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Phase Changes
Matter and Its Properties
Classes of Matter
1) Pure Substances – only one
substance; definite and constant
composition; same properties under
same conditions
a. Elements – can be broken
down into simpler substances
by chemical or physical
b. Compounds – can be broken
down into constituent
elements by chemical means
and has definite, constant,
elemental composition
2) Mixtures – physical combination of Properties of Matter
two or more substances;
compositions and properties may 1) Physical Property – characteristic
vary that can be observed or measured
a. Homogenous mixtures – without changing the sample’s
one visible phase and same composition
properties throughout
b. Heterogenous mixture – two
or more visible phases and
different properties in different
Kinetic Theory of Matter – matter is made 2) Extensive Property – dependent on
up of particles which are in continual random the amount of substance present
motion (mass, length, volume)
3) Intensive Property – independent of
States of Matter the amount of substance present
1) Solids – tightly packed, vibrating in a
fixed position; has definite shape and Chemical Properties of Matter – ability of a
volume substance to combine with or change into
2) Liquid – tightly packed but are far one or more other substances (rust, copper
enough to slide over one another; it turning green in the air)
has indefinite shape and definite
volume Measurements
3) Gas – very far apart and move freely;
International System – decimalization and
indefinite shape and volume
use of prefixes; usually use base units
4) Plasma – ionized gas; a very good
English System – uses corresponding
conductor of electricity and is
conversion factor
affected by magnetic fields; it has
indefinite shape and volume

Atoms, Molecules, Ions different mass numbers.

Law of Conservation of Mass – Antoine
Lavoisier. The mass of the product is equal
to the mass of the reactant.
Law of Definite Composition – Joseph
Proust. Any sample of a given compound
will always be composed of the same
element in the same proportion.
Law of Multiple Composition – John
Dalton. For elements that can form different
compounds, the masses of the second
element that can combine with a fixed mass
of the first element are in ratio of small
whole numbers.
Atomic Theory
1) Matter is made out of atoms.
2) Atoms of the same element are identical
and are different from those of other
3) Compounds are formed when atoms of
different elements combine in certain
whole-number ratio.
4) Atoms rearrange only during a chemical
reaction to form new compounds.

Naming Binary Molecular Compounds

- The full name of the nonmetal of
lower electronegativity is given first,
followed by the stem of the name of
the more electronegative nonmetal +
- Numerical prefixes
Ex: PF3 – Phosphorus trifluoride

Atomic Number – number of protons

Mass Number – protons + neutrons
Isotopes – same element having different
number of neutrons therefore, having

Names and Formulas of Acids

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