within each puted for the top 20 cm depth of soil regardless of
MLRA was defined as the potential for C sequestration changes in soil bulk density.
until the SOCP level reaches the average SOCP level of
the current forestland. Then, the areas of both cropland 2.5. Calculation of SOC sequestration rate from
and grassland where SOCP levels are less than that of reduced tillage
forestland in the same MLRA are hypothetically
converted to forest. The data of 15 paired NT–CT treatments used for
Changes in bulk density often occur following calculating SOC sequestration rates were adapted
changes in land use and management with sequestra- from literature (Table 1). They were recalculated from

Table 1
Soil organic carbon sequestration ratesa upon conversion from conventional tillage to no-till
Location Sample Duration Antecedent C C change rate Soil taxon
size year contentb g C m2 Mean Standard deviation
g C m2 year1
Choshoctonc 2 17 924 47 9 Rayne silt loam, Typic Hapludalfs
Hoytvilled 3 16–19 589 50 36 Hoytville silty clay loam, Mollic
Woostere 7 18–30 396 60 9 Wooster silt loam, Typic Fragiudalfs
S. Charlestonf 3 18–28 266 87 50 Crosby silt loam, Aeric Ochraqualfs
Mean 62 29
Calculated for the top 20 cm depth of soil.
Derived from the data reported by Dick (1983) and Dick et al. (1997).
Data source: Puget et al. (2002).
Data source: Dick (1983); Jarecki and Lal (2003).
Data source: Dick (1983); Dick et al. (1997).
Data source: Jarecki and Lal (2003); Mahboubi et al. (1993).
146 Z. Tan, R. Lal / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 111 (2005) 140–152

long-term experimental results that were initially The data in Table 2 show that the SOCPs are
obtained from four different agricultural experimental generally differentiated by land use category. The
stations in Ohio. Soils and site characteristics of each highest average SOCP of 8.5 kg C m2 is observed
station were described by Dick et al. (1997). All on Mollisols-associated forestland and the lowest
experiments were used which had two or more of 2.8 kg C m2 on Entisols-associated grassland.
sampling times documented throughout the experi- Averaging across all MLRAs, the SOCP on forest-
ment duration. Analysis of paired treatment data can land is significantly higher than that on cropland and
reduce the variability in estimates of the C sequestra- grassland, with an exception of that on cropland for
tion rates caused by deviations in precipitation and Entisols and Inceptisols. Both Entisols and Incepti-
temperature from the average annual means (West and sols that occur in floodplains were preferentially
Post, 2002). The average annual rate of SOC selected for crop production because of high fertility,
sequestration from reduced tillage was computed whereas those occurring on steep slopes in the
using the following equation: southeast Ohio with low SOCPs have rarely been
  cultivated or have been reforested after unsuccessful
ðNT2  CT2 Þ  ðNT1  CT1 Þ cultivation attempts (Tan et al., 2004b). Forest and
Rcs ¼ (3)
t2  t1 grass are prevalent on steep slopes where soils have
low SOCPs. That is why there are many cases where
where Rcs is the rate of SOC sequestration SOCP values on cropland are equal to or greater than
(g C m2 y1), NT1 and 2 and CT1 and 2 represent those on forestland or grassland (Table 2, or see
SOCPs under NT and CT during the first and second Table 4). Therefore, soils/MLRAs where the current
years in which SOC was measured, and t1 and t2 are SOCPs associated with either cropland or grassland
the beginning and ending time of the experiment in are greater than the SOCP associated with forestland
which SOC was measured. A paired T-test (SAS were removed from the analysis in the next section
Institute, 2001) was used on all groups of paired because reforestation of the cropland would lead to
treatments to test significance of differences in the SOC losses. On the other hand, lower SOCPs are
rates between NT and CT treatments. observed in MLRAs 114, 121, 124, and 126, which
Finally, based on the results derived from the 15 are linked to steeper slopes and well-drained
paired experiments, we analyzed the influences of the conditions in the south and southeastern regions.
antecedent SOC content (under CT) on the C But the spatial variation in the SOCP is smaller with
sequestration rate with the adoption of NT by MLRAs than with soil taxa due to less spatial
regression of the SOCP magnitudes under NT with variation in soil formation factors at the MLRA scale
those under CT. than that at the statewide scale. Such information is
more useful for the planning and implementation of
C credit trading programs at a district level, or even
3. Results and discussion at a more detailed scale because the potential
estimates are confined to each land use category
3.1. Current SOCPs in the top 20 cm depth of soil associated with specific soil taxa within individual
MLRAs. The differences in SOCP associated with
The area–weighted SOCPs in the top 20 cm depth soil taxa, land uses, and MLRAs in Ohio have been
for each land use associated with soil orders are discussed in detail by Tan et al. (2004b).
presented in Table 2. The average SOCPs differ The SOC storage amounts presented in Table 3
significantly among soil orders except between were derived from the data in Table 2 and respective
Alfisols and Ultisols, ranging from 3.7 kg C m2 in area of each land use category associated with both
Entisols to 7.1 kg C m2 in Mollisols. The overall soil taxa and MLRAs. For the State on the whole, the
average SOCP is 4.9  1.4 kg C m2 (mean  stan- top 20 cm depth of soil preserves about 409  9 Tg C,
standard deviation, same for all cases below). Alfisols, of which 55% is on cropland, 37% is on forestland,
the most extensive in Ohio, have a mean SOCP of and 8% is on grassland. About 65% of the total C
4.6  1.4 kg C m2. storage potential is in Alfisols, 14% in Mollisols, 9%
Z. Tan, R. Lal / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 111 (2005) 140–152 147

