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3.3 M Pinoys suffer from depression

BJ,EDU,,P Department of Health (DOH) every 40 seconds. time with their children due senior high school curuicu- tion it shows in championing
as a serious health conditiory Robes said the study attrib- to their busy schedule or if lum, and probe into the age- anti-AIDS, anti-dengue and
The Philippines has one of and the weight of haplessness, uted the increase in suicide when one or both of them appropriateness of difficult anti-Japanese encephalitis
the highest cases of depression hopelessness and helpless- cases to social media, chang- work abroad," the lawmaker subjects such as calculus, campaigns," she appealed.
In Southeast Asia, affecting ness-the three dreaded 'H' ing lifestyle and lack of fam- lamented. School life is also statistics and researclr, as well The lawmaker alio urged
,rnore than three million Filipi- symptoms of depression- ily and community support, a source of high level stress, as the exercise of its oversight religious institutioor, cinil
ros,.a lawmaker in the House gravitate towards what now which led to a convergence she added. powers over the implementa- society organizations and pri-
rf Representatives said. are the new high-risk group: of "risk factors" like social Robes has asked colleagues tion of Republic Act 11036, vate corporations to contribute
Rup.Rida Robes of SanJose the young population," she disconnection and weaken, in Congress to pass a law that also known as the Philippine their share in addressing these
lel Monte, Bulacan revealed said. 'ing of "helpful factprs" such would restore the study of Mental Health Law. emergent problems through
his in a privilege speech last Citing a20I7 World Health aslenuine relatio$hips and values education as a stand: . She likewise called on the
counseling, stress debriefing,
luesday evening as she.la- Organization report, Rdbes healthy lifestyles.' alone subject in basic and DOH to step up the implemen- establishment of helplines fo
nented the rising rates of said eight in every L00,000 "Many of them lack a sense higher educational curricula. tation of RA 1L036, particularly
young people.
;uicide among the country's -Filipinos commit suicide. Of of purpose in life and experi- Legislation on responsible so- the launching of itrong.und Lastly, she suggested the
routh. this figure, six are males, while ence disconnectedness and cial media usage among young widely promoted anti-suicide telaxation of steep licensing
She expressed alarm over two are females, aged 15 to 29 deteriorating relationships people should also be passed, helplines. requirements for guidance
lepression becoming as pl€va- years old. brought about by social me- she further stated. "The Department must counselors, to allow public
ent as the common coldin the The same report showed dia and technology. At"home, Robes also vowed to move also be prompted to imple- schools to hire the required
:ountry, affecting around 3.3 that an average of g,OOO people relationships or guidance for the conduct of a con- ment community-based men- number of guidance counsel-
nillion Filipinos. worldwide take their own lives may not be better eithet, when gressional inquiry on the tal health progrhms with the ors to help students cope with
"It is recognizedby our own every day, or a sr.licide case parents would lack quality construction and loading of same vigor and determina- mental health issues.

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