Table 2
Soil organic carbon poolsa in the top 20 cm depth of soil
Soil order Land use MLRAb (kg m2) Meanc Standard deviation
99 100 111 114 121 124 126 139
Alfisols Crop 5.07 4.67 4.07 3.37 3.24 3.27 4.12 4.45 4.18 4.56 1.38
Grass 5.41 6.01 4.18 3.48 3.55 3.44 3.84 4.88 3.96
Forest 6.47 6.11 5.67 4.61 4.61 5.07 4.96 6.39 5.41
Entisols Crop 4.41 5.54 4.60 4.48 n/a 3.69 3.26 4.28 4.29 3.69 1.21
Grass 4.68 5.42 6.27 4.34 n/a 0.91 2.39 5.07 2.80
Forest 4.88 5.46 6.46 4.37 n/a 1.24 2.54 7.36 3.28
Histosols Crop 17.19 n/a 23.12 n/a n/a n/a n/a 29.47 24.68 24.98 1.62
Grass 16.99 n/a 22.92 n/a n/a n/a n/a 27.69 24.89
Forest n/a n/a 23.12 n/a n/a n/a n/a 27.49 25.90
Inceptisols Crop 6.50 4.57 8.55 4.16 2.98 4.71 3.10 4.30 5.90 5.39 1.85
Grass 6.73 6.05 5.61 4.05 6.14 2.57 5.02 5.66 3.55
Forest 7.98 2.76 8.67 3.94 2.93 5.17 5.15 5.26 5.27
Mollisols Crop 7.71 5.11 6.80 6.68 6.03 6.08 3.78 8.12 6.92 7.12 1.59
Grass 6.55 6.85 6.62 3.42 6.55 6.99 5.22 8.30 6.63
Forest 9.39 6.97 8.58 6.73 6.59 7.02 5.34 8.33 8.46
Ultisols Crop n/a n/a 6.24 3.64 n/a 3.88 4.38 3.34 4.01 4.24 1.37
Grass n/a n/a 6.12 3.56 n/a 3.18 3.48 1.64 3.31
Forest n/a n/a 6.17 4.03 n/a 4.82 4.20 3.34 4.58
Land USEd Crop 5.63 4.79 4.87 3.50 3.33 3.76 4.01 4.65 4.77 1.30
Grass 5.79 5.86 4.93 3.56 3.68 3.04 3.70 5.10 3.96 1.03
Forest 7.02 5.21 6.50 4.54 4.61 4.78 4.60 6.57 5.30 1.75
Meane 5.75 5.06 5.09 3.82 4.00 4.31 4.32 5.50 4.87
Standard deviation 2.30 0.24 1.24 0.95 0.90 1.38 1.33 1.80 1.43
n/a: No data available.
Weighted by the area of each land use associated with soil orders and MLRAs. Histosols were excluded in all other mean value calculations
because of an ignorable area proportion.
LSDlanduse = 1.18 (a = 0.05) for significance test between means for MLRAs within a soil order.
LSDsoil = 0.90 and LSDlanduse = 0.23 (a = 0.05) for significance test between means for soil orders and land uses within a soil order,
LSDlanduse = 0.98 and LSDfinal = 0.69 (a = 0.05) for significance test between means for land uses within each MLRA and between means of
land uses for all data, respectively.
LSDMLRA = 0.94 (a = 0.05) for significance test between means for MLRAs.

Table 3
Current soil organic carbon storagea in the top 20 cm depth of soil
Landuse Tg (1012 g) Sum Standard deviation
Alfisols Entisols Histosols Inceptisols Mollisols Ultisols
Cropland 139.9 9.3 4.2 19.5 46.3 5.3 224.4 13.4
Grassland 21.4 1.5 0.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 32.2 1.5
Forestland 102.1 6.5 1.5 15.5 9.8 16.8 152.1 6.8
Sum 263.4 17.4 6.0 37.5 59.1 25.3 408.7
Standard deviation 15.5 0.8 0.9 3.0 8.0 3.0 8.9
Calculated from SOCP values in Table 2 and the respective areas associated with individual soil orders and land use categories within each
148 Z. Tan, R. Lal / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 111 (2005) 140–152

Table 4
Estimates of potentials for carbon sequestration in the top 20 cm depth of soil by reforestation of cropland and grassland (derived from Table 2)
Soil order Land use MLRA (kg m2) Meana
99 100 111 114 121 124 126 139
Alfisols Crop 1.40 1.44 1.60 1.24 1.37 1.81 0.84 1.95 1.57 1.53
Grass 1.06 0.10 1.49 1.13 1.06 1.63 1.12 1.52 1.35
Entisols Crop 0.47 0.08 1.87 0.03 n/a 2.45 0.73 3.09 1.69 1.35
Grass 0.20 0.04 0.19 0.03 n/a 0.33 0.14 2.29 0.38
Inceptisols Crop 1.48 1.81 0.12 0.22 0.05 0.46 2.05 0.96 1.15 1.30
Grass 1.24 3.29 3.06 0.11 3.21 2.61 0.13 0.40 2.02
Mollisols Crop 1.68 1.86 1.78 0.05 0.56 0.94 1.56 0.21 1.75 1.75
Grass 2.84 0.12 1.96 3.31 0.04 0.03 0.12 0.03 1.87
Ultisols Crop n/a n/a 0.07 0.39 n/a 0.94 0.18 0.00 0.85 1.05
Grass n/a n/a 0.05 0.47 n/a 1.63 0.72 1.70 1.23
Land use Crop 1.40 1.46 1.64 1.19 1.32 1.27 0.95 1.97 1.55
Grass 1.23 0.08 1.58 1.04 1.00 1.74 0.89 1.56 1.35
Mean a 1.39 1.28 1.63 1.16 1.25 1.48 0.91 1.92 1.52
n/a: No data are available as indicated in Table 2.
Weighted by the area of each land use associated with soil orders and MLRAs. The cells whose values are 0.0 were excluded for mean
calculation because these areas may loss C follow conversion from crop or grass to forest, therefore, no land use change is projected to them.

in Inceptisols, and only 1.5% in Histosols due to a prevalent distribution over the state, Alfisols would
small portion of the area. represent 59.6 Tg C or 73.0% of the total potential
sequestration. In comparison, Mollisols could
3.2. Potentials of SOC sequestration and spatial sequester 12.5 Tg C, Entisols 2.8 Tg, and Ultisols
variation 2.0 Tg under this scenario. Geographically, of total
SOC sink potential, 51.8% is associated with MLRA
As presented in Table 4, an overall average capacity 111, 14.5% with MLRA 99, 14.1% with MLRA 139,
for SOC sequestration with the conversion of cropland and about 19% with other MLRAs.
or grassland to forest is estimated at 1.52 kg C m2, If the area of currently cultivated land having
with the highest capacity in Mollisols (1.75 kg C m2), potential to sequester C would be reverted to forest, it
followed by Alfisols (1.53 kg C m2), and the least in would take about 46 years at an average SOC
Ultisols (1.05 kg C m2). The overall average capacity sequestration rate of 33.8 g m2 year1 (Post and
for SOC sequestration is 1.55 kg C m2 for cropland Kwon, 2000) to raise SOCP level in the reforested area
converted to forest and 1.35 kg C m2 for grassland to the baseline SOCP level. In other words, given an
converted to forest. Geographically, the highest capacity average period of 50 years (Polglase et al., 2000,
of 1.92 kg C m2 is associated with MLRA 139, estimated 40–60 years) to reach a new equilibrium
followed by MLRAs 111, 124, 99, 100, 121, and 114, following reforestation of cropland, the C sequestra-
and the least capacity of 0.91 kg C m2 for MLRA 126. tion rate needed to achieve the capacity of
The areas of cropland and grassland for poten- 1.55 kg C m2 would be 31.1 g C m2 year1 which
tially sequestering C are presented in Table 5. The is very close to the forest SOC estimate of
results indicate that the total sequestration potential 30.2 g C m2 year1 provided by Paul et al. (2002),
of 1.52 kg C m2 is applicable on 5.36 Mha (Mha = or 34.4 g C m2 year1 over a period of 45 years that
106 ha) or 50.1% of all land area of the state, with a is comparable with the estimate made by Post and
cumulative potential of 82 Tg C in the top 20 cm Kwon (2000).
depth of soil, 86.7% of which would be contributed As indicated by the data in Table 2, the antecedent
by reforesting current cropland. Because of their SOCP level varies significantly with soil taxon
Z. Tan, R. Lal / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 111 (2005) 140–152 149

Table 5
Areasa potentially available for C sequestration by reforestation of current cropland and grassland and total SOC amount to be sequestered
Soil order Land MLRA 1000 ha Area 1000 ha Sum 1000 ha SOCP
use 99 100 111 114 121 124 126 139 Tg %
Alfisols Crop 519 23 1749 239 73 137 134 471 3344 3885 59.6 73.0
Grass 8.2 2.6 129 53 24 101 154 69 540
Entisols Crop 46.8 71.9 n/a 32.3 151 205 2.8 3.4
Grass 0.7 1.0 5.3 3.4 n/a 14.5 24.0 4.7 54
Inceptisols Crop 187 25.5 61.5 12.2 18.2 304 368 4.8 5.9
Grass 3.0 1.9 45.4 14.1 64
Mollisols Crop 86.6 1.4 570 1.1 4.2 1.1 0.1 4.3 669 715 12.5 15.4
Grass 1.4 0.2 41.9 0.2 1.4 0.8 0.1 0.6 47
Ultisols Crop n/a n/a 14.8 n/a 74.8 90 188 2.0 2.4
Grass n/a n/a 0.3 3.3 n/a 55.3 38.5 0.7 98
Area (1000 ha) Crop 839 24 2417 255 77 274 146 525 4558
Grass 13 4 178 60 25 217 231 75 803
Total 853 28 2595 314 102 492 377 600 5361
% of total land area 8.0 0.3 24.2 2.9 1.0 4.6 3.5 5.6 50.1
SOCP (Tg) Crop 11.7 0.4 39.5 3.0 1.0 3.5 1.4 10.3 70.8 86.7
Grass 0.2 0.0 2.8 0.6 0.3 3.8 2.1 1.2 10.9 13.3
Total 11.9 0.4 42.3 3.6 1.3 7.3 3.4 11.5 81.7
% of SOCP 14.5 0.4 51.8 4.5 1.6 8.9 4.2 14.1 100.0
Note: Except for cells with n/a (no data available as shown in Table 4), the blank cells are the soils/MLRAs where no C sequestration potential
can be expected for conversion from crop or grass to forest because their current SOCP sizes are greater than those on respective forestland.
Computed from land use areas provided by the 1997 Ohio Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) Report.

because different taxa have different capacities of conversion from CT to NT practice because this order
preserving C under comparable land use and manage- of soils has the largest area and is a principal contributor
ment. However, land use effects on the SOCP are to SOC sequestration in Ohio. Also, the long-term
likely confounded by the preferential selection of experimental data obtained from four different agri-
specific land for cropland as addressed in the previous cultural experimental stations are commonly associated
section. Note that not all projected cropland and with Alfisols (Table 1). The duration of these
grassland can sequester SOC by reforestation at the experiments ranged from 16 to 30 years. Crossing
estimated rates and changes in soil C storage following three cropping systems, the SOC sequestration rate with
reforestation are not always positive. For example, conversion from CT to NT is estimated at the rate of
after 50 years of reforestation from agriculture in the 62  29 g C m2 year1 (Table 1), which is in the
Maumee of Ohio, the rate of SOC accumulation range reported by other investigators (Lal et al., 1998,
ranged from 0.15 to 0.58 Mg C ha1 year1 on 1999; Follett and McConkey, 2000; Follett, 2001). The
deciduous sites but SOC loss was observed at a rate difference in the C sequestration rate may substantially
of 0.85 Mg C ha1 year1 under conifers (Paul et al., affect the implementation of local SOC trading
2002). programs. As shown in Table 4, the potential of C
sequestration on the cropped Alfisols with conversion
3.3. Carbon sequestration in cultivated Alfisols from crop to forest is 1.57 kg m2. Assuming that the
induced by eliminating tillage potential SOCP under forest can be obtained on
cropland by adopting NT, to realize this potential at the
The cultivated Alfisols were introduced here to rate of 62 g C m2 year1 with adoption of NT may
demonstrate the potential of C sequestration by take 25 years. West and Post (2002) analyzed data of
150 Z. Tan, R. Lal / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 111 (2005) 140–152

experiments with a chronosequence of soil C measure- higher C sequestration rate than that for the soils with
ments to estimate the time period over which higher antecedent SOC levels.
sequestration occurs following NT and the dynamics
of annual sequestration rates over time. They found that SOCPNT ¼ 1:391ðSOCPCT Þ0:8986
C sequestration was estimated to occur over a period of ðR2 ¼ 0:93; n ¼ 15Þ
15–20 years. If the period of the delay in C sequestration
in the early years (West et al., 2004) is considered, the where SOCPNT and SOCPCT are the soil organic C
total time needed to reach a new equilibrium of SOC pools under NT and CT, respectively.
may be longer. An average period of about 25 years has According to this equation, an average 10% SOC
been indicated by the C Management Response model increase following conversion from CT to NT can be
(West et al., 2004). Our estimates of C sequestration expected in the soils whose antecedent SOCPs are less
rates and duration are comparable to the results reported than 10 kg m2. However, conversion from CT to NT
in current literature. may not enhance C sequestration in the soils whose C
Note that soil bulk density will increase following contents are high enough (e.g., organic soils) as
conversion from CT to NT, and the current method indicated by Fig. 3. A similar result was reported by
likely leads to an overestimate of C sequestration Ogle et al. (2003). Fig. 3 shows the relationship
potential for NT scenario because the ‘‘equivalent soil between the SOCP under CT and the SOCP under NT,
volume’’ rather than the ‘‘equivalent soil mass’’ was and represents a snapshot of what could happen to the
used in the estimation of C sequestration potentials. SOCP if a system is converted from CT to NT. Fig. 3
We compared the data of SOCP values calculated also indicates that the SOC increase for a CT system
from 15 paired experimental observations and found converted to NT will be higher when the SOC content
that there is a strong relation between the SOCPs of the soil has been depleted. Compared with the
under NT and CT (Fig. 2) and the relation can be Carbon Management Response Curve developed by
described by Eq. (4). The total SOC storage under NT West et al. (2004), our model does not show a delay of
increases significantly with the SOCP under CT. C accumulation in the early years of adopting NT and
However, the SOC increase rate following NT likely may overestimate the C increase rate for soils with
depends on the antecedent SOCP. As indicated by the extremely low antecedent SOC content. Fortunately,
data in Table 1, the conversion from CT to NT for the the organic C contents of most agricultural soils in
soils with lower antecedent SOCPs tends to have a Ohio range from 4 to 12 kg m2 (equivalent to 15–
45 g C kg1) in the top 20 cm layer. In practice, it is
easy for one to use Eq. (4) to estimate C sequestration

Fig. 2. Relationship between sol organic C storages under no-till Fig. 3. Soil organic C increased percent under no-till (NT) as related
(NT) and conventional tillage (CT) practices (Data sources are the to the antecedent SOCP (i.e., the SOCP under conventional tillage
same as those for Table 1). (CT)).
Z. Tan, R. Lal / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 111 (2005) 140–152 151

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